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WA RW I C K EDGING WORKING WITH E D G I N G M AT E R I A L S & ADHESIVES EDGE PROCESSING Mobile Edge Processing W O O D P R O C E SS I N G TE CH NOLOGY “When you make it round, you stop making money” – an old rule that no longer applies! All prices are valid from April 1, 2010. With the publication of these prices, all previously published prices become invalid. Our general business terms and conditions apply. This catalogue is protected by copyright. Any reprint of this material, even of an extract, shall only be permissible with the express approval of the publisher. Technical data subject to change. No liability is assumed for any printing errors in this catalogue. The legal VAT rate is applicable. Updated 08/2010 3 WA RW I C K EDGING Mobile Edge Processing WEGOMA® portable hot melt edgebanding machines allow edging to be glued to any work piece quickly and easily: suitable for large, round, cambered, small or straight work pieces. Your customers have unusual and demanding requirements. You create accents with round and cambered shapes, offering your customers more than your competitors do. Expand your production options with WEGOMA® portable edgebanding machines, your own creativity and skilful craftsmanship. WEGOMA® portable edgebanding machines solve the “form problems” of even small and midsize builders and trade contractors without demanding high investments or extensive space requirements. High-quality standard square panels can also be fabricated quickly and cost-effectively. WEGOMA® has been known for innovative ideas and premium wood processing technology since 1970. In addition to stationary edge processing, the company also specialised in mobile edge processing more than 20 years ago with the AG98 and KF30 equipment series. The market introduction of our first portable edgebanding machines in 2006 – the PM2000 Portamaster series by WEGOMA®, featuring an adhesive reservoir for hot melt adhesive granulate – developed into a booming business for mobile edge gluing. So it is little wonder that WEGOMA® is now one of the largest manufacturers of portable edgebanding machines. We are happy to have thousands of satisfied users, and are also producing these machines for other manufacturers of wood processing machines who distribute them around the world under their own brand. WEGOMA® is among the leading manufacturers, not only for edgebanding but also for other aspects of mobile edge processing. Vacuum clamping systems for your work pieces, end trimmers and edge trimming machines by WEGOMA® are all top-quality machines built by professionals for professionals. Clamping Electrical and compressed air vacuum clamping systems Edgebanding Portable hot melt edgebanding machines and accessories End trimming End trimmers for straight, diagonal and round parts Edge trimming Electric and compressed air edge trimming machines Page 4-5 Page 6-7 Page 8-9 Page 10-11 4 EDGE PROCESSING – Mobile Edge Processing VACUUM CLAMPING SYSTEMS Compressed air vacuum clamping systems Versatile clamping systems for horizontal and vertical work