October 2011.pub (Read-Only)


October 2011.pub (Read-Only)
Community Action At Work
Saratoga County Economic Opportunity Council, Inc.
Message from the Executive Director
Julie Hoxsie
October 2011
The EOC 22nd Annual May Day Spring Fling Honors D.A. Collins Companies
The EOC 22nd
May Day Spring
annual May Day
Fling was made posSpring Fling was held
sible with underon Wednesday, May
writing provided by
4, 2011 at the
Saratoga Casino and
Canfield Casino in
Raceway, D.A.
Saratoga Springs.
Collins Companies,
The event, EOC’s
Inc., The Adironmajor fundraiser, was
dack Trust Comsponsored by
pany, The AdironLongfellows
dack Trust Insurance
Restaurant, Hotel &
Agency, Ballston
Julie Hoxsie, David Collins and Ronald Deutsch
Conference Center and
Spa National Bank,
the Olde Bryan Inn who
Auction Company brought
National Grid, S.E.F.C.U.,
graciously provided all food out the competitive nature of The Anderson Group, LLC,
and beverages and also
the guests. Big winners of
Munter Enterprises, Inc.,
decorated the casino with
two guided photo safari tours New York Racing Associabeautiful pale yellow and
to South Africa were Marga- tion, Inc., Saratoga National
moss green accents.
ret Mangano and Ray DeBank & Trust Co., Stewart’s
The evening program
Shops, Stone Bridge Iron &
Ridder. David Collins won
began with a welcome by
Steel, Inc., Four Winds Hosthe golf package, which inEOC Board President Ron
cluded rounds of golf from 5 pital Saratoga, King’s Glass,
Deutsch and EOC
area courses. Gary Dake
Inc., Richard Higgins, Nixon
Executive Director Julie
won ‘An Evening of Taste
Peabody, LLP, Saratoga
Hoxsie. Gary Dake
Sensations’, dinner and wine Springs Rotary Club, Tech
tasting from Lily and the
representing Stewart’s
Valley Technologies, Inc.,
Rose/Fifty South Restaurant. and The Wesley
Shops, EOC’s 2010
Joe and Lisa Ribis were the
Community Recognition
lucky winners of one of the
Award winner, presented
The evening raised over
raffle prizes, a beautiful
D.A. Collins Companies,
$83,000 for the Saratoga
Regis Brodie original vase.
Inc. with the 2011
County Economic
The other raffle prize, a box Opportunity Council, Inc.
Community Recognition
at the Saratoga Race Course EOC is a not for profit
Award. Gary spoke to
was won by Andrea Masters. organization that has helped
D.A. Collins Companies,
Guests were treated to a
Inc’s numerous contribulow income residents of
beautiful video, featuring
tions to the community and
Saratoga County since 1973
students from EOC’s
David Collins accepted the
and is the federally
English for Success proaward.
designated anti-poverty
gram who spoke to the enor- organization of Saratoga
An exciting live auction
with guest auctioneer Kathy mous impact that the classes County.
had made in their lives.
Kingston from Kingston
Inside this issue:
Community Action
Weatherization Facts
Upcoming Events
Contact Information
“I had a guest tell me
that the EOC Spring
Fling is the Saratoga
Springs- Spring Welcome
Party. She said that this
was a party for the
Saratoga people, the
track parties are for the
tourists, but this was
really all about the
people. She looks
forward to it every
The Saratoga County
Economic Opportunity
Council, Inc. (EOC) is a
not-for-profit organization whose mission is to
assist individuals and
families with low incomes
to access the services they
need to meet their basic
needs and to obtain the
skills, knowledge, and
resources necessary to
work towards self sufficiency.
Community Action At Work
Page 2
Saratoga County EOC Community Action Awards
On Friday, May
27th, Saratoga County Economic Opportunity Council, Inc. (EOC) celebrated National Community Action
month. The EOC honored four individuals and one organization with
Community Action Awards. The
awards are given in recognition of
volunteering ‘above and beyond’ with
EOC to further the EOC mission in
helping low income individuals and
families work toward self sufficiency.
All honorees received proclamations
and letters from Senator Kirsten
Gillibrand, Congressman Chris Gibson, NY State Senator Roy McDonald
and the Saratoga County Board of
Supervisors. Senator Roy
McDonald, James Leary, Associate
Counsel for NY State Department of
State and Matt Veitch, Saratoga
Springs Supervisor attended and
spoke to the staff, Board of Directors
and community members who
celebrated the awards with a breakfast
prepared by the EOC staff. The
celebration breakfast was held at The
Presbyterian-New England Congregational Church of Saratoga Springs,
site of the EOC Soup Kitchen—
Community Lunch Program.
