Issue 7 - Puma UK
Issue 7 - Puma UK
1 EDITORIAL Assistan t EDITOR Bruce P : otter, 3 rd degr b l a ck b ee e lt T a e k won-Do EDITOR: egree min, 4th d Bruce Lam o o Taekw n-D black belt Welcome to edition 7 of Planet P.U.M.A. Once again the calendar has been packed over the past few months with many highlights including winter camp, the black belt grading and of course the 8th ITF Junior World Championships. We’d like to start by congratulating all those who were successful at the recent black belt grading including our very own assistant editor Mr Potter, now 3rd degree black belt. We hope to have a full list of results in the next edition of Planet P.U.M.A. along with a write up of the presentation evening. Back to this issue now and we have to start with the 8th Junior World Championships held this September in Australia. After a long build up Team UK, including a large P.U.M.A. contingent, headed to Australia with high expectations. Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the past few months you are probably all aware that for the first time in ITF World Championships history England headed the overall medal table. To celebrate the team’s unprecedented success we have a full colour write up. Turn to page 15 and find how everyone did. In addition we also have write ups of a number of the fund raising events organized to help finance the trip, including a UKITF fight night, a band night and a very long run to mention but a few. Team UK would like to thank everyone who organized, participated in or came along to any of these events. As per usual we have all your regular favourites including the welcome return of the Tang Soo-Do column with a thorough guide to the second Bo form. Mr. McCabe runs through the various types of Taekwon-Do movements whilst Mr. Jones dispenses valuable kickboxing footwork tips. The health and fitness column this month concentrates on our younger readers with Mrs Sue Raven providing expert advice. I addition to all of the above Dr Matthew Lloyd looks into the science of diets, what the body needs and why. We also have an interview with some of the many members of the Stokes clan, P.U.M.A.’s very own martial arts dynasty, as well as a write up of an Urban Combatives seminar. As always please get in touch and let us what you like, anything you don’t (surely not?) and what you’d like to see in future editions. If you have any ideas for articles or would like to get involved with Planet P.U.M.A. in any way then don’t hesitate to let us know. And finally our thanks go to the Stokes Family for undergoing this issue’s interview and their instructor Mr Malcolm Jones for interviewing them. Father Les asked us to print a few words from him in return, which we’re only too glad to do... “On behalf of all the Stokes and Marish family we would like to thank Mr Jones for the input and encouragement he has given to us towards our achievements within P.U.M.A. Because of his dedication and commitment to us as individuals, each one of use has achieved our own personal goals. He has brought us far within the P.U.M.A. family, allowing some of us to achieve things we never thought we could. Mr Jones is an excellent instructor, which is why he is well respected by all of his students. We are happy to follow in his footsteps by teaching and passing on the knowledge he has given us. Once again, our biggest thanks to an awesome instructor. Thanks for all you’ve done Sir, we will never forget it.” Until next time, happy reading… 2 3 THE STOKES FAMILY Blandford’s Stokes Clan have been training forever and have a ludicrous number of years of training between them. Mr Malcolm Jones corralled some of them - Dad Les, daughters Karen and Kim and his brother Rob - into a room together for a debriefing session. Some of the Stokes family: Eddy, Karen, Kim and Dad Les (With Mr Jones peaking out from the back So how did the great Stokes dynasty start then? Karen. I used to struggle with the Taekwon-Do theory, and I always used to find it difficult to remember patterns and other set sequences, and I found myself getting uninterested in it. Kickboxing is just more me. I want to get in the ring, the fitness side of the training is more my thing rather than the theory side of it. Les. It was a coincidence really, Mr Jones (yourself) started work at the factory where I was working and had told me that he was setting up a school for juniors. My children were just at the right age to start, two of them started at the age of six. Who was that? Les. Kim and Kelly. Karen and Eddy joined a couple of years later Rob. I started in 2000 with Mr Stokes. when they turned six. He’s your brother. Ok, you’ve mentioned Kelly, Kim, Karen and Eddy, are there any other members of the Stokes family that train? Both past Rob. Yes that’s right, he started teaching a class in Sturminster Newton. I started because I took my son along, then when the and present. class started to dwindle away as they normally do when they Karen. There’s Laura. She’s just started kickboxing, she’s sixteen get to the higher grades. So I knew that my brother had put a years old and has been doing Kickboxing for about six months. lot of effort into keeping the school going so I decided to help him keep the numbers up. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done Sir. What relation is Laura? Les. I’m a second degree black belt in Taekwon-Do, and I Karen. She’s our step sister. started training in 1993. Now I help Miss Stokes teach at Any others? Sturminster Newton. Rob. There’s Liam, he used to do Taekwon-Do, and he got to And you do virtually everything in P.U.M.A. don’t you? blue belt. You’re a well recognised face, do you go to all the camps? Now Liam’s your son isn’t he? Les. Yes I do. I enjoy the camps very much, lots of friendly people and the more people you get to know the friendlier it gets. Rob. Yes, he’s the reason I got into it originally. Now Dee, my wife, is currently a 1st Kup red belt and hopes to take her black belt some time in the future. I know you’re all a close family. How do you all get on together? Karen. Then there’s Gavin, he’s our little step brother. He’s ten years old and he’s been doing Kickboxing for about a year. And he also does Taekwon-Do. Kim. We’ve always been a close family, we’ve obviously grown up together. Now we’ve all grown up and have different lives and okay, we still have our moments like all families do, but we’ve always been close and always will, we’ll always look after each other. Kim. He started in the Little P.U.M.A.s, he actually got to black belt with Little P.U.M.A.s and now he’s a green belt. What martial arts do you study within P.U.M.A.? Okay your dad said you started when you were six. Has it changed much in your time? I know how protective you are of each other, there was that time a couple of weeks ago when I was doing some ‘rough sparring’ FAST-defence style with your brother, and you wanted to step in to protect him. Kim. Obviously it’s changed more for me because I’m involved a lot more now. When we first started it was with a different group, it’s a lot nicer now, when Kelly used to go along to the training sessions she wasn’t made to feel welcome, it was kind of like you were forced to go. Now it’s a lot friendlier and everyone knows everybody else. I suppose that’s because it’s a slightly smaller unit now and a lot more comfortable. Kim. Yes definitely, but we’ve always been like it. I suppose when you’ve got a family like we’ve got that are so close and have always done everything together, you know we all did Taekwon-Do together, we all went swimming together, we all went to gymnastics, we all did everything together and because we we’re all so young when we started we didn’t have a choice, we had to be with each other. Karen. I got to second degree in Taekwon-Do, I started the same as Kim when I was six. Then I switched from Taekwon-Do to Kickboxing, because it suited me more. I’m currently a brown belt white stripe. Anyone want to add anything to that? Kim. Taekwon-Do Why do you think it suits you more? 4 Karen. Yes we might have our differences but when it comes to Taekwon-Do or Kickboxing we’re always there for each other, whether it’s for gradings or fights or presentation evenings, we’ve all been there. It’s nice to see. And I think everyone in P.U.M.A. knows the Stokes family. Les, you’ve mentioned to me before that getting all your children into Taekwon-Do and consequently spending a large amount of money on them was the best thing you’ve ever done. Can you explain that? think you’re God, kids are always coming up to me and telling me what they’ve been doing, and saying “Ma’am you’re brilliant” and all that, which means you have to be humble. Don’t get me wrong, it’s very nice to know that people respect you and it is a confidence boost.. Les. I think a lot of people must find it quite hard, in some cases it is quite expensive to be able to do everything. At one point we had four children doing it at the same time, but it’s the best money I’ve ever spent. I saw the confidence in the children when they had progressed and the improvement in their self confidence has paid dividends. They’re all maturing into excellent adults in their own right. The money… well, it’s really nothing for what you get back out of it. Les. I would echo what Miss Stokes has just said the confidence thing and also the fitness. P.U.M.A. has lots of families training, what advice would you give them in order to persevere with their chosen art? Some of you teach, what can you tell us about your students? Kim. Well my mum and dad used to bribe us (laughs) We had to go, we weren’t allowed not to go. If we felt tired or anything, they used to say “right we’re going to take a pound out of your pocket money if you don’t go” so that was that.. We went. Karen. They’re great. Most of them come along and actually want to learn. You do get the odd disruptive one though. Yes Sir, your fitness is legendary. Les. I can distinctly remember my first lesson. It was a squad session that you did in the old school gym and I stumbled in at around 13 stone. Ever since then my fitness has never been a problem. How do you deal with that? That’s a straightforward answer. Karen. The point is it was never an option not to go. You know the excuse of “I’m a bit tired tonight” just didn’t work. It’s stood us in good stead, because there’s loads of times when I don’t want to go now, but I always do and we’re all truly grateful for that. Les. Of course the classes need to be enjoyable, with a good