Crosslink Spring 2007 - The Aerospace Corporation
Crosslink Spring 2007 - The Aerospace Corporation
Crosslink Spring 2007 • Crosslink Spring 2007 Vol. 8 No. 1 Departments 2 Headlines 4 Profile David J. Evans 16 Work Studies: Snapshots of Diverse Career Paths 42 Research Horizons R&D as a Tool to Enhance Technical Development Analysis of Security Threat Group Networks Devising a Ground System Cost Model Human Systems Integration Risk and Cost Models 46 Bookmarks 50 Contributors 52 The Back Page Knowledge Management at Aerospace Virendra Mahajan explains a spacecraft telescope design to Jason Ly. Photo by Eric Hamburg, design by Karl Jacobs. In This Issue 6 The State of the National Security Space Workforce Patricia Maloney and Michael Leon The aerospace industry is bracing for a potential shortage of skilled engineers and scientists able to work on national security space programs. 10 A Corporate Approach to National Security Space Education Bruce Gardner The Aerospace approach to continuing learning draws upon the expertise of its technical staff to present a flexible curriculum that can be tailored to the needs of a diverse workforce. 17 Building and Sustaining Strong College and University Relationships Marian Peebles, Peggy Zweben, Sergio Alvarado, Joseph Betser, Samuel Osofsky, Karen Owens, and Gary Stupian The Corporate University Affiliates Program introduces students to Aerospace early in their academic careers. 22 Developing the Next Generation of Systems Engineers Heidi Davidz A recent study sheds light on what it takes to become a successful senior systems engineer—and suggests a means to accelerate that process in today’s engineering population. 26 Can Concept Maps Bridge the Engineering Gap? Michael Kramer A recent Aerospace study sought to determine whether graphical representations of engineering thought processes could help capture the knowledge of senior engineers. 30 Training the National Security Space Workforce in Systems Architecting Copyright © 2007 The Aerospace Corporation. All rights reserved. Permission to copy or reprint is not required, but appropriate credit must be given to Crosslink and The Aerospace Corporation. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names are the property of their respective owners. Crosslink (ISSN 1527-5264) is published by The Aerospace Corporation, an independent, nonprofit corporation dedicated to providing objective technical analyses and assessments for military, civil, and commercial space programs. Founded in 1960, the corporation operates a federally funded research and development center specializing in space systems architecture, engineering, planning, analysis, and research, predominantly for programs managed by the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center and the National Reconnaissance Office. For more information about Aerospace, visit or write to Corporate Communications, P.O. Box 92957, M1-447, Los Angeles, CA 90009-2957. Questions about Crosslink may be sent via email to crosslink@aero. org or write to The Aerospace Press, P.O. Box 92957, Los Angeles, CA 90009-2957. Visit the Crosslink Web site at crosslink. Mark Maier Aerospace has developed a curriculum that effectively teaches the mindset required for successful systems architecting. 37 Supporting the Development of Customer Education Al Hoheb, Brad Ayres, Dan Bursch, Gerard Fisher, and Dana Honeycutt Many of Aerospace’s customers look to the corporation for help in developing timely, space-related training programs that fit their educational needs and missions. From the Editors Workforce technical development for the aerospace and defense community has become a national priority, with more government and industry groups raising alarms over the quickening pace of senior-level retirements and the decreasing pool of U.S. citizens graduating with science and engineering degrees. But while the national attention may be new, Aerospace—like many organizations in the national security space arena—has been dealing with the issue for a long time. Recognizing the need to extend the technical capability of its workforce and prevent a shortfall in critical skill areas such as systems engineering and acquisition management, Aerospace established a formal in-house educational division in 1994. This division, The Aerospace Institute, leads educational initiatives at the corporation, offering employees opportunities to enhance their technical and professional skills and expand their career options. These workforce development initiatives and supporting resources have evolved throughout the years, and customers are increasingly looking to Aerospace for assistance in developing their own educational programs. Systems engineering and systems architecting—skills in increasing demand—are two primary subjects being taught to both employees and customers. Aerospace has been supporting research that seeks to identify the essential qualities of successful systems engineers and architects, with an eye toward developing more effective ways of instilling and strengthening these traits. Aerospace has always been eager to attract talented younger engineers and scientists. Through the Corporate University Affiliates Program, members of the Aerospace technical staff engage faculty and students at selected colleges and universities in collaborative research projects. This program has been effective in introducing students to the corporation, and frequently leads to internships and full-time positions after graduation. Aerospace’s educational approach harnesses the enthusiasm and dedication of its technical staff, who are typically eager to share their interest and expertise with colleagues. It’s perhaps no coincidence, then, that many of the authors in this issue of Crosslink are also course instructors. Readers will also find a number of short profiles of Aerospace personnel in diverse roles and at various stages of their careers, who share their perspectives on the professional development opportunities available at Aerospace. We hope you’ll find this issue of Crosslink timely and insightful. It offers a glimpse at how Aerospace is helping to attract and develop the next generation of scientists and engineers to meet corporate, customer, and community needs. Aerospace Influences Hubble Decision NOAA Awards Contract to Aerospace Aerospace analysis of alternatives to repair the Hubble Space Telescope influenced NASA’s recent decision to reject robotic servicing in favor of a fifth shuttle-based servicing mission. Additional analysis by Aerospace of possible foam and ice debris impacts on the shuttle orbiter may also have supported the NASA decision. “The National Research Council Committee noted that Aerospace’s analysis was ‘the only quantitative analysis’ of the problem,” said Gary Pulliam, Aerospace vice president of Civil and Commercial Operations. “The analysis was the subject of unprecedented visibility, scrutiny, and political interest at the highest levels of the government, culminating in testimony before Congress,” he added. NASA Administrator Michael Griffin announced the decision in October 2006. “What we have learned has convinced us that we are able to conduct a safe and effective servicing mission to Hubble,” Griffin said. “While there is an inherent risk in all spaceflight activities, the desire to preserve a truly international asset like the Hubble Space Telescope makes doing this mission the right course of action.” The repair mission will add two new camera instruments to the Hubble, upgrade aging batteries that power the satellite, and repair a light-separating spectrograph in the telescope. The Hubble rehab mission, which is likely to launch in May 2008 using space shuttle Discovery, would keep Hubble working until about 2013. Its estimated cost is $900 million. “Hubble has been rewriting astronomy textbooks for more than 15 years, and all of us are looking forward to the new chapters that will be added with future discoveries and insights about our universe,” said Mary Cleave, NASA’s associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently awarded a five-year, $140 million contract to Aerospace to continue its longtime support to this federal agency that monitors and predicts the state of the oceans and the atmosphere. John Hussey, principal director, NOAA Programs for Aerospace Civil and Commercial Operations, said the new contract has five initial components. “Aerospace will support the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) and the Program Executive Office; the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-R) and NOAA observing-systems architecture; the Office of Systems Development; commercial remote sensing licensing and compliance; and the NOAA Office of Space Commercialization,” Hussey said. “An additional task is expected to be issued later.” The new contract, which became effective Dec. 1, 2006, and includes a base year and four option years, follows two previous fiveyear contracts. During those years, Aerospace provided architecture development, system requirements management, and major system acquisition support to NPOESS and GOES-R as well as support to NOAA’s operational polar and geostationary satellite systems and associated ground systems development and planning. Among other tasks, Aerospace developed observing-systems architecture and supported NOAA’s involvement in national security space activities. For more information about Aerospace support to NOAA satellites, see the Winter 2005 Crosslink issue on weather satellites. Ion Propulsion Courtesy of NASA Ionfinity, a manufacturer of mass-spectrometry products, has been awarded a grant to commercialize a soft ionization membrane developed by Aerospace and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The technology could one day be used in a miniature ion engine for micro- and nanosatellite stationkeeping. The technology is being developed through a NASA Small Business Technology Transfer contract, with additional funding by the U.S. Air Force. A U.S. patent has been awarded to Ionfinity relating to the use of the membrane in an ion thruster engine. Andy Quintero of Aerospace’s Office of Intellectual Property Management said, “Like JPL, Aerospace creates early-stage technologies that fall in the lower technology-readiness-level category.” The process for commercialization is always challenged by the need to secure adequate funding to move a technology from a low to a high readiness level, he said. “The micropropulsion project utilizes the Small Business Innovation Research grant program to advance the technology to the next level. If successful, private funding sources may come into play to help complete the insertion of the technology into specific applications,” he said. • Crosslink Spring 2007 Courtesy of NOAA Headlines Three Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) launches between September and November 2006 extended to 48 the number of consecutive successful Air Force operational launches. Aerospace assisted in all three missions, which were launched by Delta rockets. Ray Johnson, vice president of Aerospace Space Launch Operations, congratulated the Delta team, “This was a great way to end the year: with 100 percent mission success.” Two of those successful flights were Delta II launches of the second and third modernized Block IIR Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. GPS-IIR-15 was launched Sept. 25 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. Less than two months later, launch of GPS IIR-16 on Nov. 17 from the Cape reached that SMC 48 milestone. The GPS modernization effort will improve navigation and timing capabilities for both civilian and military users. Eight satellites are scheduled to be modernized and launched by 2008. “Aerospace was part of formulating the original GPS-IIR specifications, closely tracking the design, development, and factory test of the satellite,” said John Clark, principal director of Space Systems at Aerospace. The Delta II launch vehicle, which has been instrumental in helping to sustain the GPS constellation, has launched all GPS-IIR satellites. Aerospace’s Delta II operations team performed extensive launch verification to assess flightworthiness and launch readiness for the rocket, including a review of all build records and tests as well as independent verification of mission analyses and software. Art Falconer, principal director of Aerospace Delta II Operations, said that particular attention is given during the readiness process to assessing new designs and evaluating significant anomalies. Analysis and monitoring continues during launch-site processing, countdown, and postlaunch operations. Another rocket in the Delta family, the powerful Delta IV, launched a Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F-17 satellite from Vandenberg Air Force Base Nov. 4. Aerospace supported the development of the Delta IV launch system from its inception as one of the next generation of launch capabilities known as the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle. Mark Brosmer, principal director of Aerospace Delta IV Operations, said careful attention was given to the challenges presented by a vehicle as powerful as a Delta IV carrying such a light payload. The DMSP payload allowed the Delta IV team to accomplish a historic first—a controlled deorbit of the rocket’s upper stage into the Pacific Ocean. “The complex maneuver was accomplished to eliminate space debris in compliance with the nation’s orbital debris minimization policies,” Brosmer said. The DMSP provides high-quality weather images to the U.S. military and civilian communities. Each DMSP satellite is placed in near-polar orbit for strategic and tactical weather prediction and is equipped with sensors designed for the military’s specialized meteorological, oceanographic, and solar-geophysical needs. Aerospace has supported DMSP for more than 30 years and provided key mission-assurance support for the DMSP F-17 satellite, from early satellite integration and testing to launch countdown monitoring to on-orbit analysis and operations. Courtesy of Boeing DOD Sets Launch Record Aerospace Recognized for Knowledge Management Aerospace’s knowledge management program was commended recently by the American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC), which selected Aerospace as one of five best-practice organizations for knowledge retention and transfer. “This is a major recognition of the success of knowledge management within Aerospace,” said Stewart Sutton of the Aerospace Knowledge Management Office. “The selection was based on our strategies, processes, and techniques for knowledge retention and transfer,” Sutton said. The corporation’s achievements in knowledge management will be showcased along with those of the other four organizations selected—NASA/JPL, Michelin, Rolls-Royce, and Fluor Corporation—at the APQC Knowledge Management Conference in May in Houston. APQC is a nonprofit organization that provides benchmarking and best-practice research for approximately 500 organizations worldwide in all industries. Crosslink Spring 2007 • Profile David J. Evans, Executive Director, The Aerospace Institute Leading Corporate Education Dave Evans has led learning, professional staff development, and knowledge sharing at Aerospace—all keys to a highly competent workforce. Donna Born A skilled workforce is The Aerospace Corporation’s prime resource in its efforts to support the nation’s space programs, and developing and retaining a staff with high technical competence has always been a corporate priority and contractual obligation. The corporation’s original contract with the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Organization, its primary customer at its beginning, stated that Aerospace is “responsible for providing the Air Force missile and space efforts with an organization … possessing high Dave Evans, seen here in his office, has led The Aerospace Institute since late 1995. technical competence.” The corporation’s current contract with the Air Force Space and Missile Sysand employee productivity; and accommodate individual career tems Center continues to require Aerospace to perform “at the highest level of competency [that] cannot be found at any and organizational needs.” The main thrust of the report, however, was to urge approval for a new division to assume responsiother place.” bility for this mission, to implement a leadership culture, and to Staff training and development, thus established at the corpodevelop a systems engineering program that would grant a certifration’s inception in 1960 by both corporate policy and structure, icate. This structural change would raise workforce development became the responsibility of the corporation’s personnel departto the status of a division, whose vision was “to be the world’s ment, later Human Resources Division, whose mission was to leading training institute for [space] systems engineering.” Trainsupport the success of the corporation through “training and ing world-class space systems engineers would be its mission. development to help employees attain their full potential.” It reThe board approved the proposal, and the Institute was created mained part of that organization until management combined all in June 1994 with Jack Schiewe, formerly group vice president education and training programs under a separate division called of the Engineering and Technology Group, as its first execuThe Aerospace Institute. tive director. “Jack established several committees of interesting David J. Evans, the Institute’s executive director, said manpeople from across the company,” Evans recalled, “and we put our agement recognized that the needs of a growing and changing heads together and figured what was this organization going to customer base required a new concept of training. Creating the look like and how was it going to work and what were we going new division, Evans said recently, was intended to put “added emphasis on those aspects of continuing learning and knowledge to do. We had to anticipate what our government customers were going to need in the future and then prepare our employees to be sharing that were really essential for helping Aerospace move skilled and capable to do that kind of work.” forward. Addressing the corporation’s need for greater systems Under the Institute’s umbrella were Training and Developengineering skills was uppermost in management’s purpose.” ment, Library Services, The Aerospace Press, The Aerospace ColThe Institute was first proposed to the corporation’s board of trustees in 1993 in a management report on staff training and de- loquia Series, and all training formerly scattered throughout the corporation. “The idea was to make those pieces work together velopment at Aerospace. The report stated that the corporation’s more than they had in the past to provide more benefits for the mission for training and development was to “provide professional staff development and skills training for all employees; en- corporation and more corporate impact.” Evans, who had led development of the Institute’s original System Engineering Certificate courage continuing education to enhance professional excellence • Crosslink Spring 2007 Program, became executive director in December 1995 upon Shiewe’s retirement. “Pete Aldridge Jr., who became the CEO in 1994, asked me if I would be willing to come over to the Institute and serve as the director. So I’ve been here now since late 1995— more than 11 years. Time goes by in a hurry,” he reminisced. A Natural Fit Evans was a logical choice for this position because of his technical and educational background, and his understanding of the education needs of both Aerospace and the Air Force. He joined the company in 1987, but had been associated with Aerospace since 1967, when he was on assignment from the Air Force for 6 months to write his master’s thesis. “I had a very good impression of Aerospace then, just a young lieutenant working with all these top-notch scientists doing satellite-data analysis, and it was very interesting and very challenging. I learned so much in such a short time, and I got a very positive impression of Aerospace right from the beginning,” Evans said. Not least among the reasons for his good feelings about Aerospace was that he met his wife, Rita, who is today a principal director in the Corporate Information Resources Division. George Paulikas, now retired executive vice president of Aerospace, was his thesis advisor and encouraged Evans to continue his graduate work. He went on to earn his Ph.D. in physics at the University of California, Irvine, and later taught at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, where he eventually became chairman of the physics department. His first assignment as an Aerospace employee was as a senior engineer in Advanced Orbital Systems. At the time of his appointment as executive director of the Institute, he was a principal director in the Office of Engineering and Technology Applications. Evans described those early days shaping the Institute as interesting, but challenging. “One of the most important initiatives the Institute was chartered with was preparing people to serve as systems engineers. Mr. Aldridge had made it very clear to me that what was most important to him was for us to focus as a corporation on our systems engineering skills—to really make sure that that was a core competency at Aerospace. There were other skills, such as skills in management, skills in leadership, skills in professional behaviors, as well as others, but the most important was systems engineering. When I look back at those early courses, they seem so elementary and so basic. When we first started the systems engineering core course, for example, it was a full two weeks. Now it is a four-day course. We’ve really scrubbed it, and it’s much better focused on corporate business needs.” Systems engineering, a systematic problem-solving methodology, had always been part of Aerospace’s mission, and some basics were taught in the corporation’s early courses. But in the 1980s the corporation began planning for a substantial increase in its systems engineering skills, and in 1992 and 1993 Aerospace sent 13 engineers through the systems architecture and engineering master’s degree program at the University of Southern California. The program had been created by Eberhardt Rechtin, who joined USC upon retiring as president of Aerospace in 1987. Many of that program’s graduates later contributed to building the Institute’s technical courses. Evans recalled the Institute’s efforts to get experts from all over the company to help design the engineering courses. He believes that determination to build quality into the programs gained the respect of early skeptics. “Today we have about 300 members of the technical staff who are working with us as course designers and instructors. I think it is quite an achievement that this many people from other parts of the company want to work with the Institute. They see it as important to take time from their primary jobs to help make the Institute successful.” The Institute’s mission today is to promote a corporate culture of continuing learning and knowledge sharing. More than 350 Aerospace people contribute to delivering 157 courses to an annual enrollment of nearly 4,000. In addition to the training and education courses, the Institute administers a university affiliates program that includes 17 major universities. The Institute’s leadership development program prepares the next generation of leaders to be effective in Aerospace’s changing environment. The corporate library provides employees with an extensive technical collection and access to numerous electronic sources. The Aerospace Press publishes technical books and Crosslink, the corporation’s technical magazine. Institute technical classes are sought by, and offered to, external customers who support national security space. Workforce development has become a corporation-wide endeavor, as exemplified by the implementation in 2003 of a new policy and associated practices for continuing learning and knowledge sharing. Employees are strongly encouraged to pursue at least 40 hours of learning activities each year to support their performance improvement and career development objectives. The Institute is the primary source for courses and multimedia learning products, but other organizations also offer specialized training and staff development activities. The Engineering and Technology Group Tutorial Series is held monthly to spotlight major areas of expertise within that group. Each 45-minute session introduces a subject and highlights activities of ETG experts working in that area. “Our Place in Space” is a series of seminars by technical staff that offer nontechnical staff insight into specific satellite programs, launches, testing capabilities, and research areas supported by the corporation. The Aerospace Rotation Program offers members of the technical staff an opportunity to take an assignment for up to 12 months in another company organization primarily to develop their interorganizational knowledge; personal careers; technical, leadership, and business skills; and greater understanding of Aerospace’s customers. Evans praised another Aerospace practice—mentoring—not formally organized with standardized guidelines, but a traditional part of the culture in organizations throughout the company. Mentoring has also been a valuable activity of Aerospace’s retiree casuals in their efforts to pass on corporate knowledge to younger employees. Evans also is grateful to his own mentor, Paulikas, for his guidance in helping shape his career at Aerospace. “I think that’s one of the most effective ways to help our newer employees understand how to do their job—how to make their contributions—because they have a personal coach or a mentor they can turn to for advice. It’s basically a relationship between two individuals that they build, and they make it work without any structure required. It’s part of the environment at the corporation where people are willing to help each other and take the time to share what they know. I think that’s been a very important quality at Aerospace.” Crosslink Spring 2007 • The State of the National Security Space Workforce The aerospace industry is bracing for a potential shortage of skilled engineers and scientists able to work on national security space programs. Patricia Maloney and Michael Leon A number of reports published during the last five years have addressed the state of the space industrial base. These include findings by the Presidential Commission on the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Industry, the Defense Science Board, the National Defense Industrial Association, and the Defense Department. While differing in intent, all of these reports point to shortages in skilled U.S. engineers and scientists able to work on national security space programs now and in the near future. Employment in the U.S. aerospace and defense industry totaled 1.1 million in 1990 but dropped to 667,000 by 2000. By the end of 2003, total domestic aerospace/defense employment was 584,000. This decline in the overall number of employees is not the only issue—their age distribution is also a concern. Although the aerospace and defense industry has made a concerted effort to attract new employees, there is a large gap in the 30–40-year-old range, where it is estimated that supply is actually 29–46 percent below demand. These are the people with theoretical as well as practical knowledge—the individuals who will be the program managers, both in industry and on the government side in the next 6–10 years, and the concern is that there may not be enough of them to fill vital positions. Compounding the problem is the fact that much of the aerospace and defense industry workforce is nearing or has reached retirement age. According to the Aerospace Industries Association, the average aerospace/defense engineer in the United States is nearly 60 years old. By 2008, approximately 27 percent of employed engineers will be eligible for retirement, and during the next decade, the number of employees with science and engineering degrees reaching traditional retirement age will triple. This demographic shift in the aerospace/defense population, coupled with increased research, development, and procurement spending, has led to the most fundamental industrial base concern for the defense industry: a lack of skilled and experienced scientists and engineers. Parametric Analysis Just how serious is the problem? To answer this question, Aerospace developed an Excel-based parametric model that forecasts the supply and demand of defense industry professionals and helps quantify the deficit of aerospace/defense scientists and engineers. The model forecasts the number of students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees by using data from the National Science Foundation and demographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau. It computes the annual number of graduates with science and engineering degrees, separating out non-U.S. citizens and those who choose not to work in the defense industry. The number of scientists and engineers is reduced by normal attrition for the forecasting, including voluntary and involuntary terminations, retirement, and mortality. The number of engineering degrees conferred by U.S. universities was compared to national security budget data over a 30-year period. The use of statistical regression techniques produced a coefficient of determination of nearly 88 percent. This relationship was used to forecast future demand, assuming that defense spending will remain stable, although parametrically allowed to range between ± 5 percent of its 2003 value. A 100,000-person sample simulation was performed using the forecasting model. The results show a deficit of defense industry scientists and engineers for each year beginning in 2005, extending through 2020. For example, in the year 2012, the year in which the model predicts the greatest deficit, there will be a shortage of more than 34,000 scientists and engineers. However, as the wave of retirements diminishes, this shortage is predicted to decrease by an average annual rate of approximately 6 percent. Possible Causes In view of statistics such as these, members of the U.S. government and the aerospace and defense industry have raised 80 300 60 National defense spending 200 100 0 1950 1970 1990 Fiscal year 40 20 0 2010 50 75th percentile mean (50) (100) 2005 Surplus 100 100 Deficit 400 120 Engineering degrees conferred by U.S. colleges Forecast surplus/deficit of scientists and engineers (thousands) Defense spending ($1000M) 500 Conferred degrees (thousands) 140 600 median 2010 2015 2020 Year U.S. national defense spending and conferred engineering degrees. concerns about the ability of the space industrial base to execute the portfolio of current and planned space programs. The question that frequently arises is: Are there sufficient programs in place to attract and retain science and engineering talent in the U.S. aerospace and defense industry? The short answer would appear to be, “No.” Several interrelated factors are involved in the failure to attract enough new talent to the field—most notably, national educational trends, the industry’s need for uncommon technical skills, and competition with other technical fields. Educational Trends The demand for defense industry engineers and scientists is based on a strong historical relationship between defense spending and university enrollment in science and engineering curricula. This relationship is based in part on the government’s offering of scholarships as well as the potential for challenging and rewarding work following graduation. From the mid-1970s through the late 1990s, academic enrollment in domestic engineering programs tracked closely to the size of the national defense budget. During this time, adjusted for inflation, defense spending grew from $86.5 billion to $252.7 billion. At the same time, the annual number of engineering degrees conferred by U.S. colleges increased from approximately 65,000 in 1975 to 121,000 in 1985. The defense budget was reduced at the end of the Cold War, and the number of graduating engineers fell to 104,000 by 2000. Today, engineering enrollment is at best stagnant, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Although overall college attendance is increasing, the interest high school The surplus/deficit of defense industry scientists and engineers (2005–2020). seniors express in engineering has remained flat in recent years. Long-term trends show that fewer students are entering engineering programs. From 1983 to 1990, engineering undergraduate enrollment decreased sharply, followed by slower declines in the 1990s, and increased again from 2000 to 2002. At the bachelor’s degree level, undergraduate enrollment in engineering declined by more than 20 percent in a 16-year period, from 441,000 students in 1983, to 361,000 students in 1999, before rebounding to 421,000 in 2002. The number of master’s degrees earned in science and engineering by U.S. citizens and permanent residents peaked in 1995 and has since fallen an average of 5 percent per year. Meanwhile, from 1983 to 1999, the number of master’s degrees in these areas completed by foreign students (who would not be eligible for sensitive Department of Defense work) increased at an average annual rate of nearly 5 percent. The number of doctoral degrees earned in engineering by U.S. citizens also increased rapidly for more than a decade, peaked in 1996, and then declined. In-Demand Skills Today, following a long plateau, the demand for scientists and engineers in the aerospace and defense industries has never been greater, as the inflation-adjusted dollars for space acquisition (both in the unclassified and classified realms) has increased over the last 15 years. In addition, the cost and complexity of space-related programs has increased, demanding more diverse engineering skill sets. It is estimated that the space workforce supply has decreased by almost 30 percent over the last 25 years, while the demand for design and development work has risen by almost 60 percent, leaving the United States with a severe supply/ demand gap in its space workforce. What skills are most in demand and highly sought in the engineering and science fields? Systems engineering and software engineering are two disciplines that space prime contractors have designated as critical skills areas, and the lack of these skills is evident in every component of the industrial base workforce. Also in demand are