Wired Aerial Theatre
Wired Aerial Theatre
Wired Aerial Theatre TECHNICAL RIDER European Tour (Outdoor Venues) 2013 Subject to change Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (0) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 TABLE OF CONTENTS General: Page 3 Site Visits: Pre-production visit Page 4 Location Requirements: Site/Facility Access Performance and Build Space Capacity Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Room Requirements: Dressing Rooms Production Office Set Storage Toilet Facilities Disposal and Recycle bins Backstage area Scrim Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Emergency Lights, Fire and Evacuation: Page 7 Certification: Permits and Restrictions Customs/Immigration Entry/Exit Page 8 Page 9 Personnel: Touring Company Family Members Local Personnel Local Electrician Forklift/Telescopic Handler Operator Stewards and Security Wardrobe and Laundry Staff First Aid Staff Page 9 Page 9 Page 9 Page 10 Page 10 Page 10 Page 10 Page 10 Touring Company Requirements: Accommodation Ground Transportation Catering Page 11 Page 11 Page 11 Production Schedule: Preparation Day Get-In Rehearsal and Show Get-Out Sample Schedule Page 11 Page 12 Page 12 Page 12 Page 12 Equipment Requirements: Power Requirements Electrical Installation Generators Lighting Sound Audio Visual Page 12 Page 13 Page 13 Page 13 Page 14 Page 14 Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (1) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Truss/Wall Crane Forklift/Telescopic Handler Communication Ballast Water Supply Barriers and Fencing Page 15 Page 15 Page 15 Page 15 Page 15 Page 16 Page 16 Structures: Stage Runners Mobile Stairs LX Risers Page 17 Page 16 Page 16 Touring Equipment: Cargo Carnet of touring Kit Page 16 Page 17 Contacts List Weather Management and Cancelations Site Plan Touring Party Crew Schedule Rooming List Catering Requirements Production Schedule Power and Generators Lighting Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Truss and Wall Crane Requirements Communication Equipment Ballast Structures Touring Equipment Show Times Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 27 Page 28 Page 30 Page 32 Page 33 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 42 Page 46 Appendix List: Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. (2) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 GENERAL Please pass this Technical Rider onto your Production /Technical Managers for careful consideration. The following Technical Rider constitutes a contractual requirement and summarizes the technical requirements needed to present the show in your city. Failure to negotiate any change to the following, except by mutual consent between the Promoter, Wired Aerial Theatre and XTRAX at least four weeks prior to any performance, will constitute a breach of contract leaving the promoter liable to pay all negotiated fees to Wired Aerial Theatre who will be entitled to cancel any performance. (Please see appendix 1 for a detailed Contact Sheet) It is important to highlight that the performance may be affected by certain weather conditions. It is unsafe to perform the physically demanding aerial routines in poor weather. The weather will be closely monitored at regular intervals leading up to the performance and Wired Aerial Theatre will work closely with the Promoter and all suppliers to ensure maximum safety. (Please see appendix 2 for our Management Plan associated to weather and cancellations) The audience is standing for the entire performance with a maximum length of fifty five (55) minutes. The capacity is determined by the promoter and hugely dependent on the location of the performance. The performance takes place on a 10m x 11m double layered Aluminum wall which starts in a horizontal position. During the show the wall is then lifted by a 100ton crane until it is suspended 7m in the air in a vertical position. There are a total of seven (7) performers who perform on the stage which is then reduced to five (5) performers once the wall is at its final vertical position. These five (5) aerial performers are controlled by five (5) climbers who work closely with the performers to create the specific aerial choreography throughout the show. While every effort has been made to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the requirements detailed herein, no rider can be written to cover all situations and therefore Wired Aerial Theatre must retain the right to alter the Technical Rider based on the local conditions of each engagement after consultation with the Promoter. Wired Aerial Theatre will work closely with the Promoter to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all. In case of situations increasing of anything that is mentioned above, this Technical Rider will be modified and changed according to the new modifications. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (3) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 SITE VISITS Pre-production visit A maximum of Two (2) representatives of Wired Aerial Theatre will arrive for a preproduction visit to approve the location, and to plan all production, artistic and technical adjustments needed for the presentation of the show. The Promoter will pay for all the expenses associated with this site visit, including daily fee, flights, ground transportation and accommodation if required. The cost must be negotiated with Maggie Clarke of XTRAX prior to this booking. LOCATION REQUIREMENTS The selection of the location in which to perform ‘As the World Tipped’ is of paramount importance in order to ensure a successful engagement. The Promoter must consult fully with Wired Aerial Theatre’s Technical Director in order to agree a suitable location acceptable to both parties. The Promoter must provide a detailed plan of the location showing particular detail to: access routes, overhead obstructions, floor load implications, parking availability, nearest toilet facilities, dressing rooms and any other information regarding the festival that is not present during the site visit in the surrounding area. Please forward all queries and location details including scaled drawings (DWG, PDF) and photos to the Technical Director. Site/Facility Access Wired Aerial Theatre will require access to the location and its surrounding areas as per the Production Schedule. It is important to highlight here that there is a requirement of one (1) clear preparation day and one (1) clear day of Get-In, technical rehearsal and dress rehearsal before the opening show. Access to the location and its surrounding areas will be required on each of the days listed in the schedule and there must be the option of full working light on site if required. All production requirements such as power, performance space, parking, dressing rooms, toilets, offices and first aid must be available. There must be suitable access for one (1) 100ton crane, one (1) 40ft HGV, and two (2) Cars/vans. The venue must have access and parking for the required amount of Heavy Goods Vehicles as notified by Wired Aerial Theatre and access for these vehicles so that they can be parked as close to the site as possible for the Get-In and Get-Out. Any restrictions associated with these access routes must be highlighted to the Technical Director during the site visit. