The Hub - Farm City Hub Club
The Hub - Farm City Hub Club
The Hub August 2012 The Official Newsletter of the Farm-City Hub Club—Promoting Agriculture & Agri-business in the New Ulm Area FARMFEST HELP NEEDED please sign up! With this year’s Farmfest dates—August 7-9—conflicting with both the Brown and Nicollet County Fairs, it’s important that available Hub Club members volunteer to work. Foodstand help is needed the week before Farmfest, the day before, and each day of the event: • Thursday, August 2, 5:00 p.m., peel and slice potatoes at the St George Parish Center. (Eat before you come; no meal will be served.) • Monday, August 6, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., set-up and serve workers at Farmfest grounds. • Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, August 7, 8, and 9. Two shifts—7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you can help at any of these times, please call Gail LeGare at 507-217-9058 (cell) or 228-8521 (home). Farmfest gate tickets will be mailed to those working. Bavarian Blast a huge successs Bavarian Blast 2012 is over and was a huge success. The final count for our food booth is not in yet, but we way exceeded last year and other years—probably comparing with the first year at German Park—though our expenses will be higher than that year. We received many, many compliments on our food from guests and the Bavarian Blast board of directors. Thanks to each and every one who helped in any way. Special thanks to Mary Jane Beranek and Arline Klingler for cooking extra sauerkraut Saturday—we would have run out by late Saturday evening—and to the people who made potato salad (400 pounds of potatoes were cooked). Special thanks to Hub members coming in on Sunday when we were short on help and to the members who stayed longer that day. Thanks to the people who built a kitchen on a piece of grass! Thank you to Tony Guggisberg and River Creek Nursery for lending us evergreens to decorate our food tent. And special thanks to Jerome for creating a very unique drainage system! We were very proud of our Hub Club members and the Nicollet County Pork Producers who kept smiling on some very hot days! Thank you again! Kevin & Beth Fluegge, Jerome, Alma & Jim Forst The Hub Club owes a HUGE thank you to Alma, Jerome, Jim, Kevin & Beth for all their hard work, building a kitchen out of nothing and organizing everything! Next Monthly Meeting There is no Hub Club meeting in August. The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 4, at 5:15 p.m. at Upper Midwest Management. Everyone is welcome! Hub Club sign will be replaced The Hub Club will replace its sign in the lot used by Mankato Implement, New Ulm Location (formerly Potter’s) with a new sign and new landscaping. Help will be needed to remove the old sign and block. If you are available to help, please contact Michele Schroeder at 354-1829. The sign may be kept, but the block needs to find a new home. Anyone interested in the block is also asked to contact Michele. Removing the sign and block might be done on an evening in early August or mid-morning Saturday, August 11. Local leadership programs In action taken at the July meeting, the Hub Club allocated up to $300 toward a club member attending one of the local leadership programs—Bridging Brown County, Connecting Nicollet County, or Network New Ulm. If you’re interested in taking part in one of these programs which meet one day a month from September to May, please contact Hub Club President Don Sanderson or secretary Ruth Klossner. Sign-up deadlines are usually in early August. Scholarship thank you A thank you note has been received from another of the recipients of $750 Hub Club Scholarships. It follows: Thank you for choosing me to be a recipient of the New Ulm Farm City Hub Club Scholarship. I plan to use the scholarship money to help pay off my college tuition at South Dakota State University. I plan to attend SDSU for four years, majoring in General Agriculture. After college, I plan to go back to our family farm and help raise turkeys and crops with my father and uncle. Again, thank you for choosing me. It was deeply appreciated. Sincerely, Kyle Miller Newsletter emailed and mailed... The newsletter is being emailed to all members who have email addresses on record. Copies are mailed to those who don’t have email. If you change your email address or get email, please contact the secretary at or Contact info for 2012 Hub Club Officers President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Membership Chair Don Sanderson – Phone: 354-8524; Email: Joe Maidl – Phone: 507-228-8743; Email: Kerry Hoffman – Phone: 354-7268; Email: Ruth Klossner – Phone: 507-240-0048; Email: or Doug Schottle – Phone: 359-2004; Email: Randy Schroeder –Phone: 507-249-3988; Email: Meeting Minutes Monday, July 9, 2012 Farm-City Hub Club Minutes, UMMC Officers and members present: Don Sanderson, president; Doug Schottle, treasurer; Ruth Klossner, secretary; Randy Schroeder, membership director; and