skilled design, mechanical, electrical, network, and radio-frequency engineers, in addition to physicists, software systems architects, and program managers. Manufacturing-related critical competencies have also been identified, including the need for skilled fabrication mechanics, tooling engineers, welders, test operators, and electromechanical technicians. A close look at the economic landscape is important in assessing the supply and demand of scientists and engineers available to work on current and future national security space programs. Three events are of particular note: the stock market crashes of 1997 and 2001 and the “dot-com” bust of 2001. During this time, defense was the only growing industrial area, and since then, capital investment and growth have been minimal in most other sectors. Most aerospace companies report that they were fortunate in that these forces contributed to their current headcount—these crashes actually led to gains in employees for the defense industry. However, companies also express concern that as the economy improves and the next new technology appears on the horizon, they may lose this influx of new talent. In addition, many new space programs demand functionality and a skill mix that is forcing the space industry to compete for Crosslink Spring 2007 • budget as a percentage of the entire defense budget, and how that could affect the aerospace job market. The U.S. government’s response to these problems has been varied. The National Defense Education Act, originally instituted in 1958 and reinstituted in 2006, awards scholarships and grants to science and engineering students, with a requisite payback period in government service. This reconstituted program was originally funded at $10 million the first year, with an increase to $20 million the second year. It is hoped that this level of increase will continue until $100 million is reached. This does appear to be a strong force to begin addressing the challenge of increasing the number of students with the appropriate degrees into the industry. Nevertheless, more needs to be done at the 30–40-year-old range. These are individuals who either left or never came to the defense industry during the early 1990s. Attracting back these individuals from alternate industries is the challenge for the United States to meet in the next 5–10 years. Mark Zakrzewski and Albert Lin prepare for spaceflight hardware testing. talent in new areas—for example, in hiring software or network engineers proficient in Internet protocols needed for transformational communications. Workforce Competition Expanded military missions involving global terrorism, homeland security, and the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons will require innovative technologies and the personnel to support them. An aging fleet of military aircraft will also necessitate the design and development of new generations of fighters and bombers. These are just a few of the work opportunities that are available within the defense industry. But for students graduating with degrees in science or engineering, the opportunities outside of the defense industry are plentiful. Military contractors must compete with a myriad of manufacturing, technology, service, and governmental organizations for intellectual capital. Nanotechnology, bioengineering, genetic research, as well as diverse careers in entertainment and telecommunications are enticing new graduates. In addition, a decade of turmoil in the aerospace and defense industry has tainted the sector with a reputation of being unstable, dissuading potential employees from entering the field. Second only to a career • Crosslink Spring 2007 in medicine, engineering used to be the degree parents most recommended to their children. Evidence suggests that this is no longer the case, and that parents are now discouraging their children from entering an industry that exhibits the volatility that the aerospace and defense industry has witnessed. Conclusion The aerospace industry as a whole is making a concerted effort to attract and retain new graduates. This is evident in the targeting of schools, through the establishment of programs that support research, pregraduation internships, and mentoring activities once a new hire is on the job. However, retention is a major problem, as the attrition rate in the 1–6 year range is approximately 2 times greater in the aerospace industry than in the overall new graduate population. Industry surveys reveal that approximately half of the current workforce perceives a worsening outlook in the aerospace industry because of the continuing retirement of scientists and engineers, and also believes that the hiring outlook is getting worse or steadily declining. Certainly, many factors contribute to this view—the general economic outlook, questions by young graduates about ethics in the defense industry, and the projected forecast of the space Further Reading “The Aerospace Commission Report” (Presidential Commission on the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Industry, Nov. 2002). “The Budget for Fiscal Year 2005–Historical Tables” (U.S. Office of Management and the Budget, Washington, D.C., 2003). “Entry and Persistence of Women and Minorities in College Science and Engineering Education” (National Center for Educational Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Washington, D.C., 2000). “Final Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Acquisition of National Security Space Programs” (Defense Science Board, 2003). The National Data Book, Statistical Abstract of the United States 2002, 122nd Edition (U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C., 2002). “Science and Engineering Indicators 2002” (National Science Board, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 2002). “Science and Engineering Indicators 2004” (National Science Board, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 2004). Space Industrial Base Panel Industry Study (National Defense Industrial Association, 2005). Quadrennial Defense Review (Department of Defense, Feb. 2006). 30 25 foreign students 20 15 10 U.S. citizens and permanent residents 5 0 1979 1985 1989 Year 1993 1997 2000 Trends in engineering master’s degrees. Engineering doctoral degrees (thousands) Engineering master’s degrees (thousands) 35 7 6 5 4 foreign students 3 2 U.S. citizens and permanent residents 1 0 1979 1985 1989 Year 1993 1997 2000 Trends in engineering doctoral degrees. Who Will Lead in Science and Technology? “…the nation is unlikely to receive some sudden ‘wake-up’ call…the problem is one that is likely to evidence itself gradually over a surprisingly short period.” —The National Academies At the request of Congress, the Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century was established by The National Academies, and in February 2006 published, “Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future.” This committee was tasked with identifying specific actions, strategies, and steps that federal policymakers could take to ensure the United States will maintain its edge in science and technology. Four areas of focus were identified: actions in K–12 education, science and engineering research, higher education, and economic policy. In the area of K–12 education, the recommendations included annually recruiting 10,000 science and mathematics teachers by awarding 4-year scholarships; strengthening the skills of 250,00 teachers through grants for summer institutes and master’s education programs; and enlarging the pipeline of students who are prepared to enter college and graduate with a degree in science, engineering, or mathematics by increasing the number of students who pass advanced placement courses. Science and engineering research was targeted for increases in the federal investment in long-term basic research by 10 percent each year over the next 7 years through the reallocation of existing funds or through the investment of new funds. Also, the federal government should offer new research grants of $500,000 annually, payable over 5 years, to 200 of the nation’s most outstanding early-career researchers. Another endorsement included instituting a Presidential Innovation Award to stimulate scientific and engineering advances in the national interest. Higher education recommendations included increasing the number of U.S. citizens who earn bachelor’s degrees in the physical sciences, life sciences, engineering, and mathematics by providing 25,000 new 4year competitive undergraduate scholarships each year to U.S. citizens. Also, increase the number of U.S. citizens pursuing graduate study in “areas of national need” by funding 5,000 new graduate fellowships each year. On the corporate side, offer a federal tax credit to encourage employers to make continuing education available to practicing scientists and engineers. It was also recommended that a 1-year automatic visa extension be given to international students who receive doctorates in fields of national need at qualified U.S. institutions. If these students are offered jobs by U.S.-based employers and pass a security test, the government should provide automatic work permits and expedite residence status. Economic policy reform recommendations included enhancing intellectual-property protection while allowing research to enhance innovation. Also, the government should enact a stronger research and development tax credit to encourage private investment in innovation. For the complete report and updates, visit www.nationalacademies. org/gatheringstorm. Crosslink Spring 2007 • A Corporate Approach to National Security Space Education The Aerospace approach to continuing learning draws upon the expertise of its technical staff to present a flexible curriculum that can be tailored to the needs of a diverse workforce. Bruce Gardner M any corporations are placing stronger demands on their in-house training and development organizations to provide more cost-effective educational approaches that are tailored to the unique learning needs of the national security space workforce. In particular, educational approaches are sought that effectively exploit the knowledge and experience of in-house engineering and scientific staff. At The Aerospace Corporation, an integrated approach to space education has been developed for the design, delivery, and exploitation of in-house learning opportunities and resources supporting the corporation’s engineers and scientists in addition to Aerospace customers and the broader national security space community. Background, Drivers, and General Approach Prior to 1994, the corporation’s resources for formal training and education consisted of three primary elements: educational assistance for courses and degree programs at local universities; funding to attend professional conferences and workshops; and a small curriculum of in-house courses on specific technologies and professional skills. The technical courses were taught by Aerospace engineers and scientists with a desire to share their expertise. Nontechnical classes, provided primarily by external vendors, emphasized the development of specific behavioral skills. Until the mid-1990s, this approach was considered adequate; however, with the tightening of the defense budget, the advent of acquisition reform, and the increasing pace of senior retirements at the corporation, it was clear that a new approach would be needed. In particular, the corporation faced a growing need for employees who could identify and resolve complex, multidisciplinary systems issues beyond their particular area of technical expertise. In 1994, the corporation established The Aerospace Institute to develop more effective ways of enhancing systems engineering skills throughout the technical workforce. Key aspects of the Institute’s strategy were to promote the capture and sharing of existing cross-program knowledge, to introduce new ideas and approaches learned from the broader space industry and academic communities, and to develop a more systematic corporate approach for providing continuing space education for Aerospace personnel as well as the broader space community. This third element has been addressed through the development and implementation of an integrated Space Education Support System (SESS). Through the years, this systematic approach to space education curriculum development and delivery has helped ensure proper alignment of in-house learning programs and resources with key corporate commitments and the unique educational needs of individual space professionals. The Learning Curriculum The core of the Space Education Support System is the learning curriculum. It features more than 100 individual courses organized into specialized continuing learning tracks to accommodate gradual employee development along a variety of potential career paths. These include the Corporate Business Orientation track, the Technical Orientation track, the Technical Specialty track, and the Critical Leadership/ Behavioral Skills track. These tracks are further augmented by a number of corporate development programs targeting specific segments of the employee population. Business and Technical Orientation Soon after joining the corporation, a new engineer or scientist is encouraged to participate in the Corporate Business Orientation track by attending the one-day “Learning the Culture of Aerospace” course, which presents senior management perspectives and expectations concerning the corporation’s core values, organizational vs. personal accountability, job performance, and career progression. The track continues with the three-day “Learning the Business of Aerospace” course, which provides a comprehensive overview of the corporation, its mission, its major business units, and supporting processes. Employees typically take this course within their first year. It features presentations by corporate executives and includes guided tours of the engineering and research laboratories. After attending these two courses, engineers and scientists may take courses in the Technical Orientation track, which features a series of two-day technical overviews of the major satellite, launch, and ground systems that Aerospace supports as well as a oneday overview of systems acquisition, which describes the processes and organizational structures that control how national security space systems are procured and deployed. Technical Specialty and Leadership Skills After completing the business overview and the technical orientation courses, staff members can move on to individual courses in the Technical Specialty or Critical Leadership/Behavioral Skills tracks. They may also choose to participate in one of the corporate development programs. The Technical Specialty track targets engineers and scientists who wish to increase their understanding of new developments in their field of expertise or a related field of interest. It features more than 50 courses developed and taught by more than 280 senior Aerospace engineers, scientists, and program managers. The track is continuously updated to ensure that topics and content meet employee needs. It includes a number of short courses attended by senior Aerospace employees and customers. These cover a wide range of diverse topics of high interest to the national security space enterprise, such as system procurement, modeling and simulation, evolutionary computation, deception and denial, synthetic aperture radar, spread-spectrum communications, and others. The Critical Leadership/Behavioral Skills track features courses taught by external vendors and experienced in-house technical staff that develop interpersonal and teaming skills and approaches found to be effective in working with customers at all levels. These include courses on critical thinking and decision making, influencing and negotiating, managing conflict, and presenting critical issues to senior management. Corporate Development Programs Three major programs—the Aerospace Systems Architecting and Engineering Certificate Program, the Aerospace Rotation Job skill-needs surveys/learning maps Senior management educational advisory panel SESS Learning Curriculum – Continuing learning tracks – Corporate development programs – Customer programs Multimedia/ e-learning support resources Instructional design/delivery teams Aerospace problem-solving methods and tools Relevant Aerospace case studies The learning curriculum forms the core of the Space Education Support System (SESS). It is continuously updated and enhanced based on inputs from corporate critical-skill-need surveys and the senior management advisory panel. The instructional design and delivery teams draw upon corporately sanctioned tools and methods, real case studies, and multimedia/e-learning resources to develop and deliver highly relevant instruction via classroom or computer to employees at all Aerospace locations. Program, and the Corporate Leadership Program—are structured to develop critical core competencies, promote career growth, and prepare individuals for potential future roles in corporate management and technical leadership. They feature highly structured classroom learning and networking activities closely integrated with mentored, on-the-job development experiences sponsored and directed at the corporate level. The Aerospace Systems Architecting and Engineering Certificate Program is the primary corporate educational vehicle for teaching critical cross-program systems knowledge and lessons learned. It is designed to promote awareness of the wide variety of technical roles that Aero- space performs and to develop a strong contingent of Aerospace employees with the broad systems-level perspective and skills needed to provide technical leadership within the national security space community. This program begins with a four-day introductory course focusing on Aerospace’s roles and capabilities in systems architecting, engineering, and acquisition management. Those who wish to develop greater capabilities in one or more of these disciplines enter the “knowledge-building” segment, which begins with a four-day course that teaches how to work effectively on technical teams with customers and contractors. Next, students select one of three 120-hour programs designed to develop Corporate business orientation track Technical orientation track Technical specialty track Corporate development programs – Aerospace SA/SE certificate program – Aerospace Rotation Program – Corporate leadership programs Leadership/ behavioral skills track The learning curriculum begins with a broad business overview, followed by a more focused orientation to the technical aspects of major national security space and acquisition support systems. After completing these two tracks, students can delve deeper into technical specialties, develop the behaviors required for effective project and team leadership, or participate in one of the corporate development programs. Crosslink Spring 2007 • 11 Top Lessons Learned The experience of developing and implementing the Space Education Support System at Aerospace has taught valuable lessons that may well apply to any corporately sponsored in-house space educational program. Here are some of the more important lessons. Base it on real needs. Ensure that all learning objectives, themes, and content are clearly expressed and well aligned with the real day-to-day needs of employees as well as with the overall strategic mission and direction of the corporation. Avoid stuffing the curriculum with overly theoretical or esoteric material that is peripheral to practical job requirements. Make it personal. Provide multiple learning paths aligned with different types of job assignments and career paths. Be sure to include options for technical specialists wishing to broaden their systems perspective and skills for handling complex, multidisciplinary systems issues. This helps develop a more flexible workforce capable of adapting to changing business requirements. Provide course materials that are relevant, accurate, current, and interesting. Employ a variety of techniques that cater to diverse learning styles—examples, case studies, news, history, data trends, videotapes, etc. Provide incentives. Official certification in systems architecting and engineering has proven to be a strong motivator for participation and provides graduates with a sense of accomplishing something that the corporation values. The staff certification also enhances the corporation’s reputation with customers, potential new hires, and the broader space community. Explain the program value to its sponsor. Avoid overly complicated quantitative formulas for value metrics and get to the essence of what would be important to those who are funding the program. Use simplified versions of corporately approved processes to design course elements. If none exists, put together a cross-organizational team to develop one for tutorial purposes and to suggest potential applications beyond the classroom. Use relevant case studies. Make sure that at least some of the case studies reflect actual job responsibilities and require students to apply the full range of newly acquired skills. Generic case studies to illustrate specific points are fine, but don’t stop there. Keep the case studies current and meaningful. Don’t forsake the classroom for the computer. Look for opportunities to achieve the best of both worlds. The networking aspect of classroom participation is too valuable to dismiss, while self-paced computer-based modules can be effective in preparing for and reinforcing the classroom experience. Choose the right person to head the course design team. Look for people who are credible. Don’t expect people with strong training knowledge but no technical background to fulfill this function naturally. Involve corporate customers. When customers attend classes, they gain a better understanding of the corporation’s capabilities and create opportunities for new business. In addition, by sharing with instructors and other students their top priorities, customers can provide some of the most valuable feedback on whether courses are addressing their most critical needs. Involve senior management. Personal involvement with students and instructors will give senior management the best sense of program effectiveness and value. Don’t put all the corporation’s educational eggs in one basket. Ensure that funding for in-house training is balanced by funding to support conference attendance, participation in university programs, and participation in external seminars. 12 • Crosslink Spring 2007 skills in applying Aerospace methodologies, tools, and resources to the three major systems disciplines: systems architecting, space systems engineering, and acquisition management. The final phase of the certificate program is the professional development segment, which features a one- to two-year on-the-job training assignment under the mentorship of a senior Aerospace program office or engineering group manager. Employees who complete all requisite coursework and mentored assignments and deliver a final presentation to a senior executive review committee are awarded the “Aerospace Systems Architect-Engineer” certificate. Since program inception, more than 1200 technical employees have participated in this program, 225 have completed at least one of the major curriculum tracks, and 26 have been awarded the certificate. The Aerospace Rotation Program gives employees the opportunity to broaden their knowledge of company operations through temporary assignments in other departments. The long-term goals are to foster closer communication among the technical organizations, to enhance the technical and business skills of program participants, and to expand the corporation’s career development options. The Aerospace Rotation Program creates temporary positions in all technical areas. Members of the technical staff may apply for an assignment for up to 12 months with the full assurance that upon completion, they may return to their original organization and position level. The Institute works with the Human Resources department to provide orientation, courses, coaching, and Web resources to prepare participants and their supervisors and to reinforce learning and development throughout the entire program. Currently, 29 employees are participating. Corporate leadership programs include TIER (Teamwork, Innovation, Excellence, and Resources) and the Leadership Development Program. TIER, which targets midlevel directors, provides opportunities for collaboration and networking with executive managers and helps develop the behavioral competencies needed to function effectively in a dual role as an organization manager and technical project leader. The Leadership Development Program prepares upper-level directors and technical staff for executive positions by presenting them with complex corporate strategic issues to be worked in teams advised by senior executives and external consultants. Several of the projects undertaken in this program have led to recommendations for corporate change and contingency planning that have Initial awareness Core Course: Aerospace Roles in Space Systems Architecting, Acquisition, and Engineering (4 days) curriculum design and guide employee selection of specific classroom experiences. In-depth knowledge and basic skills Teaming for Systems Architects and Engineers Course (3 days) Systems Architects Aerospace Systems Architecting Program (ASAP) (4 weeks) Experience and skills-building Systems Engineers Space Systems Engineering Program (SSEP) (4 weeks) Program Managers Space Systems Acquisition Management Program (SSAMP) (4 weeks) ASAECP Internship Program (1-year minimum) The Aerospace Systems Architecting and Engineering Certificate Program (ASAECP) is designed to impart the broad systems-level perspective and skills needed to provide technical leadership within the national security space community. More than 1200 technical employees have participated in this program, 225 have completed at least one of the major curriculum tracks, and 26 have been awarded the certificate. supported executive management decisions. To date, more than 120 midlevel and upper-level managers have participated in these two programs, many of whom subsequently achieved career promotions. Classes for Aerospace Customers The Space Education Support System learning curriculum also includes a number of programs that are made available to and, in some cases, tailored to the needs of government customers and support personnel in the defense, intelligence, and civil space sectors. Up to 20 percent of seating capacity for all courses is initially reserved for government customers at no charge. Unused customer seats are released for employee participation. The Space Systems Acquisition Management Program, part of the Aerospace Systems Architecting and Engineering Certificate Program, includes courses of benefit to newly hired personnel in customer program offices and is offered in-house annually. While the Institute regularly schedules courses at primary corporate locations, customers at other locations often request special offerings to meet a specific need. Upon request, the Institute clears for public release a selected subset of courses for the general public. These enable contractors, professional society members, and others to participate individually or as teams along with Aerospace and government staff. The participation of government and contractor personnel in the Aerospace educational program has proven beneficial in three major ways. First, Aerospace engineers and scientists gain a better understanding of the technical and programmatic underpinnings of the missions they support, enabling them to make better decisions on central issues. Second, customers learn about the capabilities of Aerospace and the best way to use these resources to help them perform their missions. Third, the instructors and students from Aerospace get a chance to showcase their talents and make networking connections. Developing the Curriculum The learning curriculum represents the most visible part of the Space Education Support System, but its success depends on the efforts of critical support groups working behind the scenes to ensure the consistent delivery of useful educational material. Foremost among these are the senior management advisory panel and the instructional design teams. Also crucial are the proven Aerospace problem-solving methods and relevant case studies that make the educational experience memorable and applicable. Rounding out the support network are the multimedia/e-learning support resources, job skill-need surveys, and learning maps that help to validate the Senior Management Educational Advisory Panel One of the most important elements of learning curriculum support is the advisory team, consisting of general managers from each major business unit and senior vice presidents from the engineering and program groups. Semiannually, Institute management and the technical design coordinators meet with this team to review overall objectives and assess progress and accomplishments. One major function of the advisory team is to help ensure that courses are aligned with emerging business trends as well as corporate needs and initiatives. A second function is to help establish numerical goals for course participation across the company based on demographics and customer needs. The third major function is to review the career progress of program graduates and help place them in areas where their new skills can be best used. Course Design Teams One of Aerospace’s unique strengths is the extensive technical knowledge and cross-program experience of its engineers and scientists. A primary challenge faced by the Institute in developing new courses involved devising a structure that would focus the talents of these technical specialists into a cohesive set of learning objectives and themes. Rather than rely on the efforts of individuals to develop and teach entire courses, the Institute implemented a teambased approach that takes advantage of the backgrounds and capabilities of numerous contributors. Each year, more than 280 Aerospace engineers and scientists across the nation help design and deliver portions of the basic curriculum. More than 10 engineers and scientists from multiple sites are typically involved in designing and teaching the major courses in the systems architecting certificate program. The lead course designer, who may be either an Institute staff member or senior engineer or scientist, is responsible for gathering a team of subject matter experts and working with them to ensure that clear learning objectives are established and that key learning themes are reinforced throughout the course. In addition to helping ensure the development of high-quality technical courses, the team-based approach has resulted in a number of significant benefits. For example, it has helped define a corporately approved technical approach or position on important Crosslink Spring 2007 • 13 Example: Theater Missile Defense System (Case Study for Space Systems Engineering Program) Early warning satellite Communication relay satellite Concept development • System requirements • Feasibility design System design • Spacecraft requirements • Conceptual design Early warning processing center Theater operations center Interceptors Weapon targeting radar Realistic case studies employing proven problem-solving methods enhance the classroom experience and reinforce core lessons. This theater missile defense case issues. It has fostered a corporate network of experts in key technical subjects. It has improved collaboration amongst organizations participating on the teams. It has also enlarged the pool of potential instructors capable of delivering the core set of course material at multiple Aerospace sites. Problem-Solving Methods and Tools Students have indicated that some of the most helpful tutorial devices employed in the learning curriculum are the exercises and case studies that use Aerospacedeveloped problem-solving methods and tools. In addition to providing a tutorial focal point for overall course design, these methods and tools are often used by participants in their jobs after completing the class. For example, “Aerospace Systems Architecting Methodology” provides a framework for helping students learn how to work with customers to define needs and explore potential architectural approaches to complex, unstructured systems of systems. The methodology and tools associated with Aerospace’s Concept Design Center are taught extensively within the space systems engineering track to help students learn how to participate effectively in space system design synthesis and tradeoff studies. Systems acquisition management courses introduce state-of-the-art methods and tools that many Aerospace technical employees have found helpful in addressing program acquisition planning and execution issues associated with requirements generation, risk management, test management, and cost and schedule engineering. To reinforce the strategies introduced in the teaming course, instructors developed a “team 14 • Crosslink Spring 2007 Space Systems Life Cycle System development, integration, and test • Manufacturing design • Development test Threat missiles System operations • Launch and deployment • On-orbit operations study was used to give students practice in exercising space systems engineering methods and tools over the entire range of the system acquisition life cycle. map” to provide a mental model or frame of reference for assembling and directing project teams and evaluating their effectiveness. Relevant Case Studies The use of case studies that students can personally relate to has significantly enhanced the credibility of courses in the systems engineering certificate program and has made a significant difference in participant enthusiasm and receptiveness. For example, the Aerospace Systems Architecting Program employs two central case studies that provide a staged learning experience, from well structured to unstructured. This helps to separate basic and advanced process issues and facilitates evaluation of student progress. In the second case study, students investigate the development of a tactical communications architecture to support nation-building and peacekeeping operations in the period from 2005 to 2015. The Space Systems Engineering Program employs a realistic theater missile defense system case-study designed to provide students with experience in exercising key systems engineering methods over the complete system acquisition life cycle. Case studies for the Space System Acquisition Management Program are