The following are the EOC Community Action Award recipients for
Mr. Paul Lincoln was honored with
a Community Action Award for volunteering consistently with the Extra
Helpings program for the past 17
years. Extra Helpings is a food
buying club that helps families stretch
their food budgets. Unfortunately,
the Extra Helpings program is being
discontinued by the Regional Food
Bank this month. True to form, Mr.
Lincoln will
continue to
assist by
volunteering in
the food pantry.
Colin Schaefer,
recipient, has
thousands of
hours since
2007, when he
came to EOC.
Colin assisted in
stocking and
Pictured (left to right) Colin Schaefer, Mr. Paul Lincoln, Executive Director
organizing the
Julie Hoxsie, Cindy Munter, Wendy Zeh, Linda Glansberg and Rosie Manley
EOC Food
Pantry, food pick ups, food drives,
volunteers of the Sunday and holiday
serving dinners at the backstretch of
meals, accepted the Community
the track, helping with the EOC mobile Action Award for the Temple.
home recycling program and many
Rosie Manley, an instructor at
other initiatives, always tirelessly, and Skidmore College, was also honored
with humor and kindness.
with a Community Action Award for
Cindy Munter was recognized for
her work and dedication to helping
the development of early literacy
her volunteer efforts for helping plan,
skills in young children. Rosie has
organize and write grants to fund and
taught the ‘1000 Book Class’,
bring awareness to EOC’s Latino
wherein students learn about lesson
Community Advocacy Program.
planning, curriculum development
Cindy has chaired the committee for
the opening reception of the “Estamos and helping children develop a love of
books. Students utilize and practice
Aqui” photo exhibit, in which Latino
these skills on weekly visits to homes
immigrants document their lives and
of children enrolled in EOC’s Head
experiences. She has also organized
Start program.
and installed the exhibit at numerous
It goes without saying that each
sites in the community.
community member and organization
Temple Sinai was awarded for their
that EOC recognized, volunteers their
work in providing a Sunday midservices without expecting acknowlafternoon dinner at the EOC Soup
edgement of their tireless work and
Kitchen for over 15 years, extending
efforts. Congratulations and ‘Thank
EOC’s soup kitchen services from 6
You’ to all of our Community Action
days to 7 days per week. The Temple
Award recipients, they demonstrate
also prepares and serves meals on
the true spirit of volunteerism and
Christmas. Wendy Zeh and Linda
Glansberg, as longtime organizers and community action.
Weatherization Factoid! Did you know...
Some of the largest returns are from the easiest projects including weather-stripping doors and
windows, caulking exterior cracks and replacing door sweeps and door bottoms.
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 3
Latino Community Advocacy Program
4th Annual Visión - “a look at life behind the scenes”
Tuesday, August 9th marked the 4th
Annual Visión ~ “a look at life behind
the scenes” to benefit the Latino
Community Advocacy Program. The
event, held on the Clubhouse Porch at
the Saratoga Race Course, featured
new additions to EOC’s ongoing
black and white documentary
photography project “Estamos
Aqui” (We Are Here), in which La-
sales will provide a crucial
source of funds for the Latino
Community Advocacy
Program which has a seen a
dramatic rise in the demand
for its English as a Second
Language and Bilingual
Advocacy programming at a
time when funding is
anything but guaranteed.
Saratoga County EOC Executive Director Julie Hoxsie, Ilde
The Latino Community Correas and Latino Community Advocacy Program
Coordinator Krystle Nowhitney
Advocay Program
provides English language
The Adirondack Trust Company,
instruction to over 200 adults
ESMI of NY/D.A. Collins, Anthony
annually and responds to over
V. Malatino, Munter Enterprises,
700 calls for bilingual advocacy Lisa & Joe Ribis Jr, and the entire
assistance. You can continue to 2011 Vision Honorary Committee for
support the Latino Community
their generous support in making this
Advocacy Program by visiting
evening possible.
store.html where the
prints and note cards
are available for purchase. You can also
Winning photograph by Marco Antonio Acosta Rodriguez
make a donation online.
tino immigrants document and present
EOC would like to
their experiences living and working
extend a special thank you to
The New York Racing Assoin Saratoga. Over 200 guests joined
EOC for the event, making it the most ciation, Centerplate, Southern
Wine & Spirits-Pernod Ricard
successful year to date. Guests
enjoyed music by the Garland Nelson
USA, State Farm Insurance
Company ~ Agents Keith
Trio and hors d’oeuvres from local
Stewart and Nicolas Morales, Student photographer Alfonso Rodriguez Garcia and Saratoga
restaurants. All proceeds from
County Chamber of Commerce Vice-President Linda Toohey
Collins Mechanical LLC,
sponsorship, ticket sales, and photo
WIC Program
The Saratoga County WIC Program has 6 new Certified Lactation Counselors!
