Nimble News - Louisville Nimble Thimbles


Nimble News - Louisville Nimble Thimbles
Fourth Quarter 2015
Louisville Nimble Thimbles
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Nimble News
Meeting twice monthly at the
Jeffersontown Community Center, 10617 Taylorsville Road.
First Thursday at 6:30 PM,
Third Thursday at 10 AM
Don’t miss “A Day Away”
Greeting from our President…
Dear Members,
It has been my pleasure to lead our guild for the last 15
months. At the end of this quarter my Presidency will be
over. We have welcomed many new members and have
strengthened our guild with their participation. Lots of new
personalities and skill sets.
Although we are close to the end of the membership year, we
still have several things planned for the last quarter of the
year. Our Day Away in October and Quilting isn’t Square
activity in November, as well as our regularly scheduled
semi-monthly meetings will give us many opportunities to
join together and share our love of the quilting art.
October 17
LNT is pleased to fulfill a Quilters Wish: A day when you
have nothing to do but sew.
Member, Debbie Bates, has made arrangements with
Making Ends Meet, a quilt shop at 701 Washington
Street in Shelbyville, to host a one day retreat. The date
is Saturday, October 17th from 10 am to 5 pm and the
cost is $15. The shop will be providing sewing and
cutting areas as well as ironing stations, so bring your
machine, sewing supplies, and a project of your choice to
work on. Parking may be limited so you might want to
carpool with a friend.
A selection of soups with crackers and cheese will be
provided for lunch. Bring a sweet treat to share for desert.
Girl Scouts Festival of the Arts
Looking to the future we have, with the added support of
Kentucky Cover Lovers, been able to schedule and finalize a
guest teacher for 2016. Kim Fauth’s simple and innovative
ABCD Technique, will be the theme of her trunk show and
classes. The truck show on Friday evening will be open to
everyone. Classes will be limited to 25 people, first come
first serve, so mark your calendars now for October 7th or 8th.
As soon as we have finalized all the details, we will let you
Special thank you to all of the Board Members who have
helped me (or should I say put up with me) throughout my
tenure. Their backing was unconditional and I feel that with
their support, LNT has become a stronger, more structured
I look forward to everyone renewing their membership for
2016. I’m sending in my dues today.
Earlier this year we were approached by a representative of
the Girl Scouts asking us to participate in their annual
Festival of the Arts. The festival is a celebration of all kinds
of arts and activities available to young ladies in the
Louisville area. Some possibilities represented will be
dancing; singing; acting; paper crafts; painting; drawing;
sewing; and this year quilting.
On Saturday November 14th we will be hosting 3 sessions
of girls (9am, 11am and 1:30pm) at the Tway House. Each
scout will have the opportunity to make 2 different sized yoyos, connect them together with a button and a piece of felt
with a pin attached, to create a double bloom flower pin.
As soon as we know how many scouts have signed up for
our sessions we will be asking for LNT members to come
and help the girls create their masterpieces and show them
that Quilting Isn’t Square.
Louisville Nimble Thimbles Fourth Quarter 2015 Newsletter
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Upcoming Programs and Events
October 1 – Lecture “History of Needle Arts at Locust Grove”, Election of Officers & Business Meeting. Our meeting will be at the
Jeffersontown Community Center. Our guest speaker is Brian Cushing, Program Coordinator, at Locust Grove. He will literally
transport us back to the heyday of the local landmark. He will share a bit about the history of textiles and needle arts in
Kentucky. Locust Grove is circa 1792 Georgian mansion, built by William and Lucy Clark Croghan. They welcomed a generation of
American luminaries to their home to rest, dialogue, campaign, and duel. In keeping with our topic, please bring a bit of light hand
work you may be currently doing, for example paper piecing, embroidery, knitting, tatting or simple mending. Our evening will also
include a business meeting and elections. Fat quarter drawing will be opal.
October 15 – Cuddle Care Workshop
Bring your machine and basic sewing supplies and be ready to sew. We will have Maryhurst weekend bags as well as “square in a
square” blocks from the LNT State Fair demonstration to whip up for our two philanthropic causes. Soft drinks will be available, so
bring a brown bag lunch and plan to stay the whole day.
Saturday, Oct 17 - LNT Day Away...Get away for a day... sit, sew and visit. We will have a soup buffet including breads & butter.