piece clamping. Dual-sided suction. The ideal helper for trimming, grinding, planing, sawing, filling and coating. Also suitable for use in explosion-prone areas. EQUIPMENT: TECHNICAL DATA: UÊÊÕ>Ã`i`ÊÃÕVÌÊqÊÌ«Ê>`ÊLÌÌÊÃÕVÌÊ plates for use without clamps, simply set on the work bench, switch on, load work piece. UÊÊÀâÌ>Ê>`ÊÛiÀÌV>ÊV>«}ÊÊÛiÀÃ>Ìi]Ê secure and straightforward. UÊÊ >«}ÊÌ >ÌÊ«ÀÌiVÌÃÊÌ iÊ>ÌiÀ>ÊÊÊÃÕÀv>ViÊ damage thanks to the rubber lip to preserve sensitive surfaces. UÊÊ >«}ÊÛiÀÞÊÃ>ÊÜÀÊ«iViÃÊÊÜÌ Ê sectioned suction plates. UÊÊ >«}Ê>À}iÊ>`ÊÛiÀÃâiÊÜÀÊ«iViÃÊÊ tremendous suction force permits clamping work pieces up to 2 m² on just one clamping unit (based module). An add-on module (option) can be mounted for even larger work pieces. UÊÊ >«ÊÕÌ}Ê«ÌÃÊÊvÀÊÀÕ} ÊÀÊÛ>«ÕÀ permeable work surfaces, the clamping fixtures can be secured with clamps. UÊÊ*ÜiÀvÕÊÛ>VÕÕÊÛ>ÛiÊÊ}iiÀ>Ìi`ÊÛ>VÕÕÊ of 700 millibar, vertical holding force 70 kg, horizontal holding force 150 kg. UÊÊÜÊV«ÀiÃÃi`Ê>ÀÊ`i>`ÊÊÞÊÎnÊÉÊ>ÌÊ 4-6 bar operating pressure. UÊÊ-ÌÀ>} ÌvÀÜ>À`Ê>`Êv>ÃÌÊ«iÀ>ÌÊÊÜÌ Ê«À>VÌcal slide valve or the optional foot switch. UÊÊÝ«>`>LiÊÃÞÃÌiÊÊÌ iÊ6-ÊL>ÃiÊ`ÕiÊ can be extended with the DVS-A expansion module at any time. Or you can choose the DVS-S set, consisting of the base module and expansion module in the WEGOMA system box. Holding force: Work piece vertical 70 kg Holding force: Work piece horizontal 150 kg Generated vacuum 700 mbar Vacuum surface 340 x 125 mm Operating pressure 4 - 6 bar Compressed air demand at 4 bar 38 l/min Dimensions (L x W x H) 390 x 145 x 200 mm Weight DVS-G/DVS-A 5.5 kg / 4.9 kg Optional: UÊÊÌÊÃÜÌV ÊÊÛiÀÞÊi>ÃÞÊÌÊ«iÀ>Ìi]Ê>Ü>ÞÃÊÓÊvÀiiÊ hands to load the work piece. UÊÊÝ«>ÃÊ`ÕiÊvÀÊÃÕLÃiµÕiÌÊiÝÌiÃÊvÊ the system. Compressed air vacuum clamping system dual-sided suction DVS-S: set consisting of the base module (DVS-G) and expansion module in the system box DETAILS: Straightforward, secure and quick clamping of long or short work pieces. On vapour-permeable surfaces, the vacuum clamping system can be secured with clamps. ORDER NUMBERS: Order no. 96000205 96000206 96000210 95000250 Description DVS-G base module with pneumatic pump Expansion module for DVS-G / EVS-G DVS-S set: consisting of DVS-G and expansion module in the system box Foot switch complete for DVS-G Vertical clamping of large work pieces. Secure, comfortable operation with the foot switch. 5 WA RW I C K EDGING VACUUM CLAMPING SYSTEMS Electric vacuum clamping systems Versatile clamping systems for horizontal and vertical work piece clamping. Dual-sided suction. The ideal helper for trimming, grinding, planing, sawing, filling and coating. Also suitable for use on construction sites. EQUIPMENT: TECHNICAL DATA: UÊÊÕ>Ã`i`ÊÃÕVÌÊqÊÌ«Ê>`ÊLÌÌÊÃÕVÌÊ plates for use without clamps, simply set on the work bench, switch on, load work piece. UÊÊÀâÌ>Ê>`ÊÛiÀÌV>ÊV>«}ÊÊÛiÀÃ>Ìi]Ê secure and straightforward. UÊÊ >«}ÊÌ >ÌÊ«ÀÌiVÌÃÊÌ iÊ>ÌiÀ>ÊÊÊÃÕÀv>ViÊ damage thanks to the rubber lip to preserve sensitive surfaces. UÊÊ >«}ÊÛiÀÞÊÃ>ÊÜÀÊ«iViÃÊÊÜÌ Ê sectioned suction plates. UÊÊ >«}Ê>À}iÊ>`ÊÛiÀÃâiÊÜÀÊ«iViÃÊÊ tremendous suction force