NEWS 42 - Grimaldi Group
NEWS 42 - Grimaldi Group
Tariffa Regime Libero: Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - 70% - DCB Napoli QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE GRIMALDI GROUP April / June 2008 r i maldi GNEWS 42 Green Revolution Xxxxxxxxxxx Contents 3 Ships Deliver knock out blow 4 Cruise Roma spells huge CO2 savings 5 The Cruise Roma deployed on service 6 Brazil to Angola every 10 days US to West Africa improvements 7 Grande Angola launched South America Line in Bremerhaven Call 8 Grimaldi is ‘Best of the Best’ for General Motors Irish operation gets GM Award 9 Grimaldi and ACL win Lloyd’s Loading List Awards The Group in Gothenburg and Barcelona 10News 11 Agent List & Schedules imaldi Gr NE WS Direttore Responsabile Editor Saverio Barbati Progetto grafico Graphic design Marco Di Lorenzo Pubblicazione trimestrale Quarterly publication Reg. Trib. Napoli n. 5150 del 26/9/2000 Stampa / Print: ROSSI srl - Nola (Napoli) GRIMALDI GROUP Via Marchese Campodisola, 13 NAPOLI (Italy) GNE W80133 S Grimaldi News can be seen on line on Ships Deliver C ontinuous investment in new, through the deployment of new genera- advanced tion Ro/Ro vessels on the route linking ships is proving to be the best Salerno (Italy) and Valencia (Spain). This possible way towards a cleaner and less has been compared to similar improve- polluted planet. A study developed by ments achieved by the road modality. Grimaldi has in fact shown that new Ro/ Results are really tough for those who technologically Ro hull design together with increased maintain that trucks pollute less than cargo capacity and engine technol- ships. This proved to be untrue both ogy has allowed maritime transport in overall values and when it comes to to knock out the road transport when calculate the actual emission of CO2 for it comes to environmental impact. This a single trailer over a given number of demonstrates how vicious is the ongo- km. Evidence is given for trucks trav- ing attack to maritime transport from the eling from Southern Italy to Southern lobbies of other modalities: shipping is Spain (see graph in this page). and remains the most environmentally A trailer shipped by sea using a ship friendly modality per unit of cargo/km built in 1980 like the Ro/Ro vessel transported. Malta Express, able to carry up to 80 Grimaldi has developed a case study equivalent trailers, had CO2 emissions of the improvements achieved over the of 2,443 kg per equivalent trailer, this last 30 years in terms of CO2 emissions was already much less than a trailer The profile of the next generation “Grimaldi Ro/Ro 2010” currently under construction Knock-out Blow Over the last 30 years CO2 emissions per trailer shipped by sea have gone down by more than 65%. Between Salerno and Valencia ships emit one third of CO2 compared to trucks Salerno-Valencia route: Co2 emissions trend comparison between trucks and Grimaldi Ro/Ro vessels transported by road that in 1980, with the Euro 0 engines, had CO2 emissions 3,000 of 2,704 kg of CO2 per trailer. grown continuously over the years as new, larger ships have been deployed with a state-of-the-art shape of the hull and technologically advanced engines. It is interesting to note that once the new Grimaldi Ro/Ro class of vessel is introduced in 2010 on the Salerno/Valencia Euro 0 Truck (1980) 2,500 The environmental advantage has Kg. Co2 per trailer transported Environment 2,000 1,500 Ro/Ro Malta Expr. (1980) equivalent trailers: 80 Euro 4 Truck (2007) R/oRo Alyona (1981) equivalent trailers: 175 Ro/Ro Eurocargo Napoli transformed with additional car decks (2007) equivalent trailers: 171 Ro/Ro Carmania E. (1986) equivalent trailers: 191 1,000 Ro/Ro Eurocargo Napoli (1995) equivalent trailers: 145 Grimaldi Ro/Ro (2010) equivalent trailers: 296 500 route, each ship will be able to load onboard 296 trailers having a CO2 emission level of 752 kg per trailer compared 0 1980 1990 2000 2007 2010 years to the 2,003 kg CO2 emission per trailer the Group has in fact completed invest- to as social responsibility while back- achieved by the Euro 4 and Euro 5 en- ments worth about 2 billion euros to ing the European policy of cutting CO2 gines mounted in trucks. build modern Ro/Ro ships whilst the emissions substantially. Grimaldi can Once again figures show the reality of ongoing investment up to 2011 totals proudly claim that, thanks to these large things and the willingness of the Grimal- more than 2.5 billion euros for 32 ad- investments, it is substantially outper- di Group to invest in order to safeguard ditional new, environmentally friendly forming EU’s CO2 reduction target set the environment. Over the last 10 years, ships. This is what we, at Grimaldi, refer at 20% by 2020. GNE WS 3 Environment New Tonnage Cruise Roma spells huge CO2 savings D eployment of the revolutionary of bunker fuel and a total emission Cruise Ferry ‘Cruise Roma’ on of 276 tonnes of CO2. Transporting the service between Civitavecchia the same quantity of trailers and pas- and Rome in late March of this year sengers, using trucks and planes represents a gigantic step forward would require a total emission of 458 in environmental terms. The dimen- tonnes of CO2; 281 tonnes of CO2 for sions and transport capacity of the the trucks and 177 tonnes of CO2 for ship translate to a huge reduction the airplanes (according to the Air - up to about 40% - of CO2 emissions when compared to the level of emis- France CO2 calculator). The difference is evident: by having sion via road transportation and via invested 150 billion euros to build the airplane of a comparable quantity of Cruise Roma, the Grimaldi Group is The cargo and passengers. bringing to the community a saving In a single one/way voyage, the of about 183 tonnes of CO2 per each Cruise Roma is capable of trans- single voyage and therefore on ev- porting 187 trailers and 215 cars ery single day of the year. This effect O (making a total of 214 equivalent is set to double later this year when est and most technologically advanced Cruise trailers) and 2,140 passengers with the sistership Cruise Barcelona joins Ferry in the whole of the Mediterranean was a total consumption of 88.4 tonnes the Cruise Roma on the same route. officially inaugurated during a three-day cer- n 14 April, two weeks after having