revised each year based on actual experiences to illustrate how acquisition programs differing significantly in scope have effectively addressed each of the major program management disciplines. Multimedia Support Resources One major challenge associated with implementing the educational curriculum on a corporation-wide basis was how to deliver useful content from classes taught in El Segundo, California, to employees in regional offices. A related challenge was how to package lectures and related information in an accessible Web format that could be used by instructors during class and by course graduates afterward. To address these issues, the Institute uses three multimedia/ e-learning support resources. The first is the electronic classroom, which uses laptop computers instead of paper notebooks to store and display course materials at each student’s seat. This permits greater student interaction and is especially useful for modules involving exercises or practice with software tools. The second resource is the server-based electronic storage area for course materials and references. Traditional course books grow stale after the class is over, but this corporately accessible electronic repository allows materials to be continuously updated. The third resource is a Web-enabled capability supporting real-time broadcast from the classroom to remote locations along with recording of class sessions. While the live sessions represent a new opportunity for distance learning, the recording function has been much more thoroughly exploited. It allowed for development of a process that combines course materials with recorded class sessions into a variety of formats that can be used by employees whenever convenient. This process was piloted in September 2003, capturing 24 sessions of the “Launch Vehicles Overview” course in two days. Since that time, more than 20 courses have been recorded and are now available to employees via the corporation’s internal network or on CD-ROM. Many of Aerospace’s course materials are made available to employees in several multimedia formats. Here, Fong Tien reviews slides and notes from the Space Environment and Spacecraft Environmental Hazards course, conveniently presented in a user-friendly e-learning format. Job Skill-Need Surveys/Learning Maps Given the exceptionally broad range and technical complexity of engineering and scientific jobs that Aerospace performs, it is vital that the learning themes, objectives, and content for all major curriculum elements be well aligned with the key employee skills needed to execute these jobs effectively. The Aerospace Institute employs a variety of mechanisms for identifying and analyzing the critical competencies needed for major Aerospace job categories. These include individual employee suggestions; course evaluations and feedback; corporate strategic initiative briefings and recommendations from related virtual communities of practice; customer interactions; and special requests from senior management, corporate advisory groups, and Aerospace service organizations. Periodically (e.g., every 2 to 3 years), the Institute conducts formal Web-based surveys and follow-up interviews with executives, mid-level managers, and the general employee population. Data collected from these sources are used to determine and prioritize annual course-enhancement and new development efforts. In addition, the data are used to create “learning maps” that tie specific competencies for a given job or career stage to the available courses and electronic learning resources. The Institute’s career learning support site conveniently groups course descriptions and schedules based on three different career stages and employee development needs: performance enhancement tied to annual appraisals; major job transitions within the company; and general growth and development within a chosen career path. For major corporate development programs such as the Aerospace Systems Architecting and Engineering Certificate Program that are focused on specific technical employee populations, the Institute will typically conduct a more extensive survey involving a corporation-wide sampling of employees at various customer sites. The intent is to identify and prioritize a limited set of clearly articulated core competencies (no more than 10) that will form the basis for subsequent curriculum structuring and design of educational objectives. For example, a recent survey distributed to more than 180 alumni of the Aerospace Systems Architecting and Engineering Certificate Program showed that the skills needed to support customer systems architecting activities varied depending on whether that support is delivered in the form of systems analysis, project leadership, or line management of an Aerospace engineering support organization. Results from this survey led to an extensive modification of the certificate program curriculum, significantly improving its structure and focus (as evidenced by recent participant evaluations). Effectiveness and Value Attempts to systematically assess the effectiveness and value of the learning curriculum have been made at several levels by the Institute over the past several years. For example, a comparison of actual attendance with goals and projections indicates that all major elements are well attended and that employee participation has risen dramatically (e.g., more than 3500 enrollments in 2006 vs. fewer than 500 prior to 1995). In addition, student ratings show significant improvements in perceived course quality and utility as the experience of instructors has increased. These ratings provide a rough measure of course content value and the effectiveness of the course design approach. Even more indicative are the results of a survey sent out to more than 100 graduates of the four-week classroom segments of the space systems architecting and space systems engineering certificate paths. More than 80 percent of respondents indicated that customers had noticed a measurable, positive effect of student learning on their decisions or approach to addressing key program issues. Nearly 50 percent reported that participation in the classes had helped them achieve a promotion or expanded job assignment. Nearly 90 percent indicated that course concepts, methods, processes, and tools were being applied directly to their job. Also, 75 percent reported significant improvements in their personal networking and use of company resources as a result of their participation in the program. On a more general qualitative basis, comments on student evaluations and corporate surveys reinforce the notion that in-house technical education, designed to make use of expertise and experience within the company, is being received more favorably and considered more economical than an educational approach that relies primarily on external providers. Future Directions The near-term focus for the Space Education Support System is on four primary areas. The first entails modifying the learning curriculum objectives and content to reflect new developments in space systems acquisition policy, particularly in regard to recent changes in Aerospace positioning within the Department of Defense and intelligence community reporting chain and the accompanying development of new expectations related to corporate and personal accountabilities. The second is increasing the desktop accessibility and capability for capture and editing of courses that are taught at corporate headquarters in El Segundo and delivered to engineers and scientists at regional sites. The third is continuing to improve the corporate use of program graduates and enhancing the metrics by which program effectiveness and value is assessed. The last involves applying the approaches and methodologies developed for the Space Education Support System to support broader efforts to revitalize systems engineering throughout the national security space community. Crosslink Spring 2007 • 15 Work Studies (part 1 of 4) Aerospace personnel at all stages of their careers share a commitment to professional development. David Glackin Gary Stupian Remote sensing scientist and solar astronomer David Glackin is author of Civil, Commercial, and International Remote Sensing Systems and Geoprocessing, published by The Aerospace Press. He wrote the book “to fill a need to provide this information to the community in a clear, concise format in which it has never been presented before. It was intended partly for seasoned practitioners in need of an accurate and comprehensive summary of the field.” Copublished with AIAA, the book has been well received by the remote sensing community. Glackin, senior engineering specialist in the Sensing and Exploitation Department, came to Aerospace in 1986 to work on the next-generation Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, now subsumed into the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS). Today, he works primarily with the science and technology of Earth environmental remote sensing and solar astronomy. “A typical day might involve thinking, writing, managing a small team of Aerospace specialists, perhaps a meeting or telecon, and interacting with various customers and members of the external community from government, industry and academia,” he said. He values Aerospace for the work he does and the colleagues he does it with. “I find that the greatest reward is the ability to work on a wide range of interesting problems in my chosen fields, and to keep learning new things. Equally rewarding is the ability to work with the outstanding, stimulating people at Aerospace, in an atmosphere of community and collegiality.” He said his greatest challenge has been “juggling too many interesting projects while satisfying all of my customers and meeting deadlines with very high quality,” he said. In the future, when times are very busy he fears he will find it difficult “to hand off to others some of the interesting work that comes across my desk.” The variety of his responsibilities include supporting the NPOESS program in strategic planning, requirements, instrument development, and science algorithms as well as solar physics instruments for the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOESR) program. He also maintains cognizance of the environmental remote sensing plans of every nation for the corporation. He has done substantial work in strategic planning for NASA HQ and JPL. Glackin regularly presents papers at professional meetings and conferences. “Papers have been invaluable insofar as corporate recognition, making professionally useful contacts, staying on the cutting edge of my fields, and fostering relationships that have led to new business for the corporation. I have found that many conference attendees really don’t know what Aerospace is all about, and generally express a lot of interest when I tell them. I’ve recruited people at conferences who are now valuable members of the Aerospace staff. As for the industry overall, it is important to share ideas. It’s amazing what results can accrue serendipitously.” He has taught several classes in the Institute programs. “I enjoy teaching immensely, and value the opportunity that the Institute has presented. It’s nice to be in a room full of people who really want to be there and who ask penetrating questions. My teaching experience has made me better at mentoring younger staff members,” he said. Gary Stupian, a distinguished scientist in the Microelectronics Technology Department, has been with Laboratory Operations since he came to Aerospace in 1969. During that time, he has worked on many aspects of surface science, concentrating for the past 20 years on root cause analysis, the systematic investigation into a problem or an anomaly to find the underlying physical cause in order to fix it and to prevent its recurrence. His work in the area of reliability and root cause of reliability problems earned him the Aerospace President’s Distinguished Achievement Award in 1994. “Root cause analysis covers all programs,” Stupian said of its importance in space systems development. “Space programs do have problems with failures. The whole spacecraft is the sum of its component parts, and components do break. There is a difficulty in space in that nothing is really reparable. So you have to ensure that the reliability of everything that goes into the spacecraft is very high. That’s what we do—myself and other people in the labs.” Considered by his colleagues to be a leading authority in this discipline, Stupian unassumingly attributes his lengthy tenure and experience with the company: “I’ve been here a long time, and I’ve been involved in a good many of the critical investigations. Sometimes failures are very routine, but not always. The ones that are not totally routine are somewhat more interesting, as a rule, but you have to look at everything. So I’ve looked at a lot of different things, and I’ve had a lot of experience.” His three academic degrees are in physics (with a specialization in condensed-matter physics): B.S. from Caltech and M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign. Stupian also credits the work of his coworkers—“the colleagues in the labs with whom I have worked so closely over the years. The work is technically challenging. Root cause analyses eventually involve the application of essentially every scientific discipline that one has studied. It’s hard to know everything, and there are a lot of experts at Aerospace, and the key is to consult with them when you have a problem. That’s part of what you learn when you’re here—who to go to when you need help.” He regularly publishes in scientific journals and spends much of his little free time reading scientific literature to keep up with developments in physics outside his area of concentration. Opportunities to do research is why he chose a career at Aerospace. “Aerospace has always stressed research even in very lean times. It is one of the few places where you actually have the possibility to do research.” Root cause analysis occupies most of his time, but he is also interested in forensic science. “I was the first to look at the isotopic composition of bullet lead. I’ve been involved in a couple of murder cases. I’ve worked with coroners’ investigators on a ‘cold case’ murder using x-ray computed tomography to examine the vertebra of a murder victim. I’ve x-rayed some tires for the highway patrol.” He helps young scientists and recruits them to Aerospace through his work with the corporation’s university affiliates program. As the technical liaison between Aerospace and Caltech, he identifies sponsors from across Aerospace who work with six undergraduate research fellows and their faculty advisors each summer. More “Work Studies,” p. 21 Building and Sustaining Strong College and University Relationships The Corporate University Affiliates Program introduces students to Aerospace early in their academic careers. Marian Peebles, Peggy Zweben, Sergio Alvarado, Joseph Betser, Samuel Osofsky, Karen Owens, and Gary Stupian T he national security space community strives to acquire, develop, and maintain a workforce that has the critical skills and capabilities needed for dealing with complex space systems. Aerospace, along with the government, the military, and commercial contractors, must explore how best to meet this challenge. The process of developing the corporation’s nextgeneration workforce begins with making sure that among the people entering the overall workforce a pipeline exists of potential recruits who can meet the critical skill needs of the corporation and its customers. This effort is partially accomplished through nurturing ongoing scholarly and professional relationships with top colleges and universities across the United States. As a technical research organization, Aerospace has developed strong ties with the academic community. Through both formal and informal associations, it has created unique partnerships with faculty and students at many of the nation’s most highly regarded engineering and science schools. Though the relationships differ, they share a goal: to foster mutually beneficial opportunities for knowledge sharing and the exchange of technical information. To manage these ties and create strong technical relationships, expertise, and research, in 1997 Aerospace initiated the Corporate University Affiliates Program (CUAP). The program serves as a mechanism for fostering partnerships among Aerospace technical staff and college and university faculty and students. Skills of special interest that are related to Aerospace’s work in national security space include those needed for mastery of a variety of subjects: photonics, electro-optics, and sensor design; nonlinear electronics, communication electronics, and information systems and software engineering; GPS and navigation and control; structures, composites, aerodynamics, and fluid mechanics; and networked systems, cost modeling, process improvement, and space policy. Students working in target disciplines related to these subjects are identified early in their academic careers through CUAP activities. In addition, Aerospace acknowledges that it has a community responsibility to support outstanding colleges and universities in its own “neighborhood.” Thus, one of CUAP’s priorities is to recognize academic institutions physically situated near the corporation’s laboratories and offices. CUAP is an important recruiting tool. Its affiliations complement Aerospace’s college recruitment and summer hire programs by inviting students to actively participate in Aerospace-supported projects, design competitions, and awards; guest lecture and dinner seminar series; academic societies and publications; alumni outreach; career fairs, open houses, and site visits; and workshops and symposia. The Aerospace Institute is responsible for the administration and oversight of CUAP in coordination with the Human Resources Directorate and the Engineering and Technology Group. This collaboration has developed strong internal operating relationships. How the Program Works CUAP has 17 affiliations with institutions in five states and the District of Columbia. Each affiliation has a purpose and established objectives geared to the capabilities and strengths of its school or academic department. CUAP workforce development efforts are well established within a number of these affiliations, as illustrated by the following program descriptions. Through CUAP, Aerospace establishes formal agreements with schools or academic departments to accomplish specific technical tasks and identify research projects in areas of crucial interest to the corporation. Criteria for a school’s participation include its ability to address the corporation’s critical skill needs. CUAP Affiliates California Institute of Technology Aerospace’s affiliation with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) is a campus-wide program not limited to a specific area of science or engineering or to a specific university department. Caltech students work with the latest technology developments, so they can readily understand the corporation’s need to keep abreast of advances in science and engineering. Many of the participating students, who are highly motivated to succeed in their chosen fields, become prospective future employees. Caltech’s long-established and very popular Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program affords students the opportunity to do research in many technical areas in which Aerospace has traditionally maintained an interest: electronics, mechanics, and materials science. However, with the growing importance of new technologies for both national security and space exploration, that list has grown to include biophysics, geology, ecology, information sciences, nanotechnology, and robotics—disciplines that were not necessarily on Aerospace’s radar in the past. In the SURF program, Caltech students work with faculty mentors on campus during a 10-week period in the summer, and Aerospace employees meet informally with students during that time. In the fall, Aerospace employees attend the students’ presentations of their research findings. The students are then invited to Aerospace to deliver their presentations and tour the facility. Aerospace employees have an opportunity to meet the next generation of science and engineering students while the students get an introduction to the corporation. Two Caltech students sponsored in summer 2005 became interns at Aerospace in summer 2006. Aerospace’s name recognition on the Caltech campus is important for the corporation’s recruiting goals. Thanks to CUAP, that name recognition is increasing. Students at Caltech often go on to graduate school, where they may speak of their experiences with CUAP and Aerospace with students both at Caltech and at other institutions. Aerospace frequently hires people with advanced degrees, so name recognition in the graduate school environment is important. When graduate students previously sponsored through CUAP complete their education, the corporation may encounter them again as they search for full-time positions. Some will undoubtedly decide to pursue their career goals at Aerospace. 18 • Crosslink Spring 2007 Harvey Mudd College’s Computer Science Clinic Harvey Mudd College’s Computer Science Clinic began in 1993 and has grown from a single, narrowly focused project to a group of broad, multidisciplinary projects involving many organizations at the college and at Aerospace. Having developed such a Janet Sheung, a senior at Caltech and a participant of Caltech’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program, presents the results of her strong relationship with research. Harvey Mudd, the corporation now assists with governance and strategic planning at the college. Aerospace employees serve on multiple committees, helping to shape the curriculum to address the future technical needs of the nation and introducing such new topics as biometrics, grid computing, network management and information assurance, launch telemetry processPaul Anderson shows Daniel Thai around the computer simulation ing, vibroacoustics, orbital laboratory at Aerospace. Thai is a participant of Caltech’s Summer Under analysis, and Internet stangraduate Research Fellowship program. dardization via the Internet Engineering Task Force challenges in both computer science and (the international community of network engineering for the students and the Aerodesigners, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the protocols and opera- space employees. During the past decade, Aerospace has tional characteristics of the Internet). recruited more than 30 employees from The Harvey Mudd Computer Science Harvey Mudd—12 new employees in Clinic began within the Computers and 2005 and 2006 alone—including students, Software Division (CSD) with a focus on graduates, professors, and industry peers. research projects such as supercomputing This was accomplished by participating visualizations in support of aerospace inin on-campus recruitment, as well as via dustry research and development and work word of mouth by Aerospace employees with the Defense Advanced Research Projwho referred other strong candidates to the ects Agency, including the decentralizedcompany. network management project. The scope of The Aerospace Ambassador Program the projects expanded in size and technistarted when a Harvey Mudd summer cal breadth over time to include a broad intern (now a doctoral student at UCLA) spectrum of concepts and systems, such as referred to Aerospace three other graduVISPERS (Vibroacoustic Intelligent Sysate students from the top of the class in tem for Prediction of Environments Reliboth mathematics and computer science. ability and Specification). The program is designed so that Aerospace These advanced projects involved mulrecognizes referrals of summer interns and tiple divisions at Aerospace, including encourages the referring ambassadors to the System Engineering Division, Space recommend to their summer recruits that Launch Operations, and CSD. They also they eventually apply for permanent emdrew upon various disciplines and endeavployment. The ambassador program conors such as distributed intrusion detection, tinues to actively recruit high-performing biometric face recognition, and computing newly graduated talent from many colleges cluster enablement of Aerospace’s Sateland universities and to hire employees with lite Orbit Analysis Program in support great promise in science, engineering, techof the Concept Design Center and other nology, and mathematics. Aerospace users. These projects offered The Herndon Memorial Science Competition Since 1977, the annual Robert H. Herndon Memorial Science Competition, hosted by Aerospace, has inspired Los Angeles–area high-school and middle-school students to tackle science and engineering challenges. Following the program’s success, the corporation established a Washington-area competition in 2000 at the Chantilly office. The competition honors the memory of Robert H. Herndon, the trailblazing African-American engineer who served as group director of the Advanced Mission Analysis Directorate and who played a key role in helping Aerospace define policies and practices for equal opportunity. The competition has two components: experiments and essays. The experiment competition is the hallmark event. Teams of up to five students work with a faculty sponsor and an advisor assigned from Aerospace. Experiments are evaluated by a group of judges made up of senior management at Aerospace and executive officers from the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC). Winning projects are selected on the basis of originality and a demonstrated understanding of any one of eight science categories: chemistry, computer science, physics, engineering, robotics, aeronautics, environmental science, and biology. Some past winners presented a blood-glucose stabilization diet for astronauts, investigated the ecological importance of duckweed, and demonstrated the possible use of piezoelectric ultrasound in driving molecules through membranes. listen to panel discussions. More than 70 students participated in 2006. Winners receive savings bonds of up to $1,000 and may also be eligible for summer employment at Aerospace. Oliver Ambrosia, a winner in 2000, subsequently joined Aerospace as a summer intern and now works in the Digital Communication Implementation Department. He delivered the welcome address at the 2006 competition. Competition chair Terita Norton of the Digital and Integrated Circuit Electronics Department said, “Students benefit from this competition in a number of ways. They are not only being exposed to the fields of science and engineering, but also given an opportunity to interact with technical experts in a variety of fields. Students who may not have considered science or math interesting are given an opportunity to experiment with new and exciting technologies.” Winners and nonwinners alike will hone skills that will serve them in their academic careers. The competition also gives employees at Aerospace a chance to mentor interested students and helps foster the next generation of scientists and engineers. Essays must cover a scientific topic, but students are given broad latitude in choosing their own specific subject. Essays are also reviewed by judges from Aerospace and SMC. Past winners have included such titles as “Stem Cell Research: Its Promise and Its Controversy,” “Nanotechnology: Revolutionizing Medicine and Materials Science,” and “Blowing Away the Big Bang Theory: The Impact of Ekpyrotic and Superstring Theories.” On the day of the event, students demonstrate their experiments in the Paulikas Mall, tour the corporation’s laboratory operations, and Aerospace publishes multiple peerreviewed conference and journal papers from this collaboration with Harvey Mudd students, and the company participates at the college in the Clinic Advisory Committee, the President’s Corporate Advisory Committee, and the Engineering Visitors Committee. Harvey Mudd College’s Engineering Clinic Aerospace’s affiliation with Harvey Mudd’s Engineering Clinic offers students realworld problems and seeks solutions with fresh perspectives. The clinic project requires that students apply their classroom Steve Burrin and Rod Gibson view the students’ science demonstrations at the annual Herndon competition. knowledge by designing, building, and testing their own hardware. Operating as a mission-oriented investigation and experimentation effort, each clinic team addresses issues relevant to Aerospace’s Communication Electronics Department, with a particular focus on satellite payloads. In response to a problem statement generated by the Aerospace clinic liaison, the clinic team develops solutions that can be applicable to several satellite programs. In recent years, teams have tackled such projects as a high-speed bit-error-rate tester, a digital feed-forward linearizer for high-power radio-frequency amplifiers, an imaging and positioning platform for picosats, an e xtended-range analog/digital assembly, and a chaotic radar unit. The Harvey Mudd Engineering Clinic has been a great success. Several students from the college have been hired as interns and also as full-time employees. The 2003–04 engineering clinic team developed possible solutions for a positioning and imaging platform for picosats. The students developed the basic imaging platform design, which Aerospace engineers enhanced. These imaging platforms are present on picosats that were launched December 20, 2006, from the space shuttle Discovery. Numerous pictures of Discovery and Earth were received during the picosat mission. Crosslink Spring 2007 • 19 Harvey Mudd’s 2007 engineering clinic team will design a quick-response portable satellite beacon tracking system for picosats. Ideally, it will allow Aerospace to locate the picosats and use a small dish antenna to communicate with them. University of Southern California’s Center for Systems and Software Engineering In the early 1990s, the University of Southern California (USC) contracted with Aerospace to establish the first Ground System Architectures Workshop (GSAW). GSAW is an international forum where spacecraft ground-system experts share issues and solutions with other ground system users, developers, and researchers through presentations, working groups, and panel discussions. Aerospace is the main sponsor of GSAW with cooperation from several organizations, including USC’s Center for Systems and Software Engineering (CSSE). CSSE’s director has been a keynote speaker, panelist, and member of the GSAW advisory and program committees. CSSE faculty and students have been speakers and panelists at GSAW conferences, which are held at Aerospace in El Segundo. The CSSE hosts the Los Angeles Software Process Improvement Network and two major annual forums—the International Forum on COCOMO (constructive cost model, a method for evaluating the costs of developing software) and Software Cost Modeling, as well as the Annual Research Review. Both of these seminars include workshops on current systems engineering and software development topics such as life-cycle models, agile development methods, model-driven architecture, and costing the evaluation and integration of commercial off-the-shelf products into software-intensive systems. Aerospace employees and customers throughout the United States participate in these forums and associated workshops, sharing knowledge from industry and academic affiliates. Participants directly encourage research directions that will benefit the Aerospace community. The forum topics have expanded over the years to include more systems engineering issues, including models for estimating the cost and effort of systems engineering, for estimating the cost and effort of integrating systems of systems, and for costing high-security systems. The future expectation is for Aerospace to share information with CSSE faculty and students on more systems engineering disciplines such as human systems 20 • Crosslink Spring 2007 integration, system-ofsystems architecture, and critical success factors for acquisition and management. Aerospace has also worked with USC on system dynamics modeling of software and system life-cycle interactions and choices. These are topics that hold significant interest for Aerospace, and the collaborations keep employees and students in close cooperation. A group of Aerospace employees and Corporate University Affiliates Program students from Harvey Mudd College’s Computer Science Clinic gather for a photo at their fall kickoff meeting. Institute for Software Research at the University of California, Irvine An affiliation between Aerospace and the University of California, Irvine, was established in October 1997 with the University’s Irvine Research Unit in Software, the predecessor of what is now the Institute for Software Research (ISR). The current Aerospace-ISR agreement was established in October 2002, emphasizing three major goals: for Aerospace to keep up to date on ISR’s research; for ISR to participate in Aerospace’s annual GSAW; and for both partners to conduct technical interchanges and meetings and plan for joint research. This affiliation has enhanced Aerospace’s expertise in software engineering and computer systems and has increased its technical leadership and presence through joint support for GSAW, the ISR Research Forum, and Aerospace’s Computers and Software Division technical forum and through workforce development initiatives. Major highlights of the UC Irvine affiliation have included the planning and execution of the Architecture-Centric Evolution Working Group as part of GSAW, the delivery of ISR minicourses at The Aerospace Institute, the offering of Aerospace summer internships to ISR doctoral students, and an exploration of the applicability of innovative software engineering and computer system technologies. ISR led the team in developing two proposals submitted to the National Science Foundation: “A Partnership for Innovation in Software Architectures and Product Line Technologies” (directed to the Foundation’s Partnerships for Innovation Program) and “Requirements, Traceability and Validation for Systems of Cooperating Systems” (directed to its Information Technology Research Program). In addition, ISR led the team in creating a report on challenges and approaches to information systems technology testing and software testing for the Department of Defense Test and Evaluation Office, Science and Technology Program. This productive collaboration has generated recommendations for improving software architecture representations, development, and design for ground and space software-intensive systems. These recommendations have been defined at the annual Architecture-Centric Evolution Working Group sessions with input from government agencies, contractors, academia, and other federally funded research and development centers. They provide an important foundation for software architecture requirements that can be used in the acquisition and development of national security space and civil and commercial softwareintensive systems. Conclusion The Corporate University Affiliates Program plays an important role in developing the next generation of space professionals at Aerospace. Its affiliations are an integral part of the corporation’s recruitment efforts, research, and development, and they help to provide Aerospace with the best possible pool of potential new employees. These mutually beneficial collaborations build and sustain strong bonds across the nation between the corporation and colleges and universities. As the use of space resources becomes more pervasive throughout defense and national security agencies, demands on the skills of space professionals will increase. The information exchange and brainstorming that CUAP fosters makes for a more educated and invigorated workforce. Work Studies (part 2 of 4) Rebecca Cortesi Like many people at Aerospace, Rebecca Cortesi thrives on a dynamic and challenging work environment. “One of the things that I enjoy most about my job is that there is no such thing as a ‘typical day,’ ” she said. “The work that I do is constantly changing.” Since joining the Sensor Engineering and Exploitation Department in Chantilly, Cortesi said, “I have written data analysis algorithms, designed optical systems, flown across the country multiple times to provide support to customer meetings, participated in the planning and executing of outdoor field tests, characterized light sources and sensors, provided advice to contractors, developed schedules for future project work, etc., etc.