permits clamping work pieces up to 2 m² on just one clamping unit (based module). An add-on module (option) can be mounted for even larger work pieces. UÊÊ >«ÊÕÌ}Ê«ÌÃÊÊvÀÊÀÕ} ÊÀÊÛ>«ÕÀ permeable work surfaces, the clamping fixtures can be secured with clamps. UÊÊ*ÜiÀvÕÊiiVÌÀVÊÛ>VÕÕÊ«Õ«ÊÊÇxäÊL>ÀÊ generated vacuum, vertical holding force 70 kg, horizontal holding force 150 kg. UÊÊ>ÃÌÊ>`ÊÃÌÀ>} ÌvÀÜ>À`Ê«iÀ>ÌÊÊ>ÃÊÜÌ Ê optional foot switch. UÊÊÝ«>`>LiÊÃÞÃÌiÊÊÌ iÊ6-ÊL>ÃiÊ`ÕiÊV>Ê be extended with the expansion module at any time. Or you can choose the EVS-S set, consisting of the base module and expansion module in the WEGOMA system box. Optional: UÊÊÌÊÃÜÌV ÊÊÛiÀÞÊi>ÃÞÊÌÊ«iÀ>Ìi]Ê>Ü>ÞÃÊÓÊvÀiiÊ hands to load the work piece. UÊÊÝ«>ÃÊ`ÕiÊvÀÊÃÕLÃiµÕiÌÊiÝÌiÃÊvÊ the system. Voltage 230V, 50/60 Hz Connected load 120 W Generated vacuum 750 mbar Holding force: Work piece horizontal 150 kg Vacuum surface 340 x 125 mm Dimensions (L x W x H) 90 x 145 x 200 mm Weight EVS-G/EVS-A 5.8 kg / 4.9 kg Electric vacuum clamping system - dual-sided suction EVS-S: set consisting of base module (EVS-G) and expansion module in the system box. DETAILS: Countless clamping possibilities Secure, comfortable operation with the foot switch. Secure clamping of long work pieces with the expansion module. ORDER NUMBERS: Order no. 96000500 96000206 96000502 95000250 Description EVS-G base module with electric pump Expansion module for DVS-G / EVS-G EVS-S set: consisting of EVS-G and expansion module in the system box Foot switch complete for EVS-G Vertical clamping of large work pieces. 6 EDGE PROCESSING – Mobile Edge Processing PORTABLE HOT MELT EDGEBANDING MACHINES PM2000i, PM2000T and PM2000TS edgebanding machines With digital temperature control and continuously variable speed (PM2000TS). The Portamaster series PM2000i - PM2000T – PM2000TS mobile edgebanding machines with hot melt adhesive reservoir for formed parts and straight work pieces. Ideal for rapid deployment in the workshop, at installation sites, trade fairs etc. EQUIPMENT: UÊÊ}Ì>]ÊVÌÕÕÃÞÊÛ>À>LiÊÌi«iÀ>ÌÕÀiÊ control from 120° to 200°C (T, TS) UÊÊ ÌÕÕÃÞÊÛ>À>LiÊëii`ÊvÀÊäÊÌÊ{ÊÉÊ (TS) UÊÊÀÊV>LiÀi`Ê>`ÊÃÌÀ>} ÌÊÜÀÊ«iVià UÊÊ`}iÃÊV>ÊLiÊ«Ài}Õi`ÊvÀÊVÀiÀÊÌà UÊÊÃÊÕÃ>LiÊ>ÃÊÃÌ>Ì>ÀÞÊiµÕ«iÌ UÊÊ-ÌÀ>} ÌvÀÜ>À`Ê>`Êv>ÃÌÊÃiÌÕ« UÊÊ£>Ê«iÀ>Ì UÊÊÌÊiÌÊ>` iÃÛiÊÀiÃiÀÛÀ UÊÊÛiÊà ÀÌiÀÊÜ>ÀÕ«ÊÌi UÊÊ6iÀÞÊ}`Ê i>ÌÊÃÕ>Ì Scope of delivery: UÊÊ*ÓäääÊÊÌ iÊÃÞÃÌiÊLÝ UÊÊ*Óäää/ÊÜÌ ÊVÌÕÕÃÞÊÛ>À>LiÊÌi«iÀ>ture control in the system box UÊÊ*Óäää/-ÊÜÌ ÊVÌÕÕÃÞÊÛ>À>LiÊÌi«iÀ>ture control and speed in the system box Edge gluing device PM2000i Edge gluing device PM2000T Edge gluing device PM2000TS Delivery in the system box TECHNICAL DATA: PM2000i PM2000T PM2000TS Voltage 230V,50/60Hz - (120V,60Hz) Load 765 W Max. edge height 45 mm Edging thickness 0.4 – 3 mm Infeed speed 3.6 m/min Operating temperature 160° Adhesive reservoir capacity 150 cm³ Warm-up time (depending on granulate) ~ 12 min Dimensions (LxWxH) 300 x 220 x 260 mm Weight 7.9 kg 230V,50/60Hz - (120V,60Hz) 765W 45 mm 0.4 – 3 mm 3.6 m/min 120° - 200° 150 cm³ ~ 6 min 300 x 240 x 260 mm 8.0 kg 230V,50/60Hz - (120V,60Hz) 765 W 45 mm 0.4 – 3 mm 0 – 4 m/min 