Growstown Cemetery searchable map
Growstown Cemetery searchable map
wsrowN CEMETERY CHURCH ROAD BRUNSWICK, MAINE CUMBERLAND COUNTY Donald & Mark Cheetham 2003 Growstown Cemetery Growstown Cemetery is located on Church Road, behind the First Baptist Church, in Brunswick, Cumberland County, Maine. This area was once known as Growstown but was later absobed by Brunswick. The cemetery is on the south side of Church Road, is partially fenced, well cared for and is composed of 1,010 monuments and markers. At the front edge (south side) of the cemetery is located a flagpole which has at its base a granite stone inscribed: Dedicated to our veterans by the grateful citizens of Brunswick Contents 1)Map illustrating the general arrangement of the cemetery and showing the order of the detail maps. 2) Detail maps indicating the general placement of the individual monuments and markers by range. 3) Record of each individual stones inscription by range. 4) Index by family name giving the location in the cemetery. Note Numbering of the ranges and markers is only as an aid in locating the stone within the context of this survey and do not represent any town or cemetery association designation. Type of marker, be it Marble, Granite or Metal, is indicated on the detail maps for the cemetery. This record of Growstown Cemetery was produced by Donald Cheetham of Brunswick. Maine and Mark Cheetham of Richmond, Maine in 2003. To Pleasant Street EAST Range #1 Map", /1Map #1 #2 IF e / Access Rd Range #2 n /- =Map Map Map Map Map Map Maps c #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 e GROWSTOWN CEMETERY Range #7 Range #3 Map #2 N 0 R T H Access Rd A C Map Map Map Map Map Map Map #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 First Baptist Church e s Range #4 Map #1 Map #1 Map #2 R Range #5 d. Map #1 Range #6 I Map I #1 Map #2 Map #3 Access Rd. Map #3 Map #4 Map #5 Access Rd. Map Map #2 #3 Access Rd Map Map #4 #5 Map #6 WES T Mapi #6 1 F e • n Map #4 Ic Fellowship Hall Map #7 P, 1 To Bungunuc Bay C H U R CR H0 A S D 0 U T NORTH RANGE # 1 MAP #1 Toothaker Toothaker m Toothaker Toothaker Toothaker Toothaker Mn Mn Mn M MPM Webb ri Mn M LMM M Steep Embankment down to seasonal stream A W E S T McManus McManus McManus McManus 13 10 mil-, mr-ri M C C E S SR 0 A D E Temple M Fin A S T Kincaid • /MEW 1■.• • M IIEI Rodick Rodick Rodick Rodick M 16 Mpn Mr-81 M 19 • I=IN, • • LEGEND S = Slate M = Marble G = Granite Marker Stone; M Double line indicates the side that is inscribed. No Libby 20 double line indicates stone is inscribed on the top surface. Mother M® Dunning 21 Joseph Monument William Hattie 131 Range #1 Map #2 M F271 SOUTH Footstone .■1 NORTH W RANGE #1 MAP #2 Doughty Doughty M 26 M MI E A S T E S T Rodick Rodick Mr2n MFri Blaisdell Blaisdell MFri In M ...1■PAVIIII” ■•• • /M1■ 4• ■■• ■• ■• ■••••• ■••■■ •• ■■■•■•••• ■• ■••••• ■■■ •■• Fence SOUTH GROWSTOWN CEMETERY, Cumberland County, Brunswick, Maine RANGE #1 ;R1#1) JAMES TOOTHAKER died June 3, 1868, Aet. 58 ys. 4 mos. Blessed are the dead which die in the lord (R1#5) (R1#3) ABRAHAM C. TOOTHAKER died Mar. 1, 1891 Aet. 71 yr. 10 mo. Our father has gone to a mansion of rest, To the glorious land by the diety blest. (R1#4) TERIS A. wife of ERWIN B. CLARK. & only daughter of ABRAHAM C. & MARIAM TOOTHAKER. Died at Walcottville Ct. Feb. 18, 1871, Aet. 20 yrs. 10 mos. Ordained to lose the partner of my breast, whose virtue warmed me and whose beauty blessed. I yet remember that the parting sigh appoints the good to slumber, not to die. The starting tear I check: I kiss the rod, and not to earth resign her, but to God. (R1#8) M. P. M. ;RI#9) L. M. M. HARRIET K. TOOTHAKER died Feb. 28, 1896, Aet. 89 ys. (R1#2) AMON 0. son of ABRAHAM & MARIAM TOOTHAKER died June 29, 1849. aged 1 yr. 6 mos. 18 ds. This lovely bud so young so fair called home by early doom just came to show how fair a flower in paradise might bloom. (R1#6) (R1#7) MARIAM C. wife of ABRAHAM C. TOOTHAKER died June 28, 1907. Aet. 82 yr. 8 mo. Gone but not forgotten. DANIEL P. WEBB, died Sept. 19, 1853. Aet. 30 yrs. 5 mos. RANGE #1 Cont'd. (R1#10) JAMES H. McMANUS died Sept. 27, 1863 Aet. 43 yrs. 9 mos. Lone are my paths, and sad the home, Now thy sweet smile is gone. But Oh ! A brighter home than ours, In heaven is now thine own. (R1#11) (R1#13) (R1#12) Our Darling ASA ASA C. McMANUS died Nov. 8, 1870. Aet. 23 yrs. 6 mos. Sleep on thou dear departed son, may angels watch thy quiet rest: While on thy cold damp grave shall fall the tears of those who loved thee best. Mother. JOHN. (R1#15) son of JOHN & CLARISSA TEMPLE died Aug. 7, 1852 aged 18 yrs. 3 mos. (R1#14) (R1#17) CHARLES K. son of DAVID & MARY RODICK . died May 18, 1843. Aet. 17 yrs. 2 mos. NANCY L. wife of JAMES N. McMANUS, died Sept. 17, 1885. Aet. 61 yrs. Rest with thy brother dear CHARLEY CHARLES M. McMANUS. died Oct. 5, 1872. aged 22 yrs. 6 mos. Charley dear thou hast gone and left me left me here to weep alone. Oh ! I would that I were with thee In our heavenly father's home. Mother. DAVID L. (R1#16) son of GIDEON & IRENE KINCAID. died June 9, 1868. aged 14 yrs. (R1#18) HUMPHREY G. son of DAVID & MARY RODICK, died Nov. 17, 1841 aged 3 yrs. 1 mo. DAVID RODICK died July 19, 1841, Aet. 41 yrs. 9 mos. (R1#19) JOHN A. son of DAVID & MARY RODICK died Aug. 10, 1830 aged 6 yrs. 8 mos. RANGE #1 Cont'd. (R1#20) (R1#26) (R1#27) (R1#28) FRANCES, wife of SOLOMON LIBBY died Feb. 9, 1844: Aet. 58. Mother ESTHER B. wife of JOHN DOUGHTY. died Aug. 2, 1886. aged 84 yrs. Gone but not forgotten. Father JOHN DOUGHTY. died . May 10, 1857. aged 62 yrs. At rest. JOHN RODICK; died Feb. 18, 1852, Aet. 88 years. (R1#21) Dunning Monument West Face: Wm. F. DUNNING 1824 - 1876 HANNAH C. DUNNING Feb. 26, 1824 July 23, 1899. DUNNING Marker Stones: (R1#22) (R1#23) MOTHER JOSEPH HENRY son of WILLIAM F. & HANNAH C. DUNNING, died Sept. 25, 1853. Aet. 5 mos. 11 ds. Sleep on dear babe and take thy rest God called thee home, he saw twas best. (R1#24) WILLIAM FRANCIS, Jr. son of WILLIAM F. & HANNAH C. DUNNING, died May 19, 1853 Aet. 5 yrs. 11 mos. 2 ds. Dearest Willie, thy pains are ended, thou hast found a better home thy songs are now with angels blended where no death or sorrow come. (R1#25) Top of Stone: (R1#29) MARCIA, wife of JOHN RODICK, died Nov. 12, 1853, Aet. 88 yrs. 10 mos. HATTIE K. Face of Stone: Youngest daughter of Wm. F. & HANNAH C. DUNNING. died Mar. 10, 1865 aged 5 yrs. 22 dys. This bud will not open here but unfold itself in heaven. RANGE #1 Cont'd. (R1#30) THANKFUL B. wife of SAMUEL BLAISDELL: died Aug. 5, 1866 aged 59 yrs. (R1#31) SAMUEL BLAISDELL, died July 10, 1879. Aet. 61. NORTH ACCESS ROAD RANGE #2 MAP #1 G Morgan 1 Monument \ M Murray Husband Mother Monument M Ell Ki CI A W C E C S E T S R S0 A D \ Wilson Wilson M© M 6 \ \ \ I I I Merryman M Plummer Strout M 10 M Iiiil Harrington Harrington M 8 M 9 G Hunt Monument 12 Marghe ita G Ski G 14 Jeannette Range #2 Map #2 Dunham M pn SOUTH E A S T NORTH RANGE #2 MAP #2 Frank Mtl. Ili I I Edith G 18 G A C W C E E S SR T S 0 A D \ Michels\ DonsEIG G 23 Monument\ Mother Father G EU G 26 Lincoln Monument 16 Father Mother Arthur George G 19 G 20 G Mil G Et1 \ E A S T Elizabeth Charles G 29 G 28 1 G Charles M 30 G 1Sylvester 34 Monument Father Mother Fred G lEll G 36 M Fi M Given 27 Monument Robert Rachel Ruby G =GROG all Alexander 38 Monument A C C E Lorenzo M 39 S R S 0 A Range #2 Map #3 D SOUTH NORTH RANGE #2 MAP #3 GI 40 ILapham Monument Weeks Weeks nn LEI rvi mi Weeks M MEI Granite Curbing Sylvester M G A C W C E E S SR T S 0 A A C C E SR S0 A D Melcher Monument 44 Father G 1221 Sylvester Mother G 46 M 48 Sylvester Sylvester Mpn M 50 Sylvester M M p Sylvester Monument Range #2 Map #4 SOUTH Joseph Susan Lewis Mrn M ICI G MI E A S T NORTH RANGE #2 MAP #4 Young MI 56 Emma M 58 Nathan 59 4111■1■111/ M Allen 57 Monument Woodside M 60 Woodside 62 Woodside M 61 Coombs M 63 A C W C E E S SR T S 0 A Alexander M 65 Bishop Mr 64 Coombs Coombs Coombs Coombs M 67 Mpn M 69 MFri Bishop M 66 "Granite Blocks • G ABB G • Range #2 Map #5 Bailey Monument 71 MHB MAB AB G G 15131 G Cripps Cripps Cripps Cripps M77 mrn mpg m Fri • SOUTH A C E C A E S R S S 0 T A 0 NORTH RANGE #2 MAP #5 Stimpson Stimpson Stimpson M 82 M 80 M 81 Smith M 85 Minott Minott M 83 M 84 W E S T A C C E S R S0 A Father M 87 Mother M 88 Brackett Monument 86 Brother M 89 II Granite Block Libby M 91 M Hersey 92 Granite Curbing Woodside Curtis WIlln M F94 Granite Post Marinor M 98 Woodside MF9-1 Marinor M 100 Woodside M 95 Marinor Marinor Woodside Woodside Woodside Mr161 M 102 MF1071 Mr1r4 M 105 Woodside M prIM 97 Woodside Range #2 Map #6 A C C E SR S0 A D Elliott M 90 SOUTH E A S T NORTH RANGE #2 MAP #8 M 107 Samuel Ross Monument M 109 M 110 M M 108 Rachel James Mehitable 106 m m lip m Georgia James Attie m Father M 116 M Father Greene Monument Mother Harington G EEO G 119 G 120 G M 118 Father 117 Mother Mother Mother Father E.G S.G. I.G. GlEa GIEIGEOG 126 G Mary A A C W C E E SR S T S A Morse Morse G 128 M 129 Morse M 130 Morse Morse M17521 M M Dunham Ft, M HL ACL G M® Wilson 138 Green M gj Coombs Toothaker Toothaker MI777 M1473 M 149 Dunham S 146 • Nig Range #2 Map #7 Greene Lunt 133 Monument Greene Green Green 140_1 Mr1,71 M 139 M 11321 Father Melcher Melcher Arthur Baby 136 SOUTH C C E A E S R S S 0 T A D Dunning Simpson Dunning Dunning Dunning mr.7519 M 159 Mrral M 161 M 157 Linscott 150 Monument BL BL SL 1E13 w E S T AC G 156 Dunning ■ PB LB HT APS G 164 G 165 G 166 G 167 M 162 Granite Curbing E A G Snow 163 Monument HS AS TS SS G 168 G 169 G 170 G S RS G Chase M Dunham WMS 180 ED Mr179M1779 M Kincaid Mr773 Chase Mr19 M Kincaid 176 Parshley Parshley Parshley M 188 Mr731 M 187 M Snow 177 Monument MES SAS MITrIM 6q r- Range #2 Map #8 MMS M17139 AS SPS MITIS4 1 Mr 19 SOUTH Parsley Parshley SF 119 S 17971 Parshley Parshley Mr191 M 192 NORTH RANGE #2 MAP #8 A C W C E E S S R Coombs Coombs M 193 M 194 Coombs Coombs Coombs M 196 M 197 M 195 A C E C McAllaster E A M 199 S R S Coombs 198 S O T A D T S A D Grover M 201 O'Brien M 200 Aubens M 202 Aubens 203 •••■■ •■■•■ •• ■•• ■• ■••■■■• //••■■•■•=1 ■ •••• •• ■■■•■■• ■ ■■• ■■ •• ■••■■ •■••• ■ ■■■■• ■■ ••• ■■•••• ■• ■•••• ■••• ■■■• ■■■■••• ■••• ■■• ■■• ■■• ■• ■■/ ■•■••• ■•■ ■■■■••■■••• ■ •• ■■• ■• ■■• Fence SOUTH RANGE #2 (R2#1) Morgan Monument West Face: MORGAN KENNETH D. LULA G. Feb. 13, 1928 Dec. 26, 1925 (R2#2) Murray Monument West Face: JOHN MURRAY died Dec. 28, 1894. Aet. 76 yr. 2 mo. SUSAN, wife of JOHN MURRAY died May 21, 1886 Aet. 74 yrs. 8 inos. MURRAY. (R2#5) Marker Stones: (R2#3) SAMUEL F. WILSON died Jan. 25, 1890, Aet. 66 yr. 8 mo. A presious one from us has gone, a voice we loved is stilled, a place is vacant in our home, which never can be filled. God in his wisdom has recalled, the boon his love had given, and though the body molders here, the soul is safe in heaven. (R2#4) (R2#6) (R2#7) (R2#8) HUSBAND MOTHER RISPAH wife of SAMUEL F. WILSON, died April 18, 1900, Aet. 77 yr. 3 mo. 6 d. ALPHONSO C. MERRYMAN died Dec. 7, 1912 aged 30 yrs. 10 mos. Capt. Wm. S. HARRINGTON died Nov. 15, 1908. aged 68 yrs. 9 mos. RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#9) JENNIE M. wife of JOHN G. PLUMMER 1877 - 1921 (R2#10) FANNIE A. wife of Capt. Wm. S. HARRINGTON died Mar. 10, 1887. aged 41 yrs. H (R2412) Hunt Monument West Face: HUNT (R2#11) East Face: CHARLES T. STROUT 1898 - 1918 Our loved one. DONALD A. HUNT 1898 - 1947 MARGHERITA GIVEN his wife 1902 - 1935 JEANNETTE OUELLETTE his wife 1908 - 1944 Marker: U. S. Veteran (R2#15) Marker: U.S. American Legion FANNIE H. DUNHAM died Aug. 18, 1899 Aet. 29 yrs. 4 mos. Marker Stones: (R2#13) MARGHERITA Marker: American Legion Auxiliary (R2#16) Lincoln Monument West Face: LINCOLN East Face: 1847 ALFRED LINCOLN 1855 LIZZIE R. his wife ARTHUR son 1891 1883 GEORGE A. son 1894 FRANK P. son 1890 EDITH V. his wife (R2#14) 1895 1924 1892 1964 1981 1966 My true love and pal JEANNETTE Marker Stones: (R2#17) FRANK P. LINCOLN Pvt US Army World War I Jan 2 1894 Nov 13 1981 Marker: US Veteran (R2#18) EDITH V. (R2#19) FATHER (R2#20) MOTHER (R2#21) ARTHUR (R2#22) GEORGE RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#23) Michels Monument East Face: West Face: South Face: CLARENCE E. DORIS B. MICHELS Wm. S. MICHELS • MICHELS 1911 - 1935 1820 - 1894 1869 - 1950 NELLIE BELLE DELIA A. his wife MICHELS 1833 - 1904 1871 - 1952 MICHELS Marker Stones: (R2#24) DORIS (R2#25) FATHER (R2#26) MOTHER (R2#27) Given Monument Marker Stones: West Face: (R2#28) CHARLES E. (R2#30) CHARLES E GIVEN GIVEN GIVEN Pvt US Army East Face: 1896 - 1984 Aug 13 1896 Mar 21 1984 ROBERT A. GIVEN 1865 - 1948 RACHEL E. his wife (R2#29) ELIZABETH M. Marker: US Veteran 1875 - 1942 wife of CHARLES E. GIVEN RUBY GIVEN 1892 - 1972 1893 - 1954 (R2#31) ROBERT (R2#32) RACHEL (R2#34) Sylvester Monument South Face: FRED H. SYLVESTER Apr. 28. 1857. Mar. 9. 1860. West Face: ROXANNA SYLVESTER July 26, 1826. May 10, 1890. MERRITT SYLVESTER Mar. 29, 1823. Jan. 5, 1893. SYLVESTER (R2#33) RUBY Marker Stones: (R2#35) FATHER (R2#36) MOTHER (R2#37) FRED H. son of MERITT & ROXANNA SYLVESTER died Mar. 9, 1860 aged 2 yrs. 10 mos. To the memory on earth of our Fredy in Heaven. RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#311) Alexander Monument North Face: East Face: West Face: South Face: NANCY M. ROBERT F. LORENZO D. GEORGE H. ALEXANDER ALEXANDER ALEXANDER ALEXANDER 1848 - 1880 1824 - 1899 1852 - 1870 1860 - 1873 DENNIS B. LOUISA M. EMMA U. EDWARD J. ALEXANDER ALEXANDER his wife ALEXANDER 1856 - 1856 1858 - 1895 1823 - 1900 1850 - 1924 ALEXANDER Marker Stone: (R2#39) LORENZO ALEXANDER 1820 A member of Co. K. 12 Me. Inft. and a member of V. Mountfort Post 22 G. A. R. Brunswick (R2#41) BRADDOCK WEEKS died May 14, 1882. Aet. 87 yr. God is the refuge of his saints. Marker: US Veteran (R2#40) Lapham Monument South Face: LAPHAM North Face: JAMES H. LAPHAM 1816 - 1895 CORDELIA W. his wife 1814 - 1897 JESSE A. their son 1848 - 1853 ELIPHALET H. their son 1850 - 1924 SELINA S. his wife 1856 - 1876 their infant son 1876 (R2#42) KEZIAH wife of BRADDOCK WEEKS. died Feb. 28. 1883. Aet. 82 yr. In thy presence is fulness of joy. (R2#43) JULIA A. WEEKS 1845 - 1914 RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#44) Melcher Monument Marker Stones: West Face: South Face: Memorial. Capt. (R2#45) FATHER BURDUS REDFORD BENJ. MELCHER MELCHER born Dec. 31, 1814, (R2#46) MOTHER horn in Brunswick died Jan. 30, 1894. Feb. 7, 1849. Rest thou loved one. died at Cambridge Mass. EMELINE M. Nov. 16, 1888. his wife buried in Kennebunk born Mar. 17, 1820, May 7, 1889 died Nov. 19, 1898. The ear that he heareth the reproof Blessed are they that die of life abideth among the wise in the Lord. MELCHER. (R2#48) GEO. M. SYLVESTER died Nov. 25, 1911 Aet. 62 yrs. 3 mos. 17 ds. (R2#50) GEO. HERBERT son of GEO. M. & S. ELIZA SYLVESTER died Dec. 17, 1882 Aet. 1 yr. 13 ds. (R2#47) EMILY A. wife of GEO. M. SYLVESTER died Aug. 19, 1911 Aet. 61 yrs. 11 mos. 19 ds. (R2#49) S. ELIZA wife of GEO. M. SYLVESTER died Sept. 21, 1898, Aet. 45 yrs. 2 mos. 16 ds. (R2#51) (R2#52) Sylvester Monument ELLA A. South Face: dau. of JOSEPH & SUSAN E. JOSEPH SYLVESTER SYLVESTER died died Aug. 21, 1861. Dec. 7, 1871, Aet. 3 yrs. 2 mos. 29 ds. Aet. 79 yrs. 9 mos. Why should our tears in sorrow flow, JOANNA when God recalls his own ! his wife And bids them leave a world of woe died Apr. 23, 1869. For an immortal crown. Aet. 80 yrs. 5 mos. RANGE #2 Cont'd. Marker Stones: (R2#53) We've laid his form beneath the sod; his life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ our life shall come to reign, he'll wake him and he'll live again. (R2#56) (R2#60) Mother FANNIE E. wife of STEPHEN C. YOUNG Jan. 25, 1825. Sept. 6, 1902. JOSEPH SYLVESTER died Oct. 15, 1891, Aet. 63 ys. 8 ms, 7 ds. (R2#54) LEWIS T. SYLVESTER died Dec. 1, 1862, Aet. 29 yrs. 9 mos. (R2#55) SUSAN E. 1828 - 1909 wife of JOSEPH SYLVESTER (R2#57) Allen Monument West Face: NATHAN WEBB ALLEN 1837 - 1917 EMMA V. WOODSIDE his wife 1842 - 1907 ALLEN Mother PHEBE, wife of ARTHUR WOODSIDE, died Feb. 21, 1860. Aet. 53 yrs. What I do thou knowest not now: but thou shall know hereafter. Marker Stones: (R2#58) (R2#59) EMMA NATHAN (R2#62) Top of stone: FATHER South Face: (R2#61) Father ARTHUR WOODSIDE died Apr. 17, 1876. aged 74 yrs. 7 mos. At rest. VINCENT, beloved husband of MARY P. WOODSIDE. born Aug. 25, 1832 died July 13, 1891. RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#63) HARVEY 0. COOMBS died Aug. 26, 1902 Aet. 23 yrs. 5 mos. (R2#65) (R2#64) South Face: LITTLE BELL She was the sunshine of our home an angel to us given just as we learned to love her most God called her back to heaven North Face: MARIE BELL dau. of EDWARD B. & MARY J. BISHOP died Apr. 24, 1863. Aet. 1 yr. 2 mos. 11 ds. (R2#66) (R2#68) (R2#67) SAMUEL COOMBS died Mar. 2, 1856 aged 62 yrs. -.Yet again we hope to meet thee when the day of life is fled then in heaven with joy to greet thee where no farewll tear is shed ROBERT ALEXANDER died May 30, 1886 Aet. 77 yr. his wife MARY died June 28, 1886 Aet. 67 yr. IDA E. dau. of HUDSON M. & OLIVE BISHOP. died Apr. 26, 1859, Ae. 3 yrs. & 5 mos. Dear little Ida fare thee well thy sufferings are all o'er farewell till we shall meet again on Canan's blissful shore. JEMIMA wife of SAMUEL COOMBS, died Oct. 5, 1886. Aet. 84 yrs. 8 mos. (R2#69) (R2#70) C EMELINE B. LUNT wife of THOS. H. COOMBS. 