been deployed on her regular shuttle service between Civitavecchia and Barcelona, the Cruise Roma, the newest, larg- emony encompassing a round trip on the route CO2 Emission: comparison between the m/v Cruise Roma and alternative road/air transport Route analysed: Civitavecchia / Barcelona Km via road 1,275 Km via sea / air 823 Diesel CO2 emission factor 3.13 kg CO2 x kg fuel Bunker ISO 380 CO2 emission factor 3.12 kg CO2 x kg fuel Cruise Roma Transport Capacity 214 trailers equivalent 2,140 passengers Equivalent CO2 emission per trailer 1,290 kg CO2 Total CO2 Emission 275,808 kg CO2 Trucks (Euro 4 engine) Units 214 CO2 Emission per unit 1,315 kg CO2 Total CO2 emission (trucks) 281,346 kg CO2 Airplane CO2 emission 100.6 g CO2 / pax-km* Passengers 2,140 Total CO2 emissions (airplane) 177,180 kg CO2 *source: Air France CO2 Calculator CO2 Comparison Cruise Roma 275,808 kg CO2 Trucks + Airplane 458,526 kg CO2 SHIP ADVANTAGE 182,718 kg CO2 4 GNE WS she serves. On Monday, April 14, an event to present the ship to authorities and clients was held onboard while the vessel was moored in Civitavecchia. A similar event was held on April 15 in Barcelona. Hosted on board by the Group co-managing director Emanuele Grimaldi were, amongst others, Prof. Alessandro Bianchi, at that time Italy’s Minister of Transport, Mr Fabio Ciani, president of the Civitavecchia Port Authority, Mr Gianni Moscherini, Mayor of Civitavecchia, Mr Giuseppe Bono, ceo of Fincantieri that built the ship and Mr Ugo Salerno, ceo of Rina (the Italian Shipping Register) who delivered to Mr Grimaldi the Green Star Design Certificate for the Cruise Roma. The Green Star notation certifies that the ship has been designed and built in accordance to the most strict environmentally friendly regulations to the point that she has the ‘clean air’ and ‘clean sea’ notations too. “The Cruise Roma is the largest cruise ferry ever to have been designed and built with such strict environmental regula- Cruise Roma deployed on service A cruise including events in Civitavecchia and Barcelona marked the deployment on line of the largest Cruise Ferry in the Med tions” underlined Mr Salerno. ing operating costs by switching from the In Barcelona, guests included Mr Jordi congested overland roads onto the sea. At Valls, President of the Barcelona Port Au- the same time, the whole community is ben- thority, Mr Pasquale Terracciano, Italian efiting from our investments as the possibil- Ambassador in Spain, various local institu- ity to transport up to 2,300 passengers, 215 tions, Grimaldi’s main customers as well cars and 180 trailers will produce a substan- as representatives of the Spanish press. tial cut in CO2 emissions when compared In his speech, Mr Bianchi, Italy’s Minister to the emissions necessary to transport the of Transport paid tribute to Grimaldi’s same number of cars, trailers and people effort to promote and develop Europe’s by road and airplane”. Motorways of the Sea network, underlin- During the cruise on the Civitavecchia- ing how the Group is an example for the Barcelona-Civitavecchia round trip guests whole sector. had the possibility to enjoy all the ameni- Mr Grimaldi thanked the guests and un- ties offered by the Cruise Roma, including derlined how the Group is proud to be the onboard Casino and the health centre introducing a pair of twins (the Cruise with its large gym and Spa. Barcelona, sister to the Cruise Roma is As usual on the Cruise Roma, at night it due for delivery after the summer) that was time for music and dancing both at are substantially enhancing the transport the discoteque and at the Smaila’s Club capacity on the Civitavecchia / Barcelona where performer Umberto Smaila sang route. “Their large dimensions and huge all the night long. Guests, including one intake capacity – continued Mr Grimaldi hundred members of the media, disem- – will allow truck operators to cut their soar- barked in Civitavecchia on April 16. Clockwise: The Cruise Roma in navigation; Emanuele Grimaldi with Alessandro Bianchi (centre), previous Italian Minister of Transport and Fabio Ciani (right), President of the Civitavecchia Port Authority; Ugo Salerno (left), CEO of RINA handing over to Emanuele Grimaldi the Green Star Design Certificate for the Cruise Roma; Jordi Valls (left), President of the Barcelona Port Authority, Emanuele Grimaldi and Pasquale Terracciano (right), Italian Ambassador in Spain; dancing at the Smaila’s Club with songs performed by Umberto Smaila. GNE WS 5 Line Development Brazil to Angola every 10 days F rom July, the service directly Frequency improved on the much successful Africa Express with the present 14-day frequency) connecting Brazil to Angola from Paranagua and Santos while La- The objective of this service upgrade and Nigeria will see a third gos will continue to be served monthly. is to let the Group participate at the re- Ro/Ro multipurpose ship deployed on In Lagos, the Africa Express service construction programme of Angola un- the route. This will result in a significant interconnects with the Europe–Africa dergone by the Government. The Line improvement in both frequency and services to provide oncarrying pos- may consider at any time to improve capacity. Luanda (Angola) will in future sibilities to the entire range of African this service to a weekly one should the be served every 10 days (compared ports served by Grimaldi services. market request it. US to West Africa improvements As a second multipurpose Ro/Ro is deployed, frequency for shipments is down to 18 days 6 GNE WS I n June the direct service linking the 600 teus in addition to high & heavy Ro/ USA to West Africa has been upgraded Ro, cars and project cargoes on mafi trail- through the deployment of a second Ro/ ers. The service is marketed in the US by Ro multipurpose vessel. This has taken the the Group’s subsidiary company Atlantic frequency down to every 18 days, marking Container Line (ACL) in New Jersey, and a substantial improvement particularly for in West Africa by Grimaldi’s own network container shipments and project cargoes. of offices. The direct ports of call are New The sister ships Repubblica di Roma and York, Baltimore, Dakar, Tema, Lome, Co- Repubblica di Amalfi that are deployed tonou and Lagos with other West African on this route are configured to