instructor and of course we used to say the usual thing of “Well, if you really don’t want to go, then give it another month and see how you go’. Once the children forgot about why they didn’t want to go then they’d be back into it again. Things will crop up, stuff like boyfriends or girlfriends. I tried not to put pressure on them, but just try and ride out that period for a little while and keep them in because there’s a good chance that they’ll get over that hurdle and go on to flourish. Has martial arts changed your life in any way? Rob. Yes, for me it has. I was very nervous, I wouldn’t talk to anybody when I first came to the Blandford class because I’d only trained in Sturminster Newton. I couldn’t look you in the eyes Sir, because I was too shy. It’s brought me out of myself a bit more if that makes sense. I’m not very good at patterns, I’m not very good at lots of things but I always try and do my best and you always encourage us to get the best out of ourselves, and you and Mr Stokes have brought that out in me and now I’m not so shy, and I feel more confident And you think the training has done that? Rob. Yes, because the club is so nice it’s like a big family. There are no bad vibes, it’s all encouragement to bring the best out of somebody. Karen. You’ve basically got to put them in their place and say “Look, if you don’t want to be here don’t be here”. I think you should give them a couple of chances, obviously there are some people that don’t really understand the rules but I just feel that if they’re disrupting the class then it’s not fair on everyone else in the class that wants to learn. But my students are brilliant, because I’m quite close friends with a lot of people I train with. I get to train and teach with them, which is brilliant because you see both sides and they respect you in the class. They’re all there for different reasons, Some want to fight in the ring, some want to hit the pads, which is good because you get a variety when you’re teaching, but they all put 100% in all the time. Kim. I’d just say the same really, you know to go to a job and actually enjoy it is something everybody wants. It’s great when kids come up to you and say “look Ma’am what I’ve done today”, telling me about their school and what they’ve done. It’s really nice to know you’re respected, and it’s an honour to teach kids life skills especially with the Little P.U.M.A.s. I love doing all the stranger drills and talking to them, it’s like when we went to the fire station, they absolutely loved it. That’s brilliant how many martial art groups would do something like that? If a student leaves for some reason like moving area I get quite emotional because they’ll always give me little presents or flowers which is really nice to know how much they appreciate what you’ve done for them. When people do things like that you think “blimey they’re the ones that pay me, they’re the ones that help me live my dream, and I should be thanking them”. What other interests do you have? Karen. Mine is confidence because when I was younger I was very fiery. I’ve found that I’ve been able to channel that temper, that’s probably why Kickboxing suits me more, hitting the pads and stuff, especially teaching. My confidence has grown because it makes you realise how much you know and can pass on. That’s something that I’ve noticed about you especially since you started teaching. Do you think that you’d have been like that anyway? Kim. For me I find that a difficult question, because you’ll never know what you would have been like because it’s what I’ve done for twenty years. I’m different to Karen because I was always following Kelly’s footsteps, Kelly used to watch out for me at school and I always used to hang out with her so I didn’t need that extra confidence. I’m not sure if I would have been confident enough without it. Like Karen says the confidence now comes from the teaching. Parents come up to you and say their kids A really old picture of Kim, Kelly and Karen 5 Karen & Kim. Partying and socialising. How far do you think you can go? Les. Walking, cycling, hiking, and backpacking, lots of physical stuff. Karen. Well I feel lucky because I’ve got age on my side. I train with people who are older and they say oh, it’s alright for you, you’re young, but I’ll obviously keep going until my age is a problem. I’d love to be more involved with P.U.M.A. kickboxing, whether it’s at gradings or anything else. I’m really keen to experience the other side of kickboxing not just the competing but the refereeing as well. Rob, you run a farm don’t you? Rob. Yes I do but that’s my job. I do like shooting. I’m a part time game keeper, I enjoy that a lot, but not for the shooting of the pheasants. I enjoy working my dogs. What dogs do you have? Rob. My future is to carry on with my Taekwon-Do. I would like to go for my second degree, I shan’t rush it as I find it very difficult to do the patterns, but I’ll keep plodding along until my body says I can’t take any more. Rob. Two black Labradors and a spaniel. Fantastic, I have a black lab too. Rob. I love getting out with the dogs. If I’ve got time I also enjoy a bit of river fishing and beach fishing down on the Dorset coast. Les. My future is to continue to attend events like presentation evenings and to support anyone who’s had the conviction to see it through, especially my own family. I’d like to go and watch Karen fighting and maybe see Kim reach fifth degree. Les, I think I can guess your answer to this question, but what is the proudest moment in your martial art careers? Les. My proudest moments…that’s so hard because once you think you’ve got a favourite another one comes along to beat it. Obviously as the children have gone up through the ranks and get their black belts - Kim’s got her fourth degree, which is excellent after twenty years of training. And Karen’s coming up for her Kickboxing black belt in the near future, which I’m sure will be a very nice event. However my latest moment was when my brother got his black belt, because I was his instructor and he’s the first person I’d trained to that level. I can remember when I went to tell him I went to the farm to tell him personally and I’m not ashamed to admit I shed a few tears when we met. That’s my latest, but I’m hoping there’ll be lots more to come. Kim. Mine’s just really to see me carrying on as I am really, I’m happy with what I’m doing at the moment. Because I’m really proud of what I’ve done over the years, and keep going through the grades although to be honest I’m due to take my fifth degree next year, but I’m not in any rush to do it. If you’re going to do a grading at that level you need to be walking-talking Taekwon-Do every minute of the day. Rob. Definitely me getting my black belt, seeing Les’s face and your face Sir, because Mr Stokes was my instructor, but you helped me through it as well. Something topped that, it was my wife getting a credit at her red belt grading after having previously been unsuccessful. That affected her pretty badly. Mr Stokes got some fish and chips and sat down with her to explain what happened. Just one last question, what things would you like to see introduced to P.U.M.A.? Because you’re getting married next year aren’t you? Kim. Yes Sir, but really I just want it to keep going as it is now. We’ve got 130 students that I teach and I just don’t want it to end. Rob. Not much really. I think it’s really nice everyone is really close and friendly, it’s really like having a big family. There are no real strangers in P.U.M.A.. The family network is already there, any new members come straight into the family. Karen. Even though they’re different I would like Taekwon-Do, Tang Soo-Do and Kickboxing to be treated as one. People will say things to me that maybe they’d be too afraid to say to the Rob. (Laughs). It worked, she was so much better the second people in charge, but I know from the people that I speak to that time around, even I’ll say there was a tear in my eye that day. they’d like the top people in P.U.M.A. to be more involved in the Master Gayle gave her a credit and that topped it for me Sir. kickboxing side of it. I’d like to see a lot more Taekwon-Do Karen. Mine would probably be gaining my Taekwon-Do black people coming to our Kickboxing shows to support us. It would belt but I must say what topped it for me was winning my first full also be nice if we could get like a P.U.M.A. bus, like the Dream contact kickboxing fight. If I get my kickboxing black belt that will Team have their own bus, so a lot more people who maybe probably be my proudest moment. couldn’t travel to the various events have a means of transport. Maybe the money could be raised somehow. I know the Kim. Probably my fourth degree. I must say I am really proud of Taekwon-Do team have had fund raising events all year round my little brother Gavin though. I know I’m protective of him the for their trip to Australia, why can’t we have some sort of help to same as I was with Eddy when he was little. But I’m really support us? pleased and proud that he does both kickboxing and TaekwonDo, I’m always telling people about that. He trains all the time, 2 Les. Because I’ve got one daughter in each camp, I get to see or 3 hours training a day, and he’s awesome and brilliant. the same sort of thing: kickboxing, they want it –but they don’t Personally my fourth degree is my proudest moment but to me want it. It’s not a criticism just an observation. Like Karen says, it’s seeing people close to me achieving something because for whatever reason it seems isolated. there’s nothing better than getting something yourself, except Kim. I agree with all of that but because kickboxing is a seeing someone else get it. It’s like when you got your sixth relatively new thing, you have to keep turning up to P.U.M.A. degree Sir, I’m driven by other people’s successes. Like for events to make them take notice of you, and then all of a instance when Karen fights it makes you so proud to know that sudden everybody will recognise kickboxing for what it is. person and to have helped them along the way. Thank you very much for your time and thoughts, it’s a What does the future hold for you? shame Eddy couldn’t have been here. I’d just like to take Karen. I’d like to be like my sister and have loads of classes all this opportunity to say that it’s been an absolute pleasure over. I’d love to be able to do what she does and give up my to be part of your lives for so long and here’s to many more day job and do