1840 - 1924 THOMAS H. COOMBS 1839 - 1916 At rest Co. D 25 Me. Regt. Vol. RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#71) Bailey Monument West Face: 1844 MARY A. his wife 1867 South Face: ALESTO BRACKETT 1846 - 1864 1835 MICIAH H. BAILEY 1905 1825 ABBIE B. his wife 1913 BAILEY Markers Stones: (R2#72) A. B. B. (R2#73) M. H. B. (R2#74) M. A. B. (R2#75) A. B. Marker: US Veteran ALVAH E. son of MOSES & H. J. CRIPPS. died Sept. 21, 1880 aged 19 yrs. 7 mos. We but know that thou hast gone, and that the same relentless tide which bore thee from us still glides on and we who mourn thee with it glide (R2#76) (R2#77) Sister HELEN C. CRIPPS died May 12, 1899. Ae. 51 yrs. 1 mo. (R2#78) Top of stone: MOTHER Face of stone: HANNAH J. wife of MOSES CRIPPS died Feb. 1899 Ae. 79 yrs. One less at home one more in heaven. (R2#79) Top of stone: FATHER Face of stone: MOSES CRIPPS son of DAVID CRIPPS Aug. 26, 1814 Jan. 26, 1903 (R2#80) JOHN LaFOREST, GEORGE WEBSTER, died died Aug. 21, 1863, Sept. 6, 1863. Aet. 1 yr. 6 mos. 24 ds. Aet. 4 mos. 28 dys. Children of GEORGE L. & HANNAH M. STIMPSON. These lovely buds so young and fair, called hence by early doom. Just came to show how sweet a flower In paradise may bloom. RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#81) (R2#82) LIZZIE R. dau. of GEO. L. & HANNAH M. STIMPSON died Mar. 2, 1865 Aet. 6 mos. 16 ds. Dear little babe thy months were few, and suffering was your lot below: but Jesus called, thou hast obeyed, and left a world of pain and woe. (R2#83) JAMES F. MINOTT died Apr. 12, 1854 Aet. 25 yrs. 8 mos. (R2#84) DORCAS L. wife of JAMES F. MINOTT. died Apr. 30, 1856, Aet. 26 yrs. 4 mos. "Prepare to meet thy God." (R2#85) JOHN H. SMITH died June 30, 1854 Aet. 33 Gone but not lost. (R2#90) BENJAMIN ELLIOTT died Apr. 16, 1867, aged 70 yrs. GEORGE LaFOREST son of GEORGE L. & HANNAH M. STIMPSON died Sept. 9, 1866 aged 11 mos. 7 ds. To God who lifts our comforts high or sinks them in the grave ! He gives and blessed be his name he takes but what he gives. (R2#86) Brackett Monument West Face: JOHN BRACKETT died Sept. 30, 1871. Aet. 83. FANNIE, wife of JOHN BRACKETT, died May 10, 1875 Aet. 83. North Face: MARY A. BRACKETT died Dec. 23, 1840 Aet. 24 y's. 3 m's. M. H. BRACKETT. died Oct. 3, 1860. Aet. 33. JOHN BRACKETT, Jr. died Sept. 1, 1867. Aet. 44. Marker Stones: (R2#87) (R2#88) (R2#89) FATHER MOTHER BROTHER RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#91) (R2#93) (R2#96) WILLIAM H. died Apr. 24, 1846 aged 2 ys. 6 ms. LYMAN R. died Feb. 11, 1846 aged 7 wks. sons of JOSEPH & MARY A. LIBBY (R2#92) Mrs. CATHERINE, wife of JOHN HERSEY, died Mar. 25, 1841, Aet. 50 yrs. 9 mos. 0 think not grave that we resign this treasure as forever thine: we only ask a transient stay till heaven unfolds the eternal day. W. LITHGOW WOODSIDE LITHY W. (R2#94) died son of T. M. Dec. 3, 1852, & A. M. CURTIS, Ae. 20 ys. 1 mo. 18 ds. died May 14, 1857 Tis very sorrowful to die, Aet. 1 yr. 11 mos. while I am still so young, Too young, oh ! not too young to die to lay my minstral harp strings by, the thought was strangely wrong; and leave so much unsung. Earth's little ones the oftenest try. Then will I murmur not, tho some poor lays are left unsung, the angels glorious song. but thank my God, he calls me home while I am very young. A.W.Clark,Rockland GEO. WOODSIDE Jr. (R2#95) died On base stone: Mar. 24, 1858, And we all do fade as a leaf. Aet. 29 yrs. 10 mos. Tis thus the good from earth depart through paths by angels trod: and blessed are the pure in heart. GEORGE WOODSIDE for they go home to God. died July 4, 1870, Bath Aet. 74 yrs. 6 mos. Our loss is his gain. (R2#97) SUSAN P. wife of GEORGE WOODSIDE died June 27, 1882. Aet. 83 yrs. 9 mos. I cling to Jesus. RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#99) Top of Stone: ESTTELLA Face of Stone: Dau. of W. R. & LAURA J. WOODSIDE died Mar. 26. 1879 aged 4 ) rs. 9 m's (R2#98) LUCY 0. dau. of JEDEDIAH & ELIZA A. MARINOR. died Sept. 29. 1863. Aet. 7 yrs. 7 mos. 11 ds. She shall rise agian (R2#100) HARRIET ELIZA MARINOR Jan. 27, 1851 Feb. 12, 1899 (R2#102) Wm. R. WOODSIDE Jan. 2, 1840. May 11, 1909. (R2#103) GRACE 0. WOODSIDE 1872 - 1946 (R2#104) ELIZA A. wife of JEDEDIAH MARINOR, died Aug. 10, 1881, Aet. 67 yrs. 5 mos. (R2#105) JEDEDIAH MARINOR died May 23. 1885 Aet. 71 yrs. 1 mo . (R2#106) Ross Monument North Face: GEORGEANNA. dau. of SAM'L. & MARY C. ROSS. born Nov. 14, 1854, died July 27, 1881. In memory of BARTON H. ROSS son of SAM'L. & MARY C. ROSS, born Mar. 21, 1857. died & buried May 1, 1895 at Kerrville Texas. (R2#101) LAURA J. wife of Wm. R. WOODSIDE Mar. 11, 1848 Jan. 16, 1920 East Face: SAMUEL ROSS born Mar. 24. 1773. died June 1, 1828. MEHITABLE his wife born Apr. 24, 1777. died Dec. 24, 1849. RACHEL. born Jan. 18, 1812, died Feb. 13, 1857. dau. of SAM'L. & MEHITABLE ROSS. RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#106 Ross Monument Cont'd.) West Face: SAMUEL ROSS born Mar. 28, 1816, died Dec. 21, 1873, MARY C. his wife born Feb. 8, 1819, died Apr. 19, 1874, JAMES H. born July 22, 1851, died Aug. 9, 1852, JAMES H. born Dec. 16, 1852, died Feb. 3, 1875, MARY E. born Mar. 16; 1859, died Nov. 15, 1874, ALLIE 0. born Nov. 1861 died Nov. 1865 Children of SAM'L. & MARY C. ROSS ROSS (R2#117) Greene Monument West Face: SUSAN GREENE born 1825, died 1850. Marker Stones: (R2#107) SAMUEL (R2#108) MEHITABLE (R2#109) RACHEL (R2#110) JAMES (R2#111) GEORGIA (R2#112) JAMES (R2#113) ALLIE (R2#114) FATHER (R2#115) MOTHER (R2#116) MARY North Face: EPHRIAM A. HARRINGTON 1830 - 1911 his wife ISAAC GREENE ELLEN GREENE born 1778, 1847 - 1945 died 1852. ANNIE M. HARRINGTON ELIZABETH GREENE 1868 - 1874 born 1792, died 1867. East Face: HENRY HODSDON 1843 - 1916 Co. G. 15 Me. Inf. his wife ADELAIDE M. 1857 - 1921 South Face: NATH'L A. GREENE born 1818, died 1891. MARY W. his wife born 1821, died 1906. GREENE RANGE #2 Cont'd. Marker Stones: (R2#118) Top of Stone: (R2#119) MOTHER ANNIE M. (R2#120) FATHER Face of Stone: dau. of E. A. & E. H. HARRINGTON died Sept. 12, 1874, Aet. 6 yrs. 2 mos. (R2#123) (R2#124) S. G. (R2#121) MOTHER I. G. Marker: Post 22 G.A.R. (R2#126) FATHER (R2#128) Mother CLARISSA H. wife of BENJ. R. MORSE Dec. 14, 1814 Mar. 21, 1898 (R2#130) MARY M. daughter of BENJAMIN R. & LAVINA MORSE died May 28, 1846: aged 26 yrs. 11 mos. 16 ds. (R2#132) BENJ. R. MORSE died Feb. 6, 1878, aged 85, yrs. (R2#127) (R2#129) (R2 #122) FATHER (R2#125) E. G. Marker: Post 22 G.A.R. MOTHER MARY P. dau. of BENJ. R. & CLARISSA H. MORSE. died Dec. 5, 1876 aged 20 yrs. 6 d's. (R2#131) LAVINA M.. wife of BENJAMIN R. MORSE, born July 29, 1797. died Aug. 10, 1848. The light and joy of her home mourned by many on earth, she hath added one more to the attractions of heaven. RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#133) Lunt Monument South Face: West Face: Capt. JAMES LUNT died at sea Mar. 14, 1862, Aet. 47 years. Thou art gone but not forgotten. Many o'er land and sea will cherish long in loving hearts, sweet memories of thee. LUNT HESTER A. REED Sept. 29, 1817, May 10, 1897. Marker Stones: (R2#134) FATHER (R2#135) ARTHUR (R2#136) BABY BROWN (R2#138) Top of Stone: ARTHUR Face of Stone: Face of Stone: Capt. A. WILSON MARY ELIZABETH eldest daughter of died JOHN G. & MARY P. GREENE Feb. 24, 1874, aged 37 yrs. died 'June 10, 1898. "When ye come where I have slept, Anchored in that port above. ye will wonder why ye wept." (R2#137) Top of Stone: ELIZABETH (R2#139) JAMES W. GREEN, 12th Me. Regt. Vet. Vols. died Mar. 1, 1871, Aet. 32 yrs. Marker: U.S. Veteran (R2#141) (R2#140) Top of Stone: ALLIE Face of Stone: Son of JAMES & NETTIE GREENE died Aug. 14, 1869. Ae. 2 yrs. 4 mos. . MARY P. wife of (R2#142) JOHN G. GREEN, died June 19, 1885, Ae. 71 yr. I've reached the land of corn and wine JOHN G. GREEN, died June 28, 1874, Aet. 62 yrs. In thee 0 Lord have I put my trust. RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#144) MARIA M. wife of JEREMIAH H. MELCHER & daughter of BENJ. R. MORSE, Esq. died Oct. 12, 1856 Aet. 33 yrs. 3 mos. Farewell dearest father adieu beloved brother and sister ! Weep not for Maria but prepare to meet her in that bright world where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary be at rest. (R2#143) (R2#146) (R2#145) (R2#147) (R2#149) HANNAH, wife of JOHNSON DUNHAM, died Mar. 3, 1854. Ae. 73 ys. 3 m. ELLEN R. wife of JOHN TOOTHAKER. died July 31, 1879. aged 74 yrs. 8 mos. Gone but not forgotten. DAVID E. COOMBS 1837 - 1904 Co. B. 9th Me. Reg. MARIA E. his wife 1840 - 1907 At rest. Marker: U.S. Veteran JEREMIAH H. MELCHER died in San Francisco, Cal. Jan. 27, 1850, Aet. 30 yrs. 6 mos. We mourn for thee but our prayer is not for thy return: to meet thee and thy bliss to share our broken spirits yearn. In memory of THOMAS D. son of JOHNSON & HANNAH DUNHAM, who died Dec. 25, 1832 Aet. 16 Lord make us to know our end and the measure of our days what it is that we may know how frail we are. (R2#148) JOHN TOOTHAKER, died Nov. 19, 1880. aged 73 yrs. I know that my redeamer liveth. RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#150) Linscott Monument South Face: DAVID LINSCOTT, died May 20, 1881 aged 93 yrs. BETSEY. wife of DAVID LINSCOTT died Mar. 25, 1830 HANNAH. wife of DAVID LINSCOTT died July 26, 1877 aged 82 yrs. 8 mos. East Face: SUSAN & BETSEY LINSCOTT died 1830 (R2#160) LUCY A. wife of HENRY M. DUNNING 1835. - 1878. Marker: W.S.R.C. 1869 Corps. LINSCOTT Marker Stones: (R2#151) North Face: MARY D. LINSCOTT. died Mar. 4. 1893. ALICE C. LINSCOTT. died Sept. 19, 1834. Wm. C. LINSCOTT. died Jan. 25, 1867. MARGARET daughter of DAVID & MARY DUNNING. died Feb. 13, 1845, Aet. 25 ys 4 mo. Forgive the blest the tributary tear, that mourns your exit from a world like this, forgive the wish that would have kept the here, and stayed your progress to the seat of bliss. (R2#157) West Face: (R2#158) (R2#152) A. C. L. (R2#153) B. L. (R2#154) B. L. (R2#155) S. L. (R2#156) A. C. REBECCA W. wife of THOMAS P. SIMPSON died Apr. 17, 1860. aged 35 yrs. (R2#159) (R2#161) H. L. JOHN H. DUNNING 1863 - 1905 At rest. HENRY M, DUNNING 1832 - 1907 Marker: I.O.R.M. Freedom Friendship and Charity RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#162) DAVID DUNNING died . Mar. 17, 1867. aged 89 yrs. MARY. his wife died Sept. 13, 1868. aged 78 yrs. (R2#163) Snow Monument West Face: AARON SNOW 1763 - 1843 HANNAH SNOW 1765 - 1851 SNOW East Face: ALBIA A. SNOW 1854 - 1872 FANNIE A. COX 1844 - 1875 ANTOINETTE P. SNOW 1842 - 1913 North Face: PRISCILLA BRIDGES 1807 - 1839 LUCY BRIDGES 1810 - 1842 HANNAH THOMPSON 1801 - 1846 South Face: STEPHEN SNOW 1796 - 1853 THANKFUL SNOW 1815 - 1850 RACHEL SNOW 1821 - 1854 Marker Stones: (R2#164) P. B. (R2#165) L. 13. (R2# 167) A. P. S. (R2#169) A. S. (R2#166) H. T. (R2#168) H. S. (R2#170) T. S. (R2#171) S. S. (R2#172) R. S. RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R.2#173) Fond hopes are blighted ANTHONY CHASE lost at sea, Apr. 4. 1863, Aet. 28 yrs. He's gone ! He's gone ! The cherished one. His toils are o'er, the victory won; Just in the morning of his day when hope was bright he passed away. His soul too pure for worlds like this has flown to realms of heavenly bliss. We hope again in heaven to meet, and live in love at Jesus feet. (R2#177) Snow Monument South Face: SALLY. died Sept. 14, 1831, Aet. 17 dys. EMILY. wife of DANIEL DUNHAM died Aug..31, 1850, Aet. 29 yrs. ALONZO A. died in San Francisco, Cal. Jan. 25, 1852. Aet. 38 yrs. HENRY P. died in Cincinnati, 0.. Aug. 15, 1852, Aet. 23 yrs. Children of ABIEZER & SALLY P. SNOW ASA McMANUS died in Liverpool Apr. 5, 1856, Aet. 17 yrs. 8 mos. ISAAC C. lost at sea June 15, 1864. Aet. 18 yrs. 2 mos. sons of ISAAC C. & ADALINE A. KINCAID. We mourn; twas denied us to sit by thy sides, and press thy cold brows, mid life's ebbing tide; But this thought will cheer us, the savior was nigh to hear thy last wispers and catch thy last sighs. (R2#174) (R2#175) Father - Mother JOHN G. CHASE, 1842, - 1889. AFFIE, his wife 1843, - 1883. (R2#176) ISAAC C. KINCAID 1808. - 1875. ADALINE A. his wife 1814. - 1886. RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#177 Snow Monument Cont'd.) West Face: ABIEZER SNOW. died Apr. 4, 1873. aged 80 yrs. SALLY PURINGTON his wife died Sept. 10, 1831, aged 37 yrs. MARY M. wife of ABIEZER SNOW died Apr. 2, 1875 aged 79 yrs. SNOW Marker Stones: (R2#I78) E. D. (R2#179) HELEN MARR dau. of DANIEL J. & EMILY DUNHAM died 1851 aged 18 mos. (R2#186) (R2#181) M. E. S. (R2#183) M. M. S. North Face: SIDNEY A. died Mar. 10, 1875, Aet. 40 yrs. RODNEY F. MARY E. wife of SIDNEY A. SNOW 1842 - 1920 RODNEY F. died Jan. 6, 1835. Aet. 15 dys. WILLIAM M. died Nov. 19, 1853 Aet. 20 yrs. GILBERT M. died in Havana, Cuba. July 13, 1856. Aet. 21 yrs. Children of ABIEZER & MARY M. SNOW. (R2#180) W. M. S. (R2#182) S. A. S. (R2#184) A. S. (R2#185) S. P. S. MARY E. (R2#187) JULIA ANN, (R2#188) JOHN W. PARSHLEY wife of wife of died JOHN W. PARSHLEY JOHN W. PARSHLEY Nov. 29, 1881. died Sept. 6, 1896 died Aet. 55. Aet. 71 yr. Apr. 22, 1851. Aet. 23 yrs. 11 mos. Marker: U.S. Veteran Prepare to meet thy God. RANGE #2 Coned. (R2#189) (R2#191) (R2#193) (R2#195) CATHARINE daughter of ELIPHALET G. & HULDAH PARSLEY. died Sept. 27, 1827. aged 11 years 2 mos. and 4 ds. HULDAH G. wife of E. G. PARSHLEY died May 2, 1866. aged 63 yrs. 11 mos. 13 dys. THOMAS COOMBS, died Oct. 14, 1870. Aet. 71 yrs. By grace are ye saved. RHODA. wife of THOMAS COOMBS died Jan. 11, 1854 Aet. 53 yrs. 8 ms. 14 ds. Earth unto thy faithful trust, we commit this precious dust. There by pain no more oppressed: (Stone broken and repaired.) (R2#190) CHARLES HENRY son of ELIPHALET & HULDAH PARSHLEY died Aug. 5, 1846 aged 4 yrs. 3 mos. (R2#192) ELIPHALET G. PARSHLEY died Sept. 18, 1879, Aet. 85. Markers: U.S. Veteran Post 22 G. A. R. (R2#194) (R2#196) HARRIET ABBY, dau. of THOMAS & RHODA COOMBS, died Apr. 14, 1854, Aet. 18 yrs. 3 mos. Dearest Hattie thou halt left us here thy loss we deeply feel but tis God that hath bereft us he can all our sorrows heal. RHODA E. dau. of THOMAS & RHODA COOMBS, died Mar. 19. 1853. Aet. 19 yrs. .... art gone to rest RANGE #2 Cont'd. (R2#197) HULDA M. daughter of THOMAS & RHODA COOMBS. died Dec. 4, 1848, Aet. 21 yrs. & 5 mos. We mourn thy absence, dearest one thy loss we deeply feel. But would not murmur or repine against our makers will. (R2#199) Top of Stone: Father Mother Face of Stone: DANIEL McALLASTER 1804 - 1893 HULDAH McALLASTER 1810 - 1896 We loved on earth may we meet in heaven. (R2#198) MARY 0. daughter of THOMAS & RHODA COOMBS. died Nov. 9. 1839 Ae. 15 (R2#200) JOSEPH K. O'BRIEN 1922 IZETTA F. his wife 1854 - 1923 (R2#201) ALICE wife of EBENEZER GROVER died July 22. 1844. aged 70 yrs. 7 mos. (R2#203) Father Mother ALBERT G. AUBENS died Apr. 4. 1891 Aet. 81 yr. 2 mo. MARY B. AUBENS died Apr. 4, 1891 Aet. 81 yr. 1 mo. Asleep in Jesus (Masonic Symbol at top right of stone.) (R2#202) HUMPHREY GEORGE H died died Feb. 17, 1842 Mar. 18, 1847 aged 1 yr. 1 mo. aged 9 mos. sons of ALBERT G. & MARY B. AUBENS. lartUVVO I VIIVIN1 L.CIVIC I CPU( - riange LayOUI NOR T H ACCESS ROAD RANGE #3 MAP #1 M Coombs James Sarah Monument G Parsons G 4 Melcher 9 G C E SR S A D Parsons G 6 Parsons Bragdon M A E S T Parsons liEl A C E A C E S S R T S 0 A FE71 Melcher / Thayer Monument Melcher Thayer G G Melcher G 10 Granite Curbing Sister Desmarais 14 Monument Father Baby Murray M 19 M flT Range #3 Map #2 SOU T H Murray 20 GROWSTOWN CEMETERY - Range Layout NORTH RANGE #3 MAP #2 Stover M Stover Ea M Hackett BIM M MI Hackett M 24 Hackett M LEI G GI Fuller 27 Monument A C 28 Melcher W C I 33 Monument E E G Father Mother Flora Edwin SR S G 36 G G 38 T S 0 G A EA Ethel M G Doris EA NI Kg Melcher Monument Richmond Lizzie G G Husband 40 Chapman Monument Wife G 41 MI Wife G Harold M 46 M John M al Range #3 Map #3 Wilson Monument I 43 I Susan James Lillian M 49 M 50 M 48 G Hackett 26 Dick Evelyn 29 G 30 El G IMI Baby Ell M Berry G 771 Leslie M El SOUTH Berry G Fri LSI A C C E A E S R S S 0 T A D %,71W11110 I LOVVIII l•CIVIC I Cr( T - mange Ldy0111 NORTH RANGE #3 MAP #3 Gummer Eleanor G 58 ES GI James Mary G 61 G 62 W E S A C C E SR T S A D Atwood M 7, 1 Florence Warren G 60 G 59 56 Fred G 63 Gummer / Litchfield Monument (Blank) Mtl. 67 Carl Litchfield Elinor G 64 G 65 Atwood M G 68 Carl G 70 Emma GI G 69 66 Roberts Monument Edward Lucy Mother Alexander Alexander G 76 • Granite Cylinders G • Father Mother 79 G 80 John M 82 Mother M LI Range #3 Map #4 A C E C A E S R S S 0 T A Alexander G 78 Mitchell Monument Simpson Monument Father G 41 MF8785 Father Simpson Monument SOUTH • VINVIIII0 I %MIR ‘,..CIVIC I CRT - Mange NORTH RANGE #3 MAP #4 • 11Granite Blocks Rock G 86 Brackett Monument Litchfield Litchfield Litchfield M 87 M 88 M 89 • U Brackett 93 Monument Woodside Woodside G 90 M 91 Frances Mother Father G 94 G 95 G 19 Woodside M Fri Emma 97 E W E A Merryman Merryman Merryman M102 M 103 M 101 Melcher Melcher Melcher M 98 M 99 S 100 S T Melcher Melcher Melcher 106 M 104 ro r Tori Merryman Merriman McManus Melcher Merryman M 1W 2 M ION M 107 M 108 Mr1(77 9 M Frol M Iffli Mr11Merryman McManus Merryman Marcus Coombs Thompson Coombs M IMO M 116 MI771M 118 M 119 MT2171G Coombs Coombs Coombs Ell Range #3 Map #5 SOUTH Granite Curbing S %.11fWIIIIQ I ‘11111111 VGIVIC I CRT • NORTH RANGE #3 MAP #5 Coombs Coombs S 126 S liEll M11E1 Coombs Coombs Hunt S M liEEI M Coombs M Woodside Woodside M 128 M 129 M 130 Woodside Granite Curbing Coombs McGill McGill S McGill S 134 Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt M 136 M M 138 M 139 A A C W E S T C E SR S A T.F.B. M 1W E.D.B. M BEI Hunt M 149 M Joseph Susan 140 M 144 M 143 Morse/Bradley/Snow/ G./J.M. Monroe Monument Hunt 150 M Mother 146 Father M Rollins Rollins Rollins M 156 M Es 17159 3 liEll Mr19 M 11:111 MF4T1 M Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Monroe Morse III Granite Posts Swan Littlefield M 161 M 162 M 163 Littlefield • M Brown M 159 Range #3 Map #6 155 Merritt Mother M SOUTH E A E S R S S 0 T A III Tree M C C Littlefield Littlefield Littlefield MrI91 Mr19 M FEI MAP #6 Raymond M 167 Raymond 168 Raymond Raymond M 169 M 170 Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond M 176 M 178 M 179 A C w E S T C G Snow E 184 Monument Annie Irene Mother SR Father Mother Will M 192 M 193 M 194 S M 195 M 196 M 197 A 0 Merritt MI 2081 Mtl. Merritt M® Libby 209 207 Merritt Monument Merritt Merritt 2131 M 214 Libby 771 1311 11121 Raymond Raymond M 182 M 183 Granite Blocks • A Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander G 198 G 199 G 200 M 201 M 202 Alexander Alexander Alexander M 203 M 204 Alexander Alexander • Merritt S M® m Raymond Raymond G 180 G 181 M H.S. Hannah Father Mother Fred Herbert M 185 M 186 M 187 M 188 M 189 M 190 M 191 Simpson Raymond Raymond Raymond M 205 M 206 Skolfield M Skolfield M Skolfield Brewer Skolfield Skolfield MI27M 218 M 219 M 220 M 221 m m Skolfield Skolfield Skolfield Parsons S Range #3 Map #7 SOUTH A S R S S 0 T A E ‘2/W11110 I %/VIM ‘..CIVIC I CM T - Mange LayOUt NORTH RANGE #3 MAP #7 G Parsons Morse M Lina M 228 Henry M Ell G W E S C C E T S R S 0 A D Mary Morse 226 Monument A Elliott M 246 A C Horatio Octavous Jeannette Mother Father C Parsons E MT37IM 238 M 239 M 234 M® M 236 S S Kincaid Kincaid Kincaid Elliot M ELI M FIZI M IZE1 m7,7 M Father Mother M 229 M 230 Lamb Parsons 232 Monument Elleot Uhl Elleott M EMI 1■■• ■■■••••IIIIII• ■••• ■■• ■ •■• ■• ■■■• ■■■11 ■0,• ■■ ,/ ■■■•• ■•■■• ■■•//// ■ .