load up to ports served on a transshipment basis. New Tonnage As four sisterships are delivered in two years, the frequency of the West Africa Southern Express service is to be cut to 8 days Grande Angola launched sophisticated system of internal ramps/ decks, fixed and hoistable, makes her a very flexible vessel, optimising the loading and unloading of any type of cargo. Its quarter stern ramp allows the loading of cargo units with a weight up to 250 tonnes apiece while its two cranes on the weather deck are able to lift cargo units (containers and general cargo) with a weight of up to 40 tonnes. The “Grande Angola” will be delivered T in September and is due to be deployed he first vessel in a string of 12 32.25 metres, and a service speed of 20 on the Southern Express service within newbuildings to be built for the knots, the 50,000-GT Grande Angola the North-Europe-West Africa Network, Group in the next few years at the is a multipurpose vessel with an ideal serving the ports of Amsterdam, Ham- Uljanik (Croatia) and Hyundai Mipo (Ko- cargo mix of 2,000 cars-vans, 2,000 burg, Tilbury, Antwerp, Le Havre, Lis- rea) shipyards, the multipurpose Ro/Ro linear metres of rolling cargo and 800 bon, Dakar, Luanda, Douala, Takoradi Grande Angola was launched on May containers. and Abidjan. When all four sisterships to 31. Godmother of the ship was Mrs Ma- On this class of ships, the height of the the “Grande Angola” currently on order ria Carmo Malaguerra, wife of Helder main decks allows the loading of heavy are delivered over the next two years, Malaguerra, the Grimaldi Group Direc- and out of gauge rolling equipment such the frequency of this Southern Express tor for South America. as trucks, tractors, double-deck buses, service will be upgraded from the cur- With a length of 214 metres, a width of big earthmoving equipment, etc. Its rent twelve days to eight days. South America Line in Bremerhaven Call T he m/v Grande San Paolo was the welcome reception was held on board first ship deployed on the South the vessel during which, on behalf of the America Line (northbound) to call Group, Cap. Melis welcomed several Bremerhaven Ro/Ro terminal to dis- port officials and representatives of BLG charge new Daimler vehicles being Logistic Automobile management. shipped from Brazil. Grimaldi South America line is now This first Bremerhaven call took place calling Bremerhaven regularly three on April 11. On that occasion a small times a month. Mr Kupke of BLG hands over a welcome present to capt Melis GNE WS 7 Awards The Group is awarded as Supplier of the Year by the number one automaker in the world for the seventh time in eight years Grimaldi is ‘Best of the Best’ for General Motors “We are very honoured to receive this From left to right, Ri- prestigious award for the seventh time chard Wagoner, Jr., in the last eight years” said Emanuele Chairman and Chief Grimaldi, co-Managing Director of the Executive Officer, Gen- Grimaldi Group. “It is a further encour- eral Motors Corpora- agement for our Group to continue offer- tion, and Costantino Baldissara, Commercial & Logistics Director, Grimaldi Group O ing top quality maritime-based logistics services to General Motors and to pursue even higher performances to meet GM’s expectations”. The GM Supplier of the Year award be- n April 26, during a ceremony Group as a GM Supplier of the Year win- gan as a global program in 1992. Win- held at the Sawgrass Marriott ner, “ said Bo Andersson, GM group vice ners are selected by a global team of Hotel in Jacksonville, Florida, president, Global Purchasing and Supply executives from purchasing, engineer- Costantino Baldissara, Commercial and Chain. “This award is our way of telling ing, manufacturing and logistics who Logistics director of the Grimaldi Group the winners that we appreciate all of their base their decisions on supplier perfor- was handed the General Motors 2007 efforts in working together with GM to mance in quality, service, technology manufacture world-class vehicles”. and price. Supplier of the Year award. The Group received this award for signif- “Grimaldi is among the best of the best,” In 2007, the Grimaldi Group transported icant contributions to GM’s global prod- he continued. “They understand that our worldwide over 2.8 million cars, 1.75 mil- uct and performance achievements. mutual success can only be achieved by lion rolling units and containers as well as sharing common goals and priorities.” over 2.34 million passengers. “GM is proud to honor The Grimaldi Irish operation gets GM Award E uromed Ireland Logistics Ltd, a subsidiary of the Group which provides storage and distribution services for brand new vehicles in the Republic of Ireland, has received the General Motors Quality award for the third consecutive year, demonstrating once again the Group’s commitment to quality in every aspect of vehicle handling and delivery. More than 50,000 GM vehicles have been received and delivered by Euromed Ire- 8 GNE WS land Logistics since it was presented with the first GM award, in 2005. The award, which depends on an in- depth process of quality audits of all physical and managerial processes through receiving, storing, maintaining and transporting GM products for the Irish market, emphasises Health & Safety and efficiency of operations together with damage prevention measures and control both in IT and physical operation. Euromed Ireland Logistics is also extremely pleased to be recognised as an innovator by GM in this respect. Grimaldi Lines awarded as Ro/Ro Line of the Year. ACL got the Star Performer Award for North Atlantic Grimaldi and ACL win Lloyd’s Loading List Awards T he Grimaldi Group was once again the award on behalf of the Group. He under the spotlight at a ceremony commented that this award is particu- th for the 15 annual Star Performer larly important as it is voted for by the Awards organised by the Lloyd’s Load- readers of the Lloyd’s Loading List pub- ing List that took place at London’s Vi- lication. nopolis on 18 April. As for the Award for transit times and Grimaldi Lines was voted as the win- schedule reliability on the North Atlan- ner of the prestigious Ro/Ro Line of the tic Route won by ACL, the line serves Year Award. The Group, who was also three UK ports: Liverpool, Thamesport the recipient last