FLSA and Wage Payment
FLSA and Wage Payment
FLSA AND WAGE PAYMENT EMPLOYMENT LAW CERTIFICATE SERIES: BUILDING WORKPLACES THAT WIN 12 AUGUST 2015 David Dubberly* and Jimmy Byars *Specialist in Employment and Labor Law ddubberly@nexsenpruet.com jbyars@nexsenpruet.com OVERVIEW ‣ FLSA review and enforcement trends ‣ Non-exempt employee issues ‣ ‣ Compensable time Fluctuating workweek method of computing overtime pay ‣ ‣ Main exemptions Proposed changes to some exemptions ‣ ‣ South Carolina Payment of Wages Act North Carolina Wage & Hour Act ‣ Exempt employee issues ‣ State wage payment laws Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 2 FLSA REVIEW AND ENFORCEMENT TRENDS Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 3 MAIN FLSA REQUIREMENTS ‣ Minimum wage for all hours worked ‣ Overtime pay at 1.5 times regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek ‣ Exemptions ‣ Fluctuating workweek ‣ Youth employment ‣ Recordkeeping Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 4 ENFORCEMENT ‣ Wage and Hour Division of U.S. Department of Labor ‣ Investigations ‣ Lawsuits ‣ ‣ Injunctive relief Back wages and liquidated damages ‣ Private Lawsuits ‣ Back wages, liquidated damages, attorney’s fees, and costs ‣ Collective actions ‣ U.S. Department of Justice ‣ Criminal prosecution and civil money penalties Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 5 WHD HAS BECOME MORE CREATIVE ‣ Resulting in more: ‣ WHD-initiated investigations ‣ Findings of violation ‣ Back wages collected ‣ From WHD website: Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 6 WHD HAS BECOME MORE CREATIVE ‣ DOL- Timesheet app ‣ Employees can track hours worked and overtime pay ‣ Links to info on wage and hour laws ‣ Provides WHD contact info and links ‣ Other apps ‣ Access to info about complaints and investigations Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 7 PRIVATE LAWSUITS CONTINUE TO INCREASE ‣ 2014 FLSA suits in federal court = 8,126 ‣ 438% increase in FLSA suits since 2000 ‣ 2014 settlements totaled $400M Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 8 PRIVATE LAWSUITS CONTINUE TO INCREASE ‣ Reasons: ‣ Key terms ambiguous ‣ Regulations change with different political ‣ administrations Increased awareness of wage and hour issues Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 9 PRIVATE LAWSUITS CONTINUE TO INCREASE ‣ Frequent complaints: ‣ Misclassification as exempt ‣ Misclassification as independent contractor ‣ Miscalculation of overtime rate ‣ Failure to pay minimum wage ‣ Non-exempt employees not paid for all hours worked Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 10 NON-EXEMPT EMPLOYEE ISSUES ‣ Compensable time ‣ Fluctuating workweek Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 11 COMPENSABLE TIME: WHAT’S THE RULE? ‣ “Hours worked” includes all time “suffered or permitted” on employer’s behalf. ‣ All time employee is “necessarily required to be on the employer’s premises, on duty or at a prescribed work place.” ‣ Work doesn’t have to be authorized to be compensable. ‣ Potentially big consequences for relatively small mistakes. Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 12 COMPENSABLE TIME: COMMON ISSUES ‣ Pre-shift and post-shift activities ‣ Donning and doffing ‣ Security lines ‣ Computer log on/off ‣ Checking email ‣ Training time and travel time ‣ De minimis time Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 13 COMPENSABLE TIME: PRE/POST SHIFT ACTIVITIES ‣ “Portal to Portal Act” ‣ Are the pre/post shift activities ‣ ‣ “integral and indispensable” to the employee’s “principal activities? 2-part test: 1. Necessary to principal work 2. Performed primarily for employer’s benefit Very fact-specific Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 14 COMPENSABLE TIME: PRE/POST SHIFT ACTIVITIES: EXAMPLES ‣“Donning” and “doffing” ‣ ‣ ‣ clothing or PPE Passing through security Logging on/off computers Checking email smartphones Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 15 COMPENSABLE TIME: CONTINUOUS WORKDAY ‣ Any time between the first duty and ‣ ‣ last duty is compensable. Examples: training, traveling between jobsites, waiting time, civic activities Understanding which pre/post shift activities are compensable is critical. Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 16 COMPENSABLE TIME: DE MINIMIS TIME ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ 3 part-definition: 1. “Insubstantial or insignificant” period of time; 2. Outside of regular working hours; 3. “Which cannot as a practical administrative matter be precisely recorded for payroll purposes.” No hard and fast rules, but anything > 10 minutes is highly unlikely to be de minimis. High likelihood that it’s not de minimis if many/all employees are affected on a regular basis. Example: Perez v. Mountaire Farms (2011) Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 17 FLUCTUATING WORKWEEK: WHAT IS IT? ‣ Permits non-exempt employees on a fixed salary to be paid a “half time” OT premium instead of “time and a half.” ‣ Assumes agreement that salary will compensate for all hours worked, regardless of how many. ‣ Can help control/predict OT costs. Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 18 FLUCTUATING WORKWEEK: REQUIREMENTS ‣ Salary basis = no deductions ‣ “Clear mutual understanding” of salary arrangement ‣ Arrangement should be in writing, but not required. ‣ Still must keep accurate records. Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 19 FLUCTUATING WORKWEEK: CALCULATING OVERTIME PREMIUMS ‣ Calculate “regular rate” = compensation / hours ‣ Half of regular rate = OT “half time” premium ‣ OT comp owed = OT “half time” premium x OT hours worked Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 20 FLUCTUATING WORKWEEK: EXAMPLE Regular OT Fluctuating workweek Straight- time rate $12.50/hour Straight- time rate $500/week Hours 48 Hours 48 “Regular rate” $12.50 “Regular rate” (Salary / hours worked) $10.42 OT premium (1.5x regular rate) $18.75 OT premium (0.5x regular rate) $5.21 OT comp owed (OT premium x OT hours) $18.75 x 8 = $150 OT comp owed (OT premium x OT hours) $5.21 x 8 = $41.67 Total compensation (straight time comp + OT comp) ($12.50 x 40 hours)+($150 for OT)= $650 Total compensation (straight time comp + OT comp) ($500/week) + ($41.67 for OT) = $541.67 VS Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 21 FLUCTUATING WORKWEEK: POTENTIAL ISSUES ‣ Administrative complexity ‣ Improper deductions can have big consequences ‣ Some cases say hours must actually fluctuate above/below 40 ‣ Regular rate must never drop below minimum wage ‣ Morale/retention Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 22 EXEMPT EMPLOYEE ISSUES Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 23 PROPOSED CHANGES TO WHITE COLLAR EXEMPTIONS ‣ Increase minimum salary ‣ For Executive, Administrative, and Professional employees ‣ Currently $455/week ($23,600/year) ‣ Proposed change to approx. $970/week ($50,440/year) ‣ ‣ ‣ Set at the 40th percentile of weekly earnings for full-time salaried workers To be indexed to fixed percentile of weekly earnings or CPI May include non-discretionary bonuses ‣ Same change for computer employees paid on salary basis Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 24 PROPOSED CHANGES TO WHITE COLLAR EXEMPTIONS ‣ For Highly Compensated Employees ‣ Currently $100,000/year ‣ Proposed change to approx. 130,00/year, updated annually ‣ Set at the 90th percentile of weekly earnings for full‣ time salaried workers To be indexed to fixed percentile of weekly earnings or CPI Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 25 PROPOSED CHANGES TO WHITE COLLAR EXEMPTIONS ‣ No change to duties tests ‣ But requested comments on possible changes ‣ DOL: “A regularly updated salary level will assist in screening out employees who spend significant amounts of time on nonexempt duties.” ‣ May add examples of how regulations play out in specific occupations, including computer-related fields ‣ No impact on outside sales exemption Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 26 PROPOSED CHANGES TO WHITE COLLAR EXEMPTIONS ‣ DOL estimates approx. 5 million workers classified as EAP exempt will be reclassified as non-exempt and earn overtime pay ‣ Comment period until September 4, 2015 ‣ Final revised regulations expected in 2016 Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 27 EXECUTIVE EMPLOYEES ‣ Minimum salary ‣ Paid on salary basis ‣ Duties ‣ Management: primary duty is management of business or ‣ ‣ recognized department or subdivision Supervision: customarily and regularly supervises work of two or more employees Authority: hires or fires employees ‣ Or recommendations given particular weight Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 28 JOBS THAT MAY QUALIFY ‣ Plant or store manager ‣ Department supervisor ‣ Construction project ‣ superintendent Bank collections department team leader *Depending on facts—job title alone insufficient to establish status Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 29 JOBS THAT TYPICALLY DON’T QUALIFY* ‣Working foreman ‣Relief supervisor ‣Store “manager” who spends only ‣ small part of time on exempt work Collector of delinquent accounts Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 30 SALARY BASIS ‣ No reduction in pay for variations in quality or quantity of work ‣ Can reduce paid sick or personal leave time ‣ Pay full salary for any week in which any work performed, regardless of number of days or hours worked ‣ Don’t have to pay for any week in which no work performed Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 31 PERMITTED DEDUCTIONS ‣ Full day absence for personal reasons ‣ Full day absence for sickness or disability if sick ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ leave policy Offset for jury fees, witness fees, or military pay Penalties for violating safety rules of major significance Full day suspension for violating written workplace conduct rules Partial workweek during first or last week of work FMLA leave Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 32 SAFE HARBOR POLICY ‣ Exemption not lost over salary basis if: ‣ Clearly communicated policy ‣ ‣ prohibiting improper deductions with complaint mechanism Reimburse employees for improper deductions Good faith commitment to comply ‣ Not available if employer willfully violates policy by continuing to make improper deductions after complaints Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 33 ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEES ‣Minimum salary ‣ Paid on salary or fee basis ‣Duties: primary duty is ‣ Performance of office or non-manual work ‣ Directly related to management or general operations of business Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 34 ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEES ‣ Discretion: primary duty includes exercise of discretion and independent judgment regarding matters of significance ‣ Acts or makes decisions after various possibilities considered Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 35 JOBS THAT MAY QUALIFY ‣ HR manager ‣ Insurance claims adjuster ‣ Team leader for major ‣ ‣ ‣ projects Administrative assistant to senior executive Purchasing agent Dispatcher for trucking company Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 36 JOBS THAT TYPICALLY DON’T QUALIFY* ‣Inspector ‣Examiner/grader ‣Comparison shopper ‣Personnel clerk Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 37 LEARNED PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ‣ Minimum salary ‣ Paid on salary or fee basis ‣ Duties: primary duty is performance of work requiring advanced knowledge ‣ Work is predominantly intellectual and requires ‣ consistent exercise of discretion and judgment Advanced knowledge in field of science or learning customarily acquired by prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 38 JOBS THAT TYPICALLY QUALIFY* ‣ Medical doctor, ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ osteopathic physician, podiatrist, dentist, optometrist Registered nurse Certified medical technologist Dental hygienist Certified physician assistant Pharmacist Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 39 JOBS THAT TYPICALLY DON’T QUALIFY* ‣ Licensed practical nurse ‣ Nurse aide ‣ Paramedic ‣ Paralegal, legal assistant ‣ Engineering technician ‣ Accounting clerk, bookkeeper ‣ Cook Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 40 CREATIVE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ‣ Minimum salary ‣ Paid on salary or fee basis (film industry employees exempt from this) ‣ Duties: primary duty is performance of work requiring invention, imagination, originality, or talent in recognized field of artistic or creative endeavor Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 41 JOBS Typically Qualify* Musician, composer, conductor, soloist Novelist, play writer Writer for ad agency Actor Painter, photographer Investigative news reporter Typically Don’t* Beat reporter ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 42 HIGHLY COMPENSATED EMPLOYEES ‣ Minimum salary ‣ At least $455/week paid on salary basis ‣ Likely approx. $970/week ($50,440/year) next year ‣ Including commissions, non-discretionary bonuses, and ‣ other non-discretionary compensation Excluding cost of benefits ‣ Duties: customarily and regularly performs at least one exempt duty of an EAP employee ‣ Primary duty includes performing office or non-manual work Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 43 COMPUTER EMPLOYEES (Other than those qualifying for EAP exemptions) Pay ‣ ‣ At least $27.63/hour for every hour worked, including ‣ overtime, or Salary or fee basis at least $455/week ($23,600/year) ‣ Likely approx. $970/week ($50,440/year) next year ‣ Duties ‣ Apply systems analysis techniques ‣ Design, document, analyze, create, or modify computer systems or programs Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 44 JOBS Typically Qualify* Computer systems analyst Most computer programmers Typically Don’t* Entry level programmers Computer manufacture and repair CAD operators Help desk workers ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 45 COMMON ERRORS TO AVOID ‣Assuming all employees paid salary ‣ ‣ ‣ are exempt Improperly applying exemption Making improper deductions from salary Job descriptions and employee handbook not up to date Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 46 STATE WAGE PAYMENT LAWS Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 47 SOUTH CAROLINA PAYMENT OF WAGES ACT ‣ Notify at time of hire in writing ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ Wages and hours Time and place of payment Deductions from paychecks Policies on vacation, holiday, and sick leave ‣ Notify of changes other than raises in ‣ writing at least seven days in advance No deductions from wages unless ‣ ‣ ‣ Required or permitted by law Employee has been notified NOTE: includes forfeiture of PTO/vacation and “must be present to win” bonus policies Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 48 SOUTH CAROLINA PAYMENT OF WAGES ACT ‣ Upon termination for any reason ‣ All wages due must be paid within 48 hours or by next regular payday if within 30 days ‣ If disagreement on wages due ‣ ‣ Give written notice of employer’s position Pay any amount conceded to be due ‣ ‣ ‣ Wages due times three Employee’s attorney’s fees and costs Potential personal liability for managers ‣ Damages for failure to pay may include Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 49 NORTH CAROLINA WAGE & HOUR ACT ‣ Notify at time of hire in writing ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ Wages and hours Time and place of payment Deductions from paychecks Policies on vacation, holiday, and sick leave ‣ Notify of changes other than raises in writing at ‣ least 24 hours in advance PTO/vacation policy must address: 1. Accrual 2. Conditions of carry-over / forfeiture 3. Restrictions on use 4. Cash in lieu of time off? Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 50 NORTH CAROLINA WAGE & HOUR ACT ‣ Upon termination for any reason ‣ All wages due must be paid by next regular payday or next payday after calculable ‣ If disagreement on wages due ‣ ‣ Give written notice of employer’s position Pay any amount conceded to be due ‣ ‣ Wages due times two Employee’s attorney’s fees and costs ‣ Deductions must be confirmed in writing ‣ Damages for failure to pay may include Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 51 QUESTIONS/COMMENTS? David Dubberly 803-253-8281 ddubberly@nexsenpruet.com Jimmy Byars 803-540-2051 jbyars@nexsenpruet.com Employment Law Certificate Series: FLSA and Wage Payment www.nexsenpruet.com 52