WTS-DC January-February 2008
WTS-DC January-February 2008
Volume XXIX ¤ No.1 January/February 2008 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE BY MELINDA PAGLIARELLO, WTS-DC PRESIDENT Welcome to the first WTS-DC newsletter in 2008! Since the last newsletter, our group has closed out 2007 with another successful Annual Awards and Holiday Party and kicked off the planning process to put together an engaging agenda for 2008. Before focusing on the coming highlights for 2008, I would like to thank all of the board members who served the group in 2007. A particular note of appreciation for 2 years of hard work as WTS-DC president is due to Jennifer Mitchell. I would also like to recognize the rest of last year’s officers: Michele Holland, Vice-President, Robyn Sinquefield, Secretary and Jeanette Kramer, Immediate Past President. Our local chapter is a dynamic one, known for providing members with quality programs and networking opportunities. A great deal of work goes on behind the scenes to make it all happen and we would not be the successful chapter we are without the many volunteer hours put in by all of the board members. Please join me in thanking them. Looking forward to 2008, I am happy to note that we have a great board in place to lead the group this year. Please see page 8 for current officers and committee chairs. We have a good mix of longterm volunteers with invaluable institutional knowledge and experience, as well as some fresh faces with new and invigorating ideas. The board’s underlying goal is always to provide a value to our current members and to garner new members by offering unique experiences that provide professional, and sometimes personal, benefits. To that end quality programs, both in the large and small group format, continue to be a top priority. Engaging all of our members, who cover the entire transportation spectrum, as well as a broad range of experience, is a challenge. However, it’s exactly this bringing together of different groups that makes our chapter unique. Kay Ryder, this year’s vice president, led a program planning meeting at the beginning of this month. Based on ideas generated at the meeting, as well as the responses received to last month’s survey of the general membership, the programs calendar for the year is being refined. I am pleased to report that the planned programs look like they will offer something for everyone. Other initiatives this year include: • Increased outreach to area students • A series of programs on diversity IN THIS ISSUE • Refocus and redefining our chapter’s relationship with our local corporate 2007 Holiday Party, silent Auction and sponsors and members. It is only with their support that we continue to Annual Awards Ceremony……...….Page 2 present high quality programs and events. 2007 Annual Holiday party Sponsors………………………………….……..Page 3 WTS-DC 2007 Awards ...................Page 4 WTS-DC 2007 Scholarship Awards………………………………………….Page 5 WTS-DC Silent Auction…………..……Page 6 WTS TRB 2008 Reception….…………Page 7 Save the Dates………………………………Page 7 WTS-DC Board of Directors……….…Page 8 WTS-DC 2007-2008 Corporate Sponsors………………………………….……….Page 9 Additionally, throughout the year our legislative chairs will keep us plugged into what is sure to be an interesting election season and what it will all mean for transportation. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that the WTS International Annual Conference is being held in Atlanta this year, May 14-16. This year’s theme is “Transportation Crossroads”. I encourage any who are able to attend to do so, as our chapter is hosting the conference in 2010. We need to begin planning for that this year, primarily through the development of a theme. Having as many members involved in this process will be important to making it a success. Look for further details as the year progresses. 2007 Holiday Party, Party, Silent Auction and Annual Awards Ceremony By: Michele Jacobson, AICP; Principal Associate; Lea and Elliott Over 100 people celebrated at the WTS-DC Annual Holiday Party, Silent Auction and Awards Ceremony at the City Club of Washington in downtown DC on December 11, 2007. This very special evening was an opportunity for our Chapter to recognize and honor our Member of the Year, Woman of the Year, Employer of the Year, and Diversity Leadership Award recipients. These individuals and organizations made extraordinary contributions to the transportation industry as leaders, role models, mentors, and benefactors and they generously support WTS in a variety of ways. In addition to honoring our award winners, we also recognized three extremely talented and deserving students as recipients of WTS-DC Scholarship Fund endowments. Funded through the annual WTS-DC Scholarship Fund Silent Auction as well as by direct contributions, these awards are a way to support our industry’s future. A special thanks to those who either donated items to the Silent Auction or who contributed by bidding on those items or donated directly to the Scholarship Fund and congratulations to the students! Events like this would not be possible without the support of sponsors and we want to again express our deep gratitude to them and to commend WTS-DC 2007 Holiday Party Chair Michele Jacobson and Silent Auction Co-Chairs Margaret Ballard and Michele Holland and their planning committees for executing a terrific event. We hope that everyone had a wonderful time and we look forward to doing it again