2011 Fall/Winter
2011 Fall/Winter
ISSUE #2 VOL LXVI 2011 FALL/WINTER 5 the Illinois VISIT US ONLINE AT www.il-amt.org reporter I L L I N O I S S TAT E S O C I E T Y O F AMERICAN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS President’s Letter this issue Nancy Gabl MSHR, RMA (AMT), CMA (AAMA), CPT (NPA), AHI Veterans Day is November 11th and it is about honoring the millions of military veterans in the United States. Microscope, Pillar, Distinguished Achievement and the Exceptional Merit awards. Legislative Note P.5 Election Candidates P.12 Photos from Miami P.13 According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary a veteran is, “a soldier of long service, a former member of the armed forces or a person of long experience usually in some occupation or skill.” He is currently on the Board of Directors for the state of Illinois and has served in many different capacities over the years including Illinois State President and Editor. In addition, he served on the board for AMTIE for six years. In AMT, we have many types of veterans that serve not only our country, but also our organization. Some have been in the military and have been a member of the AMT for many years. Norm has not only served our country admirably, but also AMT. Thank you, Norm, for all you do for American Medical Technologists and your years of service with the United States Navy! Others are members that have served AMT or the allied profession and have never been in the military, yet their dedication has served their profession and our community. Fran Floyd, MT (AMT) is a veteran with the United States Air Force. She is currently the Vice President of ISSAMT and has served on the Board of Directors for numerous years. She has been the Publicity Chair at the state level for more than four years. She is responsible for all the great pictures you see in our newsletter and our website. In ISSAMT we have three veterans – Dr. Norm Frankel, Josephine Harden, MT and Fran Floyd, MT. All three have not only served their profession but have also been with AMT for over 20 years and have been dedicated to the organization. Norman Frankel Ph.D., MT (AMT) served in World War II and was a medic in the United States Navy. Norm became certified as medical technician with AMT in 1958 and received his 50 year pin with the organization four years ago. His most recent award was the Pride of the Profession but he has also received the Order of the Golden Continued on page 6 A Note from our District Councillor Western District Councillor Clara Boykin, MT A very special thanks to everyone involved in AMT 73rd Educational Program and National Meeting in Miami. The meeting was held jointly with the CASMET Association. We had attendance of over 600 participants. It was great weather, great education, great networking and a great family gathering. It is such a wonderful time to see all our old friends at our National Meeting each year. CHANGE is coming to AMT in many ways. Please keep your eyes and ears open. Some have begun already with the new computer system in the AMT office. Our new web domain is www.americanmedtech.org. More change is coming with our National Meeting beginning in 2012 and continuing into the future. Please be sure to give us your input on the changes. A lot of the changes are coming about because YOU, the members, asked for them. We have a new “IT” staff member at the AMT Office, Mark Garcia. He can help you with issues you may encounter with getting onto the website. It was suggested that the state societies think of using Facebook for AMT. A lot of AMT members are on it so it is a great tool. Congratulations to all of this year’s award winners in the Great Lakes District. I applaud you and the hard work that you do for your state society and AMT. Everyone in the Great Lakes District deserves a pat on the back for all their efforts. Our new national officers for 2011-2012, President Roxann Clifton, MT, Vice President Mary Burden, MT, Secretary Jeff Lavender, MT and Treasurer Everett Bloodworth, MT. Janet Sesser, RMA was reelected to the board and Jeannie Hobson, RMA will serve out the term of board member that resigned. District educational meetings were proposed in the Great Lakes District meeting. I talked to each state president present, requested that they talk to their board of directors and report back with their opinion on the idea. ISSAMT Vice-President Fran Floyd, MT (AMT) (630) 464-3026 fffloyd@sbcglobal.net Treasurer Elaine T. Miyamoto, MS, MScTRM, RMA (AMT), CMA (AAMA), RHIA (815) 258-0083 emiyamoto@robertmorris.edu PAGE 2 The proposal was made that Illinois or Wisconsin be the location for a district seminar in September 2012. Watch for more information on this in the future. Mark your calendars for AMT 74th Educational Program and National Meeting, to be held July 9-14, 2012 in San Antonio. It will be at the Hyatt Regency, 123 Losoya St., San Antonio, 78205, (210) 222-1234. Continue to support your state society officers. If I can be of help, do not hesitate to contact me. Clara Boykin, MT Great Lakes District Councillor 1023 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Email: claraboykin1023@msn.com Work: (651) 999-4788 (Mon - Fri) Cell: (651) 247-3231 Home: (651) 644-3128 2 0 11 B O A R D M E M B E R S 2 0 11 O F F I C E R S President Nancy Gabl MSHR, RMA (AMT), CMA (AAMA), CPT, AHI (AMT) (630) 903-4910 nancepa2b@sbcglobal.net The presidents present were very receptive. Following the meeting, emails were sent to the two state society presidents that were not present at the meeting asking for their opinion. Secretary Falguni Thakkar, MT (AMT) (224) 388-5727 thakkarfalgu@yahoo.com Western District Councillor Clara Boykin, MT (AMT) (651) 644-3128 claraboykin1023@msn.com Judiciary Coucillor Kimberly Cheuvront, Ph.D KCheuvront@FGHI.com Editor Nancy Gabl MSHR, RMA (AMT), CMA (AAMA), CPT, AHI (AMT) (630) 903-4910 nancepa2b@sbcglobal.net Josephine Harden, MT (AMT) (815) 874-5859 Ronie Rodrigo, MT (AMT) (773) 702-9052 ron.rodrigo@uchospitals.edu Norm Frankel PhD, MT (AMT) (647) 769-9615 The FRA and What They Do for our Veterans John R. Davis, Director of