Soft drinks will be provided. Please bring a sweet treat to share. 10 am to 5 pm, Saturday, October 17. Location: Making Ends Meet,
701 Washington St., Shelbyville, KY $15 per person
November 5 – Cathedral Window Holiday Ornament, presented by Nan Lambert
For as long as they’ve been around, people have been continually inspired by church buildings. No matter what type of religion, these
buildings have moved people to create. An example of this in the form of quilting is the Cathedral Window quilt. This is a stunning,
traditional quilt pattern that is truly unique. The pattern became very popular in the early 1900s. Bits and pieces of fabrics were
showcased within large amounts of inexpensive fabric (like muslin), making this a pattern that many at the time could afford to
make. The Fat Quarter drawing will be for topaz. Here is the supply list:2 9" squares of matching fabric, 2 4" squares of contrasting
fabric, for the window. If you fussy cut be sure to put it on point and center it in, you may need to cut these down. Or if you
embroider a design be sure and put it on point. thread to match the ornament fabric, Handful of fiberfill if you want to make a puffy
ornament, or none if a flat one is what you want, 6" piece of coordinating ribbon
November 19 – 9 Patch Star - Carol Doak's Paper Piecing, presented by Debbie Bates. You will learn the Carol Doak method of
paper piecing, creating a 9-Patch star. This 12” star can be built upon to create a quilt of any size from a simple table topper to a king
size quilt. With over one million books in print, it is no secret that Carol Doak has raised the popularity of paper piecing, her
trademark technique, to heights never before seen in the world of quilt making. Debbie will share with us some the tried and true
paper piecing techniques she learned from Carol.
Supply list on next page.
December 3 – Happy Holly-Daze Party
Bring a pot-luck dish to share for our annual Christmas Party. We will have lots of time to visit with one another and celebrate
2015. We will be collecting Journals & Gel Pens to donate with our annual gift to Maryhurst of our weekend bags. Soft drinks will be
provided by the guild. The Fat quarter drawing will be turquoise. **Please note we will meet at the Tway House & Gazebo in
Plainview. The address is 10235 Timberwood Circle, Jeffersontown, KY 40223. **
August LN "Tea" Party table
9 Patch Star
Cathedral Window Ornament
The Lovely Tway House
Louisville Nimble Thimbles 4th Quarter 2015
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Fat Quarter Drawing List 2015 – birthstones
October Tourmaline or opal
Supply list for Carol Doak class Nov. 19
4 coordinating fabrics... 4 Square table runner…0ne square
Light material
1 yard
fat quarter
Dark material
¼ yard
less than a fat quarter
Medium #1 (focus) ½ yard
fat quarter
Medium #2
less than a fat quarter
fat quarter
Cut the following for one completed square:
November, citrine or topaz
December, zircon tanzanite or
And the nominees are……
It is my pleasure to present the Slate of Officers for the 2016
Membership year. You will note there are a couple of positions
which still need to be filled.
In attempts to fill the slate we have made a few changes to the
responsibilities of the Officers and Committee Chairs. Those
changes are explained below.
President – Marilou Jacob
President Elect – ________________
Vice President of Evening Programs* - Susan Wolfe & Susan
Vice President of Daytime Programs* – ________________
Vice President of Membership – Sarah Lee
Recording Secretary – Linda Slye
Corresponding Secretary – Joyce Boston
Treasurer – Vivian Armstrong
In addition, the following members have been recommended to
Chair our Standing Committees.
Cuddle Care – Bettye Smith
Hospitality** - Vivian Armstrong
Newsletter – Terrie Catron
Webmaster – Susan Hatton
* - The Program responsibilities have once again been split
between an evening and a daytime chair. Daytime programs (and
perhaps an evening) will share dates with Cuddle Care sessions.
** - We have reduced Hospitality duties to providing services for
our Birthday and Christmas parties, the February KQHS Trunk
Show and any special guest receptions or appearances
only. Schlepping all the supplies twice a month has become an
insurmountable burden. This means that our usual beverage
service will not be available at regular meetings.
Light material:
8 - 2 ¼” x 4 3/4” and 8 - 2 ¼” x 4 “
Dark material:
4 – 2” x 2 ¾” and 4 – 2 ¾ x 4 ¾
Medium #1 (focus) 4 – 4 ½” x 4 ½” and
4 – 3 ¼” x 3 ¼”
squares cut on the diagonal to make 8 triangles
Medium #2
4 – 2 ¾” x 4 ¾”
Equipment: Scissors to cut paper, Post Card, Add-A-Quarter or
similar ruler, Size 14 needle in your machine, Regular (flat) foot on
your machine, Normal sewing supplies, If you have a small rotary
cutting mat, please bring it. If you have a small ironing mat and
iron, please bring it.
