Program - Hovey Players
Program - Hovey Players
Hovey Players, Inc. Waltham's Theater Since 1936 Hovey Players Presents 2003-2004 SEASON HABEAS CORPUS By Alan Bennett Directed by John MacKenzie G.R. POINT By David Berry Directed by Michelle Aguillon ARCADIA By Tom Stoppard Directed by Michael Tonner SPEED THE PLOW By David Mamet Directed by Nancy Curran Willis LOVE OF THE NIGHTINGALE By Timberlake Wertenbaker Directed by Luke Dennis Reserve your tickets in April for our next production of The Love of the Nightingale SPEED THE PLOW May 14-29, 2004 8th Annual Hovey Summer Shorts Festival! By David Mamet A Festival of New Works By Local Authors Produced by Jerry Bisantz August 26-28 and September 2-4, 2004 This year at Turtle Lane Playhouse! Mailing Address: Street Address: P.O. Box 540101 Waltham, MA 02254-0101 Abbott Memorial Theater 9 Spring Street Waltham, MA 02254 Email us at Please visit us on the web at Box Office: 781-893-9171 or Green Room: 781- 647-1211 Directed by Nancy Curran Willis Director’s Notes Hovey Players Season Subscription Form (2003-2004 Season is printed on the back of this program) We are also accepting subscriptions for our 2004-2005 season (TBA soon)! A bit about the playwright… David Mamet is credited with reinventing American theatrical language. His terse, cryptic dialogue is marked by a staccato rhythm and tough, often profane Please use one form per household; list all names that apply (add extra names at the bottom of this sheet). Name: Phone: power of the playwright's characters stems from the way they reveal themselves Name: Phone: through language that conveys its meaning as much from what is being withheld Address: Email: as from the words actually spoken. Many Mamet plays deal with declining City: language, has become a major element of the theatrical lexicon: Mametspeak. The morality reflecting his view of society as a spiritual wasteland. His best known State: Zip: Please reserve ___ Subscribing Memberships at $60 each = = estate office; Speed-the-Plow, written four years later (1988) focused on the Please reserve ___ Senior Subscribing Memberships at $50 each (Over age 62) Active Membership dues only ___ at $10 underbelly of show business. Con artists and their games in life dominate both I would like to make an additional Tax Deductible contribution of plays explore these themes through tough male macho characters. For example, the Pulitzer Prize winning Glengarry Glen Ross was set in a grungy Chicago real plays. In Speed-the-Plow, Mamet makes use of his increasing knowledge of Hollywood to provide an updated, insider's look at the city emblematic of both success and corruption. Speed-the-Plow's portrait of the "buddy-movie" formula rings with the wry humor of one who has observed the pattern at close range. Thus, Mamet has created a “buddy-play” which seems ultimately to argue for the values of personal loyalty and male friendship in a world whose emotional note is z Total Enclosed = $__________ $__________ Your subscription includes: one admission to each of our five regular productions and your annual membership dues, a total value of $85 ($75). If for some reason we cannot mount a particular production, we reserve the right to substitute a different title. You may allow anyone to use your subscription should you be unable to attend a performance or actively involved in a Hovey production. Additional Household Names: cynical hypocrisy. Name: Many Thanks To… Chad Council Kate Pearson Jeanne Petrangelo Dave Sheppard Ronni Marshak Herman Scott …and to those individuals who helped with the production after this program went to print Name: Name: Rabid Skunk Entertainment Meeting your creative media needs. Film – Photography - Video - Audio – Contact Daemeon Pratt at This show contains graphic language and adult situations. CAST Richard Rininsland Bill Stambaugh Renee Tyzbir Bob Gould Charlie Fox Karen The setting is Hollywood in the 1980s. Speed-the-Plow takes place in movie producer Bobby Gould's office and his apartment somewhere in LALA land. The play is performed in three scenes: Scene 1 - Gould's office; Scene 2 - later that night in Gould's apartment; Scene 3 - the next morning in Gould's office. There will be a 15-minute intermission between Scenes 1 & 2. Refreshments are available upstairs. Baan Thai Authentic Thai Cuisine & Sushi Bar 659 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02451 Telephone 781-893-7700 Fax 781-893-7701 Business Hours Mon-Fri 11:30 AM-3:00 PM, 5:00-10:00 PM Sat 5:00-11:00 PM Sun 5:00-10:00 PM PRODUCTION STAFF Director Producer Technical Director Production Assistant Stage Manager Scenic Artist Properties Lighting Design Sound Design Box Office Manager Photography Crew Chief Technical Crew Special thanks to Sovereign Bank of Waltham for their generous contribution. Publicity Program Cover Program Nancy Curran Willis Michelle M. Aguillon John MacKenzie Jenna Lea Scott Chris Wrenn J.P. Nadeau Karen Dervin James Lavenburg Matthew Silverstein Kate Tonner Daemeon Pratt Rocco Sperazzo Ben Aldridge Shannon Allen Justin Budinoff Matthew Silverstein Michael Tonner Gordon Ellis Michelle M. Aguillon Michelle M. Aguillon Ronni Marshak Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. Biographies Richard Rininsland (Bobby Gould): Richard joins us for his second Hovey production. He recently enjoyed performing as Feste for Twelfth Night last season and is very pleased to have a chance to play for you again. Rich can also be seen in many Renaissance festivals throughout the New England area, including playing the Connecticut Yankee this spring at Hammond Castle. Bill Stambaugh (Charlie Fox): Bill is happy to be making his Hovey debut for this production of Speed-the-Plow. Bill is an active member in community theatre and in the past some of his favorite roles have included R.P. McMurphy in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Willie Conklin in Ragtime, Ernst Ludwig in Cabaret, Stanley in Streetcar Named Desire, Roma in Glengarry Glen Ross, Roy Cohn in Angels in America Part I, John Proctor in The Crucible, Lucien P. Smith in The Boys Next Door, Marc in Art, Ellard in The Foreigner, as well as productions of The Dresser, Follies (w/ Len Cariou), Cinderella, The Unexpected Guest, The Nerd, The Dining Room, Broadway Bound, The Substance of Fire, Rumors, The Importance of Being Earnest, Little Shop of Horrors, The Lion in Winter, and The Wizard of Oz among many others. He has performed in the EMACT Festival 4 years running and has been recognized for his performances in Glengarry Glen Ross and Angels in America Part I, as well as making the finals for production 3 years in a row. At the 2003 EMACT Festival, Bill was awarded “Best Actor” for his performance in Lonely Planet. Thank you to his cast and crew for their hard work, and to his Mom for her undying patience and support through everything. Renee Tyzbir (Karen): Renee is thrilled to be doing her first show with the Hovey Players. Having just moved from Washington, D.C., she performed murder mystery comedy dinner theater at the Blair Mansion in D.C. While attending the University of Vermont, Renee minored in theatre and performed in several productions including the role of Gwendolyn in The Importance of Being Earnest. She is ecstatic to be acting once again! Currently, Renee is a middle school English teacher in Weston. Renee is very grateful to Nancy for casting her in this show. Renee would like to thank her cast for making every rehearsal full of endless entertainment. She would also like to thank her family and friends for always encouraging her to pursue her dream of doing theatre. Nancy Curran Willis (Director): is pleased to be directing at Hovey for the first time. Nancy is the Managing Director for Boston Theatre Works where she made her main stage debut with the Elliot Norton award-winning production of The Laramie Project. She also directed BTW productions of Coyote on a Fence and the world premiere of Conspiracy of Memory. Nancy has directed over 50 productions for theater companies throughout eastern Massachusetts. She spent two seasons as Managing Director of Gloucester Stage Company, where she directed Berlin to Broadway, restaged her BTW production of The Laramie