Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Austria Annual Report


Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Austria Annual Report
Annual Report
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Austria
Key performance figures 1994–1998
›› Siemens AG Austria
1993/94 1994/95 1995/96
+/–% on
New orders
25,129 (1,815.0) 26,724 (1,930.2)
23,245 (1,678.9) 24,223 (1,749.6)
Exports (as a % of total sales)
Capital expenditure1)
Personnel costs
as a % of total sales
Research and
Development expenditure
as a % of total sales
Employees (as of 30 Sept.)2)
training expenditure
In Mio. ATS (Mio. Euro)
›› Siemens Group Austria
1993/94 1994/95 1995/96
+/–% on
New orders
49,468 (3,573.0) 49,726 (3,591.6)
43,062 (3,110.3) 47,306 (3,416.8)
Exports (as a % of total sales)
Capital expenditure1)
Employees (as of 30 Sept.)2)
Personnel costs
14,542 (1,050.3) 15,079 (1,089.1)
as a % of total sales
as a % of total sales
Research and
Development expenditure
training expenditure
In Mio. ATS (Mio. Euro)
1) Property, plant and equipment plus equipment leased to customers
2) Excluding employees on leave for military duty, on leave of absence and apprentices
3) Starting with fiscal year 1994/95 also includes MKM Budapest, STG Budapest, Siemens Ljubljana, Siemens Zagreb, Siemens Bratislava,
ANF Data Prague, SWH Bratislava, SYSDATA Budapest, EH-Schrack Components
4) Starting with fiscal year 1995/96 also includes Kablo Bratislava, SKT Bratislava, Duna Kábel Budapest
5) Starting with fiscal year 1996/97 also includes SNI Bratislava, without Alex. Friedmann Ges.m.b.H
6) Starting with fiscal year 1997/98 also includes Landis & Staefa (Austria) AG, Landis & Gyr Leit- und Fernwirktechnik Gesellschaft mbH, Siemens-Leasing GmbH & Co,
no longer includes Austrodent Handelsges.m.b.H., i-center Elektrogroßhandel GmbH & Co KG, Knoblich Licht Ges.m.b.H.
1 Euro = ATS 13.8450 (mean rate as of 30 September 1998)
Key performance figures
A model for the future
Report of the Supervisory Board
Supervisory Board, Managing Board
Management Report
The Company
The Group
Subsidiaries and Associated Companies
Research and Development, Production
Review of Operations
A model for the future.
“Leadership now” – Siemens Austria’s new business model shows that the company has set itself plenty to do for the future.
A large, global company that wants to meet successfully the many different
Each of our eight basic principles will be presented to you in detail in this annual report – by Siemens staff, without whom it
challenges the future brings, needs an appropriate model which it can act on. It needs
would be impossible to realise our set aims. One of these core principles – perhaps the most important – is that “Everything
a corporate philosophy where aims are defined and visions are set out. Whether
is possible” – if we work together on reaching our goals and carry out our corporate visions as “People-oriented solutions”.
it’s “Partnership creates success”, “Creating tomorrow’s world”, “Team works” or
In the interests of Siemens customers and Siemens employees all over the world.
Siemens Electrical Appliances
Information Technology
Health Care
Cables and Wiring
Siemens in neighbouring countries
Siemens worldwide
In the supplement
Balance sheet of
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Austria
Income Statement
Notes to the Financial Statements
Report of the Supervisory Board
Over the course of the reporting period, the
Report of the Supervisory Board
Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Kaske deceased
Supervisory Board convened four meetings and was
Gyr from ELEKTROWATT (alongside Siemens taking over
name “Siemens Pensionskasse AG” with equity capital of
ELEKTROWATT’s worldwide business activities in the field
ATS 50,000,000 (Euro 3,611,412) and its head office in
of building engineering), at our Supervisory Board Meeting
Vienna. Siemens AG Austria is the sole shareholder.
presented with a detailed account of affairs by the
It is with great sadness that we have to report that
Managing Board of Siemens AG Austria. Along with
Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Kaske, Chairman of the
of 26 February 1998 we approved the take-over of all
The most significant resolutions that were passed at
the company’s business performance, the capital
Supervisory Board of Siemens AG Austria from 1982 to
shares of Landis & Gyr Energiemanagement (Austria)
our Supervisory Board Meeting of 29 June 1998 concerned
investments requested by the Managing Board for the
1993, passed away on 27 September 1998.
GmbH, Vienna, by Siemens AG Austria. Consolidated meter
restructuring Siemens activities in Hungary by transferring
activities are to be continued by “Siemens Metering AG
Siemens AG Austria’s interest in Siemens Rt. Budapest
Mr. Kaske played a decisive role in building up the company
Austria for Meters and Electronic Systems” (subsidiary of
(a 5.38% stake) and in Siemens Telefongyar Kft. Budapest
and its subsidiaries. During his time of service, corporate
Siemens AG Austria) registered in Vienna.
(100% stake) to Siemens AG Berlin and Munich.
current business year and issues regarding company
structure were considered.
In his ten years as Chairman of the Supervisory Board,
activities were greatly expanded, especially due to significant acquisitions both in the domestic market and abroad.
At this meeting we gave our consent to the sale of
1998 we agreed to the reorganisation of Siemens Austria
concrete terms we approved the sale of our stakes in
IT and communications technology (in line with the global
LiWeSt located in Linz; in Attersee/Salzkammergut located
reorganisation of Siemens) as of 1 October 1998 into
in Vöcklabruck; and in AFREG, which is registered in Salz-
three new units:
burg, to Oberösterreichische Kraftwerke AG (Upper Austrian
“IuC-Networks” (ICN; in particular the core areas
Power Stations company) and to the St. Pölten Kabelfern-
of the divisions Public Communications Systems
sehgesellschaften (cable television companies) located in
for Corporate Networks, Private Communications
St. Pölten; and our interest in Kabelsignal of Maria Enzers-
Systems, the network business of the Private
dorf to Energieversorgung Niederösterreich AG (Lower Aus-
Communications division and of Siemens Nixdorf
trian power supply company). Furthermore we gave our
Informationssysteme GmbH),
preliminary approval to the sale of Siemens SGP Verkehrs-
“Product Business” (ICP; the product-oriented
technik GmbH’s 95.6% stake in SKT, a cable TV company in
business of the Private Communications Systems
division and of Siemens Nixdorf Informations-
At the Supervisory Board Meeting of 26 February 1998
Dipl.-Vw. Dr. Heinrich v. Pierer,
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats der
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Österreich
At our Supervisory Board Meeting of 15 September
Siemens AG Austria’s cable television companies. In
systeme GmbH) and
we also gave our consent to Siemens AG Austria’s studio
“Siemens Business Services GmbH”
ing the Supervisory Board, was appointed as its Honorary
business being moved into the activities of “BFE Studio
(SBS; the solutions and Services business of
Chairman. We will treasure his memory.
und Medien-Systeme GmbH”, located in Vienna. At the
Siemens AG Austria and of Siemens Nixdorf
same time, it was approved that the rest of the activities in
Informationssysteme GmbH).
We owe our great thanks to this man, who, after leav-
Changes in group structure
the audio and video systems division of Siemens AG
Austria should be wound up step-by-step.
At our Supervisory Board Meeting of 13 November
Further, we approved that the activities of Bautechnik
1997 we set up a Supervisory Board Committee made up
Linz be removed from Siemens AG Austria and operate as
of Dkfm. Radomski (Chairman), Dkfm. Dr. Becker and Hans
a wholly-owned subsidiary, with these activities being sold
Judmann (nominated by the Works Council), with the
off in due course.
purpose of checking and preparing the approval of
Siemens AG Austria’s year-end financial statements.
In accordance with the basic agreement for Siemens to
purchase the worldwide metering business of Landis &
On presentation of the necessary company agreements
Restructuring of Siemens Austria’s cabling activities, in
particular in view of the sale of Siemens worldwide
power-cable activities to Pirelli.
By way of a contract concluded on 16 July 1998, taking
effect as of 1 October 1998, Siemens AG Berlin and
at the Supervisory Board Meeting of 26 February 1998 we
Munich sold its worldwide power-cable activities to Pirelli
finally gave our approval to the founding of a company
(subject to antitrust approvals). This general agreement is
pension fund for Siemens AG Austria with the company
to be implemented in individual countries – and particularly
›› 3
Report of the Supervisory Board
Supervisory Board, Managing Board
as far as Siemens AG Austria’s cabling activities are con-
30 September 1998, Siemens Beteiligungen AG, Zurich,
cerned – by way of local agreements. All business assets
transferred its 74% interest in Siemens AG Austria to
used in the power cable business belonging to the
Siemens AG, Berlin and Munich.
Supervisory Board
Delegates of Works Council:
Auditor’s certification
Dr. Paul Dax,
Honorary Chairman
Hans Judmann
Siemens group were sold off, meaning that it was necessary for the activities of “Österreichische Kabelwerke” to
be split into power-cable and data-cable activities. Furthermore, Österreichische Kabelwerke GmbH’s 80.5% stake in
The accounting procedures, the financial statements
MKM, the Hungarian cable producer, is to be transferred
and the Management Report were examined and approved
to Pirelli after the data-cable actvities have been divested.
without qualification by KPMG Alpen-Treuhand GmbH,
Likewise, Kablo Bratislava spol s r.o. (a wholly-owned sub-
Certified Public Accountants and Tax Consultants, Vienna.
sidiary of Österreichische Kabelwerke GmbH) was acquired
The Supervisory Board has examined and approved the
by Pirelli.
financial statements and the Management Report. The
At our Supervisory Board Meeting of 15 September
point value for the bonus premium of the 1996/97 business
1998 we acknowledged the Managing Board’s report on
year was set by the Supervisory Board at 82 schillings
negotiations held with Pirelli concering the local agreement
(5.92 euro). In total this amounted to a sum of 90.6 million
for Siemens Austria’s cabling activities. Official approval of
schillings (6.54 million euro), which was paid out as special
the transfer of these activities is still outstanding.
thanks from the company to our employees.
Against the background of the continued difficult
The Supervisory Board would like to thank all employ-
Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Kaske,
Honorary Chairman,
deceased 27 September 1998
Dipl.-Vw. Dr. Heinrich v. Pierer,
Peter Stuppacher
Alfred Senter
Josef Utzig
Dkfm. Dr. Walter Wolfsberger,
Vice Chairman
Dkfm. Dr. Erich Becker
ees for their performance and all employee representatives
Dr. Rudolf Gruber
Siemens Austria, we gave our consent to Österreichische
for their constructive cooperation.
Dipl.-Ing. Johann Haider
After final completion of our audit no objections were
Gerhard Pfeiffer
Dipl.-Vw. Dr. Josef Staribacher,
Vice Chairman
economic situation for the remaining data-cable activities of
Kabelwerke’s data-cable (NK) activities being taken over by
Friedrich Hagl
Managing Board
KR Dkfm. Karl Hollweger
Dipl.-Ing. Albert Hochleitner,
Siemens AG Austria, as well as consenting to the sale
raised. Hence the financial statements as of 30 September
of Österreichische Kabelwerke’s interests in Dörfler Kabel-
1998 have been approved in accordance with § 125 para. 2
Prof. Dr. h.c. Manfred Mautner Markhof
Dr. Peter Flicker
werk GmbH, Klosterneuburg (100%), in Duna Kabel Kft,
of Austrian Corporation Law; the Supervisory Board
Dipl.-Ing. Othmar Pühringer
Mag. Alfred Ötsch
Budapest (97.5%) and in Haryana Telecom Ltd., Haryana,
endorses the proposal of the Managing Board with regard
India and the winding up of the remaining data-cable activ-
to the distribution of net earnings.
Dkfm. Jürgen Radomski
Dipl.-Ing. Eduard Uhl
Obersenatsrat Dr. Karl Skyba
Dr. Anton Wais
ities of MKM (Hungarian cable producer).
Vienna, December 1998
Transfer of the 74% stake of Siemens Beteiligungen
Supervisory Board
AG, Zurich, in Siemens AG Austria to Siemens AG,
Berlin and Munich.
For the sake of completeness, within the scope of this
report we would like to set out that, with effect from
Dr. Heinrich v. Pierer
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
›› 5
Management report f o r t h e 1 9 9 7 / 9 8 f i n a n c i a l y e a r
Management report f o r t h e 1 9 9 7 / 9 8 f i n a n c i a l y e a r
›› Composition of the workforce
Siemens Group
According to the latest forecast made by WIFO, the
For 1999 the economic research institutes expect
beat our target figures significantly, both for new orders
Siemens AG
Austrian economic research institute, real GDP rose by
growth rates of 2.8%, which are again higher than
and turnover. The main factor responsible for this favourable
Installation, Maintenance,
3.3% in 1998, representing the highest growth rate
those in the European Union. For the first time since
development was business in the domestic market which
Sales & Distribution
is being boosted through the expansion of digital mobile
Administrative Areas
since 1991. Unemployment will remain almost
1994, unemployment is expected to fall (to 4.4%).
unchanged at 4.5%, a figure which is once more
The inflation rate should remain at its extraordinarily low
telephone systems. On the export side, particularly notable
significantly lower than the European average.
level, mainly due to the decline in prices of raw material.
contracts were concluded in Croatia and Slovakia.
