Accelerated Reader Quiz List
Accelerated Reader Quiz List
Accelerated Reader Quiz List Reading Practice Quiz No. 908 EN 934 EN 913 EN 916 EN 114907 EN 57450 EN 61130 EN 125613 EN 41025 EN 18751 EN 128370 EN 61265 EN 146272 EN 74604 EN 106434 EN 8251 EN 15901 EN 661 EN 5976 EN 15902 EN Title Author Book Level 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Points 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,000 Reasons Never to Kiss a Boy Freeman, Martha 4.7 9.0 100 Days of School Harris, Trudy 2.3 0.5 100 School Days Rockwell, Anne 2.8 0.5 1001 Cranes Hirahara, Naomi 4.6 6.0 100th Day of School, The Medearis, Angela Shelf 1.4 0.5 101 Ways to Bug Your Parents Wardlaw, Lee 3.9 5.0 11 Birthdays Mass, Wendy 4.1 7.0 12 Again Corbett, Sue 4.9 8.0 13 Gifts Mass, Wendy 4.5 13.0 5.0 9.0 2.7 0.5 13: Thirteen Stories...Agony and Ecstasy of Howe, James Being Thirteen 15 Best Things About Being the New Kid, Copeland, Cynthia L. The 18Wheelers (Cruisin') Maifair, Linda Lee 5.2 1.0 18th Century Clothing Kalman, Bobbie 5.8 1.0 18th Emergency, The Byars, Betsy 4.7 4.0 1984 Orwell, George 8.9 17.0 19th Century Clothing Kalman, Bobbie 6.0 1.0 15903 EN 7351 EN 523 EN 34791 EN 6201 EN 12260 EN 86347 EN 30629 EN 128675 EN 87689 EN 166 EN 8252 EN 9001 EN 68443 EN 29214 EN 42833 EN 57202 EN 25366 EN 19346 EN 19868 EN 81642 EN 6030 EN 19th Century Girls and Women Kalman, Bobbie 5.5 0.5 20,000 Baseball Cards Under the Sea Buller, Jon 2.5 0.5 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Unabridged) Verne, Jules 10.0 28.0 2001: A Space Odyssey Clarke, Arthur C. 9.0 12.0 213 Valentines Cohen, Barbara 4.0 1.0 21st Century in Space, The Asimov, Isaac 7.1 1.0 24 Girls in 7 Days Bradley, Alex 4.3 9.0 26 Fairmount Avenue Paola, Tomie De 4.4 1.0 3 Willows: The Sisterhood Grows Brashares, Ann 4.5 9.0 47 Mosley, Walter 5.3 8.0 4B Goes Wild Gilson, Jamie 4.6 4.0 4X4's and Pickups (Cruisin') Donahue, A.K. 4.2 1.0 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, The Seuss, Dr. 4.0 1.0 911: The Book of Help Cart, Michael 6.9 7.0 A.A. Milne (Young at Heart) Wheeler, Jill C. 4.7 1.0 A. Lincoln and Me Borden, Louise 3.5 0.5 A, My Name Is Ami Mazer, Norma Fox 3.4 4.0 A. Philip Randolph and the Labor Movement Cwiklik, Robert 6.0 1.0 Abby's Lucky Thirteen Martin, Ann M. 4.9 4.0 Abby's Twin Martin, Ann M. 4.2 3.0 Abduction! Kehret, Peg 4.7 6.0 Abduction, The Newth, Mette 6.0 8.0 30662 EN 61248 EN 127685 EN 101 EN 76357 EN 65575 EN 60696 EN 9751 EN 86479 EN 14931 EN 51004 EN 57950 EN 51005 EN 51006 EN 51007 EN 18652 EN 54155 EN 19038 EN 102785 EN 74382 EN 29341 EN Abe Lincoln Grows Up Sandburg, Carl 7.6 6.0 Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books Winters, Kay 3.6 0.5 Abe's Honest Words Rappaport, Doreen 4.9 0.5 Abel's Island Steig, William 5.9 3.0 Abernathy Boys, The Hunt, L.J. 5.3 6.0 Abhorsen Nix, Garth 6.6 16.0 Abigail Adams: First Lady and Patriot McCarthy, Pat 7.5 4.0 Abiyoyo Seeger, Pete 2.2 0.5 Abner & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.2 5.0 Abominable Snowman of Pasadena, The Stine, R.L. 3.0 3.0 About Birds: A Guide for Children Sill, Cathryn 1.2 0.5 About Fish: A Guide for Children Sill, Cathryn 2.0 0.5 About Insects: A Guide for Children Sill, Cathryn 1.7 0.5 About Mammals: A Guide for Children Sill, Cathryn 2.1 0.5 About Reptiles: A Guide for Children Sill, Cathryn 2.2 0.5 Abraham Lincoln D'Aulaire, Ingri/Edgar Parin 5.2 1.0 Abraham Lincoln (In Their Own Words) Sullivan, George 5.3 2.0 Abraham Lincoln's World Foster, Genevieve 7.8 17.0 Abraham Lincoln: Sixteenth President Venezia, Mike 5.9 0.5 Abraham Lincoln You Never Knew, The Collier, James Lincoln 6.9 2.0 Abraham's Battle Banks, Sara Harrell 5.3 2.0 118028 EN 17651 EN 120770 EN 129562 EN 11577 EN 89089 EN 17501 EN 145512 EN 15175 EN 102718 EN 6001 EN 5253 EN 21626 EN 102 EN 18801 EN 17602 EN 36046 EN 1 EN 301 EN 9301 EN 7651 EN 7653 EN Abrams Tanks David, Jack 4.0 0.5 Absent Author, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 Absolute Brightness Lecesne, James 6.5 15.0 Absolute Pressure Brouwer, Sigmund 3.9 3.0 Absolutely Normal Chaos Creech, Sharon 4.7 7.0 Absolutely, Positively Not LaRochelle, David 4.8 6.0 Abuela Dorros, Arthur 2.5 0.5 Abyssinian Cats Mattern, Joanne 4.7 0.5 Abyssinian Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.5 0.5 Accidental Love Soto, Gary 4.8 5.0 Ace: The Very Important Pig KingSmith, Dick 5.2 3.0 Acorn People, The Jones, Ron 5.6 2.0 Acquaintance with Darkness, An Rinaldi, Ann 3.6 10.0 Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene 6.6 10.0 Across the Lines Reeder, Carolyn 6.3 10.0 Across the Wide and Lonesome Prairie: The Gregory, Kristiana Oregon Trail Diary... 5.5 4.0 Adaline Falling Star Osborne, Mary Pope 4.6 4.0 Adam of the Road Addie Across the Prairie Gray, Elizabeth Janet Lawlor, Laurie 6.5 4.9 9.0 4.0 Addition Annie Gisler, David 1.1 0.5 Addy Learns a Lesson Porter, Connie 3.9 1.0 Addy's Surprise Porter, Connie 4.4 1.0 7652 EN 109410 EN 82435 EN 56638 EN 8901 EN 8902 EN 8903 EN 8904 EN 8905 EN 8906 EN 128316 EN 451 EN 29526 EN 20251 EN 127629 EN 13601 EN 16733 EN 13602 EN 64111 EN 9562 EN 108427 EN Addy Saves the Day Porter, Connie 4.0 1.0 Adèle & Simon McClintock, Barbara 3.0 0.5 ADHD Trueit, Trudi Strain 8.0 2.0 Adjectives Doudna, Kelly 0.8 0.5 Adven...Abbey Grange...Boscombe Valley Shaw, Murray Mystery, The 4.8 2.0 Adven...Black Peter..."Gloria Scott", The Shaw, Murray 5.5 1.0 Shaw, Murray 5.2 1.0 Shaw, Murray 5.5 1.0 Shaw, Murray 4.9 1.0 Shaw, Murray 4.8 2.0 Adventure Annie Goes to Work Buzzeo, Toni 2.3 0.5 Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein, The Hurwitz, Johanna 4.6 2.0 Adventures of Blue Avenger, The Howe, Norma 6.2 7.0 Adventures of Captain Underpants, The Pilkey, Dav 4.3 1.0 Adventures of Hercules, The Powell, Martin 3.7 0.5 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Bloomsbury), The Twain, Mark 6.7 18.0 Adventures of King Midas, The Banks, Lynne Reid 5.0 4.0 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Claremont), The Doyle, Arthur Conan 8.8 16.0 Adventures of Super Diaper Baby, The Pilkey, Dav 2.5 0.5 Adventures of Taxi Dog, The Barracca, Debra 3.0 0.5 2.2 0.5 Adven...Cardboard Box...Scandal in Bohemia, The Adven...Copper Beeches...Redheaded League, The Adven...Six Napoleons...Blue Carbuncle, The Adven...Speckled Band...Sussex Vampire, The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon, The Grey, Mini 21748 EN 13603 EN 56639 EN 134609 EN 134610 EN 134611 EN 134612 EN 74778 EN 60982 EN 125835 EN 13001 EN 46817 EN 74734 EN 14751 EN 5201 EN 130142 EN 352 EN 17801 EN 120399 EN 353 EN 14651 EN 107414 EN Adventures of the Greek Heroes 6.2 4.0 Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Bloomsbury), Twain, Mark The 8.0 12.0 Adverbs Doudna, Kelly 0.9 0.5 Gallagher, Diana G. 4.3 1.0 Gallagher, Diana G. 4.5 1.0 Gallagher, Diana G. 4.3 1.0 Gallagher, Diana G. 4.3 1.0 Afghanistan (Enchantment of the World) Greenblatt, Miriam 6.6 3.0 Africa Fowler, Allan 2.3 0.5 Africa Friedman, Mel 5.1 0.5 African Buffalo (African Animals Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.6 0.5 African Dancing Thomas, Mark 1.3 0.5 African Elephant (Animals of the World) Eckart, Edana 1.7 0.5 After the First Death Cormier, Robert 6.8 10.0 After the Goat Man Byars, Betsy 4.5 3.0 After the Moment FreymannWeyr, Garret 6.2 10.0 After the Rain Mazer, Norma Fox 3.7 8.0 After the War Matas, Carol 4.9 5.0 After Tupac and D Foster Woodson, Jacqueline 4.7 4.0 Afternoon of the Elves Lisle, Janet Taylor 5.0 4.0 Afternoon on the Amazon Osborne, Mary Pope 2.6 1.0 Aggie and Ben Ries, Lori 1.5 0.5 Advice About Family: Claudia Cristina Cortez...Life Advice About Friends: Claudia Cristina Cortez...Life Advice About School: Claudia Cristina Cortez...Life Advice About Work and Play: Claudia Cristina Cortez...Life McLean/Wiseman 26911 EN 69241 EN 70052 EN 46771 EN 59972 EN 13503 EN 36333 EN 136206 EN 77198 EN 69252 EN 4464 EN 119440 EN 5101 EN 2050 EN 13291 EN 5102 EN 83024 EN 27701 EN 74909 EN 131868 EN 77312 EN Aggie and Will Brimner, Larry Dane 1.2 0.5 Agnes Parker...Girl in Progress O'Dell, Kathleen 4.0 4.0 Ah, Music! Aliki 5.6 0.5 AIDS McPhee, Andrew T. 6.7 1.0 Aimee Miller, Mary Beth 4.9 12.0 Air Assault Teams Stapleton, Gerard 6.5 0.5 Air Crashes (Watts Library) Landau, Elaine 8.2 1.0 Air Warfare Dougherty, Martin J. 4.8 1.0 Airborn Oppel, Kenneth 5.1 15.0 Aircraft Schaefer, Lola M. 2.0 0.5 Aircraft (Need for Speed) Maynard, Chris 5.8 1.0 Airman Colfer, Eoin 5.8 16.0 Airplanes (New True Books) Petersen, David 3.2 0.5 Airplanes (The Transportation Library) Schaefer, Lola M. 3.0 0.5 Airplanes (Traveling Machines) Cooper, Jason 4.5 0.5 Airports (New True Books) Petersen, David 3.4 0.5 Akhenaten Adventure, The Kerr, P.B. 5.7 13.0 Akiak: A Tale from the Iditarod Blake, Robert J. 3.3 0.5 Al Capone Does My Shirts Choldenko, Gennifer 3.5 7.0 Al Capone Shines My Shoes Choldenko, Gennifer 3.8 9.0 Alabama Leber, Holli 2.6 0.5 7801 EN 26187 EN 109348 EN 87189 EN 67591 EN 7101 EN 77313 EN 7802 EN 12402 EN 26188 EN 27766 EN 26997 EN 51694 EN 118054 EN 68889 EN 5401 EN 14975 EN 73207 EN 452 EN 85862 EN 89140 EN Alabama (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.8 3.0 Alabama (Hello U.S.A.) Brown, Dottie 7.1 1.0 Alabama Moon Key, Watt 4.1 11.0 Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp Pullman, Philip 5.5 1.0 Alamo, The McGowen, Tom 6.6 1.0 Alas, Babylon Frank, Pat 6.1 16.0 Alaska Wong, Su Tien 2.2 0.5 Alaska (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.3 3.0 Alaska (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.2 1.0 Alaska (Hello U.S.A) Johnston, Joyce 7.0 1.0 Alaskan Brown Bears Kallen, Stuart A. 4.0 0.5 Albania (Enchantment of the World) Wright, David K. 8.4 3.0 Alberta (Hello Canada) Yates, Sarah 7.0 1.0 Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians Sanderson, Brandon 4.9 9.0 Alchemy Mahy, Margaret 6.1 10.0 Aldo Ice Cream Hurwitz, Johanna 4.8 2.0 Alejandro's Gift Albert, Richard E. 5.0 0.5 Aleutian Sparrow Hesse, Karen 5.7 2.0 Alex Fitzgerald's Cure for Nightmares Krull, Kathleen 3.2 1.0 Alex Rodriguez Zuehlke, Jeffrey 4.3 0.5 Alex's Challenge Morgan, Melissa J. 5.2 5.0 5451 EN 17503 EN 1747 EN 58551 EN 31453 EN 86379 EN 12751 EN 7301 EN 32992 EN 13339 EN 69832 EN 130964 EN 83029 EN 68406 EN 31159 EN 18951 EN 28619 EN 81698 EN 106023 EN 47888 EN 9752 EN Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Viorst, Judith 3.7 0.5 Alexander and the WindUp Mouse Lionni, Leo 3.0 0.5 Alexander Fleming (Book Report Biographies) Gottfried, Ted 7.8 3.0 Alexander Graham Bell Sherrow, Victoria 3.4 0.5 Alexander Graham Bell: Inventor and Teacher Schuman, Michael A. 6.1 3.0 Alexander's Pretending Day Crumpacker, Bunny 2.9 0.5 3.5 0.5 3.4 0.5 1.2 0.5 Algonquian (Native American People), The D'Apice, Rita/Mary 6.7 1.0 Alice, I Think Juby, Susan 6.3 10.0 Alice in Wonderland Powell, Martin 2.7 0.5 Alice the Fairy Shannon, David 2.5 0.5 Alicia's Best Friends JahnClough, Lisa 1.2 0.5 Alida's Song Paulsen, Gary 5.3 2.0 Alien, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 4.0 Alien Visitors and Abductions Innes, Brian 4.8 1.0 Aliens Are Coming!, The Thiesing, Lisa 2.1 0.5 Aliens Are Coming! The True Account...Worlds Radio Broadcast McCarthy, Meghan 4.0 0.5 Alistair in Outer Space Sadler, Marilyn 3.2 0.5 Alistair's Time Machine Sadler, Marilyn 3.3 0.5 Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me ? I Viorst, Judith Mean It!) Going To Move Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Viorst, Judith Sunday Alfonse, Where are You? Wikler, Linda 19776 EN 75491 EN 105496 EN 48158 EN 302 EN 70131 EN 61250 EN 39556 EN 34798 EN 31224 EN 7202 EN 45232 EN 726 EN 110944 EN 128660 EN 117897 EN 31567 EN 111163 EN 70106 EN 15202 EN 251 EN 2 EN Alive Read, Piers Paul 7.7 19.0 Alive! Airplane Crash in the Andes Mountains Werther, Scott P. 5.2 1.0 All Aboard the Dinotrain Lund, Deb 2.2 0.5 All About Alligators Arnosky, Jim 5.2 0.5 All About Sam Lowry, Lois 4.0 3.0 All About Sharks Arnosky, Jim 4.9 0.5 All About Turkeys Arnosky, Jim 5.1 0.5 All About Turtles Arnosky, Jim 4.5 0.5 All Alone in the Universe Perkins, Lynne Rae 4.8 4.0 AllAmerican Girls Miller, Marla 6.0 6.0 All by Myself Mayer, Mercer 1.3 0.5 All by Myself! Aliki 1.1 0.5 All Creatures Great and Small Herriot, James 6.8 26.0 All for Pie, Pie for All Martin, David 1.3 0.5 All God's Critters Staines, Bill 3.2 0.5 AllI'llEverWant Christmas Doll, The McKissack, Patricia C. 3.3 0.5 All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten Fulghum, Robert 5.7 5.0 All in Just One Cookie Goodman, Susan E. 4.1 0.5 All in One Hour Crummel, Susan Stevens 1.6 0.5 All Kinds of Families Simon, Norma 4.6 0.5 All New Jonah Twist, The AllofaKind Family Honeycutt, Natalie Taylor, Sydney 3.8 4.9 3.0 5.0 109071 EN 109072 EN 34966 EN 9563 EN 130673 EN 121675 EN 7102 EN 31565 EN 76660 EN 64422 EN 14876 EN 15943 EN 128920 EN 15402 EN 59863 EN 45798 EN 6551 EN 130767 EN 69949 EN 453 EN 74442 EN 151 EN All of the Above Pearsall, Shelley 5.3 5.0 All Shook Up Dower, Laura 4.3 5.0 AllStar Pride Brouwer, Sigmund 4.9 4.0 All Stuck Up Hayward, Linda 1.9 0.5 All That Glitters Isn't Gold Mazer, Anne 3.7 2.0 All the Lovely Bad Ones: A Ghost Story Hahn, Mary Downing 4.5 6.0 All Things Bright and Beautiful Herriot, James 6.7 23.0 All Things Wise and Wonderful Herriot, James 6.7 26.0 All Those Secrets of the World Yolen, Jane 3.5 0.5 All You Need for a Snowman Schertle, Alice 2.3 0.5 Allen Jay and the Underground Railroad Brill, Marlene Targ 3.3 0.5 Alligator and the Everglades, The Taylor, Dave 6.7 1.0 Alligator Bayou Napoli, Donna Jo 3.1 7.0 Alligators Staub, Frank 4.0 0.5 Alligators Murray, Julie 3.6 0.5 Alligators and Crocodiles (The Untamed World) Dudley, Karen 7.2 2.0 Alligators & Crocodiles (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.4 0.5 Almost Torrey, Richard 1.1 0.5 Almost Forever Testa, Maria 4.6 0.5 Almost Starring Skinnybones Park, Barbara Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux Jong, Meindert De 4.0 3.0 4.4 0.5 5.7 5.0 Almost to Freedom Along Came a Dog 125614 EN 28847 EN 17752 EN 70132 EN 18656 EN 27477 EN 1803 EN 79063 EN 88443 EN 122335 EN 62823 EN 9471 EN 5452 EN 8401 EN 49598 EN 49566 EN 16728 EN 25848 EN 11145 EN 20253 EN 12760 EN Along Came Spider Preller, James 4.4 3.0 Along the Appalachian Trail Andryszewski, Tricia 6.9 1.0 Alphabet City Ballet Tamar, Erika 4.0 5.0 Alphabet Mystery Wood, Audrey 3.1 0.5 Always My Dad Wyeth, Sharon Dennis 3.1 0.5 Always Room for One More Leodhas, Sorche Nic 4.3 0.5 Alzheimer's Disease (Venture Book) Landau, Elaine 9.9 3.0 Amalee Williams, Dar 4.2 5.0 Amanda Pig and the Really Hot Day Van Leeuwen, Jean 2.2 0.5 Amanda Pig and the Wiggly Tooth Van Leeuwen, Jean 2.1 0.5 Amazing Animals Franco, Betsy 1.7 0.5 Amazing Beetles Still, John 5.3 0.5 Amazing Grace Hoffman, Mary 3.5 0.5 Amazing Lizards Smith, Trevor 5.4 0.5 Amazing Schemes Within Your Genes Balkwill, Fran 7.0 1.0 Amazing Spiders (Nature Watch) Schnieper, Claudia 6.1 1.0 Amber Brown Goes Fourth Danziger, Paula 3.7 1.0 Amber Brown Is Feeling Blue Danziger, Paula 4.0 2.0 Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon Danziger, Paula 3.7 1.0 Amber Brown Sees Red Danziger, Paula 3.7 2.0 Amber Brown Wants Extra Credit Danziger, Paula 3.7 2.0 44562 EN 43958 EN 36329 EN 5453 EN 34872 EN 10501 EN 10502 EN 10503 EN 20001 EN 9584 EN 131520 EN 59430 EN 16874 EN 40129 EN 41264 EN 28976 EN 49599 EN 57283 EN 44140 EN 47152 EN 49567 EN Amber Spyglass, The Pullman, Philip 6.7 26.0 Ambulances (The Transportation Library) Hanson, Anne E. 3.6 0.5 Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride Ryan, Pam Muñoz 4.2 0.5 Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.5 0.5 Amelia Bedelia 4 Mayor Parish, Herman 2.5 0.5 Amelia Bedelia and the Baby Parish, Peggy 2.0 0.5 Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower Parish, Peggy 2.3 0.5 Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping Parish, Peggy 1.8 0.5 Amelia Bedelia Helps Out Parish, Peggy 2.3 0.5 Amelia Bedelia's Family Album Parish, Peggy 2.2 0.5 Amelia Bedelia's First Day of School Parish, Herman 2.2 0.5 Amelia's Fantastic Flight Bursik, Rose 2.1 0.5 Amelia's Notebook Moss, Marissa 3.7 0.5 Amelia's War Rinaldi, Ann 4.0 7.0 Amelia Writes Again Moss, Marissa 4.8 1.0 America's Courts on Trial Pascoe, Elaine 10.5 4.0 America's Forests (Earth Watch) Staub, Frank 6.2 1.0 America's Leaders Wheeler, Jill C. 7.1 1.0 America's Paul Revere Forbes, Esther 6.6 2.0 American Army of Two, An Greeson, Janet 2.9 0.5 American Bison (Nature Watch) Berman, Ruth 6.7 1.0 28933 EN 80275 EN 14706 EN 74746 EN 118810 EN 20337 EN 20523 EN 20524 EN 20525 EN 20526 EN 1875 EN 69054 EN 60477 EN 88405 EN 67677 EN 70185 EN 19003 EN 12640 EN 5454 EN 69053 EN 59349 EN American Civil War: A House Divided, The Dolan, Edward F. 8.4 4.0 American Curl Cats Murray, Julie 3.0 0.5 American Dinosaur Hunters Aaseng, Nathan 7.8 3.0 American Flag, The Douglas, Lloyd G. 2.5 0.5 American Flag, The Landau, Elaine 5.2 0.5 American Indian Children of the Past Sherrow, Victoria 7.2 3.0 American Indian Families Miller, Jay 4.7 0.5 American Indian Festivals (A True Book) Miller, Jay 4.4 0.5 American Indian Foods (A True Book) Miller, Jay 5.1 0.5 American Indian Games (A True Book) Miller, Jay 4.4 0.5 American Media, The Gottfried, Ted 9.9 6.0 9.0 6.0 5.3 1.0 American Plague...Yellow Fever Epidemic Murphy, Jim of 1793, An American Shorthair Cat (Learning About Mattern, Joanne Cats), The American Shorthair Cats Furstinger, Nancy 4.4 0.5 American Sign Language Kent, Deborah 7.5 1.0 American Tall Tales Osborne, Mary Pope 6.1 3.0 Americans Before Columbus Baity, Elizabeth Chesley 8.6 10.0 Americas in the Colonial Era, The Dambrosio/Barbieri 9.7 4.0 Amigo Baylor, Byrd 3.6 0.5 4.8 6.0 4.9 5.0 Among the Barons Among the Betrayed Haddix, Margaret Peterson Haddix, Margaret Peterson 78248 EN 27164 EN 29501 EN 50379 EN 3 EN 1823 EN 73958 EN 5325 EN 13099 EN 15199 EN 20676 EN 32896 EN 5053 EN 5001 EN 6602 EN 454 EN 6302 EN 18256 EN 44806 EN 17203 EN 24798 EN 63701 EN Among the Brave Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.1 7.0 Among the Flowers (Look Once Look Again) Schwartz, David M. 3.0 0.5 4.8 5.0 4.9 5.0 6.5 5.0 Fridell, Ron 9.1 3.0 Amulet of Samarkand, The Stroud, Jonathan 5.9 19.0 Amusement Park Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.8 2.0 Anacondas (Snake Discovery) Bargar/Johnson 5.2 0.5 Anacondas (Snakes) Gerholdt, James E. 3.8 0.5 Anansi and the MossCovered Rock Kimmel, Eric A. 2.4 0.5 Anansi the Spider McDermott, Gerald 2.8 0.5 Anastasia Again! Lowry, Lois 4.5 5.0 Anastasia, Ask Your Analyst Lowry, Lois 4.2 3.0 Anastasia at This Address Lowry, Lois 4.6 4.0 Anastasia at Your Service Lowry, Lois 4.3 5.0 Anastasia on Her Own Lowry, Lois 4.4 4.0 Anastasia's Album Brewster, Hugh 6.4 1.0 Anastasia: The Last Grand Duchess Meyer, Carolyn 5.8 5.0 Ancient Egypt Hart, George 8.0 1.0 Ancient Egypt (Technology in the Time Of) Crosher, Judith 6.3 1.0 Ancient Greece (Daily Life) 6.9 1.0 Among the Hidden Among the Impostors Amos Fortune, Free Man Amphibians in Danger: A Worldwide Warning Haddix, Margaret Peterson Haddix, Margaret Peterson Yates, Elizabeth Nardo, Don 24799 EN 17205 EN 24800 EN 82425 EN 7203 EN 26751 EN 69405 EN 28977 EN 4 EN 9753 EN 43508 EN 119761 EN 5402 EN 9002 EN 12206 EN 26976 EN 31454 EN 102794 EN 102795 EN 18953 EN 63421 EN Ancient Greece (Technology in the Time Of) Crosher, Judith 6.6 1.0 Ancient Rome (Eyewitness) 8.1 2.0 Ancient Rome (Technology in the Time Of) Snedden, Robert 7.4 1.0 Ancient World: A Chapter Book Gleason, Katherine 4.0 0.5 And I Mean It, Stanley Bonsall, Crosby 0.9 0.5 And If the Moon Could Talk Banks, Kate 2.6 0.5 And in the Morning Wilson, John 6.1 7.0 Nunez/Marx 10.5 7.0 Krumgold, Joseph 4.8 8.0 And Still the Turtle Watched MacGillCallahan, Sheila 3.3 0.5 And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon Stevens/Crummel 2.6 0.5 And the Winner Is... Morgan, Melissa J. 4.0 4.0 And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? Fritz, Jean 5.3 1.0 And to Think That I...Mulberry Street Seuss, Dr. 3.6 0.5 Andalusian Horses Schrenk, HansJorg 5.9 0.5 Andrew Carnegie Builder of Libraries Simon, Charnan 5.4 0.5 Andrew Carnegie: Steel King and Friend to Kent, Zachary Libraries 7.5 3.0 Andrew Jackson: Seventh President Venezia, Mike 5.4 0.5 Andrew Johnson: Seventeenth President Venezia, Mike 5.4 0.5 Android, The Applegate, K.A. 4.0 4.0 5.2 0.5 And Justice for All: The Legal Rights of Young People And Now Miguel James, Simon Andromeda (The Library of Constellations) Peters, Stephanie True 28782 EN 32133 EN 112884 EN 117926 EN 109186 EN 303 EN 455 EN 7146 EN 80681 EN 16744 EN 115501 EN 40582 EN 9302 EN 54271 EN 49342 EN 54303 EN 10504 EN 1424 EN 28558 EN 727 EN 16202 EN 7401 EN Andy and the Lion Daugherty, James 3.6 0.5 Andy That's My Name Paola, Tomie De 0.8 0.5 Andy Warhol: Pop Art Painter Rubin, Susan Goldman 5.8 1.0 Angel Isle Dickinson, Peter 6.3 26.0 Angel of Death: A Forensic Mystery, The Ferguson, Alane 5.0 9.0 Angel's Mother's Boyfriend Angel's Mother's Wedding Delton, Judy Delton, Judy 4.8 5.0 3.0 4.0 Angela and the Broken Heart Robinson, Nancy 4.0 3.0 Angels & Other Strangers: Family Christmas Paterson, Katherine Stories 4.8 4.0 Angels Watching over Me McDaniel, Lurlene 4.3 4.0 Angels Watching Over Me Durango, Julia 1.5 0.5 Angus and the Cat Flack, Marjorie 2.7 0.5 Animal Babies Hamsa, Bobbie 1.0 0.5 Animal Babies Squire, Ann O. 4.8 0.5 Animal Babies (Glen Loates North American Wildlife) Kalman, Bobbie 5.9 1.0 Animal Baby Sitters Jarrow/Sherman 6.6 1.0 Animal Cafe Stadler, John 3.1 0.5 Animal Crafts (World Wide Crafts) MacLeodBrudenell, Iain 4.9 0.5 Animal Fact/Animal Fable Simon, Seymour 4.3 0.5 Animal Farm Orwell, George 7.3 5.0 Animal Homes (Crabapples) Everts/Kalman 4.3 0.5 Animal Homes (New True Books) Podendorf, Illa 2.7 0.5 82426 EN 60469 EN 5322 EN 5403 EN 114680 EN 51248 EN 5103 EN 119658 EN 47660 EN 20403 EN 9903 EN 27117 EN 48596 EN 13605 EN 13606 EN 6652 EN 13607 EN 6654 EN 113365 EN 652 EN 21099 EN Animal Masterminds: A Chapter Book Nichols, Catherine 3.8 0.5 Animal Mummies: Preserved Through the Ages Wilcox, Charlotte 5.1 0.5 Animal Shelter Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 3.0 4.6 4.0 6.8 3.0 Animal, the Vegetable and John D Jones, Byars, Betsy The Animals in the House: A History of Pets and Keenan, Sheila People Animals Nobody Loves Simon, Seymour 5.0 0.5 Animals of Sea and Shore (New True Books) Podendorf, Illa 3.7 0.5 Animals on Board Murphy, Stuart J. 1.6 0.5 Ankiza Velásquez, Gloria 6.2 5.0 Annabel Lee Poe, Edgar Allan 4.1 0.5 Anne Frank: Child of the Holocaust Brown, Gene 5.8 1.0 Anne Frank (First Book) Epstein, Rachel 6.6 1.0 Anne Frank (Heinemann Profiles) Tames, Richard 6.8 1.0 Anne of Avonlea (Bloomsbury) Montgomery, L.M. 7.7 15.0 Anne of Green Gables (Bloomsbury) Montgomery, L.M. 7.7 18.0 Anne of Ingleside Montgomery, L.M. 6.0 16.0 Anne of the Island (Bloomsbury) Montgomery, L.M. 7.4 13.0 Anne's House of Dreams Montgomery, L.M. 6.1 13.0 Rylant, Cynthia 3.0 0.5 Miles, Miska 4.4 0.5 Flynn, Jean 6.6 3.0 Annie and Snowball and the Dressup Birthday Annie and the Old One Annie Oakley: Legendary Sharpshooter 8403 EN 18603 EN 50480 EN 61104 EN 60983 EN 125836 EN 7402 EN 13002 EN 53803 EN 9904 EN 84546 EN 12263 EN 78853 EN 51569 EN 13340 EN 1623 EN 56659 EN 9754 EN 53704 EN 28563 EN 1441 EN Ant Cities Dorros, Arthur 3.2 0.5 Ant Plays Bear Byars, Betsy 1.6 0.5 Antarctic Antics: A Book of Penguin Poems Sierra, Judy 3.6 0.5 Antarctic Ocean (Oceans), The Ylvisaker, Anne 3.5 0.5 Antarctica Fowler, Allan 2.4 0.5 Antarctica Friedman, Mel 4.8 0.5 Antarctica (New True Books) Stone, Lynn M. 4.0 0.5 Antelopes (African Animals Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.3 0.5 Anthem Rand, Ayn 6.1 3.0 Antonia Novello: U.S. Surgeon General Hawxhurst, Joan 6.1 1.0 Ants Prischmann, Deirdre A. 3.1 0.5 Ants: A Great Community Llamas, Andreu 6.3 0.5 Anybodies, The Bode, N.E. 4.6 7.0 Apache (Indigenous Peoples of North America), The Ake, Anne 9.1 4.0 Apaches (Native American People), The McCall, Barbara 6.1 1.0 Apatosaurus (A True Book) Landau, Elaine 5.0 0.5 Apostrophe Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth 1.3 0.5 Appelemando's Dreams Polacco, Patricia 3.8 0.5 Apple Farmer Annie Wellington, Monica 1.8 0.5 Apple Pie Tree, The Hall, Zoe 1.9 0.5 Apple Tree, The Dodd, Lynley 2.0 0.5 4790 EN 15810 EN 129303 EN 728 EN 7655 EN 5552 EN 4898 EN 12207 EN 59864 EN 15187 EN 5553 EN 48159 EN 15945 EN 15947 EN 68978 EN 61105 EN 7404 EN 116581 EN 100637 EN 5257 EN 5456 EN Apple Trees (Trees) Prevost, John F. 4.2 0.5 Apprenticeship of Lucas Whitaker, The DeFelice, Cynthia 5.2 5.0 April Fool! Watch out at School! deGroat, Diane 2.8 0.5 April Morning Fast, Howard 6.1 9.0 Apt. 3 Keats, Ezra Jack 2.6 0.5 Aquariums and Terrariums (New True Books) Broekel, Ray 3.0 0.5 Arab/Israeli Conflict (War in the Gulf), The Deegan, Paul J. 7.6 1.0 Arabian Horses Schrenk, HansJorg 5.7 0.5 Arabian Horses Murray, Julie 2.8 0.5 Arabian Horses (Horses) Gammie, Janet L. 4.0 0.5 Archaeology (New True Books) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.4 0.5 Archibald Frisby Chesworth, Michael 4.3 0.5 Arctic Animals Kalman, Bobbie 6.8 2.0 Arctic Land, The Kalman, Bobbie 7.0 1.0 Arctic Lights, Arctic Nights Miller, Debbie S. 4.9 0.5 Arctic Ocean (Oceans), The Ylvisaker, Anne 3.4 0.5 Arctic, The Stone, Lynn M. 3.7 0.5 Are You Alone on Purpose? Werlin, Nancy 4.0 6.0 Are You Going to Be Good? Best, Cari 2.7 0.5 Are You in the House Alone? Peck, Richard 4.9 6.0 Are You My Mother? Eastman, P.D. 1.6 0.5 55189 EN 5055 EN 12001 EN 109655 EN 26998 EN 77315 EN 7803 EN 36941 EN 125218 EN 12403 EN 26189 EN 106408 EN 77316 EN 7804 EN 26190 EN 7001 EN 11155 EN 41941 EN 4900 EN 78793 EN 125495 EN Are You Terrified Yet? Stine, R.L. 3.1 3.0 Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Blume, Judy 3.6 4.0 Aren't You Forgetting Something, Fiona? Cole, Joanna 2.7 0.5 Arf and the Metal Detector Wooderson, Philip 3.1 0.5 Argentina (Enchantment of the World) Hintz, Martin 7.7 3.0 Arizona Becker, Michelle Aki 2.4 0.5 Arizona (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.2 3.0 Arizona Cardinals (NFL Today) Nichols, John 6.6 1.0 Arizona Cardinals, The Stewart, Mark 5.4 1.0 Arizona (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.4 1.0 Arizona (Hello U.S.A.) Filbin, Dan 6.8 1.0 Ark Angel Horowitz, Anthony 5.0 12.0 Arkansas Leber, Nancy 2.2 0.5 Arkansas (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.2 3.0 Arkansas (Hello U.S.A.) DiPiazza, Domenica 6.9 1.0 Arly Peck, Robert Newton 4.4 6.0 Armadillo Rodeo Brett, Jan 3.4 0.5 Armadillo Tattletale Ketteman, Helen 4.1 0.5 Armed Forces (War in the Gulf), The Italia, Bob 7.2 1.0 Armored Dinosaurs Lessem, Don 4.1 0.5 Armored & Spiked Dinosaurs Christiansen, Per 5.2 0.5 17208 EN 100945 EN 16653 EN 47321 EN 504 EN 42582 EN 5341 EN 42449 EN 54675 EN 84235 EN 59973 EN 68990 EN 109333 EN 87709 EN 123436 EN 20003 EN 32080 EN 16965 EN 6102 EN 204 EN 16966 EN 6051 EN Arms & Armor (Eyewitness) Byam, Michele 8.9 1.0 Army Ants Markle, Sandra 5.5 0.5 Army of Terror Whitman, John 4.5 3.0 Arnosky's Ark Arnosky, Jim 6.5 0.5 Around the World in Eighty Days Verne, Jules 9.6 12.0 Arrival, The Applegate, K.A. 4.2 3.0 Arrow to the Sun McDermott, Gerald 2.7 0.5 Art of Keeping Cool, The Lisle, Janet Taylor 5.0 7.0 Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoin 5.0 9.0 Artemis Fowl Files, The Colfer, Eoin 5.5 4.0 Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident Colfer, Eoin 5.0 9.0 Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code Colfer, Eoin 5.0 10.0 Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony Colfer, Eoin 5.3 13.0 Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception Colfer, Eoin 5.7 12.0 Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox Colfer, Eoin 5.6 13.0 Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest Brown/Krensky 3.0 1.0 Arthur and the Lost Diary Brown/Krensky 3.2 1.0 Arthur and the True Francine Brown, Marc 2.3 0.5 Arthur Babysits Brown, Marc 2.4 0.5 Arthur, for the Very First Time MacLachlan, Patricia 4.2 3.0 Arthur Goes to Camp Brown, Marc 2.9 0.5 Arthur Meets the President Brown, Marc 3.2 0.5 10451 EN 16967 EN 16968 EN 9106 EN 11156 EN 9755 EN 9051 EN 12759 EN 16969 EN 7304 EN 11157 EN 16970 EN 29967 EN 16971 EN 13948 EN 10453 EN 5502 EN 16972 EN 16974 EN 46774 EN 17022 EN Arthur's April Fool Brown, Marc 2.7 0.5 Arthur's Baby Brown, Marc 2.2 0.5 Arthur's Birthday Brown, Marc 2.3 0.5 Arthur's Chicken Pox Brown, Marc 2.9 0.5 Arthur's Christmas Cookies Hoban, Lillian 2.6 0.5 Arthur's Eyes Brown, Marc 2.2 0.5 Arthur's Family Vacation Brown, Marc 2.7 0.5 Arthur's First Sleepover Brown, Marc 2.7 0.5 Arthur's Halloween Brown, Marc 2.8 0.5 Arthur's Loose Tooth Hoban, Lillian 2.9 0.5 Arthur's New Puppy Brown, Marc 2.7 0.5 Arthur's Nose Brown, Marc 1.6 0.5 Arthur's Pen Pal Hoban, Lillian 3.1 0.5 Arthur's Pet Business Brown, Marc 2.4 0.5 Arthur's Teacher Trouble Brown, Marc 2.7 0.5 Arthur's Thanksgiving Brown, Marc 3.1 0.5 Arthur's Tooth Brown, Marc 2.8 0.5 Arthur's TV Trouble Brown, Marc 2.6 0.5 Arthur Writes a Story Brown, Marc 2.6 0.5 Artificial Intelligence (Watts Library) Perry, Robert L. 8.9 1.0 Artist, The Bianchi, John 4.7 0.5 25226 EN 17754 EN 29780 EN 60984 EN 125837 EN 28979 EN 85022 EN 18558 EN 5104 EN 12156 EN 5105 EN 12264 EN 30837 EN 11754 EN 18853 EN 31642 EN 66886 EN 114126 EN 35577 EN 32578 EN 35579 EN As Ever, Gordy Hahn, Mary Downing 4.6 6.0 As Long as There Are Mountains KinseyWarnock, Natalie 5.3 6.0 Ashanti to Zulu Musgrove, Margaret 4.9 0.5 Asia Fowler, Allan 2.4 0.5 Asia Drevitch, Gary 5.2 0.5 Asia (The 7 Continents) Sayre, April Pulley 7.2 2.0 Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, The Olson, Kay Melchisedech 3.7 0.5 Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors (Gateway Solar System) Vogt, Gregory L. 6.9 0.5 Astronauts (New True Books) Greene, Carol 3.8 0.5 Astronomy in Ancient Times Asimov, Isaac 6.3 0.5 Astronomy (New True Books) Fradin, Dennis B. 3.9 0.5 Astronomy Projects Asimov, Isaac 5.8 0.5 At Her Majesty's Request Myers, Walter Dean 7.1 3.0 At Home in the Coral Reef Muzik, Katy 3.7 0.5 At Home in the Rain Forest Willow, Diane 4.9 0.5 At Home in the Tide Pool Wright, Alexandra 4.6 0.5 At the Crossing Places CrossleyHolland, Kevin 4.4 12.0 At the Firefly Gate Newbery, Linda 5.0 5.0 At the Plate with...Ken Griffey, Jr. Christopher, Matt 6.6 4.0 At the Plate with...Mark McGwire Christopher, Matt 6.3 3.0 At the Plate with...Mo Vaughn Christopher, Matt 6.3 3.0 32577 EN 111962 EN 67679 EN 5929 EN 36942 EN 6155 EN 61106 EN 45489 EN 8952 EN 121819 EN 44152 EN 14932 EN 9601 EN 79889 EN 122375 EN 121416 EN 60962 EN 54157 EN 33626 EN 67445 EN 83117 EN At the Plate with...Sammy Sosa Christopher, Matt 6.8 3.0 Atalanta: The Race Against Destiny Fontes, Justine 3.4 0.5 Athletes with Disabilities Kent, Deborah 7.5 1.0 Athletic Shorts: Six Short Stories Crutcher, Chris 6.0 6.0 Atlanta Falcons (NFL Today) Nichols, John 6.7 1.0 Atlantic Ocean (New True Books), The Heinrichs, Susan 3.9 0.5 Atlantic Ocean (Oceans), The Ylvisaker, Anne 3.4 0.5 Atlantis: The Lost City? Donkin, Andrew 6.7 1.0 Atlantis: The Missing Continent McMullen, David 5.0 1.0 Attack of the Fiend Delaney, Joseph 5.7 14.0 Attack of the Graveyard Ghouls Stine, R.L. 3.2 2.0 Attack of the JackO'Lanterns Stine, R.L. 3.3 2.0 Attack of the Mutant Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 Attack of the Tagger Van Draanen, Wendelin 3.4 2.0 Attack of the Valley Girls Trine, Greg 3.9 1.0 Attack of the Volcano Monkeys Miller, Wiley 4.3 2.0 Attack on America: The Day the Twin Towers Collapsed Gow, Mary 7.1 2.0 Attack on Pearl Harbor Tanaka, Shelley 5.7 1.0 Attack, The Applegate, K.A. 4.2 4.0 Attacks on the World Trade Center, The Gard, Carolyn 7.9 2.0 Atticus of Rome: 30 B.C. Denenberg, Barry 8.4 5.0 48478 EN 34807 EN 7352 EN 6451 EN 40185 EN 41280 EN 7405 EN 60985 EN 4295 EN 125838 EN 26999 EN 46823 EN 45152 EN 5106 EN 13293 EN 24376 EN 101349 EN 87138 EN 82445 EN 7406 EN 63815 EN Auguste Rodin (The Life and Work Of...) Tames, Richard 3.6 0.5 Aunt Clara Brown: Official Pioneer Lowery, Linda 3.5 0.5 Aunt Eater Loves a Mystery Cushman, Doug 2.4 0.5 Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Ringgold, Faith Sky 4.1 0.5 Aunt Pitty Patty's Piggy Aylesworth, Jim 3.3 0.5 Austere Academy, The Snicket, Lemony 6.7 6.0 Australia Georges, D.V. 4.4 0.5 Australia Fowler, Allan 2.6 0.5 Australia McCollum, Sean 4.5 0.5 Australia and Oceania Friedman, Mel 5.0 0.5 Australia (Enchantment of the World) Heinrichs, Ann 6.6 2.0 Austria (Enchantment of the World) Stein, R. Conrad 8.3 4.0 Author Talk: Conversations with Judy Blume et al. Marcus, Leonard S. 6.2 4.0 Automobiles (New True Books) Wilkinson, Sylvia 3.2 0.5 Automobiles (Traveling Machines) Cooper, Jason 4.3 0.5 Autumn of the Elk Stone, Lynn M. 6.6 1.0 Avoiding Drugs Murphy, Patricia J. 3.1 0.5 Avril Crump and Her Amazing Clones Woolfe, Angela 4.7 7.0 Awesome Science: A Chapter Book Gleason, Katherine 4.8 0.5 Aztec, The McKissack, Patricia C. 4.6 0.5 Aztecs (Lost Civilizations), The Barghusen, Joan D. 10.3 7.0 24801 EN 14654 EN 14655 EN 14653 EN 7462 EN 9009 EN 7464 EN 12765 EN 7469 EN 7471 EN 7473 EN 7474 EN 653 EN 7478 EN 7479 EN 18659 EN 67409 EN 7481 EN 7482 EN 7486 EN 7487 EN Aztecs (Technology in the Time of), The Morgan, Nina 7.0 1.0 Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.0 1.0 Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.1 1.0 B. Bears and the Coughing Catfish, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.5 2.0 B. Bears and the Messy Room, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.1 0.5 B. Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 1.8 0.5 B. Bears and the Nerdy Nephew, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.9 1.0 B. Bears and the Sinister Smoke Ring, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.5 2.0 B. Bears and the Sitter, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.4 0.5 B. Bears and the Trouble with Friends, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.5 0.5 B. Bears and the Truth, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.6 0.5 B. Bears and the Week at Grandma's, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.8 0.5 B. Bears and Too Much TV, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.8 0.5 B. Bears and Too Much Vacation, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.8 0.5 B. Bears Blaze a Trail, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 2.3 0.5 B. Bears' Christmas Tree, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.6 0.5 B. Bears' Comic Valentine, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.8 0.5 B. Bears Forget Their Manners, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.3 0.5 B. Bears Get in a Fight, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.7 0.5 B. Bears Go to Camp, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.0 0.5 B. Bears Go to School, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.2 0.5 B. Bear Scouts and the Humongous Pumpkin, The B. Bear Scouts and the Terrible Talking Termite, The 7488 EN 7490 EN 10637 EN 7491 EN 7495 EN 7497 EN 7498 EN 54931 EN 5 EN 57203 EN 7306 EN 7204 EN 8375 EN 4411 EN 36037 EN 77351 EN 17995 EN 59865 EN 68997 EN 8506 EN 32548 EN B. Bears Go to the Doctor, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.2 0.5 B. Bears in the Dark, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.8 0.5 B. Bears in the Freaky Funhouse, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.2 1.0 B. Bears Learn About Strangers, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 3.6 0.5 B. Bears on the Job, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 2.5 0.5 B. Bears' Trouble at School, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.0 0.5 B. Bears' Trouble with Money, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.0 0.5 B. Franklin, Printer Adler, David A. 7.1 4.0 B Is for Betsy Haywood, Carolyn 4.3 2.0 B, My Name Is Bunny Mazer, Norma Fox 3.2 5.0 Babar Learns to Cook Brunhoff, Laurent De 3.6 0.5 Babar's Little Circus Star Brunhoff, Laurent De 1.5 0.5 Babe Didrikson Zaharias (American Women Lynn, Elizabeth of Achievement) 8.0 4.0 Babe Didrikson Zaharias: Driven to Win Wakeman, Nancy 6.8 4.0 Babe & Me : A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.3 4.0 Babe Ruth and the Ice Cream Mess Gutman, Dan 2.3 0.5 Baboon Banks, Kate 2.0 0.5 Baboons Murray, Julie 2.8 0.5 Babu's Song StuveBodeen, Stephanie 3.4 0.5 Baby MacLachlan, Patricia 4.0 2.0 Baby Alicia Is Dying McDaniel, Lurlene 4.7 6.0 5107 EN 46616 EN 10505 EN 6103 EN 10506 EN 19398 EN 19394 EN 19393 EN 206 EN 66671 EN 104176 EN 8203 EN 8201 EN 48479 EN 6206 EN 10245 EN 31541 EN 152 EN 108334 EN 67689 EN 67690 EN 67691 EN Baby Animals (New True Books) Podendorf, Illa 3.1 0.5 Baby in the House Marx, David F. 1.2 0.5 Baby Moses Hayward, Linda 1.8 0.5 Baby Sister for Frances, A Hoban, Russell 3.4 0.5 Baby Sister Says No Mayer, Mercer 1.8 0.5 Babysitters at Shadow Lake Martin, Ann M. 3.7 5.0 Babysitters' Island Adventure Martin, Ann M. 3.9 5.0 Babysitters' Winter Vacation Martin, Ann M. 4.5 6.0 Babysitting Is a Dangerous Job Roberts, Willo Davis 5.3 6.0 Babysitting Smarts Fine, Jil 5.2 1.0 Babymouse: Queen of the World! Holm, Jennifer L. 2.2 0.5 Babysitter III, The Stine, R.L. 3.7 4.0 Babysitter, The Stine, R.L. 5.3 5.0 Bach (Lives and Times) Lynch, Wendy 3.2 0.5 Back Home Pinkney, Gloria Jean 3.5 0.5 Back to Before Slepian, Jan 4.6 6.0 Back to the Titanic! Gormley, Beatrice 4.9 4.0 Back Yard Angel Delton, Judy 4.3 2.0 Backhoes McClellan, Ray 1.4 0.5 Backstage at a Movie Set Wessling, Katherine 5.5 1.0 Backstage at a Music Video Cefrey, Holly 6.2 1.0 Backstage at a Newscast Somervill, Barbara A. 5.8 1.0 67692 EN 67693 EN 18753 EN 5554 EN 7602 EN 41281 EN 49772 EN 72738 EN 27685 EN 17756 EN 60644 EN 14933 EN 130524 EN 23501 EN 88511 EN 27000 EN 17657 EN 74747 EN 64228 EN 45799 EN 6002 EN Backstage at a Play Miller, Kimberly M. 5.6 1.0 Backstage at an Animated Series Fingeroth, Danny 6.0 1.0 Backward Bird Dog, The Wallace, Bill 3.8 3.0 Bacteria and Viruses (New True Books) LeMaster, Leslie Jean 5.4 0.5 Bad, Bad Bunnies Delton, Judy 3.2 1.0 Bad Beginning, The Snicket, Lemony 6.4 4.0 Bad Boy: A Memoir Myers, Walter Dean 6.5 8.0 Bad Boys Palatini, Margie 2.7 0.5 Bad Case of Stripes, A Shannon, David 3.8 0.5 Bad Girls Voigt, Cynthia 4.3 8.0 Bad Girls in Love Voigt, Cynthia 4.7 7.0 Bad Hare Day Stine, R.L. 2.9 3.0 Bad Luck Bridesmaid: The Complicated...Claudia Cristina Cortez Gallagher, Diana G. 3.4 1.0 Badger's Parting Gifts Varley, Susan 4.8 0.5 Badness for Beginners: A Little Wolf and Smellybreff Adventure Whybrow, Ian 2.5 0.5 Bahamas (Enchantment of the World), The Hintz, Martin/Stephen 7.4 3.0 Bald Bandit, The Roy, Ron 3.2 1.0 Bald Eagle, The Douglas, Lloyd G. 2.7 0.5 Bald Eagles Wilcox, Charlotte 5.7 1.0 Bald Eagles (The Untamed World) Dudley, Karen 7.6 2.0 Ballad of Belle Dorcas Hooks, William 4.1 0.5 14989 EN 30338 EN 118649 EN 46818 EN 456 EN 115033 EN 36943 EN 125219 EN 6 EN 62769 EN 457 EN 62130 EN 207 EN 19529 EN 29548 EN 128093 EN 128350 EN 11002 EN 6351 EN 21206 EN 4550 EN 36594 EN Ballad of Lucy Whipple, The Cushman, Karen 5.8 7.0 Ballad of the Civil War, A Stolz, Mary 4.0 1.0 Ballerina Dreams Thompson, Lauren 5.1 0.5 Ballet Dancing Thomas, Mark 1.4 0.5 Ballet Shoes Streatfeild, Noel 5.7 9.0 Ballet Sisters: The Duckling and the Swan Ormerod, Jan 1.6 0.5 Baltimore Ravens (NFL Today) Nichols, John 6.8 1.0 Baltimore Ravens, The Stewart, Mark 5.5 1.0 Bambi Salten, Felix 4.9 6.0 Bambi Salten/Schulman 4.7 1.0 Banana Twist Heide, Florence Parry 5.1 3.0 Bank Tellers Klingel, Cynthia 3.7 0.5 Banner in the Sky Ullman, James Ramsey 5.1 11.0 Bantam of the Opera Auch, Mary Jane 3.8 0.5 Banza, The Wolkstein, Diane 3.3 0.5 Barack Obama: 44th President of the United Wheeler, Jill C. States 5.4 0.5 Barack Obama: 44th U.S. President Robinson, Tom 8.0 2.0 Barcelona (Great Cities) Dunnan, Nancy 7.7 1.0 Stanley/Vennema 6.2 1.0 Edwards, Pamela Duncan 4.0 0.5 Barges (The Transportation Library) Schaefer, Lola M. 3.3 0.5 Bark, George Feiffer, Jules 1.3 0.5 Bard of Avon: The Story of William Shakespeare Barefoot: Escape on the Underground Railroad 14934 EN 7251 EN 120342 EN 9003 EN 120545 EN 5353 EN 4846 EN 5108 EN 6253 EN 9253 EN 112389 EN 80145 EN 5354 EN 4838 EN 28314 EN 6156 EN 113244 EN 88397 EN 56641 EN 52512 EN 56635 EN Barking Ghost, The Stine, R.L. 2.9 2.0 Barney's Horse Hoff, Syd 2.2 0.5 Barry Bonds (Revised Edition) Savage, Jeff 4.5 0.5 Bartholomew and the Oobleck Seuss, Dr. 3.2 0.5 Baseball Crazy: Ten Short Stories that Cover Mercado, Nancy E. All the Bases 4.9 5.0 Baseball Fever Hurwitz, Johanna 5.0 2.0 Baseball (HowTo Sports) Joseph, Paul 4.4 0.5 Baseball (New True Books) Broekel, Ray 3.3 0.5 Baseball Pals Christopher, Matt 3.0 1.0 Baseball's Greatest Pitchers Kramer, S.A. 4.2 1.0 Baseball Stars Buckman, Virginia 5.6 1.0 Basilisk Browne, N.M. 7.1 14.0 Basket Counts, The Christopher, Matt 4.3 2.0 Basketball (HowTo Sports) Joseph, Paul 4.9 0.5 Basketball Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 3.0 Basketball (New True Books) Rosenthal, Bert 3.4 0.5 Basketball Stars Shea, Therese 5.9 1.0 Basking Sharks Klein, Adam G. 4.8 0.5 Bass Cannot Play Bass Molter, Carey 1.2 0.5 Basset Hounds Meister, Cari 3.4 0.5 Bat Hangs from the Bat, A Doudna, Kelly 1.5 0.5 29497 EN 17362 EN 135539 EN 5206 EN 131108 EN 14202 EN 12265 EN 121443 EN 104644 EN 69273 EN 85023 EN 114403 EN 114853 EN 122983 EN 144614 EN 129157 EN 51859 EN 24378 EN 153 EN 9602 EN 21343 EN Bat Six Wolff, Virginia Euwer 5.1 8.0 Batboy: An Inside Look at Spring Training Anderson, Joan 5.6 0.5 Batboy, The Lupica, Mike 5.7 8.0 Bathwater Gang, The Spinelli, Jerry 3.0 1.0 Batista O'Shei, Tim 4.9 0.5 Bats for Kids/Bat Magic for Kids Lundberg, Kathryn T. 5.3 0.5 Bats: Ultrasonic Navigators Garcia, Eulalia 6.0 0.5 Battle for Skandia, The Flanagan, John 6.7 14.0 Battle of Gettysburg, The O'Hern, Kerri 4.6 0.5 Battle of Jericho, The Draper, Sharon M. 4.7 10.0 Battle of the Alamo, The Doeden, Matt 3.6 0.5 Battle of the Bands Grace, N.B. 4.5 3.0 Battle of the Dum Diddys Stine, R.L. 3.1 1.0 Battle of the Labyrinth, The Riordan, Rick 4.1 12.0 Battle of the Olympians and the Titans: A Retelling, The Meister, Cari 3.5 0.5 Battle of the Red Hot Pepper Weenies, The Lubar, David 4.2 6.0 Battlefield Ghost, The Cuyler, Margery 4.3 2.0 Battling Bighorns, The Stone, Lynn M. 6.6 1.0 Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days! Manes, Stephen 4.2 1.0 Be Careful What You Wish For Stine, R.L. 3.7 3.0 Be Gentle! Miller, Virginia 2.0 0.5 45860 EN 61658 EN 118169 EN 123164 EN 32560 EN 16332 EN 27760 EN 6352 EN 68221 EN 28317 EN 154 EN 102773 EN 67730 EN 20315 EN 9632 EN 12108 EN 9303 EN 9006 EN 16204 EN 6558 EN 12110 EN 252 EN Be Nice to Spiders Graham, Margaret Bloy 3.3 0.5 Bea and Mr. Jones Schwartz, Amy 3.6 0.5 Beach Biology Davidson, Avelyn 5.2 0.5 Gallagher, Diana G. 3.1 1.0 Durrant, Lynda 4.7 6.0 Beagle, The Wilcox, Charlotte 3.9 0.5 Beagles (Dogs) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.5 0.5 Beans on the Roof Byars, Betsy 2.4 1.0 Beans to Chocolate Snyder, Inez 2.0 0.5 Wojciechowski, Susan 4.6 1.0 Bond, Michael 4.7 4.0 Bear Cub Grows Up, A Zollman, Pam 1.7 0.5 Bear Santa Claus Forgot, The Kimpton, Diana 3.3 0.5 Bear, The Curwood, James Oliver 6.7 8.0 Beardance Hobbs, Will 5.7 8.0 Bears and Their Forest Cousins (Animal Families) Schmidt, Annemarie 6.8 1.0 Bears, Bears, Everywhere Milios, Rita 0.8 0.5 Bears' Christmas, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 1.9 0.5 Bears (Crabapples) Kalman/Everts 3.3 0.5 Bears (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.4 0.5 Bears for Kids/Black Bear Magic for Kids Fair, Jeff 4.8 0.5 Bears' House, The Sachs, Marilyn 4.1 2.0 Beach Blues: The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Beaded Moccasins: The Story of Mary Campbell, The Beany (Not Beanhead) and the Magic Crystal Bear Called Paddington, A 13005 EN 43129 EN 43961 EN 48404 EN 5057 EN 21752 EN 44703 EN 12469 EN 14935 EN 12066 EN 77437 EN 6604 EN 113703 EN 82446 EN 1518 EN 82078 EN 66794 EN 552 EN 7003 EN 30521 EN 123165 EN Bears (North American Animal Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.9 0.5 Bears on Hemlock Mountain, The Dalgliesh, Alice 3.5 1.0 Bears: Paws, Claws, and Jaws Richardson, Adele D. 3.2 0.5 Bearsie Bear and the Surprise Sleepover Party Waber, Bernard 2.5 0.5 Bearstone Hobbs, Will 5.0 6.0 Bearymore Freeman, Don 4.2 0.5 Beast Napoli, Donna Jo 4.6 8.0 Beast Feast Florian, Douglas 4.4 0.5 Beast from the East, The Stine, R.L. 2.7 2.0 Beast in the Bathtub, The Stevens, Kathleen 3.1 0.5 Beat Goes On, The Minchin, Adele 6.0 10.0 Beat the Turtle Drum Greene, Constance C. 4.1 3.0 Beating Depression: Teens Find Light at the Zucker, Faye End of the Tunnel 6.6 2.0 Beating the Odds: A Chapter Book Packard, Mary 4.7 0.5 Beatles, The Venezia, Mike 5.0 0.5 Beatrice Doesn't Want To Numeroff, Laura 2.2 0.5 Beautiful Blackbird Bryan, Ashley 3.7 0.5 Beauty Wallace, Bill 4.0 5.0 Beauty McKinley, Robin 6.2 11.0 Beauty and the Beast Brett, Jan 5.3 0.5 Beauty and the Beast: The Graphic Novel Dahl, Michael 2.6 0.5 14204 EN 14304 EN 13007 EN 114704 EN 57971 EN 65076 EN 39557 EN 124496 EN 18255 EN 82864 EN 10754 EN 5208 EN 7901 EN 7206 EN 59867 EN 12267 EN 48481 EN 74735 EN 12268 EN 304 EN 120546 EN Beavers for Kids/Beaver Magic for Kids Corrigan, Patricia 4.9 0.5 Beavers (Nature's Children) Kelsey, Elin 5.4 0.5 Beavers (North American Animal Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.1 0.5 Bec Shan, Darren 4.8 9.0 Because Brian Hugged His Mother Rice, David L. 4.5 0.5 Because of Anya Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.6 3.0 Because of WinnDixie DiCamillo, Kate 3.9 3.0 Becoming Billie Holiday Weatherford, Carole Boston 5.8 2.0 Becoming Felix Wilson, Nancy Hope 4.5 6.0 Becoming Naomi Leon Ryan, Pam Muñoz 5.4 6.0 BedKnob and Broomstick Norton, Mary 4.8 6.0 Bedtime for Frances Hoban, Russell 2.7 0.5 BeeMan of Orn (Creative Education) Stockton, Frank 7.2 1.0 Beef Stew Brenner, Barbara 1.8 0.5 Bees (Animal Kingdom) Murray, Julie 3.2 0.5 Bees (The New Creepy Crawly Collection) Fisher, Enid Broderick 5.3 0.5 Beethoven (Lives and Times) Lynch, Wendy 3.2 0.5 Beetles (Animals of the World) Eckart, Edana 1.4 0.5 Fisher, Enid Broderick 5.2 0.5 Cleary, Beverly Weatherford, Carole Boston 4.8 3.0 3.8 0.5 Beetles (The New Creepy Crawly Collection) Beezus and Ramona Before John Was a Jazz Giant: A Song of John Coltrane 60706 EN 70876 EN 49616 EN 49617 EN 49618 EN 49619 EN 49620 EN 49621 EN 49622 EN 49623 EN 49624 EN 49625 EN 49626 EN 49627 EN 49628 EN 5258 EN 139477 EN 112369 EN 18754 EN 109373 EN 65424 EN Before We Were Free Alvarez, Julia 5.6 8.0 Begging for Change Flake, Sharon G. 3.7 6.0 Beginning Baseball Jensen/Geng 4.7 1.0 Beginning Basketball Jensen/Klinzing 4.9 1.0 Beginning Golf Jensen/Krause 4.9 1.0 Beginning Gymnastics Jensen/Bragg 5.1 1.0 Beginning Hockey Jensen/Foley 5.2 1.0 Beginning Karate Jensen/Dallas 5.4 1.0 Beginning Mountain Biking Jensen/King 4.5 1.0 Beginning Snowboarding Jensen/Lurie 4.8 1.0 Beginning Soccer Jensen/Coleman 5.0 1.0 Beginning Softball Jensen/Nitz 4.5 1.0 Beginning Strength Training Coleman/Savage 4.8 1.0 Beginning Tennis Jensen/Miller 4.9 1.0 Beginning Volleyball Jensen, Julie 4.6 1.0 Begonia for Miss Applebaum, A Zindel, Paul 6.6 7.0 Behemoth Westerfeld, Scott 5.4 13.0 Behind Every Great Driver: Stock Car Teams Mattern, Joanne 5.5 1.0 Behind the Bedroom Wall Williams, Laura E. 4.4 4.0 Behind the Curtain: An Echo Falls Mystery Abrahams, Peter 4.1 9.0 Behind the Mountains: The Diary of Celiane Danticat, Edwidge Esperance 5.6 5.0 57286 EN 46824 EN 155 EN 56660 EN 15791 EN 54093 EN 19004 EN 10755 EN 208 EN 115460 EN 17610 EN 114570 EN 43244 EN 43271 EN 49969 EN 74736 EN 66260 EN 16101 EN 105413 EN 27483 EN 84100 EN 25090 EN Behind the Terror Hamilton, John 8.0 1.0 Belgium (Enchantment of the World) Burgan, Michael 7.8 4.0 Bella Arabella Fosburgh, Liza 4.4 4.0 Bella Blew Blue Bubbles Rondeau, Amanda 1.4 0.5 Belle Prater's Boy White, Ruth 4.4 5.0 Belle Teal Martin, Ann M. 4.8 6.0 Belling the Tiger Stolz, Mary 4.9 1.0 Bellmaker, The Jacques, Brian 5.7 14.0 Ben and Me Lawson, Robert 6.9 3.0 Ben and the Sudden TooBig Family Rodowsky, Colby 5.4 4.0 Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia Cousins, Margaret 6.5 4.0 Ben Roethlisberger Zuehlke, Jeffrey 4.0 0.5 Ben's Trumpet Isadora, Rachel 2.2 0.5 Bend in the River, A Naipaul, V.S. 6.7 18.0 Benedict Arnold: Patriot or Traitor? Gaines, Ann Graham 7.5 3.0 Bengal Tiger (Animals of the World) Eckart, Edana 1.4 0.5 Benjamin Banneker: Pioneering Scientist Wadsworth, Ginger 3.7 0.5 Benjamin Franklin: Founding Father and Inventor Foster, Leila Merrell 6.6 3.0 4.7 0.5 2.3 0.5 2.4 0.5 2.1 0.5 Benjamin Harrison: TwentyThird President Venezia, Mike Benny Goes into Business Benny's Boxcar Sleepover Benny's New Friend Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler 46451 EN 5319 EN 115144 EN 12505 EN 11004 EN 6104 EN 8953 EN 79438 EN 49773 EN 64499 EN 66261 EN 107018 EN 105497 EN 49803 EN 49807 EN 49802 EN 73490 EN 107692 EN 253 EN 7355 EN 5458 EN Benny's Saturday Surprise Benny Uncovers a Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler 2.1 0.5 3.8 2.0 Beowulf, a Hero's Tale Retold Rumford, James 4.3 0.5 Berenstains (Young at Heart), The Berg, Julie 5.2 0.5 Berlin (Great Cities) Steins, Richard 8.1 2.0 Berlioz the Bear Brett, Jan 3.0 0.5 Bermuda Triangle, The Collins, Jim 5.1 1.0 Bermuda Triangle, The Rudolph, Aaron 5.0 0.5 Bernie Magruder & the Haunted Hotel Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.6 4.0 Bernie Magruder & the Pirate's Treasure Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 4.0 Bessie Coleman: Daring to Fly Walker, Sally M. 3.5 0.5 Bessie Smith and the Night Riders Stauffacher, Sue 4.3 0.5 Best Best Friends ChodosIrvine, Margaret 2.0 0.5 Best Book of Ballet, The Wilkes, Angela 5.7 0.5 Best Book of Fossils, Rocks, and Minerals, Pellant, Chris The 6.3 0.5 Best Book of Ponies, The Budd, Jackie 4.9 0.5 Best Book of Snakes, The Gunzi, Christiane 5.6 0.5 Best (Boy)friend Forever Morgan, Melissa J. 3.9 4.0 Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The Robinson, Barbara 5.1 2.0 Best Friends Kellogg, Steven 3.4 0.5 Best Friends for Frances Hoban, Russell 3.4 0.5 83053 EN 100771 EN 84317 EN 305 EN 7356 EN 62831 EN 10212 EN 17303 EN 19890 EN 119659 EN 458 EN 5404 EN 101337 EN 820 EN 459 EN 7 EN 20058 EN 53903 EN 13771 EN 57717 EN 12506 EN 50481 EN 49638 EN Best Friends for Never: Harrison, Lisi 4.9 6.0 Best in Show for Rotten Ralph Gantos, Jack 3.0 0.5 Best Is Yet to Come, The Mazer, Anne 3.7 2.0 BestLaid Plans of Jonah Twist, The Honeycutt, Natalie 3.5 3.0 Best Little Monkeys in the World, The Standiford, Natalie 2.0 0.5 Best Mud Pie, The Quinn, Lin 1.1 0.5 Best School Year Ever, The Robinson, Barbara 5.4 3.0 Best Vacation Ever, The Murphy, Stuart J. 1.8 0.5 Best Way to Play, The Cosby, Bill 2.5 0.5 Betcha! Murphy, Stuart J. 1.4 0.5 Betsy and the Boys Haywood, Carolyn 3.7 3.0 Betsy and the Circus Haywood, Carolyn 3.8 3.0 Betsy Ross and the American Flag Olson, Kay Melchisedech 3.7 0.5 Betsy Ross: Designer of Our Flag Betsy's Busy Summer BetsyTacy Weil, Ann Haywood, Carolyn Lovelace, Maud Hart 3.8 3.7 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 BetsyTacy and Tib Lovelace, Maud Hart 4.2 3.0 Better Not Get Wet, Jesse Bear Carlstrom, Nancy White 2.3 0.5 Between a Rock and a Hard Place Carter, Alden R. 4.9 8.0 Beverly Billingsly Borrows a Book Stadler, Alexander 3.1 0.5 Beverly Cleary (Young at Heart) Berg, Julie 5.2 0.5 Beware of the Storybook Wolves Child, Lauren 4.5 0.5 Beware, Princess Elizabeth Meyer, Carolyn 7.2 8.0 130525 EN 8053 EN 14936 EN 118760 EN 10932 EN 8553 EN 130961 EN 6055 EN 101196 EN 5058 EN 12002 EN 12003 EN 9757 EN 5315 EN 69253 EN 2049 EN 12999 EN 30906 EN 6254 EN 28025 EN 7357 EN Beware! The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Gallagher, Diana G. 3.2 1.0 Beware the Fish! Korman, Gordon 4.8 5.0 Beware, the Snowman Stine, R.L. 3.2 2.0 Beyond Pluto: The Final Frontier in Space Landau, Elaine 5.0 0.5 Beyond the Burning Time Lasky, Kathryn 5.6 8.0 Beyond the Chocolate War Cormier, Robert 5.7 10.0 Beyond the Grave Watson, Jude 4.0 5.0 Beyond the Ridge Goble, Paul 3.9 0.5 Beyond the Valley of Thorns Carman, Patrick 6.2 8.0 BFG, The Dahl, Roald 4.8 6.0 Bicycle Bear Muntean, Michaela 3.1 0.5 Bicycle Bear Rides Again Muntean, Michaela 2.9 0.5 Bicycle Man, The Say, Allen 3.8 0.5 Bicycle Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.2 2.0 Bicycles (Heinemann) Schaefer, Lola M. 1.8 0.5 Bicycles (The Transportation Library) Schaefer, Lola M. 2.8 0.5 Bicycling (Action Sports) Gutman, Bill 5.1 1.0 BigAir Snowboarding McKenna, Anne T. 4.1 0.5 Big Al Clements, Andrew 3.8 0.5 Big Anthony: His Story De Paola, Tomie 3.0 0.5 Big Balloon Race, The Coerr, Eleanor 2.6 0.5 460 EN 62833 EN 7208 EN 88859 EN 3057 EN 110924 EN 59174 EN 5902 EN 12109 EN 16205 EN 6559 EN 101286 EN 120560 EN 101335 EN 36435 EN 12067 EN 137291 EN 145762 EN 143959 EN 140498 EN 36539 EN 103 EN Big Base Hit Big, Beautiful, Brown Box (Rookie Choices), The Hughes, Dean 3.7 1.0 Brimner, Larry Dane 2.1 0.5 Big Bird's Copycat Day Lerner, Sharon 1.7 0.5 Big Blueberry BarfOff!, The Stine, R.L. 3.0 1.0 Big Brother Little Brother Dale, Penny 1.1 0.5 Big Bucks: The Fast Cash of Stock Car Racing Mattern, Joanne 5.6 1.0 Big Burn, The Ingold, Jeanette 5.6 9.0 Big Cats Simon, Seymour 5.8 1.0 Big Cats (Animal Families) Kappeler, Markus 6.4 1.0 Big Cats (Crabapples) Kalman/Everts 3.3 0.5 Big Cats (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 Big Chickens Helakoski, Leslie 2.6 0.5 Big Field, The Lupica, Mike 5.3 8.0 Big House, The Coman, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 Big Mama Crunk, Tony 3.7 0.5 Big Mistake, A Rinder, Lenore 1.9 0.5 Big Nate: In a Class by Himself Peirce, Lincoln 3.1 2.0 Big Nate on a Roll Peirce, Lincoln 2.9 2.0 Big Nate Out Loud Peirce, Lincoln 2.5 1.0 Big Nate Strikes Again Peirce, Lincoln 3.0 2.0 Big Orange Splot, The Pinkwater, Daniel 3.2 0.5 Big Red Kjelgaard, Jim 5.6 9.0 78806 EN 7358 EN 62832 EN 6656 EN 79433 EN 8954 EN 29774 EN 34831 EN 108497 EN 118185 EN 118812 EN 7657 EN 7604 EN 36078 EN 56687 EN 5002 EN 5505 EN 126507 EN 79148 EN 41657 EN 15455 EN Big Rigs Ransom, Candice 2.5 0.5 Big Snow, The Hader, Berta/Elmer 4.3 0.5 Big Tee Ball Game (Rookie Choices), The Brimner, Larry Dane 2.3 0.5 Big Wander, The Hobbs, Will 5.1 8.0 Bigfoot Burgan, Michael 4.8 0.5 Bigfoot: Man, Monster, or Myth? Carmichael, Carrie 4.9 1.0 Biggest Bear, The Ward, Lynd 3.9 0.5 Biggest, Best Snowman, The Cuyler, Margery 3.6 0.5 Biker City Masters, Anthony 3.1 1.0 Bill Clinton: FortySecond President Venezia, Mike 5.5 0.5 Bill of Rights, The TaylorButler, Christine 5.3 0.5 Bill Peet: An Autobiography Peet, Bill 6.9 3.0 Billy and Blaze Anderson, C.W. 3.7 0.5 Billy the Kid: Outlaw of the Wild West Bruns, Roger A. 7.4 3.0 Bimmi Finds a Cat Stewart, Elisabeth J. 3.8 0.5 Bingo Brown and the Language of Love Byars, Betsy 4.3 4.0 Bionic Bunny Show, The Brown, Marc 2.8 0.5 Bird Elliott, Zetta 3.8 0.5 Bird Johnson, Angela 4.2 3.0 Bird Alphabet Book, The Pallotta, Jerry 3.2 0.5 BirdEating Spiders (Spiders) Gerholdt, James E. 4.1 0.5 13102 EN 17286 EN 73384 EN 128270 EN 49346 EN 5060 EN 11054 EN 27757 EN 5109 EN 101202 EN 9154 EN 12158 EN 62834 EN 30899 EN 11456 EN 43663 EN 15951 EN 12208 EN 14307 EN 14793 EN 138348 EN Bird Eating Spiders (Spiders Discovery) Martin, Louise 4.4 0.5 Birdie's Lighthouse Hopkinson, Deborah 4.1 0.5 Birdland Mack, Tracy 4.4 4.0 Birds Henkes, Kevin 2.1 0.5 Birds at My Feeder (Glen Loates North American Wildlife) Kalman, Bobbie 6.0 1.0 Birds' Christmas Carol, The Wiggin, Kate Douglas 7.3 2.0 Birds (Our Living World) Ricciuti, Edward 6.0 2.0 Birds (Popular Pet Care) Hansen, Ann Larkin 4.2 0.5 Birds We Know (New True Books) Friskey, Margaret 2.6 0.5 Birdwing Martin, Rafe 4.6 11.0 Birth of a New Tradition, The Asmar, Ramsey 4.2 0.5 Birth of Our Universe, The Asimov, Isaac 5.3 0.5 Birthday Flowers (Rookie Choices), The Brimner, Larry Dane 2.2 0.5 Birthday Presents Rylant, Cynthia 2.9 0.5 Birthday Surprises: Ten Great Stories to Unwrap Hurwitz, Johanna 5.1 3.0 Biscuit Finds a Friend Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 0.8 0.5 Bison and the Great Plains, The Taylor, Dave 6.9 1.0 Bison for Kids/Bison Magic for Kids Wilkinson, Todd 5.8 0.5 Bison (Nature's Children) Dingwall, Laima 5.6 0.5 Bit by Bit Sanfield, Steve 3.9 0.5 4.4 4.0 Bites: Scary Stories to Sink Your Teeth Into Metzger, Lois 44136 EN 17172 EN 27767 EN 80255 EN 45939 EN 8 EN 86093 EN 210 EN 132348 EN 73461 EN 19062 EN 34760 EN 53559 EN 42799 EN 730 EN 88406 EN 104 EN 45800 EN 655 EN 18756 EN 10556 EN 10555 EN 601 EN Black and White Macaulay, David 3.4 0.5 Black Beach (Pacemaker) Hiller, Doris 3.1 1.0 Black Bears Kallen, Stuart A. 4.3 0.5 Black Bears Murray, Julie 3.2 0.5 Sewell/Jenner 4.8 1.0 Sewell, Anna 7.7 11.0 Black Canary, The Curry, Jane Louise 6.1 8.0 Black Cauldron, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.2 7.0 Black Circle, The Carman, Patrick 4.7 5.0 Black Dance in America: A History Through Haskins, James Its People 9.0 9.0 Black Elk: A Man with a Vision Greene, Carol 3.1 0.5 Black Hands, White Sails McKissack, Patricia/Fredrick 8.0 5.0 Black Heroes of the American Revolution Davis, Burke 7.7 2.0 Black Jack Garfield, Leon 6.5 8.0 Black Like Me Griffin, John Howard 7.0 11.0 Black Mambas Klein, Adam G. 4.5 0.5 Black Pearl, The O'Dell, Scott 5.4 4.0 Black Rhinos (The Untamed World) Watt, E. Melanie 7.1 2.0 Black Snowman, The Mendez, Phil 3.7 0.5 Black Stallion and Flame, The Farley, Walter 6.4 6.0 Black Stallion and Satan, The Farley, Walter 5.4 7.0 Black Stallion Legend, The Farley, Walter 6.3 7.0 Black Stallion Returns, The Farley, Walter 6.1 8.0 Black Beauty: The Greatest Horse Story Ever Told Black Beauty (Unabridged) 10558 EN 65966 EN 11591 EN 105 EN 6385 EN 2060 EN 59869 EN 15456 EN 13103 EN 105165 EN 64776 EN 13344 EN 11150 EN 41415 EN 17510 EN 41417 EN 41418 EN 34969 EN 8209 EN 8955 EN 73359 EN Black Stallion's Blood Bay Colt, The Farley, Walter 6.0 12.0 Black Stallion's Filly, The Farley, Walter 5.8 10.0 Black Stallion's Ghost, The Farley, Walter 6.6 7.0 Black Stallion, The Farley, Walter 5.2 7.0 Black Unicorn Lee, Tanith 5.4 7.0 Black Widow Spiders McAuliffe, Bill 4.7 0.5 Black Widow Spiders Murray, Julie 3.2 0.5 Black Widow Spiders (Spiders) Gerholdt, James E. 4.1 0.5 Black Widow Spiders (Spiders Discovery) Martin, Louise 4.7 0.5 Blackbeard's Last Fight Kimmel, Eric A. 4.1 0.5 Blackfeet (Indigenous Peoples of North America), The Sharp, Anne Wallace 8.7 4.0 Blackfoot (Native American People), The Hahn, Elizabeth 7.5 1.0 Blackwater Swamp Wallace, Bill 4.2 5.0 Blaze and the Forest Fire Anderson, C.W. 4.1 0.5 Blaze and the Gray Spotted Pony Anderson, C.W. 3.2 0.5 Blaze and the Mountain Lion Anderson, C.W. 3.8 0.5 Blaze and Thunderbolt Anderson, C.W. 4.1 0.5 Blazer Drive Brouwer, Sigmund 3.8 3.0 Blind Date Stine, R.L. 4.0 6.0 Blind Guards of Easter Island, The Meyer, Miriam 5.9 1.0 Blind Hunter, The Rodanas, Kristina 4.7 0.5 10104 EN 109522 EN 14937 EN 18446 EN 118493 EN 2961 EN 78954 EN 78141 EN 106127 EN 126972 EN 9522 EN 34713 EN 461 EN 306 EN 307 EN 6453 EN 5306 EN 8511 EN 156 EN 105650 EN 61335 EN 106 EN 80245 EN Blitzcat Westall, Robert 5.9 9.0 Blizzard of the Blue Moon Osborne, Mary Pope 3.9 2.0 Blob That Ate Everyone, The Stine, R.L. 3.0 2.0 Blood and Chocolate Klause, Annette Curtis 6.4 9.0 Blood Beast Shan, Darren 4.4 8.0 BloodFeeding Bugs and Beasts Kite, L. Patricia 5.4 1.0 Blood Gold Cadnum, Michael 7.2 7.0 Blood Is Thicker Langan, Paul 4.8 4.0 Blood on the River: James Town 1607 Carbone, Elisa 5.3 7.0 Blood Ties Emerson, Kevin 5.5 7.0 Bloody Country Collier, James/Christopher 5.2 6.0 Bloomability Creech, Sharon 5.2 7.0 Blossom Promise, A Blossoms and the Green Phantom, The Blossoms Meet the Vulture Lady, The Byars, Betsy Byars, Betsy Byars, Betsy 4.1 4.6 4.3 4.0 4.0 4.0 Blubber Blume, Judy 3.8 4.0 Blue Bay Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 2.9 2.0 Blue Heron Avi 4.0 5.0 Blue Moose Pinkwater, Daniel 4.4 0.5 Blue Noon Westerfeld, Scott 5.2 13.0 Blue Roan Child, The Findlay, Jamieson D. 5.4 13.0 Blue Sword, The McKinley, Robin 6.8 17.0 Blue Whales Murray, Julie 3.3 0.5 45801 EN 13056 EN 12548 EN 9 EN 73831 EN 5459 EN 45153 EN 41621 EN 8253 EN 65764 EN 145385 EN 109965 EN 15478 EN 67789 EN 137572 EN 12209 EN 69254 EN 29740 EN 26929 EN 9304 EN 133664 EN Blue Whales (The Untamed World) MillerSchroeder, Patricia 6.8 2.0 Blue Whales (Whale Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 3.9 0.5 Blue Whales (Whales) Prevost, John F. 4.1 0.5 Blue Willow Gates, Doris 6.5 6.0 Blue Wolf Creedon, Catherine 4.8 6.0 Blueberries for Sal McCloskey, Robert 4.1 0.5 Blueprint Kerner/Crawford 6.5 7.0 Bluish Hamilton, Virginia 3.2 3.0 BMX Bikes (Cruisin') Carstensen, Karol 4.2 1.0 BMX Biking (XTreme Sports) Vieregger, K.E. 4.8 0.5 BMX Breakthrough Bowen, Carl 2.8 0.5 BMX Bully Maddox, Jake 3.2 1.0 Bo Jackson Kramer, Jon 4.4 1.0 Boa Constrictors (Animals of the Rain Forest) Dollar, Sam 4.0 0.5 Boarder Patrol Thomas, Erin 4.0 4.0 Boas, Pythons, and Anacondas (Fangs!) Ethan, Eric 3.9 0.5 Boats Schaefer, Lola M. 2.0 0.5 Bob Marley (Black Americans of Achievement) Dolan, Sean 9.0 5.0 Bob's Vacation Rau, Dana Meachen 1.2 0.5 Bobby's Zoo Lunn, Carolyn 1.1 0.5 Bobby vs. Girls (Accidentally) Yee, Lisa 4.1 3.0 15407 EN 125748 EN 17048 EN 73832 EN 43267 EN 75492 EN 60470 EN 16731 EN 71191 EN 46825 EN 75493 EN 14454 EN 109057 EN 104646 EN 29961 EN 118873 EN 16189 EN 9542 EN 9305 EN 52388 EN 117766 EN Bobcats Arnold, Caroline 3.4 0.5 Bodies from the Ice: Melting Glaciers & the Deem, James M. Recovery of the Past 8.3 2.0 Body Atlas, The Parker, Steve 8.3 1.0 Body Check Hirschfeld, Robert 4.9 4.0 Body of Christopher Creed, The PlumUcci, Carol 5.3 11.0 Bodyguard (Danger Is My Business) Zeigler, Heidi 6.1 1.0 Bog Mummies: Preserved in Peat Wilcox, Charlotte 5.5 0.5 Boggart and the Monster, The Cooper, Susan 6.2 7.0 Bold and Bright BlackandWhite Animals Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 4.2 0.5 Bolivia (Enchantment of the World) Augustin, Byron 7.7 4.0 Bomb Squad Specialist (Danger Is My Business) Fine, Jil 6.5 1.0 Bomb, The Taylor, Theodore 5.6 6.0 Bombed House, The Zucker, Jonny 3.6 0.5 Bombing of Pearl Harbor, The HudsonGoff, Elizabeth 5.1 0.5 Bone Button Borscht Davis, Aubrey 2.6 0.5 Bone by Bone by Bone Johnston, Tony 4.2 5.0 Bone Detectives: How Forensic Anthropologists Solve Crimes.., The Jackson, Donna M. 7.8 2.0 Bone from a Dry Sea, A Dickinson, Peter 6.8 9.0 Bonk! Goes the Ball Stevens, Philippa 0.5 0.5 Book! Book! Book! Bruss, Deborah 2.2 0.5 Book of a Thousand Days Hale, Shannon 5.3 9.0 28589 EN 6658 EN 47154 EN 89610 EN 73018 EN 101432 EN 6353 EN 7052 EN 105987 EN 7659 EN 18758 EN 5003 EN 20060 EN 20061 EN 10 EN 76917 EN 25397 EN 85024 EN 80246 EN 74737 EN 12549 EN Book of Changes, The WynneJones, Tim 4.3 5.0 Book of Three, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.3 7.0 Booker T. Washington Amper, Thomas 3.1 0.5 Booker T. Washington: Educator and Leader Keller, Kristin Thoennes 4.1 0.5 Booking a First Gig Schaefer, A.R. 4.9 0.5 Bookseller Bird, The Law, Felicia 2.6 0.5 Boonsville Bombers, The Herzig, Alison Cragin 3.1 1.0 Borden Chantry L'Amour, Louis 4.8 8.0 Born to Rock Korman, Gordon 5.3 8.0 Borreguita and the Coyote Aardema, Verna 3.1 0.5 Borrowers Afield, The Norton, Mary 6.4 7.0 Borrowers Afloat, The Norton, Mary 6.0 6.0 Borrowers Aloft, The Norton, Mary 6.0 6.0 Borrowers Avenged, The Norton, Mary 5.3 10.0 Borrowers, The Bosnia and Herzegovina (Enchantment of the World) Norton, Mary 5.3 5.0 Milivojevic, JoAnn 7.9 3.0 Boston Tea Party, The O'Neill, Laurie 7.3 1.0 Boston Tea Party, The Doeden, Matt 4.2 0.5 BottleNosed Dolphins Murray, Julie 3.5 0.5 Bottlenose Dolphin (Animals of the World) Eckart, Edana 1.5 0.5 Bottlenose Dolphins (Dolphins) 4.3 0.5 Prevost, John F. 113245 EN 82027 EN 12479 EN 75494 EN 75416 EN 26912 EN 5301 EN 44351 EN 52513 EN 9543 EN 48513 EN 6501 EN 65061 EN 130526 EN 78198 EN 121004 EN 751 EN 6305 EN 558 EN 70572 EN 75984 EN 131600 EN Bouncing Back: Dealing with the Stuff Life Jones, Jami L. Throws at You 6.7 2.0 Bound Napoli, Donna Jo 5.4 6.0 Boundless Grace Hoffman, Mary 3.8 0.5 Bounty Hunter (Danger Is My Business) Cefrey, Holly 5.5 1.0 Bow Hunting (Great Outdoors) Weintraub, Aileen 5.0 0.5 Box Can Be Many Things, A Rau, Dana Meachen 0.7 0.5 Boxcar Children, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 Boxer, The Wilcox, Charlotte 4.8 1.0 Boxers Meister, Cari 3.7 0.5 Boy Dahl, Roald 6.0 6.0 Boy at War: A Novel of Pearl Harbor, A