Gymnastics BC, Kids Can Move Program
Gymnastics BC, Kids Can Move Program
Kids ™ CanMove • Is based on 7 movement patterns, used to develop “physical literacy” in accordance with the Canadian Sport for Life (CS4L) Active Start and FUNdamental stages. • Target audience – all Elementary school children ages 5 - 12 (Grades K – 7) Kids CanMove™ Background Since 2005, Gymnastics BC’s KCM program has: • Motivated more than 160,000 BC children and youth • Empowered and trained close to 2,900 instructors (including teachers) • Delivered to over 1,100 schools in various communities across BC Kids ™ CanMove KCM Philosophy 1. Process driven not outcome driven 2. Concept based 3. Is designed to be: “PHYSICALLY CHALLENGING NOT SKILL DEMANDING” GYMNASTICS = Physical Literacy Kids CanMove™ The KCM program is adaptable and flexible for a variety of spaces with as much or as little equipment that is available for use. Kids ™ CanMove The Kids CanMove program includes: • • • • • KCM lesson plans Task card activities Games and activities to develop physical literacy Teaching methodologies for instructors Instructor Training course Kids CanMove™ SUCCESSES • Continually increasing participating schools, both new and returning, from year to year. • The KCM program aligns with the PE curriculum IRP’s. • KCM opens communication and becomes a connection and link between schools, local gym clubs, community recreation, etc. • Increased interest in Afterschool programs to use the KCM program. Kids CanMove™ CHALLENGES • School funds for programming = limitations for resources as well as program options. • The word “gymnastics” – teachers relate to the sport and not the activity = fear. Overcoming this fear with KCM program awareness. • Gymnastics Clubs have difficulty recognizing and leveraging the link between KCM and schools to increase their community visibility. • KCM Instructor retention and availability due to inconsistency of work hours. • Delivery into all school districts – lack of resources. • Complete stats returned to GBC. Kids CanMove™ BEST PRACTICES/LEARNINGS • Begin KCM program marketing to schools in Spring for follow-up in the Fall. – Schools set the majority of their programming schedules and allocate funds in the Spring/Late Summer for the following school year. • Lobby for “internal advocates”. Easier to continue to “promote” from within (i.e. School Boards, Athletic Directors, Principals, etc). – Deliver KCM program to graduating student teachers (VIU, UBC, Douglas College). • PSO’s to promote school programs together. • Patience is key. Takes time to see progress. Our Goals • For the Kids CanMove program to be a fundamental piece of club, community/recreation, and school based programs. • To provide resources and training for effective and safe implementation of the KCM program. Contact US!! For more information on the Kids CanMove™ program: Darren Stolz – KCM Program Manager 604.333.3494 Penny Erickson – KCM Program Regional Manager 250.578.8122