Cal/West Educators Placement Leadership Opportunity: Head of School KEHILLAH JEWISH HIGH SCHOOL Palo Alto, California July 1, 2013 Values Mission Loving kindness (Chesed) Kehillah Jewish High School provides its students with an outstanding education that is immersed in Jewish values. It cultivates young adults who are self-reliant, integrated, and critical thinkers, and who will grow as responsible, committed members of the Jewish community and the world-at-large. Ethical living (Mussar) Truth (Emet) Peoplehood (Achdut) Obligations (Mitzvot) Gratitude (Hakarat HaTov) Action for Social Justice (Tikkun olam) Kehillah promotes respect for the diversity of its contemporary Jewish community and each student’s place in the modern world. 1 Cal/West Educators Placement Kehillah Jewish High School Kehillah is a pluralistic community that welcomes the full diversity of the Silicon Valley’s community. A growing independent college preparatory secondary school, Kehillah opened in 2002. Over the past ten years the school has grown from its first 9th grade class of 33 students to 155 students in grades 9 through 12. The campus is located in Palo Alto, California and boasts over 50,000 square feet of space. It includes state-of-the-art science labs, computer labs, art studio, dance studio, music studio, library, Beit Midrash, assembly room/cafeteria and "black box" theater. The school’s new athletic facilities are located across the street at the Taube Koret Campus for Jewish Life (TKCJL). The gymnasium and pools are the home of the Kehillah Rams athletic teams. All Kehillah students and faculty enjoy a complimentary membership to the Oshman Family JCC, and students are able to visit the campus during the school day to enjoy the JCC facilities and outdoor space. Kehillah, Hebrew for “community,” is built on a foundation of academic excellence and attracts students and families from a wide variety of Jewish and non-Jewish backgrounds. It is the Silicon Valley’s only co-educational Jewish High School. Students come to Kehillah from both public and private schools and 50% of its students have not been to a Jewish independent school before enrolling at Kehillah. Students come not only from the U.S. but also internationally and live as far south as Morgan Hill, as far north as Burlingame, and as far east as Castro Valley and Fremont. The wide diversity of home locations and backgrounds creates a vibrant and energetic student body. The school’s informal atmosphere and small community enable students to work closely with each other and with the dedicated faculty, forming solid relationships in a welcoming and safe learning environment. Students from Kehillah emerge as independent, critical thinkers meaningfully engaged in the Jewish community and the world at large. Kehillah graduates attend the nation’s top colleges and universities as well as Israel gap year programs. Kehillah is a grateful beneficiary of the Levine-Lent Family Foundation, Len and Vivian Lehmann, area Jewish Community Federations, and the Jim Joseph Foundation. Kehillah is fully accredited by both the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the California Association of Independent Schools. 2 Cal/West Educators Placement Academic Programs Kehillah students are active learners. In classes averaging 12 students, teachers engage students in discussions and activities. Debate, dialogue, critical inquiry, and experimentation bring every class alive. Each student is challenged, supported, and actively encouraged to reach his or her potential. General Studies At Kehillah, English, social studies, Jewish studies, math, science, and the arts departments collaborate to ensure an integrated, cohesive four-year curriculum. Students learn in a state-of-the-art environment that includes science labs, art studio, computer labs, media lab, and black box theater. All classrooms are equipped with interactive, touch sensitive Smartboards, and students in math classes solve problems on dry erase desktops. Kehillah offers rigorous academics, including honors level and AP courses, in a supportive environment where study is thoughtfully balanced with introspection and reflection. Electives and Advisory Students choose from a wide array of arts and elective courses including rock band, guitar, percussion, jazz band, music theory, theater, photography, digital art, studio art, yoga, film review, fitness and more. Languages offered include Spanish, French, modern Hebrew, Latin, and ancient Greek. Two times each week students and teachers gather in advisory groups to share stories, laughter, concerns, and study skills. Each advisory group becomes a close-knit and safe community for students to express concerns and receive support. Judaic Studies and Hebrew Kehillah is a pluralistic educational community. Kehillah’s approach to teaching Judaism reinforces respect for different ways of Jewish life and supports students as they consider their own beliefs and practices. Through understanding and appreciation of the wisdom, spiritual depth, and ethical guidance of Judaism, Kehillah’s staff encourages its students’ moral development. Kehillah offers text-based courses in Torah, Talmud, Prophets, and contemporary ethical issues. Students take two semesters of Jewish Studies each year. After an introductory semester, students choose from a wide array of Jewish Studies course offerings including Battles of the Bible, Talmud (Hebrew intensive), Society and the Self (Pirkei Avot), and Ethics of Life and Death. Kehillah offers every level of Hebrew, from beginning through literature courses taught in Hebrew. Twice a week students engage in T'fillah (prayer), reflection, and spiritual expression and choose from options such as traditional prayer, ethical discussion, meditation, and art. Experiential Learning Kehillah’s service learning program is rooted in the richness of the Jewish concept of tikkun olam - repairing the world. Students learn to connect their Jewish learning to active service in their community and to the world at large. They complete 80 hours of community service during their time at Kehillah. In addition, grade level field trips provide opportunities for students to experience history, culture, and the issues affecting the world together in life-changing ways. Each year, 11th graders travel together throughout Israel for a 2-3 week educational program. 