Mazer, Harry 3.8 3.0 BoyCrazy Stacey Martin, Ann M. 3.9 3.0 Boy Trap, The Matson, Nancy 4.8 3.0 Boy Trouble: The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Gallagher, Diana G. 2.9 1.0 Boy Who Couldn't Die, The Sleator, William 5.0 8.0 4.9 5.0 3.6 5.0 Boy Who Drank Too Much, The Bartoletti, Susan Campbell Greene, Shep Boy Who Owned the School, The Paulsen, Gary 5.5 2.0 Boy Who Reversed Himself, The Sleator, William 4.7 7.0 Boy Who Saved Baseball, The Ritter, John H. 4.4 7.0 Boy Who Spoke Dog, The Morgan, Clay 4.2 4.0 Boys R Us Harrison, Lisi 4.9 9.0 Boy Who Dared, The 6404 EN 2894 EN 36561 EN 47536 EN 89057 EN 86099 EN 21170 EN 120830 EN 26913 EN 8653 EN 6255 EN 34620 EN 20551 EN 27001 EN 110098 EN 58824 EN 41702 EN 82262 EN 124537 EN 7004 EN 59203 EN Brady Fritz, Jean 5.6 8.0 Brain (Body Books) Sandeman, Anna 5.1 0.5 Brainstorm: The Stories of Twenty American Kid Inventors Tucker, Tom 8.2 5.0 Bram Stoker: Author of Dracula Whitelaw, Nancy 7.5 3.0 Brandnew Pencils, Brandnew Books deGroat, Diane 3.0 0.5 Bras & Broomsticks Mlynowski, Sarah 3.8 10.0 Brass Button Dragonwagon, Crescent 4.7 0.5 Bratfest at Tiffany's Harrison, Lisi 5.0 7.0 Brave Mary Brimner, Larry Dane 0.9 0.5 Brave New World Huxley, Aldous 7.5 11.0 Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto, Standiford, Natalie The 2.5 0.5 Bravo, Amelia Bedelia! Parish, Herman 2.5 0.5 Brazil (A True Book) Heinrichs, Ann 4.4 0.5 Brazil (Enchantment of the World) Heinrichs, Ann 6.8 2.0 Bread and Roses, Too Paterson, Katherine 4.9 9.0 Bread Is for Eating Gershator, David/Phillis 2.1 0.5 Breadwinner, The Ellis, Deborah 4.5 4.0 Breaker Boys, The Hughes, Pat 3.9 8.0 Breaking Dawn Meyer, Stephenie 4.8 28.0 Breaking Out DeClements, Barthe 4.4 5.0 Breaking Point Flinn, Alex 3.5 7.0 133197 EN 76894 EN 25297 EN 752 EN 11704 EN 102169 EN 11 EN 13297 EN 5556 EN 11705 EN 12 EN 10283 EN 9758 EN 125940 EN 51705 EN 119131 EN 6307 EN 77027 EN 55292 EN 13 EN 43510 EN 128147 EN Breathtaking Mystery on Mt. Everest: The Top of the World, The Marsh, Carole 4.5 2.0 Brian's Hunt Paulsen, Gary 5.9 3.0 Brian's Return Paulsen, Gary 5.5 4.0 Brian's Song Blinn, William 5.1 3.0 Brian's Winter Paulsen, Gary 5.9 5.0 Bridge to America Glaser, Linda 3.3 5.0 Bridge to Terabithia Paterson, Katherine 4.6 5.0 Bridges (ManMade Wonders) Cooper, Jason 4.3 0.5 Bridges (New True Books) Carlisle, Norman 3.4 0.5 4.9 7.0 5.6 7.0 Brighty of the Grand Canyon McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy Henry, Marguerite Bringing Nettie Back Wilson, Nancy Hope 4.8 4.0 Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain Aardema, Verna 4.6 0.5 Brisingr Paolini, Christopher 7.8 45.0 British Columbia (Hello Canada) Bowers, Vivian 7.0 1.0 Broadway Dreams Grace, N.B. 5.0 2.0 Broccoli Tapes, The Slepian, Jan 4.0 6.0 Bronco Charlie and the Pony Express Brill, Marlene Targ 3.4 0.5 Bronx Masquerade Grimes, Nikki 4.5 4.0 Bronze Bow, The Speare, Elizabeth George 5.0 10.0 Brooklyn Bridge Curlee, Lynn 8.2 1.0 Brooklyn Nine: A Novel in Nine Innings, The Gratz, Alan 5.0 9.0 Brightest Light, The 131104 EN 78142 EN 87506 EN 76851 EN 30963 EN 70133 EN 61182 EN 9759 EN 31764 EN 29298 EN 26927 EN 7359 EN 29554 EN 11544 EN 31058 EN 21101 EN 36944 EN 7147 EN 24916 EN 27119 EN 9306 EN Brotherhood of the Traveling Underpants, The Trine, Greg 3.8 1.0 Brothers in Arms Langan, Paul 4.1 4.0 Brothers in Hope: The Story of the Lost Boys of Sudan Williams, Mary 4.7 1.0 Brown v. Board of Education Good, Diane L. 7.1 1.0 Bruce Lee (They Died Too Young) Lewis, Jon E. 8.0 1.0 Bruh Rabbit and the Tar Baby Girl Hamilton, Virginia 3.2 0.5 Bruises (Rookie ReadAbout Health) Gordon, Sharon 1.7 0.5 Brush Calders, Pere 4.8 0.5 Brushing Well (Dental Health) Frost, Helen 1.2 0.5 Bubba the Cowboy Prince Ketteman, Helen 3.8 0.5 Bubble Trouble Hulme, Joy N. 0.6 0.5 BuckBuck the Chicken Ehrlich, Amy 2.9 0.5 Bud, Not Buddy Curtis, Christopher Paul 5.0 8.0 Buddy Love Now on Video Cooper, Ilene 4.2 4.0 Buffalo Before Breakfast Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Buffalo Bill Cody: Western Legend Spies, Karen Bornemann 6.9 3.0 Buffalo Bills (NFL Today) Nichols, John 7.2 1.0 Buffalo Gal Wallace, Bill 4.8 6.0 Buffalo Hunt Freedman, Russell 6.4 1.0 Buffalo Woman Goble, Paul 4.1 0.5 Bugs! McKissack, Patricia C. 0.4 0.5 16207 EN 46778 EN 357 EN 118171 EN 8455 EN 52515 EN 108335 EN 57061 EN 13557 EN 6606 EN 78147 EN 7360 EN 2978 EN 118863 EN 88398 EN 67000 EN 101043 EN 5601 EN 4866 EN 254 EN 1959 EN 57127 EN Bugs and Other Insects (Crabapples) Kalman/Everts 3.8 0.5 Build Your Own Website Perry, Robert L. 6.9 1.0 Building Blocks Voigt, Cynthia 4.2 5.0 Built Below Sea Level: New Orleans Strom, Laura Layton 5.3 0.5 Bull Run Fleischman, Paul 5.3 2.0 Bulldogs Meister, Cari 3.6 0.5 Bulldozers Martin, M.T. 1.5 0.5 Bulldozers (Big Yellow Machines) Eick, Jean 4.4 0.5 Bulldozers (Transportation) Brady, Peter 2.9 0.5 Bully for You, Teddy Roosevelt! Fritz, Jean 6.8 4.0 Bully, The Langan, Paul 4.7 5.0 Bully Trouble Cole, Joanna 2.0 0.5 Bullying (What Do You Know About) Sanders, Pete 5.1 0.5 Bullyville Prose, Francine 5.8 7.0 Bumblebee Bats Wheeler, Jill C. 4.0 0.5 Bumblebee Flies Anyway, The Cormier, Robert 5.6 10.0 Bumpy Little Pumpkin, The Cuyler, Margery 3.2 0.5 Bungalow Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn 5.6 5.0 Bungee Jumping (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.2 0.5 Bunnicula Howe, Deborah/James 4.2 2.0 Bunnies and Their Hobbies Carlson, Nancy 2.3 0.5 Bunnies in the Bathroom Baglio, Ben M. 4.1 4.0 19212 EN 67307 EN 43023 EN 25293 EN 5710 EN 128426 EN 106349 EN 211 EN 80439 EN 2052 EN 14252 EN 14253 EN 14255 EN 25213 EN 14256 EN 14257 EN 26914 EN 484 EN 89512 EN 16208 EN 59870 EN 14205 EN Bunny Cakes Wells, Rosemary 2.6 0.5 Bunny Party Wells, Rosemary 2.8 0.5 Bunny Who Found Easter, The Zolotow, Charlotte 4.1 0.5 Bunyans, The Wood, Audrey 5.1 0.5 Buried Secrets Keene, Carolyn 4.7 4.0 Burn My Heart Naidoo, Beverley 5.2 6.0 Burning Bridge, The Flanagan, John 6.3 12.0 Burning Questions of Bingo Brown, The Byars, Betsy 4.1 4.0 Buses Zuehlke, Jeffrey 2.1 0.5 Buses (The Transportation Library) Lassieur, Allison 2.9 0.5 Buster and the Dandelions Madokoro, Hisako 1.5 0.5 Buster and the Little Kitten Madokoro, Hisako 1.5 0.5 Buster's Blustery Day Madokoro, Hisako 1.7 0.5 Buster's Dino Dilemma Brown/Krensky 3.2 1.0 Buster's First Snow Madokoro, Hisako 1.6 0.5 Buster's First Thunderstorm Madokoro, Hisako 1.8 0.5 Busy Guy, A Simon, Charnan 2.3 0.5 Busybody Nora Hurwitz, Johanna 4.1 1.0 Butterflies Prischmann, Deirdre A. 3.8 0.5 Butterflies and Moths (Crabapples) Kalman/Everts 4.4 0.5 Butterflies (Animal Kingdom) Murray, Julie 3.4 0.5 5.5 0.5 Butterflies for Kids/Butterfly Magic for Kids Norsgaard, E. Jaediker 70108 Butterflies for Kiri EN 17211 Butterfly & Moth (Eyewitness) EN 79372 Buttermilk Hill EN 9473 Buttons for General Washington EN 13779 Buz EN 9307 Buzz Is Part of a Bee, A EN 212 EN By the Shores of Silver Lake 43226 Cabbage Moon EN 158 EN Cabin Faced West, The 113019 Cabin Fever EN 2048 Cable Cars (The Transportation Library) EN 5311 Caboose Mystery EN 14 EN Caddie Woodlawn 107066 Caddy Ever After EN 2485 SP Cajas de cartón 122452 Calder Game, The EN 5004 Calico Bush EN 5062 Calico Captive EN 88407 Calico Cats EN 62842 California EN 12405 California SP 7805 California (America the Beautiful) EN Falwell, Cathryn 3.9 0.5 Whalley, Paul 8.6 1.0 White, Ruth 4.9 5.0 Roop, Peter/Connie 2.9 0.5 Egielski, Richard 1.4 0.5 Lunn, Carolyn 1.4 0.5 Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.3 9.0 Wahl, Jan 3.3 0.5 Fritz, Jean 5.1 3.0 Quinn, Zoe 4.7 4.0 Schaefer, Lola M. 2.8 0.5 3.2 2.0 6.0 8.0 McKay, Hilary 5.2 5.0 Jiménez, Francisco 5.3 4.0 Balliett, Blue 5.8 8.0 Field, Rachel 6.2 9.0 Speare, Elizabeth George 6.0 9.0 Furstinger, Nancy 4.3 0.5 De Capua, Sarah 2.8 0.5 Fradin, Dennis B. 4.2 1.0 Stein, R. Conrad 8.3 3.0 Warner, Gertrude Chandler Brink, Carol Ryrie 74738 EN 12405 EN 19395 EN 17611 EN 26191 EN 15 EN 14136 EN 83118 EN 107 EN 14938 EN 61035 EN 18328 EN 109436 EN 34553 EN 20777 EN 17659 EN 64472 EN 14660 EN 126236 EN 17663 EN 5210 EN 18707 EN California Condor (Animals of the World) Eckart, Edana 1.2 0.5 California (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.2 1.0 California Girls! Martin, Ann M. 4.2 5.0 California Gold Rush, The McNeer, May 6.0 4.0 California (Hello U.S.A.) Pelta, Kathy 6.6 1.0 Call It Courage Sperry, Armstrong 6.2 3.0 Call Me Francis Tucket Paulsen, Gary 5.5 3.0 Call Me Maria Cofer, Judith Ortiz 5.6 4.0 Call of the Wild, The London, Jack 8.0 7.0 Calling All Creeps! Stine, R.L. 3.3 3.0 Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia Parish, Herman 2.4 0.5 Calling the Doves Herrera, Juan Felipe 4.5 0.5 Calvin Coolidge: Thirtieth President Venezia, Mike 5.2 0.5 Cam Jansen and the Barking Treasure Mystery Adler, David A. 3.5 1.0 Cam Jansen and the Catnapping Mystery Adler, David A. 3.4 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.7 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.3 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.4 1.0 Cam Jansen and the Green School Mystery Adler, David A. 3.5 1.0 3.5 1.0 3.7 1.0 3.4 1.0 Cam Jansen and the Chocolate Fudge Mystery Cam Jansen and the First Day of School Mystery Cam Jansen and the Ghostly Mystery Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Haunted Adler, David A. House Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Monkey Adler, David A. House Cam Jansen and the Mystery of Flight 54 Adler, David A. 17660 EN 17661 EN 7605 EN 7606 EN 17662 EN 17664 EN 17665 EN Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Babe Adler, David A. Ruth Baseball Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Carnival Adler, David A. Prize Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Circus Adler, David A. Clown Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Dinosaur Adler, David A. Bones Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Gold Adler, David A. Coins Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Monster Adler, David A. Movie Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen Adler, David A. Corn Popper Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen 308 EN Adler, David A. Diamonds 18708 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Adler, David A. EN Television Dog 14661 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the U.F.O. Adler, David A. EN 117704 Cam Jansen and the Mystery Writer Mystery Adler, David A. EN 18709 Cam Jansen and the Scary Snake Mystery Adler, David A. EN 54476 Cam Jansen and the School Play Mystery Adler, David A. EN 109523 Cam Jansen and the Secret Service Mystery Adler, David A. EN 83533 Cam Jansen and the Snowy Day Mystery Adler, David A. EN 114093 Cam Jansen and the Summer Camp Adler, David A. EN Mysteries: A Super Special 74656 Cam Jansen and the Tennis Trophy Mystery Adler, David A. EN 17666 Cam Jansen and the Triceratops Pops Adler, David A. EN Mystery 103356 Cam Jansen and the Valentine Baby Mystery Adler, David A. EN 46454 Cam Jansen...Birthday Mystery Adler, David A. EN 6562 Camels (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett EN 3.8 1.0 3.7 1.0 3.9 1.0 3.8 1.0 3.7 1.0 3.9 1.0 3.8 1.0 3.2 1.0 3.4 1.0 3.4 1.0 3.4 1.0 3.5 1.0 3.4 1.0 3.6 1.0 3.4 1.0 3.4 2.0 3.3 1.0 3.7 1.0 3.4 1.0 3.6 1.0 5.5 0.5 12270 EN 21800 EN 47445 EN 116080 EN 405 EN 5327 EN 113937 EN 63203 EN 5405 EN 63205 EN 56642 EN 32834 EN 7132 EN 15954 EN 63001 EN 46826 EN 6256 EN 14309 EN 15955 EN 15956 EN 15957 EN Camels: Ships of the Desert Garcia, Eulalia 6.2 0.5 Camille and the Sunflowers Anholt, Laurence 3.3 0.5 Cammi Granato: Hockey Pioneer Loverro, Thom 6.6 1.0 Gallagher, Diana G. 3.5 1.0 Delton, Judy Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.1 1.0 3.3 2.0 Adler, David A. 4.9 0.5 Berger, Melvin/Gilda 4.6 1.0 Fritz, Jean 5.6 1.0 Berger, Melvin/Gilda 5.3 1.0 Can You Hear Me from Here? Rondeau, Amanda 1.4 0.5 Can You See the Wind? (Rookie Read About Science) Fowler, Allan 3.1 0.5 Can You Sue Your Parents for Malpractice? Danziger, Paula 3.7 5.0 Canada Celebrates Multiculturalism 6.5 1.0 2.5 0.5 Canada (Enchantment of the World) Rogers, Barbara/Stillman 8.8 4.0 Canada Geese Quilt, The KinseyWarnock, Natalie 4.1 1.0 Canada Goose (Nature's Children) Ross, Judy 4.9 0.5 Canada: The Culture Kalman, Bobbie 6.7 1.0 Canada: The Land Kalman, Bobbie 6.6 1.0 Canada: The People Kalman, Bobbie 6.9 1.0 Camp Can't: The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Camp GhostAway CampOut Mystery, The Campy: The Story of Roy Campanella Can It Rain Cats and Dogs? Questions and Answers About Weather Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? Can You Hear a Shout in Space? Questions...Space Exploration Kalman, Bobbie Canada Day (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Murphy, Patricia J. 13299 EN 20014 EN 5557 EN 86681 EN 8703 EN 118864 EN 121663 EN 16707 EN 7361 EN 102029 EN 5461 EN 42431 EN 122684 EN 43703 EN 34624 EN 35816 EN 108880 EN 71681 EN 72761 EN 34629 EN 54477 EN Canals (ManMade Wonders) Cooper, Jason 4.5 0.5 Canary Caper, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 Cancer (New True Books) Fradin, Dennis B. 5.9 0.5 Candy Brooks, Kevin 4.5 13.0 Candy Man, The Bradley, Steve 2.6 1.0 Candyfloss Wilson, Jacqueline 4.5 10.0 Canned Shearer, Alex 4.2 7.0 Cannery Row Steinbeck, John 6.0 8.0 Cannonball Chris Marzollo, Jean 2.5 0.5 Canyon Echoes Jenkins, Jerry B. 4.5 5.0 Caps for Sale Slobodkina, Esphyr 3.1 0.5 Captain Grey Avi 5.8 5.0 Captain Raptor and the Space Pirates O'Malley, Kevin 3.7 0.5 Captain's Command Myers, Anna 4.6 4.0 Pilkey, Dav 4.7 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 4.7 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 4.7 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 5.2 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 4.9 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 4.4 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 4.4 1.0 Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants Captain Underpants and the Preposterous...Potty People Captain Underpants...Booger Boy, Part 1...Nostril Nuggets Captain Underpants...Booger Boy, Part 2...RoboBoogers Captain Underpants...Invasion...Cafeteria Ladies...Outer Space Captain Underpants...Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman 11047 EN 18956 EN 70101 EN 66672 EN 59871 EN 137056 EN 111147 EN 46517 EN 24326 EN 46522 EN 6967 EN 24331 EN 46523 EN 14101 EN 14104 EN 14105 EN 14106 EN 14107 EN 14109 EN 14103 EN 36836 EN Captive, The Hansen, Joyce 5.1 6.0 Capture, The Applegate, K.A. 3.6 4.0 Capture, The Lasky, Kathryn 4.8 7.0 Car Smarts Chari, Sheela 5.8 1.0 Cardinals Murray, Julie 2.9 0.5 Cardturner: A Novel About a King, a Queen, Sachar, Louis and a Joker, The 5.0 9.0 Care and Feeding of Sprites DiTerlizzi, Tony 7.1 1.0 Careers in Animal Care and Veterinary Science Marinelli, Deborah A. 10.2 4.0 Careers in Law Enforcement and Security Cohen, Paul/Shari 9.7 6.0 Careers in the Movies Johnson, Marlys H. 8.9 4.0 Careers in the Restaurant Industry Lee, Richard/Mary Price 8.7 4.0 Careers in Veterinary Medicine Duncan, Jane Caryl 9.3 5.0 Careers in Web Design Oleksy, Walter 10.2 5.0 Careers inside the World of Entrepreneurs Hurwitz, Sue 5.8 1.0 Careers inside the World of Health Care Wilkinson, Beth 7.6 1.0 Careers inside the World of Homemaking and Parenting Miller, Maryann 5.6 1.0 Careers inside the World of Offices Simpson, Carolyn 6.1 1.0 Careers inside the World of Sales Frisch, Carlienne 6.9 1.0 Careers inside the World of Technology Spencer, Jean 7.2 1.0 Careers inside the World of the Government Hurwitz, Sue 6.2 1.0 Cargo Ships (The Transportation Library) 3.4 0.5 Richardson, Adele D. 126460 EN 29764 EN 86191 EN 63667 EN 12316 EN 36945 EN 116947 EN 53254 EN 26915 EN 14404 EN 462 EN 29233 EN 60697 EN 16 EN 69255 EN 16356 EN 15106 EN 59113 EN 5406 EN 8956 EN 7661 EN 73740 EN Carlos Is Gonna Get It Emerson, Kevin 5.2 8.0 Carlota O'Dell, Scott 5.4 4.0 Carnival at Candlelight Osborne, Mary Pope 3.9 2.0 Carnivorous Carnival, The Snicket, Lemony 6.6 7.0 Carnivorous Mushrooms: Lassoing Their Prey? Gentle, Victor 5.0 0.5 Carolina Panthers (NFLToday) Nichols, John 7.2 1.0 Carolina Panthers, The Stewart, Mark 5.8 1.0 Carolina's Courage Yates, Elizabeth 5.5 3.0 Carousel Ride, The Bowdish, Lynea 0.9 0.5 Carousel, The Rosenberg, Liz 3.9 0.5 Carp in the Bathtub, The Cohen, Barbara 3.9 0.5 Carrot Seed, The Krauss, Ruth 1.9 0.5 Harvey, Bonnie Carman 8.2 4.0 Latham, Jean 4.1 8.0 Cars Miller, Heather 1.7 0.5 Cars (Transportation) Ready, Dee 2.1 0.5 Cartoonist, The Byars, Betsy 4.2 3.0 Carver: A Life in Poems Nelson, Marilyn 5.9 1.0 Case for Jenny Archer, A Conford, Ellen 3.0 1.0 Case of the Ancient Astronauts, The Gallagher, I.J. 5.7 1.0 Case of the Cat's Meow, The Bonsall, Crosby 2.3 0.5 Case of the Creepy Castle, The Katschke, Judy 3.0 1.0 Carry A. Nation: Saloon Smasher and Prohibitionist Carry on, Mr. Bowditch 53076 EN 108502 EN 159 EN 73742 EN 53077 EN 73749 EN 10509 EN 73751 EN 53078 EN 34926 EN 108503 EN 73755 EN 34923 EN 5908 EN 7904 EN 5005 EN 5006 EN 9545 EN 5932 EN 160 EN 6387 EN 125505 EN Case of the Detective in Disguise, The Preller, James 3.2 1.0 Case of the Disappearing Daughter, The Mitchelhill, Barbara 3.3 0.5 Case of the Elevator Duck, The Berends, Polly 4.0 1.0 Case of the Flapper 'Napper, The Katschke, Judy 3.2 1.0 Case of the Ghostwriter, The Preller, James 2.9 1.0 Case of the High Seas Secret, The Leonhardt, Alice 3.0 1.0 Case of the Hungry Stranger, The Bonsall, Crosby 2.3 0.5 Case of the Jingle Bell Jinx, The Leonhardt, Alice 3.0 1.0 Case of the Marshmallow Monster, The Preller, James 2.8 1.0 Case of the Mummy Mystery, The Preller, James 3.1 1.0 Case of the Pop Star's Wedding, The Mitchelhill, Barbara 3.7 0.5 Case of the Screaming Scarecrow, The Katschke, Judy 3.1 1.0 Case of the Spooky Sleepover, The Preller, James 2.8 1.0 Case of the Stolen Baseball Cards, The Preller, James 3.1 1.0 Cask of Amontillado (Creative Education), Poe, Edgar Allan The 7.3 0.5 Cassie Binegar MacLachlan, Patricia 4.3 3.0 Cassie Bowen Takes Witch Lessons Hines, Anna 3.8 4.0 Castle Macaulay, David 7.9 1.0 Castle in the Air Jones, Diana Wynne 6.0 11.0 Castle in the Attic, The Winthrop, Elizabeth 4.9 6.0 Castle of Llyr, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.4 7.0 Castles Murrell, Deborah 5.6 1.0 13300 EN 60452 EN 213 EN 39797 EN 26724 EN 46617 EN 9013 EN 6107 EN 126613 EN 11458 EN 12009 EN 6354 EN 17 EN 16708 EN 5357 EN 5978 EN 25209 EN 11406 EN 132824 EN 106868 EN 11570 EN 47219 EN Castles (ManMade Wonders) Cooper, Jason 4.2 0.5 White, Matt 4.2 0.5 Danziger, Paula 3.9 4.0 Cat by the Tail Verney, Sarah J. 3.1 1.0 Cat Heaven Rylant, Cynthia 3.0 0.5 Cat in the Bag Miller, Sara Swan 0.8 0.5 Cat in the Hat Comes Back, The Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 Cat in the Hat, The Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 Cat, or, How I Lost Eternity, The Richter, Jutta 4.5 1.0 Cat Running Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.6 7.0 Cat's Pajamas, The Chittum, Ida 2.6 0.5 Cat Who Escaped from Steerage, The Mayerson, Evelyn 5.8 2.0 Cat Who Went to Heaven, The Coatsworth, Elizabeth 5.9 2.0 Catch22 Heller, Joseph 7.1 30.0 Catch That Pass! Christopher, Matt 3.9 2.0 Catcher in the Rye, The Salinger, J.D. 4.7 11.0 Catcher's Mask, The Christopher, Matt 4.2 1.0 Catcher with a Glass Arm Christopher, Matt 3.7 2.0 Catching Fire Collins, Suzanne 5.3 16.0 Catching Waves Peters, Stephanie True 4.9 2.0 Caterina the Clever Farm Girl Peterson, Julienne 4.7 0.5 Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction Macaulay, David 7.3 1.0 Castles: Towers, Dungeons, Moats, and More Cat Ate My Gymsuit, The 8693 EN 101887 EN 463 EN 46618 EN 49310 EN 82987 EN 6158 EN 16635 EN 27755 EN 24674 EN 5212 EN 28567 EN 65234 EN 52517 EN 7210 EN 54278 EN 108930 EN 54307 EN 108 EN 111335 EN 54777 EN 660 EN Catherine, Called Birdy Cushman, Karen 6.4 8.0 Catherine: The Great Journey Gregory, Kristiana 6.1 5.0 Catnapping Caper, The Anderson, Mary 4.1 2.0 Cats! Brimner, Larry Dane 0.3 0.5 Cats (Early Bird Nature Books) Arnold, Caroline 3.4 0.5 Cats in Krasinski Square, The Hesse, Karen 4.3 0.5 Cats (New True Books) Posell, Elsa 3.1 0.5 Cats (Pets) Miller, Michaela 3.9 0.5 Cats (Popular Pet Care) Hansen, Ann Larkin 3.8 0.5 Cattle (Farms Animals) Hansen, Anne Larkin 4.2 0.5 Catwings Guin, Ursula K. Le 4.3 0.5 Catwings Return Guin, Ursula K. Le 4.3 1.0 Caught! Roberts, Willo Davis 4.8 6.0 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Meister, Cari 3.8 0.5 Cave Boy Dubowski, Cathy East 1.2 0.5 Caves Brimner, Larry Dane 5.3 0.5 Caves Green, Emily K. 2.4 0.5 Caving: Exploring Limestone Caves Brimner, Larry Dane 7.2 1.0 Cay, The Celebrate Hanukkah: With Light, Latkes, and Dreidels Taylor, Theodore 5.3 4.0 Heiligman, Deborah 5.0 0.5 Celebrating Ramadan HoytGoldsmith, Diane 5.5 1.0 Celery Stalks at Midnight, The Howe, James 4.0 2.0 49602 EN 49603 EN 35163 EN 18 EN 60453 EN 77330 EN 125530 EN 9761 EN 26926 EN 255 EN 11407 EN 84868 EN 74920 EN 60478 EN 41250 EN 21350 EN 13107 EN 10108 EN 73500 EN 18958 EN 7662 EN 6408 EN Cell Wars Balkwill, Fran 5.5 0.5 Cells Are Us Balkwill, Fran 5.4 0.5 Center Court Sting Christopher, Matt 3.9 3.0 Centerburg Tales McCloskey, Robert 6.0 5.0 César Chavez: Fighter in the Fields Matthews, J.L. 4.2 0.5 Cesar Chavez: Labor Leader Seidman, David 8.0 4.0 Chains Anderson, Laurie Halse 5.2 11.0 Chair for My Mother, A Williams, Vera B. 3.4 0.5 Chairs, Chairs, Chairs! Cappetta, Cynthia 0.8 0.5 Chalk Box Kid, The Bulla, Clyde Robert 2.7 1.0 Challenge at Second Base Christopher, Matt 3.8 2.0 Challenger and Columbia Fahey, Kathleen 6.9 1.0 Challenger Disaster, The McNeese, Tim 8.4 1.0 Challenger: The Explosion on Liftoff, The Streissguth, Tom 5.5 0.5 Chameleon Wore Chartreuse, The Hale, Bruce 3.5 2.0 Chameleons Are Cool Jenkins, Martin 4.3 0.5 Chameleons (Reptile Discovery) Martin, Louise 4.2 0.5 Chancy L'Amour, Louis 5.4 8.0 Chancy and the Grand Rascal Fleischman, Sid 4.5 5.0 Change, The Applegate, K.A. 3.8 4.0 Changes for Addy Porter, Connie 4.1 1.0 Changes for Felicity Tripp, Valerie 4.1 1.0 20698 EN 118239 EN 5407 EN 5408 EN 5409 EN 63002 EN 20 EN 5063 EN 115222 EN 88697 EN 107039 EN 78185 EN 71302 EN 4413 EN 79373 EN 40131 EN 19 EN 133936 EN 120451 EN 128375 EN 17762 EN 86639 EN Changes for Josefina Tripp, Valerie 4.3 1.0 Changes for Julie McDonald, Megan 4.6 2.0 Changes for Kirsten Shaw, Janet 3.9 1.0 Changes for Molly Tripp, Valerie 3.7 1.0 Changes for Samantha Tripp, Valerie 3.9 1.0 Chanukah (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 2.7 0.5 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dahl, Roald 4.8 5.0 Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Dahl, Roald 4.4 5.0 Charlie Bone and the Beast Nimmo, Jenny 4.5 9.0 Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors Nimmo, Jenny 4.9 10.0 Charlie Bone and the Hidden King Nimmo, Jenny 4.6 10.0 Charlie Bone and the Invisible Boy Nimmo, Jenny 4.9 10.0 Charlie Bone and the Time Twister Nimmo, Jenny 4.7 9.0 Charlie Chaplin: Genius of the Silent Screen Turk, Ruth 7.3 3.0 Charlie's Raven George, Jean Craighead 4.6 6.0 Charlie Wilcox McKay, Sharon E. 4.1 7.0 Charlotte's Web Charmed and Dangerous: The Rise of the Pretty Committee White, E.B. 4.4 5.0 Harrison, Lisi 4.5 5.0 Charmed Forces Morgan, Melissa J. 3.7 7.0 Chasing Lincoln's Killer Swanson, James L. 7.5 6.0 Chasing Redbird Creech, Sharon 5.0 7.0 Chasing the Falconers Korman, Gordon 4.9 4.0 113096 EN 78186 EN 14986 EN 112185 EN 214 EN 83878 EN 80265 EN 13010 EN 40531 EN 54040 EN 51570 EN 13346 EN 5558 EN 75027 EN 13458 EN 12069 EN 7211 EN 105414 EN 13587 EN 9114 EN 19558 EN Chasing the King (Home Run) Stein, Joshua 4.2 4.0 Chasing Vermeer Balliett, Blue 5.4 6.0 Chato's Kitchen Soto, Gary 3.6 0.5 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales Williams, Marcia 6.3 1.0 Cheaper by the Dozen Gilbreth, Ernestine/Frank 6.0 10.0 Cheetahs Parker, Barbara Keevil 3.6 0.5 Cheetahs Murray, Julie 2.9 0.5 Cheetahs (Big Cat Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.4 0.5 Chefs Quiri, Patricia Ryon 3.9 0.5 6.7 1.0 8.5 5.0 Chemical and Biological Weapons: Anthrax Payan, Gregory and Sarin Cherokee (Indigenous Peoples of North Long, Cathryn J. America), The Cherokee (Native American People), The McCall, Barbara 6.8 1.0 Cherokee (New True Books), The Lepthien, Emilie U. 3.7 0.5 Cherokee (Watts Library), The Sonneborn, Liz 6.7 1.0 Cherokees (First Book), The Landau, Elaine 6.1 1.0 Chessie the Long Island Squirrel Komoto, Sachiko 4.2 0.5 Chester Hoff, Syd 1.9 0.5 Chester A. Arthur: TwentyFirst President Venezia, Mike 5.0 0.5 Chester's Barn Climo, Lindee 5.2 1.0 Chester's Way Henkes, Kevin 3.4 0.5 Chester the Worldly Pig Peet, Bill 5.3 0.5 10763 EN 106079 EN 51571 EN 13347 EN 36946 EN 102774 EN 119922 EN 88484 EN 115655 EN 14939 EN 127017 EN 43227 EN 6108 EN 9511 EN 61183 EN 59872 EN 10510 EN 13057 EN 24675 EN 102936 EN 34968 EN Chevrolet Saturdays Boyd, Candy Dawson Chew on This: Everything You Don't Want Schlosser, Eric to Know About Fast Food Cheyenne (Indigenous Peoples of North Remington, Gwen America), The 4.1 7.0 8.1 9.0 9.1 4.0 Cheyenne (Native American People), The Lodge, Sally 8.1 1.0 Chicago Bears (NFL Today) Nichols, John 6.8 1.0 Chick Grows Up, A Zollman, Pam 1.6 0.5 Chicken! Be Brave with David Mortimore Baxter Tayleur, Karen 3.6 1.0 Chicken Boy Dowell, Frances O'Roark 5.1 5.0 ChickenChasing Queen of Lamar County, Harrington, Janice N. The 2.6 0.5 Chicken Chicken Stine, R.L. 3.2 2.0 Chicken Said, "Cluck!" Grant, Judyann Ackerman 1.6 0.5 Chicken Soup with Rice Sendak, Maurice 3.2 0.5 Chicken Sunday Polacco, Patricia 3.7 0.5 Chickenhouse House, The Howard, Ellen 4.0 1.0 Chickenpox (Rookie ReadAbout Health) Gordon, Sharon 2.0 0.5 Chickens (Animal Kingdom) Murray, Julie 3.0 0.5 Chickens Aren't the Only Ones Heller, Ruth 3.6 0.5 Chickens (Farm Animal Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.1 0.5 Chickens (Farm Animals) Hansen, Anne Larkin 4.2 0.5 Chicks and Salsa Reynolds, Aaron 4.5 0.5 Chief Honor Brouwer, Sigmund 3.9 3.0 71970 EN 30911 EN 17763 EN 15904 EN 46780 EN 65272 EN 15557 EN 79163 EN 4383 EN 15560 EN 15561 EN 4386 EN 606 EN 18468 EN 15905 EN 57174 EN 9546 EN 46827 EN 46862 EN 59873 EN 12600 EN Chief: The Life of Peter J. Ganci, a New York City Firefighter Ganci, Chris 5.4 1.0 Chihuahua, The Wilcox, Charlotte 3.7 0.5 Child of the Wolves Hall, Elizabeth 5.3 5.0 Child's Day, A Kalman/Everts 5.0 1.0 Child Slavery in Modern Times Newman, Shirlee P. 6.3 1.0 Childhood's End Clarke, Arthur C. 7.7 12.0 Children of China, The Pitkanen, Matti A. 5.9 0.5 Children of Dune Herbert, Frank 6.2 24.0 Children of Egypt, The Pitkanen, Matti A. 5.4 0.5 Children of India, The Hermes, Jules 5.9 0.5 Children of Mauritania: Days in the Desert...the River Shore, The Goodsmith, Lauren 5.3 1.0 Children of Nepal, The Pitkanen, Matti A. 5.7 0.5 Children of the River Crew, Linda 4.3 8.0 Children of the Wild West Freedman, Russell 6.9 2.0 Children's Clothing of the 1800s Schimpky/Kalman 5.4 0.5 Children We Remember, The Abells, Chana Byers 2.1 0.5 Childtimes: A Three Generation Memoir Greenfield/Little 5.0 4.0 Chile (Enchantment of the World) McNair, Sylvia 8.1 4.0 Chilly Charlie Rau, Dana Meachen 1.2 0.5 Chimpanzees Murray, Julie 3.2 0.5 Chimpanzees (Animal World) Bailey, Donna 3.3 0.5 79424 EN 13011 EN 4298 EN 86039 EN 63003 EN 14311 EN 5110 EN 74980 EN 16858 EN 6308 EN 5215 EN 10640 EN 256 EN 5260 EN 30912 EN 131109 EN 257 EN 77895 EN 10456 EN 44702 EN 54103 EN 20215 EN Chimpanzees: Living in Communities Shores, Erika L. 3.0 0.5 Chimpanzees (Monkey Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.4 0.5 China Riehecky, Janet 4.2 0.5 Chinese New Year JangoCohen, Judith 3.5 0.5 Chinese New Year (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 2.4 0.5 Chipmunks (Nature's Children) Switzer, Merebeth 5.4 0.5 Chippewa (New True Books), The Osinski, Alice 4.9 0.5 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Fleming, Ian 6.6 4.0 ChocoLouie Kindley, Jeff 2.7 0.5 ChocolateCovered Ants Manes, Stephen 3.1 3.0 Chocolate Fever Smith, Robert Kimmel 4.2 1.0 4.3 2.0 4.7 2.0 Chocolate Touch, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler Catling, Patrick Chocolate War, The Cormier, Robert 5.4 8.0 Chow Chow, The Wilcox, Charlotte 3.8 0.5 Chris Jericho Price, Sean Stewart 4.5 0.5 Christina's Ghost Christmas Around the World (Revised Edition) Wright, Betty Ren 4.1 3.0 Kelley, Emily 3.5 0.5 Christmas (Best Holiday Book) Fradin, Dennis B. 5.3 0.5 Christmas Carol (Unabridged), A Dickens, Charles 6.7 5.0 Christmas Doll, The Woodruff, Elvira 5.8 5.0 Christmas in Brazil Lauer, Rebecca A. 7.8 2.0 Chocolate Sundae Mystery, The 58025 EN 20213 EN 20217 EN 44062 EN 10457 EN 12696 EN 20220 EN 20219 EN 44937 EN 14887 EN 61184 EN 45857 EN 6457 EN 6258 EN 4736 EN 8103 EN 6109 EN 31410 EN 67701 EN 66513 EN 36947 EN Christmas in Camelot Osborne, Mary Pope 3.7 2.0 Christmas in Canada Editors, WorldBook 8.3 2.0 Christmas in Denmark Editors, WorldBook 7.2 3.0 Christmas in Heaven Williams, Carol Lynch 4.2 5.0 Christmas in Noisy Village Lindgren, Astrid 3.9 0.5 Christmas in the Big House, Christmas in the McKissack, Quarters Patricia/Fredrick 5.4 1.0 Christmas in the Holy Land WorldBookEditors 7.7 2.0 Christmas in Today's Germany WorldBookEditors 7.4 2.0 Christmas Memory, A Capote, Truman 5.7 1.0 Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey, The Wojciechowski, Susan 4.5 0.5 Christmas (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 3.4 0.5 Christmas Sonata, A Paulsen, Gary 4.4 1.0 Christmas with Ida Early Burch, Robert 5.1 5.0 Christopher Columbus Krensky, Stephen 2.7 0.5 Christopher Columbus and the First Voyages Dodge, Stephen C. to the New World 9.6 6.0 Chronicles of Avonlea Montgomery, L.M. 8.2 11.0 Chrysanthemum Henkes, Kevin 3.3 0.5 Chuck and Danielle Dickinson, Peter 5.0 3.0 CIA (Top Secret), The Abraham, Philip 7.5 1.0 CIA (Watts Library), The January, Brendan 7.7 1.0 Cincinnati Bengals (NFL Today) Nichols, John 6.6 1.0 125220 EN 137325 EN 12497 EN 71278 EN 51658 EN 123166 EN 309 EN 68922 EN 5968 EN 12317 EN 20547 EN 36779 EN 5111 EN 59118 EN 56661 EN 29230 EN 122008 EN 12878 EN 26916 EN 69274 EN 58954 EN Cincinnati Bengals, The Stewart, Mark 5.5 1.0 Cinco de Mayo Rissman, Rebecca 2.0 0.5 Cinder Edna Jackson, Ellen 4.5 0.5 Cinderella's Dress Willard, Nancy 4.6 0.5 Cinderella: The Dog and Her Little Glass Slipper Goode, Diane 4.2 0.5 Cinderella: The Graphic Novel Bracken, Beth 2.5 0.5 Circle of Gold Boyd, Candy Dawson 4.0 3.0 Circle of Thanks Fowler, Susi Gregg 3.5 0.5 Circles Sachs, Marilyn 4.5 4.0 Circles (First Step Math) Griffiths, Rose 1.8 0.5 Circulatory System (A True Book), The Stille, Darlene R. 4.9 0.5 Circulatory System (Human Body Systems), Frost, Helen The 2.8 0.5 Circus (New True Books), The Harmer, Mabel 2.5 0.5 Cirque Du Freak Shan, Darren 4.8 7.0 Cities (Capital Letters) Scheunemann, Pam 1.0 0.5 Cities: Citizens & Civilizations MacDonald, Fiona 6.9 1.0 Cities of the Dead: Finding Lost Civilizations Rinaldo, Denise 5.8 1.0 Citizenship (Values Library) Schleifer, Jay 5.4 1.0 City Birds MacLeod, Heather 2.3 0.5 City of Ember, The DuPrau, Jeanne 5.0 9.0 City Park Davis, Wendy 4.6 0.5 12644 EN 74921 EN 39850 EN 77928 EN 12645 EN 44894 EN 12646 EN 16806 EN 28118 EN 101340 EN 21103 EN 12010 EN 310 EN 406 EN 2159 EN 129138 EN 6502 EN 19341 EN 6504 EN 6505 EN 19377 EN 6506 EN Civil Rights Movement (Black History & the Kallen, Stuart A. Civil Rights), The 6.8 1.0 Civil Rights Movement in America, The 7.5 1.0 Civil War: American Tragedy (First Book), Carter, Alden R. The 7.5 1.0 Civil War: An Illustrated History, The Clinton, Catherine 9.7 7.0 Civil War and Reconstruction (Black History &...Civil Rights), The Kallen, Stuart A. 6.5 1.0 Civil War on Sunday Osborne, Mary Pope 3.4 1.0 Civil War to the Last Frontier: 18501880s, Katz, William Loren The 8.6 4.0 Civil War (Voices from the Past) Gay, Kathlyn/Martin 8.4 2.0 Clamshell Boy: A Makah Legend Cohlene, Terri 4.2 0.5 Clara Barton: Angel of the Battlefield Lassieur, Allison 4.1 0.5 Clara Barton: Civil War Nurse Whitelaw, Nancy 7.5 3.0 Clara Joins the Circus Pellowski, Michael J. 2.3 0.5 Class Clown Class President Hurwitz, Johanna Hurwitz, Johanna 4.6 4.3 2.0 2.0 Claude Monet (The Life and Work Of...) Connolly, Sean 3.2 0.5 Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice Hoose, Phillip 6.8 5.0 Claudia and Mean Janine Martin, Ann M. 3.8 4.0 Claudia and the First Thanksgiving Martin, Ann M. 4.9 4.0 Claudia and the Genius of Elm Street Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 Claudia and the Great Search Martin, Ann M. 4.4 4.0 Claudia and the Lighthouse Ghost Martin, Ann M. 3.6 4.0 Claudia and the Middle School Mystery Martin, Ann M. 4.3 4.0 Landau, Elaine 6507 EN 6508 EN 6509 EN 19335 EN 66887 EN 87140 EN 108873 EN 138134 EN 32238 EN 36948 EN 4364 EN 45430 EN 10511 EN 14609 EN 41849 EN 52859 EN 14612 EN 7257 EN 9565 EN 17515 EN 9566 EN Claudia and the New Girl Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls Martin, Ann M. 3.8 4.0 Claudia and the Sad Goodbye Martin, Ann M. 4.7 4.0 Claudia Kishi, Live from WSTO! Martin, Ann M. 3.5 3.0 Claws Weaver, Will 4.2 7.0 Clemency Pogue: Fairy Killer Petty, J.T. 5.7 3.0 Clementine Pennypacker, Sara 4.5 2.0 Clementine, Friend of the Week Pennypacker, Sara 4.2 2.0 Cleopatra VII: Daughter of the Nile Gregory, Kristiana 6.2 6.0 Cleveland Browns (NFL Today) Nichols, John 6.7 1.0 Click! Mitchell, Barbara 5.1 1.0 Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type Cronin, Doreen 2.3 0.5 Clifford and the Big Storm Bridwell, Norman 2.1 0.5 Clifford at the Circus Bridwell, Norman 2.1 0.5 Clifford Goes to Hollywood Bridwell, Norman 2.0 0.5 Clifford's Big Book of Things to Know Bridwell, Norman 4.0 0.5 Clifford's Birthday Party Bridwell, Norman 2.5 0.5 Clifford's Christmas Bridwell, Norman 1.9 0.5 Clifford's Family Bridwell, Norman 2.0 0.5 Clifford's First Autumn Bridwell, Norman 1.8 0.5 Clifford's First Christmas Bridwell, Norman 1.9 0.5 12758 EN 10513 EN 10460 EN 9567 EN 42143 EN 14613 EN 17517 EN 7259 EN 17518 EN 6059 EN 10512 EN 31629 EN 79924 EN 17307 EN 21218 EN 18531 EN 82267 EN 57609 EN 66469 EN 108921 EN 5463 EN Clifford's First Valentine's Day Bridwell, Norman 2.1 0.5 Clifford's Good Deeds Bridwell, Norman 2.2 0.5 Clifford's Halloween Bridwell, Norman 1.8 0.5 Clifford's Manners Bridwell, Norman 1.9 0.5 Clifford's Riddles Bridwell, Norman 1.4 0.5 Clifford's Sports Day Bridwell, Norman 1.8 0.5 Clifford's Spring CleanUp Bridwell, Norman 2.3 0.5 Clifford's Thanksgiving Visit Bridwell, Norman 2.1 0.5 Clifford's Tricks Bridwell, Norman 1.8 0.5 Clifford the Big Red Dog Bridwell, Norman 1.2 0.5 Clifford the Firehouse Dog Bridwell, Norman 2.0 0.5 Clifford, We Love You Bridwell, Norman 1.6 0.5 Clique, The Harrison, Lisi 4.9 7.0 Cloak for the Dreamer, A Friedman, Aileen 4.8 0.5 Clocks and More Clocks Hutchins, Pat 2.3 0.5 Clockwork or All Wound Up Pullman, Philip 5.7 2.0 Close Kin Dunkle, Clare B. 5.4 10.0 Clothes in Colonial America Thomas, Mark 1.8 0.5 Cloud Dance Locker, Thomas 2.2 0.5 Clouds Herriges, Ann 2.2 0.5 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Barrett, Judi 4.3 0.5 12013 EN 5602 EN 5604 EN 5653 EN 5607 EN 5654 EN 5610 EN 6807 EN 5614 EN 80266 EN 15188 EN 128655 EN 42429 EN 26731 EN 40648 EN 12210 EN 11603 EN 15181 EN 47359 EN 60373 EN 407 EN ClownArounds Have a Party, The Cole, Joanna 1.8 0.5 Clue in the Crossword Cipher, The Keene, Carolyn 5.6 6.0 Clue in the Diary, The Keene, Carolyn 5.5 5.0 Clue in the Embers, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 Clue in the Old Stagecoach, The Keene, Carolyn 5.6 6.0 Clue of the Broken Blade, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.3 5.0 Clue of the Dancing Puppet, The Keene, Carolyn 5.5 5.0 Clue of the Hissing Serpent, The Dixon, Franklin W. 4.9 5.0 Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes, The Keene, Carolyn 5.8 6.0 Clydesdale Horses Murray, Julie 3.0 0.5 Clydesdale Horses (Horses) Gammie, Janet L. 3.6 0.5 Coach Hyatt Is a Riot! Gutman, Dan 3.4 1.0 Coal Miner's Bride: The Diary of Anetka Kaminska, A Bartoletti, Susan Campbell 5.5 6.0 Coast to Coast with Alice Hyatt, Patricia Rusch 5.4 2.0 Cobra Threat/Cobra Strike Brouwer, Sigmund 4.6 4.0 Cobras (Fangs!) Ethan, Eric 3.6 0.5 Cocaine McFarland, Rhoda 5.4 1.0 Cocker Spaniels (Dogs) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.7 0.5 Cockroaches Kite, L. Patricia 4.1 0.5 Cod's Tale, The Kurlansky, Mark 6.3 1.0 Cold and Hot Winter, The Hurwitz, Johanna 4.4 3.0 59204 EN 70134 EN 60454 EN 9308 EN 77279 EN 24055 EN 27002 EN 15906 EN 15907 EN 15908 EN 35834 EN 77317 EN 7806 EN 12406 EN 26192 EN 7043 EN 10461 EN 61185 EN 51572 EN 13350 EN 9762 EN Cold Fire Pierce, Tamora 5.6 13.0 Cold Tom Prue, Sally 4.4 4.0 Colin Powell: It Can Be Done! Strong, Mike 4.4 0.5 Collecting Dobkin, Bonnie 2.1 0.5 College Weekend Stine, R.L. 3.2 3.0 Collie, The Wilcox, Charlotte 3.9 0.5 Colombia (Enchantment of the World) Morrison, Marion 8.1 2.0 Colonial Crafts Kalman, Bobbie 5.9 0.5 Colonial Life Kalman, Bobbie 5.9 1.0 Colonial Town: Williamsburg, A Kalman, Bobbie 6.2 0.5 Color Me Dark: The Diary of Nellie Lee Love McKissack, Patricia C. 4.9 5.0 Colorado Walker, Cynthia 2.3 0.5 Colorado (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.7 3.0 Colorado (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.4 1.0 Colorado (Hello U.S.A.) Bledsoe, Sara 6.7 1.0 Colt Springer, Nancy 5.0 4.0 Columbus Day (Best Holiday Book) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.3 0.5 Gardeski, Christina Mia 2.5 0.5 Streissguth, Thomas 8.9 4.0 Comanche (Native American People), The Lodge, Sally 8.7 1.0 Come a Tide Lyon, George Ella 2.5 0.5 Columbus Day (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Comanche (Indigenous Peoples of North America), The 7310 EN 14888 EN 30845 EN 162 EN 26917 EN 49776 EN 11560 EN 161 EN 109033 EN 113367 EN 43486 EN 56662 EN 19942 EN 19938 EN 19939 EN 34741 EN 88408 EN 12551 EN 101070 EN 14457 EN 311 EN 5112 EN Come Back, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.1 0.5 Come Morning Guccione, Leslie Davis 4.4 3.0 Come On, Rain! Hesse, Karen 3.6 0.5 Come Sing, Jimmy Jo Paterson, Katherine 4.7 8.0 Come! Sit! Speak! Simon, Charnan 1.1 0.5 Come What May Brooke, Lauren 4.5 5.0 Comeback Challenge, The Christopher, Matt 5.1 4.0 Comeback Dog, The Thomas, Jane Resh 4.9 1.0 Comeback of the Home Run Kid Christopher, Matt 4.2 2.0 Florian, Douglas 3.1 0.5 Maestro, Betsy 5.9 0.5 Comma Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth 1.8 0.5 Commander Toad and the Big Black Hole Yolen, Jane 3.1 0.5 Commander Toad and the Disasteroid Yolen, Jane 3.1 0.5 Commander Toad and the Planet of the Grapes Yolen, Jane 3.8 0.5 Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun Blumberg, Rhoda 7.9 3.0 Common Adders Klein, Adam G. 4.6 0.5 Common Dolphins (Dolphins) Prevost, John F. 4.5 0.5 Common Sawsharks Klein, Adam G. 4.5 0.5 Companions of the Night Vande Velde, Vivian 6.1 9.0 Computer Nut, The Byars, Betsy 3.8 3.0 Computers (New True Books) Jacobsen, Karen 4.4 0.5 Comets, Stars, the Moon, and Mars: Space Poems and Paintings Coming to America: The Story of Immigration 54042 EN 108336 EN 111292 EN 83247 EN 86349 EN 76895 EN 61639 EN 7412 EN 63966 EN 103516 EN 7807 EN 12407 EN 26193 EN 5113 EN 12601 EN 118814 EN 17459 EN 125496 EN 17806 EN 5262 EN 26714 EN Concorde Murdico, Suzanne J. 5.9 0.5 Concrete Mixers McClellan, Ray 1.7 0.5 Confessions from the Principal's Chair Myers, Anna 4.8 8.0 Confessions of a Backup Dancer Shaw, Tucker 6.2 9.0 Confessions of a Closet Catholic Littman, Sarah 5.5 7.0 Confessions of a Not It Girl Kantor, Melissa 5.2 9.0 Confucius: The Golden Rule Freedman, Russell 7.6 1.0 Congress (New True Books) Greene, Carol 4.3 0.5 Congress, The LeVert, Suzanne 8.2 0.5 Connecticut Evento, Susan 2.2 0.5 Connecticut (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.6 3.0 Connecticut (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.5 1.0 Connecticut (Hello U.S.A.) Gelman, Amy 6.9 1.0 Conservation (New True Books) Gates, Richard 3.3 0.5 Conserving Rain Forests Banks, Martin 8.0 1.0 Constitution of the United States, The TaylorButler, Christine 5.2 0.5 Constitutional Amendments Feinberg, Barbara Silberdick 10.2 3.0 Constrictor Snakes Christiansen, Per 4.9 0.5 Contact Sagan, Carl 9.4 23.0 Contender, The Lipsyte, Robert 4.5 5.0 Cook's Family, The Yep, Laurence 4.7 6.0 5969 EN 408 EN 58617 EN 64253 EN 58619 EN 64254 EN 58620 EN 58621 EN 58622 EN 58623 EN 58624 EN 58625 EN 58627 EN 58628 EN 48321 EN 137667 EN 141545 EN 137668 EN 137670 EN 24266 EN 12957 EN Cookcamp, The Paulsen, Gary 5.0 3.0 Cookies and Crutches Delton, Judy 3.0 1.0 Cooking the Chinese Way (Revised Edition) Yu, Ling 7.3 1.0 Cooking the English Way (Revised Edition) Hill, Barbara W. 6.8 1.0 Cooking the French Way (Revised Edition) Waldee, Lynne Marie 6.6 1.0 Cooking the German Way (Revised Edtion) Parnell, Helga 6.7 1.0 Cooking the Greek Way (Revised Edition) 6.6 1.0 Cooking the Indian Way (Revised Edition) Madavan, Vijay 7.3 1.0 Cooking the Israeli Way (Revised Edition) 7.4 1.0 6.9 1.0 Weston, Reiko 7.0 1.0 Coronado, Rosa 7.0 1.0 ZamojskaHutchins, Danuta 7.0 1.0 Cooking the Spanish Way (Revised Edition) Christian, Rebecca 6.8 1.0 Cool as Ice Mantell, Paul 4.4 4.0 Cool Basketball Facts Czeskleba, Abby 2.6 0.5 Cool BMX Racing Facts Donovan, Sandy 2.2 0.5 Cool Football Facts Clay, Kathryn 2.7 0.5 Cool Soccer Facts Czeskleba, Abby 2.4 0.5 Coping with an Unplanned Pregnancy Simpson, Carolyn 8.1 8.0 Coping with Being Adopted Cohen, Shari 6.3 5.0 Villios, Lynne W. Bacon, Josephine Cooking the Italian Way (Revised Edition) Bisignano, Alphonse Cooking the Japanese Way (Revised Edition) Cooking the Mexican Way (Revised Edition) Cooking the Polish Way (Revised Edition) 12932 EN 12965 EN 12112 EN 12113 EN 12937 EN 12114 EN 12115 EN 12116 EN 12980 EN 12117 EN 47178 EN 80248 EN 12211 EN 15451 EN 13111 EN 88409 EN 13112 EN 60645 EN 108922 EN 5464 EN 103581 EN Coping with Date Rape & Acquaintance Rape Parrot, Andrea 9.7 8.0 Coping with Drug Abuse Edwards, Gabrielle I. 9.2 6.0 Coping with Food Trash Daniel, Jamie 4.8 0.5 Coping with Glass Trash Daniel, Jamie 5.1 0.5 Coping with Grief Buckingham/Huggard 5.9 6.0 Coping with Metal Trash Daniel, Jamie 5.0 0.5 Coping with Paper Trash Daniel, Jamie 5.3 0.5 Coping with Plastic Trash Daniel, Jamie 5.4 0.5 Coping with Substance Abuse McFarland, Rhoda 7.6 11.0 Coping with Wood Trash Daniel, Jamie 4.6 0.5 Copper Lady, The Ross, Alice/Kent 3.7 0.5 Copperheads Murray, Julie 3.2 0.5 Copperheads (Fangs!) Ethan, Eric 3.8 0.5 Copperheads (Snakes) Gerholdt, James E. 4.2 0.5 Coral Reefs (Sea Discovery) Cooper, Jason 5.1 0.5 Coral Snakes Klein, Adam G. 4.8 0.5 Coral Snakes (Snake Discovery) Bargar/Johnson 5.7 0.5 Coraline Gaiman, Neil 5.1 5.0 Corals Herriges, Ann 2.3 0.5 Corduroy Freeman, Don 3.5 0.5 Cori Plays Football Florie, Christine 1.7 0.5 86806 EN 20303 EN 13803 EN 63410 EN 464 EN 12160 EN 28627 EN 27003 EN 1425 EN 12212 EN 49698 EN 15411 EN 13012 EN 60471 EN 12778 EN 137204 EN 11409 EN 41570 EN 12213 EN 12070 EN 7610 EN Cork & Fuzz Chaconas, Dori 1.9 0.5 Corn Grows Ripe, The Rhoads, Dorothy 4.7 2.0 Corn Is Maize: The Gift of the Indians Aliki 4.2 0.5 Corner of the Universe, A Martin, Ann M. 4.5 6.0 Cory Coleman, Grade 2 Brimner, Larry Dane 2.9 1.0 Cosmic Debris: The Asteroids Asimov, Isaac 6.1 0.5 Cosmic Joker, The Innes, Brian 5.5 1.0 Costa Rica (Enchantment of the World) Morrison, Marion 8.9 3.0 Costume Crafts (World Wide Crafts) MacLeodBrudenell, Iain 5.8 0.5 Cottonmouths (Fangs!) Ethan, Eric 3.9 0.5 Coubertin's Olympics: How the Games Began Kristy, Davida 8.4 4.0 Cougars Stone, Lynn M. 3.4 0.5 Cougars (Big Cat Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.7 0.5 Cougars (Predators in the Wild) Welsbacher, Anne 4.6 0.5 Count of Monte Cristo, The Dumas, Alexandre 8.8 34.0 Countdown Wiles, Deborah 4.4 9.0 Counterfeit Tackle, The Christopher, Matt 3.9 2.0 Counting Is for the Birds Mazzola, Frank 2.9 0.5 Counting (Measure up with Science) Walpole, Brenda 6.3 1.0 Counting on Frank Clement, Rod 3.8 0.5 Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes, The Heyward, Du Bose 4.5 0.5 122591 EN 6355 EN 21 EN 6662 EN 6663 EN 17765 EN 115985 EN 70877 EN 76761 EN 26928 EN 64198 EN 5114 EN 84512 EN 113781 EN 80256 EN 13058 EN 14858 EN 72208 EN 88452 EN 108337 EN 11604 EN 215 EN Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever, A Frazee, Marla 3.4 0.5 Courage at Indian Deep Thomas, Jane Resh 5.6 4.0 Courage of Sarah Noble, The Dalgliesh, Alice 3.9 1.0 Court of the Stone Children, The Cameron, Eleanor 6.1 8.0 Cousins Hamilton, Virginia 3.7 4.0 Cousins in the Castle Wallace, Barbara Brooks 6.0 7.0 CoverUp: Mystery at the Super Bowl Feinstein, John 4.9 10.0 Cowboy Boy Proimos, James 4.0 1.0 Cowboy Small Lenski, Lois 1.6 0.5 Cowboy Up! Brimner, Larry Dane 0.6 0.5 Cowboys Rounds, Glen 3.2 0.5 Cowboys (New True Books) Martini, Teri 2.5 0.5 Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa Silverman, Erica 2.3 0.5 Cowlick! Ditchfield, Christin 1.4 0.5 Cows Murray, Julie 2.9 0.5 Cows (Farm Animal Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.0 0.5 Coyote and the Laughing Butterflies Taylor, Harriet Peck 4.2 0.5 Coyotes All Around Murphy, Stuart J. 2.8 0.5 Crab Spiders Wheeler, Jill C. 4.2 0.5 Crabs Herriges, Ann 2.1 0.5 Crack Peck, Rodney 4.8 1.0 Cracker Jackson Byars, Betsy 4.2 4.0 110627 EN 18660 EN 18661 EN 75454 EN 18663 EN 18664 EN 108338 EN 14993 EN 8707 EN 72121 EN 14759 EN 8513 EN 10270 EN 107658 EN 23850 EN 8958 EN 101433 EN 55670 EN 9474 EN 7506 EN 6356 EN Cracker! The Best Dog in Vietnam Kadohata, Cynthia 4.9 9.0 Cranberry Christmas Devlin, Wende/Harry 4.0 0.5 Cranberry Easter Devlin, Wende/Harry 3.4 0.5 Cranberry Halloween Devlin, Wende 4.0 0.5 Cranberry Thanksgiving Devlin, Wende/Harry 3.7 0.5 Cranberry Valentine Devlin, Wende/Harry 3.0 0.5 Cranes Martin, M.T. 1.6 0.5 Crash Spinelli, Jerry 3.6 4.0 Crash Dive Frederick, Lee 3.4 1.0 Crazy Hair Day Saltzberg, Barney 2.8 0.5 Crazy Horse Electric Game, The Crutcher, Chris 5.5 10.0 Crazy Lady! Conly, Jane Leslie 3.8 5.0 Crazy Weekend Soto, Gary 4.6 4.0 Creation of the U.S. Constitution, The Burgan, Michael 5.0 0.5 Creature Teacher Stine, R.L. 3.1 3.0 Creatures of Mystery Fortman, Jan 4.7 1.0 Creeping Vine, The Law, Felicia 2.4 0.5 Creepy Computer Mystery, The Levy, Elizabeth 3.3 0.5 Creepy Crawlies Thomson, Ruth 4.2 0.5 Creolé (Original Text) Cosgrove, Stephen 4.6 0.5 Cricket and the Crackerbox Kid Ferguson, Alane 4.1 4.0 22 EN 44252 EN 54801 EN 32899 EN 58513 EN 101361 EN 80249 EN 13013 EN 60472 EN 116562 EN 12779 EN 139503 EN 11706 EN 105478 EN 122443 EN 7552 EN 133616 EN 5756 EN 734 EN 119132 EN 29329 EN 23848 EN Cricket in Times Square, The Selden, George 4.9 4.0 Crickwing Cannon, Janell 4.2 0.5 Crime Busters Donkin, Andrew 6.5 1.0 Crinkleroot's Guide to Knowing Animal Habitats Arnosky, Jim 4.4 0.5 Crispin: The Cross of Lead Avi 5.0 7.0 Criss Cross Perkins, Lynne Rae 5.5 7.0 Crocodiles (Animal Kingdom) Murray, Julie 3.5 0.5 Crocodiles (Australian Animal Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.1 0.5 Crocodiles (Predators in the Wild) Welsbacher, Anne 4.8 0.5 Crooked Kind of Perfect, A Urban, Linda 3.9 4.0 Cross and the Switchblade, The Wilkerson, David 6.2 11.0 Crossbones, The Carman, Patrick 5.3 4.0 Crossing, The Paulsen, Gary 5.8 3.0 Crossing the Wire Hobbs, Will 4.3 8.0 Crossover Rud, Jeff 4.7 4.0 Crow Boy Yashima, Taro 3.9 0.5 Crow Call Lowry, Lois 3.8 0.5 Crowning Terror, The Dixon, Franklin W. 4.8 4.0 Crucible, The Miller, Arthur 4.9 5.0 Crunch Time Grace, N.B. 4.9 3.0 Crush Conford, Ellen 4.1 3.0 Cry of the Cat Stine, R.L. 3.1 2.0 84012 EN 14744 EN 17216 EN 125661 EN 74753 EN 46828 EN 19111 EN 9603 EN 17807 EN 5753 EN 85549 EN 5509 EN 36641 EN 7212 EN 31547 EN 409 EN 7611 EN 36642 EN 36543 EN 18665 EN 18666 EN Cryptid Hunters Smith, Roland 4.9 11.0 Crystal Garden, The Grove, Vicki 5.9 8.0 Crystal & Gem (Eyewitness) Symes/Harding 8.2 1.0 Crystals and Gemstones Pellant, Chris 4.5 0.5 Cuba 15 Osa, Nancy 4.9 9.0 Cuba (Enchantment of the World) Morrison, Marion 9.3 4.0 Cubs and Colts and Calves and Kittens Fowler, Allan 2.1 0.5 Cuckoo Clock of Doom, The Stine, R.L. 2.9 2.0 Cuckoo's Child, The Freeman, Suzanne 4.4 8.0 Cult of Crime Dixon, Franklin W. 4.9 5.0 Cupidity Goode, Caroline 6.0 8.0 Curious George Rey, H.A. 2.6 0.5 Curious George and the Dump Truck Rey, Margret/H.A. 2.9 0.5 Curious George at the Beach Rey, Margret 2.2 0.5 Curious George at the Fire Station Rey, Margret/H.A. 2.5 0.5 Curious George Flies a Kite Rey, Margret 2.7 0.5 Curious George Gets a Medal Rey, H.A. 4.1 0.5 Curious George Goes Camping Rey, Margret/H.A. 2.9 0.5 Curious George Goes to the Aquarium Rey, Margret/H.A. 2.2 0.5 Curious George Goes to the Hospital Rey, Margret/H.A. 3.4 0.5 Curious George Rides a Bike Rey, H.A. 4.1 0.5 40191 EN 121466 EN 14940 EN 85025 EN 121650 EN 106225 EN 9604 EN 59551 EN 109666 EN 15909 EN 10110 EN 61186 EN 411 EN 54182 EN 119147 EN 16976 EN 80682 EN 126151 EN 89061 EN 103077 EN 735 EN 88453 EN Curious George Takes a Job Rey, H.A. 3.6 0.5 Curse Dark As Gold, A Bunce, Elizabeth C. 5.9 17.0 Curse of Camp Cold Lake, The Stine, R.L. 2.9 2.0 Curse of King Tut's Tomb, The Burgan, Michael 4.5 0.5 Curse of the Ancient Acropolis: Athens, Greece, The Marsh, Carole 4.9 2.0 Curse of the Bologna Sandwich, The Trine, Greg 3.5 1.0 Curse of the Mummy's Tomb, The Stine, R.L. 4.0 3.0 Curse of the Viking Grave, The Mowat, Farley 6.5 9.0 Curse of the Wendigo: An Agate and Buck Welvaert, Scott R. Adventure, The 4.1 1.0 Customs and Traditions Kalman/Everts 5.7 1.0 Cute Is a FourLetter Word Pevsner, Stella 4.2 6.0 Gordon, Sharon 2.5 0.5 Byars, Betsy 4.2 3.0 Cycling Ditchfield, Christin 5.1 0.5 D Is for Drinking Gourd: An African American Alphabet Sanders, Nancy I. 7.7 1.0 D.W. Flips Brown, Marc 1.5 0.5 Da Wild, Da Crazy, Da Vinci Scieszka, Jon 3.6 1.0 Dachshunds Green, Sara 3.3 0.5 Dad, Are You the Tooth Fairy? Alexander, Jason 4.0 0.5 Dad, Jackie, and Me Uhlberg, Myron 3.8 0.5 DaddyLongLegs Webster, Jean 6.1 6.0 Daddy Longlegs Spiders Wheeler, Jill C. 4.1 0.5 Cuts and Scrapes (Rookie ReadAbout Health) Cybil War, The 36812 EN 106282 EN 77089 EN 57161 EN 45702 EN 48322 EN 6260 EN 112370 EN 100748 EN 21006 EN 36949 EN 104809 EN 15182 EN 13304 EN 46619 EN 116081 EN 754 EN 28138 EN 45118 EN 75438 EN 59596 EN Dairy Group (The Food Guide Pyramid), The Frost, Helen 2.1 0.5 Dairy Queen: A Novel Murdock, Catherine Gilbert 5.3 10.0 Daisy 1, 2, 3 Catalanotto, Peter 1.9 0.5 Daisy Comes Home Brett, Jan 3.8 0.5 Daja's Book Pierce, Tamora 5.7 8.0 Dakota Dream Bennett, James 5.3 7.0 Dakota Dugout Turner, Ann 3.3 0.5 Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Levy, Janey 5.3 1.0 Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Savage, Jeff 4.0 0.5 Dallas Cowboys Football Team, The Lace, William W. 6.2 1.0 Dallas Cowboys (NFL Today) Nichols, John 7.1 1.0 Dallas Cowboys, The Stewart, Mark 5.5 1.0 Dalmatians (Dogs) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.5 0.5 Dams (ManMade Wonders) Cooper, Jason 4.3 0.5 Dance, Annie Friedman, Dawn 0.8 0.5 Gallagher, Diana G. 3.2 1.0 Paulsen, Gary 5.0 3.0 Dancing Drum: A Cherokee Legend Cohlene, Terri 4.8 0.5 Dancing in Cadillac Light Holt, Kimberly Willis 5.1 6.0 Dancing Shoes Streatfeild, Noel 5.7 8.0 Dancing with the Indians Medearis, Angela Shelf 3.3 0.5 Dance Trap: The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Dancing Carl 7554 EN 12071 EN 528 EN 12468 EN 17766 EN 14798 EN 13390 EN 45923 EN 14298 EN 108232 EN 23 EN 36080 EN 830 EN 7362 EN 50768 EN 5007 EN 465 EN 58677 EN 84002 EN 67001 EN 11708 EN 121639 EN Dandelion Freeman, Don 3.7 0.5 Dandelion's Vanishing Vegetable Garden Huriet, Genevieve 3.4 0.5 Dandelion Wine Bradbury, Ray 6.0 10.0 Dandelions Bunting, Eve 3.5 0.5 Danger Along the Ohio Willis, Patricia 5.4 6.0 Danger at the Fair Kehret, Peg 4.7 5.0 Danger Guys Abbott, Tony 2.9 1.0 Danger on the Mountain: Scaling the World's Highest Peaks Donkin, Andrew 5.8 1.0 Danger Zone Klass, David 5.2 9.0 Danica Patrick Savage, Jeff 4.0 0.5 Daniel Boone Daugherty, James 7.7 4.0 Daniel Boone: Frontier Legend McCarthy, Pat 6.8 4.0 Daniel Boone: Pioneer Trailblazer Hargrove, Jim 6.7 4.0 Daniel's Duck Bulla, Clyde Robert 2.0 0.5 Daniel Webster: "Liberty and Union Now and Forever" Harvey, Bonnie Carman 8.2 3.0 Danny, the Champion of the World Dahl, Roald 4.7 6.0 Daphne's Book Hahn, Mary Downing 4.2 6.0 Darby Fuqua, Jonathon Scott 4.8 7.0 Dare to Be Scared: Thirteen Stories to Chill San Souci, Robert D. and Thrill 5.4 5.0 Dark and Deadly Pool, The Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.5 7.0 Dark Canyon L'Amour, Louis 5.6 6.0 Dark Day in the Deep Sea Osborne, Mary Pope 3.8 2.0 136997 EN 20313 EN 35358 EN 86676 EN 109 EN 136705 EN 80688 EN 100575 EN 145190 EN 10203 EN 7855 EN 65166 EN 80704 EN 119935 EN 116705 EN 82455 EN 4373 EN 133861 EN 35635 EN 19454 EN 7260 EN Dark Fire d'Lacey, Chris 5.2 14.0 Dark Frigate, The Hawes, Charles Boardman 6.7 12.0 Dark Garden, The Buffie, Margaret 4.0 7.0 Dark Hills Divide, The Carman, Patrick 6.1 10.0 Dark Is Rising, The Cooper, Susan 6.2 13.0 Dark Life Falls, Kat 4.8 9.0 Dark Pond, The Bruchac, Joseph 5.3 4.0 Dark Sons Grimes, Nikki 4.8 2.0 Dark Souls Morris, Paula 5.3 10.0 Dark Stairs, The Byars, Betsy 3.9 3.0 DarkThirty, The McKissack, Patricia C. 4.6 4.0 Dark Waters MacPhail, Catherine 3.7 4.0 Darkest Evening, The Durbin, William 5.0 6.0 Darkside Becker, Tom 5.4 8.0 Darkwing Oppel, Kenneth 5.0 14.0 Date Violence Landau, Elaine 7.4 2.0 Date with Destiny, A Ashabranner, Brent 9.2 2.0 Daughters of the Sea: Hannah Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 8.0 Dave at Night Levine, Gail Carson 3.6 8.0 David and Goliath deRegniers, Beatrice Schenk 4.8 0.5 David and the Giant Little, Emily 1.5 0.5 119370 EN 13616 EN 36596 EN 1533 EN 6510 EN 6511 EN 6512 EN 19362 EN 19348 EN 6513 EN 6515 EN 19376 EN 6357 EN 41445 EN 118348 EN 5466 EN 359 EN 7668 EN 86562 EN 77058 EN 20015 EN David Beckham Savage, Jeff 4.6 0.5 David Copperfield (Bloomsbury) Dickens, Charles 8.2 6.0 David Goes to School Shannon, David 0.9 0.5 DaVinci Venezia, Mike 4.8 0.5 Dawn and the Big Sleepover Martin, Ann M. 4.3 4.0 Dawn and the Impossible Three Martin, Ann M. 3.9 4.0 Dawn and the Older Boy Martin, Ann M. 4.2 4.0 Dawn and the Surfer Ghost Martin, Ann M. 4.7 4.0 Dawn and Too Many Sitters Martin, Ann M. 3.7 3.0 Dawn on the Coast Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 Dawn's Wicked Stepsister Martin, Ann M. 4.3 4.0 Dawn Schafer, Undercover Babysitter Martin, Ann M. 4.8 4.0 Day Before Christmas, The Bunting, Eve 3.0 0.5 Day I Was Rich, The Cosby, Bill 2.9 0.5 Day in the Life of an African Village, A Davidson, Avelyn 5.6 1.0 Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash, The Noble, Trinka Hakes 2.2 0.5 Day No Pigs Would Die, A Peck, Robert Newton 4.4 4.0 Day of Ahmed's Secret, The Heide, Florence Parry 3.4 0.5 Day of Tears: A Novel in Dialogue Lester, Julius 4.8 4.0 Day of the Dead Lowery, Linda 3.7 0.5 Day of the Dragon King Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 74145 EN 59580 EN 16197 EN 11710 EN 46376 EN 46377 EN 46334 EN 46335 EN 46336 EN 46378 EN 46815 EN 46816 EN 46379 EN 46337 EN 46338 EN 46339 EN 56663 EN 55467 EN 34953 EN 20694 EN 6061 EN Day of the Iguana Winkler, Henry 4.1 4.0 Day's Work, A Bunting, Eve 2.7 0.5 Day the Teacher Went Bananas, The Howe, James 1.8 0.5 Day They Came to Arrest the Book, The Hentoff, Nat 6.0 6.0 Day with a Bricklayer, A Thomas, Mark 1.7 0.5 Day with a Carpenter, A Winne, Joanne 1.1 0.5 Day with a Doctor, A Kottke, Jan 1.4 0.5 Day with a Librarian, A Kottke, Jan 1.4 0.5 Day with a Mail Carrier, A Kottke, Jan 1.4 0.5 Day with a Mechanic, A Winne, Joanne 1.1 0.5 Day with a Plumber, A Thomas, Mark 1.4 0.5 Day with Air Traffic Controllers, A Winne, Joanne 1.6 0.5 Day with an Electrician, A Thomas, Mark 1.1 0.5 Day with Firefighters, A Kottke, Jan 1.0 0.5 Day with Paramedics, A Kottke, Jan 1.3 0.5 Day with Police Officers, A Kottke, Jan 1.4 0.5 Days (Capital Letters) Scheunemann, Pam 1.2 0.5 Days of Slavery (Black History) Kallen, Stuart 6.0 1.0 Days of the Blackbird Paola, Tomie De 4.2 0.5 Days of the Knights: A Tale of Castles and Maynard, Christopher Battles 4.9 1.0 Days with Frog and Toad 2.5 0.5 Lobel, Arnold 111899 EN 122444 EN 15816 EN 5410 EN 5751 EN 85868 EN 7556 EN 8959 EN 5707 EN 20016 EN 5702 EN 5917 EN 89939 EN 24 EN 82456 EN 529 EN 12161 EN 102987 EN 49699 EN 126576 EN 49700 EN 5757 EN Dead End Jenkins, Jerry B. 3.9 4.0 Dead in the Water Stevenson, Robin 4.3 4.0 Dead Letter: A Herculeah Jones Mystery Byars, Betsy 3.8 3.0 Dead Man in Indian Creek, The Hahn, Mary Downing 4.9 4.0 Dead on Target Dixon, Franklin W. 4.7 4.0 Deadliest Dinosaurs, The Lessem, Don 4.2 0.5 Deadline! Gibbons, Gail 3.8 0.5 Deadly Diamonds, The Swinburne, Laurence 4.5 1.0 Deadly Doubles Keene, Carolyn 5.1 4.0 Deadly Dungeon, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 Deadly Intent Keene, Carolyn 4.7 5.0 Dealing with Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. 5.5 8.0 Dear Little Wolf Whybrow, Ian 4.8 1.0 Dear Mr. Henshaw Cleary, Beverly 4.9 3.0 Death and Dying Peacock, Carol Antoinette 6.7 2.0 Death Be Not Proud Death from Space: What Killed the Dinosaurs? Gunther, John 8.0 8.0 Asimov, Isaac 5.9 0.5 Death Mountain Shahan, Sherry 4.3 6.0 Death on Sacred Ground Feder, Harriet K. 4.2 4.0 Death's Shadow Shan, Darren 5.1 8.0 Death Trap: The Story of the La Brea Tar Pits Thompson, Sharon Elaine 8.3 2.0 Deathgame Dixon, Franklin W. 4.0 5.0 560 EN 18961 EN 118815 EN 43415 EN 18808 EN 114624 EN 121722 EN 82429 EN 9605 EN 14941 EN 128703 EN 80257 EN 51125 EN 11167 EN 14314 EN 13014 EN 16710 EN 32492 EN 100506 EN 41465 EN 21802 EN December Stillness Hahn, Mary Downing 5.1 6.0 Decision, The Applegate, K.A. 4.5 4.0 Declaration of Independence, The Landau, Elaine 5.3 0.5 Declaration of Independence, The Mazer, Anne 4.3 2.0 Deenie Blume, Judy 4.2 5.0 Deep and Dark and Dangerous: A Ghost Story Hahn, Mary Downing 4.0 7.0 Deep Down Popular Stone, Phoebe 5.3 8.0 Deep Sea Adventures: A Chapter Book Hall, Kirsten 4.3 0.5 Deep Trouble Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 Deep Trouble II Stine, R.L. 2.9 2.0 Deeper Gordon, Roderick 6.8 27.0 Deer Murray, Julie 3.0 0.5 Deer Hunting (The Great Outdoors) Frahm, Randy 4.9 0.5 Deer in the Wood, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls 3.2 0.5 Deer (Nature's Children) Dingwall, Laima 5.3 1.0 Deer (North American Animal Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.1 0.5 Deerslayer, The Cooper, James Fenimore 11.2 44.0 Defenders, The McGovern, Ann 5.6 3.0 Defiance Hobbs, Valerie 4.0 3.0 Define "Normal" Peters, Julie Anne 3.6 6.0 Degas and the Little Dancer Anholt, Laurence 3.8 0.5 103517 EN 7808 EN 26194 EN 36837 EN 111963 EN 8709 EN 129142 EN 76918 EN 128544 EN 47257 EN 48145 EN 132031 EN 109374 EN 74779 EN 4691 EN 36950 EN 20384 EN 82436 EN 7363 EN 7364 EN 77896 EN Delaware Bennett, Kelly 2.1 0.5 Delaware (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.7 2.0 Delaware (Hello U.S.A.) Brown, Dottie 6.6 1.0 Richardson, Adele D. 3.2 0.5 Fontes, Justine 3.3 1.0 Demeter Star, The Oreshnik, A.F. 3.6 1.0 Demigod Files, The Riordan, Rick 4.3 3.0 Democratic Republic of the Congo (Enchantment of the World) Willis, Terri 7.8 4.0 Demon Hunter, The Emerson, Kevin 5.1 6.0 Demon in My View AtwaterRhodes, Amelia 6.4 4.0 Demon in the Teahouse, The Hoobler, Dorothy 5.3 6.0 Demon's Lexicon, The Brennan, Sarah Rees 5.9 14.0 Demons of the Ocean Somper, Justin 5.1 10.0 Denmark (Enchantment of the World) Stein, R. Conrad 7.5 3.0 Dennis Rodman (Basketball Legends) Frank, Steven 7.1 2.0 Denver Broncos (NFL Today) Nichols, John 7.0 1.0 Departure, The Applegate, K.A. 3.8 4.0 Depression Zucker, Faye 9.1 2.0 Deputy Dan and the Bank Robbers Rosenbloom, Joseph 2.2 0.5 Deputy Dan Gets His Man Rosenbloom, Joseph 2.4 0.5 Derek Jeter Donovan, Sandy 4.4 0.5 Delivery Trucks (The Transportation Library) Demeter & Persephone: Spring Held Hostage 35951 EN 49701 EN 18274 EN 19499 EN 5321 EN 108931 EN 43993 EN 5115 EN 29835 EN 107300 EN 9475 EN 36951 EN 132603 EN 6998 EN 8516 EN 20527 EN 113492 EN 63004 EN 49064 EN 66769 EN 108515 EN Derek Jeter: Substance and Style Stewart, Mark 6.6 1.0 Derek Jeter: Surefire Shortstop Schnakenberg, Bob 6.1 1.0 Desert Giant: The World of the Saguaro Cactus Bash, Barbara 5.5 0.5 Desert Is Theirs, The Baylor, Byrd 3.6 0.5 Deserted Library Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 Deserts Green, Emily K. 2.1 0.5 Deserts (Ecosystems) Wilkins, Sally 4.0 0.5 Deserts (New True Books) Posell, Elsa 2.9 0.5 Deserts of the Southwest (Ecosystems of North America), The MuddRuth, Maria 7.6 2.0 Detective Camp Roy, Ron 4.0 2.0 Detective Tricks You Can Do Conaway, Judith 3.5 0.5 Detroit Lions (NFL Today) Nichols, John 6.5 1.0 Detroit Lions, The Stewart, Mark 5.6 1.0 Devil's Arithmetic, The Yolen, Jane 4.6 6.0 Devil's Bridge DeFelice, Cynthia 4.7 3.0 Dewey Decimal System, The Fowler, Allan 5.7 0.5 Dexter the Tough Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.2 3.0 Día de los Muertos (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays), El Wade, Mary Dodson 2.3 0.5 Diabetes (Living with) Bryan, Jenny 6.1 0.5 Diabetes (The KidHaven Science Library) Stewart, Gail B. 5.7 1.0 Dial L for Loser Harrison, Lisi 3.9 8.0 10892 EN 125598 EN 128469 EN 15452 EN 17171 EN 117767 EN 101233 EN 113950 EN 147741 EN 133167 EN 119441 EN 127979 EN 140879 EN 72276 EN 530 EN 110 EN 18667 EN 63207 EN 312 EN 21788 EN 163 EN 115572 EN Diamond in the Window, The Langton, Jane 5.8 8.0 Diamond of Darkhold, The DuPrau, Jeanne 5.2 10.0 Diamond of Drury Lane, The Golding, Julia 5.6 12.0 Diamondback Rattlesnakes (Snakes) Gerholdt, James E. 4.1 0.5 Diamonds in the Dirt (Pacemaker) Campbell, Archie 3.0 1.0 Diamonds in the Shadow Cooney, Caroline B. 5.1 8.0 Diary of a Spider Cronin, Doreen 2.5 0.5 Diary of a Wimpy Kid Kinney, Jeff 5.2 3.0 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Kinney, Jeff 5.8 3.0 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days Kinney, Jeff 5.2 3.0 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Kinney, Jeff 5.2 3.0 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw Kinney, Jeff 5.4 3.0 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth Kinney, Jeff 5.5 3.0 Diary of a Worm Cronin, Doreen 2.8 0.5 Diary of a Young Girl, The Dicey's Song Frank, Anne Voigt, Cynthia 6.5 5.0 14.0 11.0 Dick Whittington and His Cat Brown, Marcia 4.5 0.5 Berger, Melvin/Gilda 4.9 1.0 Caudill, Rebecca 3.9 2.0 Different Beat, A Boyd, Candy Dawson 4.2 6.0 Different Dragons Little, Jean 3.7 3.0 Different Like Coco Matthews, Elizabeth 5.4 0.5 Did Dinosaurs Live in Your Backyard? Questions...Dinosaurs Did You Carry the Flag Today, Charley? 