■■■••• ■■• ■• ■• ■•••■• ■•••■•.11•1” CHURCH SOUTH ■• ■■• ■■■• ■• ■■• ■■• ■•■ ... •••■■• a• ar - E A S R T 0 A D RANGE #3 (R3#1) Coombs Monument South Face: • JAMES A. COOMBS died Aug. 30, 1905 Aet 75 yrs. SARAH E. B. wife of J. A. COOMBS, died Apr. 11, 1890, Aet. 54 yrs. 11 mos. COOMBS (R3#5) Marker Stones: (R3#2) JAMES (R3#3) SARAH (R3#4) BETSEY, wife of MOSES PARSONS, died July 31, 1887, Ae. 88 yrs. 10 mos. 11 dys. Asleep in Jesus ! far from thee thy kindred and their graves may be, but thine is still a blessed sleep from which none ever wakes to weep. (R3#8) Melcher / Thayer Monument South Face: M MELCHER THAYER Marker: I.O.F.M. 43 Freedom Friendship and Charity Marker Stones: (R3#9) Wm. EDGAR PARSONS died Apr. 27, 1925 Ae 76 ys. 3 ms. (R3#6) REBECCA wife of Wm. F. PARSONS died Mar. 24, 1909 Ae. 90 ys. 3 ms. (R3#7) Wm. F. PARSONS died Nov. 17, 1912. Ae 89 ys. 7 ms. HARRY M. MELCHER 1860 - 1919 (R3#10) LINDLEY R. MELCHER 1856 - 1913 (R3#11) FRANK L. MELCHER 1868 - 1916 (R3#12) NANCY A. MELCHER THAYER 1853 - 1914 RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#13) Top of Stone: Father Mother Face of Stone: ALDEN F. BRAGDON 1886 - 1969 his wife ETHEL BRAGDON 1893 - 1953 (R3#14) Desmarais Monument West Face: CHAS. B. DESMARAIS 1841 - 1910 In memoriam ADELINE L. his wife 1845 - 1933 DESMARAIS North Face: (R3#19) SARAH Z. PAUL 1870 - 1931 MARGARET DESMARAIS 1868 - 1952 MARCIA E. wife of CHARLES G. MURRAY. 1844 - 1905 I know that my redeemer liveth. East Face: (4 armed cross above marked I. H. N.) (R3#20) CHARLES G. MURRAY 1841 - 1899 Gone but not forgotten. ROSE E. PERRON 1872 - 1956 Marker Stones: (R3#15) Sister SARAH (R3#16) ROSE (R3#17) FATHER (R3#18) Baby H. ERVING DESMARAIS died June 30, 1903. (3 chain links abv.) (R3#21) Father ALCOT STOVER died Apr. 25, 1900. Aet. 76 yrs. Dying is but going home. (R3#22) Mother ELIZA A. wife of ALCOT STOVER died June 7, 1913. Aet. 86 yrs. Gone but not forgotten. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#23) Top of Stone: BERTHA Face of Stone: BERTHA L. HACKETT 1886 - 1927 (R3#25) Top of Stone: MOTHER Face of Stone: EMMA H. wife of EDWIN A. HACKETT died July 16, 1895 Aet. 45 yrs. (R3#27) Fuller Monument South Face: FULLER (Masonic Symbol above) North Face: EDWARD W. FULLER 1867 - 1942 GENEVA M. his wife 1863 - 1954 (R3#24) Top of Stone: NINA A. Face of Stone: daughter of EDWIN A. & EMMA H. HACKETT died May 31, 1885 Aet. 15 yr. 11 mo. (R3#26) Father EDWIN A. HACKETT died Feb. 26, 1897 Aet. 55 yrs. Co. K 5th Me. Vols. (R3#28) Melcher Monument North Face: R. L. MELCHER Jr. 1889 - 1948 EVELYN M. GRUME 1886 - 1950 East Face: R. L. MELCHER 1860 - 1931 LIZZIE M. wife of R. L. MELCHER 1863 - 1890 MELCHER Marker Stones: (R3#29) EVELYN (R3#30) DICK (Cross above) (R3#31) LIZZIE (R3#32) RICHMOND RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#33) Melcher Monument Marker Stones: North Face: South Face: (R3#34) BABY EDWIN A. MELCHER At rest 1862 - 1940 OSBORNE A. MELCHER (R3#35) FATHER FLORA A. his wife died June 18, 1899, 1859 - 1936 Ae. 74 yrs. 4 mos. (R3#36) MOTHER MARGERY Y. his wife died May 5, 1904. (R3#37) FLORA Ae. 80 yrs. 11 mos. MELCHER (R3#38) EDWIN (R3#39) Chapman Monument South Face: CHAPMAN Marker Stones: (R3#40) Husband ARTHUR C. 1901 - 1976 (R3#41) Wife JENNIE WILSON 1902 - 1952 (R3#42) Wife JANE RIDER 1915 - 1962• (R3#43) Wilson Monument South Face: WILSON Marker Stones: (R3#44) ETHEL L. dau. of J. A. & L. H. WILSON 1897 - 1984 (R3#45) (R3#46) HAROLD B. son of J. A. & L. H. WILSON 1909 - 1910 (R3#47) JOHN WILSON 1826 - 1903 (R3#48) SUSAN E. wife of JOHN WILSON 1827 - 1901 (R3#49) JAMES A. WILSON 1870 - 1944 (R3#50) LILLIAN H. wife of JAMES A. WILSON 1874 - 1926 (R.3#51) LESLIE C. son of J. A. & L. H. WILSON 1898 - 1909 DORIS L. dau. of J. A. & L. H. WILSON 1906 - 1978 RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#55) Top of Stone: (R3#53) Top of Stone: MARTHA A. MOTHER Face of Stone: Face of Stone: wife of Rev. C. B. ATWOOD LAURA A. died wife of Jan. 11, 1889 . JACOB BERRY aged 40 years Sept. 21, 1824 (R3#54) South Face: Dec. 18, 1891 ABBIE A. She died as she lived wife of a christian Rev. C. B. ATWOOD died Feb. 9, 1882. aged 28 yrs. 2 mos. West Face: (R3#56) Gummer / Litchfield Monument ANNIE South Face: East Face: GUMMER EDITH North Face: LITCHFIELD (R3#52) JACOB BERRY Mar. 5, 1821 Apr. 23, 1905 (R3#66) Roberts Monument South Face: JOHN T. ROBERTS 1832 - 1919 L. J. RAYMOND his wife 1834 - 1914 children LUCY T. 1871 - 1874 EDWARD E. 1867 - 1876 ROBERTS North Face: CARL A. HESSEL 1868 - 1934 his wife EMMA ROBERTS 1873 CARL R. HESSEL 1905 - 1936 Marker Stones: (R3#57) SUSAN D. (R3#58) ELEANOR G. GUMMER 1893 - 1943 1864 - 1924 (R3#59) FLORENCE V • (R3#60) WARREN H. 1896 - 1982 1847 - 1934 (R3#61) JAMES A. 1826 - 1890 (R3#62) MARY A. his wife 1829 - 1904 (R3#63) FRED V. 1866 - 1900 (R3#64) CLARA E. LITCHFIELD 1862 - 1903 (R3#65) ELINOR M. 1852 - 1855 Marker Stones: (R3#67) Blank (R3#68) CARL (R3#69) EMMA (R3#70) CARL R. (R.3#71) EDWARD (R3#72) LUCY (R3#73) MOTHER (R3#74) FATHER RANGE #3 Cont'd. THOMAS MARTIN: died Nov. 6, 1849 Aet. 6 months THOMAS MARTIN: died Mar. 19, 1856 Aet. 2 yrs. 1 mo. 23 ds. children of THOMAS & BETSEY B. ALEXANDER (R3#75) Ere sin could blight, or sorrow fade death came with friendly care, the opening buds to heaven conveyed and bade them blossom there. (R3#78) Mitchell Monument East Face: MITCHELL (R3#76) Mother BETSEY B. wife of T. ALEXANDER Nov. 23, 1817, Jan. 1, 1895 (R3#77) Father Capt. T. ALEXANDER Aug. 23, 1813 Aug. 3, 1858. Marker Stones: (R3#79) FATHER West Face: CHARLES B. MITCHELL, 1806 - 1861. JOAN ROYAL, his wife, 1811 - 1899. Their children CHARLES R. 1830 - 1864. OLIVE H. 1846 - 1864. OLIVE A. 1832 - 1834. ELLEN F. 1847 - 1856. GREENLEAF. 1841. • DAVID S. 1856. Markers: Post 22 G.A.R. U.S. World War Veteran (R3#80) MOTHER RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#81) Simpson Monument West Face: LEWIS SIMPSON. died Sept. 13, 1880. aged 89 yrs. Sleep dear father softly slumber here on earth thy life is o'er but we soon shall rest beside thee thou art only gone before. His wife MARY C. CAMPBELL 1804 - 1894 SIMPSON Marker: U.S. War 1812 Veteran North Face: JOHN F. SIMPSON 1837 - 1919 Marker Stones: (R3#82) JOHN (R3#83) MOTHER (R3#84) FATHER (R3#85) Simpson Monument South Face: ISAAC LINCOLN SIMPSON, Oct. 9, 1828 - Mar. 10, 1895. MARTHA his wife 1835 - 1915 SIMPSON (R3#86) Brackett Monument Top: (Open Book) Seat of For we must Christ all appear his last before the text judgement East Face: LEVI BRACKETT Free Will Baptist Preacher 1813 - 1890 NANCY JANE CRAM his wife 1827 - 1897 CALVIN CRESSY BRACKETT 1870 - 1935 ELIZABETH MARIAN BRACKETT his wife 1870 - 1950 HARRIET BRACKETT 1863 - 1937 West Face: LEVI SMITH 1856 - 1856 LEVI FAIRFIELD 1858 - 1860 JENNIE CRAM 1866 - 1877 CLARA FRANCES 1868 - 1869 Children of LEVI BRACKETT (R3#87) WILLIAM LITCHFIELD. died Jan. 7, 1872. aged 66 yrs. Ready and waiting for his Lord's coming. (R3#88) WENEFREE wife of Wm. LITCHFIELD died Aug. 17, 1892 aged 84 yrs. Weep not she is not dead but sleepeth. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#89) (R3#92) JAMES H. : CLEMENT, died : died Oct. 20, 1837, : Aug. 29, 1841 Aet. 3 yrs. : Aet. 3 yrs. Children of Wm. & WINEFREE LITCHFIELD ROBERT P. WOODSIDE died Apr. 29, 1865, Aet. 69 yrs. Thou sleepest quietly beneath the sod; thy spirit resting in the hand of God: and trusting thou art happy, free from pain how can we wish thee back to earth again ! (R3#90) HIRAM A. WOODSIDE Dec. 2, 1828, Mar. 10, 1910. (R3#91) ELIZA A. wife of ROBERT P. WOODSIDE died June 4, 1875 aged 78 yrs. • Gone but not forgotten (R3#93) Brackett Monument North Face: South Face: East Face: EMMA A. NICHOLS FRANCES E. SILAS BRACKETT' Jan. 30, 1860, Apr. 23, 1851 Feb. 2, 1818 Sept. 4, 1898. Oct. 10, 1868 Jan. 25, 1888 ABBY A. ELIZABETH B. Marker Stones: Feb. 11, 1853 his wife (R3#94) FRANCES Jan. 22, 1854 Jan. 10, 1815 Children of Jan. 23, 1854 MOTHER (R3#95) S. & E. B. BRACKETT. SARAH D. his wife (R3#96) FATHER Mar. 10, 1831, Apr. 5, 1898. (R3#97) EMMA BRACKETT RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#98) Dear GEORGEY son of Capt. GEORGE & ROSAMOND J. MELCHER, died Mar. 31, 1850, Ae. 20 ms. Far beyond the frost and snow doth our lovely flowers bloom (R3#99) for him thou JAMES H. son of Capt. ABNER & HANNAH M. MELCHER died Sept. 17, 1849 Ae. 1 yr. 2 mo. & 22 days. (Stone badly weathered at bottom and unreadable.) (R3#100) (R3#103) In memory of MARY H. MELCHER, daur of Mr. ABNER and Mrs. NANCY MELCHER, who died July 7, 1817; aged 11 years 1 month and 29 days. Mary hath chosen the good part. ANTHONY N. son of ROBERT S. & REBECCA A. MERRYMAN died July 9, 1865, aged 10 yrs. 2 mos. (R3#101) ROBT. S. MERRYMAN born April 21, 1825, died Oct. 18, 1892 Gone but not forgotten. (R3#102) REBECCA A. wife of ROBERT S. MERRYMAN died Feb. 22, 1872 Aet. 49 yrs. 9 mos. (R3#104) Mother NANCY wife of ABNER MELCHER born Nov. 8, 1779 died Dec. 14, 1873 Thy memory is immortal. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#105) Top of stone: an open book Holy : Bible Face of Stone: Dea. ABNER MELCHER died May 5, 1858, aged 88 yrs. 4 mos, 11 ds. My rest is in heaven. (R3#106) (R3#107) (R3#108) WALTER MERRYMAN died Mar. 7, 1867 aged 82 yrs. (R3#109) HANNAH, wife of WALTER MERRYMAN died Dec. 7, 1862. Aet. 79 yrs. 6 mos. (R3#111) MARY J. wife of Wm. McMANUS & daughter of WALTER & HANNAH MERRYMAN died Dec. 15, 1844 Ae. 32. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption. Capt. JOSEPH MELCHER died Oct. 7, 1846, Ae. 38 y'rs. Capt. ABNER MELCHER died Mar. 14, 1845 Aet. 32 yrs. 5 ms. The memory of the just is blessed. (R3#110) MARY J. dau. of ROBERT S. & REBECCA A. MERRIMAN, died Sept. 28, 1853 Aet. 6 yrs. I mo. (R3#112) FANNY, daughter of WALTER & HANNAH MERRYMAN died April 10, 1831 aged 16 yr's. 10 mo's. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#113) HANNAH E. daughter of JOHN & ELLEN MERRYMAN. died Jun. 9, 1844 Ae. 15 yr's 1 mo. & 25 dy's. Dearest child thou hast left us here thy loss we deeply feel but 'tis God that hath bereft us he can all our sorrow heal. (R3#115) (R3#119) (R3#114) (R3#116) HANNAH H. wife of WOODWARD THOMPSON died Jan. 6, 1841. Aet. 29. Husband and son, father and mother brothers, sisters and friends, who are all near and dear to me. Remember that you are born to die: seek the Lord till gently until you are called by death to go up into the arms of Jesus to dwell with me where I am gone. OSBORNE D. son of ISAIAH & MINDWELL COOMBS born Apr. 8, 1844, died Dec. 4, 1870. on his passage from Callao to N.Y. Member of Co. C. 33rd Mass. Vol's. also, member of Young Men's Christian Association of Lewiston FANNY J. dau. of Wm. & MARY J. McMANUS, died Sept. 16, 1853. Aet. 10 yrs. 2 mos. FREDERIC FREDERIC A. died • died Sep. 12, 1850. Aug. 30, 1849 Ae. 7 mos. 15 ds : Ae. 1 y. 3 ms. 20 d. Children of I. & M. COOMBS (R3#117) (R3#118) MARCUS Aet. 10 mos. 7 ds. JULIA. daughter of ISAIAH & MINDWELL COOMBS died June 30, 1844 aged 9 yrs. 4 mos. 18 ds. also JULIA died Jul• 1845 aged 22 days. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#120) JOHN THOMAS MINDWELL GEORGE UPHAM died • died died Sept. 22. 1813 : June 2, 1812 : Sept. 3, 1840 aged 7 months aged I yr. 2 ds. aged 10 ms. 7 ds. Children of ISAIAH & MINDWELL C OOMBS. (R3#121) PRISCILLA daur of JOHN & HANNAH COOMBS, died Dec. 3, 1815: aged 2 years & 8 mos (R3#123) ANTHONY COOMBS died in Chicago, Ill. May 29, 1849. Aet. 51. (R3#125) ISAIAH COOMBS died Mar. 23, 1856. Aet. 54 yrs. 2 mos. Our father. (R3#122) JULIA, wife of ANTHONY COOMBS, died March 28, 1840. aged 37 (R3#124) MINDWELL A. wife of ISAIAH COOMBS. died Nov. 16, 1887. Aet. 83 yrs. 10 mos. (R3#126) Dea. JOHN COOMBS, died Feb. 17, 1860, Aet. 90 yrs. Marker: S.A.R. 1775 RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#127) In memory of Mrs. HANNAH, wife of JOHN COOMBS. born Octr 12. 1775. Married July 1, 1794. died May 20. 1838. aged 62 yrs. 7 ms. 8 ds. your Dear husband, while you spill tears in numbering o'er past happy years but yet remeber while you weep with me you in the grave must sleep. But the last trumpet we shall hear before our God we must appear and there with Jesus we shall reign and never part nor weep again. (R3#128) (R3#131) (R3#133) MARTHA J. ANDREWS Sept. 4, 1827, May 26, 1899. She ministered to others MARTHA ANN, dau. of JEREMIAH & MARY HUNT, died Nov. 18, 1828 aged 20 years & 2 months. Be ye also ready. MARTHA widow of WILLIAM McGILL, died. Jan. 4. 1842. Aet. 85. (R3#129) NANCY M. wife of JOHN H. WOODSIDE, died Sept. 12, 1875 Aet. 72 yrs. 11 mos. Asleep in Jesus (R3#130) JOHN WOODSIDE died June 16, 1876 aged 77 yrs. 11 mos. At rest in the Lord JAMES WOODSIDE Feb. 21, 1825, Aug. 15, 1889. At rest (R3#132) Mr. WILLIAM McGILL died Sept. 19. 1828. Aet. 81. (R3#134) Mr. PETER McGILL died Nov. 21, 1833. aged 40 years. Here rests an honest man the only hope of an aged mother. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#135) JEREMIAH HUNT died July 16, 1847 aged 67 yrs. 6 mos. 5 ds. (R3#136) MARY G. wife of JEREMIAH HUNT, died Mar. 25, 1858, Ae 73 ys. 3 ms. (R3#137) Husband EPHRAIM HUNT 1816 - 1898 Gone but not forgotten (R3#138) Wife MINERVA E. wife of EPHRAIM HUNT 1833 - 1917 (R3#140) Morse / Bradley / Snow / Monroe Monument West Face: ANTHONY MORSE died Nov. 10, 1816, Aet. 64 yrs. SUSAN his wife died Mar. 7, 1837. Aet. 82 yrs. Capt. ANTHONY MORSE died Dec. 30, 1875 Aet. 82 yrs. 10 mos. HANNAH MOUNTFORT his wife died Jan. 8, 1892 Aet. 99 yr. 22 d. Children of Capt. ANTHONY & HANNAH MORSE. CATHERINE W. died Feb. 18, 1820. Aet. 1 yr. 9 mos. ANDREW J. died June 1, 1833 Aet. 5 mos. MORSE (R3#139) Top of Stone: CHARLIE Face of Stone: CHARLIE OTIS, only child of EPHRAIM & MINERVA E. HUNT. died Jan. 15, 1877. Aet. 8 yrs. 2 mos. All right Good bye Papa Good bye Mama South Face: TIMOTHY F. BRADLEY died Aug. 23, 1886 Aet. 74 yr. 2 mo. 20 d. ELEANOR D. his wife died Feb. 28, 1900 Aet. 83 yrs. BRADLEY RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#140 Morse/Bradley/Snow/Monroe Monument Cont'd.) North Face: East Face: Children of Capt. JAMES C. & CATHERINE W. JOSEPH E. SNOW MONROE died at London, GEORGE W. July 6, 1851, died Sept. 20, 1852 Aet. 33 yrs. Aet. 1 yr. SNOW JULIET M. died Apr. 25, 1850 MONROE Marker Stones: E. D. BRADLEY (R3#142) T. F. BRADLEY (R3#141) (R3#143) JOSEPH (R3#144) SUSAN (R3#145) MOTHER (R3#146) FATHER GEORGE W. died Sept. 20, 1852. Ae. 1 yr. JULIETT M. died Apr. 25, 1850 Children of JAMES C. & CATHARINE H. MONROE (R3#148) CATHARINE. ANDREW. (R3#147) These lovely buds so young and fair called hence by early doom just came to show how fair the flowers in paradise would bloom. Gone little sufferers, thy pains are now o'er our grievous loss we will not deplore: Life's troubled sea ye have gidely past, to thy home in the mansions of rest. Footstone: G. W. M. J. M. M. (R3#149) ABBIE E. HUNT wife of FRANK A. HUNT 1879 - 1955 (R3#150) FRANK A. HUNT 1874 - 1958 (R3#151) Mother ABBIE M. wife of BENJ. S. HUNT. Feb. 27. 1843. Feb. 26. 1912. My trust is in God RANGE #3 Coned. (R3#152) Father. BENJ. S. HUNT Feb. 10, 1837 July 30, 1907 Co. D. 25. Me. Regt. Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep. Marker: S.A.R. 1775 (R3#154) JOHN R. HUNT, died May 9, 1859, Aet. 66 yrs. 11 mos. Weep not for me. Mother. (R3#153) (Open book marked Holy Bible) ABIGAIL, wife of JOHN R. HUNT. died May 20, 1883, Aet. 87. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. (R3#155) ALMIRA, wife of Capt. HENRY MERRITT, died Oct. 3, 1857, Aet. 60. Spent a life of suffering on Earth now spending an eternity in Heaven. (R3#156) "And they that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever and ever" Rev. ANDREW ROLLINS died Aug. 15, 1859, Aet. 60. Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth: they that have done good, to the ressurrection of life, and they that have done evil to the resurrection of damnation. John 5:28:29. (R3#157) Come Lord Jesus and come quickly. HULDAH, wife of Elder ANDREW ROLLINS. died Aug. 26. 1876. Aet. 71 yrs. 4 mos. (R3#158) MARY JANE, dau. of Rev. ANDREW & HULDAH ROLLINS, died Mar. 26, 1855, Aet. 18 yrs. 4 mos. Asleep in Jesus. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#159) AUGUSTINE dau. of J. T. & L. A. BROWN died Oct. 19, 1849 Ae. 3 mos. 26 days. (R3#160) ( R3# 161 ) Round the rose that is withered a fragrance remains. O'er beauty in ruins the mind proudly reigns. But thy spirit has mounted to regions on high, to the throne of its God where it never can die. (R3#162) (R3#164) JAMES HENRY son of JAMES & HANNAH LITTLEFIELD died in Havre, France, Sept. 17, 1845. Aet. 26. No more we hail his glad return for death hath laid him low. Far in a foreign land he sleeps, secure from every woe. HANNAH. wife of JAMES LITTLEFIELD, died May 4, 1848. Aet. 45 yrs. Death cannot make our souls afraid if Christ be with us there. MOTHER MERCY JANE, daughter of JAMES & HANNAH LITTLEFIELD. died Oct. 28. 1839 Aet. 22 -.Dearest sister thou hast left us here thy loss we deeply feel but tis God that hath bereft us he can all our sorrows heal. (R3#163) MARY ANN. wife of FRANCIS W. SWAN died April 27, 1856, Aet. 40 yrs. 6 m's. They die in Jesus and are blessed; How kind their slumbers are from sufferings and from sins released and free from every snare. (R3#165) JAMES LITTLEFIELD died Nov. 25, 1861 Aet. 71 yrs. (Stone broken and wasting away.) RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#I66) ANNA wife of JAMES LITTLEFIELD died July 5, 1869 Aet. 79 yrs. (R3#167) In memory of an infant child of Mr. ANTHONY C. & Mrs. MARY W. RAYMOND aged 10 days 1839 (R3#169) HENRY H. son of ELISHA C. & SUSAN W. RAYMOND. died Nov. 20, 1847. aged 6 mos. (Stone broken and wasting away.) (R3#168) ALETTA daughter of Mr. ANTHONY C. & Mrs. MARY W. RAYMOND who died Aug. 30, 1833 aged 15 months EDWARD HENRY (R3#171) SOPHIA J. son of wife of ELISHA C. & SUSAN W. ELISHA C. RAYMOND RAYMOND, died died Sept. 20, 1915, Sept. 8, 1851 Aet. 83 yrs. 15 dys. Aet. 2 yrs. 5 das. Tis thus our earthly comforts fly and prospects brighten but to die transported in that better clime (R3#173) ELISHA C. RAYMOND twill sweeter bloom and brighter shine. died Aug. 9. 1877. aged 68 yrs. 3 mos. We miss his absence from us (R3#172) SUSAN W. but feel he is more blest wife of away from earthly trial ELISHA C, RAYMOND from pain and care at rest. died May 14, 1863 Aet. 56 yr 1 mo & 7 dy The wife that soothed my former cares (R3#174) HENRY C. here lies in cold decay only child of the friends I knew in early years Mr. HENRY C. & Mrs. has passed from me away. ELIZABETH T. RAYMOND died Sept. 10, 1833 aged 10 months (R3#170) RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#175) Here rests a family Mr. Mrs. HENRY C. RAYMOND ELIZABETH T. who died wife of Mr. HENRY C. RAYMOND : June 25, 1833 who died Aet. 26. Feb. 23, 1833 Aet. 19 (R3#176) Top of Stone: FATHER Face of Stone: ANTHONY C. RAYMOND born in Harpswell, June 21, 1798, died in Bath June 13, 1879. (R3#177) In memory of Mrs. ALETTA wife of Mr. ANTHONY C. RAYMOND who died Sept. 21, 1830. aged 28 years. & 6 mos "This mortal must put on immortality." (R3#178) Top of Stone: MOTHER Face of Stone: MARY W. RAYMOND wife of ANTHONY C. RAYMOND born in Topsham May 13, 1803. died in Bath Nov. 1, 1889. (R3#180) CHAS. S. RAYMOND died Dec. 22, 1918, Ae. 64 yrs. (R3#179) Top of Stone: ALETTA Face of Stone: ALETTA A. daughter of Mr. A. C. & Mrs. M. W. RAYMOND, died Apr. 22, 1873 aged 38 yrs. 4 mos. Beloved and respected by all that knew her (R3#181) EMMA M. RAYMOND died Oct. 18, 1909, Ae. 82 yrs. Dear heart. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#182) Mrs. LYDIA, wife of Mr. EDWARD RAYMOND died Dec. 3, 1855, Aet. 79 yrs. 3 mos. (R3#183) Mr. EDWARD RAYMOND died June 29, 1853. Aet. 81 yrs. 6 mos. 24 ds. "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." A devoted wife, an affectionate mother (R3#184) Snow Monument West Face: South Face: North Face: Capt. HUMPHREY SNOW CARRIE M. died HARRISON SNOW wife of FRANK SNOW Dec. 12, 1874, 1820 - 1903 died Mar. 28, 1895 HANNAH Aet. 46 yr. Aet. 84 yrs. 10 mos. wife of FRANK SNOW HANNAH THOMAS SIMPSON Jr. 1848 - 1928 wife of HUMPHREY SNOW died Apr. 9. 1847. WILLIAM F. SNOW died Sept. 10, 1833 1873 - 1924 Aet. 24 yrs. 7 mos. Aet. 40 yrs. REBECCA. SNOW FRED A. son of FRANK wife of HUMPHREY SNOW. & CARRIE SNOW died May 20, 1886. died Oct. 25. 1894 Aet. 75 yrs. Aet. 24 yr. IRENE HERBERT E. dau. of HUMPHREY son of FRANK & HANNAH SNOW. & CARRIE SNOW died July 23, 1866. died Mar. 6, 1892 Aet. 46 yrs. 10 mos. Aet. 16 yr. ANNE D. dau. of HUMPHREY & REBECCA SNOW. died June 18, 1874. Aet. 21 yrs. 11 mos. Marker Stones: (R3#186) FRANCES M. (R3#185) H. S. daughter of THOMAS & HANNAH (R3#187) HANNAH SIMPSON, died (R3#188) FATHER Oct. 10, 1845. aged 7 mos. (R3#189) MOTHER RANGE #3 Cont'd. (Marker Stones Cont'd.) (R3#190) FRED (R3#193) IRENE (R3#191) HERBERT (R3#192) ANNIE (R3#194) MOTHER (R3#195) FATHER (R3#196) MOTHER (R3#198) Top of Stone: (R3#199) Top of Stone: Father Face of Stone: Capt. JOS. ALEXANDER died May 17, 1890, aged 86 yrs. Mother Face of Stone: EMELINE D. wife of Capt. JOS. ALEXANDER died Sept. 23, 1844, aged 34 yrs. "He giveth his loved ones sleep" (R3#200) Top of Stone: Mother Face of Stone: MARY M. wife of Capt. JOS. ALEXANDER died Dec. 1, 1900 aged 90 yrs. She hath done what she could WILL (R3#197) Her spirit lives above (R3#201) MARY E. dau. of Capt. JOSEPH & MARY ALEXANDER died March 7, 1847 Ae. 1 y'r. O think not that the blushing flower, shall wither in the churchyard sod, was made to gild an angels bower, within the paradise of God. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#202) (R3#203) WILLIAM ALEXANDER died Oct. 19, 1847. Ae. 86 yrs. JOSEPHINE dau. of JOSEPH & MARY G. ALEXANDER died Nov. 7, 1854 Aet. 2 yrs. She was a flower too pure for earth too inocent, too fair Transplanted she has gone to bloom and live in heavenly air. (R3#204) BETSEY C. wife of WILLIAM ALEXANDER died Nov. 18, 1848 Aet. 79 yrs. 2 mos. (R3#205) Top of Stone: BELLE Face of Stone: BELLE H. dau. of HIRAM K. & SARAH E. ALEXANDER died May 15, 1876 aged 30 yrs. 8 mos. "Absent from the body, but present with the Lord" _ where the inhabitant shall not say I am sick" (R3#206) Mother SARAH E. P. wife of H. K. ALEXANDER died Mar. 24, 1894. aged 79 yrs. 10 ms. Weep not my friends, weep not for me : my sins are pardoned, I am free. Father HIRAM K. ALEXANDER died Dec. 20, 1896. aged 87 ys. 7 ms. Tis finished yes, the race is run the battle fought, the victory won. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#207) Merritt Monument West Face: East Face: Marker Stones: JOHN H. (R3#208) South Face: ANNE D. MERRITT. FATHER MOTHER daughter of died Sep. 10, 1877, MERRITT JOHN S. & JOANN 28 years North Face: MERRITT deeply lamented JOHN S. MERRITT died Jan. 24, 1859 South Face: 1818 - 1899 aged MERRITT JOAN his wife 3 yrs. 8 mos. Her pulse is down, no more to beat 1817 -1887 this lovely babe has gone to sleep. (R3#209) MALCOLM U. son of ISAAC & H. S. LIBBY, died Jan. 14, 1847. Ae. 2 y. 5 mo. (R3#211) In memory of THANKFULL, daughter of WILLIAM & PRECILLA MERRITT. died May 13, 1835. aged 13 years 10 mo. also HARVY, their son died in New Orleans Jan. 1st 1835. aged 20 years 8 months (R3#213) PRICILLA. wife of Wm. MERRITT died Feb. 21, 1841 Ae. 53 yrs. & 2 mo. (R3#210) HARRIET S. wife of Eld. ISAAC LIBBY. died Nov. 18, 1846. Ae. 36. Her record is on high. (R3#212) Wm. MERRITT died April 21, 1850. Aet. 69. Calmly I watched my ebbing life. I know thy time was best, nor feared t' obey my father's call. to his eternal rest. (R3#214) MARIA C. daughter of Wm. & PRISCILLA N1ERRITT died May 28, 1847 aged 20 yrs. 9 mos. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#215) DENNISON son of Capt. JOSEPH & SUSAN SKOLFIELD who was lost at sea July 6, 1843 Aet. 23 yrs. 2 mos. Fare thee well - but not forever: something tells me we shall meet where no ocean wave will sever hearts where friendship reigns so sweet. (R3#2I7) Capt. JOSEPH SKOLFIELD died Feb. 3, 1835, Aet. 51. My weeping friends as you pass by stop and think that you must die. (R3#219) MARY, wife of HEZEKIAH BREWER & dau't. of Capt. JOSEPH SKOLFIELD died Oct. 11, 1838; Ae. 28 yrs. (R3#216) Top of Stone: CHARLIE Face of Stone: CHARLES MILTON, only son of Capt. CHA's & REBECCA A. SKOLFIELD died Sept. 9, 1873. aged 21 yrs. 6 mos. Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep. (R3#2I8) Top of Stone: MOTHER Face of Stone: SUSAN S. wife of Capt. JOSEPH SKOLFIELD died May 28, 1874, aged 89 yrs. Sweetly sleep kind loving mother, sweetly sleep and take thy rest. Pain and grief nor harm can reach thee thou art numbered with the blest. (R3#221) Top of Stone: MOTHER Face of Stone: (Stone badly weathered) (R3#220) Capt. CHAS. S. SKOLFIELD born Dec. 12, 1812 died Dec. 25, 1891 REBECCA A. wife of Capt. CHARLES SKOLFIELD died June 4, 1872. Aet. 54 yrs. 6 mos. I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#223) Top of Stone: (R3#222) Top of Stone: ROSE ADDIE Face of Stone: Face of Stone: ROSE J. daughter of Capt. CHARLES & REBECCA A. SKOLFIELD died Sept. 29, 1869. aged 20 yrs. 6 mos. Christ shall give thee light. ADDLE M. daughter of Capt. CHARLES & REBECCA A. SKOLFIELD. died Apr. 26, 1871. Aet. 24 yrs. 2 mos. One treasure less on earth one more in heaven. (R3#225) (R3#224) In memory of Mr EDWARD PARSONS, who died March 16, 1810: aged 37. Remember me as you pass by as you are now so once was I as I am now so you must be prepare for death and follow me. DAISY M. PARSONS 1878 - 1973 (R3#226) Morse Monument South Face: West Face: Marker Stones: HENRY JOSEPH MORSE Esq. Capt. (R3#227) died Wm. H. MORSE Mar. 31, 1867, died (R3#228) Top of Stone: Oct. 6, 1876. Ae. 83 ys. 2 ms. 20 ds. LINA Thanks be to God which giveth Ae. 47 yrs. 10 mos. Face of Stone: us the victory through our Lord Until the day breaks. Jesus Christ. North Face: and the shadows flee away. LUCY S. EMELINE M. MORSE his wife died (R3#229) FATHER died July 14, 1869, Oct. 16, 1888, Ae. 79 ys. 3 ms. 6 ds. Aet. 23 yr. 9 mo. (R3#230) MOTHER And the spirit and the bride say come and let him that heareth say come and let him that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely RANGE #3 Cont'd. ALBERT E. son of Wm. H. & LUCY E. MORSE. died Mar. 15, 1861, Aet. 11 mos. 5 ds. Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade death came with friendly care: This lovely bud to heaven convey'd and bade it blossom there. (R3#231) (R3#232) Parsons Monument West Face: North Face: East Face: JEANNETTE CHAS A. OCTAVOUS A. M. wife of PARSONS died Sept. 24, 1864. NATHANIEL MILLAY. 1851 - 1897 Aet. 25 yrs. 10 mos. 5 ds. & widow of MARY A. GRAY JEREMIA H. EDWARD PARSONS. May 17, 1847, died in Greenville, S. C. died Mar. 18, 1866. Mar. 26, 1912 Oct. 25, 1865, Aet. 81 yrs. Aet. 17 yrs. 1 mo. 24 ds. Her children arise up and call Private Co. D. 1. Battalion Me. Volls. her blessed. HORATIO H. died Sept. 3, 1854, South Face: Aet. 7 mos. EDWARD T. PARSONS Children of died Nov. 25, 1892 EDWARD T. & ELIZABETH Aet. 84 yrs. PARSONS ELIZABETH. wife of PARSONS EDWARD T. PARSONS died Dec. 12, 1860. Aet. 48 yrs. 19 ds. Marker Stones: (R3#233) MARY (R3#235) HORATIO H. (R3#236) OCTAVOUS A. M. (R3#234) his wife CHAS. A. PARSONS died : EMMA J. LINCOLN Feb. 9, 1897, died Ae. 45 ys. 10 ms. : Dec. 24, 1940, Blessed are the dead which die : Ae. 90 ys. 9 ms. in the Lord. Home at last. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (Marker Stones Cont'd.) (R3#237) Top of Stone: GRANDMOTHER Face of Stone: JEANNETTE (R3#240) (R3#243) In memory of Eld. GEORGE LAMB who departed this life Dec. 14, 1836 Aet. 48 Mr. Lamb was converted to God at the age of 15 and engaged in the ministry at the age of 23. He laboured faithfully in his Masters service 25 years and died in full assurance of a blessed immortality beyond the grave. Remember how he spake unto you when he was yet with you. NANCY M. daughter of DAVID & ABIGAIL KINCAID. died Apr. 12, 1856, Aet. 33 yrs. 1 mo. 10 ds. Beloved child and justly beloved the hope of a mother bereft but a thought should check the falling tear to know that thou art blest. ABIGAIL, daughter of DAVID & ABIGAIL KINCAID. died Mar. 26, 1832. Aet. 5 yrs. 6 mos. Jesus took little children in his arms and blessed them. (R3#238) MOTHER (R3#239) FATHER (R34241) (R3#242) (R3#244) In memory of Elder ADAM ELLEOT, died Dec. 16, 1813; Aet. 44. "He being dead yet speaketh." DOROTHY wife of Elder ADAM ELLIOT. died Mar. 3, 1848 Ae. 75. ABBY G. dau. of DAVID & ABIGAIL KINCAID, died Apr. 27, 1851, Ae. 18 yrs. 8 mos. 27 ds. My mother dear pray do not weep, I am not dead but only sleep. And here in peace my body rests till Christ shall recall all afresh. Brothers & sisters seek to be prepared to die & follow me: And when the saints in Christ shall rise, we hope to meet them in the skies. RANGE #3 Cont'd. (R3#245) Mr. DAVID KINCAID died Feb. 20, 1841. aged 66 years 4 months (R3#246) DORATHY, wife of JAMES S. ELLIOTT. died Jan. 27, 1855. Aet. 66 yrs. (R3#247) JAMES S. ELLEOTT, died Oct. 21, 1848 Aet. 55 ys. Kind husband, father thou hast left us while grief and anguish break our rest but tis God who hath bereft us he can calm the troubled breast. In this cold grave you silent slumber till the dead in Christ shall rise then with all the blood washed numbers will shout salvation to the skies. Hail thou happy, happy spirit death no more shall make you fear grief nor sorrow, pain nor anguish never will distress you there. Marker: Post 22 G.A.R. UKUIIIM I uvvri utnnt 1 tKY - Kange Layout NOR TH ACCESS ROAD RANGE #4 MAP #1 Minott Minott Mr 2 G 1 M Minott Monument Minott Staples Susie A. MM M Father Mother M A W C E C E S T S R S0 A D 11131 ILI Robert G 9 Owen G Monument Ryan 7 1 G 8 Margaret John G 10 mu Wilson GI 1Wilson / Kendrick 12 Monument Mother Father G 16 G mu Mtl Dionne G G Wilson Monument Brooks 18 Monument Harry Edna 20 Mtl. Mtl. 19 Range #4 Map #2 G Son SOUTH A E C A C E S S R T S 0 A D ‘71W111/0 I %/1/1/111 \rGIVIC 1 CM! - Mantle 1-dyGnit NORTH RANGE #4 MAP #2 Guli Arthur G Morse I 24 I Monument GI25 Albee / Williams Monument Granite Curbing G 27 ]Morse Monument Mountfort / Parsons Monument G A Morse C G WI W C E E S S R T S 0 Carruthers A Carruthers G 36 D Mtl. 10 28 AEM WEM GWP SMP RM G 29 G 30 G MI G BEI G MI Carruthers G MI MI Frank Mary M 39 M 40 Range #4 Map #3 SOUTH 38 Morse Monument Mother Father m El M MN A C C E A E S R S S 0 T A D urtuvvo lowly utmt it tttY - Kane Layout NORTH RANGE #4 MAP #3 Sumner G 50 A C w C E E S S R T S 0 A D Kincaid G 1131 M 112:11 miasj Mother Father Anderson / Thomas 43 Monument Father Bertie Channie M 48 M 49 M 46 M Mother Kincaid 13:1 Groves Groves M 54 M 1331 Augustus/Chester M 1331 Barnes Barnes Barnes M 58 M 59 G 60 Forsaith Forsaith Tarr M 67 MM M 69 Corliss M 61 Tarr Fri 111 Marker: Post 22 G.A.R. Granite Block Range #4 Map #4 SOUTH MI Marker: Post 22 G.A.R. A C C E A Toothaker Toothaker E MM M 537 S R S S 0 T A Parsons Parsons Corliss Mral M 63 M 4 F-1 Hersey M 65 Grant M 66 %.11TWV110 U 1/40111111 %.,GIVIG I GIN T - rNallliC Lolly Ull I. NORTH RANGE #4 MAP #4 m IRO Lambert M W E S T A C C E S R S 0 A D Grows Lambert Lambert M am MI M Lambert M Ea WI Grows Grows Grows Mr- 1 M M MrIn Lambert M pri Granite II Block GFS AMS G 82 G 81 Stevens Monument Lizzie G SVVVV 84 M 80 G 83 ATS RAS SDS G 85 G 86 G 87 CS SS AS G 88 G 89 G 90 Ross Winslow Ross t Mpn m71 Mrn Range #4 Map #5 A C E C A E S R S S 0 T A D Granite Curbing Frost Melcher Frost Staniels MFT1M 95 MprIM 97 S FrIS 99 Melcher Melcher SOUTH tiKUVVb i uvvrt t;tivit I LKY - Kange Layout NORTH RANGE #4 MAP #5 Frye Melcher MTOT M 102 Woodside M 100 Hunt M 103 A C W C E E S SR T S 0 A D Hunt M 105 Melcher M 104 Granite Curbing D.W. M BEI Melcher Melcher Melcher Pitts M 107 M 108 M 109 M 110 Woodside M 106 Granite Curbing M.W. Snow M Fl71 111 Monument Father Mother Jane Charles M 114 m gig M 116 M IIEI M Maria M 119 Otis 118 Monument James Father Mother M 120 M IMO M 771 Cobb M Woodside Woodside Woodside Woodside Woodside MA M 126 Mr117 Mr1F3 M 1. 7g Woodside Woodside Woodside Woodside MI 129 1 MI 130 1 S S 1E1 um Eta Rock Allen Mrl 91 Range #4 Map #6 Rock At_ SOUTH G( 133 Woodside Monument A C C E A E S R S S 0 T A D WIN%J1111Q I %/111I 1...G11111C I CIN T Rd11yC L.dr,JUI NORTH RANGE #4 MAP #6 Meryman Meryman M 136 Woodside M 138 Woodside M A C W C E E S SR T S 0 A D Merryman Meryman Merryman M 139 M 140 M Mountfort Mountfort Mountfort M lirn M Ma M 144 M 145 M 79 Mountfort Mountfort Mountfort Mountfort M 148 M171719 Mountfort Mountfort M 150 Marinor Marinor Mr571Mr1g1 Marriner Marriner Melcher Frel Stanwood MFE1 Mathews Thorndike Howard M17171MI 1581M179 Fel ) Mathews Stanwood M 165 Wilson / Coombs Monument Fence SOUTH 1E2 Stanwood Stanwood S 162 M 163 Stanwood 164 A C C E A E S R S S 0 T A RANGE #4 (R4#1) Minott Monument DAVID WALTER MINOTT August 22, 1963 January 12, 1989 Marker Stones: (R4#2) MINOTT WALTER S. 1903 HAZEL 0. his wife 1909 - 1959 (R4#3) OCTAVIA ALBERTA MINOTT July 9. 1899 Nov. 7, 1962 (R4#6) (R4#5) Top of Stone: SUSIE A. Face of Stone: dau. of D. L. & SINA STAPLES born Nov. 9. 1886. died June 8. 