year, has now won this This liner analysis award is an indication of and Southampton to/from the East and award more times than any other Ro/Ro quality service, widely accepted through- Gulf Coast of North America with weekly Line operator. out the industry and given each spring for sailings and fast connections. ACL is one At the same time, the Group’s subsid- the previous year’s achievements. of the only carriers who chronicle qual- iary Atlantic Container Line (ACL) was The Ro/Ro Line of the Year Award was pre- ity performance yearly, with a 12-month awarded with the Star Performer 2007 for sented by the Publisher of Lloyd’s Loading recap brochure, “Focus on Performance”. transit times and schedule reliability on List, Mr Steve Carter to Roy Postlethwaite, Visit for more the North Atlantic Route. Director of Grimaldi UK who accepted information on ACL’s quality process. The Group in Gothenburg and Barcelona san in Gothenburg. The Group had one of the biggest stands (pictured) where, in addition to Grimaldi Lines, also the subsidiaries Finnlines, ACL and Wallhamn A.B. (the company managing the Swedish port of Wallhamn) were well represented. From the Northern Sea to the Mediterra- T nean, between 3 and 6 June, was the turn wo European events marked the debut of the 10th International Logistics Exhibi- for the Grimaldi Group of a new cor- tion (SIL) that took place in Barcelona. More porate marketing and communication than three hundred companies, including policy centered on attending exhibitions those part of the Grimaldi Group, attended with a single stand representing all the SIL which has become the most important Group’s companies involved in the specific international transport and logistics confer- market. On 20/22 May, the Grimaldi Group ence and exhibition in the whole Mediter- was therefore at the Ro/Ro conference and ranean. Here the Group attended with its exhibition 2008, held at the Svenska Mas- Spanish subsidiaries too. Historic Airplane on Euromed A dismantled airplane bound to the Israeli air-force museum was shipped onto the vessel Gran Bretagna, deployed on the Euro-Med Service. Loaded in Antwerp, the airplane was discharged in the port of Ashdod. After undergoing refitting, the airplane will be on show in the Israeli Airforce Museum. GNE WS 9 ACL NEWS A Grimaldi Group Company, Atlantic Container Line’s weekly North Atlantic container Ro/Ro /vehicle service has a fixed day schedule calling Baltimore, Portsmouth, Virginia, New York and Halifax in North America, and Liverpool, Antwerp, Hamburg and Gothenburg in Europe. In cooperation with Grimaldi Lines, ACL provides a weekly service for Ro/Ro and container cargo from North America to a wide range of ports in West Africa and a Ro/Ro service to the Mediterranean, South America and beyond. USA exports boom W ith the North American housing and financial markets in a slump, the weak dollar continues to make U.S. goods more attractive to the rest of the world. Over 5,000 customers now use ACL’s container, Ro/Ro and Car Services between North America and Europe, West Africa and the Mediterranean. Our direct services from North America to Europe and West Africa have been fully booked all year, and ACL’s reputation for reliability and quality service has enabled it to maintain high utilisation westbound despite the economic obstacles facing European shippers. ACL recorded its highest volume year ever in 2007, with total volumes exceeding 5,100 Teu per week. Roundtrip vessel utilisation increased to 91%. ACL in Olympic Games A Alternative fueltrucks F our Volvo FM-9 CO2-neutral trucks sailed from Baltimore returning to the factory in Goteborg after being showcased at the Washington, DC International Renewable Energy Conference. These featured vehicles run on different, clean renewable fuels and kicked off a panel discussion on “Renewable Fuels for CO2-Neutral Road Transport”. These heavy-duty truck models weighed 42 tonnes each with dimensions being 8.81 x 2.54 x 3.99 metres. s Beijing prepares for the Games of the XXIX Summer Olympics 2008, construction preparations began with this shipment of a portable roofing machine. In February, this 19-tonne self-propelled unit was rushed from Halifax and driven on an ACL vessel via her 420 metric ton capacity stern ramp. Upon arrival in Hamburg, the unit was then loaded for delivery to Xingang (China) and onto The Capital Indoor Stadium to assist with 11 newly renovated venues for the Olympic Games. Guinness world records wooden caber tossed aboard Atlantic Concert T he world’s largest wooden caber was transported from Liverpool (England) to New York aboard the vessel Atlantic Concert. This work of art was created from Scotland’s Glasgow George Square 18.29 metre height Christmas tree. It was transformed into a Guinness World record breaker and donated to New York as a sign of friendship. The City of Glasgow’s woodworking charity, The Bullwood Project, commissioned 36 carvers for this special project. These highly skilled master craftsmen spent 2,000 hours transforming the tree into a living piece of art. For its voyage to New York, the caber was trucked from Glasgow, Scotland to Liverpool, England. It was securely lashed on a 40-ton mafi trailer for its transatlantic voyage; it was delivered just in time for New York’s Tartan Day Parade on April 5. The tossing caber will finally be transferred to a permanent home in one of the New York City’s museums. 