120° - 200° 150 cm³ ~ 6 min 300 x 240 x 260 mm 8.4 kg ORDER NUMBERS: Order no. 29101754 29101760 29101761 Description PM2000i PM2000T PM2000TS 7 WA RW I C K EDGING Accessories SE2001 stationary table DESCRIPTION: Retrofitting kit for SE2001 with support plate and trimmer DESCRIPTION: SE2001 for the stationary use of mobile edge gluing devices. Retrofitting kit for the SE2001 stationary table. Stop for straight work pieces WEGOCLEAN DESCRIPTION: SE2002 stationary table DESCRIPTION: SE2002 stationary table with support plate and trimmer. DESCRIPTION: Gluing narrow, straight and long work pieces is easy with the (plug-on) stops. WEGOCLEAN cleaning spray for the removal of adhesive residue and cleaning all edge gluing devices. APPLICATION: Gluing large work pieces Gluing cambered and straight work pieces ORDER NUMBERS: Order no. 95000050 96000665 96000666 95000082 95000000 92000528 Description SE2001 stationary table with ball casters Retrofitting kit with support plate and trimmer for SE2001 SE2002 stationary table with ball casters, support plate (D=600mm) and trimmer Stop for processing straight work pieces WEGOCLEAN SKG170 hot melt adhesive granulate, 3kg bucket Gluing long work pieces with the SE2002 Gluing round work pieces with the SE2002 8 EDGE PROCESSING – Mobile Edge Processing END TRIMMERS END TRIMMERS KG20R end trimmer KG30 end trimmer End trimmer for PVC, polyester, melamine and other edging End trimmer for PVC, polyester, melamine and other edging DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: The KG20R end trimmer is suitable for trimming edging on round work pieces. TECHNICAL DATA: Max. edging thickness Max. Edge width The end trimmer is designed for trimming edging on square work pieces. TECHNICAL DATA: 2 mm 45 mm Max. edging thickness: 0.8 mm - 1.5 mm 1.5 mm - 3.0 mm End trimmer KG20R Max. edge height: 45 mm 23 mm End trimmer KG30 DETAILS: DETAILS: The end of the edging should protrude slightly after gluing. Apply the end trimmer to the edge. Push the protruding edging through the end trimmer. Align the end trimmer and trim the protruding edging. Glue with hot air gun. For a perfect finish. Apply the end trimmer to the edge. ORDER NUMBERS: ORDER NUMBERS: Order no. 29101524 Order no. 29101523 Description KG20R Description KG30 Trim by striking the end trimmer. 9 WA RW I C K EDGING END TRIMMERS END TRIMMERS KG30G end trimmer KG30/60 end trimmer End trimmer for PVC, polyester, melamine and other edging End trimmer for PVC, polyester, melamine, ABS and other edging DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: The KG30G end trimmer is designed for 90° cuts. Edge heights up to 45 mm can be processed. The max. edging thickness is 3 mm. TECHNICAL DATA: Max. edging thickness: 0.3 mm - 2.0 mm 3.0 mm The end trimmer is designed for an edge height up to 50 mm and and edging thickness up to 3 mm. Acute and obtuse angles can also be cut precisely with the KG30/60. A smooth trimming cut prevents stress whitening of ABS edging. Hard metal cutting edges ensure excellent durability. TECHNICAL DATA: Max. edge height: 45 mm 23 mm Max. edging thickness Max. edge height Weight 3 mm 50 mm 1.9 kg End trimmer KG30G End trimmer KG30/60 DETAILS: DETAILS: Straightforward, precise trimming Precise trimming of 90°.... ... 