Dan Asleson, Alma Forst, Jerome Forst, Kevin Yager, Michele Schroeder, Christian Lilienthal, and Stephen Brandel. The monthly meeting was called to order by president Don Sanderson at 5:15 p.m. The agenda was approved on a motion by Alma, second by Michele, with all in favor. The June secretary’s report was presented by Ruth and approved on a motion by Alma, with a second by Kevin; motion carried. Doug presented the financial report. Jerome motioned and Randy seconded to approve; motion carried. Randy presented the membership report. Two members have dropped their membership, one new member has joined, and another is expected to sign up soon. Alma motioned and Michele second to approve the report; motion carried. Kevin reported that the pancake breakfast at the Southern Minnesota Youth Dairy Show June 16 went well. Numbers and donations were up a bit. There were enough volunteers to make the event run smoothly. Ruth asked about placing an ad in the Brown County Fair tab issue of the Journal, as the club has in the past. Alma motioned and Dan seconded a motion that the club sponsor the ad, at a cost of $65.00. Motion carried OLD BUSINESS Club Sign at Potters. Michelle presented additional information, including that reflective lettering will add $75 to $100 for each side of the sign. After considerable discussion, Michele motioned and Alma seconded a motion to approve Sign 1B on the sketch (white background with larger lettering) at a cost of about $1,600 (including the reflective lettering); motion carried. A second motion by Jerome, with a second by Kevin, approved up to $2,000 (give or take 10 percent) for landscaping around the sign; motion carried. Michele will check on the need for a permit to replace the sign on the site, and also with the Highway Department. Tour to New Sweden Dairy. Ruth reported that the tour was cancelled because not enough people signed up. Float. Michele reported that she had made contact with the company that built the club float in the late 1980s. Because of the cost of fiberglass, the items that should have been with the cornucopia were never completed. Because of concerns on where to store the float, bad tires, and costs, a motion was made by Jerome, seconded by Doug to dispose of the float, if we can get something for it, and not have to pay to dispose of it. (The float company indicated that it might know of someone who is interested.) Bavarian Blast. Alma reported on plans to date. She asked that an additional email be sent to members, to ask for help, as not many had signed up. Root beer floats are “iffy” because of the need for freezer space for the ice cream. A stove from Forsts’ shop will be used; a water heater may have to be purchased. Transportation of equipment from and back to Farmfest must be arranged. A 20x40’ tent has been ordered. Some menu items will be eliminated because of space issues. All prices will be multiples of a dollar, as tokens will be used for payment. Potato salad will be made Tuesday, July 17 at St. George. The “kitchen” will be built Wednesday and/or Thursday. Farmfest. Doug reported that the two new steam tables have arrived but need to be set up; rewiring will need to be done. Jim Thomas is ordering all the food. Beans and potato salad will be made Thursday, August 2 at St. George, starting at 7:00 a.m. Gail LeGare will line up the work shifts; volunteers will be sought. NEW BUSINESS Fall Social. Tying this in to the 150th Anniversary of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 is being considered. If there’s food left from Farmfest, it could possibly be grilled, or the food could be catered, as it was the last time the group met at the Brown County Historical Society. Michele will look back to see how arrangements were made that time. Leadership Programs. After discussing whether to sponsor a member to each of the three programs (Bridging Brown County, Network New Ulm, and Connecting Nicollet County), Randy motioned and Kevin seconded to allocate up to $300 toward a club member attending one of the programs. Motion carried. Farm Show. Don reported that he is looking for a new Farm Show chair since Michele has stated that she will not head it again. Thank you notes from three scholarship recipients were read. The meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m. on a motion by Michele and second by Randy. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, September 4; there is no meeting in August. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Klossner, Secretary From peeling potatoes Tuesday evening, to clean-up Sunday night, Hub Club members turned out in force. Bavarian Blast was a blast! July 20-22, New Ulm Hub Club and Nicollet County Pork Producer members worked side-by-side at the Bavarian Blast food stand Friday through Sunday. In spite of the heat, it was a very successful weekend, with virtually all the food used up or sold by the time things wrapped up Sunday night. Now it’s “on to Farmfest,” with workers needed for all jobs.