Legislative Programs for Fleet Reserve Association The Fleet Reserve Association (FRA) is the oldest and largest enlisted organization serving active duty, Reserves, retired and veterans of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. It is Congressionally Chartered, recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) as an accrediting Veteran Service Organization (VSO) for claim representation and entrusted to serve all veterans who seek its help. In 2007, FRA was selected for full membership on the National Veterans’ Day Committee. FRA was established in 1924 and its name is derived from the Navy’s program for personnel transferring to the Fleet Reserve or Fleet Marine Corps Reserve after 20 or more years of active duty, but less than 30 years for retirement purposes. During the required period of service in the Fleet Reserve, assigned personnel earn retainer pay and are subject to recall by the Secretary of the Navy. FRA’s mission is to act as the premier “watch dog” organization in maintaining and improving the quality of life for Sea Service personnel and their families. FRA is a leading advocate on Capitol Hill for enlisted active duty, Reserve, retired and veterans of the Sea Services. The Association also sponsors a National Americanism Essay Program and other recognition and relief programs. In addition, the newly established FRA Education Foundation oversees the Association’s scholarship program that presents awards totaling nearly $120,000 to deserving students each year. The Association is also a founding member of The Military Coalition (TMC), a consortium of more than 30 military and veteran’s organizations. FRA hosts most TMC meetings and members of its staff serve in a number of TMC leadership roles. FRA celebrated 86 years of service in November 2010. For nearly nine decades, dedication to its members has resulted in legislation enhancing quality of life programs for Sea Services personnel, other members of the uniformed services plus their families and survivors, while protecting their rights and privileges. CHAMPUS, now TRICARE, was an initiative of FRA, as was the Uniformed Services Survivor Benefit Plan (USSBP). More recently, FRA led the way in reforming the REDUX Retirement Plan, obtaining targeted pay increases for mid-level enlisted personnel, and sea pay for junior enlisted sailors. FRA also played a leading role in advocating recently enacted predatory lending protections and absentee voting reform for service members and their dependents. FRA’s motto is: “Loyalty, Protection, and Service.” John Davis served in the United States Marine Corps Reserve in an artillery unit (155 self-propelled howitzers) and as a Second Lieutenant in the Illinois Army National Guard in the 1980s. He joined the FRA team as Director, Legislative Programs in February 2006, and recently stepped down as President of FRA Branch 181 (Arlington, VA) after serving two terms. He is co-chairman of The Military Coalition’s (TMC) Retired Affairs Policy Committee. John worked for almost 13 years with the National Federation of Independent Business, including 9 years as Director of the Illinois chapter and 3 ½ years in the federal lobbying office in Washington DC. John has lobbied on a variety of issues including healthcare, tort reform, education, insurance, taxation, and labor law. In 2005 John received a Masters of Public Policy (MPP) degree from Regent University, Alexandria VA. John has a BS degree from Illinois State University in Political Science and History. John is a proud father of two children: Anne age 28 and Michael age 24 who returned from a seven month deployment to Afghanistan (June 2010) with his Marine Corps Reserve unit. WHAT IS AMTrax? Is it a tracking device? Is it a type of train? Is it a robotic mouse? No, it’s YOU! Tracking your own CE’s on the AMT website is simple. Just keep your paperwork that shows you were at any CE event and then go onto the AMT website (www.americanmedtech.org), sign click on AMTrax... enter your CE’s and print them out as needed. Presto! (Please keep all documents in case of any auditing and you are all set to go). Don’t have a computer? Don’t sweat! Just send your documentation to the AMT office and they will enter it for you. PAGE 3 Mark Your Calendars! • ISSAMT Board Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 16, 2011 at Central DuPage Hospital Women/Children's Pavilion, Winfield, IL from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. New Officers and Board Members will be elected at this meeting. All members are welcome to attend. Lunch will be provided. • Deadlines for submissions to The Illinois Reporter are April 1, 2011 and September 1, 2011. • The 2012 ISSAMT Calendar of Events will be planned at the Sunday, October 16th Board Meeting. Will your voice be heard? Make sure your campaign information is ready for election! While you earn your CEs in 2012, come join your AMT family at the historic River Walk (pictured above) in San Antonio for AMT’s 74th Educational Program and National Meeting. Mark your calendars now and plan for the beautiful trip scheduled for July 9-14, 2012 at the the Hyatt Regency. Rooms are $119 per night and are good beginning July 4. I look forward to seeing all of you there and don’t forget the Alamo...One of America’s Top Historic Sites according to the History Channel. Visit www.amt1.com for additional details. The ISSAMT Website Scavenger Hunt Congratulations! If you feel you have answered all these questions correctly then copy and paste them onto Microsoft word or an email and send them to the President’s e-mail address (where can you find it?) and be eligible to win a drawing for a free registration to our next Illinois Continuing Education Seminar in 2012. Good luck! 1. Where are you able to find the dates of all meetings and events for the year so you can ask your boss for the dates off way ahead of time? 2. Where do you find the copies of newsletters? 3. How can you find information to contact your State Officers and Board members? 4. Where can you find pictures of past events? 5. Where can you find important legislative information? 