Rheinmetall Waffe Munition
Rheinmetall Waffe Munition
Rheinmetall Waffe Munition Insensitive Booster Charges Dr. Paul Wanninger 1 Insensitive Booster Charges History Comp A3 TNT pressed RDX / WAX PETN / WAX Not temperature resistent Tetryl Toxicity Compatibility Problems at higher temperatures Not IM Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 2 Insensitive Booster Charges Mechanical Properties Sample Tensile Strength [MPa] Elongation [%] RDX / Wax 95/5 1,13 0,04 RDX / TNT 80/20 1,43 0,02 HMX / HTPB 85/15 0,5 30 Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 3 Insensitive Booster Charges Mechanical Properties Formulation Young‘s modulus [N/mm2] Hardness * [N/mm2] LX14 770 55,2 PBX N5 550 39,1 P31 170 18,6 * ball thrust hardness Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 4 Insensitive Booster Charges Pressed Booster Charges Requirements: - Insensitive Charge - Initiation Level 21 mm GAP – Test > 25 kbar Binder Booster Charge -Temperature resistent - Homogeneous - > 120° C - Temperature change resistance - Phlegmatising - No irreversible growth - Low Young‘s modulus - Compacting at low temperature - No glass transition point between - Low cost - 46° C + 71° C - Logistics Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 5 Insensitive Booster Charges Formulations Pressed Cast Cured PBX N3 HMX / Binder B 2238 RDX / Binder PBX N5 HMX / Binder Rh B3 HMX / Binder PBX W11 HMX / Binder Rh B5 HMX / Binder KS 63 KS 32 HMX / Binder Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges HNS / Binder 6 Insensitive Booster Charges HE Charges Raw materials Process Melt cast Cast PBX Pressed PBX TNT, RDX HMX, NTO RDX, HMX, … + Polymersystem RDX, HMX + Thermoplaste Melting Mixing under Vacuum Casting under Vacuum Chemical reaction Polyaddition HE + Binder + Solvent ¾ Granules ¾Dosing ¾Pressing ~ ¾2000 – 2500 bar Casting Controlled Cooled Shrinking 11 % of the volume TMD 98 % 99,5 % 97 – 98 % Density gradient High No Yes, Depending Vulnerability High Very low Middle Homogeneity Low High Middle Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 7 Insensitive Booster Charges HE Charges Properties Melting point Melt cast Cast PBX Pressed PBX Melting 70 – 80° C Decomposition ~ 180° C Decomposition ~ 180° C 300 [N/mm2] 0,02 [%] 0,5 - 2 [N/mm2] 10 – 20 [%] 10 – 50 [N/mm2] 0,04 – 2 [%] > 1000 [N/mm2] 10 – 15 [N/mm2] 200 – 800 [N/mm2] 10-5 [K1] 10-4 [K1] 5 • 10-5 [K-1] 10 – 16 [Kbar] 30 – 60 [Kbar] 17 – 26 [Kbar] Mechanical Properties Tensile strentgh Elongation Young‘s modulus Coeffizient of Thermal expansion Shock sensitivity Gap Test (21 mm) Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 8 Insensitive Booster Charges Pressed Booster Charges Formulations 94% 6% HNS RDX HMX HMX + TATB KS 63 PBX W17 PBX N5 V 350 HNS PU Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 94 % 2% 4% HMX HyTemp DOA 95 % 5% HMX Viton A 47 % 47 % 6% HMX TATB PU 9 Insensitive Booster Charges Preparation of Explosives Grain GrainSize Size Crystallisation Crystallisation Grain GrainDistribution Distribution Blending Blending Grain GrainShape Shape Grinding Grinding Grain GrainSurface Surface Coating Coating Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 10 Insensitive Booster Charges Determining Parameters Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 11 Insensitive Booster Charges Specific Surface vs Grain Size HMX Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 12 Insensitive Booster Charges Reference Preparation method Origin HNS „ANM1“ Recristallized in nitric acid and grinded France SNPE Rounded Specific area 4 – 6 m2/g HNS „ANM1“ „Fine“ „Ultimatie“ grinding of HNS ANM1 France SNPE Rounded Specific area 14 m2/g HNS IV (Specification WS 32 972 A) Recristallized in Diméthylformamide Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges USA Aspect Grain shape Flat needle shape Specific area 11 m2/g 13 Insensitive Booster Charges Water Temperature VS Bet Surface Area Reverse Addition The surface area of HNS is increased as the water temperature is decreased in the case of reverse addition Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 14 Insensitive Booster Charges TATB Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 15 Insensitive Booster Charges Initiation Criterias -Grain size Run distance - Mechanical properties Critical diameter - Defects Hot Spots - Confinement Energy output V2 • d criteria Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges Prof. M. Held 16 Insensitive Booster Charges Initiation Shock Wave Direct Flying plate Shaped Charge Cheap Effective Expensive Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 17 Insensitive Booster Charges GAP - Test 21 mm According to WIWEB X variable Donor RDX / Wax Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges H2O 2 mm Plexiglass Acceptor 21 mm 18 Insensitive Booster Charges GAP – Test Shock pressure versus gap height Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 19 Insensitive Booster Charges IHE GAP – Test 100 90 80 [kbar] 70 60 Detonation 50 Go / No go 40 No reaction 30 20 10 0 Rh 26 Ø 21 mm Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges Rh 26 Ø 50 mm Rh 26/2 Ø 21 mm 20 Insensitive Booster Charges GAP – Test 50 mm Ø 45 35 25 Main charge Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges Booster charge 21 Insensitive Booster Charges Grain Size Distribution Rh B 3 Coarse/fine HMX 3:1 Rh B 5 Coarse/fine HMX 2:1 Formulation: Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 88 % of solid 12 % Binder system 22 Insensitive Booster Charges 155 mm HE – RH 30, Initiability of Rh 26 Charge Booster RHB-3 (93 g) Charge Rh 26 (1,3 kg) Witness plate Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 23 Insensitive Booster Charges 155 mm HE – RH 30, Initiability x Fuze Booster Rh B3 y Charge Rh 26 at - 54° C X max 19 mm Y max 16 mm Safe Initiation Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 24 Insensitive Booster Charges Ammunition 155 mm HE – RH 30 Fuze Booster Rh83 Charge Cast PBX Rh26 Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 25 Insensitive Booster Charges Ammunition 155 mm HE – RH 30 Fuze Booster RH B3 Charge RH 26 Base bleed Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 26 Insensitive Booster Charges Ammunition 155 mm HE – RH 30 Insensitivität Fast-Cook-Off-Test Fuel-Fire Test STANAG 4240 STANAG 4439/MIL-STD-2105B: TYPE V : RQMT „not beyond 15 meters“ Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 27 Insensitive Booster Charges Ammunition 155 mm HE – RH 30 Two guns Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 28 Insensitive Booster Charges Bullet Attack No reaction Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 29 Insensitive Booster Charges Vulnerability Influence of Formulation Binder HE Ingredients Type Type Plasticizer Aging Grain size Antioxidans Oxidation Grain Shape Catalyst Exsudation Specific Surface Bonding agent Coating behaviour Purity Coating agent Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges Chemical stability 30 Insensitive Booster Charges Vulnerability Fuel fire Pressed Melt cast Cracking and Detonating Depends on Size Booster melts rather than detonate when heated (MK 38) Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges Insensitive Boosters PBX Burning Ablation 31 Insensitive Booster Charges Insensitive Booster Advantage + / Disadvantage Pressed Cast cured Production ++ + Vulnerability + +++ Compatibility ++ ++ Coeffizient of Thermal expansion ++ + + (---) ++ - + Cost Demilitarisation Wanninger/Insensitive Booster charges 32
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