1887. To pure for earth God called her home. Marker Stones: (R4#8) RYAN G. OWEN son of JOHN June 5, 1971 Sept 30, 1992 (R4#4) MINOTT ANDREW W. 1864 - 1946 NELLIE E. S. 1882 - 1976 aged 93 yrs. D. ALBERT STAPLES June 4, 1847 - Dec. 11, 1925 FRANCINA his wife May 11, 1847 - Nov. 3, 1940 aged 93 yrs. (R4#7) Owen Monument OWEN ROBERT A. OWEN Aug. 13, 1913 - June 6, 1999 MARGARET M. his wife Oct. 7, 1918 - Apr. 8, 1991 (R4#9) ROBERT A OWEN GM1 US Navy World War II Aug 18 1913 June 6 1999 Marker: US Veteran (R4#10) MARGARET M OWEN Pvt US Army World War II Oct 7 1918 Apr 8 1991 (R4#11) JOHN H OWEN PFC US Army Vietnam June 16 1950 Jan 20 1992 Marker: US Veteran Marker: US Veteran RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#12) Wilson / Kendrick Monument South Face: WILSON 1870 ALBERT H. 1950 1871 SARAH C. his wife 1939 1890 LAURENCE H. Marker Stones: (R4#13) FATHER (R4#14) MOTHER (R4#15) North Face: LAURENCE H. WILSON 1890 - 1961 (R4#16) MOTHER (R4#17) FATHER KENDRICK 1875 FRANK S. 1948 his wife 1898 BERTHA M. 1958 (R4#18) Brooks Monument BROOKS HARRY RAYMOND Dec. 14, 1907 - Sept. 17, 1977 N. EDNA BRAGDON his wife May 24, 1921 - June 2, 1999 Marker Stones: (R4#19) Marker: 1941 World War 1945 (R4#20) (R4#21) Wilson Monument WILSON MAYNARD H. 1911 - 1988 MABEL D. 1916 - 1995 Marker Stones: (R4#23) (R4#22) Son MAYNARD H. Jr. 1941 - 1963 EDNA B BROOKS wife of HARRY May 24 1921 Jun 2 1999 DIONNE ARTHUR JOSEPH ALBERTA W. RAND July 5, 1911 Jan. 20, 1918 Nov. 3, 1974 Nov. 6, 1989 (R4#24) Morse Monument MORSE 1902 THOMAS STANWOOD 1960 (Masonic Symbol above) HARRY R BROOKS US Army World War II Dec 14 1907 Sep 17 1977 RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#25) Albee / Williams Monument South Face: ALBEE ELIZABETH B. MAYNARD L. 1909 - 1991 1912 - 1980 North Face: Marker Stone: (R4#26) ARTHUR G WILLIAMS Jr Maine Tec 5 Army Air Forces World War II Sept 27 1924 Nov 28 1971 WILLIAMS JOYCE A. ARTHUR G. 1932 1924 - 1971 Marker: World War Two (R4#27) Morse Monument MORSE 1891 JAMES L. 1966 1897 DORA B. 1969 (R4#28) Mountfort / Parsons Monument Marker Stones: West Face: South Face: (R4#29) GEORGE W. PARSONS MOUNTFORT 1863 - 1946 (R4#30) SARAH M. his wife Perpetual Care 1865 - 1955 (R4#31) East Face: WARREN E. MOUNTFORT (R4#32) 1834 - 1912 ABBIE E. his wife (R4#33) 1840 - 1872 RAYMOND 1869 - 1869 (R4#34) EDWIN J. 1841 - 1914 OLIVE M. his wife 1850 - 1886 FRANCES E. his wife 1865 - 1935 MORSE G. W. P. S. M. P. R. M. A. E. NI. W. E. NI. (R4#35) CHARLES W CARRUTHERS EM US Army World War II Mar 31 1919 Nov 22 2002 (R4#36) ANNIE L. CARRUTHERS 1880 - 1965 (R4#37) CHARLES T. CARRUTHERS 1859 - 1945 RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#38) Morse Monument South Face: Capt. BENJAMIN F. MORSE Feb. 21, 1833 - Nov. 15, 1887 ANGELINE M. his wife June 9, 1829 - Jan. 3, 1901 MORSE Marker Stones: (R4#39) North Face: MARY (R4#40) FRANK (R4#41) MOTHER (R4#42) FATHER FRANK P. MORSE Sept. 1, 1867 - Apr. 17, 1938 MARY E. wife of FRANK P. MORSE Jan. 27, 1867 - Mar. 21, 1914 (R4#43) Anderson / Thomas Monument North Face: Wm. ANDERSON 1855 - 1942 NELLIE S. THOMAS wife of Wm. M. ANDERSON 1861 - 1902. South Face: ROBERT E. died Feb. 21, 1876 Aet. 1 yr. 7 d. JOHN C. died Nov. 28, 1884 Aet. 17 yr. children of BENJ. B. & MARY E. THOMAS East Face: BENJ. B. THOMAS died June 11, 1892 Aet. 58 yr. 7 mo. MARY E. his wife died Nov. 24, 1923 Aet. 83 yr. 4 mo. THOMAS Marker Stones: (R4#44) Top of Stone: MOTHER Face of Stone: At rest (R4#45) Top of Stone: FATHER Face of Stone: At rest RANGE #4 Cont'd. (Marker Stones Cont'd.) • (R4#46) Top of Stone: Our BERTIE Face of Stone: ROBERT E. son of BENJ. B. & MARY E. THOMAS died Feb. 21, 1876 Aet. 1 yr. 7 d. (R4#48) MOTHER (R4#49) FATHER (R4#50) God shall ELVA NAOMI wipe WHITMORE away SUMNER all tears Feb. 12, 1914 - Sept. 21, 1995 (R4#53) (R4#47) Top of Stone: Our CHANNIE Face of Stone: JOHN C. son of BENJ. B. & MARY E. THOMAS died Nov. 28, 1884 Aet. 17 yr. Back of Stone: A precious one from us is gone, a voice we loved is still, a place is vacant in our home which never can be filled. (R4#51) Mother SARAH T. KINCAID 1860 - 1950 (R4#52) GEORGE KINCAID 1852 - 1915 AUGUSTUS died Mar. 10, 1868, Ae. 16 mos. CHESTER died Dec. 28, 1867, Ae. 14 mos. RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#55) Top of Stone: (R4#54) Top of Stone: FATHER MOTHER Face of Stone: Face of Stone: HENRY GROVES In loving remembrance died of Feb. 18, 1902, ABIGAIL C. Ae. 81 yrs. wife of HENRY GROVES, We miss thee from our home dear, died April 28, 1887, we miss thee from thy place. aged 58 years. A shadow o'er our life is cast A precious one from us has gone: a voice we loved is stilled: we miss the sunshine of thy face. We miss thy kind and willing hand a place is vacant in our home which never can be filled. thy fond and ernest care. Our home is dark without thee God in his wisdom has recalled we miss thee everywhere. the boon his love has given and though the body moulders here the soul is safe in heaven. (R4#57) HENRY TOOTHAKER died Nov. 25, 1868. Aet. 36 yrs. 9 mos. EMMA D. (R4#56) Lived beloved and died lamented. wife of ANNIE L. HENRY TOOTHAKER, dau. of died June2, 1907, HENRY & EMMA TOOTHAKER. Aet. 74 yrs. 7 mos. died Aug. 3, 1854. Aet. 11 mos. 13 ds. Marker: U.S. Veteran (R4#58) RALPH BARNES 1869 - 1950 (R4#61) (R4#59) ANNIE L. wife of RALPH W. BARNES 1875 - 1924 (R4#60) RHODA E. BARNES May 13, 1896 May 8, 1981 GEO. E. CORLISS died July 4, 1894 Aet. 44 yr. 10 mo. Another link is broken in our household band, but a chain is forming in a better land. RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#62) (R4#64) (R4#67) SARAH LIZZIE dau. of JOHN H. & LIZZIE G. PARSONS died Mar. 16, 1863 Aet. 8 mos. 14 ds. She is not dead to us tho earthly ties are riven: She our bud of beauty is gone to bloom in heaven. JOHN H. PARSONS, died May 28, 1864, Aet. 27 yrs. 5 mos. Sickness sore, long time I bore; physictions strove in vain; but God did please to give me ease, and free me from all pain. (R4#63) ELIZABETH C. CORLISS born March 3, 1840, died June 25, 1905. (R4#65) Wife JOSEPHINE HERSEY Jan. 17, 1866 Sept. 28, 1925 (R4#66) Husband HENRY A. GRANT Nov. 23, 1864 Oct. 14, 1934 (R4#68) RHODA C. wife of J. W. FORSAITH, 1821 - 1906 JONATHON W. FORSAITH 1810 - 1884 (R4#69) Top of Stone: HENRY Face of Stone: CHAS. H. TARR. 1861 - 1887 (R4#70) Top of Stone: ABBY Face of Stone: ABBY J. TARR 1845 - 1912 (R4#71) (R4#72) JAMES LAMBERT died Nov. 20, 1871, Aet. 86 yrs. 11 mos. BETHIAH wife of JAMES LAMBERT died Aug. 15, 1871 Aet. 84 yrs, 5 mos. RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#73) CATHARINE A. wife of ABNER GROWS. & widow of BENJ. MERRIMAN. died July 10, 1888, Aet. 75 yr. 5 mo. Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep; From which none ever wake to weep. (R4#76) (R4#78) MARY D. dau. of JAMES & ALICE LAMBERT died Sept. 6, 1858 Aet. 2 yrs. 5 mos. Mr. ABNER M. GROWS, died Aug. 6, 1838, Aet. 26 yrs. 1 mo. 2 ds. (R4#74) JAMES LAMBERT born Apr. 11, 1818. died Feb. 29, 1888. Asleep in Jesus ! blessed sleep. (R4#75) ALICE wife of JAMES LAMBERT Jr. born July 12, 1824 died March 29, 1892. (R4#77) MATTHIAS GROWS, died Nov. 9, 1841, Aet. 71. He died in hope, he died in faith A life of trial o'er. (R4#79) (R4#80) Stevens Monument West Face: South Face: A. T. STEVENS Children of 1825 - 1908 A. T. & S. D. STEVENS REBECCA A. GEORGE STEVENS June 11, 1826 Dec. 7, 1868 July 6, 1865 May 18, 1869 SUSAN D. SANFORD STEVENS Oct. 8, 1837 May 20, 1872 Nov. 21, 1877 Sept. 18, 1872 wives of ALICE STEVENS A. T. STEVENS Aug. 25, 1876 STEVENS Aug. 12, 1877 GEORGE F. STEVENS Sept. 22, 1874 June 18, 1878 ISAAC A. GROWS died Oct. 25, 1861. Aet. 58 yrs. 7 mos. East Face: ALBION M. STEVENS Oct. 14, 1870 Sept. 3, 1897 SUSAN W. WALKER June 17, 1858, Dec. 22, 1899. RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#80 Stevens Monument Cont'd.) North Face: LIZZIE D. daughter of A. T. & R. A. STEVENS Feb. 12, 1863 Aug. 19, 1864 Marker Stones: (R4#81) A. M. S. (R4#82) G. F. S. (R4#83) S. W. W. (R4#85) A. T. S. (R4#86) R. A. S. (R4#87) S. D. S. (R4#89) S. S. (R4#88) C. S. (R4#90) A. S. (R4#91) WILLIAM ROSS, died Apr. 24, 1883. aged 66 yrs. 8 mos. Meet again how passing sweet friends long lost again to meet. (R4#93) CHAS. H. WINSLOW Apr. 6, 1848 MARY D. ROSS his wife Mar. 20, 1852 - June 26, 1915 Gone but not forgotten WINSLOW (R4#84) (R4#92) LIZZIE D. dau. of ALBION T. & REBECCA A. STEVENS. died Aug. 19, 1864 Aet. 1 yr. 6 mos. & 8 ds. At rest, darling, where there shall be no more pain, neither sorrow nor crying. MARTHA L. wife of WILLIAM ROSS. died Aug. 16, 1877, aged 54 yrs. 11 mos. In the sweet bye and bye we shall meet on that heavenly shore. RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#94) ANN LOUISA, dau. of G. G. & REBECCA FROST died Apr. 10, 1872, Aet. 37 yrs. I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy lkeness. (R4#95) (Open book marked: 'biblia sacra' above) (Open book marked: 'a terra ad caelum' above) (R4#96) (R4#98) REBECCA MELCHER wife of G. G. FROST, died Jan. 19, 1879, aged 77 yrs. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. NOAH MELCHER died July 21, 1836 Aet. 73. SUSAN M. wife of JAMES STANIELS Esq. . died in Boston May 26, 1855. Aet. 31 yrs. Asleep in Jesus peaceful sleep whose waking is supremely blest. (R4#97) (R4#99) "For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality" GARDINER G. FROST died Aug. 30, 1877, Aet. 81 yrs. I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness. In memory of Mrs SUSANNA MELCHER, wife of Mr NOAH MELCHER, who died May 12, 1819. Aet. 49. My weeping friends, your silance keep. when to my grave you come to weep. prepare to follow me you must and mingle with your native dust. (R4#100) ALICE GIVEN. infant daughter of GEO. A. & CASSIE H. WOODSIDE died July 12, 1874 (R4#10I) DEBORAH S. FRYE wife of CHARLES A. MELCHER, died Mar. 9, 1900 Ae. 70 ys. 11 ms. 12 ds. Peaceful be thy silent slumber. RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#102) CHARLES A. MELCHER died June 5, 1868, Ae. 52 Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep from which none ever wake to weep Securely shall my body lie waiting the summons from on high. (R4#103) Face of Stone: ROBERT G. HUNT died May 24, 1875 Aet. 64 yrs. 9 mos. 9 ds. At rest Back of Stone: FATHER CLARISSA HUNT (R4#105) (R4#104) Face of Stone: wife of SARAH MELCHER, wife of GEO. A. WOODSIDE ROBERT G. HUNT. died Jan, 18, 1892 died Aet. 53 yr. 2 mo. Feb. 23, 1882. We trust our loss will be her gain. Aet. 71 yrs. 1 mo. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. Back of Stone: MOTHER (R4#106) GEORGE A. WOODSIDE died Jan. 27, 1901. Aet. 60 yrs. I mo. & 10 dys. (R4#107) JOSIAH MELCHER died Dec. 11, 1849. Aet. 79 yrs. 11 mos. 16 ds. (R4#110) In memory of Mrs. MARGARET wife of Mr. CALVIN W. PITTS, (R4#108) NANCY who died Feb. 10, 1834. wife of JOSIAH aged 30 years. MELCHER, Unveil thy bosom faithful tomb. died Apr. 2, 1842 Take this new treasure to thy trust, Ae. 61 and give these pained relicks room to seek a slumber in the dust. (R4#109) ANGELINE W. daughter of JOSIAH & NANCY MELCHER, died Nov. 26, 1841 Ae. 14 yrs. & 20 d. RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#111) Snow Monument North Face: East Face: South Face: Rev. CHARLES SNOW. Capt. DEXTER WATERMAN. died JESSE SNOW June 13, 1807. Feb. 8, 1879, died Feb. 8, 1890. aged 58 yrs. 11 mos. Feb. 21, 1877, MAHALA WENTWORTH JANE MERRITT CURTIS. aged 87 yrs. his wife born May 10, 1826 BETSEY. Jan. 29, 1806. died Apr. 6, 1890 his wife SNOW Apr. 16. 1856. died July 18. 1877, Marker Stones: aged 89 yrs. (R4#113) M. WATERMAN (R4#112) D. WATERMAN. Rest in peace (R4#118) Otis Monument East Face: Capt. JAMES OTIS. died Dec. 23, 1854. aged 66 yrs. BETSEY S. his wife died Mar. 23, 1886. aged 93 yrs. OTIS (R4#123) (R4#114) FATHER (R4#115) MOTHER (R4#116) JANE (R4#117) CHARLES West Face: CAROLINE M. OTIS died May 12, 1900. aged 79 yrs. Marker Stones: (R4#119) CHARLES W. son of Wm. & SARAH COBB died Nov. 12, 1849 Aet. 15 yrs. 5 mos. South Face: JAMES S. son of JAMES & BETSEY S. OTIS died Nov. 15, 1840. aged 23 yrs. MARIA (R4#120) JAMES (R4#121) FATHER (R4#122) MOTHER (R4#124) LEMONT WOODSIDE died Apr. 27, 1853, Aet. 51 yrs. 10 mos. : My flesh also shall rest in hope : RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#125) Hope ELIZABETH wife of LEMONT WOODSIDE, died July 7. 1862. Aet. 63 yrs. 4 mos. There remaineth therefore a rest for the people of God. (R4#127) HARRIET, dau. of LEMONT & ELIZABETH WOODSIDE. died Aug. 14, 1831 Aet. 22 mos. (R4#129) Face of Stone: WIFE Gone but not forgotten Back of Stone: MARY E. wife of CHARLES WOODSIDE born May 18, 1817, died Nov. 3, 1902. (R4#126) (R4#128) JOHN WOODSIDE died Dec. 25, 1856 Aet. 87 yrs. 6 mos. Capt. HENRY L. WOODSIDE died July 30, 1888. Aet. 50 yrs. "He giveth his beloved sleep." (R4#130) Face of Stone: HUSBAND We miss thee at home. Back of Stone: CHARLES WOODSIDE born Mar. 14. 1818. died Dec. 2. 1883. (R4#131) (R4#132) WINFIELD SCOTT son of LEMONT & ELIZABETH WOODSIDE died in Newport. R.I. April 2. 1865, Aet. 19 rs. 4 mos. "Thy brother shall rise again." In memory of Mrs. ELIZABETH wife of Mr. JOHN WOODSIDE who died May 15, 1830 Aet. 59 RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#133) Woodside Monument South Face: WOODSIDE 1797 Capt. BENJ. WOODSIDE his wives 1796 ELIZABETH 1811 ZOA L. 1817 REBECCA S. 1828 THOMAS B. 1832 JOHN A. 1844 VINCENT 1847 GEORGIANNA 1839 BENJAMIN F. 1855 FLORENCE 1856 JOHN (R4#135) Top of Stone: MOTHER Face of Stone: ELIZABETH, wife of Capt. GEO. MERYMAN died Mar. 23, 1879 Act. 59 yrs. 10 ms. (R4#137) OWEN WOODSIDE 1803 - 1865 his wife REBECCA M. PAGE 1812 - 1893 their son CHARLES P. 1841 - 1882 1880 1839 1848 1864 1854 1856 1847 1847 1847 1856 1856 North Face: 1763 VINCENT WOODSIDE 1842 1770 ELIZABETH his wife 1842 1805 ELIZABETH their dau. 1878 (R4#134) JENNETT D. wife of JOHN M. ALLEN, died Oct. 6, 1851 Aet. 41 yrs. 3 mos. No friends or physicans can save my mortal body from the grave, nor can it keep me here. when Christ my saviour doth appear. Turner, & Co.. Bath (R4#136) Top of Stone: FATHER Face of Stone: GEORGE NIERYMAN died Mar. 28. 1856, Ae. 46 yrs. 5 ms. (R4#138) LUCY MOODY, dau. of OWEN & REBECCA WOODSIDE 17, 1850 Ae. 4 yrs. (Stone set in concrete) RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#139) Capt. GEO. H. MERYMAN died March 28, 1856. aged 46 yrs. 5 mos. (R4#140) (Stone broken & down) In memory of Mrs. NANCY, wife of Mr. NATHL. MERRYMAN who died Aug. 13th, 1830. Aet. 41. HENRY MERRYMAN died June 14, 1841 aged 28 years 2 ms. Jesus can make a dying bed feel soft as downy pillows are while on his breast I lean my head and breathe my life out sweetly there (R4#141) (R4#143) SARAH W. wife of EDMUND MOUNTFORT died May 7, 1858. Aet. 96 yrs. 9 mos. 2 ds. (R4#142) Mr. EDMUND MOUNTFORT died May 6. 1823. Ae. 59. Is there not an appointed time for man upon earth. (R4#144) A. R. MOUNTFORT July 19, 1847, Aug. 1, 1913 (R4#146) ALICE A. dau. of A. R. & MARCIA J. MOUNTFORT died Feb. 26, 1882 aged 4 yrs. 2 ms. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." (R4#145) MARCIA J. wife of A. R. MOUNTFORT. July 4, 1849, Feb. 21, 1899. (R4#147) Mr. VINCENT MOUNTFORT died Apr. 19, 1850, Ae. 48 yrs., 9 mos. And as we have borne the image of the earthly we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. Cook, Bath RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#148) (R4#149) Top of Stone: REBECCA M. R. JAMES wife of Face of Stone: VINCENT MOUNTFORT JAMES H. MOUNTFORT, died July 23, 1869. died at sea aged 64 yrs. 4 mos. Dec. 20, 1871. Kind and gentle loving mother, Aet. 27 yrs. 9 mos. thou hast left us all to mourn. Drop the anchor Children loved as loves no other, furl the sail. dear to us although she's gone. I am safe within the vale. (R4#150) EDMUND son of VINCENT & REBEKUH MOUNTFORT. died Jan. 25, 1830 Aet. 10 mos. (R4#151) LAVINA M. daughter of JOHN & RHODA MARINOR, died Sept. 16. 1843, Ae. 16 yr's & 5 mo. (R4#153) RELIEF C. MARRINER July 4, 1822 Apr. 26, 1904 (R4#154) WILLIAM MARRINER Feb. 26, 1821 May 21, 1888 also infant daughter died June 13, 1827. (R4#152) (R4#155) JAMES son of JOHN & RHODA, MARINOR, died Nov. 30, 1845, aged 27 yrs. Capt. ROBERT G. STANWOOD died Feb. 9, 1866, Aet. 51. RANGE #4 Contid. (R4#156) ROSAMOND J. wife of Capt. GEORGE MELCHER, died in New York, June 21, 1852. Aet. 30 yrs. Kind husband it was hard to part; but Jesus called, away: he beckon'd to his glorious home; how could I longer stay. (R4#158) Face of Stone: MARY C. wife of JAMES F. MATHEWS. died Mar. 9, 1868, aged 74 yrs. 4 mos. Mother Back of Stone: WILLIAM H. HOWARD 1847 - 1921 At rest (R4#162) (R4#164) In memory of MARY G. daughter of Mr. PHILIP & REBECCA STAN WOOD, who died Feb. 1831. aged 18 years 3 months. PHILIP STANWOOD died Feb. 24, 1849 Aet. 61. An honest man is the noblest work of God. (R4#157) JAMES F. MATHEWS died May 7, 1864, aged 69 yrs. 11 mos. Father (R4#159) Mother REBECCA A. THORNDIKE dau. of J. F. & M. C. MATHEWS. 1823 - 1902 (R4#160) EDWARD M. HOWARD 1847 - 1891 (R4#161) GEORGE P. STANWOOD died in California Nov. 24, 1851, Aet. 25 yrs. 4 mos. In distant lands he chose to roam to seek for earthly treasures there but God soon call'd his spirit home to dwell above yon twinkling stars. Marker: U.S. Veteran (R4#163) In memory of REBECCA, wife of PHILIP STANWOOD, who died May 17, 1832, Ae. 39. The months of afflictions are o'er the days and nights of distress: to see her in anguish no more, she has gained her happy rest. RANGE #4 Cont'd. (R4#165) Wilson / Coombs Monument East Face: JULIA M. wife of ABIEZER WILSON dau. of J. M. & H. W. COOMBS died Apr. 18, 1886 aged 26 yrs. WILSON South Face: JOHN M. COOMBS died Sept. 14, 1883 aged 66 yrs. HANNAH W. MORSE his wife 1819 - 1899 COOMBS Marker: U. S. Veteran West Face: GUSTUS A. COOMBS 1849 - 1904 ASHER G. COOMBS 1846 - 1922 RANGE # 5 MAP #1 G Lavigne Monument Concrete In Cylinders • 2 Kindlimann Gotimer Mtl. Q Bean Monument G Mtl . 