3 Cal/West Educators Placement Kehillah at a Glance Founded: 2002 Current Student Enrollment: 155 Total Faculty Accreditations 25 20 full-time 5 part-time (over 90% hold advanced degrees) Western Association of Schools and Colleges California Association of Independent Schools Advancement 2011-2012 Athletics Annual Giving and Events: $416, 431 Jewish Community Federation: $87, 458 Grants, major gifts, misc: $2,474,243 Total: $2,978,132 Cross country, soccer, golf, boys basketball, girls basketball, volleyball, JV volleyball, club swimming, tennis, ultimate frisbee Tuition 2012-2013 $33,650 Average SAT scores Reading comprehension: 608 Math: 597 Writing: 609 Extra-Curricular Activities Yearbook, chess club, speech & debate, improvisational comedy, dance, student government, gaystraight alliance, S.O.A.P (save our awesome planet), Israel club, adventure club, drama, and more. School Mascot The Ram Financial Aid 2012-2013 Honors and AP Courses 55% of student body 10 honors 10 AP Colleges and Universities Selected list of colleges acceptances from the fist six graduating classes: UC and Cal State Schools Brandeis University Yale University Berklee College of Music Landmark College Emory University Occidental College McGill University Oberlin College Harvard University Columbia University Washington University in St Louis Yeshiva University Young Judaea (Israel Program) Sarah Lawrence College University of Southern California Stanford University Tufts University 4 Cal/West Educators Placement Leadership Responsibilities Vision The Head of School clearly articulates a strong vision for Kehillah as an academically excellent independent Jewish Day School and possesses the tenacity, energy, and charismatic leadership to bring this vision to reality. The Head embodies the school’s pluralistic values and builds relationships within the school community and the Bay Area community to execute goals in areas including enrollment, marketing, fundraising, program innovation, future visioning, and financial sustainability. Operations The Head of School is responsible for developing, overseeing, and implementing school goals and objectives, evaluating the organizational structure, and for guiding and evaluating program effectiveness. The Head collaborates with the administrative team in shaping the curriculum and communicating with faculty and staff, maintains a strong presence with current and prospective families, and works in concert with the Board of Trustees in overseeing the business and financial affairs of the school. The Head excels in taking on challenges to keep Kehillah at the forefront of superior teaching and learning. Faculty Excellent teachers are at the core of Kehillah and the Head of School is a visible role model for faculty. Sensitive to the demands and challenges of Jewish education, in conjunction with the Heads of Academics, s/he supports effective teaching through recruiting and retaining highly qualified faculty, providing professional development opportunities, and overseeing faculty observation and evaluation. Students and Families The Head of School has a genuine affection for high school students. The Head is an engaged and welcoming presence on campus. The Head takes the time to know the parents and families and welcomes their participation in school and community programs. S/he is an effective listener and communicates with grace and sensitivity. The Head facilitates collaboration and is open to dialogue, conversation, and input. Board of Trustees Reporting to the Board of Trustees, the Head of School is the Chief Executive Officer of the school and is ultimately accountable for all functions and programs. The Head makes recommendations, nominations, reports, and proposals and creates a strong strategic partnership with the Board. The Head is dedicated to working with the Board to establish Kehillah as a pre-eminent educational institution supported by the surrounding community. Desired Expertise & Experience Charismatic communicator and leader with the ability to network and form relationships both within the school community and in the community-at-large Master’s or Doctorate Degree, preferably in education Senior administrative experience (preferably 5+ years) in an independent school Proven record of successful leadership and record of strong financial management oversight of a school Experience in marketing, branding, and recruitment Successful fundraising experience including enlargement of the major donor base Passion and appreciation for the importance of Jewish education 5 Cal/West Educators Placement Challenges & Opportunities Academic Vision The next Head has the opportunity to establish Kehillah as a unique, independent Jewish High School and the school of choice for high school students. In concert with the Heads of Academics, the next Head has the opportunity to continue to develop, direct, and guide programs and provide professional development opportunities for faculty. With strong leadership and