Inflation is continuing to fall and is at an historic low
It is further predicted for 1999 that private consumption,
of 1.0%. These particularly good economic figures
whose growth was hampered in 1998 by a tendency
positive business in terminals has led to above-target
are mainly due to significant increases in both exports
towards saving, will play a stronger part in economic
figures for both new orders and turnover. Business in ter-
were carried out. As of the beginning of the 1998/99
and capital expenditure.
minals is characterised by over-proportional growth in
business year, following the takeover of ELEKTORWATT
the mobile phone market, which is however experiencing
AG (respectively Landis & Gyr) by Siemens AG, Siemens
a fall in prices due to strong competition.
Austria’s metering business is now consolidated in
In the Private Communications Systems division,
In connection with the gradual phasing out of activities
in the Audio and Video Systems division, a concept for
Business performance at Siemens AG Austria
New orders totalled ATS 26.724 billion (Euro 1.931
In the Transportation division, the brisk demand for pas-
discontinuing business in sound engineering was drawn
senger cars, rail vehicles and rail infrastructure equipment
up, while the studio engineering field of business was
ensured satisfactory performance. The division was able to
shifted to BFE Studio- und Mediensysteme GmbH in
achieve its targets for new orders and turnover. Particular
Vienna, with effect from 1 June 1998.
mention should be made of completing 120 double-decker
From an organisational point of view we have rearranged
Dipl.-Ing. Albert Hochleitner,
Chairman of the Board
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Österreich
“Siemens Metering AG Austria”
cars in co-operation with the Austrian Federal Railways
the activities of our information and communications
workshops and a contract awarded to a consortium
divisions and the resulting reorganisations formally came
headed up by Siemens AG Austria, by the Vienna Public
into force on 1 October 1998. Siemens Nixdorf Infor-
Transport authority (Wiener Linien) to develop a prototype
mationssysteme GmbH was integrated into Siemens AG
for the third generation of the Viennese underground.
Austria with effect from that date and, together with the
Business at the competence centre for rail vehicles in Graz
Public Communications Networks and Private Communi-
developed particularly favourably and in the year under
cations Systems divisions, forms the three new I&C
review contributed more than one third to the turnover of
divisions, namely ICN (Information and Communication
Siemens SGP Verkehrstechnik GesmbH. Business in power
Networks), ICP (Information and Communication Products)
line construction which was switched to Siemens Power-
billion) in the year under review, up 6.3% on the previous
as well as Siemens Business Services GmbH, which is a
lines GmbH & Co KG in the previous financial year also
year’s figures. Total turnover amounted to ATS 24.223
separate legal entity.
developed favourably in its initial year.
billion (Euro 1.750 billion), 4.2% higher than in the previous
In the Energy division, the market was shaped by stiff
The market for consumer electronics in Austria is going
year. Target figures for both new orders and turnover were
competition and – as in previous years – a lack of invest-
through a difficult phase. In contrast to the European trend,
thus exceeded to a considerable extent. Export sales were
ments on the part of the power supply companies. In spite
a decline of around 4% is expected in the Austrian market.
up 2.2% on comparable figures of the previous year.
of this, we were still able to reach our targeted level of
The Siemens Electrical Appliances division was able to
business as the trend towards plant automation has
further expand on its position in the market and maintain
our expectations for the year under review. In the Public
continued. Furthermore, numerous modernisation projects
its level of business of the previous year despite the
Communications Networks division we were able to
for power stations and network and distribution plants
market trend. However, due to the fact that figures for
Business in communications again outperformed
›› 7
›› 9
Management report f o r t h e 1 9 9 7 / 9 8 f i n a n c i a l y e a r
New orders in ATS billion
“brown goods” are still contained in last year’s figures,
also under pressure from competition. On the export side
R&D in the year under review. Most of
total turnover in this division for the year under review will
in particular it was not possible to meet our expectations,
our R&D activities are carried out by the
be below that of the previous year.
which was the reason for carrying out changes in organi-
Program and System Engineering division
sational structure. In July 1998, Siemens AG, Munich and
(PSE), whose total turnover in the year
so the high levels of business of previous years remained.
Berlin concluded negotiations with Pirelli Cavi e Sistemi
under review was up 10% on the previous
In the field of plant construction the year under review was
S.p.A. Within OEKW GmbH the agreement will affect the
year. This positive performance was mainly due
In the Industry division target figures were reached and
Turnover in ATS billion
Siemens AG Austria
Siemens Group Austria
shaped mainly by a moderate level of overall construction
production and installation of power cables, which will be
to a good level of demand in the areas of development
activity and by an investment squeeze on the part of public
taken over by Pirelli. OEKW data cable manufacturing will
for mobile radio products, telecommunications and for
authorities. We achieved our targets in our security and
be discontinued at the end of 1998, with sales and distri-
banks and insurance companies. PSE continued its inten-
alarm systems business, with notably favourable perform-
bution activities having been taken over by the ICN division
sive support in developing the successful EWSD system.
ATS 4.1 billion/Euro 296.1 million) were achieved. The
ance in particular in the field of intelligent video systems
as of 1 October 1998.
Further, PSE has become the largest centre dealing with
number of employees amounted to 1,620 in the year under
GSM client projects on the basis of IN services. PSE
and integrated access control solutions. Targets for the year
Good performance in the components sector continued
under review for the field of “Production and Logistics
in the period under review. The Components division was
successfully concluded its worldwide network integration
Systems” could not be achieved due to various investment
able to outperform its targets both for new orders and for
for the IRIDIUM satellite project.
projects being postponed.
turnover. In particular this was due to positive develop-
The Development Centre for Electronics, EZE for short,
In Croatia, Siemens d.d. achieved new orders of around
ATS 1.26 billion (Euro 91.0 million) and a turnover of ATS 1 billion (Euro 72.2 million). The number of employees rose in
ments in business in component mounting equipment and
made its mark as a development centre for mobile termi-
the period under review from 467 to 496. This good per-
for consolidating building activities through the acquisition
favourable business supplying passenger car relays and
nals by developing, among other things, a new generation
formance continued to be due to telecommunications,
of the industrial arm of ELEKTROWATT AG were fulfilled.
connectors for the car industry, where electronic compo-
of GSM engines. There was also a good level of demand in
which accounted for almost half of Siemens d.d.’s turnover.
In future, Siemens AG Austria building business activities
nents are being used more and more.
the area of development for call centre solutions and
Results in the fields of automation, medical engineering
consulting for computer-telephone integration. We are
and building engineering were also satisfactory.
From an organisational point of view, the preconditions
in the segments of building automation (today Landis &
The market situation for the health care business was
Staefa), security engineering, project business/installation
characterised by a reduction in investment on the part of
particularly proud to report that the world’s first fingertip
engineering and facility management will be consolidated
public health authorities and a squeeze on investment
sensor system has now laid the foundation for using
(Euro 70.1 million) and a turnover of around ATS 1.6 billion
in “Siemens Building Technologies Austria”, which made its
activities among practising doctors. In spite of this, the
innovative technologies in the low-cost sector.
(Euro 115.6 million) were realised according to plan. Large
first appearance on 1 October 1998 as a “virtual company”
Medical engineering division still managed to reach its
The number of R&D employees at Siemens Austria AG
In Slovakia new orders of around ATS 970 million
projects were carried out in the field of power supply,
target figures for the year under review. This was primarily
amounted to 3,400 in the 1997/98 financial year, represent-
particular mention should be made of the construction of
in the year under review from the Austrian mechanical
due to successful attempts to open up new market seg-
ing a slight rise on last year’s figure.
a “GUD” power station in Košice, the construction of a
engineering and plant construction sector having to cope
ments with new services, in particular in the field of soft-
with new and complex challenges on the world market.
ware for hospitals.
The Automation and Drive Engineering division profited
The positive developments in business in numeric controls
We can also add that in the year under review Siemens
and drives for machine tools also continued in the year
AG Austria set up a contributory company pension fund
under review, this being due to a general market upswing
(Siemens Pensionskasse AG) which is also open to partici-
on the one hand and successful implementation of
pation by subsidiaries of Siemens AG Austria.
SINUMERIK and SIMODRIVE systems on the other hand.
Overall performance of our metering and process
Research and Development
engineering business improved significantly in comparison
with the previous year.
In the 1997/98 financial year, business in cables was
Siemens AG Austria spent ATS 5.219 billion (Euro 377
million) (ATS 4.840 billion/Euro 350 million in 1996/97) on
waste incineration plant in Bratislava and the completion of
Regional responsibility for Bosnia-Herzegovina,
the “GUD” power station in Bratislava. At the end of the
Croatia, Slovakia and Slovenia
year under review there were 222 employees.
In Slovenia, Siemens d.o.o., with almost 50 employees,
As in previous years, we were extremely satisfied
managed to strengthen its market position substantially in
with business performance in all four countries for which
various segments, with a turnover of around ATS 500 mil-
Siemens AG Austria has regional responsibility. Within the
lion (Euro 36.1 million). In particular, the successful comple-
scope of regional responsibility, new orders amounting to a
tion of a telecommunications network for the Slovenian
total of ATS 5.6 billion (Euro 404.5 million) (compared with
Railways and the contract for manufacture of 30 local
ATS 5.2 billion/Euro 375.6 million in 1996/97) and turnover
passenger trains in the Ljubljana area as well as for
of ATS 4.5 billion (Euro 325.0 million) (compared with
50 goods wagons should be mentioned.
Management report f o r t h e 1 9 9 7 / 9 8 f i n a n c i a l y e a r
Business in the year under review was also successful
The liabilities side shows, in relation to the balance
Management report f o r t h e 1 9 9 7 / 9 8 f i n a n c i a l y e a r
For the 1998/99 financial year we estimate that there
in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The good performance here
sheet total, an almost unchanged net equity ratio (12.5%
will be less expenditure on restructuring than in previous
was mainly due to contracts in the field of medical engi-
without retained earnings, compared with 12.4% in the
years since substantial measures have now been taken on
neering, in the power supply and power stations business
previous year). The appropriate balance sheet provision was
this front.
as well as in public communications systems, for example
liquidated in the amount of the transfer of employees’
with the three EWSD centres going into operation.
pension entitlements to the Siemens pension fund
Proposal for the distribution of net income
(Pensionskassen AG).
The result from ordinary activities was slightly down on
the previous year (ATS –74 million/Euro –5.3 million).
Investments in property, plant and equipment amount-
The reason for this was a decrease in the financial
The Managing Board of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Austria proposes the payment of a dividend of 26% of
share capital and a special dividend of ATS 400 million
ed to ATS 735 million (Euro 53.1 million), 10.4% up on
result, due to the necessary valuation adjustment of the
(Euro 28.9 million). The Managing Board furthermore
comparable figures of the previous years (ATS 666 mil-
equity holding in OEKW GmbH, whereas the result in
proposes that the balance of the net profit be carried
lion/Euro 48.1 million).
operating activities improved considerably.
forward as a reserve available for use at any time.
Prospects for the 1998/99 financial year:
Vienna, November 1998
Investments in property, plant and equipment mainly
included equipment leased by the Private Communications
Systems Division, further expansion and upgrading of our
in-house communications systems and completion work
on the Vienna Electronics Plant.
ATS 1.685 billion (Euro 121.7 million) was invested in
The Managing Board
For 1998/99, Siemens AG Austria again plans to
increase the volume of its business substantially. We
expect this increase to come about in particular in the
acquiring equity interests or raising our shareholdings in
Communications, Industry and Energy divisions as well
existing affiliated companies. There were substantial
as at the Vienna Electronics Plant and in the PSE division.
Dipl.-Ing. Albert Hochleitner
increases in equity capital at Kabel- und Drahtwerke AG,
In the Transportation division we will maintain our high
Chief Executive Officer
Vienna, Wiener Kabel- und Metallwerke GmbH, Vienna,
turnover level by processing the large backlog of orders.
Siemens SGP Verkehrstechnik Ges.m.b.H. and at Siemens
As far as Information and Communication are concerned,
s.r.o. in Bratislava. Mention should be made of
we can expect dynamic business performance due to
considerable new investments which include the Siemens
the preparations we have made in accordance with
Pensionskassen AG, BFE Studio- u. Medien Systeme
market conditions. In the field of Energy, the difficult
Ges.m.b.H. and Landis & Gyr Energiemanagement
competitive conditions in the domestic market will
Ges.m.b.H., Vienna.
continue in the 1998/99 financial year which is why we
want to carry on expanding our presence in neighbouring
Assets, Financial and Earnings Position:
countries. In the Industrial and Systems sectors we want
to continue on our course of offering more complex
The balance sheet total fell in the year under review by
ATS 2.028 billion (Euro 146.5 million), i.e. 6.5%.
On the assets side this was mainly due to a reduction
solutions as a universal supplier as well as being suppliers
of technology. We expect the positive trends in automation
engineering and in facility management – which,
in current marketable securities through transfer to the
as mentioned, was set up as of 1 October 1998 – to
Siemens Pensionskassen AG.
›› 11
The Company
The Company
Chief Executive Officer
Dipl.-Ing. Albert Hochleitner
Executive Board
BdL/P, PE, PA, U, BM, UK PR, WR11, PSE,
EWW, BG, Responsible for Technical
Management of all Regional Organisations
Dr. Peter Flicker
Mag. Alfred Ötsch
Dipl.-Ing. Eduard Uhl
Dr. Anton Wais
EL, FRW, OI, KAM, UK W, U TopPlus, STR,
Responsible for Commercial Management of
all Divisions, Commercial Management of
Regional Organisations and the Regions
Information and Communication Networks
Ing. Dietmar Appeltauer
Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Götz
Mag. Dr. Harald Wasserburger
Joint Venture
OESE Siemens —
Power Transmission
and Distribution,
Power Generation
Systems Engineering &
Technical Services;
Production & Logistics
Siemens Building
Dipl.-Ing. Gottfried Schuster
Ing. Dkfm. Johann-Ludwig
Dipl.-Ing. Werner Beier
Dr. Wilfried Stuckart
Landis & Staefa
Automation and Drive
A&D 3)
Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Felsner
Dr. Edwin Schulz
Ing. Wolfgang Morrenth
Ing. Mag. Rudolf Preslicka
Siemens Gebäude
& Services GmbH SGS1)
Traffic Engineering
Ing. Hans Paul
Ing. Dkfm. Gernot Kindelmann
Ing. Mag. Friedrich Pressl
Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Triplat6)
Christian Knie
Information and Communication Products
Ing. Franz Geiger
Dr. Karl Jesacher
Siemens Business
Services Ges.m.b.H.