6. Where can you find links to other important healthcare resources? 7. Where can you find our mission statement and what does it say? 8. Who is the recognizable person in the video and what school was the video recorded in? 9. What is our website address and how do you save into your “favorites” on your computer for easy access? 10. Describe the Illinois logo on the website. PAGE 4 Legislative Update by ISSAMT Legislative Chair Ron Rodrigo, MT The Pharmacy Choice and Access Now (PCAN), a coalition of pharmacists, consumers and local businesses has been launched in Illinois in order to preserve access to quality and affordable healthcare. The PCAN was launched in response to the proposal of the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) to reduce the reimbursement that community-based pharmacies receive for the cost of drug of Medicaid patients. The proposed cut to community-based pharmacies affects the Medicaid patients' ability to access essential pharmacy care. PCAN is asking legislative leaders and elected members of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) to reject the proposed reduction of reimbursements before its implementation eliminates access to care for citizens who need it the most. Community-based pharmacies also offer the greatest access to affordable and basic health services to Medicaid patients and underserved populations. PCAN therefore aims to protect these pharmacies as well as Illinois jobs and pharmacies in general. http://progressillinois.com/news/content/ 2011/08/08/affordable-health-carecoalition-launches-illinois <https://mail.uchospitals.edu/exchweb/bi Why is Vitamin D Important? By Gloria Culla, MT (AMT) Sometime in 2005, I asked my endocrinologist, Dr. Mario Chan, why I suffered two fractures in five years and immediately he ordered a Vitamin D level. It was then that he found out that my Vitamin D Level is less than the normal range (<4 mg/ml). He prescribed Forteo-sol injections plus vitamin D caplets for 50,000 units for two years. He monitored my Vitamin D level every three months and continued this until the expected level of my vitamin D was to the level he wanted. Vitamin D insufficiency can result in thin, brittle, or misshapen bones. It is the vitamin that prevents rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults and, together with calcium, helps to protect older adults from osteoporosis. Low Vitamin D levels are associated with increased cardiovascular mortality. However, according to the AMT journal (article from page 371), “calcium supplements (without co-administered vitamin D) are associated with an increased risk of myocardial infarction.” There are two forms of vitamin D that are important to humans: vitamin D3 and vitamin D2. Vitamin D3 is obtained from foods of animal origin and from ultraviolet light-stimulated conversion in the skin; small amounts of vitamin D2 are obtained from foods of plant origin. Both forms of the vitamin are used to fortify various foods and are found in over-the-counter supplements. Thus analytical methods that can accurately quantify both forms are often essential for diagnosis and monitoring patients with vitamin D disorder. The liquid chromatography, tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) has certain advantages – it does not use radioisotopes and is sensitive and equally specific for both forms of vitamin D and concentrations of each form are measured and reported independently. However it is technically more difficult than other methods, is quite expensive and is not available in most clinical laboratories Two other methods are more common in the clinical laboratory, HPLC also differentiates and quantifies the two forms, and currently this is the most common method and Chemiluminescence is offered on chemistry analyzers but reports the amount of both forms as a single value. At this time, there is no agreement on how much of these should be taken. Here is one set of recommendations from the Canadian Government (Health Canada): Age Calcium mg/d Vit D U/day 30-50 51-70 71+ 1000 1200 1200 200 400 600 Since my Vitamin D level is in the normal range, I just continue taking over the counter vitamin D caplets with D3 for 1000 IU/day and Calcium to protect my bones for any future fractures. This treatment started approximately two years ago and so far, I continue to improve and I know that as long as I maintain and continue this regimen, my health will continue to flourish and help in my wellbeing. PAGE 5 President’s Letter Fran is currently employed with Hines Veterans Hospital in Maywood, Illinois and has been there for many years. She has earned multiple awards including the Distinguished Achievement at the National level. (continued from front page) worked for the Veteran’s Administration, Cook County Hospital and Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield as phlebotomist. allegiance to the organization is respected and appreciated! Josephine has been serving T h e s e the state as delegate at the examples convention for demonstrate over 20 years the reason and has also Josephine Hardin, MT (AMT) and Norman why Veterans volunteered to Frankel, PhD, MT (AMT). Day is a time make and donate Josephine Harden, MT for pause and appreciation. Everyday the state basket every year (AMT) has been a member of millions put their lives on the line, while for the Welcome Party at the AMT since 1977. She has many others also serve this country in convention. Her state baskets served on the Board of Direcways that are too numerous to count. are always creative and are tors of Illinois for over 20 always made with perfection years and has only missed Years of service to any cause should and are admired by all the two national meetings since always be remembered and although states for their originality. she joined the organization. giving service to this country is meritorious, we can also take time to thank other Josephine has been present at Fran Floyd, MT (AMT). She worked for Lutheran types of a veterans whose service is also every single board and General Hospital as a laboracommendable, notable and truly apprecibusiness meeting