Project and directed Israel Horovitz’ Ten Minutes After Paradise for the Boston Theater Marathon. She was a founding member and artistic director of the Boston-area Second Stage Theatre Company and directed their debut production, Neil Simon’s Proposals. Nancy directed the 1999 Gassner award-winning play, Mockba, A Play about Moscow at Boston Playwrights Theater. She worked as Assistant Director with Rick Lombardo at New Repertory Theatre on the area premiere of Beast on the Moon. Nancy has directed shows for the Quannapowitt Players, Burlington Players, Arlington Friends, Concord Players, Winchester Players and Vokes Players. Her shows have won many EMACT honors, and she earned NETC's Best Director honors for Woman in Mind; as well as directing the NETC/EMACT Best Productions of A Stye of the Eye, The Boys Next Door, and A Piece of My Heart. The Hovey Players would like to thank our friends and benefactors for their kind and generous support: Benefactors ($200-$2,000) Friends ($5-$49) Anonymous Lissi Engvall Joseph Lomardi John Tierney Albert Arena Tom Arena Sidney and Rita Bourne Gordon Buck Elaine Chico Anne Deangelis Glen Ellis Patricia Howard Jeanine Leonard Viola Leone Lucille Lopresti Violet P.Maguire Michelle Mulvaney John Murtaugh Jennifer Patton and Scott Schurr Liz and Fred Robbins Jean Roche Constance Tonner Phyllis Weaver William G and Alice Webb Angels ($100-$199) Thomas Berry Doris Goldstein Lorraine Halgas and Steven Wolfe Eric Houghton and Erika Foin David and Joyce Wilbourn Sponsors ($50-$99) David Berti Nancy Curran Willis Peter M. Floyd Ronni Marshak Lida Bander McGirr Marjorie McNicholas George Sauer Herman and Joan Suit Daniel Taylor and Joan Smith Ralph Tomao Your support does make a difference. Please consider making a donation and helping us to continue to bring live theater to the community. Contributions are tax deductible. Please make checks payable to: The Hovey Players If you wish, mail your check to: (Or you can just hand your check to a member of the company!) The Hovey Players Treasurer PO Box 540101 Waltham, MA 02254-0101 Biographies Richard Rininsland (Bobby Gould): Richard joins us for his second Hovey production. He recently enjoyed performing as Feste for Twelfth Night last season and is very pleased to have a chance to play for you again. Rich can also be seen in many Renaissance festivals throughout the New England area, including playing the Connecticut Yankee this spring at Hammond Castle. Bill Stambaugh (Charlie Fox): Bill is happy to be making his Hovey debut for this production of Speed-the-Plow. Bill is an active member in community theatre and in the past some of his favorite roles have included R.P. McMurphy in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Willie Conklin in Ragtime, Ernst Ludwig in Cabaret, Stanley in Streetcar Named Desire, Roma in Glengarry Glen Ross, Roy Cohn in Angels in America Part I, John Proctor in The Crucible, Lucien P. Smith in The Boys Next Door, Marc in Art, Ellard in The Foreigner, as well as productions of The Dresser, Follies (w/ Len Cariou), Cinderella, The Unexpected Guest, The Nerd, The Dining Room, Broadway Bound, The Substance of Fire, Rumors, The Importance of Being Earnest, Little Shop of Horrors, The Lion in Winter, and The Wizard of Oz among many others. He has performed in the EMACT Festival 4 years running and has been recognized for his performances in Glengarry Glen Ross and Angels in America Part I, as well as making the finals for production 3 years in a row. At the 2003 EMACT Festival, Bill was awarded “Best Actor” for his performance in Lonely Planet. Thank you to his cast and crew for their hard work, and to his Mom for her undying patience and support through everything. Renee Tyzbir (Karen): Renee is thrilled to be doing her first show with the Hovey Players. Having just moved from Washington, D.C., she performed murder mystery comedy dinner theater at the Blair Mansion in D.C. While attending the University of Vermont, Renee minored in theatre and performed in several productions including the role of Gwendolyn in The Importance of Being Earnest. She