something that I love and pass on my knowledge years to come. to loads of people. To have a class every day of the week would be brilliant. Obviously there’s competing and getting as high as I can through the grades. If I get knocked back at a grading or get knocked down in a fight, I just get up, learn from it and carry on. Ah! Fish and chips, essential food to ease the hurt. 6 Chairman Master Gayle confronts his vilest adversary: the sinister Helium Lad™ On June 17th P.U.M.A. hosted the first UKITF Fight Night at the Oasis Leisure Centre in Swindon. The event was staged to raise money to help fund competitors going to the 8th ITF Junior World Championships being staged in Melbourne Australia this September and was attended by hundreds of spectators. The night offered something for everyone with a spectacular mixture of sparring and demonstrations. The Flowering Youth Team trained by Master Gayle showed exceptional skill, power and control whilst demonstrating all aspects of traditional Taekwon-Do including patterns, set sparring and breaking. A Tang Soo-Do team lead by Mr Steve Weyman (P.U.M.A. Tang Soo-Do coordinator) gave two fantastic demonstrations which included traditional patterns along with some highly impressive weapons and self defence exhibitions. There were further freestyle weapons demonstrations by Mr Brett Dowling and Mr Kieran Sith. Last, but by no means least, the crowd were treated to a couple of dynamic rounds of exhibition sparring between Master Rayle Gayle and Mr Andrew Humphries. Faster than the eye: Brett Dowling In addition to all of the above spectators got to see some of England’s finest fighters in action including current and former world champions and almost certainly a number of future world champions. Many of those students due to compete at the Junior World Championships in Melbourne faced off against each other for their respective organizations which produced some truly world class bouts. Overall P.U.M.A. came out victorious but in truth this wasn’t really important. There was a fantastic atmosphere and the night was a great success thanks to the attitude of everyone involved from the organizers to the competitors and most importantly the spectators. The Tang Soo-Do folk show their stuff A huge thank you to everyone who supported the event, which raised over £3,000 for the UKITF junior team going to Australia! Kickboxers Karen Stokes and Sam Spinney show what P.U.M.A. kickboxing has to offer Phil Whitlock takes one on the chin for our amusement. Good show. 7 7 Diets and dieting are an immensely important aspect of any physical training programme. Many people think of diets only in the context of reducing body weight, but diets are the total nutrients taken into the body in the form of food and drink. The diet consists of macroscopic nutrients which are required in gram quantities each day (protein, sugars and fats, some salts and water), and microscopic nutrients (vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids etc) which are required in microgram to milligram quantities. The amounts of each of these nutrients will vary considerably between people, since the amounts required will be influenced by intrinsic factors (such as age, gender, body weight etc) and environmental factors (what type of training you are doing, how much other exercise you take etc). in food will depend on its exact source, but generally speaking protein from animals will have a more similar composition to that in humans compared to protein from plant sources. Consequently if animal proteins are not included in the diet it is important to have several different sources of plant proteins to minimize the risk of not having enough of any particular amino acid. This is especially important for vegans, who of course cannot obtain animal proteins from milk and other dairy products. Carbohydrate (sugars) Carbohydrates are the main dietary energy source for the body. They can be found in many different forms, such as complex sugars including starch, sucrose (table sugar), lactose (from milk), and simple sugars such as glucose and fructose (found in many fruits and some soft drinks). When sugars are taken in as part of the diet, complex sugars are broken down into simple sugars and transported to the liver. These sugars are then processed by converting them into glucose, which can then be stored (as glycogen) or distributed to other tissues. The processing of sugars can be quite variable within the human population, and not all individuals are able to process every sugar. For example, a significant proportion of the U.K. population cannot tolerate milk and some other diary products in their diet due to the presence of lactose. These individuals lack a particular enzyme (lactase) in their digestive system which means they are unable to break down lactose (the main sugar in milk) to its simple sugars (glucose and galactose). This results in a build up of fluid in the digestive system, leading to the observed symptoms. The condition can sometimes be treated by giving a lactase supplement (See your GP or Pharmacist for advice). A poor diet will result in the athlete performing below their optimum levels, and can lead to tiredness or even make them ill. The use of vitamins and mineral supplements was discussed in a previous article (Planet P.U.M.A. 3, December 2005, 16 - 17). The purpose of this article is to explain the functional role of the major nutrients in the body. Proteins and amino acids Protein in food is actually a mixture of a large number of different proteins and peptides, which are composed of amino acids linked together in a defined sequence by peptide bonds. Protein in the diet has several functions but one of the main reasons that it is required is so the individual can make tissues of various sorts, including muscle. When protein is eaten, the digestive system breaks the peptide bonds to release the individual amino acids, and these are absorbed into the blood stream and distributed to the tissues that need them. These can then be re-linked together to form the human proteins required at the time. When excess protein is eaten or under certain starvation conditions, proteins can be broken down into their amino acids and are used to produce energy. These amino acids can be used directly to make energy or converted into carbohydrates (see below) and stored for later use. Different tissues have different requirements in terms of what types of food they can use to produce energy, with some tissues (blood and brain) having strict requirements for glucose as their primary energy source. Consequently, blood glucose levels are tightly controlled and the body stores it in the form of glycogen in the liver. When more glucose is needed but is not available from the diet, glycogen can be Around 20 different amino acids can be linked together to converted back into glucose and used to produce energy. make the various proteins. These amino acids can be further Since a reasonable amount of energy can be stored as classified into essential amino acids (those which must be glycogen (roughly equivalent to that required to live for one obtained from the diet) and non-essential amino acids (those entire day) this store can be used during prolonged periods of that can be made from other amino acids by the body). In intense exercise. This glycogen reserve can be built up by humans the essential amino acids are lysine, tryptophan, ‘carbo loading’, that is eating large amounts of foods rich in phenylalanine, threonine, valine, methionine, leucine, carbohydrates (such as pasta, bread etc) for several days isoleucine, with histidine being an additional essential amino acid for children. Tyrosine is made from phenylalanine, and is before an event such as a marathon. A similar regimen may also be useful to other athletes about to undertake a period of an essential amino acid if phenylalanine is not present in the diet. The exact composition of the protein (amino acid) mixture intense activity, such as a competition or a Black Belt grading. 8 aware that some components of the diet promote loss of water in the urine, including tea, coffee, caffeine-containing soft drinks and alcoholic drinks. It is therefore sensible to limit their intake if vigorous training is anticipated. Fats Fats are by far the most diverse group of foods and they have many different functions in the body, including making up the membranes that surround all cells. Although fats are a very rich source of energy it is generally recommended that their dietary intake is limited, although some fats are essential and have to be obtained from the diet. The body is capable of making fats from both proteins and carbohydrates and these can be stored over a long period of time to protect against periods of severe starvation. How much food do you need? The standard recommended amounts of energy each day are about 2000 calories (8400 kilojoules) for women and about 2500 calories (10500 kilojoules) for men, assuming an ‘average’ modern sedentary life style. However, these numbers are guidelines only and other factors will influence The main function of dietary fats appears to be to provide how much energy you need in order to function. These factors micro-nutrients such as the fat-soluble vitamins and essential can be inherent (such as age and gender) or environmental fatty acids. The whole issue of fats in the diet is complex, (such as your height, weight, or how much exercise you are since some fats have been linked to heart disease and some taking as part of your job or during leisure activities). cancers whilst others appear to have a wide range of Obviously if you do a manual job or are training hard you will beneficial effects. It is therefore difficult to make any specific need more calories than someone who is taking a smaller recommendations but it is probably sensible to limit saturated amount of exercise. Similarly large people or people who are fat intake and to ensure that some fat from plant sources is growing a lot (especially children and young adults) could present in the diet. need more calories than their size might suggest. For many people it is advisable to have a small carbohydrate-rich snack Water and other liquids before training in the evening especially if you have not eaten much at lunch time. If you are doing a manual job or require a In terms of actual weight, the overwhelming majority of the larger amount of energy for some reason then the amount of human body is composed of water (65 to 75 percent of