1E1 Kindlimann Gotimer Gotimer Kindliman 9 G 6 GQ G 8 John G Richards Richards Ward E S T A C C E S SR 0 A D GI 113 Berry / Rose Monument 10 Ward / Richards Monument 11 Lachance G G Lachance 16 GI 17 Lachance G 19 Moody / Beals Monument 23 G Bradley M 29 Range #5 Map #2 M Manter Monument Bradley 30 Monument 21 Ericson Monument Fournier / Roy Monument 25 Moody Mtl. LI Ericson G Anderson Baker Mtl. 18 Ericson G Lavoie G 20 G Bradley SOUTH G G 26 Ruth Robert 28 Bangs A C C E E A S S R S O T A tarEVIIVO I %AIM %..CMC I CM t- nal gulp i-arrut NORTH RANGE # 5 MAP #2 33 Husband Daughter Wife G 38 G 39 G 40 Marriner Monument Wm. Arthur GQG Arthur G 36 G 1E3 Clark G M 37 Larrabee Monument Brother Sister Welch 44 HJC M 45 E S A C C E S SR 0 A D Farr M Ftri A C C Woodside Monument Hackett MF9 Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell M 49 Mtl. Mtl 48 Hackett Hackett Es MI72-1 M Morgan Mtl. Littlefield Littlefield 56 LEI Morgan Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer M 58 M 59 MI-69 MFri G 62 Runnels Fri G Jones Mtl. 66 Range #5 Map #3 67 SOUTH Woodside Monument Ellen Joseph G 64 G 65 Gillespie Monument S SR 0 A D E A S Merryman Monument G Partridge M 701 G 69 Jewett Monument Springer Springer m pm M Fri Hunt Elfolk G G 771 74 A James James C M 78 M C E S SR 0 A Melcher D Monument Melcher G 84 M 85 MI W E S T G G KM Hunt 76 Grant Monument Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt G 80 G 81 M 82 MFri Husband G 79 PJO Father M 87 M 88 M Otis Monument HMO RHO M19.2 jM 911 86 HBO M 89 Crips Cripps Cripps Cripps Cripps M 92 M 93 M 94 M 95 MFri Fraser G 97 G Hastings 98 Cripps M 99 Pollard M 104 White M 101 White G 102 Range #5 Map #4 Hastings G 103 Cripps MFl671 Pollard M 105 Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell M 106 M 107 M 108 M SOUTH A C C E E A S S R S O T A D talIVIIII0 I VYYIY 1 GM I " FM:oolitic r.styv.... N ORTH RANGE/SS MAP #4 Waterhouse M 110 ,Richardson GI Monument Gillet Gillet M Mountford Snowden Mountfort Mountfort MEI M 116 M M 119 Charles Brett 118 Monument Harry Father Mother Edith m M 120 m Egi m M A E S T C C E S SR Frank Mattie 0 A G 130 G D Mountfort Mountfort A M 124 M 125 C C E E Snow Snow A S 128 M® S R S 0 T A Lewis M 126 Elizabeth Snow M GI129 Morang Monument Snow Snow Mr134i M 771 Merriman Merriman M 136 M 137 Meryman Chase Meryman S 138 S 139 S FirdS 1122 Merryman Meryman rA Fig Pole G Fence S OUTH RANGE #5 (R5#1) Lavigne Monument LAVIGNE VALMORE J. HELEN L. 1928 - 1995 1922 - (R5#4) (R5#2) Bean Monument BEAN JOHN H. Aug. 2, 1911 - Mar. 15, 2001 MARGARET T. his wife June 10, 1921 Marker Stone: (R5#3) DONALD E GOTIMER ATCS US Navy Korea Vietnam Dec 25 1929 Dec 31 1998 JOHN H BEAN Pvt US Army World War II Aug 2 1911 Mar 15 2001 Marker: U.S. Veteran (R5#6) Angels took him EDWARD J. KINDLIMANN Sept. 22, 1956 Nov. 8, 1999 (R5#5) EDWARD J KINDLIMANN US Navy Korea May 1 1987 Dec 14 1930 (R5#7) DONALD E. GOTIMER Dec. 25, 1929 Dec. 31, 1998 (Masonic Symbol above) Marker: U.S. Veteran (R5#9) An inspiration to all who knew him EDWARD J. KINDLIMAN Dec. 14, 1930 May 1, 1987 Marker: U.S. Veteran (R5#8) JEAN M. THIBEAULT KINDLIMAN GOTIMER Sep. 3, 1936 (Eastern Star Symbol above) (R5#10) Berry / Rose Monument South Face: BERRY EDWARD M. MARGUERITE P. Apr. 13, 1922 June 15, 1915 North Face: ROSE SYLVIA P. ROBERT J. Dec. 27, 1934 Nov. 15, 1925 RANGE #5 Cont'd. (R5#11) Ward / Richards Monument Marker Stones: South Face: (R5#12) MICHAEL J RICHARDS WARD SP4 US Army RICHARDS Vietnam North Face: Oct 29 1947 Sep 6 1984 In loving memory of MICHAEL J. RICHARDS DOREEN A WARD (R5#13) Oct. 29, 1947 Sept. 6, 1984 Sept 14 1947 - Feb 2 2002 DOREEN A. WARD his wife My beautiful angel now you are in God's arms Sept. 14, 1947 Feb. 2, 2002 spread your wings for now you are free from all pain. We love and miss you till we meet again. Marker: U.S. Veteran Sadly missed by her children. (R5#15) GEOFFREY LACHANCE Father 1890 1972 (R5#16) MATILDA LACHANCE Mother 1893 1978 (R5#19) (R5#20) LOUISE ANNE LACHANCE June 19, - Nov. 17, 1955 LEOPOLD G. LAVOIE 1914 - 1977 In loving memory (R5#14) MARIE D. RICHARDS July 15, 1925 Jan. 15, 1995 Beloved mother of ROMEO, MICHAEL, DENNIS (R5#17) Baker Monument South Face: BAKER North Face: PETER S. BAKER 1941 his wife SANDRA J. BAKER 1944 Beloved father and father-in law 1900 CORNELIUS T. ANDERSON 1981 Marker Stone: (R5#18) CORNELIUS T ANDERSON E3 US Army World War I 1981 1900 Marker: U.S. American Legion RANGE #5 Cont'd. Marker Stone: (R5#21) Ericson Monument TAMMY LYNN (R5#22) South Face: ERICSON ERICSON July 29, 1972 North Face: October 22, 2000 ROBERT E. ERICSON Beloved mother of DAKOTA and MASON Lt. Cdr. U.S. Navy August 18. 1836 September 16. 1994 Marker: U.S. Veteran (R5#23) Moody / Beals Monument Marker Stone: South Face: (R5#24) MOODY In loving memory North Face: 1921 CHARLES L. BEALS 1965 daughter 1950 CAROL A. BEALS 1952 (R5#25) Fournier / Roy Monument North Face: FOURNIER ROMEO J. LEILA B. 1918 - 1997 1932 South Face: ROY HELEN A. HERBERT J. 1912 - 1997 1915 - 1992 (R5#29) Mother Father CHARLES F. BRADLEY 1865 - 1937 MARY E. his wife 1866 - 1929 JEROME MOODY 1936 - 1953 Stetson Funeral Home (R5#26) Manter Monument MANTER ELLIS E. JESSIE L. 1899 - 1991 1895 - 1982 Marker Stones: (R5#27) (R5#28) (R5#30) RUTH ANN MANTER May 29, 1922 Feb. 2, 1998 ROBERT L. MANTER • Oct. 3, 1920 Mar. 8, 1999 GEORGE F. Jr. son of GEORGE F. & GRACE E. BRADLEY 1918 - 1934 RANGE #5 Cont'd. (R5#31) BRADLEY GRACE E. GEORGE F. 1898 - 1968 1889 - 1968 (R5#33) Marriner Monument South Face: MARRINER North Face: 1859 WILLIAM H. 1918 his wife 1886 FRANCES A. 1964 Marker Stones: (R5#34) (R5#35) (R5#36) (R5#32) MARGARET MANTER BANGS 1924 - 1954 (R5#37) Larrabee Monument South Face: LARRABEE Marker Stones: (R5#38) Wm. EVERETT MARRINER September 17, 1906 August 5, 1993 ARTHUR K. MARRINER March 13, 1916 November 11, 1944 T/5 ARTHUR K. MARRINER 1916 - 1944 166th Eng. Co. C. Killed in France Daughter MARY L. DICK 1929 - 2000 (R5#39) Wife RUTH C. 1906 - 1956 (R5#40) Husband CARL B. 1901 - 1965 (R5#41) Brother PERCY M. 1903 - 1980 (R5#42) Sister BESSIE B. 1906 - 1952 • Marker: World War Two (R5#43) (R5#45) JAMES N. CLARK 1838 - 1916 CLARA E. his wife 1840 - 1920 H. J. C. (R5#44) LEILA M. WELCH daughter of JAMES N. & CLARA E. CLARK 1873 - 1949 RANGE #5 Cont'd. (R5#46) Top of Stone: FATHER Face of Stone: ALEX S. FARR 1816 - 1894 (R5#47) Woodside Monument WOODSIDE 1872 HOWARD D. 1957 his wife 1946 ADA M. 1876 Marker: American Legion Auxiliary (R5#50) (R5#51) Marker Stones: (R5#48) H In loving remembrance EDNA B. HACKETT 1900 - 1912 (R5#49) In memory of ELSIE BALDWIN HACKETT 1899 - 1990 FRANCIS S. MITCHELL 1846 - 1910 (F.L.T. inclosed in 3 chain links above) (R5#52) JOHN C. MITCHELL 1840 - 1905 (R5#54) CHARLES E. MORGAN 1862 - 1939 (R5#56) EDWIN LITTLEFIELD 1844 - 1918 In memory of ALTON 0. HACKETT 1898 - 1990 OTHNIEL S. MITCHELL 1806 - 1872 HANNAH H. COBB, 1812 - 1900 MITCHELL (R5#53) (R5#55) (R5#57) MARY S. wife of EDWIN LITTLEFIELD 1841 - 1919 M Father - Mother EGBERT MORGAN 1835 - 1918 MARION R. his wife 1833 - 1911 Erected by their son CHARLES MORGAN RANGE #5 Cont'd. (R5#58) CORNELIA S. dau. of H. & M. E. BREWER died July 25, 1860 aged 16 yrs. (R5#59) Death has been here and borne away a sister from our side; Just in the morning of her day so young, so fair, she died. CHARLES E. son of H. & M. A. BREWER Member of 1st Me. Cavalry. died in Washington D. C. April 19, 1864. Aet. 25 yrs. 6 mos. We mourn thy absence dearest one. Thy loss we deeply feel. But would not murmur or repine against our makers will. Marker: U. S. Veteran Non liquet. MARGARET E. wife of (R5#61) HEZEKIAH BREWER HEZEKIAH BREWER born born Dec. 7, 1807, Nov. 8, 1804, died died Feb. 16, 1888 June 18, 1872 Ae. 65 yrs. 7 mos. Ae. 83 yrs. 3 mos. Rest, christian rest. Thy work is done, All suffering ended. Her tired feet the battle fought, the victory won have crossed the river to the other shore; in gladness now they press the golden street, the prize is gained, the crown is given, the joy is great with Christ in heaven. and rest where tears and sorrows are no more. (R5#60) (R5#62) Woodside Monument J. A. WOODSIDE Marker Stones: (R5#63) Top of Stone: E. JOSEPHINE WOODSIDE RUNNELS Face of Stone: 1861 - 1938 (R5#64) ELLEN MARIA WOODSIDE 1840 - 1918 (R5#65) JOSEPH ARTHUR WOODSIDE 1836 - 1898 RANGE #5 Cont'd. (R5#66) FRANCIS H. JONES 1917 - 1984 (R5#67) Gillespie Monument South Face: G. OLIVER H. GILLESPIE 1836 - 1872 REBECCA his wife 1839 - 1927 JAMES W. GILLESPIE 1867 - 1957 MARY E. 1870 - 1962 GILLESPIE North Face: Capt. CHARLES S. DUNNING 1828 - 1901 (R5#68) Merryman Monument GALEN MERRYMAN 1810 - 1892 (R5#69) Jewett Monument DAVID JEWETT 1822 - 1904 LUCY. his wife 1840 - 1909 THOMAS C. JEWETT 1868 - 1940 ANN A. his wife 1870 - 1957 1864 PHOEBE JEWETT 1916 1873 JAMES JEWETT 1892 1898 WILLIAM A. DAY 1918 (R5#71) (R5#70) (R5#72) HORATIO N. PARTRIDGE died June 30, 1850 Aet. 39. MARTHA A. wife of DAVID T. SPRINGER, died May 30, 1852, Aet. 40 yrs. 8 mos. She has gone to rest, in the home of the blest, where parting is all o'er; where sorry and sin, never enter in, but joys are forever more. WILLIE A. son of D. T. & M. A. SPRINGER died Aug. 19, 1852 Aet. 3 months Sleep little baby sleep we would not bid thee stay. (Stone reset in concrete) (R5#73) JOHN M. ELFOLK 1856 - 1936 RANGE #5 Cont'd. (R5#74) Grant Monument (R5#77) Top of Stone: MOTHER FATHER Face of Stone: EDWARD JAMES CAROLINE F. 1817 - 1889 his wife 1824 - 1902 (R5#79) HUSBAND (R5#80) ALBION W. HUNT 1859 - 1905 (R5#82) SALOME G. HUNT, born Oct. 11, 1823 died Dec. 30, 1897 Faithful in all things unto death (R5#76) AMY W. daughter of ALBION W. and LOUISA M. HUNT 1883 - 1954 (R5#78) GEORIANNA L. JAMES wife of JOHN M. ELFOLK 1854 - 1928 (R5#81) (R5#84) Melcher Monument Capt. JOSEPH MELCHER 1808 - 1846 Mrs. AGNES R. MELCHER 1810 - 1890 ELIZABETH G. MELCHER 1845 - 1928 HUNT THERESA M. HENRY C. Aug. 15, 1885 Jan. 1, 1897 Feb. 23, 1984 Sept. 24, 1979 (R5#75) G JOHN STANLEY GRANT Mar. 17, 1857 - Dec. 23, 1915 his wife FRANCES E. JAMES Nov. 12, 1857 - June 30, 1928 GRANT LOUISA M. wife of A. W. HUNT 1862 - 1901 (R5#83) JEREMIAH HUNT born Aug. 22, 1812 died Apr. 9, 1881 Rock of ages cleft for me. RANGE #5 Cont'd. (R5#85) ANNIE R. died Aug. 26, 1857. aged 16 yrs. 7 mos. BENJAMIN S. died at the Chincha Isles, Peru, Feb. 20, 1865, aged 22 yrs. 4 mos. Children of Capt. JOS. & AGNES R. MELCHER (R5#86) Otis Monument WM. M. OTIS 1814 - 1913 HARRIET M. 1812 - 1853 REBECCA H. 1817 - 1857 HARRIET B. 1837 - 1860 PRISCILLA J. 1831 - 1900 Wives of Capt. WM. M. OTIS OTIS Marker Stones: (R5#87) P. J. 0. (R5#89) H. B. 0. (R5#92) MELISSA ANN CRIPS died Jan. 9, 1852, Ae. 2 yrs. 9 mos. Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest till God commands thee home and there in silance waiting stand til Christ shall bid thee come. ELLA J. wife of HIRAM CRIPPS. died July 19. 1904 Ae. 63 yr. 8 mo. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. (R5#88) FATHER (R5#90) H. M. 0. (R5#91) R. H. 0. (R5#93) WILLIAM HENRY. son of WILLIAM & SARAH J. CRIPPS. died Apr. 21, 1852 Aet. 5 yrs. 7 ms. (R5#94) (R5#96) (R5#95) FOSTENAR. wife of HIRAM CRIPPS, died Oct. 13, 1883. Ae. 54 yr. 3 mo. Religion filled her soul with peace upon a dying bed let faith look up, let sorrow cease she lives with Christ o'erhead. HIRAM CRIPPS. died Mar. 15, 1915 Ae. 88 yr. 5 mo. (R5#97) FRASER ENID L. J. HOWARD 1888 - 1958 1892 - 1978 RANGE #5 Cont'd. (R5#98) RACHEL CRAIG HASTINGS wife of FLOYD Jan. 24, 1932 - Dec. 25, 1999 Remember me as always loving you (R5#1001 DAVID CRIPPS died Jan. 21. 1863 Act. 88 ys. NICIE his wife died Feb. 22, 1869 Aet. 84 ys. She was faithful unto death (R5#103) (R5#104) DORIS E. HASTINGS Max' 13, 1892 Mar. 12, 1992 A loving and caring heart. (R5#99) WILLIAM CRIPPS. died Apr. 18, 1854, Aet. 48 yrs. 4 ms. (R5#101) ORIVILLE D. WHITE 1871 - 1892 (R5#102) WHITE ANNIE R. WENDALL P. his wife 1857 - 1940 1860 - 1935 (R5#105) CHARLES E. died July 6, 1867, Aet. 1 mo. HENRY A. died July 3, 1871, (R5#106) Aet. 2 ys. 3 ms. Children of GEORGE & HARRJETTA POLLARD Gone from your arms lovely mother to live with the pure and the true. God took your treasures to heaven that your heart might journey there to. HENRIETTA M. POLLARD died Sept. 9, 1875. Aet. 36 yrs. 3 mos. 0 who could wish thy longer stay in such a world as this Since thou hast joined the realms of day and pure undying bliss. ROBERT E. MITCHELL died June 12, 1912. aged 71 yrs. 4 mos. I am waiting for the loved ones where no tear doth dim the eye Yes Fm waiting up in heaven where we'll never say good by e. Marker: Post 22 G.A.R. RANGE #5 Cont'd. (R5#107) PRISCILLA, wife of ROBERT E. MITCHELL, died April 21, 1878, aged 21 yrs. 4 mos. I'll think of thee while here below in sorrow or in gladness. (R5#108) (R5#109) Capt. ROBERT MITCHELL died July 12, 1871, Aet. 64 ys. 6 ms. Farewell my wife and children dear. (R5#111) ELIZA wife of ROBERT MITCHELL, died July 2, 1880. aged 73 yrs. 3 mos. For 0 there's nought but happiness in that bright Heavenly home. (R5#110) Richardson Monument South Face: GEORGE W. RICHARDSON 1834 - 1926 his wife BARBARA ANN 1839 - 1918 North Face: GEORGE H. RICHARDSON 1859 - 1927 ELIZA A. wife of FREEMAN WATERHOUSE died June 24, 1869. Ae. 42 yrs. 6 mos. (R5#112) EUNICE wife of DENNIS GILLET died Aug. 30, 1866 aged 67 yrs. 7 mos. (R5#113) DENNIS GILLET died Feb. 9, 1872 Aet. 83 yrs. (Masonic Symbol above) (R5#114) WILLIAM G. HOWARD F. died died Aug. 17, 1850 Sept. 30, 1827 aged 7 ms. 17 ds. aged 8 ms. 13 ds. Sons of WILLIAM & MARGARET MOUNTFORD. I take these little lambs with me and fold them to my breast. Protection they shall find in me in me be ever blest. (R5#115) MARY A. wife of WM. H. SNOWDEN. formerly wife of VINCENT MOUNTFORT. died Oct. 20, 1905, Ae. 79 ys. 10 ms. RANGE #5 Cont'd. (R5#116) MARGARET A. daughter of WM. & MARGARET MOUNTFORT. died Nov. 8, 1875. aged 40 yrs. Safe in the arms of Jesus safe on his gentle breast: there by his love overshadowed sweetly my soul shall rest. (R5#117) Top of Stone: VINCENT Face of Stone: Lieut. V. MOUNTFORT,. of 1st D.C. Cavalry killed at Sycamore Church, Va. Sept. 16, 1864 aged 39 yrs. 8 mos. (Masonic Symbol above) Marker: U. S. Veteran (R5#118) Brett Monument South Face: JOHN C. BRETT Oct. 14, 1844, Mar. 14, 1920. ESTHER A. his wife Jan. 4, 1848, Jan. 22, 1899. West Face: East Face: CHARLES H. BRETT EDITH M. BRETT • June 21, 1879, Mar 7, 1869, Nov. 1, 1892. May 30, 1920. HARRY W. BRETT BRETT Oct. 11, 1872, Nov. 8, 1905. Marker: Post 22 G.A.R. Marker Stones: (R5#119) CHARLES (R5#120) FATHER (R5#121) MOTHER (R5#122) EDITH (R5#123) HARRY RANGE #5 Cont'd. (R5#124) (R5#128) MARGARET wife of Wm MOUNTFORT. died Oct. 28, 1866 aged 58 yrs. 9 mos. Farewell mother God hath called thee now thou'st found thy long sought rest on the bosom of thy father rest beloved mother rest. GEORGE W. son of Wm & MARGARET MOUNTFORT, lost at sea Oct. 17, 1866, Aged 22 yrs. 5 mos. Brother thou art gone to rest, thy sins are all forgiven, and saints in light have welcomed thee to share the joys of heaven. (R5#125) Wm MOUNTFORT died Apr. 19, 1894. aged 95 yrs. 9 mos. He has gone to the mansions of rest. Marker: U.S. Veteran (R5#126) (R5#127) Capt. ANTHONY SNOW died Aug. 17, 1858, aged 30 yrs. 8 ms. We would not recall thee, tho' sadly we weep thy spirit so gentle, thy slumber so sweet. Surest dearest love, in the bosom of earth, free from all sorrow which here hath its birth. JOHN H. LEWIS; died May 17, 1851 Aet. 15 yrs. 2 mos. HANNAH SNOW died Mar. 12, 1883. Ae. 68 yr. -.We will meet again. (R5#129) Morang Monument Marker Stones: South Face: (R5#130) Stone: FRANK C. Metal Mkr: FRANK C. MORANG MORANG 1881 - 1962 1848 CHARLES 1923 1881 - 1962 1859 ABBIE 1928 1879 AUGUSTUS 1895 (R5#131) MATTIE A. (R5#132) ELIZABETH E. 1896 1890 - 1936 1886 BESSIE 1901 - 1995 North Face: MORANG RANGE #5 Cont'd. (R5#133) I sleep in Jesus MARTHA SNOW died Mar. 10, 1855, Aet. 33 yrs. 11 mos. Then since it is God's holy will we must be parted for a while, in sweet submission all as one we'll say our fathers will be done. (R5#135) Capt. JESSE SNOW died Aug. 19, 1852, Act. 73. -.Why do we mourn, departed friends, or shake at death's alarms. 'Tis but a voice that Jesus sends to call us to his arms. MARY B. wife of JAMES MERRIMAN. died Aug. 26, 1859, Aet. 70 yrs. 20 dys. 0 rest, dearest wife, thy mission is o'er; thy spirit has fled to yon distant bright shore. We would not recall thee, tho sadly we weep, so gentle thy spirit, so silent thy sleep. (R5#136) (R5#137) Book at top of stone: Holy Bible Age to whom was made with hands (R5#138) In memory of DANIEL MERYMAN died Dec. 2, 1844, Aet. 42 y's 7 mo. SARAH SNOW died Apr. 17, 1872, Ae. 84 yr. Asleep in Jesus. (R5#134) (R5#139) JAMES MERRIMAN died Apr. 13, 1868 aged 77 yrs. 12 dys. The passing spirit gently fled, sustained by grave devine, oh may such grace on us be shed. and make our end like thine. THIRZA, youngest daur of THOMAS & MARY MERYMAN, died Jan. 15, 1823, Aet. 10. Her life was like the morning rose. that withered in its bloom. RANGE #5 Cont'd. (R.5#140) (R5#141) In memory of Mrs. MARY wife of Capt. JAMES CHASE, who died June 21, 1827; aged 34 yrs. Farewell dear friends that I once loved. Prepare to meet your God, in him therere is rest when you return to your mother dust. (R5#142) In the triumphs of the christian faith departed this life May 10, 1839, MARY MERRYMAN, aged 73 years. A humble christian and kind mother; her virtues more lasting than the marble monument, and deeply engraved on the • hearts of her children. In memory of THOMAS MERYMAN, who died Jan. 19, 1827, Aet. 62. Adieu, my friends, dry up your tears; I must lie here till Christ appears. UKUI/Vb I UWN ULM I tKT - Kane Lay) NORTH RANGE # 6 ITAAP #1 Nason / Shaunesey Monument G Nason ILO G G G Stockford Monument 3 Mtl. Barnikow Granite Blocks with "S" on top w E S T Keith A C C G E 6 Sheehan Monument Prince Monument G John 7 Mtl. .1■ 111. North G G Brennam M Murphy G 12 Brown Monument Range #6 Map #2 E A S S R S 0 T A SOUTH L71W111/0 I %JINN L.CIVIC I CR T - Meniva Layout NOR TH RANGE # 6 MAP #2 GE1(Blank) Fawley G®(Blank) G G Farmer ElFarmer Mtl. Dickey EllAndrews G A W G 'son / Malls / Hoppe Monument G Farnham Malls C C E E E S A S T SR S O T A G @Wilson Mt1.0Heath G 111 24 Heath / Barrett Mtl. Monument Heath G Morrell G ElBoothby GOYoumans G 30 Newton Monument Range #6 Map #3 SOUTH 1..11■11=1• David Mtl.0 G Sahadak 31 Monument 1 ■=1M•10 G McCrum 33 Monument G lil Nathan mo oHart G M Brooks 38 Monument Edna Fred G 40 M G 0Hart G Wanda 39 Hart LE W E S T Lipvsky Mtl. LI IG 43 Powers Monument George Mtl CI Hartill Monument • Rock G 45 Hetsel Jefferson Mtl. 46 Mtl. lail Beals G w ILI la Laurence G G 49 Russell Monument EMI Turner / Morang Monument 50 GI Ruby Hazel Arthur G IIEI G El G CI ki Granite Cube with "R" on top Range #6 Map #4 Q Locke Monument 55 SOUTH G A C C E E S A S R S 0 T A D tiKLIVV5TOWN t;EIVIlt I tKY - Kange Layout NORTH RANGE # 6 Mtl. MAP #4 Mtl. Mtl. 56 Edith Duke Duke EA Li Duke Duke Duke Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin MprIM 60 Mr67 62 M 63 MrE71M Mtl. Granite Marilyn Warren Blocks 68 Mtl. G 67 7-1 MI Plummer' Haskell 66 Monument Monument 73 I Eva Frederick E. Carle Edith G 69 G 70 G G G Min I E S T • Miller G G Monument Estabrooki 79 Monument 74 Estabrooks Reardon Reardon 78 Mtl. 76 Mtl. Mtl. Mtl. Estabrook Barrett Ralph Monument 80 G 82 G 81 MI M Mother McKinney Toothaker 83 Mtl. Monument & Wood Cross Savage Savage 86 G 85 Morse Webster Lewis Wood G F38 1 G Fr] Cross Mtl. 87 ' Boydon Monument GI 90 I Russell Bradford 94 G 95 G G&Mtl. Range #6 Map #5 Mtl. Jesse G 93 Raymond Boydon Monument Sarrel. 