in the spirit of collaboration, the next leader will identify areas of growth in curriculum, assess programs, and make changes that align with the mission of the school for the academic and social benefit of students. The next Head will define and develop roles for all constituents and refine the school’s hiring and evaluation process for faculty. Communications The school’s diverse community of constituents presents both an opportunity and a challenge in terms of effective communication. The next Head must be adept at managing the expectations of constituents and communicating the vision of the school while moving the community toward defined goals. As the leader of the school, the Head models the values of the school. S/he will be accessible to students, parents, and faculty and be a visible and likeable presence in the life of the school. The Head has the opportunity to strengthen communications, both internally and externally. Through collaboration with parents, students, faculty, administrators, and the Board of Trustees, the Head will ensure that a clear vision of the school’s academic and Jewish values is effectively communicated to both the school community and the community-at-large. Culture & Jewish Identity The leader of Kehillah has a unique opportunity to engage the community in dialogue and reflection about diversity within the community, the role and place of Israel within the school, and how the school can best continue its powerful pluralistic mission. The Head models the values of the school to its constituents and to the community-at-large, and accepts all expressions of Judaism represented at the school. Personal Qualities Collaborative Honest Team-Builder Inspirational Sense of Humor Integrity Respectful Self-confident Curious Open-minded Accessible Flexible Creative Visionary Fundraising The next leader will be a dynamic spokesperson for the school with the ability to build longterm relationships with individuals and organizations and expand support from third-party sources as well as from Kehillah families. The next Head will work strategically to cultivate relationships with donors and work in partnership with the Board to build and implement a sustainable fundraising plan including annual giving, major-gift cultivation, capital giving and endowments, and foster a school-wide culture of support and giving. Marketing, Branding, and Enrollment Kehillah has a strong record of enrollment as it continues to grow to capacity. The next Head will have the opportunity to continue the growth of the school. The Head, in collaboration with the Admissions Director, must continue to effectively market the school’s program to ensure that prospective families are being appropriately identified and reached. Strong publicity and marketing skills are needed to link the academic and Jewish vision of Kehillah to the greater community. Strong communicator Good listener Decisive Nurturing Approachable 6 Cal/West Educators Placement Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, and The Bay Area The city of Palo Alto is located in the northwest corner of Santa Clara County in the San Francisco Bay Area of California, United States. The city shares its borders with East Palo Alto, Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Stanford, Portola Valley, and Menlo Park. Located within the southern part of the San Francisco Bay area, the region is referred to as Silicon Valley. The area is the acknowledged birthplace of the biotech and semiconductor industries and recognized for its innovative technology as well as its astonishing level of entrepreneurial activity and the world-renowned Stanford University. Palo Alto is headquarters to a number of Silicon Valley high-technology companies, including HewlettPackard, VMware, Tesla Motors, Ning, IDEO, and Palantir Technologies, and has served as an incubator to several other high-technology companies such as Google, Facebook, Logitech, Intuit, Sun Microsystems, and PayPal. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 64,403 residents. According to a 2007 estimate, the median income for a household in the city was $119,046, and the median income for a family was $153,197. Kehillah is the only Jewish high school located between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Kehillah’s immediate service area, San Jose through Burlingame and east to Fremont, hosts approximately 160,000 Jews and four established K-8 Jewish day schools. There are more than twenty congregations in the Silicon Valley. Area Resources: City of Palo Alto www.cityofpaloalto.org Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley www.jvalley.org Jewish Federation of Geater San Francisco www.jewishfed.org San Francisco Area Jewish Demographics Study www.sfjcf.org/aboutjcf/localcommunity/study/ 7 Cal/West Educators Placement Additional Information School Website: www.kehillah.org Oshman Family JCC Website: www.paloaltojcc.org Application Procedure Cal/West Educators Placement is assisting in this search. For initial consideration, please e-mail a resume, cover letter, Education Philosophy, Statement of Leadership, and a list of 3-5 references (with e-mails and phone numbers) to Search@CalWestEducators.com. Please reference “Kehillah” in the subject line. Search Consultants: Lee Miller, President, Cal/West Educators Placement Amy Sloboda, Search Consultant, Cal/West Educators Placement Kehillah is an equal opportunity employer. We evaluate all applicants without consideration of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. Dedicated to Creating “The Perfect Match!” 17141 Ventura Blvd. Suite 206 Encino, California 91316 www.CalWestEducators.com (818) 906.2972 8