is ecstatic to be acting once again! Currently, Renee is a middle school English teacher in Weston. Renee is very grateful to Nancy for casting her in this show. Renee would like to thank her cast for making every rehearsal full of endless entertainment. She would also like to thank her family and friends for always encouraging her to pursue her dream of doing theatre. Nancy Curran Willis (Director): is pleased to be directing at Hovey for the first time. Nancy is the Managing Director for Boston Theatre Works where she made her main stage debut with the Elliot Norton award-winning production of The Laramie Project. She also directed BTW productions of Coyote on a Fence and the world premiere of Conspiracy of Memory. Nancy has directed over 50 productions for theater companies throughout eastern Massachusetts. She spent two seasons as Managing Director of Gloucester Stage Company, where she directed Berlin to Broadway, restaged her BTW production of The Laramie Project and directed Israel Horovitz’ Ten Minutes After Paradise for the Boston Theater Marathon. She was a founding member and artistic director of the Boston-area Second Stage Theatre Company and directed their debut production, Neil Simon’s Proposals. Nancy directed the 1999 Gassner award-winning play, Mockba, A Play about Moscow at Boston Playwrights Theater. She worked as Assistant Director with Rick Lombardo at New Repertory Theatre on the area premiere of Beast on the Moon. Nancy has directed shows for the Quannapowitt Players, Burlington Players, Arlington Friends, Concord Players, Winchester Players and Vokes Players. Her shows have won many EMACT honors, and she earned NETC's Best Director honors for Woman in Mind; as well as directing the NETC/EMACT Best Productions of A Stye of the Eye, The Boys Next Door, and A Piece of My Heart. The Hovey Players would like to thank our friends and benefactors for their kind and generous support: Benefactors ($200-$2,000) Friends ($5-$49) Anonymous Lissi Engvall Joseph Lomardi John Tierney Albert Arena Tom Arena Sidney and Rita Bourne Gordon Buck Elaine Chico Anne Deangelis Glen Ellis Patricia Howard Jeanine Leonard Viola Leone Lucille Lopresti Violet P.Maguire Michelle Mulvaney John Murtaugh Jennifer Patton and Scott Schurr Liz and Fred Robbins Jean Roche Constance Tonner Phyllis Weaver William G and Alice Webb Angels ($100-$199) Thomas Berry Doris Goldstein Lorraine Halgas and Steven Wolfe Eric Houghton and Erika Foin David and Joyce Wilbourn Sponsors ($50-$99) David Berti Nancy Curran Willis Peter M. Floyd Ronni Marshak Lida Bander McGirr Marjorie McNicholas George Sauer Herman and Joan Suit Daniel Taylor and Joan Smith Ralph Tomao Your support does make a difference. Please consider making a donation and helping us to continue to bring live theater to the community. Contributions are tax deductible. Please make checks payable to: The Hovey Players If you wish, mail your check to: (Or you can just hand your check to a member of the company!) The Hovey Players Treasurer PO Box 540101 Waltham, MA 02254-0101 Director’s Notes Hovey Players Season Subscription Form (2003-2004 Season is printed on the back of this program) We are also accepting subscriptions for our 2004-2005 season (TBA soon)! A bit about the playwright… David Mamet is credited with reinventing American theatrical language. His terse, cryptic dialogue is marked by a staccato rhythm and tough, often profane Please use one form per household; list all names that apply (add extra names at the bottom of this sheet). Name: Phone: power of the playwright's characters stems from the way they reveal themselves Name: Phone: through language that conveys its meaning as much from what is being withheld Address: Email: as from the words actually spoken. Many Mamet plays deal with declining City: language, has become a major element of the theatrical lexicon: Mametspeak. The morality reflecting his view of society as a spiritual wasteland. His best known State: Zip: Please reserve ___ Subscribing Memberships at $60 each = = estate office; Speed-the-Plow, written four years later (1988) focused on the