—and I’ve only been here for five months.” Cortesi began her career at Aerospace as a summer intern, after her junior year at the University of Rochester, where she was studying optics engineering. On the advice of her career center, she contacted Aerospace, and found an attractive opportunity in the Electro-Optical Systems Department in El Segundo. Admittedly, she was partly lured by location. “I was quite happy to be heading out to sunny southern California, as a break from snowy upstate New York.” She continued on at Rochester to complete her B.S. and M.S. in optics engineering in May of 2005 and 2006, respectively, and then subsequently came back to Aerospace—though this time, she settled in Chantilly, rather than El Segundo, so that she could stay reasonably close to her family in Albany, New York. The most significant difference between her work as an intern and her work in her current department (part of the Electronics and Sensors Division) is that most of her work now is classified. “The classified work is extremely interesting—both technically and programmatically—but it obviously brings with it new sets of challenges,” she said. “I now have four monitors, two desktop computers, one laptop, and two phone lines on my desk, instead of just the one computer and phone line I had as an intern.” Working full time has also allowed her to become more involved in projects over a longer period of time, she said, noting that “as an intern, I felt like I had to leave to return to school right when I had finally gotten acclimated.” Cortesi notes that senior staff members—even the notoriously busy ones—do their best to provide the support she might need as a relative newcomer to the company. Still, it’s not always obvious whom to contact about a particular issue. “I would imagine that individuals who have worked with the company for a long time probably have a good idea where to turn for help,” she said, “but I, as a new person, sometimes find it difficult to know where to go.” Institute classes such as “Learning the Business of Aerospace” help provide that depth of corporate knowledge, while classes in the technical curriculum provide a more meaningful scientific context. “The most useful Institute class I’ve attended was the ‘Space Systems Overview’ class,” Cortesi said. “This was particularly helpful for me, as a technical person new to space science.” The aerospace industry overall is facing a shortage of qualified engineers and scientists. Cortesi believes that more can be done to make space science exciting and relevant for younger kids. “One of the things that I most enjoyed doing while I was a student at Rochester was giving optics demonstrations for elementary school children,” she said, suggesting perhaps that Aerospace could do something similar. New Aerospace personnel at all stages of their careers share a commitment to professional development. hires like herself, fresh out of school, are closest in age to the students who would benefit most, and may be able to provide valuable insight and support for programs like these. “But,” she cautioned, “extra effort may be required to ensure that the new hires are aware of what is going on in the company.” In all, Cortesi appreciates the combination of focused technical work and broad national security concerns. “One of the things I find most interesting about my job is the unique opportunities that I am offered through frequent interactions with individuals at the program office,” she said. “These interactions have encouraged me to quickly develop a ‘big picture’ view, while still allowing me to pay attention to the nittygritty technical details.” Paul Burridge “Doing great work with great people”—that’s how Paul Burridge describes his time at Aerospace. Burridge is the Aerospace lead for the SBIRS High–GEO intersegment test program, designed to lead to the successful on-orbit operation and certification of this important space system. “My typical day involves the coordination and working of various hardware and software issues with the contractor and customer to ensure the successful conduct of the intersegment test program,” he said. This role is a relatively new one for Burridge, who came to the project through the Aerospace Rotation Program, a corporate initiative designed to broaden the expertise of technical specialists and strengthen relationships among diverse corporate divisions. Members of the technical staff can apply for temporary assignments up to a year long with another organization, after which they have the option to return to their original department and position level or continue in their new role. “I wanted to broaden my expertise, experience, and contributions to the corporation by fulfilling an expressed need on a program of importance to our national security space customers,” Burridge said. Before moving to the SBIRS High program office, Burridge was a senior project leader in the Vehicle Systems Division, where he primarily focused on NASA independent assessment and space shuttle return-to-flight support. He brings to his new position broad technical knowledge, an attention to detail, and experience working in diverse group settings. Burridge has enjoyed this newest phase in his career, and has found it particularly satisfying to “participate in a successful intersegment test with all stakeholders working well together as a team.” Being a team player is important for success at Aerospace, Burridge said, along with other traits such as integrity, consideration of others, and commitment to doing the right thing. Most of these qualities are innate, he said, but “Aerospace certainly provides the right environment to support and strengthen them.” Like many people at Aerospace, Burridge has a high regard for continuing education. He came to the corporation with a Ph.D. in civil engineering and geophysics from Caltech, and has since made good use of the corporation’s in-house educational programs. He has completed all the coursework for the Aerospace Systems Architecting/Engineering Certificate Program, and expects to fulfill the professional development requirement in the near future. Thus, he’s set to join a select group of staff members awarded the Aerospace Systems Engineer/Systems Architect certificate. More “Work Studies,” p. 36 Developing the Next Generation of Systems Engineers A recent study sheds light on what it takes to become a successful senior systems engineer—and suggests a means to accelerate that process in today’s engineering population. Heidi Davidz A s aerospace systems grow in complexity and interdependence, there is an increasing need for engineering professionals who can successfully plan, develop, manage, and evolve these systems. Yet, the national security space community is facing a growing shortage of senior systems engineers, as the number of systems positions increase and older workers leave the workforce. Organizations commonly lure skilled systems engineers away from each other or try to fill these roles with junior personnel who lack the requisite skills and/or experience, but these efforts fail to address the underlying problem. The question is, how can the national security space community expedite the development of the next generation of senior systems engineers? The type of thinking required by systems professionals is sometimes referred to as “systems thinking.” While systems thinking may be found throughout organizations, systems engineers are specifically charged with applying it to engineering systems. A systems engineer must be proficient in systems thinking. Therefore, it follows that if one can accelerate the development of systems thinking, one can accelerate the development of a systems engineer. Industry, government, and academia are scurrying to establish programs to develop systems thinking; however, many of these programs are designed solely on heuristics or unproven assumptions of how systems thinking develops. A recent doctoral research study supported in part by Aerospace sought to test these assumptions by examining existing literature and gathering a large sample of empirical data. The goal was to show which methods are most effective in developing systems thinking in engineers. Data were collected to understand how systems engineers develop—particularly in regard to enablers, barriers, and precursors to developing systems-thinking proficiency. It also documented how engineers define systems thinking and investigated company procedures for developing systems engineers. Aerospace is now using and expanding on this work to help its customers build integrated approaches to develop- ing systems professionals in their organizations. Aerospace is helping its customers build effective and efficient programs to grow systems capability by designing programs based on evidence of how system thinking actually develops. Study Design In the course of this research, 205 employees in 9 companies were interviewed, primarily in the U.S. aerospace sector. These included The Aerospace Corporation, BMW, Boeing, Booz Allen Hamilton, General Dynamics, MITRE, Northrop Grumman, Pratt and Whitney, and Sikorsky. The project began with an extensive literature review and a series of pilot interviews to gather information on the development of systems thinking and ascertain how best to structure the study. Next, a point of contact was designated at each of the participating organizations; this person helped gather a panel of experts highly familiar with the policies and practices of how that company developed senior systems engineers. The qualifications of these experts varied by company, but a typical panel consisted of a vice president of engineering, two senior systems engineers with approximately 30 years each of experience, and a human resources representative who designed systems engineering training. The expert panelists in each company were asked to identify interview subjects in three groups: senior systems engineers, junior systems engineers, and senior technical specialists. The primary interest was in the characteristics, development histories, and opinions of the senior systems professionals; the junior systems engineers and the senior technical specialists were control groups. The premise was that if certain types of people are drawn to systems roles, the responses of junior and senior systems engineers would be similar. Likewise, if systems expertise develops through experience, senior systems engineers and senior technical specialists would have similar responses to the interview questions. Before the interviews, participants completed a survey designed to gather information on demographics, educational background, assigned work roles, and past training history. During the interview, participants were asked about definitions of systems thinking, enablers and barriers to systems thinking development, individual characteristics that predict the development of systems thinking, and key steps to systems-thinking development. Expert panelists were also asked about formal company procedures for developing systems engineers. Interviews were also conducted with “blue-chip” professionals—experts who are well recognized throughout the aerospace sector for their systems-thinking expertise. These interviews were used for additional validation of the field study results. The survey data were analyzed using statistical data processing software. The interview data were analyzed using content analysis techniques, whereby key ideas and thoughts were categorized and aggregated. Approximately 1000 pages of transcripts were coded, yielding 908 categories of information. The coded data were then exported to a statistical data analysis tool. Systems Thinking Definitions The interview subjects were asked to define systems thinking. The 205 interviews conducted yielded 205 different definitions of systems thinking. Additionally, subjects were asked to consider a given definition of systems thinking and this too generated a variety of responses. Evidently, when people refer to systems thinking, they are often not articulating the same concept. The variety of definitions that emerged were distilled to identify common elements or descriptors of a systems-thinking framework. Five foundational elements were identified: componential, relational, contextual, dynamic, and modal. The componential element addresses what types of things are considered in systems thinking, for example, system objectives, the system elements, and the system domain. The relational element addresses the interconnections, interactions, and interdependencies both within the system of interest and between the system of interest and other systems. The contextual element addresses the nested and embedded nature of systems. The dynamic element links systems in time to the future and past, to include important aspects such as feedback, uncertainty, risk, and what are referred to as the “ilities.” Examples of these include flexibility, agility, reliability, and sustainability. The modal element aids with understanding and comprehension of the system and is the “how” of systems thinking; it includes the variety of aids engineers use to comprehend the complexity Christina Smith discusses with Denny Pidhayny a model of the satellite tracking function of a three-gimbaled ground station. Smith is pointing to the changes in the gimbal angle while the antenna tracks. of a system, such as frameworks, processes, models, simulations, tools, methods, and different types of thinking. The definition that resulted from combining these five basic elements became: “Systems thinking is utilizing modal elements to consider the componential, relational, contextual, and dynamic elements of the system of interest.” There are disadvantages to having numerous definitions of systems thinking within an organization. First, this divergence may lead to imprecise goal definitions. Second, it can also lead to inconsistent measures of the strength of systems thinking within an organization. For example, when subjects were asked, “How does your company determine if an employee displays strong systems thinking?” the number one response was “do not know,” while the other top-ranked responses were related to observation and subjective measures. When senior systems engineers within the same company have different definitions of systems thinking, and when quality of systems thinking is determined by observation and subjective measures based on a variety of definitions, diverse behaviors emerge. It should then come as no surprise that 71 percent of the junior systems engineers surveyed had difficulty understanding how their company determined strong systems thinking. This raises an important question: How can an organization expedite the development of junior systems engineers when these engineers do not know what they are supposed to develop into and do not understand how their progress is being measured? Enablers to Systems Thinking Although the study found that definitions of systems thinking diverge, it found substantial agreement on the mechanisms that enable, as well as obstruct, systems-thinking development. The mechanisms deemed most effective at fostering systems thinking included experiential learning (which encompassed both work and life experiences), Crosslink Spring 2007 • 23 development of certain personality traits, and a supportive work environment. Many organizations facing the challenge of developing a systems engineering workforce immediately jump to implementing training classes. However, the data from this study show that this may be a flawed strategy, because systems engineering skills develop primarily through experiential learning— not through a traditional classroom setting. Thus, systems engineering development programs should emphasize experiential learning as an effective approach to developing systems thinking. For example, study participants were asked, “What were key steps in your life that developed your systems-thinking a bilities?” The top-ranked response was “work experiences,” cited by 139 participants (69 percent). In each participant category, more respondents cited work experiences than anything else. Likewise, 95 percent of the expert panelists noted work experiences as a key step to the development of systems thinking—remarkable consensus for this data-solicitation format. Interview subjects were asked, “In your experience, what enablers or barriers have you seen to the development of systems thinking in engineers?” The responses again highlighted the importance of experiential learning, with “experience” noted as the top-ranked category for enablers to systems thinking for all interview participants. The blue-chip interviews also emphasized experiential learning. One interviewee stated that during the mid-1960s, programs went from concept to operation in three to five years. He said, “In a period of 15 years, an engineer would work on three to five programs, progressively working up to greater responsibilities. There was a whittling down process so that we could pick the systems engineer. There would be three to five programs with four to five segments each, so we could pick the systems engineers for the new programs from this pool. We might have eight people to choose from and we could pick the best engineer. We never had a problem with training because it was provided on the job. We never thought Key Steps to the Development of Systems Thinking Category All Participants (202) Expert Panelists (37) Senior Systems Engineers (61) Senior Technical Specialists (52) Junior Systems Engineers (52) Rank Number Rank Number Rank Number Rank Number Rank Number Work experiences 1 139 1 35 1 36 1 38 1 30 Education 2 80 3 13 3 22 3 17 2 28 Individual characteristics 4 64 2 16 4 16 4 11 3 21 Life experiences outside work 3 72 4 5 2 27 2 19 3 21 Interpersonal skills 5 37 4 5 5 13 4 11 5 8 Training 6 16 6 4 6 7 6 2 6 3 Individual Characteristics for the Development of Systems Thinking in Engineers Category All Participants (202) Expert Panelists (37) Senior Systems Engineers (61) Senior Technical Specialists (52) Junior Systems Engineers (52) Rank Number Rank Number Rank Number Rank Number Rank Number Cluster for thinking broadly 1 65 1 13 1 15 1 18 1 19 Cluster for curiosity 2 43 1 13 3 12 2 12 5 6 Cluster for questioning 3 34 3 8 7 8 3 11 3 7 Open-mindedness 4 28 9 3 2 13 9 4 2 8 Communication skills 5 27 5 5 4 11 9 4 3 7 Cluster for tolerance for uncertainty 6 23 4 7 5 9 15 3 8 4 Strong interpersonal skills 7 22 5 5 11 6 5 6 7 5 Cluster for thinking out-of-box 8 20 9 3 15 4 4 9 8 4 A series of tables show the data analysis of the field study. Five classifications were used: (1) All Participants, (2) Expert Panelists, (3) Senior Systems Engineers, (4) Senior Technical Specialists, and (5) Junior Systems Engineers. The number in parentheses is the number of participants who responded to a question. “Rank” is the rank of the category in comparison to the other categories for that question. “Number” is the number of respondents in each classification who cited that 24 • Crosslink Spring 2007 category. Categories cited by 10 percent or more of a classification are shaded. Though some of the percentages may seem small, this was a semistructured interview format that allowed for open-ended responses. It was not a structured tool where more convergent ideas might be identified. Thus, when convergence does appear, it is notable. about setting up training until the 2001 timeframe, when we thought about how to fix the problems in space acquisition.” Specific character traits also seem to foster systems thinking in engineers. Interview subjects were asked, “Are there certain individual characteristics or innate traits that seem to predict the development of systems thinking? If so, what are they?” Respondents noted thinking broadly, curiosity, questioning, open-mindedness, communication, tolerance for uncertainty, strong interpersonal skills, and an ability to “think outside of the box” as top-ranked characteristics. Top-cited barriers to the development of systems thinking included schedule and cost constraints, organizational confinements, and a narrow job definition. For example, after employees receive systems training, they may return to an environment where the “tyranny of the urgent” prohibits thinking of the larger system, or where organizational boundaries obstruct further development of systems understanding, or where a narrow job focus deters investment in the rest of the system. A supportive environment enables the development of systems thinking in engineers, and systems training should coordinate with organizational incentives. Otherwise, a misaligned work environment may invalidate investments in systems training. An organization might heavily invest in systems engineering training but use organizational incentives that only reward skill in technical depth, rather than skill in systems integration. Here, the misaligned work environment is counterproductive to the investment in systems training. Data from the blue-chip interviews also substantiated the need for a supportive environment to develop systems thinking. Expert panelists were asked to explain how their companies currently develop systems engineers. The maturity of the systems engineering development programs varied considerably across the companies interviewed. In some cases, although the company might have a systems development program in place, the research revealed unclear objectives of what was wanted in its systems professionals. Often, systems training classes were noted as ineffective, experiential learning was not being emphasized, and the organizational environment was not supportive of this development. The findings also revealed that many companies lack a meaningful feedback structure to ascertain whether the training program in place is even working. Applying the Findings Organizations that want to develop their systems engineering workforce need to set up integrated learning programs to build these skills in employees. First, well defined goals of what is wanted in systems professionals must be established. Next, there needs to be a clear understanding of why the development of systems capability is necessary, what types of systems capability are needed, and what the current state of systems practice is within a given organization. Data and literature collected from inside and outside the group should be used to make this assessment. Some organizations need to improve classical systems engineering skills, while others need skills for system-of-systems environments. One organization might need to develop systems engineers who are requirements owners and process engineers, while another might need to enhance the capabilities of systems engineers who are system designers and integrators. Each organization should clearly identify its workforce development requirements. The strategy an organization formulates and communicates about how to develop these systems skills in employees should be based on proven studies of how systems skills actually develop. This study revealed that systems thinking develops primarily through experiential learning. A strategy for developing systems professionals should therefore include experiential learning opportunities. This study also demonstrated how specific individual characteristics play a role in the successful development of systems thinking. Though more research is needed to determine the full impact of individual characteristics on organizational systems performance, organizations could eventually foster and filter for the identified characteristics in their systems groups. The workforce development strategy should integrate the individual, group, organizational, and sector levels of analysis. For example, as an individual is given systems training, group and organizational incentives should support that training. The systems capabilities of a team could be developed instead of focusing on just an individual. Systems training courses could be integrated with work assignments, job rotations, mentoring programs, systems engineering processes, and knowledge management tools to continuously develop systems competencies in individuals. Organizations might consider working with professional societies to study more effective mechanisms to developing systems engineers. In an integrated development strategy, an organization should set up feedback and quality-control mechanisms to gather data on how well its development program is working. These feedback mechanisms should extend beyond how well a student liked a course or the number of students trained. Next, systems engineering competency at the individual, team, and organizational levels should be assessed. The organization should also sponsor research projects to better understand how systems engineers develop and how to improve the quality of systems engineering delivered by the organization. This type of support should enable innovation and continuous improvement to the organization. Finally, the organization must plan to develop the systems engineering workforce efficiently and effectively. Too often, the development of systems professionals is needlessly driven by ambiguity, imprecision, and assumptions about how these skills develop. Clarity of purpose, multilevel integration, a critical examination of current methods, and assessments of results will accelerate the development of systems professionals. In addition, increased research funding and rigorous study in this area will lead to enhanced understanding and innovative methods to developing a systems engineering workforce. Conclusion The development of the next generation of space systems professionals can be expedited through a better understanding of the mechanisms that develop systems thinking. The results of this study show that the mechanisms currently being used are not the most effective. The drastic shortage of senior systems professionals demands the exploration of new and innovative ways of developing systems engineers. Many people talk about the aging aerospace workforce and the need to develop the next generation of space systems professionals, yet few seem willing to invest the research resources needed to critically, precisely, and creatively examine how the workforce can develop these requisite skills. Editor’s Note Segments of this article were excerpted from Dr. Davidz’s Ph.D. dissertation, “Enabling Systems Thinking to Accelerate the Development of Senior Systems Engineers,” copyright, 2006, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Those segments were reprinted with the express permission of MIT. The research was sponsored by the Lean Aerospace Initiative at MIT. Crosslink Spring 2007 • 25 Can Concept Maps Bridge the Engineering Gap? A recent Aerospace study sought to determine whether graphical representations of engineering thought processes could help capture the knowledge of senior engineers. Michael Kramer T wo generations of space systems engineers have designed, developed, and refined the processes, technologies, and techniques for building satellites. Many of these pioneers have left the aerospace industry, while others are approaching retirement. Much of their knowledge will depart with them unless it is captured and organized in some useful way. As one manager said, “More than 30 percent of my people will retire in the next three years, while almost 30 percent of my people have less than three years of experience. How can we bridge the knowledge from one generation to the next?” A research project conducted at Aerospace from March through August 2005 attempted to collect, organize, and efficiently reuse the knowledge of domain experts. The focus was on identifying the processes that experienced engineers use to drive initial design decisions when they are translating mission requirements into design requirements. The project was designed to apply “concept maps,” which graphically depict the relationships among interdependent ideas. Three goals were identified: to demonstrate that concept maps can be used for knowledge acquisition among multiple domain experts; to develop a prototype knowledge representation model from the concept maps; and to assess the utility of that model by examining a limited problem to see if the maps help solve it. Concept mapping was originally developed as a tool for education. It’s based on the theory that people learn by associating new concepts with concepts they already know. New concepts are tied to existing concepts by the perceived relationships among them, and prior knowledge is used as a framework for understanding and acquiring new knowledge. A tripartite association of concept-relationship-concept evolves from this learning; this relationship triplet is called a precept. Concept maps can be created to visually describe these relationships with numerous precepts. They are used to stimulate ideas and are believed to help foster creativity. Knowledge Harvesting and Evocative Objects This research project attempted to harvest the knowledge of Aerospace experts by eliciting their memories of a project and tying them to other engineers’ memories of the same project. One way to elicit and harvest knowledge is through the use of evocative objects. For example, a former Xerox Palo Alto Research Center director tells the story of how Xerox repairmen and design engineers were brought together in the hope that they could collaborate to produce better designs. The meeting was going nowhere until the director rolled in one of the machines, letting the repair people take it apart while sharing stories about the parts. The stories centered on what worked, what failed, and what drove the design decisions that led to the development of the parts. Taking the machine apart evoked the men’s memories and helped them share what they knew. Getting satellites back from space is difficult, at best, so taking one apart to get the design stories was unlikely for the Aerospace project. Some other type of evocative object was therefore needed. Interviewing subject matter experts and developing concept maps seemed a fruitful option. The initial concept maps would serve as evocative images, drawing out the memories of other engineers, enabling the researchers to develop even more detailed maps. A basic technique for knowledge harvesting is to choose a known, solved problem and review it with experts in that field. This is what was done with the Aerospace engineers. The statement of requirements for a satellite development program was reviewed as a representative tough problem. Two sections of those requirements were chosen for study—the attitude determination and control system, and the power system. These were chosen in part because they have very little overlap and because the people who work on them are in separate facilities and have very little interaction. The directors of the Control Analysis Department within the Vehicle Systems Division and the Electrical and Power This concept map covering power systems requirements for a satellite development program was developed by organizing the recollections of a senior engineer in the Electrical and Power Systems Department. Power systems have Design drivers impact Propellant tank size Battery name plate capacity and sized for Solar loads End of life capacity like Mission requirements are and and sometimes N are required includes Launch date if soon use How long Proven tech has includes and Mission life or Orbital inclination where like like Orbital altitude N+1 use if mid-term use Payload power contribute to Satellite power Example more Higher risk where like subtract from add to such as Energy balance Solar cells Comms Demand consists of Tech freeze date and for Duration and Amount Full sunlight charges needs Payload uses provided by in complete by includes Satellite uses Sources New concepts bring Modes includes includes for long term consider Developing technologies Smaller impact Power budget provided by Batteries in Load match against Power budget Stored energy Day in the life for Energy collected during mode Expected daily behaviors Components and Systems for Indirect effects Mission impact of and including Power use to Payload needs and like becomes Baseline operation Energy balance over mission life and Constant demand limits Waste heat considers consisting of Energy collection and storage to to Next task causing High transient limits Depth of discharge and Recovery to mapped state High transient need Send data to prepare for Battery performance over time impacts Antennae System reset Interactions among models sum to be is to point including Net mode impact by Transmitter Year in the life or Partial sunlight to warm AD&CS models plus determining needs limited by Cell loss and Battery loss Solar collector performance over time degrades from Radiation and Micrometeor damage Crosslink Spring 2007 • 27 Engineer 1 provided concept Engineer 2 provided concept Engineer 3 provided concept Jointly provided concept This concept map combines the input from three experts in the Electrical and Power System Department. All of the experts started from the same place, but each took very different paths to the half dozen boxes at the bottom of the map. The boxes are color coded to identify common concepts as well as concepts unique to each engineer. 