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FASIE’s experience in supporting joint EU-Russian collaborative innovation programs Cooperation between Russia and Germany in bioeconomy. Embassy of Germany in Russia, 17 November 2015 LOGO FASIE, main facts Set up by - The government of Russia, 03.02.1994 Financed through -1,5% of federal budget for R&D -(4,0 + 5,0 billion Rubles for 2015 or ~150 mln EUR) Cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Education and Ministry of Economy Policy and control by - The Supervisory Board Expertise - Independent experts Support to projects on all stages Development Seed UMNIK Pre-seed FASIE START FASIE Development, Cooperation, Commercialization, МEMT, etc FASIE INTERNATIONALIZATION Bilateral, multilateral, export FASIE results 1994-2014 Applications submitted and reviewed Over 55 000 Projects supported over 13 000 New innovative SMEs created International (bi-lateral and multi-lateral) over 4 500 Over 150 The ultimate goal: TO CREATE a joint product using the strong points of each other LLC Bioclinicum Russian-German biomed sustainability LLC Unikhimteck Russian-Finnish Energy efficiency industry Germany 150 000 EUR (from 2016) from each side + co-financing (reduced to 50%); SME’s on the Russian side, SME + Research organization a must in Germany; Thematic priorities: biotech/pharma, ICT, new materials, energy, optical technologies, environment; Expertise carried out BOTH in Germany and in Russia. Consensus required Cluster cooperation- resumed… Next call- 15 January 2016! Statistics of the previous calls: 1st call, 2008- 30 applications, 11 projects financed 2nd call, 2009- 58 applications, 17 projects financed 3rd call, 2010- 59 applications, 18 projects financed 4th call, 2011- 54 applications, 15 projects financed 5th call, 2013- 51 applications, 16 projects financed 77 financed Thematic distribution (rough): Information technologies: 15 Medical technologies: 16 Biotechnology: 12 Out of ~ 230 New materials: 7 applications: Optics and lazer technologies: 13 Ecology: 5 Energy savings: 3 Other: 6 ↑ France: 175 000 EUR from each side + co-financing, with OSEO providing interest-free loans; Only SME’s on both sides can apply; No strict limitations to thematic priorities; 2009- 2010, 2 calls, 10 projects being financed From 2011- ONGOING (with no deadlines) submission of proposals. 12 proposals submitted, 5 projects selected for funding Expertise carried out BOTH in France and in Russia. Consensus acquired. New cluster initiative with PACA Region Finland 150 000 EUR from each side; Only SME’s on both sides can apply; Thematic priorities: Energy efficiency, ICT, biotech/pharma, environment, new materials Calls for proposals annualy; Expertise carried out BOTH in Finland and in Russia. Consensus aquired. 5 calls for proposals carried out so far, 70 applications received, 21 projects financed Call open- 20 Nobember- 15 February 2016 Multilateral cooperation EU-supported Sustainable Common pot Financing organizations Projects ERANET-RUS & ERANET RUS Plus (Cooperation in R&D between Europe and Russia) ERANET specifically designed for fostering multilateral S&T cooperation between EU countries and Russia Min 3 participants from 3 countries Call 2011: 75 applications, 11 funded Call 2014: 77 applications, 18 to be funded Funding agencies from: Germany, Turkey, Switzerland, Israel, Greece and Russia (2011) Germany, Turkey, Israel, Greece, Poland, Romania and Russia (2014) www.eranet-rus.eu ERA-IB (ERANET for Industrial Biotechnology) Min 3 participants from 3 countries Calls: annual, 2 step procedure FASIE participates since 2011, 2 projects with Russian participation funded Funding agencies from: Belgium, France, Spain, Norway, United Kingdom, Portugal, Poland, Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, Romania, Russia Call open (last): 3 November 2015- 1 February 2015 NEW: Joint call with ERASynBio (+Latvia, Finland, Switzerland), ERA-MBT www.era-ib.net 2016 Topics 1. Conversion of industrial by-products and biomass into value-added products 2. Novel systems for new or more sustainable processes using bio-catalysts such as enzymes, micro-organism and cell-free biosynthesis systems from natural or synthetic origins. This includes orthogonal biosystems, minimal genome approaches and protocells. 3. Compounds by understanding and engineering metabolic pathways including synthetic biology approaches. 4. Process development, intensification and/or integration in existing industrial processes e.g. upstream or downstream design, scale-up of biotechnological processes. Company Logo Eurotransbio- cooperation for biotech SME‘s www.eurotransbio.eu Mission- cooperation between SME‘s in the biotech sector Min 2 participants from 2 countries Annual calls with a 1-step procedure Expertise carried out by the Funding agencies, consensus reached jointly FASIE participates since September 2012, 3 calls, 11 funded projects Funding agencies from: Germany, France, Spain (4 regions), Belgium, Austria,Finland, Italy Current call: 15 October 2015- 29 January 2015 Mission- to enhance cooperation between SME‘s from various European countries Minimum 2 partners from 2 countries Participated in 5 calls in 2013-2015. ~35 applications with Russia, 7 projects funded Next call- 1 December 2015 – 31 March 2016 Funding agencies from Germany (AiF), Austria, Belgium (2 regions), Czech republic, France (Pa-deKale) www.ira-sme.net M-ERA.NET is an EU funded network to support materials science and engineering. - Min 3 participants from 3 countries - Calls: annual, 2 step procedure - FASIE participates since 2012 - 33 funding organizations from 26 countries- one of the biggest ERA NETs Next (last) call: January 2016 Recent developments… 209 Federal Law (July 2015) New FASIE: 1 step procedure/law on grants, increase in funding, co-financing decreased to 50% CoFunds: CoBiTe: M-ERA Cofund: same as M-ERA Manunet (www.manunet.eu): new processes, adaptive manufacturing systems and the factory of the future BRICS- possible ERANET-like call in 2016 Bilateral: Turkey, Spain, Austria- confirmed, under discussion: Netherlands, …… Company Logo Thank you for your attention! Olga Levchenko Head of International Programs, FASIE levchenko@fasie.ru «Мы видим великое в малом» www.fasie.ru +7 495 231 38 51