10 GNE WS GRIMALDI GROUP Via Marchese Campodisola, 13 • 80133 NAPOLI (Italy) • Tel +39 081 496111 - Fax +39 081 5517401 e-mail: Worldwide Branches Italy GRIMALDI GROUP Palermo Tel +39 091 6113564 Fax +39 091 587487 Rome Tel +39 06 4208 3567 Fax +39 06 42814558 ANGOLA Grimaldi Angola Navegação e Trânsitos Lda Luanda Tel +244 222 310 500 Fax+244 222 310 220 Belgium GRIMALDI BELGIUM Antwerp Tel +32 3 5459430 Fax +32 3 5414275 Benin Cotonou GRIMALDI benin s.a. Tel +229 21 316728 Fax +229 21 316729 Brazil GRIMALDI DO BRASIL LDA ghana Tema Tel +55 31 3427 5767 Fax +55 31 3427 9348 GRIMALDI ghana Ltd Tel: +233 22 214091 Fax +233 22 214095 Belo Horizonte Curitiba Tel +55 41 3343 1352 Fax +55 41 3342 7153 Rio de Janeiro Tel +55 21 2516 9005 Fax +55 21 2203 0588 São Paulo Tel +55 11 3046 9844 Fax +55 11 3046 9862 V itoria Tel/Fax +55 27 3235 1401 FRANCE Grimaldi Agency Nigeria Ltd Sweden Lagos Tel +234 1 5453433 Fax +234 1 5873805 PORTUGAL Grimaldi Portugal Lda Lisboa Tel +351 21 3216300 Fax +351 21 3465415 Tel +33 1 4465 1232 Fax +33 1 4465 1213 GRIMALDI senegal s.a. Tel +221 33889 0490 Fax +221 33842 8850 Tel +33 2 3525 9010 Fax +33 2 3525 9045 Germany GRIMALDI GERMANY Tel +49 40 789 7070 Fax +49 40 789 70770 Spain Tel +1 732 452 5400 Fax + 1 732 452 5469 V irginia Beach, V irginia Tel +1 757 518 8561 (800) 225 1235 (Tollfree in the US) Fax +1 757 518 3888 GRIMALDI MARITIME SWEDEN Gothenburg Tel +46 31 607280 Fax +46 31 135724 Togo GRIMALDI togo s.a. Lomé Tel +228 227 3231 Fax +228 227 0718 United Kingdom GRIMALDI AGENCIES UK London Tel +44 20 79305683 Fax +44 20 78391961 GRIMALDI LOGISTICA ESPAÑA USA Madrid Iselin, NJ Tel +34 91 2044220 Fax +34 91 5750209 ACL USA Iselin, NJ (Headquarters) Barcelona NIGERIA Senegal Dakar Le Havre Tel. +34 96 3061300 Fax +34 96 3307877 Tel. +34 93 5028163 Fax +34 93 5028166 Grimaldi ACL France Paris Valencia ACL (GRIMALDI GROUP) Tel +1 732 452 5400 Fax +1 732 452 5469 Canada Halifax Germany Hamburg Tel +1 902 420 9259 (800) 225-1235 (Tollfree in Canada) Fax +1 902 490 2530 Tel +49 40 361 303 0 0800 11 882277 (Tollfree within Germany) Fax +49 40 366627 Belgium Antwerp United Kingdom Liverpool Tel +323 221 2050 Fax +323 226 2654 Sweden Gothenburg Tel +46 31 64 5500 020 64 5555 (Tollfree within Sweden) Fax +46 31 64 5506 Tel +44 151 472 8000 Fax +44 151 472 8010 Grimaldi Agents Argentina Buenos Aires J.E TURNER & CO. Tel +54 11 4312 6891 / 6898 Fax +54 11 4312 0416 Brazil Itajai OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 47 348 5222 Fax +55 47 384 8002 Paranagua OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 41 3423 1066 Fax +55 41 3423 3481 Rio de Janeiro & Sepetiba OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 21 3849 5858 Fax +55 21 2516 1644 Rio Grande OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 53 3231 1355 Fax +55 53 3231 1976 Salvador OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 71 3241 4990 Fax +55 71 3243 5633 Santos OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 13 3202 2000 Fax +55 13 3232 4507 V itoria OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 27 3225 5663 Fax +55 27 3225 7075 Cameroon Douala Socomar Tel +237 3424550 Fax +237 3424936 Congo Pointe Noire GETMA Tel +242 942345 Fax +242 940872 Congo (ex Zaire) Kinshasa FULL TRANSIT Tel +243 88 40113 Fax +243 88 04334 Matadi FULL TRANSIT Tel +243 88 74171 Cyprus Limassol MANDA NAVIGATION CO Tel +357 25‑ 567070 Fax +357 25‑ 567919 Own e rs ’ R e pre s e n t a t i ve s a n d A g e n t s Agent List & Schedules Own e rs ’ R e pre s e n t a t i ve s a n d A g e n t s HULL BLYTH ARAOUZOS (new vehicles only) Tel +357 25 362223 Fax +357 25 747662 Denmark Copenhagen MOTORSHIPS AGENCIES Tel +45 39 296800 Fax +45 39 297505 Esbjerg NIELS WINTHER & CO. Tel +45 75 128355 Fax +45 75 128617 Egypt Alexandria MARINA SHIPPING AGENCY Tel +20 3 486 3647/485 6972 Fax +20 3 485 6941 Estonia Tallinn TRANSOCEAN EESTI Tel +372 611 6001 Fax +372 611 6005 Finland Helsinki TRANSOCEAN OY Tel +358 9 413 678 Fax +358 9 4136 799 France Marseille AMARSUD Tel +33 4 9115 4400 Fax +33 4 9156 0910 Dunkirk Société Française de Consignation Tel +33 3 2858 0531 Fax +33 3 2863 3219 Strasbourg Société Française de Consignation tel +33 3 8826 9850 fax + 33 3 8826 9851 Gabon Libreville GETMA Tel +241 702 814 - 704 018 Fax +241 704 020/241 703 420 Gambia Banjul GAMBIA SHIPPING AGENCY Tel +220 4 227518 Fax +220 4 227929 Greece Piraeus ALLALOUF HELLAS Tel +30 210 4127242 +30 210 4123309 Fax +30 210 4171756 Guinea Conakry GETMA GUINEE Tel +224 413205 Fax +224 414273 Ireland Dublin OCEAN & GENERAL MARITIME AGENCIES Tel +353 1 278 1188 Fax +353 1 278 1187 Cork OCEAN & GENERAL MARITIME AGENCIES Tel +353 21 4370000 Fax‑+353 21 4370006 Israel Tel Aviv ALLALOUF AND CO. SHIPPING LTD Tel +972 3 5640202 Fax +972 3 7601137 Ashdod ALLALOUF AND CO. SHIPPING LTD Tel +972 8 8513333 Fax +972 8 8521165 Haifa ALLALOUF AND CO. SHIPPING LTD Tel +972 4 8611811 Fax +972 4 8548820 Italy Catania Marangolo Tel +39 095 7139141 Fax +39 095 7139142 Civitavecchia Atlantica civitavecchia Tel +39 0766 366594 Fax +39 0766 776119 Genova MARITTIMA SPEDIZIONI S.R.L. Tel +39 019 821375 Fax +39 019 821147 Livorno L.V. GHIANDA Tel +39 0586 82681 Fax +39 0586 826821 Monfalcone CETAL S.r.l. Tel./Fax.+39 0481 40624 Palermo VINCENZO ADELFIO AGENCY (port Agent) Tel +39 091 361290 Fax +39 091 361475 Ravenna INTERMARINE SHIPPING S.r.l. (I.M.S.) Tel +39 0544 600211 Fax +39 0544 600299 Salerno AG. MAR. MICHELE AUTUORI Tel +39 089 230311 Fax +39 089 226490 Savona Venice TEAM SHIPPING AGENCY Tel + 39 041 2609011 Fax +39 041 5319565 Ivory Coast Abidjan MOVIS Tel + 225 21 249050 Fax + 225 21 249070 Liberia Monrovia UMARCO (LIBERIA) CORPORATION Tel: +231 77 05 96 35 Fax: +231 77 05 96 36 Libya Tripoli Libya Shipping Agency Tel: +218 21 340 2528 Fax: +218 21 340 3496 AGEMAR Tel +386 5 665 63 99 Fax +386 5 665 64 00 Spain Bilbao AGENCIA MARITIMA CONDEMINAS NORTE Tel +34 94 4232619 Fax +34 94 4231794 Switzerland Basel OZEAN BROKERAGE & SHIPPING Tel + 41 61 319 00 00 Fax + 41 61 319 00 99 Malta Tunisia Tunis SULLIVAN MARITIME Tel +356 21226873 Fax +356 21226876 V.N. BERREBI Tel.: +216 71 333870 Fax: +216 71 349844 Morocco Casablanca Turkey Izmir and Gemlik ACOMAR Tel +212 22 44/23/64 Fax +212-22-31/56/58 Netherlands Rotterdam BROEKMAN MOTORSHIPS Tel +31 10 487 3911 Fax +31 10 429 0953 Paraguay Asuncion S.M.I. S.R.L. Tel + 595 21 497 933 Fax + 595 21 497 933 Russia St.Petersburg SNG TRANS Tel: +7 812 324 22 90 Sierra Leone Freetown SIERRA LEONE SHIPPING AGENCIES Tel + 232 22 223453 Fax + 232 22 220021 SINGAPORE Richfield Marine Agencies (S) Pte Ltd Tel +65 6880 2900 Fax +65 6225 7115 / 6226 3303 siria Latakia MARITTIMA SPEDIZIONI S.r.l. Tel +39 019 821375 Fax +39 019 821147 Bahhar Tel +963 41470171 Fax +963 41 470175 AGEMAR Tel +39 040 363737 Fax +39 040 638172 Bahhar Tel +963 325000 Fax +963 43 329900 Trieste Slovenia Koper Tartous EGEKONT Tel +90 232 4777722 Fax +90 232 4110044 United Arab Emirates Dubai Rais Hassan Saadi Group Tel +971 4 3521515 Fax +971 4 3526412 United Kingdom Liverpool ACL/GRIMALDI DEPT Tel +44 151 472 8113 Fax +44 151 472 8141 Portbury - Bristol OSPREY SHIPPING Tel +44 1275 374636 Fax +44 1275 373250 Sheerness See