30°... ....or obtuse angles. Max. cutting height: 50mm, edging thickness up to 3 mm. ORDER NUMBERS: ORDER NUMBERS: Order no. 92101530 Order no. 29101525 Description KG30G Description KG30/60 10 EDGE PROCESSING – Mobile Edge Processing EDGE TRIMMING MACHINES KFR130N edge trimming machine Edge trimming machine for processing longitudinal edges on straight and cambered work pieces and for edge processing. EQUIPMENT: UÊÊ ÌÀÊiiVÌÀVÃÊÜÌ ÊÃvÌÊÃÌ>ÀÌÊ>`ÊVÃÌ>ÌÊ speed control - powerful and flexible, with speed adjustment for various materials! UÊÊ L>ÌÊÌÀ}Ê>ÌÌ>V iÌÊÊ«ÀViÃÃ}Ê longitudinal edges on straight and cambered work pieces, plus perfect corner processing with a single machine. UÊÊ,>`ÕÃÊÉÊyÕà ÊVÕÌÌiÀÊÓÊÊÊyÕà Ê>`ÊÀ>`ÕÃÊ cutting of edges in a single process step. UÊÊ/À}ÊLÌÊÜÌ ÊvvÃiÌÊà >vÌÊÊVÃÃÌiÌÊ positioning for tooling changes. Reduces setup work. UÊÊ`>«ÌiÀÊvÀÊ`ÕÃÌÊiÝÌÀ>VÌÊÊÃÌÀ>} ÌvÀÜ>À`Ê connection to an external extraction system. UÊÊi>À}ÊLÀ>iÊÊÌ iÊÃÌ>ÀÌÕ«ÊL>ÊLi>À}ÊvÊÌ iÊ trimming machine is braked to avoid abrasion / burn marks or scratches on the work piece. TECHNICAL DATA: UÊÊ/À}Ê>ÌÌ>V iÌÊÜÌ Ê«ÀiVÃÊ>`ÕÃÌiÌÊ - simple selection of the desired trimming depth. UÊÊ iÌÊV ÕVÊnÊÊqÊV«>ÌLiÊÜÌ Ê>Ê common trimming tools Voltage Load Collet chucks Idle speed Weight 230V, 50 Hz 750 W Ø 6 / 6.35 / 8 mm 14,000 - 30,000 RPM-1 1.6 kg Optional: UÊÊ,Õ`ÊÌÀ}Ê«>ÌiÊÊÜÌ ÊÎÊÃ`iÊ«>ÌiÃÊvÀÊ adjustment to various trimming cutter diameters, 20, 26 and 30 mm bores. UÊÊ iÌÊV ÕVÃÊqÊÈ]ÊÈ]ÎxÊ>`ÊnÊ° UÊÊ/À}ÊÌÃÊÊÀ>`ÕÃÊVÕÌÌiÀÃ]ÊLiÛiÊVÕÌÌiÀÃÊiÌV° KFR130N edge trimming machine The new WEGOMA hard metal radius cutters have an offset shaft. This allows the trimming cutter to be positioned the same way every time. Compatible with all common hand trimming machines. DETAILS: Extraction adapter with bearing brake against scratches and burn marks on the edge. Simultaneous flush and radius cutting of the longitudinal edge in a single process step. Very simple processing of straight and cambered work pieces. Straightforward selection of the desired trimming depth with precision adjustment. Straightforward changeover from longitudinal edge to corner processing. Precise guidance for rounding the corner. 11 WA RW I C K EDGING EDGE TRIMMING MACHINES DKF32 compressed air edge trimming machine Compressed air edge trimming machine for processing longitudinal edges and corners. EQUIPMENT: TECHNICAL DATA: UÊÊ «ÀiÃÃi`Ê>ÀÊÌÀÊÜÌ ÊÊ>Ìi>ViÊÕÌÊ - powerful, light and flexible. UÊÊ L>ÌÊÌÀ}Ê>ÌÌ>V iÌÊÊ«ÀViÃÃ}Ê longitudinal edges on straight and cambered work pieces, plus perfect corner processing with a single machine. UÊÊ,>`ÕÃÊÉÊyÕà ÊVÕÌÌiÀÊÓÊÊÊyÕà Ê>`ÊÀ>`ÕÃÊ cutting of edges in a single process step. UÊÊ/À}ÊVÕÌÌiÀÊÜÌ ÊvvÃiÌÊà >vÌÊÊVÃÃÌiÌÊ positioning for tooling changes. Reduces setup work. UÊÊ`>«ÌiÀÊvÀÊ`ÕÃÌÊiÝÌÀ>VÌÊÊÃÌÀ>} ÌvÀÜ>À`Ê connection to an external extraction system. UÊÊi>À}ÊLÀ>iÊÊÌ iÊÃÌ>ÀÌÕ«ÊL>ÊLi>À}ÊvÊÌ iÊ trimming machine is braked to avoid abrasion / burn marks or scratches