Please reserve ___ Senior Subscribing Memberships at $50 each (Over age 62) Active Membership dues only ___ at $10 underbelly of show business. Con artists and their games in life dominate both I would like to make an additional Tax Deductible contribution of plays explore these themes through tough male macho characters. For example, the Pulitzer Prize winning Glengarry Glen Ross was set in a grungy Chicago real plays. In Speed-the-Plow, Mamet makes use of his increasing knowledge of Hollywood to provide an updated, insider's look at the city emblematic of both success and corruption. Speed-the-Plow's portrait of the "buddy-movie" formula rings with the wry humor of one who has observed the pattern at close range. Thus, Mamet has created a “buddy-play” which seems ultimately to argue for the values of personal loyalty and male friendship in a world whose emotional note is z Total Enclosed = $__________ $__________ Your subscription includes: one admission to each of our five regular productions and your annual membership dues, a total value of $85 ($75). If for some reason we cannot mount a particular production, we reserve the right to substitute a different title. You may allow anyone to use your subscription should you be unable to attend a performance or actively involved in a Hovey production. Additional Household Names: cynical hypocrisy. Name: Many Thanks To… Chad Council Kate Pearson Jeanne Petrangelo Dave Sheppard Ronni Marshak Herman Scott …and to those individuals who helped with the production after this program went to print Name: Name: Rabid Skunk Entertainment Meeting your creative media needs. Film – Photography - Video - Audio – Contact Daemeon Pratt at This show contains graphic language and adult situations. CAST Richard Rininsland Bill Stambaugh Renee Tyzbir Bob Gould Charlie Fox Karen The setting is Hollywood in the 1980s. Speed-the-Plow takes place in movie producer Bobby Gould's office and his apartment somewhere in LALA land. The play is performed in three scenes: Scene 1 - Gould's office; Scene 2 - later that night in Gould's apartment; Scene 3 - the next morning in Gould's office. There will be a 15-minute intermission between Scenes 1 & 2. Refreshments are available upstairs. Baan Thai Authentic Thai Cuisine & Sushi Bar 659 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02451 Telephone 781-893-7700 Fax 781-893-7701 Business Hours Mon-Fri 11:30 AM-3:00 PM, 5:00-10:00 PM Sat 5:00-11:00 PM Sun 5:00-10:00 PM PRODUCTION STAFF Director Producer Technical Director Production Assistant Stage Manager Scenic Artist Properties Lighting Design Sound Design Box Office Manager Photography Crew Chief Technical Crew Special thanks to Sovereign Bank of Waltham for their generous contribution. Publicity Program Cover Program Nancy Curran Willis Michelle M. Aguillon John MacKenzie Jenna Lea Scott Chris Wrenn J.P. Nadeau Karen Dervin James Lavenburg Matthew Silverstein Kate Tonner Daemeon Pratt Rocco Sperazzo Ben Aldridge Shannon Allen Justin Budinoff Matthew Silverstein Michael Tonner Gordon Ellis Michelle M. Aguillon Michelle M. Aguillon Ronni Marshak Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. Hovey Players, Inc. Waltham's Theater Since 1936 Hovey Players Presents 2003-2004 SEASON HABEAS CORPUS By Alan Bennett Directed by John MacKenzie G.R. POINT By David Berry Directed by Michelle Aguillon ARCADIA By Tom Stoppard Directed by Michael Tonner SPEED THE PLOW By David Mamet Directed by Nancy Curran Willis LOVE OF THE NIGHTINGALE By Timberlake Wertenbaker Directed by Luke Dennis Reserve your tickets in April for our next production of The Love of the Nightingale SPEED THE PLOW May 14-29, 2004 8th Annual Hovey Summer Shorts Festival! By David Mamet A Festival of New Works By Local Authors Produced by Jerry Bisantz August 26-28 and September 2-4, 2004 This year at Turtle Lane Playhouse! Mailing Address: Street Address: P.O. Box 540101 Waltham, MA 02254-0101 Abbott Memorial Theater 9 Spring Street Waltham, MA 02254 Email us at Please visit us on the web at Box Office: 781-893-9171 or Green Room: 781- 647-1211 Directed by Nancy Curran Willis