an food might need to be increased. This snack should usually be adult human). This is because body tissues are bathed in water containing all the required nutrients and water makes up taken 2 to 3 hours before commencing training, although this might need adjustment to suit the particular individual. the majority of every cell in the body. The amount of water needed in the diet can vary considerably between people, In many cases finding the correct amount of calories and type since it depends on intrinsic factors (body weight and shape, of food is a matter of trial and error. As a general rule if you gender etc), external factors (how much exercise you are are feeling tired over a long period of time (several days to a taking, how much water is in present in food) and few weeks) it could mean that you have an insufficient calorie environmental factors (temperature and humidity). These or protein intake, assuming that you are sleeping about 8 factors will also determine how much salt you need, and this hours each night (adolescents often require more sleep than will be discussed in more detail in a subsequent article. this). For general training it is best to have a diet where most of the energy is obtained from carbohydrates with some Determining the amount of water you need is in some protein and a smaller amount of fats, but if you are trying to respects more straight-forward than determining how much build muscle then you will need to increase both your protein food, since the need for water can be monitored by the and calorie intake. Checking your weight at regular intervals sensation of thirst. Thirst is a physiological response to not can help assess whether your diet is working, but be aware having enough water, but it is possible to become quite that muscle weighs more than fat and so you can end up dehydrated before feeling thirsty and under some conditions you can lose quite a lot of water without feeling very thirsty. A putting on weight if you are training hard. Seek professional more reliable method is to check the colour of urine, since this advice before radically changing your diet if you have a gives a ready measure of hydration level. The more yellow the serious medical condition. colour the more dehydrated you are. It is also worth being Matthew D. Lloyd is Lecturer in Pharmacy & Pharmacology at the University of Bath, and has a DPhil (PhD) in Chemistry and Biochemistry from the University of Oxford. He has practiced Tae-Kwon-Do for over 20 years and was promoted to III Dan in 2005. Disclaimer: This article is for information only. Always consult a health-care professional if you need individual advice. 9 9 Aarrggh, we’ve created a monster. It’s reached two pages already... Dear Sirs, Can you please relay my thanks and astonishment at the generosity of our P.U.M.A. members. The idea of running 46K for my 46th Birthday was almost achieved by myself and Mr Bishop running 40K (25 miles), with no training whatsoever and Mr Bishop turning up with a bottle of water and his Mum's plimsolls from junior school. I was pleased with what was achieved. I have been suffering with an IT band injury for some time, so after 40K decided we were doing more harm than good. Mr Bishop was also complaining about his corns on his big toe. Mr Burdock also made a cameo performance of running 12 miles. The money is still pouring in and we have received £400 from the Scottish members of P.UM.A. alone. I believe the final total to be well over £1000. With all the other hard work put in with different fund-raising events we have made a huge difference to our team going out to Australia. Thank you to all members of P.U.M.A. for their generous support. Mr Chris Wood I wake up in the morning and check the calendar straight away To see what plans I have, mainly for Taekwon-Do that day. I have another life you know, but it is not easy to find, I am sure if I just carry on, no-one will really mind. For my loving little boy, I’ll look out his Taekwon-Do kit He loves doing it after school, it keeps him nice and fit Tomorrow after school I’m sure, with him I can play Or perhaps if I’m needed, it will have to wait a day. I have another life you know, but it is not easy to find I am sure if I just carry on, no-one will really mind. An occasional feature where we find people in P.U.M.A. who look a bit like somebody famous. These first efforts are courtesy of Miss Louise Reeve and Miss Katy Carr... I return from the school run and into my office I go I sit for hours with paperwork, and more on the phone Oops I should have done the shopping I have run out of food Oh well, I am sure my husband can sort things out, I’m really sure he could. I plan the demonstrations I have for this weekend I chase the fees, the orders and the entry forms to send I look through all my emails and reply to everyone I just have to remind myself that Taekwon-Do can be fun. It’s time to go and race off to teach, I miss my lunch and tea, But I have four classes to run and students I need to see. I arrive home at 10pm, tired and needing fed I go straight up to his room and kiss his sleeping head I promise that tomorrow will be a better day I promise that tomorrow I will try to find the time to have a little play. “If I smack myself in the lips for ten seconds I look just like Angelina Jolie...” “...whereas if I do this I’m a dead ringer for Jennifer Aniston.” I have another life you know, but it is not easy to find I love my Taekwon-Do you know, but does he really mind? NEXT TIME: David Beckham probably. 10 BOOK REVIEW: Ch'ang Hon Taekwon-do Hae Sul - Real Applications to the ITF Patterns: Volume 1 As a serious collector of Taekwon-Do books and training manuals, I rate this book as the most important book about the Chang Hon style of Taekwon-Do released since the 15 volume encyclopaedia was published. I have a large collection of Taekwon-Do books but they are all pretty much clones of General Choi’s books. They all follow the same format that the original book on Taekwon-Do (published 1965) started, in that the applications listed are all the same. The format being a block is a block and a strike is a strike. Have you ever wondered why the application shown for 9th kup technique such as low section outer forearm block is the same application shown for a first degree technique such as 9 shape block? Why are there so many tools that all perform the same function according to the existing manuals? If you have a spanner that fits a nut perfectly and it works well why would you want another hundred spanners that do the same job? Anslow’s book is completely different and packed with interesting, informative, useful, inspirational and perhaps controversial information. The first few chapters provide the background to the approach taken in the book, the Korean roots of Taekwon-Do and the link from Shotokan Karate, and from then on it’s down to the pattern applications themselves. Each fundamental exercise and pattern from Sajo Makgi to Toi Gye is treated to a comprehensive chapter which provides detailed explanations of possible alternative self defence applications for each individual move and step. There is a wealth of photographs to accompany each technique which make the applications very easy to follow. A Grand Day Out. Four ladies and seven men from Gravesend Taekwon-Do took part in two charity races on Blackheath, South London on 2nd July 2006. The ladies ran in the morning’s Race for Life which raised money for Cancer Research and in the afternoon the men entered the Run for Moore in aid of The Bobby Moore Fund for Bowel Cancer. The course, which was used for both events, was 5km long and the temperature was a sweltering 33 Celsius! The ladies completed the course together under the beating sun in a respectable 50 minutes but the competitive men ran the whole course and all finished around the 30 minute mark, ahead of Matthew Wright (The Wright Stuff) and David Seaman. As part of the event, the men all wore Bobby Moore t-shirts with the famous number 6 on the back. The men’s team: Mr Michael Coates (supportive father), Mr Joseph Coates, Mr Paul Lockhart, Mr Scott Carnell, Mr David Harper, Mr Victor Fagence and Mr Toby Fagence The great thing is the applications suggested actually fit the patterns as they are normally performed - the piece must fit the jigsaw as intended, you should not have to alter the jigsaw so the piece fits (a rough paraphrase!). At the start of each chapter there is also a wealth of information on the Korean characters and mythology that relate to the pattern meanings - three pages on the meaning of Dan Gun alone! If you have ever been dissatisfied with the stock answers to why we perform various pattern movements, or if you want to find out how to get the best from your reaction hand (have you ever even thought about it before?) then you need this book. It is the missing link between pattern practice and workable self defence. You may not agree with everything in the book but it will certainly make you think and question which can only be a good thing. If I was forced to get rid of my collection and allowed to keep two reference manuals, I would keep the 15 volumes and Anslow’s. If you are serious about ITF Chang Hon Taekwon-Do this will be money well spent. Reviewed by Mr John Dowding, 3rd Degree Author: Stuart Paul Anslow Publisher: Exposure Publishing ISBN: 1846852528 RRP price: £24.99 11 The ladies team: Miss Rachel Obee, Mrs Alison Jones, Mrs Linda Fagence and Miss Natalie Pike KNIFE DEFENCE : Simon Peck checks out Lee Morrison’s Knife Defence workshop Lee Morrison radiates energy, enthusiasm and passion for his teaching. He is also capable on occasion of quite astonishing and intimidating bursts of speed, power and aggression. Lee is the founder and chief instructor of Urban Combatives, which is a functional self protection programme designed for today’s increasingly violent society. training is geared towards that. Situational control, escape and avoidance is always the priority, physical techniques being reserved for the situation where that is not possible. The physical techniques that are used are all gross motor movements which can be used under pressure and which have real stopping power such as tiger claws (palm strikes), Urban Combatives has its roots in both eastern martial arts knees strikes, hammer fists and elbows. The use of everyday and western combatives drawing on a wide range of concepts items such as Maglite torches, even keys and mobile phones and ideas from various sources