Ing. Mag. Herbert Wegleitner
Components and Special
Siemens Powerlines
GmbH & Co. KG
Ing. Franz Geiger
Dr. Karl Jesacher
Stepán Kotva
Jiri Svanda
SWH spol. s r.o.,
Peter Prónay
Peter Babinec
Dr. Thomas Habenreich
Dkfm. Dr. Michael Jeitler
Vienna Electronics
Project Development
Siemens SGP Verkehrstechnik GmbH
Erwin Chladek
Johann Pinisch
Ing. Helmut Brunner
Mag. Arnulf Wolfram
Dr. Albert Felbauer
Large-scale Interdivisional
Ing. Mag. Friedrich Pressl
Dipl.-Ing. Hans M. Schabert
Siemens Electrical
Wolfgang Horak
Management Office/
Group Press
Human Resources
Dr. Heinz Dorfwirth
Mag. Gerhard Hirczi
Dr. Hans-Dieter Kneissl
Ing. Rudolf Hiermann
Ing. Wolfgang Hirzi
Heinz-Werner Häfner4)
Mag. Alfred Ötsch
José-Carlos Oliveras
Ing. Mag. Christian
Service Departments
Corporate Development
(Strategy, Auditing,
TopPlus, Quality
Key Account
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Siegfried Glatz
Mag. Heinrich
Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Kehl
Mag. Manfred Dönz
Competence Center
& Networking
Dipl.-Ing. Eduard Uhl
Mag. Dr. Harald Wasserburger
ANF Data spol. s r.o.,
Heavy Rail
L & S1)
Bau- u. AnlagenerrichtungsGes.m.b.H.
Medical Engineering
Regional Responsibilities
for Slovakia, Croatia,
Slovenia, BosniaHerzegovina
Dipl.-Ing. Udo Scheiblauer
Rudolf David
Ing. Karl Mörk
Mag. Gerhard Schenk
Harald Reitler
Ing. Walter Nitsch
Rudolf Wölfl
Ing. Wolfgang Kropik
Rudolf Schütz
Program and System
Key Corporate Departments
Human Resources
Industry and Insurance
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Alexander Hartig
Dkfm. Hans Wehsely5)
Industry and Public
Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Völker
Organisation and
Data Processing
Banks, Insurance Companies
and other services
Dkfm. Dr. Christoph
Ulrich Bleicher
Verbund and Provincial
Power Supply Companies
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Flandorfer
Ing. Heinrich Sageder
Ing. Karl-Heinz Söhner
Dr. Alfred Zahorak
Materials Management EL
Dr. Josef Kinast
Taxes, Legal Services STR
Karin Schneiderbauer
Equity Investment
Finance and
›› 13
Dr. Horst-Günther Ludwig
Mag. Peter Baumgartner
Co-ordination of Economic
Area No. 11
Alternative Operators
Wolfgang Horak
Dkfm. Franz Schlechta
Mag. Erich Scheithauer
Regional Organisations/Key Account Managers
Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard
Karl Komatz
) separate legal entity
Ing. Mag. Wilhelm J. Lauer
Prof. Ing. Hans M. Tuschar
) Siemens AG
operational sector
Ing. Wolfgang Laub
Gerhard Gruber
) until 31 Oct. 1997;
Industrial Sales Products &
Systems ASI/AUT
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter Korczak
kom. Gerhard Gruber
) Head of quality control
reports direct to the
Chief Executive Officer
Ing. Paul Warbanoff
Mag. Wolfgang Richter
) Spokesperson for
Österreichische Kabelwerke
GmbH, Vienna
Ing. Heinz Weber
Peter Vogel
) until 31 Dec. 1998
St. Pölten
Mag. Josef
Christiane Gottweis
(Representative Office)
Ing. Josef Klementschitz
As of
1 December 1998
Budapest as well as Siemens Rt.
Centre (Forschungszentrum) Seibers-
Budapest were sold.
dorf Ges.m.b.H., Seibersdorf.
In connection with Siemens taking
ing business, metering activities in
S.p.A. Thus KABLO Bratislava spol.
Austria have now been grouped under
s r.o., Bratislava, Magyár Kábel Müvek
Siemens Metering AG Austria für
Rt., Budapest and the power cable
Zähler und elektronische Systeme,
segment of OEKW have left the cable
Vienna (formerly Uher AG für Zähler
und elektronische Geräte, Vienna).
1 Oct. 1998 to Pirelli Cavi e Sistemi
Siemens SGP
Verkehrstechnik Ges.m.b.H.,
N: ATS 250.0
SPL Siemens Powerlines
GmbH & Co KG, Vienna*
N: ATS 5.0
Siemens Nixdorf
informacné systémy spol. s r.o.,
N: SKK 12.2
Siemens Nixdorf Informaticki
Sustavi d.o.o., Zagreb/Croatia*
N: HRK 0.5
SWH spol. s r.o., Bratislava/Slovakia*
N: SKK 15.2
Siemens Entwicklungszentrum für
Mikroelektronik Ges.m.b.H., Villach*
N: ATS 0.5
SML Service Montage Personalleasing GmbH, Wildendürnbach**
N: ATS 0.5
Siemens Nixdorf Informacijski
sistemi d.o.o., Ljubljana/Slovenia*
N: SIT 13.4
ANF Data spol. s r.o.,
Prague/Czech Republic*
N: CZK 4.8
over Landis & Gyr’s worldwide meter-
Siemens Nixdorf
Informationssysteme Ges.m.b.H.,
N: ATS 324.0
wide power cable activities as of
Siemens handed over its world-
view is that in the Austrian Research
companies Siemens Telefongyar Kft,
Siemens Gebäudemanagement &
Services G.m.b.H., Vienna**
N: ATS 1.0
SYSDATA, Kft., Budapest/Hungary*
N: HUF 51.0
* The business figures for these companies and those
of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Austria are presented in
this report as “Siemens Group Austria”
** These companies belong to “Siemens Group Austria”
but have not been included in the general report.
Innovest Finanzdienstleistungs AG,
N: ATS 2.0
Siemens s.r.o., Bratislava/Slovakia*
N: SKK 409.0
Siemens d.o.o., Ljubljana/Slovenia*
N: SIT 323.2
Siemens d.d., Zagreb/Croatia*
N: HRK 94.6
Siemens d.j.I., Sarajevo/BosniaHerzegovina*
N: DEM 0.1
of the Group not included in the over-
Development, Production
Siemens Matsushita Components
OHG, Deutschlandsberg*
N: ATS 197.0
Siemens Pensionskasse AG, Vienna
N: ATS 50.0
cable TV companies and the Hungarian
Duna Kábel Kft., Budapest/Hungary*
N: HUF 1,300.0
Components AG,
N: ATS 1.0
OSRAM Österreichische Glühlampenfabrik Ges.m.b.H., Vienna*
N: ATS 36.0
One of the minority shareholdings
DÖRFLER Kabelwerk GmbH,
N: ATS 0.5
Our equity holdings in the Austrian
Landis & Staefa (Austria) AG,
N: ATS 29.5
Bauelemente OHG,
N: ATS 220.0
Building Technologies
Siemens-Leasing GmbH & Co,Vienna*
N: ATS 0.5
SKT spol. s r.o., Bratislava/Slovakia*
N: SKK 720.0
the field of building engineering,
Landis & Staefa (Austria) AG is a new
Österreichische Kabelwerke
Ges.m.b.H., Vienna**
N: ATS 150.0
max.mobil. Telekommunikation
Service GmbH, Vienna
N: ATS 200.0
As a result of Siemens taking over
Elektrowatt’s worldwide activities in
Relectronic-Remech Wiederherstellung und Vertrieb technischer
Systeme Ges.m.b.H., Vienna*
N: ATS 2.5
leistungs AG, Vienna.
Kabelproduktionsanlagen GmbH,
N: ATS 150.0
AG, Vienna and Innovest Finanzdienst-
bruck, the Siemens Pensionskasse
for Health Care GmbH (ITH), Inns-
New additions emanated from the
founding of Information Technologies
BFE Studio und Medien Systeme
GmbH, Vienna*
N: ATS 7.0
belong to the Siemens Group Austria.
Republic of Austria
Cables & Wiring
ITH Information Technologies for
Health Care GmbH, Innsbruck**
N: ATS 10.0
Landis & Gyr Leit- und Fernwirktechnik Gesellschaft mbH,
N: ATS 5.0
the diagram marked with *) or **)
BFE Studio und Medien Systeme
GmbH, Mainz/Germany*
N: DEM 11.0
Österreichische Industrieholding AG
SITEC Bau- und Anlagenerrichtungs
Ges.m.b.H., Vienna*
N: ATS 1.0
ciated companies. The companies in
Siemens Metering AG für
Zähler und elektronische Systeme,
N: ATS 1.0
Siemens AG
AG Österreich
and its principal subsidiaries and asso-
ship structure that exists between
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Austria
Siemens Beteiligungen AG, Zürich
This overview shows the owner-
Siemens AG, Berlin, Munich
Subsidiaries, Shareholdings and Associated Companies
The Group
1) Shares held by Landis & Staefa (Österreich) AG, Vienna
2) Indirectly, i.e. stake held by the wholly-owned
subsidiary WKM
3) Indirectly, i.e. stake held by the 74% subsidiary
Siemens SGP Verkehrstechnik
4) Shares held by Landis & Gyr Holdings (Deutschland)
GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
5) Indirectly, i.e. stake held by the wholly-owned
subsidiary KDAG
6) Shares held by Siemens Matsushita Components
Ges.m.b.H. & Co. KG, Munich
7) Shares held by Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme
Ges.m.b.H., Vienna
8) Indirectly, i.e. the two wholly-owned subsidiaries
KDAG and WKM each hold 50% stakes
9) Shares held by Osram GmbH., Berlin-Munich, a whollyowned subsidiary of Siemens AG, Berlin-Munich
N: Nominal capital in indicated currency in millions
›› 15
We’ve set ourselves plenty
to do for the future.
The knowledge, know-how
and enthusiasm of the people
factors in our success. The
corporate philosophy we have
created for ourselves shapes
the ways in which we think
and act. It’s binding for all of
us. Our organisation and all
›› It’s up to you!
›› Everything is possible.
in our company are decisive
our systems – in particular
our management system –
are guided by it. Through
immediate feedback – both
positive and negative – we
make sure it is implemented
in practice. Our philosophy
releases the power we need
to succeed. We are a daily
example of it.
Martin Fasching,
EWW, Production Planning
Martina Spirik,
EWW, Productivity Centre
Claudia Seemann,
EWW, Electrician,
Customer Service
Johann Wagner,
EWW, Quality Management
Research & Development, Production
2000, 2010, 2020. What is in store
Research & Development, Production
Program and System Engineering
for us? What developments can
we expect? What measures are
essential for shaping the coming
decades in the interest of future
Turnover ATS 4.935 billion
(Euro 356.5 million)
Employees: 3,213
Comprehensive improvements
PSE’s expertise in the field of
put into operation with full coverage.
The MagicSAS workflow manage-
one million telephone calls simul-
generations? Questions about
in the performance of the world’s
This TMN system is also used as a
network control systems was
ment system was developed together
the future. The answers to them can
most successful digital public
part of the “Node Integrator” product
confirmed by initial orders from the
with the Medical engineering division.
As of 1 October 1998, the Soft-
be found in the present: We must
switching networks, EWSD, bear
line by other network operators
deregulated energy market and for
This product integrates all patient data
ware Services division was integrated
step up research and development
PSE’s trademark: PSE has carried out
(e.g. Portugal Telecom, Singtel, Telpe)
DEMS – decentralised energy
including images and test results and
into Program and System Engineering.
considerable work in implementing
in order to optimise the telecommuni-
management system – which is
optimises diagnosis procedures in
the 11C EWSD versions for wide area
cations network.
based on the PSE product ECANSE
and optimise production methods.
The power of innovation and
switches at Deutsche Telekom and
technological leadership are the
keys for the future.
PSE has become the largest centre
as an integral component.
The world’s first biometric finger-
Swisscom. The new components
dealing with GSM client projects on the
The main activities in our co-
improve signalling performance by
basis of IN services (e.g. prepaid serv-
operation with SNI/SBS involved our
foundation for using innovative
6 to up to 10 times.
ices such as klax.max for max.mobil).
ROMAN routing management pro-
technologies in the low-cost sector.
tip sensor system has now laid the
© Aerospatiale
1 Meteosat Second
Generation (MSG) satellite
with PSE test equipment
2 EWSD test panel at PSE
3 GSM test panel at PSE
On the basis of the EWSD/
PSE successfully completed
ADMOSS system, PSE headed up
network integration for the IRIDIUM
counter terminal solutions for the
telecommunications projects
TELEGATE in implementing a high-
satellite project.