since I have tory technician for 23 years and has also ated! been president. Her reliability and Our appreciation goes to Fran and her loyalty to AMT for over twenty years, in addition to her service to the United States of America! PAGE 6 What are YOU Doing to Give Back to YOUR Community? Elaine T. Miyamoto, MScTRM, MS, RMA, CMA, RHIA Every now and then in a downtime moment, you may ask yourself, “Am I doing all I can to be a responsible citizen?” If you have never asked yourself that question, it is time you should. Each of us is a captive audience on our planet. It is our grace to look out for each other. If you have asked yourself the above question, did you answer with the age old excuse of “I’m too busy” or “I’m not interested”? If everyone had that same mentality, no one would step up to the plate to volunteer and help each other out. Volunteering does not demand continuous hour after hour obligation. An hour here. An hour there. Be a volunteer. It is not a matter of when. It is a matter of now. Volunteering is a mindset. YOU have to want to do it. There are no expectations of pay. There are no expectations of applause and praise. If recognized, the acknowledgment is icing on the cake. Research your neighborhood, village, or city’s needs. There are a plethora of organizations that needs YOU as a volunteer. I chose the American Red Cross of Greater Chicago (ARCGC) and learned to assist clients as a Disaster Action Team (DAT) Full Responder. In this noble organization, I found fulfillment when giving back to the community. There is no greater trepidation than losing one’s home to a fire, a flood, a tornado, and other natural disasters or man-made agonies. The words of the client may proclaim, “I’m fine,” but the eyes shout “How can I go on?” YOU are the strength the client leans on during this time of turmoil. YOUR voice, YOUR attribute, YOU are the asset. PAGE 8 Sometimes just sitting with the client is all they need at that very moment. In the early onset of the tragedy, you are the ears when they need to express their feelings. You sit. You listen. • Supporting clients in shelters during natural and man-made disasters That is what is so great about the American Red Cross. There are roles for everyone. If you are not comfortable attending to clients at the scene, you can support the organization with “Call-Outs” and direct responders to the location of the incident. • Representing American Red Cross informational tables at local and business events If you have the professional background in mental health or nursing, you can assist in psychological assistance with the client or assist the client in their healthcare needs. Look at your schedule. How can volunteering fit into your schedule? Two afternoons a week? One afternoon a week? If you are comfortable and trained as an Instructor, the American Red Cross has many courses looking for your teaching expertise. You don’t need a special skill. The American Red Cross needs YOU. They will find a space where your talents and skill levels can fit right in. Too numerous to mention, volunteering with the American Red Cross also involves fun events, including: Bilingual? A welcome asset. • Bank of American Chicago Marathon Initial and on-going educational classes are essential enrichments for all American Red Cross volunteers. • Shamrock Shuffle • Collaboration with other Red Cross Chapters during disasters, i.e. Hurricane Katrina • Working with the Office of Emergency Management and Communication (OEMC) in the Central Business District Evacuation Exercise of the AON and Blue Cross/Blue Shield • Providing canteen services to the environmental officials of the Department of Natural Resources in Lockport, IL as they checked the canals for the Asian Carp • Assisting with canteen services during natural and man-made disasters • Providing clerical duties and nourishment before and after ARC Blood Drives This pledge you give yourself does not need to begin as a New Year’s resolution. It begins the minute you fill out a volunteer application and decide now is the time. An event here? An event there. You need training? No problem. “The only constant is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.” — Isaac Asimov So, have you decided? You’re going to volunteer? Excellent! See you at the next event. =) Preparing for Medical Assisting Certification & Beyond By Jessica Olague, RMA Prior to taking my certification exam with American Medical Technologists (AMT), I was studying for my exam while working full-time, going to school full-time and being a singlemother. I was juggling all these activities and trying to prioritize when I always knew my son needed to be at the top of the list. At times it seemed impossible. I finally had to make the decision whether to risk not passing my exam and keep my current minimum wage job, or quit my job and focus on my exam for the amount of time I had left. Many might think this should have been a simple decision and that I should just quit and focus on this important exam, but for me this was a worry since I had my son to think about. Could I support my son if I made this choice? Fortunately for me, I have the love and support of my parents; they offered to help me out during this period. Then after quitting my job, I was able to focus on my exam, leading me to become a Certified Medical Assistant with Illinois State Society of American Medical Technologists. I owe it all to my parents, who offered to help me out financially during this period. I couldn’t have done it without them. I love you! I’m currently unemployed, but I am actively sending out resumes on a daily basis. I KNOW I made the right decision. In this tough economy I just have to be persistent and know that the right job will come along. After passing the exam in July 2011, I was so proud and happy but I realized my work had just begun. I believed that being an RMA, would make it easier to find a job. I did not realize that I would be applying day after day and having multiple interviews with long periods of time before I heard from anyone again. Thanks to AMT, I know I am ahead of others who are looking for work