including boxing, karate, Muay as improvised weapons is taught. But most important of all, is Thai, and Jeet Kune Do. The philosophy is to consider the mindset which allows you to access the necessary anything that works. Nothing fancy or theoretical here – every aggression and the will to keep going no matter what – or in one of the techniques and concepts taught have been tried the words of Bill Kipp the founder of FAST defence, the will to and tested in live situations. Lee has a wealth of experience fight until 5 minutes after you are clinically dead. There are from many years in door/security work as well as martial arts drills to develop this as well. training and we hope to include an interview with him a future For me the best workshop so far was the June counter-knife issue of the magazine. workshop. We started off with a talk on the reality of knife I came across his website whilst researching another article. The site was advertising a Sunday morning workshop and I decided to give it a try. I was hugely impressed and have attended all the subsequent workshops. Even though it’s a three hour drive I hope to continue to go as long as they are held and my wife continues to be understanding! attacks, viewing CCTV videos of real-life incidents and examining a horrific array of edged weapons which were on display including home-made tools made out of six-inch nails, a wooden knife designed to avoid metal detectors and some really frightening combat knives. The point was made strongly that the weapons themselves are less important than the intention to cause harm. In the hands of someone with intent, The principles of Urban Combatives are summarised in its a pencil, a piece of glass or a tin lid can be lethal. Even a child logo. The words self protection rather than self defence are used to emphasise that there is so much more to this than just with a knife is potentially dangerous. We also looked at some physical techniques. The idea is to recognise and prevent any photographs of the terrible injuries that can be inflicted. Faced potential situation before it develops. The cornerstone of what with this and the uncertainty of making any system work, the best defence then is always escape. is taught is awareness – of self, of environment and of the potential attacker. We know that in any physical situation we It has been said many times, including in this magazine, that a will experience fear and an adrenal reaction – as “stabber” rarely shows the weapon and that a “shower” rarely demonstrated so well in P.U.M.A.’s FAST courses and stabs. Someone who is hiding a weapon is therefore very something many of us have experienced for real. We learn to dangerous and with that in mind the first drill was aimed at cultivate awareness of our environment and the sort of threats shutting down such an opponent before he could access a we face. We know that today’s attacker is likely to be one of a weapon. Understanding the way in which weapons can be group, uses deception to disarm his victim before launching concealed and the body language cues is essential for this. an attack and we know that he is likely to be armed. This Attackers tend to conceal weapons against the body, cupped Some of the common ways knives are concealed. If you can't see the opponent’s hand - or he is standing in an unusual way - think weapon. 12 in the palm of the hand or hidden in the waistband of clothing. We studied the body language clues which may indicate that someone is hiding a weapon and then working in pairs, one person practiced concealing and accessing weapons whilst the other tried to prevent this launching an immediate offensive response. As with all the combative drills I have done so far the intensity was gradually increased starting with prearranged scenarios and then introducing random variation and then taking away compliance and adding in dialogue to create a more realistic situation. avoided at all costs for obvious reasons. All in all, this was a great session and echoed much of what was taught in the FAST weapons course. As with the other workshops I learned a huge amount and was very glad that I made the effort to go. I see this as an important part of my training now and hope to continue with these sessions in future. I would be happy to share a car with anyone from the Plymouth area or anywhere else along the route who wants to give it a go. We can even get back in time for the Sunday evening Taekwon-Do class! Interestingly the body language cues that we discussed were For further information about Urban Combatives see the there in the CCTV videos we watched and Lee recounted to website : us some real-life knife incidents in which he had been involved and where he had used these indicators to recognise and disarm a knife attacker before he had the chance to draw his weapon. The seminar then moved on to the worst-case scenario which is where the attacker has managed to draw a weapon and is too close for us to escape. In order to understand knife attacks we first did some basic training with knives learning how to hold a knife and to do various slashing and stabbing attacks. Having learned some basic offensive knife moves, we then practiced a “knife fence” which is a way of standing with a sort of protective cage made with the arms so if possible any cuts are taken on the outer part of the arm where they will do the least damage. From the knife fence and with our backs against the wall to cut off any possibility of retreating we worked in pairs and practiced basic knife fends against slashing and stabbing attacks which were followed immediately by explosive and aggressive forward attacks to disarm the attacker. The pressure and intensity was gradually increased. I found this very instructive and somewhat disturbing. A drill like this is a salutary lesson for anyone who thinks that martial arts training will prevent them from being cut. Despite my best efforts and knowing what was about to happen, my opponent repeatedly managed to slash and stab me and I ended up with a spectacular set of bruises to prove it! This was in a controlled environment. I can only imagine what it would be like if you add the fear and confusion of a real situation. But I did get better as we practised and came away feeling that I at least have a plan and a chance if this were to happen for real. As we were told several times, knives generally have very little stopping power and to survive you must keep attacking and fighting back even after being cut. This was brought home very well by one of the CCTV videos we watched where a man got into a stupid argument on a bus about a seat. Even more stupidly, he turned his back on the aggressor and was slashed. He then collapsed to the floor in a foetal position and was slashed again. As soon as the attacker left, he got up. The attacker was clearly disturbed or perhaps on drugs. The victim survived only because his attacker let him. Had the attacker wanted him dead – he would be. Stop the attacker from drawing his weapon... We also practised against opponents in padded outfits using role play. We have done these drills before and I find them very valuable as they include dialogue and are done with more realism. I didn’t put on padding this time – but I have done at a previous workshop and this gave me a new respect for our bulletmen – as even through the padding some people hit incredibly hard. And you certainly feel it. The final drills were for the situation that our awareness should never allow which is where an opponent has a knife pressed against your body or neck and is holding onto you. This is a very nasty and dangerous situation and to be ...then close him down. 13 13 With 190-odd attendees this year’s summer camp was the biggest and best in memory. Mr Ian Bedborough, 3rd degree black belt and Chudleigh instructor, recalls our week in Croyde Bay... Summer Camp 2006 was my 8th camp since I begun training in 1993 and since returning home I have pined or reminisced every day about this year’s camp. I tried to work out what has changed this year to make this one the best camp ever. Was it because it was an easier, more laid back camp which made it more accessible to families and a wider range of students? Was it the friendly, approachable and respectful attitudes of every single instructor, team leader, black belt, student and friend of the camp? Was it because I feel like I actually had a holiday, far removed from the distant past where I would book 2 weeks off work, knowing that by the end of that camp I would be in need of another break? Was it because I was able to approach anyone I chose, to be greeted with a smile and willingness to share knowledge and experience and increase my understanding of sine-wave and the Bo-Staff? Was it that I had a break from teaching Taekwon and lived the Do? Was it the relaxed, community atmosphere? Was it ‘Waxing Wednesday’ where I narrowly avoided losing some hair? Was it Friday’s bacon buttie and cuppa at the sandy dojang after Mr Black’s training session? Was it Mr Ferguson’s obvious and extensive experience, along with his admiration for the camaraderie and our genuine respect for each other? Was it the seminars in grappling, stick fighting, Bo-Staff, Self Defence and basics? Was it the variation on the uppercut I learned one night during a game called Yeehaw? Was it the management team trying to be serious without eyebrows? Probably. Only once did I leave our camp site and Croyde village for a local town, where I was confronted by hundreds of people, mostly with scowls on their faces. I found myself imitating this and in a bad mood. I needed to get back to the safety of that field I called home. Suddenly everything became clear. Master Gayle has been referring to moral culture more and more lately, as it not only promotes a healthy body and keen mind but good sportsmanship and the perfection of moral behaviour. The Tenets and Taekwon-Do oath both also reflect this, and there are references to it throughout the condensed encyclopaedia. Is it possible that for just one week we have, on a small scale achieved everything General Choi had dreamed, and built that more peaceful world? Taekwon - Ian Bedborough - Honoured to be a part of P.U.M.A. 14 The UKITF team, incorporating a lot of P.U.M.A.’s best and brightest, participated in the International Taekwon-Do Federation’s Eighth Junior World Championships, held in Geelong, Australia. Team coach Mr Daniel Lammin tells all. Miss Natasha Knapman (right) Special Techniques: a mint flying