German and Austrian Post Office
underlines PSE’s particularly high level
performance information system.
ducts for railway administration;
Participation in important EU
administrations; object-oriented
of innovative ability: In the FRAMES
EWSD has been extended by the
business supplied two testing
systems architecture for the
and INSURED projects, PSE is
The space technology area of
“Node Commander” – a new
systems to Aerospatiale for the
INFOWAS environment information
integrated in further developing the
4 The PHOTOTON project
multiplies the speed
of transfers in fibre optic
telecommunications management
second meteosat generation.
systems of the Bavarian federal
UMTS (Universal Mobile Telephone
network system – to meet the future
ESA/EUMETSAT placed a follow-up
environment office and also the
System) standard for mobile
operation and maintenance standards
order for METOP.
integration of call centre solutions
telephoning of the future. Within the
5 More than 1,060 km wide
with 10 Gbits using
of communications systems.
with customer care and billing
scope of the PHOTON research
Electronics, EZE for short, made its
systems. Deutsche Telekom AG’s
project, the first optically switched
Telekom’s entire voice switching net-
mark as a development centre for
large-scale NIKE project – a back-
route with transmission capacity
work, the VMS (Traffic Management
mobile terminals by developing,
office system for administering coin
was put into operation between
System) has been developed, instal-
among other things, a new generation
and smart card systems – was
Vienna and Munich via Passau.
led step-by-step at all 39 locations and
of GSM engines.
This route has the capacity to transmit
To monitor traffic data in Deutsche
The Development Centre for
›› 19
Research & Development, Production
Research & Development, Production
Vienna Electronics Plant
Turnover: ATS 2.721 billion
(Euro 196.5 million)
Employees: 1,317
The focus of our business year
In the car engineering sector,
local and regional). Turnover in this
Siemens Development Centre for
Microelectronics GesmbH
Software Services
9500 Villach,
Siemensstrasse 2
8043 Graz
Hilmteichstrasse 113
Turnover: ATS 323 million (Euro 23.3 million)
Employees: 283
Turnover: ATS 148 million (Euro 10.7 million)
Employees: 83
SWS is one of the leading service
was on optimising and restructuring
product innovations and concerted
business sector reached a level of
the activities of electronics manu-
expansion of our systems business in
ATS 349 million (Euro 25.2 million).
facturing activities which were
the comfort electronics segment
Microelectronics in Graz (EZM for
providing services to the Siemens
merged last year. The newly-founded
(e.g. control systems for sunroofs and
short) is engaged in R&D, product-
group, we also managed to step up
“New Products” division systematical-
electric windows) gave rise to a 27%
defining, and starting up production of
external business significantly.
ly generates innovative product ideas
increase in turnover to ATS 536 million
integrated system solutions.
such as the “pocket reader”
. It stands
(Euro 38.7 million).
at the core of our planned increase in
providers for SAP applications in
The Development Centre for
Due to the strong rise in demand
Turnover in meters and ripple
Austria and the Regions. On top of
Our focus was the reinforcement of our local presence in the
for developments, the number of
Austrian provinces and in south east
business volume. In the year under
control receivers amounted to
employees in Villach has increased
Europe, as well as the addition
review, turnover of ATS 142 million
ATS 92 million (Euro 6.6 million).
significantly and in April 1998 a
of the SAP helpdesk and remote
(Euro 10.3 million) was achieved in
In the face of technological change to
this division.
purely electronic products, the new
In the Automation and Drives segment, turnover reached ATS 1.276 million (Euro 92.5 million). ATS 506 mil-
generation of ripple control receivers
was launched.
The Public Networks sector
lion (Euro 36.6 million) of this was
generated turnover of ATS 326 million
accounted for by power converters
(Euro 23.6 million). Within the scope
and ATS 770 million (Euro 55.6 million)
of increasing digitalisation of the
by power supply equipment. It should
Austrian telephone network, more
be mentioned that we have taken on
systems and components were
responsibility for the direct distribution
supplied to Post & Telekom Austria.
of power converters in world region
The traffic engineering equipment
3 and that production of the second
systems segment is involved in pro-
generation of SITOP products has
viding flexible customised solutions
now begun.
for public rail transport networks (both
1 The pocket reader:
The world’s first off-line text
2 SITOP line of power converters made at the Vienna
Electronics Plant
3 SIMOREG DC-Master:
Technological market leader
for DC drives from the
Vienna Electronics Plant
4 First Class Support for our
full product range for
contract clients at the SWS
help desk
5 The fingerprint-sensor chip
for future identification
6 Fast data communication
via copper wires with the
ADSL chip
second location in Graz, where
50 engineers work, was set up.
consulting to our range of services.
Notable projects – e.g. Veitsch-
The main focus of EZM is on
Radex, Semperit Technical Products,
integrated performance switches and
Linde Kältetechnik, Erste Bank, SVB,
mixed analog/digital circuits for
AUVA, LÖWA, Swarovski – were
applications in automobile electronics,
successfully completed.
telecommunications, consumer and
industrial electronics.
Parallel to this, business in “inte-
Together with SNI/SBS we won
the following new customers: The
Federal Ministry of Finance, BARC,
grated sensor systems” in Villach has
MAGNA, Henkel, VOEST, Hirsch, IFE
been extended and the areas of high
and Mannesmann Anlagenbau.
frequency circuits, chipcards, ICs
SWS was integrated into Program
and safety components have been
and System Engineering as of
established in Graz.
1 October 1998.
›› 21
Our innovations are shaping
the future.
With our new ideas we
create new products, new
services and more benefits for
our customers. We enjoy
experimenting and we
encourage imaginative thinking. Making use of creativity
and the willingness to take
risks, we make sure that good
ideas can quickly be put into
practice. By this, we can also
promote other people’s ideas.
Peter Eitler,
CCN, Team leader
Wolfgang Seidl,
CCN, Internet and intranet
Silvia Fischer,
CCN, Data bank administration,
software applications
›› High-tech at its best.
Review of Operations
The global demand for energy
Review of Operations
Power Generation, Transmission and
will quadruple over the next
100 years. It is therefore becoming
Turnover ATS 1.181 billion (Euro 85.3 million)
Employees: 209
increasingly important to deal with
scarce resources responsibly.
Power Generation
Getting valuable energy from
valuable raw materials: Siemens
Against the backdrop of the liber-
Donaustadt, Korneuburg and Dürnrohr
Power Transmission and
power stations, control equipment for
power stations at Vojany in Slovakia
The division is currently carrying
out renovation work on the 110 kV
SINAUT Spectrum with additional
outdoor swtichgear at the Frauen-
state-of-the-art software components
kirchen (ESTAG) and Mattersburg
is being installed.
high-tech solutions help to increase
alisation of the European electricity
and Soštan in Slovenia, as well as for
The focus of our activities was
the efficiency of power engineering
market, business was characterised
the Bratislava waste incineration plant
on numerous modernisation projects
by stiff competition and a capital
and replacement of the power centre
for grid and distribution equipment. In
expenditure squeeze. Despite this, we
in Hirschwang for the Mayr-Melnhof
the high voltage sector, VIW’s trans-
executed at ESTAG’s Baumkirchen
were able to achieve our targeted
former station at Bürs was equipped
and Gleisdorf sub-stations (for dual
with new 420 kV SF6 switchgear, for
bus bar equipment); the Arnstein
equipment and to reduce the level
of emissions. For example at
power plants or waste incineration
level of business. The trend towards
In the field of hydroelectric power,
(BEWAG) sub-stations.
Significant new orders are being
automated equipment with a view to
several projects were successfully
WIENSTROM work was carried out at
switch is to receive gas-insulated
increasing efficiency and saving
completed. These include, for exam-
the Leopoldstadt transformer station
10 kV equipment.
Business in secondary equipment
1 Combustion chamber of a
new generation gas turbine
resources continued. Demand in
ple, generators at the chain of Drava
on connecting the station’s control
the field of power station control
power stations in Slovenia and sup-
equipment to the new 110 kV switch-
(control and safety equipment) was
2 WIENSTROM’s Donaustadt
power station
equipment focused on our innovative
plies for the small-scale Modrac
gear and the 20 kV switching station
successful both at home and abroad.
TELEPERM XP process control
hydroelectric station in Bosnia-Herze-
at Schwadorf was erected. For the
Notable contracts include those from
3 Innovation: Gas-insulated
duct for transmitting energy
in the highest voltage field
govina. Additional orders were placed
municipality of Schwaz the new “Ost”
Verbundgesellschaft (Dürnrohr),
4 Vorarlberger Illwerke (VIW)
transformer station in Bürs
5 Bürs transformer station:
420 kV SF6-equipment
6 Gas-insulated medium
voltage NX-PLUS
within the frame of on-going contracts,
(East) sub-station was equipped with
KELAG (Lassendorf sub-station), ESG
EVN’s Theiß 2000 power station
e.g. for the barrage weir on the Inn,
10 kV SF6 switchgear with accom-
(entire safety equipment for the Maut-
include the gas turbine which has
and for the power control centre pro-
panying safety and control equipment.
hausen, Enns-Industrie and Katzbach
now been completed (delivery is
ject in Carinthia which was extended
In Slovenia, Siemens was awarded
sub-stations), EL-TO Zagreb and for
expected this year), electrical
by the Malta/Reißeck barrages.
the contract to construct 110kV SF6
the Vojany power station in Slovakia.
Siemens equipment supplied to
equipment and also the complete
block control equipment. Further
switchgear at Zlato Polje.
Grid transformers were ordered
a network control system based on
The load distributor in Varaždin
Croatia was equipped with our
notable contracts both at home and
innovative SINAUT spectrum network
abroad included extension and
and the Innsbruck municipal
control system and the plant was put
modernising work at the Simmering,
into operation. For the Slovenian ELES
›› 25
Review of Operations
Electrical Appliances
Washing and rinsing, cooking
SITEC Bau- und Anlagenerrichtungsgesellschaft m.b.H.
Review of Operations
Electrical Appliances
and freezing: Siemens domestic
1210 Vienna
Ignaz-Köck-Strasse 3
Turnover: ATS 361 million (Euro 26.1 million)
Employees: 17
Managing Directors
Mag. Christian Draxler
appliances are part of the family,
are economical in their consumpThe number of radio transmission
stations erected for the Austrian GSM
in the rest of western Europe, the
fuzzy control ensuring a significant
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Siegfried Glatz
Mag. Heinrich Mensdorff-Pouilly
network operators rose to 600. Within
washing machine, oven or refrig-
Austrian market for domestic
reduction in water consumption of
(from 1 May 1998)
the scope of a contract for max.mobil.
erator – intelligent electronics can
appliances showed a decrease in
dishwashers and washing machines.
be found in every Siemens product
value of around 4% in 1997/98.
very satisfactory for SITEC Bau- und
the majority have now been put into
m.b.H.: Turnover and new orders met
2 Newly designed facade at
the FHS college in Graz
SITEC’s activities were rounded
off by project management and
for domestic use. An example: The
new intelligent Siemens cooking
surface sensors which prevent pots
our target figures and were around
medical engineering planning along
from boiling over. Some more pie in
the same level as in the previous year.
with technical co-ordination within the
the sky but almost near enough to
In view of this scenario the volume
of business we generated is proof of
the quality of our products and of
our successful sales campaigns.
Close co-operation with retailers
through the “Siemens special class”
A change in the orders on hand
scope of Siemens role as general
touch: HES, our Home Electronic
has become a stable platform for our
should be emphasised. Contracts
contractor for the “engineering” side
System for computer controlled
successful business.
which were successfully concluded
of preparing Austria’s EU presidency.
The innovative range of Siemens
for the Federal Republic of Austria
products covers all domestic
have been replaced by new orders
appliances. At every stage of pro-
from other areas. One example is the
duction we are paying more and
construction of a vehicle testing unit
more attention to the most econom-
4 No more pots boiling over
with our new sensor
for the “Fachhochschule” in Graz
ical use – as technologically pos-
which began last year and was almost
sible – of all resources. The result is
5 Top rinsing: Economical
rinsing – also only with a
completed in the year under review.
new generations of appliances that
Renovation of the Mooslackengasse
perform convincingly due to the
building was also continued.
use of newly designed components
3 GSM station on the
lighthouse on Vienna’s
Danube island
6 Energy-saving automatic
cooling with 4 temperature
innovative Aquasensor with intelligent
(until 30 April 1998)
The 1997/98 business year was
1 Classroom at the
“Fachhochschule” college
in Graz
In contrast to the growth figures
also look good. Whether it’s in a
to erect 150 directional radio links,
tion of energy and water and
Turnover: ATS 1.119 billion (Euro 80.8 million)
Employees: 205 (including Customer
and processes. An example is our
›› 27
Successful economising
means: We profit from profit
Our benchmark is international
competition. We work with
results in mind and strive for
outstanding success and a
sustained increase in the value
of our company. This ensures
we have the necessary
freedom to act and creates
›› Committed to success.
confidence. We take the
necessary measures for
economic success and
optimise them according to
time, quality and cost.