20548 EN 36780 EN 9763 EN 112095 EN 27953 EN 35832 EN 13015 EN 8561 EN 72949 EN 60400 EN 7261 EN 13804 EN 45924 EN 32562 EN 32371 EN 31414 EN 6311 EN 6565 EN 68537 EN 5116 EN 54449 EN Digestive System (A True Book), The Stille, Darlene R. 4.8 0.5 Digestive System (Human Body Systems), Frost, Helen The 2.2 0.5 Digging Up Dinosaurs Aliki 3.6 0.5 Dimity Dumpty: The Story of Humpty's Little Sister Graham, Bob 4.3 0.5 Dinah Forever Mills, Claudia 5.3 5.0 Dingoes at Dinnertime Osborne, Mary Pope 3.2 1.0 Dingoes (Australian Animals Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.8 0.5 Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack Kerr, M.E. 4.8 6.0 Dinosailors Lund, Deb 2.4 0.5 Dinosaur Alphabet Book, The Pallotta, Jerry 4.1 0.5 Dinosaur Babies Penner, Lucille Recht 2.1 0.5 Dinosaur Bones Aliki 3.7 0.5 Dinosaur Detectives Chrisp, Peter 5.5 1.0 Dinosaur Habitat Griffith, Helen V. 4.4 2.0 Dinosaur That Followed Me Home, The Coville, Bruce 4.2 3.0 Dinosaurs Gibbons, Gail 3.7 0.5 Dinosaurs Before Dark Osborne, Mary Pope 2.6 1.0 Dinosaurs (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.6 0.5 Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide for Changing Families Brown, Laurene/Marc 4.4 0.5 Dinosaurs (New True Books) Clark, Mary Lou 3.2 0.5 Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins, The Kerley, Barbara 5.0 0.5 2933 EN 68580 EN 5360 EN 9309 EN 8960 EN 35813 EN 12276 EN 2962 EN 25251 EN 26641 EN 121946 EN 12214 EN 21635 EN 12277 EN 12163 EN 7710 EN 49055 EN 61187 EN 111654 EN 82244 EN 49604 EN Dinosaurs, The Krueger, Richard 6.4 1.0 Dinosaurumpus! Mitton, Tony 2.0 0.5 Dirt Bike Runaway Christopher, Matt 5.3 5.0 Dirty Larry Hamsa, Bobbie 0.8 0.5 Disappearances Fuchs, Carol 4.9 1.0 Disaster of the Hindenburg..Greatest Airship Tanaka, Shelley Ever Built, The 5.9 3.0 Discovering Comets and Meteors Asimov, Isaac 5.9 0.5 Discovering El Nino Seibert, Patricia 6.4 0.5 Discovering the Inca Ice Maiden: My Adventures on Ampato Reinhard, Johan 7.3 1.0 Discovery, The Applegate, K.A. 3.8 4.0 Disreputable History of Frankie Landau Banks, The Lockhart, E. 5.5 9.0 Distance (Measure up with Science) Walpole, Brenda 6.5 1.0 Distant Enemy, A Vanasse, Deb 5.8 7.0 Distant Giant: The Planet Neptune, A Asimov, Isaac 5.9 0.5 Distant Puzzle: The Planet Uranus, A Asimov, Isaac 5.7 0.5 Divorce Express, The Danziger, Paula 4.3 4.0 Divorce (Talking Points) Charlish, Anne 8.6 2.0 Diwali (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Gardeski, Christina Mia 2.4 0.5 Dizzy Winter, Jonah 4.6 0.5 Dizzy Cassidy, Cathy 4.4 6.0 DNA Is Here to Stay Balkwill, Fran 6.3 0.5 40155 EN 56643 EN 63211 EN 63212 EN 62175 EN 56644 EN 63213 EN 43013 EN 16336 EN 5511 EN 40537 EN 14212 EN 114233 EN 14983 EN 14773 EN 15193 EN 109548 EN 125599 EN 117081 EN 78064 EN 164 EN Do Fish Drink? Editors, TimeLife 3.9 0.5 Do Not Squash the Squash Doudna, Kelly 1.4 0.5 Berger, Melvin/Gilda 4.8 1.0 Berger, Melvin/Gilda 4.7 1.0 Do the Funky Pickle Spinelli, Jerry 4.0 3.0 Do We By, Buy, or Bye Tickets? Rondeau, Amanda 1.5 0.5 Do Whales Have Belly Buttons? Questions...Whales and Dolphins Berger, Melvin/Gilda 4.5 1.0 Do You Know What I'll Do? Zolotow, Charlotte 1.9 0.5 Doberman Pinscher, The Wilcox, Charlotte 4.1 0.5 Doctor De Soto Steig, William 3.6 0.5 Doctors Dornhoffer, Mary K. 3.3 0.5 Dodo, The Green, Tamara 5.8 0.5 Dog and Bear: Two Friends, Three Stories Seeger, Laura Vaccaro 1.3 0.5 Dog Breath: The Horrible Trouble with Hally Tosis Pilkey, Dav 3.4 0.5 Dog (Eyewitness) CluttonBrock, Juliet 7.1 1.0 DogFaced Bats (Bats) Gerholdt, Pamela J. 4.1 0.5 Dog for Life, A Matthews, L.S. 5.2 5.0 Dog Lost Lee, Ingrid 4.1 4.0 Dog Needs a Bone!, A Wood, Audrey 1.7 0.5 DogoftheSeaWaves Rumford, James 3.8 0.5 Dog on Barkham Street, A Stolz, Mary 4.6 5.0 Do Stars Have Points? Questions...About Stars and Planets Do Tarantulas Have Teeth? Questions...Poisonous Creatures 16857 EN 8057 EN 16881 EN 16882 EN 16883 EN 116212 EN 109054 EN 51279 EN 114018 EN 64715 EN 18761 EN 5117 EN 27754 EN 31396 EN 16506 EN 360 EN 58230 EN 5008 EN 41789 EN 31456 EN 258 EN 118889 EN Dog's Tale, A Reit, Seymour 2.7 0.5 Dog Who Wouldn't Be, The Mowat, Farley 7.9 10.0 Doggonest Christmas, The Stack, Richard Lynn 4.4 0.5 Doggonest Puppy Love, The Stack, Richard Lynn 4.4 0.5 Doggonest Vacation, The Stack, Richard Lynn 4.7 0.5 Dogku Clements, Andrew 1.1 0.5 Dognapped! Nickel, Scott 2.2 0.5 Dogs Gibbons, Gail 3.6 0.5 Dogs and Cats Jenkins, Steve 5.6 1.0 Dogs and Puppies (Usborne First Pets) Starke, Katherine 4.1 1.0 Dogs Don't Tell Jokes Sachar, Louis 3.8 5.0 Dogs (New True Books) Posell, Elsa 3.3 0.5 Dogs (Popular Pet Care) Hansen, Ann Larkin 3.9 0.5 Dogs: Selecting the Best Dog for You Nelson, Chris 8.3 3.0 Dogs with a Job (Read All About) Patten, Barbara J. 4.8 0.5 Dogsong Paulsen, Gary 5.2 5.0 Doing Time Online Siebold, Jan 3.9 2.0 Doll in the Garden, The Hahn, Mary Downing 4.8 4.0 Doll People, The Martin/Godwin 4.0 5.0 Dolley Madison: Courageous First Lady Pflueger, Lynda 7.9 3.0 Dollhouse Murders, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.3 5.0 Dolores Meets Her Match Samuels, Barbara 2.9 0.5 17562 EN 89490 EN 108339 EN 12278 EN 17563 EN 12215 EN 103941 EN 68695 EN 13059 EN 46840 EN 466 EN 8059 EN 11358 EN 43246 EN 19872 EN 14942 EN 756 EN 19910 EN 72788 EN 106284 EN 757 EN 11583 EN Dolphin Named Bob, A George, Twig C. 5.9 2.0 Dolphins Miller, Connie Colwell 3.8 0.5 Dolphins Herriges, Ann 1.8 0.5 Dolphins: Animals with Sonar Llamas, Andreu 6.4 0.5 Dolphins at Daybreak Osborne, Mary Pope 3.1 1.0 Dolphins for Kids/Dolphin Magic for Kids Corrigan, Patricia 5.0 0.5 Dolphins in Danger Lumry, Amanda 3.9 0.5 Dolphins (Sea Creatures) Laskey, Elizabeth 5.8 1.0 Dolphins (Sea Mammal Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 3.8 0.5 Rogers, Lura/Barbara 9.1 4.0 Shura, Mary Francis 4.9 3.0 Don't Care High Korman, Gordon 6.1 9.0 Don't Fidget a Feather! Silverman, Erica 2.3 0.5 Don't Forget the Bacon! Hutchins, Pat 2.1 0.5 Don't Give Up, Mallory Martin, Ann M. 4.2 4.0 Don't Go to Sleep! Stine, R.L. 2.7 2.0 Don't Hurt Laurie! Roberts, Willo Davis 5.3 6.0 Don't Hurt My Pony Betancourt, Jeanne 3.6 1.0 Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Willems, Mo 0.9 0.5 Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late! Willems, Mo 1.1 0.5 Don't Look Behind You Duncan, Lois 6.2 9.0 Don't Make Me Smile Park, Barbara 3.8 3.0 Dominican Republic (Enchantment of the World), The Don't Call Me Toad! 14760 EN 118782 EN 102177 EN 69710 EN 74691 EN 109621 EN 133621 EN 25 EN 28791 EN 52799 EN 53952 EN 5411 EN 59351 EN 102030 EN 61267 EN 6460 EN 12279 EN 67013 EN 27497 EN 49972 EN 5264 EN Don't Scream Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.7 5.0 Strom, Laura Layton 6.6 1.0 Mora, Pat 4.2 0.5 Donavan's Word Jar DeGross, Monalisa 4.1 1.0 Donuthead Stauffacher, Sue 5.6 6.0 Dooby Dooby Moo Cronin, Doreen 3.1 0.5 Doom Machine, The Teague, Mark 4.5 13.0 Door in the Wall, The Angeli, Marguerite De 6.2 4.0 Doorbell Rang, The Hutchins, Pat 1.9 0.5 Dorothea Dix: Crusader for the Mentally Ill Herstek, Amy Paulson 9.2 3.0 Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz Baum, L. Frank 7.4 7.0 Double Dog Dare Gilson, Jamie 4.0 3.0 Double Dutch Draper, Sharon M. 4.9 7.0 Double Fault Jenkins, Jerry B. 4.7 5.0 Double Fudge Blume, Judy 3.6 5.0 Double Life of Pocahontas, The Fritz, Jean 5.9 4.0 Double Planet? Pluto and Charon, A Asimov, Isaac 6.0 0.5 Double the Ducks Murphy, Stuart J. 2.2 0.5 Double Trouble in Walla Walla Clements, Andrew 3.8 0.5 Douglas MacArthur: Brilliant General, Controversial Leader Gaines, Ann Graham 7.7 4.0 Dove Graham, Robin Lee 6.6 10.0 Don't Try This at Home! The Science of Extreme Behaviors Doña Flor: A Tall Tale About a Giant Woman...a Great Big Heart 7367 EN 86936 EN 14406 EN 48325 EN 19012 EN 7006 EN 14315 EN 7215 EN 134026 EN 118267 EN 65066 EN 531 EN 26955 EN 9016 EN 9017 EN 29212 EN 50943 EN 10029 EN 54043 EN 12072 EN 44066 EN Down on the Funny Farm King, P.E. 2.4 0.5 Down the Rabbit Hole Abrahams, Peter 4.3 10.0 Down the Road Schertle, Alice 3.4 0.5 Down the Yukon Hobbs, Will 5.4 7.0 Downright Dencey Snedeker, Caroline Dale 5.4 9.0 Downriver Hobbs, Will 4.9 8.0 Downy Woodpecker (Nature's Children) Grier, Katherine 4.9 1.0 Dozen Dogs, A Ziefert, Harriet 1.0 0.5 Dr. Brad Has Gone Mad! Gutman, Dan 3.4 1.0 Dr. Carbles Is Losing His Marbles! Gutman, Dan 3.5 1.0 Dr. Duck Ehrlich, H.M. 2.2 0.5 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Unabridged) Stevenson, Robert Louis 9.5 5.0 Dr. Kanner, Dentist with a Smile Flanagan, Alice K. 2.6 0.5 Dr. Seuss's ABC Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book Seuss, Dr. 4.0 0.5 Dr. Seuss (Young at Heart) Wheeler, Jill C. 4.9 0.5 Dracula Is a Pain in the Neck Levy, Elizabeth 3.9 1.0 Dracula (Unabridged) Stoker, Bram 6.6 25.0 Drag Racer Pitt, Matthew 5.0 1.0 Dragon in a Wagon, A Dodd, Lynley 2.4 0.5 Dragon of Lonely Island, The Rupp, Rebecca 5.0 4.0 113579 EN 82162 EN 110905 EN 10113 EN 113815 EN 35309 EN 118865 EN 75394 EN 89514 EN 12280 EN 101434 EN 5412 EN 117940 EN 6914 EN 111 EN 70614 EN 41466 EN 26375 EN 5347 EN 18668 EN 136779 EN Dragon of the Red Dawn Osborne, Mary Pope 3.9 2.0 Dragon Rider Funke, Cornelia 4.9 16.0 Dragon's Eye: The Dragonology Chronicles, Steer, Dugald A. The 5.6 7.0 Dragon's Gate Yep, Laurence 5.3 10.0 Dragon's Keep Carey, Janet Lee 5.2 11.0 Dragon Scales and Willow Leaves Givens, Terryl 3.7 0.5 Dragon Slippers George, Jessica Day 5.7 12.0 Dragon Takes a Wife, The Myers, Walter Dean 3.8 0.5 Dragonflies Prischmann, Deirdre A. 3.6 0.5 Dragonflies (The New Creepy Crawly Collection) Amery, Heather 5.5 0.5 Dragonfly, The Law, Felicia 2.4 0.5 Dragonling, The Koller, Jackie French 4.0 1.0 Dragonsdale Drake, Salamanda 5.7 8.0 Dragonsong McCaffrey, Anne 6.8 9.0 Dragonwings Yep, Laurence 5.3 10.0 Drat That Fat Cat! Thomson, Pat 2.2 0.5 Drawing Lessons Mack, Tracy 4.4 3.0 Dream Dancer Bunting, Eve 3.6 0.5 Dream Tree (Original Text), The Cosgrove, Stephen 4.3 0.5 Dream Wolf Goble, Paul 3.2 0.5 Dreamer, The Ryan, Pam Muñoz 4.6 4.0 82437 EN 18762 EN 259 EN 36806 EN 27727 EN 13806 EN 143874 EN 47364 EN 87321 EN 11630 EN 11632 EN 11633 EN 126057 EN 21349 EN 705 EN 100187 EN 77201 EN 102209 EN 51128 EN 15994 EN 13060 EN 6567 EN Dreams and Sleep Trueit, Trudi Strain 7.4 2.0 Lasky, Kathryn 4.5 4.0 Monjo, F.N. 3.0 0.5 Drinking Water (The Food Guide Pyramid) Frost, Helen 1.7 0.5 DriveBy Ewing, Lynne 3.6 2.0 Drop of Blood, A Showers, Paul 3.6 0.5 Drop, The Ross, Jeff 3.6 3.0 Drought and the Earth Bundey, Nikki 5.0 0.5 Drowned Wednesday Nix, Garth 5.9 13.0 Drugs and Your Brothers and Sisters McFarland, Rhoda 4.4 1.0 Drugs and Your Parents McFarland, Rhoda 4.4 1.0 Drugs on Your Streets Edwards, Gabrielle I. 5.5 1.0 Drummer Boy Long, Loren 4.5 0.5 Drummer Hoff Emberley, Barbara 4.7 0.5 Drums Boyd, James 7.9 25.0 Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie Sonnenblick, Jordan 5.9 8.0 Duck for President Cronin, Doreen 3.9 0.5 Duck & Goose Hills, Tad 2.6 0.5 Duck Hunting (The Great Outdoors) Frahm, Randy 4.9 1.0 Duck in the Gun, The Cowley, Joy 3.1 0.5 Ducks (Farm Animal Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.9 0.5 Ducks, Geese & Swans (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.6 0.5 Dreams in the Golden Country: The Diary of...Immigrant Girl Drinking Gourd, The 19606 EN 109318 EN 69983 EN 29783 EN 135862 EN 84677 EN 55282 EN 17293 EN 120394 EN 108932 EN 9764 EN 18556 EN 85550 EN 85552 EN 79164 EN 759 EN 21578 EN 115210 EN 54004 EN 41389 EN 78560 EN Dude Ranch Bryant, Bonnie 4.8 4.0 Dudes, the School Is Haunted! Stine, R.L. 2.9 1.0 Duel of the Ironclads: The Monitor vs. the Virginia O'Brien, Patrick 6.1 0.5 Duffy and the Devil Zemach, Harve/Margot 4.9 0.5 Dugout Rivals Bowen, Fred 3.8 3.0 Duke Ellington: Jazz Composer Monroe, Judy 3.7 0.5 Dumb Bunnies' Easter, The Denim, Sue 3.1 0.5 Dumb Bunnies, The Denim, Sue 2.8 0.5 Dumb Clucks Stine, R.L. 3.2 2.0 Dump Trucks McClellan, Ray 1.3 0.5 Duncan and Dolores Samuels, Barbara 2.1 0.5 Dune Herbert, Frank 5.7 28.0 Dune: House Atreides Herbert, Brian 7.9 36.0 Dune: House Harkonnen Herbert, Brian 7.7 37.0 Dune Messiah Herbert, Frank 5.7 11.0 Durango Street Bonham, Frank 4.6 7.0 Dustland Hamilton, Virginia 4.7 7.0 Dwight D. Eisenhower: ThirtyFourth President Venezia, Mike 5.1 0.5 Dyslexia Silverstein, Alvin 6.3 1.0 E Is for Elisa Hurwitz, Johanna 4.0 1.0 Eager Fox, Helen 5.0 9.0 78075 EN 59875 EN 13061 EN 6568 EN 12107 EN 56640 EN 11713 EN 15910 EN 15912 EN 15913 EN 15914 EN 15916 EN 15918 EN 15919 EN 15920 EN 15921 EN 47225 EN 15922 EN 15923 EN 6111 EN 20541 EN Eagle Strike Horowitz, Anthony 5.1 10.0 Eagles Murray, Julie 3.3 0.5 Eagles (Bird Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.5 0.5 Eagles (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 Eagles for Kids/Bald Eagle Magic for Kids Gieck, Charlene 5.4 0.5 Ear Is Not an Ear, An Doudna, Kelly 1.6 0.5 Ear, the Eye, and the Arm, The Farmer, Nancy 4.7 12.0 Early Artisans Kalman, Bobbie 5.5 2.0 Early City Life Kalman, Bobbie 5.2 2.0 Early Family Home Kalman, Bobbie 5.8 2.0 Early Farm Life Gunby, Lise 5.3 3.0 Early Loggers and the Sawmill Adams, Peter 5.4 1.0 Early Schools Kalman, Bobbie 5.5 2.0 Early Settler Children Kalman, Bobbie 5.3 1.0 Early Settler Storybook Kalman, Bobbie 5.6 3.0 Early Stores and Markets Kalman, Bobbie 6.0 2.0 Early Thunder Fritz, Jean 5.4 9.0 Early Travel Kalman, Bobbie 5.6 2.0 Early Village Life Kalman, Bobbie 6.0 1.0 Earrings! Viorst, Judith 2.8 0.5 Earth Brimner, Larry Dane 4.9 0.5 74993 EN 61188 EN 18559 EN 1659 EN 118800 EN 108340 EN 113357 EN 12281 EN 113358 EN 6412 EN 59740 EN 51896 EN 13756 EN 61640 EN 46877 EN 67682 EN 20568 EN 5118 EN 71134 EN 57570 EN 61189 EN Earth Day Sanders, Nancy I. 5.1 0.5 Earth Day (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 2.8 0.5 Earth (Gateway Solar System) Vogt, Gregory L. 7.0 0.5 Earth in Space (Straightforward Science), The Riley, Peter 5.7 1.0 Earth Matters Morrison, Yvonne 5.8 1.0 Earth Movers Martin, M.T. 1.2 0.5 Earth's Garbage Crisis Dorion, Christiane 9.0 2.0 Earth's Twin? The Planet Venus Asimov, Isaac 6.5 0.5 Earth's Water Crisis Bowden, Rob 8.6 2.0 Earth to Matthew Danziger, Paula 4.1 4.0 Earthquack! Palatini, Margie 3.7 0.5 Earthquake in the Early Morning Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Earthquake Terror Kehret, Peg 4.6 4.0 Earthquakes Simon, Seymour 6.5 0.5 Earthquakes Thompson, Luke 5.9 1.0 Earthquakes Trueit, Trudi Strain 8.0 1.0 Earthquakes (A True Book) Sipiera, Paul P. 5.1 0.5 Earthquakes (New True Books) Challand, Helen J. 3.7 0.5 East Pattou, Edith 6.1 16.0 Easter Gibbons, Gail 3.7 0.5 Easter Marx, David F. 2.7 0.5 74994 EN 61698 EN 130231 EN 10465 EN 57767 EN 5413 EN 68253 EN 9310 EN 54005 EN 82457 EN 313 EN 36807 EN 108314 EN 9981 EN 116960 EN 46829 EN 26 EN 27 EN 5414 EN 28 EN 47450 EN 82774 EN Easter Sanders, Nancy I. 4.6 0.5 Easter Schuh, Mari C. 1.8 0.5 Easter Peppas, Lynn 3.8 0.5 Easter Bunny That Overslept, The Friedrich/Adams 3.9 0.5 Easter Bunny that Overslept, The Friedrich, Priscilla/Otto 3.3 0.5 Easter Cat, The Jong, Meindert De 5.0 3.0 Easter Mice! Roberts, Bethany 1.3 0.5 Eat Your Peas, Louise! Snow, Pegeen 0.7 0.5 Eat Your Vegetables! Drink Your Milk! Silverstein, Alvin 5.7 1.0 Eating Disorders Trueit, Trudi Strain 7.6 2.0 Eating Ice Cream with a Werewolf Green, Phyllis 3.4 2.0 Eating Right (The Food Guide Pyramid) Frost, Helen 2.2 0.5 Eats, Shoots & Leaves: Why, Commas Really Do Make a Difference! Truss, Lynne 1.6 0.5 Echoes of the White Giraffe Choi, Sook Nyul 5.7 5.0 Eclipse Meyer, Stephenie 4.5 22.0 Ecuador (Enchantment of the World) Morrison, Marion 9.2 4.0 Eddie and Gardenia Eddie and the Fire Engine Haywood, Carolyn Haywood, Carolyn 3.8 4.2 3.0 3.0 Eddie's BlueWinged Dragon Adler, C.S. 4.4 4.0 Eddie's Green Thumb Haywood, Carolyn 3.7 3.0 Edgar Allan Poe (A & E Biography) Streissguth, Tom 7.5 3.0 Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery and Madness Poe, Edgar Allan 8.8 2.0 49973 EN 74341 EN 131110 EN 5755 EN 41120 EN 836 EN 25978 EN 1746 EN 108585 EN 45293 EN 9661 EN 10030 EN 14943 EN 44194 EN 114833 EN 121715 EN 27004 EN 217 EN 26157 EN 6210 EN 11110 EN 118358 EN Edgar Allan Poe: Tragic Poet and Master of Kent, Zachary Mystery Edgar Degas (Getting to Know the World's Venezia, Mike Greatest Artists) 7.1 3.0 5.2 0.5 Edge Nemeth, Jason D. 4.4 0.5 Edge of Destruction Dixon, Franklin W. 4.7 4.0 Edge, The Bo, Ben 5.0 5.0 Edmond Halley: The Man and His Comet Heckart, Barbara 7.7 2.0 Edward and the Pirates McPhail, David 4.0 0.5 Edwin Hubble (Book Report Biographies) Fox, Mary Virginia 8.3 3.0 Edwina, the Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Willems, Mo Was Extinct 2.5 0.5 Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big Breathed, Berkeley 3.4 0.5 Eency Weency Spider Oppenheim, Joanne 2.5 0.5 Effect of Gamma Rays on ManintheMoon Zindel, Paul Marigolds, The 4.2 2.0 Egg Monsters from Mars Stine, R.L. 3.0 2.0 Egg to Chick Selsam, Millicent E. 3.1 0.5 Eggs Spinelli, Jerry 3.6 4.0 Egypt (Country Explorers) Streissguth, Tom 3.8 0.5 Egypt (Enchantment of the World) Heinrichs, Ann 6.8 2.0 Egypt Game, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 6.4 7.0 Pictures GeographyDepartment 9.1 2.0 Egyptian Cinderella, The Climo, Shirley 4.5 0.5 Egyptian Pyramid, An Morley, Jacqueline 7.5 1.0 Egyptian Science Gazette, The Strom, Laura Layton 4.8 0.5 260 EN 89884 EN 13547 EN 8464 EN 17616 EN 63005 EN 26864 EN 12165 EN 118119 EN 24860 EN 1654 EN 49372 EN 117768 EN 29771 EN 20242 EN 7416 EN 80258 EN 12121 EN 6569 EN 45802 EN 50973 EN Einstein Anderson, Science Sleuth Simon, Seymour 4.4 2.0 Eldest Paolini, Christopher 7.0 36.0 Eleanor Cooney, Barbara 4.7 0.5 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Discovery Freedman, Russell 7.8 6.0 Eleanor Roosevelt: First Lady of the World Faber, Doris 6.8 1.0 Election Day (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Murphy, Patricia J. 3.0 0.5 Electrical Storms Burby, Liza N. 4.7 0.5 Electricity Ollerenshaw, Chris 5.1 0.5 Electricity Schuh, Mari 3.9 0.5 Electricity and Magnetism (Making Science Jennings, Terry Work) 3.9 0.5 Electricity (Straightforward Science) Riley, Peter 6.9 1.0 Elephant and the Scrub Forest, The Taylor, Dave 7.0 1.0 Elephant Run Smith, Roland 5.0 10.0 Elephant's Child, The Kipling, Rudyard 5.3 0.5 Elephant Woman Pringle, Laurence 7.1 1.0 Elephants Posell, Elsa 3.6 0.5 Elephants Murray, Julie 3.4 0.5 Elephants (Animal Familes) Barkhausen, Annette 7.0 1.0 Elephants (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.7 0.5 Elephants (The Untamed World) Dudley, Karen 7.4 2.0 Elephants: Trunks and Tusks Richardson, Adele D. 3.1 0.5 52358 EN 144568 EN 120111 EN 7670 EN 19562 EN 117751 EN 60698 EN 32239 EN 26749 EN 17769 EN 8308 EN 84679 EN 67821 EN 101273 EN 5009 EN 119091 EN 26919 EN 118808 EN 102017 EN 32730 EN 69357 EN Elephants (Wildlife in Danger) Martin, Louise 4.9 0.5 Elevator Magic Murphy, Stuart J. 1.8 0.5 Eleven Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.1 4.0 Eleven Kids, One Summer Martin, Ann M. 4.2 5.0 Eli Peet, Bill 3.5 0.5 Elijah of Buxton Curtis, Christopher Paul 5.4 12.0 Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Leader of the Fight Salisbury, Cynthia for Women's Rights 9.0 3.0 Elizabeth I: Red Rose of the House of Tudor Lasky, Kathryn 5.5 6.0 Elizabeti's Doll StuveBodeen, Stephanie 3.4 0.5 Ella Enchanted Levine, Gail Carson 4.6 8.0 Ella Fitzgerald (Black Americans of Achievement) Kliment, Bud 8.3 3.0 Ella Fitzgerald: First Lady of Jazz Schoeneberger, Megan 4.1 0.5 Ella Sarah Gets Dressed ChodosIrvine, Margaret 2.6 0.5 Ella Takes The Cake D'Amico, Carmela 2.7 0.5 Ellen Tebbits Cleary, Beverly 4.9 3.0 Ellie McDoodle: Have Pen, Will Travel Barshaw, Ruth McNally 3.3 1.0 Elliot Drives Away Curtis, Matt 2.5 0.5 Ellis Island Landau, Elaine 4.8 0.5 Elsewhere Zevin, Gabrielle 4.3 9.0 Elske Voigt, Cynthia 6.3 14.0 Elvis Presley Brown, Adele Q. 6.8 1.0 25107 EN 53957 EN 118855 EN 8259 EN 45495 EN 16711 EN 118263 EN 82458 EN 136780 EN 9494 EN 24939 EN 48138 EN 19564 EN 6313 EN 7909 EN 18964 EN 5415 EN 36379 EN 44897 EN 7717 EN 7715 EN Emancipation Proclamation, The January, Brendan 7.4 1.0 Emerald City of Oz, The Baum, L. Frank 7.5 9.0 Emerald (Home Run) Webster, Christine 4.3 4.0 Emergency Vehicles (Cruisin') Wolhart, Dayna 4.9 1.0 Emma's Yucky Brother Little, Jean 2.2 0.5 Emma (Unabridged) Austen, Jane 9.3 30.0 Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat Jonell, Lynne 4.7 9.0 Emotional Intelligence Andrews, Linda Wasmer 6.4 2.0 Emperor's Code, The Korman, Gordon 5.3 6.0 Emperor's New Clothes Andersen, Hans Christian 5.5 0.5 Empty Envelope, The Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 Enchantress from the Stars Engdahl, Sylvia Louise 7.3 15.0 Encore for Eleanor Peet, Bill 5.0 0.5 Encounter Yolen, Jane 4.2 0.5 Encounter (Creative Education), An Joyce, James 6.8 1.0 Encounter, The Applegate, K.A. 3.8 4.0 Encyclopedia Brown Boy Detective Sobol, Donald J. 4.1 1.0 Encyclopedia Brown...Case of the Two Spies Sobol, Donald J. 4.4 1.0 Encyclopedia Brown Gets His Man Sobol, Donald J. 4.4 1.0 Encyclopedia Brown Keeps the Peace Sobol, Donald J. 4.2 1.0 Encyclopedia Brown...Mysterious Handprints Sobol, Donald J. 4.5 1.0 18717 EN 18718 EN 6570 EN 5119 EN 12122 EN 12123 EN 12124 EN 15964 EN 15965 EN 15966 EN 15967 EN 15968 EN 15969 EN 15970 EN 1838 EN 15971 EN 12125 EN 28441 EN 32282 EN 361 EN 19647 EN Encyclopedia Brown Saves the Day Sobol, Donald J. 3.9 1.0 Encyclopedia Brown Sets the Pace Sobol, Donald J. 4.6 1.0 Endangered Animals (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.0 0.5 Endangered Animals (New True Books) Stone, Lynn M. 4.2 0.5 Endangered Animals of the Islands Behm, Barbara J. 6.8 0.5 Behm, Barbara J. 7.2 1.0 Behm, Barbara J. 6.3 0.5 Endangered Desert Animals Taylor, Dave 6.8 1.0 Endangered Forest Animals Taylor, Dave 6.7 1.0 Endangered Grassland Animals Taylor, Dave 6.1 1.0 Endangered Island Animals Taylor, Dave 6.6 1.0 Endangered Mountain Animals Taylor, Dave 6.2 1.0 Endangered Ocean Animals Taylor, Dave 6.3 1.0 Endangered Savannah Animals Taylor, Dave 6.3 1.0 Endangered Species (Revised Edition) Vergoth, Karin 9.1 4.0 Endangered Wetland Animals Taylor, Dave 6.5 1.0 Endangered Wildlife Behm, Barbara J. 7.2 0.5 Ender's Game Card, Orson Scott 5.5 16.0 Ender's Shadow Card, Orson Scott 5.9 22.0 Endless Steppe, The Hautzig, Esther 6.3 10.0 Endurance Ride Bryant, Bonnie 4.3 4.0 Endangered Animals of the Northern Continents Endangered Animals of the Southern Continents 58225 EN 87374 EN 118120 EN 27005 EN 20208 EN 20209 EN 609 EN 114456 EN 24890 EN 128709 EN 73019 EN 74404 EN 135070 EN 17812 EN 9158 EN 46103 EN 137683 EN 8713 EN 5266 EN 18965 EN 106063 EN Enemy at Green Knowe, An Boston, L.M. 5.8 6.0 Enemy Spy Van Draanen, Wendelin 3.5 3.0 Energy Manolis, Kay 3.7 0.5 England (Enchantment of the World) Blashfield, Jean F. 7.7 3.0 English Horse Bryant, Bonnie 4.6 5.0 English Rider Bryant, Bonnie 4.8 6.0 Enormous Egg, The Butterworth, Oliver 5.0 6.0 Enter Three Witches Cooney, Caroline B. 5.1 10.0 Environment (Science Projects), The Snedden, Robert 7.9 1.0 Epic Battles Beecroft, Simon 7.0 1.0 Equipping a Band Schaefer, A.R. 5.0 0.5 Eragon Paolini, Christopher 5.6 25.0 Erak's Ransom Flanagan, John 6.1 17.0 Eric Lund, Doris 5.2 15.0 Ernie and Bert's New Kitten Hautzig, Deborah 2.3 0.5 Ersatz Elevator, The Snicket, Lemony 6.6 7.0 Escape from Pompeii: An Isabel Soto Archaeology Adventure Collins, Terry 3.8 0.5 Escape from Tomorrow Lanning, Sereta 2.6 1.0 Escape from Warsaw Serraillier, Ian 5.5 6.0 Escape, The Applegate, K.A. 4.0 4.0 Escaping Darkness Jenkins, Jerry B. 4.5 4.0 5120 EN 44286 EN 46878 EN 46879 EN 46881 EN 46883 EN 46884 EN 46885 EN 72745 EN 60987 EN 125839 EN 125558 EN 12649 EN 24967 EN 28784 EN 43404 EN 62824 EN 9311 EN 6610 EN 6877 EN 6878 EN Eskimo (New True Books), The Osinski, Alice 4.5 0.5 Esperanza Rising Ryan, Pam Muñoz 5.3 6.0 Essential Boating for Teens Thompson, Luke 5.3 1.0 Essential Camping for Teens Hooks, Kristine 5.3 1.0 Essential Fishing for Teens Fitzgerald, Ron 4.8 1.0 Essential Hiking for Teens Hooks, Kristine 6.1 0.5 Essential Snowmobiling for Teens Payan, Gregory 5.8 1.0 Essential Waterskiing for Teens Thompson, Luke 4.8 0.5 Essential Worldwide Monster Guide, The Ashman, Linda 4.2 0.5 Europe Fowler, Allan 2.3 0.5 Europe Newman, Sandra 5.1 0.5 Eve of the Emperor Penguin Osborne, Mary Pope 3.7 2.0 Events that Changed American History Wheeler/Peacock 8.2 3.0 Everett Anderson's Christmas Coming Clifton, Lucille 3.0 0.5 Everett Anderson's Nine Month Long Clifton, Lucille 3.0 0.5 Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining Mazer, Anne 4.4 2.0 Everybody's Best Friend (Rookie Choices) Brimner, Larry Dane 2.2 0.5 Everybody Says Dobkin, Bonnie 1.2 0.5 Everyone Else's Parents Said Yes! Danziger, Paula 4.3 3.0 Everything...Alcohol Taylor, Barbara 5.4 1.0 Everything...Alcoholic Parent Shuker, Nancy 5.3 1.0 24297 EN 24298 EN 6883 EN 24305 EN 11513 EN 133937 EN 6886 EN 6887 EN 24317 EN 48071 EN 24312 EN 11525 EN 6893 EN 11531 EN 6897 EN 6358 EN 5752 EN 106861 EN 130075 EN 12391 EN 57062 EN Everything...Breaking the Cycle of Domestic KinstlingerBruhn, Violence Charlotte 6.3 1.0 Everything...Conflict Resolution Nathan, Amy 5.9 1.0 Everything...Drug Abuse Ball, Jacqueline A. 4.6 1.0 Everything...Dyslexia Goldish, Meish 4.3 1.0 Everything...Eating Disorders Kubersky, Rachel 5.4 1.0 Everything for a Dog Martin, Ann M. 5.4 7.0 Everything...Growing Up Female Kahaner, Ellen 5.6 1.0 Everything...Growing Up Male Glassman, Bruce S. 4.9 2.0 Everything...If Your Family Is on Welfare Erlbach, Arlene 7.0 1.0 Everything on a Waffle Horvath, Polly 5.8 5.0 Everything...Racism SheftelGomes, Nasoan 7.1 1.0 Everything...School Violence Kreiner, Anna 5.9 1.0 Everything...Stepfamilies Glassman, Bruce S. 4.7 1.0 Everything...Stress Ayer, Eleanor H. 5.5 1.0 Everything...Teen Suicide Schleifer, Jay 4.7 1.0 Everywhere Brooks, Bruce 5.2 2.0 Evil, Inc. Dixon, Franklin W. 5.4 5.0 Evil Star Horowitz, Anthony 4.7 13.0 Evolution of Calpurnia Tate, The Kelly, Jacqueline 5.3 12.0 Examination, The Bosse, Malcolm 7.7 17.0 Excavators (Big Yellow Machines) Eick, Jean 4.0 0.5 56664 EN 109131 EN 67002 EN 63006 EN 102737 EN 16935 EN 31212 EN 5121 EN 5122 EN 5123 EN 5124 EN 67666 EN 67667 EN 67668 EN 67669 EN 12650 EN 17220 EN 118809 EN 6970 EN 6972 EN 12126 EN Exclamation Point Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth 1.2 0.5 Excuses! Survive and Succeed with David Mortimore Baxter Tayleur, Karen 4.3 1.0 Executioner, The Bennett, Jay 3.4 4.0 Exercise (Rookie ReadAbout Health) Gordon, Sharon 1.6 0.5 Exercising Nelson, Robin 2.6 0.5 Exiles at Home, The McKay, Hilary 5.3 7.0 Exiles in Love, The McKay, Hilary 4.8 6.0 Experiments with Electricity (New True Books) Challand, Helen J. 4.7 0.5 Experiments with Heat (New True Books) Oleksy, Walter 5.2 0.5 Experiments with Light (New True Books) Broekel, Ray 3.9 0.5 Experiments with Magnets (New True Books) Challand, Helen J. 4.6 0.5 Experiments with Motion (A True Book) Tocci, Salvatore 4.7 0.5 Experiments with Simple Machines (A True Tocci, Salvatore Book) 4.8 0.5 Experiments with Soap (A True Book) Tocci, Salvatore 4.5 0.5 Experiments with the Sun and the Moon (A Tocci, Salvatore True Book) 4.6 0.5 Exploration to the War of 1812: 14921814 Katz, William Loren 8.1 4.0 Explorer (Eyewitness) Matthews, Rupert 8.5 1.0 Explorers of North America TaylorButler, Christine 4.2 0.5 Exploring Careers in the Travel Industry Grant, Edgar 10.8 5.0 Exploring Careers in Video Allman, Paul 9.1 8.0 Exploring Deserts Behm, Barbara J. 4.0 0.5 12127 EN 12128 EN 12167 EN 28861 EN 564 EN 127569 EN 33628 EN 132757 EN 102415 EN 42989 EN 18669 EN 119699 EN 45926 EN 16338 EN 82447 EN 112390 EN 26642 EN 60479 EN 14763 EN 42788 EN 11063 EN Exploring Forests Behm, Barbara J. 3.7 0.5 Exploring Lakeshores Behm, Barbara J. 4.0 0.5 Exploring Outer Space: Rockets, Probes and Asimov, Isaac Satellites 6.2 0.5 Exploring Space (Look into Space) Kirkwood, Jon 7.6 0.5 Exploring the Titanic Exposed! In the Spotlight with David Mortimore Baxter Ballard, Robert D. 6.6 3.0 Tayleur, Karen 3.7 1.0 Exposed, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 3.0 Extra Credit Morgan, Melissa J. 4.4 5.0 Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp, Yancey, Rick The 4.9 10.0 Extraordinary Black Americans Altman, Susan 8.9 11.0 Extraordinary Egg, An Lionni, Leo 3.4 0.5 Extras Westerfeld, Scott 5.1 12.0 Extreme Machines Maynard, Christopher 5.6 1.0 Extreme Snowboarding Ryan, Pat 4.6 0.5 Extreme Sports: A Chapter Book Gikow, Louise A. 4.2 0.5 Extreme Sports Stars Abraham, Philip 5.7 1.0 Extreme, The Applegate, K.A. 4.1 3.0 Exxon Valdez: The Oil Spill off the Alaskan Streissguth, Tom Coast, The 5.1 0.5 Eyes of a Stranger Heisel, Sharon E. 5.2 6.0 Eyes of Kid Midas, The Shusterman, Neal 6.0 6.0 Eyewitness Science: Energy Challoner, Jack 7.8 1.0 119228 EN 40318 EN 28935 EN 21216 EN 5268 EN 59759 EN 113704 EN 5010 EN 12318 EN 736 EN 113333 EN 53562 EN 565 EN 130928 EN 118756 EN 24995 EN 25211 EN 11716 EN 109231 EN 120717 EN 110145 EN 5709 EN Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary Fleming, Candace School, The 3.9 4.0 Fables Lobel, Arnold 4.2 1.0 Fabulous Feasts Kent, Peter 5.1 0.5 Fabulous Flying Fandinis, The Slyder, Ingrid 2.0 0.5 Face on the Milk Carton, The Cooney, Caroline B. 4.8 6.0 Faces in the Water Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 6.0 7.0 Facing Competition: Can You Play by the...and Stay in the Game? Davidson, Tish 7.0 2.0 Facts and Fiction of Minna Pratt, The MacLachlan, Patricia 5.7 4.0 Facts and Figures (First Step Math) Griffiths, Rose 1.9 0.5 Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury, Ray 5.2 7.0 Fair to Remember, A Morgan, Melissa J. 4.2 4.0 Fair Weather Peck, Richard 4.7 4.0 Fairy Rebel, The Banks, Lynne Reid 4.2 3.0 Faith, Hope, and Ivy June Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.8 9.0 Fake Cape Caper, The Trine, Greg 3.9 1.0 Falcon's Egg Gray, Luli 5.5 4.0 Falcon's Feathers, The Roy, Ron 3.3 1.0 Fallen Angels Myers, Walter Dean 4.2 11.0 Fallen, The Langan, Paul 4.2 3.0 Falling for Fun: Gravity in Action Lepora, Nathan 5.0 0.5 Falling in Like Morgan, Melissa J. 4.3 5.0 False Moves Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 70563 EN 104036 EN 610 EN 5935 EN 82459 EN 467 EN 127570 EN 6212 EN 103067 EN 115026 EN 121147 EN 43512 EN 17988 EN 5011 EN 60658 EN 17813 EN 105678 EN 363 EN 6162 EN 112 EN 52565 EN 51281 EN Fame and Glory in Freedom, Georgia O'Connor, Barbara 4.3 3.0 Families Kuklin, Susan 3.6 1.0 Family Apart, A Nixon, Joan Lowery 5.4 7.0 Family Dinner Cutler, Jane 4.4 3.0 Family Therapy Landau, Elaine 7.4 2.0 Family Under the Bridge, The Famous! The Awesome Life of David Mortimore Baxter Carlson, Natalie Savage 4.7 3.0 Tayleur, Karen 3.6 1.0 Fancy Feet Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.1 1.0 Fancy Nancy O'Connor, Jane 2.1 0.5 Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy O'Connor, Jane 2.0 0.5 Fancy Nancy: Bonjour, Butterfly O'Connor, Jane 2.6 0.5 Fannie in the Kitchen Hopkinson, Deborah 3.9 0.5 Fanny's Dream Buehner, Caralyn 3.7 0.5 Fantastic Mr. Fox Dahl, Roald 4.1 1.0 Fantastic Voyage Asimov, Isaac 6.0 10.0 Far North Hobbs, Will 5.3 9.0 Faraway Farm Whybrow, Ian 1.6 0.5 Farewell to Manzanar Houston, Jeanne 6.7 7.0 Farm Animals (New True Books) Jacobsen, Karen 2.4 0.5 Farmer Boy Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.2 9.0 Farmer Will CowenFletcher, Jane 2.1 0.5 Farming Gibbons, Gail 2.4 0.5 53106 EN 46863 EN 761 EN 9162 EN 85869 EN 6918 EN 13797 EN 7311 EN 762 EN 26657 EN 36808 EN 67702 EN 66514 EN 122220 EN 45229 EN 113352 EN 108842 EN 36790 EN 36791 EN 36792 EN 36793 EN 19114 EN Farming and Food Shuter, Jane 4.7 0.5 FastDraw Freddie Hamsa, Bobbie 0.5 0.5 Fast Sam, Cool Clyde, and Stuff Myers, Walter Dean 4.8 7.0 Faster Than the Bull Braun, Lutz 4.4 0.5 Fastest Dinosaurs, The Lessem, Don 3.5 0.5 Fastest Friend in the West, The Grove, Vicki 5.6 6.0 Fate Totally Worse Than Death, A Fleischman, Paul 4.8 3.0 Father Bear Comes Home Minarik, Else Holmelund 2.1 0.5 Father Figure Peck, Richard 4.8 6.0 Father Water, Mother Woods Paulsen, Gary 6.2 6.0 Fats, Oils, and Sweets (The Food Guide Pyramid) Frost, Helen 2.3 0.5 FBI (Top Secret), The Ramaprian, Sheela 5.9 1.0 FBI (Watts Library), The January, Brendan 7.7 1.0 Fearless Woodruff, Elvira 5.3 7.0 Feathered Dinosaurs Sloan, Christopher 7.1 1.0 Feathers Woodson, Jacqueline 4.4 4.0 Feathers, The Law, Felicia 2.6 0.5 Feeling Angry (Emotions) Frost, Helen 1.6 0.5 Feeling Happy (Emotions) Frost, Helen 1.2 0.5 Feeling Sad (Emotions) Frost, Helen 1.3 0.5 Feeling Scared (Emotions) Frost, Helen 1.5 0.5 Feeling Things Fowler, Allan 2.4 0.5 28971 EN 9765 EN 6414 EN 34681 EN 6416 EN 6415 EN 136920 EN 737 EN 9163 EN 43539 EN 100947 EN 4740 EN 261 EN 2047 EN 1426 EN 42961 EN 14259 EN 43467 EN 70127 EN 6920 EN 125506 EN 113097 EN Feeling Violent (What Do You Know About) Sanders/Myers 6.1 0.5 Feelings Aliki 2.0 0.5 Felicity Learns a Lesson Tripp, Valerie 4.3 1.0 Felicity's New Sister Tripp, Valerie 4.4 0.5 Felicity's Surprise Tripp, Valerie 4.5 1.0 Felicity Saves the Day Tripp, Valerie 4.5 1.0 Felix Takes the Stage Lasky, Kathryn 4.4 2.0 Fellowship of the Ring, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.1 29.0 Fence Was Too High, The Esh, Olivia 2.8 0.5 Fenwick's Suit Small, David 3.7 0.5 Ferdinand Magellan Landau, Elaine 4.4 0.5 8.9 5.0 4.4 4.0 Ferdinand Magellan and the Discovery of Stefoff, Rebecca the World Ocean Ferret in the Bedroom, Lizards in the Fridge Wallace, Bill Ferries (The Transportation Library) Schaefer, Lola M. 2.8 0.5 Festival Crafts (World Wide Crafts) Deshpande, Chris 5.5 0.5 Fever, 1793 Anderson, Laurie Halse 4.4 7.0 Fibber E. Frog Newman, Al 1.7 0.5 Fiddle Fever Doucet, Sharon Arms 5.5 6.0 Field Guide, The DiTerlizzi, Tony 4.2 1.0 Fifteen Cleary, Beverly 5.4 7.0 Fighting a Battle Murrell, Deborah 6.2 1.0 Fighting El Fuego (Home Run) Birle, Pete 4.0 4.0 13942 EN 5659 EN 8911 EN 57201 EN 20534 EN 13064 EN 29424 EN 76699 EN 46344 EN 46345 EN 46346 EN 46347 EN 46348 EN 46349 EN 50486 EN 5361 EN 82809 EN 73253 EN 14667 EN 41511 EN 70331 EN Fighting Tackle Christopher, Matt 4.7 3.0 Figure in Hiding, A Dixon, Franklin W. 5.3 5.0 Figure in the Shadows, The Bellairs, John 4.8 5.0 Figure of Speech, A Mazer, Norma Fox 4.5 6.0 Figure Skating Brimner, Larry Dane 4.8 0.5 Fin Whales (Whale Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 4.0 0.5 Final Cut, The Bowen, Fred 4.3 2.0 Final Grade Stine, R.L. 3.7 4.0 Find the Bird Foley, Cate 1.0 0.5 Find the Fish Foley, Cate 1.2 0.5 Find the Insect Foley, Cate 1.2 0.5 Find the Polar Animal Foley, Cate 1.6 0.5 Find the Snake Foley, Cate 1.1 0.5 Find the Wild Animal Foley, Cate 1.4 0.5 Finders Keepers Will/Nicolas 2.8 0.5 Finding Buck McHenry Slote, Alfred 3.5 6.0 Finding Miracles Alvarez, Julia 4.9 9.0 Finding My Hat Son, John 4.9 5.0 Finding the Titanic Ballard, Robert D. 4.0 0.5 Fingerprints and Talking Bones Jones, Charlotte Foltz 7.0 4.0 Finklehopper Frog Livingston, Irene 3.1 0.5 27006 EN 12714 EN 47163 EN 43969 EN 40538 EN 5125 EN 14411 EN 30638 EN 16985 EN 10163 EN 69256 EN 87157 EN 143878 EN 75497 EN 7368 EN 47365 EN 84549 EN 43783 EN 26920 EN 74612 EN 46782 EN Finland (Enchantment of the World) McNair, Sylvia 7.9 2.0 Fir Tree, The Andersen, Hans Christian 4.8 0.5 Fire at the Triangle Factory Littlefield, Holly 3.5 0.5 Fire Engines (The Transportation Library) Hanson, Anne E. 3.2 0.5 Fire Fighters Raatma, Lucia 3.2 0.5 Fire Fighters (New True Books) Broekel, Ray 2.5 0.5 Fire! Fire! Said Mrs. McGuire Jr., Bill Martin 0.8 0.5 Fire in the Sky Ransom, Candice F. 4.2 1.0 Fire Pony, The Philbrick, Rodman 4.9 5.0 Fire Truck: Nuts and Bolts Boucher, Jerry 4.7 0.5 Fire Trucks Miller, Heather 1.9 0.5 Fire Within, The D'Lacey, Chris 4.1 7.0 Fire World d'Lacey, Chris 4.9 15.0 Firefighter (Danger Is My Business) Abraham, Philip 4.9 1.0 Fireflies! Brinckloe, Julie 3.2 0.5 Fireflies Walker, Sally M. 4.0 0.5 Fireflies Miller, Connie Colwell 3.5 0.5 Fireflies in the Dark: Story of Dicker Brandeis...Children... Rubin, Susan Goldman 6.2 1.0 Firehouse Sal Brimner, Larry Dane 0.9 0.5 Firekeeper's Son, The Park, Linda Sue 3.0 0.5 Fires (Watts Library) Landau, Elaine 7.4 1.0 109334 EN 13562 EN 23667 EN 44131 EN 2994 EN 12132 EN 45891 EN 2183 EN 7063 EN 5012 EN 29502 EN 104648 EN 70717 EN 75630 EN 44707 EN 7369 EN 9972 EN 67593 EN 17222 EN 5219 EN 18611 EN Firestorm Klass, David 3.4 11.0 Firetrucks (Transportation) Brady, Peter 2.6 0.5 FireworkMaker's Daughter, The Pullman, Philip 5.3 2.0 Fireworks, Picnics, and Flags Giblin, James Cross 7.7 3.0 First Decade: Curtain Going Up, The Hoobler, Dorothy/Tom 4.5 4.0 First Dinosaurs, The Dixon, Dougal 4.6 0.5 First Dog, The Brett, Jan 3.9 0.5 First Facts About the States Stienecker, David L. 7.3 3.0 First Fast Draw, The L'Amour, Louis 5.8 8.0 First Four Years, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.8 4.0 First in the Field: Baseball Hero Jackie Robinson Dingle, Derek T. 6.9 1.0 First Moon Landing, The HudsonGoff, Elizabeth 4.7 0.5 First Part Last, The Johnson, Angela 4.7 3.0 First Snow McCully, Emily Arnold 0.7 0.5 First Test Pierce, Tamora 5.3 8.0 First Thanksgiving, The Hayward, Linda 2.9 0.5 First Thanksgiving, The George, Jean Craighead 5.4 0.5 First Thanksgiving, The Santella, Andrew 7.0 1.0 Fish (Eyewitness) Parker, Steve 7.6 1.0 Fish Face Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.7 1.0 Fish Is Fish Lionni, Leo 3.7 0.5 26565 EN 11072 EN 27756 EN 16250 EN 15194 EN 13115 EN 23773 EN 7564 EN 48640 EN 74532 EN 43228 EN 7216 EN 62822 EN 5566 EN 14539 EN 20314 EN 21284 EN 60674 EN 145001 EN 13392 EN 114 EN Fish (Naturebooks) George, Michael 5.5 0.5 Fish (Our Living World) Ricciuti, Edward 6.3 2.0 Fish (Popular Pet Care) Hansen, Ann Larkin 4.3 0.5 Fish (Wonderful World of Animals) MacLeod, Beatrice 5.3 0.5 Fisherman Bats (Bats) Gerholdt, Pamela J. 4.1 0.5 Fishing Spiders (Spiders Discovery) Martin, Louise 4.6 0.5 Five Children and It (Unabridged) Nesbit, E. 5.7 8.0 Five Chinese Brothers, The Bishop, Claire 4.4 0.5 Five Creatures Jenkins, Emily 1.6 0.5 FiveFinger Discount DeClements, Barthe 4.1 4.0 Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree Christelow, Eileen 1.7 0.5 Five Silly Fishermen Edwards, Roberta 1.5 0.5 Flag for All (Rookie Choices), A Brimner, Larry Dane 2.6 0.5 Flag of the United States (New True Books), Fradin, Dennis B. The 4.1 0.5 Flash Fire Cooney, Caroline B. 5.8 6.0 Flash Forward Archer, Chris 4.6 4.0 Flashlight James, Betsy 2.2 0.5 Flashy Fantastic Rain Forest Frogs Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 4.4 0.5 Flat Broke Paulsen, Gary 5.1 3.0 Flat Stanley Brown, Jeff 4.0 1.0 Fledgling, The Langton, Jane 5.0 6.0 6046 EN 6003 EN 54118 EN 5904 EN 64502 EN 20775 EN 56865 EN 14791 EN 144354 EN 48073 EN 20569 EN 9766 EN 8467 EN 62843 EN 7809 EN 12409 EN 26195 EN 5013 EN 56665 EN 59750 EN 27513 EN Flight #116 Is Down Cooney, Caroline B. 5.1 7.0 Flight of Angels, A Trease, Geoffrey 5.1 3.0 Flight of the Raven Tolan, Stephanie S. 6.3 10.0 Flight: The Journey of Charles Lindbergh Burleigh, Robert 3.5 0.5 Flight to Freedom VecianaSuarez, Ana 5.6 6.0 Flimflam Man, The Beard, Darleen Bailey 3.7 1.0 Flip and Flop Apperley, Dawn 2.3 0.5 Floating House, The Sanders, Scott Russell 5.0 0.5 Flood and Fire Diamand, Emily 4.5 13.0 Floodland Sedgwick, Marcus 3.7 4.0 Floods (A True Book) Sipiera, Paul/Diane 4.2 0.5 Florence and Eric Take the Cake Wild, Jocelyn 2.8 0.5 Florence Griffith Joyner Aaseng, Nathan 6.8 1.0 Florida Bredeson, Carmen 2.4 0.5 Florida (America the Beautiful) Stone, Lynn M. 8.0 3.0 Florida (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.8 1.0 Florida (Hello U.S.A.) Sirvaitis, Karen 7.1 1.0 Flossie and the Fox McKissack, Patricia C. 3.2 0.5 Flour Does Not Flower Scheunemann, Pam 0.9 0.5 Flower Alphabet Book, The Pallotta, Jerry 3.3 0.5 Flower Garden Bunting, Eve 2.2 0.5 101435 EN 738 EN 31799 EN 165 EN 101038 EN 78313 EN 138921 EN 6063 EN 56636 EN 45927 EN 113228 EN 137573 EN 15195 EN 19624 EN 10165 EN 48949 EN 105651 EN 468 EN 54119 EN 12282 EN 28792 EN 26377 EN Flower's Busy Day, The Law, Felicia 2.7 0.5 Flowers for Algernon Keyes, Daniel 5.8 13.0 Flowers (Growing Flowers) SaundersSmith, Gail 2.4 0.5 Flunking of Joshua T. Bates, The Shreve, Susan 5.1 2.0 Flush Hiaasen, Carl 5.0 9.0 Flux Goobie, Beth 6.7 14.0 Fly Away Rock, Nora 4.2 4.0 Fly Away Home Bunting, Eve 2.7 0.5 Fly Can Fly, A Doudna, Kelly 1.4 0.5 Flying Ace: The Story of Amelia Earhart Bull, Angela 5.0 1.0 Flying Bed, The Willard, Nancy 5.0 1.0 Flying Feet McCann, James 4.5 3.0 Flying Fox Bats (Bats) Gerholdt, Pamela J. 4.2 0.5 Flying Horse Bryant, Bonnie 4.7 4.0 Flying in a Hot Air Balloon Bellville, Cheryl 5.9 1.0 Flying Machine Nahum, Andrew 7.9 1.0 Flyte Sage, Angie 6.0 16.0 Fog Magic Sauer, Julia 6.1 4.0 Fog, The Cooney, Caroline B. 5.1 7.0 Folklore and Legends of the Universe Asimov, Isaac 6.2 0.5 Follow the Drinking Gourd Winter, Jeanette 4.3 0.5 Followers, The Bunting, Eve 4.5 1.0 1655 EN 1427 EN 31763 EN 15924 EN 57610 EN 61190 EN 9018 EN 4845 EN 5126 EN 112391 EN 5661 EN 8762 EN 116355 EN 26735 EN 1656 EN 49351 EN 108226 EN 27724 EN 112353 EN 140499 EN 65743 EN Food Chain (Straightforward Science) Riley, Peter 5.5 0.5 Food Crafts (World Wide Crafts) Deshpande, Chris 5.3 0.5 Food for Healthy Teeth (Dental Health) Frost, Helen 1.3 0.5 Food for the Settler Kalman, Bobbie 5.6 3.0 Food in Colonial America Thomas, Mark 2.1 0.5 Food Safety (Rookie ReadAbout Health) Gordon, Sharon 1.9 0.5 Foot Book, The Seuss, Dr. 0.6 0.5 Football (HowTo Sports) Joseph, Paul 4.5 0.5 Football (New True Books) Broekel, Ray 3.3 0.5 Football Stars Buckman, Virginia 5.8 1.0 Footprints Under the Window Dixon, Franklin W. 6.1 5.0 For Always Bunting, Eve 3.9 1.0 For Now Friesen, Gayle 3.9 7.0 For Your Eyes Only Rocklin, Joanne 4.3 2.0 Riley, Peter 5.8 0.5 Kalman, Bobbie 6.4 1.0 Forests Green, Emily K. 2.4 0.5 Forever Amber Brown Danziger, Paula 3.8 1.0 Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Brashares, Ann Sisterhood 4.4 11.0 Forge Anderson, Laurie Halse 5.4 10.0 Forgetful Bears Help Santa, The Weinberg, Larry 2.8 0.5 Forces and Movement (Straightforward Science) Forest Mammals (Glen Loates North American Wildlife) 6359 EN 18967 EN 15515 EN 73020 EN 54047 EN 15925 EN 6360 EN 17223 EN 75081 EN 28684 EN 5567 EN 121302 EN 9361 EN 314 EN 5416 EN 11465 EN 6361 EN 74077 EN 112987 EN 18577 EN 9019 EN Forgotten Door, The Key, Alexander 5.0 5.0 Forgotten, The Applegate, K.A. 3.8 4.0 Forgotten Voyager: The Story of Amerigo Vespucci Alper, Ann Fitzpatrick 6.4 2.0 Forming a Band Schaefer, A.R. 4.8 0.5 Formula One Pitt, Matthew 4.7 1.0 Fort Life Kalman/Schimpky 6.2 0.5 FortuneTellers, The Alexander, Lloyd 4.6 0.5 Fossil (Eyewitness) Taylor, Paul D. 8.2 1.0 Fossil Fuel Power Sherman, Josepha 4.9 0.5 Fossil Fuels (Energy Forever?) Graham, Ian 7.0 1.0 Fossils (New True Books) Roberts, Allan 4.5 0.5 Found Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.0 9.0 Four Good Friends Hillert, Margaret 0.7 0.5 Fourth Floor...Skyscraper Parade, The Adler, David A. 3.3 1.0 FourthGrade Celebrity Giff, Patricia Reilly 5.6 3.0 Fourth Grade is a Jinx McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy 4.4 4.0 Fourth Grade Rats Spinelli, Jerry 2.6 2.0 Fourth Grade Wizards, The DeClements, Barthe 3.8 3.0 Fox Banks, Kate 2.5 0.5 Fox Busters, The KingSmith, Dick 7.0 4.0 Fox in Socks Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 7313 EN 7418 EN 56348 EN 14261 EN 108316 EN 138136 EN 122283 EN 46830 EN 54309 EN 125811 EN 533 EN 116527 EN 130816 EN 24969 EN 18612 EN 115211 EN 18614 EN 102796 EN 18620 EN 16877 EN 16956 EN Fox on the Job Marshall, James 2.0 0.5 Foxes Lepthien, Emilie U. 4.1 0.5 Foxes: Clever Hunters Olien, Becky 2.3 0.5 Fraid E. Cat Newman, Al 1.9 0.5 Framed Boyce, Frank Cottrell 4.2 9.0 Framed Korman, Gordon 5.2 6.0 France (Country Explorers) Streissguth, Tom 3.8 0.5 France (Enchantment of the World) Nardo, Don 9.7 4.0 Francisco Coronado (Watts Library) Nardo, Don 7.2 1.0 DiConsiglio, John 6.2 2.0 Shelley, Mary 12.4 17.0 Frankenstein (Graphic Revolve) Burgan, Michael 3.0 0.5 Frankie Pickle and the Closet of Doom Wight, Eric 3.5 1.0 Franklin and the Thunderstorm Bourgeois, Paulette 2.5 0.5 Franklin and the Tooth Fairy Bourgeois, Paulette 2.6 0.5 Franklin D. Roosevelt: ThirtySecond President Venezia, Mike 5.2 0.5 Franklin Goes to School Bourgeois, Paulette 2.9 0.5 Franklin Pierce: Fourteenth President Venezia, Mike 5.4 0.5 Franklin Plays the Game Bourgeois, Paulette 2.8 0.5 Franklin Rides a Bike Bourgeois, Paulette 2.6 0.5 Franklin's Bad Day Bourgeois, Paulette 2.5 0.5 Francisco Pizarro: Destroyer of the Inca Empire Frankenstein 18623 EN 18624 EN 18625 EN 5331 EN 119765 EN 262 EN 56666 EN 115335 EN 6064 EN 45928 EN 85292 EN 109622 EN 119923 EN 46086 EN 4864 EN 47850 EN 36838 EN 13564 EN 32206 EN 77483 EN 51132 EN Franklin's Halloween Bourgeois, Paulette 2.7 0.5 Franklin's New Friend Bourgeois, Paulette 2.7 0.5 Franklin's School Play Bourgeois, Paulette 3.0 0.5 Freak the Mighty/The Mighty Philbrick, Rodman 5.5 5.0 Freaky Tuesday Morgan, Melissa J. 4.1 5.0 Freckle Juice Blume, Judy 3.1 0.5 Fred Read the Red Book Scheunemann, Pam 0.8 0.5 Fred Stays with Me! Coffelt, Nancy 1.8 0.5 Frederick Lionni, Leo 3.1 0.5 5.7 1.0 3.5 0.5 2.8 0.5 Freedom Songs: A Tale of the Underground Robbins, Trina Railroad 3.8 1.0 Freedom Summer Wiles, Deborah 3.2 0.5 Freestyle Water Skiing (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.3 1.0 Freewill Lynch, Chris 3.8 5.0 Freight Trains (The Transportation Library) Richardson, Adele D. 3.2 0.5 Freight Trains (Transportation) Brady, Peter 2.3 0.5 Frenchtown Summer Cormier, Robert 6.4 1.0 Freshman Flash Boushell, Mike 6.8 5.0 Freshwater Fishing (The Great Outdoors) Hopkins, Ellen 4.6 0.5 Free at Last: The Story of Martin Luther Bull, Angela King, Jr. Freedom on the Menu: The Greensboro Sit Weatherford, Carole Ins Boston Freedom Ship Rappaport, Doreen 56500 EN 108454 EN 54596 EN 18626 EN 5417 EN 130006 EN 21493 EN 123167 EN 25957 EN 86277 EN 112565 EN 315 EN 12216 EN 2114 EN 16637 EN 88895 EN 5512 EN 6116 EN 5467 EN 115452 EN 6065 EN Frida Winter, Jonah 2.5 0.5 Frida Kahlo: Painter of Strength Johnston, Lissa Jones 4.1 0.5 Friday Nights of Nana, The Hest, Amy 3.1 0.5 Friend for Minerva Louise, A Stoeke, Janet Morgan 1.2 0.5 Friend Like That, A Slote, Alfred 3.3 4.0 Friend or Fiend? With the Pain & the Great Blume, Judy One 2.8 1.0 Friends Heine, Helme 3.2 0.5 Friends Forever? The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Gallagher, Diana G. 3.1 1.0 Friends, The Guy, Rosa 5.0 7.0 Friendship According to Humphrey Birney, Betty G. 4.0 4.0 Friendship for Today, A McKissack, Patricia C. 4.1 6.0 Friendship, The Taylor, Mildred D. 4.1 1.0 Friesian Horses Schrenk, HansJorg 5.7 0.5 Frightful's Mountain George, Jean Craighead 4.7 8.0 Frindle Clements, Andrew 5.4 2.0 FringeLipped Bats Wheeler, Jill C. 4.1 0.5 Frog and Toad All Year Lobel, Arnold 2.6 0.5 Frog and Toad Are Friends Lobel, Arnold 2.9 0.5 Frog and Toad Together Lobel, Arnold 2.9 0.5 Frog in the Pond, The Mara, Wil 1.5 0.5 Frog Prince Continued, The Scieszka, Jon 3.2 0.5 27733 EN 14262 EN 68474 EN 52395 EN 53534 EN 19117 EN 16213 EN 77043 EN 1663 EN 77897 EN 68011 EN 68013 EN 68014 EN 1661 EN 58748 EN 77047 EN 77048 EN 77049 EN 77053 EN 77054 EN 1662 EN Frog Princess of Pelham, The Conford, Ellen 3.8 3.0 Frog Princess?, The Mann, Pamela 2.8 0.5 Frog Princess, The Baker, E.D. 4.8 7.0 Frog Went ACourtin' Langstaff, John 2.7 0.5 Froggy Learns to Swim London, Jonathan 2.0 0.5 Frogs and Toads and Tadpoles, Too Fowler, Allan 2.4 0.5 Frogs and Toads (Crabapples) Kalman/Everts 4.0 0.5 From Cane to Sugar Braithwaite, Jill 2.4 0.5 From Caterpillar to Butterfly (Lifecycles) Legg, Gerald 2.7 0.5 From Cement to Bridge Nelson, Robin 2.6 0.5 From Clay to Bricks TausBolstad, Stacy 2.3 0.5 From Cotton to TShirt Nelson, Robin 2.3 0.5 From Egg to Chicken Nelson, Robin 1.7 0.5 From Egg to Chicken (Lifecycles) Legg, Gerald 2.6 0.5 From Flower to Honey Nelson, Robin 1.8 0.5 From Idea to Book Marshall, Pam 2.6 0.5 From Iron to Car Zemlicka, Shannon 2.3 0.5 From Maple Tree to Syrup Mitchell, Melanie 2.3 0.5 From Rock to Road Zemlicka, Shannon 2.0 0.5 From Sand to Glass Zemlicka, Shannon 2.2 0.5 From Seed to Sunflower (Lifecycles) Legg, Gerald 3.0 0.5 29 EN 58754 EN 167 EN 36809 EN 56645 EN 414 EN 5220 EN 88919 EN 20265 EN 57611 EN 26304 EN 26305 EN 26306 EN 26307 EN 26308 EN 26302 EN 26309 EN 26310 EN 26311 EN 26312 EN 26303 EN 26313 EN From the MixedUp Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Konigsburg, E.L. 4.7 5.0 From Wheat to Bread TausBolstad, Stacy 2.2 0.5 Frozen Fire Houston, James 4.9 5.0 Fruit Group (The Food Guide Pyramid), The Frost, Helen 1.8 0.5 Fruit Trees Produce Produce Molter, Carey 1.6 0.5 Fudge Graeber, Charlotte 3.7 3.0 FudgeaMania Blume, Judy 3.3 3.0 Fugitive Factor, The Korman, Gordon 5.1 4.0 Full Court Fever Bowen, Fred 4.3 2.0 Fun and Games in Colonial America Thomas, Mark 1.6 0.5 Fundamental Baseball Geng, Don 6.0 2.0 Fundamental Basketball Klinzing, Jim/Mike 5.7 1.0 Fundamental Golf Krause, Peter 5.6 1.0 Fundamental Gymnastics Bragg, Linda Wallenberg 6.7 1.0 Fundamental Hockey Foley, Mike 6.6 1.0 Fundamental Karate Dallas, Kim 7.1 1.0 Fundamental Mountain Biking King, Andy 5.5 1.0 Fundamental Snowboarding Lurie, Jon 6.4 1.0 Fundamental Soccer Coleman, Lori 6.0 1.0 Fundamental Softball Nitz, Kristin Wolden 5.8 1.0 Fundamental Strength Training Savage, Jeff 6.5 1.0 Fundamental Tennis Miller, Marc 6.0 1.0 26314 EN 88454 EN 13116 EN 9364 EN 108844 EN 9767 EN 12319 EN 21328 EN 49704 EN 46858 EN 7671 EN 7370 EN 14767 EN 79707 EN 12320 EN 15926 EN 220 EN 54778 EN 78809 EN 18674 EN 44063 EN 221 EN Fundamental Volleyball Jensen, Julie 5.2 1.0 FunnelWeb Spiders Wheeler, Jill C. 4.6 0.5 Funnel Web Spiders (Spiders Discovery) Martin, Louise 4.9 0.5 Funny Baby, The Hillert, Margaret 0.6 0.5 Furry Caterpillar, The Law, Felicia 2.4 0.5 Furry News: How to Make a Newspaper, The Leedy, Loreen 3.2 0.5 Fuzzy the Duckling (Real Baby Animals) Buck, Gisela/Siegfried 2.5 0.5 Gabriella's Song Fleming, Candace 3.3 0.5 Gabrielle Reece: Volleyball's Model Athlete Morgan, Terri 6.4 1.0 Gadget, The Zindel, Paul 4.5 4.0 Gadget War, The Duffey, Betsy 3.7 1.0 Galimoto Williams, Karen Lynn 3.0 0.5 Gallows Hill Duncan, Lois 6.9 9.0 Game of Sunken Places, The Anderson, M.T. 4.6 8.0 Games (First Step Math) Griffiths, Rose 1.6 0.5 Games From Long Ago Kalman, Bobbie 5.2 1.0 Gammage Cup, The Kendall, Carol 5.9 8.0 Gandhi Demi 6.5 0.5 Garbage Trucks Brill, Marlene Targ 2.6 0.5 Gardener, The Stewart, Sarah 3.9 0.5 Gathering Blue Lowry, Lois 5.0 7.0 Gathering of Days, A Blos, Joan W. 6.7 5.0 21579 EN 110385 EN 30 EN 12174 EN 15358 EN 15927 EN 62800 EN 118254 EN 5759 EN 6362 EN 222 EN 8567 EN 5468 EN 36079 EN 4902 EN 60699 EN 10776 EN 29748 EN 118188 EN 39603 EN 47165 EN 89612 EN Gathering, The Hamilton, Virginia 4.5 6.0 Gatos Black on Halloween, Los Montes, Marisa 3.0 0.5 GayNeck: The Story of a Pigeon Mukerji, Dhan Gopal 6.5 6.0 Gears Ollerenshaw, Chris 4.6 0.5 Geckos Mara, W.P. 4.1 0.5 General Store, The Kalman, Bobbie 6.4 1.0 Generous Me Pearson, Mary E. 2.2 0.5 Genghis Khan: 13thCentury Mongolian Tyrant Goldberg, Enid A. 4.6 2.0 Genius Thieves, The Dixon, Franklin W. 4.7 5.0 Gentle Annie Shura, Mary Francis 5.2 5.0 Gentle Ben Morey, Walt 4.8 8.0 Gentlehands Kerr, M.E. 5.0 6.0 George and Martha Marshall, James 2.7 0.5 George Armstrong Custer: Civil War General and Western Legend Kent, Zachary 8.2 3.0 George Bush (War in the Gulf) Deegan, Paul J. 5.9 1.0 George Eastman: Bringing Photography to the People Pflueger, Lynda 7.7 3.0 George's Marvelous Medicine Dahl, Roald 4.0 2.0 George the Drummer Boy Benchley, Nathaniel 3.3 0.5 George W. Bush: FortyThird President Venezia, Mike 5.8 0.5 George Washington (America in the Time Of) Isaacs, Sally Senzell 5.7 1.0 George Washington Carver Carter/Saller 3.3 0.5 George Washington Carver: Scientist and Inventor Monroe, Judy 4.1 0.5 102786 EN 5418 EN 74386 EN 62844 EN 7810 EN 12410 EN 26196 EN 1528 EN 12175 EN 75082 EN 118189 EN 64049 EN 5127 EN 15359 EN 126153 EN 15183 EN 28711 EN 74781 EN 31302 EN 8413 EN 63240 EN George Washington: First President Venezia, Mike 4.9 0.5 George Washington's Breakfast Fritz, Jean 4.1 0.5 George Washington You Never Knew, The Collier, James Lincoln 6.9 2.0 Georgia Bredeson, Carmen 2.4 0.5 Georgia (America the Beautiful) Kent, Zachary 8.5 3.0 Georgia (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 5.3 1.0 Georgia (Hello U.S.A.) LaDoux, Rita C. 6.5 1.0 Georgia O'Keeffe Venezia, Mike 4.8 0.5 Geothermal Energy Rickard, Graham 6.9 1.0 Geothermal Power Sherman, Josepha 4.9 0.5 Gerald R. Ford: ThirtyEighth President Venezia, Mike 5.8 0.5 Gerbil Genius Baglio, Ben M. 4.6 2.0 Gerbil Pets and Other Small Rodents (New Broekel, Ray True Books) 3.1 0.5 German Shepherd, The Wilcox, Charlotte 4.8 0.5 German Shepherds Schuh, Mari 3.6 0.5 German Shepherds (Dogs) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.7 0.5 Germany (Country Fact Files) Flint, David 7.3 1.0 Germany (Enchantment of the World) Blashfield, Jean F. 8.1 4.0 Germany (Modern Nations of the World) Ayer, Eleanor H. 8.9 4.0 Germs Make Me Sick Berger, Melvin 3.7 0.5 Get Out of Bed! Munsch, Robert 2.7 0.5 80840 EN 103467 EN 10610 EN 116583 EN 32742 EN 103347 EN Get Rich Quick Club, The Gutman, Dan 4.1 2.0 Get That Ghost to Go! MacPhail, Catherine 3.3 1.0 Get That Goat! Aushenker, Michael 2.9 0.5 Getting Air Gutman, Dan 4.1 5.0 Getting Near to Baby Couloumbis, Audrey 5.1 6.0 Getting Rest Nelson, Robin 2.1 0.5 Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 4.2 2.0 Getting to the Bottom of Global Warming: An...Soto Investigation Collins, Terry 5.1 0.5 Gettysburg Kantor, MacKinlay 7.4 5.0 Geysers Brimner, Larry Dane 5.8 0.5 Ghana (Enchantment of the World) Blauer/Lauré 8.4 4.0 Ghost Abbey Westall, Robert 5.1 7.0 Ghost and Mrs. Hobbs, The DeFelice, Cynthia 4.9 5.0 Ghost at Skeleton Rock, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.8 6.0 Ghost Beach Stine, R.L. 3.4 3.0 Ghost Belonged to Me, The Peck, Richard 5.8 6.0 Ghost Brother Adler, C.S. 4.2 5.0 Ghost Cadet Alphin, Elaine Marie 5.5 6.0 Ghost Camp Stine, R.L. 3.1 3.0 Ghost Canoe Hobbs, Will 5.9 8.0 Ghost Cave Steiner, Barbara 4.3 6.0 263 EN Getting Something on Maggie Marmelstein 134422 EN 17621 EN 54283 EN 46831 EN 9553 EN 53435 EN 5662 EN 9606 EN 30654 EN 5014 EN 6363 EN 14944 EN 20113 EN 18767 EN 139114 EN 88400 EN 6364 EN 133617 EN 32352 EN 5419 EN 29503 EN 9607 EN 13548 EN 10567 EN 86698 EN 50392 EN 17566 EN 32726 EN 137659 EN 28892 EN 79435 EN 8967 EN 6611 EN 5068 EN 28628 EN Ghost Dog Secrets Kehret, Peg 4.6 6.0 GhostFaced Bats Wheeler, Jill C. 3.9 0.5 Ghost in the House, A Wright, Betty Ren 4.4 5.0 Ghost in the Machine Carman, Patrick 5.0 4.0 Ghost in the Noonday Sun, The Fleischman, Sid 4.9 5.0 Ghost in the Window, A Wright, Betty Ren 5.5 5.0 Ghost Liners: Exploring the World's Greatest Lost Ships Ballard, Robert D. 7.0 1.0 Ghost Next Door, The Stine, R.L. 3.7 3.0 Ghost of Nicholas Greebe, The Johnston, Tony 5.0 0.5 Ghost Rider Bryant, Bonnie 4.9 4.0 Ghost Ship: A Novel Reiche, Dietlof 5.2 9.0 Ghost Sitter, The Griffin, Peni R. 4.8 4.0 Ghost Town at Sundown Osborne, Mary Pope 3.0 1.0 Ghost Town Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 Ghost Who Haunted the Capitol, The Brezenoff, Steve 3.4 1.0 Ghosts Roden, Katie 7.0 1.0 Ghosts Martin, Michael 5.0 0.5 Ghosts and Poltergeists Meier, Gisela 5.2 1.0 Ghosts Beneath Our Feet Wright, Betty Ren 4.4 4.0 Ghosts I Have Been Peck, Richard 5.7 9.0 Ghosts of Flight 401 Innes, Brian 5.8 1.0 8523 EN 21329 EN 77888 EN 57063 EN 74739 EN 27769 EN 6571 EN 5568 EN 45809 EN 48950 EN 25056 EN 13020 EN 13861 EN 10568 EN 7913 EN 5015 EN 9768 EN 46620 EN 12019 EN 14264 EN 9769 EN Ghosts of Mercy Manor, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.8 5.0 Giant Carrot, The Peck, Jan 3.5 0.5 Giant Children Bagert, Brod 4.2 0.5 Giant Dump Trucks (Big Yellow Machines) Eick, Jean 4.7 0.5 Giant Panda (Animals of the World) Eckart, Edana 1.5 0.5 Giant Pandas Kallen, Stuart A. 4.5 0.5 Giant Pandas (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 Giant Pandas (New True Books) Wong, Ovid K. 5.2 0.5 Giant Pandas (The Untamed World) Dudley, Karen 7.8 2.0 Giant Stones and Earth Mounds McGowen, Tom 7.4 2.0 Gib Rides Home Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 6.3 9.0 Gibbons (Monkey Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.0 0.5 Gift for Tia Rosa, A Taha, Karen T. 3.2 0.5 Gift Horse Bryant, Bonnie 5.0 5.0 Gift of the Magi (Creative Education), The Henry, O. 6.2 0.5 Gift of the Pirate Queen, The Giff, Patricia Reilly 5.0 4.0 Gift of the Sacred Dog, The Goble, Paul 4.2 0.5 Giggle Belly Sakelaris, Page 1.1 0.5 Giggle Book, The Calmenson, Stephanie 1.5 0.5 Giggle E. Goose Newman, Al 2.1 0.5 Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.8 0.5 131012 EN 118026 EN 31 EN 34613 EN 37036 EN 68336 EN 76934 EN 59876 EN 13021 EN 54861 EN 16214 EN 50977 EN 223 EN 29789 EN 61461 EN 50151 EN 15809 EN 115938 EN 17251 EN 32208 EN 9608 EN 30307 EN Gilbert, the Surfer Dude deGroat, Diane 2.3 0.5 Gimme Cracked Corn & I Will Share O'Malley, Kevin 2.8 0.5 Ginger Pye Estes, Eleanor 6.0 9.0 Gingerbread Baby Brett, Jan 3.5 0.5 Gingerbread Boy, The Galdone, Paul 3.2 0.5 Giraffe and a Half, A Silverstein, Shel 2.3 0.5 Giraffe Calf Grows Up, A Hewett, Joan 1.9 0.5 Giraffes Murray, Julie 3.5 0.5 Giraffes (African Animals Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.0 0.5 Giraffes Can't Dance Andreae, Giles 3.8 0.5 Giraffes (Crabapples) Kalman, Bobbie 4.7 0.5 Giraffes: LongNecked LeafEaters Schaefer, Lola M. 3.1 0.5 Girl Called Al, A Greene, Constance C. 3.8 3.0 Girl Called Boy, A Hurmence, Belinda 5.7 7.0 Girl in a Cage Yolen, Jane 4.9 9.0 Girl in Blue Rinaldi, Ann 5.0 9.0 Girl Named Disaster, A Farmer, Nancy 5.1 14.0 Girl's Like Spaghetti: Why, You Can't Manage...Apostrophes!, The Truss, Lynne 3.3 0.5 GirlSon, The Neuberger, Anne E. 5.0 4.0 Girl Who Chased Away Sorrow: The Diary Turner, Ann of Sarah Nita, The 5.1 5.0 Girl Who Cried Monster, The Stine, R.L. 3.6 3.0 Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The King, Stephen 6.4 10.0 5221 EN 5069 EN 44108 EN 18768 EN 8223 EN 53627 EN 84371 EN 43785 EN 168 EN 8568 EN 5469 EN 117999 EN 6164 EN 65544 EN 12285 EN 113359 EN 21232 EN 4454 EN 10943 EN 7515 EN 121111 EN Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, The Goble, Paul 4.1 0.5 Girl Who Owned a City, The Nelson, O.T. 4.7 7.0 Girl Who Spun Gold, The Hamilton, Virginia 3.3 0.5 Girl with the Silver Eyes, The Roberts, Willo Davis 5.3 7.0 Girlfriend, The Stine, R.L. 4.1 5.0 Colman, Penny 7.4 6.0 Brashares, Ann 4.5 10.0 Thimmesh, Catherine 7.4 2.0 Greenwald, Sheila 3.8 1.0 Giver, The Lowry, Lois 5.7 7.0 Giving Tree, The Silverstein, Shel 2.6 0.5 Glaciers Sexton, Colleen 2.6 0.5 Glaciers (New True Books) Georges, D.V. 3.9 0.5 Glass (Material World) Llewellyn, Claire 4.8 0.5 Global Space Programs Asimov, Isaac 6.6 0.5 Global Warming Morris, Neil 9.0 2.0 Glorious Flight: Across the Channel with Louis Blériot, The Provensen, Alice/Martin 2.6 0.5 Glorious Grasses: The Grains Hughes, Meredith Sayles 8.1 3.0 Glory Field, The Myers, Walter Dean 5.0 12.0 Gnome from Nome (Original Text), The Cosgrove, Stephen 4.7 0.5 Go Big or Go Home Hobbs, Will 4.7 6.0 Girls: A History of Growing up Female in America Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood Girls Think of Everything: Stories of...Inventions by Women Give Us a Great Big Smile, Rosy Cole 9609 EN 9312 EN 69050 EN 101638 EN 59877 EN 24677 EN 122074 EN 45240 EN 53934 EN 40650 EN 125559 EN 169 EN 14450 EN 31762 EN 170 EN 12991 EN 51160 EN 15085 EN 41502 EN 20305 EN 115267 EN 17567 EN Go Eat Worms Stine, R.L. 3.7 3.0 Gowith Words Dobkin, Bonnie 1.1 0.5 Goat in the Rug, The Blood/Link 3.9 0.5 Goat Lady, The Bregoli, Jane 4.6 0.5 Goats Murray, Julie 2.7 0.5 Goats (Farms Animals) Hansen, Anne Larkin 4.1 0.5 Gods of Manhattan Mebus, Scott 4.5 12.0 Goggles! Keats, Ezra Jack 1.8 0.5 Goin' Someplace Special McKissack, Patricia C. 4.3 0.5 Going for Gold! Donkin, Andrew 5.6 1.0 3.0 1.0 4.4 6.0 Going, Going, Gone! with the Pain and the Blume, Judy Great One Going Home Mohr, Nicholasa Going Home Bunting, Eve 2.7 0.5 Going to the Dentist (Dental Health) Frost, Helen 2.1 0.5 Gold Cadillac, The Taylor, Mildred D. 4.1 1.0 Gold Dust Letters, The Lisle, Janet Taylor 4.4 3.0 Goldberg: Pro Wrestler Bill Goldberg Burgan, Michael 4.4 0.5 Golden Compass, The Pullman, Philip 7.1 19.0 Golden Egg Book, The Brown, Margaret Wise 2.2 0.5 Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles, The Colum, Padraic 7.3 13.0 Golden Girls Morgan, Melissa J. 4.3 4.0 Golden Glove, The Bowen, Fred 4.1 2.0 20316 EN 78203 EN 27764 EN 119101 EN 64174 EN 72124 EN 52317 EN 82165 EN 75105 EN 121613 EN 224 EN 129964 EN 534 EN 6067 EN 6466 EN 118891 EN 14265 EN 103583 EN 32 EN 115900 EN 61516 EN 44645 EN Golden Goblet, The McGraw, Eloise Jarvis 6.3 11.0 Golden Hour, The Williams, Maiya 5.1 9.0 Golden Retrievers (Dogs) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.7 0.5 Goldendoodles Wheeler, Jill C. 4.4 0.5 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Marshall, James 3.1 0.5 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Aylesworth, Jim 4.1 0.5 Golem Wisniewski, David 4.3 0.5 Golem's Eye, The Stroud, Jonathan 5.9 24.0 Golf Ditchfield, Christin 5.5 0.5 Gollywhopper Games, The Feldman, Jody 3.9 6.0 GoneAway Lake Enright, Elizabeth 5.3 7.0 Gone with the Wand Palatini, Margie 2.8 0.5 Gone with the Wind Mitchell, Margaret 7.1 71.0 GoodBye Book, The Viorst, Judith 1.9 0.5 Goodbye, Chicken Little Byars, Betsy 4.4 3.0 Good Enough To Eat Cole, Brock 4.1 0.5 Good Girl, Gracie Growler Offen, Hilda 2.1 0.5 Good Luck Charlie Kramer, Jennifer E. 0.9 0.5 Good Master, The Seredy, Kate Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! Voices from a Schlitz, Laura Amy Medieval Village 4.4 5.0 5.6 2.0 Good Morning, Gorillas Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 GoodNight, Owl! Hutchins, Pat 2.1 0.5 63000 EN 58467 EN 8524 EN 101639 EN 75293 EN 7218 EN 73116 EN 28321 EN 59878 EN 70383 EN 13022 EN 45810 EN 105737 EN 115805 EN 46621 EN 118786 EN 121418 EN 89144 EN 124842 EN 30017 EN 42819 EN Good Night's Sleep (Rookie ReadAbout Health), A Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don't Let the Bedbugs Bite! Gordon, Sharon 1.9 0.5 deGroat, Diane 2.9 0.5 Good, the Bad, and the Goofy, The Scieszka, Jon 3.8 1.0 Good, the Bad, and the Very Slimy, The Stine, R.L. 3.1 1.0 Good Things Come in Small Packages Mazer, Anne 3.5 2.0 Goodnight Moon Brown, Margaret Wise 1.8 0.5 Goose Girl, The Hale, Shannon 5.9 14.0 Goose's Gold, The Roy, Ron 3.3 1.0 Gorillas Murray, Julie 3.6 0.5 Gorillas and Their Infants Hall, Margaret 2.3 0.5 Gorillas (Monkey Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.4 0.5 Gorillas (The Untamed World) MillerSchroeder, Patricia 7.5 2.0 Gossamer Lowry, Lois 4.4 4.0 Got Cake? Stine, R.L. 3.0 1.0 Got You! Hines, Anna Grossnickle 1.2 0.5 Grab a Seat at the Periodic Table! A Chemical Mystery Strom, Laura Layton 5.4 1.0 Grace for President DiPucchio, Kelly 4.6 0.5 Grace's Twist Morgan, Melissa J. 4.3 5.0 Graceling Cashore, Kristin 5.3 18.0 Gracias the Thanksgiving Turkey Cowley, Joy 2.8 0.5 Graduation of Jake Moon, The Park, Barbara 4.5 4.0 36810 EN 28436 EN 26271 EN 11648 EN 7570 EN 17315 EN 171 EN 10229 EN 46622 EN 78928 EN 71753 EN 5983 EN 80268 EN 2941 EN 43995 EN 110586 EN 102033 EN 125535 EN 143870 EN 13067 EN 74740 EN Grain Group (The Food Guide Pyramid), The Frost, Helen 2.2 0.5 Grand Canyon: Exploring a Natural Wonder Minor, Wendell 6.0 0.5 Grand Slam Trivia Adelson, Bruce 6.3 0.5 Grandad Bill's Song Yolen, Jane 2.4 0.5 Grandfather's Journey Say, Allen 3.6 0.5 Grandfather Tang's Story Tompert, Ann 3.7 0.5 Grandmother for the Orphelines, A Carlson, Natalie 4.7 2.0 Grandpa's Mountain Reeder, Carolyn 5.3 7.0 Grandpa's Quilt Franco, Betsy 1.4 0.5 Grandparent Poems Micklos Jr., John 4.3 0.5 Grape Thief/Cuss Franklin, Kristine L. 4.2 8.0 Grapes of Wrath, The Steinbeck, John 4.9 25.0 Grasshoppers (Animal Kingdom) Murray, Julie 3.3 0.5 Grasslands (Closer Look At) Behar, Susie 6.6 0.5 Grasslands (Ecosystems) Wilkins, Sally 4.2 0.5 Grateful Fred, The Trine, Greg 3.8 1.0 Grave Shadows Jenkins, Jerry B. 4.4 4.0 Graveyard Book, The Gaiman, Neil 5.1 10.0 Gravity Check Van Tol, Alex 3.8 4.0 Gray Whales (Whale Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 3.8 0.5 Gray Wolf (Animals of the World) Eckart, Edana 1.4 0.5 16811 EN 16812 EN 16813 EN 16814 EN 16815 EN 16816 EN 16817 EN 16818 EN 16819 EN 16820 EN 16821 EN 16822 EN 10910 EN 75342 EN 10468 EN 469 EN 18720 EN 9313 EN 28994 EN 89780 EN 14532 EN Great African Americans in Business Rediger, Pat 6.9 2.0 Great African Americans in Civil Rights Rediger, Pat 6.7 2.0 Great African Americans in Entertainment Rediger, Pat 6.5 2.0 Great African Americans in Film Parker, Janice 6.7 2.0 Great African Americans in Government Dudley, Karen 6.8 2.0 Great African Americans in History Hacker, Carlotta 6.1 1.0 Great African Americans in Jazz Hacker, Carlotta 6.2 2.0 Great African Americans in Literature Rediger, Pat 6.4 2.0 Great African Americans in Music Rediger, Pat 6.4 2.0 Great African Americans in Sports Rediger, Pat 6.6 2.0 Great African Americans in the Arts Hacker, Carlotta 6.1 2.0 Great African Americans in the Olympics Hunter, Shaun 6.6 2.0 Great American Elephant Chase, The Cross, Gillian 4.7 9.0 Great and Terrible Beauty, A Bray, Libba 5.1 14.0 Great Big Especially Beautiful Easter Egg Stevenson, James 2.2 0.5 Great Brain at the Academy, The Fitzgerald, John D. 5.8 6.0 Great Brain Does It Again, The Fitzgerald, John D. 5.0 5.0 Great Bug Hunt, The Dobkin, Bonnie 1.8 0.5 Great Conspiracies and Elaborate CoverUps Cohen, Daniel 9.3 4.0 Great Depression: A Primary Source History, The Schultz, Stanley 8.4 2.0 Great Fire, The Murphy, Jim 7.6 4.0 88641 EN 708 EN 12079 EN 8969 EN 116 EN 264 EN 6216 EN 29833 EN 6021 EN 12655 EN 6365 EN 26992 EN 32716 EN 31190 EN 64587 EN 88861 EN 12656 EN 6366 EN 141653 EN 59879 EN 13068 EN 12562 EN Great Fuzz Frenzy, The Stevens, Janet 1.9 0.5 Great Gatsby, The Fitzgerald, F. Scott 7.3 8.0 Great Getaway, The Cossi, Olga 2.7 0.5 Great Ghosts Cohen, Daniel 4.7 1.0 Great Gilly Hopkins, The Great Ideas of Lila Fenwick, The Paterson, Katherine McMullan, Kate 4.6 4.8 5.0 4.0 Great Kapok Tree, The Cherry, Lynne 3.8 0.5 Great Lakes (Ecosystems of North America), Katz, Sharon The 7.4 1.0 Great Little Madison, The Fritz, Jean 7.7 6.0 Great Migrations: 1880s1912, The Katz, William Loren 8.4 4.0 Great Northern Diver: The Loon Esbensen, Barbara Juster 5.2 0.5 Great Race, The Goble, Paul 3.7 0.5 Great Race, The Bouchard, David 5.0 0.5 Gregory, Kristiana 5.7 5.0 Miller, Debbie S. 5.6 1.0 Stine, R.L. 