next year! Page 2 ¤ WTS Washington, DC Chapter Newsletter ¤ www.wtsinternational.org 2007 Annual Holiday Party Sponsors Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Our InIn-Kind Sponsors vvv Page 3 ¤ WTS Washington, DC Chapter Newsletter ¤ www.wtsinternational.org WTSWTS- DC 2007 Awards DIVERSITY LEADERSHIP AWARD Parsons Brinckerhoff Accepting the award on behalf of Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) was Joanne Olson. PB has long been an advocate of the belief that equal opportunity for employees is integral to attracting and retaining top-flight professionals. In 1997 the Diversity Oversight Committee (DOC) was established as the monitor and coordinator for PB’s diversity efforts. The DOC oversees the activities of three employee network groups: Women’s Outreach Network, Black Professionals Network and the Hispanic Resource Network. Each of these networks address career development, recruitment, retention, and work/life balance issues. PB also continually supports a host of activities and organizations that foster its commitment to diversity, including WTS-DC. Many of PB’s employees are members of WTS-DC and serve in various leadership roles within the organization. WOMAN OF THE YEAR Deborah Lipman Deborah Lipman has served as the director of the office of policy and government relations at WMATA for over 20 years. She has more than 30 years of experience in transportation policy and management and has held key positions as a senior consultant, contributing to the development of legislation and policy for the House Committee on Energy & Commerce and the Senate Budget Committee. Debbie has been an integral part of the development and implementation of transportation strategies in the greater Washington region since the late 1970’s. Debbie has also encouraged participation and support of WTS goals, principles, and programs. She was one of the earliest members of WTS-DC and served as the program chair, legislative chair, and finally as president in 1983. EMPLOYER OF THE YEAR MEMBER OF THE YEAR Federal Transit Administration Catherine Connor Accepting the award on behalf of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) was the Administrator James Simpson and Deputy Administrator Sherry E. Little. The FTA values the opinions of its workforce and realizes that to cultivate ideas, it must stimulate the minds of its workers. From providing educational opportunities, to creating learning and development opportunities, the FTA has generated programs that provide the knowledge and skills to prepare employees for advancement. WTS-DC has benefited from FTA’s promotion of the organization, and many of its dedicated board members and members throughout the nation are employed by or have been employed by the FTA. Page 4 Catherine Connor is the Senior Vice President, Manager of Government Affairs for PB. Catherine joined PB in 1989 after working with the American Council of Engineering Companies where she was deputy director of government affairs. Prior to that, she was special assistant to the assistant secretary of government affsairs at the U.S. Department of Transportation. Catherine has been an active member of WTS-DC for over 16 years and has continuously promoted WTS and its mission within the transportation community through her various affiliations. ¤ WTS Washington, DC Chapter Newsletter ¤ www.wtsinternational.org WTS-WTS--DC --DC 2007 Scholarship Awards By: Margaret Ballard; WTS-DC Committee Member ABOUT THE WTS-DC SCHOLARSHIP FUND— Scholarships are awarded based upon each applicant's specific transportation goals, academic record, and transportation-related activities or job skills. In order to be considered, each applicant must meet the application requirements and must currently be enrolled in a degree program in a transportation-related field such as engineering, planning, finance, or logistics. This year, the WTS-DC Scholarship committee recommended that an award be bestowed on three outstanding candidates in the categories of undergraduate, masters and post-graduate studies. Each received $2,000 and a one-year membership in WTS. They enjoyed meeting with so many of the WTS-DC members who attended the party. Alexandria McBride, Howard University, Undergraduate Award Alexandria is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and expects to graduate in 2009. While studying abroad in 2007 at the University of Melbourne, she became active in Engineers without Borders and has started a Howard University chapter. Alexandria’s career objective is to “further my understanding of civil engineering in order to strengthen my ability to develop solutions for human and social problems.” Tanga Fitzgibbon, American University, Graduate Award (Masters) Tanga is currently enrolled in American University’s Key Executive Master of Public Administration and is expected to graduate in 2008. Tanga currently works for the Federal Maritime Commission; she says, “My overarching goal is to continue growing as a leader in the maritime sector...WTS has played a pivotal role in my transportation career.” Tanga has been a member of WTS-DC since 2005, and last year, served as the programs committee cochair. In 1988, she was awarded the Helene Overly undergraduate scholarship from WTS International. Sevgi Erdogan, University of Maryland, Graduate Award (PhD) Sevgi expects to receive her PhD in transportation demand management and operational planning in 2008. She is currently