Anton Lienhart,
Alternative Operators,
Account Manager
Harald Rest,
Alternative Operators,
Commercial Manager
Elke Neumann,
Alternative Operators,
In-house project management
Gunther Hipfinger,
BFE, Planning
Review of Operations
Systems Engineering and Technical
Services; Production and Logistics Systems
Review of Operations
Automation and Drive Engineering
SHOP MILL: Siemens electronic
solutions control, regulate and
automate. For example in building
engineering or as system elements
Turnover: ATS 3.084 billion
(Euro 222.8 million)
Employees: 1,405
Business in the industry division
Turnover: ATS 1.527 billion
(Euro 110.3 million)
Employees: 146
In the field of programmable pro-
range of 1.1 kW to 90 kW for use in
Operators of functional buildings,
cess controls, transition is currently
the fields of heating, ventilation and
and increasingly also of residential
being made from our tried-and-tested
buildings, can save energy and
arm of Elektrowatt AG, a Swiss com-
in innovative traffic management
developed well and our positioning in
pany, (i.e. up to now Landis & Staefa
systems. And it’s hard to imagine
the home market was consolidated
and Cerberus), and the activities of
any industrial processes without
Siemens building technology division,
SIMATIC S5 to our new SIMATIC S7.
is geared up for the developments on
The TIA – totally integrated auto-
in the machine tool sector, thanks to
air-conditioning and lighting. In the
ing, in addition to our business in
the Austrian market. By 1 October
mation – system managed to get a
our successful new ShopMill and
functional building sector average
traffic regulation, the new market seg-
1999 at the latest SBT, Landis & Staefa
foothold using components from the
ManualTurn user interfaces for the
annual savings of up to 30% of
ments of car park management and
and SGS, which are now separate
SIMATIC system range of products.
SINUMERIK range of controls.
overheads can be achieved.
control systems are being worked on.
legal entities (see organisation chart
This system overcomes existing
on pages 14/15), will have been
system boundaries between com-
communicate and are connected with
merged into one company in Austria
puters and programmable process
PROFIBUS DP were developed for
“electronic systems” by Siemens:
They help cut costs and make justin-time manufacturing possible to
world-class standards.
In the field of road traffic engineer-
Our business in production and
logistics systems did not reach
1 SIMOTECH emergency call
system for motorways and
3 Fully electronic car park
control system in St. Pölten
4 Complete installation
of the positron emission
tomography (PET)
equipment at Vienna’s AKH
(General Hospital)
under the management of Heinz
controls, between users/monitors and
our successful SIRIUS switchgear
of projects.
Felsner and Herbert Wegleitner. Thus
controls and between centralised and
range, and control-switch and alarm
it will be possible to expand and
decentralised automation and finally
equipment with AS interface single
sector was involved in numerous pro-
consolidate the market positions of
between manufacturing and process
connection was introduced to our pro-
jects, both domestic and international,
technical building equipment in the
automation (SIMATIC PCS7).
duct mix. Together with our SIGUARD
in the field of building technology
sectors of installation/project manage-
(safety engineering, project business,
ment, building automation, safety and
cess technology, with our innovative
personal safety this range of products
installations). Developments in the
alarm technology and facility manage-
energy-saving SIPART PS we became
offers our clients “comprehensive
overall level of construction and the
ment under one roof.
market leader for positional and
solutions from a single source”.
postponing of considerable investments made it more difficult to
In the field of measuring and pro-
process controls.
TIA enables all drive units to be
safety systems for security and
The instabus EIB has set new
trends in the field of electrical
connected to the world of automation.
installation engineering. This bus
A new addition to our range of
technology is significantly changing
GIES Zurich, which has been created
frequency converters is the MICRO-
and influencing the applications and
out of the merger of the industrial
MASTER Eco, with a performance
operation of electrical equipment.
achieve our targets.
overhead costs by optimising heating,
Motor starters which can
expected levels due to the postponing
The systems engineering business
2 The West Pier at Vienna
International Airport
Our market share also increased
5 Fully integrated automation
using SIMATIC S7-400 in
hot-press machinery
6 SIMATIC PCS7 process
control system at a sugar
factory in Zell/Main,
7 SIMATIC PCS7 with modular
hardware structure and
state-of-the-art software
frequency converter for
heating, air-conditioning
and ventilation
›› 31
Review of Operations
Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n
On the motorway, on aeroplanes
Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n
Traffic Engineering
Siemens SGP Verkehrstechnik GmbH
Review of Operations
SPL Siemens Powerlines GmbH & Co KG
or on trains: We are being
Turnover: ATS 2.324 billion
(Euro 167.9 million)
Employees: 185
confronted with the limits and
negative aspects of our mobile
society more and more. How can
1110 Vienna
Brehmstrasse 16
Turnover: ATS 3.050 billion (Euro 220.3 million)
Employees: 1,235
Supervisory Board
Dipl.-Ing. Albert Hochleitner
Strong demand for passenger
for developing a so-called “V-Wagen”
we improve safety? How can we
cars, rail vehicles and rail infrastructure
(“V”-car), a prototype for underground
get rid of weaknesses and minimise
equipment led to very satisfactory
trains, and a framework agreement for
Siegfried Franke
360 cars was also concluded. More
Dkfm. Dr. Erich Becker
Dipl. Ing. Rainer Kehl
Ing. Dkfm. Gernot Kindelmann
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Klaus Riessberger
Dr. Karl-Heinz Sämann
Delegates of the Works Council:
Walter Winkelbauer
Ottmar Fluch
Rudolf Klug
Ing. Friedrich Scharrer
business results.
potential risks? There are many
In co-operation with the Austrian
possibilities – one of which is
ULF low-floor tramcars were delivered
Federal Railways, the first half of a
for Vienna, and for ÖBB three
delivery of 240 double-decker cars was
1062-type high-speed locomotives
completed. We fulfilled our order for
and 62 sets of cab equipment were
fully air-conditioned dining cars for Czech
supplied. We won a contract in
both public and private traffic
Railways (CD). Slovenia placed an
Slovenia to supply 30 light rail
order for 50 wagons with sliding walls.
vehicles with DC traction.
certainly setting up and expanding
intelligent traffic management
systems to monitor and control
1 Signalling and control
engineering for
2 The low-floor tramcar in
3 Rail vehicle manufacturing
at Siemens SGP Verkehrstechnik
Vice Chairman
1210 Vienna
Siemensstrasse 92
Turnover: ATS 296 million (Euro 21.4 million)
Employees: 163
Linien (Vienna Public Transport).
Furthermore, another order for doubledecker cars for ÖBB (Austrian Federal
Railways) was successfully negoThe Siemens competence centre
went satisfactorily; restructuring and
more than one third of SGP business.
cost-cutting led to an increase in
Investments in Graz focused on
further automation of our bogie
a five-year framework agreement was
Heavy Rail department (organisational
signed with the Austrian Federal
merger of Siemens SGP Verkehrs-
Ing. Günter Janak
Railways (ÖBB) for the supply of
technik’s Vienna, Graz and Erlangen
Ing. Mag. Friedrich Pressl
operating systems. At Wiener Linien
plants) has been located in Vienna.
Executive Management
Mag. Manfred Dönz
(until 31 Dec. 1997)
(until 31 March 1998)
(since 1 April 1998)
Dipl. Ing. Hans M. Schabert
(since 1 Jan. 1998)
company. Our first business year
for rail vehicles in Graz generated
Since 1 October 1997 our VT5/
Our overhead power transmission
activities are consolidated in this
production and investments in Vienna
In the rail infrastructure sector,
Executive Management
Ing. Wolfgang Kropik
Rudolf Schütz
Developments in the outdoor
sector were hampered by low levels
focused on process optimisation of
of investment on the part of the
Niro production.
power supply companies. In contrast,
Local manufacturing for inter-
more expansion in the GSM and fixed
national projects is on the increase:
networks sectors led to successes in
For example 50 per cent of the Taipeh
this area. In the face of increased
metro project is being manufactured
investments by ÖBB, HLAG and
in Taiwan under SGP leadership.
Wiener Linien (extension of the U3
(Vienna Public Transport Authority), the
Notable projects include the Lisbon
new computer-controlled LZB-513 line
underground, Line 1 at Guangzhou
4 Local finishing production
of the Taipeh metro
management system went into
and Tanayong metro in Bangkok,
operation. Bratislava’s Petrzalka station
ISAP3 in Athens and the Munich and
significantly once again; exports
bus network improvements) the
5 The Bangkok metro with
design by Porsche
was equipped with an automatic
Lille underground.
accounted for more than 60%. These
overhead contact line sector was busy
signalling system based on SMC 86
good results were due, on the
with a large number of projects.
6 Design sketch: Motor units
for Slovenia
electronic safety equipment, which is
domestic front, to further deliveries of
being successfully used by ÖBB.
ULF low-floor tramcars and a contract
Wiener Linien also awarded a contract to a consortium led by Siemens
Turnover and new orders increased
for the development of a new generation of underground trains for Wiener
underground line to Simmering and
›› 33
›› One step ahead.
We keep improving by
We measure ourselves against
the best in the world. Each of
us is working on learning all
the time. We look for and give
open feedback and learn from
our mistakes. We are faster
than others at recognising new
opportunities and adjust our
solutions, organisation and
behaviour accordingly. We are
creating an international
network of knowledge where
everyone gives and takes.
Hannes Mattes,
Communication, sales
Monika Angelmayr,
Communication, telephone marketing
Rudolf Spitaler,
Communication, sales
Review of Operations
I n f o r m a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y
Information technology is the
I n f o r m a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y
Review of Operations
Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme
Gesellschaft m.b.H.
growing market – and Siemens
Nixdorf is the number 2 in Austria.
With innovative products and
complete solutions for a whole
Turnover: ATS 4.349 billion
(Euro 314.1 million)
Employees: 567
range of applications. For example
Supervisory Board
Dipl.-Ing. Albert Hochleitner
electronic commerce, data
Alfred Nowosad
Internet connections. With integrated
Siemens Nixdorf and IBM for the
In July 1998, with an extraordi2,000th
Consulting services by Siemens
workflow components, considerable
Federal Computing Centre’s (BRZ)
narily tight schedule, the
Vice Chairman
improvements in the efficiency of
decentralised hardware infrastructure
workplace was set up at one of the
concepts or for certification audits
warehousing and multimedia.
Rudolf Lamprecht
administrative procedures are expect-
– 15,000 PCs, 7,000 printers, 1,700
branches of Creditanstalt Bankverein:
according to ISO 9000 are high on the
Scanner cash registers, flight
Walter Rössler
ed. Besides expertise from the
notebooks, 440 servers and 330
More than 50 employees of Siemens
agenda and were supplied to Vienna
reservation systems, electronic
Dkfm. Hans Wehsely
Delegates of the Works Council
Alfred Senter
Mag. Reinhold Sturm
Executive Management
Ing. Franz Geiger
Federal Accounting Office and
routers – made for a considerable
Nixdorf and Program and System
International Airport and Rudolf
the Federal Computing Centre
increase in the level of service, better
Engineering (PSE) as well as other
Uherek Vienna Ges.m.b.H. for
(Bundesrechenzentrum GmbH) SNI
availability of the BRZ network and
partner firms were involved in this
will be supported by its subcontrac-
shorter reaction times.
highly ambitious project to realise a
tors IBM and SAP as a future centre
shelf ticketing or car park ticket
machines: You name it – IT works
better with us!
(until 30 Sept. 1997)
(since 1 October 1997)
Dr. Karl Jesacher
1 ISO 9001 certification for
Rudolf Uherek Vienna
2 Magnesium Notebook
Scenic Mobile 800
3 Ultra-flat TFT-LCD monitor
4 Euro keyboard for PCs
5 The new Primergy 870
enterprise server for
high-end equipment
Siemens Nixdorf continued its
In the PC business SNI again
showed a rise in growth rates and in
complete solution for CA.
With its ProCash CRS, Siemens
Our Unit Retail Systems division
Nixdorf for total quality management
We increased our presence in
the south east European region,
which is run from Austria, with large-
the second quarter, with a market
Nixdorf is the first company in the
scale contracts in Slovenia, Croatia,
successful business course in
showed considerable gains from
share of 17%, was Austria’s number 1.
world to start manufacturing a self-
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Yugoslavia –
1997/98 and carried out numerous
concentrating on its R/3 Retail and
The Austrian Central Bank (National-
service system for deposits and with-
with the country’s largest infrastructure
significant projects in all sectors on
Data Warehouse merchandise
bank) was fully re-equipped with
drawals with a self-contained money
the basis of our motto “we make
management solutions in addition to
1,000 PC workstations featuring the
flow. The first of these fifth generation
IT work”.
its traditional Point of Sale business.
new euro keyboard.
ATMs are already in use at the Swiss
The Federal Ministry of Finance
With the help of these products
As an outsourcing partner, SNI
bank UBS in Zurich.
appointed Siemens Nixdorf as
Raiffeisen warehouses were able to
acted as co-ordinator of EDP activities
general contractor for reorganising
start up their retail systems.
(hardware and software) for Hirsch
standards were set by our innovative
In the hardware sector, new
Armbänder GmbH. The benefits for
PRIMERGY server equipment range
budgeting and accounting procedures
in the second half of 1998 brought
Hirsch: Low costs, automatic solution
with Intel processors and by the
on the basis of SAP R/3 standard
us a high level of prestige, with up to
to the “millennium problem” and con-
SCENIC MOBILE 800 high-end note-
software, using state-of-the-art
250 SNI PCs with ISDN-Internet
centration on its core business –
book with detachable keyboard, smart
information technology such as client-
connections in continuous use.
the manufacture and sale of watch
card reader and environment-friendly
magnesium casing.
the entire federal administration’s
6 Fingertip commands using
of expertise.
server architecture and intranet/
Equipping Austria’s EU presidency
Service co-operation between
›› 37
Review of Operations
If there’s one building block for
Components and Special Engineering
Siemens Bauelemente OHG
Siemens Matsushita Components OHG
Review of Operations
EH-Schrack Components AG
the future, then it’s the microchip.
