Quilt Talk - Chula Vista Quilters Guild
Quilt Talk - Chula Vista Quilters Guild
C h u l a V i s ta Q u i lt e r s G u i l d Quilt Talk Page CELEBRATING OUR 32ND YEAR! Quilt Talk Newsletter Date: January, 2016 Volume 32, Issue 5 ELECTED OFFICERS Programs 2 Treasurer’s Report 2 Web Page Info 2 Monthly Refreshments 3 Block of the Month 3 New Dates for Quilt Show 3 Fat Quarter Raffle 3 Shape Challenge 3 Hi to all, If you went to the Road to California Quilt Show you will agree with me that it was awesome. The quilting on the quilts was amazing. It was hard to tell which quilts were Roboquilted (new term for computerized quilting among long arm quilters) and free motion. I took a long arm class and that was one of the topics we discussed and reviewed. It’s nice that computerized quilting now has its own category. The judges finally realized it is not fair to judge free motion alongside computerized quilting. There are a lot of categories nowadays. On to business, if you want to show our opportunity quilt at a guild or event please let Brenda Moore know. By now you should be selling those tickets. If you need more tickets or in some cases a picture to show off our quilt, again let Brenda know. Our quilt show is just around the corner. If you would like to help in the planning please ask Sherry Smiley if she needs any help. As it gets down to crutch time there is a lot to do. By now Melody Cernitz should have two volunteers to help with the next upcoming elections. If you want to run for an office let her know. We are looking for a new program chair. If you are planning to enter a quilt in our Quilt Show the entry form should be in the March or April newsletter. As we discussed in our last meeting, the February speaker bailed on us so we will be doing a round-a-bout quilt demo on new tech- Retreat Information 4 niques. Directory News 4 Looking forward to seeing you all, Guild Photos 5 Just for Fun 5 Laurel Maloney CVQG President Glendale Quilt Guild 6 Shopping Mall 7 President Laurel Maloney 619-421-5078 mnlmaloney@cox.net 1st VP: Program Shirley McGuire 619-267-8622 smcguire6@cox.net 2nd VP: Newsletter Karen Buckingham 619-421-8177 k.buckingham@cox.net Secretary Susan Bellis 619-426-4424 sabellis52@cox.net Treasurer Karyn Slade 619-425-5639 krsquilts@yahoo.com President Emeritus Kathy Cadwell 619-216-3840 Kathryn.cadwell@sbcglobal.net TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 32, Issue 5 Q Qu u ii ll tt T Ta a ll k k Page22 Page CHAIRMANSHIPS Programs Block of the Month Mary Anna Carr gram2max@cox.net 670-7466 Nona Fontenot sewingnona@hotmail.com 420-2944 Door Prizes Burma Dunn Burma@pacbell.net February: will be a round about. Learn how to do 4 different bindings and four fun easy projects. March 10th: Quilt in a Day w/ Eleanor Burns 10am-2pm. Initially we had planned to share an outing with Kaleidoscope Guild to see Eleanor Burns presentation on March 4th, but we were only given 20 spaces. Since there was such a big demand I have rescheduled so we could have our own date and all 40-50 slots. Our new date is Thursday March 10th 10-2. The price is still $20 to include a lunch from Panera's. If you have any dietary requirements i.e. vegetarian or gluten free, let me know. I have to send in our requirements 1 week in advance. If this new date does not work for you and you have already paid for your seat, I will refund at the February meeting. If you didn't get a seat and want one, see me at the February meeting with your $20. We will carpool and leave around 9 am on March 10th. March: - speaker will feature Anelie Belden who specializes in Modern Dresden Plates that are split, spin and use Jelly Rolls (2 1/2" strips). April: will feature award winning Linda Anderson, who's award winning art quilts have been featured in many juried quilt shows and quilting magazines. May: Kaufman Challenge Road Show 421-1583 Fat Quarter Raffle Judy Mcay jamac17@cox.net 421-5998 bunnj4545@aol.com 585-9260 fnjarmer@cox.net 422-8793 Historian Desiree Joyner Librarian Jean Armer Membership/Guild Pins Jeri Nolfi-Brown jerinolfibrown@cox.net 425-2361 Opportunity Quilt 2016/2017 Maureen Waterhouse mlwaterhouse50@yahoo.com 422-6220 Ticket sales 2015/16 Opportunity Quilt Brenda Moore rollbuschandmoore@cox.net 575-1543 Cuddle Quilt Pat Doege pmdoege@cox.net 425-3996 T-Shirts 50/50 Drawing Louise Meeks olmeeks@cox.net 424-7028 June: Installation of Guild Officers and Pot Luck - Shirley McGuire Retreat 2015 Nancy Higgins higginsnc@sbcglobal.net 475-7615 Refreshments Chair(s) Melda Lewis Mellielew@yahoo.com 479-0780 electric@pacbell.net 427-1102 Jan Mellinger katracks@live.com 957-3240 2016 Quilt Show Chair $ December Ending Balance 368.85 $ 688.47 $ 13,218.94 sherrymsmiley@hotmail.com electric@pacbell.net January Ending Balance $ 13,218.94 $ 300.57 $ (150.00) $ 13,669.51 CD Balance $ 5,176.54 Beginning Balance Income 540-3155 Parliamentarian Melody Cernitz $ 13,538.58 Income CD Balance $ 5,176.54 January Treasurer’s Report Challenges Sherry Smiley Beginning Balance Expense New Member Hostesses Melody Cernitz December