91 GI Alice Jesse G G 99 96 G 97 I 98 Wilson Monument SOUTH A C C E E A S S R S O T A GROWSTOWN CEMETERY - Kange Layout NORTH RANGE 0 6 IMAP 05 Concrete Blocks II • Herrick G 100 Son I G 102 Owen / Richards 101 Monument C. Frederick Dorothy Son G 103 G 104 G 105 G Herrick M 106 G Newell Monument 107 Mother Father C Evelyn C E E A S S R S O T Whitten G 110 E S T Lumbert Mtl. Clyde G 119 G 120 Williams Williams G Nancy A. M M Williams Hollis Mona G 126 G IRV 118 Kincaid Monument Nancy V. NEI Williams M 116 G Williams Roland Clarence Williams Claire Raymond Floyd G 128 G 129 G Range #6 Map #6 Wilson / Curtis 125 Monument Clyde G LEI Wilson 133 Monument Robert Mother Father Susan Sarah June Edwin G 130 G G G 136 G G 139 G SOUTH A G 108 G 109 A LiKUVV5TOVVN UtMt, I t KY - Kane Ldyuut NORTH RANGE # 6 MAP #6 Blackwell G 140 Princess G Herrick Herrick Herrick Herrick Herrick Herrick 148 1W M 146 Mtl Mtl. Granite blocks Rich with "G" on top Charles Wife Husband Preble 159 G G 150 G liEll 1E9 Blackwell G ILO mti KU G Groves / Preble 149 Monument Baby Herman George Edith G 158 G 111/1 G Mai G 156 G Arthur 1:1 Sedgley Bacon Bacon Clough G 165 G 166 G 167 G 168 G 169 Sedgley Newell Rich Rich MrleTIM 161 M 162 G Sylvester Sylvester H.S. M 176 G M E S T G G 163 Yanok Monument Pratt G Sylvester 173 Monument 164 Clough / Sedgley Mother Mother Father M 178 M 179 M Monument Clough Clough G 170 G 1111 Parsons Monument G Daughter G 180 G 181 182 Parsons Monument Adams Thompson Thompson M 184 M1 183 1 Walker G 188 Walker 189 G Range #6 Map #7 Edwards Abbe G 186 M SOUTH Rich 190 Monument George Mother Father G 191 G 192 G 193 A C C E S E A SR 0 A D S GROW5TOWN GEMETLKY - Kange Layout NORTH RANGE # 6 MAP #7 W E S T ThompsonI 194 G Monument Husband Wife G 196 G 197 GI Stockford / Harmon Monument Morang Cove Burton Thompson G 201 G 202 M 2031 G 199 G 200 Morang 195 Kenneth G 198 1.-------------------------------------Fence SOU T H A C C E S SR 0 A D E A S T RANGE #6 (R6#1) Nason / Shaunesey Monument NASON SHAUNESEY (R6#3) Stockford Monument STOCKFORD Marker: US (R6#5) JEFF ALAN BARNIKOW SPC US Army May 6 1968 Dec 12 1995 Markers: Portland Fire Dept. US Veteran (R6#7) Prince Monument PRINCE Markers: B.P.O.E. 2046 Vietnam Service 1964 - 1975 (R6#9) (R6#10) RICHARD ALAN NORTH 1953 - 1999 His spirit touched all BRENNAM MATTHEW TYLER, MD December 5, 1963 August 25, 1996 Beloved son, brother, friend. Marker Stone: (R6#2) NASON SUSAN H. EVERETT H. 1902 - 1996 1903 - 1988 Marker Stone: (R6#4) KEITH C STOCKFORD SI US Navy World War II May 30 1920 Jun 15 1993 (R6#6) Sheehan Monument West Face: JOSEPH E. SHEEHAN SCPO USN Dec. 26, 1922 his wife CHRISTINE MARGARET SHEEHAN Dec. 25, 1924 - Oct. 17. 1992 East Face: SHEEHAN Marker Stone: (R6#8) (R6#11) JOHN E PRINCE MCPO US Navy Vietnam May 14 1930 Mar 3 2000 THOMAS JOHN MURPHY Lt USPHS Oct 17 1952 Mar 24 1994 Loving husband & father Physician Marker: ,U.S. Veteran RANGE #6 Cont'd. (R6#12) Brown Monument BROWN ALONZO H. Oct. 16, 1922 - Nov. 24, 2002 FRANCES BLANCHARD his wife Feb. 25, 1919 RICHARD L. their son Jan. 3, 1959 PATRICIA PELLETIER his wife Nov. 11, 1946 (R6#13) (Blank) (R6#14) (Blank) (R6#15) GLENN L FAWLEY Pfc US Army Vietnam Jul 2 1940 Jul 5 1993 Marker: U.S. Veteran (R6#16) FARMER CHARLES E. May 25, 1918 Sept. 25, 1983 The Lord is my shepherd (R6#17) CHARLES E FARMER Sgt US Army World War II May 25 1918 Sep 25 1983 Marker: U.S. Veteran (R6#18) ANDREWS JAMIE JAMES LEE FARMER Sept. 19, 1968 Feb. 8, 1992 A man who touched many hearts now sleeping in Christ. (R6#19) (R6#20) Wilson / Malis / Hoppe Monument Marker Stone: East Face: (R6#21) WILSON West Face: MALIS HOPPE (R6#23) (R6#22) ELLEN MUZZY FARNHAM October 28, 1950 June 14, 2002 MARGARET DICKEY March 16, 1909 May 30, 2002 JAMES SUMNER MALIS July 9, 1987 July 29, 1987 son of MICHAEL and BETHANY GLADYS E. TUBBS WILSON June 18, 1907 Mar. 9, 2001 RANGE #6 Cont'd. (R6#24) Heath / Barrett Monument East Face: Marker Stones: (R6#25) HEATH BARRETT West Face: WALTER ELWOOD HEATH (R6#26) July 14, 1921 Dec. 18, 1989 ENA MAY his wife Mar. 4, 1920 Mar. 17, 2003 RICHARD MURRAY BARRETT Feb. 12, 1940 LINDA MAY HEATH his wife July 8, 1947 (R6#28) ALBERT C. BOOTHBY Jr. October 13, 1944 (R6#27) PRISCILLA M. WATSON MORRELL July 8, 1918 Dec. 25, 2000 Safely home (R6#30) Newton Monument NEWTON EDWARD E. FLORENCE F. Aug. 26, 1922 Jan. 11, 1916 Nov. 4, 1987 WALTER E HEATH Pfc US Army World War II Jul 14 1921 Dec 18 1989 Marker: U.S. Veteran (R6#29) Front of Stone: PRISCILLA YOUMANS July 14, 1943 November 22, 1999 Back of Stone: Be of love (a little), more careful than of anything. (R6#31) Sahadak Monument SAHADAK DAVID E. JEANETTE M. Dec. 9, 1936 Nov. 16, 1941 Apr. 27, 2000 Apr. 18, 2002 Marker: B.P.O.E. 2043 Marker Stone: (R6#32) Marker: B.P.O.E. 2043 (R6#33) McCrum Monument JAMES LOREN McCRUM June 21, 1953 July 1, 1987 ENA MAY HEATH beloved wife Mar 4 1920 Mar 17 2003 Marker Stone: (R6#34) DAVID E SAHADAK Sgt US Army Dec 9 1936 Apr 27 2000 Marker: U.S. Veteran NATHAN MATTHEW McCRUM May 1974 RANGE #6 Cont'd. (R6#35) LEROY A HART 1911 1975 (R6#36) JAMES E. HART Mar. 1, 1941 Aug. 10, 1972 Marker: U.S. U.S. Markers: Vietnam Service 1964 1975 (R6#37) IRENE E. HART Aug. 25, 1909 Sept. 3, 1989 (R6#38) Brooks Monument BROOKS Marker Stones: (R6#39) (R6#40) EDNA L. wife of FRED B. BROOKS Jan. 8, 1900 May 28, 1968 (R6#42) WANDA L. BROOKS daughter of FRED and PEARL July 12, 1951 July 20, 2001 (R6#41) FRED BOOMER BROOKS Maine OM1 US Navy World War I March 26 1889 Sept 16 1955 LOUIS JOHN LIPVSKY 1st Lt US Army World War II Aug 19 1916 Mar 4 1993 Marker: U.S. Veteran Marker: U.S. Veteran (R6#43) Powers Monument North Face: POWERS South Face: 1892 THOMAS POWERS 1959 this wife LEAH F. 1984 1895 their son 1921 GEORGE POWERS 2001 Marker Stone: (R6#44) GEORGE POWERS 1921 2001 RANGE #6 Cont'd. (R6#45) Hartill Monument HARTILL Marker Stones: (R6#46) HETSEL WILSON HARTILL (R6#47) JEFFERSON M HARTILL US Arm), Nov 17 1897 Jan 3 1979 World War I Mar 17 1895 Feb 21 1978 (R6#48) EDWARD M BEALS Maine Pvt US Army World War I March 17 1889 Feb 12 1974 Marker: U.S. Veteran Marker: U.S. Veteran (R6#49) Russell Monument RUSSELL FREDERICK M RUSSELL Oct. 21, 1911 Feb. 6, 1990 CHARLOTTE DUKE his wife Sept. 23, 1914 Mar. 10. 2002 (R6#50) Turner / Morang Monument South Face: Marker Stones: TURNER (R6#51) LAURENCE E. (R6#52) RUBY M. daughter North Face: 1908 - 1982 1924 MORANG (R6#53) HAZEL C. his wife (R6#54) AUTHUR W. TURNER 1892 - 1987 1872 - 1939 (R6#55) Locke Monument FLORA I. GRIFFIN THIBEAULT LOCKE Mar. 13, 1913 Nov. 9, 1993 In God's care (R6#56) (R6#57) (R6#58) OLIVIA E. DUKE 1892 - 1958 EDITH 1948 - CHARLES L DUKE WT3 US Navy World War II Aug 4 1915 Dec 8 1992 Marker: U.S. Veteran RANGE #6 Cont'd. (R6#59) CHARLES L. DUKE 1915 - 1992 (R6#60) (R6#61) CHARLES W. DUKE 1892 - 1951 (R6#62) (R6#63) MINNIE E. GRIFFIN 1881 - 1969 Rest in peace (R6#65) (R6#64) OLIVIA E. DUKE 1891 - 1958 RICHARD GRIFFIN died born March 4, 1949 March 4, 1949 NORMAN B. GRIFFIN 1917 - 1936 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. LEROY H. GRIFFIN 1886 - 1957 Dearly beloved rest in peace (R6#66) Haskell Monument Marker Stones: South Face: HASKELL (R6#67) MARILYN Wife North Face: 1889 FREDERICK B. HASKELL 1978 EVA B. his wife 1968 (R6#68) WARREN H HASKELL 1889 E. CARLE LIBBY 1996 TEC 4 US Army 1910 World War II EDITH HASKELL his wife 1910 WARREN H. HASKELL 2003 Mar 22 1920 Mar 20 2003 1920 1936 MARILYN L. HASKELL wife (R6#69) E. CARLE Husband (R6#70) EDITH H. Wife (R6#72) (R6#71) FREDERICK B. Father EVA B. Mother RANGE #6 Cont'd. (R6#73) Plummer Monument (R6#74) Estabrook Monument North Face: ESTABROOK PLUMMER 1898 Marker Stones: WALTER S. F. 1952 (R6#75) FRED L. REARDON his wife Maine 1895 MINNIE L. DOUGLAS 1986 South Face: PFC 301 Field Signal Bn Feb 17 1892 March 1 1965 PLUMMER 1852 FRANK W. 1936 Marker: U.S. Veteran his wife 1861 JOSIE T. DUNHAM 1935 (R6#76) ALICE F. REARDON Marker: U.S. Veteran of Foreign Wars December 21. 1886 October 30, 1966 (R6#79) Miller Monument MILLER ELLSWORTH H. 1878 - 1950 his wife CARRIE B. 1880 - 1920 his wife ETHEL M. 1882 - 1949 EDGAR BLAISDELL 1909 - 1984 (R6#80) Barrett Monument South Face: 1944 ARTHUR PATTEN 1888 JENNIE A. his wife 1992 1898 1921 ARTHUR PATTEN Jr. U.S.N.R. 1943 Went down with his ship U.S.S. DeHaven Marker: U.S. World War 1917 - 1918 (R6#77) Our Mother IDA E. ESTABROOK 1861 - 1950 (R6#78) RAY M. ESTABROOKS 1891 - 1977 Marker Stones: (R6#81) RALPH G. BARRETT 1st Lt US Army World War II Mar 8 1923 Oct 23 2002 Purple Heart Marker: World War Two (R6#82) North Face: 1923 RALPH G. BARRETT RALPH G. BARRETT Jr. Oct. 26, 1946 - Oct. 27, 1946 Mother EVELYN TARDIFF June 12, 1914 May 4, 1945 RANGE #6 Cont'd. (R6#83) Toothaker Monument TOOTHAKER GILBERT E. TOOTHAKER 1858 - 1935 ANNA W. his wife 1857 - 1931 (R6#84) Wooden Cross: DAN McK1NNEY Metal Marker: DANIEL N. McKINNEY 1905 1971 (R6486) Wooden Cross (R6#85) ROY SAVAGE Maine Pfc 4421 Svc Comd Unit World War II March 10 1905 May 20 1970 RITA SAVAGE (R6#87) Marker: U.S. Veteran (R6#88) LEWIS JOSEPH V. ESTHER A. Nov. 4, 1914 Feb. 1, 1914 July 16, 1994 May 25, 1995 (R6#90) Boyden Monument South Face: BOYDEN North Face: JESSE W. 1882 - 1971 ALICE I. 1881 - 1959 BRADFORD L. 1920 - 1937 RUSSELL F. 1908 - 1984 (R6#89) DANIEL N. WEBSTER 1926 - 1978 THOMAS E. MORSE 1847 - 1917 his wife H. ELLEN WILSON 1852 - 1919 (R6#91) Boyden Monument North Face: BOYDEN JESSE R. their son 1935 - 1993 VIRGINIA HOPE his wife 1945 South Face: BOYDEN wife husband CYNTHIA W. RAYMOND L. 19141911 - 1995 (Eastern Star Symbol top left of stone, Masonic Symbol top right) RANGE #6 Cont'd. Marker Stones: (R6#92) JESSE RAYMOND BOYDEN A2C US Air Force Jun 8 1935 Mar 24 1993 (R6#93) (R6#95) BRADFORD L. 1920 - 1937 (R6#96) ALICE I. 1881 - 1959 (R6#97) JESSE W. 1882 - 1971 Marker: U.S. Veteran (R6#94) Stone: RUSSELL F. 1908 - 1984 Marker: RUSSELL F. BOYDEN 1908 - 1984 (R6#98) Wilson Monument WILSON HARRY E. EOLINE M. 1884 - 1954 1891 - 1959 (R6#100) RAYMOND L BOYDEN Jan 11 1911 Mar 5 1995 Marker Stone: (R6#99) SAM'L. GUMMER WILSON 1855 - 1916 HERRICK W. WARREN EMMA J. 1871 - 1940 his wife 1868 - 1964 (R6#101) Owen / Richards Monument Marker Stones: (R6#102) OWEN RICHARDS (Masonic Symbol above) (R6#103) C. FREDERICK OWEN Nov. 1, 1911 Dec. 24, 1990 (R6#105) Son CHARLES F. OWEN Jr. Oct. 3, 1935 Oct. 8, 1935 Son WILLIAM S. RICHARDS May 3, 1957 Apr. 4, 1965 (R6#104) DOROTHY P. OWEN Jan. 21, 1911 Dec. 15, 1987 RANGE #6 Cont'd. (R6#106) Mother Father RICHARD R. HERRICK 1844 - 1915 EDITH R. his wife 1843 - 1912 (R6#110) BABY BOY WHITTEN June 3, 1932 (R6#107) Newell Monument N FREEMAN NEWELL Jan. 1, 1834 - Apr. 4, 1911 MARY E. his wife Aug. 15, 1851 - Nov. 19, 1936 MILTON NEWELL Sept. 4, 1879 - May 8, 1961 NEWELL Marker Stones: (R6#108) MOTHER (R6#109) FATHER (R6#111) (R6#112) MABEL C. LUMBERT 1906 - 1964 (R6#113) MILDRED WILLIAMS Sgt. U.S. Army WAC World War II Feb. 16, 1916 Nov. 19, 2001 (R6#114) EVELYN L. WILLIAMS July 31, 1922 Dec. 31, 1937 (R6#116) IRVING R WILLIAMS Maine Cpl 25 Marines 4 Marine Div World War II July 10, 1925 Feb 19 1945 Father WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS 1884 - 1963 Marker: Post 22 G.A.R. (R6#115) Top of Stone: BABY Face of Stone: SADIE S. dau. of Wm. E. & R. C. WILLIAMS July 15, 1926 May 19, 1927 Marker: U.S. Veteran RANGE #6 Cont'd. (R6#117) Mother BERTHA C. WILLIAMS 1893 - 1961 Markers: American Legion Auxiliary U. D. of I. 0. L. 1845 (R6#118) Kincaid Monument Marker Stones: (R6#119) KINCAID (R6#120) (R6#122) EVELYN C. KINCAID 1903 - 1960 (R6#121) NANCY ANN KINCAID 1929 - 1929 CLYDE KINCAID 1906 - 1960 ROLAND G. KINCAID (R6#123) NANCY V. KINCAID 1903 - 1950 1864 - 1941 Marker: U.S. Veteran (R6#125) Wilson / Curtis Monument South Face: HOWARD WILSON 1863 - 1930 MABEL E. his wife 1874 - 1924 WILSON North Face: CURTIS (R6#128) (R6#130) Marker Stones: (R6#126) CLAIRE R. his wife 1901 - 1968 (R6#127) (R6#124) CLARENCE E. KINCAID 1881 - 1939 HOLLIS R. son of R. E. & C. R. CURTIS 1938 MONA A. dau. of R. E. & C. R. CURTIS 1938 - 1962 (R6#129) RAYMOND E. CURTIS 1902 - 1983 ROBERT G. CURTIS 1945 - 1981 (R6#131) MOTHER (R6#132) FATHER RANGE #6 Cont'd. (R6#133) Wilson Monument W Marker Stones: (R6#134) WILSON (R6#135) CLYDE H. WILSON 1897 - 1901 (R6#136) (R6#137) SARAH A. SIMPSON 1837 - 1923 (R6#138) (R6#139) (R6#140) "LOTTIE" CHARLOTTE M. BLACKWELL March 15, 1894 July 9, 1997 FLOYD SUMNER WILSON 1905 - 1990 SUSAN I. WILSON 1901 - 1902 JUNE SIMPSON WILSON 1869 - 1950 EDWIN J. WILSON 1855 - 1934 (R6#142) PRINCESS 1955 - 1963 (R6#143) WILLIAM R. HERRICK 1905 - 1957 (R6#141) BLACKWELL Wife Husband MABEL L. CLOUGH LEVI D. BLACKWELL Apr. 21, 1877 - Dec. 22, 1995 Feb. 17, 1870 - (R6#144) Father FRANK H. HERRICK Sept. 26, 1874 Jan. 30, 1953 (R6#146) Mother E. HERRICK 1886 - 1937 (R6#145) CARL L. HERRICK 1907 - 1989 (R6#147) JAMES D. HERRICK 1909 - 1988 RANGE #6 Cont'd. (R6#148) SARAH PATTEN wife of FRANK H. HERRICK 1860 - 1902 And when the angels called her home she smiled farewell to earth. (R6#149) Groves / Preble Monument South Face: Marker Stones: (R6#150) CHARLES W. PREBLE GROVES 1876 - 1944 North Face: PREBLE (R6#152) Husband Wife (R6#151) BLANCHE E. SHELTON WALTER E. SHELTON 1897 - 1981 1898 - 1962 (R6#153) (R6#159) ARNOLD E. PREBLE 1915 - 1956 (R6#154) BABY (R6#155) HERMAN L. GROVES 1903 - 1903 (R6#156) ARTHUR G. GROVES 1897 - 1897 (R6#157) (R6#158) GEORGE E. GROVES 1875 - 1956 EDITH M. GROVES his wife 1875 - 1956 RICH EDITH M. JESSE S. 1893 - 1977 1891 - 1963 (R6#161) Top of Stone: MOTHER Face of Stone: MARY ADDLE 1862 - 1930 (R6#160) C. L. NEWELL 1865 - 1933 (R6#162) Top of Stone: FATHER Face of Stone: ALBERT C. RICH died May 8, 1897 Aet. 36 yrs. 19 days A little while longer, a few sorrows more, and then a reunion on lifes shining shore. RANGE #6 Cont'd. (R6#163) Yanok Monument YANOK FRANK A. ELIZABETH M. Mar. 27, 1922 June 29, 1922 Oct. 20. 2001 (R6#164) Clough / Sedgley Monument South Face: CLOUGH North Face: SEDGLEY Marker Stones: (R6#165) SAMUEL T. SEDGLEY (R6#166) MINNIE E. SEDGLEY 1879 - 1956 his wife 1878 - 1940 (R64167) MARY E. BACON his wife 1881 - 1953 (R6#168) ALFRED S. BACON 1881 - 1951 (R64169) LULA C. CLOUGH 1884 - 1900 (R6#170) MARY E. CLOUGH his wife 1843 - 1924 (R6#171) (R6#172) WILLIAM H. CLOUGH 1853 - 1922 ORRIE A. PRATT 1897 - 1898 (R6#173) Sylvester Monument East Face: South Face: LEWIS T. HENCHMAN SYLVESTER SYLVESTER 1863 - 1926. 1830 - 1904 GEORGIA L. wife of LEWIS T. SYLVESTER 1868 - 1896. ELIZABETH his wife 1866 - 1941 West Face: ORVILLE L. SYLVESTER January 2, 1894 July 28, 1961 MAY A. his wife May 15, 1890 April 21, 1980 RANGE #6 Cont'd. Marker Stones: (R6#174) MAY A. ORVILLE L. SYLVESTER his wife 1894 - 1961 1890 - 1980 (Eastern Star (Masonic Symbol btwn. Symbol btwn. dates) dates) (R64175) (R6#176) H. S. (R6#177) MOTHER (R6#178) MOTHER (R6#179) F ATHER Daughters of ORVILLE L. & MAYA. SYLVESTER ELEANOR F. EVELYN M. 1916 - 2000 1925(Eastern Star Symbol btwn. dates) (R6#180) Parsons Moument PARSONS LETHA B. ALFRED L. 1893 - 1947 1888 - 1957 (R6#182) Parsons Monument PARSONS CAROLYNE M. EUGENE A. Sept. 19, 1911 Apr. 15. 1909 Oct. 11, 1975 Jan. 15. 1992 buried in Texas (Eastern Star Symbol btwn. dates) Marker Stone: (R6#181) Daughter CLARICE PRISCILLA 1924 - 1953 (R6#183) Face of Stone: ERNEST. Back of Stone: Infant son of C. M. & S. ABBIE THOMPSON died Jan. 1, 1884. Father we will be comforted thou wast the gracious giver ! We yield him up, not dead, not dead to dwell with Thee forever. RANGE #6 Cont'd. (R6#184) CHARLES M. THOMPSON ABLE L. born his wife Oct. 27, 1832 born died July 17, 1852 Oct. 30, 1913 died Shall not the judge of all the earth Dec. 2, 1945 do right. Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, 0 Lord God of truth. THOMPSON Marker: U.S. Veteran (R6#185) THO'S J. ADAMS Apr. 14, 1823, July 31, 1865. Co. C. 13th Me. Vols. MARY, his wife Feb. 2, 1825, Mar. 12, 1912. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Marker: U.S. Veteran (R6#186) Victory Rev. BRICE M. EDWARDS 1850 - 1906 (R6#187) Top of Stone: ABBIE Face of Stone: A. C. E. (R6#188) WALKER STEPHEN F. EMMA JONES Sept. 20, 1872 - Mar. 20, 1959 May 22, 1866 - May 10, 1938 (R6#189) WM. H. WALKER 1853 - 1910 AMY T. his wife 1852 - 1908 WALKER (R6#190) Rich Monument STEPHEN S. RICH 1822 - 1896 SARAH T. his wife, 1818 - 1899 GEORGE M. their son 1857 - 1898 RICH RANGE #6 Cont'd. Marker Stones: (R6#191) GEORGE (R6#192) MOTHER (R6#193) FATHER (R6#194) Thompson Monument THOMPSON GUY LOUISE W. 1880 - 1960 1883 - 1964 (R6#195) Stockford / Harmon Monument South Face: Marker Stones: STOCKFORD (R6#196) Husband (R6#197) Wife North Face: W. EARLE HARMON THELMA S. HARMON HARMON 1908 - 1989 1912 (R6#198) KENNETH B. 1911 - 1970 (R6#199) COVA S. 1886 - 1928 (R6#200) BURTON 1879 - 1942 (R6#201) Her daughter DAISY THOMPSON 1882 - 1982 (R6#203) Top of Stone: FATHER Face of Stone: WILLIAM MORANG 1845 - 1913 Co. L. 1. D. C. Cavalry Marker: Post 22 G.A.R. (R6#202) EMILY LITTLEFIELD MORANG 1856 - 1949 NORTH RANGE #7 MAP #1 Donald Range #7 Map #2 11 Leonard Monument G Granite Block with "E" on top. G 0 w E S T A C C E SR S0 A D G 2 0 Osnoe Monument Calvin G ILI 0 Granite Block with "0" on top. Elliott Monument 0 Chambers Monument G Robert 6 G Granite Block with "F" on top. Deschenes Min Empty base U G Ladner 4 Monument Therese G Ell G Nay 15 I Monument Christopher G 16 pi Granite Block Bernier Mtl. ICE with "C" on top. 13 Granite Block with "L" on top. El Granite Block with "J" on top. 9 Johnson Monument 10 Grace G 13 111Concrete Cubes ACCESS ROAD SOUTH Taylor Monument E A S T NORTH RANGE #7 MAP #2 G G Granite Blocks 20 Hodgdon with "H" on top. Monument Peter G Eil 28 Conroy - Hamlin Monument 111 G w E S T 19 'Collins Monument Allen G GI 26 Hart Monument G 17 George G 18 Granite Blocks with "L" on top. Laskey Monument Brawn G LEI Myers G LI & Mtl. Fowler Fowler ACCESS ROAD SOUTH EA Granite Blocks with "H" on top. E A S T RANGE #7 (R7#1) DESCHENES ROSALIE LACHANCE Sept. 21, 1931 Wife of ROLAND (R7#41 Ladner Monument LADNER Marker Stone: (R7#5) THERESE J. LADNER 1939 - 1994 "What an adventure" (R7#2) Osnoe Monument OSNOE IONA L. OSNOE Feb. 10, 1921 CALVIN R. her son Feb. 24, 1955 July 17, 2003 Marker Stone: (R7#3) CALVIN R. OSNOE Feb. 24, 1955 July 17. 2003 (R7#8) Elliott Monument ELLIOTT (R7#6) Chambers Monument CHAMBERS You never walk alone (R7#9) Johnson Monument JOHNSON Marker Stone: (R7#7) ROBERT W. Jr. April 5, 1963 June 2, 1996 (R7#11) Leonard Monument South Face: LEONARD North Face: DONALD H. LEONARD Mar. 17, 1925 - Oct. 12, 2002 his wife ALICE Y. DESJARDINS Mar. 31, 1931 Marker Stone: (R7#10) GRACE EMILY JONES JOHNSON Jan. 3. 1920 - .Apr. 29, 1998 Beloved wife and mother we were blessed by her presence Marker Stone: (R7#12) DONALD H LEONARD Sr S Sgt US Army Air Forces World War II Mar 17 1925 Oct 12 2002 RANGE #7 Cont'd. (R7#13) Taylor Monument South Face: ROBERT EUGENE TAYLOR May 27, 1918 (R7#14) DOMINIC J. BERNIER 2002 - 2002 (R7#15) Nay Monument FRANCES ELIZABETH WALKER IHS August 27, 1929 NAY January 15, 1998 In Married July 11, 1948 North Face: God's One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally care and death shall be no more, death, thou shalt die. Marker Stone: (R7#16) CHRISTOPHER L. NAY March 20, 1960 (R7#17) Laskey Monument May 4, 2002 LASKEY Beloved son, brother, grandson Marker Stone: (R7#18) GEORGE LASKEY Jr. July 16, 1931 June 27, 2001 (R7#19) Collins Monument Beloved son JACOB THOMAS COLLINS February 25, 2002 January 18, 2003 Twinkle twinkle little star (R7#22) ROBERT CRANE FOWLER Col US Army Air Corps World War II Feb 24 1916 Sep 24 1990 (R7#20) Hodgdon Monument HODGDON Marker Stone: (R7#21) PETER M HODGDON Beloved son brother friend Sept 27 1970 Aug 2 1999 (R7#23) BERTHA Y FOWLER Beloved wife of ROBERT C FOWLER Mar 23 1914 Nov 9 1998 RANGE #7 Coned. (R7#24) Marker Stone: TYME NESHEA MYERS January 30, 1976 July 27, 1998 She was laughter and she was love. (R7#25) Our little one BRANDON DONALD BRAWN Jan. 15, 2000 (R7#26) Hart Monument Metal Marker: TYME NESHEA MYERS 1976 1998 DONALD E. Apr. 10, 1945 Apr. 24, 2000 HART Married SHIRLEY M. Feb. 4, 1940 Oct. 26, 1964 (Married and date enclosed in a heart) (R7#27) Trails End CINDY BRAWN ALLEN September 4, 1958 January 4, 2002 (Horse carving above) (R7#28) JESSICA RUTH CONROY-HAMLIN December 4, 1980 February 1, 2003 Cherished daughter sister wife It is impossible to capture JESSICA with words her beauty transcends both poetry and prose those whom she loves are truly blessed those who love her know. Comparison Notes: In a comparison of this survey to a transcription of Growstown Cemetery which was done by Fannie Edwards Harmon appx. 1939 it was found that in addition to the many that have been interred since that time a number of burials are listed for which no stone was found in 2003. These may be the many unmarked burial plots which are found about this cemetery, the result of the loss of the marker stone since that time, or plot ownership but no actual interment. Those for which no marker was found in this survey follow: Edna B. Brackett, dau. of James & Ada Sylvester Brackett, 1900 - 1912 Ellen Augusta Bragdon, dau. of Sewell & Sarah Reed, died 11/28/1910, Ae. 63 George Bragdon, son of Ellen, died 1886. Ae. 9 Joseph S. Carter. son of Wm. & Abbie Neal Carter. 1870 - 1929 William H. Chandler. son of Abbie H. Nye, 1865 - 1905 Hannah Libby Dunham, wife of William, 1830 - 1913 William Dunham - 1834 - 1898 Irving W. Estabrook Jr., died 1903. Ae. 2 Child of Andrew J. Gallaway Mary Herrick. dau. of Richard & Edith Delbert Hersey Lizzie Hersey Warren H. Litchfield. died 1934, Ae. 86 Almira (Purington) Merritt, wife of Capt. Henry Merritt Capt. Henry Merritt Catherine P. Merryman, 1836 - 1932 Charles B. Merryman - 1841 - 1910 Dau. of Charles B. Merryman - 1832 Angie Morang, dau. of Frank & Mattie Wade Morang Edgbert Morang, 1837 - 1918 Raymond Morang. son of Frank & Manic Wade Morang Addie Newell, dau. of Wm. Curtis & Mary Ann Sawyer Snow Abbie H. Nye, dau. of Edwin & Jane Wilson, 1842 - 1906 Cora Pratt Evelyn Pratt, dau. of George Pratt Dau. of Frank Pratt, Ae. 2 George Pratt, husband of Minnie Clough, died 1930 Child of George Pratt Richard Pratt, died before 1910 Sarah Jane Hanscomb Reed, wife of Sewell, died before 1886, Ae. 63 Sewell Reed, died 1886, Ae. 63 Addie A. Herrick Rogers. wife of James, 1872 - 1925 Alex S. Tarr, 1816 - 1894 Fred Toothacker, 1935 Lettice Walker Toothaker, wife of Fred, died 1935, Ae. 56 Roy Webster, died 1938 Emma Whitney, died before 1910 Isabella P. Whittemore, dau. of Enoch & Rebecca, died 1856, Ae. 8 Child of John & Alice (Padbury) Williams, died 1934 Mary Williams. died 1932 Emily Woodside, wife of Hiram, 1830 - 1918 Harry Woodside, son of Hiram and Emily, 1857 - 1925 Arvilla Ethel (Strout) Young, wife of Steven, 1881 - INDEX BY FAMILY This index is arranged alphabetically by Family Name listing all Markers and Monuments in the Cemetery. The numbers following the name indicate the location on the map and in the text where this name is represented. Adams - R6#185 Albee - R4#25 Alexander - R2#38, R2#39, R2#65. R3#75, R3#76, R3#77. R3#198, R3#199, R3#200, R3#201, R3#202, R3#203, R3#204, R3#205, R3#206 Allen - R2457, R2#58. R2#59, R44134. R7#27 Anderson - R4#43. R4#44, R4#45. R5417, R5#18 Andrews - R3#128, R6#18 Atwood - R3#54, R3#55 Aubens - R2#202, R2#203 Bacon - R6#167, R6#168 Bailey - R2#71, R2#72, R2#73, R2#74 Baker - R5#17 Baldwin - R5#49 Bangs - R5#32 Barnes - R4#58, R4#59, R4#60 Bamikow - R6#5 Barrett - R6#24, R6#80, R6#81 Beals - R5#23, R6#48 Bean - R5#2, R5#3 Bernier - R7#14 Berry - R3#52, R3#53. R5#10 Bishop - R2#64, R2#66 Blackwell - R6#140, R6#141 Blaisdell - R1#30, R1#31. R6#79 Blanchard - R6#12 Boothby - R6#28 Boyden - R6#90, R6#91, R6#92, R6#93, R6#94, R6#95, R6#96, R6#97 Bracket - R2#71, R2#75 Brackett - R2#86, R2#87, R2#88, R2#89, R3#86, R3#93, R3#94, R3#95, R3#96 Bradley - R3#140, R3#141, R3#142, R5#29, R5#30, R5#31 Bragdon - R3#13, R4#18 Brawn - R7#25, R7#27 Brennam - R6#10 Brett - R5#118, R5#119, R5#120, R5#121, R5#122, R5#123 Brewer - R3#219, R5#58, R5#59, R5#60, R5#61 Bridges - R2#163, R2#164, R2#165 Brooks - R4#18, R4#19, R4#20, R6#38, R6#39, R6#40, R6#41 Brown - R3#159, R6#12 Campbell - R3#81, R3#83 Carruthers - R4#35, R4#36, R4#37 Chambers - R7#6, R7#7 Chapman - R3#39, R3#40, R3#41, R3#42 Chase - R2#173, R2#175, R5#140 Clark - R1#4, R5#43, R5#44, R5#45 Clough - R6#141, R6#164, R6#169, R6#170, R6#171 Cobb - R4#123, R5#53 Collins - R7#19 Conroy - R7#28 Coombs - R2#63, R2#67, R2#68, R2#69, R2#70, R2#149, R2#193, R2# I94, R2#195, R2#196, R2#197, R2#198, R3#1, R3#2, R3#3, R3#116, R3#117, R3#118, R3#119, R3#120, R3#121, R3#122, R3#123, R3#124, R3#125, R3#126, R3#127, R4#165 Corliss - R4#61. R4#63 Cox - R24163 Craig - R5#98 Cram - R3#86 Crips - R5#92 Cripps - R2#76, R2#77, R2#78, R2#79, R5#93, R5#94, R5#95, R5#96, R5#99, R5#100 Curtis - R2#94, R4#111, R4#116, R6#125, R6#126, R6#127, R6#128, R6#129, R6#130 Day - R5#69 Deschenes - R7#1 Desjardins - R7#11 Desmarais - R3#14, R3#I7, R3#18 Dick - R5#38 Dickey - R6#19 Dionne - R4#22 Doughty - RI#26, R1#27 Douglas - R6#73 Duke - R6#49, R6#56, R6#57, R6#58, R6#59, R6#60, R6#61 Dunham - R2415, R2#145. R2#I46, R2#177. R2#178, R2#179, R6#73 Dunning - R1#21, R1#22, R1#23, R1#24, RI #25, R2#157, R2#159, R24160, R2#161, R2#162, R5#67 Edwards - R6# 186, R6#187 Elfolk - R5#73, R5#78, R5#79 Elleot - R3#241 Elleott - R3#247 Elliot - R3#242 Elliott - R2#90, R3#246, R7#8 Ericson - R5#21, R5#22 Estabrook - R6474, R6#77 Estabrooks - R6#78 Farmer - R6#16, R6#17, R6# I 8 Farnham - R6#22 Fan- - R5#46 Fawley - R6#15 Forsaith - R4#67, R4#68 Fournier - R5#25 Fowler - R7#22, R7#23 Fraser - R5#97 Frost - R4#94, R4#96, R4#97 Frye - R4#101 Fuller - R3#27 Gillespie - R5#67 Gillet - R5#112, R5#I 13 Given - R2#12, R2#13, R2#27, R2#28, R2#29, R2#30, R2#31, R2#32, R2#33 Gotimer - R5#4, R5#7, R5#8 Grant - R4#65, R4#66, R5#74 Gray - R3#232, R3#233 Green - R2#139, R2#141, R2#142 Greene - R2#117, R2#119, R2#123, R2#124. R2#125, R2#126, R24127, R2#137, R2#140 Griffin - R6#55, R6#62, R6#63, R6#64, R6#65 Grover - R2#201 Groves - R4#54, R4#55, R6#149, R6#155, R6#156, R6#157, R6#158 Grows - R4#73, R4#77, R4#78, R4#79 Grume - R3#28, R3#29 Gummer - R3#56, R3#57, R3#61, R3#62, R3#63, R3#65 Hackett - R3#23, R3#24, R3#25, R3#26, R5#48, R5#49, R5#50 Hamlin - R7#28 Harmon - R6#195, R6#196, R6#197 Harrington - R2#8, R2#9, R2#117, R2#118, R2#119, R2#120 Hart - R6#35, R6#36, R6#37, R7#26 Hartill - R6#45, R6#46, R6#47 Haskell - R6#66, R6#67, R6#68, R6#70, R6#71, R6#72 Hastings - R5#98, R5#103 Heath - R6#24, R6#25, R6#26 Herrick - R6#100, R6#106, R6#143, R6#144. R6#145, R6#146, R6# 147. R6#148 Hersey - R2#92, R4#65 Hessel - R3#66, R3#68, R3#69, R3#70 Hodgdon - R7#20, R7#21 Hodsdon - R2#117, R2#121, R2#122 Hope - R6#91 Hoppe - R6#20 Howard - R4#158, R4#160 Hunt - R2#12, R2#13, R2#14, R3#131, R3#135, R3#136, R3#137, R3#138, R3#I39, R3#149, R3#150, R3#151, R3#152, R3#153, R3#154, R4#103, R4#104, R4#105, R5#75, R5#76, R5#80, R5#81, R5#82, R5#83 James - R5#74, R5#77, R5#78 Jewett - R5#69 Johnson - R7#9, R7#10 Jones - R5#66, R6#188, R7#10 Kendrick - R4#12, R4#13, R4#14 Kincaid - R1#15, R2#174, R2#176, R3#243, R3#244, R3#245, R4#51, R4#52, R4#53, R6#118, R6#119, R6#120, R6#12I, R6#122, R6#123, R6#124 Kindliman - R5#8, R5#9 Kind'imam - R5#5, R5#6 Lachance - R5#15, R5#16, R5#19, R7#1 Ladner - R7#4, R7#5 Lamb - R3#240 Lambert - R4#71, R4#72, R4#74, R4#75, R4#76 Lapham - R2#40 Larrabee - R5#37, R5#38, R5#39, R5#40, R5#41, R5#42 Laskev - R7417, R7#1g Lavigne - R541 Lavoie - R5#20 Leonard - R7411, R7412 Lewis - R54126. R6#88 Libby - RI #20, R2#91, R3#209, R3#210, R6#66, R6#69, R6#70 Lincoln - R2#16, R2#17, R2#18, R2#19, R2#20, R2#21, R2#22, R3#234 Linscott - R2#150, R2#151, R2#152, R2#153, R2#154, R2#155 Lipvsky - R6#42 Litchfield - R3#56, R3#58, R3#59, R3#60, R3#64, R3#87, R3#88, R3#89 Littlefield - R3#161, R3#162, R3#164, R3#165, R3#166, R5#55, R5#56, R6#202 Locke - R6#55 Lambert - R6# I 11 Lunt - R2#70, R2#133, R2#134, R2#135, R2#136 Malis - R6#20, R6#21 Manter - R5#26, R5#27, R5#28, R5#32 Marinor - R2#98, R2#100, R2#104, R2#105, R4#151, R4#152 Marriner - R4#153, R4#154, R5#33, R5#34, R5#35, R5#36 Mathews - R4#157, R4#158, R4#159 McAllaster - R2#199 McCrum - R6#33, R6#34 McGill - R3#132, R3#133, R3#134 McKinney - R6#84 McManus - R1#8, R1#9, R1#10, R1#11, R1#12, R1#13, R3#111, R3#1 I4 Melcher - R2#44, R2#45, R2#46, R2#143, R2#144, R3#8, R3#9, R3#10, R3#11, R3#12, R3#28, R3#30, R3#31, R3#32, R3#33, R3#34, R3#35, R3#36, R3#37, R3#38, R3#98, R3#99, R3#100, R3#104, R3#105, R3#106, R3#107, R4#96, R4#98, R4#99, R4#101, R4#102, R4#104, R4#107, R4#108, R4#109, R4#156, R5#84, R5#85 Merriman - R3#110, R4#73, R5#136, R5#137 Merritt - R3#155, R3#207, R3#208, R3#21 I, R3#212, R3#213, R3#214, R4#111, R4#116 Merryman - R2#7, R3#101, R3#102, R3#103, R3#108, R3#109, R3#111, R3#112, R3#113, R4#140, R4#141, R5#68, R5#141 Meryman - R4#135, R4#136, R4#139, R5#138, R5#139, R5#142 Michels - R2#23. R2#24, R2#25, R2#26 Millay - R3#232, R3#237 Miller - R6#79 Minott - R2#83, R2#84, R4#1, R4#2, R4#3, R4#4 Mitchell - R3#78, R3#79, R3#80, R5#51, R5#52, R5#106, R5#107, R5#108, R5#109 Mittchell - R5#53 Monroe - R3#140, R3#147 Moody - R5#23, R5#24 Morang - R5#129, R5#130, R5#131. R5#132, R6#50, R6#51, R6#202, R6#203 Morgan - R2#1, R5#54, R5#57 Morrell - R6#27 Morse - R2#128. R24129, R2#130, R2#131, R24132, R2#143, R3#140. R3#144. R3#145, R3#146. R3#148, R3#226, R3#227, R3#228, R3#229, R3#230, R344231. R4#24, R4#27, R4#34, R4#38, R4#39. R4#40, R4#4I, R4#42, R4#165, R6#89 Mountford - R5#114 Mountfort - R3#140, R3#145, R4#28, R4#31, R4#32, R4#33, R4#142, R4#143, R4#144, R4#145, R4#146, R4#147. R4#148, R4#149, R4#150, R5#115, R5#116, R54117, R5#124, R5#125 Murphy - R6#11 Murray - R2#2, R2#3, R2#4, R3#19, R3#20 Muzzy - R6#22 Myers - R7#24 Nason - R6#1, R6#2 Nay - R7#15, R7#16 Neshea - R7#24 Newell - R6#107, R6#108, R6#109, R6#160 Newton - R6#30 Nichols - R3#93, R3#97 North - R6#9 O'brien - R2#200 Osnoe - R7#2, R7#3 Otis - R4#118, R4#119, R4#120, R4#121, R4#122, R5#86, R5#87, R5#88, R5#89. R5#90, R5#91 Ouellette - R2#12, R2#14 Owen - R4#7, R4#8, R4#9, R4#10, R4#11, R6#101, R6#103, R6#104, R6#105 Page - R4#137 Parshley - R2#186, R2#187, R2#188, R2#190, R2#191, R2#192 Parsley - R2#189 Parsons - R3#4, R3#5, R3#6, R3#7, R3#224, R3#225, R3#232, R3#233, R3#234. R3#235, R3#236, R3#237, R3#238, R3#239, R4#28, R4#29, R4#30, R4#62. R4#64, R6#180, R6#181, R6#182 Partridge - R5#70 Patten - R6#80, R6#148 Paul - R3#14, R3#15 Pelletier - R6#12 Perron - R3#14, R3#16 Pitts - R4#110 Plummer - R2#10, R6#73 Pollard - R5#104, R5#105 Powers - R6#43, R6#44 Pratt - R6#172 Preble - R6#149, R6#150, R6#153 Prince - R6#7, R6#8 Purington - R2#177, R2#185 Rand - R4#22 Raymond - R3#66, R3#73, R3#167, R3#168, R3#169, R3#170, R3#171, R3#172, R3#173, R3#174. R3#175, R3#176, R3#177, R3#178, R3#179, R3#180. R3#181, R3#182, R3#183 Reardon - R6#75, R6#76 Reed - R2#133 Rich - R6#159, R6#161, R64162, R6#190, R6#191, R6#192, R6#193 Richards - R5#11, R5#12. R5#13, R5#14, R6#101, R6#102 Richardson - R54110 Rider - R3#42 Roberts - R3#66, R3#69, R3#71, R3#72, R3#73, R3#74 Rodick - R1#16, R1#17. R1#18, R1#19, R1#28, R1#29 Rollins - R3#156, R3#157. R3#158 Rose - R5#10 Ross - R2#106, R2#107, R2#108, R2#109, R2#110, R2#111, R2#112, R2#113, R2#114. R2#115, R2#116, R4#91, R4#92, R4#93 Roy - R5#25 Royal - R3#78, R3#80 Runnels - R5#63 Russell - R6#49 Sahadak - R6#31, R6#32 Savage - R6#85, R6#86 Sedgley - R6#164, R6#165. R6#166 Shaunesey - R6#1 Sheehan - R6#6 Shelton - R6#151, R6#152 Simpson - R2#158, R3#81. R3#82, R3#83, R3#84, R3#85, R3#184, R3#186, R6#137, R6#138 Skolfield - R3#215, R3#216, R3#217, R3#218, R3#219, R3#220, R3#221, R3#222, R3#223 Smith - R2#85 Snow - R2#163, R2#167, R2#168, R2#169, R2#170, R2#171, R2#172, R2#177, R2#178. R2#180, R2#181, R2#182, R2#183, R2#184, R2#185, R3#140, R3#143, R3#184. R3#185, R3#187, R3#188, R3#189, R3#190, R3#191, R3#192, R3#193, R3#194, R3#195, R3#196, R3#197, R4#111, R4#114, R4#115, R4#116, R4#117, R5#127, R5#128, R5#133, R5#134, R5#135 Snowden - R5#115 Springer - R5#71, R5#72 Staniels - R4#95 Stanwood - R4#155, R4#161, R4#162, R4#163, R4#164 Staples - R4#5, R4#6 Stevens - R4#80, R4#81, R4#82, R4#84, R4#85, R4#86, R4#87, R4#88, R4#89, R4#90 Stimpson - R2#80, R2#81, R2#82 Stockford - R6#3, R6#4, R6#195, R6#198, R6#199, R6#200 Stover - R3#21, R3#22 Strout - R2# 11 Sumner - R4#50 Swan - R3#163 Sylvester- R2#34, R2#35, R2#36, R2#37, R2#47, R2#48, R2#49, R2#50, R2451. R2#52. R2#53, R2454, R2#55, R6#173, R6#174, R6#175, R6#176, R6#177, R6#178, R64179 Tardiff - R6#82 Tarr - R4#69, R4#70 Taylor - R7# 13 Temple - R 1 #14 Thayer - R3#8. R3#12 Thibeault - R5#8, R6#55 Thomas - R4#43, R4#44, R4#46, R4#47, R4#48, R4#49 Thompson - R2#163, R2#166, R3#115, R6#183, R6#184, R6#194, R6#201 Thorndike - R4#159 Toothaker - R1#1, R1#2, R1#3, R1#4, R1#5. R1#6, R2#147, R2#148, R4#56, R4#57, R6#83 Tubbs - R6#23 Turner - R6#50. R6#52, R6#53, R6#54 Walker - R4#80, R4#83, R6#188, R6#189, R7#13 Ward - R5#11, R5#13 Waterhouse - R5#111 Waterman - R4#111, R4#112. R4#113 Watson - R6#27 Webb - R1#7 Webster - R6#87 Weeks - R2#41, R2#42, R2#43 Welch - R5/414 Wentworth - R4#111, R4#113 White - R5#101, R5#102 Whitmore - R4#50 Whitten - R6#110 Williams - R4#25, R4#26, R6#112. R6#113, R6#114, R6#115, R64116, R6#117 Wilson - R2#5, R2#6. R2#138, R3#41, R3#43, R3#44, R3#45, R3#46, R3#47, R3#48, R3#49, R3#50, R3#51, R4# 12, R4#15, R4#16, R4#17, R4#21, R4#23, R4#165, R6#20, R6#23, R6#46, R6#89, R6#98, R6#99, R6#125, R6#131, R6#132, R6#133, R6#134, R6#135, R6#136, R6#138, R6#139 Winslow - R4#93 Woodside - R2#57, R2#58, R2#60, R2#61, R2#62, R2#93, R2#95, R2#96, R2#97, R2#99, R2#101, R2#102, R2#103, R3#90, R3#91, R3#92, R3#I28, R3#129, R3#130, R4#100, R4#105, R4#106, R4#124, R4#125, R4#126, R4#127, R4#128, R4#129, R4#130, R4#131, R4#132, R4#133, R4#137, R4#138, R5#47, R5#62, R5#63, R5#64, R5#65 Yanok - R6#163 Youmans - R6#29 Young - R2#56
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