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (4) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Wired Aerial Theatre requires full access to the site for a Forklift or Telescopic Handler. NOTE: If the site is on a soft surface such as grass or gravel, it is the promoter’s responsibility to provide adequate protection to ensure there is minimal damage to the ground and to prevent the vehicles getting stuck. Wired Aerial Theatre cannot be held responsible for any damage caused to the ground during the entire period on site. Performance and Build Space The area required for the installation is 35m x 35m. This will then be reduced slightly to 32m x 35m during the performance. There is also a 12m x 8m area at the back of the performance site for the crane which is included in the above dimensions. The location needs to be flat and clear of any overhead obstructions. The wall will be built directly on the floor either in front or to the side of the stage runners and will be lifted by the crane onto the two (2) stage runners once it has been constructed. Please ensure that this has been taken into consideration during the site visit and all pre-event organisation. A 5m x 3m Front of House area will be positioned directly in front of the performance area between 30m and 70m from the wall when it’s in its vertical lifted position. This position is show critical and will be assessed during the site visit. The FOH structure must be dead centre to the middle of the wall. It is vital that there is sufficient access for the crane and it is the responsibility of the promoter to ensure that the ground has been checked for adequate load bearing of approximately 77tonnes with a 17.78 per square meter pressure under each outrigger. NOTE: Please play particular attention to drains, underground tunnels, sewage pipes and electrical systems. Also any overhead wires, bridges and trees. The performance area needs to be sheltered from the weather as much as possible. Please talk to the representative of Wired Aerial Theatre during the site visit to make an assessment of the chosen site. The show will need to take into account the effects with most hills, mountainous and coastal areas being windier than low-lying inland sites which may affect the show. (Please see appendix 3 for a detailed site plan) Capacity The capacity of the location is dependent on the site and the promoter’s requirements. It is important that the promoter informs Wired Aerial Theatre of the predicted audience capacity prior to the performance. It is the responsibility of the promoter to ensure that all local capacity regulations have been adhered to. There must be a designated viewing area for wheel chair users and persons requiring special assistance. This area is generally located either in front or to the side of the FOH position. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (5) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 ROOM REQUIREMENTS Dressing Rooms/Production Office All dressing rooms/office areas must be secured for authorised personnel only from the GetIn, through all rehearsals, performances and until the end of the Get-Out. Room 1 – Dressing room for all actors and climbers The Promoter must provide the Production Manager with a key or access card to this room as soon as he arrives on site. This room must be equipped with: Sufficient lighting Air conditioning. 2 make-up mirrors. 1 full-size mirror. 2 Clothing racks Electric sockets for hairdryers etc. Enough chairs, tables for 7 persons. Litter bins Room 2 – Production Office The Promoter must provide the Production Manager with a key or access card to this room as soon as he arrives on site. This room must be equipped with: Sufficient lighting Air conditioning. Enough chairs and tables for 5 persons. Electric sockets for laptops, radio chargers etc. Litter bins Room 3 – Set Storage The Promoter must provide adequate and secure storage within the performance area for Wired Aerial Theatre’s set and props. This can be in the way of a tent, porta cabin or other sheltered structure. This room must be equipped with: Sufficient lighting Protection from the elements Toilet Facilities Within the performance area there must be at least two (2) separate male and female toilet facilities which must be kept clean and odor free on a regular basis. This could either be 2 x portable loos or toilet facilities inside a nearby building. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (6) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Disposal and Recycle bins Wired Aerial Theatre strongly recommends that the promoter has a recycle program on site in order to have all the waste from the show consumables properly recycled. Backstage area The Promoter must ensure that the Backstage area is secure and out of bounds for members of the public at all times whilst Wired Aerial Theatre are on site. This includes the Get-In, Rehearsals, Shows and Get-Out period. Where possible the Dressing Rooms, Production Office, Toilet Facilities and Set Storage will be within the backstage area. Where this is not possible the alternative must be discussed with the Wired Aerial Theatre Technical Director and Production Manager. Toilet facilities however must be provided on site. Scrim The promoter must supply enough black scrim or surge cloth to cover the Herace fencing around the back stage area as well as the LX risers and PA towers. All cloth must be fire proofed. EMERGENCY LIGHTS, FIRE AND EVACUATION It is the responsibility of the Promoter to install emergency lights for any such case of unexpected black out on site. Those emergency lights must be able to function in “NonMaintained" mode (illuminated only when the normal supply fails) and the amount of lights should be deemed suitable to satisfy all Health and Safety regulations and evacuation procedures according to local regulations. Where this is not possible this should be discussed with Wired Aerial Theatre’s Technical Director and Production Manager before arrival. The fire and evacuation procedure must be discussed with the Technical Director of Wired Aerial Theatre. If for any reason the show needs to be stopped due to an emergency Wired Aerial Theatre will commence the appropriate procedure to lower all Performers and Climbers and if possible re-set the wall to its original starting procedure. The Show Stop procedure will be discussed with the Promoter prior to the first performance. The Promoter is responsible for the safe evacuation of all visitors, audience members and staff on site and must be familiar with and have practiced the evacuation procedure prior to the opening night of the performance. A ‘Show Stop’ is at the discretion of the Promoter and Wired Aerial Theatre. The Promoter must supply a plan with all firefighting equipment located on site according to local regulations. Fire extinguishers must cover all areas of the location including: • • • • • Control position Dimmer room and patch By extra generators In all backstage areas All outdoor structures Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (7) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 • • • Dressing rooms Production office Front of House The firefighting equipment must be easily accessible if needed in an emergency. During the Get-In and until the Get-Out all areas should be covered by large Co2 and Powder fire extinguishers available for site crew and staff in order to tackle Class B and Class E type fires. CERTIFICATION Permits and Restrictions The Promoter must inform Wired Aerial Theatre’s Technical Director of any legal or facility restrictions, limitations, codes or ordinances which could prevent any of Wired Aerial Theatre’s production requirements from being carried out. It is imperative that The Promoter provides specific instructions on what certification requirements and documents are needed from Wired Aerial Theatre in order to present the show. Failure to do so will put The Promoter at risk of any expenses associated with obtaining such certifications and should any performances have to be cancelled as a result of such failure The Promoter will be liable to pay 100% of all agreed fees for such performances. The Promoter should inform to Wired Aerial Theatre’s Technical Director of any restrictions for trucks to drive in the city during Get-In or Get-Out and if so, The Promoter should obtain all the necessary permits to park the vehicles and machinery in a safe and secure location until such appropriate time. This must be discussed during the site visit. Wired Aerial Theatre must be informed of any sound restrictions associated with the location during the site visit and at what times. If there are sound restrictions then the Promoter must provide a Sound Pressure Monitor in order for Wired Aerial Theatre to adhere to these stipulations. Wired Aerial Theatre will require all local street lighting to be switched off during rehearsals and performances. This will be the responsibility of the promoter and generally falls under the jurisdiction of the local authorities. It is important that all electrical equipment supplied by the promoter and Wired Aerial Theatre holds a current PAT test certificate issued by a qualified person or organization. In an area or country which has not adopted the PAT certification system Wired Aerial Theatre’s technical staff have the right to refuse any piece of electrical equipment deemed to be unsafe or poorly maintained. In such a situation the Promoter must immediately replace the piece of equipment for a bona fide and safe working appliance. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (8) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Customs/Immigration Entry/Exit The Promoter shall arrange and pay for any local costs to import and export Wired Aerial Theatre’s production material working in cooperation with the Technical Director and XTRAX. In addition The Promoter shall arrange and pay for any required immigration visas for management, cast and crew, and any local taxes or bonds. PERSONNEL Touring Company Wired Aerial Theatre tours with a company of seventeen (17). Below is a detailed list of the exact touring company associated specifically with the show. 1 (one) x Technical Director 1 (one) x Artistic Director 1 (one) x Producer 1 (one) x Production Manager 1 (one) x Stage Manager 1 (one) x Deputy Stage Manager 1 (one) x Chief LX 1 (one) x Audio Visual Operators 2 (two) x Climbers 2 (two) x Female Performers 4 (four) x Male Performers 1 (one) x Support Staff TOTAL:17 (seventeen) (Please see appendix 4 for a detailed list of the Touring Party) Family Members The directors also have a 2 year old son who travels with them. Wired Aerial Theatre will cover the costs for all travel arrangements and food allowances associated to their son. The promoter must ensure that the Directors room is adequate to accommodate their son. Local Personnel A representative of The Promoter with the power to make decisions must be on site for all working hours, beginning with the Get-In, throughout all rehearsals, performances and until the Get-Out is complete. This is usually the role of the Promoter’s Production Manager or Site Manager. The promoter must provide a minimum of four (4) Local Crew for the Site Preparation Day, five (5) Local Crew for the Get-In and five (5) Local Crew for the Get-Out. Start time is usually 8am and call times are generally 8 hours on both days. At least one (1) of the Local Crew must have a forklift or Telescopic Handler license and be available for the entire period. Wired Aerial Theatre will also require a Site Electrician for the entire time on site. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (9) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 The promoter must also provide a minimum of two (2) Show Crew who will be required to work closely with Wired Aerial Theatre during all rehearsals and the shows. One of the Show Crew members could be the Site Manager. The show crew will also be required to assist with the De-Rig of Lights and Audio Visual equipment after the final show. It is important that both of the Show Crew are available for all rehearsals and all shows and that they are reasonably fit, strong and capable. NOTE: Please ensure that all Local Crew working on the Get-In and Get-Out are equipped with their own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including: Hi-Viz Steel Toe capped boots, gloves, ear protectors, and hard hats. Wired Aerial Theatre takes no responsibility for any loss or damage to the Local Crew’s tools, equipment or PPE during their time on site. (Please see appendix 5 for a detailed schedule of the required crew) Local Electrician A fully qualified electrician with specific experience in large outdoor productions will be required to connect all of Wired Aerial Theatre’s equipment as well as locally supplied equipment to the local power source. The site electrician must certify that all equipment and any scaffolding used are properly earthed. In addition, the site electrician must ensure that generators (including on-site fuel needs), all working lights, and electrical outlets are kept in good working order at all times. Forklift/Telescopic Handler Operator A qualified Forklift or Telescopic Handler driver will be required for the entire Get-In and Get-Out. They will be asked to undertake a variety of tasks and will work closely with the Technical Director and Wired Aerial Theatre’s Technical team. Stewarding & Security It is The Promoter’s responsibility to ensure that the location, backstage areas and FOH are adequately secured in order to ensure the safety of Wired Aerial Theatre’s cast, crew and all of the show and local equipment. This security must be present onsite on a 24 hour basis. Wardrobe and Laundry Staff Where onsite laundry facilities are not available the Promoter must inform the Technical Director of the nearest laundry facilities. Wired Aerial Theatre’s Stage Manager will be responsible for ensuring the costumes are clean and presentable. First Aid Staff The promoter will be responsible for ensuring there is adequate First Aid cover on site during the entire period. This can be provided by a local first aid company or services. It may be necessary to inform the local NHS/Ambulance service and advice a site visit prior to the event. Wired Aerial Theatre must also be informed of the distance to the local A&E hospital and approximate response time of a local rapid response ambulance. The promoter should also inform the local fire and police services of the event. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (10) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Wired Aerial Theatre will not commence work until the above has been provided. This must be discussed with the Technical Director. TOURING COMPANY REQUIREMENTS Accommodation Wired Aerial Theatre requires either a hotel or approved private facilities, apartments or housing; each property must be approved by a company representative during the site visit. The accommodation must be within walking distance of the location. (Please see appendix 6 for detailed Rooming List) Ground Transportation The Promoter is responsible to arrange and pay for ground transportation between the airport, accommodation and location for Wired Aerial Theatre’s management, cast and crew during the entire stay. All ground transportation is to be confirmed with the Technical Director of Wired Aerial Theatre. Please note an appropriate child seat will be required for the Directors two year old son when ground transportation is supplied. Catering The Promoter must provide on-site hot water, tea, coffee, milk, sugar, bottled water and a selection of fruit. These items must be available for the entire period including the Get-In and Get-Out. The promoter must also provide Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for the entire touring party. The catering arrangements must be confirmed with the Technical Director. If an overnight Get-Out is required then the Promoter must provide hot food and drink for a total of eight (8) people directly after the last show. (Please see appendix 7 for a detailed list of the specific Catering Requirements) PRODUCTION SCHEDULE The schedule is based on past show experience and prior discussions. There is always a possibility that the schedule will need to be changed due to some unforeseen circumstance and due to local conditions. If this is required then this will be done with the approval of all relevant parties. Preparation Day The Technical Director and Production Manager of Wired Aerial Theatre will arrive on site the Day before the Get-In. This is to supervise installation of the main production Structures such as, Stage Runners, FOH, LX Risers and to site the Ballast. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (11) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Get-In The Get-In will be managed by Wired Aerial Theatre’s Technical Director and Production Manager. It is important that this schedule is discussed and confirmed between the Technical Director of Wired Aerial Theatre and the Local Production Manager. Rehearsals & Show The rehearsals and show will be scheduled over a minimum of two (2) days. Get-Out The Get-Out will be managed by Wired Aerial Theatre’s Technical Director and Production Manager. It is important that this schedule is discussed and confirmed between the Technical Director of Wired Aerial Theatre and the Local Production Manager. Wired Aerial Theatre may require to complete the Get-Out overnight immediately after the last performance. The Technical Director will inform the Promoter if this is the case and may affect the local crew call, Get-Out timetable and accommodation for the company. Where an overnight Get-Out is required Wired Aerial Theatre must be made aware of any site regulations, in particular vehicle movement, plant use and the use of power tools. The work during the Get-In and Get-Out can be very noisy. Any sound restrictions must be brought to the attention of the Technical Director before arrival. Sample Schedule: DAY 0 (Two Days before Show) Approximately 12:00 Approximately 17:00 08:00 – 00:00 12:00 - 00:00 08:00 - 16:00 DAY 1 (One Day before Show) DAY 2 (Show Day) DAY 3 (One Day after Show) Technical Director & Production Manager arrive to begin site preparation. Full Company arrive and Check into accommodation Full Get-In starts, Technical Rehearsal and Dress Rehearsal SHOW Full Get-Out and Travel Back (Please see appendix 8 for a detailed Production Schedule) EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS The Promoter is responsible to provide and pay for the following items. Please use the information provided below for your budget purposes and please take into account that the actual number of days/hours needed for this equipment will vary according to local conditions. Wired Aerial Theatre’s Technical Director will confirm all requirements with The Promoter’s Production Manager. Power Requirements Please ensure that Lighting and Sound are on separate power supplies to avoid interference. It is strongly recommended that backup generators or synced machines are used where possible. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (12) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Please ensure that all power supplies are well distributed and protected to minimize disruption in the event of our power trip or surge. It is important to have the projectors on a separate power supply as this will maximise the potential of continuing the show in the event of power loss. (Please see appendix 9 for detailed list of Power Equipment) Electrical Installation The entire venue installation must follow the European Safety Standards. The following items described are very important and failure in any of those items will cause the interruption of work or cancellation of the show: - The entire system must be earthed RCB 30 mA breakers installed in all distribution boxes. Each circuit breaker cannot be bigger than 32A (for backstage and FOH area). All cables lying on the ground must have cable track, water proved connectors/plugs and taped or covered as appropriate in order to prevent injury. Generators The Promoter must provide the necessary fuel and personnel who will be responsible for the turn on/off and the general care during the entire period onsite. The generators must be in perfect working condition and must be approved by Wired Aerial Theatre’s Technical Director. They will be placed in a reasonable distance from the location as to not disturb with their noise into the performance area. All generators must be properly earthed (separated from the structure) and connected amongst themselves. The generators will be working non-stop whilst Wired Aerial Theatre is on site. Lighting Wired Aerial Theatre tour their own lighting equipment required for the show. This equipment has a supply cost to the festival. The cost of this will be negotiated with Maggie Clarke prior to any signing of a contract. Wired Aerial Theatre has built a very good relationship with a local lighting company who they have been working with since the creation of the show. They supply a high quality product at a very competitive rate. The show lighting will be operated by a member of Wired Aerial Theatre’s touring company. All of the lighting equipment is water resistant and has been designed to minimise the potential of cancellation in bad weather. All lighting equipment that is used within the show, including all the circuits & Dimmer racks must be protected by 30 mA RCB (Residual Current Breakers). All the cables must be double insulated and it is essential to have all the lighting equipment in black colour. (Please see appendix 10 for a detailed list of the Lighting Equipment) Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (13) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Sound The promoter must provide and pay for a sufficient sound PA for the size of the location and performance area. Please see the specific information regarding the position and height of the PA Risers to be supplied by the Promoter. The show will also require specific monitoring on the wall. Wired Aerial Theatre require a pair of D&B Q7 (dispersal of 40° and 110°) or those of a similar specification. This must be discussed with Wired Aerial Theatre’s Technical Director and Production Manager. These monitors must be positioned seven (7) foot off the ground either on stands or angled on the top of the PA Speaker risers. The Sound desk needs to be able to support two (2) radio microphones, one (1) cabled microphone and three (3) stereo inputs and have a separate mix for the monitoring. From the desk we will require three (3) 3.5 mini-jack connectors. The promoter is also responsible for supplying two (2) Sennheiser or equivalent quality radio microphones (one as a back-up) to be used from the wall and one (1) cabled microphone (SM58) or similar to be situated in the FOH position for Public Address. There should be a qualified sound engineer with the system at all times to liaise with Wired Aerial Theatre’s Audio and Visual Technician. Wired Aerial Theatre does NOT supply any sound equipment including cabling. This must be sourced locally by the promoter The sound will be operated by a member of Wired Aerial Theatre’s touring company. Please discuss the above sound requirements with the Technical Director Wired Aerial Theatre will provide all location music both pre and post performances. Audio Visual Wired Aerial Theatre tour their own Video Equipment required for the show. This equipment has a supply cost to the festival. The cost of this will be negotiated with Maggie Clarke prior to any signing of a contract. Wired Aerial Theatre has built a very good relationship with a local Audio Visual company who they have been working with since the creation of the show. They supply a high quality product at a very competitive rate. The show Projection will be operated by a member of Wired Aerial Theatre’s touring company. It is important to ensure that the Audio Visual equipment is well protected from all weather conditions located in the FOH Structure. The lenses used for the show have a throw distance of 30 - 70m. This means the FOH can be located anywhere within this distance. (Please see appendix 11 for a detailed list of the Audio Visual Equipment) Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (14) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Truss/Wall Wired Aerial Theatre tour their own equipment required for the construction of the wall. This equipment has a supply cost to the festival. The cost of this will be negotiated with Maggie Clarke prior to any signing of a contract. Wired Aerial Theatre has built a very good relationship with a local Rigging company who they have been working with since the creation of the show. They supply a high quality product at a very competitive rate. The show wall will be constructed by four (4) members of Wired Aerial Theatre’s touring company and two (2) Local Crew supplied by the festival. (Please see appendix 12 for a detailed list of the Truss/Wall Equipment) Crane The promoter is responsible for supplying all associate equipment related to the crane. This lift must be organized as a contract lift meaning that the crane company is responsible for activity with regards to the crane including the hook but NO lower. Wired Aerial Theatre is responsible for all activity below the hook including the connection to it. (Please see appendix 13 for a detailed list of the Crane Requirements) ForkLift/Telescopic Handler The Promoter must provide a Forklift or TelescopicHandler for the entire period that Wired Aerial Theatre is on site. The machine must have a minimum lift capacity of 2.5tonnes and a minimum reach of 5m. Communication Wired Aerial Theatre tour their own Radio Communication equipment required for the show. This equipment has a supply cost to the festival. The cost of this will be negotiated with Maggie Clarke prior to any signing of a contract. Wired Aerial Theatre has built a very good relationship with a local Communication company who they have been working with since the creation of the show. They supply a high quality product at a very competitive rate. (Please see appendix 14 for a detailed list of Communication Equipment) Ballast The promoter must provide eight (8)1tonne ballast with sufficient rigging points. These ballast can be either IBC water ballast or concrete blocks. Whichever ballast is chosen the Technical Director of Wired must be informed in order to ensure they have the correct rigging attachments. (Please see appendix 15 for a photograph of both examples) Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (15) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Water Supply The promoter must provide (if supplying the above IBC water ballast) a water supply in order to fill 8 x 1000liter IBC ballast. This water does not need to be potable. The promoter must ensure that there are adequate lengths of hose pipe and connectors to fill all IBC ballast when in their final positions. It