and passing the certification exam has given me added confidence. Sometimes I would even get form letters in the mail telling me someone more qualified was found. I know I have never had a job in the medical field except my externship and other volunteer experience and that has been my biggest struggle – trying to find a job that is willing to hiring someone straight out of school! As I continue to look for work I am back in school at Robert Morris University finishing my Associate’s degree before moving on to pursue my Bachelor’s degree in Business – focusing on medical administration. Everyday I have made it a habit to wake up early and surf the web in order to send my resumes to local medical offices. Prior to that, I drove to local medical offices to drop off my resume and got sent home because they only were taking online submissions. Exciting News! Illinois received two awards at the National Conference in Miami: First Place Newsletter Nancy Gabl, Editor Honor Roll of State Societies You can vote for your favorite officer and Board of Director candidates online at www.il-amt.org. Not only can you cast your vote, but you can check the status of how the poll is going until the election is over! Voting will end on Sunday, October 16, at 3:00 p.m. after the Board Meeting. PAGE 9 Delegate Reports from Miami Nancy Gabl, MHRM, RMA, AHI, CPT, CMA to be there. The Miami AMT conference was a spectacular experience. The continuing education was inspiring and thoughtprovoking and I could not help but realize how truly blessed I was The state of Illinois had six delegates this year and that was a proud moment. As our state was called to go into the meeting, I realized that our state has not only achieved growth in its membership, but has become a state that plays an active role in participating from the national perspective. It was during the Town Hall Meeting and the AMT Annual Business Meeting that I started to really ponder the magnitude of the responsibility we all have as delegates and as voting members at the business meeting. I could not help but reflect on the preamble of the bylaws that states that AMT is “controlled by and exists for the benefit of its members.” That means we have a responsibility to all our members when we vote for the candidates that will speak for us in the organization. Is it then a popularity contest or should we know the background and the experience of each candidate? We need to feel confident in knowing that their expertise or their background will contribute to sound conscious decision making when they vote for any changes within the organization. If this is so, then why do we not spend more time interviewing these candidates? One thought that I had is, where can I find information on the candidates so I can look at their credentials and then compare that to the description of the position they are running for? If it sounds like an interview, that is because that is what it is. When we arrived at the conference and checked in we received a packet that was filled with all sorts of information except one thing – information on the candidates and the position they are running for. Isn’t that one PAGE 10 of the most important reasons why we were there? By the end of the conference their information was posted on a bulletin board, but I would rather have a copy in my hand and be able to read it over and think about questions I would like to ask the candidates. For example, the AMTIE board candidate’s job responsibilities have changed to fundraising. This change obviously will have great impact on our organization. Do we not realize as voting delegates that this warrants some lengthy interviewing and discussion? Annual reports are in your packet so make sure, as a delegate and as member, you read those over in order to know the changes that are happening in “your organization.” This is one way you can be more prepared for the town hall meeting. Being able to attend the conference every year is a big honor but now I realize I also have a big responsibility. My goal, if I am elected as a delegate next year, is to be more proactive in the voting process. Next year I will be ready to interview the candidates. Will you join me by not hesitating to ask the questions that need to be asked? Let’s make our voices heard and may the best candidate win! I will see you at the microphone in San Antonio! Norman (AMT) Frankel, Ph.D, MT The joint meeting of AMT (73rd) and CASMET was both outstanding and unique! The exchange of ideas, the methods of celebration, the exhibits and the camaraderie between both groups was a positive experience to behold. The scientific seminars were top notch and provided members with the new developments in diagnostics and treatments, as well as, opportunities to participate with other technicians in the question and answer portion of the sessions. I learned a lot, especially from the sessions of David Plaut. I was also very happy to participate with other Illinois members – the largest group attending in years. The annual business meeting went well and was uneventful. The election of state officers and Board members was without major controversy, as was the AMTIE election. All in all, the convention was really well done. I was happy to accept all the awards that Nancy Gabl had won! Josephine Hardin, MT (AMT) I would like to thank the AMT staff for their hard work on planning the American Medical Technologists 73rd Educational Program and National Meeting. I would also like to give a special thank you to our Illinois State Society President, Nancy Gabl, for being an outstanding society president, for her hard work as editor, and for her continued dedication to the field. I attended several great sessions at the conference such as “Spending Some Time with Your Brain.” The speakers of this meeting were Charlotte Hudson Boe, Ph.D. and Gerard Patrick Boe, Ph.D. The objectives of this workshop were to understand the anatomy of the brain, gain knowledge about Brain Dominance Theory and identify your own brain dominance. There are two types of hemispheric brain dominance – a person can either be left or right hemispheric. This was just one example of the many great sessions available at the conference. This Miami conference was a very well planned and coordinated. I look forward to next year’s conference in San Antonio Texas and the opportunity to meet with fellow colleagues in the field. Delegate Reports from Miami (cont.) Asiyay Jafray, RMA It was a pleasure to attend the Joint AMT and CASMET 73rd Annual Educational Program and National Meeting in Miami. Serving as a delegate this year was a very rewarding experience. I was able to learn more about the organization as well as meet other members. The experience has given me an added insight into the positive efforts put forth by the members of this organization and it makes me proud to have joined AMT. I must also give a special thanks to the members of ISSAMT for which without their guidance and support this opportunity would not have been possible. There were many aspects of this conference that I truly enjoyed. The conference featured a plethora of interesting topics making it a challenge to decide which to attend – if I could have been five places at one time I would have done so. Nevertheless, I definitely enjoyed those seminars that I did attend and am grateful that flash drives with the remaining presentations were made available. The location was beautiful, the people were warmhearted and friendly, and the social activities were amazing! This was definitely a memorable conference. I am very appreciative that I had this opportunity and am looking forward to many more years of service. Elaine Miyamoto, MS, MScTRM, RMA (AMT), CMA (AAMA), RHIA Gloria Culla, MT (AMT) It was an honor for me to represent Illinois at the 73rd Educational Program and National Meeting between AMT and the Caribbean Association of Medical Technologists in Miami. The blending of old friends and new intermingled in dialogue and learning at each of the sessions. As a first time attendee, I was impressed how the AMT Officers and members organized the event—for me, “it was a very successful conference.” Tuesday night was stress-free and I enjoyed the drums and dance from our CASMET members. I was also able to meet new Filipino Medical Technologist members from all over the world, and get to know our AMT president Ms. Roxann Clifton and our very own Executive Director Mr. Christopher Damon. Henry L. Doherty said, “Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. Be a student so long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life.” Never has a quote rung more true. Education IS a lifelong practice. I cannot select only one session most outstanding, as each was valuable in its own right. I must admit, Marco Burenko, MD, FCAP, FASCP’s presentation on “Stem Cells – When Did They Appear on the Horizon” captivated my inquiring mind. It is mind-boggling what future medicine brings. Listening and learning of what is new in medicine is a true, “Oh my gosh” experience. I encourage each and every reader to consider attending the next AMT Educational Program. The varied selections of educational sessions are suited for healthcare learners. You will not be asking yourself, “What should I do today,” but rather “What will I learn today?” Learn something new. Attend the AMT Educational Programs and the National Meetings. I would like to thank Illinois State President Ms. Nancy Gabl and the ISSAMT for giving me the chance to serve as a delegate at the 73rd Educational Program and National Meeting in Miami Florida. The educational sessions, workshops, exhibits and the election of members to the Board were perfect. I learned a lot about the clinical laboratory today. Now that I have gained a lot from this convention, I look forward to being a valuable medical technologist to the AMT organization. I would like to sincerely thank everyone who made this convention possible. Take a moment to imagine that there is an emergency, like a fire in your home, and you need to leave quickly. What are the best escape routes from your home? Find at least two ways out of each room. Now, write it down — you’ve got the beginning of a plan. - Dept. of Homeland Security Our very own Illinois State Treasurer of AMT, Elaine Miyamoto (pictured at right), has her Master’s degree in Science & Threat Management and enjoys flying. PAGE 11 ISSAMT Officer and Board Candidates 2012-13 President The state president is the official representative within the state and must be well-informed about AMT. Secretary The secretary is to maintain and complete all permanent records in a efficient and orderly manner. Any new member that runs for this position will be mentored for this position. Board Members These are members that have been with the state society and served different capacities. They also are voting members and need to be at all meetings. Josephine Harden MT (AMT) Nancy Gabl MHRM, RMA, AHI, CPT, CMA Veronda L. Spiller Vice-President Treasurer A perfect position to learn hands-on the way the state society works since you work alongside the state president. Is responsible for all financial records of the state society. They must submit a report at each meeting and pay bills. They help oversee the financial records. Norman Frankel Ph.D, MT (AMT) Fran Floyd MT (AMT) Elaine T. Miyamoto, RMA, MScTRM, MS, RHIA, CMA Carol A. Sieczynski Falguni Thakkar MT (AMT) PAGE 12 Photos from the National AMT Conference in Miami Clockwise from top left: Miami skyline from the bay; Cruising Miami at night; Josephine and Norm wearing their Caribbean party wear at the Welcome party put on by CASMET; Members dressed up for a formal evening; Members wait to board their cruise ship on Biscayne Bay; Caribbean dancers entertain AMT Members. ISSAMT is in the process of planning their 2012 Educational Seminar and is considering having a Great Lakes District Educational Meeting in the fall instead of our usual spring meeting. It will include the other states in the district – Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Indiana and of course, Illinois. Potentionally it would be a two-day meeting, This is yet to be determined and more information will be available after this newsletter is