28 • Crosslink Spring 2007 Systems Department within the Electronics and Sensors Division were asked to suggest leaders in design for their respective domains, and those leaders were asked to recommend domain experts. At the conclusion of the search, two domain experts from the Control Analysis Department and three from the Electrical and Power Systems Department agreed to help develop concept maps covering their respective domains. The five participants averaged more than 22 years of experience. The engineers’ stories and responses to solving the requirements-translation problem were elicited and transcribed and then reviewed with each engineer. In most cases, a few additional concepts were expressed during this review. The stories and additions were then converted into concept maps. The process began with collecting every unique concept name and its relational connectors to other concept names. These precepts were sorted from most abstract to most concrete and mapped to a single diagram. The experts were then given their concept maps for review. As expected, these maps functioned as evocative objects. As each expert reviewed them, new concepts, relationships, and connections were defined and added. This second round of concept maps depicted a vastly increased amount of information. Each of these experts brought a unique background in terms of education, experience, and temperament, all of which influenced their approaches to design. One of the goals of this project was to gather the varied knowledge of numerous experts, but it was also important to preserve the valuable differences among experts’ knowledge. A comparison of the ordered lists of concepts showed multiple instances of similar or identical concepts among different experts. On the other hand, there were differences among the experts’ lists of concepts, and many more differences in the relationships between them. The experts in each domain used a core taxonomy; these common terms were the language of that domain, and the relationships among the concepts reflected each expert’s approach to that domain. The maps from the engineers in the Electrical and Power Systems Department shared a common vocabulary, but they also reflected individual observations. Similarly, the maps from the domain experts in the Control Analysis Department reflected the language those experts use and their approach to a design problem. The next step was to combine the concept maps from all the experts in a domain. First, their common concepts and relationships were mapped out. This produced a core map that reflected their agreement. Then, the remaining relationships and concepts were added, with color coding to preserve and reflect each expert’s approach to translating the requirements. Utility Evaluation The essential questions at this point were, “Do the concept maps accurately depict the experts’ approaches to their domains, and do they provide a useful tool for knowledge capture and sharing?” To assess this, a Solomon four-group test was run. The Solomon test involves gathering four groups of similar people who are randomly assembled out of a test population. Two tests are administered: The first group takes only the first test; the second group takes the first test and then, after some intervention or learning process, takes the second test; the third group skips the first test, but takes the second test after completing the learning process; the fourth group takes only the second test, without any preliminary learning process. In this case, the first and second tests were the same: Engineers were given one hour to review a statement of requirements on orbit for the satellite program in development and to list design requirements. The test was administered first with one group, then with the second group. As expected, both groups fared similarly because they were randomly assembled from a group with similar backgrounds and similar translation capabilities. The second group was then given a concept map and the same problem to review again. The second pass through the problem generated different, additional, and more diverse design requirements. This may have been because the engineers had the concept map to work with, or it might have been because they had seen the problem once already. The third group was then given the problem and the concept map at the same time. This group used the concept map as a guide for translating the statement of mission requirements to design requirements. The third group translated significantly more requirements than the second group did after two passes at the problem. Because the first and second tests were the same in this project (listing design requirements), the first group functioned as the fourth by repeating the test. An analysis of the results indicates that for both the Electrical and Power Systems group and the Control Analysis Department group, the use of the concept maps led to the translation of significantly more design requirements. Conclusion The results of this research project show that concept maps can serve as evocative objects in the recall of concepts and precepts used by domain experts. As the experts reviewed and corrected their maps, they recalled more concepts and more relationships among them. The structural, graphic, and visual nature of the concept map fostered memory recall. In addition, concept maps from individual domain experts can be combined to enable the joint representation of different approaches to translating mission requirements into design requirements. The Solomon test also revealed the usefulness of concept maps as guides in the translation of design requirements. The use of the concept maps produced larger numbers of requirements and significantly more diverse requirements than a single review of the given problem, or even a second review without the concept maps as a guide. The test results are at best suggestive, not determinative, of the utility of this model, and further testing with larger populations is required to establish significant utility. Nonetheless, it would be of obvious benefit to the national security space community if knowledgeable people with a map but without the direct intervention of domain experts could translate a wide and diverse set of design requirements. The concept mapping model could be designed so that domain experts would help generate domain maps and review the requirements translated by less experienced people. This would make efficient use of a dwindling senior workforce. Aerospace is planning a follow-up project to explore the possibility of an interactive domain map with some form of semantic update based on later stages of design and development. Further Reading J. D. Novak, Learning, Creating and Using Knowledge: Concept Maps as Facilitative Tools in Schools and Corporations (Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates, Mawah, NJ, 1998). J. D. Novak and D. B. Gowin, Learning How to Learn (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1984). S. Turkle, The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1985). U. Sekaran, Research Methods for Business (Fourth ed.) ( John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2003). Crosslink Spring 2007 • 29 Training the National Security Space Workforce in Systems Architecting Aerospace has developed a curriculum that effectively teaches the mindset required for successful system architecting. Mark Maier F or the past eight years, Aerospace has been developing an educational program designed to help move highly skilled, technically oriented engineers into the more nebulous, ill-structured world of systems architecture. Although this program—the Aerospace Systems Architecting Program—originally concentrated on internal capabilities, it evolved to accommodate students from the larger national security space community. The program uses an intellectual core of material in ill-structured problem solving and conceptual design to address areas usually regarded as “soft,” or more art than science. While this material is not traditionally presented in engineering programs, it is in fact possible to teach—and after years of refinement, Aerospace has developed an effective means of doing so. Program History The idea for a formal training program in systems architecture within Aerospace began in the mid-1990s. It was evident to a number of managers that the rapid changes brought about by the end of the Cold War were requiring a new set of skills in program conception. The stable background of objectives and requirements was falling away, and new programs had to deal with understanding root purpose, and how root purpose can be influenced by technology, in ways that had been uncommon for nearly 20 years. At about the same time, a former Aerospace CEO, Eberhardt Rechtin, founded an academic program in systems architecting at the University of Southern California. Several Aerospace employees had been exposed to the program during graduate school, and awareness of the approach was growing in the corporation. A decision was made to create an internal training program in systems architecting focused on the specific needs of national security space. The first version of the Aerospace Systems Architecting Program was a 120-hour sequence of lectures and case exercises spread over several months in 1997 and 1998. Based on the pilot experience, this was rearranged into four one-week blocks to assist students with managing time away from their jobs. The single case exercise was expanded into two complete case exercises, each lasting approximately half the course. This “production course” was then offered annually through 2002 to audiences drawn from most company sites and divisions. As the core audience completed the course, demand trailed off. With that in mind, the course was rearranged into a more modular format, one that could be completed over a longer period and that lent itself to greater customization for particular audiences. This was done by building a core sequence of three short courses, each capable of standing alone, followed by a set of elective courses tailored to particular project areas. One factor that was evident from the beginning, but became more obvious over time, is that executive leadership plays a central role in the success or failure of an architecture project. While managers do not need the same set of skills as practitioners, they do need to understand what architecting is and how to organize and manage it. With that in mind, Aerospace began working in 2002 with the chief scientist of the Air Force, who was putting together a three-day course in architecture-based systems engineering for upper level Air Force personnel. This course provided a strong foundation for a version of the Aerospace course targeted at executives and managers. In 2005, Aerospace was approached by another government agency that was developing an architecting program with very similar goals. Aerospace agreed to provide an adapted version of the modular program, and this version is now regarded as the baseline for effective architecting education. Its fundamental structure is a two-week course, with integrated case exercises and case studies, on the foundations of systems architecting, along with some coverage of special topics. This is followed by a second two-week block, again with integrated case exercise and case studies, on more c omplex situations specifically tailored to the project needs of the agency. Program Structure Today, the Aerospace Systems Architecting Program is one of three specializations within the broader Aerospace Systems Architecting and Engineering Certificate Program. Students can select this specialization after completing a set of core courses. They may then enroll in an on-the-job training program, which involves completing two projects overseen by a technical mentor (usually a previous course graduate or instructor). The two projects must be for different customers and involve an area of business different from the student’s previous experience. At the end of the training period, students present a briefing on lessons learned, typically to a management audience and a forum of previous course graduates. The goal of the program is not simply to convey knowledge, it is to develop active skills and even change student attitudes with respect to complex and ill-structured tasks. These skills can only be developed (and their acquisition evaluated) in realistic task settings. One has to let the student perform a relevant task, observe the result, critique it, and do it again. Because skills learned in the course apply to large-scale design problems, they can really only be developed and assessed through exercises of realistic scope. To make this possible in a time-limited course setting, specially selected case studies and case exercises are used. Case studies are retrospective analyses of past projects. They provide students with insight into real decision-making processes and allow them to critically analyze the results. Each case study involves three-to-four hours of classroom work and includes both instructor presentation and group consideration of alternative approaches. Four major case studies (and several smaller ones) have been developed through a combination of archival research and interviews with primary sources. Two of the case studies are available for general use (one on the DARPA Grand Challenge and one on the Global Positioning System), while two others are restricted to particular audiences. Three new case studies are being planned for a future version of the course. In addition, a number of minor case studies (mostly on systems of historical interest) are used to illustrate particular points. Case exercises are architecture design problems executed by the students, derived from real (or at least realistic) projects. The Aerospace Concept Design Center is used to develop future space architecture concepts. Basics Art and science of systems architecting Foundations of systems architecting Aerospace program Architecture frameworks Architecture design and development Electives and future courses Core knowledge Customer program Communicating complex architectures Complexity and uncertainty Capstone application Architecting technical intelligence systems The Aerospace Systems Architecture Program has two tracks, which differ slightly for Aerospace and government students. Both begin with the same introductory classes. The next phase focuses on core knowledge. The third phase is known as the capstone application. It includes various electives for Aerospace personnel. everal standard exercises have been develS oped over the life of the course. The design of a case exercise has proven particularly challenging, and those in use have been extensively refined over time. The first was based on the Triana Earth-observing satellite program and was intended to end in a specific satellite system concept, even though the given scenario was politically complex and lacked any firm requirements. More recently, two new case exercises have been developed—one based on a hypothetical command and control system for coalition peacekeeping operations, and the other based on a project to integrate businessoriented networks with R&D networks. Crosslink Spring 2007 • 31 What Is Systems Architecting? If architecture is about the fundamental or unifying structure of a system, architecting must be about setting, defining, or describing that structure. This, by itself, does not distinguish architecting from other systems engineering activities. What distinguishes architecting is the need to define and understand the specific realms of practice. To help visualize the relationships among these realms, Aerospace developed the so-called “footprint” table, which describes them according to various characteristics. For example, the footprint for a “textbook engineering” case would show that the sponsors and users are obvious and available, the technology is not a challenge, and the problem is clearly separated from the solution. A “classic” systems engineering case would be modestly more complex: In this case, the technology level is typically higher (and thus riskier), finding feasible solutions requires sophistication in design space enumeration and optimization, and the essential objectives of the underlying problem are no longer presented directly but must be discovered through elicitation and analysis. Systems architecting deals with design problems that are even more complex—problems in which the situation and objectives are illstructured and the quality is semimeasurable. An ill-structured problem is one in which the statement of the problem depends on the statement of the solution; clearly, this characterizes many real design situations. Although designers often act as if all requirements issues can be resolved by better elicitation, experience shows that they cannot, even in relatively familiar environments. In reality, users change their own understandings of needs and priorities when presented with design alternatives. Semimeasurable quality implies that the desired quality levels can be quantitatively described, but not directly measured. For example, the desired probability of launch failure is zero, but usually specified as a number in the range of 10-4 to 10-6. Such numbers can never be directly verified because only a handful of vehicles are ever launched. Thus, the analysis of semimeasurable quality is always a mixture of analytical and heuristic methods—analytical methods to verify that the models are accurate, and heuristic methods to ensure that they are adequate. 32 • Crosslink Spring 2007 Simple Complex Sponsors One, w/ $ Several, w/ $ One, w/o $ Many, w/o $ Users Same as sponsors Aligned with sponsor Distinct from sponsor Unknown Technology Low Medium High Superhigh Feasibility Easy Barely No Control Centralized Distributed Virtual Situation-Objectives Tame Discoverable Quality Measurable Semimeasurable Ill-structured Wicked One-shot and unstable Textbook engineering footprint. Simple Complex Sponsors One, w/ $ Several, w/ $ One, w/o $ Many, w/o $ Users Same as sponsors Aligned with sponsor Distinct from sponsor Unknown Technology Low Medium High Superhigh Feasibility Easy Barely No Control Centralized Distributed Virtual Situation-Objectives Tame Discoverable Quality Measurable Semimeasurable Ill-structured Wicked One-shot and unstable Classic systems engineering footprint. Simple Complex Sponsors One, w/ $ Several, w/ $ One, w/o $ Many, w/o $ Users Same as sponsors Aligned with sponsor Distinct from sponsor Unknown Technology Low Medium High Superhigh Feasibility Easy Barely No Control Centralized Distributed Virtual Situation-Objectives Tame Discoverable Quality Measurable Semimeasurable Ill-structured Wicked One-shot and unstable Fundamental systems architecting footprint, as taught in the Aerospace program. Simple Complex Sponsors One, w/ $ Several, w/ $ One, w/o $ Many, w/o $ Users Same as sponsors Aligned with sponsor Distinct from sponsor Unknown Technology Low Medium High Superhigh Feasibility Easy Barely No Control Centralized Distributed Virtual Situation-Objectives Tame Discoverable Quality Measurable Semimeasurable Complex systems architecting footprint. Ill-structured Wicked One-shot and unstable As an illustration of their realism, solution elements of the R&D network case exercise have been reused on several real projects conducted by students or instructors after the class. The systems architecture program has two tracks, which differ slightly for Aerospace students and government students. Both begin with the same introductory classes, “The Art and Science of Systems Architecting” and “Foundations of Systems Architecting.” The next phase focuses on core knowledge. For the Aerospace track, this phase includes the courses “Architecture Frameworks” and “Architecture Design and Development.” For the government track, it includes the courses “Communicating Complex Architectures” and “Complexity, Uncertainty, and Decision Making in Architecting.” The third phase, the capstone, entails one or more courses in which the methods are applied to specific problems that students are engaging. For Aerospace personnel, there are several elective versions available or planned. For government students, there is currently one version on “Architecting Technical Intelligence Systems.” Course Descriptions “The Art and Science of Systems Architecting” is a one-day general introduction to the subject. Its purpose is twofold: First, it provides an accessible introduction to the core ideas for wide audiences. Second, it helps students decide whether they should enroll in a longer course, which would represent large investments of their time and their organization’s resources. Many strong engineers are uncomfortable in the environment of ill-structured problem solving and will not become much more comfortable with time—even with training. Helping those people identify themselves, and steering them to other advanced professional educational programs, is good for them and good for the architecting program. “Foundations of Systems Architecting” is a two-week course that provides fundamental training in the methods of systems architecting and their application to realistic situations. The first week presents all the main technical elements of the program, organized as a single pass through a spiral process (known as the Aerospace Systems Architecting Method). All of the instructional elements are applied in parallel in a case exercise. In practice, it turns out that a rapid introduction of the material with immediate application is the best way to achieve the learning objectives. It does lead to a sense of discomfort and some frustration in many students, but most find The Aerospace Systems Architecting Method Major Elements Definition Outputs Purpose Analysis Broadbased study of why system has value Rich picture of stakeholder stories Essential assumptions and constraints Problem Structuring Translation of interwoven elements of rich picture into tractable systems attributes Use-cases Structured narratives Scenarios of systems operation Performance models Conceptual models Solution Structuring Creation of candidate solutions that must be widely disparate in technology and degree of problem coverage Models of the solution Harmonize Combine problem and soluton statements into workable system concepts. Perform consistency and completeness checks Group of candidate systems Selection/ Abstraction Select candidate system and move on to acquisition Formalized architecture description Raw needs, constraints Existing processes Problem structuring Purpose analysis Current-future technology Rich picture Solution structuring Use cases, domain specifics System models Harmonize Architecture descriptions Selection/ abstraction Candidate systems The Aerospace Systems Architecting Method has five major elements, as shown in the top table. It was developed to define a core process model. It’s an adaptation of the standard systems engineering process, modified to account for the spiral nature of development, the lack of a manufacturing stage, and the need to accommodate ill-structured aspects. The method has also proved to be an effective pedagogical device for presenting heuristics. For example, a heuristic such as “The Four Whos” (which basically states, “In identifying stakeholders of a system, always ask, ‘Who benefits, who pays, who supplies, and who loses?’ ”) is best presented as part of a specific step—in this case, the purpose analysis step—even though it is more widely applicable. Crosslink Spring 2007 • 33 The Seven Deadly Sins of Systems Architecting 1. Don’t think, use the framework. The specified architectural framework calls for various essential products (diagrams, tables, etc.). Therefore, just generate the essential products as soon as possible, and call it a day. 2. Do step 5 first. Initial steps concerning intended use, scope, characteristics, and viewpoints are rather nebulous and don’t follow much of a process. So, just jump ahead and build the requisite products. 3. Ignore utility. An architecture exists in its own world. The needs of users are irrelevant. 4. Don’t follow through. The architectural description is complete. Hand it off and go home. 5. Assume the architect actually has power. The architect is smarter than everybody else. Tell them all exactly what to do. Never mind that you don’t control the budget, the requirements, the contract, or the field acceptance. 6. Underreach. Everybody wants to interoperate anyway, so don’t bother precisely specifying an interoperable core. Any details will get figured out in a committee somewhere. 7. Overreach. Other people don’t know what they need, so be sure to precisely detail what everybody else’s system should do. orking through that frustration useful w (and an accurate reflection of the nature of these projects). During the second week, the students brief the instructors on their first pass through the case exercise; they receive extensive critique, and redo the process they have been taught, culminating in a final briefing on the last day of class. Instructors present major case studies along with the case exercises, inviting the students to critique them and extract important lessons. The second week can be offered directly after the first week, or after a break of a month. The next course in the sequence, “Architecture Frameworks,” is offered in recognition of the key role played by the Department of Defense Architecture Framework and other government-specified frameworks in many programs on which Aerospace advises. The “Architecture Design and Development” course presents a set of tools and methods used by Aerospace in space system and system-of-system architecting projects. The “Communicating Complex Architectures” course teaches customers to document and explain complex architecture projects. The “Complexity, Uncertainty, and Decision Making in Architecting” course teaches classifications and methods for modeling uncertainty, defines three major strategies for dealing with uncertainty, and discusses the standard adaptations to utility 34 • Crosslink Spring 2007 calculation and decision theory in the presence of structural uncertainty. The intent of the capstone courses is to bring the tools taught in the basic and core courses together in applications whose attributes extend beyond the foundational systems-architecting model. These classes also bring the domain specifics of a working environment into the discussion. Systems engineering and architecting are not domain independent. Many of the most important practices and elements of knowledge are tied to the domain of application (e.g., spacecraft, launch vehicles, computer networks, intelligence collection systems). Customizing capstone courses to these domains makes it possible to ground the case studies and exercises directly in the realities of those domains. Courses for executives and managers address different sets of concerns than in the practitioner courses. A course for executives focuses on the interplay between organizational roles and responsibilities, the structure of the programs, and the technical aspects of architecting. A course for management focuses on how managers initiate and structure architecture projects to maximize the likelihood of success. It includes complete capsule descriptions of the methods taught in the “Foundations of Systems Architecting” course and has the managers apply them to a set of exemplary case exercise materials. The executive course is structured as a two- or three-day seminar; the manager course is a five-day class. General Lessons The eight-year process of developing and refining Aerospace’s courses has taught many lessons. The most important include: • The case exercises are the most important part of the courses. • Spiral processes are critical, and must be carefully taught to overcome student bias against them. • Description must follow decisions—not the other way around. • Half the battle is avoiding a few big mistakes. • Domain knowledge matters, and is often in short supply. In the beginning, it was not obvious how much learning would take place in the case exercises. Judging by the student evaluations, they are by far the most important part of the course. In fact, students really seem to internalize the concepts presented in lecture only after they are applied in the case exercises. Moreover, an evaluation of the case exercises shows that a significant amount of learning takes place between the first and second exercises (in the foundations and capstone courses). In recent offerings, roughly 50 percent of the total time in the courses was spent solely on case exercises. Most course offerings reveal a built-in bias against spiral or iterative design processes. Teams try to get things right the first time, try to get the problem fully defined at the beginning, and are reluctant to go back and rethink their basic premises. This is a big mistake. A willingness to rethink from the beginning is central to good architecting. One method for overcoming this bias is the use of a spirally oriented overall architecting process. Students are required to perform the case exercises using this process model, on a schedule that forces a minimum of two complete design cycles during the course. Another useful vehicle for driving a spiral process, particularly on real projects, is the “blitz” or “charette.” As taught in the class, this is a method for organizing all architectural design tasks on a strict timeline, normally two weeks or less. This forces the group to complete all the steps, no matter how complex and how limited the information available, within a limited amount of time. Of course, the resulting product is rough, but it typically reveals useful information about the process and the underlying problems that cannot Objectives View Operational effectiveness Detection range Use-Case View Define value of underlying system or the defining decisions in a system of systems case Flexibility Define the essential Ground segment functional characteristics S/C Monitoring of the system S/C Commanding Time to update Spec Time to replace vendor Associated satisfaction models (4π)3 1/4 Space Network Multi-View Conceptual Architecture of the System (SNR) KTFBn Commercial Mission operators Utilities Spacecraft Wideband gateway Narrowband gateway Advanced EHF+ NASA and NOAA Air Network Recommended links Open for trades CONUS White house NSA/NIMA HQ Airborne communications net Commercial ACN Ground Network DOS/J HQ High-capacity gateways NASA Fiber DOD HQ HQ MSE, WIN/T SSC/NEO MTW In-theater fiber entry points JTRS Define physical components and their data exchange channels Global fiber network Physical Structure View A key learning theme in systems architecture training is that the “architecture” is conceptual: it is the set of decisions that define a system’s essential characteristics. An architecture description represents those decisions in a set of views or models be revealed except through an end-to-end design cycle. Another lesson often noted, but rarely learned, is: Describing an architecture comes after understanding what the architecture is. Thus, the Aerospace program emphasizes the distinction between architecture as description and architecture as decisions. This distinction often seems academic to students at first, but understanding it is important for achieving success on real ill-structured problems. For example, many of the standards in the architecture world focus on producing a descriptive document; however, just as a civil architect can draw many sets of plans describing alternative buildings, so can the systems architect produce many alternatives using different framework standards. Which alternative is preferred? In the classroom, an early focus on the standards for the document drew attention from the more central and difficult issue of what should the architecture be. As a result, the course has been structured strongly in terms of architectural decisions rather than architectural description. This was, and remains, a controversial choice. The immediate pressures to fulfill the specific requirements of various projects are usually directed solely at producing frameworkcompliant documents, not dealing with difficult conceptual problems in the overall project. However, the difficult problems invariably return again and again over the life of a program. Failing to deal with them early will only increase the difficulty of dealing with them later. The class has a simple Space segment Mission data processing Standards PT GT GR λ2 σ Ro = Test Define the highest level software entities and their interfaces SEC Other Views Term Term PLAN C&C SIM SPT GPS CCS CCS Factory Agency Interface View such as those depicted above. The set of views is determined by the architecture’s purpose, and so varies from project to project. Other views may include cost, programmatic concerns, logical or data considerations, security needs, and others. and effective mechanism for reinforcing this lesson: All teams are required to present their exercise results as large hand-drawn wall charts (rather than PowerPoint slides, for example) delineating all the various process steps and viewpoints. There are several advantages to this approach. First, the ability to simultaneously see all views of the system of interest emphasizes the need to consider the full system from end to end; it also makes it easy for an instructor to jump from view to view in discussing how the parts relate. Second, hand-drawn charts lessen the student’s typical bias to package a briefing, and instead emphasize the need to provide particular information and decisions. Third, the relatively freeform nature of hand-drawn charts tends to emphasize content over form; instead of debates over which sort of diagram is being used, the emphasis is on the information being presented. The fourth principle lesson is that a key to good architecting is avoiding common big mistakes. The major mistakes are simple enough, and common enough, to be nicknamed the “seven deadly sins.” An important offshoot of