2.8 1.0 Great Society to the Reagan Era: 19641990, Katz, William Loren The 9.1 5.0 Great Summer Camp Catastrophe, The Leeuwen, Jean Van 3.7 5.0 Great Wall of Lucy Wu, The Shang, Wendy WanLong 4.6 8.0 Great White Sharks Murray, Julie 3.6 0.5 Great White Sharks (Shark Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 4.2 0.5 Great White Sharks (Sharks) Prevost, John F. 4.2 0.5 Great Railroad Race: The Diary of Libby West, The Great Serum Race: Blazing the Iditarod Trail, The Great Smelling Bee, The 13513 EN 45811 EN 125937 EN 31238 EN 74782 EN 11118 EN 36952 EN 116951 EN 470 EN 108326 EN 9021 EN 113112 EN 19786 EN 13864 EN 88381 EN 106347 EN 82278 EN 71754 EN 7372 EN 66937 EN 33 EN 52528 EN Great White Sharks: The Ocean's Most Deadly Killers Martin, James 5.1 0.5 Great White Sharks (The Untamed World) Levine, Marie 8.0 2.0 Great Wide Sea, The Herlong, M.H. 4.1 9.0 Greatest Generation, The Brokaw, Tom 8.6 19.0 Greece (Enchantment of the World) Heinrichs, Ann 7.1 3.0 Greek Temple, A MacDonald, Fiona 7.4 1.0 Green Bay Packers (NFL Today) Nichols, John 7.0 1.0 Green Bay Packers, The Stewart, Mark 5.6 1.0 Green Book, The Walsh, Jill Paton 5.5 2.0 Green Day: Keeping Their Edge Doeden, Matt 6.2 1.0 Green Eggs and Ham Seuss, Dr. 1.5 0.5 Green (Home Run), The Reichman, Justin 4.1 3.0 Green Mansions Hudson, W.H. 7.8 15.0 Green Thumbs, Everyone Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.0 1.0 Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods Collins, Suzanne 4.8 10.0 Gregor and the Marks of Secret Collins, Suzanne 5.0 9.0 Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane Collins, Suzanne 4.7 8.0 Gregor the Overlander Collins, Suzanne 4.8 8.0 Gregory, the Terrible Eater Sharmat, Mitchell 2.8 0.5 Grendel Gardner, John 5.9 6.0 Grey King, The Cooper, Susan 6.2 9.0 Greyhounds Meister, Cari 3.4 0.5 9215 EN 118255 EN 81705 EN 76340 EN 15928 EN 59880 EN 14319 EN 45812 EN 56307 EN 7316 EN 57292 EN 102595 EN 49317 EN 105415 EN 108565 EN 68847 EN 9569 EN 14266 EN 7613 EN 26921 EN 11467 EN Gridiron Scholar Gutman, Bill 4.1 3.0 Grigory Rasputin: Holy Man or Mad Monk? Goldberg, Enid A. 4.2 2.0 Grim Grotto, The Snicket, Lemony 6.5 8.0 Grim Tuesday Nix, Garth 6.0 10.0 Gristmill, The Kalman, Bobbie 5.3 0.5 Grizzly Bears Murray, Julie 3.1 0.5 Grizzly Bears (Nature's Children) Greenland, Caroline 5.1 0.5 Grizzly Bears (The Untamed World) Parker, Janice 7.2 1.0 Grizzly, The Johnson, Annabel/Edgar 4.9 4.0 Grizzwold Hoff, Syd 2.0 0.5 Ground Zero Louis, Nancy 6.9 1.0 Groundhog Gets a Say Swallow, Pamela Curtis 3.1 0.5 Groundwater (Our Endangered Planet) Hoff/Rodgers 7.0 1.0 Grover Cleveland: TwentySecond and TwentyFourth President Venezia, Mike 4.9 0.5 Grow Up, Dad! Dhami, Narinder 2.8 1.0 Growing Up Baker, Russell 6.9 15.0 Growing Vegetable Soup Ehlert, Lois 2.0 0.5 Grub E. Dog Newman, Al 1.6 0.5 Grumpy Pumpkins Delton, Judy 3.1 1.0 Guard the House, Sam! Simon, Charnan 1.4 0.5 Guests Dorris, Michael 5.2 3.0 48153 EN 116082 EN 64050 EN 49573 EN 507 EN 78148 EN 74783 EN 87588 EN 54185 EN 74534 EN 4848 EN 8719 EN 77203 EN 9770 EN 23608 EN 39869 EN 27007 EN 8527 EN 139500 EN 10612 EN 471 EN 65174 EN Guide Dog Puppy Grows Up, A Arnold, Caroline 5.5 1.0 Guilty! The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Gallagher, Diana G. 3.5 1.0 Guinea Pig Gang Baglio, Ben M. 3.3 2.0 Guinea Pigs (Nature Watch) Hansen, Elvig 5.5 1.0 Gulliver's Travels (Unabridged) Swift, Jonathan 13.5 25.0 Gun/Payback, The Langan, Paul 4.7 3.0 Guyana (Enchantment of the World) Morrison, Marion 8.0 4.0 Guys Write for Guys Read Scieszka, Jon 6.2 9.0 Gymnastics Ditchfield, Christin 5.6 0.5 Gymnastics Gutman, Dan 7.5 6.0 Gymnastics (HowTo Sports) Joseph, Paul 5.4 0.5 Gypsy Nussbaum, Al 3.1 1.0 Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog Turner, Pamela S. 4.2 0.5 Hail to Mail Marshak, Samuel 3.4 0.5 Hairy Maclary Scattercat Dodd, Lynley 2.7 0.5 Hairy, Scary, Ordinary: What Is an Adjective? Cleary, Brian P. 3.9 0.5 Haiti (Enchantment of the World) Hintz, Martin 7.0 3.0 HalfAMoon Inn, The Fleischman, Paul 5.7 3.0 Half Brother Oppel, Kenneth 4.4 13.0 Half & Half Dog, The Gross, Lisa 4.7 1.0 Half Magic Eager, Edward 5.0 5.0 Hallelujah Handel Cowling, Douglas 3.8 1.0 77059 EN 54186 EN 10469 EN 63007 EN 35977 EN 140347 EN 13069 EN 12563 EN 57137 EN 59881 EN 27758 EN 16636 EN 28995 EN 67694 EN 5367 EN 59978 EN 6367 EN 64150 EN 125812 EN 508 EN 19073 EN Halloween Kessel, Joyce K. 2.9 0.5 Halloween Rau, Dana Meachen 4.8 0.5 Halloween (Best Holiday Book) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.5 0.5 Halloween (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 2.5 0.5 Halmoni and the Picnic Choi, Sook Nyul 3.5 0.5 Halt's Peril Flanagan, John 5.8 17.0 Hammerhead Sharks (Shark Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 4.3 0.5 Hammerhead Sharks (Sharks) Prevost, John F. 4.0 0.5 Hamster in a Handbasket Baglio, Ben M. 4.3 4.0 Hamsters Murray, Julie 2.9 0.5 Hamsters and Gerbils (Popular Pet Care) Hansen, Ann Larkin 4.1 0.5 Hamsters (Pets) Miller, Michaela 4.2 0.5 Handbook of the Former Soviet Union Kort, Michael G. 10.3 12.0 Hang Gliding (XTreme Outdoors) Zeigler, Heidi 5.6 1.0 Hang Tough, Paul Mather Slote, Alfred 3.7 5.0 Hanging on to Max Bechard, Margaret 3.3 5.0 Hannah Whelan, Gloria 4.3 1.0 Hannah Mae O'Hannigan's Wild West Show Ernst, Lisa Campbell 4.7 0.5 Hannibal: Rome's Worst Nightmare Brooks, Philip 6.5 2.0 Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates Hans Christian Andersen: Prince of Storytellers Dodge, Mary Mapes 8.2 14.0 Greene, Carol 2.7 0.5 74454 EN 10471 EN 6004 EN 21169 EN 51283 EN 7674 EN 28893 EN 6422 EN 20697 EN 5016 EN 14620 EN 7571 EN 5017 EN 5018 EN 7220 EN 9022 EN 41963 EN 61757 EN 40593 EN 52407 EN 7270 EN Hansel and Gretel (Retold) Marshall, James 3.9 0.5 Hanukkah (Best Holiday Book) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.6 0.5 Happily After All Stevenson, Laura 4.1 9.0 Happily Ever After Quindlen, Anna 5.4 1.0 Happy Birthday! Gibbons, Gail 3.3 0.5 Happy Birthday, Addy Porter, Connie 4.3 1.0 Happy Birthday, Everywhere! Erlbach, Arlene 5.6 0.5 Happy Birthday, Felicity! Tripp, Valerie 4.2 1.0 Happy Birthday, Josefina! Tripp, Valerie 4.3 1.0 Happy Birthday, Kirsten! Shaw, Janet 4.0 1.0 Happy Birthday, Little Witch Hautzig, Deborah 2.7 0.5 Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King Marzollo, Jean 4.2 0.5 Happy Birthday, Molly! Tripp, Valerie 3.5 1.0 Happy Birthday, Samantha! Tripp, Valerie 3.7 1.0 Happy Birthday, Thomas! Awdry, W. 1.1 0.5 Happy Birthday to You! Seuss, Dr. 3.1 0.5 Happy Birthday to You, You Belong in a Zoo deGroat, Diane 3.0 0.5 Happy Birthday, Word Bird! Moncure, Jane Belk 1.5 0.5 Happy Easter, Little Critter Mayer, Mercer 2.3 0.5 Happy Hippopotami, The Jr., Bill Martin 3.8 0.5 Happy Mother's Day! Hautzig, Deborah 1.4 0.5 118243 EN 316 EN 135864 EN 71396 EN 45869 EN 114458 EN 118006 EN 76225 EN 226 EN 85017 EN 84680 EN 5332 EN 36001 EN 60700 EN 56667 EN 32081 EN 116230 EN 40670 EN 89154 EN 69785 EN 32082 EN 26759 EN Happy New Year, Julie McDonald, Megan 4.4 2.0 Happy Orpheline, The Carlson, Natalie Savage 4.8 2.0 Hardcourt Comeback Bowen, Fred 4.0 3.0 Hardy Boyz: Pro Wrestlers Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Kaelberer, Angie Peterson 5.0 1.0 Harlem Myers, Walter Dean 3.6 0.5 Harlem Summer Myers, Walter Dean 5.1 5.0 HarleyDavidson Motorcycles David, Jack 3.4 0.5 Harmonica, The Johnston, Tony 3.2 0.5 Harriet the Spy Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad Fitzhugh, Louise 4.5 8.0 Martin, Michael 3.7 0.5 Harriet Tubman: Conductor to Freedom Healy, Nick 4.0 0.5 Harris and Me Paulsen, Gary 5.7 5.0 Harry by the Sea Zion, Gene 2.9 0.5 Harry Houdini: Escape Artist and Master Magician Kent, Zachary 6.9 3.0 Harry Is Not Hairy Scheunemann, Pam 0.7 0.5 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Rowling, J.K. 6.7 14.0 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Rowling, J.K. 6.9 34.0 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Rowling, J.K. 6.8 32.0 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Rowling, J.K. 7.2 29.0 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Rowling, J.K. 7.2 44.0 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Rowling, J.K. 6.7 18.0 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Rowling, J.K. 5.5 12.0 115212 EN 17528 EN 172 EN 28938 EN 19221 EN 26639 EN 26272 EN 367 EN 11411 EN 126983 EN 7970 EN 51217 EN 47955 EN 5019 EN 109096 EN 5320 EN 31059 EN 14945 EN 9610 EN 14946 EN 109972 EN 119924 EN Harry S. Truman: ThirtyThird President Venezia, Mike 5.1 0.5 Harry the Dirty Dog Zion, Gene 3.1 0.5 Harvey's Horrible Snake Disaster Hasty Pudding, Johnnycakes, and Other Good Stuff Clifford, Eth 4.4 3.0 Ichord, Loretta Frances 6.9 1.0 Hat for Minerva Louise, A Stoeke, Janet Morgan 1.0 0.5 Hat, The Brett, Jan 2.6 0.5 Hat Trick Trivia Adelson, Bruce 6.3 1.0 Hatchet Paulsen, Gary 5.7 7.0 Hatchling Snyder, Midori 5.0 5.0 Hate That Cat Creech, Sharon 5.0 1.0 Hats are for Watering Horses Christian, Mary Blount 4.8 0.5 Hatshepsut, His Majesty, Herself Andronik, Catherine M. 7.7 1.0 Hattie and the Fox Fox, Mem 1.8 0.5 Hattie and the Wild Waves Cooney, Barbara 4.6 0.5 Hattie Big Sky Larson, Kirby 4.4 10.0 Haunted Cabin Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.0 2.0 Haunted Hotel, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 Haunted Mask II, The Stine, R.L. 3.3 3.0 Haunted Mask, The Stine, R.L. 3.8 3.0 Haunted School, The Stine, R.L. 3.0 3.0 Haunted Surfboard, The Masters, Anthony 3.4 1.0 Haunted! The Scary Life of David Mortimore Baxter Tayleur, Karen 3.6 1.0 88151 EN 9555 EN 317 EN 25061 EN 63242 EN 173 EN 7811 EN 12411 EN 26197 EN 17718 EN 12217 EN 7044 EN 15215 EN 1683 EN 117 EN 14947 EN 138353 EN 6165 EN 82439 EN 61191 EN 32752 EN 19124 EN Haunted Waters Jenkins, Jerry B. 4.5 4.0 Haunting in Williamsburg, A Kassem, Lou 3.9 3.0 Haunting of Grade Three, The Maccarone, Grace 3.8 1.0 Haunting, The Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.7 7.0 Have You Seen Birds? Oppenheim, Joanne 2.4 0.5 Have You Seen Hyacinth Macaw? Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.6 3.0 Hawaii (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.5 3.0 Hawaii (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.2 1.0 Hawaii (Hello U.S.A.) Johnston, Joyce 6.7 1.0 Hawk, I'm Your Brother Baylor, Byrd 3.6 0.5 Hawks for Kids/Hawk Magic for Kids Matteson, Sumner 5.4 0.5 Haymeadow, The Paulsen, Gary 5.4 6.0 He's My Brother Lasker, Joe 1.7 0.5 Head Lice Lassieur, Allison 4.5 1.0 Headless Cupid, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.3 8.0 Headless Ghost, The Stine, R.L. 3.2 2.0 Healing Spell, The Little, Kimberley Griffiths 5.0 9.0 Health (New True Books) Jacobsen, Karen 2.8 0.5 Healthy Sexuality Kemp, Kristen 7.1 2.0 Hearing (Rookie ReadAbout Health) Gordon, Sharon 1.7 0.5 Hearing (The Senses) Frost, Helen 1.4 0.5 Hearing Things Fowler, Allan 2.3 0.5 8571 EN 13843 EN 19884 EN 119957 EN 20269 EN 106285 EN 112903 EN 26866 EN 27949 EN 64036 EN 9666 EN 5420 EN 44037 EN 509 EN 13620 EN 62559 EN 116753 EN 55814 EN 24492 EN 34986 EN 7421 EN Heart of a Champion Deuker, Carl 4.2 8.0 Heart of a Tiger Arnold, Marsha 4.3 0.5 Heart of a Woman, The Angelou, Maya 5.6 15.0 Heart to Heart Perelman, Helen 4.2 3.0 Hearts, Cupids, and Red Roses: The Story of Barth, Edna Valentine Symbols 6.8 2.0 Heat Lupica, Mike 5.3 9.0 Heat Wave Spinelli, Eileen 2.9 0.5 Heat Waves and Droughts Burby, Liza N. 4.4 0.5 Heaven Johnson, Angela 4.7 3.0 Heavenly Village, The Rylant, Cynthia 5.4 2.0 Hedgehog Bakes a Cake Macdonald, Maryann 2.2 0.5 Hedgehogs in the Closet Carris, Joan 4.2 4.0 Hedgie's Surprise Brett, Jan 3.5 0.5 Heidi Spyri, Johanna 8.2 16.0 Heidi (Bloomsbury) Spyri, Johanna 8.2 17.0 Heir Apparent Velde, Vivian Vande 5.6 11.0 Helen Keller: Her Life In Pictures Sullivan, George 5.2 1.0 Helen Keller (In Their Own Words) Sullivan, George 5.3 2.0 Helen Keller (Lives and Times) Woodhouse, Jayne 3.2 0.5 Helen Keller's Teacher Davidson, Margaret 4.3 4.0 Helicopters (New True Books) Petersen, David 4.7 0.5 120112 EN 46623 EN 88393 EN 6518 EN 5020 EN 265 EN 115909 EN 472 EN 62187 EN 65912 EN 28296 EN 13793 EN 62188 EN 31539 EN 66132 EN 6726 EN 13761 EN 39899 EN 1526 EN 266 EN 82322 EN 24965 EN Hello, Bumblebee Bat Lunde, Darrin 1.9 0.5 Hello, Doctor Marx, David F. 0.2 0.5 Hello, Goodbye Window, The Juster, Norton 3.4 0.5 Hello, Mallory Martin, Ann M. 3.7 3.0 Hello, Mrs. PiggleWiggle MacDonald, Betty 5.2 4.0 Hello, My Name Is Scrambled Eggs Gilson, Jamie 4.0 4.0 Help! A Story of Friendship Keller, Holly 2.3 0.5 Help! I'm a Prisoner in the Library Clifford, Eth 4.0 2.0 Help! I'm Trapped in an Alien's Body Strasser, Todd 4.0 3.0 Help! I'm Trapped In My Principal's Body Strasser, Todd 3.9 3.0 Help! I'm Trapped in My Sister's Body Strasser, Todd 3.4 3.0 Help! I'm Trapped in My Teacher's Body Strasser, Todd 3.6 3.0 Help! I'm Trapped in Obedience School Strasser, Todd 3.3 3.0 Help! I'm Trapped in the First Day of School Strasser, Todd 3.4 3.0 Help! I'm Trapped in the President's Body Strasser, Todd 4.1 3.0 Helping Hands Haldane, Suzanne 6.2 1.0 Hen Lake Auch, Mary Jane 3.2 0.5 Henny Penny Galdone, Paul 3.2 0.5 Henri Matisse Venezia, Mike 5.0 0.5 Henry and Beezus Henry and Mudge and a Very Merry Christmas Cleary, Beverly 4.6 4.0 Rylant, Cynthia 2.9 0.5 Henry and Mudge and Annie's Good Move Rylant, Cynthia 2.3 0.5 35182 EN 68254 EN 6070 EN 17529 EN 107040 EN 16390 EN 14999 EN 77594 EN 87210 EN 6119 EN 13396 EN 17530 EN 32441 EN 19222 EN 63722 EN 101934 EN 73209 EN 9477 EN 7320 EN 17532 EN 15000 EN Henry and Mudge and Annie's Perfect Pet Rylant, Cynthia 2.3 0.5 Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House Rylant, Cynthia 2.8 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps Rylant, Cynthia 2.6 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Best Day of All Rylant, Cynthia 2.6 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Big Sleepover Rylant, Cynthia 2.5 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin Rylant, Cynthia 2.1 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea Rylant, Cynthia 2.5 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Funny Lunch Rylant, Cynthia 2.7 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas Rylant, Cynthia 2.6 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat Rylant, Cynthia 2.7 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend Rylant, Cynthia 2.4 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers Rylant, Cynthia 2.5 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Plan Rylant, Cynthia 2.5 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night Rylant, Cynthia 2.2 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Tall Tree House Rylant, Cynthia 2.1 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Tumbling Trip Rylant, Cynthia 2.4 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Wild Goose Chase Rylant, Cynthia 2.2 0.5 Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind Rylant, Cynthia 2.3 0.5 Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble Rylant, Cynthia 2.5 0.5 Henry and Mudge in the Family Trees Rylant, Cynthia 2.6 0.5 Henry and Mudge in the Green Time Rylant, Cynthia 2.4 0.5 12752 EN 12753 EN 7572 EN 417 EN 418 EN 60701 EN 12023 EN 54310 EN 34 EN 35 EN 36 EN 6472 EN 473 EN 113369 EN 88729 EN 125813 EN 126360 EN 14923 EN 109442 EN 318 EN 32513 EN 319 EN 34949 EN 107488 EN Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days Rylant, Cynthia 2.8 0.5 Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test Rylant, Cynthia 2.4 0.5 2.7 0.5 4.6 5.1 3.0 4.0 Henry and Mudge: The First Book of Their Rylant, Cynthia Adventures Henry and Ribsy Cleary, Beverly Henry and the Clubhouse Cleary, Beverly Henry Ford: Building Cars for Everyone McCarthy, Pat 7.5 4.0 Henry Goes West Quackenbush, Robert 2.3 0.5 Henry Hudson (Watts Library) Santella, Andrew 5.7 1.0 Henry Huggins Henry Reed, Inc. Henry Reed's BabySitting Service Cleary, Beverly Robertson, Keith Robertson, Keith 4.7 5.5 5.1 3.0 8.0 6.0 Henry Reed's Journey Robertson, Keith 5.5 7.0 Henry Reed's Think Tank Robertson, Keith 5.6 7.0 Henry's Freedom Box Levine, Ellen 3.0 0.5 Henry & the Buccaneer Bunnies Crimi, Carolyn 3.8 0.5 Henry VIII: Royal Beheader Price, Sean Stewart 5.8 2.0 Her Mother's Face Doyle, Roddy 3.4 0.5 Her Stories: African American Folktales, Fairy Tales... Hamilton, Virginia 4.6 3.0 Herbert Hoover: ThirtyFirst President Venezia, Mike 5.3 0.5 Herbie Jones Kline, Suzy 3.5 2.0 Herbie Jones and Hamburger Head Kline, Suzy 3.4 2.0 Herbie Jones and the Class Gift Kline, Suzy 3.4 1.0 Hercules Burleigh, Robert 3.5 0.5 Hercules: The Twelve Labors Storrie, Paul D. 3.6 1.0 20349 EN 32661 EN 62825 EN 474 EN 40629 EN 105948 EN 82163 EN 79165 EN 4747 EN 20114 EN 139482 EN 41459 EN 227 EN 58232 EN 109470 EN 4739 EN 11636 EN 42030 EN 11174 EN 109809 EN 56434 EN Here Come the Bridesmaids! Martin, Ann M. 3.4 4.0 Here Comes the BrandNew Me Carroll, Jacqueline 3.7 3.0 Here Comes Trouble Brimner, Larry Dane 1.1 0.5 Here Comes Zelda Claus and Other Holiday Hall, Lynn Disasters 4.6 3.0 Here's a Penny Haywood, Carolyn 3.8 2.0 Here's Looking at Me: How Artists See Themselves Raczka, Bob 5.7 0.5 Here Today Martin, Ann M. 4.9 9.0 Heretics of Dune Herbert, Frank 6.2 26.0 Hernando de Soto and the Explorers of the American South Whitman, Sylvia 9.7 5.0 Hero Rottman, S.L. 4.4 7.0 Hero Lupica, Mike 4.6 8.0 Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich, A Childress, Alice 5.6 5.0 Hero and the Crown, The McKinley, Robin 7.0 15.0 Hero over Here Kudlinski, Kathleen V. 4.0 1.0 Hero Revealed, The Boniface, William 6.1 8.0 Herodotus and the Explorers of the Classical Gaines, Ann Graham Age 9.6 3.0 Heroin Smith, Sandra Lee 6.4 1.0 Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins Kimmel, Eric A. 3.0 0.5 Hey, Al Yorinks, Arthur 2.1 0.5 Hey Batta Batta Swing! The Wild Old Days Cook, Sally of Baseball 5.8 1.0 Hey Kid, Want to Buy a Bridge? 3.9 1.0 Scieszka, Jon 31673 EN 9314 EN 101305 EN 55161 EN 48063 EN 111900 EN 77125 EN 5620 EN 7373 EN 32872 EN 114223 EN 37 EN 4465 EN 120718 EN 54051 EN 58755 EN 82448 EN 68287 EN 110101 EN 113113 EN 7374 EN Hi, Cat! Keats, Ezra Jack 1.8 0.5 Hi, Clouds Greene, Carol 0.5 0.5 Hi, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd 1.5 0.5 Hiawatha Longfellow/Jeffers 5.2 0.5 Hickory Chair, The Fraustino, Lisa Rowe 4.3 0.5 Hidden Riches Jenkins, Jerry B. 3.9 4.0 Hidden Roots Bruchac, Joseph 4.8 3.0 Hidden Staircase, The Keene, Carolyn 5.5 6.0 Hide and Seek Fog Tresselt, Alvin 4.3 0.5 HideandSeek Word Bird Moncure, Jane Belk 1.2 0.5 Hide and Shriek Morgan, Melissa J. 4.2 8.0 High King, The Alexander, Lloyd 6.1 11.0 HighSpeed Boats (Need for Speed) Bornhoft, Simon 5.4 0.5 HighSpeed Thrills: Acceleration and Velocity Lepora, Nathan 4.8 0.5 High Speed Trains Cefrey, Holly 5.7 1.0 HighSpeed Trains (The Need for Speed) Maynard, Christopher 6.2 1.0 HighTech Inventions: A Chapter Book Packard, Mary 4.8 0.5 High Tide in Hawaii Osborne, Mary Pope 3.4 1.0 Higher Power of Lucky, The Patron, Susan 5.9 5.0 Highest Stand (Home Run), The Campbell, Tonie 4.8 4.0 Hill of Fire Lewis, Thomas P. 2.9 0.5 9918 EN 88410 EN 60480 EN 19459 EN 77376 EN 13023 EN 130527 EN 10036 EN 49694 EN 84941 EN 1845 EN 61478 EN 61479 EN 61480 EN 52048 EN 61481 EN 52049 EN 61482 EN 52050 EN 52051 EN 61483 EN Hillary Rodham Clinton: First Lady LeVert, Suzanne 6.7 1.0 Himalayan Cats Furstinger, Nancy 4.2 0.5 Hindenburg: The Fiery Crash of a German Airship, The Deady, Kathleen W. 4.8 0.5 Hip Cat London, Jonathan 3.3 0.5 HippoNotAmus, The Payne, Tony 3.2 0.5 Hippopotamus (African Animals Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.9 0.5 Hired or Fired? The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Gallagher, Diana G. 3.4 1.0 Hiroshima Hersey, John 8.4 9.0 History of Basketball for Girls and Women: Lannin, Joanne From...Leagues, A 8.5 6.0 History of NASCAR, The Schaefer, A.R. 4.4 0.5 History of Rock and Roll, The Shirley, David 9.4 7.0 History of the Anaheim Angels, The Stewart, Wayne 6.8 0.5 History of the Arizona Diamondbacks (Revised Edition), The Nichols, John 6.5 0.5 History of the Atlanta Braves, The Stewart, Wayne 6.7 0.5 History of the Atlanta Hawks, The Nichols, John 6.7 0.5 History of the Baltimore Orioles, The Nichols, John 6.9 0.5 History of the Boston Celtics, The Nichols, John 6.7 0.5 History of the Boston Red Sox, The Frisch, Aaron 6.1 0.5 History of the Charlotte Hornets, The Nichols, John 6.9 0.5 History of the Chicago Bulls, The Nichols, John 6.7 0.5 History of the Chicago Cubs, The Frisch, Aaron 6.5 0.5 61484 EN 61485 EN 52052 EN 61486 EN 61487 EN 52053 EN 52054 EN 52055 EN 61488 EN 61489 EN 52056 EN 61490 EN 52057 EN 52058 EN 67686 EN 61491 EN 52059 EN 61492 EN 52060 EN 53282 EN 52061 EN History of the Chicago White Sox, The Stewart, Wayne 6.6 0.5 History of the Cincinnati Reds, The Stewart, Wayne 6.3 0.5 History of the Cleveland Cavaliers, The Nichols, John 6.9 0.5 History of the Cleveland Indians, The Stewart, Wayne 6.4 0.5 History of the Colorado Rockies, The Stewart, Wayne 6.3 0.5 History of the Dallas Mavericks, The Frisch, Aaron 6.5 0.5 History of the Denver Nuggets, The Frisch, Aaron 6.6 0.5 History of the Detroit Pistons, The Frisch, Aaron 6.5 0.5 History of the Detroit Tigers, The Stewart, Wayne 6.5 0.5 History of the Florida Marlins (Revised Edition), The Nichols, John 6.6 0.5 History of the Golden State Warriors, The Frisch, Aaron 6.6 0.5 History of the Houston Astros (Revised Edition), The Goodman, Michael E. 6.3 0.5 History of the Houston Rockets, The Frisch, Aaron 6.6 0.5 History of the Indiana Pacers, The Frisch, Aaron 6.3 0.5 History of the Internet (Watts Library), The Sherman, Josepha 7.9 1.0 History of the Kansas City Royals, The Stewart, Wayne 6.6 0.5 History of the Los Angeles Clippers, The Frisch, Aaron 6.4 0.5 History of the Los Angeles Dodgers, The Stewart, Wayne 6.7 0.5 History of the Los Angeles Lakers, The Nichols, John 6.5 0.5 History of the Memphis Grizzlies, The Goodman, Michael E. 6.8 0.5 History of the Miami Heat, The Nichols, John 6.8 0.5 61493 EN 52062 EN 52063 EN 61494 EN 61495 EN 52064 EN 52065 EN 61496 EN 61497 EN 61498 EN 52066 EN 67687 EN 52067 EN 61499 EN 52068 EN 61500 EN 52069 EN 52070 EN 52071 EN 61501 EN 61502 EN History of the Milwaukee Brewers, The Frisch, Aaron 6.2 0.5 History of the Milwaukee Bucks, The Nichols, John 6.8 0.5 History of the Minnesota Timberwolves, The Nichols, John 6.9 0.5 History of the Minnesota Twins, The Frisch, Aaron 6.3 0.5 History of the Montreal Expos (Revised Edition), The Goodman, Michael E. 6.6 0.5 History of the New Jersey Nets, The Goodman, Michael E. 6.7 0.5 History of the New York Knicks, The Goodman, Michael E. 6.8 0.5 History of the New York Mets (Revised Edition), The Goodman, Michael E. 6.5 0.5 History of the New York Yankees, The Goodman, Michael E. 6.5 0.5 History of the Oakland Athletics, The Frisch, Aaron 6.6 0.5 History of the Orlando Magic, The Nichols, John 6.6 0.5 History of the Personal Computer (Watts Library), The Sherman, Josepha 7.8 1.0 History of the Philadelphia 76ers, The Goodman, Michael E. 6.8 0.5 History of the Philadelphia Phillies (Revised Goodman, Michael E. Edition), The 6.3 0.5 History of the Phoenix Suns, The Frisch, Aaron 6.1 0.5 History of the Pittsburgh Pirates, The Stewart, Wayne 6.4 0.5 History of the Portland Trail Blazers, The Frisch, Aaron 6.4 0.5 History of the Sacramento Kings, The Frisch, Aaron 6.4 0.5 History of the San Antonio Spurs, The Frisch, Aaron 6.8 0.5 History of the San Diego Padres (Revised Edtion), The Goodman, Michael E. 6.5 0.5 History of the San Francisco Giants, The Frisch, Aaron 6.3 0.5 61503 EN 52072 EN 61504 EN 61505 EN 61506 EN 61507 EN 52073 EN 52074 EN 52075 EN 8228 EN 5705 EN 7109 EN 87191 EN 119489 EN 9880 EN 38 EN 34811 EN 511 EN 6423 EN 5224 EN 88455 EN 7730 EN History of the Seattle Mariners (Revised Edition), The Goodman, Michael E. 7.0 0.5 History of the Seattle SuperSonics, The Frisch, Aaron 6.5 0.5 6.3 0.5 6.8 0.5 History of the St. Louis Cardinals (Revised Goodman, Michael E. Edtion), The History of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays Nichols, John (Revised Edition), The History of the Texas Rangers, The Frisch, Aaron 6.8 0.5 History of the Toronto Blue Jays, The Goodman, Michael E. 6.3 0.5 History of the Toronto Raptors, The Frisch, Aaron 6.8 0.5 History of the Utah Jazz, The Frisch, Aaron 6.4 0.5 History of the Washington Wizards, The Frisch, Aaron 6.8 0.5 Hit and Run Stine, R.L. 3.8 4.0 Hit and Run Holiday Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Adams, Douglas 6.6 8.0 Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow Bartoletti, Susan Campbell 7.8 6.0 Hitmen Triumph Brouwer, Sigmund 4.1 3.0 Hits and Misses Keene, Carolyn 5.2 7.0 Hitty: Her First Hundred Years Field, Rachel 7.1 11.0 Hive for the Honeybee, A Lally, Soinbhe 6.2 5.0 Hobbit, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.6 16.0 Hobie Hanson, Greatest Hero of the Mall Gilson, Jamie 4.1 4.0 Hobie Hanson, You're Weird Gilson, Jamie 4.5 5.0 Hobo Spiders Wheeler, Jill C. 4.8 0.5 Hoboken Chicken Emergency, The Pinkwater, Daniel 4.9 2.0 113100 EN 4849 EN 112392 EN 43238 EN 28081 EN 58631 EN 19650 EN 5573 EN 73215 EN 82137 EN 20270 EN 105378 EN 89757 EN 15929 EN 62560 EN 27091 EN 49077 EN 34830 EN 368 EN 35670 EN 49060 EN Hockey Dreams (Home Run) Conrad, Gil 4.0 3.0 Hockey (HowTo Sports) Joseph, Paul 4.7 0.5 Hockey Stars Shea, Therese 5.5 1.0 Hole Is to Dig, A Krauss, Ruth 2.1 0.5 Holes Sachar, Louis 4.6 7.0 Holiday Cooking Around the World (Revised Edition) Cornell, Kari A. 6.5 1.0 Holiday Horse Bryant, Bonnie 4.7 5.0 Holidays Around the World (New True Books) Greene, Carol 3.7 0.5 Hollow Kingdom, The Dunkle, Clare B. 5.6 11.0 Holly Bloom's Garden Ashman, Sarah 3.6 0.5 Holly, Reindeer, and Colored Lights Barth, Edna 6.6 2.0 Hollywood Holdup Jenkins, Jerry B. 4.2 4.0 Holocaust: A Primary Source History, The Bartel, Judy 8.8 2.0 Home Crafts Kalman, Bobbie 5.8 0.5 Home of the Braves Klass, David 6.1 12.0 Home Page (First Book) Lampton, Christopher 6.8 1.0 Home Run Kings Savage, Jeff 5.9 1.0 Home Run: The Story of Babe Ruth Burleigh, Robert 2.0 0.5 Homecoming Voigt, Cynthia 4.4 16.0 Homeless Bird Whelan, Gloria 5.3 5.0 Homelessness (Talking Points) Stearman, Kaye 7.2 2.0 13786 EN 39 EN 57612 EN 103771 EN 88401 EN 35034 EN 68137 EN 24987 EN 27031 EN 11015 EN 895 EN 26738 EN 113101 EN 19490 EN 126340 EN 120552 EN 61464 EN 9023 EN 31177 EN 44672 EN 5128 EN 41253 EN Homeplace Shelby, Anne 2.9 0.5 Homer Price McCloskey, Robert 6.6 4.0 Homes in Colonial America Thomas, Mark 1.7 0.5 Homework Machine, The Gutman, Dan 4.8 4.0 Honduran White Bats Wheeler, Jill C. 3.8 0.5 HonesttoGoodness Truth, The McKissack, Patricia C. 3.8 0.5 Honey, I Love: And Other Love Poems Greenfield, Eloise 3.5 0.5 Honey Makers, The Gibbons, Gail 4.8 0.5 Hong Kong (Cities of the World) Stein, R. Conrad 6.7 1.0 Hong Kong (Great Cities) Murphy, Wendy 9.3 1.0 Honk the Moose Stong, Phil 4.6 1.0 Honus and Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.3 3.0 Hoop City (Home Run) Blumenthal, Scott 3.9 4.0 Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! Seuss/Prelutsky 3.8 0.5 Hooray for Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd 1.6 0.5 Hooray for Reading Day! Cuyler, Margery 2.4 0.5 Hoot Hiaasen, Carl 5.2 9.0 Hop on Pop Seuss, Dr. 1.5 0.5 Hope's Crossing Goodman, Joan Elizabeth 5.2 7.0 Hope Was Here Bauer, Joan 5.1 6.0 Hopi (New True Books), The Tomchek, Ann 4.5 0.5 Horizontal Man, The Dahl, Michael 4.6 7.0 78796 EN 6270 EN 6272 EN 487 EN 14948 EN 612 EN 9667 EN 19642 EN 19480 EN 19477 EN 43672 EN 7222 EN 19625 EN 19604 EN 19648 EN 19602 EN 19649 EN 20720 EN 10575 EN 10576 EN 19478 EN 30664 EN Horned Dinosaurs Lessem, Don 4.0 0.5 Horrible Harry and the Ant Invasion Kline, Suzy 3.1 1.0 Horrible Harry and the Green Slime Kline, Suzy 3.3 1.0 Horrible Harry in Room 2B Kline, Suzy 3.2 0.5 Horror at Camp Jellyjam, The Stine, R.L. 3.2 3.0 Horse and His Boy, The Lewis, C.S. 5.8 8.0 Horse Called Starfire, A Boegehold, Betty 2.8 0.5 Horse Capades Bryant, Bonnie 5.0 5.0 Horse Care Bryant, Bonnie 4.5 5.0 Horse Guest Bryant, Bonnie 4.7 5.0 Horse Heroes:True Stories of Amazing Horses Petty, Kate 5.7 1.0 Horse in Harry's Room, The Hoff, Syd 2.3 0.5 Horse Magic Bryant, Bonnie 4.9 5.0 Horse Power Bryant, Bonnie 4.8 5.0 Horse Race Bryant, Bonnie 4.6 5.0 Horse Shy Bryant, Bonnie 4.7 4.0 Horse Talk Bryant, Bonnie 4.2 4.0 Horse Thief Bryant, Bonnie 5.2 4.0 Horse Trade Bryant, Bonnie 5.0 4.0 Horse Trouble Bryant, Bonnie 5.2 4.0 Horse Whispers Bryant, Bonnie 4.3 5.0 Horsecatcher, The Sandoz, Mari 6.8 10.0 19482 EN 19617 EN 16217 EN 47367 EN 13070 EN 5472 EN 9024 EN 8572 EN 5760 EN 53273 EN 4594 EN 6695 EN 87582 EN 267 EN 117628 EN 26922 EN 60565 EN 5906 EN 14863 EN 5984 EN 25835 EN Horseflies Bryant, Bonnie 4.5 5.0 Horsenapped Bryant, Bonnie 4.8 4.0 Horses (Crabapples) Everts/Kalman 4.4 0.5 Horses (Early Bird Nature Books) Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 3.7 0.5 Horses (Farm Animal Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.9 0.5 Horton Hatches the Egg Seuss, Dr. 3.1 0.5 Horton Hears a Who! Seuss, Dr. 3.3 0.5 Hostage, The Taylor, Theodore 5.2 6.0 Hostages of Hate Dixon, Franklin W. 4.6 4.0 Hostile Hospital, The Snicket, Lemony 6.9 6.0 Hot Air Ballooning (Action Sports) Costanzo, Christie 5.3 1.0 HotAir Henry Calhoun, Mary 3.6 0.5 2.9 0.5 4.2 3.0 Hot Air: The Mostly True Story...First Hot Priceman, Marjorie Air Balloon Ride Hot and Cold Summer, The Hurwitz, Johanna Hot Hand Lupica, Mike 5.0 4.0 Hot Rod Harry Petrie, Catherine 0.5 0.5 Hotel for Dogs Duncan, Lois 4.7 5.0 Houdini Box, The Selznick, Brian 5.0 0.5 Hound Heaven High, Linda Oatman 5.2 5.0 Hound of the Baskervilles (Unabridged), The Doyle, Arthur Conan 8.3 11.0 Hour of the Olympics Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 34579 EN 58951 EN 67942 EN 228 EN 40 EN 47131 EN 108038 EN 61393 EN 60447 EN 76226 EN 6368 EN 5667 EN 80960 EN 49576 EN 14418 EN 108504 EN 613 EN 13593 EN 13595 EN 21652 EN 126588 EN 51284 EN House for Hermit Crab, A Carle, Eric 3.7 0.5 House Is a House for Me, A Hoberman, Mary Ann 2.6 0.5 4.9 9.0 4.8 5.5 9.0 6.0 House of Dies Drear, The House of Sixty Fathers, The Cusick, Richie Tankersley Hamilton, Virginia Jong, Meindert De House of Stairs Sleator, William 6.3 7.0 House of the Red Fish Salisbury, Graham 3.7 8.0 House of the Scorpion, The Farmer, Nancy 5.1 15.0 House of Thirty Cats, The Calhoun, Mary 4.8 7.0 House of Wings, The Byars, Betsy 4.5 4.0 House on Maple Street, The Pryor, Bonnie 3.8 0.5 House on the Cliff, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.4 5.0 House on the Gulf, The Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.9 8.0 House Sparrows Everywhere (Nature Watch) Arnold, Caroline 6.1 1.0 House That Drac Built, The Sierra, Judy 4.1 0.5 House With No Name, The Goodhart, Pippa 3.4 1.0 House Without a Christmas Tree, The Rock, Gail 4.9 3.0 Houses of Bark Shemie, Bonnie 6.3 1.0 Houses of Hide and Earth Shemie, Bonnie 5.7 0.5 How a Book Is Made Aliki 3.3 0.5 How a Caterpillar Grows Into a Butterfly Kant, Tanya 4.1 0.5 How a House Is Built Gibbons, Gail 3.7 0.5 House Next Door, The 16749 EN 126589 EN 16220 EN 65077 EN 13867 EN 57455 EN 20503 EN 13816 EN 68813 EN 43230 EN 134048 EN 63216 EN 120613 EN 19129 EN 19131 EN 19570 EN 68581 EN 71622 EN 10947 EN 14949 EN 121531 EN How a Seed Grows Jordan, Helene J. 2.6 0.5 How an Egg Grows Into a Chicken Kant, Tanya 3.5 0.5 How Animals Communicate (Crabapples) Kalman, Bobbie 5.3 0.5 How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightning Schanzer, Rosalyn 5.1 0.5 How Big Is a Foot? Myller, Rolf 4.0 0.5 How Big Is Big? Strauss, Stephen 4.2 0.5 How Books Are Made Raatma, Lucia 5.5 0.5 How Do Apples Grow? Maestro, Betsy 3.5 0.5 How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? Yolen, Jane 1.7 0.5 How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? Yolen, Jane 1.6 0.5 How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? Yolen, Jane 2.3 0.5 How Do Flies Walk Upside Down? Questions...About Insects Berger, Melvin/Gilda 4.3 1.0 How Do We Elect Our Leaders? Thomas, William David 5.5 1.0 How Do You Know It's Spring? Fowler, Allan 2.7 0.5 How Do You Know It's Winter? Fowler, Allan 2.5 0.5 How Droofus the Dragon Lost His Head Peet, Bill 4.6 0.5 How Groundhog's Garden Grew Cherry, Lynne 3.7 0.5 How I Became a Pirate Long, Melinda 3.1 0.5 How I Changed My Life Strasser, Todd 4.0 4.0 How I Got My Shrunken Head Stine, R.L. 3.2 3.0 How I Learned Geography Shulevitz, Uri 4.4 0.5 14950 EN 80148 EN 114095 EN 26923 EN 18678 EN 12134 EN 17319 EN 5516 EN 49486 EN 55162 EN 9025 EN 7068 EN 108499 EN 11770 EN 88564 EN 14990 EN 113799 EN 66301 EN 174 EN 14951 EN 66304 EN How I Learned to Fly Stine, R.L. 2.9 3.0 How I Live Now Rosoff, Meg 6.7 8.0 How It Happened in Peach Hill Jocelyn, Marthe 4.6 8.0 How Many Ants? Brimner, Larry Dane 1.1 0.5 How Many Days to America? A Thanksgiving Story Bunting, Eve 3.1 0.5 How Mountain Gorillas Live Harrison, Virginia 4.5 0.5 How Much Is a Million? Schwartz, David M. 3.4 0.5 How My Parents Learned to Eat Friedman, Ina 2.9 0.5 How Tall, How Short, How Faraway Adler, David A. 4.4 0.5 How the Camel Got His Hump Kipling, Rudyard 4.2 0.5 How the Grinch Stole Christmas Seuss, Dr. 3.0 0.5 How the West Was Won L'Amour, Louis 6.3 15.0 How to Be a Detective Mitchelhill, Barbara 3.8 1.0 How to Be a Nature Detective Selsam, Millicent E. 2.7 0.5 How to Be a Pirate Cowell, Cressida 6.5 5.0 How to Be Cool in the Third Grade Duffey, Betsy 3.5 1.0 How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse Cowell, Cressida 6.8 5.0 How to Conquer the Internet Lewis, Ian 6.6 1.0 How to Eat Fried Worms Rockwell, Thomas 3.5 2.0 How to Kill a Monster Stine, R.L. 2.9 2.0 How to Make a Million Morgan, Rowland 6.3 2.0 17989 EN 66306 EN 115455 EN 127694 EN 35680 EN 35681 EN 78100 EN 123531 EN 268 EN 5021 EN 9171 EN 75038 EN 7518 EN 269 EN 71395 EN 73390 EN 80259 EN 13071 EN 12565 EN 9771 EN 9026 EN 41 EN How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World Priceman, Marjorie 3.1 0.5 How to Save the Planet Taylor, Barbara 7.2 2.0 How to Steal a Dog O'Connor, Barbara 4.0 5.0 How to Survive a Flood Doeden, Matt 4.4 0.5 How to Talk to Your Cat George, Jean Craighead 4.2 0.5 How to Talk to Your Dog George, Jean Craighead 4.4 0.5 How to Train Your Dragon Cowell, Cressida 6.6 5.0 How to Twist a Dragon's Tale Cowell, Cressida 6.9 5.0 How Yossi Beat the Evil Urge Chaikin, Miriam 3.7 1.0 Howliday Inn Howe, James 4.0 4.0 Huan Ching and the Golden Fish Reeser, Michael 3.6 0.5 Hubble Space Telescope (Watts Library), The Carruthers, Margaret W. 7.3 1.0 Hucklebug (Original Text) Cosgrove, Stephen 3.8 0.5 Hugh Pine VanDeWetering, Jan Kaelberer, Angie Peterson 4.8 2.0 5.0 1.0 Humming Whispers Johnson, Angela 4.2 3.0 Hummingbirds Murray, Julie 2.7 0.5 Humpback Whales (Whale Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 3.6 0.5 Humpback Whales (Whales) Prevost, John F. 3.9 0.5 Humphrey the Lost Whale Tokuda, Wendy 3.7 0.5 Hunches in Bunches Seuss, Dr. 2.9 0.5 Hundred and One Dalmatians, The Smith, Dodie 5.4 7.0 Hulk Hogan: Pro Wrestler Terry Bollea 42 EN 320 EN 100943 EN 123740 EN 9315 EN 28732 EN 27702 EN 79166 EN 59345 EN 12135 EN 104775 EN 84870 EN 40651 EN 46214 EN 18253 EN 103071 EN 86563 EN 43 EN 108317 EN 75083 EN 13024 EN 50982 EN Hundred Dresses, The Estes, Eleanor Hundred Penny Box, The Mathis, Sharon Bell Hunger for Learning: A Story About Booker Swain, Gwenyth T. Washington, A 5.4 3.9 1.0 1.0 5.9 1.0 Hunger Games, The Collins, Suzanne 5.3 15.0 Hungry Billy Goat, The Milios, Rita 1.6 0.5 Hunter in the Dark Hughes, Monica 5.0 7.0 Hunterman and the Crocodile, The Diakité, Baba Wagué 4.0 0.5 Hunters of the Dusk Shan, Darren 5.7 6.0 Hunting of the Last Dragon, The Jordan, Sherryl 6.0 8.0 Hunting the Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Dixon, Dougal Animals 4.4 0.5 Hunting the Hunter Korman, Gordon 5.3 4.0 Hurricane Andrew Green, Jen 6.3 1.0 Hurricane Power Brouwer, Sigmund 3.7 3.0 Hurricanes Chambers, Catherine 7.8 1.0 Hurricanes: Earth's Mightiest Storms Lauber, Patricia 6.0 1.0 Hurricanes (Scholastic Library) Chambers, Catherine 5.5 0.5 Hurry and the Monarch O Flatharta, Antoine 4.6 0.5 Hurry Home, Candy Jong, Meindert De 5.0 7.0 Hurt Go Happy Rorby, Ginny 5.2 9.0 Hydroelectric Power Sherman, Josepha 4.4 0.5 Hyenas (African Animals Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.8 0.5 Hyenas: Hunters and Scavengers Richardson, Adele D. 2.5 0.5 78091 EN 141441 EN 141442 EN 141443 EN 141444 EN 9027 EN 118494 EN 141445 EN 141446 EN 105709 EN 5270 EN 14517 EN 8530 EN 32746 EN 63601 EN 62826 EN 62797 EN 68263 EN 68264 EN 68265 EN 63602 EN I Already Know I Love You Crystal, Billy 2.6 0.5 I Am a Good Citizen Hoffman, Mary Ann 1.9 0.5 I Am Helpful Goodman, Errol 1.7 0.5 I Am Honest Erroll, Mark 1.6 0.5 I Am Kind Concord, Juliet 1.4 0.5 I Am Not Going to Get Up Today! Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 I Am Rembrandt's Daughter Cullen, Lynn 4.4 9.0 I Am Respectful Joseph, Kurt 2.0 0.5 I Am Responsible National, Walt 2.1 0.5 I Am the Artist! Anderson, Dawn 0.6 0.5 I Am the Cheese Cormier, Robert 5.2 7.0 I Am the Ice Worm Easley, MaryAnn 4.5 4.0 I Am the Universe Corcoran, Barbara 4.1 4.0 I, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula 3.7 2.0 I Can Bowl Eckart, Edana 1.2 0.5 I Can Bowl! Johns, Linda 0.9 0.5 I Can Do It All Pearson, Mary E. 0.6 0.5 I Can Go Camping Eckart, Edana 1.0 0.5 I Can Go Fishing Eckart, Edana 0.8 0.5 I Can Go Hiking Eckart, Edana 1.2 0.5 I Can Ice Skate Eckart, Edana 1.1 0.5 63603 EN 63604 EN 63605 EN 68266 EN 68267 EN 68268 EN 63606 EN 47666 EN 102130 EN 12027 EN 17178 EN 77397 EN 136724 EN 9030 EN 65478 EN 5271 EN 5421 EN 101490 EN I Can Play Baseball Eckart, Edana 1.0 0.5 I Can Play Soccer Eckart, Edana 1.1 0.5 I Can Ride a Bike Eckart, Edana 1.1 0.5 I Can Skateboard Eckart, Edana 1.2 0.5 I Can Ski Eckart, Edana 1.3 0.5 I Can Snowboard Eckart, Edana 1.0 0.5 I Can Swim Eckart, Edana 1.0 0.5 I Capture the Castle Smith, Dodie 5.9 20.0 I, Coriander Gardner, Sally 5.5 10.0 I'd Like to Be Kroll, Steven 3.2 0.5 I Died Here (Pacemaker) Shea, George 3.0 1.0 I Face the Wind Cobb, Vicki 3.0 0.5 I Fooled You: Ten Stories of Tricks, Jokes, Hurwitz, Johanna and Switcheroos 4.1 3.0 I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew Seuss, Dr. 3.6 0.5 I Have a Dream King Jr., Martin Luther 7.2 0.5 I Heard the Owl Call My Name Craven, Margaret 6.0 6.0 I, Houdini Banks, Lynne Reid 6.2 5.0 I Is for Idea: An Inventions Alphabet Schonberg, Marcia 7.0 1.0 Treviño, Elizabeth Borton 6.5 de 7.0 Mayer, Mercer 2.0 0.5 Duncan, Lois 4.7 7.0 44 EN I, Juan de Pareja 7272 I Just Forgot EN 767 EN I Know What You Did Last Summer 8660 EN 475 EN 104869 EN 9316 EN 9317 EN 46624 EN 21256 EN 321 EN 44137 EN 32123 EN 47167 EN 270 EN 9478 EN 9479 EN 143177 EN 139514 EN 137694 EN 2922 EN 17624 EN 67482 EN 5422 EN 86278 EN I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Angelou, Maya 6.7 13.0 I'll Meet You at the Cucumbers Moore, Lilian 3.5 1.0 I Lost My Tooth In Africa Diakité, Penda 3.0 0.5 I Love Cats Matthias, Catherine 1.3 0.5 I Love Fishing Dobkin, Bonnie 0.7 0.5 I Love Rocks Meister, Cari 0.9 0.5 I Love You the Purplest Joosse, Barbara M. 3.4 0.5 I'm Going to Be Famous Birdseye, Tom 3.7 4.0 I'm New Here Howlett, Bud 3.7 0.5 I'm Sorry (Thoughts and Feelings) Riley, Susan 1.4 0.5 I Pledge Allegiance Swanson, June 4.9 0.5 I Should Worry, I Should Care Chaikin, Miriam 3.7 3.0 I Spy Funhouse Marzollo, Jean 3.3 0.5 I Spy Mystery Marzollo, Jean 3.2 0.5 I Survived: Hurricane Katrina, 2005 Tarshis, Lauren 4.0 2.0 I Survived: The Shark Attacks of 1916 Tarshis, Lauren 3.9 1.0 I Survived: The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 Tarshis, Lauren 3.9 1.0 I Thought I Heard 2.5 0.5 I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly: The Hansen, Joyce Diary of Patsy...Girl 5.0 5.0 I Want to Be a Librarian Liebman, Dan 2.1 0.5 I Want to Go Home! Korman, Gordon 4.3 6.0 I Was a NonBlonde Cheerleader Scott, Kieran 4.7 10.0 Baker, Alan 10525 EN 15221 EN 3049 EN 21396 EN 47369 EN 70834 EN 9318 EN 421 EN 60473 EN 5272 EN 61643 EN 115275 EN 88382 EN 74784 EN 12218 EN 79913 EN 105649 EN 7812 EN 12412 EN 26198 EN 60464 EN I Was So Mad Mayer, Mercer 1.6 0.5 I Was So Mad! Simon, Norma 2.5 0.5 I Went Walking Williams, Sue 0.7 0.5 Ibis: A True Whale Story Himmelman, John 3.4 0.5 Ice and the Earth Bundey, Nikki 5.1 0.5 IceCream Cones for Sale! Greenstein, Elaine 3.8 0.5 Ice Is...Whee! Greene, Carol 0.3 0.5 Ice Magic Christopher, Matt 4.8 2.0 Ice Mummies: Frozen in Time Kudalis, Eric 5.4 0.5 Iceberg Hermit, The Roth, Arthur 6.4 8.0 Icebergs and Glaciers Simon, Seymour 5.5 0.5 Icebound Land, The Flanagan, John 6.8 13.0 Icefire d'Lacey, Chris 4.4 10.0 Iceland (Enchantment of the World) Somervill, Barbara A. 7.5 3.0 Icelandic Ponies Schrenk, HansJorg 4.8 0.5 Ida B...and Her Plans to Maximize Fun...Save the World Hannigan, Katherine 5.3 5.0 Idaho Zollman, Pam 2.7 0.5 Idaho (America the Beautiful) Kent, Zachary 8.2 3.0 Idaho (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.4 1.0 Idaho (Hello U.S.A.) Pelta, Kathy 6.8 1.0 3.9 0.5 Iditarod: Story of the Last Great Race, The Young, Ian 101384 EN 9031 EN 69209 EN 9032 EN 77213 EN 9319 EN 54440 EN 175 EN 126509 EN 6072 EN 9570 EN 29210 EN 18476 EN 75275 EN 17321 EN 68538 EN 126119 EN 60905 EN 42602 EN 9516 EN 5022 EN If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Kantor, Melissa Prince? 5.2 10.0 If I Ran the Circus Seuss, Dr. 3.9 0.5 If I Ran the Rain Forest Worth, Bonnie 3.3 0.5 If I Ran the Zoo Seuss, Dr. 4.1 0.5 If I Were a Lion Weeks, Sarah 1.5 0.5 If I Were an Ant Moses, Amy 2.0 0.5 If the Shoe Fits Jackson, Alison 3.7 0.5 If You Didn't Have Me Nilsson, Ulf 4.2 3.0 If You Give a Cat a Cupcake Numeroff, Laura 2.4 0.5 If You Give a Moose a Muffin Numeroff, Laura 2.4 0.5 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Numeroff, Laura 2.7 0.5 If You Give a Pig a Pancake Numeroff, Laura 2.5 0.5 If You Grew up with Abraham Lincoln McGovern, Ann 4.4 1.0 If You Lived with the Iroquois Levine, Ellen 5.9 1.0 If You Made a Million Schwartz, David M. 4.1 0.5 If You're Happy and You Know It! Ormerod, Jan 3.0 0.5 If You're Reading This, It's Too Late Bosch, Pseudonymous 5.2 9.0 If You Take a Mouse to School Numeroff, Laura 2.4 0.5 If You Take a Mouse to the Movies Numeroff, Laura 2.1 0.5 If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon Levine, Ellen 5.2 1.0 Iggie's House 3.5 3.0 Blume, Judy 77013 EN 59883 EN 13119 EN 28579 EN 60988 EN 7813 EN 12413 EN 26199 EN 42587 EN 8531 EN 25971 EN 5517 EN 5423 EN 20232 EN 46089 EN 57064 EN 141331 EN 4868 EN 10292 EN 57065 EN 20953 EN Igraine the Brave Funke, Cornelia 5.6 7.0 Iguanas Murray, Julie 2.6 0.5 Iguanas (Reptile Discovery) Martin, Louise 4.1 0.5 Iktomi and the Boulder Goble, Paul 3.3 0.5 Illinois Fowler, Allan 2.6 0.5 Illinois (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.1 3.0 Illinois (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 5.0 1.0 Illinois (Hello U.S.A.) Anderson, Kathy P. 6.6 1.0 Illusion, The Applegate, K.A. 3.6 3.0 Illyrian Adventure, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.5 5.0 Immigrant Kids Freedman, Russell 6.9 1.0 Imogene's Antlers Small, David 2.6 0.5 Impy for Always Koller, Jackie French 3.5 1.0 Schwartz, Alvin 2.5 0.5 Steptoe, Javaka 3.1 0.5 In Fall al., NielsenBarsuhn et 3.1 0.5 In It to Win It Morgan, Melissa J. 4.1 5.0 InLine Skating (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.1 0.5 In My Father's House Rinaldi, Ann 4.4 10.0 In Spring Moncure, Jane Belk 2.9 0.5 In the Attic Oram, Hiawyn 1.7 0.5 In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories In Daddy's Arms I Am Tall: African Americans Celebrating Fathers 15930 EN 35580 EN 35571 EN 129225 EN 20117 EN 35298 EN 229 EN 134211 EN 57067 EN 64760 EN 17322 EN 119 EN 322 EN 103824 EN 230 EN 57735 EN 63008 EN 121716 EN 28697 EN 74785 EN 18482 EN 231 EN 61107 EN In the Barn Kalman, Bobbie 5.4 0.5 In the Huddle with...John Elway Christopher, Matt 6.9 3.0 In the Huddle with...Steve Young Christopher, Matt 6.3 4.0 In the Loop Harper, Suzanne 4.9 5.0 In the Stone Circle Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody 4.1 6.0 In the Woods: Who's Been Here? George, Lindsay Barrett 1.9 0.5 In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson Lord, Bette Bao 4.6 4.0 In Too Deep Watson, Jude 4.0 6.0 In Winter Moncure, Jane Belk 3.2 0.5 Inca (Lost Civilizations), The Corrick, James A. 9.4 6.0 Inch by Inch Lionni, Leo 1.8 0.5 Incident at Hawk's Hill Incognito Mosquito Makes History Eckert, Allan Hass, E.A. 7.2 5.2 9.0 2.0 Incredible India Thompson, Lisa 4.0 0.5 Incredible Journey, The Burnford, Sheila 7.6 5.0 Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau, The Agee, Jon 2.4 0.5 Independence Day (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 3.0 0.5 India (Country Explorers) Streissguth, Tom 3.8 0.5 India (Country Insights) Cumming, David 6.1 1.0 India (Enchantment of the World) Swan, Erin Pembrey 7.6 4.0 Indian Chiefs Freedman, Russell 7.3 5.0 Indian in the Cupboard, The Banks, Lynne Reid 4.6 6.0 Indian Ocean (Oceans), The Ylvisaker, Anne 3.3 0.5 45686 EN 7814 EN 12414 EN 26200 EN 36953 EN 104811 EN 5129 EN 4263 EN 4264 EN 4265 EN 4266 EN 58061 EN 147778 EN 71683 EN 100861 EN 102419 EN 11082 EN 73391 EN 16958 EN 17262 EN 105379 EN Indian School: Teaching the White Man's Way Cooper, Michael L. 7.4 2.0 Indiana (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.3 3.0 Indiana (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.4 1.0 Indiana (Hello U.S.A.) Swain, Gwenyth 6.4 1.0 Indianapolis Colts (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 6.4 1.0 Indianapolis Colts, The Stewart, Mark 5.4 1.0 Indians (New True Books) Martini, Teri 3.5 0.5 Indians of the Great Plains Sita, Lisa 8.3 1.0 Indians of the Northeast Sita, Lisa 8.4 1.0 Indians of the Northwest Press, Petra 8.8 3.0 Indians of the Southwest Sita, Lisa 8.2 1.0 Indigo Hoffman, Alice 5.8 2.0 Inheritance Paolini, Christopher 7.5 49.0 Inkheart Funke, Cornelia 5.4 23.0 Inkspell Funke, Cornelia 5.6 29.0 Innocent Soldier, An Holub, Josef 4.6 7.0 Insects (Our Living World) Tesar, Jenny 6.1 2.0 Inside Out Trueman, Terry 4.6 3.0 InsideOutside Book of Libraries, The Cummins, Julie 7.9 0.5 Inside the Walls of Troy McLaren, Clemence 6.4 8.0 Instant Menace Jenkins, Jerry B. 4.5 5.0 82440 EN 20530 EN 67684 EN 138242 EN 7008 EN 5424 EN 138971 EN 11470 EN 6730 EN 127277 EN 67278 EN 63800 EN 13362 EN 75028 EN 109055 EN 140433 EN 102289 EN 16650 EN 113692 EN 60455 EN 17820 EN Intelligence Andrews, Linda Wasmer 6.9 2.0 Internet for Kids (A True Book), The Kazunas, Charnan/Tom 6.0 0.5 Internet Safety Sherman, Josepha 6.6 1.0 Interrupting Chicken Stein, David Ezra 2.2 0.5 Interstellar Pig Sleator, William 5.6 8.0 Into the Dream Sleator, William 4.9 4.0 Into the Gauntlet Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.6 9.0 Into the Land of the Unicorns Coville, Bruce 6.0 5.0 Into the Mummy's Tomb Reeves, Nicholas 6.9 2.0 Into the Volcano Wood, Don 2.2 1.0 Into the Wild Hunter, Erin 5.6 10.0 Inuit (Indigenous Peoples of North America), The Sharp, Anne Wallace 8.3 5.0 Inuit (Native American People), The Hahn, Elizabeth 6.6 1.0 Inuit (Watts Library), The Williams, Suzanne M. 5.2 1.0 Invaders from the Great Goo Galaxy Hoena, Blake A. 1.8 0.5 Invasion from Planet Dork Trine, Greg 3.9 1.0 Invasion of the Boy Snatchers Harrison, Lisi 4.4 8.0 Invasion, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 5.0 Selznick, Brian 5.1 4.0 Houghton, Sarah 4.1 0.5 Meigs, Cornelia 8.0 10.0 Invention of Hugo Cabret: A Novel in Words and Pictures, The Inventions: Great Ideas and Where They Came From Invincible Louisa 31060 EN 476 EN 10037 EN 14672 EN 6924 EN 103518 EN 7815 EN 12415 EN 26201 EN 29240 EN 5474 EN 74786 EN 27008 EN 74787 EN 5425 EN 24058 EN 46819 EN 13900 EN 77859 EN 51573 EN 13363 EN Invisible Island, The Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 Invisible Lissa Honeycutt, Natalie 4.4 5.0 Invisible Man, The Wells, H.G. 7.7 9.0 Invisible Stanley Brown, Jeff 3.3 1.0 Invitation to the Game Hughes, Monica 4.7 6.0 Iowa Sapre, Reshma 2.0 0.5 Iowa (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.3 3.0 Iowa (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.3 1.0 Iowa (Hello U.S.A.) LaDoux, Rita C. 6.3 1.0 Ira Says Goodbye Waber, Bernard 2.6 0.5 Ira Sleeps Over Waber, Bernard 2.2 0.5 Iran (Enchantment of the World) Greenblatt, Miriam 6.8 3.0 Iraq (Enchantment of the World) Foster, Leila Merrell 7.8 3.0 Ireland (Enchantment of the World) Blashfield, Jean F. 7.7 4.0 Irish Red Kjelgaard, Jim 5.8 7.0 Irish Setter, The Wilcox, Charlotte 3.8 0.5 Irish Step Dancing Thomas, Mark 1.2 0.5 Ironman Crutcher, Chris 5.5 9.0 Ironwood Tree, The DiTerlizzi, Tony 4.3 1.0 Iroquois (Indigenous Peoples of North America), The Bjornlund, Lydia 9.7 5.0 Iroquois (Native American People), The McCall, Barbara 6.2 1.0 56371 EN 9172 EN 129609 EN 110355 EN 73931 EN 13818 EN 9772 EN 6121 EN 47541 EN 41554 EN 323 EN 6369 EN 12586 EN 78942 EN 26384 EN 45 EN 5475 EN 74987 EN 12566 EN 122713 EN 27009 EN 9611 EN Iroquois (Watts Library), The Sonneborn, Liz 7.0 1.0 Irwin the Sock Klein, David 4.3 0.5 Is for Amazing Moments: A Sports Alphabet, A Herzog, Brad 6.6 1.0 Is That a Dead Dog in Your Locker? Strasser, Todd 4.8 3.0 Is That You, Miss Blue? Kerr, M.E. 5.6 6.0 Is There Life in Outer Space? Branley, Franklyn M. 3.5 0.5 Is This a House for Hermit Crab? McDonald, Megan 3.9 0.5 Is Your Mama a Llama? Guarino, Deborah 1.6 0.5 Isaac Asimov: Writer of the Future Boerst, William J. 6.9 4.0 Isabel: Jewel of Castilla Meyer, Carolyn 6.6 5.0 Isabelle Shows Her Stuff Greene, Constance C. 3.8 4.0 Island Baby Keller, Holly 3.8 0.5 Island Far from Home, An Donahue, John 4.9 5.0 Island of Hope: The Story of Ellis Island...Journey to America Sandler, Martin W. 7.9 5.0 Island of One, The Bunting, Eve 4.1 1.0 Island of the Blue Dolphins O'Dell, Scott 5.4 6.0 Island of the Skog, The Kellogg, Steven 3.5 0.5 Island Stallion Races, The Farley, Walter 5.8 9.0 Islands (Habitats) Waterlow, Julia 8.0 1.0 Israel (Country Explorers) Gresko, Marcia 3.6 0.5 Israel (Enchantment of the World) Hintz, Stephen/Martin 8.1 3.0 It Came from Beneath the Sink! Stine, R.L. 3.1 2.0 18679 EN 19137 EN 19143 EN 19146 EN 19149 EN 19153 EN 2122 EN 36624 EN 46 EN 324 EN 113800 EN 5274 EN 6644 EN 58325 EN 14269 EN 84695 EN 46832 EN 40905 EN 121282 EN 105488 EN 770 EN 60702 EN It Could Always Be Worse Zemach, Margot 3.7 0.5 It Could Still Be a Bird Fowler, Allan 1.9 0.5 It Could Still Be a Fish Fowler, Allan 2.4 0.5 It Could Still Be a Mammal Fowler, Allan 2.4 0.5 It Could Still Be a Tree Fowler, Allan 2.0 0.5 It's a Good Thing There Are Insects Fowler, Allan 2.3 0.5 It's All Greek to Me Scieszka, Jon 3.7 1.0 It's Disgusting and We Ate It Solheim, James 6.0 1.0 It's Like This, Cat It's New! It's Improved! It's Terrible! Neville, Emily Cheney Manes, Stephen 4.7 3.2 5.0 2.0 It's Not Easy Being Mean Harrison, Lisi 4.4 5.0 It's Not the End of the World Blume, Judy 3.4 4.0 It's Only Goodbye: An Immigrant Story Gross, Virginia T. 3.6 1.0 It's Pumpkin Time! Hall, Zoe 2.3 0.5 It's Raining, It's Pouring Eagle, Kin 1.9 0.5 Italy: A Question and Answer Book Olson, Nathan 3.9 0.5 Italy (Enchantment of the World) Blashfield, Jean F. 8.8 4.0 Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Trapani, Iza 2.7 0.5 Ivan the Terrible: Tsar of Death Price, Sean 5.3 2.0 Ivy and Bean Barrows, Annie 3.2 1.0 Izzy, WillyNilly Voigt, Cynthia 4.9 12.0 J. Edgar Hoover: Powerful FBI Director Streissguth, Tom 8.4 4.0 135698 EN 478 EN 60678 EN 115225 EN 52531 EN 9773 EN 6925 EN 40653 EN 14673 EN 58553 EN 8323 EN 36954 EN 120 EN 7046 EN 271 EN 4745 EN 4206 EN 4208 EN 4210 EN 4209 EN 4207 EN 44930 EN J.K. Rowling Tieck, Sarah 3.6 0.5 J. T. Wagner, Jane 4.6 1.0 Jack Outwits the Giants Johnson, Paul Brett 3.7 0.5 Jack Plank Tells Tales Babbitt, Natalie 5.1 3.0 Jack Russell Terriers (Dogs) Temple, Bob 4.2 0.5 Jack, the Seal and the Sea Fink, Joanne 4.4 0.5 Jackaroo Voigt, Cynthia 5.6 14.0 Jackie and Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.3 4.0 Jackie Robinson Rudeen, Kenneth 4.6 1.0 Jackie Robinson Walker, Sally M. 3.7 0.5 Jackie Robinson (Black Americans of Achievement) Scott, Richard 7.7 3.0 Jacksonville Jaguars (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 7.6 1.0 Jacob Have I Loved Paterson, Katherine 5.7 8.0 Jacob's Rescue: A Holocaust Story Drucker, Malka 4.5 3.0 Jacob TwoTwo Meets the Hooded Fang Richler, Mordecai Jacques Cartier, Samuel de Champlain, and Coulter, Tony the Explorers...Canadaa 5.2 2.0 9.1 5.0 Jafta Lewin, Hugh 2.6 0.5 Jafta and the Wedding Lewin, Hugh 3.7 0.5 Jafta's Father Lewin, Hugh 2.8 0.5 Jafta's Mother Lewin, Hugh 3.2 0.5 Jafta, The Town Lewin, Hugh 3.0 0.5 Jaguar's Jewel, The Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 80260 EN 49214 EN 13025 EN 45813 EN 67555 EN 119662 EN 67016 EN 10526 EN 105416 EN 232 EN 102787 EN 102788 EN 102797 EN 102789 EN 73932 EN 32315 EN 9175 EN 31459 EN 709 EN 6223 EN 20553 EN 121717 EN Jaguars Murray, Julie 2.9 0.5 Jaguars (Animals of the Rain Forest) Lalley, Pat 3.6 0.5 Jaguars (Big Cat Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.5 0.5 Jaguars (The Untamed World) Watt, E. Melanie 7.1 1.0 Jake O'Shawnasey (Revised Edition) Cosgrove, Stephen 4.3 0.5 Jalapeño Bagels Wing, Natasha 2.9 0.5 Jamaica Louise James Hest, Amy 3.0 0.5 Jamaica's Find Havill, Juanita 2.6 0.5 James A. Garfield: Twentieth President Venezia, Mike 4.9 0.5 James and the Giant Peach Dahl, Roald 4.8 4.0 James Buchanan: Fifteenth President Venezia, Mike 5.3 0.5 James K. Polk: Eleventh President Venezia, Mike 5.5 0.5 James Madison: Fourth President Venezia, Mike 5.0 0.5 James Monroe: Fifth President Venezia, Mike 5.8 0.5 James Van DerZee: The Picture Takin' Man Haskins, Jim 7.4 8.0 Jamestown: New World Adventure Knight, James E. 3.9 0.5 Jamie's Turn DeWitt, Jamie 3.1 0.5 Harvey, Bonnie Carman 7.8 3.0 Brontë, Charlotte 7.9 33.0 Janet's Thingamajigs Cleary, Beverly 3.2 0.5 Japan (A True Book) Heinrichs, Ann 4.8 0.5 Japan (Country Explorers) Streissguth, Tom 3.8 0.5 Jane Addams: Nobel Prize Winner and Founder of Hull House Jane Eyre (Unabridged) 27010 EN 29602 EN 5130 EN 127627 EN 111964 EN 32529 EN 115949 EN 46391 EN 14820 EN 127573 EN 32124 EN 16924 EN 21112 EN 76941 EN 47460 EN 21113 EN 126984 EN 272 EN 26249 EN 108341 EN 121235 EN Japan (Enchantment of the World) Heinrichs, Ann 6.9 3.0 Japan (Major World Nations) Stefoff, Rebecca 9.4 3.0 Japan (New True Books) Jacobsen, Karen 3.5 0.5 Jason and the Golden Fleece Yomtov, Nel 3.5 0.5 Jason: Quest for the Golden Fleece Limke, Jeff 3.1 0.5 Jason's Gold Hobbs, Will 5.5 8.0 Jazz Baby Wheeler, Lisa 1.2 0.5 Jazz Dancing Thomas, Mark 1.2 0.5 Jazz Man, The Weik, Mary Hays 4.6 1.0 Jealous! On the Sidelines with David Mortimore Baxter Tayleur, Karen 3.7 1.0 Jealous (Thoughts and Feelings) Tester, Sylvia Root 1.6 0.5 Jean and Johnny Cleary, Beverly 5.6 8.0 Jeb Stuart: Confederate Cavalry General Pflueger, Lynda 7.8 4.0 Jeff Gordon (Amazing Athletes) Savage, Jeff 4.4 0.5 Jeff Gordon: Racing's Superstar Savage, Jeff 5.8 1.0 Jefferson Davis: President of the Confederacy Burch, Joann J. 7.8 4.0 Jellicoe Road Marchetta, Melina 5.0 12.0 Jelly Belly Smith, Robert Kimmel 4.1 4.0 Jellyfish Taylor, Leighton 3.3 0.5 Jellyfish Herriges, Ann 2.2 0.5 Jellyfish Cheshire, Gerard 5.8 0.5 137731 Jellyfish EN 104715 Jenna's Dilemma EN Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth,...and Me, 176 EN Elizabeth 5940 Jennifer Murdley's Toad EN 109552 Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life EN 5918 Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher EN 11471 Jericho EN 126100 Jerk, California EN 26291 Jerry Rice: Touchdown Talent EN 11020 Jerusalem (Great Cities) EN 37037 Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? EN 9925 Jesse Jackson and Political Power EN 21114 Jesse James: Legendary Outlaw EN 73163 Jesse James: Western Bank Robber EN 41944 Jesse Owens EN 6519 Jessi and the Dance School Phantom EN 6520 Jessi and the Superbrat EN 19332 Jessi and the Troublemaker EN 6521 Jessi Ramsey, PetSitter EN 6522 Jessi's Babysitter EN 19305 Jessi's Gold Medal EN Spilsbury, Louise 2.9 0.5 Morgan, Melissa J. 4.7 5.0 Konigsburg, E.L. 4.5 3.0 Coville, Bruce 4.6 4.0 Mass, Wendy 4.5 11.0 Coville, Bruce 4.9 4.0 Hickman, Janet 4.9 4.0 Friesen, Jonathan 3.3 9.0 Evans, J. Edwards 6.4 1.0 Zanger, Walter 7.5 2.0 Carlstrom, Nancy White 2.5 0.5 Celsi, Teresa 5.5 1.0 Bruns, Roger A. 7.6 3.0 Collins, Kathleen 4.2 0.5 Sutcliffe, Jane 3.3 0.5 Martin, Ann M. 4.4 5.0 Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 Martin, Ann M. 4.2 3.0 Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 19325 EN 6524 EN 7425 EN 54054 EN 4857 EN 36093 EN 120214 EN 19924 EN 30965 EN 848 EN 6321 EN 118191 EN 42604 EN 14992 EN 6370 EN 21610 EN 20203 EN 45930 EN 5023 EN 26292 EN 45124 EN Jessi's Horrible Prank Martin, Ann M. 3.8 3.0 Jessi's Wish Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 Jet Planes (New True Books) Broekel, Ray 4.4 0.5 Jet Ski Thompson, Luke 5.3 1.0 Jet Skiing (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.1 0.5 Jim Bowie: Hero of the Alamo Gaines, Ann Graham 7.7 3.0 Jim & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.2 6.0 Jim Meets the Thing Cohen, Miriam 2.5 0.5 Jim Morrison (They Died Too Young) Lewis, Jon E. 7.4 1.0 Jim Thorpe: World's Greatest Athlete Richards, Gregory 8.1 5.0 Jim Ugly Fleischman, Sid 4.3 3.0 Jimmy Carter: ThirtyNinth President Venezia, Mike 5.9 0.5 Jingle Bells, Homework Smells deGroat, Diane 3.3 0.5 Jip: His Story Paterson, Katherine 5.3 7.0 Jo and the Bandit Roberts, Willo Davis 6.2 9.0 Jo's Boys (Unabridged) Alcott, Louisa May 8.8 18.0 Jo's Story Pfeffer, Susan Beth 4.5 1.0 Joan of Arc Bull, Angela 5.5 1.0 Job for Jenny Archer, A Conford, Ellen 3.1 1.0 Joe Montana: Comeback Quarterback Raber, Thomas R. 6.2 1.0 Joey Pigza Loses Control Gantos, Jack 4.9 7.0 29525 EN 102790 EN 101370 EN 131111 EN 49980 EN 19077 EN 115213 EN 114824 EN 12457 EN 71207 EN 60703 EN 105277 EN 60704 EN 102798 EN 102799 EN 16115 EN 6073 EN 7734 EN 58554 EN 477 EN 7974 EN 47 EN Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key Gantos, Jack 4.9 5.0 John Adams: Second President Venezia, Mike 5.2 0.5 John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry Glaser, Jason 3.8 0.5 John Cena O'Shei, Tim 4.8 0.5 John Chapman: The Legendary Johnny Warrick, Karen Clemens 7.9 Appleseed John Chapman: The Man Who Was Johnny Greene, Carol 3.4 Appleseed 3.0 0.5 John F. Kennedy: ThirtyFifth President Venezia, Mike 5.0 0.5 John F. Kennedy: Voice of Hope Hodge, Marie 8.8 4.0 John Henry Lester, Julius 4.0 0.5 John Muir: America's Naturalist Locker, Thomas 5.1 0.5 John Muir: Crusader for the Wilderness Warrick, Karen Clemens 7.6 3.0 John, Paul, George & Ben Smith, Lane 3.7 0.5 John Paul Jones: Father of the American Navy Tibbitts, Alison Davis 8.1 4.0 John Quincy Adams: Sixth President Venezia, Mike 5.5 0.5 John Tyler: Tenth President Venezia, Mike 5.5 0.5 John Wesley Powell: Explorer of the Grand Bruns, Roger A. Canyon 8.2 3.0 Johnny Appleseed Kellogg, Steven 4.4 0.5 Johnny Appleseed York, Carol Beach 4.5 1.0 Johnny Appleseed Swain, Gwenyth 3.3 0.5 Johnny Long Legs Christopher, Matt 4.0 2.0 Johnny Texas Hoff, Carol 5.3 4.0 Johnny Tremain Forbes, Esther 5.9 13.0 103439 EN 67125 EN 26734 EN 17625 EN 17626 EN 20696 EN 35829 EN 47546 EN 16946 EN 10614 EN 32209 EN 71263 EN 27944 EN 42452 EN 31189 EN 34709 EN 32210 EN 27945 EN 35833 EN 6672 EN 29761 EN Joker Masters, Anthony 3.1 0.5 Jolly Christmas Postman, The Ahlberg, Janet/Allan 3.2 0.5 Jonathan Livingston Seagull Bach, Richard 5.6 1.0 Josefina Learns a Lesson Tripp, Valerie 4.5 2.0 Josefina's Surprise Tripp, Valerie 4.6 1.0 Josefina Saves the Day Tripp, Valerie 4.2 1.0 Joseph Had a Little Overcoat Taback, Simms 1.7 0.5 Joseph Pulitzer and the New York World Whitelaw, Nancy 7.5 4.0 Josh: The Story of Wonder Dog Stack, Richard Lynn 4.9 0.5 Joshua Disobeys Vollmer, Dennis 3.0 0.5 Journal of Ben Uchida, Citizen 13559: Mirror Lake...Camp, The Denenberg, Barry 5.2 4.0 Journal of Finn Reardon: A Newsie, The Bartoletti, Susan Campbell 5.3 4.0 5.7 6.0 4.9 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.9 5.0 5.6 4.0 4.8 6.0 Journal of James Edmond Pease: A Civil Murphy, Jim War Union Soldier, The Journal of Jasper Jonathan Pierce: A Pilgrim Rinaldi, Ann Boy, The Journal of Joshua Loper: A Black Cowboy, Myers, Walter Dean The Journal of Scott Pendleton Collins: A World Myers, Walter Dean War II Soldier, The Journal of Sean Sullivan: A Transcontinental Durbin, William Railroad Worker, The Journal of William Thomas Emerson: A Denenberg, Barry ...War Patriot, The Journal of Wong MingChung: A Chinese Yep, Laurence Miner, The Journey MacLachlan, Patricia 3.8 2.0 Journey Back, The Reiss, Johanna 3.5 6.0 48 EN 234 EN 44574 EN 71435 EN 8420 EN 48953 EN 6371 EN 369 EN 535 EN 17627 EN 25378 EN 45146 EN 325 EN 146504 EN 108424 EN 89010 EN 56498 EN 125144 EN 80135 EN 70047 EN 62253 EN 119068 EN 131844 EN Journey from Peppermint Street Journey Outside Jong, Meindert De Steele, Mary 5.0 5.7 8.0 5.0 Journey, The Applegate, K.A. 3.5 3.0 Journey, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.1 7.0 Journey Through Canada Tames, Richard 5.7 1.0 Journey Through the Northern Rainforest Pandell, Karen 5.9 0.5 Journey to America Levitin, Sonia 4.7 5.0 Journey to Jo'burg Journey to the Center of the Earth Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience..., A Naidoo, Beverley Verne, Jules 4.6 9.9 2.0 17.0 Lasky, Kathryn 6.0 4.0 Juan Gonzalez: Outstanding Outfielder Gutman, Bill 7.8 1.0 Jubal's Wish Wood, Audrey 3.2 0.5 Judge Benjamin: Superdog Gift McInerney, Judith 4.7 3.0 Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer McDonald, Megan 3.0 2.0 Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days McDonald, Megan 3.3 2.0 Judy Moody Declares Independence McDonald, Megan 3.4 2.0 Judy Moody Gets Famous! McDonald, Megan 3.5 1.0 Judy Moody Goes to College McDonald, Megan 3.7 1.0 Judy Moody, M.D.: The Doctor Is In! McDonald, Megan 3.2 2.0 Judy Moody Predicts the Future McDonald, Megan 3.1 1.0 Judy Moody Saves the World McDonald, Megan 3.6 1.0 Judy Moody & Stink: The Holly Joliday McDonald, Megan 3.4 1.0 Judy Moody & Stink: The Mad, Mad, Mad, McDonald, Megan Mad Treasure Hunt 3.5 1.0 123049 EN 273 EN 11720 EN 118244 EN 49711 EN 49 EN 118246 EN 17778 EN 118245 EN 73767 EN 6426 EN 5519 EN 43248 EN 110748 EN 80270 EN 15457 EN 7180 EN 14150 EN 102739 EN 20237 EN 130966 EN 17180 EN Julia Gillian (and the Art of Knowing) McGhee, Alison 5.2 4.0 Julian's Glorious Summer Cameron, Ann 3.1 1.0 Julie George, Jean Craighead 5.0 6.0 Julie and the Eagles McDonald, Megan 4.6 1.0 Julie Foudy: Soccer Superstar Savage, Jeff 5.5 1.0 Julie of the Wolves George, Jean Craighead 5.8 6.0 Julie's Journey McDonald, Megan 4.5 2.0 Julie's Wolf Pack George, Jean Craighead 5.7 6.0 Julie Tells Her Story McDonald, Megan 4.5 2.0 Juliet Dove, Queen of Love Coville, Bruce 5.0 7.0 Juliet Fisher and the Foolproof Plan Honeycutt, Natalie 3.6 3.0 Jumanji Allsburg, Chris Van 3.9 0.5 Jump, Frog, Jump! Kalan, Robert 2.5 0.5 Jumper Bossley, Michele Martin 4.5 3.0 Jumping Spiders Murray, Julie 3.3 0.5 Jumping Spiders (Spiders) Gerholdt, James E. 4.0 0.5 June 29, 1999 Wiesner, David 3.6 0.5 Junebug Mead, Alice 3.5 3.0 Juneteenth Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux 4.5 0.5 Jungle Book (Books I & II), The Kipling, Rudyard 7.4 20.0 Jungle Book, The Bowen, Carl 3.0 0.5 Jungle Jenny (Pacemaker) Cowen, Eve 2.8 1.0 5988 EN 5574 EN 107304 EN 57153 EN 80959 EN 61519 EN 68705 EN 112907 EN 73514 EN 80075 EN 64031 EN 100621 EN 6323 EN 9266 EN 14676 EN 14677 EN 32900 EN 6324 EN 14678 EN 17570 EN 44907 EN Jungle, The Sinclair, Upton 8.0 22.0 Jungles (New True Books) Podendorf, Illa 3.2 0.5 Junie B., First Grader: Alohahaha! Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Junie B., First Grader (at last!) Park, Barbara 2.6 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: Boo...and I Mean It! Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: Boss of Lunch Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: Cheater Pants Park, Barbara 3.1 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: OneMan Band Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: Shipwrecked Park, Barbara 3.1 1.0 Junie B., First Grader: Toothless Wonder Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Junie B...Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! (P.S. Park, Barbara So Does May) 2.8 1.0 Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake Junie B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket 24936 EN 49412 EN 17571 EN 31061 EN 44908 EN 17572 EN 12775 EN 28323 EN 78417 EN 19948 EN 71892 EN 46785 EN 7009 EN 7226 EN 6075 EN 26930 EN 7274 EN 41497 EN 34884 EN 35193 EN 7227 EN Junie B. Jones Is a Beauty Shop Guy Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Junie B. Jones Is a Graduation Girl Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 Junie B. Jones Is a Party Animal Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Junie B. Jones Is Almost a Flower Girl Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 Junie B. Jones Is Captain Field Day Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy Park, Barbara 2.6 1.0 Juniper Furlong, Monica 6.1 8.0 Jupiter (Gateway Solar System) Vogt, Gregory L. 5.7 0.5 Jupiter (Our Galaxy and Beyond) Simon, Charnan 5.8 0.5 Jupiter (Watts Library) Landau, Elaine 7.1 1.0 Jurassic Park Crichton, Michael 7.3 20.0 Just a Daydream Mayer, Mercer 2.5 0.5 Just a Dream Allsburg, Chris Van 3.6 0.5 Just a Little Different Dobkin, Bonnie 1.2 0.5 Just a Mess Mayer, Mercer 1.5 0.5 Just a Nap Mayer, Mercer 1.9 0.5 Just Ella Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.5 6.0 Just Family Bolden, Tonya 5.4 5.0 Just for You Mayer, Mercer 2.0 0.5 36420 EN 7228 EN 114472 EN 36421 EN 7275 EN 129752 EN 30692 EN 22548 EN 7158 EN 9320 EN 11176 EN 7229 EN 9573 EN 7276 EN 7230 EN 7231 EN 7277 EN 7278 EN 20231 EN 73715 EN 73893 EN Just Go to Bed Mayer, Mercer 2.0 0.5 Just Going to the Dentist Mayer, Mercer 2.4 0.5 Just Grace Harper, Charise Mericle 4.8 2.0 Just Grandma and Me Mayer, Mercer 1.9 0.5 Just Grandpa and Me Mayer, Mercer 1.9 0.5 Just in Case: A Trickster Tale and Spanish Alphabet Book Morales, Yuyi 2.3 0.5 Just Juice Hesse, Karen 3.8 3.0 Just Like Floss Lewis, Kim 2.3 0.5 Just Like Martin Davis, Ossie 5.2 8.0 Just Like Me Neasi, Barbara 0.7 0.5 Just Lost! Mayer, Gina/Mercer 2.6 0.5 Just Me and My Babysitter Mayer, Mercer 1.3 0.5 Just Me and My Cousin Mayer, Mercer 1.8 0.5 Just Me and My Dad Mayer, Mercer 1.4 0.5 Just Me and My Little Brother Mayer, Mercer 2.5 0.5 Just Me and My Little Sister Mayer, Mercer 1.8 0.5 Just Me and My Puppy Mayer, Mercer 1.6 0.5 Just My Friend and Me Mayer, Mercer 1.9 0.5 Just So Stories (Unabridged) Kipling, Rudyard 6.4 5.0 Just the Two of Us Smith, Will 3.9 0.5 Just Us Women Caines, Jeanette Franklin 2.7 0.5 177 EN 139948 EN 143411 EN 139386 EN 235 EN 76909 EN 28139 EN 80261 EN 13027 EN 105596 EN 7816 EN 36955 EN 73965 EN 26202 EN 24042 EN 24043 EN 24045 EN 24044 EN 9420 EN 19253 EN 19277 EN 19274 EN Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World Walter, Mildred Pitts 3.9 3.0 Justin Bieber Tracy, Kathleen 4.8 0.5 Justin Bieber Yasuda, Anita 5.3 0.5 Justin Bieber: Singing Sensation Tieck, Sarah 3.3 0.5 Justin Morgan Had a Horse Henry, Marguerite 5.8 5.0 K is for Kissing a Cool Kangaroo Andreae, Giles 2.3 0.5 Kahasi and the Loon: An Eskimo Legend Cohlene, Terri 4.4 0.5 Kangaroos (Animal Kingdom) 2.9 0.5 4.1 0.5 Kansas TaylorButler, Christine 2.7 0.5 Kansas (America the Beautiful) Kent, Zachary 8.5 3.0 Kansas City Chiefs (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 6.8 1.0 Kansas (From Sea to Shining Sea) Ingram, W. Scott 8.1 2.0 Kansas (Hello U.S.A.) Fredeen, Charles 6.3 1.0 Karate Blocks Schwartz, Stuart 4.9 0.5 Karate Kicks Schwartz, Stuart 4.9 0.5 Karate Punches Schwartz, Stuart 5.2 0.5 Karate Strikes Schwartz, Stuart 5.1 0.5 Karen's Kite Martin, Ann M. 3.1 1.0 Karen's School Bus Martin, Ann M. 2.9 1.0 Karen's School Surprise Martin, Ann M. 3.5 1.0 Karen's Softball Mystery Martin, Ann M. 3.2 1.0 Murray, Julie Kangaroos (Australian Animals Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 19289 EN 9449 EN 6005 EN 12473 EN 8361 EN 9321 EN 9322 EN 9323 EN 50 EN 19575 EN 36006 EN 54187 EN 19306 EN 668 EN 68983 EN 82460 EN 63009 EN 20677 EN 111413 EN 28675 EN 122208 EN 28690 EN Karen's Unicorn Martin, Ann M. 3.3 2.0 Karen's Witch Martin, Ann M. 2.7 1.0 Kate Shelley and the Midnight Express Wetterer, Margaret 3.3 0.5 Kate Shelley: Bound for Legend Souci, Robert D. San 5.7 0.5 Katharine Hepburn (American Women of Achievement) Latham, Caroline 8.4 3.0 Katie Can McDaniel, Becky 2.0 0.5 Katie Couldn't McDaniel, Becky 1.0 0.5 Katie Did It McDaniel, Becky 1.2 0.5 Katie John Calhoun, Mary 4.2 4.0 Katy and the Big Snow Burton, Virginia Lee 2.9 0.5 Katy NoPocket Payne, Emmy 3.7 0.5 Kayaking, Canoeing, Rowing, and Yachting Ditchfield, Christin 5.0 0.5 Keep Out, Claudia! Martin, Ann M. 3.9 3.0 Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie Roop, Peter/Connie 2.2 0.5 Keeper of the Night Holt, Kimberly Willis 4.4 5.0 Keeping a Journal Trueit, Trudi Strain 6.9 2.0 Keeping Clean (Rookie ReadAbout Health) Gordon, Sharon 1.9 0.5 Keeping Quilt (Revised Edition), The Polacco, Patricia 4.4 0.5 Keeping Secrets Beechwood, Beth 3.9 2.0 Keeping the Air Clean Baines, John 7.9 1.0 Keeping the Night Watch Smith, Hope Anita 3.6 1.0 Keeping Water Clean McLeish, Ewan 7.4 1.0 60456 EN 15523 EN 20243 EN 5575 EN 68163 EN 74362 EN 7817 EN 12417 EN 26203 EN 121718 EN 74788 EN 6615 EN 274 EN 49712 EN 33006 EN 78974 EN 114175 EN 119700 EN 17573 EN 113114 EN 178 EN 7676 EN Ken Griffey Jr. (Sports Heroes) Schaefer, A.R. 4.6 0.5 Ken Griffey Junior: AllAround AllStar Kramer, Barbara 5.5 1.0 Kennedy Assassinated! The World Mourns Hampton, Wilborn 6.6 2.0 Kennedy Space Center (New True Books) Gaffney, Timothy R. 4.6 0.5 Kensuke's Kingdom Morpurgo, Michael 4.7 5.0 Kentucky Valzania, Kimberly 2.6 0.5 Kentucky (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.8 3.0 Kentucky (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.5 1.0 Kentucky (Hello U.S.A.) Brown, Dottie 6.4 1.0 Kenya (Country Explorers) McCollum, Sean 3.7 0.5 Kenya (Enchantment of the World) McNair/Mansure 7.9 4.0 Kestrel, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.2 9.0 Kevin Corbett Eats Flies Hermes, Patricia 3.6 5.0 Kevin Garnett: "Da Kid" Torres, John A. 5.8 1.0 Key to the Indian, The Banks, Lynne Reid 4.8 8.0 Keys and Clues for Benny Warner, Gertrude Chandler 2.2 0.5 Kicker Bossley, Michele Martin 4.1 3.0 Kickoff! Barber, Tiki 4.3 5.0 Kid Coach, The Bowen, Fred 4.0 2.0 Kid from Courage (Home Run), The Berman, Ron 4.9 4.0 Kid in the Red Jacket, The Park, Barbara 3.9 3.0 Kid Power Pfeffer, Susan Beth 4.1 4.0 43418 EN 11423 EN 17779 EN 512 EN 44931 EN 24908 EN 74762 EN 5024 EN 11820 EN 82449 EN 8971 EN 58770 EN 121236 EN 13072 EN 12568 EN 87180 EN 29969 EN 114912 EN 34558 EN 45246 EN 74741 EN Kid Who Became President, The Gutman, Dan 4.9 5.0 Kid Who Only Hit Homers, The Christopher, Matt 3.9 2.0 Kid Who Ran for President, The Gutman, Dan 4.7 3.0 Kidnapped Stevenson, Robert Louis 7.6 14.0 Kidnapped King, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 Kidnappers: A Mystery, The Roberts, Willo Davis 4.8 5.0 Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore, The Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.5 8.0 5.0 6.0 7.5 2.0 Kidnapping of Courtney Van Allen & Cool, Joyce What'sHerName, The Kids At Work: Lewis Hine and the Crusade Freedman, Russell Against Child Labor Kids in Sports: A Chapter Book Hall, Kirsten 4.7 0.5 Killer Bees Blau, Melinda 5.5 1.0 Killer Whales Simon, Seymour 3.0 0.5 Killer Whales Malam, John 5.3 0.5 Killer Whales (Whale Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 4.4 0.5 Killer Whales (Whales) Prevost, John F. 4.1 0.5 Killers of the Dawn Shan, Darren 5.4 6.0 Kim (Unabridged) Kipling, Rudyard 7.7 18.0 Kimchi & Calamari Kent, Rose 4.6 6.0 King Arthur Brown/Krensky 3.8 1.0 King Bidgood's in the Bathtub Wood, Audrey 1.7 0.5 King Cobra (Animals of the World) Eckart, Edana 1.4 0.5 59884 EN 15453 EN 2911 EN 51 EN 10013 EN 6325 EN 30667 EN 9033 EN 60457 EN 137507 EN 13120 EN 74071 EN 479 EN 669 EN 5227 EN 5520 EN 77002 EN 36754 EN 15931 EN 64052 EN 35289 EN 86312 EN King Cobras Murray, Julie 3.4 0.5 King Cobras (Snakes) Gerholdt, James E. 4.0 0.5 King of the Birds, The Ward, Helen 3.3 0.5 King of the Wind King Philip (North American Indians of Achievement) Henry, Marguerite 5.4 5.0 Roman, Joseph 8.8 3.0 King's Equal, The Paterson, Katherine 5.2 1.0 King's Fifth, The O'Dell, Scott 5.5 10.0 King's Stilts, The Seuss, Dr. 4.1 0.5 King Tut: Tales from the Tomb Briscoe, Diana C. 4.3 0.5 Kings of Clonmel, The Flanagan, John 6.1 16.0 Kingsnakes (Snake Discovery) Bargar/Johnson 4.7 0.5 KiraKira Kadohata, Cynthia 4.7 7.0 Kirsten Learns a Lesson Kirsten's Surprise Shaw, Janet Shaw, Janet 4.0 3.9 1.0 1.0 Kirsten Saves the Day Shaw, Janet 3.7 1.0 Kiss for Little Bear, A Minarik, Else Holmelund 1.4 0.5 Kissing the Rain Brooks, Kevin 4.1 12.0 Kit's Wilderness Almond, David 3.7 6.0 Kitchen, The Kalman, Bobbie 5.2 0.5 Kitten Crowd Baglio, Ben M. 3.3 2.0 Kitten in the Cold Baglio, Ben M. 4.0 3.0 Kitten Red, Yellow, Blue Catalanotto, Peter 2.1 0.5 77204 EN 7280 EN 32410 EN 5426 EN 275 EN 236 EN 6327 EN 56678 EN 125507 EN 51285 EN 8532 EN 670 EN 103124 EN 124997 EN 82297 EN 118677 EN 118619 EN 70073 EN 16222 EN 49578 EN 13028 EN 6578 EN Kitten's First Full Moon Henkes, Kevin 2.3 0.5 Kittens Are Like That Pfloog, Jan 2.6 0.5 Kittens in the Kitchen Baglio, Ben M. 3.8 4.0 Kitty from the Start Delton, Judy 5.3 3.0 Kitty in the Middle Kneeknock Rise Delton, Judy Babbitt, Natalie 4.6 4.4 3.0 2.0 Knight at Dawn, The Osborne, Mary Pope 2.9 1.0 Knight Waits at Night, The Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth 1.2 0.5 Knights and Armor Murrell, Deborah 5.9 1.0 Knights in Shining Armor Gibbons, Gail 5.9 0.5 Knights of the Kitchen Table Scieszka, Jon 3.8 1.0 Knots on a Counting Rope Jr., Bill Martin 2.8 0.5 Knowledge Is Power Mazer, Anne 3.7 2.0 Knucklehead: Tall Tales..True Stories of Growing up Scieszka Scieszka, Jon 4.6 2.0 Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale Willems, Mo 1.6 0.5 2.4 0.5 5.4 0.5 7.0 1.0 Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of Mistaken Willems, Mo Identity Knut: How One Little Polar Bear Captivated Hatkoff, Juliana the World Koala (Endangered and Threatened Green, Carl R. Animals), The Koala Is Not a Bear! (Crabapples), A Sotzek/Kalman 4.3 0.5 Koalas Burt, Denise 6.0 1.0 Koalas (Australian Animals Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.6 0.5 Koalas (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.1 0.5 5576 EN 76942 EN 47463 EN 5228 EN 14200 EN 74742 EN 13520 EN 536 EN 121746 EN 101890 EN 15524 EN 6525 EN 19339 EN 19359 EN 19375 EN 19354 EN 19369 EN 6526 EN 6527 EN 6529 EN 19303 EN Koalas (New True Books) Lepthien, Emilie U. 4.0 0.5 Kobe Bryant Savage, Jeff 4.6 0.5 Kobe Bryant: Basketball Big Shot Savage, Jeff 5.7 1.0 Koko's Kitten Patterson, Francine 3.5 0.5 Kokopelli's Flute Hobbs, Will 5.3 6.0 Komodo Dragon (Animals of the World) Eckart, Edana 1.5 0.5 Martin, James 5.4 0.5 Heyerdahl, Thor 8.0 14.0 Kooks in the Cafeteria Roland, Timothy 3.4 1.0 Kringle Abbott, Tony 4.8 10.0 Kristi Yamaguchi: Artist on Ice Donohue, Shiobhan 6.6 1.0 Kristy and the Baby Parade Martin, Ann M. 4.5 4.0 Kristy and the Dirty Diapers Martin, Ann M. 3.5 3.0 Kristy and the Haunted Mansion Martin, Ann M. 4.3 4.0 Kristy and the Middle School Vandal Martin, Ann M. 4.7 4.0 Kristy and the Missing Child Martin, Ann M. 4.2 4.0 Kristy and the Missing Fortune Martin, Ann M. 4.7 4.0 Kristy and the Mother's Day Surprise Martin, Ann M. 3.9 4.0 Kristy and the Secret of Susan Martin, Ann M. 4.2 4.0 Kristy and the Walking Disaster Martin, Ann M. 3.9 4.0 Kristy for President Martin, Ann M. 4.2 4.0 Komodo Dragons: Giant Lizards of Indonesia KonTiki 6531 EN 6532 EN 19350 EN 133929 EN 60458 EN 27011 EN 10476 EN 80530 EN 63010 EN 19577 EN 63011 EN 123373 EN 15365 EN 126156 EN 15184 EN 115150 EN 19225 EN 61332 EN 9497 EN 59885 EN 54680 EN Kristy's Great Idea Martin, Ann M. 3.6 4.0 Kristy's Mystery Admirer Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 Kristy's Worst Idea Martin, Ann M. 3.6 4.0 Kurt Angle Nemeth, Jason D. 4.8 0.5 Kurt Warner (Sports Heroes) Schaefer, A.R. 4.4 0.5 Kuwait (Enchantment of the World) Foster, Leila Merrell 8.3 3.0 Kwanzaa (Best Holiday Book) Freeman/MacMillan 3.5 0.5 Kwanzaa (Holidays) Nobleman, Marc Tyler 4.2 0.5 Kwanzaa (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 2.5 0.5 Kweeks of Kookatumdee, The Peet, Bill 4.3 0.5 Labor Day (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Bredeson, Carmen 2.5 0.5 Labradoodles Larrew, Brekka Hervey 5.0 0.5 Labrador Retriever, The Wilcox, Charlotte 4.4 0.5 Labrador Retrievers Schuh, Mari 3.7 0.5 Labrador Retrievers (Dogs) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.5 0.5 Lacemaker and the Princess, The Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker 4.3 7.0 Lady and the Spider, The McNulty, Faith 3.6 0.5 Lady Knight Pierce, Tamora 5.6 16.0 Lady with the Ship on Her Head, The Lattimore, Deborah Nourse 4.6 0.5 Ladybugs (Animal Kingdom) Murray, Julie 2.7 0.5 Lafcadio, the Lion Who Shot Back Silverstein, Shel 4.9 1.0 100995 EN 108228 EN 104909 EN 5025 EN 117964 EN 82507 EN 54637 EN 17628 EN 29000 EN 84683 EN 11474 EN 88402 EN 13123 EN 9324 EN 121611 EN 20678 EN 619 EN 45221 EN 107497 EN 12138 EN 5792 EN Lake of Souls, The Shan, Darren 5.9 8.0 Lakes Green, Emily K. 2.1 0.5 Lance Armstrong (Revised Edition) Donovan, Sandy 4.6 0.5 Land I Lost: Adventures of a Boy in Vietnam, The Nhuong, Huynh Quang 6.1 4.0 Land of the Silver Apples, The Farmer, Nancy 5.0 17.0 Land Preservation Petersen, Christine 6.8 0.5 Land, The Taylor, Mildred D. 5.0 18.0 Landing of the Pilgrims, The Daugherty, James 7.0 4.0 Langston Hughes: An Illustrated Edition Meltzer, Milton 7.2 9.0 Langston Hughes: Great American Writer Hoena, B.A. 4.4 0.5 Lantern in Her Hand, A Aldrich, Bess Streeter 6.4 14.0 Lantern Sharks Klein, Adam G. 4.4 0.5 Large Sea Creatures (Sea Discovery) Cooper, Jason 4.7 0.5 Larry and the Cookie McDaniel, Becky 1.2 0.5 LaRue For Mayor: Letters from the Campaign Trail Teague, Mark 5.1 0.5 Lassie ComeHome Wells, Rosemary 4.8 1.0 Last Battle, The Lewis, C.S. 5.6 7.0 Last Book in the Universe, The Philbrick, Rodman 5.0 6.0 Last Brother: A Civil War Tale, The Noble, Trinka Hakes 5.5 0.5 Last Dinosaurs, The Dixon, Dougal 4.2 0.5 Last Laugh, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.5 5.0 7919 EN 13624 EN 710 EN 130543 EN 134089 EN 6277 EN 9458 EN 85215 EN 47487 EN 14596 EN 74363 EN 19082 EN 26072 EN 12522 EN 115808 EN 137661 EN 5754 EN 157 EN 16424 EN 13751 EN 57193 EN 113370 EN Last Leaf (Creative Education), The Henry, O. Last of the Mohicans (Bloomsbury), The Cooper, James Fenimore 11.6 18.0 Last of the Mohicans, The Cooper, James Fenimore 12.0 32.0 Last Olympian, The Riordan, Rick 4.3 13.0 Last Polar Bear, The George, Jean Craighead 3.2 0.5 Last Princess, The Stanley, Fay 6.4 1.0 Last Puppy, The Asch, Frank 2.1 0.5 Last Shot: A Final Four Mystery Feinstein, John 4.8 9.0 Last Summer with Maizon Woodson, Jacqueline 4.0 3.0 Later, Gator Yep, Laurence 4.0 3.0 Latitude and Longitude Aberg, Rebecca 2.6 0.5 Greene, Carol 2.8 0.5 Wadsworth, Ginger 5.9 3.0 Laura Ingalls Wilder (Young at Heart) Wheeler, Jill C. 4.6 1.0 Lawn Boy Paulsen, Gary 4.3 2.0 Lawn Boy Returns Paulsen, Gary 5.6 3.0 Lazarus Plot, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.5 5.0 Lazy Lions, Lucky Lambs Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.7 1.0 Leadership Editors, TimeLife 10.9 8.0 Leah's Pony Friedrich, Elizabeth 3.3 0.5 Learning Tree, The Parks, Gordon 5.0 13.0 Leaves Stein, David Ezra 2.2 0.5 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Author of the Little House Books Laura Ingalls Wilder: Storyteller of the Prairie 5.8 0.5 18817 EN 78023 EN 100752 EN 79254 EN 43406 EN 75589 EN 41447 EN 12085 EN 30337 EN 52166 EN 7115 EN 5521 EN 14953 EN 16727 EN 100302 EN 276 EN 27507 EN 5229 EN 59380 EN 79427 EN 5522 EN Leaving Fishers Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.2 8.0 Leaving Protection Hobbs, Will 5.2 6.0 LeBron James Savage, Jeff 4.0 0.5 Leeches Kite, L. Patricia 3.7 0.5 LeftHanded Shortstop Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.7 3.0 Legend of Buddy Bush, The Moses, Shelia P. 4.6 5.0 Legend of Freedom Hill, The Altman, Linda Jacobs 4.7 0.5 Legend of Icebreaker, The Westphal, Patricia 5.4 0.5 Legend of Luke, The Jacques, Brian 5.7 16.0 Legend of Old Befana, The Paola, Tomie De 2.9 0.5 Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The Irving/Rackham 11.0 3.0 Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, The Paola, Tomie De 4.4 0.5 Legend of the Lost Legend Stine, R.L. 3.1 3.0 Legend of the Poinsettia, The Paola, Tomie De 3.6 0.5 Legend of the Wandering King, The Gallego García, Laura 6.4 7.0 Lemming Condition, The Arkin, Alan 4.3 1.0 Lemonade for Sale Murphy, Stuart J. 2.8 0.5 Lemonade Trick, The Corbett, Scott 4.9 3.0 Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography Snicket, Lemony 7.3 3.0 Lemurs: Tree Dwellers Shores, Erika L. 3.0 0.5 Leo the Late Bloomer Kraus, Robert 1.2 0.5 7525 EN 7526 EN 39814 EN 7618 EN 47729 EN 25238 EN 13759 EN 2156 EN 54098 EN 88782 EN 63650 EN 13029 EN 6047 EN 9459 EN 28804 EN 52150 EN 9612 EN 46392 EN 105110 EN 108403 EN 46393 EN Leo the Lop: Tail Three (Original Text) Cosgrove, Stephen 4.1 0.5 Leo the Lop: Tail Two (Original Text) Cosgrove, Stephen 4.9 0.5 Leo, Zack, and Emmie Ehrlich, Amy 2.8 0.5 Leo, Zack, and Emmie Together Again Ehrlich, Amy 2.9 0.5 Leon and Bob James, Simon 1.9 0.5 Leon's Story Tillage, Leon Walter 4.9 2.0 Leonardo da Vinci Stanley, Diane 6.8 1.0 Leonardo da Vinci (The Life and Work Of...) Connolly, Sean 3.3 0.5 Leonardo's Horse Fritz, Jean 4.6 0.5 Leonardo, the Terrible Monster Willems, Mo 2.3 0.5 Leopard Sword, The Cadnum, Michael 7.3 7.0 Leopards (Big Cat Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.3 0.5 LeRoy and the Old Man Butterworth, W.E. 5.1 6.0 Let's Be Enemies Udry, Janice May 1.5 0.5 Let's Celebrate Christmas Roop, Peter/Connie 4.8 0.5 Let's Get a Pup! Said Kate Graham, Bob 2.8 0.5 Let's Get Invisible! Stine, R.L. 3.3 3.0 Let's Jump Rope Hughes, Sarah 1.1 0.5 Let's Play Basketball! Lindeen, Carol K. 1.7 0.5 Let's Play Football! Mader, Jan 1.5 0.5 Let's Play HideandSeek Hughes, Sarah 1.0 0.5 46394 EN 46395 EN 46396 EN 46397 EN 125814 EN 125815 EN 125816 EN 125817 EN 125818 EN 125819 EN 110876 EN 237 EN 40545 EN 27506 EN 74625 EN 8533 EN 49610 EN 12176 EN 67594 EN 21118 EN 52599 EN Let's Play Hopscotch Hughes, Sarah 1.8 0.5 Let's Play Jacks Hughes, Sarah 1.7 0.5 Let's Play Tag Hughes, Sarah 1.1 0.5 Let's Play TugofWar Hughes, Sarah 1.3 0.5 Let's Talk Baseball Behrens, Janice 2.2 0.5 Let's Talk Basketball Miller, Amanda 2.4 0.5 Let's Talk Riding Behrens, Janice 2.0 0.5 Let's Talk Soccer Falk, Laine 2.4 0.5 Let's Talk Swimming Miller, Amanda 2.3 0.5 Let's Talk Tae Kwon Do Falk, Laine 2.3 0.5 Let's Visit a Dairy Farm Sweeney, Alyse 2.3 0.5 Let the Circle Be Unbroken Taylor, Mildred D. 5.7 15.0 Letter Carriers Flanagan, Alice K. 3.6 0.5 Letter to Amy, A Keats, Ezra Jack 2.4 0.5 Letters Are Lost, The Ernst, Lisa Campbell 1.7 0.5 Letters from Rifka Hesse, Karen 4.2 4.0 Letting Off Steam: The Story of Geothermal Jacobs, Linda Energy (Earth Watch) 7.2 1.0 Levers Ollerenshaw, Chris 4.4 0.5 Lewis and Clark Expedition, The Webster, Christine 6.5 1.0 Lewis and Clark: Explorers of the Northwest Streissguth, Tom 8.1 3.0 Lewis and Clark (In Their Own Words) 5.5 2.0 Sullivan, George 54312 EN 9774 EN 26713 EN 142993 EN 69423 EN 109132 EN 5026 EN 74748 EN 18635 EN 83517 EN 45171 EN 6168 EN 24962 EN 13777 EN 18636 EN 108319 EN 115344 EN 27493 EN 46833 EN 59713 EN 19199 EN Lewis and Clark (Watts Library) Santella, Andrew 6.1 1.0 Liang and the Magic Paintbrush Demi 3.2 0.5 Liar Morris, Winifred 4.1 5.0 Liar, Liar Paulsen, Gary 5.8 3.0 Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire deGroat, Diane 3.0 0.5 Liar! The True Story of David Mortimore Baxter Tayleur, Karen 3.6 1.0 Libby on Wednesday Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 6.3 8.0 Liberty Bell, The Douglas, Lloyd G. 2.2 0.5 Librarian from the Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike 3.2 0.5 Librarian of Basra: A True Story from Iraq, Winter, Jeanette The 3.2 0.5 Librarians Flanagan, Alice K. 3.5 0.5 Libraries (New True Books) Fujimoto, Patricia 4.3 0.5 Library Card, The Spinelli, Jerry 4.3 4.0 Library Dragon, The Deedy, Carmen Agra 4.8 0.5 Library Lil Williams, Suzanne 4.0 0.5 Library Lion Knudsen, Michelle 2.8 0.5 Library Mouse Kirk, Daniel 4.4 0.5 Library, The Stewart, Sarah 3.3 0.5 Libya (Enchantment of the World) Willis, Terri 8.6 4.0 Life and Death of Adolf Hitler, The Giblin, James Cross 9.2 11.0 Life and Death of Crazy Horse, The Freedman, Russell 7.2 6.0 126452 EN 34982 EN 54058 EN 54059 EN 67207 EN 54060 EN 54061 EN 54062 EN 49579 EN 15932 EN 54063 EN 75036 EN 54064 EN 124042 EN 17822 EN 118121 EN 1660 EN 122 EN 32207 EN 10901 EN 20082 EN Life and Legend of ObiWan Kenobi, The Windham, Ryder 7.2 8.0 Life and Words of Martin Luther King Jr., The Peck, Ira 5.2 2.0 Life as an Air Force Fighter Pilot Kennedy, Robert C. 6.4 1.0 Life as an Army Demolition Expert Kennedy, Robert C. 6.4 0.5 Life in a Grassland Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 7.7 2.0 Life in Army Basic Training Gartman, Gene 6.0 1.0 Life in the Army Special Forces Kennedy, Robert C. 6.3 1.0 Life in the Marines Kennedy, Robert C. 6.2 1.0 Life of the Honeybee (Nature Watch) FischerNagel, Heiderose/Andreas 6.4 1.0 Life on a Plantation Kalman, Bobbie 6.3 1.0 Life on a Submarine Payan/Guelke 5.9 1.0 Life on Other Planets (Watts Library) Donald, Rhonda Lucas 6.7 1.0 Life with the Navy Seals Kennedy, Robert C. 6.4 1.0 Lifeblood Becker, Tom 5.6 8.0 Lifted Up by Angels McDaniel, Lurlene 4.3 6.0 Light Schuh, Mari 3.2 0.5 Light and Color (Straightforward Science) Riley, Peter 5.9 0.5 Light in the Forest, The Richter, Conrad Light in the Storm: The Civil War Diary of Hesse, Karen Amelia Martin, A 5.5 5.0 5.3 4.0 Light on Hogback Hill, The DeFelice, Cynthia 4.6 4.0 Light Princess, The MacDonald, George 6.3 3.0 137748 EN 127264 EN 112916 EN 24046 EN 5308 EN 121121 EN 13316 EN 34934 EN 103072 EN 108923 EN 26933 EN 89885 EN 9267 EN 7577 EN 109553 EN 326 EN 742 EN 20275 EN 106026 EN 14979 EN 17781 EN 10477 EN Light, The MacHale, D.J. 4.3 14.0 Lighthouse Keepers, The McKinty, Adrian 5.0 11.0 Lighthouse Land, The McKinty, Adrian 5.5 14.0 Lighthouse: Living in a Great Lakes Lighthouse, 1910 to 1940 O'Hara, Megan 4.6 0.5 Lighthouse Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.2 2.0 Lighthouse War, The McKinty, Adrian 5.3 13.0 Lighthouses (ManMade Wonders) Cooper, Jason 4.2 0.5 Lightning! Hopping, Lorraine Jean 4.0 0.5 Lightning Williams, Brian 5.1 0.5 Lightning Herriges, Ann 2.2 0.5 Lightning Liz Brimner, Larry Dane 1.1 0.5 Lightning Thief, The Riordan, Rick 4.7 13.0 Lights, Action, LandHo! Delton, Judy 3.5 1.0 Lights! Camera! Action! Gibbons, Gail 3.9 0.5 Lightship Floca, Brian 2.7 0.5 Like Jake and Me Lilies of the Field Jukes, Mavis Barrett, William 2.9 5.4 0.5 3.0 Lilies, Rabbits, and Painted Eggs Barth, Edna 6.3 1.0 Lilly's Big Day Henkes, Kevin 3.6 0.5 Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse Henkes, Kevin 3.1 0.5 Lily's Crossing Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.6 5.0 Lincoln's Birthday (Best Holiday Book) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.7 0.5 25891 EN 56646 EN 137470 EN 29957 EN 49379 EN 46893 EN 52 EN 14628 EN 59886 EN 18727 EN 12219 EN 132412 EN 743 EN 9325 EN 10974 EN 27924 EN 17536 EN 76772 EN 6279 EN 7325 EN 7326 EN 17173 EN Line in the Sand: The Alamo Diary of Lucinda Lawrence, A Garland, Sherry 5.6 6.0 Line Up on the Line Doudna, Kelly 1.1 0.5 Linger Stiefvater, Maggie 5.4 14.0 Linnea in Monet's Garden Bjork, Christina 4.5 1.0 Lion and the Savannah, The Taylor, Dave 6.3 1.0 Lion Attacks Fitzgerald, Patrick J. 5.6 1.0 Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Lewis, C.S. 5.7 6.0 Lionel and His Friends Krensky, Stephen 2.4 0.5 Lions Murray, Julie 3.1 0.5 Lions at Lunchtime Osborne, Mary Pope 3.0 1.0 Lipizzaner Horses Schrenk, HansJorg 6.2 0.5 Lips Touch: Three Times Taylor, Laini 6.4 10.0 Lisa Bright and Dark Neufeld, John 4.6 5.0 Listen to Me Neasi, Barbara 1.6 0.5 Listen to the Howl of the Wolf McCullough, Bill 5.6 7.0 Listening for Leroy Hearne, Betsy 5.1 8.0 Listening Walk, The Showers, Paul 2.3 0.5 Little Airplane, The Lenski, Lois 3.4 0.5 Little Bear Minarik, Else Holmelund 2.4 0.5 Little Bear's Friend Minarik, Else Holmelund 2.2 0.5 Little Bear's Visit Minarik, Else Holmelund 2.3 0.5 Little Big Top (Pacemaker) Hiller, Doris 1.0 3.1 88897 EN 65008 EN 16224 EN 6580 EN 7327 EN 9574 EN 63255 EN 5477 EN 28141 EN 179 EN 53 EN 5230 EN 7377 EN 43615 EN 73922 EN 537 EN 9128 EN 44041 EN 114022 EN 9775 EN 6495 EN 30125 EN Little Brown Bats Wheeler, Jill C. 3.9 0.5 Little Brute Family, The Hoban, Russell 4.4 0.5 Little Cats (Crabapples) Kalman/Everts 3.4 0.5 Little Cats (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.7 0.5 Little Chief Hoff, Syd 2.1 0.5 Little Critter at Scout Camp Mayer, Mercer 2.1 0.5 Little Crooked Christmas Tree, The Cutting, Michael 4.8 0.5 Little Engine That Could, The Piper, Watty 3.5 0.5 Little Firefly: An Algonquian Legend Cohlene, Terri 4.8 0.5 Little House in the Big Woods Little House on the Prairie Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.3 4.9 5.0 8.0 Little House, The Burton, Virginia Lee 4.2 0.5 Little Island, The MacDonald, Golden 3.6 0.5 Little Louie the Baby Bloomer Kraus, Robert 1.8 0.5 Little Love, A Hamilton, Virginia 3.6 8.0 Little Men Alcott, Louisa May 8.1 19.0 Little Mermaid, The Hautzig, Deborah 3.4 0.5 Little Miss Spider at Sunny Patch School Kirk, David 3.1 0.5 Little Night Morales, Yuyi 2.8 0.5 Little Nino's Pizzeria Barbour, Karen 2.3 0.5 Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything, The Williams, Linda 3.5 0.5 Little Painter of Sabana Grande, The Markun, Patricia Maloney 3.7 0.5 124 EN 118621 EN 19530 EN 108449 EN 18240 EN 118090 EN 180 EN 6125 EN 327 EN 14629 EN 53489 EN 65062 EN 32564 EN 44948 EN 44949 EN 79255 EN 513 EN 47827 EN 20027 EN 7737 EN 45526 EN 20028 EN Little Princess (Unabridged), A Burnett, Frances Hodgson 6.0 11.0 Little Rat Makes Music BangCampbell, Monika 3.3 0.5 Little Red Cowboy Hat Lowell, Susan 3.0 0.5 Little Red Hen, The Pinkney, Jerry 3.1 0.5 Little Red Riding Hood Ernst, Lisa Campbell 4.2 0.5 Little Red Riding Hood Pinkney, Jerry 4.4 0.5 Little Riders, The Shemin, Margaretha 5.4 2.0 Little Toot Gramatky, Hardie 4.7 0.5 Little Town on the Prairie Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.4 9.0 Little Witch's Big Night Hautzig, Deborah 2.9 0.5 Little Wolf, Forest Detective Whybrow, Ian 4.2 1.0 Little Wolf, Pack Leader Whybrow, Ian 4.8 2.0 Little Wolf's Book of Badness Whybrow, Ian 3.9 2.0 Little Wolf's Diary of Daring Deeds Whybrow, Ian 4.3 2.0 Little Wolf's Haunted Hall for Small Horrors Whybrow, Ian 4.4 2.0 Little Wolf, Terror of the Shivery Sea 4.7 2.0 Little Women (Book I and II) (Unabridged) Alcott, Louisa May 7.9 33.0 Littles and the Big Storm, The Peterson, John 3.6 1.0 Littles and the Great Halloween Scare, The Peterson, John 3.3 1.0 Littles and the Trash Tinies, The Peterson, John 3.7 1.0 Littles and Their Amazing New Friend, The Peterson, John 4.7 2.0 Littles Give a Party, The 3.6 1.0 Whybrow, Ian Peterson, John 7738 EN 20029 EN 6227 EN 5231 EN 20030 EN 34958 EN 11475 EN 56647 EN 44820 EN 8473 EN 24989 EN 117752 EN 277 EN 121237 EN 80251 EN 78550 EN 141493 EN 59887 EN 19166 SP 73761 EN 118122 EN Littles Go Exploring, The Peterson, John 3.5 1.0 Littles Go to School, The Peterson, John 3.5 1.0 Littles Take a Trip, The Peterson, John 3.6 2.0 Littles, The Peterson, John 3.3 1.0 Littles to the Rescue, The Peterson, John 3.6 1.0 Littlest Angel, The Tazewell, Charles 6.3 0.5 Live from the Fifth Grade McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy 4.0 3.0 Live Lions Live on Land Molter, Carey 1.7 0.5 Lives of Extraordinary Women Krull, Kathleen 8.5 3.0 Lives of the Musicians Krull, Kathleen 6.9 3.0 Lives of the Presidents Krull, Kathleen 8.2 4.0 Living Color Jenkins, Steve 5.8 1.0 Lizard Music Pinkwater, Daniel 4.9 5.0 Lizards Cheshire, Gerard 5.4 0.5 Lizards Murray, Julie 3.2 0.5 Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy Schmidt, Gary D. 5.9 10.0 Llama Llama Holiday Drama Dewdney, Anna 2.0 0.5 Llamas Murray, Julie 2.7 0.5 Lo que ves, Mis primeros libros de ciencia Fowler, Allan 2.1 0.5 Loamhedge Jacques, Brian 5.3 19.0 Lobsters Rustad, Martha E.H. 2.1 0.5 36680 EN 113103 EN 79439 EN 5074 EN 11672 EN 64368 EN 21449 EN 11027 EN 18500 EN 45311 EN 47151 EN 8534 EN 20083 EN 126578 EN 113110 EN 113115 EN 27940 EN 46637 EN 8426 EN 370 EN 29487 EN Local Girls Hoffman, Alice 6.2 7.0 Locals Only (Home Run) Birle, Pete 4.1 4.0 Loch Ness Monster, The Sievert, Terri 5.0 0.5 Locked in Time Duncan, Lois 6.5 10.0 Locked Out Janssen, Midge 1.8 0.5 Locomotion Woodson, Jacqueline 4.7 2.0 Log's Life, A Pfeffer, Wendy 3.5 0.5 London (Great Cities) Marker, Sherry 7.7 1.0 Lone Wolf Franklin, Kristine L. 4.2 6.0 Lonely Doll, The Wright, Dare 2.8 0.5 Lonely Lioness and the Ostrich Chicks: A Masai Tale, The Aardema, Verna 3.8 0.5 Loner, The Wier, Ester 5.3 5.0 Long Patrol, The Jacques, Brian 6.0 15.0 Long Shot Lupica, Mike 5.2 5.0 Long Shot (Home Run) Fowler, Marie 4.5 4.0 Long Way Around (Home Run), The Hand, Jimmie 4.3 4.0 Long Way from Chicago, A Peck, Richard 5.0 5.0 Long Way Home, The Brimner, Larry Dane 0.8 0.5 Long Way to a New Land, The Sandin, Joan 2.7 0.5 Long Winter, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.3 10.0 LookAlikes Steiner, Joan 2.6 0.5 36597 EN 67641 EN 59055 EN 11774 EN 1727 EN 1701 EN 70282 EN 61028 EN 12234 EN 86391 EN 78842 EN 126341 EN 14325 EN 9034 EN 43407 EN 47860 EN 52614 EN 744 EN 106979 EN 101372 EN 106248 EN LookAlikes Jr. Steiner, Joan 3.0 0.5 Look at Earth (Out of This World), A Tabak, John 8.2 3.0 Look Before You Leap! Mazer, Anne 3.7 3.0 Look Out for Turtles! Berger, Melvin 3.6 0.5 Look What Came from Australia Davis, Kevin 4.9 0.5 Look What Came from Egypt Harvey, Miles 4.7 0.5 Looking at Liberty Stevenson, Harvey 5.3 0.5 Looking at Maps and Globes Bredeson, Carmen 2.5 0.5 Looking at...Megalosaurus Coleman, Graham 5.7 0.5 Looking for Alaska Green, John 5.8 11.0 4.4 3.0 5.8 0.5 Looking for Bobowicz: A Hoboken Chicken Pinkwater, Daniel Story Looking for Miza: The True Story...Rescued Hatkoff, Craig One of Their Own Loons (Nature's Children) Ross, Judy 5.3 0.5 Lorax, The Seuss, Dr. 3.1 0.5 Lord Brocktree Jacques, Brian 5.5 16.0 Lord God Made Them All, The Herriot, James 6.6 20.0 Lord of the Deep Salisbury, Graham 4.0 5.0 Lord of the Flies Golding, William 5.0 9.0 Lord of the Shadows Shan, Darren 5.0 6.0 Lords of the Sea: The Vikings Explore the North Atlantic Lassieur, Allison 3.3 0.5 Lose, Team, Lose! Stine, R.L. 3.1 2.0 59382 EN 142998 EN 17782 EN 6049 EN 78143 EN 123158 EN 36373 EN 140427 EN 8113 EN 19928 EN 6736 EN 10895 EN 7921 EN 371 EN 7159 EN 4190 EN 4189 EN 4195 EN 76029 EN 21120 EN 29965 EN Loser Spinelli, Jerry 4.3 5.0 Loser List, The Kowitt, H.N. 3.4 2.0 Losers, Inc. Mills, Claudia 4.6 5.0 Losing Joe's Place Korman, Gordon 5.5 8.0 Lost and Found Schraff, Anne 4.7 4.0 Lost and Found Clements, Andrew 5.0 4.0 Lost City Ciencin, Scott 4.6 4.0 Lost Hero, The Riordan, Rick 4.5 19.0 Lost in the Barrens Mowat, Farley 6.6 9.0 Lost in the Museum Cohen, Miriam 2.3 0.5 Lost Star Lauber, Patricia 6.0 3.0 Lostman's River DeFelice, Cynthia 5.4 6.0 Lottery (Creative Education), The Jackson, Shirley 5.9 1.0 Lottery Rose, The Hunt, Irene 5.6 7.0 Lotus Seed, The Garland, Sherry 4.0 0.5 Louanne Pig in the Perfect Family Carlson, Nancy 3.0 0.5 Louanne Pig...Making the Team Carlson, Nancy 2.1 0.5 Loudmouth George and the SixthGrade Bully Carlson, Nancy 3.1 0.5 Louie's Search Keats, Ezra Jack 1.9 0.5 Louis Armstrong: King of Jazz Old, Wendie C. 6.5 3.0 Louis Braille Davidson, Margaret 3.8 2.0 9776 EN Louis the Fish Yorinks, Arthur 2.4 0.5 826 EN Louisa May Alcott: Author, Nurse, Suffragette Greene, Carol 6.2 4.0 Louisa May Alcott: Author of Little Women Warrick, Karen Clemens 7.4 3.0 Louisiana (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.4 3.0 Louisiana (Hello U.S.A.) LaDoux, Rita C. 6.5 1.0 Love and Roast Chicken: A Trickster Tale...the Andes Mountains Knutson, Barbara 3.1 0.5 Love Flute Goble, Paul 4.0 0.5 Love, from the FifthGrade Celebrity Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.7 3.0 Love Is a Handful of Honey Andreae, Giles 3.4 0.5 Love Song for a Baby Bauer, Marion Dane 2.6 0.5 Love, Stargirl Spinelli, Jerry 3.8 8.0 Love That Dog Creech, Sharon 4.5 1.0 Love You Forever Munsch, Robert N. 3.4 0.5 Lovely Shoes, The Shreve, Susan 5.9 7.0 Lucinda's Secret DiTerlizzi, Tony 3.9 1.0 Luck of the Irish, The Paulsen, Brendan 3.9 0.5 Luckiest Girl, The Cleary, Beverly 5.9 10.0 Luckiest One of All, The Peet, Bill 4.6 0.5 Lucky Chuck Cleary, Beverly 3.9 0.5 Lucky Lottery, The Roy, Ron 3.8 1.0 Lucky Stone, The Clifton, Lucille 4.4 1.0 36085 EN 7818 EN 26204 EN 78800 EN 6477 EN 5427 EN 41968 EN 64459 EN 115987 EN 52616 EN 8019 EN 144352 EN 73555 EN 9176 EN 16925 EN 19580 EN 65031 EN 44932 EN 181 EN 9777 EN 19085 EN 328 EN 88626 EN 30661 EN 6024 EN 115214 EN 14356 EN 76899 EN 125 EN 6930 EN 46834 EN 89613 EN 122346 EN 5478 EN 11377 EN 21259 EN 7379 EN 31383 EN 21258 EN 8775 EN 5428 EN Ludlow Laughs Agee, Jon 2.4 0.5 Ludwig van Beethoven: Musical Pioneer Greene, Carol 2.7 0.5 Luke Was There Clymer, Eleanor 3.5 2.0 Lunch Money Clements, Andrew 5.2 6.0 Lupita Manana Beatty, Patricia 4.7 7.0 Lyddie Paterson, Katherine 5.6 9.0 Lyndon B. Johnson: ThirtySixth President Venezia, Mike 4.8 0.5 Lynx (Nature's Children) Switzer, Merebeth 5.9 0.5 Lyra's Oxford Pullman, Philip 6.0 1.0 M.C. Higgins, the Great Hamilton, Virginia 4.4 10.0 Machine Gunners, The Westall, Robert 4.8 7.0 Madagascar (Enchantment of the World) Blauer/Lauré 8.2 4.0 Madam C.J. Walker: Pioneer Businesswoman Krohn, Katherine 3.7 0.5 Madapple Meldrum, Christina 4.8 13.0 Madeline Bemelmans, Ludwig 3.1 0.5 Madeline and the Bad Hat Bemelmans, Ludwig 3.6 0.5 Madeline's Rescue Bemelmans, Ludwig 3.2 0.5 Maebelle's Suitcase Tusa, Tricia 2.8 0.5 Magellan: First Around the World Syme, Ronald 5.2 1.0 Maggie B., The Haas, Irene 4.2 0.5 Maggie the Freak Bunting, Eve 3.7 1.0 Maggie, Too Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.7 4.0 8973 EN 88889 EN 43408 EN 9177 EN 45417 EN 19022 EN 9384 EN 480 EN 10479 EN 86718 EN 32286 EN 5479 EN 32287 EN 11378 EN 8681 EN 10531 EN 15114 EN 10880 EN 5480 EN 5481 EN 5482 EN Magic and Magicians Burgess, Michael 4.8 1.0 Magic and the Mummy, The Deary, Terry 3.5 0.5 Magic Can Be Murder Vande Velde, Vivian 6.1 7.0 Magic Donkey, The Pio, Adam 3.9 0.5 Magic FishBone, The Dickens, Charles 5.3 1.0 Magic Maize Buff, Mary/Conrad 4.7 2.0 Magic Nutcracker, The Hillert, Margaret 0.9 0.5 Magic of the Glits, The Adler, C.S. 5.5 3.0 Magic Pumpkin Martin/Archambault 3.0 0.5 Magic Rabbit, The Watson, Richard Jesse 1.6 0.5 Magic School Bus and the Electric Field Trip, The Cole, Joanna 4.4 0.5 Magic School Bus at the Waterworks, The Cole, Joanna 3.7 0.5 Magic School Bus Explores the Senses, The Cole, Joanna 4.3 1.0 Magic School Bus Gets Baked in a Cake, The Cole/Beech 3.5 0.5 Magic School Bus Hops Home, The Cole/Relf 2.7 0.5 Magic School Bus in the Haunted Museum, Cole/Beech The 3.3 0.5 Magic School Bus Inside a Beehive, The Cole, Joanna 3.9 0.5 Magic School Bus Inside a Hurricane, The Cole, Joanna 4.3 0.5 Magic School Bus Inside the Earth, The Cole, Joanna 3.6 0.5 4.6 0.5 3.7 0.5 Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body, Cole, Joanna The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System, Cole, Joanna The 6076 EN 11381 EN 25091 EN 41470 EN 622 EN 118123 EN 1657 EN 11478 EN 86518 EN 131478 EN 103519 EN 7819 EN 15176 EN 12419 EN 26205 EN 12494 EN 9466 EN 6281 EN 5524 EN 65018 EN 481 EN 52600 EN Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor, The Cole, Joanna 4.0 0.5 Magic School Bus Plants Seeds, The Cole/Relf 3.1 0.5 Magic Show Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 2.3 0.5 Magic Steps Pierce, Tamora 5.7 9.0 Magician's Nephew, The Lewis, C.S. 5.4 6.0 Magnetism Schuh, Mari 3.9 0.5 Magnetism (Straightforward Science) Riley, Peter 6.5 0.5 Magnificent Mummy Maker, The Woodruff, Elvira 4.9 4.0 Magyk Sage, Angie 6.0 18.0 Magykal Papers, The Sage, Angie 6.1 5.0 Maine Walker, Cynthia 1.8 0.5 Maine (America the Beautiful) Harrington, Ty 8.4 3.0 Maine Coon Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.9 0.5 Maine (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.3 1.0 Maine (Hello U.S.A.) Engfer, LeeAnne 5.9 0.5 Make a Wish, Molly Cohen, Barbara 3.4 1.0 Make Lemonade Wolff, Virginia Euwer 5.0 5.0 Make Like a Tree and Leave Danziger, Paula 4.5 3.0 Make Way for Ducklings McCloskey, Robert 4.1 0.5 Makeup Mess Munsch, Robert N. 3.4 0.5 Making the Team Hughes, Dean 3.6 2.0 Making Waves Williams, Barbara 5.1 7.0 88403 EN 13073 EN 74789 EN 29792 EN 10129 EN 89614 EN 482 EN 14357 EN 19304 EN 19353 EN 6535 EN 6536 EN 19342 EN 84389 EN 2799 EN 8662 EN 35632 EN 9778 EN 7679 EN 56959 EN 11087 EN Mako Sharks Klein, Adam G. 4.1 0.5 Mako Sharks (Shark Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 4.1 0.5 Malaysia (Enchantment of the World) McNair, Sylvia 8.2 4.0 Malcolm X Adoff, Arnold 4.6 1.0 Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary Myers, Walter Dean 8.0 6.0 Malcolm X: Force for Change Keller, Kristin Thoennes 4.1 0.5 Maldonado Miracle, The Taylor, Theodore 4.5 5.0 Mallard Ducks (Nature's Children) Ivy, Bill 5.1 0.5 Mallory and the Dream Horse Martin, Ann M. 4.7 4.0 Mallory and the Ghost Cat Martin, Ann M. 4.1 5.0 Mallory and the Mystery Diary Martin, Ann M. 4.2 4.0 Mallory and the Trouble with Twins Martin, Ann M. 4.2 4.0 Mallory's Christmas Wish Martin, Ann M. 3.8 3.0 Mallory vs. Max Friedman, Laurie 3.4 2.0 Malta (Cultures of the World) Sheehan, Sean 9.4 3.0 Maltese Falcon, The Hammett, Dashiell 6.0 11.0 Mama Hopkins, Lee Bennett 4.4 3.0 Mama Don't Allow Hurd, Thacher 2.2 0.5 Mama, Let's Dance Hermes, Patricia 3.9 5.0 Mammals of Long Ago (Rookie ReadAbout Fowler, Allan Science) 2.7 0.5 Mammals (Our Living World) 6.4 2.0 Tesar, Jenny 40233 EN 14232 EN 6931 EN 52123 EN 5276 EN 12029 EN 70103 EN 77196 EN 2926 EN 108342 EN 14233 EN 13074 EN 14273 EN 69677 EN 5075 EN 51159 EN 141549 EN 141551 EN 109133 EN 60481 EN 15177 EN Mammals (Student Library) Editors, TimeLife 7.3 2.0 Mammoth Amery, Heather 5.6 0.5 Man from the Other Side, The Orlev, Uri 5.6 8.0 Man in the Iron Mask (Unabridged), The Dumas, Alexandre 10.2 34.0 Man in the Woods, The Wells, Rosemary 5.2 8.0 Man Who Cooked for Himself, The Krasilovsky, Phyllis 3.5 0.5 Man Who Made Time Travel, The Lasky, Kathryn 6.4 1.0 Man Who Walked Between the Towers, The Gerstein, Mordicai 3.7 0.5 Manatee (Endangered in America), The Silverstein/Nunn 8.4 1.0 Manatees Herriges, Ann 1.8 0.5 Manatees for Kids/Manatee Magic for Kids Corrigan, Patricia 4.6 0.5 Manatees (Sea Mammal Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 3.9 0.5 Mandarins and Marigolds Wallis, Diz 3.7 0.5 MangoShaped Space, A Mass, Wendy 4.7 9.0 Maniac Magee Spinelli, Jerry 4.7 5.0 Mankind: Pro Wrestler Mick Foley Molzahn, Arlene Bourgeois 4.8 0.5 Manners Matter in the Classroom Mortensen, Lori 2.5 0.5 Manners Matter on a Field Trip Mortensen, Lori 2.2 0.5 Manners! Staying out of Trouble with David Tayleur, Karen Mortimore Baxter 4.5 2.0 Manx Cat (Learning About Cats), The Mattern, Joanne 4.9 1.0 Manx Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.6 0.5 3062 EN 5483 EN 118877 EN 8475 EN 74368 EN 74369 EN 66517 EN 66518 EN 66519 EN 5578 EN 16199 EN 66520 EN 129386 EN 16293 EN 843 EN 8309 EN 23913 EN 54065 EN 8352 EN 40137 EN 831 EN 86214 EN Many Lives of Benjamin Franklin, The Aliki 3.6 0.5 Many Moons Thurber, James 4.5 0.5 Many Rides of Paul Revere, The Giblin, James Cross 7.5 2.0 Many Thousand Gone Hamilton, Virginia 6.9 3.0 Map Keys Aberg, Rebecca 2.0 0.5 Map Scales Wade, Mary Dodson 2.6 0.5 Mapping the Seas Oleksy, Walter 8.3 1.0 Mapping the Skies (Watts Library) Oleksy, Walter 8.5 1.0 Mapping the World (Watts Library) Oleksy, Walter 8.3 1.0 Maps and Globes (New True Books) Broekel, Ray 3.8 0.5 Maps & Globes Knowlton, Jack 5.4 0.5 Maps in History (Watts Library) Oleksy, Walter 8.2 1.0 Marcelo in the Real World Stork, Francisco X. 4.6 12.0 5.1 2.0 6.3 3.0 8.8 3.0 Marching to Freedom: The Story of Martin Milton, Joyce Luther King, Jr. Marco Polo: Voyager to the Orient Greene, Carol Marcus Garvey (Black Americans of Lawler, Mary Achievement) Maria Tallchief Tobias, Tobi 4.3 0.5 Mariah Carey (Celebrity Bios) Parker, Judy 4.8 1.0 Marian Anderson (American Women of Achievement) Tedards, Anne 8.3 4.0 Marie Antoinette: Princess of Versailles Lasky, Kathryn 6.2 7.0 Marie Curie: Pioneer Physicist Greene, Carol Maritcha: A NineteenthCentury American Bolden, Tonya Girl 5.5 4.0 7.7 1.0 36332 EN 49715 EN 31462 EN 849 EN 137823 EN 14800 EN 142385 EN 18560 EN 46791 EN 132476 EN 7579 EN 21122 EN 21123 EN 12790 EN 86665 EN 49322 EN 128817 EN 124288 EN 837 EN 77899 EN 61192 EN Maritime Disasters (Watts Library) Landau, Elaine 7.8 1.0 Mark McGwire: Home Run King Savage, Jeff 5.3 1.0 7.2 3.0 6.7 5.0 Mark Twain: Legendary Writer and Pflueger, Lynda Humorist Mark Twain: The Story of Samuel Clemens Hargrove, Jim Marley and the Kittens Grogan, John 2.6 0.5 Marrying Malcolm Murgatroyd Farrell, Mame 4.4 4.0 Mars Family: M&M Mars Candy Makers, The Mattern, Joanne 4.8 0.5 Mars (Gateway Solar System) Vogt, Gregory L. 6.5 0.5 Mars (Watts Library) Landau, Elaine 7.1 1.0 Marshmallow Incident, The Barrett, Judi 4.4 0.5 Martha Speaks Meddaugh, Susan 3.1 0.5 8.1 3.0 Martha Stewart: Successful Businesswoman Meachum, Virginia Martha Washington: First Lady McPherson, Stephanie Sammartino 7.9 3.0 Martian Chronicles, The Bradbury, Ray 6.2 9.0 Martin Bridge Ready for Takeoff! Kerrin, Jessica Scott 3.6 1.0 Martin Luther King Day (On My Own Books) Lowery, Linda 4.1 0.5 Martin Luther King Jr. Colbert, David 7.9 3.0 Martin Luther King Jr. Dunn, Joeming 4.7 0.5 McKissack, Patricia C. 6.5 3.0 Lowery, Linda 4.0 0.5 Marx, David F. 2.7 0.5 Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Man to Remember Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Revised Edition) Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Rookie Read About Holidays) 10784 EN 102791 EN 116505 EN 120719 EN 105170 EN 101431 EN 9035 EN 9269 EN 44914 EN 19302 EN 6538 EN 19866 EN 6539 EN 19355 EN 19370 EN 6540 EN 19329 EN 6541 EN 6542 EN 6543 EN 2477 EN Martin the Warrior Jacques, Brian 5.5 14.0 Martin Van Buren: Eighth President Venezia, Mike 5.9 0.5 Martina the Beautiful Cockroach: A Cuban Deedy, Carmen Agra Folktale 3.1 0.5 Marvelous Machinery: Rides at Work 4.9 0.5 Marvelous Mattie: How Margaret E. Knight McCully, Emily Arnold Became an Inventor 4.2 0.5 Marvelous Meals Law, Felicia 2.6 0.5 Seuss, Dr. 1.1 0.5 Sachar, Louis 2.9 1.0 Marvin Redpost: Super Fast, Out of Control! Sachar, Louis 3.6 1.0 Mary Anne + 2 Many Babies Martin, Ann M. 3.9 3.0 Mary Anne and the Great Romance Martin, Ann M. 4.4 4.0 Mary Anne and the Little Princess Martin, Ann M. 3.8 3.0 Mary Anne and the Search for Tigger Martin, Ann M. 3.7 4.0 Mary Anne and the Secret in the Attic Martin, Ann M. 4.4 4.0 Mary Anne and the Zoo Mystery Martin, Ann M. 4.6 5.0 Mary Anne and Too Many Boys Martin, Ann M. 4.4 4.0 Mary Anne Breaks the Rules Martin, Ann M. 3.4 3.0 Mary Anne Misses Logan Martin, Ann M. 4.3 4.0 Mary Anne Saves the Day Martin, Ann M. 3.7 4.0 Mary Anne vs. Logan Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 Mary, Bloody Mary Meyer, Carolyn 6.3 8.0 Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! Marvin Redpost: Alone in His Teacher's House Lepora, Nathan 1531 EN 2155 EN 32526 EN Mary Cassatt Venezia, Mike 4.7 0.5 Mary Cassatt (The Life and Work Of...) Giesecke, Ernestine 3.4 0.5 Mary Geddy's Day Waters, Kate 3.7 0.5 6.0 2.0 6.1 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.5 3.0 5.5 2.0 2.2 0.5 8.6 3.0 4.4 1.0 6.5 1.0 4.1 1.0 4.9 5.0 2.9 0.5 8.7 3.0 5.4 1.0 6.8 1.0 5.4 7.0 6.5 3.0 5.1 1.0 5.4 1.0 Mary McLeod Bethune: A Great American McKissack, Patricia C. Educator 54 EN Mary Poppins Travers, P.L. 58029 Mary, Queen of Scots: Queen Without a Lasky, Kathryn EN Country 36084 Mary Todd Lincoln: Tragic First Lady of the Hull, Mary E. EN Civil War 121284 Mary Tudor: Courageous Queen or Bloody Buchanan, Jane EN Mary? 103520 Maryland Labella, Susan EN 7820 Maryland (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah EN 12420 Maryland (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. EN 26206 Maryland (Hello U.S.A.) Johnston, Joyce EN 26394 Mask, The Bunting, Eve EN 6819 Masked Monkey, The Dixon, Franklin W. EN 62845 Massachusetts De Capua, Sarah EN 7821 Massachusetts (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah EN 12421 Massachusetts (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. EN 26207 Massachusetts (Hello U.S.A.) Warner, J.F. EN 55 EN Master Puppeteer, The Paterson, Katherine 139031 Masters of Disaster Paulsen, Gary EN 56 EN Matchlock Gun, The Edmonds, Walter D. 1653 Materials and Processes (Straightforward Riley, Peter EN Science) 828 EN 104421 EN 67347 EN 71217 EN 105402 EN 88136 EN 67348 EN 77822 EN 81348 EN 106772 EN 74319 EN 76724 EN 85914 EN 12474 EN 77411 EN 43693 EN 49986 EN 5429 EN 43469 EN 133930 EN 118124 EN 64233 EN Mates, Dates and Chocolate Cheats Hopkins, Cathy 4.7 5.0 Mates, Dates and Cosmic Kisses Hopkins, Cathy 3.8 4.0 Mates, Dates, and Designer Divas Hopkins, Cathy 4.0 4.0 Mates, Dates and Diamond Destiny Hopkins, Cathy 4.3 6.0 Mates, Dates and Great Escapes Hopkins, Cathy 4.5 5.0 Mates, Dates and Inflatable Bras Hopkins, Cathy 3.9 4.0 Mates, Dates and Mad Mistakes Hopkins, Cathy 4.2 5.0 Mates, Dates and Sequin Smiles Hopkins, Cathy 4.4 5.0 Mates, Dates and Sizzling Summers Hopkins, Cathy 4.0 6.0 Mates, Dates, and Sleepover Secrets Hopkins, Cathy 3.9 4.0 Mates, Dates, and Sole Survivors Hopkins, Cathy 4.2 5.0 Mates, Dates and Tempting Trouble Hopkins, Cathy 4.5 7.0 Math Curse Scieszka, Jon 3.7 0.5 Math Fables Tang, Greg 4.3 0.5 Math Wiz, The Duffey, Betsy 3.9 1.0 Mathew Brady: Photographer of the Civil War Pflueger, Lynda 8.2 3.0 Matilda Dahl, Roald 5.0 6.0 Matilda Bone Cushman, Karen 5.7 5.0 Matt Hardy Nemeth, Jason D. 4.8 0.5 Matter Manolis, Kay 3.2 0.5 Matter and Energy: Principles of Matter and Fleisher, Paul Thermodynamics 7.0 2.0 12524 EN 78140 EN 86313 EN 101373 EN 6126 EN 7528 EN 29211 EN 45148 EN 15800 EN 76701 EN 30694 EN 6429 EN 5525 EN 13484 EN 24802 EN 7427 EN 51460 EN 67595 EN 116909 EN 125985 EN 28488 EN Matter of Conscience: The Trial of Anne Hutchinson, A Nichols, Joan Kane 6.2 2.0 Matter of Trust, A Schraff, Anne 4.6 3.0 Matthew A.B.C. Catalanotto, Peter 2.0 0.5 Matthew Henson: Arctic Adventurer Hoena, B.A. 3.9 0.5 Matthew's Dream Lionni, Leo 3.1 0.5 MauiMaui (Original Text) Cosgrove, Stephen 4.9 0.5 Maurice Sendak (Young at Heart) Berg, Julie 5.3 1.0 Max Cleans Up Wells, Rosemary 2.6 0.5 Max's Dragon Shirt Wells, Rosemary 2.5 0.5 Max's Logbook Moss, Marissa 3.7 1.0 Max the Mighty Philbrick, Rodman 5.0 5.0 Maxie, Rosie and Earl: Partners in Grime Park, Barbara 3.8 2.0 May I Bring a Friend? deRegniers, Beatrice Schenk 2.7 0.5 Maya (First Book), The Greene, Jacqueline D. 7.1 1.0 Maya (Technology in the Time of), The Crosher, Judith 6.8 1.0 Maya, The McKissack, Patricia C. 4.4 0.5 Mayans (Lost Civilizations), The Kallen, Stuart A. 10.0 6.0 Mayflower Compact, The Whitcraft, Melissa 6.8 1.0 Mayflower Treasure Hunt Roy, Ron 4.1 2.0 Maze of Bones, The Riordan, Rick 4.3 7.0 Maze, The Hobbs, Will 5.0 7.0 17725 EN 30672 EN 9036 EN 71397 EN 11479 EN 10617 EN 625 EN 674 EN 71260 EN 7284 EN 71437 EN 19888 EN 9779 EN 26720 EN 36811 EN 82450 EN 9557 EN 82441 EN 145649 EN 7682 EN 61325 EN 11382 EN Mazel and Shlimazel or the Milk of a Lioness Singer, Isaac Bashevis 5.6 1.0 McBroom Tells the Truth Fleischman, Sid 3.9 0.5 McElligot's Pool Seuss, Dr. 3.6 0.5 McMahons: Vince McMahon and Family, The Kaelberer, Angie Peterson 5.0 1.0 McMummy Byars, Betsy 4.2 4.0 Me and My Veggies Whitlatch, Isaac 4.9 0.5 Me and the Terrible Two Me, Mop, and the Moondance Kid Conford, Ellen Myers, Walter Dean 4.2 3.9 3.0 5.0 Me Oh Maya Scieszka, Jon 3.6 1.0 Me Too! Mayer, Mercer 1.5 0.5 Meanest Doll in the World, The Martin/Godwin 4.6 5.0 Meanest Thing to Say, The Cosby, Bill 2.2 0.5 Meanwhile Back at the Ranch Noble, Trinka Hakes 3.5 0.5 Measuring Penny Leedy, Loreen 3.2 0.5 Meat and Protein Group (The Food Guide Pyramid), The Frost, Helen 2.5 0.5 Medical Marvels: A Chapter Book Nichols, Catherine 4.8 0.5 Medieval Castle, A MacDonald, Fiona 7.8 1.0 Meditation Andrews, Linda Wasmer 6.4 2.0 Medusa Plot, The Korman, Gordon 5.3 7.0 Meet Addy Porter, Connie 4.0 1.0 Meet Christopher Columbus Kay, James T. de 3.3 1.0 Meet Danitra Brown Grimes, Nikki 3.4 0.5 6430 EN 17632 EN 118247 EN 37031 EN 54168 EN 426 EN 2992 EN 130512 EN 427 EN 8392 EN 25088 EN 84287 EN 102111 EN 63012 EN 19024 EN 18561 EN 107765 EN 106376 EN 123159 EN 88160 EN 8476 EN 5526 EN Meet Felicity Tripp, Valerie 4.2 1.0 Meet Josefina Tripp, Valerie 4.1 2.0 Meet Julie McDonald, Megan 4.5 2.0 Meet Kit Tripp, Valerie 4.5 2.0 Meet Martin Luther King, Jr. Kay, James T. de 3.9 1.0 Meet Molly Meet My Grandmother: She's a Supreme Court Justice Tripp, Valerie 4.2 1.0 McElroy/O'Connor 5.3 0.5 Meet President Barack Obama Falk, Laine 2.2 0.5 Meet Samantha Adler, Susan S. 3.8 1.0 9.1 2.0 Meet the Amish (Peoples of North America) Israel, Fred Meet the Boxcar Children Warner, Gertrude Chandler 2.3 0.5 Meet the Gecko Van Draanen, Wendelin 3.4 2.0 Brian, Kate 4.4 9.0 Cotton, Jacqueline S. 3.7 0.5 Men, Microscopes, and Living Things Shippen, Katherine B. 8.3 7.0 Mercury (Gateway Solar System) Vogt, Gregory L. 6.4 0.5 Mercy Watson Fights Crime DiCamillo, Kate 2.6 0.5 Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride DiCamillo, Kate 2.7 0.5 Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig DiCamillo, Kate 2.8 0.5 Mercy Watson to the Rescue DiCamillo, Kate 2.7 0.5 Mermaid Tales from Around the World Osborne, Mary Pope 5.3 2.0 Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.1 0.5 Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys Memorial Day (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) 9385 EN 5430 EN 40602 EN 134424 EN 18976 EN 77348 EN 9326 EN 26934 EN 9327 EN 46625 EN 9328 EN 26931 EN 26935 EN 62835 EN 31090 EN 31286 EN 27012 EN 5131 EN 15980 EN 15981 EN 15982 EN Merry Christmas, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret 0.8 0.5 Merry Christmas from Betsy Haywood, Carolyn 3.9 2.0 Merry Christmas Mom and Dad Mayer, Mercer 2.4 0.5 Mesa Verde Cliff Dwellers: An...Soto Archaeology Adventure, The Collins, Terry 3.9 0.5 Message, The Applegate, K.A. 3.9 4.0 Messenger Lowry, Lois 4.9 5.0 Messy Bessey McKissack, Patricia C. 2.0 0.5 Messy Bessey and the Birthday Overnight McKissack, Patricia/Fredrick 2.3 0.5 Messy Bessey's Closet McKissack, Patricia C. 1.7 0.5 Messy Bessey's Family Reunion McKissack, Patricia/Fredrick 2.4 0.5 Messy Bessey's Garden McKissack, Patricia C. 0.8 0.5 2.3 0.5 2.5 0.5 Messy Bessey's Holidays Messy Bessey's School Desk McKissack, Patricia/Fredrick McKissack, Patricia/Fredrick Messy Lot (Rookie Choices), The Brimner, Larry Dane 2.2 0.5 Metropolitan Cow Egan, Tim 3.8 0.5 MexicanAmerican War (World History), The Nardo, Don 10.0 5.0 Mexico (Enchantment of the World) Stein, R. Conrad 7.2 2.0 Mexico (New True Books) Jacobsen, Karen 3.7 0.5 Mexico: The Culture Kalman, Bobbie 6.7 1.0 Mexico: The Land Kalman, Bobbie 7.1 1.0 Mexico: The People Kalman, Bobbie 6.6 1.0 36956 EN 133950 EN 31525 EN 85865 EN 1545 EN 26278 EN 129471 EN 74370 EN 7822 EN 12422 EN 26208 EN 11480 EN 68470 EN 43938 EN 11088 EN 5579 EN 13737 EN 57 EN 10786 EN 68471 EN 483 EN 6372 EN Miami Dolphins (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 6.7 1.0 Michael Jackson: King of Pop Pratt, Mary K. 7.4 2.0 Michael Jordan Lovitt, Chip 6.9 8.0 Michael Phelps Zuehlke, Jeffrey 4.2 0.5 Michelangelo Venezia, Mike 5.0 0.5 Michelle Kwan: Champion on Ice Gatto, Kimberly 5.7 1.0 Michelle Obama Wheeler, Jill C. 4.8 0.5 Michigan Mader, Jan 2.6 0.5 Michigan (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.1 3.0 Michigan (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 5.0 1.0 Michigan (Hello U.S.A.) Sirvaitis, Karen 7.2 1.0 Mick Harte Was Here Park, Barbara 4.5 2.0 Mickey & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.3 4.0 Micromonsters: Life Under the Microscope Maynard, Christopher 5.7 1.0 Ricciuti, Edward 7.9 2.0 Wilkin, Fred 4.9 0.5 Caselli, Giovanni 8.2 2.0 Estes, Eleanor 4.6 6.0 Middle of Somewhere, The Gordon, Sheila 4.6 5.0 Midnight for Charlie Bone Nimmo, Jenny 4.8 10.0 Midnight Fox, The Byars, Betsy 4.9 4.0 Midnight Horse, The Fleischman, Sid 4.2 1.0 Microorganisms: The Unseen World (Our Living World) Microscopes and Telescopes (New True Books) Middle Ages (History of Everyday Things), The Middle Moffat, The 34516 EN 17578 EN 16717 EN 26794 EN 11553 EN 5484 EN 1766 EN 125690 EN 9780 EN 68228 EN 71828 EN 102800 EN 73256 EN 26736 EN 133416 EN 65738 EN 57051 EN 26986 EN 122010 EN 35636 EN 9637 EN Midnight Magic Avi 4.7 6.0 Midnight on the Moon Osborne, Mary Pope 2.8 1.0 Midsummer Night's Dream, A Shakespeare, William 10.9 3.0 Midwestern Corn Festival: Ears Everywhere, Gabbert, Lisa A 4.6 0.5 Midwife's Apprentice, The Cushman, Karen 6.0 3.0 Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel Burton, Virginia Lee 4.4 0.5 Miles Davis Crisp, George R. 7.7 5.0 Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana Magid, Jennifer 4.7 1.0 Milk Makers, The Gibbons, Gail 4.1 0.5 Milk to Ice Cream Snyder, Inez 1.3 0.5 Milkweed Spinelli, Jerry 3.6 7.0 Millard Fillmore: Thirteenth President Venezia, Mike 5.4 0.5 Millicent Min, Girl Genius Yee, Lisa 5.8 8.0 Million Dollar Shot, The Gutman, Dan 4.2 3.0 MillionDollar Throw Lupica, Mike 5.4 8.0 Milly and the Macy's Parade Corey, Shana 3.6 0.5 Milo's Hat Trick Agee, Jon 2.4 0.5 Milton Hershey Chocolate King Town Builder Simon, Charnan 4.8 0.5 Mind Readers: Science Examines ESP Tilden, Thomasine E. Lewis 5.3 1.0 Mindquakes: Stories to Shatter Your Brain Shusterman, Neal 5.2 5.0 Mine for Keeps 5.1 7.0 Little, Jean 125663 EN 16145 EN 11178 EN 2108 EN 6479 EN 103521 EN 7823 EN 12423 EN 26209 EN 36957 EN 125224 EN 16647 EN 110893 EN 41559 EN 745 EN 59 EN 102971 EN 5027 EN 6335 EN 26395 EN 41284 EN 278 EN Minerals Pellant, Chris 4.5 0.5 Minerva Louise at School Stoeke, Janet Morgan 1.7 0.5 Ming Lo Moves the Mountain Lobel, Arnold 3.6 0.5 Mink, a Fink, a Skating Rink: What Is a Noun?, A Cleary, Brian P. 3.3 0.5 Minn of the Mississippi Holling, Holling Clancy 5.6 3.0 Minnesota Dolan, Sean 2.4 0.5 Minnesota (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.0 3.0 Minnesota (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.3 1.0 Minnesota (Hello U.S.A.) Porter, A.P. 6.3 1.0 Minnesota Vikings (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 7.2 1.0 Minnesota Vikings, The Stewart, Mark 5.6 1.0 Minty: A Story of Young Harriet Tubman Schroeder, Alan 3.6 0.5 Miracle on 49th Street Lupica, Mike 4.7 8.0 Miracle's Boys Woodson, Jacqueline 4.3 3.0 Miracle Worker, The Miracles on Maple Hill Gibson, William Sorensen, Virginia 5.2 4.9 4.0 7.0 Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, The DiCamillo, Kate 4.4 2.0 Mirandy and Brother Wind McKissack, Patricia C. 3.6 0.5 Mirette on the High Wire McCully, Emily Arnold 3.6 0.5 Mirror Planet, The Bunting, Eve 3.6 1.0 Miserable Mill, The Snicket, Lemony 6.2 5.0 Mishmash Cone, Molly 4.2 2.0 41946 EN 45440 EN 79640 EN 126 EN 110169 EN 135631 EN 102956 EN 59434 EN 12031 EN 21393 EN 6130 EN 5028 EN 84980 EN 32521 EN 77006 EN 45876 EN 26730 EN 116359 EN 117089 EN 76995 EN 109663 EN Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster Frasier, Debra 5.3 0.5 Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten Slate, Joseph 1.5 0.5 Miss Daisy Is Crazy! Gutman, Dan 4.3 1.0 Miss Hickory Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin 5.9 4.0 Miss Holly Is Too Jolly! Gutman, Dan 4.0 1.0 Miss Laney Is Zany! Gutman, Dan 3.5 1.0 Miss Lazar Is Bizarre! Gutman, Dan 3.8 1.0 Miss Malarkey Doesn't Live in Room 10 Finchler, Judy 2.4 0.5 Miss Mopp's Lucky Day McGuire, Leslie 2.6 0.5 Miss Nelson Has a Field Day Allard, Harry 3.0 0.5 Miss Nelson Is Back Allard, Harry 2.7 0.5 Miss Rumphius Cooney, Barbara 3.8 0.5 Miss Small Is off the Wall! Gutman, Dan 3.6 1.0 Miss Spider's New Car Kirk, David 2.9 0.5 Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Kids Kirk, David 2.9 0.5 Miss Spider's Tea Party Kirk, David 3.9 0.5 Miss Spider's Wedding Kirk, David 4.3 0.5 Miss Spitfire: Reaching Helen Keller Miller, Sarah 5.8 8.0 Miss Suki Is Kooky! Gutman, Dan 3.8 1.0 Missiles and Rockets Dartford, Mark 6.1 1.0 Missing Spirn, M. Sobel 3.2 1.0 5671 EN 8539 EN 6673 EN 46482 EN 51330 EN 64187 EN 13774 EN 88153 EN 5277 EN 7381 EN 7824 EN 5431 EN 26210 EN 103522 EN 7825 EN 12425 EN 26211 EN 78034 EN 70137 EN 78975 EN 12088 EN Missing Chums, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo, The George, Jean Craighead 4.6 4.0 Missing May Rylant, Cynthia 5.3 3.0 Missing Mummy, The Roy, Ron 4.0 1.0 Missing Piece Meets the Big O, The Silverstein, Shel 2.4 0.5 Missing Piece, The Silverstein, Shel 3.2 0.5 Missing Pieces Mazer, Norma Fox 3.7 5.0 Missing Pieces Jenkins, Jerry B. 4.2 4.0 Missing Since Monday Martin, Ann M. 4.3 5.0 Missing Tooth, The Cole, Joanna 1.9 0.5 Mississippi (America the Beautiful) Carson, Robert 8.0 3.0 Mississippi Bridge Taylor, Mildred D. 4.2 1.0 Mississippi (Hello U.S.A.) Ready, Anna 6.5 1.0 Missouri TaylorButler, Christine 2.5 0.5 Missouri (America the Beautiful) Sanford, William 7.3 3.0 Missouri (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.1 1.0 Missouri (Hello U.S.A.) LaDoux, Rita C. 6.0 1.0 Missy Violet and Me Hathaway, Barbara 5.2 2.0 Mister Monday Nix, Garth 5.9 12.0 Mister Seahorse Carle, Eric 2.5 0.5 Mistletoe and the Baobab Tree Huriet, Genevieve 3.6 0.5 60 EN 6336 EN 6131 EN 12331 EN 279 EN 41542 EN 138972 EN 11280 EN 12287 EN 61 EN 485 EN 69127 EN 5029 EN 675 EN 5235 EN 7382 EN 9460 EN 76919 EN 53918 EN 60907 EN 116912 EN 1546 EN 8727 EN Misty of Chincoteague Henry, Marguerite 5.3 4.0 Mitch and Amy Cleary, Beverly 6.2 6.0 Mitten, The Brett, Jan 3.9 0.5 Buck, Gisela/Siegfried 2.7 0.5 Williams, Barbara 4.0 3.0 Moby Dick (Saddleback Classics) Melville/Lorimer 4.6 2.0 Mockingjay Collins, Suzanne 5.3 15.0 Model Crime, A Keene, Carolyn 4.5 4.0 Modern Astronomy Asimov, Isaac 6.9 0.5 Moffats, The Molly Learns a Lesson Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism Estes, Eleanor Tripp, Valerie 5.2 3.7 6.0 1.0 Byng, Georgia 5.5 12.0 Molly's Pilgrim Cohen, Barbara 3.0 0.5 Molly's Surprise Tripp, Valerie 3.6 1.0 Molly Saves the Day Tripp, Valerie 3.7 1.0 Molly the Brave and Me O'Connor, Jane 2.0 0.5 Momo's Kitten Yashima, Mitsu 3.8 0.5 Monaco (Enchantment of the World) Hintz, Martin 8.5 4.0 Monarch Butterfly Gibbons, Gail 3.4 0.5 Monday's Troll Prelutsky, Jack 6.0 0.5 Monday with a Mad Genius Osborne, Mary Pope 3.8 2.0 Monet Venezia, Mike 4.5 0.5 Money Game, The Ericson, David 2.7 1.0 Mitzi, Molly, and Max the Kittens (Real Baby Animals) Mitzi's Honeymoon with Nana Potts 57597 EN 5581 EN 62827 EN 5909 EN 7383 EN 6932 EN 80280 EN 29945 EN 8974 EN 9613 EN 9614 EN 9615 EN 125397 EN 58942 EN 121333 EN 58756 EN 8270 EN 52169 EN 9481 EN 5432 EN 21377 EN Money Hungry Flake, Sharon G. 4.2 4.0 Money (New True Books) Elkin, Benjamin 4.1 0.5 Money Trouble (Rookie Choices) Brimner, Larry Dane 1.7 0.5 Monkey Island Fox, Paula 5.0 5.0 MonkeyMonkey's Trick McKissack, Patricia C. 2.1 0.5 Monkey See. Monkey Do. DeClements, Barthe 4.1 5.0 Monkeys Murray, Julie 2.9 0.5 Monster Myers, Walter Dean 5.1 5.0 Monster at Loch Ness Berke, Sally 4.6 1.0 Monster Blood Stine, R.L. 4.1 3.0 Monster Blood II Stine, R.L. 3.6 3.0 Monster Blood III Stine, R.L. 3.2 3.0 Monster Truck Racing Spalding, LeeAnne T. 5.0 0.5 Monster Trucks Nelson, Kristin L. 2.2 0.5 Monster Trucks Manolis, Kay 1.5 0.5 Monster Trucks (The Need for Speed) Johnstone, Michael 7.0 1.0 Monster Vehicles (Cruisin') Atkinson, E.J. 4.3 1.0 Monster Who Ate My Peas, The Schnitzlein, Danny 3.6 0.5 Monsters Hoban, Russell 3.5 0.5 Monsters of Marble Avenue, The Gondosch, Linda 2.9 1.0 Monsters' Test, The Heinz, Brian J. 3.5 0.5 74371 EN 7826 EN 12426 EN 26212 EN 104649 EN 58943 EN 56668 EN 104776 EN 87256 EN 77128 EN 6933 EN 15842 EN 6176 EN 140091 EN 126064 EN 71690 EN 85831 EN 5132 EN 12177 EN 101436 EN 75039 EN Montana Trumbauer, Lisa 2.3 0.5 Montana (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.3 3.0 Montana (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.6 1.0 Montana (Hello U.S.A.) Ladoux, Rita C. 6.4 1.0 Montgomery Bus Boycott, The O'Hern, Kerri 4.8 0.5 Months Nelson, Robin 2.0 0.5 Months (Capital Letters) Rondeau, Amanda 1.2 0.5 Montmorency and the Assassins Updale, Eleanor 6.0 15.0 Montmorency on the Rocks: Doctor, Aristocrat, Murderer? Updale, Eleanor 6.3 12.0 Montmorency: Thief, Liar, Gentleman? Updale, Eleanor 7.4 8.0 Monument, The Paulsen, Gary 4.9 3.0 Moon Bridge, The Savin, Marcia 3.9 5.0 Moon Flights (New True Books) Fradin, Dennis B. 5.3 0.5 Moon over Manifest Vanderpool, Clare 5.3 12.0 Moon Over Star, The Aston, Dianna Hutts 4.3 0.5 Moon (Revised Edition), The Simon, Seymour 4.4 0.5 Moon Runner Marsden, Carolyn 4.4 2.0 Moon, Sun and Stars (New True Books) Lewellen, John 2.8 0.5 Moon, The Asimov, Isaac 5.2 0.5 Moon, The Law, Felicia 2.4 0.5 Moon (Watts Library), The Carruthers, Margaret W. 7.1 1.0 19200 EN 82890 EN 374 EN 36031 EN 129309 EN 28012 EN 15500 EN 100957 EN 12250 EN 56679 EN 14358 EN 15696 EN 44264 EN 86414 EN 18776 EN 61016 EN 6674 EN 29956 EN 44093 EN 27020 EN 27510 EN Moon Window Curry, Jane Louise 5.9 6.0 Moondog Hoffman/Martin 4.8 0.5 Moonlight Man, The Fox, Paula 5.1 6.0 Moonlight Man, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.7 5.0 Moonlight on the Magic Flute Osborne, Mary Pope 3.7 2.0 Moonstruck: The True Story of the Cow Who Jumped over the Moon Choldenko, Gennifer 3.5 0.5 Moorchild, The McGraw, Eloise Jarvis 5.5 9.0 Moose Crossing Greene, Stephanie 2.7 0.5 Moose for Kids/Moose Magic for Kids Fair, Jeff 5.1 1.0 Moose Is in the Mousse, The Scheunemann, Pam 0.9 0.5 Moose (Nature's Children) Ross, Judy 5.2 0.5 Moray Eels (Naturebooks) Rothaus, Don P. 6.1 0.5 More More More, Said the Baby Williams, Vera B. 2.5 0.5 More or Less Murphy, Stuart J. 2.4 0.5 More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Schwartz, Alvin 4.7 1.0 More, the Merrier, The Mazer, Anne 3.3 2.0 Morning Girl Dorris, Michael 4.9 2.0 Morning Is a Long Time Coming Greene, Bette 6.4 10.0 Morning, Noon, and Night George, Jean Craighead 2.5 0.5 Morocco (Enchantment of the World) Blauer/Lauré 7.5 3.0 Moses Goes to a Concert Millman, Isaac 3.3 0.5 59888 EN 6688 EN 20732 EN 127487 EN 7582 EN 115951 EN 11029 EN 36009 EN 25382 EN 61140 EN 127313 EN 4863 EN 118859 EN 117994 EN 57068 EN 4466 EN 69257 EN 8272 EN 16372 EN 13318 EN 69989 EN Mosquitoes Murray, Julie 3.8 0.5 Mossflower Jacques, Brian 5.1 17.0 Most Wanted Cray, Jordan 3.6 5.0 Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg, Philbrick, Rodman The 5.6 7.0 Mother for Choco, A Kasza, Keiko 2.2 0.5 Mother Goose Numbers on the Loose Dillon, Leo 3.7 0.5 Mother Jones and the March of the Mill Children Colman, Penny 6.6 1.0 Mother's Day Mice, The Bunting, Eve 3.0 0.5 Mother Teresa: Helping the Poor (Updated) Jacobs, William Jay 6.1 1.0 Mother to Tigers 4.0 0.5 Mother, You're the Best! (but Sister, You're deGroat, Diane a Pest!) 2.9 0.5 Motocross (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.2 0.5 Motocross Brother (Home Run) Hado, Eric 3.6 4.0 Motocross Racing David, Jack 3.3 0.5 Motor Graders (Big Yellow Machines) Eick, Jean 4.4 0.5 Motorbikes (Need for Speed) Raby/Nix 5.9 1.0 Motorcycles Miller, Heather 1.8 0.5 Motorcycles (Cruisin') Kahaner, Ellen 5.2 1.0 Motorcycles (Transportation) Ready, Dee 2.2 0.5 Motorcycles (Traveling Machines) Cooper, Jason 4.3 0.5 Mount Olympus Basketball O'Malley, Kevin 3.0 0.5 Lyon, George Ella 4856 EN 28924 EN 67695 EN 9179 EN 12140 EN 12141 EN 16142 EN 108229 EN 5582 EN 182 EN 30846 EN 42606 EN 44381 EN 775 EN 138803 EN 31188 EN 48501 EN 7012 EN 9678 EN 101363 EN 103837 EN 126512 EN Mountain Biking (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.3 0.5 Mountain Biking (Fantastic Book Of) Richards, Brant 5.8 0.5 Mountain Biking (XTreme Outdoors) Weintraub, Aileen 5.3 1.0 Mountain Boy Josephs, Anna 5.0 0.5 Mountain Gorillas and Their Young Harrison, Virginia 4.2 0.5 Mountain Gorillas in Danger Ritchie, Rita 4.9 0.5 Mountain Wedding Gibbons, Faye 4.2 0.5 Mountains Green, Emily K. 2.1 0.5 Mountains (New True Books) Stone, Lynn M. 3.5 0.5 Mouse and the Motorcycle, The Cleary, Beverly 5.1 3.0 Mouse Practice McCully, Emily Arnold 1.9 0.5 Mouse's First Christmas Thompson, Lauren 2.1 0.5 Mousery, The Pomerantz, Charlotte 3.7 0.5 Moves Make the Man, The Brooks, Bruce 5.4 11.0 Movie For Dogs Duncan, Lois 5.3 6.0 Movie Star Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 