Tilbury Office Southampton Grimaldi agencies uk Tel +44 2380 210 250 Fax +44 2380 210 259 Tilbury Grimaldi AGencies uk Tel +44 1375 844 305 Fax +44 1375 845 308 Uruguay Montevideo HARBOUR SOUTH AMERICA Tel + 598 2917 0056 Fax + 598 2917 0038 Passengers & Freight LINE departure abc def bdf a ace c ace 2xWeek via Civitavecchia Catania > Toulon 4xWeek Catania > Malta 2xWeek Catania > Genoa 2xWeek Catania > Civitavecchia 2xWeek via Salerno Valencia > Palermo 2xWeek via Palermo Tunis > Salerno 2xWeek Tunis > Palermo Weekly Tunis > Civitavecchia 3xWeek Toulon > Civitavecchia 2xWeek via Palermo Salerno > Tunis 2xWeek Salerno > Palermo Weekly Porto Vecchio > Livorno* Weekly ae cg b e d g d g d b b e be a f a f bd f b a a e 2xWeek b Palermo > Tunis f 2xWeek a Palermo > Valencia e 2xWeek via Salerno Porto Vecchio > Civitavecchia* g Palermo > Salerno Weekly Livorno > Porto Vecchio* 3xWeek Livorno > Barcelona Weekly Civitavecchia > Tunis 3xWeek Civitavecchia > Toulon Weekly Daily abc def Civitavecchia > Porto Vecchio* g Civitavecchia > Barcelona 3xWeek Barcelona > Livorno Daily Barcelona > Civitavecchia *Summer Service Freight only a e b g d a a 02:00 23:00 01:00 24:00 21:00 11:00 21:00 11:00 20:00 20:00 01:00 24:00 03:00 19:00 05:00 19:00 05:00 21:00 18:00 23:30 ae da d b e a e a b f b f cf b f b g ce g c 12:30 a 01:00 12:00 10:00 20:00 01:00 12:00 21:30 00:30 a 23:30 bdf 23:00 d 21:00 bdf 19:00 bcd 19:00 efg 12:00 g arrival 19:00 bcd 19:00 efg 24:00 ceg 09:00 09:00 12:00 12:00 08:30 09:30 21:00 09:30 06:00 14:00 21:00 20:00 09:00 06:00 14:00 20:30 07:00 12:00 09:00 18:00 19:30 09:30 21:00 20:30 07:00 14:00 22:30 07:00 08:30 19:30 16:00 12:00 15:00 15:00 18:30 15:00 15:00 20:00 Malta > Civitavecchia Weekly Valencia Barcelona Salerno > Malta Weekly via Salerno Palermo > Tripoli Weekly Malta > Tripoli Weekly Malta > Salerno 2xWeek Malta > Genoa 2xWeek ad a e b f cf 14:00 e 01:00 g 20:00 g 2xWeek via Civitavecchia Valencia > Salerno 3xWeek Valencia > Livorno Weekly via Civitavecchia/Malta Tripoli > Toulon Weekly Tripoli > Salerno Weekly via Salerno Tripoli > Palermo Weekly Tripoli > Malta Weekly via Malta Tripoli > Genoa Weekly via Malta Tripoli > Civitavecchia Weekly via Malta Tripoli > Catania Weekly via Civitavecchia/Malta Toulon > Tripoli Toulon > Catania 3xWeek Salerno > Valencia Weekly LINE Salerno > Tripoli Medit erranean Sh ort Se a Ne t work Misratah Malta Catania Salerno Civitavecchia Palermo Tripoli Tunis Porto Vecchio 14:00 22:30 06:00 18:00 08:00 08:00 22:00 24:00 21:00 21:00 20:00 09:00 06:00 09:00 23:00 06:00 20:00 23:00 08:00 06:00 Livorno 1st wk cg 2nd wk e 18:00 c 20:00 20:00 15:00 17:00 14:00 15:00 14:00 18:00 17:00 g 17:00 ea 17:00 dg 24:00 g 24:00 c 24:00 g 24:00 da arrival 23:00 g Genoa Toulon d a e b Malta > Catania 4xWeek ad a e a e ad Livorno > Valencia c cf cf b b f bf departure c 1st wk ae 2nd wk c Weekly via Malta Genoa > Tripoli Genoa > Malta 2xWeek Genoa > Catania 2xWeek Weekly via Malta Civitavecchia > Tripoli Civitavecchia > Malta 2xWeek Civitavecchia > Catania 2xWeek Weekly via Malta LINE Catania > Tripoli Freight only Freight only b e g 1st wk c 2nd wk ae a a a a a a a b d g d f d departure d d f b g c g 20:00 20:00 20:00 02:00 02:00 a b c d e f g d f b 08:00 08:00 14:00 22:00 06:00 11:30 18:00 14:00 08:00 09:00 20:00 22:00 14:00 20:00 06:00 06:00 20:00 06:00 06:00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1st wk e 2nd wk cg 16:00 f 16:00 c 16:00 f 16:00 b 16:00 f 16:00 f 16:00 d 16:00 22:00 04:00 21:00 18:00 21:00 arrival 14:00 g Schedules subject to changes without notice Ports of call 29/May(*) 27/May(*) 05/Jun 08/Jun 15/Jun 16/Jun 20/Jun 22/Jun 25/Jun ECE0408 Eurocargo Europa 08/Jul(*) 06/Jul(*) 11/Jul 13/Jul 20/Jul 21/Jul 25/Jul 27/Jul 30/Jul ECE0508 ECA0508 15/Jun(*) 09/Jun(*) 20/Jun 22/Jun 29/Jun 30/Jun 07/Jul 09/Jul 12/Jul Eurocargo Europa Eurocargo Africa 22/Jul(*) 20/Jul(*) 29/Jul 31/Jul 07/Aug 08/Aug 12/Aug 14/Aug 17/Aug ECA0608 Eurocargo Africa of call Vessel 21/Jun 22/Jun 24/Jun 16/Jun 17/Jun 19/Jun 26/Jun 06/Jun 10/Jun(*) 07/Jun 09/Jun 08/Jun(*) 17/Jun GAF0508 GAT0508 25/May 27/May 29/May 02/Jun 30/May(*) 11/Jun Grande Africa Grande Atlantico 01/Jul 28/Jun 08/Jun 09/Jun 11/Jun 14/Jun 11/Jun(*) 21/Jun 23/Jun GAR0508 Grande Argentina 09/Jul 11/Jul 06/Jul 07/Jul 18/Jun 21/Jun 23/Jun 24/Jun 22/Jun(*) 02/Jul GAM0508 Grande America of call Vessel 18/Jul 22/Jun(*) 29/Jun 06/Jul 15/Jul 27/Jun(*) JSM0508 THE0508 08/Jun(*) 09/Jun(*) 11/Jun(*) 15/Jun 19/Jun(*) 20/Jun 27/Jun 06/Jul 12/Jul Jolly Smeraldo Thebeland 02/Jul 08/Jul 16/Jul 21/Jul 27/Jun 25/Jun NAE0108 Naesborg 01/Jul 03/Jul 01/Jul(*) 06/Jul 02/Jul(*) 10/Jul 17/Jul 25/Jul 31/Jul 05/Aug 07/Aug ALY0308 Alyona of call * By Transhipment Hamburg Tilbury Antwerp Le Havre Bilbao Casablanca Dakar Banjul Conakry Freetown Ports Vessel 19/Jun 08/Jun 09/Jun 12/Jun 20/Jun 21/Jun 07/Jun 07/Jun(*) 09/Jun 10/Jun 13/Jun GBR0308 GHA0308 20/May 22/May 27/May 30/May 03/Jun Grande Brasile Grande Amburgo 30/Jun 28/Jun 15/Jun 17/Jun 20/Jun 23/Jun 27/Jun 15/Jun 17/Jun 18/Jun 20/Jun 23/Jun GRS0408 14/Jun Grande San Paolo RAG0408 Repubblica Argentina North Europe / West Africa Northern Express Service Amsterdam Hamburg Tilbury Antwerp Le Havre Lisbon Dakar Luanda Douala Takoradi Abidjan Ports North Europe / West Africa Southern Express Service Amsterdam Hamburg Tilbury Antwerp Le Havre Dakar Conakry Lome Lagos Cotonou Tema Takoradi Abidjan San Pedro Ports North Europe / West Africa Central Express Service Tilbury Hamburg Antwerp Le Havre Dakar Banjul Abidjan Lome Pointe Noire Vessel Eurocargo Express Service 14/Jul 15/Jul 27/Jun 29/Jun 01/Jul 03/Jul 05/Jul 08/Jul 12/Jul GFR0408 Grande Francia 30/Aug 27/Jul 20/Jul(*) 22/Jul(*) 29/Jul 31/Jul(*) 03/Aug 09/Aug 17/Aug 24/Aug THE0608 Thebeland 19/Jul 16/Jul 15/Jul 27/Jun 29/Jun 01/Jul 03/Jul 22/Jun(*) 10/Jul GNI0508 Grande Nigeria 25/Jul(*) 02/Aug 31/Jul(*) 04/Aug 04/Aug(*) 09/Aug 15/Aug 24/Aug JSM0608 Jolly Smeraldo 26/Jul 22/Jul 04/Jul 06/Jul 08/Jul 10/Jul 02/Jul(*) 18/Jul GAT0608 Grande Atlantico 20/Jul 21/Jul 04/Jul 06/Jul 07/Jul 09/Jul 11/Jul 14/Jul 18/Jul GBA0408 03/Aug 04/Aug 17/Jul 20/Jul 21/Jul 23/Jul 26/Jul 29/Jul 02/Aug GHA0408 Grande Amburgo 06/Aug 09/Aug 07/Aug(*) 11/Aug 09/Aug(*) 15/Aug 22/Aug 29/Aug 04/Sep 09/Sep 10/Sep NAE0208 Naesborg 02/Aug 29/Jul 11/Jul 13/Jul 15/Jul 17/Jul 13/Jul(*) 24/Jul