MBTF Impression - RCL Milieutechniek
MBTF Impression - RCL Milieutechniek
Milieutechniek Leeuwerik 11 8532 AW Lemmer Telefoon 0514-533746 Telefax 0514-534003 E-mail: rcl@planet.nl Impressie: Moving Bed Trickling Filter 19 februari 2006 MBTF Datum 18 februari 2006 Versie 4 © RCL Milieutechniek Niets uit dit document mag worden verveelvoudigd en/of openbaar gemaakt d.m.v. drukwerk, fotokopie,microfilm of op welke andere wijze ook, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van RCL Milieutechniek, noch mag het zonder een dergelijke toestemming worden gebruikt voor enig ander werk dan waarvoor het is vervaardigd. RCL Milieutechniek Content 1 INTRODUCTION MOVING BED TRICKLING FILTER (MBTF) ......................... 2 2 PRINCIPLE OF THE MBTF. ....................................................................................... 4 3 PRACTICAL APPLICATION(S) .................................................................................. 5 4 THE MBTF PILOT INSTALLATION. ......................................................................... 7 5 CONTACT ........................................................................................................................ 8 30 mei 2002, versie 3 -1- RCL Milieutechniek 1 Introduction to Moving Bed Trickling Filter (MBTF) Moving Bed Trickling Filter enjoys many technical and economical advantages. Moving Bed Trickling Filter enjoys many technical and economical advantages. The MBTF is a biological filter that can be used for treatment of both waste water and air. A unique feature is the ability to treat waste water and air simultaneously: a separate investment for air treatment equipment is unnecessary, whilst the filter costs are compensated by the reduced waste water charges. Thereby producing a return-oninvestment. But even if you wish to treat "only" waste water or "only" air, this filter offers attractive advantages and makes economic sense. Earn money with fresh air Unfortunately, the treatment of waste water and polluted air and other gases always costs money. Luckily, the costs of water treatment are compensated for by reduced charges and lower waste removal costs. Previously the costs for treatment of polluted air and other gases could not be compensated, however: the treatment is compulsory, and there are no "advantages" in the form of lower taxes. The combined treatment of water and air/gas is therefore economically very attractive. Combined treatment, eliminates the need to invest in separate air/gas treatment, whilst the costs of combined treatment are usually more than compensated for by the waste water treatment advantages. High capacity Compared to other systems for treatment of air/gas or waste water, the MBTF is characterised by a high efficiency and high capacity. This results in a lower investment. Depending on the concentrations and flows, a reactor of 4m diameter could treat a waste gas flow of up to 30,000 Nm 3 /h, while simultaneously treating 20 m 3 /h of waste water. For highly concentrated flows or very strict effluent requirements other G/L ratios are feasible. Furthermore the MBTF has proven to be relatively insensitive to suspended solids and fats in the waste water stream. This usually makes the use of coagulants or flocculants in the pre-treatment unnecessary. 30 mei 2002, versie 3 -2- RCL Milieutechniek 2 Principle of the MBTF. Principle The MBTF comprises a cylindrical tank filled with plastic spheres. The spheres, which are made of durable material and specially designed to prevent bridge-forming, act as a carrier material for micro-organisms. The waste water is fed into the filter at the top, whilst the air flows through the filter parallel or counter-current to the water. Intensive mixing takes place in the filter, and the contaminations in both water and air are broken down by the micro-organisms. A special feature is periodical removal and cleaning of a number of the micro-organism-carrying spheres from the bottom of the filter. The micro-organisms are removed from the spheres and thickened to a compact sludge in the cone of the filter. The cleaned spheres are returned to the top of the filter. This unique integrated cleaning procedure makes it possible to control the amount of micro-organisms present and removes all risk of the filter clogging. The advantages at a glance • • • • • • • • • small footprint non-clogging high separation efficiency low energy consumption universally applicable for air and/or water treatment integrated sludge separation and thickening easy to operate low operating and investment costs No bridge-forming 30 mei 2002, versie 3 -3- RCL Milieutechniek 3 Practical application 3 The installations shown below treat airflow of 4.000 to 30.000 Nm /h, simultaneously with a waste 3 water flow of ± 40 m /h. The average removal efficiency of the waste water based on: COD ± 90 % and Nkj 50-70 %. Application in the chicken processing industry Dimensions: Height Diameter Footprint Carrier :17 m :4 m 2 :12,5 m 3 :100 m Water & air treatment Application in a poultry abattoir Dimensions: Height Diameter Footprint Carrier :17 m :5 m 2 :19,6 m 3 :150 m Water & air treatment Air supply is then treated in the MBTF. 30 mei 2002, versie 3 -4- RCL Milieutechniek Application in the fish processing industry Dimensions: Height Diameter Footprint Carrier :17 m :4 m 2 :12,5 m 3 :100 m Water & air treatment Air supply is then treated in the MBTF. 30 mei 2002, versie 3 -5- RCL Milieutechniek Application in the Chemical industry Dimensions: Height Diameter Footprint Carrier :15 m :4 m 2 :12,5 m 3 :60 m Air treatment Removal of VOC and odour components produced during PMMA production. MBTF replaces a Biotrickling unit 30 mei 2002, versie 3 -6- RCL Milieutechniek 4 The MBTF Pilot installation. The pilot installation The picture on the left clearly shows the periodical removal and cleaning of the carrier spheres. This is defined by the shading of the biological layers. This ensures that clogging – irrespective of the load – does not occur. Dimensions Height Diameter Footprint Carrier : 2 meter : 0,5 meter 2 :0,19 m 3 :0,45 m Pilot installation in operation The installation is a completely automatic system controlled by a PLC. 30 mei 2002, versie 3 -7- RCL Milieutechniek 5 Contact Interested? For any and all further information please contact: . Jan van der Herberg Dennis van der Herberg Tel: 0514 533746 Fax: 0514 534003 E-mail: rcl@planet.nl 30 mei 2002, versie 3 -8-