turning kick Some kicking madness Miss Natalie McColl (right) 15 Mr Steven “Steve-O” Watson hard at work Miss Jenny Francis mid-sparring Miss Jenny Francis declared winner Miss Melanie Evans flying high 16 The Canadian girls team show off their kicking prowess The Team UK girls patterns team The team, coaches and Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa on the winners rostrum 17 18 t h g I nd night to help Team UK John Francis organised a ba I was looking at ways to help raise funds for the ITF to help support the junior team going to Australia this September and thought of a Sparathon - but that’s been done - a fight night - no, someone’s beaten me to it - and shaving certain parts of my anatomy - but I couldn’t compete with Mr. Phil Whitlock and anyway I haven’t got that much hair left to shave off! So I thought of a Band Aid style concert. Well if it’s good enough for Mr. Geldof then it’s good enough for me. So several phone calls later to local bands I knew saw Saturday the 22nd. July as a band night held at Wootton Bassett. First band due on was “Emohawk”, but unfortunately due to a car accident the drummer couldn’t make it, and the Bass guitarist also didn’t play, which left our very own Mr. David Pixton (4th. Degree), performing on his own, in true indomitable spirit. on their way... Well, I couldn’t let him play on his own. Ashes of Emohawk “The Troubadours” made a special appearance and played a var iety of songs, mainly of their own material. ction of s next with a colle J.C. Leonard wa untry co a in h very muc his own material, ver co d od e th with and western style sh. Ca of Fire” by Johnny including “Rings rade”, an were “Fools Pa Following them . nd ba ck ro up and coming “Universal Addiction” livened up the evening with energetic perform ances of songs such as “Are You Gonna Be My Girl”, “Cross Roads” and “The Best Of You.” FMFU (Freshly Made for You) are an enthusiastic group of youngsters who played a selection from “Dani California” to “Summer of 69”. They also entertained the audience with a very energetic live performance,and got the girls going. Watch out for these last 2 bands (Universal Addiction and FMFU) as they could well be going places. Remember, you read it here first! 19 19 A small raffle was also organised with a large bottle of whiskey being the first prize. (Kindly donated by Marie Udall). All in all a good night was had by everybody, with over a 100 people and an approximate total of just over £500 was raised for Team UK 2006. The April 2006 winning junior essay by Ben McGeoch Why I started Taekwon-Do stand still and listen. Soon that stopped and I would never mess around in class now. Quite recently I have moved to the adult class and I think that has made me more mature. If I lose in a tournament I don't make a big fuss but I am disappointed. I try to learn from people better than me and practice what they did. I started Taekwon-Do in February 2002 when I was 7 years old. I came to know about it because lessons were starting in my school at that time, Christ Church Primary School. Some of my friends and family started with me. I had never been to anything like it before so I didn’t know what to expect but it was fantastic. I continued Taekwon-Do for reasons which I am going to explain later on in this essay. A major reason is that it gives opportunities to help others. Taekwon-Do has also made me fitter, stronger and more flexible. I can now do a lot of quite good press ups and sit ups and I can kick high. I do a lot of other sports and Taekwon-Do has made me better at these. Helping Others Variety In Taekwon-Do you help others by teaching them new moves. At the end of a lesson Ms Reeve asked me if I wanted to be an assistant instructor. My brother had been an assistant instructor for about 6 months. I was really pleased to be asked and of course I said “yes”. I got satisfaction from being able to help others. At first teaching proved to me that I needed to learn my theory better. I didn't always know the meaning of the patterns or the Korean words for the moves. I think it's special for me to be able to teach because I usually learn from people rather than teaching. This is because I am the youngest child in the family. I like the variety of Taekwon-Do because if you are not so good at one thing there are different aspects. Another way Taekwon-Do allows me to help others is through the demos. I do demos not just to entertain but for fund and to raise money for schools like Claremont. Claremont school is a school for disabled children and is also where I do some of my TaekwonDo classes. I think I have some of the best Taekwon-Do instructors there are. They tell me what to work on, they help me and they are funny at the same time. If you don't do well in a competition they say that it's having a good attitude that counts. Classes are always different too. Sometimes we do sparring, sometimes step sparring and other times we do patterns. Less often we do pad work. On the first Sunday of each month we have a class where everyone practices for the spirit test. This class is outdoors on the Downs and it is never cancelled whatever the weather. My Instructors My Schools Making new friends I make new friends in a number of ways in Taekwon-Do, not just at classes but also at tournaments and camps. At the team tournaments and the County tournament I have got to know the members of my own club better and I've made friends with people from other clubs. I have been on 3 P.U.M.A. junior camps and hope to go on the one this year too. I've enjoyed being in the teams and learning to get on with everyone. Last year I was the team leader which was a great opportunity to show my potential in teaching and being a leader. I was awarded a prize at the end of the camp and I was really, really pleased. I made some good friends but the sad thing is that some of them won't be coming this year because they are too old. 18 months into my Taekwon-Do training I moved to a new school which made it harder to go to classes and tournaments. This is because I have Saturday school and the days are long. I also have to play in various teams for my school. All this stopped me doing my Leadership Team. However, Ms Reeve and Mr Chance asked me if I wanted to join the adult classes and I said yes so I could do more training. I think I am lucky that Taekwon-Do lessons started in my school. If they hadn’t I might not have begun Taekwon-Do and I am very grateful for this because I would not have had so much fun and achieved what I have in Taekwon-Do. Gradings Gradings give you a sense that you are moving on and progressing. When I first started I did the purple stripe and orange stripe and I think that gave me confidence for the other belts. People who don't know very much about Taekwon-Do but are interested ask “What belt are you?” and I feel proud to tell them. Better person I think that Taekwon-Do has also made me a better person because it teaches you about moral culture – the good way of living. When I first started I was only 7 and I found it difficult to 20 DISCIPLINE IN MARTIAL ARTS A number of people have been on to me to write an article about discipline in martial arts schools. This is a topic close to my heart. Done correctly it allows children to grow physically, mentally and spiritually. Done badly it can leave emotional scars and a feeling that all martial arts are bad, which will perpetuate into future generations of potential students. The etiquette we have in our classes is an important first step in instilling a disciplined attitude in our students. However, this only works if we are the biggest etiquette role models in that class. I call ALL my students from 4 upwards ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’. From their very first lesson I tell them why we do this and lead from the front. I also explain the need for good discipline and role modelling to the parents of students. I encourage them all to stay and watch the classes so they can buy-in to the process. If you are a parent and you don’t regularly watch your children train you are missing out on an important element of the process. Over the years, my greatest successes as an instructor have been with children whose parents invest time in watching the classes and then reinforcing the message at home. Here are a few tips for discipline in Little P.U.M.A. and junior classes. JUNIORS Firstly, there should never be anything that humiliates the child. It is very damaging to make a child stand in the middle of a group of their peers and give them any punishment for any reason while all others watch. Giving exercise such as press-ups as a punishment can set a message that ‘exercise = bad’. In an environment where exercise plays such a large part in our classes, having children who associate exercise with punishment can never be good. There are ways where you can associate it with ‘fun punishment’ (such as forfeits etc) but this is different to discipline. My view on the best course of action is this. Firstly you need to talk to the students, fully explaining the problem and the behaviour you expect. Reassure them that it is only their behaviour you don’t like. I once sat for a whole lesson with one of my students who was displaying some very disruptive behaviour. After chatting for a little while he looked crestfallen and said ‘you must really hate me’. I explained that I actually really like him and really enjoyed having him in my class. I told him the things he was doing that were not correct. Over the course of the next few weeks, I saw his behaviour get better and better and he began to blossom. Unfortunately his parents never watched the class, and never got to see just what he was capable of achieving. If this doesn’t work, you need to set more realistic goals such as ‘next lesson I want you to do this’. Speak to parents to see if this is recurring behaviour. Give some written homework i.e. ‘why is it important to listen’ etc. LITTLE P.U.M.A.s Little P.U.M.A.s also have very particular needs. At this very formative age, you can have some very positive influences, and also some very negative ones. I believe any discipline you use with Little P.U.M.A.s should be very gentle (and a little manipulative). Fun plays a large part. Seeing others rewarded for positive behaviour can sometimes have a great influence on the rest of the class. One of the mechanisms I use is to have a ‘concentration area’. I’m not convinced that a time out area sends the right message. I use an area where children