the program was to catalog common counterproductive behaviors, develop examples of each, and present counterexamples of effective behavior. A last hard lesson is that domain knowledge matters. From the beginning, it was understood that architecting space systems takes a great deal of domain knowledge— for example, in orbital science, space environments, remote sensing performance, and analysis of the supported operations. Some may have hoped that systems at higher levels were somehow more generic and did not depend on their own domain knowledge. Experience in the Aerospace course has been otherwise. Unfortunately, the domain knowledge for higher-level systems is hard to come by and not always available at all. For example, many participants in the courses will be working on network-centric systems that fundamentally depend on the provision and use of computer networks. Just as in space systems, network-centric systems architecting requires substantial domain knowledge—in areas such as computer networking, communications analysis, middleware protocols, security analysis, layered system definition, and other analytical techniques. This skill depth is rare in the space community, and entirely absent in some areas where systems are operating on the cutting edge of research. As the program has evolved, material about network-centric systems was added, but this material can do little more than provide an introduction. Conclusion Architectures of many sorts—system, enterprise, framework—are major concerns in the space industry today. Through its systems architecting program, Aerospace is responding to the need to improve its practices in this area as well as the practices of the broader national security space community. The development and teaching of this course has taught lessons that have potentially much broader applicability. Crosslink Spring 2007 • 35 Work Studies (part 3 of 4) Aerospace personnel at all stages of their careers share a commitment to professional development. Suellen Eslinger John Hurrell Suellen Eslinger is a software engineer specializing in software process and software metrics primarily with ground systems. As an Aerospace distinguished engineer, she serves as a consultant and leader for many major corporate efforts, which include research projects, task forces, and development teams. She especially enjoys research, and has been the principal investigator on several projects since coming to Aerospace in 1985. Early in her career at Aerospace, Eslinger led several teams of young engineers working on parts of the Consolidated Space Operations Center (CSOC), the huge ground system the Air Force was developing at the time in Colorado Springs. “I had several teams of these youngsters working, and it was kind of like teaching again because some of them were very young and growing their careers. I watched them blossom in their first jobs,” she said, referring to her teaching career before she came to Aerospace. When CSOC was well on its way, she moved to the Air Force Satellite Control Network program office as section manager for data-systems modernization, which became the command and control segment. When The Aerospace Institute was in the planning stage, Eslinger was asked to be part of a team that developed the systems engineering curriculum. She incorporated software modules into the core program and the four systems engineering courses. “I started teaching in that curriculum the first time it was given. Some courses have more than one module—I’m the lead in putting those modules together and in maintaining and updating them and having other people co-teach with me.” Eslinger also helped develop the Institute software acquisition and engineering course and the risk management course and was on the team that put the space system test management course together. She continues to teach in the programs and is the Institute’s software specialist and consultant. These projects interest and challenge Eslinger, but they are important to her for another reason: They provide additional funding to support efforts within her department, the Software Engineering Subdivision, that could not have happened otherwise. “There are not many of us in my organization—the people who are software acquisition, software process experts. The funding from research, the Institute, and other staff-support projects enables us to develop new material, new information, new guidance, and to disseminate that guidance as widely as possible. I call it force multiplier— this funding helps us to support more programs than we ever could have supported based on the number of people we have.” Eslinger especially likes teaching and guiding young people, many of whom she has mentored at Aerospace. “Aerospace is a marvelous place to work. You must be willing to take your love of engineering in your hand and go out with that. If you want to achieve at Aerospace—whether you want to achieve technically or managerially—you need to do that. I think many people in engineering are natural introverts—they like to study, they like to do things in depth, they are detail oriented. You have to overcome what I consider our natural inclinations and become more outgoing, become more willing to express your technical opinions and results orally and in writing. And you have to be willing to accept assignments where you will have to brief people way above your level and not be afraid to stand up and say: ‘This is what it is.’ ” “One of my greatest job satisfactions has been to interact as a scientist with so many gifted engineers and colleagues,” said John Hurrell, who retired from Aerospace as a distinguished scientist in 2004. By all measures, he has enjoyed a long and illustrious career, and his work helped fuel some important developments in space system technology. “I joined Aerospace in 1973 and remained in Laboratory Operations until my retirement,” he said. His work for much of that time focused on the development of solid-state microwave technology for space applications. “Here at Aerospace, I managed a number of sections and performed research in superconducting cryoelectronics, gallium-arsenide and silicon microelectronics, and more recently in microwave photonics.” Those activities kept Hurrell current in technology developments and sustained a practical background that allowed him to contribute to a number of national security space programs—for example: acquiring the first atomic clocks for GPS; developing the technology for low-noise amplifiers to replace mixer front-ends in microwave communication systems and solid-state amplifiers to replace low-power traveling-wave-tube amplifiers; and ultimately, the introduction of phased arrays for space. “All those activities and more involved many people both at Aerospace and the contractor community,” he said. As a scientist, he investigated how new technology could improve system performance while providing insight into how devices work—and how they fail—in order to determine appropriate expectations and screening procedures. Hurrell received the Aerospace Trustees’ Distinguished Achievement Award in 1994, in part for the program contributions already mentioned, and shared an Aerospace President’s Award in 2004 for guiding a nationwide recovery effort involving the reliability of heterojunction bipolar transistors. Also in 2004, he received two patents for the design of an optical demodulator and a tunable optical local oscillator. He retired that same year. “The decision to retire was predicated on the assumption that I could continue employment as a retiree casual at Aerospace, pursuing unfinished programs and passing on some personal corporate memory to help sustain the quality of future satellite programs.” At Aerospace, retirees can continue working on a part-time basis and be paid up to 1000 hours per year. This phased-retirement plan is one reason why Aerospace was selected—four times—as one of AARP’s “Best Employers for Workers Over 50.” “During the first year of retirement,” Hurrell said, “I worked over 900 hours, with typically six-hour days; last year I worked a little less, so I am on the way to a soft landing, rather than failing the test of retirement.” Gradually, he expects that new priorities outside the office, and his decreasing responsibilities within the office, will lure him away from Aerospace more and more. So far, however, he feels he’s struck an appropriate balance. “New directions after retirement can hold the promise of excitement and newfound gratification,” he said, “but if the work continues to be creative and challenging, there is less incentive to change.” For now, he said, access to some office space and stimulating interactions with colleagues and contractors are helping to maintain professional continuity. Hurrell will most likely continue his scientific pursuits in some form or other, regardless of where retirement takes him. “Scientists may change disciplines,” he said, “but they seldom lose curiosity about the world around them.” More “Work Studies,” p. 41 Supporting the Development of Customer Education Many of Aerospace’s customers look to the corporation for help in developing timely, space-related training programs that fit their educational needs and missions. Al Hoheb, Brad Ayres, Dan Bursch, Gerard Fisher, and Dana Honeycutt A s part of its mission to serve the interests of the national security space community, The Aerospace Corporation assists in the education of its customer workforce. The Aerospace Institute, the in-house educational arm of the corporation, supports this effort through spacerelated learning programs and products as well as informational resources and services. Aerospace provides educational support to many of its customers’ in-house universities and assigns technical-education advisors to these organizations. Developed for employees of the corporation and the technical staffs of its customers, Aerospace courses are designed to enhance the administration and understanding of space programs. Their content includes policies, regulations, instructions, and standards related to customer acquisition and operations as well as space architecting methods, space systems engineering, and technical and functional specialties. The technical courses span space systems architecting, space systems engineering, technologies, and science. Topics can be as varied as the architecture and engineering on a space program to capabilities and key processes, such as software development and mission assurance. Other courses may deal with requirements of quality reviews or what to look for in testing systems performance. They also compare and contrast the acquisition regulations for the intelligence community with those of the Department of Defense and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO); these regulations, in turn, might be contrasted with those in the commercial world. Aerospace courses provide succinct, yet comprehensive, orientations into launch, support, space, and ground segments and cover topics as complex as the physics and mathematics of orbital mechanics. As an example the “Colocation and Collision Avoidance for Geosynchronous Satellites” course is designed to educate students about the operational risks—and practical resolution strategies—of crowded orbits. “Parts, Materials, and Processes” defines the basis for government and industry standards and is taught by some of the experts who wrote the standards. Other courses are designed to educate the space workforce on high-priority topics. “Smarter Buyer,” for example, teaches senior program managers and their staffs about the financial pressures on the space industrial base and how to work with industry from a financial and program success perspective. Keys to Customer Education Since its inception in 1995, The Aerospace Institute has learned how to develop effective courses. Keys include conducting interviews with requesters and experts in the field early in the course development, clearly defining the criteria for success, and ensuring that the curriculum and courses are aligned with customer objectives. Understanding why the course is necessary for a particular customer is essential to determining success criteria and course requirements. Defining success criteria is difficult, but crucial, because it may vary with the requester. For example, some customers want to ensure uniform training across a wide student body, while others see comprehensive training of individuals as most important. Some customers want a particular class to be mandatory, while others believe a class should be open only to a specific few. Defining objectives—what students should be able to perform at the conclusion of the class—is important to differentiate briefings (which impart information) from training (which teaches skills). Often, pressure to deliver a course at minimal cost and abbreviated schedule can influence the instructor to deliver a briefing instead of training, when it is the training that is most needed. Clear course objectives can also help ensure that extraneous topics won’t intrude into class discussions. Objectives can be derived from job duties, best practices, standards, and methods. Defining student objectives before the class begins is a vital aspect of clarifying course requirements. Defining expectations, candidate success criteria, and measurement of course material retention is difficult, but addressing these questions with customers at the beginning will ensure course results are as close as possible to defined expectations. Aerospace and its customers are trying to resolve many of the same issues about staffing: how to hire qualified people, how to ensure they meet minimum proficiency standards, how to educate them for different tasks, and how to ensure they understand the organization’s business methods and its customer’s concerns. Many customers look to Aerospace to provide additional space-related training to augment their existing programs. Some of these customers offer university degree-granting programs, while others offer certificates or continuing education credit. The purpose and design of each of these programs can vary significantly. These customers are often concerned with enhancing their own programs in systems engineering, project management, systems architecting, software engineering, and testing. They turn to Aerospace for assistance because of the corporation’s success in creating course content and training for its own employees. Aerospace has a certification program in systems architecting, systems engineering, and systems acquisition, and effective curriculums in software-intensive systems and test management. Aerospace’s technical courses are attended by members of the technical staff and customers in a collaborative setting. Students use laptops to record electronic notes and receive their customized CD for future reference. Degree-Granting Programs The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), in Monterey, California, and the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), at WrightPatterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, have been educating space professionals for more than 45 years. Graduates from these schools have filled key leadership positions in national security space; 44 have become astronauts. At the NRO’s request, Aerospace has filled visiting professor positions at NPS since 1999 and at AFIT since 2003. In 2002, the Air Force and Navy called for a greater alliance in the educational initiatives between AFIT and NPS. Both focus on the needs of their respective services, but strive to address joint educational and international issues. This collaboration together with Aerospace support has led to academic programs that connect students with the mission of NRO technical research. Aerospace visiting professors act as technical liaisons between the corporation, the NRO, and each school. They help to apply space system expertise and research, assist in identifying top talent at the schools, and connect students to NRO-funded research initiatives. 38 • Crosslink Spring 2007 Aerospace courses are taught by subject matter experts. This approach requires a team to instruct on complex topics. Here, Steve Breese leads a section of the Space Systems Development, Integration, and Test course. Aerospace visiting professors also f acilitate student research, teach selected courses, and serve as thesis advisors. Other Aerospace technical staff members are guest lecturers, exposing students to experts on launch systems, ground systems, propulsion, space systems architecting, cost estimation, risk management, and areas directly tailored to the students’ design projects. In one instance, for example, Aerospace experts in the field of optics provided hands-on support to the students as they designed the system of a space situational awareness project. Aerospace experts also attend student design reviews and offer their knowledge and experience in systems architecture and engineering. Aerospace has been involved with developing software applications at these schools and was instrumental in helping to establish the Spacecraft Design Laboratory at NPS in 1999. Experts from Aerospace’s Concept Design Center are working annually with the school to update its software and to introduce students to the powerful Concept Design Center tool. AFIT is pursuing a similar facility and is working with Aerospace to develop its own concept design center. Certification and Continuing Learning Tremendous educational opportunities are available to government space professionals. They may progress through career field certifications as part of the 1990 Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act, which established education and training standards, requirements, and courses for the civilian and military acquisition workforce; they may take courses geared toward individual goals; or they may enroll in classes that meet continuing learning requirements. Space-related assignments often inspire The National Security Space Institute The National Security Space Institute (NSSI), located close to Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado, was commissioned by the Air Force in October 2004 to complement graduate education at AFIT and NPS. The NSSI developed as a direct response to the 2001 Space Commission Report, which detailed a shortfall in space professionals at senior level positions as well as the need for more space education and training across the military. The NSSI grew out of two other Air Force schools, the Space Tactics School and the Space Operations School. Together as NSSI, they are designed to expose students to broad space concepts with a goal of integrating space power and military operations. Aerospace assisted the NSSI in preparing its curriculum and works closely with NSSI in course architecting, course evaluation, courseware validation and verification, and instructor development. In particular, Aerospace advises course development in science and technology, space capabilities, acquisition, systems engineering, operations support, and the national security space contractor base. Space and Missile Systems Center The Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) at Los Angeles Air Force Base is responsible for acquisition and procurement for the Air Force Space Command. SMC looks to Aerospace for much of its architecting, systems engineering, and engineering specialty work. Its colocation with Aerospace headquarters in El Segundo, California, makes it easy to provide training, and the two organizations have a nearly seamless registration system with high SMC participation in Institute courses. Aerospace designed and delivered the mandatory one-day systems engineering revitalization course for SMC, was the chief technical advisor to the six-week training program for personnel new to space acquisition, and is working with SMC on requirements for a new space test school as well as planned certifications for systems engineers and project managers. The Aerospace Institute Technical Course Completions 1800 1655 Total completions Aerospace Customer 1600 Number of completions government employees to complete certifications or take advantage of staff development options. Aerospace technical advisors assist certification and continuing learning programs at many of its customers’ schools, including the National Security Space Institute, Space and Missile Systems Center, NRO, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and most recently, NASA. 1400 1200 1000 800 600 720 634 754 1228 915 822 679 1529 668 901 738 644 584 628 985 670 400 200 0 86 2000 75 2001 154 2002 177 2003 Fiscal year 2004 2005 2006 From 2000 to 2006, Aerospace and its customers witnessed broad growth in the number of courses attended by employees. National Reconnaissance Office In 2004, the NRO began offering a professional development and certification program in space systems engineering. It is a three-level program requiring prior technical education and systems engineering experience and training. Students must have a bachelor’s degree in physics, mathematics, engineering, or a related field, and experience in areas relating to systems engineering—from either government or aerospace industry. Aerospace was asked to help establish this program because of its longstanding relationship with the NRO and also because of its experience in developing successful training programs. The objective was to develop a curriculum that complemented NRO parent-agency programs while avoiding any redundant training requirements. The NRO’s workforce is made up of military and civilian employees from many Department of Defense and intelligence community agencies. This fairly new program is a combination of existing NRO courses, traditional academic courses, commercial training, and newly developed classes. Course topics include risk management, requirements development, concepts and architecture, integration, validation and verification, decision analysis, and measurements and analysis. More than 375 employees have attended at least one training class, and the program is certifying systems engineers at the rate of 10–12 a month. To date, 160 engineers have received certification. The success of this program has led to potential expansion into other areas of the U.S. government. The training consists of three levels: Level 1 for new systems engineers who have a basic understanding of the field and its application to space; Level 2 for experienced systems engineers with added training in specific areas related to their job responsibilities; and Level 3 training is being designed to provide new material for senior engineers to assist them in managing highly complex development activities. In the meantime, Level 3 certification will be awarded to engineers who have received certification from the International Council on Systems Engineering. Applicants to these certificate programs may substitute six graduate semester hours of prior systems engineering–related training for any of the Level 1–3 training requirements. Additionally, any student with a master’s degree or Ph.D. in systems engineering will automatically receive Level 3 certification. A legacy certification option is available to senior systems engineers who have a specific amount of experience and are able to meet the training requirements. NASA Aerospace recently began assisting the NASA Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership as it works to enhance systems engineering capability throughout the agency. Aerospace will provide an independent assessment of NASA’s systems engineering development process, offer guidance and suggestions for improvement, and compare the program with similar endeavors in the national security space community. Crosslink Spring 2007 • 39 Systems Engineer Competency Model This model will be used to: • Screen external candidates for hire • Conduct internal assessments • Drive training content • Perform active career management Personal behaviors Leadership skills • Has the ability to influence • Has the ability to work with a team • Has the ability to trust others • Communicates vision and technical steps needed to reach implementation Attitudes and attributes • Has intellectual self-confidence • Has intellectual curiosity • Has ability to manage change • Remains objective and maintains a healthy skepticism Communication • Advances ideas and fosters open two-way discussions • Communicates through storytelling and analogies • Listens and translates information Problem solving and systems thinking • Manages risk • Thinks critically and penetrates a topic in a methodical manner Personal training is planned in each axis depending upon what the individual brings to the assignment and the content of the assignment. Technical knowledge • Expresses a technical grasp of systems engineering at all levels • Is a generalist in nature, with proven technical depth in one or two systems engineering disciplines • Knowledge is unique to each systems engineering discipline, e.g., flight systems, mission operating system, radar, Process avionics, software, etc. Has proven knowledge of systems engineering practices. The ten systems engineering functions at JPL include: develop system architecture, develop and maintain requirements, develop and maintain interfaces, manage technical resources, analyze and characterize the design, verify and validate, manage risk, conduct reviews, manage and control the design, and manage the systems engineer task. Systems engineering accountabilities are different for every organization, requiring specific competency models be developed for each. Here is an example of JPL’s systems engineering competency model. Aerospace will present recent research findings on these issues by members of its technical staff and will identify resources related to developing systems engineering capabilities. The work builds upon Aerospace’s growing expertise in integrated methods of developing systems engineering capability at the individual, team, and organizational levels. Jet Propulsion Laboratory The Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( JPL), like most Aerospace customers, wants to improve its employees’ systems engineering skills and has begun a systems engineering advancement program to help achieve this objective. The goals are to measurably improve the practice of systems engineering at JPL, to help increase efficiency and decrease the risk associated with the development and operation of JPL flight projects, and to ensure a steady supply of qualified systems engineers with needed critical skills. The multipronged program is designed to address the need for recruiting, assessing, and training people. To this end, JPL has created a systems engineering competency 40 • Crosslink Spring 2007 Aerospace helped JPL develop courses in the process dimension and also in the application of the systems engineering practices to the technical discipline. model and systems engineering training courses and has implemented programs for on-the-job training, mentoring, and recruiting of systems engineers. Aerospace assists with course design and development and is also working with JPL on the process dimension of its competency model and application of the systems engineering practices to technical disciplines. The systems engineering advancement curriculum now includes systems engineering courses oriented toward specific disciplines; for example, classes are offered in instruments, mechanical systems, mission architecture, and flight systems. Conclusion Aerospace is frequently asked to assist its customers as they develop their technical education curriculums. The corporation’s extensive history and involvement in U.S. space systems development and its ability to teach evolving technologies and skills to its own workforce have made it a prime educational partner to many U.S. government agencies. Acknowledgements The authors thank Heidi Davidz and Matthew Marshall for their assistance in the preparation of this article. Names and Contacts Please contact the following Aerospace employees with any questions about these programs: Bradley Ayres,, Air Force Institute of Technology, Dan Bursch,, Naval Postgraduate School, Heidi Davidz,, NASA, Gerard Fisher,, National Reconnaissance Office, Al Hoheb,, Space and Missile Systems Center at Los Angeles Air Force Base, Dana Honeycutt,, National Security Space Institute, www.peterson. Matthew Marshall, Matthew.Marshall@aero. org, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Work Studies (part 4 of 4) Aerospace personnel at all stages of their careers share a commitment to professional development. Pete Thomas Karolyn Young Pete Thomas, senior project engineer in Aerospace’s Albuquerque office, specializes in developing small experimental satellites. Like many engineers at Aerospace, he finds it hard to describe a typical day. “I work as a systems engineer for small satellite development at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).” AFRL does space-vehicle integration and testing (I&T) as well as operations in Albuquerque after contracting with vendors for development of the satellite bus and payload, he explained. His role in the process entails “lots of travel and insight, technical management of vendor development efforts, CONOPS (concept of operations) and requirements development, operations planning, procedure development for test and satellite operations, I&T execution….” In short, he said, “There is no such thing as a typical day.” That’s partly what he finds most interesting about his work. “I enjoy the opportunity to never see the same thing twice, and the relatively short time scale of the small satellite developments.” Certainly, his assignments tend to be quite varied, and usually place him on the cutting edge of space system technology. Past projects have involved developing instruments for measuring the effects of optical turbulence on electro-optical systems and analyzing flight trials of a CO2 Doppler Lidar system flown over Ascension Island in the South Atlantic. His work in closed-cycle cryogenic systems for infrared (IR) sensors led to designs for components of both SBIRS Low and the Hubble Space Telescope’s NICMOS camera. He also helped prepare AFRL’s COOLLAR and Cryogenic Flexible Diode Heat Pipe experiments for the space shuttle. His involvement with the MightySat II.1 minisatellite helped put the first Fourier-transform hyperspectral imager in space. His background in thermal management and jitter control also proved valuable for the Space Based Laser Integrated Flight Experiment. He served as lead engineer for AFRL’s track sensor on the NFIRE satellite, designed to measure optical and IR signatures of target plumes during fly-by. “I enjoy a very large sense of autonomy that both my customer and Aerospace allow in working on small spacecraft demonstrations for AFRL,” Thomas said. “This is always backed, however, with the strength and capabilities of Aerospace’s Engineering and Technology Group and a large corporate body of knowledge. It’s easy to do the job with an army of brilliant people just a phone call away.” Thomas is among the growing group of technical specialists who have chosen to extend their breadth of knowledge though the Aerospace Systems Architecting and Engineering Certificate program. In fact, his work with MightySat II.1 began as a directed internship—one of two he had to complete before receiving his Aerospace Systems Engineer certificate. “I wanted to combine the ‘book smarts’ and formal instruction from experienced teachers with my dayto-day learning of the job.” Thomas said. “I realized that systems engineers were made, rather than born, and that the Institute could hand down a lot of information, from decades of corporate experience, to get me further and faster up the learning curve.” His experience in the program instilled several valuable lessons. Two of the most important: “You can understand the details only as well as you can understand the whole,” and “It’s not the hardware that makes it work, it’s the people.” The program, he said, gave him exposure to experienced colleagues, familiarity with the tools of the corporation, and a broad vision of how Aerospace does its job. “We do the right thing for the right reasons—every time,” said Karolyn Young, senior project engineer in the Imagery Programs Division (IPD) in Chantilly, Virginia. That’s one reason why she enjoys working at Aerospace. A 26-year veteran of the corporation, Young joined Aerospace as a summer intern after her freshman year at the University of Michigan. “I spent several summers in the Software Architecture Department,” she recalled. “Prior to my senior year, I dropped by the office of the director of the Astrodynamics Department, introduced myself, shared my goals, and asked for a summer job. Two summers in Astrodynamics led to a full-time job after graduate school.” (Young went on to receive a master’s in aerospace engineering from Michigan.) Since then, Young has assumed a variety of challenging roles—in the Titan system program office, NRO program offices, and the IPD, where she now works. “As a senior project engineer for the IPD baseline system, I am responsible for addressing propulsion, thermal, structures, and mechanism issues related to the spacecraft,” she explained. A typical day might begin by reviewing design specifications and coordinating expertise from the engineering group to address technical challenges. “The customer is often consulted to obtain buy-in to the corporate recommended solution,” she said. Technical exchanges with her contractor counterparts continue all day to ensure that all data are available to analyze. “The goal is to have a strategy for closure of issues and action items,” she said. Eventually, these efforts lead to a properly built spacecraft that is ready and compatible with the launch system. In the course of her career, Young took advantage of the educational and career-development opportunities available through The Aerospace Institute. In fact, she’s among the graduates of TIER (Teamwork, Innovation, Excellence, and Resources), part of the Aerospace corporate development programs. “Through TIER, my network at Aerospace was broadened,” Young said. “That has enabled wider exposure with Aerospace management and my peers, whose talents are brought to bear in working issues for my system program office. It has also been a catalyst to branching out into the space vehicle system program office.” Participation in TIER has helped shape her management philosophy. “Leadership skills can be taught,” she said, but “using them effectively takes genuine concern for people and vision by the individual.” Such concern and vision are