Mozart (Lives and Times) Lynch, Wendy 3.2 0.5 Mozart Season, The Wolff, Virginia Euwer 4.5 10.0 Mr. Baseball Hooks, William 2.5 0.5 Mr. Chickee's Funny Money Curtis, Christopher Paul 5.3 5.0 Mr. Docker Is off His Rocker! Gutman, Dan 3.6 1.0 Mr. Granite Is from Another Planet! Gutman, Dan 3.7 1.0 87383 EN 79641 EN 53459 EN 19057 EN 119702 EN 112348 EN 83510 EN 627 EN Mr. Hynde Is out of His Mind Gutman, Dan 3.8 1.0 Mr. Klutz Is Nuts! Gutman, Dan 4.4 1.0 Mr. Lincoln's Way Polacco, Patricia 3.7 0.5 Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers Winnick, Karen 2.7 0.5 Mr. Louie Is Screwy! Gutman, Dan 3.6 1.0 Mr. Macky Is Wacky! Gutman, Dan 3.7 1.0 Mr. Maxwell's Mouse Asch, Frank 4.3 0.5 Mr. Mysterious & Company Fleischman, Sid Atwater, Richard/Florence 4.7 5.0 5.6 3.0 Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present Zolotow, Charlotte 2.3 0.5 Mr. Revere and I Lawson, Robert 7.5 5.0 Mr. Sunny Is Funny! Gutman, Dan 3.5 1.0 Mr. Tucket Paulsen, Gary 5.0 4.0 Mrs. Cooney Is Loony! Gutman, Dan 3.5 1.0 Mrs. Dole Is out of Control! Gutman, Dan 3.9 1.0 Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (The Secret of NIMH) O'Brien, Robert C. 5.1 8.0 Mrs. Jafee Is Daffy! Gutman, Dan 3.6 1.0 Mrs. Katz and Tush Polacco, Patricia 3.1 0.5 Mrs. Kormel Is Not Normal! Gutman, Dan 3.8 1.0 Mrs. Mike Freedman, Benedict 5.3 16.0 Mrs. Patty Is Batty! Gutman, Dan 3.8 1.0 Mrs. PiggleWiggle MacDonald, Betty 5.2 3.0 58 EN Mr. Popper's Penguins 16867 EN 18777 EN 126993 EN 11481 EN 101364 EN 124641 EN 62 EN 132890 EN 7684 EN 105639 EN 572 EN 109528 EN 63 EN 34688 EN 36025 EN 83937 EN 78818 EN 118271 EN 115027 EN 83938 EN 121150 EN 101365 EN 120595 EN 109319 EN 17328 EN 5030 EN 7534 EN 34562 EN 429 EN 8301 EN 11827 EN 11832 EN 46792 EN 41947 EN Mrs. PiggleWiggle's Farm MacDonald, Betty 4.9 4.0 Mrs. PiggleWiggle's Magic MacDonald, Betty 5.5 5.0 Mrs. Roopy Is Loopy! Gutman, Dan 3.9 1.0 Mrs. Watson Wants Your Teeth McGhee, Alison 2.4 0.5 Mrs. Yonkers Is Bonkers! Gutman, Dan 3.9 1.0 Ms. Coco Is Loco! Gutman, Dan 3.9 1.0 Ms. Hannah Is Bananas! Gutman, Dan 3.6 1.0 Ms. Krup Cracks Me Up! Gutman, Dan 3.5 1.0 Ms. LaGrange Is Strange! Gutman, Dan 3.8 1.0 Ms. McCaw Learns to Draw Zemach, Kaethe 3.8 0.5 Ms. Todd Is Odd! Gutman, Dan 3.9 1.0 Much Bigger Than Martin Kellogg, Steven 2.5 0.5 Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters Steptoe, John 4.3 0.5 Muffin Muncher (Original Text), The Cosgrove, Stephen 5.1 0.5 Muffy's Secret Admirer Brown/Krensky 3.3 1.0 Muggie Maggie Muhammad Ali (Black Americans of Achievement) Cleary, Beverly 4.5 1.0 Rummel, Jack 8.4 4.0 Multicultural Portrait of Colonial Life, A Washburne, Carolyn Kott 9.0 5.0 Multicultural Portrait of the Civil War, A Piggins, Carol Ann 8.8 4.0 Multimedia Magic (Watts Library) Perry, Robert L. 8.5 1.0 Mummies, Bones, & Body Parts Wilcox, Charlotte 6.4 1.0 10644 EN 9781 EN 8478 EN 44144 EN 52017 EN 52574 EN 131871 EN 20124 EN 36781 EN 61042 EN 9462 EN 108845 EN 76030 EN 17783 EN 29927 EN 6496 EN 14361 EN 17784 EN 10581 EN 280 EN 42588 EN Mummies in the Morning Osborne, Mary Pope 2.7 1.0 Mummies Made in Egypt Aliki 5.2 0.5 Mummies & Their Mysteries Wilcox, Charlotte 6.8 1.0 Mummies, Tombs, and Treasures Perl, Lila 7.9 3.0 Mummy Cooney, Caroline B. 5.6 8.0 Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! Fleming, Candace 2.4 0.5 Murder at Midnight Avi 4.3 5.0 Murdered, My Sweet Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.6 6.0 Muscular System (Human Body Systems), The Frost, Helen 2.0 0.5 Mush, a Dog from Space Pinkwater, Daniel 3.2 1.0 Mushroom in the Rain Ginsburg, Mirra 2.5 0.5 Mushroom Ring, The Law, Felicia 2.6 0.5 Music, Music for Everyone Williams, Vera B. 3.6 0.5 Music of Dolphins, The Hesse, Karen 3.4 3.0 Musical Instruments from A to Z Kalman, Bobbie 4.1 0.5 Musical Max Kraus, Robert 2.3 0.5 Muskrats (Nature's Children) Dingwall, Laima 5.4 0.5 Mustang Flats Wisler, G. Clifton 4.4 4.0 Mustang, Wild Spirit of the West Henry, Marguerite 5.3 7.0 Mustard Graeber, Charlotte 3.1 1.0 Mutation, The Applegate, K.A. 4.1 3.0 20280 EN 59889 EN 15185 EN 45154 EN 14954 EN 46864 EN 16398 EN 64452 EN Mutt in the Iron Muzzle, The Friedman, Michael Jan 4.5 4.0 Mutts Murray, Julie 2.8 0.5 Mutts (Dogs) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.4 0.5 My America: A Poetry Atlas of the United States Hopkins, Lee Bennett 4.9 1.0 My Best Friend Is Invisible Stine, R.L. 2.8 2.0 My Book by Me Rau, Dana Meachen 1.5 0.5 My Brother, Ant Byars, Betsy 1.7 0.5 My Brother Martin: A Sister Remembers...Martin Luther King Jr. Farris, Christine King 5.0 0.5 4.9 7.0 4.1 3.0 My Brother Stevie Collier, James/Christopher Clymer, Eleanor My Car Barton, Byron 0.9 0.5 My Cat Foley, Cate 0.9 0.5 My Darling, My Hamburger Zindel, Paul 5.0 4.0 My Deer Is a Dear Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth 1.3 0.5 My Dog Hughes, Sarah 1.3 0.5 My Family Plays Music Cox, Judy 2.6 0.5 My Father's Dragon Gannett, Ruth Stiles 5.6 1.0 My Feet Aliki 2.2 0.5 My Five Senses Aliki 2.0 0.5 SommerBodenburg, Angela 4.2 4.0 My Goldfish Walker, Pamela 1.2 0.5 My Guinea Pig Hughes, Sarah 1.0 0.5 127 EN My Brother Sam Is Dead 329 EN 53208 EN 46820 EN 6934 EN 56669 EN 46400 EN 71388 EN 486 EN 41745 EN 16750 EN 281 EN My Friend the Vampire 46402 EN 46821 EN 9616 EN 41018 EN 31191 EN 32612 EN 28793 EN 18778 EN 32619 EN 77399 EN 9782 EN 138698 EN 28086 EN 78024 EN 114888 EN 82526 EN 7013 EN 26629 EN 46404 EN 49663 EN 46626 EN 6006 EN 183 EN My Hairiest Adventure Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 My Hands Aliki 2.4 0.5 My Heart Is on the Ground: The Diary of Nannie Little Rose Rinaldi, Ann 4.3 5.0 My HoHoHorrible Christmas Preiss, Pauline 3.1 1.0 My Life as a FifthGrade Comedian Levy, Elizabeth 3.6 5.0 My Life in Dog Years Paulsen, Gary 5.6 3.0 My Life Is a ThreeRing Circus Dubowski, Cathy East 3.4 1.0 My Light Bang, Molly 3.0 0.5 My Little Island Lessac, Frane 3.6 0.5 My Little Phony Harrison, Lisi 5.1 6.0 My Louisiana Sky Holt, Kimberly Willis 4.6 5.0 My Lucky Day Kasza, Keiko 2.3 0.5 My Mother the Cheerleader Sharenow, Robert 5.1 6.0 My Name Is Celia: The Life of Celia Cruz Brown, Monica 4.4 0.5 My Name is Sus5an Smith. The 5 is Silent. Plummer, Louise 4.5 9.0 My Nine Book (My Number Books) Moncure, Jane Belk 2.0 0.5 My Parakeet Walker, Pamela 0.7 0.5 My Pet Cats Engfer, LeeAnne 4.1 1.0 My Pinkie Finger Franco, Betsy 1.0 0.5 My Prairie Christmas Harvey, Brett 4.2 0.5 My Robot Buddy Slote, Alfred 3.6 1.0 11182 EN 64 EN 5433 EN 14275 EN 184 EN 46822 EN 138647 EN 5031 EN 16859 EN 12178 EN 8978 EN 28623 EN 8977 EN 113371 EN 28629 EN 122839 EN 133674 EN 113801 EN 6821 EN 7686 EN 8979 EN 28624 EN My Shadow Stevenson, Robert Louis 2.6 0.5 My Side of the Mountain George, Jean Craighead 5.2 6.0 My Teacher Is an Alien Coville, Bruce 5.3 3.0 My Teddy Bear at Home Jorvik, Irwin 3.5 0.5 My Trip to Alpha I Slote, Alfred 4.3 1.0 My Turtle Foley, Cate 1.5 0.5 My Uncle Martin's Big Heart Watkins, Angela Farris 4.9 0.5 My War with GoggleEyes Fine, Anne 5.0 6.0 My Worst Days Diary Altman, Suzanne 3.2 0.5 Mysteries of Deep Space: Black Holes, Pulsars and Quasars Asimov, Isaac 5.9 0.5 Mysteries of People and Places Emert, Phyllis 6.5 3.0 Mysteries of the Ancients Innes, Brian 6.6 1.0 Mysteries of the Mind Lawless, Joann 6.0 1.0 Mysteries of the Mummy Kids Halls, Kelly Milner 8.1 4.0 Mysteries of UFOs, The Innes, Brian 5.5 1.0 Stewart, Trenton Lee 6.1 19.0 Stewart, Trenton Lee 6.3 15.0 Mysterious Benedict Society, The Stewart, Trenton Lee 5.6 18.0 Mysterious Caravan, The Dixon, Franklin W. 4.8 5.0 Mysterious Cases of Mr. Pin, The Monsell, Mary 3.9 1.0 Mysterious Detectives Psychics Wilcox, Tamara 6.5 1.0 Mysterious Healing Innes, Brian 5.9 1.0 Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey, The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma, The 12618 EN 6373 EN 103233 EN 121651 EN 31416 EN 118325 EN 17581 EN 103234 EN 105629 EN 5627 EN 5317 EN 10914 EN 5329 EN 5328 EN 126331 EN 49717 EN 8980 EN 118326 EN 5316 EN 21440 EN 5633 EN Mysterious Microbes (Creepy Creatures) Parker, Steve 5.7 0.5 Mysteriously Yours, Maggie Marmelstein Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 4.0 4.0 Mystery at Big Ben: London, England, The Marsh, Carole 4.7 3.0 Mystery at Dracula's Castle: Transylvania, Romania, The Marsh, Carole 4.6 2.0 Mystery at Moorsea Manor Keene, Carolyn 5.2 4.0 Mystery at Mount Fuji: Tokyo, Japan, The Marsh, Carole 4.6 2.0 Mystery at the Alamo, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 4.9 3.0 5.6 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.5 2.0 4.0 2.0 3.9 2.0 3.5 2.0 Mystery at the Eiffel Tower: Paris, France, Marsh/Kelly The Mystery at the Roman Colosseum: Rome, Marsh, Carole Italy, The Mystery at the Ski Jump Mystery Behind the Wall Mystery Bookstore, The Mystery Cruise, The Mystery Girl, The Keene, Carolyn Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler Mystery in Icy Antarctica: The Frozen Continent, The Marsh, Carole 4.8 2.0 Mystery in Miami Beach Feder, Harriet K. 3.7 5.0 Mystery in Peru: The Lines of Nazca McMullen, David 4.8 1.0 Mystery in the Amazon Rainforest: South America, The Marsh, Carole 4.7 3.0 Mystery in the Sand Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 3.0 Mystery of King Karfu, The Cushman, Doug 3.6 0.5 Mystery of the 99 Steps, The Keene, Carolyn 5.4 5.0 105630 EN 5628 EN 126333 EN 8541 EN 5629 EN 5677 EN 9482 EN 6780 EN 5324 EN 64590 EN 10639 EN 49718 EN 9281 EN 5326 EN 5631 EN 25214 EN 10678 EN 5632 EN 9783 EN 111601 EN 111602 EN Mystery of the Ancient Pyramid: Cairo, Egypt, The Marsh, Carole 5.1 2.0 Mystery of the BrassBound Trunk Keene, Carolyn 5.2 5.0 Mystery of the Crystal Castle: Bavaria, Germany, The Marsh, Carole 4.4 2.0 Mystery of the Cupboard, The Banks, Lynne Reid 4.9 7.0 Mystery of the Fire Dragon, The Keene, Carolyn 5.5 6.0 Mystery of the Flying Express Dixon, Franklin W. 5.1 5.0 Mystery of the Flying Orange Pumpkin, The Kellogg, Steven 2.6 0.5 Mystery of the Glowing Eye Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 Mystery of the Hidden Painting, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.8 2.0 Mystery of the Hieroglyphs, The Donoughue, Carol 6.1 1.0 Mystery of the Hot Air Balloon, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.5 2.0 Mystery of the Kaifeng Scroll Feder, Harriet K. 3.8 4.0 3.7 2.0 4.1 2.0 Mystery of the Missing Cat, The Mystery of the Mixedup Zoo Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler Mystery of the MossCovered Mansion Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 Mystery of the Stolen Bike, The Brown/Krensky 3.1 1.0 Mystery of the Stolen Music, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 Mystery of the Tolling Bell Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 Mystery on the Docks Hurd, Thacher 2.4 0.5 5.0 2.0 4.7 2.0 Mystery on the Great Barrier Reef: Sydney, Marsh, Carole Australia, The Mystery on the Great Wall of China: Marsh, Carole Beijing, China, The 5304 EN 19626 EN 8982 EN 127705 EN 118321 EN 56670 EN 62828 EN 26937 EN 5530 EN 13076 EN 75037 EN 84935 EN 58757 EN 10789 EN 104717 EN Mystery Ranch Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.3 2.0 Mystery Ride Bryant, Bonnie 4.6 4.0 Mythical Beasts Marx, Doug 5.4 1.0 Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed Willems, Mo 2.8 0.5 Name of This Book Is Secret, The Bosch, Pseudonymous 5.6 9.0 Names (Capital Letters) Scheunemann, Pam 0.7 0.5 Nana's Fiddle Brimner, Larry Dane 1.5 0.5 Nana's Hog Brimner, Larry Dane 0.8 0.5 Napping House, The Wood, Audrey 2.8 0.5 Narwhals (Whale Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 3.3 0.5 NASA (Watts Library) Tocci, Salvatore 7.3 1.0 NASCAR's Wildest Wrecks Doeden, Matt 4.2 0.5 NASCAR (The Need for Speed) Johnstone, Michael 6.6 1.0 Nasty, Stinky Sneakers Bunting, Eve 3.3 2.0 Natalie's Secret Morgan, Melissa J. 4.9 5.0 2.0 0.5 2.9 0.5 Nate the Great and the Tardy Tortoise Sharmat, Marjorie/Craig 2.5 0.5 National Archives (Watts Library), The Stein, R. Conrad 8.2 1.0 National Parks Petersen, David 5.6 0.5 National Velvet Bagnold, Enid 5.5 11.0 330 EN Nate the Great 5237 EN 13880 EN 66515 EN 54222 EN 540 EN Nate the Great and the Missing Key Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 51563 EN 82451 EN 82430 EN 71398 EN 74240 EN 13368 EN 5133 EN 56372 EN 79436 EN 12288 EN 7827 EN 12427 EN 26213 EN 130733 EN 8983 EN 4414 EN 19945 EN 66521 EN 134181 EN 103469 EN 20549 EN Native Americans of the Great Lakes (Indigenous...North America) Kallen, Stuart A. 9.2 6.0 NaturalBorn Killers: A Chapter Book Casterline, Linda 4.8 0.5 Natural Disasters: A Chapter Book Boskey, Madeline 4.4 0.5 Nature Boy: Pro Wrestler Ric Flair, The Kaelberer, Angie Peterson 4.9 1.0 Naughty Little Monkeys Aylesworth, Jim 3.1 0.5 Navajo (Native American People), The Stan, Susan 7.3 1.0 Navajo (New True Books), The Osinski, Alice 5.1 0.5 Navajo (Watts Library), The Woods, Geraldine 6.2 1.0 NearDeath Experiences Martin, Michael 5.0 0.5 Nearest the Sun: The Planet Mercury Asimov, Isaac 6.0 0.5 Nebraska (America the Beautiful) Hargrove, Jim 8.9 3.0 Nebraska (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.3 1.0 Nebraska (Hello U.S.A.) Porter, A.P. 6.6 1.0 Necropolis Horowitz, Anthony 5.1 16.0 Nefertiti: The Mystery Queen Holmes, Burnham 5.0 1.0 Nellie Bly: Daredevil Reporter Fredeen, Charles 7.0 3.0 Neptune (Gateway Solar System) Vogt, Gregory L. 5.3 0.5 Neptune (Watts Library) Bredeson, Carmen 6.9 1.0 NERDS: National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society Buckley, Michael 5.3 9.0 Nervous Norman, Tony 3.2 0.5 Nervous System (A True Book), The Stille, Darlene R. 5.9 0.5 36782 EN 46841 EN 7828 EN 12428 EN 26214 EN 8116 EN 41897 EN 54937 EN 123076 EN 27478 EN 36958 EN 104813 EN 12667 EN 74372 EN 7829 EN 12429 EN 26215 EN 103523 EN 7830 EN 12430 EN 26216 EN Nervous System (Human Body Systems), The Netherlands (Enchantment of the World), The Frost, Helen 3.0 0.5 Hintz, Martin 8.4 4.0 Nevada (America the Beautiful) Lillegard, Dee 8.7 3.0 Nevada (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.4 1.0 Nevada (Hello U.S.A.) Sirvaitis, Karen 6.3 1.0 Never Cry Wolf Mowat, Farley 8.9 9.0 Never Talk to Strangers Joyce, Irma 3.0 0.5 Never to Forget: The Jews of the Holocaust Meltzer, Milton 8.2 11.0 New Bear at School, The Weston, Carrie 2.9 0.5 New Coat for Anna, A Ziefert, Harriet 3.5 0.5 New England Patriots (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 6.9 1.0 New England Patriots, The Stewart, Mark 5.8 1.0 New Freedom to the New Deal: 19131939, Katz, William Loren The 8.9 4.0 New Hampshire Ribke, Simone T. 2.7 0.5 New Hampshire (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.6 3.0 New Hampshire (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.7 1.0 New Hampshire (Hello U.S.A.) Brown, Dottie 6.6 1.0 New Jersey Evento, Susan 2.5 0.5 New Jersey (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.4 3.0 New Jersey (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.4 1.0 New Jersey (Hello U.S.A.) Fredeen, Charles 6.7 1.0 10986 EN 103524 EN 7831 EN 12431 EN 26217 EN 108713 EN 36959 EN 116953 EN 112354 EN 7583 EN 18260 EN 63013 EN 7832 EN 60993 EN 27036 EN 12432 EN 36960 EN 11033 EN 26218 EN 36961 EN 132604 EN New Medicine Williams, Jeanne 5.9 6.0 New Mexico Walker, Cynthia 2.5 0.5 New Mexico (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.3 3.0 New Mexico (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.2 1.0 New Mexico (Hello U.S.A.) Early, Theresa S. 6.8 1.0 New Moon Meyer, Stephenie 4.7 20.0 New Orleans Saints (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 7.2 1.0 New Orleans Saints, The Stewart, Mark 5.7 1.0 New Policeman, The Thompson, Kate 5.1 8.0 New Road! Gibbons, Gail 4.1 0.5 New World Cross, Gillian 4.7 7.0 New Year's Day (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 3.0 0.5 New York (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.1 3.0 New York City Marx, David F. 3.2 0.5 New York City (Cities of the World) Kent, Deborah 5.9 1.0 New York (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.2 1.0 New York Giants (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 7.0 1.0 New York (Great Cities) Glassman, Bruce S. 8.4 2.0 New York (Hello U.S.A.) Gelman, Amy 7.0 1.0 New York Jets (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 6.7 1.0 New York Jets, The Stewart, Mark 5.5 1.0 19396 EN 74790 EN 28253 EN 129895 EN 13369 EN 117710 EN 74791 EN 120292 EN 44713 EN 44714 EN 46835 EN 6867 EN 74792 EN 45419 EN 70835 EN 2905 EN 9617 EN 5032 EN 9484 EN 11551 EN 17175 EN New York, New York! Martin, Ann M. 3.8 5.0 New Zealand (Enchantment of the World) Shepherd, Donna Walsh 7.6 3.0 News About Dinosaurs, The Lauber, Patricia 4.8 0.5 News for Dogs Duncan, Lois 5.4 6.0 Nez Perce (Native American People), The Howes, Kathi 6.0 1.0 Nic Bishop Spiders Bishop, Nic 4.8 0.5 Nicaragua (Enchantment of the World) Morrison, Marion 8.0 3.0 Nicholas and the Gang Goscinny, René 4.8 3.0 Nick's Mission Blatchford, Claire H. 4.3 4.0 Nick's Secret Blatchford, Claire H. 4.2 5.0 Niger (Enchantment of the World) Heinrichs, Ann 7.8 4.0 Nigeria (Children of the World) Blauer, Ettagale 7.5 1.0 Nigeria (Enchantment of the World) Blauer/Lauré 7.9 3.0 Night Before Christmas, The Moore, Clement Clarke 4.3 0.5 Night Cat Beames, Margaret 2.7 0.5 Night Flier Ring, Elizabeth 3.9 0.5 Night in Terror Tower, A Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 Night Journey, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 5.0 Night Noises Fox, Mem 2.5 0.5 Night of Fear Kehret, Peg 4.7 5.0 Night of Fire and Blood (Pacemaker) Kelley, Leo P. 2.8 1.0 119520 EN 11557 EN 8728 EN 9618 EN 14955 EN 14956 EN 105864 EN 10680 EN 24381 EN 11727 EN 7191 EN 9638 EN 23350 EN 59606 EN 9993 EN 71685 EN 119224 EN 114461 EN 282 EN 17272 EN 53082 EN Night of the Creepy Things Stine, R.L. 3.3 1.0 Night of the Gargoyles Bunting, Eve 4.1 0.5 Night of the Kachina Salas, Nichole 2.7 1.0 Night of the Living Dummy Stine, R.L. 3.7 3.0 Night of the Living Dummy II Stine, R.L. 3.1 3.0 Night of the Living Dummy III Stine, R.L. 3.2 3.0 Night of the New Magicians Osborne, Mary Pope 4.0 2.0 Night of the Ninjas Osborne, Mary Pope 2.7 1.0 Night of the Sea Turtle, The Stone, Lynn M. 6.5 1.0 Night Terrors Murphy, Jim 5.2 6.0 Night the Bells Rang, The KinseyWarnock, Natalie 4.8 1.0 Night Without Stars, A Howe, James 3.9 5.0 Nightbirds on Nantucket Aiken, Joan 5.8 8.0 Nightingale, The Pinkney, Jerry 5.6 0.5 Nightjohn Paulsen, Gary 3.8 1.0 Nightmare Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.9 6.0 Nightmare Academy/Monster Hunters Lorey, Dean 5.3 9.0 Nightrise Horowitz, Anthony 4.7 15.0 NightyNightmare Howe, James 4.2 2.0 Nim and the War Effort Lee, Milly 4.3 1.0 Ninth Nugget, The Roy, Ron 3.7 1.0 118371 EN 5487 EN 129525 EN 7235 EN 7287 EN 45443 EN 48259 EN 106496 EN 26989 EN 61761 EN 17541 EN 27495 EN 139516 EN 115396 EN 6284 EN 127454 EN 30728 EN 6676 EN 88658 EN 7584 EN 8785 EN No Animals, No Plants: Species at Risk Irvine, Sarah 5.9 1.0 No Fighting, No Biting! Minarik, Else Holmelund 2.6 0.5 No Girls Allowed (Dogs Okay) Trueit, Trudi 3.2 2.0 No Good in Art Cohen, Miriam 2.8 0.5 No Mail for Mitchell Siracusa, Catherine 2.0 0.5 No Matter What Gliori, Debi 2.1 0.5 No More Dead Dogs Korman, Gordon 4.5 5.0 No More Pencils, No More Books, No More deGroat, Diane Teacher's Dirty Looks! 3.5 0.5 No More Water in the Tub Arnold, Tedd 3.6 0.5 No! No! Word Bird Moncure, Jane Belk 0.6 0.5 No Roses for Harry! Zion, Gene 3.2 0.5 No Such Thing Koller, Jackie French 2.3 0.5 No Such Thing as Dragons Reeve, Philip 6.0 6.0 No Talking Clements, Andrew 5.0 4.0 No Tooth, No Quarter! Buller, Jon 2.4 0.5 No Way Out Kern, Peggy 4.1 3.0 Noah and the Rainbow Bolliger, Max 4.0 0.5 Nobodies & Somebodies Orgel, Doris 3.6 4.0 Nobodies, The Bode, N.E. 4.4 7.0 Nobody Asked Me If I Wanted a Baby Sister Alexander, Martha 1.2 0.5 Nobody Knows but Me 3.5 1.0 Bunting, Eve 47334 EN 80290 EN 18639 EN 35948 EN 62836 EN 7386 EN 74349 EN 36011 EN 60995 EN 125840 EN 6180 EN 74373 EN 7833 EN 12433 EN 26219 EN 103525 EN 7834 EN 26220 EN 19160 EN 629 EN 46836 EN Nobody Rides the Unicorn Mitchell, Adrian 4.4 0.5 Nobody Was Here: 7th Grade in the Life of Pollet, Alison Me, Penelope 5.5 7.0 Noisy Nora Wells, Rosemary 2.6 0.5 Nomar Garciaparra: NonStop Shortstop Stewart, Mark 6.5 1.0 Noodle Game (Rookie Choices), The Brimner, Larry Dane 2.1 0.5 Norma Jean, Jumping Bean Cole, Joanna 2.2 0.5 Norman Rockwell (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists) Venezia, Mike 5.2 0.5 Norman the Doorman Freeman, Don 5.2 0.5 North America Fowler, Allan 3.1 0.5 North America Koponen, Libby 5.2 0.5 North America (New True Books) Georges, D.V. 4.2 0.5 North Carolina Brennan, Linda Crotta 2.6 0.5 North Carolina (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.5 3.0 North Carolina (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 5.0 1.0 North Carolina (Hello U.S.A.) Schulz, Andrea 7.0 1.0 North Dakota Zollman, Pam 2.6 0.5 North Dakota (America the Beautiful) Herguth, Margaret 8.4 3.0 North Dakota (Hello U.S.A.) Verba, Joan Marie 6.2 1.0 North, South, East, and West Fowler, Allan 3.0 0.5 North to Freedom Holm, Anne 5.7 9.0 Norway (Enchantment of the World) Blashfield, Jean F. 8.0 4.0 88411 EN 36700 EN 9784 EN 240 EN 9684 EN 48680 EN 109864 EN 117800 EN 7014 EN 14881 EN 185 EN 56648 EN 46720 EN 51699 EN 118496 EN 7015 EN 83181 EN 89049 EN 100020 EN 75084 EN 28686 EN 379 EN Norwegian Forest Cats Furstinger, Nancy 4.4 0.5 Nory Ryan's Song Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.3 5.0 Nosey Mrs. Rat Allen, Jeffrey 3.1 0.5 NotJustAnybody Family, The Byars, Betsy 4.6 4.0 Not Now! Said the Cow Oppenheim, Joanne 2.0 0.5 Notes from a Liar and Her Dog Choldenko, Gennifer 3.8 7.0 Notes from the Midnight Driver Sonnenblick, Jordan 5.5 7.0 Nothing Agee, Jon 2.2 0.5 Nothing But the Truth Avi 3.6 4.0 Nothing But Trouble, Trouble, Trouble Hermes, Patricia 3.6 4.0 Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade DeClements, Barthe 3.7 4.0 Nouns Doudna, Kelly 1.1 0.5 Nova's Ark Kirk, David 4.8 0.5 Nova Scotia (Hello Canada) Thompson, Alexa 7.3 1.0 November Blues Draper, Sharon M. 4.6 11.0 Now Is Your Time! Myers, Walter Dean 8.3 9.0 Now You See It... Vande Velde, Vivian 6.1 8.0 Now You See It, Now You Don't Mazer, Anne 3.9 2.0 Now You See Them, Now You Don't Korman, Gordon 4.9 4.0 Nuclear Power Sherman, Josepha 5.4 0.5 Nuclear Power (Energy Forever?) Graham, Ian 7.9 1.0 Number the Stars Lowry, Lois 4.5 4.0 12333 EN 51700 EN 13077 EN 12571 EN 5134 EN 331 EN 283 EN 43740 EN 36962 EN 113363 EN 41674 EN 49244 EN 59486 EN 108230 EN 43973 EN 5583 EN 2947 EN 74743 EN 60482 EN 11778 EN 19538 EN 58593 EN Numbers (First Step Math) Griffiths, Rose 1.7 0.5 Nunavut (Hello Canada) Hancock, Lyn 7.2 1.0 Nurse Sharks (Shark Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 4.3 0.5 Nurse Sharks (Sharks) Prevost, John F. 4.4 0.5 Nutrition (New True Books) LeMaster, Leslie Jean 6.3 0.5 Nutty Can't Miss Nutty for President Hughes, Dean Hughes, Dean 4.7 4.8 4.0 4.0 Nzingha: Warrior Queen of Matamba McKissack, Patricia C. 5.6 3.0 Oakland Raiders (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 7.2 1.0 Obesity Epidemic, The Miller, Michaela 8.7 2.0 Ocean Alphabet Book, The Pallotta, Jerry 2.8 0.5 Ocean Detectives: Solving the Mysteries of Cerullo, Mary M. the Sea 7.9 1.0 Oceans Simon, Seymour 5.8 0.5 Oceans Green, Emily K. 2.2 0.5 Oceans (Ecosystems) Richardson, Adele D. 4.1 0.5 Oceans (New True Books) Carter, Katharine Jones 3.4 0.5 Oceans (Saving Our World) Parker, Jane 6.2 0.5 Ocelot (Animals of the World) Eckart, Edana 0.9 0.5 Ocicat (Learning About Cats), The Mattern, Joanne 4.9 0.5 Octopus Is Amazing, An Lauber, Patricia 3.9 0.5 Octopus: Phantom of the Sea, The Cerullo, Mary M. 7.5 1.0 Octopuses Taylor, Leighton 3.4 0.5 108343 EN 68696 EN 109352 EN 115373 EN 8665 EN 7898 EN 25215 EN 14100 EN 130958 EN 133419 EN 56444 EN 332 EN 106749 EN 12033 EN 9039 EN 9040 EN 115785 EN 14280 EN 7835 EN 12435 EN 26221 EN Octopuses Herriges, Ann 1.8 0.5 Octopuses (Sea Creatures) Stille, Darlene R. 5.1 1.0 Odd Man Out Ellis, Sarah 4.4 5.0 Odysseus: Escaping Poseidon's Curse Jolley, Dan 4.5 1.0 Of Mice and Men Steinbeck, John 4.5 4.0 Of Nightingales That Weep Paterson, Katherine 6.2 7.0 Off the Rim Bowen, Fred 4.2 2.0 Officer Buckle and Gloria Rathmann, Peggy 3.4 0.5 Officer Spence Makes No Sense! Gutman, Dan 3.3 1.0 Oggie Cooder, Party Animal Weeks, Sarah 5.1 3.0 Ogre Downstairs, The Jones, Diana Wynne 5.3 9.0 Oh, Brother Wilson, Johnniece 3.9 4.0 Oh, Rats! The Story of Rats and People Marrin, Albert 6.2 2.0 Oh, So Silly! Schmeltz, Susan 2.0 0.5 Oh, the Places You'll Go! Seuss, Dr. 3.3 0.5 Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! Seuss, Dr. 1.8 0.5 Oh, Theodore! Guinea Pig Poems Katz, Susan 2.3 0.5 Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone? Trapani, Iza 2.5 0.5 Ohio (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.5 3.0 Ohio (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.4 1.0 Ohio (Hello U.S.A.) Brown, Dottie 6.3 1.0 133962 EN 13370 EN 143203 EN 7836 EN 12436 EN 26222 EN 9184 EN 126405 EN 6080 EN 5994 EN 20311 EN 15933 EN 9644 EN 73394 EN 66 EN 71432 EN 14281 EN 333 EN 284 EN 7116 EN 119024 EN 44266 EN Oil King Courage Brouwer, Sigmund 4.3 4.0 Ojibwe (Native American People), The Stan, Susan 6.7 1.0 Okay for Now Schmidt, Gary D. 4.9 11.0 Oklahoma (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.2 3.0 Oklahoma (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.3 1.0 Oklahoma (Hello U.S.A.) LaDoux, Rita C. 6.1 1.0 Old Barn, The Miller, Rose 4.5 0.5 Old Bear Henkes, Kevin 2.1 0.5 Old Black Fly Aylesworth, Jim 1.4 0.5 Old Man and the Sea, The Hemingway, Ernest 5.1 4.0 Old Ramon Schaefer, Jack 4.9 3.0 OldTime Toys Schimpky/Kalman 5.1 0.5 Old Turtle Wood, Douglas 3.8 0.5 Old Turtle and the Broken Truth Wood, Douglas 4.5 0.5 Old Yeller Gipson, Fred 5.0 5.0 Olive's Ocean Henkes, Kevin 4.7 4.0 Oliver and the Monsters Blundell, Tony 2.6 0.5 Oliver Dibbs and the Dinosaur Cause Oliver Dibbs to the Rescue! Steiner, Barbara Steiner, Barbara 4.3 4.0 5.0 4.0 Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles 11.3 33.0 Oliver Who Would Not Sleep! Bergman, Mara 3.2 0.5 Olivia Falconer, Ian 2.0 0.5 71137 EN 114748 EN 52402 EN 19168 SP 60474 EN 5585 EN 27013 EN 9041 EN 42609 EN 51318 EN 128 EN 67 EN 8666 EN 35567 EN 35566 EN 35575 EN 630 EN 35573 EN 29793 EN 106491 EN 67276 EN 35574 EN Olivia...and the Missing Toy Falconer, Ian 2.0 0.5 Olivia Helps with Christmas Falconer, Ian 2.4 0.5 Olivia Saves the Circus Falconer, Ian 1.9 0.5 olor de las cosas, Mis primeros libros de ciencia, El Fowler, Allan 2.1 0.5 Olympic Hero: Pro Wrestler Kurt Angle Schaefer, A.R. 4.6 0.5 Olympics (New True Books) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.9 0.5 Oman (Enchantment of the World) Foster, Leila Merrell 7.5 2.0 On Beyond Zebra Seuss, Dr. 4.2 0.5 On Christmas Eve Brown, Margaret Wise 3.6 0.5 On Monday When It Rained Kachenmeister, Cherryl 2.7 0.5 On My Honor On the Banks of Plum Creek Bauer, Marion Dane Wilder, Laura Ingalls 4.7 4.6 2.0 8.0 On the Beach Shute, Nevil 6.3 14.0 On the Court with...Hakeem Olajuwon Christopher, Matt 6.4 3.0 On the Court with...Lisa Leslie Christopher, Matt 6.7 3.0 On the Court with...Michael Jordan Christopher, Matt 6.6 4.0 On the Far Side of the Mountain George, Jean Craighead 4.5 6.0 On the Field with...Emmitt Smith Christopher, Matt 6.3 3.0 On the Frontier with Mr. Audubon Brenner, Barbara 5.1 3.0 On the Go with Mr. and Mrs. Green Baker, Keith 2.7 0.5 On the Ice with...Mario Lemieux Christopher, Matt 7.1 3.0 On the Ice with...Wayne Gretzky Christopher, Matt 7.5 4.0 109969 EN 32240 EN 5033 EN 114707 EN 29236 EN 7117 EN 9785 EN 135338 EN 900 EN 9619 EN 11432 EN 14689 EN 53789 EN 59438 EN 241 EN 127226 EN 5488 EN 9042 EN 46627 EN 19539 EN 26938 EN 679 EN On the Line Maddox, Jake 3.5 1.0 On the Line Bowen, Fred 4.3 2.0 On the Way Home Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.3 3.0 On the Wings of Heroes Peck, Richard 4.6 4.0 Once a Mouse... Brown, Marcia 3.2 0.5 Once and Future King, The White, T.H. 7.4 41.0 Once There Was a Tree Romanova, Natalia 3.3 0.5 One Crazy Summer WilliamsGarcia, Rita 4.6 7.0 One Day at Horrorland Stine, R.L. 3.4 3.0 One Day at HorrorLand Stine, R.L. 3.4 3.0 One Day in the Alpine Tundra George, Jean Craighead 5.5 1.0 One Day in the Prairie George, Jean Craighead 5.0 1.0 One Day You'll Know Brooke, Lauren 4.5 6.0 One Duck Stuck Root, Phyllis 1.4 0.5 OneEyed Cat Fox, Paula 5.4 7.0 One False Note Korman, Gordon 4.9 5.0 One Fine Day Hogrogian, Nonny 3.5 0.5 One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Seuss, Dr. 1.7 0.5 One Glad Man Bowdish, Lynea 1.5 0.5 One Grain of Rice: A Mathematical Folktale Demi 4.6 0.5 One Happy Classroom Simon, Charnan 1.0 0.5 One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo, The Blume, Judy 2.5 0.5 12035 EN 49756 EN 24964 EN 7585 EN 5239 EN 43522 EN 15934 EN 40707 EN 58387 EN 114142 EN 68 EN 14862 EN 138294 EN 43336 EN 55691 EN 43940 EN 4903 EN 14363 EN 130508 EN 62265 EN 68229 EN One Little Monkey Calmenson, Stephanie 2.3 0.5 One Lonely Sea Horse Freymann/Elffers 1.8 0.5 One More River Banks, Lynne Reid 5.0 9.0 One Morning in Maine McCloskey, Robert 4.4 0.5 One of the Third Grade Thonkers Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.1 4.0 One Riddle, One Answer Thompson, Lauren 3.5 0.5 OneRoom School, A Kalman, Bobbie 5.3 1.0 One Saturday Morning Baker, Barbara 2.2 0.5 One Tiny Turtle Davies, Nicola 4.1 0.5 One Whole and Perfect Day Clarke, Judith 5.4 9.0 Onion John Krumgold, Joseph 4.5 8.0 Only Alien on the Planet, The Randle, Kristen D. 4.6 8.0 Only the Good Spy Young Carter, Ally 5.0 8.0 Ontario (Hello Canada) Barnes, Michael 6.9 1.0 Open House for Butterflies Krauss, Ruth 3.0 0.5 Open Wide: Tooth School Inside Keller, Laurie 4.3 0.5 Operation Desert Shield (War in the Gulf) Deegan, Paul J. 6.1 1.0 Opossum (Nature's Children) Dingwall, Laima 5.2 0.5 Orange Houses, The Griffin, Paul 4.1 4.0 Orange Outlaw, The Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 Oranges to Orange Juice Snyder, Inez 1.3 0.5 74744 EN 80281 EN 13033 EN 7837 EN 47050 EN 12437 EN 26223 EN 60483 EN 55720 EN 18487 EN 103994 EN 57298 EN 49584 EN 13078 EN 42589 EN 488 EN 46259 EN 122600 EN 55302 EN 25412 EN 114353 EN Orangutan (Animals of the World) Eckart, Edana 1.2 0.5 Orangutans Murray, Julie 2.9 0.5 Orangutans (Monkey Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.7 0.5 Oregon (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.2 3.0 Oregon (America the Beautiful) Ingram, William Scott 8.5 4.0 Oregon (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.4 1.0 Oregon (Hello U.S.A.) Bratvold, Gretchen 6.7 1.0 Oriental Cat (Learning About Cats), The Mattern, Joanne 5.3 1.0 Orphan Singer, The McCully, Emily Arnold 3.8 0.5 Orphan Train Rider: One Boy's True Story Warren, Andrea 6.1 2.0 Orphan Trains, The Flanagan, Alice K. 6.2 1.0 Osama bin Laden Louis, Nancy 7.4 1.0 Ostriches and Other Flightless Birds (Nature Arnold, Caroline Watch) 6.5 1.0 Ostriches (Bird Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.6 0.5 Other, The Applegate, K.A. 4.3 3.0 Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great Blume, Judy 3.5 4.0 Otter Play Luenn, Nancy 2.1 0.5 Otto Runs for President Wells, Rosemary 2.8 0.5 Our Country's Founders: A Book of Advice Bennett, William J. for Young People 9.8 14.0 Our Declaration of Independence Schleifer, Jay 6.7 1.0 Our Librarian Won't Tell Us Anything! Buzzeo, Toni 3.3 0.5 124101 EN 58291 EN 25416 EN 29294 EN 35294 EN 12180 EN 46628 EN 6007 EN 15232 EN 12182 EN 18783 EN 76086 EN 74026 EN 45880 EN 381 EN 31727 EN 109169 EN 17831 EN 7635 EN 5531 EN 7387 EN Our Library Bunting, Eve 2.4 0.5 Our Money Spies, Karen Bornemann 6.0 1.0 Our National Monuments Ayer, Eleanor H. 7.3 1.0 Our Old House Vizurraga, Susan 3.9 0.5 Our Only May Amelia Holm, Jennifer L. 4.8 7.0 Our Planet Earth Asimov, Isaac 5.4 0.5 Our Raspberry Jam Marx, David F. 2.0 0.5 Our SixthGrade Sugar Babies Bunting, Eve 3.9 4.0 Our Teacher's in a Wheelchair Powers, Mary Ellen 3.7 0.5 Our Vast Home: The Milky Way and Other Asimov, Isaac Galaxies 5.7 0.5 Out of the Dust Hesse, Karen 5.3 3.0 Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place, The Konigsburg, E.L. 5.5 9.0 Outside and Inside You Markle, Sandra 5.0 0.5 Outside Over There Sendak, Maurice 3.6 0.5 Outsiders, The Hinton, S.E. 4.7 7.0 Over in the Meadow Wadsworth, Olive A. 2.5 0.5 Over & Out Morgan, Melissa J. 5.2 6.0 Over the Water Casey, Maude 5.7 9.0 Owen Henkes, Kevin 2.4 0.5 Owl and the Pussycat, The Lear, Edward 2.5 0.5 Owl at Home Lobel, Arnold 2.7 0.5 5532 EN 12091 EN 80252 EN 12142 EN 13079 EN 14236 EN 49369 EN 14366 EN 121538 EN 542 EN 6084 EN 5586 EN 54413 EN 129227 EN 20090 EN 49989 EN 47175 EN 6182 EN 61108 EN 334 EN 20347 EN 50948 EN Owl Moon Yolen, Jane 3.2 0.5 Owlbert Harris, Nicholas 2.9 0.5 Owls Murray, Julie 2.8 0.5 Owls (Animal Families) Kappeler, Markus 6.7 1.0 Owls (Bird Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.1 0.5 Owls for Kids/Owl Magic for Kids Niemuth, Neal 4.8 0.5 Owls (Glen Loates North American Wildlife) Kalman, Bobbie 6.0 1.0 Owls (Nature's Children) Kelsey, Elin 5.2 0.5 Owney, the MailPouch Pooch Kerby, Mona 4.8 0.5 OxBow Incident, The Clark, Walter 5.4 12.0 OxCart Man Hall, Donald 4.5 0.5 Ozone Hole (New True Books), The Stille, Darlene R. 5.1 0.5 Ozone Layer, The Donald, Rhonda Lucas 5.9 0.5 P.S. I Loathe You Harrison, Lisi 4.3 6.0 P.S. Longer Letter Later Danziger/Martin 4.5 5.0 P.T. Barnum: Genius of the ThreeRing Circus Warrick, Karen Clemens 8.2 3.0 Pablo Picasso Lowery, Linda 3.6 0.5 Pacific Ocean (New True Books), The Heinrichs, Susan 3.8 0.5 Pacific Ocean (Oceans), The Ylvisaker, Anne 3.5 0.5 Package for Miss Marshwater, A Donnelly, Elfie 3.4 1.0 Paddington at Large Bond, Michael 6.0 4.0 Paddington Goes to Town Bond, Michael 6.1 4.0 43123 EN 6483 EN 45795 EN 5533 EN 116832 EN 19479 EN 29521 EN 130967 EN 76920 EN 56637 EN 15189 EN 9330 EN 32148 EN 19029 EN 62266 EN 80282 EN 20780 EN 124587 EN 9786 EN 18642 EN 118125 EN Paddington Takes to TV Bond, Michael 6.3 4.0 PaddletotheSea Holling, Holling Clancy 5.4 1.0 Page Pierce, Tamora 5.4 9.0 Pain and the Great One, The Blume, Judy 3.1 0.5 Paint the Wind Ryan, Pam Muñoz 5.3 6.0 Painted Horse Bryant, Bonnie 4.1 4.0 Painters of the Caves Lauber, Patricia 5.8 1.0 Painting That Wasn't There, The Brezenoff, Steve 3.2 1.0 Pakistan (Enchantment of the World) Heinrichs, Ann 6.7 3.0 Palm in My Palm, A Doudna, Kelly 1.4 0.5 Palomino Horses (Horses) Gammie, Janet L. 3.7 0.5 Pancakes, Crackers, and Pizza Eberts, Marjorie 1.0 0.5 Pancakes, Pancakes! Carle, Eric 3.6 0.5 PancakesParis Bishop, Claire Huchet 5.4 1.0 Panda Puzzle, The Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 Pandas Murray, Julie 3.1 0.5 Panther Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 Papá and Me Dorros, Arthur 1.7 0.5 Paper Crane, The Bang, Molly 3.6 0.5 Paperboy, The Pilkey, Dav 2.9 0.5 Parrotfish Rustad, Martha E.H. 2.2 0.5 119666 EN 59890 EN 8787 EN 21428 EN 111660 EN 123170 EN 14237 EN 2051 EN 74997 EN 63014 EN 5635 EN 681 EN 57459 EN 57460 EN 9134 EN 2154 EN 52603 EN 16122 EN 61645 EN 9331 EN 51575 EN Parrotfish and Sunken Ships: Exploring a Tropical Reef Arnosky, Jim 6.0 0.5 Parrots Murray, Julie 3.2 0.5 Part of the Dream, A Bunting, Eve 4.1 1.0 Parts Arnold, Tedd 2.8 0.5 Party Poopers Stine, R.L. 3.1 2.0 Party! The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Gallagher, Diana G. 3.1 1.0 Passenger Pigeon Coleman, Graham 6.9 0.5 Passenger Trains (The Transportation Library) Lassieur, Allison 3.2 0.5 Passover Sanders, Nancy I. 4.7 0.5 Passover (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 2.6 0.5 Password to Larkspur Lane Keene, Carolyn 4.8 5.0 Patchwork Quilt, The Flournoy, Valerie 3.7 0.5 Pattern Bugs Harris, Trudy 2.4 0.5 Pattern Fish Harris, Trudy 2.5 0.5 Paul Bunyan Kellogg, Steven 5.7 0.5 Paul Cezanne (The Life and Work Of...) Connolly, Sean 3.6 0.5 Paul Revere (In Their Own Words) Sullivan, George 5.6 2.0 Paul Revere: Rider for the Revolution Ford, Barbara 6.9 3.0 Paul Revere's Ride Longfellow/Rand 5.6 0.5 Paul the Pitcher Sharp, Paul 1.8 0.5 Pawnee (Indigenous Peoples of North America), The Kallen, Stuart A. 8.9 5.0 13372 EN 12036 EN 9685 EN 114836 EN 78877 EN 7637 EN 9332 EN 7119 EN 18685 EN 19042 EN 60459 EN 7638 EN 7639 EN 29219 EN 13080 EN 88005 EN 12143 EN 13081 EN 16226 EN 6586 EN 5587 EN Pawnee (Native American People), The Hahn, Elizabeth 7.1 1.0 PeaceandQuiet Diner, The Maguire, Gregory 2.4 0.5 Peach Boy Hooks, William 2.7 0.5 Peak Smith, Roland 5.0 9.0 Peak Survival Withers, Pam 6.0 6.0 PeanutButter Pilgrims Delton, Judy 3.2 1.0 Pear by Itself, A Baker, Bonnie 1.5 0.5 Pearl, The Steinbeck, John 7.1 4.0 Pecos Bill Kellogg, Steven 5.7 0.5 Pecos Bill: The Greatest Cowboy of All Time Bowman, James Cloyd 6.6 10.0 Pedro Martinez (Sports Heroes) Schaefer, A.R. 4.3 0.5 Pee Wee Christmas, A Delton, Judy 3.1 1.0 Pee Wee Jubilee, The Delton, Judy 3.2 1.0 Peggy Parish (Young at Heart) Wheeler, Jill C. 4.7 0.5 Pelicans (Bird Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.1 0.5 Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters...Interesting Boy, The Birdsall, Jeanne 4.7 8.0 Penguins (Animal Families) Barkhausen, Annette 6.6 2.0 Penguins (Bird Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.6 0.5 Penguins (Crabapples) Kalman, Bobbie 4.4 0.5 Penguins (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.3 0.5 Penguins (New True Books) Lepthien, Emilie U. 4.0 0.5 105601 EN 7838 EN 101926 EN 12438 EN 26224 EN 21760 EN 101791 EN 36028 EN 44962 EN 80066 EN 27014 EN 46809 EN 114239 EN 65371 EN 77560 EN 12037 EN 7390 EN 77599 EN 54691 EN 20307 EN 56671 EN Pennsylvania Heinrichs, Ann 2.3 0.5 Pennsylvania (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.5 3.0 Pennsylvania (Child's World) Heinrichs, Ann 4.0 0.5 Pennsylvania (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.3 1.0 Pennsylvania (Hello U.S.A.) Swain, Gwenyth 6.4 1.0 Penny's Worth of Character, A Stuart, Jesse 4.4 1.0 Penultimate Peril, The Snicket, Lemony 7.4 7.0 People Spier, Peter 3.9 0.5 People Could Fly: American Black Folktales, The Hamilton, Virginia 4.3 4.0 People of Sparks, The DuPrau, Jeanne 4.9 11.0 People's Republic of China (Enchantment of Dramer, Kim the World) 8.3 3.0 Pequots, The Newman, Shirlee P. 6.5 1.0 Perfect Nest, The Friend, Catherine 2.5 0.5 Perfect Pigs: An Introduction to Manners Brown/Krensky 2.3 0.5 Perfect Princess Cabot, Meg 7.3 3.0 Perfect Ride, The McCrady, Lady 1.9 0.5 Perfect the Pig Jeschke, Susan 3.3 0.5 Perfectly Martha Meddaugh, Susan 3.1 0.5 Perilous Gard, The Pope, Elizabeth Marie 6.3 14.0 Perilous Road, The Steele, William O. 4.7 5.0 Period Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth 1.6 0.5 12092 EN 119037 EN 16433 EN 80283 EN 15178 EN 4897 EN 46794 EN 20531 EN 46837 EN 125499 EN 29244 EN 62837 EN 5434 EN 56649 EN 12334 EN 107536 EN 83056 EN 489 EN 517 EN 110929 EN 64056 EN 30640 EN Periwinkle at the Full Moon Ball Huriet, Genevieve 3.1 0.5 Perseus: The Hunt for Medusa's Head Storrie, Paul D. 4.1 0.5 Perseverance Editors, TimeLife 10.0 7.0 Persian Cats Murray, Julie 2.7 0.5 Persian Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.7 0.5 Persian Gulf Nations (War in the Gulf) Deegan, Paul J. 7.5 1.0 Personal Computer Communications (Watts Perry, Robert L. Library) 8.2 1.0 Personal Computers Kazunas, Charnan/Tom 5.3 0.5 Peru (Enchantment of the World) Morrison, Marion 9.0 4.0 Pests & Parasites Christiansen, Per 4.9 0.5 Pet Show! Keats, Ezra Jack 2.2 0.5 Pet Show (Rookie Choices), The Brimner, Larry Dane 1.9 0.5 PetSitting Peril, The Roberts, Willo Davis 5.8 7.0 Pete Presents the Presents Molter, Carey 1.6 0.5 Pete the Puppy (Real Baby Animals) Buck, Gisela/Siegfried 2.4 0.5 Peter and the Shadow Thieves Barry, Dave 5.3 16.0 Peter and the Starcatchers Barry, Dave 5.2 13.0 Peter and Veronica Peter Pan Sachs, Marilyn Barrie, James M. 4.6 7.2 5.0 8.0 Pets at the Vet Sweeney, Alyse 2.5 0.5 Pets' Party Baglio, Ben M. 3.2 2.0 Petunia Duvoisin, Roger 3.1 0.5 115926 EN 79704 EN 5680 EN 19637 EN 9620 EN 130 EN 15827 EN 102034 EN 142264 EN 57674 EN 36963 EN 104815 EN 29414 EN 131 EN 46842 EN 49991 EN 106819 EN 82442 EN 28274 EN 19621 EN 114723 EN 9621 EN Peyton Manning (Revised Edition) Savage, Jeff 4.5 0.5 Phaeton and the Chariot of the Sun Cadnum, Michael 7.4 3.0 Phantom Freighter, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.1 5.0 Phantom Horse Bryant, Bonnie 5.1 5.0 Phantom of the Auditorium Stine, R.L. 3.4 3.0 Phantom Tollbooth, The Juster, Norton 6.7 7.0 Phantom Victory Service, Pamela F. 5.6 5.0 Phantom Writer Jenkins, Jerry B. 4.2 4.0 Phantoms in the Snow Duble, Kathleen Benner 4.7 8.0 Pheasant Hunting (The Great Outdoors) Martin, Michael 4.9 0.5 Philadelphia Eagles (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 6.6 1.0 Philadelphia Eagles, The Stewart, Mark 5.6 1.0 Philharmonic Gets Dressed, The Kuskin, Karla 4.4 0.5 Philip Hall Likes Me. I Reckon Maybe. Greene, Bette 5.0 4.0 9.2 4.0 8.9 3.0 Dowell, Frances O'Roark 5.0 2.0 Phobias Kahn, Ada P. 7.2 2.0 Phoenix and the Carpet, The Nesbit, Edith 6.0 10.0 Photo Finish Bryant, Bonnie 4.7 5.0 Physik Sage, Angie 6.5 17.0 Piano Lessons Can Be Murder Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 Philippines (Enchantment of the World), The Oleksy, Walter Phillis Wheatley: Legendary African American Poet Phineas L. MacGuire...Erupts! The First Experiment Salisbury, Cynthia 120297 EN 41448 EN 1534 EN 12093 EN 12039 EN 46629 EN 17544 EN 29433 EN 19960 EN 43253 EN 20901 EN 29434 EN 17636 EN 114837 EN 61467 EN 7391 EN 14749 EN 58139 EN 9787 EN 8580 EN 780 EN Piano Starts Here: The Young Art Tatum Parker, Robert Andrew 4.7 0.5 Piano, The Miller, William 3.6 0.5 Picasso Venezia, Mike 4.2 0.5 Picasso, the Green Tree Frog Graham, Amanda 2.3 0.5 Pickle Things Brown, Marc 2.5 0.5 Pickles in My Soup Pearson, Mary E. 2.2 0.5 Pickles to Pittsburgh Barrett, Judi 4.8 0.5 Picture Book of Benjamin Franklin, A Adler, David A. 4.3 0.5 Picture Book of Christopher Columbus, A Adler, David A. 3.9 0.5 Picture Book of George Washington, A Adler, David A. 4.1 0.5 Picture Book of Harriet Tubman, A Adler, David A. 4.3 0.5 Picture Book of Helen Keller, A Adler, David A. 3.5 0.5 Picture of Freedom: The Diary of Clotee, a McKissack, Patricia C. Slave Girl, A 4.6 5.0 Pictures from Our Vacation Perkins, Lynne Rae 3.5 0.5 Pictures of Hollis Woods Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.4 5.0 Pied Piper of Hamelin, The Hautzig, Deborah 2.8 0.5 Piggie Pie! Palatini, Margie 2.5 0.5 Piggle Bonsall, Crosby 1.8 0.5 Piggy in the Puddle, The Pomerantz, Charlotte 2.7 0.5 Pigman's Legacy, The Zindel, Paul 5.7 6.0 Pigman, The Zindel, Paul 5.5 6.0 59891 EN 12144 EN 7192 EN 48541 EN 13082 EN 24678 EN 17331 EN 17290 EN 17332 EN 9639 EN 17333 EN 43232 EN 48542 EN 17334 EN 11386 EN 8685 EN 20656 EN 6696 EN 30515 EN 80271 EN 15190 EN Pigs Murray, Julie 2.9 0.5 Pigs and Peccaries (Animal Families) Schmidt, Annemarie 6.7 2.0 Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore! McPhail, David 2.0 0.5 Pigs at Odds: Fun with Math and Games Axelrod, Amy 2.9 0.5 Pigs (Farm Animal Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.6 0.5 Pigs (Farm Animals) Hansen, Anne Larkin 4.0 0.5 Pigs Go to Market: Fun with Math and Shopping Axelrod, Amy 3.1 0.5 Pigs in the Mud in the Middle of the Rud Plourde, Lynn 1.3 0.5 Pigs in the Pantry: Fun with Math and Cooking Axelrod, Amy 3.2 0.5 Pigs Might Fly KingSmith, Dick 6.0 4.0 Pigs on a Blanket: Fun with Math and Time Axelrod, Amy 2.9 0.5 Pigs on the Ball: Fun with Math and Sports Axelrod, Amy 3.2 0.5 Pigs on the Move: Fun with Math and Travel Axelrod, Amy 3.2 0.5 Pigs Will Be Pigs: Fun with Math and Money Axelrod, Amy 2.7 0.5 Pigsty Teague, Mark 2.8 0.5 Pink and Say Polacco, Patricia 3.8 1.0 Pinky and Rex Howe, James 3.1 0.5 Pinky and Rex and the Spelling Bee Howe, James 3.2 0.5 Pinky and Rex Get Married Howe, James 2.9 0.5 Pinto Horses Murray, Julie 3.0 0.5 Pinto Horses (Horses) Gammie, Janet L. 3.8 0.5 335 EN 15935 EN 18739 EN 18740 EN 69 EN 109668 EN 119348 EN 9291 EN 43678 EN 75649 EN 5282 EN 7934 EN 88899 EN 12335 EN 26012 EN 140413 EN 30259 EN 13924 EN 36964 EN 109109 EN 89661 EN 5920 EN Pioneer Cat Hooks, William 3.3 1.0 Pioneer Projects Kalman, Bobbie 5.4 0.5 Pippi Goes on Board Lindgren, Astrid 5.3 4.0 Pippi in the South Seas Lindgren, Astrid 5.4 3.0 Pippi Longstocking Lindgren, Astrid 5.2 4.0 Pirate, Big Fist, and Me, The Cosson, M.J. 3.7 2.0 Pirate Pete's Talk Like a Pirate Kennedy, Kim 3.8 0.5 Pirates Past Noon Osborne, Mary Pope 2.8 1.0 Pirates! Raiders of the High Seas Maynard, Christopher 4.9 1.0 Pish and Posh Bottner/Kruglik 2.9 0.5 Pistachio Prescription, The Danziger, Paula 3.8 5.0 Pit and the Pendulum (Creative Education), Poe, Edgar Allan The 10.1 1.0 Pit Vipers Klein, Adam G. 4.9 0.5 Pitcher Plants: Slippery Pits of No Escape Gentle, Victor 4.9 0.5 Pittsburgh Penguins Gilbert, John 7.5 1.0 Pittsburgh Steelers Robinson, Tom 6.3 1.0 Pittsburgh Steelers Football Team, The Lace, William W. 6.1 1.0 Pittsburgh Steelers (NFL Today) Goodman, Michael E. 6.6 1.0 Pittsburgh Steelers (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 7.0 1.0 Pittsburgh Steelers, The Stewart, Mark 5.8 1.0 Pity Party: 8th Grade in the Life of Me, Cass, The Pollet, Alison 5.1 4.0 Place of Lions, The Campbell, Eric 5.5 6.0 632 EN 56672 EN 15820 EN 11186 EN 40237 EN 66785 EN 12295 EN 132 EN 17235 EN 1658 EN 5435 EN 2863 EN 7432 EN 89050 EN 6087 EN 9531 EN 61389 EN 89191 EN 82813 EN 17588 EN 19161 EN 32125 EN Place to Belong, A Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.9 6.0 Places (Capital Letters) Scheunemann, Pam 1.2 0.5 Plain City Hamilton, Virginia 3.5 6.0 Plane Song Siebert, Diane 4.6 0.5 Planet Earth (Student Library) Editors, TimeLife 7.5 2.0 Planet Janet Sheldon, Dyan 6.0 8.0 Planet of Extremes: Jupiter Asimov, Isaac 5.6 0.5 Planet of Junior Brown, The Hamilton, Virginia 5.1 7.0 Plant (Eyewitness) Burnie, David 7.5 1.0 Plant Life (Straightforward Science) Riley, Peter 5.6 0.5 Plant That Ate Dirty Socks, The McArthur, Nancy 4.1 4.0 Plants Feed On Sunlight Taylor, Helen 3.9 0.5 Plants Without Seeds (New True Books) Challand, Helen J. 4.5 0.5 Plastic Angel Nields, Nerissa 4.3 7.0 Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.3 0.5 Playing Beatie Bow Park, Ruth 5.8 9.0 Playing for Keeps Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.8 6.0 Playing Safely Nelson, Robin 2.6 0.5 Playing with Fire/Devil's Toenail Prue, Sally 4.6 5.0 Playoff Dreams Bowen, Fred 4.2 2.0 Please Don't Feed the Bears Fowler, Allan 2.1 0.5 Please (Thoughts and Feelings) Odor, Ruth Shannon 2.3 0.5 9334 EN 74749 EN 6374 EN 115419 EN 118766 EN 18562 EN 47495 EN 5534 EN 4371 EN 118775 EN 76300 EN 59168 EN 43298 EN 109664 EN 17482 EN 125500 EN 7237 EN 27015 EN 82431 EN 83513 EN 69963 EN Please, Wind? Greene, Carol 0.4 0.5 Pledge of Allegiance, The Douglas, Lloyd G. 3.7 0.5 Plum Tree War, The Pryor, Bonnie 4.6 4.0 Pluto: A Dwarf Planet Adamson, Thomas K. 2.1 0.5 Pluto: From Planet to Dwarf Landau, Elaine 4.9 0.5 Pluto (Gateway Solar System) Vogt, Gregory L. 6.0 0.5 Pluto (Watts Library) Bredeson, Carmen 7.1 1.0 Pocket For Corduroy, A Freeman, Don 3.7 0.5 Pocketful of Goobers: A Story About George Washington Carver, A Mitchell, Barbara 5.0 1.0 Poetry in Motion Alfonsi, Alice 4.1 2.0 Poinsettia and the Firefighters Bond, Felicia 2.2 0.5 Point Blank Horowitz, Anthony 4.8 8.0 Point of Origin Cornwell, Patricia 6.1 17.0 Poison Plate Spirn, M. Sobel 3.4 1.0 Poisonous Creatures Aaseng, Nathan 8.2 3.0 Poisonous Spiders Christiansen, Per 5.1 0.5 Poky Little Puppy, The Lowrey, Janette 4.0 0.5 Poland (Enchantment of the World) Hintz, Martin 7.7 3.0 Polar Adventures: A Chapter Book Nichols, Catherine 4.0 0.5 Polar Bear Night Thompson, Lauren 2.1 0.5 Polar Bear Patrol Stamper, Judith Bauer 3.9 1.0 118623 EN 31093 EN 7433 EN 27770 EN 80284 EN 14370 EN 18742 EN 13083 EN 5240 EN 12499 EN 43976 EN 40552 EN 110930 EN 76771 EN 136315 EN 12183 EN 5436 EN 8430 EN 17236 EN 19905 EN 15186 EN Polar Bear Puzzle Lumry, Amanda 5.0 0.5 Polar Bear Son: An Inuit Tale, The Dabcovich, Lydia 3.4 0.5 Polar Bears Lepthien, Emilie U. 4.7 0.5 Polar Bears Kallen, Stuart A. 4.2 0.5 Polar Bears Murray, Julie 3.2 0.5 Polar Bears (Nature's Children) Greenland, Caroline 5.2 0.5 Polar Bears Past Bedtime Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Polar Bears (Sea Mammal Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 4.1 0.5 Polar Express, The Allsburg, Chris Van 3.8 0.5 Polar the Titanic Bear Spedden, Daisy 5.0 0.5 Police Cars (The Transportation Library) Olien, Becky 3.2 0.5 Police Officers Flanagan, Alice K. 3.6 0.5 Police Officers on the Go! Sweeney, Alyse 2.9 0.5 Policeman Small Lenski, Lois 1.8 0.5 Politically Incorrect Morgan, Melissa J. 5.1 5.0 Pollution in Space Asimov, Isaac 6.6 0.5 Polly Panic Shura, Mary Francis 4.7 4.0 Pompeii...Buried Alive! Kunhardt, Edith 2.9 0.5 Pond & River (Eyewitness) Parker, Steve 7.6 1.0 Pony to the Rescue Betancourt, Jeanne 3.8 1.0 Poodles (Dogs) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.5 0.5 42163 EN 77536 EN 130528 EN 7641 EN 6545 EN 131873 EN 77435 EN 27474 EN 25093 EN 14795 EN 29505 EN 12094 EN 14371 EN 60634 EN 64181 EN 74793 EN 14891 EN 6136 EN 7589 EN 63556 EN 113361 EN Pooh's Halloween Parade Gaines, Isabel 2.3 0.5 Pool Boy Simmons, Michael 4.4 5.0 Pool Problem: The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Gallagher, Diana G. 3.1 1.0 Pooped Troop, The Delton, Judy 2.8 1.0 Poor Mallory! Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 Pop Korman, Gordon 5.1 8.0 Pop Princess Cohn, Rachel 6.4 12.0 Popcorn Book, The Paola, Tomie De 4.3 0.5 Poppleton Forever Rylant, Cynthia 2.5 0.5 Poppy Avi 4.5 4.0 Poppy and Rye Avi 4.3 5.0 Poppy's Dance Huriet, Genevieve 3.7 0.5 Porcupines (Nature's Children) Dingwall, Laima 5.3 0.5 Porcupining: A Prickly Love Story Wheeler, Lisa 3.1 0.5 Porkenstein Lasky, Kathryn 2.8 0.5 Portugal (Enchantment of the World) Blauer/Lauré 8.0 4.0 Possibles Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux 3.6 5.0 Possum Come aKnockin' Laan, Nancy Van 2.4 0.5 Post Office Book, The Gibbons, Gail 3.6 0.5 Pot That Juan Built, The AndrewsGoebel, Nancy 6.2 0.5 Poverty Senker, Cath 2.0 9.2 102860 EN 28626 EN 26254 EN 34959 EN 490 EN 118000 EN 84959 EN 60442 EN 82589 EN 18983 EN 118817 EN 61193 EN 5034 EN 29500 EN 104966 EN 7392 EN 714 EN 75971 EN 518 EN 20285 EN 634 EN 56680 EN Powder Monkey Dowswell, Paul 6.3 10.0 Powers of the Mind Innes, Brian 6.1 1.0 Prairie Dogs Staub, Frank 3.6 0.5 Prairie Dogs Kiss and Lobsters Wave Singer, Marilyn 5.8 1.0 Prairie Songs Conrad, Pam 5.3 5.0 Prairies Endres, Hollie 2.4 0.5 Precious and the Boo Hag McKissack, Pat 3.7 0.5 Precious Gold, Precious Jade Heisel, Sharon E. 5.3 6.0 Predator's Gold Reeve, Philip 6.5 14.0 Predator, The Applegate, K.A. 3.6 4.0 Presidency, The TaylorButler, Christine 5.3 0.5 Presidents' Day (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 3.1 0.5 Pressure Play Hughes, Dean 3.6 1.0 Pretender, The Applegate, K.A. 4.0 4.0 Pretty Committee Strikes Back, The Harrison, Lisi 4.6 8.0 Pretty Good Magic Dubowski, Cathy/Mark 2.4 0.5 Pride and Prejudice (Unabridged) Austen, Jane 12.0 27.0 Pride of African Tales, A Washington, Donna L. 4.5 1.0 Prince and the Pauper (Abridged), The Twain, Mark 9.3 12.0 Prince and the Pooch, The Leavitt, Caroline 4.0 4.0 Prince Caspian Lewis, C.S. 5.7 7.0 Prince Left His Prints, The Rondeau, Amanda 1.5 0.5 104732 EN 44873 EN 77562 EN 68066 EN 77012 EN 14875 EN 114750 EN 83043 EN 71118 EN 18827 EN 14529 EN 49723 EN 781 EN 16720 EN 12574 EN 124244 EN 62838 EN 41248 EN 109134 EN 56650 EN 56651 EN Princess Academy Hale, Shannon 6.0 10.0 Princess Diaries, The Cabot, Meg 5.7 9.0 Princess in Pink Cabot, Meg 6.0 9.0 Princess in Waiting Cabot, Meg 6.1 8.0 Princess Knight, The Funke, Cornelia 4.3 0.5 Princess Nevermore Regan, Dian Curtis 4.9 6.0 Princess Pigsty Funke, Cornelia 3.3 0.5 Princess Present, The Cabot, Meg 6.0 2.0 Princess & the Pauper, The Brian, Kate 5.1 10.0 Prisoner of Time Cooney, Caroline B. 5.3 6.0 Private Notebook of Katie Roberts, Age 11, Hest, Amy The 3.5 1.0 Pro Wrestling: From Carnivals to Cable TV Greenberg, Keith Elliot 8.5 4.0 Probably Still Nick Swansen Wolff, Virginia Euwer 4.6 6.0 Profiles in Courage Kennedy, John F. 11.4 13.0 Project Dolphin Bailey, Jill 4.7 1.0 Project Panda Lumry, Amanda 4.7 0.5 Promise (Rookie Choices), The Brimner, Larry Dane 2.2 0.5 Promises to the Dead Hahn, Mary Downing 5.5 8.0 Promises! Vote for David Mortimore Baxter Tayleur, Karen 3.6 1.0 Pronouns Doudna, Kelly 1.0 0.5 Proper Nouns Doudna, Kelly 1.3 0.5 42590 EN 106652 EN 42591 EN 16871 EN 6625 EN 123295 EN 1625 EN 104013 EN 104045 EN 55040 EN 13374 EN 7839 EN 104585 EN 12439 EN 73978 EN 26225 EN 55910 EN 7238 EN 15395 EN 114859 EN 14482 EN Prophecy, The Applegate, K.A. 4.2 3.0 Prophet of Yonwood, The DuPrau, Jeanne 4.9 9.0 Proposal, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 3.0 Protecting Marie Henkes, Kevin 5.1 6.0 Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver, A Konigsburg, E.L. 5.4 5.0 Psyche & Eros: The Lady and the Monster Croall, Marie P. 3.4 0.5 Pterodactyls (A True Book) Landau, Elaine 4.7 0.5 Ptolemy's Gate Stroud, Jonathan 5.7 20.0 Public Enemies Korman, Gordon 5.2 4.0 Puddle's ABC Hobbie, Holly 2.0 0.5 Pueblo (Native American People), The D'Apice, Mary 7.4 1.0 Puerto Rico (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.3 3.0 Puerto Rico and Other Outlying Areas Brown, Jonatha A. 4.2 1.0 Puerto Rico (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.3 1.0 Puerto Rico (From Sea to Shining Sea) Burgan, Michael 6.4 2.0 Puerto Rico (Hello U.S.A.) Johnston, Joyce 6.5 1.0 Pumpkin Circle: The Story of a Garden Levenson, George 3.0 0.5 Pumpkin Pumpkin Titherington, Jeanne 2.4 0.5 Punia and the King of Sharks: A Hawaiian Folktale Wardlaw, Lee 4.3 0.5 Punk'd and Skunked Stine, R.L. 3.1 2.0 Puppies, Dogs and Blue Northers Paulsen, Gary 6.0 2.0 64058 EN 16726 EN 7340 EN 10583 EN 9788 EN 46630 EN 9335 EN 27672 EN 82452 EN 59922 EN 117756 EN 59892 EN 15454 EN 14878 EN 10018 EN 30644 EN 20627 EN 104412 EN 133 EN 682 EN 140206 EN 5437 EN Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben M. 3.2 2.0 Puppy Sister, The Hinton, S.E. 3.2 2.0 Puppy Who Wanted a Boy, The Thayer, Jane 3.0 0.5 Purebred Bryant, Bonnie 4.6 4.0 Purple Coat, The Hest, Amy 3.4 0.5 Purple Is Best Rau, Dana Meachen 0.7 0.5 Purple Is Part of a Rainbow Kowalczyk, Carolyn 1.1 0.5 Purple Mountain Majesties Younger, Barbara 5.8 0.5 Pushing the Limits: A Chapter Book McDaniel, Melissa 4.5 0.5 Puss in Boots Perrault/Arthur 4.6 0.5 Puzzling World of Winston Breen, The Berlin, Eric 4.2 8.0 Pythons Murray, Julie 3.1 0.5 Pythons (Snakes) Gerholdt, James E. 4.0 0.5 Quake! Cottonwood, Joe 4.0 4.0 Quanah Parker (North American Indians of Wilson, Claire Achievement) 9.0 4.0 Quarreling Book, The Zolotow, Charlotte 4.0 0.5 Quarter Horse Bryant, Bonnie 4.8 4.0 Queen of Easter Engelbreit, Mary 2.8 0.5 Queenie Peavy Quentin Corn Quest for Paradise: The Return to the Kingdom of Fantasy, The Burch, Robert Stolz, Mary 5.6 4.8 5.0 4.0 Stilton, Geronimo 4.0 3.0 Quest for Queenie, The Ball, Brian 4.1 1.0 124181 EN 56673 EN 61526 EN 86853 EN 47419 EN 28142 EN 48786 EN 56674 EN 29221 EN 145482 EN 6008 EN 21421 EN 123276 EN 71 EN 59565 EN 143452 EN 12145 EN 14373 EN 5035 EN 9789 EN 12252 EN Queste Sage, Angie 5.8 18.0 Question Mark Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth 1.7 0.5 Quicksand Question, The Roy, Ron 3.7 1.0 Quicksilver Spinner, Stephanie 5.3 4.0 Quidditch Through the Ages Rowling, J.K. 8.2 2.0 Quillworker: A Cheyenne Legend Cohlene, Terri 4.1 0.5 QuiltBlock History of Pioneer Days: With...Can Make, The Cobb, Mary 6.0 1.0 Quotation Marks Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth 1.9 0.5 R.L. Stine (Young at Heart) Wheeler, Jill C. 4.0 0.5 R My Name Is Rachel Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.7 4.0 RT, Margaret & the Rats of NIMH Conly, Jane Leslie 4.2 7.0 Rabbit and Hare Divide an Apple Ziefert, Harriet 1.8 0.5 Rabbit and the Turtle, The Carle, Eric 3.8 0.5 Rabbit Hill Lawson, Robert 6.4 3.0 Rabbit's Good News Bornstein, Ruth Lercher 1.7 0.5 Rabbit's Pajama Party Murphy, Stuart J 1.5 0.5 Rabbits and Hares (Animal Families) Barkhausen, Annette 6.9 1.0 Rabbits (Nature's Children) Switzer, Merebeth 5.5 0.5 Rabble Starkey Lowry, Lois 5.3 7.0 Raccoons and Ripe Corn Arnosky, Jim 2.2 0.5 4.9 1.0 Raccoons for Kids/Raccoon Magic for Kids Fair, Jeff 13037 EN 8273 EN 8735 EN 9945 EN 4467 EN 5036 EN 113247 EN 84936 EN 5037 EN 75351 EN 53696 EN 25064 EN 75382 EN 44654 EN 108924 EN 45255 EN 12623 EN 113362 EN 118001 EN 43998 EN 31891 EN Raccoons (North American Animal Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.8 0.5 Race Cars (Cruisin') Stephenson, Sallie 4.7 0.5 Race to Win Cowen, Eve 3.2 1.0 Rachel Carson: Caring for the Earth Ring, Elizabeth 4.6 1.0 Racing Cars (Need for Speed) Raby, Philip 5.6 1.0 Racing the Sun Pitts, Paul 4.4 5.0 Racing Through History: Stock Cars Then to Levy, Janey Now 5.7 1.0 Racing with the Pit Crew Schaefer, A.R. 4.1 0.5 Radio Fifth Grade Korman, Gordon 4.7 5.0 Rafi and Rosi Delacre, Lulu 2.8 0.5 Rag and Bone Shop, The Cormier, Robert 5.7 4.0 Rage of Fire Skurzynski/Ferguson 4.8 4.0 Raging River Withers, Pam 6.6 6.0 Rain Stojic, Manya 1.7 0.5 Rain Herriges, Ann 1.7 0.5 Rain Came Down, The Shannon, David 3.2 0.5 Rain Forest Amerindians Lewington, Anna 8.1 2.0 Rain Forest Destruction McLeish, Ewan 8.9 2.0 Rain Forests Sexton, Colleen 2.6 0.5 Rain Forests (Ecosystems) Richardson, Adele D. 4.1 0.5 Rain Makes Applesauce Scheer, Julian 2.5 0.5 9336 EN 49259 EN 43240 EN 108846 EN 8091 EN 26932 EN 2945 EN 105713 EN 101437 EN 25876 EN 336 EN 77062 EN 63015 EN 72 EN 491 EN 186 EN 134 EN 32142 EN 285 EN 492 EN 35945 EN 131113 EN 5283 EN 7937 EN Rain! Rain! Greene, Carol 0.4 0.5 Rainbow Crow Laan, Nancy Van 4.3 0.5 Rainbow of My Own, A Freeman, Don 2.6 0.5 Rainbow, The Law, Felicia 2.6 0.5 Rainbow Valley Montgomery, L.M. 7.6 14.0 Raindrops Brimner, Larry Dane 0.8 0.5 Rainforests (Saving Our World) Parker, Jane 6.3 1.0 RainyDay Music Hyde, Judith Jensen 0.9 0.5 Rainy Day, The Law, Felicia 2.3 0.5 Raising Dragons Nolen, Jerdine 4.2 0.5 Ralph S. Mouse Cleary, Beverly 5.1 3.0 Ramadan Douglass, Susan L. 3.7 0.5 Ramadan (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 2.3 0.5 Ramona and Her Father Ramona and Her Mother Ramona Forever Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly 5.2 4.8 4.8 5.6 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 Ramona's World Cleary, Beverly 4.8 4.0 Ramona the Brave Ramona the Pest Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly 4.9 5.1 3.0 4.0 Randy Moss: First in Flight Stewart, Mark 6.8 1.0 Randy Orton Nemeth, Jason D. 4.7 0.5 Ransom Duncan, Lois 4.9 7.0 6.4 1.0 Ransom of Red Chief (Creative Education), Henry, O. The 29284 EN 72385 EN 73 EN 13131 EN 15430 EN 14969 EN 80253 EN 12253 EN 60475 EN 13132 EN 89053 EN 109988 EN 143882 EN 142380 EN 128143 EN 123695 EN 133963 EN 47420 EN 27937 EN 115269 EN 82462 EN Rapunzel Zelinsky, Paul O. 4.6 0.5 Rare Beasts Ogden, Charles 6.2 3.0 Rascal North, Sterling 7.1 7.0 Rat Snakes (Snake Discovery) Bargar/Johnson 4.8 0.5 Rats Powell, E. Sandy 3.6 0.5 Rats Saw God Thomas, Rob 7.4 10.0 Rattlesnakes Murray, Julie 3.5 0.5 Rattlesnakes (Fangs!) Ethan, Eric 4.3 0.5 Rattlesnakes (Predators in the Wild) Richardson, Adele 4.9 0.5 Rattlesnakes (Snake Discovery) Bargar, Sherie 5.1 0.5 Raven's Gate Horowitz, Anthony 4.4 10.0 Raven's Revenge Masters, Anthony 4.0 1.0 Raven, The Carman, Patrick 5.1 5.0 Ray Kroc: McDonald's Restaurants Builder Mattern, Joanne 4.5 0.5 Ray & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.2 4.0 Raymond & Graham: Rule the School Knudson, Mike 4.3 3.0 Razor's Edge Tate, Nikki 3.8 3.0 Reach for the Stars Mazer, Anne 4.1 2.0 Reaching Dustin Grove, Vicki 5.6 7.0 Reaching for Sun Zimmer, Tracie Vaughn 5.8 2.0 Reaching Your Goals Silverman, Robin L. 2.0 6.3 18984 EN 109139 EN 11487 EN 6237 EN 12985 EN 286 EN 114766 EN 16228 EN 519 EN 34967 EN 10136 EN 55842 EN 9790 EN 88460 EN 82453 EN 13641 EN 17288 EN 77377 EN 6375 EN 47379 EN 14375 EN 117896 EN Reaction, The Applegate, K.A. 3.8 4.0 Reactor, The Powell, Jillian 2.9 0.5 Real Heroes Kaye, Marilyn 4.0 4.0 Real Hole, The Cleary, Beverly 3.2 0.5 Real Live Monsters! Schecter, Ellen 4.1 0.5 Real Thief, The Steig, William 6.1 1.0 Reality Bites Morgan, Melissa J. 4.5 5.0 Really Weird Animals (Crabapples) Everts/Kalman 4.7 0.5 Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Wiggin, Kate Douglas 8.1 13.0 Rebel Glory Brouwer, Sigmund 4.6 4.0 Rebels of the Heavenly Kingdom Paterson, Katherine 6.0 10.0 Recess Queen, The O'Neill, Alexis 3.0 0.5 Rechenka's Eggs Polacco, Patricia 4.0 0.5 Recluse Spiders Wheeler, Jill C. 5.1 0.5 Record Breakers: A Chapter Book Nichols, Catherine 4.9 1.0 Red Badge of Courage (Bloomsbury), The Crane, Stephen 8.0 8.0 Red Bird Mitchell, Barbara 3.5 0.5 Red Blanket, The Thomas, Eliza 3.3 0.5 Red Dog Wallace, Bill 4.4 5.0 RedEyed Tree Frogs Netherton, John 3.7 0.5 Red Fox (Nature's Children) Switzer, Merebeth 4.7 0.5 Red Glass Resau, Laura 4.9 10.0 74745 EN 6137 EN 12193 EN 5284 EN 137173 EN 16147 EN 60015 EN 5038 EN 17835 EN 7129 EN 130004 EN 36013 EN 25383 EN 32999 EN 287 EN 6626 EN 24382 EN 493 EN 288 EN 112190 EN 67258 EN 101800 EN Red Kangaroo (Animals of the World) Eckart, Edana 1.0 0.5 Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf Ehlert, Lois 2.6 0.5 Red Planet: Mars, The Asimov, Isaac 5.5 0.5 Red Pony, The Steinbeck, John 6.1 6.0 Red Pyramid, The Riordan, Rick 4.5 18.0 Red Racer, The Wood, Audrey 2.9 0.5 Red Rose Box, The Woods, Brenda 4.9 5.0 Red Sails to Capri Weil, Ann 3.4 4.0 Red Scarf Girl Jiang, Jili 5.0 8.0 Redwall Jacques, Brian 5.6 16.0 Reformed Vampire Support Group, The Jinks, Catherine 5.3 14.0 Regards to the Man in the Moon Keats, Ezra Jack 2.0 0.5 Reggie White: Star Defensive Lineman Gutman, Bill 5.6 1.0 Regina's Big Mistake Moss, Marissa 2.8 0.5 Reluctant Dragon, The Grahame, Kenneth 6.5 1.0 Reluctantly Alice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.0 6.0 Remarkable Flight of the Monarchs, The Stone, Lynn M. 7.5 1.0 Remember Me to Harold Square Remembering Box, The Danziger, Paula Clifford, Eth 4.3 4.1 4.0 1.0 Remembering Mrs. Rossi Hest, Amy 4.0 3.0 Remembrance Breslin, Theresa 6.6 11.0 Replay Creech, Sharon 4.2 4.0 77860 EN 63439 EN 17240 EN 41286 EN 56875 EN 5135 EN 43977 EN 137684 EN 75126 EN 120191 EN 74 EN 20550 EN 36783 EN 11437 EN 383 EN 5286 EN 9622 EN 5996 EN 44723 EN 25231 EN 6484 EN 36043 EN Report Card, The Clements, Andrew 4.9 5.0 Report to the Principal's Office Spinelli, Jerry 4.5 4.0 Reptile (Eyewitness) McCarthy, Colin 7.6 1.0 Reptile Room, The Snicket, Lemony 6.3 5.0 Reptiles Are My Life McDonald, Megan 3.0 0.5 Reptiles (New True Books) Ballard, Lois 3.0 0.5 3.5 0.5 4.3 0.5 Rescue Helicopters (The Transportation Olien, Becky Library) Rescue in the Bermuda Triangle: An Isabel Nobleman, Marc Tyler Soto Investigation Rescue, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 6.0 Rescue, The Masters, Anthony 3.1 0.5 Rescuers, The Sharp, Margery 6.3 4.0 Respiratory System (A True Book), The Stille, Darlene R. 5.3 0.5 Respiratory System (Human Body Systems), Frost, Helen The 2.5 0.5 Return of the Home Run Kid Christopher, Matt 4.7 4.0 Return of the Indian, The Banks, Lynne Reid 4.6 5.0 Return of the King, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.2 22.0 Return of the Mummy Stine, R.L. 3.8 3.0 Return of the Native, The Hardy, Thomas 10.2 42.0 Return, The Applegate, K.A. 3.5 3.0 Return to Hawk's Hill Eckert, Allan W. 7.4 7.0 Return to Howliday Inn Howe, James 5.8 3.0 Return to the Painted Cave Denzel, Justin 5.5 7.0 130116 EN 44724 EN 14957 EN 106622 EN 86283 EN 12626 EN 43682 EN 31531 EN 82844 EN 50988 EN 7840 EN 12440 EN 26226 EN 58881 EN 18252 EN 7745 EN Reunion Morgan, Melissa J. 5.1 7.0 Revelation, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 3.0 Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes Stine, R.L. 2.9 3.0 Revenge of the McNasty Brothers, The Trine, Greg 3.5 1.0 Revenge of the Wannabes Harrison, Lisi 4.6 10.0 Revolting Reptiles (Creepy Creatures) Parker, Steve 5.2 0.5 Revolutionary War on Wednesday Osborne, Mary Pope 3.5 1.0 Rewind Sleator, William 4.1 3.0 Rex Tabby: Cat Detective Kirk, Daniel 4.8 2.0 Rhinos: HornFaced Chargers Schaefer, Lola M. 2.6 0.5 Rhode Island (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.7 3.0 Rhode Island (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.2 1.0 Rhode Island (Hello U.S.A.) Warner, J.F. 6.9 1.0 Ribbon Rescue Munsch, Robert 3.0 0.5 Ribbons Yep, Laurence 4.7 6.0 Ribsy Cleary, Beverly 5.0 4.0 Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 