is the responsibility of the Promoter to dispose of the 8000liters of water from the IBC ballast appropriately. Wired Aerial Theatre cannot be held responsible for any damage or flooding caused to the site by the drainage of the ballast. Barriers & Fencing The promoter is responsible for fencing off a working area of 35 square meters using fencing or crowd control barrier (3.5m x 2m) to provide a secure working environment during Get-In and Get-Out. The promoter is responsible for supplying and erecting fencing and crowd control barrier (2.5m x 1m) as required to protect the performance space and front of house structures as shown on the site plan. Black scrim should be used to cover fencing panels where appropriate to limit viewing into the back stage area. Structures STAGE RUNNERS The promoter must supply two (2) Stage Runners which support the wall as it is being lifted. These stage runners must be suitable to support the entire weight of the wall. They must be strong and stable. Wired Aerial Theatre’s Technical Director and Production Manager will work with the local crew to position the runners in the correct position. They must be absolutely level between the two. There are different options for this construction depending on the location. MOBILE STAIRS The promoter must supply one (1) set of Mobile Stairs which allow access for the performers to the back of the stage. These stairs must be at a final height of 2.4m and they must be able to be moved back away from the stage during the performance. There are different options for this construction depending on the location. LX RISERS The promoter must supply four (4) LX Risers. There are two (2) on each side and are split leveled. They support the moving lights either side of the wall. They must be strong and stable. The Risers will need to be covered with a black scrim or material to cover the units stored underneath them. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (16) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 There are different options for this construction depending on the location. (Please see appendix 16 for information and a photograph of different examples) TOURING EQUIPMENT Cargo Wired Aerial Theatre freights in one (1) forty (40) foot long European trailer. Wired Aerial Theatre will have this delivered to the venue for load-in and picked up at the venue following load-out. The Promoter must supply a safe and secure space for this forty (40) foot HGV to be parked for the duration of the Get-In, Rehearsal, Show and Get-Out period. This must be discussed with the Wired Aerial Theatre’s Technical Director as part of the site visit. Carnet of touring kit A complete and detailed list of our touring carnet can be provided on request. (Please see appendix 17 for a detailed list of the Touring Equipment) Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (17) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 1: Contact Sheet Please find the complete list and contact details for all personnel representing Wired Aerial Theatre Producer: Maggie Clarke maggie@xtrax.org +44 (0) 7970 025444 +44 (0) 161 227 8383 Technical Director: Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 +44 (0) 151 2077568 Artistic Director: Wendy Ogilvie wendy@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7876 747613 +44 (0) 151 2077568 Production Manager: Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 +44 (0) 151 2077568 Event Coordinator: Anais Biaux anais@xtrax.org.uk +44 (0) 161 227 8383 Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (18) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 2: Weather Management and Cancellations Wired Aerial Theatre has a successful touring reputation and currently has 100% performance record. The show has been performed in a variety of weather conditions, some better than others. Due to the nature of the show, in particular the aerial aspect it is important that the Promoter and Wired Aerial Theatre is conscious of the weather conditions during the entire performance period. It is advisable that a weather report is obtained daily by the Promoter. There are some weather conditions that cannot be avoided such as sever wind, torrential rain or lightning. Wired Aerial Theatre will of course ensure they do everything they can to minimize the risk of cancellation whilst working closely with the Promoter to resolve any issues as best as possible. Cancellation Stages Pre-Show – The Technical Director and Production Manager will work closely with the Promoter in monitoring the weather conditions prior to the performance. If the poor weather conditions persist then the show will be delayed. The show can be delayed for a maximum of sixty (60) minutes. After this time it is unsafe to continue the show. The promoter must pay particular attention to noise curfews and ensure that in the event of delay local noise restrictions are not violated. It is also important that the show has the opportunity to start earlier. If we are aware of poor conditions approaching then it will be vital that we start early so that we have an opportunity to lift the wall to its vertical position. When the wall is in its vertical position the weather is of a lesser risk. Show - The Technical Director and Production Manager will work closely with the Promoter in monitoring the weather conditions during the performance. In the event of a ‘show stop’ during the performance then Wired Aerial Theatre have a number of procedures which have been rehearsed prior to all performances. The Technical Director and Production Manager who are positioned on the wall have direct communication with the Stage Manager located at FOH and the Deputy Stage Manager who is located within the performance Site. They will decide on the required cancellation procedure to undertake depending on the situation. The Stage Manager will then communicate this to the promoter’s representative. The promoter’s representative will make any public announcement if required to inform the audience of cancelation and any other public address. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (19) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 3: Site Plans 32m 11.97 m 7.37 m Slew 6m to 16m (max) radius for crane boom IBC 6.5m Heras fencing with Scrim IBC 6.5m Mobile Steps at 8ft high IBC IBC A B The Wall - Vertical Position 11.60 m 2m x 1m 2.4m high Combined Lahyer Structure Lighting Sound 2m x 1m 1.8m high 2m x 2m 2m x 1m 2.4m high Combined Lahyer Structure Lighting Sound 35m 2m x 2m 10.60 m 20m 9.60 m 1.49 m Crowd controll fencing 13.00 m 11.14 m 1.00 m IBC 6.5m 6.5m IBC IBC IBC Build Area for wall construction - 12m x 12m - stage left or stage right 2.44 m 2m x 1m 1.8m high 2.83 m Driver Cab 1.94 m 5.54 m Zenith Winch Stand LX & Sound FOH Cable Run Zenith Winch Stand Crowd controll fencing Projector Tower 2.4m x 2.4m 3m high 30m - 70m AUDIENCE C D Key to Symbols [Drawn by: Jim Gee. Updated by Gareth Green.] All items labelled in green are supplied by the promoter. Please consult our Technical Rider for more details Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766058573 C 415v - 63amp 3 phase - LX 230v - 32amp single phase - PA - confirm position 230v - 32amp single phase - Projectors D 230v - 16amp single phase (with 13amp 4 way) A B Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709792889 Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 Covered Front of House Control 4m x 3m minimum (20) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 4: Touring Party NAME ROLE PLACE CONTACT DETAILS Management 1 Maggie Clarke Producer Manchester 2 Jamie Ogilvie Technical Director Liverpool 3 Wendy Ogilvie Artistic Director Liverpool 4 Gareth Green Production Manager London maggie@xtrax.org.uk +44 (0) 7970 025444 jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7876 747613 wendy@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Crew 5 Sam Wood Stage Manager London 6 Ben Shaw Deputy Stage Manager Manchester 7 Gaz Barton Chief LX Liverpool 8 Matt Bailey Audio Visual Operator Manchester 9 June Hesketh Support Staff Liverpool Climber 10 Matt Reynolds Head Climber Liverpool 11 Climber Carndonagh Ireland Performers 12 Robert Guy Male Performer Cardiff 13 Benjamin Stevens Male Performer Warrington 14 Ryan Harston Male Performer Rotherham, 15 Sebastian Gonzalez Male Performer London 16 Daniela B Larsen Female Performer Liverpool 17 Hannah De Cancho Female Performer Winchester Brendan Roof Breakdown Cardiff Cardonagh, Ireland Liverpool London Manchester Rotherham Warrington Winchester Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 sam_wood17@hotmail.com +44 (0) 7966 461443 benshawis@mac.com +44 (0) 7940470511 garethgabarton@gmail.com +44 (0) 7922235738 matt@atov.co.uk +44 (0) 7917 623786 Junehesketh3@hotmail.com +44(0) 7770 272182 Matt_reyn@hotmail.com +44 (0) 7530 649006 brendanjroof@gmail.com +353 87764 2886 robertjamesguy@yahoo.co.uk +44 (0) 7849 986052 benjaminrstevens@aol.co.uk +44 (0) 7545 144359 ffpuk@aol.co.uk +44 (0) 7986 477883 s_gonzalez_jnr@hotmail.com +44 (0) 7976 372248 daniblarsen@googlemail.com +44 (0) 7751 231255 hannah.decancho@hotmail.co.uk +44 (0) 7887 761783 1 1 6 3 3 1 1 1 (21) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 5: Crew Schedule PERSONNEL Wired Aerial Theatre Management Technical Director Artistic Director Production Manager Wired Aerial Theatre Crew Stage Manager Deputy Stage Manager Head Climber Climber Chief LX Audio Visual Operator Support Staff Local Crew Site Manager Site Electrician Fork/Telehandler Driver Crane Operator Crane Banksman Build Crew Local Show Crew Performers Male Performers Female Performers TOTAL PERSONNEL Day 0 Site Preparation Day 1 Get-In, Tech Rehearsal and Dress Day 2 Show Day Day 3 Get-Out 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 2* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2* 4 3 29 4 3 24 1 1 1 1 4 9 1 5 16 *Please note the 2 Show Crew can either be two of The Build Crew or two new Local Crew depending on the festivals stipulations. The two Show Crew must be the same two personnel for the rehearsal and show days. EQUIPMENT Production Office Dressing Rooms Subsistence (Tea, Coffee) Forklift/Telehandler Fork/Telehandler 1.8m Extensions 100tonne Crane Pallet Truck (2000kg) Power Fencing/ Barriers Black Scrim 8 x 1tonne Ballast FOH Structure Rear Stage Access Stairs LX Risers PA Risers PA Supply Stage Runners Heavy Duty Matting Water Ballast Laundry Facilities Working Lights PPE Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (22) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 6: Rooming List NAME ROLE ROOM Management 1 Maggie Clarke Producer 2 Jamie Ogilvie Technical Director 3 Wendy Ogilvie Artistic Director 4 Gareth Green Production Manager Crew 5 Sam Wood Stage Manager 6 Ben Shaw Deputy Stage Manager 7 Gaz Barton Chief LX 8 Matt Bailey Audio Visual Operator 9 June Hesketh Support Staff Climbers 10 Matt Reynolds Head Climber 11 Brendan Roof Climber Performers 12 Robert Guy Male Performer 13 Benjamin Stevens Male Performer 14 Ryan Harston Male Performer 15 Sebastian Gonzalez Male Performer 16 Daniella B Larsen Female Performer 17 Hannah DeCancho Female Performer Breakdown – TOTAL 12 ROOMS Double Family Single Twin 1 Show No. Nights 2 Show No. Nights Single 1 Double Family 1 Double Family 1 Single 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 Single 3 Single 4 Single 5 Single 6 Single 7 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Twin 1 Twin 1 3 3 4 4 Twin 2 Twin 2 Twin 3 Twin 3 Twin 4 Twin 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 7 4 * Please note the Producer may not require accommodation for the entire period. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (23) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 7: Catering Requirements Key: B – Breakfast L – Lunch D – Dinner Management Maggie Clarke Jamie Ogilvie Wendy Ogilvie Gareth Green Crew Sam Wood Ben Shaw Gaz Barton Matt Bailey June Hesketh Climbers Matt Reynolds Brendan Roof Performers Robert Guy Benjamin Stevens Ryan Harston Sebastian Gonzalez Daniella B Larsen Hannah De Cancho Day 0 Site Preparation & Travel Day 1 Get-In, Technical Rehearsal & Dress Day 2 Show Day Day 3 Get-Out D L-D D L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B B-L B B-L Stage Manager Deputy Stage Manager Chief LX AV Operator Support Staff D D D D D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L B-L B-L B-L B Head Climber Climber D D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L B-L Male Performer Male Performer Male Performer Male Performer Female Performer Female Performer D D D D D D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B-L-D B B B B B B Producer Technical Director Artistic Director Production Manager Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (24) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 8: Production Schedule Start End Who DAY 0 – Site Preparation 12.00 18.00 LOCAL: Site Manager, Local Crew, ATWT: Technical Director, Production Manager 18.00 21.00 TBC DAY 1 – Get-In, Tech rehearsal and Dress rehearsal 08.00 09.00 LOCAL; Site Manager, Local Crew. ATWT; Technical Director, Production Manager, Stage Manager, Deputy Stage Manager, Climbers 09.00 13.00 LOCAL: Site Manager, Local Crew ATWT: Technical Director, Production Manager, Deputy Stage Manager, Climbers 13.00 13.30 LOCAL: Site Manager, Local Crew ATWT: Deputy Stage Manager 13.00 17.00 ATWT: Performers 13.30 14.15 ALL 14.15 16.00 LOCAL: Site Manager, Local Suppliers, 5 Local Crew ATWT: Technical Director, Climbers 14.15 19.00 LOCAL: Site Manager, Local Suppliers, 5 Local Crew ATWT: Chief LX, Deputy Stage Manager 14.15 19.00 LOCAL: Site Manager, Local Suppliers, 5 Local Crew ATWT: AV Operator, Deputy Stage Manager 16.00 17.00 LOCAL: Site Manager, Crane representatives ATWT: Technical Director 17.00 18.00 LOCAL: Site Manager, Crane representatives ATWT: Head Climber 18.00 19.00 ALL 19.00 20.30 LOCAL: Site Manager, Crane representatives, 2 x Show Crew ATWT: Technical Director, Climbers 19.00 20.00 LOCAL: 2 x Show Crew ATWT: Head Climber 20.00 20.00 SITE: LOCAL Manager ATWT: Deputy Stage Manager 20.30 21.30 LOCAL: Site Manager ATWT: Stage Manager, Deputy Stage Manager, Chief LX, AV Operator 21.30 00.00 ALL Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 Description Where/Notes To assist with Site layout, plotting of all structures, location of Ballast and the construction of 2 x Stage Runners The remaining company arrive and Check-In to the accommodation Arrival times and exact touring details TBC HGV arrives onsite and is unloaded directly at performance site. HGV could leave now if this is better for the Festival. Once it is emptied we do not need it again. Early breakfast must be arranged by Festival. Position and build the wall at the front of the stage runners. We will be using 2 impact wrench which are very loud so ear protection must be worn at all times. We also require 2 x 16AMP plugs. Protection Matting and Steel sheeting laid on both Stage Runners Forks/Telehandler required and all local crew must have PPE Performers arrive on location LUNCH Wall is completed and checked ready for first lift. LX begins to install lights Catering Options TBC This will be supervised by the Technical Director and Production Manager The lights will be installed by the Chief LX and the Deputy Stage Manager as well as assistance from the local crew The Projectors will be installed by the AV Operator and Deputy Stage Manager and the local crew AV begins to install Projectors Crane arrives and is positioned behind the wall and set up This will be supervised by the Technical Director Crane lifts the wall onto the Stage Runners from its build position then resets for show position This will be supervised by the Head Climber DINNER Test lifts with wall. Catering Options TBC This will be supervised by the technical Director and will not involve any aerial activity at this stage. Show Crew receive training from Head Climber This will be supervised by the Head Climber This will be supervised with the Deputy Stage Manager and the Site Manager All local light is switched off ready for focusing Lighting and AV focus with the wall at its show position Full tech rehearsal and dress rehearsal as required. (25) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 00.00 DAY 2 – SHOW 1 16.00 18.00 17.00 01.00 18.00 18.30 18.00 01.00 20.00 21.30 21.45 21.50 21.50 22.30 22.30 23.00 23.00 00.