a research assistant, a position she also held at Istanbul Technical University, the second oldest engineering institution in the world. Sevgi is “interested in building for today and contributing to a progressive future with innovative transportation ideas and solutions...and pushing the boundaries of opportunity offered to women.” Page 5 ¤ WTS Washington, DC Chapter Newsletter ¤ www.wtsinternational.org WTSWTS-DC Silent Auction Auction By: Michele Jacobson, AICP; Principal Associate; Lea and Elliott ANNUAL FUNDRAISER FOR THE WTS-DC SCHOLARSHIP FUND - For the past few years, WTS-DC has incorporated the Silent Auction Fundraiser as part of the annual festivities of the Chapter’s Holiday Party and Awards Ceremony. There were several tempting items up for bid – including Segway Tours, theater tickets, a week at a Colorado ski condo, Capitals Box Seat tickets, WMATA Behind the Scenes tour and lunch with General Manager John Catoe, tickets to see the Nationals in the new stadium, and plenty more. As an option to the auction, a direct donations box was provided for our guests. All in all, WTS-DC raised about $3,000 from the auction and about $1,800 from direct donations! We would like to thank all of the organizations, companies and individuals who made this possible: American Trucking Associations, Inc. • Amtrak • Bechtel Foundation • Cairo Corp • Custom Celebrations by Tia • DC Self Defense Karate Association • Dewberry • DMJM+Harris • Fran Hooper Consulting, LLC • Hatch Mott McDonald • HDR Engineering, Inc. • Operation Lifesaver, Inc. • Virginia Railway Express • Washington Area Bycyclists Association • Margaret Ballard • Laurie Baulig • Jeanine Black • Sally Buckley • Above: Interested bidders filling the silent auction sheets. Lora Byala • Jay Campbell • Jennifer Clinger Mitchell • Cathy Connor • Christie Dawson • Elaine Dezenski and Josh Sawislak • Mort Downey • Kay Ryder • Ron Ewing • Tom Flournoy • Bea Hicks • Sally Hill Cooper • Michele Holland • Tonya Holland • Louise Tobi Kester • Linda Lasley • Linda Lawson • Shirley LeBeau • Rebecca Leonard • Erin McLaughlin • Leigh Merino • Beth Newman • Melinda Pagliarello • Odessa Phillip • Laurie Radow • Jamie Rennert • Jim Simpson • Laura Trejo • Molly Wagner • Norine Walker • Sara Wilson • Felicia Young Above: People flock around the silent auction tables. Page 6 ¤ WTS Washington, DC Chapter Newsletter ¤ www.wtsinternational.org WTS TRB 2008 Winter Reception By: Christie R. Dawson, WTS TRB Reception Chair The Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) held its 26th Annual Winter Reception in conjunction with the 87 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) on Sunday, January 13, 2008 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC. The event continues to be one of the premier outreach and networking opportunities undertaken by WTS International. This year nearly 300 participants from throughout the country and abroad have joined WTS Board Members and chapter members at the reception. Other attendees included industry leaders, top-level government officials and private sector individuals. th This year’s corporate sponsor was AECOM. During the reception, WTS International President, Ann Koby, signed a collaborative agreement with TRB to continue the organizations’ joint partnership efforts on women’s issues in transportation. We look forward to another successful event in January 2009. SAVE THE DATES April 3, 2008: Professional Seminar on the Basics of the Lobbying Disclosure Act for the Non-Lobbyist More details later! Volunteers Wanted! Contact Any Board Member To Find Out How You Can Help For the Latest Chapter News and Events, Check Us Out Online www.wtsinternational.org Click on Washington, DC Chapter Page 7 ¤ WTS Washington, DC Chapter Newsletter ¤ www.wtsinternational.org WTS-DC 2008 Board of Directors WTS-DC OFFICERS President Melinda Pagliarello Membership Michele Jacobson Lea & Elliott mjacobson@leaelliott.com Jacobs Engineering Melinda.Pagliarello@jacobs.com Professional Development Courtney Kulyk Vice President Kay Ryder UrbanTrans Consultants kulykc@urbantrans.com Federal Aviation Administration Kay.Ryder@faa.gov Newsletter and Communications Ruchi Mohinder Treasurer Prajakta Chitre Jacobs Carter Burgess ruchi.mohinder@c-b.com Parsons Brinckerhoff chitre@pbworld.com Programs Co-Chairs Jess Juriga Secretary Erin McLaughlin Parsons Brinckerhoff Dewberry emclaughlin@dewberry.com Juriga@pbworld.com Kelly Bobek Immediate Past President Jennifer Clinger Mitchell Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project VA Dept. of Rail and Public Transportation Jennifer.mitchell@dullesmetro.com WTS-DC COMMITTEE CHAIRS Corporate Relations Mary Arzt Sharp & Company mary@sharpandco.com Blank Rome Government Relations Bobek@BlankRome.com Recognitions Christie Dawson APTA cdawson@apta.com Scholarship Erin Morrow MWCOG emorrow@mwcog.org Diversity Co-Chairs Tonya Holland Federal Transit Administration Tonya.holland@fta.dot.gov Tracee Strum-Gilliam Parsons Brinckerhoff strum@pbworld.com Legislative Co-Chairs Anja Graves CHG & Associates anjagraves@chgassociates.com Anne Stubbs Coalition of Northeastern Governors adsconeg@sso.org Page 8 ¤ WTS Washington, DC Chapter Newsletter ¤ www.wtsinternational.org WTSWTS-DC Salutes its 20072007-2008 Corporate Members Thank you for your continued generosity and support of the Washington, DC Chapter Page 9 ¤ WTS Washington, DC Chapter Newsletter ¤ www.wtsinternational.org