WIC Nutritionist Becki Fignar and Breastfeeding Peer Counselors Sarah Smith, Ashley Baird, Becky Cotton,
Pam TenEyck and Bethani Whiting attended an intensive one week ‘Certified Lactation Counselor’ Training
Program held June 6 – 10, 2011 in Albany, NY. This program provided participants in-depth training on how
to effectively and accurately give lactation and support services to WIC participants from pregnancy to birth and beyond.
Trainees who attend the full training and pass the CLC exam are issued a ‘Certified Lactation Counselor’ Certificate
which is good for 3 years. It is a renewable certification if continuing education requirements are met. All 6 SCEOC—
WIC staff members that attended this training passed the exam, and are now ‘Certified Lactation Counselors’. They join
Nutritionists Sarah Murabito and Deanna Spencer, who have been Certified Lactation Counselors since 2003. The
SCEOC – WIC Program now has 8 Certified Lactation Counselors on staff. Think of all the moms and babies these
women will be able to help!
Congratulations to all of our ‘CLC’s’ and Thank You!
Saratoga County Economic Opportunity Council, Inc.
EOC Administrative Office
The Dennis M. Brunelle Center
40 New St., PO Box 5120
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Phone: 518-587-3158
Fax: 518-580-9293
EOC Head Start Program
Administrative Office
64 Hamilton St., PO Box 3476
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Phone: 518-226-0450
Fax: 518-226-0132
Volunteers: We are in need of
volunteers in our Food Pantry,
Soup Kitchen and for various
events. If you are interested in
volunteering with the EOC,
visit our website at
www.saratogaeoc.org and
complete the volunteer form or
come into the office and we will
give you the paperwork! Come
help us help others!
Bags for our Food Pantry:
We are always in need of bags
for the food pantry. One of our
supporters has donated a small
supply of reusable bags. Thank
You! We will, of course,
encourage customers to bring
back the reusable bags! Please
bring bags, either disposable
plastic or reusable to our pantry
at 40 New Street, Saratoga
Our Wheels for Work program is
looking for donated cars. To be
used in the program, the donated
vehicle has to be less than 15
years old and have less than
150,000 miles. Please call Lori
Staigar at 587-3158, ext. 31.
Contact Information
Julie Hoxsie
Executive Director
Debi Moore, Fiscal & Human Resources
Lillian McCarthy Community Services
Michael Seeley, Energy Services
Cathy Valenty, WIC
Lori Staigar, Wheels for Work
Krystle Nowhitney, Latino Advocacy
Dottie Sellers, Administrative Assistant
Pam Dray, Head Start
518-226-0450 ext.11
General Information email:
Ron Deutsch – President
Scott Tatro—Vice-President
Assemblyman James Tedisco
(Delegate Shari Stewart –
Edward Hart – Treasurer
Nancy Bunting
Senator Roy McDonald
(Delegate Kyran D. Nigro)
A.C. Riley
Joseph Dragone
Supervisor Matthew Veitch
(Delegate Tamie Ehinger)
Trisha Santiago
Vicky Mabb
Bonnie Burton
Supervisor Richard Lucia
(Delegate Pam Marro)
Supervisor Richard Rowland
(Delegate John Munter)
John Penzer
Robert Pasciullo
Commissioner John Franck
(Delegate Lisa Ribis)
Jena Rotheim
John Zimmerman
Upcoming Events:
October 3-28, 2011 - Thanksgiving Basket Applications (EOC office 9AM - 3PM)
November 21-23, 2011 - Thanksgiving Basket Distribution
November 27, 2011 - Dickens Christmas Food Drive (Longfellows)
December 2, 2011 - Victorian Street Walk Food Drive
(Downtown Saratoga)
March 14, 2012—Interagency Awareness Day, Skidmore
College (10AM - 2PM)
May 23, 2012 - 23rd Annual May Day Spring Fling
We’re on the web!