Fourth Quarter birthdays…..
October – Bill Briggs, Shirley Cole, Susan Hatton, Marilou Jacob
November – Kat Baker, Dottie Brentlinger, Frieda Fentess, Sarah
Jane Lynch, Pat Metzger, Ann Rodenkamp
December – Yvonne Merideth, Jan Metry, Sandy Shawhan
Congratulations State Fair Winners
Bill Briggs Class 032 Holiday Quilt - hand/machine pieced, 3rd
Sarah Jane Lynch Class 023 Hand or machine pieced, domestic
machine, 3rd , Class 112 Any other household textile item not, 4 th,
Class 123 Adult polar fleece jacket, 3rd
Barbara Rogers - Class 011 Bed Quilt Featured Category - Art Quilt,
3rd, Class 180 Christmas tree skirt, 1st
Anne Marie Miro-Leonard
Class 004 Best Machine Quilting - Wall Hanging, 1st, Class 011 Bed
Quilt Featured Category - Art Qu, 2nd, Class 013 Open Technique
Quilt Must be 3 laye, 1st, Class 017 Wall Quilt - machine appliqued,
mach, 1st, Class 020 Landscape or pictorial wall quilt, han, 1 st, Class
032 Holiday Quilt - hand/machine pieced , 1st, Class 118 Punch
needle rug using wool yarn, 1st, Class 120 Dimensional Mixed Media
Hooked Ite, 1st, Class 122B Sweepstakes in Rugs, 1s , Class 191
Holiday pillow, 2 , Class 217 Stuffed animal, 2 , Class 227
Handwoven stole, shawl or scarf, 3rd, Class 262 Re-purposed wearing
apparel acces, 2nd
Announcing the … RetrospectiveCuddle Care Challenge
As of early July we have 70 Cuddle Care quilts in the works
for Kosair Children’s Hospital. Let’s aim for 100!
You could win 4 tickets to see the KaLightoscope
Luminaries at for Christmas at the Galt House. Quilts will be
reviewed by a panel of judges at the LNT Christmas Party.
Create a winter or holiday themed Cuddle Care quilt using
one of the techniques or blocks learned in 2015 at LNT.
 36×36 smallest finished size
 receive approximately 36×36 batting for quilt from
Cuddle Care
 Hand tie or quilt (machine or by hand)
 Turn in on or before December 3, 2015
Don't feel like you can do a whole quilt by December
3rd? I have 7 Cuddle Care quilt tops that need to be quilted
and bound. Six of the seven have backing fabric, and all have
batting. The one that does not have a backing is flannel. Who
would like to finish these wonderful tops for the hospital?
Email me @ to sign up for the challenge
or to volunteer to finish one of the seven quilts.
Here are photos of the 13 Colony Cuddle Care Challenge
in July.
Louisville Nimble Thimbles 4th quarter Newsletter
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Cuddle Care News by Yvonne F. Merideth
What an amazing night we had at Quilted Joy back in July. A
special thank you to owner, and guild member, Angela
Huffman for making it such a special event. Also thank you to
our guild members that came out and worked so very hard that
evening. We quilted about 40 baby blankets!
Three cheers to FAIRFIELD™! All of the batting used that
evening was generously donated by that company for our
We currently have over 70 quilts in various states of
completion for Cuddle Care. To date LNT has delivered 53
quilts to Kosair.
LNT has nine quilt tops ready to be completed. Would you be
willing to finish one or more of them? Remember that each
guild member is asked to donate their time and talents (or
funds and fabric) toward two Cuddle Care quilts each year.
In addition, at this time we have 50+ bags made for
Maryhurst. Many of our bags feature “orphan blocks” donated
to us by former member, Starr Kaiser. They are stunning! At
our December 3rd meeting we are asking for all members to
donate journals & gel pens to give with our annual gift to
Maryhurst. I have recently seen some very nice journals
available at Wal-Mart for under $3 in the school supply area.
So stock up and bring them in December.
On Thursday, October 15 bring your machine and basic
sewing supplies and be ready to sew at 10 a.m. We will have
Maryhurst weekend bags as well as “square in a square”
blocks from the LNT State Fair demonstration to whip up for
our two philanthropic causes. Soft drinks will be available, so
bring a brown bag lunch and plan to stay the whole day.
NICU graduate, Zane Merideth, helps deliver cuddle
care quilts to Kosair.