Developments in semiconductor
Turnover: ATS 965 million (Euro 69.7 million)
Employees: 49
technology are being made at
breath-taking speed according to
The year under review again saw
9500 Villach
Siemensstrasse 2
Turnover ATS 3.561 billion (Euro 257.2 million)
Employees: 1,659
Dipl. Ing. Peter Bailey
Dipl. Vw. Horst Seitz
8530 Deutschlandsberg
Siemensstrasse 43
Turnover: ATS 3.344 billion (Euro 241.5 million)
Employees: 1,472
Dipl. Ing. Josef Unterlaß
Dipl. Oec. Hardy Klink
1235 Vienna
Seybelgasse 13
Turnover: ATS 832 million (Euro 60.1 million)
Employees: 526
Supervisory Board:
Dipl.-Ing. Albert Hochleitner
the maxim: “smaller, faster, better
considerable growth rates. Innovative
. Siemens Austria is
micro controllers for TV sets, SIPMOS
Dipl.-Ing. Volkhard Matthäus
the worldwide centre of expertise
power semiconductors and EUPEC
for developing and manufacturing
power modules contributed to our suc-
increasing to around ATS 3.5 billion
for ceramic components, with its
cessful results for semiconductors.
(Euro 252.8 million) our expansion
products, ranks amongst the best in
course of previous years continued.
the world; with exports accounting for
um electrolytic capacitors, tantalum
Through comprehensive restructuring
97%. Both new orders and turnover
Gerd Miller
Kurt Mück
Delegates of the Works Council:
Friedrich Übinger
Charlotte Wagner
Managing Board:
Ing. Karl Wastl
capacitors and ferrites for current trans-
of the manufacturing spectrum
showed double-digit growth rates.
fer made for dynamic development in
and high levels of customer
passive components and tubes.
acceptance our manufacturing
power semiconductors. This
includes special chip solutions for
the automotive and space
1 Electronic components for
the car industry
2 Power semiconductors
made in Villach
3 Wafer manufacture at the
Villach chip factory
4 High quality standards
during chip production
Gains in market share for alumini-
Vice Chairman
With our volume of business
Our position as market leader for
The Siemens Competence Centre
household appliances.
In the medium term our existing
facility will be extended to accommodate a manufacturing capacity of
130 million units per year. Research
and development will also be stepped
The demand for innovative and
up in order to maintain our high level
of innovation. In fiscal 1998/99 our
Schrack Components can look
volume increased to 969,000 wafers.
components, varistors, thermistors
electromechanical components was
The products manufactured in
and multilayer capacitors continued
back on an excellent fiscal 1997/98:
new miniature relay for the construc-
further consolidated with new pro-
Villach for the world market are mainly
without a break. On top of the im-
Turnover and new orders were above
tion of switching cabinets.
ducts in the area of motronic relays.
used in automotive, communications
proved economic climate in Europe,
target and the number of employees
and drive engineering as well as in
growth was triggered by business in
was increased by 70.
smart cards.
the Asia-Pacific and NAFTA regions.
Good results in the special components sector were mainly due to the
high quality of our RXS products for
Work on extending the facility into
In Zhuhai, China, construction of a
The company is the worldwide
Siemens Competence Centre for
cable connectors and splicing equip-
a centre of expertise for 6” power
production facility for ceramic compo-
power relays. At the Waidhofen/Thaya
ment for fibre-optic cables.
semiconductors and the development
nents began on schedule. R&D
facility, which employs around 500
of new technologies and products
expenditure in Deutschlandsberg has
staff, of whom about 20 work in R&D,
6 PT relay for switching
demand rose considerably for
with high R&D expenses which go
increased significantly.
78 million relays were manufactured
SIPLACE pick and place production
hand-in-hand with this were concluded.
in the year under review. Thus compa-
equipment for low-maintenance,
Capital expenditure amounted to
rable figures from last year were
modular machining concepts which
ATS 500 million (Euro 36.1 million).
exceeded by 39 per cent, or 22 million
In the special engineering division
8 Switch stack power relay
resource-saving control systems in
Siegfried Fasser
5 The new production
facilities in Villach
7 EH Schrack Components
plant at Waidhofen/Thaya
Waidhofen are used for efficient and
even smaller miniature microwave
The relays manufactured at
can quickly be re-tooled.
PT relay will be launched – a brand
›› 39
We bear responsibility for
With our knowledge and
solutions we are doing our bit
for a better world. We are
committed to protecting the
environment. We are a
recognised member of society
›› Creating tomorrow’s world.
in all countries where we
have a business presence.
The future of our employees is
secured by their knowledge.
Integrity is an integral part of
the way we deal with our
business partners, employees,
shareholders and the public.
Cultural differences enrich our
Florian Gravogel,
Apprentice for electrical engineering,
Silvia Pfeifer,
Apprentice for electrical engineering
Martina Cadilek,
Deaf apprenticeship project
Sign language interpreter
Review of Operations
Public Communications Networks
Review of Operations
Private Communications Systems
and Networks
world of telecommunications has
many facets, but only one market
leader – Siemens. In public
telecommunications networks or
Turnover: ATS 3.329 billion
(Euro 240.5 million)
Employees: 405
The Private Communications
In the growing market for call
supraregional transmission equip-
network. In Slovenia the second GSM
successful in the year under review
ment. Furthermore there was a quali-
network provider Si-mobil placed an
Systems division is the market leader
centre solutions Siemens was able to
both in the domestic market and
tative improvement in the perfor-
order to set up a GSM network. Our
in telecommunications and as such is
carry out several interesting projects,
Mobile radio communications, call
abroad. Our wide-ranging activities for
mance of the IN system. Particularly
long-term presence in Egypt was
committed to its customers as it is
examples being the call centres for
centres, video conferencing and
max.mobil., with 700,000 subscribers
good developments in the expansion
confirmed by follow-up orders from
our aim to keep our pole position and
the Bregenz Festival and for
now being catered for, (setting up a
of ISDN led to a strong increase in
Telecom Egypt. We managed to
consolidate it even further. In the
max.mobil. Our Compact Call Centre
further 950 base stations and integrat-
orders from AOSA in the field of digi-
almost fully complete our business
information age, businesses are cal-
which makes call centre functionality
ing 4 mobile switching centres and
tal switching technology: There are
planned for the year under review in
ling for all-in-one solutions to increase
affordable for all SMEs was developed
2 home location registers) deserve a
now more than 2 million ports and the
Indonesia in spite of the crisis in
their competitiveness, to cut costs
in Austria and underlines Siemens’
suit the needs of the users and
mention. The klax.max. (prepaid
degree of digitalisation has reached
south east Asia. Our co-operation with
and to raise productivity. In the
expertise when it comes to innovative
mobile phone card) project based on
around 90 per cent. With the imple-
consumer goods sector, innovative,
solutions. Special solutions packages
in industry: tailor-made solutions by
Siemens can be found everywhere.
multimedia – every Siemens
product is state-of-the-art, every
Siemens solution is customised to
The division was once again highly
Turnover: ATS 2.169 billion
(Euro 156.7 million)
Employees: 663
1 GSM network antenna for
an intelligent network (IN) platform,
mentation of OESE V11 software
markets, which began last year,
high-performance mobile and cordless
for self-employed people, such as
which was successfully concluded at
upgrading which took place in the first
continued successfully. We are
phones are in demand.
lawyers, notary publics and architects,
2 Innovative adapter concept
connecting telephone
and PC
the beginning of the reporting period,
half of 1998, the functional prerequisi-
executing one further new order for
is an example of the very latest tech-
tes for a deregulated market are now
the Hungarian Railways for a
carried out numerous notable projects
nology in this field. Our second IN
in place. In the field of OAM we were
communications and data network
and solutions. Around 6,000 sub-
service involved setting up a virtual
commissioned to centralise system
based on fibre optics.
scribers from all areas of the public
which is continuing to boom,
private network (private numbering
management for PTA. Involvement in
sector are connected to the voice and
Siemens’ market share is still growing
plan for extensions and mobile
many other projects, such as carrying
data network of the Lower Austrian
thanks to new attractive products
out an ADSL pilot project or initial
provincial government – an excellent
such as the S10 active, the first cellu-
delivery of radio link systems, is more
basis for more contact with the people
lar phone for outdoors with an infrared
proof of Siemens expertise.
and more efficient administration.
interface for cableless data transmis-
3 State-of-the-art transmission technology for
exchanges at Telekom
4 “I-Surf” ISDN PC board
offers newcomers on-line
services, home banking etc.
5 Innovative call centre
Business activities for Post und
Telekom Austria AG included further
7 The mobile phone for
outdoors: S10 active
round off our wide-ranging product
On the mobile phone market,
A corporate network was developed
sion and a stylised marketing strategy.
optimising it by using upgraded
contract by HPT to extend the GSM
and installed for Porsche, and the UTA
In the cordless sector Siemens Aus-
software features and putting cross
network (doubling of capacity to
Telekom AG network also works using
tria’s turnover ranks among the best in
connects into operation connecting
400,000 subscribers) and the fixed
Siemens technology and know-how.
the world within the Siemens group.
extension work on the ATM network,
6 SL10 designer mobile phone
with IR interface
In the 1998 fiscal year Siemens
In Croatia we were awarded a
›› 43
Review of Operations
Competence Centre Information
Technology & Networking
Alternative Operators
Turnover: ATS 929 million (Euro 67.1 million)
Employees: 342
Turnover: ATS 242 million (Euro 17.5 million)
Employees: 17
CCN provides platform-indepen-
AB managed to achieve market
Siemens Telefongyár Kft
H-1143 Budapest
Gizella út 51-57
Turnover: ATS 1.430 billion (Euro 103.3 million)
Employees: 388
Supervisory Board:
Dr. Paul Dax
leadership in its first full business
structure projects as well as for the
year. In addition to the national
Dipl.-Ing. Oec. Péter Hetényi
integration of voice and data commu-
network operators Citykom, tele.ring,
nication. Automated proactive security
UTA and MIT, also regional carriers
and safety checks, cryptography and
and service providers such as Pega-
Klaus Helsen
Mag. Dr. Harald Wasserburger
Delegates of the Works Council:
Krisztina Kéri
(until 12 May 1998)
phone operators, Siemens Telefongyár
anti-virus checks round off our range
sus, Stadtwerke Feldkirch, NÖKOM
László Teréni
introduced innovative technologies –
of services. Among others, AMAG,
and DBS have chosen to co-operate
László Schöller
Veitsch Radex and Hirsch became
with Siemens. For UTA, Citykom
and tele.ring all-in-one solutions –
ists proved their expertise in setting
switching centres, call centres,
Cordless Telecommunication) – on
the Hungarian telecommunications
Executive Management
Dr. Gábor Beke-Martos
systems – were provided. UTA’s further
expansion of its Austria-wide ATM
Dieter Heise
network went according to plan.
Mag. Wolfgang Wrumnig
7 “DECT-videophone”
prototype: Transmission of
colour video images via
cordless telephones
Network) and DECT (Digital European
(since 12 May 1998)
work. The division is currently busy on
6 HICOM “Optiset” terminals
such as MLLN (Managed Leased Line
János Ihnatisin
expanding the Austrian backbone net-
5 Switching system in
Telekom Austria’s fixed
through other projects with local tele-
(since 12 May 1998)
2 State-of-the-art server
technology for CCN
4 Splicing a fibre optic
Hungarian telephone company, and
(until 12 May 1998)
customer care and billing and access
gesellschaft’s business applications to
agreements with MATAV, the
Vice Chairman
up a 34 Mb ring in Vienna and by
a project which will enable Verbund-
mention. By concluding framework
1 Automated monitoring at
the CCN Control Centre
3 Laying fibre optic cables
in Krems
Hungarian Railways should be given
dent IT services for in-house and infra-
new customers of ours. CCN special-
Managing Director
(until 31 Dec. 1997)
(since 1 Jan. 1998)
New services – customer
market. Parallel to this the company
successfully won tenders for supplies
in the cable TV technology sector.
The merger of our subsidiary
Tertainstall Kft. at the beginning of
be transferred from SAP R/2 to
business development, customer
SAP R/3.
connection strategies and outsourcing
company continued. Turnover went up
services with the Siemens Rt.
The dynamic upward trend at the
1998 and the amalgamation of internal
– met with great interest from users.
to ATS 1.430 billion (Euro 103.3 mil-
regional organisation led to consid-
high-speed network and its “MOON”
In the field of multimedia, pilots for
lion) and new orders reached
erable synergies.
management system is being carried
“tele.learning” and “” were
ATS 1.748 billion (Euro 126.3 million).
out at the moment.
successfully launched.
Our market position was thus
were transferred to Siemens AG
consolidated even further.
Berlin and Munich.
Test operation of the “PHOTON”
As of 1 October 1998 AB will no
longer be run as an autonomous
business unit.
Review of Operations
The signing of an agreement for
the finance to construct a nation-wide
communications network for MAV the
Shares in Siemens Telfongyár Kft
›› 45
Review of Operations
Audio and Video Systems
Relectronic-Remech Wiederherstellung und
Vertrieb technischer Systeme Ges. m. b. H.
SKT spol. s r.o.