published. Please check the website for further details at www.il-amt.org. FYI: Further details to follow on the calendar for 2012, after the elections. Please check the calendar of events on the website after October 16, 2011. PAGE 13 Tremors By Nancy Gabl, MSHR, RMA (AMT), CMA (AAMA), CPT, (NPA) Have you ever been with someone whose hands appear shaky? Some people have tremors and it seems to be genetically predisposed and is frequently seen in populations that have a history of migraine headaches. a cup, holding your arms out, or when you stand up straight. There are several sub classifications of action tremor. Postural tremor occurs when the person maintains a position against gravity, such as holding the arms outstretched. According to Medline Plus, “A tremor is a type of involuntary shaking movement. Involuntary means you shake without trying to do so. A tremor is often most noticeable in your hands and arms, but it may affect any body part (even your head or voice).” Kinetic tremor appears during movement of a body part, such as moving the wrists up and down, while intention tremor is present during a purposeful movement toward a target, such as touching a finger to one’s nose during a medical exam. I never realized there are several types of tremors and they are significant in diagnosing the underlying cause. For example, there are three main types of tremors: Tremor is most commonly classified by its appearance, cause or origin. Some of the more common forms of tremor and their symptoms include: • Resting (or static) tremors: These tremors are present when your muscles are resting. The tremor may go away or become less noticeable when you move muscles that are involved. Resting tremor occurs when the muscle is relaxed, such as when the hands are lying on the lap or hanging next to the trunk while standing or walking. It may be seen as a shaking of the limb, even when the person is at rest. Often, the tremor affects only the hand or fingers. This type of tremor is often seen in patients with Parkinson’s disease. • Intention (or kinetic): These tremors occur at the end of a purposeful (intended) movement, such as writing, pressing a button, or reaching for an object. The tremor will usually disappear while the affected body part is at rest. Task-specific tremor appears when performing highly skilled, goal-oriented tasks such as handwriting or speaking. Isometric tremor occurs during a voluntary muscle contraction that is not accompanied by any movement. • Postural or action tremors: These occur when you are holding your arm or leg in one position for a period of time against gravity. This may happen when you are writing, holding a cup, holding PAGE 14 • Essential tremor (also known as benign essential tremor) is the most common of the forms of abnormal tremor. Although the tremor may be mild and nonprogressive in some people over a long period of time, in others, the tremor is slowly progressive, starting on one side of the body but affecting both sides within a few years. The hands are most often affected but the head, voice, tongue, legs, and trunk may also be involved, typically to a lesser extent than the hands. Tremor of the hands is typically present as an action tremor. Head tremor may be seen as a “yes-yes” or “no-no” motion. Essential tremor may be accompanied by mild gait disturbance. Tremor frequency may decrease as the person ages, but the severity may increase, affecting the person’s ability to perform certain tasks or activities of daily living. Heightened emotion, stress, fever, physical exhaustion, or low blood sugar may trigger tremors and/or increase their severity. Onset is most common after age 40, although symptoms can appear at any age. It may occur in more than one family member. Children of a parent who has essential tremor have a 50 percent chance of inheriting the condition. A variant in the gene LINGO1 has been identified as a risk gene, although not all individuals with essential tremor carry this variant--which also can be present in people without essential tremor. While essential tremor was thought not to be associated with any known pathology over many years, recent studies suggest that there is a mild degeneration of certain parts of the cerebellum in individuals with essential tremor. • Parkinsonian tremor is caused by damage to structures within the brain that control movement. This tremor, which appears characteristically as a resting tremor, can occur as an isolated symptom or be seen in other disorders and is often the first symptom of Parkinson’s disease (more than 25 percent of patients with Parkinson’s disease have an associated action tremor). The tremor, which is classically seen as a “pill-rolling” action of the hands that may also affect the chin, lips, legs, and trunk, can be markedly increased by stress or emotions. Onset of a parkinsonian tremor is generally after age 60. Movement starts in one limb or on one side of the body and usually progresses to include the other side. • Dystonic tremor occurs in individuals of all ages who are affected by dystonia, a movement disorder in which sustained involuntary muscle contractions cause twisting and repetitive motions and/or painful and abnormal postures or positions, such as twisting of the neck (torticollis) or writer's cramp. Dystonic tremor may affect any muscle in the body and is seen most often when the patient is in a certain position or moves a certain way. The pattern of dystonic tremor may differ from essential tremor. Dystonic tremors occur irregularly and often can be relieved by complete rest. Touching the affected body part or muscle may reduce tremor severity. The tremor may be the initial sign of dystonia localized to a particularpart of the body. Continued on next page Tremors (cont. from previous page) • Cerebellar tremor is a slow tremor of the extremities that occurs at the end of a purposeful movement (intention tremor), such as trying to press a button or touching a finger to the tip of one’s nose. Cerebellar tremor is caused by lesions in or damage to the cerebellum resulting from stroke, tumor, or disease such as multiple sclerosis or