Grande Africa 12/Aug 13/Aug 27/Jul 29/Jul 30/Jul 01/Aug 04/Aug 07/Aug 11/Aug GBR0408 Grande Brasile 24/Sep 19/Aug 21/Aug 15/Aug(*) 23/Aug 18/Aug(*) 27/Aug 03/Sep 12/Sep 18/Sep ALY0408 Alyona 11/Aug 05/Aug 18/Jul 20/Jul 22/Jul 24/Jul 09/Jul(*) 31/Jul GAR0608 Grande Argentina ECE0708 16/Sep(*) 14/Sep(*) 19/Sep 21/Sep 28/Sep 29/Sep 03/Oct 05/Oct 08/Oct Eurocargo Europa GAF0608 ECA0708 01/Sep(*) 29/Aug(*) 03/Sep 05/Sep 12/Sep 13/Sep 17/Sep 19/Sep 22/Sep Eurocargo Africa Grande Buenos Aires ECE0608 07/Aug(*) 09/Aug(*) 15/Aug 17/Aug 24/Aug 25/Aug 29/Aug 31/Aug 03/Sep Eurocargo Europa 19/Aug 20/Aug 02/Aug 05/Aug 06/Aug 08/Aug 11/Aug 14/Aug 18/Aug RAG0508 Repubblica Argentina 01/Sep 03/Sep 07/Sep 12/Sep 19/Sep 30/Aug GRA0108 29/Aug 30/Aug 12/Aug 14/Aug 16/Aug 18/Aug 20/Aug 23/Aug 27/Aug GRS0508 Grande San Paolo 09/Sep 06/Sep(*) 08/Sep(*) 11/Sep 05/Sep(*) 16/Sep 23/Sep 01/Oct 07/Oct 12/Oct 13/Oct THE0708 Thebeland 27/Aug 21/Aug 03/Aug 05/Aug 07/Aug 09/Aug 04/Aug(*) 16/Aug GNI0608 Grande Nigeria 20/Oct(*) 18/Oct(*) 24/Oct 26/Oct 02/Nov 03/Nov 07/Nov 09/Nov 12/Nov ECE0808 Eurocargo Europa Grande Angola 18/Aug 12/Aug 25/Jul 28/Jul 30/Jul 31/Jul 31/Jul(*) 08/Aug GAM0608 Grande America 02/Oct(*) 30/Sep(*) 08/Oct 10/Oct 17/Oct 18/Oct 22/Oct 24/Oct 27/Oct ECA0808 Eurocargo Africa 08/Sep 09/Sep 23/Aug 25/Aug 27/Aug 29/Aug 31/Aug 03/Sep 07/Sep GFR0508 Grande Francia 26/Oct 22/Sep 24/Sep 24/Sep(*) 26/Sep 27/Sep(*) 01/Oct 07/Oct 15/Oct 21/Oct NAE0308 Naesborg 02/Sep 29/Aug 11/Aug 13/Aug 15/Aug 17/Aug 17/Aug(*) 24/Aug GAT0708 Grande Atlantico ECA0908 09/Nov(*) 01/Nov(*) 12/Nov 14/Nov 21/Nov 22/Nov 26/Nov 28/Nov 01/Dec Eurocargo Africa Atlantic Network Quarterly Schedule 16/Sep 18/Sep 31/Aug 02/Sep 04/Sep 06/Sep 08/Sep 11/Sep 15/Sep GBA0508 Grande Buenos Aires 04/Oct 07/Oct 02/Oct(*) 09/Oct 03/Oct(*) 13/Oct 20/Oct 29/Oct 04/Nov 09/Nov 11/Nov ALY0508 Alyona 12/Sep 06/Sep 19/Aug 21/Aug 23/Aug 25/Aug 18/Aug(*) 01/Sep GAF0708 Grande Africa ECE0908 27/Nov(*) 25/Nov(*) 28/Nov 30/Nov 07/Dec 08/Dec 12/Dec 14/Dec 17/Dec Eurocargo Europa Schedules subject to changes without notice of call Vessel 28/Jun 30/Jun 03/Jul 04/Jul 05/Jul 09/Jul 10/Jul 11/Jul 19/Jul 19/Jun 10/Jul 11/Jul 15/Jul 16/Jul 19/Jul 21/Jul 22/Jul 01/Aug 09/Jul 10/Jul 13/Jul 17/Jul 15/Jul 25/Jul 06/Jul 08/Jul 09/Jul 10/Jul 11/Jul 12/Jul 14/Jul 22/Jul 25/Jul 26/Jul 28/Jul Sunday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Friday Saturday Monday NEW YORK FAPS BALTIMORE PORTSMOUTH NEW YORK CITY HALIFAX LIVERPOOL ANTWERP HAMBURG GOThEnBURG 28/Jun Saturday LIVERPOOL NEW YORK CITY 25/Jun Wednesday ANTWERP HALIFAX 23/Jun Monday GOThEnBURG 8216/8316 8215/8315 04/Aug 02/Aug 01/Aug 29/Jul 21/Jul 19/Jul 18/Jul 17/Jul 16/Jul 15/Jul 13/Jul 05/Jul 02/Jul 30/Jun 28/Jun Atl Concert Atl Companion 21/Jun Vessel Fixed Day Saturday of call HAMBURG Ports 11/Aug 09/Aug 08/Aug 05/Aug 28/Jul 26/Jul 25/Jul 24/Jul 23/Jul 22/Jul 20/Jul 12/Jul 09/Jul 07/Jul 05/Jul 8217/8317 Atl Compass 18/Aug 16/Aug 15/Aug 12/Aug 04/Aug 02/Aug 01/Aug 31/Jul 30/Jul 29/Jul 27/Jul 19/Jul 16/Jul 14/Jul 12/Jul 8218/8318 Atl Cartier 25/Aug 23/Aug 22/Aug 19/Aug 11/Aug 09/Aug 08/Aug 07/Aug 06/Aug 05/Aug 03/Aug 26/Jul 23/Jul 21/Jul 19/Jul 8219/8319 01/Sep 30/Aug 29/Aug 26/Aug 18/Aug 16/Aug 15/Aug 14/Aug 13/Aug 12/Aug 10/Aug 02/Aug 30/Jul 28/Jul 26/Jul 8220/8320 Atl Companion 05/Aug 06/Aug 10/Aug 11/Aug 13/Aug 21/Aug 03/Jul 04/Jul 06/Jul 07/Jul 09/Jul 11/Jul 10/Jul(*) 14/Jul 18/Jul 27/Jul 29/Jul 31/Jul 01/Aug GBA0408 Grande Buenos Aires Atl Conveyor 22/Jul 23/Jul 26/Jul 28/Jul 29/Jul 01/Aug 03/Aug 04/Aug 13/Aug 26/Jun 27/Jun 29/Jun 01/Jul 03/Jul 05/Jul 02/Jul(*) 08/Jul 12/Jul 28/Jun 07/Jul GFR0408 14/Jun 15/Jun 17/Jun 18/Jun 20/Jun 23/Jun 20/Jun(*) Grande Francia GRS0408 Grande San Paolo 04/Jul 05/Jul 15/Jun 17/Jun 20/Jun 31/May(*) 23/Jun 27/Jun 14/Jun RAG0408 GBR0308 07/Jun 07/Jun(*) 09/Jun 10/Jun 13/Jun 31/May(*) Repubblica Argentina Grande Brasile North America / North Europe Service * By Transhipment Bremerhaven Hamburg Tilbury Antwerp Le Havre Bilbao Lisbon Casablanca Dakar Salvador Vitoria Rio de Janeiro Santos Montevideo Zarate Buenos Aires Paranagua Santos Rio de Janeiro Dakar Ports North Europe / South America Line 27/Aug 28/Aug 31/Aug 02/Sep 03/Sep 11/Sep 26/Jul 27/Jul 29/Jul 30/Jul 01/Aug 04/Aug 03/Aug(*) 07/Aug 11/Aug 19/Aug 20/Aug 22/Aug 23/Aug GBR0408 Grande Brasile 02/Sep 04/Sep 07/Sep 10/Sep 09/Sep 19/Sep 28/Aug 30/Aug 02/Aug 02/Aug 05/Aug 06/Aug 08/Aug 11/Aug 09/Aug(*) 14/Aug 18/Aug RAG0508 Repubblica Argentina 12/Sep 14/Sep 17/Sep 19/Sep 20/Sep 28/Sep 07/Sep 09/Sep 11/Aug 12/Aug 14/Aug 16/Aug 18/Aug 20/Aug 15/Aug(*) 23/Aug 27/Aug 05/Sep GRS0508 Grande San Paolo 17/Sep 18/Sep 21/Sep 23/Sep 24/Sep 27/Sep 29/Sep 30/Sep 09/Oct 22/Aug 23/Aug 25/Aug 27/Aug 29/Aug 31/Aug 27/Aug(*) 03/Sep 07/Sep GFR0508 Grande Francia 08/Sep 06/Sep 05/Sep 02/Sep 25/Aug 23/Aug 22/Aug 21/Aug 20/Aug 19/Aug 17/Aug 09/Aug 06/Aug 04/Aug 02/Aug 8221/8321 Atl Concert 15/Sep 13/Sep 12/Sep 09/Sep 01/Sep 30/Aug 29/Aug 28/Aug 27/Aug 26/Aug 24/Aug 16/Aug 13/Aug 11/Aug 09/Aug 8222/8322 Atl Compass 22/Sep 20/Sep 19/Sep 16/Sep 08/Sep 06/Sep 05/Sep 04/Sep 03/Sep 02/Sep 31/Aug 23/Aug 20/Aug 18/Aug 16/Aug 8223/8323 Atl Cartier 29/Sep 27/Sep 26/Sep 23/Sep 15/Sep 13/Sep 12/Sep 11/Sep 10/Sep 09/Sep 07/Sep 30/Aug 27/Aug 25/Aug 23/Aug 8224/8324 Atl Conveyor 06/Oct 04/Oct 03/Oct 30/Sep 22/Sep 20/Sep 19/Sep 18/Sep 17/Sep 16/Sep 14/Sep 06/Sep 03/Sep 01/Sep 30/Aug 8225/8325 Atl Companion 13/Oct 11/Oct 10/Oct 07/Oct 29/Sep 27/Sep 26/Sep 25/Sep 24/Sep 23/Sep 21/Sep 13/Sep 10/Sep 08/Sep 06/Sep 8226/8326 Atl Concert 20/Oct 18/Oct 17/Oct 14/Oct 06/Oct 04/Oct 03/Oct 02/Oct 01/Oct 30/Sep 28/Sep 20/Sep 17/Sep 15/Sep 13/Sep 8227/8327 Atl Compass 27/Oct 25/Oct 24/Oct 21/Oct 13/Oct 11/Oct 10/Oct 09/Oct 08/Oct 07/Oct 05/Oct 27/Sep 24/Sep 22/Sep 20/Sep 8228/8328 Atl Cartier 30/Sep 01/Oct 05/Oct 06/Oct 07/Oct 17/Oct 25/Sep 26/Sep 30/Aug 31/Aug 02/Sep 04/Sep 06/Sep 08/Sep 07/Sep(*) 11/Sep 15/Sep GBA0508 Grande Buenos Aires ACL Weekly Fixed-day Schedule 11/Aug 13/Aug 19/Aug 16/Aug 18/Aug 22/Aug 23/Aug 24/Aug 01/Sep 16/Jul 17/Jul 20/Jul 21/Jul 23/Jul 26/Jul 10/Jul(*) 29/Jul 02/Aug GHA0408 Grande Amburgo 03/Nov 01/Nov 31/Oct 28/Oct 20/Oct 18/Oct 17/Oct 16/Oct 15/Oct 14/Oct 12/Oct 04/Oct 01/Oct 29/Sep 27/Sep 8229/8329 Atl Conveyor 11/Oct 13/Oct 16/Oct 18/Oct 19/Oct 27/Oct 06/Oct 08/Oct 