honed by experience, she said, and by adapting to a variety of situations and environments—which may be positive, negative, or challenging. “Excellent leaders don’t manipulate others through techniques. They employ techniques to bring out the best in others for a common goal.” Two hallmarks of effective leadership—respect and humility—“come from the character that a person develops in life,” she said. Young’s respect for education has brought her not just to the student’s desk, but to the teacher’s podium as well. Young teaches the “Launch Systems Overview” course and is involved in the “Learning the Culture of Aerospace” class. “An individual learns by teaching,” she said. “As lead instructor for the ‘Launch Systems Overview’ course, I’ve had the opportunity to learn from—and coordinate the efforts of—technical experts in all fields related to launch system design, development, and operation. That was an awesome experience.” Imparting knowledge, trying to challenge the students, and being challenged in return is particularly rewarding, Young said: “It has made me appreciate my job and the significance of the Aerospace contribution to national security space even more.” Research Horizons Independent R&D at Aerospace R&D as a Tool to Enhance Technical Development John Fujita Independent research opportunities help keep scientists and engineers engaged, motivated, and technically proficient. The Aerospace Independent Research and Development (IR&D) program is one of many corporate investments that enable the technical staff to develop the skills and tools needed to support the evolving requirements of national security space. Within Aerospace, a culture of accountability has been embraced that challenges the staff to strive toward independent thinking and technical excellence. This accountability encourages the scientists and engineers to think about each program and to consider many different aspects of the technical issues facing the customers’ missions. If there are potential problems, each employee is accountable for ensuring that Aerospace management is fully engaged. Thus, there is a need and motivation for Aerospace staff members to keep their technical edge sharp. Aerospace serves an important function as the corporate memory and knowledge repository for the national security space community. It doesn’t manufacture products in the traditional sense—its primary product is technical expertise. So, while commercial ventures may use R&D funding to create and develop new product lines to sell, Aerospace uses these resources to make scientific and engineering contributions in support of the national security space community and to continuously build its technical know-how and capabilities. Aerospace’s IR&D program challenges the technical staff to think creatively and independently. It also enables them to explore scientific discoveries along with new technologies and applications. Aerospace’s IR&D program is competitive. Each year, the program reviews significantly more proposals than it can explore. Aerospace works with its partners to ensure that its research efforts are aligned with their mission areas. Each year, Aerospace gathers a list of technology topics from major customers, which are used to measure each IR&D proposal’s relevance to the national security space mission. Proposals that do not directly tie to a technical topic are always welcome, but they bear the additional burden of demonstrating their national security space relevance. The technology topics are grouped into seven broad areas: communications and navigation, electronic devices, information science, spacecraft and launch vehicles, space and launch environments, surveillance, and systems engineering and modeling. Within these groupings, the research can be fairly diverse. Each proposal is further scrutinized to gauge its appropriateness, innovation, feasibility, potential for skills development, and capacity for expanding the corporation’s technical breadth and reputation. While some projects seek to create an entirely new set of technical skills, many serve to enhance existing skills and to safeguard endangered skills—that is, the critical know-how acquired through years of experience that might get lost if it were not passed on to the next generation. At the core of Aerospace’s technical investment program are the ideas generated by the staff and customers. Some ideas could be categorized as linear or evolutionary, while others are revolutionary and seek to change the order of things. Both have a place and are valued. The key is to capture and exploit as many of these ideas as 42 • Crosslink Spring 2007 John Fujita practical and to keep employees continuously thinking. Some of these projects require the construction of specialized hardware to test the underlying theories and concepts, and the development and maintenance of these installations enhances both staff expertise and corporate capability. One recent example is an IR&D project that involves a testing and modeling program designed to investigate complex cavitation dynamics in turbo-pump inducers. This project required the construction of a state-of-the-art flow-test facility. Another example is a project geared toward optimizing and automating acquisition of laser signals, which produced a test bed that simulates the separation between two satellites in a laser communications link. This effort helped enhance cross-disciplinary activity by combining the talents of both the Electromechanical Controls Department and the Digital and Integrated Circuit Electronics Department. Some projects can seem highly specific, even esoteric. For example, one recent initiative found a creative way to predict thermal transfer in ball bearings. Another focused on developing numeric models for predicting wall erosion in Hall-effect thrusters. However, these projects play a critical role in keeping Aerospace’s technical staff close to many of the technology areas that are affecting space systems. Other projects seek to produce more immediately tangible benefits. For example, a novel process for making microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) from silicon dioxide and implanting them on or within a silicon substrate could have broad applications. Similarly, a set of nondestructive, noncontact techniques to inspect multi layered photovoltaic semiconductors for crystalline defects could lead to the first statistical model to predict solar-array failure. Where possible, Aerospace shares the results of these research endeavors so that the lessons are available to the broader space systems and technical communities. Aerospace’s Technical Investment Program produces numerous publications each year and supports many conferences and symposia. Some projects result in patents. Aerospace regularly showcases some of the intriguing research and creative ideas that have sprung from the IR&D program in Crosslink’s Research Horizons. Analysis of Security Threat Group Networks Gangs, antigovernment groups, and terrorist organizations pose increasing concerns for the homeland security, law enforcement, and intelligence communities. Understanding how the members of an adversarial group communicate and interact could help to contain the threats they pose. Karen Jones of Civil and Commercial Operations heads a team investigating whether data-mining techniques such as link discovery and social network analysis can be used to monitor such groups. The team, which includes Donna Nystrom and Frank Meng of the Advanced Information Systems Technology Department (AISTD), is developing a data-mining prototype based on open-source software. While the technology could be applicable to various security threat groups, Jones’s team will initially focus on prison gangs. “We have chosen prison gangs as our focus for several reasons,” Jones explained. “The corrections domain presents a small, regulated, and closed-world social system, where it is feasible to record outcomes and measure overall system performance for testing Aerospace’s link-discovery and social-network analysis tool,” she said. Corrections systems collect a vast amount of data on each prisoner: Interactions such as phone calls and personal visits are logged, prison bank transactions are recorded, and incident and investigation reports are written up with valuable historical and personal information. Moreover, within the corrections domain, the cost of false positives is much lower than for systems operating within the general society. In addition, because a prisoner’s gang affiliation is typically known, the researchers should be able to identify which interactions are within gangs and which ones are between gangs. Link discovery identifies both obvious and nonobvious relationships between entities—in this case, inmates and some of the people they interact with. “For example,” Jones explained, “an obvious relationship exists between inmate A and inmate B when both are caught together trying to smuggle drugs while distributing laundry.” But suppose that prior to this incident, prison records showed that inmate A called person C (outside the prison) and that inmate D wired money to person C; then, nonobvious relationships exist between person B and persons C and D. Persons C and D could be related by financial transactions, but such information does not Input Cleansing and conditioning Link discovery Visitor records Pattern-based query Bank transactions Incident logs Disciplinary records Warehouse Bunk & work assignments Gang affiliation Conviction history Address & employment mean much unless there is a link to the drug-smuggling incident. This link could indicate that C and D might be part of the drugsmuggling ring to finance and transport drugs into the prison. “A money transfer might appear innocuous as a stand-alone incident,” Jones said, “but within the context of the drug smuggling incident, it appears as a suspicious link between a larger group of people.” With enough links, social networks begin to emerge. Some of these networks could represent security threat groups or, in this case, prison gangs that continue to orchestrate crimes, traffic drugs, and commit violent acts while in prison. “Applying social-network analysis techniques allows the Aerospace data-mining team to analyze and map flows and relationships within groups—identifying core members, ringleaders and peripheral members—as well as hostility or collusion between gangs,” Jones said. Jones and her team met with representatives of one of the largest state correctional departments and developed a memorandum of agreement. The department has a vast amount of data on the prisoners and staff in its 53 correctional institutions and maintains statistics to better understand trends, costs, and prisoner demographics. The Aerospace team hopes to identify specific patterns of behavior and, when certain patterns emerge or change, to use the tools to predict events such as violent gang incidents, drug smuggling, or escape attempts. Such data could help correctional officers secure the safety of the inmates and staff. Prison officials could separate hostile factions to preempt violence and separate those who have colluded to commit crimes or engage in disruptive behavior. AISTD has established a data-mining center, which includes a secure server and computer operating on an isolated network. Nystrom manages the center, where the project team is now mining the last three years of such inmate-related data as visitor logs, prison bank records, incident records, investigation reports, offense and disciplinary records, and home addresses. Jones notes that rigorous ethical standards have been applied throughout the project design: “In a country where there is little tolerance for privacy-rights violations, mining corrections data stands up as an activity that serves the legitimate institutional interests of corrections—to monitor and protect inmates.” Entity-based query Unconstrained query Analysis Results Output Social network analysis Pattern analysis Predictive analysis Iterative query The Aerospace data-mining process entails sifting through vast troves of data, applying link discovery techniques, and analyzing any patterns that result. Crosslink Spring 2007 • 43 Research Horizons (continued) Devising a Ground System Cost Model Space systems cost estimation has a rich history and a collection of established cost-estimating methodologies. Yet, one area that is still not well understood is satellite ground segment cost estimation. Tim Anderson of the Systems Architecture, Engineering, and Cost department notes that while the cost-analysis community has focused much attention on estimating the cost of spacecraft acquisition, the ability to predict the cost of a new ground segment acquisition remains elusive. There are many reasons for this, but perhaps the most important is that, unlike satellite acquisitions, in which a fully developed system is delivered with all of its hardware and most of its software functionality, ground segments tend to lack such temporal standardization. “One organization might acquire an entire ground segment, including ground terminals, mission management and mission data processing, new facilities and the like, while another ground segment acquisition might include nothing more than an upgrade to an existing function, such as data dissemination improvements, or added capability to handle an additional mission,” Anderson said. Thus, the database from which to develop ground segment cost-estimating relationships is highly disparate, and it is difficult or impossible to develop reusable hardware-based or function-based cost models for these systems. Consequently, ground segment cost estimates are usually based on one or two loose analogies, or worse, constructed using engineering build-up techniques in which the technical variables (e.g., software lines of code, quantities, staffing requirements) are rough estimates themselves. “The result is that acquisition managers usually get burned by unrealistic ground segment cost estimates,” Anderson said. Since modern ground segment acquisitions span the gamut from plug-in components of an existing system to an entirely new system built from scratch, an optimal cost model should contain a set of fundamental building blocks, or “costable” elements, that can be pieced together depending on the specific architecture under consideration. In addition, the cost model should be based on recent and relevant historical cost data. Various organizations—including Aerospace—have attempted to construct robust models in the past, but these were generally limited in scope and not widely applicable. Thus, there is no comprehensive ground segment cost model in widespread use in the industry. Anderson is attempting to bridge this gap by developing such a model. His research so far has focused on defining a fundamental Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)—the list of everything that has to be paid for to bring a system to its full operational capability—and initial data collection. Anderson’s WBS is different from a traditional WBS in that it is described in the form of a matrix rather than a hierarchical decomposition of cost elements. “The WBS separates typical ground segment functions from temporal acquisition functions, enabling one to cherry-pick the elements to be costed for any given acquisition,” Anderson said. The structure was conceived and developed by Anderson with the assistance of a group of six systems engineering and operations research masters’ students from George Mason University. The students, all with military or industry backgrounds, volunteered to develop the structure as their senior project. They spent a semester working with Anderson and Frank Donivan of Civil and Commercial Operations to develop a draft WBS. Following delivery of the draft WBS, the structure was further refined through extensive consultation with Aerospace program offices representing the Space and Missile Systems Center, the NRO, and NOAA. The elements on Anderson’s list, which can be tailored to any foreseeable ground segment acquisition, have been chosen such that their costs can be theoretically predicted on the basis of independent variables such as functionality, complexity, acquisition volatility, and the like. “The idea is to be able to select from the set of WBS elements in the matrix only those elements that are relevant to the acquisition in question,” Anderson said. “This selection then forms the basis of the elements whose costs are to be estimated.” With the completion of the WBS design, cost data for relevant historical ground segments are now being researched to develop realistic cost models for each element. Anderson hopes that this cost model will enable cost analysts to produce high-quality rough-orderof-magnitude cost estimates for use on programs in the earliest acquisition phases, when systems are not yet sufficiently defined to produce an engineering buildup cost estimate. Successful completion and application of this model will position Aerospace as a leader in the ability to estimate the cost of virtually any satellite ground segment acquisition. “This is a natural role for our company,” says Anderson. “Like the Aerospace Small Satellite Cost Model, the Ground System Cost Model will be the model to turn to when our customers need a realistic general-purpose ground segment cost-estimating methodology.” Cost Elements Architecture Elements Item# 1.0 Description Common Elements Program Mgmt GS Development Systems Eng. PM SE S/W I&T, and transition to ops H/W IAT Operations & Maintenance O&M Labor O&M S/W TOP LEVEL ELEMENTS 1.1 Top Level Elements 2.0 PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE 2.1 Ground Terminal (Antenna and radome) 2.2 Ground Facilities/Building 2.3 Ground Support Equipment 2.4 Site Activation 2.5 3.0 Factory/Contractor Ground Segment Support Facility PRIMARY FUNCTIONS (PEOPLE, SW, HW) 3.1 Command and Control 44 • 3.2 Crosslink Spring 2007 Mission Management 3.3 Ground Support Functions Most published WBS’s are linear, and represent a laundry list of hardware, software, staff hours, and other items. The Aerospace WBS is a matrix, which allows the user to select specific architectural and temporal elements. This approach provides more flexibility for cost estimating. O&M H/W Human Systems Integration Risk and Cost Models risk impact and cost modeling. The review focused on HSI in the acquisition process, searching in particular for information regarding cost-benefit analyses for HSI investments. The review revealed that two commonly used cost models at Aerospace—COCOMO/ COSYSMO and SEER-SEM—do not support easy separation of HSI costs. Dawes’s team assembled a focus group to elicit information regarding the management and cost containment of HSI efforts during system acquisition. The goal was to gauge the interest in addressing these concerns and to determine which areas to address first. The group included Aerospace personnel from the engineering division and program offices as well as Air Force program office and user representatives. The results from the focus group fell into two distinct categories: early HSI acquisition questions, and concerns about the risks and impact of deleted and deferred HSI work. In particular, decisions about staffing profiles and automation during system development proved most problematic. “Of significant concern was the increased cost associated with adding personnel (either military or contractor), changing personnel from military to contractor, and maintaining a larger-than-expected cadre of contractor personnel for years after operational turnover to support operations,” said Dawes. Also significant was the concern for the cost trade-off between the level of automation designed into the system and the proposed staffing mix. “Both these key concerns require that risk assessment and cost estimation be addressed simultaneously and account for changes in riskcontrol options throughout the acquisition lifecycle,” Dawes said. Working with Carolyn Latta of the Cost and Requirements Department, the team (which also included Bettina Babbitt, Stephanie Heers, and Barbara Jex Courter) selected a formal probabilistic risk assessment approach that supports the estimation of the cost and benefit of each specific risk-control option, including prevention and mitigation. This approach takes as the basis of cost-risk the actual risks that a program faces, determines the probability distribution of each risk, and uses this information to determine the uncertainty in the cost. This approach links cost-risk to risk management. Approach/style The team is now using this approach to develop and 100 test models using scenarios that reflect the major areas of concern expressed by the focus group. “For example,” said None Dawes, “if the cost and risk of making a system highly 75 automated far outweighs the benefit of reducing the skill level and number of personnel, then the program office may make that decision earlier in the development life 50 cycle. This provides the program office with quantitative Reactive data to support their decision and enables the government team adequate time to plan for changes in the 25 personnel mix.” On the other hand, results for a program Proactive may indicate that spending resources on developing a more automated system will significantly reduce person0 nel costs over the long term. “To the extent that programs Design Implementation Operation have this information earlier in the acquisition life cycle,” Dawes said, “costs may be reduced even further.” Once Human systems integration represents a significant portion of overall life-cycle costs for complex space systems. An early focus can increase design costs, but decrease operational costs these models are developed, additional focus groups will in the long run. While a reactive approach may appear to save some money as the system is be convened to assess their effectiveness in addressing being developed, it may prove far more expensive overall. (Figure reference: “A Business Case HSI cost drivers across the acquisition life cycle. for Human Factors Investment,” Eurocontrol Report HUM.ET1.ST13.4000-REP-02.) Percentage of total system cost spent detecting and resolving human performance issues Human systems integration (HSI) combines human factors analysis, safety assurance, and training to ensure that systems accommodate the capabilities and limitations of their users. Space systems acquisitions have inherent HSI challenges, particularly in regard to the increasing information demands on operators, the need for operators to perform new and different jobs, the pressure to reduce staff size, and the rising demand for rapid and accurate responses to dynamic mission environments. Integrating users in complex systems represents 40–60 percent of life-cycle costs, according to a 2004 report from the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. Successful implementation of HSI can result in major reduction in costs in areas such as the number of personnel required by the system, time and resources for training, error and accident rates, error recovery time, and speed and proficiency with which personnel operate, maintain, repair, and deploy the system. Aerospace-supported programs that did not adequately address user integration have encountered a number of problems during turnover to operations, such as the need for significant system redesign, delays in operational acceptance, the need for more personnel with greater skills, and the need for additional operator training. One program in particular may require more than $60 million in additional funds to resolve outstanding user integration issues and sustain the increased number and skill level of personnel needed to operate and maintain the system, according to Aerospace estimates. Clearly, program offices need tools to assess the potential impact of decisions regarding user integration at various phases of acquisition, and Aerospace needs a method for systematically assessing the risks and impacts of deferred, descoped, or eliminated HSI work. Suzanne Dawes of the Ground Systems Support Office heads a team that has been trying to identify or develop such a method. The project has been challenging, partly because of the historical lack of focus on HSI as a distinct cost factor in previous programs. For example, Dawes’s team began with an extensive literature review to determine what had already been done in the area of Crosslink Spring 2007 • 45 Bookmarks Recent Publications, Papers, and Patents by the Technical Staff Publications and Papers E. M. Bassett, T. S. Lomheim, J. A. Lang, and T. L. Hayhurst, “Parametric Prediction of the POD and PFA for Reflective Hyperspectral Imaging Systems: Dependencies on Target, Scene, and Sensor Design Characteristics and Detection Algorithms,” Proceedings of SPIE: Imaging Spectrometry XI Conference, Vol. 6302, No. 63020B (San Diego, Aug. 14–16, 2006). R. E. Bitten, D. A. Bearden, N. Y. Lao, and T. H. Park, “The Effect of Schedule Constraints on the Success of Planetary Missions,” Acta Astronautica, Vol. 59, No. 8–11, pp. 1101–1109 (Oct.–Dec. 2006). J. B. Blake et al., “Role of Non-Adiabatic Processes in the Creation of the Outer Radiation Belts,” Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, No. 18, L18108.1–L18108.5 (2006). J. B. Blake, T. Mulligan, et al., “Solar and Cosmic Ray Physics and the Space Environment: Studies for and with LISA,” AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 873, No. 1, pp. 172–178 (Nov. 29, 2006). R. H. Buenneke, R. L. Abramson, T. D. Shearer, and P. B. McArthur, “Best Practices for Protection of Commercial Satellite Communications Infrastructure,” 24th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and 4th Annual International Satellite and Communications Conference and Expo (San Diego, June 11–14, 2006), AIAA Paper 2006-5386. J. C. Camparo, M. Huang, and J. G. Coffer, “Absorption Cross-Section Fluctuations Driven by Continuous and Discrete Laser Frequency Variations,” Optics Communications, Vol. 265, No. 1, pp. 187–196 (Sept. 2006). W. T. Cerven, “Geometric Diversity and Directional Access Analysis for Satellite and Constellation Trade Studies,” Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Part I, Vol. 123, pp. 481–497 (2006). J. C. Chai, A. O. Britting, and S. Feng, “Comparison of On-Line Lightning Monitoring System Data with Derived EM Responses of Space Launch Systems to Lightning,” 17th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pp.132–135 (Singapore, Feb. 27–Mar. 3, 2006). M. W. Chen, L. R. Lyons, et al., “Initial Simulation Results of StormTime Ring Current in a Self-Consistent Magnetic Field Model,” Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 111, No. A4, pp. A04225.1– A04225.10 (2006). H. Chew, “RF Spectrum Trade Space for U.S. Government MobileSatellite Service User Link,” 24th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and 4th Annual International Satellite and Communications Conference and Expo (San Diego, June 11–14, 2006), AIAA Paper 2006-5387. P. A. Dafesh and E. Grayver, “Future GOES-R Global Ground Receivers,” Proceedings of SPIE: Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Archiving II Conference, Vol. 6300, No. 63000D (San Diego, Aug. 13–14, 2006). K. D. Diamant, J. E. Pollard, R. B. Cohen, Y. Raitses, and N. J. Fisch, “Segmented Electrode Hall Thruster,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 1396–1401 (Nov./Dec. 2006). M. P. Ferringer and D. B. Spencer, “Satellite Constellation Design Optimization Via Multiple-Objective Evolutionary Computation,” Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Part I, Vol. 123, pp. 461–480 (2006). J. E. Granata, T. D. Sahlstrom, P. Hausgen, S. R. Messenger, and R. J. Walters, “Thin-Film Photovoltaic Proton and Electron Radiation Testing for a MEO Orbit,” Proceedings of the World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (4th) (2006). 46 • Crosslink Spring 2007 E. Grayver, “Performance of Turbo-Coded High-Order Modulations with Nonlinear Amplification,” 24th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and 4th Annual International Satellite & Communications Conference and Expo (San Diego, June 11–14, 2006), AIAA Paper 2006-5463. E. Grayver and P. E. Santacruz, “Effect of Nonlinear Amplification on Turbo Coding Gain,” 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, p. 9 (Big Sky, MT, Mar. 4–11, 2006). T. J. Grycewicz, B. E. Evans, C. J. Florio, and T. M. Christian, “Fourier Plane and Optical Processing for Sub-Pixel Image Registration,” Proceedings of SPIE: Optical Information Systems IV Conference, Vol. 6311, No. 631117 (San Diego, Aug. 16–17, 2006). J. S. Halpine, “AC Impedance to Measure Degradation Mechanisms,” 4th AIAA International Energy Conversion Conference and Exhibit (San Diego, June 26–29, 2006), AIAA Paper 2006-4111. J. Hant, D. Lanzinger, and D. Sklar, “Assessing the Performance of Packet Retransmission Schemes over Satellite Links,” 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, p. 13 (Big Sky, MT, Mar. 4–11, 2006). B. S. Hardy, R. P. Welle, and R. L. Williams, “Aerodynamically Induced Fracture of Ice Shed from the Space Shuttle External Tank,” 24th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference (San Francisco, June 5–8, 2006). J. H. Hecht et al., “The Application of Ground-Based Optical Techniques for Inferring Electron Energy Deposition and Composition Change During Auroral Precipitation Events,” Passive Optics Aeronomy: Passive Optics Workshop (Boulder, CO, April 1–3, 2004); Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, ed. by J. W. Meriwether, Vol. 68, No. 13, pp. 1502–1519 (2006). M. J. Hecht, D. Buettner, and J. Hellrung, “Risk Assessment of RealTime Digital Control Systems,” Proceedings, IEEE Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, p. 7 (Newport Beach, CA, Jan. 23–26, 2006). E. D. Jansing et al., “One-Dimensional Fractal Error for Motion Detection in an Image Sequence,” Proceedings of SPIE: Automatic Target Recognition XVI Conference, ed. by F. A. Sadjadi, Vol. 6234, pp. 623412.1–623412.9 (Kissimmee, FL, Apr. 18–19, 2006). A. B. Jenkin, “Maximum Deliverable Mass For Low-Thrust Geosynchronous Transfers Under Realistic Mission Constraints,” Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Part III, Vol. 123, pp. 2265–2284 (2006). M. A. Johnson, “Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis of Satellite Communications in Nuclear Disturbed Environments with OPNET,” Proceedings of SPIE: Modeling and Simulation for Military Applications Conference, ed. by K. Schum and A. F. Sisti, Vol. 6228, pp. 622803.1– 622803.11 (Kissimmee, FL, Apr. 18–21, 2006). J. A. Kechichian, “Optimal Altitude—Constrained Low-Thrust Transfer Between Inclined Circular Orbits,” Proceedings of SUNY-Buffalo, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; Malcolm D. Shuster Astronautics Symposium, Vol. 122 (Grand Island, NY, June 12–15, 2005) (2006). H. I. Kim, J. R. Lince, O. L. Eryilmaz, and A. Erdemir, “Environmental Effects on the Friction of Hydrogenated DLC Films,” Tribology and Lubrication Technology, Vol. 62, No. 8, pp. 38–42 (2006). Y. Y. Krikorian, M. K. Sue, G. V. Leon, L. Cooper, S. K. Do, R. Kumar, D. Taggart, D. L. Emmons, D. J. Dichmann, and J. P. McVey, “Dynamic Proximity Communication Link Analysis Tool for Orbiting Satellites and Ground Assets on Mars,” 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, p. 8 (Big Sky, MT, Mar. 4–11, 2006). R. Kumar, “Analysis of FM Demodulator Output Noise with Applications to the Space Lift Range System,” 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, p. 9 (Big Sky, MT, Mar. 4–11, 2006). J. A. Morgan, “The Spin-Statistics Connection in Classical Field Theory,” Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 39, No. 42, pp.13337–13353 (2006). R. Kumar and R. Martinez, “CDMA Satellite System Capacity with Multiple-User Classes,” 24th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and 4th Annual International Satellite and Communications Conference and Expo (San Diego, June 11–14, 2006), AIAA Paper 2006-5392. T. P. O’Brien et al., “Correlation Between the Inner Edge of Outer Radiation Belt Electrons and the Innermost Plasmapause Location,” Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, No. 14, pp. L14107.1–L14107.4 (2006). R. Kumar, “Power Control Algorithm and Architectures for Fading Communication Channels,” 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, p. 12 (Big Sky, MT, Mar. 4–11, 2006). M. S. Leung, G. W. Stupian, et al., “Transport Study of a Single Bismuth Nanowire Fabricated by the Silver and Silicon Nanowire Shadow Masks,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89, No. 14, pp. 141503– 141503-3 (Oct. 2, 2006). V. S. Lin, A. Arredondo, and J. Hsu, “Efficient Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear Amplifiers,” 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, p. 9 (Big Sky, MT, Mar. 4–11, 2006). K. T. Luey and D. J. Coleman, “Formation of Contaminant Droplets on Surfaces,” Proceedings of SPIE: Optical Systems Degradation, Contamination, and Stray Light: Effects, Measurements, and Control II Conference, Vol. 6291, No. 62910G (San Diego, Aug. 15–16, 2006). K. T. Luey, D. P. Taylor, D. J. Coleman, and K. A. Folgner, “Digital Imaging of Particulate Contamination,” Proceedings of SPIE: Optical Systems Degradation, Contamination, and Stray Light: Effects, Measurements, and Control II Conference, Vol. 6291, No. 62910J (San Diego, Aug. 15–16, 2006). D. K. Lynch, R. W. Russell, et al., “Mid-Infrared Ethane Emission on Neptune and Uranus,” The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 644, No. 2, pp. 1326–1333 ( June 20, 2006). V. N. Mahajan et al., “Orthonormal Polynomials for Hexagonal Pupils,” Optics Letters, Vol. 31, No. 16, pp. 2462–2464 (Aug. 15, 2006). G. M. Mason, J. E. Mazur, et al., “Solar Cycle Variations in the Composition of the Suprathermal Heavy-Ion Population near 1 AU,” The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 645, No. 1, Pt. 2, pp. L81–L84 (2006). A. Mathur, “Rocket Plume Attenuation Model,” 24th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and 4th Annual International Satellite and Communications Conference and Expo (San Diego, June 11–14, 2006), AIAA Paper 2006-5323. J. E. Mazur et al., “Heavy-Ion Elemental Abundances in Large Solar Energetic Particle Events and Their Implications for the Seed Population,” The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 649, No. 1, pp. 470–489 (2006). J. E. Mazur et al., “Origin of Heavy Ions in Upstream Events near the Earth’s Bow Shock,” Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, No. 18, pp. L18104.1–L18104.5 (2006). J. E. Mazur, J. B. Blake, et