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 01.00 23.00 01.00 01.00 01.00 DAY 3 – Get-Out 08.00 15.00 09.00 14.00 15.30 15.00 17.30 LOCAL: Site Manager, crane representatives ATWT: Technical Director Cranes is packed away and is disconnected from the wall LOCAL: Site Manager ATWT: Technical Director, Production Manager LOCAL: Site Manager, crane representatives ATWT: All The Technical Director and Production Manager arrive on site to check performance area ALL DINNER LOCAL: Site Manager, Show Crew ATWT: Full Company Show Crew required for entire period LOCAL: Site Manager ATWT: Stage Manager ALL LOCAL: Site Manager, Local Show Crew ATWT: Head Climber Musical prelude begins Crane company required for the entire period Company arrive and set stage and prepare for show Company prepare with Warm up, Costumes, Harness Checks SHOW Local crew clear ground space for the De-Rig of the wall at the front of the Stage Runners. The wall must be connected and re-set The wall will be set in its horizontal position Dinner times will need to be negotiated. Show crew will need to be on standby We need to have a designated area for the performers to warm up The area in front of the Stage Runners will need to be cleared so the wall can be lifted onto the ground. LOCAL: Site Manager, crane representatives ATWT: Head Climber, LOCAL: Site Manager ATWT: Stage Manager, Performers LOCAL: Site Manager, Local Crew ATWT: Chief LX, Deputy Stage Manager LOCAL: Site Manager, Local Crew ATWT: AV Operator, Deputy Stage Manager LOCAL: Site Manager, crane representatives ATWT: Technical Director Crane resets and lifts wall onto the ground in front of the Stage Runners LOCAL: Site Manager, Local Crew ATWT: Technical Director, Production Manager, Climbers LOCAL: Site Manager, Local Crew TBC Get-Out of the wall The climbers will use impact wrenches which will make a lot of noise and will require 2 x 16AMP plugs Get-Out of all site structures This is to be done by the Local crew The performers and a few crew are able to leave the location of this is better for the festival LOCAL: Site Manager, Local Crew ATWT: Technical Director, Production Manager, Climbers 17.30 18.00 Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 All props and set packed away and secured Begin De-Rig of all Lights. This will be done by the Chief LX, Deputy Stage Manager and the Show Crew This will be done by the AV Operator, Deputy Stage Manager and the Show Crew Begin De-Rig of all Projectors Crane leaves site. Some of the company can depart location HGV arrives ready for Load Out Load HGV HGV departs site and continues to next location The remaining company departs location (26) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 9: Power and Generators Below is a list of all power requirements associated with the production. For all European shows the promoter must ensure there are sufficient and appropriate transformers or adapters. - 1 x 63AMP 3 phase supply – 415v – Red Cee Form Socket (Backstage Lights ONLY) 1 x 32 AMP single phase – 230/240v – Blue Cee Form Socket (Projectors FOH). This is then split down to 2 x 16 AMP Blue Cee Form 1 x 16 AMP single phase supply – 230/240v – Blue Cee Form Socket with adapter to 13AMP 4 way socket board (Control Equipment FOH) 1 x 32AMP single phase supply 230/240v – Blue Cee Form Socket (Check position with Sound supplier) 1 x Site Electrician for entire period Sufficient Cable Ramp 2 x 16AMP 230/240v Sockets with long extension leads for power tools during Get-In and Get-Out. Please ensure that Lighting and Sound are on separate power supplies to avoid interference. It is strongly recommended that backup generators or synced machines are used where possible. Please ensure that all power supplies are well distributed and protected to minimize disruption in the event of our power trip or surge. It is important to have the projectors on a separate power supply as this will maximise the potential of continuing the show in the event of power loss. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (27) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 10: Lighting Lighting List which will be provided by Wired Aerial Theatre but there will be a supply cost to the festival: ** LX RISERS** 6 MAC 700 700W MOVING EFFECT HEAD 2 JEM ZR44 FOG MACHINE + HANGING BRACKET ** WALL TRUSS ** 4 MAC 250 ENTOUR MOVING EFFECT HEAD 2 SOURCE 4 PAR ALU REFLECTOR 575W BLACK NOTE: Above lantern re-terminated on 16A SOURCE 4 PAR LENS WIDE FLOOD BARNDOOR - SOURCE 4 PAR Quick Trigger Clamp ** GROUND ROW ** 5 CHAUVET COLORADO 144 LED BATTEN 10 SOURCE 4 PAR ALU REFLECTOR 575W BLACK NOTE: Above lantern re-terminated on 16A SOURCE 4 PAR LENS WIDE FLOOD SOURCE 4 PAR LENS MEDIUM FLOOD BARNDOOR - SOURCE 4 PAR LOW STAND - METAL BLACK 10mm HEIGHT ** FOH ** 4 MARTIN MAC AURA LED MOVING WASH Complete with:- 1x 16A to Powercon Cable 1x 'G' Truss Clamp 1x 15kg Safety Bond 6 SELECON RAMA HP FRESNEL LANTERN 1200W NOTE: Above lantern re-terminated on 16A Quick Trigger Clamp BARNDOOR - SELECON RAMA HP 1200 1 SOURCE 4 25/50 PROFILE LANTERN 750W NOTE: Above lantern re-terminated on 16A ** RIGGING FOR FOH** 1 TV SPIGOT ADAPTOR 29mm DIA TO M10 THREAD FOR SOURCE 4 25/50 PROFILE 2 WIND-UP STAND HEAVY DUTY ZENITH 5M 2 STAND TOP - TRUSS ADAPTOR 200-400mm 2 ALUMINIUM SCAFF 48mm OD x 1.5M BLACK ** DIMMING & CONTROL ** 1 DIG 18CH D/SYSTEM 18 x 15A + SOCAPEX 1 DMX SPLITTER 1 INTO 5 1 63A 3PH RED CABLE 5M 1 63A 3PH PLUG TO 82A MULTIPOLE 36 DIMMER MAINS PATCH LEAD Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (28) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 ** CABLE PACKAGE ** 1 SOCAPEX 19PIN CABLE 30M 2 SOCAPEX 19PIN CABLE 20M 2 SOCAPEX 19PIN CABLE 15M 1 SOCAPEX 19PIN CABLE 10M 1 SOCAPEX 240V PARALLEL SPLITTER 4 SOCAPEX PLUG - 6 x 16A SOCKETS STAGGERED 1 SOCAPEX PLUG - 6 x 16A SOCKET BOX+Thru 1 SOCAPEX PLUG - 6 x 16A SOCKET BOX 1 32A 1PH BLUE CABLE 5M 1 32A 1PH BLUE CABLE 20M 2 32A 1PH TO 4 x 16A DISTRO UNIT 1 TRS & DATA AS REQUIRED 4 DMX 5P XLR CABLE 50M 6 DMX 5P XLR CABLE 30M 1 DMX 5P XLR CABLE 20M 4 DMX 5P XLR CABLE 10M 4 DMX 5P XLR CABLE 5M 8 DMX 5P XLR CABLE 2M 2 16A 1PH BLUE CABLE 20M 4 16A 1PH BLUE CABLE 10M 8 16A 1PH BLUE CABLE 5M 12 16A 1PH BLUE CABLE 3M 4 16A PLUG TO 3 x 16A SOCKETS ADAPTOR 2 16A PLUG TO 4 x 13A SOCKETS (Maxload 13A) ** SPARES AND MISCELLANEOUS ** 1 MAC 700 700W MOVING EFFECT HEAD 1 MARTIN MAC AURA LED MOVING WASH Complete with:- 1x 16A to Powercon Cable 1x 'G' Truss Clamp 1x 15kg Safety Bond 1 MAC 250 ENTOUR MOVING EFFECT HEAD 1 DIG 6CH DIMMER PACK 6 x 15A SKTS + SOC 1 SPARE HTI700 700W LAMP (MAC 700) 2 SPARE HPL 575/750W LAMP (SOURCE 4) 1 SPARE HPL750 750W LAMP (SOURCE 4 750W) 2 SPARE CSD/MSD 250W LAMP (MAC250) 1 USER GUIDE - DIMMER 1 SPARE FASTFIT 700W 240V LAMP (AB700) 1 SPARE CSD/MSD 250W LAMP (MAC250) 1 SPARE T29 1200W LAMP (Cantata/1200/Rama) Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (29) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Sample lighting plan: PDF and DWG drawings available on request. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766058573 Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709792889 [Drawn by: Gareth Green] May 2013 O/W O/W 14 25 36 14 25 36 A Fixture Key Cable Key 1.2 KW Selecon Rama Fresnel 6x DMX Cable Socapex 2x Source 4 Par [Wide Flood] 10 x Source 4 Par [Medium Flood] 1x Source 4 Par 25/50° Profile 5x Chauvet Colorado 144 LED Batten ABC DE F Socapex Letter A to F 123 456 Way numbers 1-6 from Socapex Red indicates Hot Power Indicates Hot Power from Socapex Indicates Dimmable Power from Socapex 4x Martin Mac 250 Entour 6x Martin Mac 700 4x 123 4 56 Way numbers 1-6 from Socapex Green indicates Dimmable Power 123 4 56 Way numbers 1-6 from Socapex Blue indicates way not used Martin Mac Aura LED 1 3 2 2 3 1 C 5 3 1 L009 D A 5 2 L201 F C 4 L201 L009 1 L201 3 2 L009 L201 L009 4 5 L201 L009 A To Dimmers D 6 B E E 3 6 1 5 4 4 O/W O/W O/W O/W O/W 2 415v - 63amp 3 phase - LX O/W A 3 5 2 6 1 B B B Splitter DMX to Lighting Desk Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (30) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 11: Audio Visual Audio Visual List which will be provided by Wired Aerial Theatre but there will be a supply cost to the festival: 2 x Panasonic PT-DZ2 1K Projector (20K Lumens) 2 x Panasonic HD 3 Chip 1.8 – 2.6:1 Zoom Lens 2 x Panasonic HD 3 Chip 2.6 – 5.0:1 Zoom Lens 3 x 50m DVI Optical Cable 1 x Kramer DVI DA 1:4 HDCP 1 x Barco Presentation Pro II 3 x Kramer FC32 – DVI to PC/Component Converter 1 x Apple iMac 1 x Apple MacBook Pro (15”) 1 x Apple MacBook Pro (13”) 3 x Playback Pro Instant Playback Dongle 1 x 24” Dell U2410f Monitor 1 x 32A Distribution to 6 x 16A 1 x 32A TRS 20m Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (31) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 12: Truss and Wall Truss List which will be provided by Wired Aerial Theatre but there will be a supply cost to the festival: 24 x 2.4m Medium Duty GP52 8 x 2.4m Light Duty GP52 4 x 3m Medium Duty GP52 4 x 2.4m Light Duty GP52 16 x 6way Corner Blocks 42 x Pre-Fabricated Nodes 2 x Pre-Fabricated Lifting Nodes 2 x Pre-Fabricated Reinforced Wheels 24 x pre- Fabricated Alluminium Panels 14 x Alluminium Panel Runners 2 x 32mm Lifting Cables 1 x 3way Master Link 6 x 6.5ton Bow Shackles Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (32) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 13: Crane Requirements The Promoter must supply a