can go and practice their concentration before rejoining the class. I will sit with them (or one of my adult leadership team members), and explain the need to concentrate hard and the correct expected behaviour. I usually use this time to play an unexpected game, rewarding someone else’s excellent behaviour. This use of language is very important. How you say and do things leaves lasting impressions on the children. On the child protection course we do an exercise where genuine phrases from coaches of many different sports are considered in isolation. Phrases like ‘that was rubbish’ can be so powerful (in either a good or bad way). Often as instructors and helpers, it is so easy to react in an emotional or knee jerk way, however it is important to remember the lasting effect this can have. Language (including body language) is very powerful and things can be taken in different ways depending on the voice, the group or student you are aiming your comment at, and your intent. Things to think about then. If you want to improve your own skills in this area seek out an instructor with large junior classes and see what they do. If you are a parent, please try to be more involved in what your children are doing in our classes. You’ll very quickly see the benefits. About the author: Louise Reeve trains under Master Ray Gayle (7th Degree) at Yate Taekwon-Do. She is P.U.M.A.’s Child Protection Officer and has trained extensively with the NSPCC. Louise conducts all of P.U.M.A.’s child protection training and undertakes the CRB checking on all instructors, assistants and helpers. She runs her own Taekwon-Do school in Henleaze, Bristol. 21 By Sue Raven Children’s Fitness Are our children getting enough exercise? This is a question that is being asked more and more and with growing concern. Numerous recent studies from the world’s leading health and fitness experts show that children and young adults are more inactive than ever before, a scary thought if you’re a parent! So what can we put this down to? Watching TV, videos and DVDs, surfing the net, playing computer games and chatting on their mobile phone seem to be the main culprits and occupy a lot of spare time. Whilst these may be fun, they usually involve sitting still for long periods. In addition less time is allowed for Physical Education at school, with some children getting as little as 1 or 2 hours a week. Put this sedentary lifestyle together with a poor diet and we are creating a nation of obese children. As parents we need to encourage our children to spend more time each day getting active and less time on the sofa eating junk food. Here are some of the benefits children can get from regular exercise: Have stronger muscles and bones. Improve the health of their heart. Have a leaner body because exercise helps control body fat Be less likely to become overweight. Reduce stress levels Possibly lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels Decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes Active children increase their chance of becoming healthy adults: children who enjoy exercise may develop a lifelong, healthy habit of being physically active. In addition to these health benefits children who are physically fit sleep better and are more able to handle the physical and emotional challenges a typical day brings, whether that is running to catch a bus, bending down to tie their shoe laces, or studying for a test at school. So how much physical activity should children be getting each day? For good health, children from the age of 2 need at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity most days of the week but ideally, every day. This total can include a variety of activities such as participating in sports, dance, running, swimming or martial arts classes to name but a few. The 60 minutes doesn’t need to be done in one go and can be broken up into shorter chunks of 10-15 minutes at a time and remember they can always do more if they want to! Remember I am talking about the minimum requirements for good health; some of our children may already be very active attending 2 or 3 martial arts classes a week and taking part in a variety of other activities which is great and should be encouraged. In a later issue we shall also be looking at safe and effective exercise levels for junior martial artists and other ways to complement their training. However, not every child enjoys physical exercise, particularly team sports, and often shies away from them. If this is the case, get them to try something different until they find something they do enjoy. Remember the more fun they have the more likelihood they have of sticking with it! There are many other ways we can encourage our children to stay active, such as walking to school, skateboarding, mountain biking, rollerblading or playing football in the park with friends to name just a few. These can be fun, cost nothing or very little but will reap high rewards. Whilst more parents are realising the value of a well-planned exercise program and proper nutrition, with busy lifestyles many of us have trouble incorporating fitness and nutrition into our children's lives. Healthy eating goes hand-in-hand with being active and it is important that we cut down on the takeaways and junk food and instead find the time to give our children a healthier balanced diet that includes more fruit and vegetables and provides them with the energy they need for activity. It is also important to ensure they drink plenty of water. So how can we encourage our children to be more active? Start by being a positive role model. If you’re practising healthy habits it’s a lot easier to convince children to do the same. Why not get the whole family out together for a bike ride, try walking the children to school or down to the local shops instead of taking the car? Go swimming at a weekend or maybe get down to the park and take the ball for a kick around. You could even try something more adventurous like horse riding, ice skating or climbing together. You never know, you might have fun and everyone will benefit from the exercise and time together! Encourage your children to take up something they really enjoy, every child is unique. Look around your area and see what is on offer. Most health clubs and leisure centres now offer a wide range of activities and classes for the under 16s including circuit and spinning classes (group cycling) and gym workouts run by fully qualified staff. Let them experiment with different activities until they find something that he or she Moderate activities are about as intense as a brisk walk, whilst really loves doing. Be supportive and positive. Everyone likes to be praised. Go and watch your child and give them vigorous activities get your child’s heart pumping. These encouragement - you may even want to take part yourself! include running, dancing and team sports like netball, basketball and football. 22 Summary Remember for good health, children from the age of 2 need at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity most days of the week but ideally, every day. This can always be broken up into smaller chunks of 10-15 minutes throughout the day. Encourage your children to participate in a variety of sports or activities they enjoy and will stick at. Limit the time spent watching the TV, surfing the net and playing computer games. Avoid junk food; instead eat a healthy balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Drink plenty of water. Above all let’s encourage our children to get active. Having FUN and enjoying a healthy lifestyle is something that everyone should love to do, young and old! A video game and some junk food being held out of reach yesterday Sue Raven, Taekwon-Do 1st Degree Black Belt has been training for 6 years but has been involved in the leisure industry for over 18 years. She currently works at Plymouth YMCA as the Group Fitness Coordinator and also teaches a number of fitness and aerobic classes as well as being an assessor on fitness courses. She is a fully qualified P.U.M.A. instructor, runs her own Little P.U.M.A.s School in Exeter and is a Registered Exercise Professional. 23 Footwork needs to be an integral part of a fighter’s armoury; it’s often either overlooked or even worse in some cases, forgotten about! I’ve seen some beautiful things in my time and beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder but I have to say one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen recently was Joe Calzaghe fighting with Jeff ‘left hook’ Lacy. You might say that boxing is a horrible brutal sport. Well maybe it is but that night Calzaghe was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen in a boxing ring. In case you’re wondering whether I’ve lost the plot, I’m talking about his amazing boxing skills particularly his footwork. Lacy was supposed to knock him out with his fantastic power and aggression. The guy didn’t stand a chance because Calzaghe was too illusive, quick and smart for him. In short, without good footwork you’ll never get to your opponent but they will always get to you. If you can’t hit them but they’re always tagging you then you’re going to lose. Let’s start with the basics. The stance we’re going to be using a traditional boxing stance which is about a shoulder width wide (from toe to toe), with a similar length. Again from toe to toe. Most pro boxers lift their back heel slightly off the ground. In fact Herol ‘Bomber’ Graham, one of Britain’s best boxers, taught us this technique at past P.U.M.A. days. The weight is approximately 60% lead leg and 40% back. You’ll find when your feet are placed in this stance your body will be slightly turned, which is okay. Sideways on is not okay, at least not when you’re going to throw strong punches. The legs should be slightly bent. The reason for all of the above is balance - without it you can’t punch and you can’t withstand a strong punch from your opponent. Whenever you move in the class or the ring, regardless of whether you’re going forward back left or right, you should only move one foot at a time. The term used for this movement is step and drag. Pivoting footwork can cause your opponent to become frustrated, giving you the vital edge. Going back again to the classic Calzaghe versus Lacy fight, Joe Calzaghe adopted the pivot turn on numerous occasions, making his opponent look like a complete novice. A pivot means you turn on the front foot. Orthodox boxers will turn clockwise, southpaws will turn anti-clockwise. Pivots can be made the opposite way but aren’t generally favoured. You can pivot from any angle up to approximately 90 degress in order to stay well balanced. Starting position ...and to the right. 