3.5 2.0 5.2 0.5 8.2 5.0 2.9 0.5 3.5 0.5 187 EN Rich Mitch 115215 Richard M. Nixon: ThirtySeventh President Venezia, Mike EN Richard Nixon: The ThirtySeventh 841 EN Hargrove, Jim President 59518 Ricky Ricotta's Giant (Mighty) Robot Pilkey, Dav EN 59519 Ricky Ricotta's Giant (Mighty) Robot Pilkey, Dav EN vs...Mosquitoes...Mercury 59520 EN 65004 EN 71506 EN 59521 EN 101198 EN 5039 EN 113116 EN 77375 EN 145456 EN 26400 EN 19630 EN 120598 EN 14483 EN 75 EN 79500 EN 8092 EN 135 EN 141250 EN 12296 EN 16986 EN 129390 EN 145219 EN Ricky Ricotta's Giant (Mighty) Robot vs. the Pilkey, Dav Voodoo...from Venus Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot...Jurassic Pilkey, Dav Jackrabbits from Jupiter Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs...Stupid Pilkey, Dav Stinkbugs from Saturn Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. the Pilkey, Dav MechaMonkeys from Mars Ricky Ricotta's...Robot vs. the Uranium Pilkey, Dav Unicorns from Uranus 3.8 0.5 3.6 0.5 4.1 0.5 3.6 0.5 4.1 0.5 Riddle of Penncroft Farm, The Jensen, Dorothea 5.4 7.0 Ride (Home Run), The Reichman, Justin 3.6 3.0 Ride Like the Wind: A Tale of the Pony Express Fuchs, Bernie 5.0 0.5 Ride That Was Really Haunted, The Brezenoff, Steve 2.9 1.0 Ride When You're Ready Bunting, Eve 4.2 0.5 Riding Class Bryant, Bonnie 4.7 5.0 Riding to Washington Swain, Gwenyth 3.8 0.5 Rifle, The Paulsen, Gary 6.8 3.0 Rifles for Watie Right Dog for the Job: Ira's Path from Guide Dog, The Keith, Harold 6.1 14.0 Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 4.7 0.5 Rilla of Ingleside Montgomery, L.M. 7.9 16.0 Ring of Endless Light, A L'Engle, Madeleine 5.2 11.0 Ring of Solomon, The Stroud, Jonathan 5.9 16.0 Ringed Planet: Saturn, The Asimov, Isaac 5.2 0.5 Riot Casanova, Mary 4.3 4.0 RipRoaring Mystery on the African Safari: Marsh, Carole South Africa, The 4.4 2.0 Rip Tide 5.3 10.0 Falls, Kat 112568 EN 6376 EN 73789 EN 23326 EN 124292 EN 10768 EN 6238 EN 5952 EN 7023 EN 18831 EN 108934 EN 12577 EN 49329 EN 243 EN 105861 EN 58218 EN 5953 EN 53962 EN 59714 EN 75123 EN 113957 EN Rise of the Black Wolf, The Benz, Derek 6.1 12.0 Risk N' Roses Slepian, Jan 4.2 6.0 River Between Us, The Peck, Richard 4.9 5.0 River Boy Bowler, Tim 5.3 6.0 River of Words: The Story of William Carlos Williams, A Bryant, Jen 4.6 0.5 River Quest Vornholt, John 5.1 5.0 River Ran Wild, A Cherry, Lynne 4.7 0.5 River Runners Houston, James 5.7 5.0 River, The Paulsen, Gary 5.5 4.0 River Thunder Hobbs, Will 5.0 7.0 Rivers Green, Emily K. 2.1 0.5 Rivers and Lakes (Habitats) Cumming, David 7.3 1.0 Rivers and Lakes (Our Endangered Planet) Hoff/Rodgers 7.3 1.0 Road from Home, The Kherdian, David 5.7 9.0 Road of the Dead, The Brooks, Kevin 4.4 11.0 Road to Balinor, The Stanton, Mary 4.2 4.0 Road to Memphis, The Taylor, Mildred D. 4.5 12.0 Road to Oz, The Baum, L. Frank 7.2 7.0 Road to the Majors (Touchdown), The Blumenthal, Scott 6.0 7.0 Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes Dahl, Roald 4.4 1.0 Roanoke: The Mystery of the Lost Colony Miller, Lee 6.6 3.0 105298 EN 7591 EN 142381 EN 16129 EN 31464 EN 118832 EN 100159 EN 8333 EN 136102 EN 121285 EN 45951 EN 55277 EN 60395 EN 520 EN 5136 EN 51162 EN 19481 EN 29506 EN 5137 EN 5591 EN 68142 EN 136 EN Roasted Peanuts Egan, Tim 3.7 0.5 Robbery at The Diamond Dog Diner, The Christelow, Eileen 3.2 0.5 Robert Cade: Gatorade Inventor Mattern, Joanne 4.5 0.5 Kerby, Mona 6.7 3.0 Flammang, James M. 8.3 3.0 Anderson, Sheila 3.2 0.5 6.5 2.0 7.2 4.0 Roberto & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.1 5.0 Robespierre: Master of the Guillotine 5.6 2.0 Robin Hood: The Tale of the Great Outlaw Bull, Angela Hero 4.9 1.0 Robin Hook, Pirate Hunter! Kimmel, Eric A. 3.9 0.5 Robin's Room Brown, Margaret Wise 3.2 0.5 Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel 12.3 27.0 Robots (New True Books) Greene, Carol 3.6 0.5 Rock: Pro Wrestler Rocky Maivia, The Burgan, Michael 4.3 0.5 Rocking Horse Bryant, Bonnie 4.4 4.0 Rocking Horse Christmas Osborne, Mary Pope 2.9 0.5 Rocks and Minerals (New True Books) Podendorf, Illa 3.5 0.5 Rodeos (New True Books) Fain, James 3.2 0.5 Rodzina Cushman, Karen 4.8 6.0 Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Taylor, Mildred D. 5.7 10.0 Robert E. Lee: Southern Hero of the Civil War Robert Fulton: Inventor and Steamboat Builder Roberto Clemente: A Life of Generosity Roberto Clemente: Baseball's Humanitarian Márquez, Herón Hero Roberto Clemente (Hispanics of Gilbert, Thomas Achievement) DiConsiglio, John 54314 EN 76 EN 8274 EN 45415 EN 77502 EN 28957 EN 55153 EN 103551 EN 46838 EN 53875 EN 494 EN 118192 EN 15103 EN 5040 EN 134571 EN 106750 EN 18688 EN 5080 EN 68143 EN 8671 EN 58070 EN Roller Hockey Kennedy, Mike 6.6 1.0 Roller Skates Sawyer, Ruth 6.3 8.0 Roller Skating (Action Sports) Kulper, Eileen 5.1 1.0 4.1 0.5 6.9 0.5 6.3 0.5 Roman Empire (History of the World), The Nardo, Don 6.7 1.0 Roman Mythology Paige, Joy 6.8 1.0 Romania (Enchantment of the World) Willis, Terri 9.0 4.0 Romeo and Juliet (Folger Library) Shakespeare, William 8.6 5.0 Romeo and Juliet Together (and Alive) at Last Avi 5.4 3.0 Ronald Reagan: Fortieth President Venezia, Mike 5.9 0.5 Rookie Arrives, The Dygard, Thomas J. 5.2 6.0 Rookie Star Hughes, Dean 3.9 2.0 Room for Ripley Murphy, Stuart J. 3.4 0.5 Room One: A Mystery or Two Clements, Andrew 5.1 4.0 Rooster's Gift, The Conrad, Pam 3.7 0.5 Root Cellar, The Lunn, Janet 5.2 10.0 Rootabaga Stories Sandburg, Carl 5.5 4.0 Roots Haley, Alex 7.4 48.0 Ropemaker, The Dickinson, Peter 6.3 21.0 Rolling Along: The Story of Taylor and His Heelan, Jamee Riggio Wheelchair Roman Army: The Legendary Soldiers Who Blacklock, Dyan Created an Empire, The Roman Colosseum Ash, Rhiannon 102969 EN 84684 EN 6395 EN 18554 EN 56652 EN 19592 EN 133661 EN 61194 EN 59439 EN 6239 EN 74537 EN 685 EN 114861 EN 68543 EN 22373 EN 60484 EN 16912 EN 102869 EN 58208 EN 25239 EN 122424 EN Rosa Giovanni, Nikki 4.9 0.5 Rosa Parks: Civil Rights Pioneer Shores, Erika L. 4.4 0.5 Rosa Parks, My Story Parks/Haskins 6.2 6.0 Rose Daughter McKinley, Robin 6.8 24.0 Rose Rose in the Garden, The Doudna, Kelly 1.4 0.5 Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink deGroat, Diane 3.4 0.5 Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Peppas, Lynn 4.1 0.5 Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 2.6 0.5 Rosie's Walk Hutchins, Pat 0.6 0.5 Rosie Swanson: FourthGrade Geek for President Park, Barbara 5.1 3.0 Rosy Cole: She Grows and Graduates Greenwald, Sheila 4.3 1.0 Rosy's Romance Greenwald, Sheila 3.8 1.0 Rottenest Angel, The Stine, R.L. 2.8 2.0 Round Trip Jonas, Ann 1.9 0.5 Rowan of Rin Rodda, Emily 4.7 5.0 Royal Mummies: Remains from Ancient Egypt, The Kudalis, Eric 5.6 0.5 Royal Nap, The Black, Charles C. 3.3 0.5 RSVP Morgan, Melissa J. 4.4 5.0 Ruby Holler Creech, Sharon 4.3 6.0 Ruby in the Smoke, The Pullman, Philip 5.3 9.0 Ruby Key, The Lisle, Holly 5.6 12.0 77364 EN 43423 EN 18408 EN 47421 EN 21239 EN 21251 EN 89662 EN 106154 EN 25068 EN 782 EN 6141 EN 17294 EN 25225 EN 73518 EN 9791 EN 65673 EN 5041 EN 5287 EN 14531 EN 12042 EN 44921 EN Ruby Lu, Brave and True Look, Lenore 4.1 2.0 Ruby Raven, The Dahl, Michael 4.9 7.0 Ruby the Copycat Rathmann, Peggy 3.1 0.5 Rufus M. Estes, Eleanor 5.2 8.0 Rugrats: Junk, Sweet Junk Wigand, Molly 1.9 0.5 Rugrats: Stormy Weather Wigand, Molly 2.1 0.5 Ruins of Gorlan, The Flanagan, John 7.0 12.0 Rules Lord, Cynthia 3.9 4.0 Rules of the Road Bauer, Joan 5.0 6.0 Rumble Fish Hinton, S.E. 4.1 3.0 Rumpelstiltskin Zelinsky, Paul 4.0 0.5 Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter Stanley, Diane 4.3 0.5 Run Away Home McKissack, Patricia C. 4.9 4.0 Run, Boy, Run Orlev, Uri 4.0 6.0 Runaway Duck, The Lyon, David 4.2 0.5 Runaway Racehorse, The Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 Runaway Ralph Cleary, Beverly 5.3 4.0 Runner, The Voigt, Cynthia 5.0 9.0 Running Out of Time Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.8 7.0 Rupert, Polly, and Daisy Silver, Jody 2.7 0.5 Russell Sprouts Hurwitz, Johanna 4.2 1.0 121719 EN 74794 EN 9792 EN 105417 EN 337 EN 14239 EN 36374 EN 12454 EN 138718 EN 436 EN 4901 EN 19644 EN 19620 EN 12338 EN 29520 EN 103944 EN 124432 EN 113111 EN 70099 EN 4867 EN 52551 EN 5540 EN Russia (Country Explorers) Streissguth, Tom 3.8 0.5 Russia (Enchantment of the World) Rogers, Stillman D. 8.9 4.0 Ruth Law Thrills a Nation Brown, Don 4.0 0.5 Rutherford B. Hayes: Nineteenth President Venezia, Mike 5.1 0.5 S.O.R. Losers Avi 3.6 2.0 SaberToothed Tiger Antony, Laurence 7.1 0.5 Sabertooth Mountain Vornholt, John 5.2 5.0 Sable Hesse, Karen 3.8 1.0 5.0 11.0 4.1 1.0 Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes Haddix, Margaret Peterson Coerr, Eleanor Saddam Hussein (War in the Gulf) Deegan, Paul J. 6.5 1.0 Saddle Sore Bryant, Bonnie 4.0 4.0 Saddlebags Bryant, Bonnie 4.4 3.0 Sadie the Shrew (Real Baby Animals) Buck, Gisela/Siegfried 2.7 0.5 Safari Bateman, Robert 5.2 0.5 Safari in South Africa Lumry, Amanda 3.9 0.5 Safe at Home Lupica, Mike 5.6 5.0 Safe at Home (Home Run) Bott, Paula 4.6 4.0 Sahara Special Codell, Esmé Raji 4.2 4.0 Sailboarding (ActionSports Library) Italia, Bob 5.4 0.5 Saint Bernards Meister, Cari 3.7 0.5 Saint George and the Dragon Hodges, Margaret 5.6 0.5 Sabotaged 9793 EN 80254 EN 49589 EN 9190 EN 85026 EN 14378 EN 54636 EN 74780 EN 26940 EN 56675 EN 83022 EN 17338 EN 58143 EN 46631 EN 26941 EN 6142 EN 495 EN 687 EN 34682 EN 5241 EN 6240 EN 44716 EN Salamander Room, The Mazer, Anne 3.0 0.5 Salamanders Murray, Julie 2.8 0.5 Salamanders (Nature Watch) Winner, Cherie 6.5 1.0 Salcott, the Indian Boy Eldridge, Melinda 4.1 0.5 Salem Witch Trials, The Martin, Michael 4.2 0.5 Salmon (Nature's Children) Schemenauer, Elma 5.2 0.5 Salsa Stories Delacre, Lulu 5.0 2.0 Salvador (Enchantment of the World), El Morrison, Marion 8.9 4.0 Sam and Dasher Simon, Charnan 0.9 0.5 Sam Has a Sundae on Sunday Scheunemann, Pam 0.9 0.5 Sam I Am Cooper, Ilene 5.1 8.0 Sam Johnson and the Blue Ribbon Quilt Ernst, Lisa Campbell 4.2 0.5 Sam Makes Trouble Warner, Gertrude Chandler 1.9 0.5 Sam's Pet Simon, Charnan 1.3 0.5 Sam the Garbage Hound Simon, Charnan 1.2 0.5 Sam the Sea Cow Jacobs, Francine 2.4 0.5 Samantha Learns a Lesson Samantha's Surprise Adler, Susan S. Schur, Maxine Rose 4.3 3.9 1.0 1.0 Samantha's Winter Party Tripp, Valerie 4.2 0.5 Samantha Saves the Day Tripp, Valerie 3.8 1.0 Sami and the Time of the Troubles Heide/Gilliland 3.7 0.5 Sammy Keyes and the Curse of Moustache Draanen, Wendelin Van 4.6 Mary 8.0 30914 EN 35942 EN 54315 EN 32485 EN 32484 EN 44874 EN 36966 EN 125225 EN 36967 EN 46632 EN 12579 EN 45708 EN 100755 EN 25980 EN 127601 EN 338 EN 62829 EN 6377 EN 385 EN 137 EN 51703 EN 103588 EN Samoyed, The Wilcox, Charlotte 3.9 0.5 Sampler View of Colonial Life, A Cobb, Mary 7.2 1.0 Samuel de Champlain (Watts Library) Sonneborn, Liz 6.6 1.0 Samuel Todd's Book of Great Colors Konigsburg, E.L. 2.4 0.5 Samuel Todd's Book of Great Inventions Konigsburg, E.L. 3.2 0.5 Samurai's Tale, The Haugaard, Erik Christian 6.3 10.0 San Diego Chargers (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 7.1 1.0 San Diego Chargers, The Stewart, Mark 5.4 1.0 San Francisco 49ers (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 7.1 1.0 Sand Miller, Pam 0.9 0.5 Sand Sharks (Sharks) Prevost, John F. 4.2 0.5 Sandry's Book Pierce, Tamora 5.5 9.0 Sanitation Workers Piehl, Janet 3.4 0.5 Santa's Book of Names McPhail, David 3.6 0.5 Santa's Little Helper McAllister, Angela 2.5 0.5 Santiago's Silver Mine Clymer, Eleanor 3.9 1.0 Sara Joins the Circus Callahan, Thera S. 2.1 0.5 Sarah and Me and the Lady from the Sea Beatty, Patricia 4.7 6.0 Sarah Bishop Sarah, Plain and Tall O'Dell, Scott MacLachlan, Patricia 4.9 3.4 7.0 1.0 Saskatchewan (Hello Canada) Richardson, Gillian 6.7 1.0 Satch & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.1 5.0 19946 EN 71897 EN 46797 EN 74795 EN 6342 EN 6438 EN 17789 EN 17996 EN 80551 EN 44377 EN 122451 EN 657 EN 9623 EN 14958 EN 9624 EN 6680 EN 103011 EN 40659 EN 121239 EN 18787 EN 18788 EN Saturn (Gateway Solar System) Vogt, Gregory L. 5.5 0.5 Saturn (Our Galaxy and Beyond) Simon, Charnan 5.4 0.5 Saturn (Watts Library) Landau, Elaine 6.4 1.0 Saudi Arabia (Enchantment of the World) Heinrichs, Ann 7.7 4.0 Savage Sam Gipson, Fred 5.7 8.0 Save Queen of Sheba Moeri, Louise 5.8 4.0 Saving Shiloh Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.9 6.0 Saving Sweetness Stanley, Diane 3.9 0.5 Saving the Liberty Bell Figley, Marty Rhodes 3.4 0.5 Saving the Peregrine Falcon Arnold, Caroline 5.6 1.0 Savvy Law, Ingrid 6.0 9.0 Say "Cheese" Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.4 1.0 Say Cheese and Die! Stine, R.L. 3.9 3.0 Say Cheese and Die Again! Stine, R.L. 3.2 3.0 Scarecrow Walks at Midnight, The Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 Scared Stiff Roberts, Willo Davis 5.0 7.0 Scaredy Squirrel Watt, Mélanie 3.6 0.5 Scarlet Thunder Brouwer, Sigmund 4.5 4.0 Scary Creatures of the Night Malam, John 5.1 0.5 Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones Schwartz, Alvin 4.3 2.0 Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Schwartz, Alvin 4.1 1.0 127433 EN 17592 EN 82463 EN 87476 EN 16377 EN 82443 EN 57619 EN 100007 EN 62830 EN 69219 EN 66682 EN 116008 EN 127455 EN 25576 EN 80744 EN 5138 EN 126938 EN 31494 EN 12298 EN 49724 EN 67606 EN Scat Hiaasen, Carl 5.5 12.0 Schernoff Discoveries, The Paulsen, Gary 5.6 3.0 Schizophrenia Landau, Elaine 8.1 2.0 School Bus Drivers Mitchell, Melanie 3.1 0.5 School Buses (Transportation) Ready, Dee 2.2 0.5 School Conflict Davidson, Tish 8.3 2.0 School in Colonial America Thomas, Mark 2.1 0.5 School Is Not White! A True Story...Civil Rights Movement, The Rappaport, Doreen 4.6 0.5 School Rules (Rookie Choices) Brimner, Larry Dane 2.3 0.5 School Skeleton, The Roy, Ron 3.7 1.0 School Smarts Golden, Nancy 4.9 1.0 Schooled Korman, Gordon 4.9 6.0 Schooled Langan, Paul 4.9 4.0 Schooling Horse Bryant, Bonnie 4.1 4.0 Schwa Was Here, The Shusterman, Neal 5.0 9.0 Science Experiments (New True Books) Webster, Vera R. 3.1 0.5 Barry, Dave 5.5 12.0 Bombaugh, Ruth 8.8 2.0 Science Fiction: Visions of Tomorrow? Asimov, Isaac 6.5 0.5 Science on the Ice: An Antarctic Journal Johnson, Rebecca L. 7.2 4.0 Scoliosis Silverstein, Alvin 6.5 1.0 Science Fair: A Story of Mystery...and a Very Nervous Frog Science Fair Success (Revised and Expanded) 386 EN 15706 EN 60476 EN 12299 EN 74796 EN 8314 EN 31560 EN 63507 EN 33116 EN 46853 EN 41372 EN 139963 EN 118126 EN 19400 EN 76968 EN 108344 EN 13087 EN 105933 EN 81202 EN 16229 EN 13088 EN Scorpions Myers, Walter Dean 3.7 6.0 Scorpions (Naturebooks) Murray, Peter 4.1 0.5 Scorpions (Predators in the Wild) Richardson, Adele 4.4 0.5 Scorpions (The New Creepy Crawly Collection) Green, Tamara 5.8 0.5 Scotland (Enchantment of the World) Stein, R. Conrad 7.4 3.0 Scott Joplin (Black Americans of Achievement) Preston, Katherine 8.4 3.0 Scrambled States of America, The Keller, Laurie 4.4 0.5 Scranimals Prelutsky, Jack 5.9 0.5 Screw Loose Prince, Alison 3.9 1.0 Scribbler of Dreams Pearson, Mary E. 4.6 8.0 Scuffy the Tugboat Crampton, Gertrude 3.5 0.5 Scumble Law, Ingrid 5.6 10.0 Sea Anemones Rustad, Martha E.H. 2.1 0.5 Sea City, Here We Come! Martin, Ann M. 3.6 5.0 Sea Horses Walker, Sally M. 3.8 0.5 Sea Horses Herriges, Ann 1.9 0.5 Sea Lions (Sea Mammal Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 4.3 0.5 Sea of Monsters, The Riordan, Rick 4.6 9.0 Sea of Trolls, The Farmer, Nancy 4.7 16.0 Sea Otters (Crabapples) Kalman, Bobbie 4.6 0.5 Sea Otters (Sea Mammal Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 4.3 0.5 13134 EN 13135 EN 108345 EN 108925 EN 68697 EN 118127 EN 68698 EN 101071 EN 117125 EN 134598 EN 48121 EN 6592 EN 52376 EN 783 EN 5042 EN 188 EN 28634 EN 109229 EN 32376 EN 30751 EN 6991 EN 134423 EN Sea Plants (Sea Discovery) Cooper, Jason 4.8 0.5 Sea Shells (Sea Discovery) Cooper, Jason 4.3 0.5 Sea Stars Herriges, Ann 1.8 0.5 Sea Turtles Herriges, Ann 2.1 0.5 Sea Turtles (Sea Creatures) Laskey, Elizabeth 5.4 1.0 Sea Urchins Rustad, Martha E.H. 2.1 0.5 Seahorses (Sea Creatures) Laskey, Elizabeth 5.3 1.0 Seal Sharks Klein, Adam G. 4.6 0.5 Sealed with a Diss Harrison, Lisi 4.8 8.0 Sealed with a Kiss Mazer, Anne 3.3 2.0 Seals, Sea Lions and Walruses Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw 7.5 2.0 Seals, Sea Lions & Walruses (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.1 0.5 Seals (Wildlife in Danger) Martin, Louise 4.8 0.5 Seance, The Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.7 5.0 Search for Delicious, The Babbitt, Natalie 5.4 4.0 Search for Grissi, The Shura, Mary Francis 5.0 4.0 Search for Lost Cities, The Barber, Nicola 7.3 2.0 Search for Safety Langan, John 4.2 3.0 Search for Snout, The Coville, Bruce 5.6 6.0 Searching for David's Heart Bennett, Cherie 3.8 6.0 Searching for Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. 5.3 9.0 Searching for UFOs: An Isabel Soto Investigation Sautter, Aaron 4.3 0.5 100034 EN 5139 EN 36968 EN 39903 EN 2993 EN 67499 EN 106358 EN 19661 EN 28269 EN 5084 EN 26942 EN 78 EN 27732 EN 77495 EN 75663 EN 144178 EN 78525 EN 6009 EN 339 EN 6291 EN 5043 EN 5641 EN Season of the Sandstorms Osborne, Mary Pope 3.9 2.0 Seasons (New True Books) Podendorf, Illa 3.1 0.5 Seattle Seahawks (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 7.1 1.0 Second Cousins Hamilton, Virginia 3.2 5.0 Second Decade: Voyages, The Hoobler, Dorothy/Tom 4.2 4.0 Second Summer of the Sisterhood, The Brashares, Ann 4.3 11.0 Second Time's the Charm Morgan, Melissa J. 5.0 4.0 Secret at Solaire, The Keene, Carolyn 4.9 4.0 Secret Box, The Pearson, Gayle 5.2 5.0 Secret City, U.S.A. Holman, Felice 4.8 8.0 Secret Code, The Rau, Dana Meachen 1.1 0.5 Secret Garden, The Burnett, Frances Hodgson 6.3 13.0 Secret Horse Bryant, Bonnie 4.5 4.0 Secret Hour, The Westerfeld, Scott 4.8 10.0 Secret Identity Van Draanen, Wendelin 3.3 2.0 Secret Kingdom, The Nimmo, Jenny 4.9 7.0 Secret Language of Girls, The Dowell, Frances O'Roark 5.2 5.0 Secret Language of the SB, The Scarboro, Elizabeth 4.6 3.0 Secret Life of Dilly McBean, The Haas, Dorothy 4.4 6.0 Secret of Foghorn Island, The Hayes, Geoffrey 2.8 0.5 Secret of Gumbo Grove, The Tate, Eleanora E. 4.6 7.0 Secret of Mirror Bay, The Keene, Carolyn 5.2 5.0 5642 EN 5643 EN 79 EN 5044 EN 901 EN 5688 EN 32641 EN 109634 EN 67697 EN 27500 EN 5921 EN 30651 EN 17177 EN 18986 EN 46485 EN 5438 EN 5701 EN 78144 EN 85867 EN 36580 EN 134425 EN 43942 EN Secret of Red Gate Farm, The Keene, Carolyn 5.7 5.0 Secret of Shadow Ranch, The Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 Secret of the Andes Clark, Ann Nolan 4.7 5.0 Secret of the Indian, The Banks, Lynne Reid 5.2 5.0 Secret of the Old Mill, The Dixon, Franklin W. 4.9 5.0 Secret Panel, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.1 5.0 Secret's Out, The Kimball, Katie 4.0 3.0 Secret Science Project That Almost Ate the Sierra, Judy School, The 3.4 0.5 Secret Service (Top Secret) Beyer, Mark 6.6 1.0 Secret Shortcut, The Teague, Mark 3.4 0.5 Secret, Silent Screams Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.8 6.0 Secret Soldier, The McGovern, Ann 4.1 1.0 Secret Spy (Pacemaker) Martin, Albert 3.5 1.0 Secret, The Applegate, K.A. 3.9 4.0 Secret Under the Tree, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 2.1 0.5 Secret Window, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.4 4.0 Secrets Can Kill Keene, Carolyn 5.0 5.0 Secrets in the Shadows Schraff, Anne 4.7 3.0 Secrets of a Civil War Submarine: Solving the...H.L. Hunley Walker, Sally M. 8.2 4.0 Secrets of Animal Flight, The Bishop, Nic 5.6 1.0 Secrets of Martial Arts: An Isabel Soto History Adventure, The Harbo, Christopher L. 3.9 0.5 Secrets of the Mummies Griffey, Harriet 5.6 1.0 109135 EN 5758 EN 14991 EN 44955 EN 48655 EN 19923 EN 61195 EN 56401 EN 70129 EN 32753 EN 19166 EN 89209 EN 121299 EN 15808 EN 127409 EN 132979 EN 138323 EN 13375 EN 56373 EN 43411 EN 125842 EN Secrets! The Secret Life of David Mortimore Tayleur, Karen Baxter 3.2 1.0 See No Evil Dixon, Franklin W. 4.6 5.0 See You Around, Sam! Lowry, Lois 4.4 3.0 See You Later, Gladiator Scieszka, Jon 4.2 2.0 See You Soon Moon Conrad, Donna 1.8 0.5 See You Tomorrow, Charles Cohen, Miriam 2.3 0.5 Seeing (Rookie ReadAbout Health) Gordon, Sharon 2.0 0.5 Seeing Stone, The CrossleyHolland, Kevin 4.3 10.0 Seeing Stone, The DiTerlizzi, Tony 4.0 1.0 Seeing (The Senses) Frost, Helen 1.7 0.5 Seeing Things Fowler, Allan 2.1 0.5 Seen Art? Scieszka, Jon 2.0 0.5 Seer of Shadows, The Avi 5.2 6.0 Sees Behind Trees Dorris, Michael 5.2 4.0 Selena Gomez Tieck, Sarah 3.5 0.5 Selena Gomez Reusser, Kayleen 5.7 0.5 Selena Gomez: Actress and Singer Williams, Zella 3.9 0.5 Seminole (Native American People), The Brooks, Barbara 6.1 1.0 Seminole (Watts Library), The Sonneborn, Liz 7.0 1.0 Send One Angel Down Schwartz, Virginia F. 4.2 5.0 Sense of Hearing, The Landau, Elaine 5.1 0.5 545 EN 42593 EN 65530 EN 89923 EN 27016 EN 74797 EN 15936 EN 16440 EN 10489 EN 17339 EN 103538 EN 289 EN 7878 EN 14437 EN 16735 EN 5291 EN 74685 EN 5292 EN 16930 EN 28460 EN 6028 EN 57930 EN Separate Peace, A Knowles, John 6.9 10.0 Separation, The Applegate, K.A. 3.3 3.0 September 11, 2001 Santella, Andrew 6.8 1.0 September 11th Terrorist Attacks, The Macdonald, Fiona 9.2 2.0 Serbia (Enchantment of the World) Milivojevic, JoAnn 7.1 2.0 Serbia (Enchantment of the World) (Revised Milivojevic, JoAnn Edition) 7.8 3.0 Settler Sayings Kalman, Bobbie 5.9 1.0 Settling the West (American Story) TimeLifeEditors 8.8 9.0 Seven Candles for Kwanzaa Pinkney, Andrea Davis 4.6 0.5 Seven Chinese Brothers, The Mahy, Margaret 4.8 0.5 Seven Continents, The Mara, Wil 2.5 0.5 Seven Kisses in a Row MacLachlan, Patricia 3.4 1.0 Seven Loaves of Bread Wolff, Ferida 3.7 0.5 Seven Silly Eaters, The Hoberman, Mary Ann 4.5 0.5 Seven Strange & Ghostly Tales Jacques, Brian 5.8 6.0 Seventeen Against the Dealer Voigt, Cynthia 6.3 11.0 Seventeen & InBetween DeClements, Barthe 4.5 5.0 Seventeenth Summer Daly, Maureen 5.9 14.0 Seventh Crystal, The Paulsen, Gary 3.9 1.0 Shade's Children Nix, Garth 6.4 11.0 Shades of Gray Reeder, Carolyn 5.3 6.0 Shades of Simon Gray McDonald, Joyce 6.1 10.0 32532 EN 80 EN 77541 EN 43424 EN 11738 EN 290 EN 42358 EN 81 EN 106250 EN 28290 EN 75501 EN 546 EN 9044 EN 69258 EN 42033 EN 25387 EN 60460 EN 8584 EN 32127 EN 17242 EN 137740 EN 114218 EN Shadow in the North Pullman, Philip 5.6 13.0 Shadow of a Bull Wojciechowska, Maia 5.2 5.0 Shadow Place, The Tanzman, Carol M. 3.4 4.0 Shadowed Unicorn, The Welch, Sheila Kelly 4.6 6.0 Shadowmaker Nixon, Joan Lowery 5.0 7.0 Shadowmaker, The Hansen, Ron 5.1 1.0 Shadows Beyond the Gate Lewis, Beverly 4.3 3.0 Shadrach Jong, Meindert De 4.9 5.0 Shake, Rattle, and Hurl! Stine, R.L. 2.9 1.0 Shakespeare Stealer, The Blackwood, Gary L. 5.2 7.0 Shakira (Celebrity Bios) Rivera, Ursula 5.7 1.0 Shane Schaefer, Jack 5.5 7.0 Shape of Me and Other Stuff Seuss, Dr. 1.7 0.5 Shapes to Go Schaefer, Lola M. 2.1 0.5 Shaq and the Beanstalk O'Neal, Shaquille 3.7 1.0 Shaquille O'Neal: Basketball Sensation Gutman, Bill 5.4 1.0 Shaquille O'Neal (Sports Heroes) Schaefer, A.R. 4.5 0.5 Sharing Susan Bunting, Eve 3.7 3.0 Sharing (Thoughts and Feelings) Riley, Susan 1.7 0.5 Shark MacQuitty, Miranda 7.3 1.0 Shark Spilsbury, Louise 3.0 0.5 Shark Girl Bingham, Kelly 3.5 4.0 86644 EN 102775 EN 46574 EN 60461 EN 43042 EN 118128 EN 6593 EN 14240 EN 68699 EN 12300 EN 109230 EN 68683 EN 108235 EN 133933 EN 13376 EN 72768 EN 80262 EN 13089 EN 24679 EN 6648 EN 44122 EN Shark Life: True Stories About Sharks & the Wojtyla, Karen Sea 7.4 8.0 Shark Pup Grows Up, A Zollman, Pam 1.6 0.5 Shark Swimathon Murphy, Stuart J. 3.2 0.5 Shark! The Truth Behind the Terror Strong, Mike 4.0 0.5 Sharks! Francis, Dorothy 3.1 0.5 Sharks Sexton, Colleen 2.2 0.5 Sharks (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.2 0.5 Sharks for Kids/Shark Magic for Kids Corrigan, Patricia 4.9 0.5 Sharks (Sea Creatures) Baldwin, Carol 4.9 1.0 Sharks: Voracious Hunters of the Sea Sánchez, Isidro 6.0 0.5 Shattered Langan, Paul 4.4 3.0 Shatterglass Pierce, Tamora 5.8 14.0 Shaun White Doeden, Matt 4.2 0.5 Shawn Michaels O'Shei, Tim 4.7 0.5 Shawnee (Native American People), The Fulkerson, Chuck 6.9 1.0 She, The PlumUcci, Carol 5.5 13.0 Sheep Murray, Julie 2.8 0.5 Sheep (Farm Animal Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.0 0.5 Sheep (Farm Animals) Hansen, Anne Larkin 4.4 0.5 Sheep in a Jeep Shaw, Nancy 1.0 0.5 Sheep in a Shop Shaw, Nancy 1.1 0.5 10540 EN 32414 EN 12045 EN 17243 EN 46633 EN 27832 EN 15191 EN 30915 EN 5439 EN 5440 EN 13758 EN 9338 EN 10141 EN 73786 EN 6186 EN 25962 EN 34939 EN 39882 EN 131465 EN 108587 EN 10289 EN Sheep out to Eat Shaw, Nancy 1.2 0.5 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben M. 4.0 4.0 Sheldon's Lunch Lemerise, Bruce 2.9 0.5 Shell (Eyewitness) Arthur, Alex 8.7 1.0 Shells Franco, Betsy 0.7 0.5 Sheryl Swoopes (Awesome Athletes) Sehnert, Chris 6.1 0.5 Shetland Ponies (Horses) Gammie, Janet L. 3.9 0.5 Shetland Sheepdog, The Wilcox, Charlotte 3.8 0.5 Shh! We're Writing the Constitution Fritz, Jean 7.1 1.0 Shiloh Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.4 4.0 Shiloh Season Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.8 5.0 Shine, Sun! Greene, Carol 0.4 0.5 Shining Company, The Sutcliff, Rosemary 7.1 13.0 Ship of Fire Cadnum, Michael 7.5 7.0 Ships and Seaports (New True Books) Carter, Katharine Jones 3.4 0.5 Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World Armstrong, Jennifer 7.3 6.0 Shipwreck Saturday Cosby, Bill 2.4 0.5 Shiva's Fire Staples, Suzanne Fisher 6.8 11.0 Shiver Stiefvater, Maggie 4.9 14.0 Shivers in the Fridge, The Manushkin, Fran 3.1 0.5 Shizuko's Daughter Mori, Kyoko 5.2 9.0 14959 EN 5085 EN 46634 EN 57144 EN 4374 EN 340 EN 110407 EN 137617 EN 119938 EN 5690 EN 7162 EN 137864 EN 5691 EN 26944 EN 88030 EN 5910 EN 83028 SP 15179 EN 52555 EN 42594 EN 62839 EN 291 EN Shocker on Shock Street, A Stine, R.L. 3.2 3.0 Shoebag James, Mary 4.7 4.0 Shoelaces Lieurance, Suzanne 1.3 0.5 Shoeless Joe & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.3 4.0 Shoes for Everyone Mitchell, Barbara 5.7 1.0 Shoeshine Girl Bulla, Clyde Robert 2.7 1.0 Shoo, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd 1.7 0.5 ShootOut Lupica, Mike 5.1 4.0 Shooting the Moon Dowell, Frances O'Roark 5.3 4.0 Shore Road Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 Short Circuits Gallo, Donald R. 6.4 8.0 Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella, The Meyer, Stephenie 4.8 6.0 ShortWave Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 Show and Tell Sam Simon, Charnan 1.6 0.5 Show Way Woodson, Jacqueline 3.8 0.5 Shrek! Steig, William 3.9 0.5 ¡Sí, se puede! Cohn, Diana 4.0 0.5 Siamese Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.4 0.5 Siberian Huskies (Dogs) Temple, Bob 4.3 0.5 Sickness, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 3.0 Sidewalk Patrol (Rookie Choices), The Brimner, Larry Dane 2.2 0.5 Sidewalk Story Mathis, Sharon Bell 3.3 1.0 5243 EN 131926 EN 136954 EN 48126 EN 9533 EN 54318 EN 59131 EN 138 EN 5692 EN 5647 EN 115450 EN 11187 EN 7941 EN 36396 EN 12048 EN 58146 EN 8736 EN 639 EN 6378 EN 137098 EN 19643 EN 8038 EN Sideways Stories from Wayside School Sachar, Louis 3.3 3.0 Siege of Macindaw, The Flanagan, John 6.2 13.0 Siege of the Alamo: Soldiering in the Texas Beller, Susan Provost Revolution, The 7.8 3.0 Sierra Club Book of Weatherwisdom, The McVey, Vicki 7.2 4.0 Sierra Club Wayfinding Book, The McVey, Vicki 6.9 4.0 Sieur de La Salle (Watts Library) Nardo, Don 7.4 1.0 Sight, The ClementDavies, David 6.1 23.0 Sign of the Beaver, The Speare, Elizabeth George 4.9 5.0 Sign of the Crooked Arrow, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 Sign of the Twisted Candles, The Keene, Carolyn 5.2 5.0 Silent Kay and the Dragon Brimner, Larry Dane 1.3 0.5 Silent Lotus Lee, Jeanne M. 3.9 0.5 Silent Snow, Secret Snow (Creative Education) Aiken, Conrad 6.8 1.0 Silent Thunder: A Civil War Story Pinkney, Andrea Davis 5.4 7.0 Silly Tail Book, The Brown, Marc 1.8 0.5 Silly Tilly's Thanksgiving Dinner Hoban, Lillian 2.6 0.5 Silvabamba D'Amelio, Dan 3.0 1.0 Silver Chair, The Lewis, C.S. 5.7 8.0 Silver Days Levitin, Sonia 3.9 6.0 Silver Secret, The Draper, Sharon M. 3.7 3.0 Silver Stirrups Bryant, Bonnie 4.4 4.0 Simon and the Snowflakes Tibo, Gilles 2.0 0.5 8039 EN 13700 EN 9794 EN 13742 EN 244 EN 74798 EN 7393 EN 49768 EN 85027 EN 51576 EN 13377 EN 7241 EN 104413 EN 59571 EN 341 EN 16926 EN 786 EN 53483 EN 10142 EN 10022 EN 26945 EN 121553 EN Simon and the Wind Tibo, Gilles 1.9 0.5 Simon in Summer Tibo, Gilles 2.3 0.5 Simon's Book Drescher, Henrick 3.8 0.5 Simon Welcomes Spring Tibo, Gilles 2.1 0.5 Sing down the Moon O'Dell, Scott 4.9 4.0 Singapore (Enchantment of the World) Kummer, Patricia 7.0 3.0 Singing Sam Bulla, Clyde Robert 2.2 0.5 Single Shard, A Park, Linda Sue 6.6 6.0 Sinking of the Titanic, The Doeden, Matt 3.8 0.5 Sioux (Indigenous Peoples of North America), The Remington, Gwen 9.3 6.0 Sioux (Native American People), The Brooks, Barbara 6.3 1.0 Sir Small and the Dragonfly O'Connor, Jane 1.7 0.5 Sir Thursday Nix, Garth 6.5 12.0 Sissy Duckling, The Fierstein, Harvey 3.7 0.5 Sister Greenfield, Eloise 3.8 2.0 Sister of the Bride Cleary, Beverly 5.9 10.0 Sister of the Quints Pevsner, Stella 3.9 6.0 Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Brashares, Ann 4.5 9.0 Sitka L'Amour, Louis 6.5 13.0 Sitting Bull (North American Indians of Achievement) Bernotas, Bob 8.3 4.0 Six Empty Pockets Curtis, Matt 2.5 0.5 Six Innings Preller, James 4.5 4.0 103867 EN 245 EN 581 EN 12254 EN 109970 EN 121423 EN 8278 EN 4869 EN 13999 EN 65772 EN 189 EN 36778 EN 129141 EN 17245 EN 69602 EN 52617 EN 4865 EN 32275 EN 2895 EN 342 EN 76674 EN 110490 EN Six Million Paper Clips: The Making of a Children's...Memorial Sixth Grade Can Really Kill You SixthGrade Sleepover Schroeder, Peter W. 5.9 1.0 DeClements, Barthe Bunting, Eve 4.3 4.2 4.0 4.0 Size (Measure up with Science) Walpole, Brenda 6.0 1.0 Skate Park Challenge Maddox, Jake 3.3 1.0 Skateboard Vert Streissguth, Thomas 3.8 0.5 Skateboarding (Action Sports) Gould, Marilyn 5.6 1.0 Skateboarding (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.5 0.5 Skateboarding Basics (New Action Sports) Jay, Jackson 3.9 0.5 Skateboarding (XTreme Sports) Vieregger, K.E. 4.8 0.5 Skates of Uncle Richard, The Skeletal System (Human Body Systems), The Fenner, Carol 4.3 1.0 Frost, Helen 2.0 0.5 Skeleton Creek Carman, Patrick 4.8 4.0 Skeleton (Eyewitness) Parker, Steve 7.9 1.0 Skeleton Key Horowitz, Anthony 4.9 10.0 Skeleton Man Bruchac, Joseph 4.8 3.0 Skiing on the Edge (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 6.0 1.0 Skin I'm In, The Flake, Sharon G. 4.1 4.0 Skin, Teeth, and Hair (Body Books) Sandeman, Anna 4.9 0.5 Skinnybones Park, Barbara 4.1 3.0 Skippyjon Jones Schachner, Judy Byron 3.3 0.5 Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble Schachner, Judy 3.8 0.5 89239 EN 114891 EN 16732 EN 44866 EN 13040 EN 10691 EN 87368 EN 67698 EN 6795 EN 101561 EN 8281 EN 54293 EN 13327 EN 67699 EN 5335 EN 15087 EN 117037 EN 129569 EN 26273 EN 82 EN 110650 EN Skippyjon Jones in the Doghouse Schachner, Judy 3.8 0.5 Skulduggery Pleasant Landy, Derek 4.9 10.0 Skull of Truth, The Coville, Bruce 4.7 6.0 Skullcrack Bo, Ben 5.0 6.0 Skunks (North American Animal Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.7 0.5 Sky Babies Delton, Judy 3.4 1.0 Sky Carver Whitlock, Dean 5.0 12.0 Sky Marshals (Top Secret) Beyer, Mark 6.3 1.0 Sky Phantom, The Keene, Carolyn 5.2 5.0 Skybreaker Oppel, Kenneth 5.0 16.0 Skydiving (Action Sports) Meeks, Christopher 5.3 1.0 Skyscrapers Landau, Elaine 5.1 0.5 Skyscrapers (ManMade Wonders) Cooper, Jason 4.7 0.5 Skysurfing (XTreme Outdoors) Cefrey, Holly 5.9 1.0 Slake's Limbo Holman, Felice 6.4 4.0 Slam! Myers, Walter Dean 4.5 8.0 Slam Dunk! Robinson, Sharon 3.6 3.0 Slam Dunk Jaimet, Kate 4.7 4.0 Slam Dunk Trivia Adelson, Bruce 6.3 1.0 Slave Dancer, The Fox, Paula 6.0 6.0 Slawter Shan, Darren 4.4 8.0 8545 EN 5593 EN 109136 EN 7242 EN 69016 EN 70886 EN 5244 EN 72848 EN 88902 EN 76921 EN 115451 EN 59600 EN 5957 EN 49332 EN 13137 EN 102722 EN 16150 EN 12099 EN 85870 EN 61196 EN 32754 EN Sleepers Wake Jacobs, Paul 5.4 6.0 Sleeping and Dreaming (New True Books) Milios, Rita 4.8 0.5 Sleepwalker Powell, Jillian 2.7 0.5 Sleepy Dog Ziefert, Harriet 0.8 0.5 Sliding into Home Butler, Dori Hillestad 3.7 7.0 Slightly True Story of Cedar B. Hartley, The Murray, Martine 5.0 7.0 Slime Time O'Connor, Jim/Jane 3.3 1.0 Slippery Slope, The Snicket, Lemony 7.1 9.0 SlitFaced Bats Wheeler, Jill C. 3.9 0.5 Slovenia (Enchantment of the World) Orr, Tamra 8.6 3.0 Slower Than a Slug Brimner, Larry Dane 0.9 0.5 Slowly, Slowly, Slowly, Said the Sloth Carle, Eric 2.8 0.5 Sluggers Sullivan, George 6.8 3.0 Slugs Fredericks, Anthony D. 3.5 0.5 Small Sea Creatures (Sea Discovery) Cooper, Jason 4.5 0.5 Small Steps Sachar, Louis 4.2 7.0 Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio Kehret, Peg 5.2 4.0 Smallest Turtle, The Dodd, Lynley 2.9 0.5 Smartest Dinosaurs, The Lessem, Don 4.0 0.5 Smelling (Rookie ReadAbout Health) Gordon, Sharon 2.1 0.5 Smelling (The Senses) Frost, Helen 2.2 0.5 19168 EN 5704 EN 121944 EN 60462 EN 19595 EN 67607 EN 2979 EN 10202 EN 83 EN 448 EN 12301 EN 82811 EN 101005 EN 131321 EN 139057 EN 13826 EN 5140 EN 9045 EN 72352 EN 108926 EN 112721 EN 41748 EN Smelling Things Fowler, Allan 2.1 0.5 Smile and Say Murder Keene, Carolyn 4.8 4.0 Smiles to Go Spinelli, Jerry 3.3 5.0 Smokejumpers: Battling the Forest Flames Briscoe, Diana 4.2 0.5 Smokey Peet, Bill 4.3 0.5 Smoking Silverstein, Alvin 6.6 1.0 Smoking (What Do You Know About) Sanders/Myers 6.6 1.0 Smoky Night Bunting, Eve 2.4 0.5 Smoky the Cow Horse Snaggle Doodles James, Will Giff, Patricia Reilly 6.5 2.6 13.0 1.0 5.1 0.5 Snakecharm AtwaterRhodes, Amelia 6.5 7.0 Snakes! Kids, Editors of Time for 3.8 0.5 Snakes! Stewart, Melissa 3.2 0.5 Snakes Green, Emily 1.6 0.5 Snakes Are Hunters Lauber, Patricia 3.4 0.5 Snakes (New True Books) Broekel, Ray 2.8 0.5 Sneetches and Other Stories, The Seuss, Dr. 3.4 0.5 Snow Lynn, Tracy 5.9 8.0 Snow Herriges, Ann 1.8 0.5 Snow Baby: The Arctic Childhood of...Peary's Daring Daughter, The Kirkpatrick, Katherine 6.9 2.0 Snow Is Falling Branley, Franklyn M. 2.7 0.5 Snails (The New Creepy Crawly Collection) Fisher, Enid Broderick 9340 EN 13041 EN 12738 EN 12739 EN 14750 EN 82206 EN 36562 EN 79472 EN 4859 EN 120700 EN 27678 EN 108848 EN 9193 EN 65071 EN 106433 EN 6092 EN 78419 EN 17641 EN Snow Joe Greene, Carol 0.3 0.5 Snow Monkeys (Monkey Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.8 0.5 Snow Queen, The Andersen, Hans Christian 4.8 1.0 Snow White and Rose Red Grimm, Brothers 5.3 0.5 Snowballs Ehlert, Lois 1.3 0.5 Snowboard Champ Christopher, Matt 4.4 4.0 Snowboard Maverick Christopher, Matt 4.8 4.0 Snowboarding Preszler, Eric 3.7 0.5 Snowboarding (Action Sports Library) Italia, Bob 5.1 0.5 Snowboarding (Gareth Stevens) Barr, Matt 6.1 1.0 Snowflake Bentley Martin, Jacqueline Briggs 4.4 0.5 Snowflakes, The Law, Felicia 2.3 0.5 Snowman Who Wanted to See July, The Estvanik, Nicole 3.5 0.5 Snowmen at Night Buehner, Caralyn 3.0 0.5 Snowplows Zuehlke, Jeffrey 2.6 0.5 Snowy Day, The Keats, Ezra Jack 2.5 0.5 So B. It Weeks, Sarah 5.0 6.0 So Far from Home: The Diary of Mary Driscoll, an Irish Mill Girl Denenberg, Barry 4.4 3.0 Watkins, Yoko Kawashima 4.7 6.0 So Many Sounds Rau, Dana Meachen 0.4 0.5 So Sick! Ziefert, Harriet 1.1 0.5 387 EN So Far from the Bamboo Grove 46635 EN 7243 EN 83039 EN 19169 EN 114629 EN 8738 EN 59144 EN 39885 EN 75108 EN 108862 EN 5386 EN 135069 EN 4847 EN 6187 EN 6293 EN 113248 EN 133289 EN 190 EN 49992 EN 6690 EN 12194 EN 5594 EN 75087 EN So Super Starry Wilkins, Rose 6.6 9.0 So That's How the Moon Changes Shape! Fowler, Allan 2.5 0.5 So Totally Emily Ebers Yee, Lisa 3.9 9.0 So Wild a Dream Florentz, Christopher 3.3 1.0 So You Want to Be an Inventor? George, Judith St. 4.9 0.5 So You Want to Be President? George, Judith St. 4.8 0.5 Soccer Kennedy, Mike 5.3 0.5 Soccer Chick Rules FitzGerald, Dawn 5.3 6.0 Soccer Halfback Christopher, Matt 4.6 4.0 Soccer: How It Works Bazemore, Suzanne 5.9 1.0 Soccer (HowTo Sports) Joseph, Paul 4.5 0.5 Soccer (New True Books) Rosenthal, Bert 3.2 0.5 Soccer Sam Marzollo, Jean 2.6 0.5 Soccer Stars Shea, Therese 5.4 1.0 Soccer Team Upset Bowen, Fred 4.0 3.0 Socks Cleary, Beverly Sojourner Truth: Abolitionist and Women's Bernard, Catherine Rights Activist 5.2 2.0 7.8 3.0 Sojourner Truth: Ain't I a Woman? McKissack, Patricia C. 7.0 5.0 Solar Energy Rickard, Graham 6.8 1.0 Solar Energy at Work (New True Books) Petersen, David 5.5 0.5 Solar Power Sherman, Josepha 4.8 0.5 28687 EN 130529 EN 58673 EN 20135 EN 46856 EN 388 EN 26663 EN 88412 EN 11838 EN 2869 EN 16194 EN 2884 EN 109803 EN 7157 EN 7645 EN 115398 EN 11050 EN 78145 EN 18694 EN 59145 EN 9341 EN Solar Power (Energy Forever?) Graham, Ian 7.4 1.0 Sold! The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Gallagher, Diana G. 3.3 1.0 Soldier Mom Mead, Alice 3.3 5.0 Soldier's Heart Paulsen, Gary 5.7 2.0 Soldier X Wulffson, Don L. 5.7 7.0 Solitary Blue, A Voigt, Cynthia 5.3 11.0 Solution, The Applegate, K.A. 3.9 4.0 Somali Cats Furstinger, Nancy 4.2 0.5 Somalia: A Crisis of Famine and War Ricciuti, Edward 8.3 1.0 Some Bugs Glow in the Dark Llewellyn, Claire 3.7 0.5 Some of the Kinder Planets WynneJones, Tim 4.8 5.0 Some Snakes Spit Poison Llewellyn, Claire 4.3 0.5 Somebodies, The Bode, N.E. 4.9 8.0 Somebody and the Three Blairs Tolhurst, Marilyn 2.2 0.5 Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch Spinelli, Eileen 3.9 0.5 Someone Named Eva Wolf, Joan M. 5.1 7.0 Someone to Count On Hermes, Patricia 4.1 6.0 Someone to Love Me Schraff, Anne 4.5 4.0 Someplace Else Saul, Carol P. 3.4 0.5 Something to Remember Me By Bosak, Susan V. 4.3 0.5 Sometimes Things Change Eastman, Patricia 1.5 0.5 8587 EN 146841 EN 10594 EN 61177 EN 5490 EN 30632 EN 6379 EN 29782 EN 191 EN 32242 EN 84962 EN 109692 EN 7394 EN 126579 EN 14987 EN 14492 EN 118129 EN 5141 EN 84 EN 192 EN 62794 EN 292 EN Somewhere in the Darkness Myers, Walter Dean 4.4 6.0 Son of Neptune, The Riordan, Rick 4.7 17.0 Son of the Black Stallion Farley, Walter 6.1 11.0 Son of the Mob Korman, Gordon 4.8 8.0 Song and Dance Man Ackerman, Karen 4.0 0.5 Song Lee and the Leech Man Kline, Suzy 2.8 1.0 Song of the Christmas Mouse, The Murphy, Shirley 3.6 1.0 Song of the Swallows Politi, Leo 4.6 0.5 Song of the Trees Taylor, Mildred D. 3.8 1.0 Song of the Wanderer Coville, Bruce 5.8 9.0 Song of the Water Boatman: And Other Pond Poems Sidman, Joyce 5.0 0.5 Sons of Destiny Shan, Darren 5.5 7.0 Sophie and Lou Mathers, Petra 3.1 0.5 Sorcerer of the North, The Flanagan, John 6.1 13.0 Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Willard, Nancy 4.8 0.5 SOS Titanic Bunting, Eve 4.5 6.0 Sound Manolis, Kay 3.3 0.5 Sound Experiments (New True Books) Broekel, Ray 3.4 0.5 Sounder Soup Armstrong, William H. Peck, Robert Newton 5.3 4.4 3.0 2.0 Soup Fishman, Cathy Goldberg 0.7 0.5 Soup and Me Peck, Robert Newton 3.0 4.3 5045 EN 62193 EN 343 EN 496 EN 62197 EN 36018 EN 127602 EN 27017 EN 60996 EN 125841 EN 74374 EN 7841 EN 12441 EN 26227 EN 7842 EN 26228 EN 118624 EN 43301 EN 82433 EN 9795 EN 15537 EN 6189 EN Soup for President Peck, Robert Newton 4.0 3.0 Soup in the Saddle Peck, Robert Newton 4.0 2.0 Soup on Ice Soup's Hoop Peck, Robert Newton Peck, Robert Newton 4.7 4.4 3.0 3.0 Soup's Uncle Peck, Robert Newton 5.1 3.0 Sour Land Armstrong, William H. 5.7 4.0 Sourpuss and Sweetie Pie Juster, Norton 2.5 0.5 South Africa (Enchantment of the World) Blauer/Lauré 7.6 2.0 South America Fowler, Allan 2.7 0.5 South America Koponen, Libby 5.3 0.5 South Carolina Cherrington, Janelle 2.8 0.5 South Carolina (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 8.4 3.0 South Carolina (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.9 1.0 South Carolina (Hello U.S.A.) Fredeen, Charles 6.4 1.0 South Dakota (America the Beautiful) Lepthien, Emilie U. 8.7 3.0 South Dakota (Hello U.S.A.) Sirvaitis, Karen 7.4 1.0 South Pole Penguins Lumry, Amanda 4.8 0.5 Southern Cross Cornwell, Patricia 5.8 16.0 Space: A Chapter Book Hansen, Rosanna 4.0 0.5 Space Case Marshall, Edward 2.8 0.5 Space Challenger: The Story of Guion Bluford Haskins/Benson 6.9 1.0 Space Colonies (New True Books) Fradin, Dennis B. 5.1 0.5 36334 EN 12303 EN 61088 EN 5142 EN 26403 EN 7692 EN 75681 EN 5143 EN 45931 EN 69259 EN 74799 EN 6380 EN 15937 EN 62840 EN 76157 EN 7895 EN 18791 EN 15196 EN 75109 EN 54069 EN 12255 EN Space Disasters (Watts Library) Landau, Elaine 8.7 1.0 Space Explorers Asimov, Isaac 5.7 0.5 Space Missions Shearer, Deborah A. 4.3 0.5 Space (New True Books) Podendorf, Illa 4.3 0.5 Space People, The Bunting, Eve 3.5 1.0 Space Rock Buller, Jon 2.4 0.5 Space Shuttle (Transportation) Stille, Darlene R. 4.0 0.5 Space Shuttles (New True Books) Friskey, Margaret 4.2 0.5 Space Station: Accident on Mir Royston, Angela 5.8 1.0 Spacecraft Miller, Heather 2.4 0.5 Spain (Enchantment of the World) Rogers, Lura 8.4 3.0 Spanish Kidnapping Disaster, The Hahn, Mary Downing 4.7 5.0 Spanish Missions Kalman/Nickles 6.6 1.0 Sparkle Thing (Rookie Choices), The Brimner, Larry Dane 2.3 0.5 Sparky and Eddie: The First Day of School Johnston, Tony 1.9 0.5 Sparrow Hawk Red Mikaelsen, Ben 4.2 6.0 Sparrows in the Scullery Wallace, Barbara Brooks 5.9 7.0 SpearNosed Bats (Bats) Gerholdt, Pamela J. 4.0 0.5 Special Olympics Kennedy, Mike 6.2 0.5 Speed Boat Beyer, Mark 5.0 1.0 Speed (Measure up with Science) Walpole, Brenda 5.8 1.0 20536 EN 6992 EN 88413 EN 102776 EN 74176 EN 79536 EN 9342 EN 6595 EN 2867 EN 14381 EN 26581 EN 5144 EN 12304 EN 119926 EN 1753 EN 41479 EN 12588 EN 7200 EN 14776 EN 13533 EN 46636 EN Speed Skating Brimner, Larry Dane 4.5 0.5 Speeding Bullet Shusterman, Neal 6.6 8.0 Sphynx Cats Furstinger, Nancy 4.3 0.5 Spiderling Grows Up, A Zollman, Pam 1.8 0.5 Spiders Simon, Seymour 5.2 0.5 Spiders Hall, Margaret 1.2 0.5 Spiders and Webs Lunn, Carolyn 1.8 0.5 Spiders (Creative Ed.) Biel, Timothy Levi 5.2 0.5 Spiders Have Fangs Llewellyn, Claire 4.6 0.5 Spiders (Nature's Children) Ivy, Bill 5.2 0.5 Spiders (Naturebooks) Murray, Peter 4.4 0.5 Spiders (New True Books) Podendorf, Illa 3.4 0.5 5.3 0.5 3.4 1.0 Spiders (The New Creepy Crawly Fisher, Enid Broderick Collection) Spies! David Mortimore Baxter Cracks the Tayleur, Karen Case Spike Lee (Book Report Biographies) McDaniel, Melissa 6.8 2.0 Spindle's End McKinley, Robin 7.2 22.0 Spinner Dolphins (Dolphins) Prevost, John F. 4.0 0.5 Spirit House, The Sleator, William 4.6 5.0 Spirit Seeker Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.6 7.0 Spitting Cobras of Africa, The Martin, James 5.1 0.5 Splat! PérezMercado, Mary Margaret 0.5 0.5 2908 EN 11189 EN 84443 EN 8282 EN 25534 EN 17385 EN 59951 EN 7646 EN 54070 EN 108501 EN 20620 EN 14530 EN 49334 EN 42614 EN 46410 EN 102598 EN 18990 EN 140395 EN 28016 EN 30579 EN 49790 EN Splish! Splash! Animal Baths Sayre, April Pulley 2.6 0.5 Spooky Halloween Party, The Prager, Annabelle 2.8 0.5 Spooky Hour Mitton, Tony 2.0 0.5 Sports Cars (Cruisin') Stephenson, Sallie 3.9 0.5 Sports Great Charles Barkley (Revised Edition) Macnow, Glen 5.5 2.0 Sports Great Jerome Bettis Majewski, Stephen 6.2 2.0 Spotted Dolphins Murray, Julie 2.9 0.5 Spring Sprouts Delton, Judy 2.8 1.0 Sprint Car Thompson, Luke 5.3 1.0 Spycatcher Mitchelhill, Barbara 3.7 1.0 Spying Eyes Holder, Nancy 4.4 4.0 Spying on Miss Muller Bunting, Eve 4.4 6.0 Squanto and the First Thanksgiving Kessel, Joyce K. 3.6 0.5 Squanto's Journey: The Story of the First Thanksgiving Bruchac, Joseph 4.2 0.5 Square Dancing Thomas, Mark 1.5 0.5 Squashed in the Middle Winthrop, Elizabeth 2.7 0.5 Squeeze Steiber, Ellen 4.4 3.0 Squeeze Muller, Rachel Dunstan 4.2 3.0 Squids Will Be Squids Scieszka, Jon 3.8 0.5 Squiggle, The Schaefer, Carole Lexa 1.7 0.5 Squire Pierce, Tamora 5.6 15.0 57146 EN 56145 EN 19641 EN 45071 EN 19619 EN 19372 EN 6546 EN 19344 EN 19315 EN 19308 EN 6547 EN 10596 EN 58030 EN 54446 EN 25224 EN 102425 EN 30647 EN 14696 EN 68258 EN 23559 EN 26993 EN Squirrels in the School Baglio, Ben M. 4.2 3.0 St. Patrick's Day (The Library of Holidays) Margaret, Amy 3.9 0.5 Stable Hearts Bryant, Bonnie 4.2 4.0 Stable Where Jesus Was Born, The Greene, Rhonda Gowler 3.1 0.5 Stable Witch Bryant, Bonnie 5.7 4.0 Stacey and the Haunted Masquerade Martin, Ann M. 4.7 4.0 Stacey and the Mystery of Stoneybrook Martin, Ann M. 4.7 4.0 Stacey McGill, Super Sitter Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 Stacey's Big Crush Martin, Ann M. 3.6 4.0 Stacey's Choice Martin, Ann M. 3.9 4.0 Stacey's Emergency Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 Stage Coach Bryant, Bonnie 5.3 4.0 Stage Fright on a Summer Night Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon Lovell, Patty 3.5 0.5 Standing in the Light: The Captive Diary of Osborne, Mary Pope Catharine Carey... 5.1 4.0 Stanford Wong Flunks BigTime Yee, Lisa 3.8 9.0 Stanley and Rhoda Wells, Rosemary 2.0 0.5 Stanley and the Magic Lamp Brown, Jeff 3.7 1.0 Stanley, Flat Again! Brown, Jeff 3.3 1.0 Stanley in Space Brown, Jeff 3.9 1.0 Star Boy Goble, Paul 4.1 0.5 12305 EN 5961 EN 17179 EN 104213 EN 79260 EN 108618 EN 101052 EN 101053 EN 7896 EN 12195 EN 41562 EN 6011 EN 19927 EN 6381 EN 84379 EN 8120 EN 56967 EN 56676 EN 74750 EN 344 EN 7396 EN Star Cycles: The Life and Death of Stars Asimov, Isaac 5.8 0.5 Star Fisher, The Yep, Laurence 5.2 6.0 Star Gold (Pacemaker) Kelley, Leo P. 2.8 1.0 Star Jumper: Journal of a Cardboard Genius Asch, Frank 4.2 2.0 StarSpangled Banner, The Welch, Catherine A. 3.8 0.5 Star Wars, Galactic Crisis! Windham, Ryder 7.0 1.0 Star Wars, Journey Through Space Windham, Ryder 3.6 0.5 Star Wars, What is a Wookiee? Buller, Laura 2.4 0.5 Stardust Ferguson, Alane 3.9 4.0 Stargazer's Guide, A Asimov, Isaac 5.7 0.5 Stargirl Spinelli, Jerry 4.2 6.0 Stargone John McKenzie, Ellen 4.4 2.0 Starring First Grade Cohen, Miriam 2.9 0.5 Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself Blume, Judy 4.4 8.0 Stars Beneath Your Bed: The Surprising Story of Dust Sayre, April Pulley 4.6 0.5 Stars Come Out Within Little, Jean 5.4 10.0 Stars of the Sea (Rookie ReadAbout Science) Fowler, Allan 2.1 0.5 States (Capital Letters) Scheunemann, Pam 0.8 0.5 Statue of Liberty, The Douglas, Lloyd G. 2.9 0.5 Stay Away from Simon! Carrick, Carol 3.8 1.0 Stay Away from the Junkyard Tusa, Tricia 3.4 0.5 122680 Stay Clear! What You Should Know About EN Skin Care 27526 Stay! Keeper's Story EN 9625 Stay Out of the Basement EN 111224 Stay Safe EN 122681 Stay Safe! How You Can Keep Out of EN Harm's Way 100757 Staying Clean EN 8588 Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes EN 54025 Staying Safe EN 103352 Staying Safe in Emergencies EN 12742 Steadfast Tin Soldier, The EN 7860 Steal Away EN 28293 Stealing Freedom EN 103475 Steel Eyes EN 1624 Stegosaurus (A True Book) EN 7193 SP Stelaluna 41724 Stella, Queen of the Snow EN 7193 Stellaluna EN 15807 Step by Wicked Step EN 49813 Step from Heaven, A EN 13949 Stephanie's Ponytail EN 6629 Stepping on the Cracks EN Donovan, Sandy 5.3 1.0 Lowry, Lois 6.4 5.0 Stine, R.L. 3.9 3.0 Llewellyn, Claire 2.8 0.5 Nelson, Sara 4.9 1.0 Nelson, Robin 2.8 0.5 Crutcher, Chris 5.2 9.0 Silverstein, Alvin 4.8 1.0 Nelson, Robin 2.2 0.5 Andersen, Hans Christian 5.1 0.5 Armstrong, Jennifer 4.5 6.0 Carbone, Elisa 5.6 10.0 Zucker, Jonny 3.2 0.5 Landau, Elaine 5.2 0.5 Cannon, Janell 3.5 0.5 Gay, MarieLouise 1.7 0.5 Cannon, Janell 3.5 0.5 Fine, Anne 4.2 4.0 Na, An 4.2 6.0 Munsch, Robert N. 3.0 0.5 Hahn, Mary Downing 4.7 8.0 68147 EN 43596 EN 46292 EN 114236 EN 86218 EN 7165 EN 54072 EN 137159 EN 125975 EN 88154 EN 51161 EN 293 EN 62173 EN 5491 EN 16982 EN 6499 EN 25052 EN 16938 EN 16130 EN 6012 EN 9343 EN Steps, The Cohn, Rachel 5.2 5.0 Sterkarm Handshake, The Price, Susan 6.0 24.0 Stick and Whittle Hite, Sid 6.1 7.0 Stink and the World's Worst SuperStinky Sneakers McDonald, Megan 3.5 1.0 Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid McDonald, Megan 3.0 1.0 Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Scieszka, Jon Tales, The 3.4 0.5 Stock Car Cefrey, Holly 5.3 1.0 Stolen Christopher, Lucy 4.3 12.0 Stolen Children Kehret, Peg 4.6 6.0 Stolen Secrets Jenkins, Jerry B. 4.3 4.0 Stone Cold: Pro Wrestler Steve Austin Burgan, Michael 4.4 1.0 Stone Fox Gardiner, John Reynolds 4.0 1.0 Stone in My Hand, A Clinton, Cathryn 3.6 4.0 Stone Soup Brown, Marcia 3.3 0.5 Stone Water Gilbert, Barbara Snow 5.0 6.0 Stonecutter, The McDermott, Gerald 3.2 0.5 Stonewalkers, The Alcock, Vivien 4.7 4.0 Stonewall Fritz, Jean 7.5 6.0 Stonewall Jackson: Confederate General Pflueger, Lynda 7.5 3.0 Stonewords: A Ghost Story Conrad, Pam 4.7 4.0 StopGo, FastSlow McLenighan, Valjean 1.9 0.5 5245 EN 56370 EN 60463 EN 14797 EN 137598 EN 46293 EN 50390 EN 18893 EN 12149 EN 5441 EN 18792 EN 30634 EN 5492 EN 57752 EN 71759 EN 16297 EN 16298 EN 16299 EN 16300 EN 43798 EN 16301 EN Stories Julian Tells, The Cameron, Ann 3.4 1.0 Storm Chasers Trueit, Trudi Strain 7.3 1.0 Storm Chasers: On the Trail of Deadly Tornadoes White, Matt 3.8 0.5 Storm, The Harshman, Marc 4.8 0.5 Storm Warning Park, Linda Sue 4.6 6.0 Storm Warriors Carbone, Elisa 5.5 6.0 Stormbreaker Horowitz, Anthony 5.1 7.0 Storms Simon, Seymour 5.7 0.5 Storms: Nature's Fury Wood, Jenny 5.6 1.0 Stormy Kjelgaard, Jim 6.9 6.0 Stormy, Misty's Foal Henry, Marguerite 4.7 6.0 Story, A Story, A Haley, Gail E. 4.2 0.5 Story About Ping, The Flack, Marjorie 4.3 0.5 Story for Bear, A Haseley, Dennis 4.2 0.5 5.5 3.0 6.1 2.0 5.7 2.0 5.8 2.0 6.0 2.0 Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Sepúlveda, Luis Her to Fly, The Story of Abraham Lincoln: President for the Weinberg, Larry People, The Story of Alexander Graham Bell: Inventor of Davidson, Margaret the Telephone, The Story of Annie Sullivan: Helen Keller's Selden, Bernice Teacher, The Story of Babe Ruth: Baseball's Greatest Eisenberg, Lisa Legend, The Story of Baseball, The Ritter, Lawrence S. 7.5 8.0 Story of Benjamin Franklin: Amazing American, The Davidson, Margaret 5.2 2.0 16302 EN 16303 EN 1445 EN 16304 EN 5163 EN 5493 EN 16305 EN 16306 EN 16307 EN 16308 EN 16309 EN 16310 EN 16311 EN 7695 EN 5046 EN 16312 EN 506 EN 16313 EN 5174 EN 2970 EN 16314 EN Story of Bill Clinton and Al Gore: Our McMullan, Kate Nation's Leaders, The Story of Christopher Columbus: Admiral of Osborne, Mary Pope the Ocean Sea, The 6.0 3.0 5.3 2.0 4.6 0.5 Story of Davy Crockett: Frontier Hero, The Retan, Walter 6.2 4.0 Story of Ellis Island, The Stein, R. Conrad 5.4 1.0 Story of Ferdinand, The Leaf, Munro 3.7 0.5 4.3 3.0 5.9 2.0 5.1 2.0 4.7 3.0 6.3 4.0 5.4 2.0 6.2 2.0 Story of Civilization, The Harris, Nicholas Story of Frederick Douglass: Voice of Weiner, Eric Freedom, The Story of George Bush:The 41st Sufrin, Mark President...United States, The Story of George Washington: Quiet Hero, Milton, Joyce The Story of Harriet Tubman: McMullan, Kate Conductor...Underground Railroad, The Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton: First Lady Milton, Joyce of the ..., The Story of Jackie Robinson: Bravest Man in Davidson, Margaret Baseball, The Story of Jim Henson: Creator of the Pierre, Stephanie St. Muppets, The Story of Johnny Appleseed, The Aliki 3.9 0.5 Story of Jumping Mouse, The Steptoe, John 3.8 0.5 Story of Junipero Serra: Brave Adventurer, White, Florence Meiman 5.9 The Story of King Arthur and His Knights, The Pyle, Howard 9.4 Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder: Pioneer Girl, Stine, Megan 5.3 The 2.0 21.0 2.0 Story of Lexington and Concord, The Stein, R. Conrad 5.8 1.0 Story of Life on Earth, The Harris, Nicholas 3.8 0.5 Story of Louisa May Alcott: Determined Writer, The McGill, Marci Ridlon 5.2 2.0 16315 EN 5181 EN 16316 EN 62059 EN 30507 EN 16317 EN 16318 EN 14855 EN 16319 EN 16320 EN 16321 EN 54823 EN 16322 EN 5153 EN 109233 EN 109234 EN 109236 EN 5159 EN 109237 EN 5162 EN 109239 EN Story of Malcolm X: Civil Rights Leader, The Stine, Megan 5.8 3.0 Story of Mount Vernon, The Miller, Natalie 5.4 0.5 Story of Muhammad Ali: Heavyweight Champion of the World, The Denenberg, Barry 5.5 2.0 Story of Muhammad Ali, The Garrett, Leslie 6.9 1.0 Story of My Life, The Keller, Helen 6.8 12.0 Story of Pocahontas: Indian Princess, The Adams, Patricia 5.8 2.0 Story of Roberto Clemente: AllStar Hero, The O'Connor, Jim 5.6 2.0 Story of Ruby Bridges, The Coles, Robert 4.4 0.5 6.1 3.0 6.9 2.0 Story of Sitting Bull: Great Sioux Chief, The Eisenberg, Lisa 6.5 3.0 Story of SpiderMan, The Teitelbaum, Michael 5.8 1.0 Dubowski, Cathy East 5.3 2.0 Stein, R. Conrad 6.4 1.0 Story of the Atlanta Hawks, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.4 0.5 Story of the Boston Celtics, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.4 0.5 Story of the Chicago Bulls, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.4 0.5 Story of the Chicago Fire, The Stein, R. Conrad 4.9 1.0 Story of the Cleveland Cavaliers, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.7 0.5 Story of the Declaration of Independence, The Richards, Norman 5.5 0.5 Story of the Denver Nuggets, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.5 0.5 Story of Sacajawea: Guide to Lewis and Rowland, Della Clark, The Story of Shirley Temple Black: Hollywood's Fiori, Carlo Youngest Star, The Story of Squanto: First Friend to the Pilgrims, The Story of the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, The 109287 EN 5164 EN 5167 EN 5168 EN 109240 EN 109288 EN 39573 EN 5173 EN 5175 EN 5176 EN 5177 EN 109289 EN 109290 EN 109258 EN 19035 EN 109291 EN 109242 EN 5183 EN 109292 EN 5186 EN 109293 EN Story of the Detroit Pistons, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.8 0.5 Story of the Erie Canal, The Stein, R. Conrad 7.0 1.0 Story of the Gold at Sutter's Mill, The Stein, R. Conrad 5.1 1.0 Story of the Golden Spike, The Stein, R. Conrad 6.1 1.0 Story of the Golden State Warriors, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.6 0.5 Story of the Houston Rockets, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.4 0.5 Story of the Incredible Orchestra, The Koscielniak, Bruce 7.9 0.5 Story of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, The Stein, R. Conrad 6.1 1.0 Story of the Liberty Bell, The Miller, Natalie 5.1 0.5 Story of the Lincoln Memorial, The Miller, Natalie 5.1 0.5 Story of the Little Bighorn, The Stein, R. Conrad 5.7 1.0 Story of the Los Angeles Lakers, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.4 0.5 Story of the Miami Heat, The Gilbert, Sara 6.8 0.5 Story of the Milwaukee Bucks, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.5 0.5 Story of the Negro Bontemps, Arna 8.8 9.0 Story of the New Jersey Nets, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.7 0.5 Story of the New York Knicks, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.5 0.5 Story of the Nineteenth Amendment, The Stein, R. Conrad 6.3 1.0 Story of the Orlando Magic, The Gilbert, Sara 6.5 0.5 Story of the Persian Gulf War, The Foster, Leila Merrell 7.8 1.0 Story of the Philadelphia 76ers, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.4 0.5 109295 EN 5191 EN 109296 EN 5192 EN 5194 EN 5197 EN 5195 EN 5196 EN 109263 EN 18894 EN 61329 EN 16323 EN 16324 EN 5198 EN 16325 EN 5200 EN 16392 EN 139120 EN 119484 EN 65587 EN 11599 EN Story of the San Antonio Spurs, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.7 0.5 Story of the San Francisco Earthquake, The Stein, R. Conrad 5.6 1.0 Story of the Seattle Supersonics, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.6 0.5 Story of the Statue of Liberty, The Miller, Natalie 5.2 0.5 Story of the Trail of Tears, The Stein, R. Conrad 6.9 1.0 Story of the U.S.S. Arizona, The Stein, R. Conrad 6.3 1.0 Story of the Underground Railroad, The Stein, R. Conrad 5.6 1.0 Story of the Unification of Germany, The Hargrove, Jim 7.1 1.0 Story of the Utah Jazz, The LeBoutillier, Nate 6.3 0.5 Story of the White House, The Waters, Kate 4.6 0.5 Story of Thomas Alva Edison, The Cousins, Margaret 6.8 5.0 Story of Thurgood Marshall: Justice for All, Arthur, Joe The 6.4 3.0 Story of Two American Generals, The Applegate, Katherine 6.0 2.0 Story of Valley Forge, The Stein, R. Conrad 7.2 1.0 Story of Walt Disney: Maker of Magical Worlds, The Selden, Bernice 5.8 2.0 Story of Wounded Knee, The Stein, R. Conrad 5.4 1.0 Story Snail, The Rockwell, Anne 2.8 0.5 Storyteller Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.2 4.0 Storyteller's Candle, The González, Lucía 3.9 0.5 Storyteller's Daughter, The Dokey, Cameron 6.3 8.0 Stotan! Crutcher, Chris 5.8 9.0 44830 EN 31527 EN 127577 EN 68685 EN 136271 EN 6796 EN 28877 EN 8987 EN 389 EN 29758 EN 54128 EN 43624 EN 18991 EN 52024 EN 6942 EN 86 EN 45453 EN 48081 EN 6093 EN 108437 EN 5442 EN 8740 EN Stowaway Hesse, Karen 6.1 11.0 5.4 3.0 4.2 1.0 Stevenson, Robert Louis 9.3 5.0 Strange Case of Origami Yoda, The Angleberger, Tom 4.7 3.0 Strange Message in the Parchment, The Keene, Carolyn 5.4 5.0 Strange Nests Stevens, Ann Shepard 5.6 0.5 Strange Stories of Life Lawless, Joann 5.3 1.0 Stranger at Green Knowe, A Boston, L.M. 6.4 7.0 Stranger Came Ashore, A Hunter, Mollie 6.2 6.0 Stranger in a Strange Land Heinlein, Robert A. 5.6 25.0 Stranger in the Woods: A Photographic Fantasy Sams/Stoick 2.9 0.5 Stranger, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 4.0 Stranger, The Cooney, Caroline B. 4.5 5.0 Stranger with My Face Duncan, Lois 6.1 9.0 Strawberry Girl Lenski, Lois 4.8 6.0 Stray Dog, The Sassa/Simont 1.7 0.5 Street Magic Pierce, Tamora 5.8 11.0 Strega Nona: An Old Tale Retold and Illustrated De Paola, Tomie 3.9 0.5 Strep Throat Glaser, Jason 3.8 0.5 Strider Cleary, Beverly 4.8 3.0 Strike Two Shea, George 3.4 1.0 Stowaway: A Tale of California Pirates, The Gregory, Kristiana Stranded! David Mortimore Baxter Gets Trapped Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Unabridged), The Tayleur, Karen 140 EN 71284 EN 193 EN 10626 EN 12676 EN 194 EN 41632 EN 75503 EN 19245 EN 5598 EN 67075 EN 17842 EN 73801 EN 2053 EN 32128 EN 122423 EN 56677 EN 11740 EN 8293 EN 44175 EN 30670 EN 73378 EN String in the Harp, A Bond, Nancy 5.2 17.0 Stringbean's Trip to the Shining Sea Williams, Vera B. 3.4 0.5 Striped Ice Cream Lexau, Joan 3.5 2.0 Strong and Free Hagstrom, Amy 4.4 1.0 6.9 1.0 6.0 3.0 Struggle into the 1990s (Black History & the Kallen, Stuart A. Civil Rights) Stuart Little White, E.B. Stuck in Neutral Trueman, Terry 5.7 4.0 Stunt Double (Danger Is My Business) Weintraub, Aileen 5.7 1.0 Stupids Step Out, The Allard, Harry 2.2 0.5 Submarines (New True Books) Petersen, David 5.5 0.5 Substitute Teacher Plans Johnson, Doug 3.5 0.5 Subtle Knife, The Pullman, Philip 6.2 16.0 Subway Mouse, The Reid, Barbara 2.5 0.5 Subways (The Transportation Library) Lassieur, Allison 2.8 0.5 Success (Thoughts and Feelings) Riley, Susan 1.8 0.5 Suddenly Last Summer Morgan, Melissa J. 4.5 5.0 Sue Threw the Goop Through the Hoop Rondeau, Amanda 1.2 0.5 Sugar Isn't Everything Roberts, Willo Davis 5.5 6.0 Sugar Ray Leonard: The Babyfaced Boxer Rosenthal, Bert 4.7 0.5 Sugar Was My Best Food: Diabetes and Me Peacock/Gregory 4.6 1.0 Sugaring Time Lasky, Kathryn 5.8 1.0 Suki's Kimono Uegaki, Chieri 3.9 0.5 9796 EN 113746 EN 19645 EN 30508 EN 391 EN 87 EN 54200 EN 19646 EN 790 EN 109138 EN 64512 EN 12196 EN 27771 EN 2876 EN 19175 EN 19176 EN 61197 EN 32071 EN 5544 EN 126978 EN 345 EN 129783 EN Summer Hirschi, Ron 3.2 0.5 Summer Ball Lupica, Mike 5.3 10.0 Summer Horse Bryant, Bonnie 4.7 5.0 Summer of Fear Duncan, Lois 5.6 9.0 Summer of My German Soldier Summer of the Swans, The Greene, Bette Byars, Betsy 5.2 4.9 9.0 4.0 Summer Olympics, The Knotts, Bob 5.4 0.5 Summer Rider Bryant, Bonnie 4.9 5.0 Summer to Die, A Lowry, Lois 5.3 5.0 Summer Trouble Zucker, Jonny 3.4 0.5 Summerland Chabon, Michael 6.3 22.0 Sun and Its Secrets, The Asimov, Isaac 5.4 0.5 Sun Bears Kallen, Stuart A. 3.8 0.5 Sun Is a Star, The Petty, Kate 4.5 0.5 Sun Is Always Shining Somewhere, The Fowler, Allan 2.1 0.5 Sun's Family of Planets, The Fowler, Allan 2.5 0.5 Sunburn (Rookie ReadAbout Health) Gordon, Sharon 1.9 0.5 Sunflowers (Plants: Life Cycles) SaundersSmith, Gail 2.2 0.5 Sunken Treasure Gibbons, Gail 4.2 0.5 Sunlight Slayings, The Emerson, Kevin 5.0 7.0 SunnySide Up Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.3 1.0 Sunrise Morgan, Melissa J. 4.5 6.0 121470 EN 129784 EN 14885 EN 108927 EN 66279 EN 42166 EN 104778 EN 105673 EN 76675 EN 443 EN 101073 EN 123439 EN 30733 EN 78565 EN 4697 EN 17392 EN 17395 EN 7440 EN 118819 EN 73685 EN 118655 EN Sunrise Over Fallujah Myers, Walter Dean 5.3 11.0 Sunset Morgan, Melissa J. 4.0 6.0 Sunset of the Sabertooth Osborne, Mary Pope 3.0 1.0 Sunshine Herriges, Ann 2.1 0.5 Super Bikes Graham, Ian 5.8 0.5 SuperFine Valentine Cosby, Bill 2.7 0.5 Super Fly Guy Arnold, Tedd 1.7 0.5 Supercross Motorcycles Bullard, Lisa 2.4 0.5 Superdog: The Heart of a Hero Buehner, Caralyn 3.5 0.5 Superfudge Blume, Judy 3.4 4.0 Superhero Tauss, Marc 2.6 0.5 Superior Saturday Nix, Garth 6.1 9.0 Superlative Horse, The Merrill, Jean 6.0 1.0 Supernaturalist, The Colfer, Eoin 4.8 9.0 Superstars of Men's Pro Wrestling Hunter, Matt 8.4 1.0 Superstars of Women's Basketball Kelly, J. 6.8 2.0 Superstars of Women's Gymnastics Cohen, Joel 8.4 2.0 Supreme Court (New True Books), The Greene, Carol 4.5 0.5 Supreme Court, The TaylorButler, Christine 5.7 0.5 Surf the Internet Ciovacco, Justine 8.5 1.0 Surfer of the Century: The Life of Duke Kahanamoku Crowe, Ellie 6.2 1.0 7397 EN 120833 EN 121475 EN 8794 EN 86700 EN 112388 EN 60652 EN 16132 EN 26645 EN 2914 EN 12471 EN 73214 EN 27018 EN 9960 EN 12050 EN 141 EN 71219 EN 113947 EN 65686 EN 17549 EN 119940 EN Surprise Party, The Prager, Annabelle 2.2 0.5 Surprises According to Humphrey Birney, Betty G. 4.4 4.0 Surrender Tree: Poems of Cuba's Struggle for Freedom, The Engle, Margarita 6.4 2.0 Survival Camp Bunting, Eve 3.8 1.0 Surviving Aunt Marsha Laguna, Sofie 4.6 5.0 Surviving Divorce: Teens Talk About What Trueit, Trudi Strain Hurts and What Helps 6.9 2.0 Surviving the Applewhites Tolan, Stephanie S. 5.5 7.0 Susan B. Anthony: Voice for Women's Voting Rights Kendall, Martha E. 7.8 3.0 Suspicion, The Applegate, K.A. 4.2 3.0 Swallows in the Birdhouse Swinburne, Stephen R. 4.4 0.5 Swamp Angel Isaacs, Anne 5.0 0.5 Swear to Howdy Van Draanen, Wendelin 3.8 4.0 Sweden (Enchantment of the World) McNair, Sylvia 7.3 2.0 Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt Hopkinson, Deborah 3.8 0.5 Sweet Dreams, ClownArounds! Cole, Joanna 1.9 0.5 Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush Hamilton, Virginia 3.8 8.0 Sweetblood Hautman, Pete 4.2 6.0 Swift Pure Cry, A Dowd, Siobhan 3.6 9.0 Swimming Upstream: Middle School Poems George, Kristine O'Connell 4.4 0.5 Swimmy Lionni, Leo 2.9 0.5 Swindle Korman, Gordon 4.9 5.0 55832 EN 13645 EN 46839 EN 20230 EN 129581 EN 47176 EN 5494 EN 133620 EN 8590 EN 17597 EN 15180 EN 68684 EN 102777 EN 122682 EN 31879 EN 643 EN 56968 EN 15793 EN 70401 EN 15794 EN 15795 EN Swing in the Summerhouse, The Langton, Jane 5.9 7.0 Swiss Family Robinson (Bloomsbury), The Wyss, Johann 10.0 14.0 Switzerland (Enchantment of the World) Rogers, Lura 9.0 4.0 Sword in the Stone, The White, T.H. 7.5 16.0 Sword Thief, The Lerangis, Peter 4.4 4.0 Sybil Ludington's Midnight Ride Amstel, Marsha 3.7 0.5 Sylvester and the Magic Pebble Steig, William 4.0 0.5 Syren Sage, Angie 5.9 18.0 Tbacks, Tshirts, Coat, and Suit Konigsburg, E.L. 5.4 6.0 T.J.'s Secret Pitch Bowen, Fred 4.3 1.0 Tabby Cats (Cats) Kallen, Stuart A. 3.3 0.5 Tadpole White, Ruth 4.9 6.0 Tadpole Grows Up, A Zollman, Pam 1.6 0.5 Take a Stand! What You Can Do About Bullying Golus, Carrie 4.9 1.0 Taking Care of Sister Bear Scheffler, Ursel 2.6 0.5 Taking Care of Terrific Lowry, Lois 5.3 5.0 Taking Root (Rookie ReadAbout Science) Fowler, Allan 2.6 0.5 Tale of Benjamin Bunny, The Potter, Beatrix 4.4 0.5 Tale of Despereaux, The DiCamillo, Kate 4.7 5.0 Tale of Jemima PuddleDuck, The Potter, Beatrix 4.7 0.5 Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher, The Potter, Beatrix 4.0 0.5 15796 EN 43529 EN 719 EN 82434 EN 113967 EN 132957 EN 137932 EN 144765 EN 128372 EN 77927 EN 74674 EN 294 EN 39823 EN 107288 EN 75435 EN 5089 EN 7697 EN 74702 EN 20139 EN 8442 EN 8493 EN 583 EN Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Potter, Beatrix 4.2 0.5 Tale of Tricky Fox, The Aylesworth, Jim 3.9 0.5 Tale of Two Cities (Unabridged), A Dickens, Charles 9.7 27.0 Talented Animals: A Chapter Book Packard, Mary 3.9 0.5 Talented Clementine, The Pennypacker, Sara 4.0 2.0 Tales from a NotSoFabulous Life Russell, Rachel Renée 5.4 5.0 Tales from a NotSoPopular Party Girl Russell, Rachel Renée 5.1 4.0 Tales from a NotSoTalented Pop Star Russell, Rachel Renée 4.9 4.0 Tales from Outer Suburbia Tan, Shaun 6.5 1.0 Tales from Shakespeare (Adapted) Packer, Tina 5.4 5.0 Tales from Silver Lands Finger, Charles J. 6.2 10.0 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Blume, Judy 3.3 3.0 Tales of Amanda Pig Leeuwen, Jean Van 2.2 0.5 Tales of the Cryptids: Mysterious Creatures..May...May Not Exist Halls, Kelly Milner 8.0 3.0 Talisman, The Ewing, Lynne 6.1 7.0 Talking Earth, The George, Jean Craighead 5.2 6.0 Talking Eggs, The Souci, Robert D. San 4.4 0.5 Talking T. Rex, The Roy, Ron 3.8 1.0 Talking to Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. 