09/Sep 10/Sep 12/Sep 14/Sep 16/Sep 18/Sep 16/Sep(*) 21/Sep 25/Sep 04/Oct GHA0508 Grande Amburgo Schedules subject to changes without notice of call of call Fixed day of call V.06/07 Vessel Fixed Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday Spes V.12/08 Fides 06/Jun 09/Jun 12/Jun 16/Jun 17/Jun 18/Jun 19/Jun 22/Jun 23/Jun 26/Jun 28/Jun 02/Jul 03/Jul 04/Jul V.08/08 Grande Benelux V.11/08 04/Jun 06/Jun 11/Jun 13/Jun 14/Jun 15/Jun 17/Jun 18/Jun 19/Jun 23/Jun 25/Jun 30/Jun 01/Jul 02/Jul V.06/08 30/May 02/Jun 05/Jun 09/Jun 10/Jun 11/Jun 12/Jun 15/Jun 16/Jun 19/Jun 21/Jun 25/Jun 26/Jun 27/Jun Grande Detroit V.07/08 V.07/08 23/Jun 24/Jun 25/Jun 28/Jun 30/Jun 01/Jul 03/Jul V.13/08 Spes 18/Jun 20/Jun 25/Jun 27/Jun 28/Jun 29/Jun 01/Jul 02/Jul 03/Jul 07/Jul 09/Jul 14/Jul 15/Jul 16/Jul 30/Jun 01/Jul 02/Jul 05/Jul 07/Jul 08/Jul 10/Jul V.13/08 Fides 20/Jun 23/Jun 26/Jun 30/Jun 01/Jul 02/Jul 03/Jul 06/Jul 07/Jul 10/Jul 12/Jul 16/Jul 17/Jul 18/Jul V.08/08 07/Jul 08/Jul 09/Jul 12/Jul 14/Jul 15/Jul 17/Jul V.14/08 Spes 25/Jun 27/Jun 02/Jul 04/Jul 05/Jul 06/Jul 08/Jul 09/Jul 10/Jul 14/Jul 16/Jul 21/Jul 22/Jul 23/Jul V.09/08 14/Jul 15/Jul 16/Jul 19/Jul 21/Jul 22/Jul 24/Jul V.14/08 Fides 27/Jun 30/Jun 03/Jul 07/Jul 08/Jul 09/Jul 10/Jul 13/Jul 14/Jul 17/Jul 19/Jul 23/Jul 24/Jul 25/Jul V.07/08 21/Jul 22/Jul 23/Jul 26/Jul 28/Jul 29/Jul 31/Jul V.15/08 Spes 02/Jul 04/Jul 09/Jul 11/Jul 12/Jul 13/Jul 15/Jul 16/Jul 17/Jul 21/Jul 23/Jul 28/Jul 29/Jul 30/Jul V.07/07 28/Jul 29/Jul 30/Jul 02/Aug 04/Aug 05/Aug 07/Aug V.15/08 Fides 04/Jul 07/Jul 10/Jul 14/Jul 15/Jul 16/Jul 17/Jul 20/Jul 21/Jul 24/Jul 26/Jul 30/Jul 31/Jul 01/Aug V.09/08 Grande Benelux Spes 09/Jul 11/Jul 16/Jul 18/Jul 19/Jul 20/Jul 22/Jul 23/Jul 24/Jul 28/Jul 30/Jul 04/Aug 05/Aug 06/Aug V.08/08 Grande Anversa 25/Jul 26/Jul 29/Jul 01/Aug 02/Aug 05/Aug 06/Aug 08/Aug 09/Aug 15/Aug 17/Aug 18/Aug 19/Aug 21/Aug 22/Aug 24/Aug V.07/08 Grande Bret. 04/Aug 05/Aug 06/Aug 09/Aug 11/Aug 12/Aug 14/Aug V.16/08 18/Jul 19/Jul 22/Jul 25/Jul 26/Jul 29/Jul 30/Jul 01/Aug 02/Aug 08/Aug 10/Aug 11/Aug 12/Aug 14/Aug 15/Aug 17/Aug V.06/08 Grande Scandin. : Ravenna-Venice-Koper-Monfalcone-Piraeus-Alexandria (old port)-Tartous-Latakia 16/Jun 17/Jun 18/Jun 21/Jun 23/Jun 24/Jun 26/Jun V.12/08 Fides 11/Jun 13/Jun 18/Jun 20/Jun 21/Jun 22/Jun 24/Jun 25/Jun 26/Jun 30/Jun 02/Jul 07/Jul 08/Jul 09/Jul 11/Jul 12/Jul 15/Jul 18/Jul 19/Jul 22/Jul 23/Jul 25/Jul 26/Jul 01/Aug 03/Aug 04/Aug 05/Aug 07/Aug 08/Aug 10/Aug V.05/08 Grande Europa Grande Detroit 04/Jul 05/Jul 08/Jul 11/Jul 12/Jul 15/Jul 16/Jul 18/Jul 19/Jul 25/Jul 27/Jul 28/Jul 29/Jul 31/Jul 01/Aug 03/Aug V.06/08 Grande Mediter. Grande Portog. 27/Jun 28/Jun 01/Jul 04/Jul 05/Jul 08/Jul 09/Jul 11/Jul 12/Jul 18/Jul 20/Jul 21/Jul 22/Jul 24/Jul 25/Jul 27/Jul V.06/08 Grande Colonia 20/Jun 21/Jun 24/Jun 27/Jun 28/Jun 01/Jul 02/Jul 04/Jul 05/Jul 11/Jul 13/Jul 14/Jul 15/Jul 17/Jul 18/Jul 20/Jul V.06/08 Grande Ellade 11/Aug 12/Aug 13/Aug 16/Aug 18/Aug 19/Aug 21/Aug V.16/08 Fides 16/Jul 18/Jul 23/Jul 25/Jul 26/Jul 27/Jul 29/Jul 30/Jul 31/Jul 04/Aug 06/Aug 11/Aug 12/Aug 13/Aug V.08/08 Grande Sicilia 01/Aug 02/Aug 05/Aug 08/Aug 09/Aug 12/Aug 13/Aug 15/Aug 16/Aug 22/Aug 24/Aug 25/Aug 26/Aug 28/Aug 29/Aug 31/Aug V.07/08 Grande Ellade 18/Aug 19/Aug 20/Aug 23/Aug 25/Aug 26/Aug 28/Aug V.17/08 Spes 18/Jul 21/Jul 24/Jul 28/Jul 29/Jul 30/Jul 31/Jul 03/Aug 04/Aug 07/Aug 09/Aug 13/Aug 14/Aug 15/Aug V.09/08 Grande Spagna 08/Aug 09/Aug 12/Aug 15/Aug 16/Aug 19/Aug 20/Aug 22/Aug 23/Aug 29/Aug 31/Aug 01/Sep 02/Sep 04/Sep 05/Sep 07/Sep V.07/08 Grande Mediter. 25/Aug 26/Aug 27/Aug 30/Aug 01/Sep 02/Sep 04/Sep V.17/08 Fides 23/Jul 25/Jul 30/Jul 01/Aug 02/Aug 03/Aug 05/Aug 06/Aug 07/Aug 11/Aug 13/Aug 18/Aug 19/Aug 20/Aug V.10/08 Grande Colonia 15/Aug 16/Aug 19/Aug 22/Aug 23/Aug 26/Aug 27/Aug 29/Aug 30/Aug 05/Sep 07/Sep 08/Sep 09/Sep 11/Sep 12/Sep 14/Sep V.06/08 Grande Europa 01/Sep 02/Sep 03/Sep 06/Sep 08/Sep 09/Sep 11/Sep V.18/08 Spes 25/Jul 28/Jul 31/Jul 04/Aug 05/Aug 06/Aug 07/Aug 10/Aug 11/Aug 14/Aug 16/Aug 20/Aug 21/Aug 22/Aug V.08/08 Grande Portog. 22/Aug 23/Aug 26/Aug 29/Aug 30/Aug 02/Sep 03/Sep 05/Sep 06/Sep 12/Sep 14/Sep 15/Sep 16/Sep 18/Sep 19/Sep 21/Sep V.07/08 Grande Scandin. Euro-Med Network Fixed-day Schedule Grande Bret. Grande Spagna 13/Jun 14/Jun 17/Jun 20/Jun 21/Jun 24/Jun 25/Jun 27/Jun 28/Jun 04/Jul 06/Jul 07/Jul 08/Jul 10/Jul 11/Jul 13/Jul V.05/08 Grande Scandin. Grande Sicilia 06/Jun 07/Jun 10/Jun 13/Jun 14/Jun 17/Jun 18/Jun 20/Jun 21/Jun 27/Jun 29/Jun 30/Jun 01/Jul 03/Jul 04/Jul 06/Jul V.04/08 Grande Europa Grande Anversa 30/May 31/May 03/Jun 06/Jun 07/Jun 10/Jun 11/Jun 13/Jun 14/Jun 20/Jun 22/Jun 23/Jun 24/Jun 26/Jun 27/Jun 29/Jun V.05/08 Grande Mediter. Ravenna (I) 02/Jun 09/Jun Koper (SLO) 03/Jun 10/Jun Monfalcone (I) 04/Jun 11/Jun Piraeus (GR) 07/Jun 14/Jun Ashdod (IL) 09/Jun 16/Jun Haifa (IL) 10/Jun 17/Jun Izmir (TR) 12/Jun 19/Jun NEW SERVICE PERFORMED BY 2 RORO MULTIPURPOSE VESSEL LINKING Ports Vessel Wed & Fri Fri & Tue Monday Wednesday Fri & Mon Sat & Tue Sunday Thursday Tuesday Wed & Sun Thu & Mon Mon & Thu Wed & Sat Mon & Thu Tue & Fri Wed & Sat Adriatic Service ANTWERP (B) PORTBURY (gb) SETUBAL (P) VALENCIA (E) LIVORNO (I) CIVITAVECCHIA (I) SALERNO (I) PALERMO (I) PIRAEUS (GR) GEMLIK (TK) YENIKOY (TK) SALERNO (I) VALENCIA (E) SOUTHAMPTON (GB) FLUSHING (NL) ANTWERP (B) Ports 23/May 24/May 27/May 30/May 31/May 03/Jun 04/Jun 06/Jun 07/Jun 13/Jun 15/Jun 16/Jun 17/Jun 19/Jun 20/Jun 22/Jun V.05/08 Grande Ellade Grande Portog. V.05/08 16/May 17/May 20/May 23/May 24/May 27/May 28/May 30/May 31/May 06/Jun 08/Jun 09/Jun 10/Jun 12/Jun 13/Jun 15/Jun Grande Bret. Friday Saturday Tuesday Friday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Friday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Vessel Fixed Day Euro Aegean Service SALERNO (I) SAVONA (I) SETUBAL (P) BRISTOL( PRBY) (GB) CORK (IRL) ESBJERG (DK) WALLHAMN (S) ANTWERP (B) SOUTHAMPTON (GB) SALERNO (I) MALTA (ML) PIRAEUS (GR) IZMIR (TR) ASHDOD (IL) LIMASSOL (CY) ALEXANDRIA (ET) Ports Euro-Med Service 08/Sep 09/Sep 10/Sep 13/Sep 15/Sep 16/Sep 18/Sep V.18/08 Fides 30/Jul 01/Aug 06/Aug 08/Aug 09/Aug 10/Aug 12/Aug 13/Aug 14/Aug 18/Aug 20/Aug 25/Aug 26/Aug 27/Aug V.08/07 Grande Detroit 29/Aug 30/Aug 02/Sep 05/Sep 06/Sep 09/Sep 10/Sep 12/Sep 13/Sep 19/Sep 21/Sep 22/Sep 23/Sep 25/Sep 26/Sep 28/Sep V.08/08 Grande Bret.