24 To the left... Forward, step 1. Forward, step 2. Backward, step 1. Backward, step 2. Backward, ...right?... step 3. Sideways, step 1 Sideways, step 2. Sideways, step 3. Clockwise... Anticlockwise... As with most things, try practising your footwork slowly first before you even start punching or blocking, gradually increase your speed and mobility until it becomes second nature. Good luck and see you again soon, Malcolm Jones, 25 Various Types Of Motion If you are 8th kup or above, you will already know that Taekwondo has several different types of ‘motions.’ They are introduced gradually throughout the colour belt pattern syllabus and the first example appears in pattern Dan-Gun. This article will attempt to define these different types of movement. As with any art-form, there is sometimes room for interpretation; personally I think this is a good thing – it allows all students of Taekwon-do to question the approach. Without questioning your surroundings, you cannot hope to grow beyond them. In some instances, fast motion is described in the performance of two kicks. Examples are in pattern Hwa-Rang, movements 18 & 19 (high turning kicks) and in pattern Choong Moo, movements 14 & 15 (high turning kick and middle back piercing kick). When performing these movements, do not rush them just because they are in ‘fast motion.’ They may indeed be executed faster than two normal speed hand techniques, simply because kicks can generally be performed more quickly anyway, but don’t let the idea of ‘fast motion’ throw your nice technique out of the window! Normal motion Continuous Motion (chari-chari dongjak) It seems nonsense to start defining other types of motion without first defining the ‘normal’ one. Basically, normal motion applies to The way that continuous motion is performed has been updated the vast majority of Taekwon-do techniques. It uses normal in recent times, so please pay particular attention to this section. rhythm, normal breathing and normal timing. Continuous motion describes two or more techniques that are performed each with their own sine wave but with one Slow Motion (noo-rin dongjak) continuous breath throughout. This breath must be accentuated on the actual techniques themselves, and be Movement is performed slowly with slow breathing. This is used quieter/softer in between the impact of the two techniques. Both to emphasise an important movement and to check balance, techniques are fully completed (as with all normal movements) control, breathing and strength, i.e. strong leg muscles are need- but you should allow your body to flow from one technique to the ed in order to control the transfer of weight into the stance. other. Continuous movements always start with a block. Precisely how slowly a movement is performed is not written in Connecting Motion (ee-o-jin dongjak) stone, however if you try to count “one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four thousand” in your head whilst performing This is when two movements share both one sine wave and one the movement this should give you good timing. Remember to breath. The first technique occurs on the highest point of your breathe on slow movements; they are still techniques and all sine wave and the second technique ends of the “down” phase techniques require breath. Breath control amounts for almost at the end. Generally the first technique is some kind of ‘soft’ one 5th of the marks available in tournament patterns, so if you block (hooking block or scooping block). This softness means do not breathe on slow movements you may lose the round! that there is no dramatic impact on these blocks. The breath Make the breath audible, (just like on normal movements) but control mirrors this, by starting gently and building to an controlled. Also, try to time the hands and feet together as you would normally. This is difficult but shows good control when you emphatic exhale on the second technique, which is usually an attack. Note that the ‘softness’ of the first block doesn’t mean do can perfect it. it slow motion. Fast Motion (baren dongjak) In the case of connecting motion, think of the first technique (a block) setting up for second technique which is a counter-attack Fast movements usually occur in twos. Think of fast motion as to the initial attack against you. being urgent and aggressive with normal breathing. Fast motion is nearly always used with attacks, most commonly two punches; Consecutive Kicks (yonsok chagi) ‘Short-cut’ your sine wave and spring straight from the first movement into the next. The techniques usually have separate A consecutive kick is when two or more kicks are executed from sine waves (though sometimes a body shift is used instead) and the same leg without that leg touching the floor in between. both techniques have their own sharp breath. No. sine waves No. breaths Other details Normal Motion 1 1 n/a Slow Motion n/a 1 controlled breath for the duration of the movement Hands, feet, eyes and breath end together Fast Motion 2 2 Performed with a sense of urgency Continuous Motion 2 1 continuous breath, emphasised on the impact of the techniques and softer in between them Complete each movement but flow from one to the next Connecting Motion 1 1, which is soft for the first movement and becomes more explosive for the second n/a Quick Reference: this chart should be used to quickly reference the type of motion needed. 26 Patterns Details This chart describes the different motions in all patterns up to 1st degree. I have included the movement number according to the encyclopaedia and a brief description of the movement for quick reference. Slow Motion Fast Motion Continuous Motion Connecting Motion Consecutive Kick Chon-Ji 13 & 14: low block, rising block Dan-Gun 15 & 16, 19 & 20: observe-reverse punches Do-San Won-Hyo 2 & 3, 5 & 6, 9 & 10, 13 & 14: obverse-reverse punches Yul-Gok Joong-Gun 27 & 29: palm pressing blocks 30: angle punch Toi-Gye 3 & 6: side-backfist strike 12: twin elbow thrust 7 & 8: x-fist pressing block, twin vertical punch Hwa-Rang 18 & 19: turning kicks Choong-Moo 14 & 15: turning kick, back piercing kick Kwang-Gye 16 & 17, 19 & 20: hooking block, punch 2 & 3: upset punches 10 & 11: upward palm blocks 21 & 22: palm pressing blocks 26 & 30: finger tip thrusts 13 & 14, 17 & 18: pressing kick, side piercing kick 6-12, 24 - 30: punches, elbows and blocks (Note an exception: continuous movements with fast breath control) Po-Eun Gae-Baek 3 & 4: observe-reverse punches 22 & 23: turning kick, flying side kick 9 & 10, 29 & 30: 5 & 6: rising block, low block scooping block, punch 37 & 38: low guarding blocks Until next time, Taekwon! Are there any aspects of Taekwon-Do that you would like me to investigate and divulge? If so, feel free to contact me at . I look forward to your suggestions. Kevin McCabe, 4th degree black belt, has trained in Taekwon-Do for over 15 years. He is a member of the P.U.M.A. management team as Technical Assistant. He aids senior instructors with training duties at P.U.M.A. camps and other events and also teaches technical and pattern seminars. He trains under Master Ray Gayle and teaches his own schools in Cardiff East and Cardiff Central. 27 By Claire King and Ollie King Hello. Well, we are back again with the second Bo form - sorry it’s taken so long. If you are familiar with the form you will be aware that there are twirling movements on some of the moves which aren’t compulsory but do make the form flow a lot better. Hopefully you can use this as an aid to help you remember the form but we are quite happy to come and teach your schools if you want. 1. Start in ready position (choon bee) 2. Turn to the left into a front stance and execute a low block. 2. This shows transition movement after performing low block, ready to perform high block. 2. Perform a high block, still in same stance as before (low block high block one step). 3. Now stepping through into front stance with a high strike. 4. Front leg steps all the way to the rear performing a low block. 4. Pulling bo back ready for high block. 4. Execute a high block. 28 5. Step through into front stance, performing a high strike. 6. Coming down the middle performing a low block. 6. Then high block (in same stance). 7. Stepping through into front stance striking down on top of the head, taking the front of the bo across the body. 7. Taking bo out to the left and stepping through with your left leg behind your right performing a spin. 7. Finish previous move with high block. 8. Stepping through into front stance with a lunging spear attack. Ki-hap on this move. 9. Step across with the left leg behind the right leg to the right and perform low block. 9. Refer to transition movement and perform high block. 10. Stepping through into front stance, perform high strike. 11. Stepping back through 180 degrees to left, perform low block. 11. Same transition movement and execute a high block. 29 12. Stepping through, front stance high strike. 13. Coming back down, middle perform low block. 13. Then high block. 14. Stepping through into horse stance performing a mid-section strike which ends 45 degrees off the centre line. 15. Turning to the rear perform a high block. 16. Stepping forward, perform a lunging spear. 17. Turning all the way round to right, perform a low block. 17. As before, execute high block. 18. Stepping through high strike. 19. Turning to the rear again and do a low block. 19. Same as before, high block. 20. Stepping through and perform a high strike (with ki-hap). 30 A Oil it. A Because he didn’t peel well. A A Cow with no lips. A A stick. Q What illness do martial artists catch? A Kung Flu Got some jokes? Email them to us at and maybe see your name in print! What a bother... P.U.M.A. Squad member Stacey Weatherer is dressing up to attend the world famous roller disco in some northern town. She wants to wear her best pair of socks for the evening but one of them is missing! If you can’t find it for her at the back of her neon pink wardrobe she’ll have to wear odd socks and that would look ridiculous! 31 31 L O T G H M T P V F A H K I P A E G L U E B A O O R A G N A K E O R A R K J T F T A R R G L N I M R I Y D R I N A F B S U E P G E G O D K C A B T U O I I L A Y E N D Y S O R N E H J W M C O L P R E E L I D O C O R C A E G G N A R E M O O B L
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