on the work piece. UÊÊ/À}Ê>ÌÌ>V iÌÊÜÌ Ê«ÀiVÃÊ>`ÕÃÌiÌÊ - simple selection of the desired trimming depth. UÊÊ iÌÊV ÕVÊȳnÊÊqÊV«>ÌLiÊÜÌ Ê>Ê common trimming tools. UÊÊ,Õ`ÊÌÀ}Ê«>ÌiÊÊÜÌ ÊÎÊÃ`iÊ«>ÌiÃÊvÀÊ adjustment to various trimming cutter diameters, 20, 26 and 30 mm bores. Optional: UÊÊ iÌÊV ÕVÃÊqÊÈ]ÊÈ]ÎxÊ>`ÊnÊ° UÊÊ/À}ÊÌÃÊÊÀ>`ÕÃÊVÕÌÌiÀÃ]ÊLiÛiÊVÕÌÌiÀÃÊiÌV° Idle speed Air pressure Air consumption Air connection Tool adapter Weight ORDER NUMBERS: Order no. 21000009 21000010 97000025 92000332 21000075 92102402 21000035 21000034 96001911 96001961 96002171 97000010 97000009 97000018 97000019 96000101 96000097 Description KFR130N-O, without machine case, with combination trimming attachment, hard metal trimming cutter 2 mm, adapter for dust extraction and bearing brake KFR130N-M, in machine case, with combination trimming attachment, hard metal trimming cutter 2 mm, adapter for dust extraction and bearing brake Combination trimming attachment for KFR130N, DKF32 and KFR30, with dust extraction and bearing brake Trimming plate complete for KFR130 with slide plate bore 20, 26, 30 mm, dust extraction and bearing brake KFR130N motor with D=8 mm collet chuck Extraction adapter for KFR130N and DKF32 complete with bearing brake and star handle screw DKF32-O without machine case, with combination trimming attachment and trimming plate, hard metal trimming cutter 2 mm, adapter for dust extraction and bearing brake DKF32-M with machine case, combination trimming attachment and trimming plate, hard metal trimming cutter 2 mm, adapter for dust extraction and bearing brake 6 mm collet chuck for KFR130N 6.35 mm collet chuck for KFR130N 8 mm collet chuck for KFR130N 6 mm collet chuck for DKF32 8 mm collet chuck for DKF32 Hard metal rounding cutter R=2 mm with offset shaft, start-up ball bearing for KFR130N and DKF32 Hard metal rounding cutter R=3 mm with offset shaft, start-up ball bearing for KFR130N and DKF32 Hard metal bevel cutter 15° with start-up ball bearing for KFR130N and DKF32 Hard metal bevel cutter 45° with start-up ball bearing for KFR130N and DKF32 22,000 RPM-1 6.5 bar 145 litres/min 1/4 inch 8 mm 1.2 kg DKF32 compressed air edge trimming machine WA RW I C K EDGING W O O D P R O C E SS I N G T E CH NOLOGY E D G I N G M AT E R I A L S & ADHESIVES Discover over 1,000 tools, devices, machines and accessories for professional wood processing in our comprehensive product range. Sliding table panel saws · Edgebanding machines · Sanding machines · Portable edgebanding machines · Vacuum clamps · Feeding equipment · Hand planer · Hand sanders · Hand trimmers & routers · Mitre saws · Plunge saws, Floor saws, Frame saws · Dust extraction systems · End trimmers · Glue rollers · Accessories Weiß Holzmaschinen GmbH Grombacher Straße 70 75045 Walzbachtal - Jöhlingen Germany WA RW I C K EDGING /ii« i\ʳ{ÊÇÓäήÊÓ£ää >Ý\ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊʳ{ÊÇÓäήÊÓ£äÓää E D G I N G M AT E R I A L S & ADHESIVES WARWICK EDGING Unit 9 Brook Business Park Brookhampton Lane Kineton Warwick CV35 0JA Tel: 01926 642261 Fax: 01926 642111 Email:
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