suitable crane for the lifting and suspension of the required load as per the production schedule and structural calculations. Wired Aerial Theatre has performed the show worldwide for the past 3 years. Wired Aerial Theatre has previously used a 100tonne crane. It is advisable that this is the minimum crane and all associated requirements and calculations are discussed with the Technical Director. The crane company and Promotor must be responsible for the entire lift and all activity specifically associated to the crane up to the hook. Wired Aerial Theatre will be responsible for all activity from the hook down including the connection to it. The promoter must ensure that the crane company also supply the following; - 1 x Rams Horn Hook - 4 x 5m Lifting Strops of which these need to be webbing (3tonne each) - 4 x 6m Lifting Chains (4tonne each) - 4 x Bow Shackles (3.75 tonne each) - A selection of large Master Links - 1 x Anemometer (Wind Reader) Although the wall has a wind speed rating of 15m per second, it is usual that the crane company follows a wind speed guideline of 7.2m per second when lifting persons. It is therefore the final decision of the crane company as to whether the wall can be lifted depending on the particular weather conditions. The wall is built in front of the stage runners and therefore will require a 4 leg lift from the floor onto the stage runners during the Get-In. The wall is then reconnected to the crane via a 2 leg lift which will be used for the entire rehearsals and show. It is important that there is a Crane Driver and Banksman available for the entire period on site and that these two representatives are the same for this period. It is advisable that the Crane Banksman can communicate with the Deputy Stage Manager in the same language. However, if this is not achievable then there are certain communication procedures which will overcome this problem and therefore is not completely necessary. Please make the Technical Director aware of this during the site visit. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (33) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Wall Rigging Set-up Drawn by: Rigging Services Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (34) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (35) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Wall in its starting position Wall Vertical at 1m Wall Vertical at 7m Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (36) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 14: Communication Equipment 10 x Motorola GP340 Two Way Radio with Antenna & Li-Ion Batteries 10 x Motorola Belt Clips 2 x Multi Unit 6 Way Chargers 6 x Two Wire Covert Kit PTT/MIC 4 x Lightweight Headsets 5 x Spare Li-Ion Batteries 5 x Leather Carry Case & Shoulder Strap 2 x Transit Cases Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (37) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 15: Ballast 1000litre or 1tonne IBC water ballast tanks Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 1tonne concrete ballast (38) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 16: Structures Stage Runners UK EUROPE * Drawn By Jim Gee Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (39) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 LX Risers Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (40) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Mobile Stairs Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (41) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 17: Touring Equipment List DESCRIPTION TRUSS – Individual Items 2.4m Medium Duty GP52 3m Medium Duty GP52 2.4m Serious Light Duty 2.4m Light Duty 6 Way Corner Blocks 3 Way Corner Blocks WALL – Individual Items Alluminium Decks Stage Rails Support Nodes Lifting Nodes Wheels Wooden Boards Bolts (in a Flight Case) Orange Ratchet Straps (in a Box) RIGGING 15m Lifting Cable 3 Way Master link 9.5tonne Bow Shackle 6.5tonne Bow Shackle Ballast Ropes (in a rigging Flight Case) Petzl Stops (in a Flight Case) Petzl Attache Krabs (In a Flight Case) 4m PVC Coated wire strops 0.5m Strops Steel Krabs CMI Pulleys Purple Lifting Strops .75tonne Bow Shackle AERIAL EQUIPMENT - 1 x Flight Cases Performers Harnesses Climbers Harnesses 10mm Ropes Petzl Twist Lock Krabs Petzl Swivels Petzl Stops Lyon Safety Slings Oval Maillions 350kg Doughty Clamps Petzl Rescue Pulleys LIGHTING EQUIPMENT Mac 700w Moving Effect Head Jem ZR44 Fog Machine Mac 250 Entour Moving Effect Head Source 4 Par 575w Source 4 Par with Wide Lens Source 4 Par with Medium Lens Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 QTY 24 4 4 8 16 2 24 14 48 2 2 4 1 3 1 1 1 2 8 8 8 8 2 4 8 2 2 7 4 5 15 5 5 15 20 10 10 7 2 5 12 12 10 (42) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Low Stand Barndoor Quick Trigger Clamp Chauvet Colorado 144 LED Batten Martin Mac Aura LED Moving Wash 16A to Powercon Cable G Truss Clamp 15kg Safety bond Selecon Rama HP Fresnel 1200w Selecon Rama Barndoor Source 4 23/50° Profile 750w TV Spigot Adaptor 29mm 5m Wind-up Heavy Duty Zenith Stand Stand Top Truss Adaptor 200mm - 400mm Aluminum Scaff 48mm OD x 1.5m Black Dig 18Ch D/system 18 x 15A + Socapex DMX Splitter 1 into 5 63A 3PH Red Cable 5m 63A 3PH Plut go 82A Multipole Dimmer Mains Patch Lead Socapex 19PIN Cable 30m Socapex 19PIN Cable 20m Socapex 19PIN Cable 15m Socapex 19PIN Cable 10m Socapex 240V Parallel Splitter Socapex Plug – 6 x 16A Sockets Staggered Socapex Plug – 6 x 16A Socket Box+Thru Socapex Plug – 6 x 16A Socket Box 32A IPH Blue Cable 5m 32A IPH Blue Cable 20m 32A IPH To 4 x 16A Distro Unit DMX 5 Pin XLR Cable 50m DMX 5 Pin XLR Cable 30m DMX 5 Pin XLR Cable 20m DMX 5 Pin XLR Cable 10m DMX 5 Pin XLR Cable 5m DMX 5 Pin XLR Cable 2m 16A 1PH Blue Cable 20m 16A 1PH Blue Cable 10m 16A 1PH Blue Cable 5m 16A 1PH Blue Cable 3m 16A Plug to 3 x 16A Sockets Adaptor 16A Plug to 4 x 13A Sockets HT1700 700w Lamp (Mac 700) HPL 575/750w Lamp (Source 4 Par) HPL 750 750w Lamp (Source 4 Profile) CSD/MSD 250w Lamp (Mac250) User Guide – jDimmer Fastfit 700w 240v Lamp (AB700) T29 1200w Lamp (Cantata Rama) Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 10 12 8 6 5 6 4 14 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 36 1 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 6 1 4 4 8 2 4 8 12 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 (43) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 AUDIO VISUAL Panasonic Projectors Panasonic HD 3 Chip Lens (1.8-2.6:1) Panasonic HD 3 Chip Lens (2.6-5.0:1) DVI Optical Cable Kramer DVI DA 1:4 HDCP Barco Presentation Pro II Kramer FC32 DVI PC Component Apple iMAC Apple MacBook Pro (13”) Apple MacBook Pro (15”) Playback Pro Instant Dongle 24” Dell Monitor 32a Distribution to 6 x 16a 32a TRS SET/PROPS Tables Flags Plant Pots Banner Tarpualines Green Recycle Bins. Large Plastic Boxes Small Plastic boxes Ironing Board Metal Paper tray Mirophone Inflatable Globes Camera Tripod Table Banners Metal trolley Plastic Shredders Table Mic Stand EPDM Padding Globe Stand Chair Spare Chair Box of reusable A4 papers Waist Belt Weights RADIO COMMUNICATION Motorola GP340 Two Way Radio Motorola Belt Clips Multi Unit 6 Way Chargers Two Wire Covert Kit PTT/MIC Spare Li-Ion Batteries Lightweight Headsets Leather Carry Case & Shoulder Strap Transit Cases COSTUMES – (1 x Costume Flight Case - ) Male Shirts Male Trousers Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (44) 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 20m 5 2 4 1 3 6 15 15 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 2 1 15 1 1 1 1 6 10 10 2 6 5 4 5 2 10 5 Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Male Ties Male Shoes Female Shirts Female Trousers Female Skirts Female Tights Female Shoes Climbers Jumpers Climbers Trousers Climbers Shoes Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 3 5 3 1 2 3 3 5 5 5 (45) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889 Appendix 18: Show Times The show can be performed no more than once each day. The show is approximately fifty five (55) minutes long. There is a fifteen (15) minute Prelude which is played at the beginning of the show. This can be shortened or lengthened as required by the Promoter but must not be less than five (5) minutes. The show start time must be discussed and confirmed with Wired Aerial Theatres Technical Director. It is vital that the show is performed in the dark as the projection used is show critical. Technical Director - Jamie Ogilvie jamie@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7766 058573 (46) Production Manager - Gareth Green production@wiredaerialtheatre.com +44 (0) 7709 792889