Next please! Even though our
Review of Operations
Medical Engineering
“computer colleagues” have been
Turnover (Austria):
ATS 229 million (Euro 16.5 million)
Turnover (world):
ATS 1.794 billion (Euro 129.6 million)
Employees (Austria): 74
Employees (world): 435
1100 Vienna
Quellenstrasse 2
Turnover: ATS 168 million (Euro 12.1 million)
Employees: 182
Mag. Erich Noll
SK-830 07 Bratislava 37
Stromová 9, PO Box 69
Turnover: ATS 68 million (Euro 4.9 million)
Employees: 67
Supervisory Board
Dipl.-Ing. Eduard Uhl
The AV division provides innova-
One of the company’s core spe-
tive sound and studio engineering and
cialisms is offering fast and reliable
acoustic systems.
repair of technical systems and facili-
The cost situation in international
ties (switchgear, production facilities
markets gave rise to broad restructur-
and buildings) right through to carry-
ing measures: Studio engineering was
ing out total damage management
divested to BFE/Vienna as of 1 June
after fires, floods and environmental
Dr. Wesselin Schopoff
Ing. Robert Bammer
Mag. Heinrich Mensdorff-Pouilly
Executive Managers
Ing. Peter Hornof
Manfred Naber
The year under review was shaped
by continued extension work on the
around now for so long in surgeries
and hospitals – a consultation with
a doctor or specialist will still
expenditure, cost-cutting by establish-
“Barmherzige Schwester” Hospital in
ed specialist doctors and a reduction
Upper Austria. Due to the fast
is just for this reason that high-tech
in market prices caused by aggressive
availability of this innovative software
is indispensable in today’s health-
competition all led to a noticeable
package and Austrian expertise in
decrease in our business volume. In
development and systems a separate
spite of the difficult market conditions
centre of competence for this
we managed not only to maintain our
product has been set up in Austria
high market share but even to build
which is responsible for distributing
on our high-tech areas CT, MR PET
MAGIC-INFO all over Europe.
and SIENET thanks to important
care – from ultrasound scanners to
computer tomographs. Electronic
assistants support staff who
disasters. In this way plant inter-
wideband networks in Bratislava,
co-operation with BFE/Mainz was
ruptions are kept to a minimum.
Dunajská Streda, Banská Bystrica,
bring better treatment results.
started. Notable contracts included
A typical example of the activities
Dolný Kubín, Trenčín and Žilina: The
equipping the St. Pölten radio
of Relectronic-Remech was a large-
number of subscribers rose by
broadcasting house and handing over
scale operation lasting several weeks
approx. 19,000 to a total of 156,000
two audio outside broadcast vans
after a fire in the control room of a
households that are now connected
to the ORF.
wind-driven power station in the north
to the high-capacity networks.
In the field of sound engineering
of Vienna. In spite of difficult condi-
In addition to an increase in the
we focused on our core products and
tions – the giant rotor blades had to be
density of connections in the cabled
streamlined our sales activities. Signif-
dismounted at a height of 50 metres
areas, preparatory work began on
icant contracts for acoustic systems
with the help of special cranes while
transmitting voice, data and telemetry.
included equipping 37 underground
there were very strong winds – the
A team of well trained technicians
stations in Hong Kong and UNIDO
specialists managed to repair the
guarantees the network’s high levels
conference rooms in Vienna.
of availability and quality.
As of 1 October 1998 AV is no
longer being run as an independant
Hospital in St. Pölten and at the
treatment in the future. However, it
1998 and at the same time close
Ceilings on public healthcare
remain the basis for diagnosis and
provide treatment, save time and
Turnover: ATS 1.035 billion (Euro 74.8 million)
Employees: 203
1 Full digitalisation for Radio
Austria International with
3 SKT service: Quality and
4 Positron emission
tomography going into
operation at Vienna’s AKH
(General Hospital)
mation systems to optimise proces-
in internal procedures.
sing and benefit in all in-patient areas
6 Data exchange between
hospitals using teleradiology workstations
are constantly rising. The resulting
increase in consulting and planning
SYMPHONY nuclear magnetic reso-
led to the setting up of a subsidiary –
nance tomographs and of PET
ITH – together with TILAK, the Tyrolean
scanners in Vienna and Klagenfurt
Hospital Management Company and
should be mentioned. Our market
Systema, a software specialist.
share for the SOMATOM PLUS 4
computer tomographs was again well
5 Demonstration room at the
Vienna Kaiser-Franz-Josef
product innovations and to adaptations
Installation of innovative
2 Repair work on wind-driven
power station equipment
The requirements for clinical infor-
over 50 per cent.
The MAGIC-INFO hospital ward
management system, which was
developed in Austria, led to a number
of contracts – such as at the Provincial
›› 47
We achieve top performance
by excellent management.
Our leaders set clear, ambitious and inspiring goals. We
constantly want to outperform
ourselves, otherwise it’ll be
the others who do so. We
lead on the basis of trust and
give our staff as much leeway
as possible in decision-making.
›› Leadership now.
We push through the necessary changes boldly and
decisively. Our leading managers set examples in everything they do.
Heinz Cvetkovic,
SPS, IT Outsourcing
Gerhard Hilscher,
Entire project manager, Technology
Annemarie Fazekas,
Alexander Hartig,
Group account manager
Franz Daberger,
Project manager, Energy management
Review of Operations
Cables & Wiring
One moment please, I’ll connect
The “OEKW” Group
Cables & Wiring
Österreichische Kabelwerke Ges.m.b.H.
Review of Operations
Magyár Kábel Müvek Rt.
you! Without cables and wires our
1210 Vienna
Siemensstrasse 88
Turnover: ATS 1.715 billion (Euro 123.9 million)
Employees: 599
highly complex world wouldn’t
function. They keep business going,
transfer electricity and energy,
The international cable market
Supervisory Board
Dipl.-Ing. Albert Hochleitner
connect networks and take us onto
continues to be characterised by over-
the Internet. The essentials for
capacities and ensuing stiff compe-
Dipl.-Ing. Helmut v. Deimling
smooth operation: Efficient quality
tition as well as global concentration.
management, strict controls and
The companies of the OEKW group
Dr. Uriel J. Sharef
Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Kastl
Mag. Alfred Ötsch
Delegates of the Works Council:
Walter Krippl
Ing. Thomas Pils
Walter Schildknecht
Executive Managers
Dkfm. Hans Wehsely
reacted to this by continuing to take
perfect installation.
measures to adjust and rationalise, at
the same time keeping up with the
increasing requirements of our
H-1116 Budapest
Barázda út 38,
Turnover: ATS 1.645 billion (Euro 118.8 million)
Employees: 893
Mediterranean and in the Far East
were successfully concluded.
Pirelli is entering the Siemens’
Vice Chairman
power cable business with continued
good relations with our customers
and with an assurance of the usual
high standards in Austria.
Matthias Kleinhempel
Vice Chairman
Joachim Beninde
Dkfm. Hans Wehsely
Delegates of the Works Council:
László Kovács
Eva Zsivola
Executive Board
Dr. Mihály Laczkó
Chairman (until 25 March 1998)
Dipl. Ing. Oec. Péter Hetényi
Chairman (from 25 March 1998)
Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Kahl
Jan Hendrik Buchmann
(until 25 March 1998)
In this tight situation Siemens AG
Supervisory Board
Dipl.-Ing. Albert Hochleitner
A new product – guard wires and
overhead power lines with integrated
glass fibres – has been added to our
range. Receiving HAR approval for our
plastic-insulated flexible conductors
and twin conductors means we will
benefit from optimum sales in the EU
and on the world market.
Network development which
was carried out last year and new
technologies having been put
1 Laying submarine cables
between Krk and Rab
managed to find a strong partner for
its power cables business – PIRELLI
across the whole company enabled
2 Measuring fibre optic
submarine cables
S.p.A. Milan – who took over power
optimum supplies to our customers in
3 Fibre optic submarine
cables landing at Crvkenica
worldwide as of 1 October 1998. In
the Danube area this will effect the
market included those signed with
4 1 kV power cable
relevant sectors of OEKW as well as
the electricity companies and turnkey
5 Halogen-free, flame
resistant Pyrotard®cable
our subsidiaries MKM Budapest and
projects for high-voltage equipment.
Kablo Bratislava. Our alliance with
We stepped up the expansion of fibre
sectors several turnkey projects were
6 “Minisub” fibre optic
submarine cable
Pirelli – one of the world’s largest
optic networks in seven urban centres
carried out in Hungary and India.
Müvek Rt. were transferred to Pirelli
cable manufacturers – will offer long-
in Austria. Capacity utilisation was
Significant successful exports were
Cavi e Sistemi S.p.A. Milan as of
term solutions for this area of
also improved by increased invest-
generated in Croatia, Bosnia, Saudi
1 October 1998.
business and also for our customers.
ments by the Federal Railways, in
Arabia and Romania in addition to in
particular in the long-distance cable
the traditional sales areas.
cable activities with 6,200 employees
Continual increases in productivity
spite of reduced capacities.
Notable contracts on the domestic
sector. Furthermore, contracts in the
Dr. Gábor Beke-Martos
(until 25 March 1998)
Dipl. Ing. Antal Ganter
(from 25 March 1998)
Mag. Dale A. Martin
(from 25 March 1998)
Dipl. Ing. Alexander Pachta-Reyhofen
(until 25 March 1998)
Júlia Tauffer
(until 25 March 1998)
into operation set the scene for a
reduction in turnover of data cables,
which also had repercussions on the
company’s total turnover. During the
course of continued streamlining,
manufacturing of composite-layer
sheath cables has been shifted from
In the high and medium voltage
Szeged to Duna Kábel.
The shares in Magyár Kabel
›› 51
Review of Operations
Cables & Wiring
Cables & Wiring
Duna Kábel Kft.
H-116 Budapest
Hengermalom út 43
Turnover: ATS 121 million (Euro 8.7 million)
Employees: 83
Executive Management
Lászlo Felföldi
Zoltán Zoltánfi
DÖRFLER Kabelwerk GmbH
3400 Klosterneuburg
Aufeldgasse 33–35
Turnover: ATS 137 million (Euro 9.9 million)
Employees: 93
Review of Operations
Kablo Bratislava spol. s r.o.
SK-81261 Bratislava
Továrenská 11
Tunover: ATS 710 million (Euro 51.3 million)
Employees: 441
Executive Management
Dr. Albert Felbauer
Executive Management
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Lechta
(until 30 April 1998)
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Pachta-Reyhofen
Prof. Ing. Hans M. Tuschar
(from 1 May 1998)
Due to the concentration of all
With over 1,200 different products,
shows our commitment to develop-
The company achieved turnover of
Siemens manufacturing activities
Dörfler manufactures a wide range of
ment. In the data cable sector Dörfler
just over ATS 700 million in 1997/98
Duna Kábel was able to consolidate
special cables and wires for telecom-
was the first company to launch a
with a limited average number of 500
its leading role as manufacturer of
munications, electronics, data and
1 GHz cable made in Austria and thus
staff. Further reductions in prices
data cables in Hungary. Despite
audio engineering. Growth was
proved its leading market position.
slowed business and meant fewer
strong price competition on inter-
achieved by determined product
deliveries to Germany than in the
national markets we managed to win
innovation. We supplied the fast
previous year. However, market share
1 Installing a TOP fibre optic
significant orders in neighbouring
growing market for hand-free mobile
in Slovakia and the Czech Republic
countries. Flexibility, quality and
phone equipment with highly flexible
went up slightly. The distribution
2 DÖRFLER cables for the
Andromeda Tower in Vienna
meeting deadlines were responsible
connecting cables. In the industrial
warehouses that were set up last
for our success under the given
sector, in addition to our successful
year continued to prove their
3 Installing TOP fibre optic
cables on a wooden mast
difficult market conditions.
market entry in the field of tempera-
4 Installing fibre optic cables in
medium voltage equipment
5 Prototype testing of 110 kV
cable with connection joint
ture probe connecting wires, long-
Shares in Kablo Bratislava spol.
term supply agreements were also
s r.o. were transferred to Pirelli Cavi e
Sistemi S.p.A. Milan as of 1 October
Our innovative digital AES/EBU
modulation cable which is increasingly
6 Mounting a fibre optic cable
to an existing guard wire
using AD-Lash technology
being used in audio engineering
›› 53
Our customers determine
our actions.
Our utmost goal is to satisfy
›› Partnership creates success.
our customers’ needs. Our
success depends on our
customers’ satisfaction. With
our solutions they can achieve
their goals faster, better and
more easily.
Peter Gärtner,
Michelfeit, Head of technical
Sabine Kavalir,
Corporate Network Solutions,
Siegfried Übelhör,
Head of sales for PN
in Linz and Salzburg
Review of Operations
What used to be just a promising
Siemens in Slovakia
Review of Operations
Siemens in Croatia
market is now the market of the
future: There’s a whole lot going on
in the east – and Siemens is playing
a significant part. Slovenia, Croatia,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovakia;
everywhere things seem to be
looking up. Infrastructure, business,
Siemens s.r.o., Bratislava
SK-83007 Bratislava 37
Stromová 9
Turnover: ATS 1.624 billion (Euro 117.3 million)
Employees: 222
constructing a “GuD” power station
Regional responsibility
Heinz-Werner Häfner
Executive management
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Kollárik
Dr. Andreas Bobik
“Partnership creates success”
for VSZ in Kosice. We expect our successful upgrading of public lighting in
Bratislava to lead to further contracts
in other cities.
places of work and the social
system. How should we say it now?
Siemens d.d., Zagreb
HR 10000 Zagreb
Heinzelova 70a
Turnover: ATS 1.047 billion (Euro 75.6 million)
Employees: 496
Turnover in 1997/98 at the
In addition to these activities,
Regional responsibility
Ing. Wolfgang Hirzi
Executive management
Dipl.-Ing. Mirko Barisic
Uwe Gregorius
Gregro Weiher
Siemens carried out notable projects
in the field of automation with the
Pliva pharmaceuticals company and
with Podravak, a food company.