4.6 10.0 Talking Walls Knight, Margy Burns 6.4 0.5 Talking with Artists Cummings, Pat 5.9 3.0 Tallahassee Higgins Hahn, Mary Downing 4.6 6.0 584 EN 36969 EN 21573 EN 46412 EN 118149 EN 71976 EN 6144 EN 27833 EN 6632 EN 77552 EN 59954 EN 15458 EN 2058 EN 13138 EN 15102 EN 6382 EN 295 EN 61198 EN 32755 EN 25168 EN 54343 EN 2046 EN Taming the Star Runner Hinton, S.E. 4.7 6.0 Tampa Bay Buccaneers (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 6.9 1.0 Tangerine Bloor, Edward 4.3 13.0 Tap Dancing Thomas, Mark 1.3 0.5 Tap Dancing on the Roof: Sijo (Poems) Park, Linda Sue 3.7 0.5 Tapenum's Day: A Wampanoag Indian Boy Waters, Kate in Pilgrim Times 4.6 0.5 Tar Beach Ringgold, Faith 3.4 0.5 Tara Lipinski (Awesome Athletes) Wheeler, Jill 5.4 0.5 Taran Wanderer Alexander, Lloyd 6.2 9.0 Tarantula Scientist, The Montgomery, Sy 5.8 2.0 Tarantula Spiders Murray, Julie 2.6 0.5 Tarantula Spiders (Spiders) Gerholdt, James E. 4.3 0.5 Tarantulas McAuliffe, Emily 4.4 0.5 Tarantulas (Spiders Discovery) Martin, Louise 4.7 0.5 Tarzan of the Apes Burroughs, Edgar Rice 9.0 16.0 Tasmanian Devil on Location Darling, Kathy 6.4 1.0 Taste of Blackberries, A Smith, Doris Buchanan 4.0 2.0 Tasting (Rookie ReadAbout Health) Gordon, Sharon 2.0 0.5 Tasting (The Senses) Frost, Helen 2.1 0.5 Tasting Things Fowler, Allan 1.9 0.5 Tattered Sails Kay, Verla 2.4 0.5 Taxis (The Transportation Library) Lassieur, Allison 2.8 0.5 7647 EN 109775 EN 346 EN 130968 EN 74150 EN 6245 EN 347 EN 80686 EN 116509 EN 7946 EN 61391 EN 44002 EN 118130 EN 12256 EN 107190 EN 12051 EN 71659 EN 32897 EN 7886 EN 116749 EN 14778 EN 74375 EN Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 1.9 0.5 Teacher from Heck, The Stine, R.L. 2.9 1.0 Teacher's Pet Hurwitz, Johanna 4.7 3.0 Teacher Who Forgot Too Much, The Brezenoff, Steve 3.3 1.0 Teacup Full of Roses Mathis, Sharon Bell 3.6 3.0 Teammates Golenbock, Peter 5.4 0.5 Teddy Bear's Scrapbook Howe, Deborah/James 4.1 1.0 Teen Idol Cabot, Meg 5.2 9.0 Teens in Iran Seidman, David 7.1 2.0 TellTale Heart (Creative Education), The Poe, Edgar Allan 7.3 0.5 Telling Christina Goodbye McDaniel, Lurlene 4.3 5.0 Temperate Forests (Ecosystems) Wilkins, Sally 4.0 0.5 Temperature Manolis, Kay 3.4 0.5 Temperature (Measure up with Science) Walpole, Brenda 6.1 1.0 Temping Fate Friesner, Esther M. 5.3 10.0 Ten Furry Monsters Calmenson, Stephanie 2.1 0.5 Ten Kings: And the Worlds They Ruled Meltzer, Milton 8.5 6.0 Ten, Nine, Eight Bang, Molly 1.3 0.5 Ten Sly Piranhas Wise, William 3.6 0.5 Ten Ways to Make My Sister Disappear Mazer, Norma Fox 3.7 3.0 Tenderness Cormier, Robert 6.0 8.0 Tennessee Valzania, Kimberly 2.6 0.5 7843 EN 12443 EN 26229 EN 36970 EN 125229 EN 120145 EN 133512 EN 106296 EN 26994 EN 102295 EN 49726 EN 101277 EN 8990 EN 114689 EN 18838 EN 44726 EN 393 EN 7844 EN 60997 EN 12444 EN 26230 EN Tennessee (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.7 3.0 Tennessee (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.4 1.0 Tennessee (Hello U.S.A.) Sirvaitis, Karen 6.2 1.0 Tennessee Titans (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 7.0 1.0 Tennessee Titans, The Stewart, Mark 5.4 1.0 Tennyson Blume, Lesley M.M. 5.1 7.0 Tentacles Smith, Roland 5.0 11.0 Tenth City, The Carman, Patrick 5.5 7.0 Tenth Good Thing About Barney, The Viorst, Judith 2.8 0.5 Tequila Worm, The Canales, Viola 4.6 6.0 Terrell Davis: TD Savage, Jeff 5.6 1.0 Terrific Agee, Jon 2.5 0.5 Terror in the Tropics: The Army Ants Lisker, Tom 5.5 1.0 Terror in Tights Trine, Greg 3.7 1.0 Terrorist, The Cooney, Caroline B. 5.2 6.0 Test, The Applegate, K.A. 4.0 3.0 Tex Hinton, S.E. 4.7 7.0 Texas (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.3 3.0 Texas (Children's Press) Bredeson, Carmen 2.4 0.5 Texas (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.4 1.0 Texas (Hello U.S.A.) Pelta, Kathy 6.7 1.0 27019 EN 26147 EN 9141 EN 6013 EN 24906 EN 27677 EN 51290 EN 10493 EN 64034 EN 63016 EN 7648 EN 113942 EN 103301 EN 792 EN 348 EN 39908 EN 16734 EN 137599 EN 144766 EN 109447 EN 349 EN 21488 EN Thailand (Enchantment of the World) McNair, Sylvia 7.8 2.0 Pictures GeographyDepartment 9.1 2.0 Thank You, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.6 0.5 Thank You, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.! Tate, Eleanora E. 4.1 7.0 Thank You, Jackie Robinson Cohen, Barbara 4.4 4.0 Thank You, Mr. Falker Polacco, Patricia 4.1 0.5 Thanksgiving Day Gibbons, Gail 3.0 0.5 Thanksgiving Day (Best Holiday Book) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.5 0.5 Thanksgiving on Thursday Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Thanksgiving (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 3.0 0.5 That Mushy Stuff Delton, Judy 3.2 1.0 That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown Cowell, Cressida 4.1 0.5 That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles Mazer, Anne 3.8 2.0 That Was Then, This Is Now Thatcher PayneintheNeck Hinton, S.E. Bates, Betty 4.6 4.6 5.0 3.0 Thee, Hannah! Angeli, Marguerite De 4.8 2.0 Then Again, Maybe I Won't Blume, Judy 3.6 5.0 Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer Grisham, John 5.2 8.0 Theodore Boone: The Abduction Grisham, John 5.5 7.0 Theodore Roosevelt: TwentySixth President Venezia, Mike 5.3 0.5 There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom Sachar, Louis 3.4 5.0 There's a Dinosaur in the Park! Martin, Rodney 1.5 0.5 6945 EN 2865 EN 45895 EN 9047 EN 2943 EN 116920 EN 131848 EN 73773 EN 136336 EN 497 EN 116407 EN 32676 EN 56654 EN 9048 EN 63446 EN 15792 EN 88 EN 113399 EN 11558 EN 120744 EN 9537 EN 692 EN There's a Girl in My Hammerlock Spinelli, Jerry 3.5 5.0 There's a Great Bear in the Sky Taylor, Helen 4.5 0.5 There's a Monster Under My Bed Howe, James 1.8 0.5 There's a Wocket in My Pocket! Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 There's a Zoo on You! Darling, Kathy 6.9 1.0 There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Fly Arnold, Tedd Guy 1.6 0.5 There Was an Old Monster! Emberley, Rebecca 3.7 0.5 Thesaurus Rex Steinberg, Laya 1.8 0.5 These Boots Are Made for Stalking Harrison, Lisi 5.5 8.0 These Happy Golden Years Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.6 10.0 Theseus: Battling the Minotaur Limke, Jeff 3.2 0.5 They Led the Way Johnston, Johanna 5.1 2.0 They're There in Their Boat Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth 1.5 0.5 Thidwick the BigHearted Moose Seuss, Dr. 3.4 0.5 Thief Lord, The Funke, Cornelia 4.8 13.0 Thief, The Turner, Megan Whalen 6.0 11.0 Thimble Summer Enright, Elizabeth 5.7 5.0 Thing About Georgie: A Novel, The Graff, Lisa 4.3 5.0 Third Planet: Exploring Earth from Space, The Ride/O'Shaughnessy 6.8 1.0 Thirteen Myracle, Lauren 4.1 8.0 4.6 0.5 5.2 4.0 Thirteen Moons on Turtle's Back: A Native Bruchac, Joseph American Year of Moons Thirteen Ways to Sink a Sub Gilson, Jamie 588 EN 114936 EN 806 EN 834 EN 21138 EN 144584 EN 102792 EN 36094 EN 49996 EN 65245 EN 15192 EN 26646 EN 32038 EN 14287 EN 7346 EN 59132 EN 9797 EN 9798 EN 18348 EN 9393 EN 44123 EN 9583 EN This Place Has No Atmosphere Danziger, Paula 4.3 4.0 This Way, Ruby! Emmett, Jonathan 3.2 0.5 Thomas A. Edison: Young Inventor Thomas Alva Edison: Bringer of Light Guthridge, Sue Greene, Carol 4.1 5.4 3.0 3.0 Thomas Alva Edison: Inventor Dolan, Ellen M. 8.2 3.0 Thomas Edison: The Man Who Lit Up the World Woodside, Martin 8.1 4.0 Thomas Jefferson: Third President Venezia, Mike 5.5 0.5 Thomas Nast: Political Cartoonist Pflueger, Lynda 8.2 3.0 Thomas Paine: Revolutionary Patriot and Writer McCarthy, Pat 7.9 4.0 Thorn Ogres of Hagwood Jarvis, Robin 6.6 10.0 Thoroughbred Horses (Horses) Gammie, Janet L. 4.0 0.5 Threat, The Applegate, K.A. 4.1 4.0 Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Galdone, Paul 3.0 0.5 Three Birds: A Story for Children About the VanDenBerg, Marinus Loss..., The 2.6 0.5 Three by the Sea Marshall, Edward 1.8 0.5 Three Clams and an Oyster Powell, Randy 4.1 6.0 Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe Williams, Vera B. 3.5 0.5 Three Hat Day, A Geringer, Laura 3.2 0.5 Three Little Javelinas, The Lowell, Susan 3.7 0.5 Three Little Pigs, The Hillert, Margaret 0.6 0.5 Three Little Pigs, The Galdone, Paul 3.2 0.5 Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig, The Trivizas, Eugene 4.6 0.5 8742 EN 547 EN 48718 EN 58903 EN 117605 EN 57737 EN 31138 EN 11446 EN 6344 EN 88404 EN 143960 EN 27479 EN 7296 EN 36565 EN 31529 EN 137963 EN 6014 EN 14850 EN 46639 EN 71144 EN 20570 EN Three Mile House McAuliffe, Jim 2.6 1.0 Three Musketeers (Unabridged), The Dumas, Alexandre 11.3 42.0 Three Pigs, The Wiesner, David 2.3 0.5 Three Questions: Based on a Story by Leo Tolstoy, The Muth, Jon J. 3.4 0.5 Three Snow Bears, The Brett, Jan 3.1 0.5 Three Spinning Fairies: A Tale from the Brothers Grimm, The Ernst, Lisa Campbell 4.2 0.5 Three Stories You Can Read to Your Cat Miller, Sara Swan 2.1 0.5 Three Terrible Trins KingSmith, Dick 5.1 2.0 Three Wishes Clifton, Lucille 3.3 0.5 Thresher Sharks Klein, Adam G. 4.4 0.5 Throne of Fire, The Riordan, Rick 4.8 17.0 Through Grandpa's Eyes MacLachlan, Patricia 3.2 0.5 Through Moon and Stars and Night Skies Turner, Ann 2.1 0.5 Through My Eyes Bridges, Ruby 5.9 2.0 Through the Hidden Door Wells, Rosemary 4.7 8.0 Throwing Heat Bowen, Fred 3.9 2.0 Thunder Cake Polacco, Patricia 3.5 0.5 Thunder Cave Smith, Roland 4.2 9.0 Thunder Doesn't Scare Me! Bowdish, Lynea 1.0 0.5 Thunder Rose Nolen, Jerdine 5.4 0.5 Thunderstorms (A True Book) Sipiera, Paul/Diane 4.5 0.5 89620 EN 11741 EN 31892 EN 74800 EN 13139 EN 46903 EN 104942 EN 794 EN 7297 EN 8743 EN 109059 EN 109060 EN 13536 EN 80272 EN 12590 EN 110756 EN 55696 EN 29719 EN 26283 EN 31073 EN 13043 EN Thurgood Marshall: Civil Rights Champion Monroe, Judy 4.5 0.5 Thwonk Bauer, Joan 5.4 7.0 Thy Friend, Obadiah Turkle, Brinton 3.4 0.5 Tibet (Enchantment of the World) Kummer, Patricia 7.5 3.0 Tide Pools (Sea Discovery) Cooper, Jason 4.6 0.5 Tiger Attacks Murdico, Suzanne J. 5.2 0.5 Tiger Can't Sleep Fore, S.J. 1.8 0.5 Tiger Eyes Blume, Judy 4.1 6.0 Tiger Is a Scaredy Cat Phillips, Joan 0.9 0.5 Tiger, Lion, Hawk Rice, Earle 4.0 1.0 Tiger Moth and the Dragon Kite Contest Reynolds, Aaron 2.7 0.5 Tiger Moth,Insect Ninja Reynolds, Aaron 2.6 0.5 Tiger Sharks Welsbacher, Anne 5.0 0.5 Tiger Sharks Murray, Julie 3.4 0.5 Tiger Sharks (Sharks) Prevost, John F. 4.1 0.5 Tiger Threat Brouwer, Sigmund 3.9 3.0 Tiger Trouble! Goode, Diane 1.9 0.5 Tiger Woods (Black Americans of Achievement) Durbin, William C. 7.5 3.0 Tiger Woods: King of the Course Savage, Jeff 5.5 1.0 Tigers at Twilight Osborne, Mary Pope 3.0 1.0 Tigers (Big Cat Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.6 0.5 118626 EN 56359 EN 52379 EN 498 EN 19635 EN 9799 EN 6095 EN 5338 EN 9896 EN 17794 EN 10206 EN 12799 EN 12257 EN 6191 EN 18841 EN 6295 EN 69787 EN 6147 EN 8745 EN 6015 EN 8548 EN Tigers in Terai (Revised Edition) Lumry, Amanda 4.0 0.5 Tigers: Striped Stalkers Richardson, Adele D. 2.8 0.5 Tigers (Wildlife in Danger) Martin, Louise 4.7 0.5 Tight End Christopher, Matt 4.3 4.0 Tight Rein Bryant, Bonnie 4.2 4.0 Tight Times Hazen, Barbara Shook 2.4 0.5 Tikki Tikki Tembo Mosel, Arlene 4.2 0.5 Tiltawhirl John Paulsen, Gary 5.0 4.0 Time Bomb Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 7.0 Time Cat Alexander, Lloyd 4.7 5.0 Time for Andrew: A Ghost Story Hahn, Mary Downing 4.5 6.0 Time Machine (Unabridged), The Wells, H.G. 7.4 6.0 Time (Measure up with Science) Walpole, Brenda 5.6 1.0 Time (New True Books) Ziner/Thompson 3.0 0.5 Time of Angels, A Hesse, Karen 4.2 9.0 Time of Wonder McCloskey, Robert 5.1 0.5 Time to Love: Stories from the Old Testament, A Myers, Walter Dean 4.9 3.0 Time Train Fleischman, Paul 2.3 0.5 Time Trap, The Kelley, Leo P. 2.7 1.0 Time Tree, The Richemont, Enid 5.1 2.0 Time Windows Reiss, Kathryn 4.8 9.0 121724 EN 9469 EN 53817 EN 17741 EN 103539 EN 103540 EN 103541 EN 103542 EN 103543 EN 103544 EN 45894 EN 40668 EN 114711 EN 89782 EN 143884 EN 145093 EN 31310 EN 8444 EN 49247 EN 60485 EN 126782 EN Timothy and the Strong Pajamas Schwarz, Viviane 2.7 0.5 Timothy of the Cay Taylor, Theodore 5.0 5.0 Tin Princess, The Pullman, Philip 6.5 14.0 Tiny Angel, The KodaCallan, Elizabeth 3.8 0.5 Tiny Life in a Puddle Early, Bobbi 2.4 0.5 Tiny Life in the Air TaylorButler, Christine 2.4 0.5 Tiny Life in Your Home Trumbauer, Lisa 2.2 0.5 Tiny Life on Plants Lindstrom, Karin 2.6 0.5 Tiny Life on the Ground Wade, Mary Dodson 2.4 0.5 Tiny Life on Your Body TaylorButler, Christine 2.5 0.5 Tipi: A Center of Native American Life, The Yue, David/Charlotte 6.7 2.0 Titan Clash Brouwer, Sigmund 4.5 4.0 Titan's Curse, The Riordan, Rick 4.2 10.0 Titanic: A Primary Source History Molony, Senan 8.5 2.0 Titanic Book One: Unsinkable Korman, Gordon 5.7 5.0 Titanic Book Two: Collision Course Korman, Gordon 5.4 4.0 Titanic (Building History), The Aaseng, Nathan 8.9 4.0 Titanic: Lost...and Found, The Donnelly, Judy 3.0 0.5 Titanic (Revised & Updated Edition) Sloan, Frank 8.1 3.0 Titanic: The Tragedy at Sea, The Deady, Kathleen W. 5.3 0.5 Titanicat Crisp, Marty 4.3 0.5 4229 EN 7123 EN 720 EN 25274 EN 7124 EN 30656 EN 9559 EN 59956 EN 59838 EN 44666 EN 25289 EN 29971 EN 11396 EN 100758 EN 89 EN 21938 EN 118256 EN 68230 EN 74924 EN 29209 EN 14779 EN 36551 EN To Bathe a Boa Kudrna, C. Imbior 2.9 0.5 To Be a Slave Lester, Julius 6.9 5.0 To Kill a Mockingbird Lee, Harper 5.6 15.0 To Market, To Market Miranda, Anne 1.7 0.5 To Sir, with Love Braithwaite, E.R. 7.5 10.0 To Spoil the Sun Rockwood, Joyce 5.2 8.0 To Walk the Sky Path Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 5.0 Toads Murray, Julie 2.8 0.5 Today Was a Terrible Day Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.7 0.5 Toestomper and the Caterpillars Collicott, Sharleen 2.9 0.5 Together in Pinecone Patch Yezerski, Thomas F. 4.7 0.5 Toliver's Secret Brady, Esther Wood 4.7 4.0 TollBridge Troll, The Wolff, Patricia Rae 2.7 0.5 Tom Brady Savage, Jeff 4.1 0.5 Tom's Midnight Garden Pearce, Philippa 6.1 9.0 Tom Sawyer Detective Clemens, Samuel 5.5 4.0 Tomás De Torquemada: Architect of Torture...Spanish Inquisition Goldberg, Enid A. 5.3 2.0 Tomatoes to Ketchup Snyder, Inez 1.3 0.5 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, The Wachtel, Roger 8.0 1.0 Tomie De Paola (Young at Heart) Berg, Julie 5.0 0.5 Tomorrow When the War Began Marsden, John 6.3 13.0 Tomten, The Lindgren, Astrid 3.9 0.5 31065 EN 8593 EN 76946 EN 75302 EN 9143 EN 9345 EN 15938 EN 27524 EN 1682 EN 10546 EN 195 EN 4852 EN 4850 EN 4853 EN 4855 EN 4851 EN 4854 EN 56653 EN 196 EN 137964 EN 145510 EN 46725 EN Tonight on the Titanic Osborne, Mary Pope 3.1 1.0 Toning the Sweep Johnson, Angela 4.7 3.0 Tony Hawk Braun, Eric 4.2 0.5 Too Close for Comfort Mazer, Anne 3.5 2.0 Too Many Babas Croll, Carolyn 4.0 0.5 Too Many Balloons Matthias, Catherine 1.2 0.5 Tools and Gadgets Kalman, Bobbie 5.7 0.5 Toot & Puddle Hobbie, Holly 2.2 0.5 Tooth Decay and Cavities Silverstein, Alvin 5.5 0.5 ToothGnasher Superflash Pinkwater, Daniel 3.1 0.5 Toothpaste Millionaire, The Merrill, Jean 5.0 3.0 Top 10 Big Men Sehnert, Chris W. 7.4 2.0 Top 10 Pitchers Sehnert, Chris W. 7.8 2.0 Top 10 Playmakers Sehnert, Chris W. 7.6 2.0 Top 10 Quarterbacks Sehnert, Chris W. 7.0 1.0 Top 10 Running Backs Sehnert, Chris W. 6.8 1.0 Top 10 Sluggers Sehnert, Chris W. 7.3 2.0 Top Is on Top, The Doudna, Kelly 1.5 0.5 Top Secret Gardiner, John Reynolds 4.0 2.0 TopsyTurvy Morgan, Melissa J. 5.0 5.0 Torn Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.0 9.0 Torn Thread Isaacs, Anne 6.3 7.0 13829 EN 44095 EN 46904 EN 26867 EN 11043 EN 53819 EN 10547 EN 138805 EN 50002 EN 26274 EN 133291 EN 86285 EN 61199 EN 32756 EN 5443 EN 80414 EN 9897 EN 17847 EN 4551 EN 5694 EN 16860 EN Tornado Alert Branley, Franklyn M. 3.9 0.5 Tornadoes Simon, Seymour 6.4 0.5 Tornadoes Thompson, Luke 6.6 1.0 Tornadoes Burby, Liza N. 4.5 0.5 Toronto (Great Cities) Murphy, Wendy 8.5 1.0 Tortilla Flat Steinbeck, John 6.0 9.0 Tortoise and the Hare, The Stevens, Janet 3.3 0.5 Touch Blue Lord, Cynthia 4.4 5.0 Touch the Poem Adoff, Arnold 4.0 0.5 Touchdown Trivia Adelson, Bruce 6.7 0.5 Touchdown Trouble Bowen, Fred 4.1 2.0 Touching Darkness Westerfeld, Scott 5.2 11.0 Touching (Rookie ReadAbout Health) Gordon, Sharon 2.0 0.5 Touching (The Senses) Frost, Helen 1.7 0.5 Tough Winter, The Lawson, Robert 6.2 4.0 Toughest Cowboy: Or How the Wild West Frank, John Was Tamed, The 4.6 0.5 Tour of Danger Keene, Carolyn 5.0 6.0 Tournament Upstart Dygard, Thomas J. 5.4 7.0 Tow Trucks (The Transportation Library) Schaefer, Lola M. 3.3 0.5 Tower Treasure, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.4 6.0 Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, The Schecter, Ellen 3.9 0.5 11398 EN 113250 EN 647 EN 121739 EN 4552 EN 13581 EN 46905 EN 5393 EN 67578 EN 19605 EN 6296 EN 14597 EN 18896 EN 69260 EN 5145 EN 13334 EN 16939 EN 36839 EN 12679 EN 28962 EN 15459 EN Town Mouse, Country Mouse Brett, Jan 4.0 0.5 Track Trucks! Mattern, Joanne 4.9 1.0 Tracker Paulsen, Gary 5.3 2.0 Tracks of a Panda Dowson, Nick 4.3 0.5 Tractor Trailers (The Transportation Library) Schaefer, Lola M. 3.1 0.5 Tractors (Transportation) Brady, Peter 2.8 0.5 Trading Cards (Cool Collectibles) Kirkpatrick, Rob 6.0 1.0 Trading Game, The Slote, Alfred 3.3 5.0 Trafalgar True (Revised Edition) Cosgrove, Stephen 4.7 0.5 Trail Mates Bryant, Bonnie 4.5 4.0 Trail of the Screaming Teenager, The Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.6 1.0 Train to Somewhere Bunting, Eve 2.8 0.5 Trains Gibbons, Gail 2.2 0.5 Trains Schaefer, Lola M. 1.8 0.5 Trains (New True Books) Broekel, Ray 2.3 0.5 Trains (Traveling Machines) Cooper, Jason 4.5 0.5 Traitor: The Case of Benedict Arnold Fritz, Jean 7.5 7.0 Richardson, Adele D. 3.9 0.5 Steins, Richard 8.1 3.0 Transportation (Then and Now) Smith, Nigel 6.7 1.0 Trapdoor Spiders (Spiders) Gerholdt, James E. 4.3 0.5 Transport Helicopters (The Transportation Library) Transportation Milestones and Breakthroughs 13140 EN 25560 EN 80501 EN 59970 EN 19889 EN 522 EN 7398 EN 41793 EN 17248 EN 5314 EN 9538 EN 16866 EN 101438 EN 58921 EN 15713 EN 6192 EN 68231 EN 1444 EN 18896 SP 11494 EN 5715 EN Trapdoor Spiders (Spiders Discovery) Martin, Louise 4.7 0.5 Trash! Wilcox, Charlotte 6.0 0.5 Travel Team Lupica, Mike 5.4 11.0 Travels of Sieur de La Salle, The Bergen, Lara 5.3 1.0 Treasure Hunt, The Cosby, Bill 2.5 0.5 Treasure Island Stevenson, Robert Louis 8.3 12.0 Treasure of the Lost Lagoon, The Hayes, Geoffrey 3.0 0.5 Tree by Leaf Voigt, Cynthia 5.5 8.0 Tree (Eyewitness) Burnie, David 7.4 1.0 Tree House Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.3 2.0 Tree in the Trail Holling, Holling Clancy 5.2 1.0 Tree Is Nice, A Udry, Janice May 2.2 0.5 Tree, The Law, Felicia 2.2 0.5 Treehouse Tales Isaacs, Anne 4.7 2.0 Trees Anatta, Ivan 4.8 0.5 Trees (New True Books) Podendorf, Illa 2.7 0.5 Trees to Paper Snyder, Inez 1.7 0.5 Tremendous Treks Kent, Peter 6.0 0.5 Trenes Gibbons, Gail 2.2 0.5 Trespassers, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.5 7.0 Trial by Fire Keene, Carolyn 4.3 4.0 69581 EN 1622 EN 89064 EN 1943 EN 53724 EN 133934 EN 60466 EN 28958 EN 107491 EN 16385 EN 69970 EN 49337 EN 21523 EN 113356 EN 58692 EN 61331 EN 197 EN 591 EN 21480 EN 10795 EN 7595 EN 198 EN Trials of Death Shan, Darren 5.8 6.0 Triceratops (A True Book) Landau, Elaine 5.2 0.5 TrickorTreat, Smell My Feet! Desimini, Lisa 3.9 0.5 Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet deGroat, Diane 3.2 0.5 Trip, The Keats, Ezra Jack 1.6 0.5 4.9 0.5 4.7 0.5 Triple H: Pro Wrestler Hunter Hearst Helmsley Kaelberer, Angie Peterson Kaelberer, Angie Peterson Trojan Horse Pipe, Jim 6.6 0.5 Trojan Horse: The Fall of Troy, The Fontes, Ron 3.6 0.5 Troll Country Marshall, Edward 2.4 0.5 Tropical Rain Forest Sayre, April Pulley 3.6 0.5 Tropical Rain Forests (Our Endangered Planet) Mutel/Rodgers 7.5 1.0 Trouble Kurtz, Jane 4.0 0.5 Trouble According to Humphrey Birney, Betty G. 4.3 5.0 Trouble at Betts Pets Easton, Kelly 4.0 3.0 Trouble Don't Last Pearsall, Shelley 4.8 8.0 Trouble for Lucy Trouble River Stevens, Carla Byars, Betsy 3.8 4.9 1.0 3.0 Trouble with Mister, The Keller, Debra 2.8 0.5 Trouble with Mothers, The Facklam, Margery 4.2 5.0 Trouble with Trolls Brett, Jan 3.1 0.5 Trouble with Tuck, The Taylor, Theodore 5.5 4.0 Triple H 132882 EN 145085 EN 143885 EN 10650 EN 26300 EN 25392 EN 26946 EN 77404 EN 48752 EN 16381 EN 13335 EN 45718 EN 5093 EN 9506 EN 77119 EN 72878 EN 90 EN 142 EN 11495 EN 6549 EN 109140 EN 12101 EN Troubled Peace, A Elliott, L.M. 5.4 9.0 Troublemaker Clements, Andrew 4.7 3.0 Troubletwisters Nix, Garth 5.9 11.0 Troubling a Star L'Engle, Madeleine 5.1 12.0 Troy Aikman: Quick Draw Quarterback Dippold, Joel 6.1 1.0 Troy Aikman: Super Quarterback Gutman, Bill 5.8 1.0 Truck Stop Dobkin, Bonnie 1.6 0.5 Trucker, The Weatherby, Brenda 2.9 0.5 Trucks, Tractors, and Cranes Gore, Bryson 6.1 0.5 Trucks (Transportation) Ready, Dee 2.2 0.5 Trucks (Traveling Machines) Cooper, Jason 4.2 0.5 True Believer Wolff, Virginia Euwer 5.2 6.0 True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, The Avi 5.3 8.0 True Story of the 3 Little Pigs, The Scieszka, Jon 3.0 0.5 Truesight Stahler, David 6.0 8.0 4.2 2.0 4.9 7.1 6.0 10.0 4.3 5.0 Truly Winnie Trumpet of the Swan, The Trumpeter of Krakow, The Truth About Sixth Grade, The Jacobson, Jennifer Richard White, E.B. Kelly, Eric McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy Truth About Stacey, The Martin, Ann M. 3.8 4.0 Truth! David Mortimore Baxter Comes Clean, The Tayleur, Karen 3.5 1.0 Try Again Sally Jane Feddersen, Mary 2.2 0.5 102698 EN 247 EN 4553 EN 120835 EN 79410 EN 74801 EN 6096 EN 80263 EN 20296 EN 46638 EN 28145 EN 102778 EN 18842 EN 59957 EN 14383 EN 27759 EN 6297 EN 15076 EN 199 EN 68884 EN 200 EN 91 EN TTYL Morgan, Melissa J. 4.5 5.0 Tuck Everlasting Babbitt, Natalie 5.0 4.0 Tugboats (The Transportation Library) Schaefer, Lola M. 2.9 0.5 Tunnels Gordon, Roderick 7.0 20.0 Tupac Shakur Olson, Nathan 4.5 0.5 Turkey (Enchantment of the World) Orr, Tamra 8.0 3.0 Turkey for Thanksgiving, A Bunting, Eve 2.5 0.5 Turkeys Murray, Julie 3.0 0.5 Turkeys, Pilgrims, and Indian Corn Barth, Edna 6.4 2.0 Turn It Off! Marx, David F. 0.8 0.5 Turquoise Boy: A Navajo Legend Cohlene, Terri 4.9 0.5 Turtle Hatchling Grows Up, A Zollman, Pam 1.5 0.5 Turtle on a Fence Post Wood, June Rae 4.9 9.0 Turtles Murray, Julie 3.0 0.5 Turtles (Natures Children) Switzer, Merebeth 5.5 1.0 Turtles (Popular Pet Care) Hansen, Ann Larkin 4.7 0.5 Tut's Mummy: Lost ... and Found Donnelly, Judy 3.1 0.5 Tut, Tut Scieszka, Jon 4.2 2.0 TV Kid, The Byars, Betsy 4.3 3.0 Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving Pilkey, Dav 4.0 0.5 Twenty and Ten TwentyOne Balloons, The Bishop, Claire Huchet Bois, William Péne du 4.0 6.8 2.0 6.0 100633 EN 6016 EN 101659 EN 129785 EN 10262 EN 16748 EN 594 EN 47830 EN 120720 EN 9297 EN 8797 EN 119138 EN 43251 EN 56681 EN 117634 EN 5708 EN 47670 EN 40644 EN 5295 EN 296 EN 9800 EN 74376 EN TwentyOne Elephants and Still Standing: A Prince, April Jones Story...Bridge 4.3 0.5 Twenty Ways to Lose Your Best Friend Singer, Marilyn 3.3 2.0 Twilight Meyer, Stephenie 4.9 18.0 Twilight Morgan, Melissa J. 4.2 5.0 Twin in the Tavern, The Wallace, Barbara Brooks 5.5 7.0 Twisted Summer Roberts, Willo Davis 5.4 7.0 Twisted Window, The Duncan, Lois 6.2 8.0 Twister on Tuesday Osborne, Mary Pope 3.2 1.0 Twists and Turns: Forces in Motion Lepora, Nathan 5.2 0.5 Twits, The Dahl, Roald 4.4 1.0 Two Different Girls Bunting, Eve 3.5 1.0 Two Foot Punch Daher, Anita 3.7 4.0 Two Greedy Bears Ginsburg, Mirra 2.7 0.5 Two Kids Got to Go, Too Scheunemann, Pam 0.6 0.5 TwoMinute Drill Lupica, Mike 5.1 4.0 Two Points to Murder Keene, Carolyn 4.3 4.0 Two Princesses of Bamarre, The Levine, Gail Carson 4.5 8.0 TwoThousandPound Goldfish, The Byars, Betsy 4.6 4.0 Two Towers, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.3 23.0 Two Under Par Henkes, Kevin 4.7 3.0 Ty's Oneman Band Walter, Mildred Pitts 3.0 0.5 Types of Maps Wade, Mary Dodson 2.2 0.5 1621 EN 107542 EN 107681 EN 79440 EN 12200 EN 14047 EN 35269 EN 65244 EN 74802 EN 46328 EN 102801 EN 85242 EN 7596 EN 16195 EN 7399 EN 7194 EN 24676 EN 12487 EN 100512 EN 55924 EN 67703 EN Tyrannosaurus Rex (A True Book) Landau, Elaine 5.5 0.5 U.S. Constitution, The Allen, Kathy 2.4 0.5 U.S. Constitution, The Peterson, Christine 4.5 0.5 UFOs Sievert, Terri 4.9 0.5 UFOs: True Mysteries or Hoaxes? Asimov, Isaac 6.5 0.5 Ugly Duckling, The Andersen, Hans Christian 4.5 0.5 Ugly Duckling, The Andersen/Pinkney 4.5 0.5 Ugly Princess and the Wise Fool, The Gray, Margaret 6.0 4.0 Ukraine (Enchantment of the World) Kummer, Patricia 7.3 4.0 Ultimate, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 3.0 Ulysses S. Grant: Eighteenth President Venezia, Mike 5.5 0.5 Ulysses S. Grant: Union General and U.S. President Haugen, Brenda 7.2 2.0 Umbrella Yashima, Taro 4.0 0.5 Unbeatable Bread, The Hoopes, Lyn Littlefield 4.0 0.5 Uncle Elephant Lobel, Arnold 2.6 0.5 Uncle Jed's Barbershop Mitchell, Margaree King 3.8 0.5 Uncommon Farm Animals (Farms Animals) Hansen, Anne Larkin 4.4 0.5 Under the Bridge McKenzie, Ellen 4.1 5.0 Under the Persimmon Tree Staples, Suzanne Fisher 5.9 9.0 Under the Quilt of Night Hopkinson, Deborah 3.0 0.5 Undercover Agents (Top Secret) Fine, Jil 6.6 1.0 145509 EN 18994 EN 122589 EN 26410 EN 64592 EN 92 EN 131120 EN 60465 EN 59754 EN 74803 EN 5599 EN 57708 EN 76922 EN 62762 EN 18995 EN 17848 EN 62841 EN 20647 EN 78149 EN 77275 EN 120008 EN 249 EN Underdogs, The Lupica, Mike 5.2 9.0 Underground, The Applegate, K.A. 3.9 4.0 Underneath, The Appelt, Kathi 5.2 9.0 Undersea People, The Bunting, Eve 3.7 0.5 Understanding September 11th: Answering Frank, Mitch 8.1 Questions...America Understood Betsy Fisher, Dorothy Canfield 5.9 5.0 8.0 Undertaker O'Shei, Tim 4.8 0.5 Undertaker: Pro Wrestler Mark Callaway, The Schaefer, A.R. 4.7 1.0 Underwater Alphabet Book, The Pallotta, Jerry 3.8 0.5 United Arab Emirates (Enchantment of the Augustin, Byron World) 8.1 4.0 United Nations (New True Books) Greene, Carol 4.3 0.5 United States Constitution, The Leebrick, Kristal 6.9 1.0 United States of America (Enchantment of the World) Hintz, Martin 8.1 3.0 United Tates of America Danziger, Paula 4.4 4.0 Unknown, The Applegate, K.A. 4.0 4.0 Unlikely Romance of Kate Bjorkman, The Plummer, Louise 5.0 6.0 Unsinkable! (Rookie Choices) Brimner, Larry Dane 2.3 0.5 Until Angels Close My Eyes McDaniel, Lurlene 4.0 5.0 Until We Meet Again Schraff, Anne 4.8 4.0 Unwilling Umpire, The Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 Unwind Shusterman, Neal 5.0 14.0 Up a Road Slowly Hunt, Irene 6.6 8.0 82454 EN 5047 EN 49731 EN 394 EN 117966 EN 143 EN 19947 EN 66522 EN 5912 EN 54079 EN 7845 EN 12445 EN 26231 EN 20050 EN 10495 EN 51296 EN 10496 EN 61200 EN 80273 EN 15197 EN 14960 EN 67639 EN Up Close: A Chapter Book Gikow, Louise A. 4.8 0.5 Up from Jericho Tel Konigsburg, E.L. 5.7 7.0 Galt, Margot Fortunato 7.6 3.0 5.5 10.0 5.6 14.0 Upstairs Room, The Siegal, Aranka Haddix, Margaret Peterson Reiss, Johanna 2.9 6.0 Uranus (Gateway Solar System) Vogt, Gregory L. 6.0 0.5 Uranus (Watts Library) Stewart, Melissa 6.9 1.0 Urban Roosts: Where Birds Nest in the City Bash, Barbara 5.6 0.5 Usher (Celebrity Bios) Talmadge, Morgan 6.2 1.0 Utah (America the Beautiful) McCarthy, Betty 8.4 3.0 Utah (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.5 1.0 Utah (Hello U.S.A.) Sirvaitis, Karen 6.4 1.0 Vacation Under the Volcano Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Valentine Bears Bunting, Eve 2.8 0.5 Valentine's Day Gibbons, Gail 3.1 0.5 Valentine's Day (Best Holiday Book) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.5 0.5 Valentine's Day (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Marx, David F. 2.6 0.5 Vampire Bats Murray, Julie 3.1 0.5 Vampire Bats (Bats) Gerholdt, Pamela J. 4.5 0.5 Vampire Breath Stine, R.L. 3.2 2.0 Vampire Mountain Shan, Darren 5.3 5.0 Up to the Plate: The All American Girls...Baseball League Upon the Head of the Goat Uprising 73218 EN 126979 EN 80082 EN 5444 EN 1556 EN 14851 EN 7026 EN 49732 EN 4737 EN 36813 EN 1620 EN 51042 EN 74804 EN 29576 EN 116717 EN 129680 EN 12340 EN 26255 EN 115927 EN 56655 EN 8747 EN Vampire Prince, The Shan, Darren 6.2 6.0 Vampire's Photograph, The Emerson, Kevin 5.4 7.0 Vampire's Vacation, The Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots Dadey/Jones 3.8 1.0 Van Gogh Venezia, Mike 4.4 0.5 Van Gogh Cafe, The Rylant, Cynthia 5.0 1.0 Vandemark Mummy, The Voigt, Cynthia 4.6 8.0 Busenberg, Bonnie 8.8 3.0 Stefoff, Rebecca 9.2 4.0 Frost, Helen 2.0 0.5 Velociraptor (A True Book) Landau, Elaine 5.0 0.5 Velveteen Rabbit (Abridged), The Williams, Margery 3.5 0.5 Venezuela (Enchantment of the World) Willis, Terri 8.0 3.0 Venezuela (Major World Nations) Morrison, Marion 9.5 3.0 Venom Singer, Marilyn 7.8 4.0 Venom Tate, Nikki 4.1 4.0 Venus Fly Traps and Waterwheels: Spring Traps of the Plant World Gentle, Victor 4.2 0.5 Venus Flytraps Kudlinski, Kathleen V. 3.6 0.5 Venus & Serena Williams (Revised Edition) Donaldson, Madeline 4.3 0.5 Verbs Doudna, Kelly 1.0 0.5 Verlaine Crossing, The Otfinoski, Steven 3.0 1.0 Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry: The Story of Your...Flavors Vasco da Gama and the Portuguese Explorers Vegetable Group (The Food Guide Pyramid), The 7846 EN 26232 EN 297 EN 110875 EN 36015 EN 5496 EN 68519 EN 33147 EN 9197 EN 55673 EN 86373 EN 63017 EN 15939 EN 15940 EN 74805 EN 74925 EN 134449 EN 89781 EN 15098 EN 15828 EN 59610 EN Vermont (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.4 4.0 Vermont (Hello U.S.A.) Pelta, Kathy 6.5 1.0 Veronica Ganz Sachs, Marilyn 4.9 4.0 Very Busy Firehouse, A Sweeney, Alyse 2.3 0.5 Very Busy Spider, The Carle, Eric 1.3 0.5 Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Carle, Eric 2.9 0.5 Very Important Day, A Herold, Maggie Rugg 3.5 0.5 Very Noisy Night, The Hendry, Diana 2.6 0.5 Very Scraggly Christmas Tree, A Pippen, Christie 4.3 0.5 Very Special House, A Krauss, Ruth 3.2 0.5 Veterans Day Brill, Marlene Targ 4.4 0.5 Veterans Day (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays) Cotton, Jacqueline S. 3.5 0.5 Victorian Christmas Kalman, Bobbie 5.7 0.5 Victorian Home, The Kalman, Bobbie 5.8 0.5 Vietnam (Enchantment of the World) Willis, Terri 8.0 3.0 Vietnam Memorial, The De Capua, Sarah 7.2 1.0 Vietnam: The Bloodbath at Hamburger Hill DiConsiglio, John 5.2 1.0 Vietnam War: A Primary Source History, The Mason, Andrew 8.9 2.0 View from Saturday, The Konigsburg, E.L. 5.9 7.0 View from the Cherry Tree, The Roberts, Willo Davis 5.2 7.0 Viking It and Liking It Scieszka, Jon 3.9 1.0 24935 EN 24803 EN 48687 EN 595 EN 130969 EN 2152 EN 135753 EN 12258 EN 74377 EN 7847 EN 26233 EN 25236 EN 14444 EN 15941 EN 64191 EN 57993 EN 18996 EN 42597 EN 118257 EN 67091 EN 13740 EN Viking Ships at Sunrise Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 Vikings (Technology in the Time of), The Hicks, Peter 6.8 1.0 Vile Village, The Snicket, Lemony 6.7 7.0 Village by the Sea, The Fox, Paula 4.7 4.0 Village That Almost Vanished, The Brezenoff, Steve 3.1 1.0 Vincent van Gogh (The Life and Work Of...) Connolly, Sean 2.9 0.5 Viper's Nest, The Lerangis, Peter 4.1 6.0 Vipers (Fangs!) Ethan, Eric 4.2 0.5 Virginia Mader, Jan 2.4 0.5 Virginia (America the Beautiful) McNair, Sylvia 8.2 3.0 Virginia (Hello U.S.A.) Sirvaitis, Karen 6.6 1.0 Virtual War Skurzynski, Gloria 5.0 6.0 Visit to William Blake's Inn, A Willard, Nancy 4.5 0.5 Visiting a Village Kalman, Bobbie 5.2 0.5 Visiting Day Woodson, Jacqueline 3.6 0.5 Visiting Langston Perdomo, Willie 1.6 0.5 Visitor, The Applegate, K.A. 3.7 4.0 Visser Applegate, K.A. 4.9 5.0 Vlad the Impaler: The Real Count Dracula Goldberg, Enid A. 5.4 2.0 Voice of Her Own: The Story of Phillis Wheatley, Slave Poet, A Lasky, Kathryn 5.9 1.0 Voice on the Radio, The Cooney, Caroline B. 4.6 6.0 6635 EN 73102 EN 46907 EN 20571 EN 28887 EN 108937 EN 20695 EN 12150 EN 15714 EN 5146 EN 49008 EN 123174 EN 5147 EN 649 EN 5094 EN 7443 EN 93 EN 118152 EN 13092 EN 8447 EN 25393 EN 20380 EN Voices after Midnight Peck, Richard 4.3 6.0 Voices of Ancient Egypt Winters, Kay 5.5 0.5 Volcanoes Thompson, Luke 6.0 1.0 Volcanoes Sipiera, Paul P. 4.9 0.5 Volcanoes Green, Jen 7.0 0.5 Volcanoes Green, Emily K. 2.8 0.5 Volcanoes and Other Natural Disasters Griffey, Harriet 5.4 1.0 Volcanoes: Fire from Below Wood, Jenny 6.2 1.0 Volcanoes (Forces of Nature) Murray, Peter 4.9 0.5 Volcanoes (New True Books) Challand, Helen J. 4.5 0.5 Volcanoes (Restless Planet) Bunce, Vincent 7.7 1.0 Vote! The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Gallagher, Diana G. 3.2 1.0 Voting and Elections (New True Books) Fradin, Dennis B. 5.4 0.5 Voyage of the "Dawn Treader", The Lewis, C.S. 5.9 9.0 Voyage of the Frog, The Paulsen, Gary 6.0 5.0 Voyager Space Probes, The Fradin, Dennis B. 5.7 0.5 Voyages of Doctor Dolittle, The Lofting, Hugh 5.7 11.0 Vulture View Sayre, April Pulley 1.1 0.5 Vultures (Bird Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.5 0.5 Vultures (Nature Watch) Stone, Lynn M. 6.5 1.0 W.E.B. Du Bois and Racial Relations Cavan, Seamus 6.8 1.0 Wagon Trail Bryant, Bonnie 4.7 4.0 27476 EN 5697 EN 9346 EN 596 EN 120221 EN 34237 EN 46615 EN 74079 EN 12103 EN 74806 EN 47351 EN 47352 EN 47353 EN 47354 EN 47355 EN 47356 EN 108849 EN 10299 EN 7027 EN 4377 EN 117633 EN Wagon Wheels Brenner, Barbara 2.6 0.5 Wailing Siren Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 Wait, Skates! Johnson, Mildred D. 0.8 0.5 Wait Till Helen Comes Hahn, Mary Downing 4.6 5.0 Waiting for Normal Connor, Leslie 3.7 7.0 Waiting for Odysseus McLaren, Clemence 5.8 6.0 Waiting for Wings Ehlert, Lois 2.8 0.5 Wake Me at Midnight DeClements, Barthe 3.9 4.0 Wake Up, Bear Dodd, Lynley 2.8 0.5 Wales (Enchantment of the World) Heinrichs, Ann 7.1 3.0 Walk in the Boreal Forest, A Johnson, Rebecca L. 4.1 0.5 Walk in the Deciduous Forest, A Johnson, Rebecca L. 4.1 0.5 Walk in the Desert, A Johnson, Rebecca L. 4.1 0.5 Walk in the Prairie, A Johnson, Rebecca L. 4.2 0.5 Walk in the Rain Forest, A Johnson, Rebecca L. 4.0 0.5 Walk in the Tundra, A Johnson, Rebecca L. 4.3 0.5 Walk, The Law, Felicia 2.4 0.5 Walk Two Moons Creech, Sharon 4.9 9.0 Walkabout Marshall, James 5.9 4.0 Walking the Road to Freedom Ferris, Jeri 5.9 1.0 5.2 1.0 Wall: Growing up Behind the Iron Curtain, Sís, Peter The 8448 EN 74926 EN 32248 EN 118131 EN 59958 EN 13093 EN 135700 EN 16648 EN 35997 EN 36678 EN 21516 EN 18254 EN 20144 EN 11846 EN 51648 EN 550 EN 298 EN 25426 EN 18998 EN 109449 EN 69955 EN 1686 EN Wall of Names, A Donnelly, Judy 4.5 1.0 Wall Street Whitcraft, Melissa 7.2 1.0 Wall, The Bunting, Eve 2.4 0.5 Walruses Sexton, Colleen 1.9 0.5 Walruses Murray, Julie 2.7 0.5 Walruses (Sea Mammal Discovery) Palmer, Sarah 4.1 0.5 Walt Disney Tieck, Sarah 3.9 0.5 Walt Disney: Young Movie Maker Hammontree, Marie 3.8 3.0 Walter Wick's Optical Tricks Wick, Walter 3.2 0.5 Wanderer, The Creech, Sharon 5.2 6.0 Wanted: Best Friend Monson, A.M. 2.4 0.5 War Between the Vowels and the Consonants, The Turner, Priscilla 3.5 0.5 War Dog Booth, Martin 5.7 5.0 War in the Persian Gulf Bratman, Fred 7.8 2.0 War of 1812 (World History), The Nardo, Don 9.8 6.0 War of the Worlds, The War with Grandpa, The Wells, H.G. Smith, Robert Kimmel 9.1 3.9 11.0 3.0 War with Mexico Jacobs, William Jay 7.8 1.0 Warning, The Applegate, K.A. 3.9 4.0 Warren G. Harding: TwentyNinth President Venezia, Mike 5.2 0.5 Warriors, The Bruchac, Joseph 5.5 3.0 Warts Kinch, Michael P. 5.7 0.5 105607 EN 7848 EN 69387 EN 74378 EN 63392 EN 104587 EN 7849 EN 12449 EN 26234 EN 12448 EN 26235 EN 36971 EN 10499 EN 28677 EN 57620 EN 57621 EN 57622 EN 57623 EN 57624 EN 57625 EN 27490 EN Washington Labella, Susan 2.6 0.5 Washington (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.3 3.0 Washington, D.C. Figueroa, Acton 8.8 2.0 Washington, D.C. Ribke, Simone T. 2.6 0.5 Washington, D.C. Furman, Elina 8.0 2.0 Washington, D.C. Horn, Geoffrey M. 4.3 1.0 Washington, D.C. (America the Beautiful) Kent, Deborah 9.0 3.0 Washington, D.C. (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis B. 5.1 1.0 Washington, D. C. (Hello U.S.A.) Johnston, Joyce 7.2 1.0 Washington (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.5 1.0 Washington (Hello U.S.A.) Powell, E.S. 6.8 1.0 Washington Redskins (NFL Today) Nelson, Julie 6.9 1.0 Washington's Birthday (Best Holiday Book) Fradin, Dennis B. 4.7 0.5 Waste, Recycling and ReUse Parker, Steve 7.7 1.0 Watch Me Build a Sandcastle Otten, Jack 1.2 0.5 Watch Me Make a Bird Feeder Otten, Jack 1.3 0.5 Watch Me Make a Birthday Card Otten, Jack 1.4 0.5 Watch Me Make a Mask Otten, Jack 1.6 0.5 Watch Me Paint a Picture Otten, Jack 1.0 0.5 Watch Me Plant a Garden Otten, Jack 1.3 0.5 Watch Out! Big Bro's Coming Alborough, Jez 2.0 0.5 32874 EN 31589 EN 10550 EN 64484 EN 16875 EN 25058 EN 12203 EN 113833 EN 2864 EN 101072 EN 28631 EN 28688 EN 26586 EN 6017 EN 749 EN 61330 EN 11552 EN 68232 EN 70206 EN 49733 EN 11497 EN Watch Out! Word Bird Moncure, Jane Belk 0.9 0.5 Watch Runs Away Warner, Gertrude Chandler 2.3 0.5 Watch the Stars Come Out Levinson, Riki 2.6 0.5 Watch, the Superdog! Warner, Gertrude Chandler 2.2 0.5 Watchdog and the Coyotes Wallace, Bill 3.7 2.0 Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam Nhuong, Huynh Quang 6.4 3.0 Water Energy Rickard, Graham 6.6 0.5 Water for Elephants Gruen, Sara 4.4 14.0 Water Has a Skin Taylor, Helen 4.3 0.5 Water Moccasins Klein, Adam G. 4.6 0.5 Water Monsters Innes, Brian 5.2 1.0 Water Power (Energy Forever?) Graham, Ian 6.7 1.0 Waterfowl (Naturebooks) Beaty, Dave 4.9 0.5 Waterman's Boy (Trouble at Marsh Harbor) Sharpe, Susan 4.6 4.0 Watership Down Adams, Richard 6.2 25.0 Waterstone, The Rupp, Rebecca 5.0 9.0 Watsons Go to Birmingham1963, The Curtis, Christopher Paul 5.0 8.0 Wax to Crayons Snyder, Inez 1.7 0.5 Way a Door Closes, The Smith, Hope Anita 4.0 1.0 Wayne Gretzky: Hockey Great (Revised Edition) Raber, Thomas R. 5.8 1.0 Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger Sachar, Louis 3.3 3.0 5247 EN 119912 EN 54259 EN 56682 EN 61030 EN 11194 EN 51687 EN 136415 EN 12684 EN 54943 EN 4899 EN 14758 EN 5297 EN 5148 EN 14299 EN 57584 EN 16233 EN 103479 EN 114653 EN 69798 EN 82894 EN Wayside School Is Falling Down Sachar, Louis 3.4 4.0 We Are the Ship Nelson, Kadir 5.9 3.0 We Gather Together...Now Please Get Lost! deGroat, Diane 3.3 0.5 We Have a Wee Whale Rondeau, Amanda 1.4 0.5 We Need Directions! De Capua, Sarah 2.3 0.5 We're Going on a Bear Hunt Rosen, Michael J. 1.3 0.5 We Share Everything! Munsch, Robert 2.4 0.5 We the Children Clements, Andrew 5.2 3.0 We Want Jobs: A Story of the Depression Norrell, Robert J. 4.5 1.0 We Were There, Too! Young People in U.S. Hoose, Phillip History 7.1 17.0 Weapons of War (War in the Gulf) 7.1 1.0 Weapons & Warfare: From the Stone Age to Meltzer, Milton the Space Age 8.4 3.0 Weasel DeFelice, Cynthia 5.0 4.0 Weather Experiments (New True Books) Webster, Vera R. 3.0 0.5 Weather (Eyewitness) Cosgrove, Brian 7.6 1.0 Weather Words and What They Mean Gibbons, Gail 3.5 0.5 Web Weavers and Other Spiders (Crabapples) Kalman, Bobbie 4.6 0.5 Webcam Scam Powell, Jillian 2.9 0.5 Wednesday Wars, The Schmidt, Gary D. 5.9 12.0 Wee Free Men, The Pratchett, Terry 4.7 11.0 Wee Winnie Witch's Skinny...Original African American Scare Tale Hamilton, Virginia 3.6 0.5 Italia, Bob 5600 EN 63085 EN 8598 EN 70051 EN 20145 EN 30916 EN 16234 EN 35663 EN 6550 EN 6684 EN 9626 EN 9627 EN 32627 EN 19340 EN 45936 EN 110877 EN 55130 EN 9628 EN 18799 EN 105608 EN 7850 EN Weeds and Wild Flowers Podendorf, Illa 2.7 0.5 Week in the Woods, A Clements, Andrew 5.5 7.0 Weekend Was Murder!, The Nixon, Joan Lowery 5.1 7.0 Weetamoo: Heart of the Pocassets Smith, Patricia Clark 5.8 5.0 Weetzie Bat Block, Francesca Lia 5.0 2.0 Weimaraner, The Wilcox, Charlotte 3.9 0.5 Weird Animals (Crabapples) Everts/Kalman 4.2 0.5 Weirdo's War Coleman, Michael 3.7 5.0 Welcome Back, Stacey! Martin, Ann M. 4.2 4.0 Welcome Home, Jellybean Shyer, Marlene 5.3 5.0 Welcome to Camp Nightmare Stine, R.L. 3.9 3.0 Welcome to Dead House Stine, R.L. 3.7 3.0 Welcome to My Zoo Waricha, Jean 3.0 1.0 Welcome to the BSC, Abby Martin, Ann M. 4.3 3.0 Welcome to the Globe! The Story of Shakespeare's Theatre Chrisp, Peter 5.1 1.0 Welcome to the Library Sweeney, Alyse 2.5 0.5 Welcome to the River of Grass Yolen, Jane 4.5 0.5 Werewolf of Fever Swamp, The Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 West to a Land of Plenty: The Diary of Teresa Angelino Viscardi Murphy, Jim 5.2 6.0 West Virginia Labella, Susan 2.4 0.5 West Virginia (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 8.0 3.0 12450 EN 26236 EN 144 EN 12685 EN 6747 EN 8749 EN 118002 EN 44007 EN 12591 EN 49654 EN 108928 EN 5149 EN 6598 EN 12152 EN 12307 EN 71265 EN 68700 EN 6383 EN 52380 EN 36416 EN 69993 EN West Virginia (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.5 1.0 West Virginia (Hello U.S.A.) DiPiazza, Domenica 6.9 1.0 Westing Game, The Westward Movement and Abolitionism, 18151850, The Raskin, Ellen 5.3 8.0 Katz, William Loren 7.9 4.0 Westward with Columbus Dyson, John 6.0 3.0 Wet Fire Wheeler, W.H. 3.2 1.0 Wetlands Endres, Hollie 2.7 0.5 Wetlands (Ecosystems) Richardson, Adele D. 4.1 0.5 Whale Sharks (Sharks) Prevost, John F. 3.8 0.5 Whale Talk Crutcher, Chris 6.1 10.0 Whales Herriges, Ann 1.8 0.5 Whales and Other Sea Mammals (New True Posell, Elsa Books) 3.8 0.5 Whales ((Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.2 0.5 Whales for Kids/Whale Magic for Kids Wolpert, Tom 5.0 0.5 Whales: Giant Marine Mammals Llamas, Andreu 6.8 0.5 Whales Passing Bunting, Eve 2.2 0.5 Whales (Sea Creatues) Laskey, Elizabeth 5.4 1.0 Whales: The Gentle Giants Milton, Joyce 2.8 0.5 Whales (Wildlife in Danger) Martin, Louise 4.9 0.5 What a Bad Dream Mayer, Mercer 2.1 0.5 8.7 4.0 What a Great Idea! Inventions That Changed Tomecek, Steve the World 29892 EN 123524 EN 28087 EN 6029 EN 44936 EN 40810 EN 40811 EN 40812 EN 40813 EN 40814 EN 40815 EN 40816 EN 40817 EN 40818 EN 40819 EN 44438 EN 61764 EN 122224 EN 26947 EN 44667 EN 10891 EN What Are Food Chains and Webs? Kalman/Langille 5.8 0.5 What Can You Do with a Rebozo? Tafolla, Carmen 3.2 0.5 What Child Is This? Cooney, Caroline B. 5.3 5.0 What Could Go Wrong? Roberts, Willo Davis 5.5 6.0 What Do Fish Have to Do with Anything? Avi 3.9 4.0 What Do You Call a Baby Crab? Nathan, Emma 4.4 0.5 What Do You Call a Baby Rhino? Nathan, Emma 4.4 0.5 What Do You Call a Baby Scorpion? Nathan, Emma 4.4 0.5 What Do You Call a Baby Swan? Nathan, Emma 4.1 0.5 What Do You Call a Baby Turtle? Nathan, Emma 4.1 0.5 What Do You Call a Group of Alligators? Nathan, Emma 5.3 0.5 What Do You Call a Group of Butterflies? Nathan, Emma 5.2 0.5 What Do You Call a Group of Hippos? Nathan, Emma 4.9 0.5 What Do You Call a Group of Turkeys? Nathan, Emma 4.5 0.5 What Do You Call a Termite Home? Nathan, Emma 4.7 0.5 What Do You Do with a Kangaroo? Mayer, Mercer 3.8 0.5 What Does Word Bird See? Moncure, Jane Belk 0.5 0.5 What Goes up Must Come Down Mazer, Anne 3.8 2.0 What Good Is a Tree? Brimner, Larry Dane 0.8 0.5 What Grandmas Do Best/ What Grandpas Do Best Numeroff, Laura 2.4 0.5 What Hearts Brooks, Bruce 6.1 6.0 102633 EN 120616 EN 36327 EN 28840 EN 12343 EN 12344 EN 40298 EN 40299 EN 40300 EN 40283 EN 40301 EN 40302 EN 40303 EN 40284 EN 16419 EN 40305 EN 40306 EN 40307 EN 40285 EN 40308 EN 16429 EN What I Call Life Wolfson, Jill 4.4 8.0 What Is a Constitution? Thomas, William David 5.6 1.0 What Is a Plant? Kalman, Bobbie 5.5 0.5 What Is a Scientist? Lehn, Barbara 3.4 0.5 What Is A Shooting Star? Asimov, Isaac 4.0 0.5 What Is an Eclipse? Asimov, Isaac 5.2 0.5 Editors, Time Life 9.7 4.0 Editors, Time Life 9.2 5.0 Editors, Time Life 10.0 7.0 What Life Was Like at Empire's End Editors, Time Life 9.8 8.0 What Life Was Like at the Dawn of Democracy Editors, Time Life 9.3 5.0 What Life Was Like at the Rebirth of Genius Editors, Time Life 9.6 9.0 What Life Was Like During the Age of Reason Editors, Time Life 10.1 10.0 What Life Was Like in Europe's Golden Age Editors, Time Life 10.2 10.0 What Life Was Like in the Age of Chivalry Editors, Time Life 9.7 7.0 Editors, Time Life 9.7 9.0 Editors, Time Life 10.6 9.0 Editors, Time Life 9.9 6.0 Editors, Time Life 10.0 6.0 Editors, Time Life 9.5 5.0 Editors, Time Life 9.9 7.0 What Life Was Like amid Splendor and Intrigue What Life Was Like Among Druids and High Kings What Life Was Like Among Samurai and Shoguns What Life Was Like in the Jewel in the Crown What Life Was Like in the Land of the Dragon What Life Was Like in the Lands of the Prophet What Life Was Like in the Realm of Elizabeth What Life Was Like in the Time of War and Peace What Life Was Like on the Banks of the Nile 40310 EN 40286 EN 19189 EN 13834 EN 30524 EN 121712 EN 9347 EN 25285 EN 45461 EN 28841 EN 28843 EN 5445 EN 299 EN 106855 EN 25169 EN 58976 EN 108830 EN 121725 EN 63671 EN 8997 EN 9996 EN What Life Was Like when Longships Sailed Editors, Time Life 9.3 5.0 What Life Was Like When Rome Ruled the Editors, Time Life World 10.0 6.0 What Magnets Can Do Fowler, Allan 3.6 0.5 What Makes Day and Night Branley, Franklyn M. 2.8 0.5 What Mary Jo Shared Udry, Janice May 3.7 0.5 What Pet to Get? Dodd, Emma 2.1 0.5 What's in a Box? Boivin, Kelly 1.9 0.5 What's in Aunt Mary's Room? Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald 2.8 0.5 What's in the Pond? Hunter, Anne 4.6 0.5 What's It Like to Be a Baby Chimp? Head, Honor 3.6 0.5 What's It Like to Be a Baby Lion? Head, Honor 3.6 0.5 What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? Fritz, Jean 5.5 1.0 What's the Matter with Herbie Jones? What's the Time, Little Wolf? Another...Smellybreff Adventure Kline, Suzy 3.3 2.0 Whybrow, Ian 2.6 0.5 What's the Weather Today? Fowler, Allan 2.2 0.5 What's Under My Bed? Stevenson, James 2.6 0.5 What the Moon Saw Resau, Laura 4.7 10.0 What to Do About Alice? Kerley, Barbara 5.2 0.5 What Would Joey Do? Gantos, Jack 5.1 8.0 Whatever Happened to Amelia Earhart? Blau, Melinda 4.9 1.0 Whatever Happened to Janie? Cooney, Caroline B. 4.7 7.0 116083 EN 94 EN 69261 EN 121504 EN 13754 EN 34867 EN 117758 EN 28649 EN 5048 EN 18846 EN 41505 EN 86149 EN 34891 EN 5498 EN 64311 EN 14852 EN 109869 EN 29508 EN 11399 EN 750 EN 47116 EN 5967 EN Whatever! The Complicated Life of Claudia Gallagher, Diana G. Cristina Cortez Wheel on the School, The Jong, Meindert De 3.4 1.0 4.7 10.0 Wheels, Wings, and Water ABC Schaefer, Lola M. 2.5 0.5 When a Line Bends...a Shape Begins Greene, Rhonda Gowler 3.8 0.5 When Birds Could Talk & Bats Could Sing Hamilton, Virginia 3.9 1.0 When Clay Sings Baylor, Byrd 4.3 0.5 When Dinosaurs Came with Everything Broach, Elise 2.5 0.5 When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth Theodorou, Rod 6.7 1.0 When Grandfather's Parrot...Court Allen, Linda 4.4 1.0 When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Kerr, Judith 5.7 9.0 When I Grow Up Mayer, Mercer 2.2 0.5 When I Was a Soldier Zenatti, Valerie 6.4 9.0 When I Was Five Howard, Arthur 2.1 0.5 When I Was Young in the Mountains Rylant, Cynthia 3.6 0.5 When Marian Sang Ryan, Pam Muñoz 5.2 0.5 When Pigs Fly Wood, June Rae 5.9 8.0 When Santa Fell to Earth Funke, Cornelia 4.0 4.0 When Sophie Gets AngryReally, Really, Angry Bang, Molly 1.4 0.5 When the Fly Flew In... Peters, Lisa Westberg 2.6 0.5 When the Legends Die Borland, Hal 5.2 13.0 When the River Ran Backward Crofford, Emily 6.1 2.0 When the Road Ends Thesman, Jean 4.2 6.0 17648 EN 131144 EN 34759 EN 56656 EN 5446 EN 40019 EN 13838 EN 41456 EN 46865 EN 65377 EN 48119 EN 12057 EN 145 EN 7100 EN 131480 EN 95 EN 44771 EN 5499 EN 28632 EN 5447 EN 130778 EN 32253 EN When Will This Cruel War Be Over? The Civil War Diary of... Denenberg, Barry 6.6 3.0 When You Reach Me Stead, Rebecca 4.5 6.0 When Zachary Beaver Came to Town Holt, Kimberly Willis 4.5 6.0 Where Do I Wear Water Wings? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth 1.5 0.5 Fritz, Jean 5.8 2.0 Garelick, May 2.0 0.5 Where Does the Garbage Go? Showers, Paul 3.7 0.5 Where Is Grandpa? Barron, T.A. 3.1 0.5 Where Is Max? Pearson, Mary E. 0.3 0.5 Where Once There Was a Wood Fleming, Denise 2.5 0.5 Where's Prancer? Hoff, Syd 2.9 0.5 Where's Rufus? Calmenson, Stephanie 2.0 0.5 Where the Lilies Bloom Cleaver, Vera/Bill 5.2 6.0 Where the Long Grass Blows L'Amour, Louis 5.9 9.0 Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Lin, Grace 5.5 7.0 Where the Red Fern Grows Rawls, Wilson 4.9 11.0 Where the River Begins Locker, Thomas 4.1 0.5 Where the Wild Things Are Sendak, Maurice 3.4 0.5 Where Was Atlantis? Innes, Brian 6.5 1.0 Where Was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May? Fritz, Jean 5.9 1.0 Which Puppy? Feiffer, Kate 3.9 0.5 While You Were Sleeping Butler, John 2.9 0.5 Where do you Think You're Going...Columbus? Where Does the Butterfly Go When It Rains? 146 EN 9349 EN 5649 EN 17550 EN 7749 EN 112409 EN 72204 EN 44728 EN 74751 EN 125566 EN 397 EN 21576 EN 30649 EN 96 EN 88461 EN 8299 EN 83391 EN 12153 EN 29697 EN 101956 EN 7195 EN 51274 EN Whipping Boy, The Fleischman, Sid 3.9 2.0 Whisper Is Quiet, A Lunn, Carolyn 0.5 0.5 Whispering Statue, The Keene, Carolyn 5.1 5.0 Whistle for Willie Keats, Ezra Jack 2.5 0.5 White Bird Bulla, Clyde Robert 2.8 1.0 White Darkness, The McCaughrean, Geraldine 5.5 12.0 White Fang (Unabridged) London, Jack 7.4 13.0 White Fox Chronicles: Escape, Return, Breakout, The Paulsen, Gary 4.8 6.0 White House, The Douglas, Lloyd G. 2.3 0.5 White House WhiteOut Roy, Ron 3.5 2.0 White Mountains, The Christopher, John 6.2 7.0 White Romance, A Hamilton, Virginia 3.5 6.0 White Snow Bright Snow Tresselt, Alvin 4.2 0.5 White Stag, The Seredy, Kate 6.6 2.0 WhiteTailed Spiders Wheeler, Jill C. 4.1 0.5 White Water Rafting (Action Sports) Nabhan, Marty 4.8 1.0 White Wolf, The Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 Whitetails for Kids/Whitetail Magic for Kids Wolpert, Tom 4.5 0.5 Whitney Houston (Black Americans of Achievement) Cox, Ted 7.4 3.0 Whittington Armstrong, Alan W. 4.9 5.0 Who Comes with Cannons? Beatty, Patricia 4.8 5.0 Who Hops? Davis, Katie 1.2 0.5 9350 EN 10634 EN 49427 EN 32918 EN 27104 EN 56657 EN 20233 EN 11749 EN 61151 EN 12105 EN 6447 EN 110933 EN 45814 EN 77079 EN 46161 EN 15248 EN 16236 EN 12353 EN 51050 EN 12358 EN 52171 EN Who Is Coming? McKissack, Patricia C. 0.6 0.5 Who Owns the Sun? Chbosky, Stacy 4.1 0.5 Who's a Pest? Bonsall, Crosby 2.2 0.5 Who's in Love with Arthur? Brown/Krensky 3.0 1.0 Who's in Rabbit's House? Aardema, Verna 2.8 0.5 Who's on Whose Spot? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth 1.4 0.5 Who's That Stepping on Plymouth Rock? Fritz, Jean 5.0 0.5 Who's There? Tolan, Stephanie S. 4.9 7.0 Who Wants a Cheap Rhinoceros? Silverstein, Shel 2.8 0.5 Who Wants Arthur? Graham, Amanda 3.5 0.5 Who Was That Masked Man, Anyway? Avi 2.7 3.0 Who Works at the Zoo? Sweeney, Alyse 2.5 0.5 Whooping Cranes (The Untamed World) Dudley, Karen 7.5 1.0 Whose Garden Is It? Hoberman, Mary Ann 2.6 0.5 Whose Mouse Are You? Kraus, Robert 0.8 0.5 Why Am I Different? Simon, Norma 2.2 0.5 Why Do Animals Do That? (Crabapples) Kalman/Nickles 5.2 0.5 Why Do Stars Twinkle? Asimov, Isaac 4.3 0.5 Why Do You Love Me? Schlessinger/Lambert 2.9 0.5 Why Does the Moon Change Shape? Asimov, Isaac 3.9 0.5 Why Don't Haircuts Hurt? Questions and Answers About...Body Berger, Melvin/Gilda 4.5 1.0 5448 EN 70067 EN 9629 EN 5550 EN 29778 EN 119706 EN 41287 EN 6348 EN 82035 EN 6100 EN 46914 EN 119928 EN 28515 EN 19636 EN 12259 EN 143793 EN 88157 EN 64608 EN 44731 EN 118780 EN 24383 EN Why Don't You Get a Horse, Sam Adams? Fritz, Jean 5.7 0.5 Why Heaven Is Far Away Lester, Julius 4.0 0.5 Why I'm Afraid of Bees Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears Aardema, Verna 4.0 0.5 Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky Dayrell, Elphinstone 3.1 0.5 Why War Is Never a Good Idea Walker, Alice 3.6 0.5 Wide Window, The Snicket, Lemony 6.3 5.0 Widow's Broom, The Allsburg, Chris Van 4.7 0.5 Wild About Books Sierra, Judy 4.1 0.5 Wild Christmas Reindeer, The Brett, Jan 4.1 0.5 Wild Dog Attacks Murdico, Suzanne J. 5.0 0.5 Wild! Get Lost with David Mortimore Baxter Tayleur, Karen 3.5 1.0 Wild Heart Neimark, Anne E. 7.7 5.0 Wild Horses Bryant, Bonnie 4.6 4.0 Wild Horses for Kids/Wild Horse Magic for Henckel, Mark Kids 4.3 0.5 Wild Life DeFelice, Cynthia 5.5 5.0 Wild Rescue Jenkins, Jerry B. 4.1 4.0 Wild Timothy Blackwood, Gary L. 6.3 6.0 Wild Trek Kjelgaard, Jim 6.0 9.0 Wildcat Spirit Hapka, Catherine 4.3 2.0 Wildebeest's Great Migration, The Stone, Lynn M. 6.4 1.0 117047 EN 600 EN 20572 EN 4242 EN 76834 EN 43252 EN 20357 EN 6700 EN 30645 EN 113085 EN 7598 EN 5449 EN 102802 EN 109450 EN 105418 EN 5500 EN 59635 EN 49999 EN 25981 EN 60705 EN 14838 EN Wilderness Doyle, Roddy 3.0 6.0 Wilderness Peril Dygard, Thomas J. 5.2 6.0 Wildfires (A True Book) Sipiera, Paul/Diane 4.2 0.5 Wildflowers, Blooms, and Blossoms Burns, Diane L. 4.8 1.0 Wildlife in Danger (Precious Earth) Green, Jen 6.2 1.0 Wiley and the Hairy Man Bang, Molly Garrett 3.1 0.5 Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge Fox, Mem 3.5 0.5 Will and Orv Schulz, Walter 2.9 0.5 Will I Have a Friend? Cohen, Miriam 2.1 0.5 Will Smith Doeden, Matt 5.3 2.0 Will We Miss Them? Endangered Species Wright, Alexandra 5.3 0.5 Will You Sign Here, John Hancock? Fritz, Jean 5.8 1.0 William Henry Harrison: Ninth President Venezia, Mike 5.5 0.5 William Howard Taft: TwentySeventh President Venezia, Mike 5.5 0.5 William McKinley: TwentyFifth President Venezia, Mike 5.1 0.5 William's Doll Zolotow, Charlotte 3.6 0.5 William's Turn Hines, Anna Grossnickle 0.9 0.5 William Seward: The Mastermind of the Alaska Purchase Kent, Zachary 7.9 4.0 William Shakespeare and the Globe Aliki 5.5 0.5 William Tecumseh Sherman: Union General Kent, Zachary 7.7 3.0 Willie Bea and the Time the Martians Landed 4.1 8.0 Hamilton, Virginia 79263 EN 47839 EN 8690 EN 121315 EN 47186 EN 8370 EN 13757 EN 136426 EN 108929 EN 9998 EN 111911 EN 12204 EN 13650 EN 8750 EN 75088 EN 28689 EN 8300 EN 12205 EN 10769 EN 26721 EN 105385 EN Willie McLean and the Civil War Surrender Ransom, Candice 3.4 0.5 Willie's Not the Hugging Kind Barrett, Joyce Durham 3.4 0.5 Willie, the Frog Prince Adler, C.S. 4.1 5.0 Willoughbys, The Lowry, Lois 5.2 4.0 Wilma Rudolph Sherrow, Victoria 3.8 0.5 Biracree, Tom 7.8 3.0 Krull, Kathleen 5.1 0.5 Kinney, Jeff 6.5 3.0 Wind Herriges, Ann 2.1 0.5 Wind Blows Backward, The Hahn, Mary Downing 4.9 10.0 Wind Chill Jenkins, Jerry B. 4.4 5.0 Wind Energy Rickard, Graham 6.5 1.0 Wind In the Willows (Bloomsbury), The Grahame, Kenneth 8.4 11.0 Wind over Stonehenge Dorre, Pamela 3.2 1.0 Wind Power Sherman, Josepha 5.0 0.5 Wind Power (Energy Forever?) Graham, Ian 7.2 1.0 Wind Surfing (Action Sports) Wray, Amanda 5.6 1.0 WindUps Ollerenshaw, Chris 4.5 0.5 Windchaser Ciencin, Scott 4.5 4.0 Window, The Dorris, Michael 5.2 3.0 Windy City Danger Jenkins, Jerry B. 4.6 4.0 Wilma Rudolph (American Women of Achievement) Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma Rudolph Became the Fastest Woman Wimpy Kid Movie Diary: How Greg Heffley Went Hollywood, The 300 EN 43566 EN 109338 EN 43757 EN 148 EN 5049 EN 12493 EN 111522 EN 34964 EN 6384 EN 17650 EN 69580 EN 398 EN 58290 EN 74379 EN 7851 EN 26237 EN 499 EN 72358 EN 106362 EN 43530 EN 131851 EN Winged Colt of Casa Mia, The Byars, Betsy 4.6 4.0 Wings Myers, Christopher 3.4 0.5 Winner's Walk, The Patterson, Nancy Ruth 4.8 2.0 Winners Take All Bowen, Fred 4.3 2.0 WinnieThePooh Milne, A.A. 4.6 3.0 Winning of Miss Lynn Ryan, The Cooper, Ilene 4.6 3.0 Winning Stroke, The Christopher, Matt 4.9 4.0 Winter Games Morgan, Melissa J. 5.1 5.0 Winter Hawk Star Brouwer, Sigmund 4.4 3.0 Winter Holding Spring Dragonwagon, Crescent 4.4 1.0 Winter of Red Snow: The Revolutionary War Diary..., The Gregory, Kristiana 5.5 4.0 Winter Prince, The Wein, Elizabeth E. 6.0 9.0 Winter Room, The Paulsen, Gary 5.0 3.0 Winter Solstice, The Jackson, Ellen 5.4 0.5 Wisconsin Trumbauer, Lisa 2.4 0.5 Wisconsin (America the Beautiful) Stein, R. Conrad 7.9 3.0 Wisconsin (Hello U.S.A.) Bratvold, Gretchen 6.6 1.0 Wish Giver, The Brittain, Bill 4.4 4.0 Wish List, The Colfer, Eoin 4.0 7.0 Wish You Weren't Here Morgan, Melissa J. 4.3 5.0 Wishes, Kisses, and Pigs Hearne, Betsy 4.6 3.0 Wishworks, Inc. Tolan, Stephanie S. 4.3 3.0 52028 EN 98 EN 500 EN 86749 EN 9399 EN 28898 EN 149 EN 20300 EN 6448 EN 6850 EN 11546 EN 62988 EN 54110 EN 5100 EN 52310 EN 10243 EN 5972 EN 49734 EN 113174 EN 80274 EN 15460 EN 840 EN Witch Child Rees, Celia 6.0 9.0 Witch of Blackbird Pond, The Witch of Fourth Street, The Speare, Elizabeth George 5.7 Levoy, Myron 4.8 9.0 3.0 Witch's Boy, The Gruber, Michael 6.4 12.0 Witch Who Went for a Walk, The Hillert, Margaret 0.9 0.5 Witches Pipe, Jim 6.6 1.0 Witches of Worm, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.7 6.0 Witches, Pumpkins, and Grinning Ghosts Barth, Edna 6.8 2.0 Witches, The Dahl, Roald 4.7 5.0 Witchmaster's Key, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.1 5.0 With Every Drop of Blood Collier, James/Christopher 4.9 7.0 With Their Eyes: September 11th...a High School at Ground Zero Thoms, Annie 6.5 4.0 Witness Hesse, Karen 5.0 2.0 Wizard of Earthsea, A Guin, Ursula K. Le 6.7 9.0 Wizard of Oz (Unabridged), The Baum, L. Frank 7.0 7.0 Wolf at the Door Corcoran, Barbara 4.6 6.0 Wolf by the Ears Rinaldi, Ann 4.3 9.0 Wolf Pack: Tracking Wolves in the Wild Johnson/Aamodt 8.5 2.0 Wolf's Coming! Kulka, Joe 1.2 0.5 Wolf Spiders Murray, Julie 3.2 0.5 Wolf Spiders (Spiders) Gerholdt, James E. 4.3 0.5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Musician Greene, Carol 6.0 3.0 123040 EN 6599 EN 13046 EN 99 EN 45815 EN 24991 EN 18318 EN 13047 EN 26041 EN 14241 EN 12360 EN 14242 EN 12361 EN 12362 EN 14244 EN 14246 EN 14699 EN 6449 EN 58973 EN 2900 EN 1744 EN Wolfsnail: A Backyard Predator Campbell, Sarah C. 4.4 0.5 Wolves (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 Wolves (North American Animal Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 4.3 0.5 Wolves of Willoughby Chase, The Aiken, Joan 6.5 7.0 Wolves (The Untamed World) Dudley, Karen 7.5 2.0 Woman in the Wall, The Kindl, Patrice 5.1 6.0 Woman Who Outshone the Sun, The al., Alejandro Cruz Martinez, et 4.5 0.5 Wombats (Australian Animals Discovery) Stone, Lynn M. 3.8 0.5 Women in Space (A&E Biography) Briggs, Carole S. 8.4 3.0 Wonder of Bald Eagles, The Foran, Eileen 3.9 0.5 Wonder of Bison, The Wikinson, Todd 3.9 0.5 Wonder of Black Bears, The Karpfinger, Beth 3.8 0.5 Wonder of Dolphins, The Corrigan, Patricia 3.8 0.5 Wonder of Hawks, The Ritchie/Matteson 3.7 0.5 Wonder of Whales, The Weber, Valerie 4.1 0.5 Wonder of Wolves, The LantierSampon, Patricia 3.7 0.5 Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings Guin, Ursula K. Le 3.7 1.0 Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet, The Cameron, Eleanor 6.3 6.0 Wonderful Towers of Watts, The Zelver, Patricia 4.2 0.5 Wonderful Worms Glaser, Linda 2.2 0.5 Wonders of the World Bergin, Mark 6.6 0.5 80264 EN 34829 EN 109451 EN 134843 EN 5307 EN 28495 EN 6950 EN 61766 EN 61767 EN 61769 EN 141508 EN 6400 EN 6198 EN 57626 EN 51693 EN 103354 EN 77182 EN 53525 EN 105280 EN 89758 EN 74653 EN Woodpeckers Murray, Julie 2.9 0.5 Woodrow, the White House Mouse Barnes, Peter/Cheryl 5.1 0.5 Woodrow Wilson: TwentyEighth President Venezia, Mike 5.3 0.5 Woods Runner Paulsen, Gary 5.5 5.0 Woodshed Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.3 5.0 Woodsie Brooks, Bruce 5.2 3.0 Woodsong Paulsen, Gary 5.6 5.0 Word Bird Builds a City Moncure, Jane Belk 1.3 0.5 Word Bird's Circus Surprise Moncure, Jane Belk 0.7 0.5 Word Bird's Shapes Moncure, Jane Belk 2.0 0.5 Words In the Dust Reedy, Trent 4.6 10.0 Words of Stone Henkes, Kevin 5.0 5.0 Work Animals (New True Books) Lumley, Kathryn 3.8 0.5 Work in Colonial America Thomas, Mark 1.9 0.5 Working Cotton Williams, Sherley Anne 2.8 0.5 Working With Others Nelson, Robin 2.2 0.5 World According to Humphrey, The Birney, Betty G. 4.2 4.0 World Full of Monsters, A McQueen, John Troy 2.2 0.5 World's Greatest Elephant, The Helfer, Ralph 4.7 1.0 World War I: A Primary Source History Saunders, Nicholas 9.4 2.0 World War I (People at the Center Of) Stewart, Gail B. 8.1 1.0 89759 EN 20532 EN 107492 EN 43428 EN 12308 EN 82662 EN 79584 EN 16742 EN 81843 EN 104613 EN 6250 EN 54205 EN 13998 EN 59265 EN 105862 EN 32512 EN 5913 EN 49995 EN 17800 EN 15198 EN 150 EN World War II: A Primary Source History Hynson, Colin 7.4 2.0 World Wide Web (A True Book), The Brimner, Larry Dane 4.9 0.5 Worlds Around Us: A Space Voyage, The Jackson, Ellen B. 5.0 0.5 Worm Tunnel, The Dahl, Michael 5.1 6.0 Worms (The New Creepy Crawly Collection) Coleman, Graham 5.5 0.5 Wormwood Taylor, G.P. 6.3 14.0 Worth LaFaye, A. 4.5 4.0 Would My Fortune Cookie Lie? Pevsner, Stella 3.6 5.0 Wrath of Mulgarath, The DiTerlizzi, Tony 4.4 2.0 Wreath for Emmett Till, A Nelson, Marilyn 6.3 0.5 Wreck of the Zephyr, The Allsburg, Chris Van 3.7 0.5 Wrestling Ditchfield, Christin 5.8 0.5 Wrestling Basics (New Action Sports) Savage, Jeff 5.1 0.5 Wrestling with Honor Klass, David 5.3 8.0 Wright 3, The Balliett, Blue 5.7 7.0 Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk, The Sobol, Donald J. 4.5 3.0 7.7 4.0 7.1 4.0 Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Freedman, Russell Airplane, The Wright Brothers: Inventors of the Airplane, Old, Wendie C. The Wringer Spinelli, Jerry 4.5 5.0 WrinkleFaced Bats (Bats) Gerholdt, Pamela J. 4.2 0.5 Wrinkle in Time, A L'Engle, Madeleine 4.7 7.0 127307 EN 8250 EN 350 EN 724 EN 7852 EN 12452 EN 26238 EN 85882 EN 60467 EN 60468 EN 8550 EN 81681 EN 118575 EN 44671 EN 77133 EN 6996 EN 699 EN 119493 EN 400 EN 725 EN 88414 EN 5450 EN 5700 EN Written in Bone: Buried Lives of Jamestown Walker, Sally M. and Colonial Maryland 9.0 6.0 Wrong Number, The Stine, R.L. 6.0 5.0 Wrongway Applebaum Wuthering Heights (Unabridged) Lewis, Marjorie Bronte, Emily 5.2 11.3 1.0 23.0 Wyoming (America the Beautiful) Heinrichs, Ann 8.2 3.0 Wyoming (From Sea to Shining Sea) Fradin, Dennis/Judith 4.3 1.0 Wyoming (Hello U.S.A.) Frisch, Carlienne 6.9 1.0 X'edOut XRay, The Roy, Ron 3.8 1.0 X Games: Action Sports Grab the Spotlight Young, Ian 4.1 0.5 Y2J: Pro Wrestler Chris Jericho Schaefer, A.R. 4.6 0.5 Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear Namioka, Lensey 4.6 3.0 Yao Ming Savage, Jeff 4.1 0.5 Yatandou Whelan, Gloria 3.6 0.5 Year Down Yonder, A Peck, Richard 4.5 4.0 Year of Secret Assignments, The Moriarty, Jaclyn 5.9 12.0 Year of the Panda, The Schlein, Miriam 3.4 1.0 Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree, The Houston, Gloria 4.2 0.5 Year of the Rat, The Lin, Grace 4.6 4.0 Year Without Michael, The Yearling, The Pfeffer, Susan Beth Rawlings, Marjorie 4.3 5.0 7.0 19.0 YellowBellied Sea Snakes Klein, Adam G. 4.4 0.5 Yellow Bird and Me Hansen, Joyce 4.0 5.0 Yellow Feather Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 5303 EN 86483 EN 6199 EN 9049 EN 48789 EN 48790 EN 82444 EN 29511 EN 63018 EN 35662 EN 2878 EN 14880 EN 9630 EN 46861 EN 41457 EN 118389 EN 61681 EN 28024 EN 56658 EN 7300 EN 6639 EN Yellow House Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.2 3.0 Yellow Yacht, The Roy, Ron 3.9 1.0 Yellowstone National Park (New True Books) Petersen, David 5.0 0.5 Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories Seuss, Dr. 3.3 0.5 Yo, Millard Fillmore! Cleveland/Alvarez 6.6 1.0 Yo, Sacramento! Cleveland/Alvarez 7.4 2.0 Yoga Silas, Elizabeth 6.1 2.0 Yoko Wells, Rosemary 2.9 0.5 You Are What You Eat (Rookie ReadAbout Gordon, Sharon Health) 2.2 0.5 You Can Call Me Worm Haas, Dan 5.0 6.0 You Can Jump Higher on the Moon Petty, Kate 4.1 0.5 You Can't Eat Your Chicken Pox, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula 3.5 1.0 You Can't Scare Me Stine, R.L. 3.6 3.0 You Don't Know Me Klass, David 6.4 11.0 You Forgot Your Skirt, Amelia Bloomer! Corey, Shana 3.5 0.5 You Have Mail: True Stories of Cybercrime Newman, Matthew 5.6 1.0 You'll Soon Grow into Them, Titch Hutchins, Pat 2.3 0.5 You're Not My Best Friend Anymore Pomerantz, Charlotte 3.0 0.5 You're on Your Phone Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth 1.4 0.5 You're the ScaredyCat Mayer, Mercer 1.6 0.5 You Shouldn't Have to Say Goodbye Hermes, Patricia 3.9 4.0 14853 EN 100 EN 11750 EN 77134 EN 44568 EN 105283 EN 5150 EN 9643 EN 114100 EN 118356 EN 109589 EN 109590 EN 109591 EN 109592 EN 109593 EN 109594 EN 32757 EN 31761 EN 5299 EN 57152 EN 102793 EN You Want Women to Vote, Lizzie Stanton? 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