Treasurer’s Report 427-1102 Expense Q Qu u ii ll tt T Ta a ll k k Monthly Refreshments Nona Fontenot Mina Michel Susan Bellis Thank you very much for offering to bring refreshments this month. -Melda Lewis, Refreshment Chair Page33 Page Fat Quarter Raffle Bring a fat quarter to the meeting, add it to the pile, and take a chance on winning them all! January - Reds February - Greens March - Flowers and Showers April - Stars May - Beach-y June - Red, White and Blue July - Summer August - No meeting September - Halloween October - Fall Colors November - Christmas Dec - Your choice! Block of the Month If you opted to pay for the entire year the cost is $60.00. You will receive 1 1/2 yards of background fabric. This is for the entire year, and you will receive your pattern for each block at the monthly quilt meeting. A different pattern each month.. If you opted to get the BOM each month, you will receive the pattern and a square of background fabric at each meeting, and the cost is $5.00 each month. -Mary Anna & Nona SHAPE CHALLENGE This challenge is about using the shape below. It is not important what fabric, design or style you choose. What is important is that this shape is VISABLE in your quilt and that your piece be no larger than 80” around. You may enlarge or shrink the shape. It should be ready for the May 2016 guild meeting and entered in the May show. If you have any questions, please contact me at 619-957-3240. Have fun! Jan Mellinger Challenges May 20 and 21st. We will not conflict with the Del Mar show….more show news to follow. -Sherry smiley, Quilt Show Chair http://chulavistaquiltersguild.weebly.com/ Quilt Talk Our next RETREAT is from Friday, Nov. 4th to Sunday the 6th The retreat center has raised the rates again. Double occupancy is now $277, single is $377 and triple is $247. Last year the cost to print and mail (if needed) was approximately $150 ($5 apiece) and $7 for tips. If we continue door prizes, we allow $15 so that amounts to $304. There are three options for door prizes: Charge $15. (You can get the same good deals at JoAnn's with your coupons) 2. Have whoever wants to participate bring a nice door prize (more variety) 3. Do not have door prizes. Remember if your name is called near the end you don't have much choice of what's left. We will have a vote at the next meeting. -Nancy Higgins, Retreat Chairman Directory News An updated directory is being produced by Nancy Higgins. If you want your cell phone number included, please let her know. higginsnc@sbcglogal.net Page 4 Quilt Talk Page 5 Nancy Higgin’s Show and Tell Melody holds examples of pillow covers done by Kari Carr Quilt Talk Page 6 Glendale Quilt Guild presents “A Visit With Alex” ___________________________________________________ Saturday April 16, 2016 10am and 1pm First Congregational Church of Glendale 2001 Canada Blvd Glendale, CA 91208 Join us for two lectures (and lunch) with world renowned quilter, Alex Anderson. Tickets are on sale now and are going quickly, so purchase at Guild meetings, by contacting Kathi Coleman Wilson at domehikr@aol.com, or, you can purchase tickets online at http://www.glendalequiltguild.org/ • • Tickets are limited – purchase BOTH lectures and save big - the package is only $60. • 10:00am – 11:00am “Scrap Quilts”… using stashes, charming scrap patterns, etc. A single ticket: $35.00 • 1:00pm – 2:00pm “Beautifully Quilted”… finish quilts, determine design choices including patterns, straight line & free motion choices to best fit areas of your quilt. A single ticket: $35.00 • 11:00am – 1:00pm Lunch…join us for a box lunch in the Glen between the lectures. Lunches are from The Corner Bakery Cafe. It includes a yummy sandwich (choose Roasted Chicken or Tomato Mozzarella), chips, fruit cup, cookie and water. $15 Quilt Talk The Shopping Mall Wednesday Quilt Class: Winter 2016 This term will be 10 weeks long featuring a single, double and triple Irish Chain pieced quilt (three free patterns), a zipper brooch, a pieced quilt by Sharon Vail, a fashion item, mini quilts for Valentines and St. Patty’s and if we have time…..self or friend portraits. Enjoy all projects or join us any time during the term. When: Wednesday, - January 6th – March 9th, 9AM-Noon Where: Community Congregational Church Lounge Price: $45 if paid in advance or $5 per week For Information: Contact Shirley McGuire smcguire6@ cox.net or 619-267-622 Page 7 Quilt Talk Page 8 CHULA VISTA QUILTERS GUILD CELEBRATING OUR 29TH YEAR! P.O. Box 120897 Chula Vista, CA 91912 mnlmaloney@cox.net Www.chulavistaquiltersguild.weebly.com Upcoming Board Meeting TBD All members are welcome at board meetings. REMEMBER TO BRING ____ Name Tag ______ DUES ____ $ for Block of the Month _____ Guest or New Member _____ $ for 50/50 drawing _____ Fat Quarter– Greens MEETING LOCATION Guild meets the Second Wednesday each month at: Community Congregational Church Meeting Room 276 ‘F’ St. Chula Vista, CA 91910 (Enter at the back near the intersection of Church and Center Streets) Social Starts at 6:00 pm Meeting begins at 6:30 pm Program begins at 7:00 pm