some inherited degenerative disorder. It can also result from chronic alcoholism or overuse of some medicines. In classic cerebellar tremor, a lesion on one side of the brain produces a tremor in that same side of the body that worsens with directed movement. Cerebellar damage can also produce a “wing-beating” type of tremor called rubral or Holmes’ tremor — a combination of rest, action, and postural tremors. The tremor is often most prominent when the affected person is active or is maintaining a particular posture. Cerebellar tremor may be accompanied by dysarthria (speech problems), nystagmus (rapid involuntary movements of the eyes), gait problems, and postural tremor of the trunk and neck. • Psychogenic tremor (also called functional tremor) can appear as any form of tremor movement. The characteristics of this kind of tremor may vary but generally include sudden onset and remission, increased incidence with stress, change in tremor direction and/or body part affected, and greatly decreased or disappearing tremor activity when the individual is being distracted. Many individuals with psychogenic tremor have a conversion disorder (defined as a psychological disorder that produces physical symptoms) or another psychiatric disease. • Orthostatic tremor is characterized by rhythmic muscle contractions that occur in the legs and trunk immediately after standing. The person typically perceives orthostatic tremor as unsteadiness rather than actual tremor. Because of its high tremor frequency, often the tremor cannot be seen, but sometimes be heard when putting a stethoscope to the thigh muscles. No other clinical signs or symptoms are present and the unsteadiness ceases when the individual sits, is lifted off the ground, or starts walking. • Physiologic tremor occurs in every normal individual. It is rarely visible to the eye and may be heightened by strong emotion (such as anxiety or fear), physical exhaustion, hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism, heavy metal poisoning, stimulants, alcohol withdrawal, caffeine, or fever. It can occur in all voluntary muscle groups and can be detected by extending the arms and placing a piece of paper on top of the hands. • Enhanced physiologic tremor is a strengthening of physiologic tremor to more visible levels. It is generally not caused by a neurological disease but by reaction to certain drugs, alcohol withdrawal, or medical conditions including an overactive thyroid and hypoglycemia. It is usually reversible once the cause is corrected. Tremors can result from other conditions as well. Alcoholism, excessive alcohol consumption, or alcohol withdrawal can kill certain nerve cells, resulting in tremor, especially in the hand. (Occasionally, alcohol, in small amounts, may even help to decrease essential tremor). Doctors may use small amounts of alcohol to aid in the diagnosis of certain forms of tremor but not as a regular treatment for the condition. Tremor in peripheral neuropathy may occur when the nerves that supply the body’s muscles are traumatized by injury, disease, abnormality in the central nervous system, or as the result of systemic illnesses. Peripheral neuropathy can affect the whole body or certain areas, such as the hands, and may be progressive. Resulting sensory loss may be seen as a tremor or ataxia (inability to coordinate voluntary muscle movement) of the affected limbs and problems with gait and balance. Clinical characteristics may be similar to those seen in individuals with essential tremor. In researching tremors, it is easy to realize that there are a lot of variable to consider when diagnosing this disease and it is imperative for the physician to take a good history in order to hopefully make the right diagnosis. It will also be essential for the physician to follow-up the patient over periods of time to see how the disease progresses. It also important to educate the family of the patient since genetic factors play a significant role in not only diagnosing but long range planning for the patient as well as the family members. References: Medline Plus National Institute of Neurological Disorders: http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/tremo r/detail_tremor.htm AMT has a new website: www.americanmedtech.org. All office staff e-mails have changed! They are now: first initial.lastname.americanmedtech.org Ex: Diane Powell’s email address is d.powell@americanmedtech.org PAGE 15 Upcoming Events • Be sure to cast your vote on www.il-amt.org for next year’s officers! Exciting News! You can vote for your favorite officer and Board of Director candidates online at www.il-amt.org. Not only can you cast your vote, you can also check the status of how the voting The Illinois Reporter is is going until the election is decided on Sunday, October 16 immediately following the Board published bi-annually. Address Meeting at 3 p.m. all communications to the • Look for the updated calendar in October! Editor, who reserves the right to edit all material, if necessary. Remember to look at the 2012 calendar that will be posted online after the meeting in October so Any article appearing in The you can ask for time off to go to meetings. Illinois Reporter is to be assumed as representing the opinions of the author and is not • Record your CEs on Amtrax! to be construed as reflecting to Visit the AMT website at www.americanmedtech.org. Use your email address to log on and your the policy of the publication member ID for a password. Keep all documents, in case of an audit. unless the article is designated. Publication deadlines for 2012 are April 1, 2012 for the spring issue and September 1, 2012 for the fall issue. • Make your reservations for San Antonio! Make your reservations now for San Antonio, Texas for July 9-14, 2012 for the National AMT Educational Seminar and Business Meeting! Illinois Reporter Issue 2 Fall/Winter 2011 ISSAMT Nancy Gabl, Editor 1768 Coach Drive Naperville, IL 60565 address printed here Don’t forget to RSVP by Oct. 12th for the ISSAMT Board Meeting at Central DuPage Hospital on Sunday, Oct. 16th!
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