Our innovative technology can
Results in our medical engineering
Siemens s.r.o. sales and distribution
be found in all areas of Slovakian
company in Bratislava was almost
industry. Examples are signalling and
at the end of 1996, has made great
the energy sector focused mainly on
twice as high as in the previous year,
safety equipment for the Bratislava
progress and has been busy in all its
upgrading and modernising domestic
and new orders amounted to ATS 973
Petrzalka railway station and industrial
business sectors.
power stations.
million (Euro 70.3 million). The ten
engineering for breweries. Through
Siemens d.d., which was founded
division were also good. Contracts in
With some 500 employees, the
In the building engineering field
1 Innovative lighting for the
new bridge in Bratislava
companies which are extensively
the close co-operation of our PN
company received new orders worth
good results were achieved. In future
active in all Siemens areas of busi-
division with both of the Slovakian
ATS 1.265 billion (Euro 91.4 million).
we expect to become even more
2 The Volkswagen ES factory
in Nitra
ness generated turnover of around
GSM network operators, we managed
ATS 4 billion (Euro 288.9 million) with
to increase our market share in the
business is still telecommunications.
over 6,000 employees. Siemens
mobile phone sector from 3 to 20 per
This sector continued to grow and
Automotive, Osram, Volkswagen ES
cent. Further growth in our turnover
accounted for almost half of Siemens
(a joint venture with VW), Kablo
figures for the current business year is
d.d.’s turnover. In the field of Public
Bratislava and the newly founded
Communications Networks, Siemens
3 The old waste incineration
plant in Bratislava
4 Automation engineering for
the PLIVA pharmaceuticals
5 A large contribution to the
digitalisation of the Croatian
network: EWSD exchange
in Dugo Šelo
6 PLIVA’s newly opened
equipped with Siemens
TELEPERM process
control system
The most important area of
Siemens subsidiary Vacuumschmelze
is still the sole supplier for the GSM
were particularly strong performers.
network in Croatia. Siemens is also
The large-scale “GuD” power
the second biggest supplier of EWSD
station project in Bratislava was com-
digital switching systems. Business in
pleted. New projects in the energy
telephone terminals is also very
sector include the waste incineration
plant in the Slovakian capital and
successful in this area, particularly in
building up a tourist infrastructure.
›› 57
Review of Operations
Siemens in Slovenia
Siemens d.o.o., Ljubljana
SI-1511 Ljubljana
Dunajska 22
Turnover: ATS 494 million (Euro 35.7 million)
Employees: 49
Siemens in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Siemens d.o.o. Sarajevo
BH-7100 Sarajevo
Dubrovačka 6
Turnover: ATS 300 million (Euro 21.7 million)
Employees: 36
and for 50 cargo wagons. ELES, the
Regional responsibility
Ing. Wolfgang Hirzi
Executive management
Dipl.-Ing. Janko Hrvatič
Dr. Jörg Aufhammer
power supply company, commissioned us to set up a network control
system. And Siemens is providing
in Bihać, Kakanj and Zenica. IntegraRegional responsibility
Ing. Wolfgang Hirzi
Executive management
Dipl.-Ing. Ranko Atijas
Borut Ogrin
Elektro Gorenska with 110kV GIS highThe Siemens d.o.o. regional sales
and distribution company in Ljubljana,
Units) to the exchanges in Mostar,
Buhojno and Zenica is underway.
Another on-going project involves
Siemens d.o.o. in Sarajevo experi-
voltage switchgear.
In the current 1998/99 fiscal year
tion of 5 RDLU (Remote Digital Line
expansion work on the GSM network
enced a big upswing in business:
in the republic of Srpska. Extending
with its workforce having now
the Slovenian power supply compa-
Turnover was ATS 291.8 million
the PN distribution network is paving
increased to 49, managed to further
nies will be making decisions on
(Euro 21.1 million); the workforce
the way for increased sales of mobile
consolidate its market positions in the
further notable projects in the power
increased to 36.
and fixed telephone terminal equip-
individual fields of business. New
station and high-voltage equipment
In the EV/EWU divisions the
1 Wagons with sliding walls
for Slovenia
orders at Siemens in Slovenia
sectors. And decisions will also be
Modrac and Osanica hydroelectric
amounted to ATS 2.162 billion
made for signalling and safety
power station projects and the project
began trading in the region, with
2 8DH switchgear at the
Radovljica substation in
(Euro 156.2 million).
equipment for the rail route between
for 6 kV equipment for the Kakanj
numerous projects being carried out.
Ljubljana and Sežana. In addition to
power station were completed.
For example computer facilities were
3 Design sketch for Slovenian
multiple units
4 COROSCOP for diagnostics
and treatment of the heart
at the cardio-surgical clinic
in Sarajevo
5 Turbine room at the smallscale hydroelectric power
station in Osanica near
6 Modrac hydroelectric power
station near Tuzla
The large-scale telecommunica-
Siemens Nixdorf successfully
tions network project for the Slovenian
this, Siemens is counting on its
Notable contracts in medical
Railways was successfully completed.
chances of becoming systems
engineering included equipping Sara-
and ATMs were delivered to the
A significant new order was received
supplier to the second GSM network
jevo’s cardio-surgical clinic (total value
country’s largest bank.
for setting up a telephone network in
ATS 70 million/Euro 5.1 million) and
supplied for the government buildings
In our ATD division, the safety
Ljubljana – with an option for it to be
large supply contracts for the hospi-
and security system project for the
extended for data communication
tals in Zenica, Tuzla, Travnik and Nova
Austrian Embassy in Sarajevo was
Bila (contract size: ATS 70 million/Euro
finished on schedule.
Particular mention should be made
of new contracts to construct 30
urban transit trains with a total value
of ATS 1.4 billion (Euro 101 million)
Review of Operations
5.1 million).
The Public Networks division put
three EWSD exchanges into operation
›› 59
Our teamwork has no
We are a global company
making use of our worldwide
skills. In this way we can
become the best competing
team. Our way of thinking and
acting is shaped by
responsibility for mutual goals.
The features of our teamwork
are trust, personal integrity,
mutual respect and open
›› Team works.
Martin Ramharter,
ATD ETD, Emission measuring
August Scharinger,
ATD ETD, Systems planner
Wolfgang Springer,
ATD ETD, Project manager
Margit Mueller,
ATD ETD, Software programmer
Control engineering
Siemens worldwide
World economy with falling growth rates
In spite of a slow-down in the world electronics
Siemens worldwide
Business in America still on the upswing
Whilst the good economic climate continued for
business, Siemens increased its sales by 10% to DM 117.7
another year in North America, South America experienced
billion (Euro 59.8 billion). New orders were up 6% at
a considerable slowdown. However, new orders increased
DM 119.6 billion (Euro 60.8 billion). International business
by 29% and sales by 26% to DM 27.1 billion (Euro 13.8 bil-
continues to be the strongest performer: New orders
lion). The American share of global orders accounted for
outside Germany (foreign business) went up 10% to
25% (20% last year). There was again increased growth in
DM 84.9 billion (Euro 43.1 billion), accounting for 71% of
the USA. Sales were up 16%, new orders up 28%.
total orders. Foreign sales were up 15% at DM 81.4 billion
In Central America we also achieved high growth rates,
(Euro 41.4 billion). In Germany, sales maintained their
although business in Brazil only increased slightly.
previous year’s level at DM 36.3 billion (Euro 18.4 billion).
Significant slowdown in the Asia-Pacific Rim
Globalisation of workforce
Business in this region fluctuates continually due to
As of 30 September 1998, Siemens employed 416,000
large contracts being settled. In the year under review,
staff worldwide; 30,000 up on the previous year. Most
however, the difficult economic and currency situation in
of the new employees came from the takeover of parts of
this region led to a decline in the level of business. On the
the Westinghouse Corp. (8,000), from increased activities
one hand, turnover again increased by 8% due to the
in China (4,000) and Landis & Gyr (4,000). The number
settlement of large-scale projects, but orders were down
of employees outside Germany went up from 189,000 to
by 25% to DM 12.3 billion (Euro 6.3 billion). Business in
222,000. In Germany, comparable figures – i.e. after
China continues to be stable, whilst there were losses in
adjustments for those leaving due to the i-centers and
Indonesia and Thailand in particular.
safety and dental engineering divisions having been sold
New orders
German business
International business
Change on previous year
35,639 (18,112)
77,481 (39,376)
113,120 (57,488)
34,718 (17,644)
84,883 (43,138)
119,601 (60,782)
36,299 (18,447)
70,631 (35,895)
106,930 (54,343)
36,252 (18,424)
81,444 (41,390)
117,696 (59,814)
38,060 (19,342)
39,375 (20,011)
3,864 (1,964)
5,897 (2,997)
9,761 (4,961)
2,030 (1,032)
7,731 (3,929)
5,051 (2,567)
3,291 (1,673)
10,995 (5,588)
14,286 (7,260)
6,787 (3,449)
7,499 (3,811)
7,045 (3,580)
8,132 (4,133)
German business
International business
Change on previous year
(in thousands as of 30 Sept.)
in Germany
outside Germany
Personnel costs
off – showed a rise of 3,000 employees.
High growth rates in Europe again
The favourable economic situation in western Europe
again led to double-digit growth in business volume. New
orders climbed to DM 32.5 billion (Euro 16.5 billion)
(compared with DM 29.3 billion/Euro 14.9 billion). Scandinavia and Greece were also particularly strong performers
in Germany
outside Germany
of which acquisitions of equity stakes
of which fixed assets
depreciation on fixed assets
as a % of fixed asset investments
on top of the gains in France, the UK and Spain. The high
growth rates in Poland and the Czech Republic were also
Research and Development
very pleasing. In eastern Europe there was a total increase
to DM 4.6 billion (Euro 2.3 billion) (compared with DM 4.0
billion/Euro 2.0 billion).
as a % of sales
** does not include student interns and trainees,
** part-time employees included on a pro-rata basis
Amounts shown in DM million (Euro million)
1 Euro = DM 1.9677 (mean rate as of 30 Sept. 1998)
›› 63
Te a m w o r k s . F o r y o u .
At the Siemens Forum Vienna.
And all over Austria and in the Regions.
The Siemens Forum located in Vienna’s
“Erdberg” district is now moving into its 3rd
successful year. It’s not only the interactive
technical exhibition called “Journey in time”,
which is visited daily by many school groups,
that contributes to this success, but also in
particular the numerous cultural events which
take place here. In the past year these have
included the “12 artists from the artLab”
Rum bei Innsbruck
A-1211 Vienna
Siemensstrasse 92
Tel: (01) 1707-0
A-6063 Rum bei Innsbruck
Siemensstrasse 24
Tel: (0512) 1707-0
A-1030 Vienna
Erdberger Lände 26
Tel: (01) 1707-0
exhibition, “Virtual dialogue” featuring the
Hommuculus dance theatre and – as an Austrian
premiere – the 3-day-long series of events on
literature and technology called “LITERATnik-
A-1100 Vienna
Gudrunstrasse 11
Tel: (01) 1707-0
A-9020 Klagenfurt
Werner-von-Siemens-Park 1
Tel: (0463) 1707-0
TEKTUR” with podium discussions, readings
St. Pölten
A-3100 St. Pölten
Werner-von-Siemens-Strasse 1
Tel: (02742) 1707-0
A-4020 Linz
Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 2
Tel: (0732) 1707-0
A-5020 Salzburg
Innsbrucker Bundesstrasse 35
Tel: (0662) 1707-0
A-5020 Salzburg
Fürstenallee 4
Tel: (0662) 83 04 35-0
and an adventure exhibition. In the coming year
A-5033 Salzburg
Petersbrunnerstrasse 19
Tel: (0662) 84 15 81-0
there are plans for many interesting events,
including a sequel to the “LITERATnikTEKTUR”
series. If you would like to hold a seminar,
workshop or conference at the Siemens Forum,
you can register online:
A-6901 Bregenz
Josef-Huter-Strasse 6
Tel: (05574) 1707-0
Siemens s.r.o. Bratislava
Stromová 9
SK-83007 Bratislava 37
Tel: 00421/7/538-1111
Siemens d.d. Zagreb
Heinzelova 70 a
HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel: 00385/1/6105
Siemens d.o.o. Ljubljana
Dunajska 22
SI-1511 Ljubljana
Tel: 00386/61/1746
Siemens Forum Vienna, Dietrichgasse 25,
A-1030 Vienna, Tel.: 1707-37200, Fax: 1707-57399
“Journey in time”: every Saturday, Sunday and
public holiday from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.,
A-7000 Eisenstadt
Marktstrasse 3
Tel: (02682) 1707-0
groups also on weekdays with prior notice.
Publisher: Siemens AG Austria, 1210 Vienna, Siemensstr.
88–92. Responsible for contents: Mag. Peter Baumgartner,
Editing: Dr. Peter Faber, Dipl.-Ing. Kieseberg, Text: Dr. Frederick
Staufer, Mag. Michael Kanofsky, English translation:
R. Catherine Prewett-Schrempf, Staff photos: Hannes Horvath,
Art-Direction: Mag. Martina Glaser-Mikulka, Produced by:
Josef Kramer, Jutta Duschet, Typesetting and Litho: Grafo,
Printed by: Druckerei Ketterl.
A-8054 Graz
Straßganger Strasse 315
Tel: (0316) 1707-0
Siemens d.o.o. Sarajevo
Dubrovačka 6
BH-71000 Sarajevo
Tel: 00387/71/666-359
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Austria
Bestell-Nr. FW 1000e.