al., “The Creation of New Ion Radiation Belts Associated with Solar Energetic Particle Events and Interplanetary Shocks: Solar Eruptions and Energetic Particles,” Geophysical Monograph, ed. by N. Gopalswamy, R. Mewaldt, and J. Torsti, Vol. 165, pp. 345–352 (2006). M. J. McFadden, M. Iqbal, T. Dillon, R. Nair, T. Gu, D. W. Prather, and M. W. Haney, “Multiscale Free-Space Optical Interconnects for Intrachip Global Communication: Motivation, Analysis, and Experimental Validation,” Applied Optics, Vol. 45, No. 25, pp. 6358–6366 (Sept. 1, 2006). M. J. O’Brien, G. F. Hawkins, et al., “Damping Composite Materials by Machine Augmentation,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 294, No. 4–5, pp. 828–840 (2006). I. A. Palusinski and I. Ghozeil, “Space Qualification of Silicon Carbide for Mirror Applications: Progress and Future Objectives I,” Proceedings of SPIE: Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization IX Conference, Vol. 6289, No. 628903 (San Diego, Aug. 15–16, 2006). R. P. Patera, “Collision Probability for Larger Bodies Having NonLinear Relative Motion,” Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Part I, Vol. 123, pp. 887–900 (2006). T. J. Paulitz et al., “Constant Force Restraints for Frontal Collisions,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol. 220, No. 9, pp. 1177–1189 (2006). G. S. Peng, M. de la Torre-Juarez, R.W. Farley, and J. E. Wessel, “Impacts of Upper Tropospheric Clouds on GPS Radio Refractivity,” 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, p. 6 (Big Sky, MT, Mar. 4–11, 2006). J. Poklemba and D. Wenzel, “Turbo-Product-Coded QVSB,” IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 579–584 (Dec. 2006). G. Radhakrishnan, P. M. Adams, and L. S. Bernstein, “Room-Temperature Deposition of Carbon Nanomaterials by Excimer Laser Ablation,” Thin Solid Films, Vol. 515, No. 3, pp. 1142–1146 (Nov. 23, 2006). S. H. Raghavan and J. K. Holmes, “Inter-BOC Signal InterferenceTracking Loop Performance,” 24th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and 4th Annual International Satellite and Communications Conference and Expo (San Diego, June 11–14, 2006), AIAA Paper 2006-5320. S. H. Raghavan, M. Shane, and R. Yowell, “Spread Spectrum Codes for GPS L5,” 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, p. 7 (Big Sky, MT, Mar. 4–11, 2006). K. Richardson, Z. Petrosyan, R. Abbott, D. Scott, M. Hajianpour, S. Ghantiwala, K. Marabyan, A. Quan, R. Crawford, and D. Nystrom, “STARS (Spacelift Telemetry Acquisition and Reporting System) Limit Checking System,” 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, p. 8 (Big Sky, MT, Mar. 4–11, 2006). P. Rousseau and J. Kemp, “Report on AMTA 2005,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 177–179 (Feb. 2006). R. J. Rudy, D. K. Lynch, S. M. Mazuk, C. C. Venturini, et al., “Early Spectral Evolution of Nova Sagittarii 2004 (V5114 Sagittarii),” Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 459, No. 3, pp. 875–883 (Berlin, 2006). P. M. Schubel, J. J. Luo, and I. M. Daniel, “Through-Thickness Characterization of Thick Composite Laminates,” Proceedings of the 2006 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 4 (Saint Louis, June 4–7, 2006). R. S. Selesnick, “Source and Loss Rates of Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons During Magnetic Storms,” Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 111, No. A4, pp. A04210.1–A04210.8 (2006). T. A. Moore, B. B. Brady, et al., “Measurements and Modeling of SiCl4 Combustion in a Low-Pressure H2/O2 Flame,” Combustion and Flame, Vol. 146, No. 3, pp. 407–418 (2006). Crosslink Spring 2007 • 47 Bookmarks (continued) Y. Y. Shprits, R. M. Thorne, R. Friedel, G. D. Reeves, and J. F. Fennell, “Radial Diffusion as a Potential Source and Loss Mechanism of Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt,” Report No. TR2006(8570)-3/SMC-TR-06-10 (The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA, Feb. 15, 2006). E. J. Simburger and W. L. Bunselmeyer, “Long-Term Storage of the Solar Arrays for the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) 5D3 Spacecraft,” Report No. TR-2006 (1550)-1/SMCTR-06-09 (The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA, Feb. 10, 2006). Y. Sin, N. Presser, M. S. Mason, and S. C. Moss, “Characteristics and Reliability of High Power Multi-Mode InGaAs Strained Quantum Well Single Emitters with CW Output Powers of over 5 W,” Proceedings of SPIE: High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications IV Conference, ed. by M. S. Zediker, Vol. 6104, pp. 61040H.1– 61040H.12 (San Jose, CA, Jan. 23–25, 2006). K. Siri, M. A. Willhoff, and K. A. Conner, “Uniform Voltage Distribution Control for Series Connected DC-DC Converters,” 4th AIAA International Energy Conversion Conference and Exhibit (San Diego, June 26–29, 2006), AIAA Paper 2006-4133. K. Siri, M. A. Willhoff, C. Truong, and K. A. Conner, “Uniform Voltage Distribution Control for Series-Input Parallel-Output, Connected Converters,” 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, p. 12 (Big Sky, MT, Mar. 4–11, 2006). G. W. Stupian, “High Pressure Studies on Silane to 210 GPa at 300 K: Optical Evidence of an Insulator-Semiconductor Transition,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol. 18, No. 37, pp. 8573–8580 (2006). D. Taggart, R. Kumar, S. H. Raghavan, G. Goo, N. Wagner, J. Chen, and Y. Y. Krikorian, “Modeling and Simulation of Amplifier Nonlinearities for Single 8-ary PSK Modulated Signal Input,” 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, p. 16 (Big Sky, MT, Mar. 4–11, 2006). L. J. Vandergriff, “Unified Approach to Agile Knowledge-Based Enterprise Decision Support,” VINE, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 199–210 (2006). S. Virji, R. B. Kaner, and B. H. Weiller, “Hydrogen Sensors Based on Conductivity Changes in Polyaniline Nanofibers,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 110, No. 44, pp. 22266–22270 (2006). R. L. Walterscheid and G. Schubert, “A Tidal Explanation for the Titan Haze Layers,” Icarus, Vol. 183, No. 2, pp. 471–478 (2006). C. C. Wang, L. Xu, and S. Lim, “Hierarchical Modulations for Unequal Protection,” 24th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and 4th Annual International Satellite and Communications Conference and Expo (San Diego, June 11–14, 2006), AIAA Paper 2006-5372. C. C. Wang, L. Xu, and S. Lim, “Providing Unequal Protection for Compressed Data Using Hierarchical Modulations,” Proceedings of SPIE: Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Archiving II Conference, Vol. 6300, No. 63000A (San Diego, Aug. 13–14, 2006). F. D. Wicker, “QoS for Space Based Routers Serving Downlinks with Time Varying Data Rates,” 24th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and 4th Annual International Satellite and Communications Conference and Expo (San Diego, June 11–14, 2006), AIAA Paper 2006-5360. A. H. Zimmerman and M. V. Quinzio, “Impedance Changes in Li-Ion Cells During Life Cycling,” 4th AIAA International Energy Conversion Conference and Exhibit (IECEC) (San Diego, June 26–29, 2006), AIAA Paper 2006-4112. 48 • Crosslink Spring 2007 Patents David A. Ksienski and Gwendolyn M. Shaw, “Phased Array Antenna Intermodulation Suppression Beam Smearing Method,” U.S. Patent No. 7,098,848, Aug. 2006. Active-transmit phased-array antennas have multiple directional elements that use beam steering; however, the transmission of the multiple communication signals creates unwanted intermodulation products in power amplifiers. Current techniques for reducing intermodulation products reduce amplifier power efficiency or require costly development work. Physically partitioning the array into subarrays and then physically separating the subarrays suppresses unwanted grating lobes in the field of view, but this approach suppresses only intermodulation grating lobe beams and does not suppress all undesirable intermodulation product beams, such as the intermodulation main beams. This beam smearing method for intermodulation suppression includes angle smearing and phase smearing. In the preferred form, the antenna beam includes two primary main beams and two intermodulation product beams. Phase smearing uses uniform phase shifts through subarray elements and angle smearing uses gradient phase shifts. Beam smearing provides an increased 6- to 10-decibel intermodulation beam suppression at the cost of a minor 1decibel degradation of the desired primary main beams and can be retrofitted into existing phased-array antenna systems. Heinrich G. Muller, “Side-Pumping Laser and Optical Fiber System,” U.S. Patent 7,099,074, Aug. 2006. High-power fiber lasers are being developed for remote sensing, target identification, high-power directed-energy applications, and long-distance free-space optical communications. Light pumping is a key step for reaching higher output power levels. When laser light is directed into the fiber from any side, the laser light will pass across the fiber and not be guided through it. Hence, redirecting the laser light along the fiber is necessary. Current systems use various methods, all with some limitations, including end pumping, groove pumping, directional side pumping, and amplifier fibers. This system uses the difference in optical refraction between the semiconductor material of the laser and an amplifier fiber, by providing the laser with an angled facet and bringing it in direct contact with the fiber to redirect the beam along the length of the fiber. Optical amplifier systems can be substantially simplified using these side-pumping lasers by having direct contact and eliminating free-space optical elements. Very high coupling efficiencies and robust operational products are enabled with low fabrication cost. Hsieh S. Hou, “Merge-and-Split Generalized Block Transform Method,” U.S. Patent No. 7,099,908, Aug. 2006; “Merge-andSplit Fast Fourier Block Transform Method,” U.S. Patent No. 7,099,909, Aug. 2006. Conventional transforms have been used for some time to compress and decompress data using radix-2 transforms. While the traditional methods do separate and combine data in the transform domain, they can not perform true merge and split. Thus, for example, while video composing is substantially sped up by performing the operations in the fast transform domain with the transform coefficients being quantized into integers, the quantization process degrades image quality. This invention provides a true direct split-and-merge transform processing of equal-sized data halves in the transform domain for such conventional transforms as the fast Fourier, fast Hartley, discrete cosine, discrete sine, and discrete Karhunen-Loeve. It processes new class-block transforms that enable true successive and back-and-forth merge and split forward transformations without data degradation. Temporal or spatial domain input data can be transformed into the transform domain in the form of split halves or merged wholes, which can then be recursively split or merged without having to inversely transform domain data back into the temporal or spatial domain and without resulting data degradation. Philip A. Dafesh and Tien M. Nguyen, “Quadrature Product Subcarrier Modulation System,” U.S. Patent No. 7,120,198, Oct. 2006. This system uses both quadrature-product subcarrier modulation (QPSM) and coherent adaptive subcarrier modulation (CASM) to add new signals in timing, telemetry, and command links within the existing spectral allocation. QPSM enables the transmission of a quadrature-multiplexed carrier modulation with one or more subcarrier signals in the same constant-envelope waveform. It can be applied to both direct and spread-spectrum quadrature-multiplexed communication systems, including those employing quadrature-phase-shift keying or minimum-shift keying. QPSM can augment existing two-code spread-spectrum systems while maintaining a constant-envelope signal with spectral separation between existing signals and new signals with high efficiency. CASM is a flexible, efficient GPS modulation approach that can be tailored to different modes of operation to provide high efficiency without altering the basic modulation architecture. It employs a subcarrier to phase-modulate new Mcode signals on the same carrier as the current ranging codes. It uses cross-product intermodulation terms as new ranging communication signals, and, with subcarrier modulation, interprets cross-product terms as signals and not as losses. Charles C. Wang and Dean J. Sklar, “Turbo Decoding System Using nth Root Metrics for Non-Gaussian Communication Channels,” U.S. Patent No. 7,127,000, Oct. 2006. Conventional turbo-decoding algorithms are based on the assumption that the input sequence to the turbo decoder has been disturbed by a noise process that has a Gaussian distribution. Conventional turbo-decoding algorithms are optimized for Gaussian channels for reducing the bit-error rate. But when the actual channel statistics of the input sequence to the decoder varies significantly from the Gaussian distribution assumption, the turbo decoder performance will degrade. This invention matches non-Gaussian statistics to turbo-decoding Gaussian metric processing by an nth root transformation prior to turbo decoding. Conventional turbo decoding can then be used to communicate over a fading channel communicating differential coherent phase-shift-keying signals. That is, the nth root transformation provides near-Gaussian turbo-decoding metrics for conventional turbo decoding. Albert M. Young, Samuel S. Osofsky, Keven S. MacGowan, and David A. Ksienski, “Hybrid Active Combiner and Circulator,” U.S. Patent No. 7,129,783, Oct. 2006. The active devices that combine signals use amplifiers to provide gain. A common active combiner uses several field-effect t ransistors (FETs) connected as transmission gates, but this design does not provide the reciprocity in the signal paths required in some applications, like source-pull measurements. Circulators that translate signals from one port to another are often used at the front end of a transceiver system that contains only one antenna port. Modern circulator architectures sacrifice both output power and noise figure to optimize circulator function; such circulators operate with high noise figures and low output signal levels, are heavy, and have large profiles. The hybrid active combiner and circulator serves as a coupler and a three-port network that integrates a directional coupler topology with active devices placed in the coupling paths to synthesize a low-loss active combiner circuit or a circulator device with minimal insertion losses. The coupler can have multiple-stage amplifiers with transconductance values set according to Pascal’s triangle for improved performance, and it can function as a low-cost and low-weight transceiver for various communications systems. Rouh T. Bow and Philip A. Dafesh, “Gated Time-Division-Multiplexed Spread-Spectrum Correlator,” U.S. Patent No. 7,130,326, Oct. 2006. The GPS modernization effort to provide a second civilian signal on the L2 carrier frequency has added a time-division-multiplexed (TDM) combined civil-moderate and civil-long code. The new configuration increases power consumption, making it unsuitable for cell phones and small personal digital assistants. Moreover, the chip-interleaved composite code requires a threelevel correlator more complex than the two-level correlator used in existing GPS receivers. This two-level correlator uses a gating signal to alternately gate-code the chips of both civil spreading codes and interleave them into a composite L2CS code. The correlator retains the reduced complexity for commercial GPS receivers. The gated correlation process is a computationally efficient approach for the reception of the new TDM L2CS GPS signals. In general, the gated TDM spread-spectrum correlator may be applied to any number of TDM spreading codes. The correlation process uses modified gating that can be generally applied to spread-spectrum systems employing chip-by-chip time multiplexing of a composite code. Srinivasa H. Raghavan, Jack K. Holmes, Kris P. Maine, et al., “Code Division Multiple-Access Enhanced-Capacity System,” U.S. Patent No. 7,139,302, Nov. 2006. In code division multiple-access (CDMA) communications, data are formatted and the signal spectrum is spread using CDMA spreading codes for sending signals to multiple receivers. Increasing the channel capacity increases the number of users that can be served by a CDMA communication system; but the exclusive use of nonreturn-to-zero, Manchester, and binary-offset carrierformatted CDMA communication systems has limited channel capacities. This new system combines spread spectra generated by both a nonreturn-to-zero code that formats a nonsplit spectrum with a center peak and a Manchester or binary-offset carrier code that formats a split spectrum with a center null. Two different digital symbol formats on two groups of spreading codes produce two different signal spectra with minimal overlapping. Together, these form the composite communication signal spectrum that enables increased channel capacity. Crosslink Spring 2007 • 49 Contributors Aerospace’s Approach to Education Educating Customers and Community Bruce E. Gardner is Principal Director of Learning Systems, The Aerospace Institute. He is responsible for directing the planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of employee and customer continuing-learning and career-development programs and multimedia resources. Gardner joined Aerospace in 1984. He has an M.S. in mechanical engineering from Drexel University and a Ph.D. in aeronautics and astronautics from Stanford University ( Albert C. Hoheb, a Principal Engineer in The Aerospace Institute, is responsible for developing space-related technical educational offerings for government and commercial customers. Hoheb joined Aerospace in 1987. He has an M.S.E.E. from California State University at Fullerton ( Cognitive Mapping Michael J. Kramer, a Senior Project Leader in the Program Acquisition and Management group of the Advanced Technology Division, joined Aerospace in 2000. He has led Aerospace support for the Agile Design and Development Program in the Advanced Systems and Technology Division at the NRO. He received an M.S. in systems management from the University of Southern California and a Ph.D. in computer information systems and education at Nova Southeastern University ( Developing Systems Engineers Heidi L. Davidz is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff in Systems Architecture, Engineering, and Cost. She advises the NASA Office of the Chief Engineer’s Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership in developing its systems engineering capability. Davidz joined Aerospace in 2005. She has an M.S. in aerospace engineering from the University of Cincinnati and a Ph.D. in engineering systems from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( Systems Architecting Mark W. Maier is a Distinguished Engineer in the Electronics and Sensors Division. He directs systems architecture education programs and works with sensor system and architecture definition. Maier and Eberhardt Rechtin, former Aerospace president and University of Southern California professor, coauthored The Art of Systems Architecting. Maier joined Aerospace in 1998. He received an M.S. in electrical engineering from Caltech and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from University of Southern California ( 50 • Crosslink Spring 2007 Bradley J. Ayres, Project Engineer, Tactical Development and Acquisition Directorate, serves as a liaison between the Air Force Institute of Technology and the NRO. He has a Ph.D. in business administration from Florida State University, and joined Aerospace in 2005 (bradley. Daniel W. Bursch fills the NROe ndowed chair position at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. Bursch retired as a captain in the Navy and from NASA’s Astronaut Corps in 2005, later joining Aerospace. The last of his four NASA missions was onboard the International Space Station from December 2001 to June 2002. He has an M.S. in engineering science from the Naval Postgraduate School (daniel.w.bursch@ Gerard H. Fisher, a Senior Project Engineer in the National Systems Group, supports the NRO Systems Integration and Engineering Directorate. He is responsible for the systems engineering professional development and certification program at the NRO and joined Aerospace in 1999. Fisher earned an M.S. in systems engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (gerard.h.fisher@ Dana L. Honeycutt is a Senior Technical Advisor to the National Security Space Institute in Colorado Springs. Honeycutt joined Aerospace in 1999. She has an M.S. in aerospace engineering from the University of Colorado, Boulder (dana. Corporate University Affiliates Program (from left to right) Peggy C. Zweben is a Training and Development Representative, The Aerospace Institute, where she coordinates the Corporate University Affiliates Program. Zweben joined Aerospace in 1991. She holds an M.A. in organizational leadership from Chapman University ( Gary W. Stupian, a Distinguished Scientist in the Electronics and Photonics Laboratory, joined Aerospace in September 1969. His work in the area of analytic instrumentation, particularly as applied to the root cause analysis of failures in space systems, earned him an Aerospace President’s Distinguished Achievement Award in 1994. He has a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ( Samuel S. Osofsky, Associate Director of the Communication Electronics Department, provides technical support in the areas of microwave systems and microwave measurements, and participates in several research projects including chaotic radar. He has a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. Osofsky joined Aerospace in 1991 (samuel.s.osofsky@ Sergio J. Alvarado, Director of the Software Systems Acquisition Department, leads engineering teams performing independent assessments, research, and training to help Aerospace customers achieve successful acquisition, development, and operation of software-intensive ground and space systems. He has a Ph.D. in computer science from UCLA ( Marian G. Peebles, Director of the Operations Center, The Aerospace Institute, oversees corporate educational assistance programs, university affiliations, and Institute marketing and publicity. She has a B.S. in organizational behavior from the University of San Francisco. Peebles joined Aerospace in 1980 ( Karen L. Owens is a Senior Project Leader in the Software Acquisition and Process Department, Software Engineering Subdivision, Computers and Software Division. Since joining Aerospace in 2000 she has supported multiple programs preparing requests for proposals and monitoring contracts. She has a B.A. in mathematics from the University of California at Riverside (karen.l.owens@ Joseph Betser is a Senior Project Leader for Strategic Planning, Knowledge Management, and Business Development. Betser joined Aerospace in 1991, establishing the network management laboratory. He has M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science and an executive M.B.A. from UCLA ( National Trends Michael A. Leon is a Senior Project Leader in the Economic and Market Analysis Center, where he leads activities that research how the acquisition of national security space systems is affected by economics, government policies, and the defense industrial base. He has an M.B.A. in finance from California State University at Long Beach ( Patricia A. Maloney is Director of the Economic and Market Analysis Center, which strives to bring together the technical and business aspects of national security space. Her areas of concentration are the national security space industrial base and acquisition strategy. Maloney joined Aerospace in 2001. She has an M.B.A. in Operations Research/International Business from Dartmouth College ( Crosslink Spring 2007 • 51 The Back Page Knowledge Management at Aerospace Susan Braun, Manager, Lauritsen Library Research Services The Aerospace Corporation’s mission is to be the leading architect of the U.S. national security space program and a principal technical resource for programs of national significance. To support that mission, Aerospace employs effective knowledge management techniques to deliver, capture, and share information. While knowledge retention can be guided by corporate process and procedure, the quality of learning depends on employee commitment. Aerospace is fortunate to have people who are enthusiastic about their areas of expertise and inspired by the corporate culture to work closely with their colleagues. Some of the major tools of knowledge management at Aerospace are presented here. Knowledge Management Office Knowledge management is a systematic method to assist the corporation in the production, sharing, and retention of vital information. The Knowledge Management Office is accountable for developing a detailed plan to guide these processes at the corporation. The intent is to explore available technologies and promote a knowledge-sharing culture at Aerospace. The office also provides information on emerging concepts that have potential to add knowledge management benefits to the corporation. Corporate initiatives for improving collaboration and stewardship to retain knowledge are managed by staff within the Knowledge Management Office. Technical Reports System The Technical Reports System provides the means for delivering data to support national security space customers. It is an important element of corporate memory by which the corporation prepares, numbers, reviews, distributes, and archives technical information. Reports provide the permanent record of the corporation’s effort and usually constitute the only tangible end product. Such documentation enhances the corporation’s ability to review, reference, and transfer technology and lessons learned. Proper report distribution and archiving maximizes the flow of technical information and minimizes uncoordinated duplication of effort. The Aerospace Institute The Institute is an important resource for learning and knowledge sharing at Aerospace. It fosters an environment that promotes continuing learning—knowledge acquisition—for all employees and provides a variety of learning opportunities, including a broad curriculum of education, training, and personal development courses and programs. The Institute also manages a full range of electronic and print-based information resources. The Aerospace Press publishes information on critical technical topics in aerospace science and technology; its publications are written by members of the corporation’s technical staff. 52 • Crosslink Spring 2007 Library and Information Resources Center The Lauritsen Library collections have been developed with an emphasis on aerospace technology, physical and applied sciences, systems engineering, and business management. Administered by a staff of specialized information professionals, the extensive physical collection is supplemented with a variety of government, military, and commercial online resources made available through the library’s Web site. These resources include the library’s catalog and links to research databases, electronic book and periodical collections, and external government resources, as well as published articles and conference papers by Aerospace employees. The Library and Information Resources Center has the primary responsibility for retaining corporate knowledge. The library administers the corporate technical-report numbering system and is the archive for all corporate-generated technical reports, both electronic and on paper, dating from 1960. The corporate archives are the repository for papers by Aerospace presidents and corporate officers as well as members of the corporation’s board of trustees. Other holdings include maps, photographs, and significant corporate documents. Databases Aerospace relies on many databases in its work, three of which bear special note. The Space Systems Engineering Database contains technical information on more than 1900 space programs, including launch history; factory, ground station, and on-orbit anomalies; timelines and milestones for life cycles; and configuration and hardware documentation. Data retrieved from the collection are used for risk mitigation, evaluation of test effectiveness, process optimization, and defect prevention. Aerolink, the corporation’s primary document repository, is a Web-based application that enables users to easily collaborate on documents, store them, and retrieve them for future use. As an active component of the corporation’s knowledge management structure, Aerolink is a secure, comprehensive tool for the storing of formal and informal documents, both technical and administrative. IBM Lotus Notes is the corporation’s desktop software for accessing business e-mail and employee calendars. Engineering Matrix and Staff Rotation Most new members of the technical staff are assigned to the Engineering and Technology Group, and as members of this engineering matrix, provide support to the various corporate program offices. The engineering matrix contributes to knowledge sharing, provides a context for highly specialized technical learning, and enables technical talent to be readily applied where needed. Staff rotation is a key feature of Aerospace employment and contributes to knowledge sharing. Technical employees can elect to rotate from their initial job assignments into other areas to broaden their experience and to provide their expertise to critical programs. At the end of the rotation period, staff may move to another position or remain with the initial assigned program. The corporation also makes extensive use of retiree casual employment. Key skills are integrated within projects and initiatives using former members of the full-time workforce who are now part time. Oral Communication Much corporate knowledge is shared orally among the staff. Three notable projects have been implemented to capture some of this material. Oral histories are interviews with prominent Aerospace personnel who performed significant roles in technical programs supported by the corporation since its founding. Oral histories allow these noteworthy individuals to provide, in their own words, information regarding their experiences in developing and advancing these programs. Transcripts are posted on the corporation’s internal Web site; original tapes are retained in the corporate archives. Aerospace Stories is a storytelling series sponsored by the library to capture corporate memory and provide mentoring. Employees who have played critical roles in the corporation’s history share highlights of their careers and recount their experiences with key programs or events that have shaped the history of the corporation and the country’s space program. The sessions are recorded on DVD and are available for checkout from the library. Mentoring is a core value of the corporate staff. The long duration of technical programs makes intergenerational knowledge transfer and mentoring within the corporation very important. Senior members of the technical staff mentor junior staff to ensure an effective distribution of experience to meet the corporation’s resource requirements. The large numbers of retiree casual employees with vast experience are a notable complement to the existing workforce, especially in their mentoring contributions. Tell Us Your Story Employees listen as retirees of the corporation share their experiences and recollections of the early days at Aerospace. The storytelling series is an important aspect of knowledge retention and sharing at the corporation. Storytellers, top to bottom: George Paulikas, former executive vice president; Samuel Tennant, Aerospace’s third president and CEO; and Allan Boardman, former vice president. Crosslink Spring 2007 • 53 Crosslink Board of Trustees Spring 2007 Vol. 8 No. 1 Editor in Chief Gabriel Spera Editor Nancy K. Profera Technical Editor Paul R. Rousseau Guest Editor Bruce Gardner Contributing Editors Donna Born Lawrence A. Palkovic Staff Editor Jon S. Bach Art Director Karl W. Jacobs Donald L. Cromer, Chair Howell M. Estes III, Vice Chair William F. Ballhaus Jr. Barbara M. Barrett Guion S. Bluford Jr. Rufus A. Fulton Jr. Nelson F. Gibbs Daniel E. Hastings John E. McLaughlin John A. McLuckey Thomas S. Moorman Jr. Dana M. Muir M. Elisabeth Paté-Cornell Sally K. Ride Donald W. Shepperd James C. Slattery Jeffrey H. Smith K. Anne Street Peter B. Teets John H. Tilelli Jr. Robert S. Walker Editorial Board John S. Fujita, Chair David A. Bearden John E. Clark David J. Evans Linda F. Halle Malina M. Hills Michael R. Hilton Diana M. Johnson William C. Krenz Mark W. Maier Dean C. Marvin Fredric M. Pollack Linda F. Rohlinger Paul R. Rousseau Gabriel Spera Illustrator John A. Hoyem Photographers Eric Hamburg Mike Morales The Crosslink Crossword 1 2 7 Across 1. Pencils, laptops, flipcharts 4. Piece 6. Map out (a class) 9. Examination 10. The end 11. Advisor 13. School social 15. It’s not just for athletes 17. True stories 18. Less defined 22. Ritzy folks have it 23. Brainstorm location 25. Seller of services 28. Driving, cooking, reading, e.g. 31. Word store 33. One job after another 34. Ideal 35. Give (a class) 37. Subjects 41. Shrinking 44. Getting your bearings 47. Chore 49. Namecalling 51. Class playbook 52. Quantities 53. Yardsticks 55. Group of pros 56. Papers are given there 57. Training locale Down 1. CDs reach it 2. Holding on to 3. Visitor at work 5. Often it’s nth 6. Sphere of knowledge 3 8 13 4 9 Corporate Officers William F. Ballhaus Jr. President and CEO Joe M. Straus Executive Vice President Wanda M. Austin Marlene M. Dennis Jerry M. “Mike” Drennan David J. Gorney Lawrence T. Greenberg Ray F. Johnson Gordon J. Louttit Gary P. Pulliam Rami R. Razouk Donald R. Walker Dale E. Wallis John R. Wormington 5 6 10 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 16 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 36 38 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 7. Going around 8. For eyes, ears, etc. 12. Carpenter’s hangout 14. Engage 16. Apple central 17. Paper of proof 19. They’re made in snow 20. Stepping down 21. Postgrads have it 24. School survivors 26. Discussion site 27. Finishing school 29. Evaluation 55 57 30. Persuade to sign up 32. Link 36. One-way discussion 38. Where help’s wanted 39. Practice problem 40. Unit of work 42. How-to 43. Fishy crowd 45. A plane is one 46. Connection 48. Binding 50. Impart info 54. Data net Most puzzle words and clues are from articles in this issue. The solution is on the Crosslink Web site: