onsite guide - Craft Events
onsite guide - Craft Events
Exhibitor List & Map MARCH 17 – 20, 2016 • BRISBANE CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTRE, SOUTH BANK • THURSDAY TO SUNDAY • OPEN 10AM – 4.30PM DAILY Exhibitor list AccuQuilt 02 4337 3737 C22 Anne Payne 07 5528 1363 F20 Arnold’s Scrapbook & Craft Supplies 07 3293 4390 A19 Art Stamps Australia 0407 005 337 A10 AZZA European Scrapbooking 02 4257 3634 B19 Baby Lock Australia 03 9339 7777 B38 Bag End Studio – Powertex 0403 656 339 Bead Trimming & Craft Co 07 3844 5722 BeBe Bold – Japanese Textiles & Craft 02 6621 9188 Bella Embroidery Designs 0428 1430 313 Bella Paperie 07 3205 5911 G19 Bernina 1800 237 646 F10 F06 D37 D27 C24 Bowerbird Fabrics E14 0432 903 920 Bowerbirdy B05 0402 552 552 Brother Australia E18, F13, F17 02 9887 4344 Can Do Books C33 1300 308 261 Cardmaking.net B06 07 3103 6881 Catchy Crafts B41 02 9477 4401 Close To My Heart D23 0411 045 862 Cloud Forest Yarns E34 cloudforestyarns.com Contemporary Cakes G23 and Classes 07 3388 2453 Craft Cubby & A06 Creative Applique 03 5678 1176 Creative Cottage Crafts A03 02 6552 1843 Creative Memories G09 0433 686 471 Daylightman.com.au A01 02 6285 2232 Deb’s Discounts F30 02 6495 6699 Dewdrop Inn F05 Patchwork & Craft 07 4124 9320 Dyed & Gone To Heaven D19 02 9560 7625 Early May Embroidery D29 & Sewing Emporium/EME 0400 703 851 Fabric Care Company D13 03 9318 6338 Fabrics 4 u 2 B10 0402 106 190 Fifi’s Fabricology F09 07 5522 4007 Flexi-Craft Moulds B34 03 5282 2911 Flip la K B01, C01 02 4992 1631 Handi Quilter 02 4337 3737 C11 Patchwork Clearance A24 patchworkfabrics.com.au Patchwork with Gail B 03 9729 3635 B16 Pauline’s Quilters World 07 4696 9825 D07 C13 Horn Australia 1800 064 066 B07 Husqvarna Viking 02 4337 3737 C14 Pfaff 02 4337 3737 I’m A Craftaholic 0414 567 181 C20 Picklemouse Corner 02 4784 2854 Indigo Niche – Sashiko Designs 07 3848 3633 A18 Prudence Mapstone G05 Knot Just Knitting prudence@knotjustknitting.com Izzii Napkin Art 02 6495 6699 A31 Just Patchwork 02 6554 5824 A13 Kaszazz 07 3207 5089 F11 Logan’s Patchwork A24 Fabrics patchworkfabrics.com.au E01 S h a r in g t he Features & Displays HAN e xpeD M A D E A Matter of Time A MATTER amatteroftimetextiles.com OF TIME Antique Lace Through the Ages 0419 795 144 rience Unusual Pear rai.wil@hotmail.com Voodoo Rabbit Fabric 0422 215 053 C23 Bite Size Papercraft Techniques 02 9477 4401 B37 Brother Racing Team BROTHER 02 9887 4344 RACING TEAM B26 Yarn Glorious Yarn 07 3720 8258 F24 Medieval Project Textile Art Zyneri 0426 801 684 A14 Rachel Greig info@darkroomdoor.com GUEST ARTIST Rainie Williams rai.wil@hotmail.com GUEST ARTIST POP UP CLASS Scissorman.com.au 02 6285 4252 A01 Vintage Clothing & Textiles E31 Stitching and Craft Club 02 4992 1631 SEWCO Sewing & Patchwork Centre 07 3849 4176 G12 Nerida Singleton Designs 07 3399 6004 Robyn Brennan 0410 561 540 F37 Guilds Singer 02 4337 3737 C19 Sirens Swimwear 1300 306 977 G34 Australian Sewing Guild qldslo@aussew.org.au Tony The Quiffmaster 0420 978 751 Studio Mio mio@studiomio.com.au D01 A25 Monica Poole Design A38 moonshine-designs@hotmail.com The Bay Window & Heather’s Designs 08 8553 2740 My Little Bead Shop 07 3200 7422 B14 The Craft Spot 0423 594 956 F14 My Patch Fabrics 0432 517 663 E06 The Quilt Machine 0404 593 370 B28 Nikki Tervo Designs 07 3245 1300 E22 The Quilters Store 07 3875 1700 F01 OzStitch 0409 225 858 E28 Tinkering Tools 0439 939 349 A15 B13 ECONOMICS INSTITUTE World Of Lace 0419 795 144 A31 Miss Rose, Sister Violet 08 8278 8675 FOOD FOR THOUGHT Home Economics Institute of Australia (Qld) Stitch N Stuff – 02 6495 6699 Masha’s Punch Embroidery C27 07 3168 2200 Food for Thought saqa.com C10 Starr Laces and Ribbons C06 02 4883 7440 A34 POP UP CLASS Wacky Jackys 0408 995 440 The Lindy Charm School F32 For Girls lindycharmschool@gmail.com Make it Hobby ‘n’ Craft 07 3265 2082 ANTIQUE LACES G38 For information on exhibiting in any of our craft events, contact us today for a comprehensive brochure. PO Box 6053, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 Phone: 02 9452 7575 Fax: 02 9975 3707 Email: craft@expertiseevents.com.au Visit craftevents.com.au Organised by Supported by events ENJOY THE CRE8TIVE EXPERIENCE AND SUPPORT INDEPENDENT RETAILERS HOME MEDIEVAL PROJECT F18 Brisbane Modern BRISBANE Quilt Guild MODERN brisbanemqg@gmail.com QUILT GUILD Decorative Folk Artists of Qld Inc. C31 dfaqinc@gmail.com QLD Spinners, Weavers & Fibre Artists Ltd. office@qldspinners.org.au G17 Queensland Quilters Inc JUNIORS’ president@qldquilters.com SEWING CLASS Queensland Quilters Inc CHALLENGE president@qldquilters.com QUILTS Queensland Quilters Inc president@qldquilters.com QUILT WALL Smocking Guild G14 of Queensland Inc info@smockingqueensland.com The Embroiderers’ Guild G26 Queensland Inc info@embroiderersguildqld.org.au Exhibitor List & Map See you next year! #IMadeItAtStiches #StitchesBrisbane16 the Show: #StitchesCraftyCat Share MARCH 17 – 20, 2016 • BRISBANE CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE, SOUTH BANK, OPEN 10AM – 4.30PM DAILY ALI GEORGE CLASSES 10.30am, 12noon, 1.30pm and 3pm daily BITE SIZE PAPERCRAFT TECHNIQUES A MATTER OF TIME 11am Fashions on Parade 12noon Makeover Demos 12.30pm Fit to Flatter 1.30pm Make Do & Mend 2pm Latest Trends in Home Decor Floortalk 12.30pm daily BRISBANE MODERN QUILT GUILD ASK BEFORE TAKING PHOTOS #POST YOUR PHOTO HOME HERE ECONOMICS SAQA INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA (QLD) PAINTING CLASSES 10.30am, 12noon and 1.30pm daily RACHEL GREIG REST & CHANGE RECHARGE ROOM ANTIQUE LACE DISPLAY Floortalk 1.30pm daily FLOWER POWER RAINIE WILLIAMS #Imadeitat stitches See Crafty Cat at Crafty Cat Corner at 12noon and 2pm daily! Expertise Events strongly supports the protection of intellectual property rights and copyright law. As such, unauthorised photography at this event is prohibited. Expertise Events reserves the right to prevent unauthorised photographs and to remove from the venue any persons taking unauthorised photographs. MARCH 23 - 26, 2017 Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, South Bank Save the Dates! PHOTO RELEASE From time to time, we use photographs of participants in our materials. By virtue of your attendance, you agree to the use of your likeness in such material. Directory listings are correct at time of printing. No responsibility is accepted for changes that may occur after this time. CRAFTY CAT CORNER INFORMATION DESK April 14 – 17, 2016 Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne GIFT SHOP TICKETS G14 AISLE G AISLE E AISLE F F18 G17 AISLE D AISLE C AISLE B AISLE A REST & RECHARGE FOOD FOR THOUGHT Smocking mini-classes plus demos 10.30am and 2.30pm daily CLOAK ROOM TOILETS STITCHING AND CRAFT CLUB FRID SUN AY TO IN 2 DAY 016 June 10 – 12, 2016 Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, South Bank DISABLED TOILETS QLD QUILTERS CHALLENGE QLD QUILTERS QUILT WALL BABY CHANGE Shopping THE MEDIEVAL PROJECT QLD QUILTERS JUNIORS’ SEWING CLASS ENTRY Classes Brother Racing Team 11am, 12noon, 1pm and 2pm daily CRAFT FOR KIDS FOUNDATION DONATIONS HERE Features Vintage CAFE October 5 – 9, 2016 COMPETITION AREA Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, South Bank ATM CRAFTEVENTS.COM.AU
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