February 4, 2016


February 4, 2016
First Baptist Church
Transforming Lives Through The Gospel
1416 Main St. Grandview, MO 64030
First Light—February 4, 2016
Grandview MO
A Word From Our Pastor
As the first day of February came and went, we have quickly found ourselves over a month into the New Year. Many
of us set goals and in our minds we perhaps proclaimed that this was going to be the best year yet. But maybe you are
like me as I look back at the last few weeks and you notice that the goals you set for this year, are not really being
accomplished. Personally, I have already found myself behind on my Bible reading plan, behind on my workout plan
and behind in other areas as well. Even bigger though, this concept might expand beyond the New Year. It is easy to
look back on our lives and have a goal as to where we would like to be and as we evaluate, we see that we are far from
it. This type of introspection can cause a minor degree of disappointment if you think of it only in terms of goals set
for the New Year, but it can cause a major degree of anxiety and despair if we continue to evaluate ourselves and see
that we have fallen short of life expectations that either we have set or others have set before us.
I am currently reading a book titled What’s Best Next written by Matt Perman. It is a book on productivity that I
picked up at the end of last year that I hoped to implement into my daily life in this New Year. He said something
striking on page 119 that has really stuck with me this week. He says,
“The ultimate solution to the dilemma I faced is basing our ultimate peace of mind on
something other than our own efforts. Making our peace of mind dependent on what we
do is ultimately a law-based approach to the Christian life, just as basing our acceptance
by God on our good works is a law-based approach to justification.”
For someone like me, who finds a lot of peace based upon being productive and accomplishing tasks, this was
extremely enlightening. Like our faith, our peace of mind should not be based upon anything we do, but based upon
Jesus Christ and what He has already done for us.
Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let
your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your
hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” To experience peace, we are called to lift up our hearts to God in prayer. Then in
verse 8, Paul continues, “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is
pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell
on these things.” So lift your requests, your fears, your despair, your unfulfilled desires and your anxiety to the Lord,
but then, fill your mind with truth and excellence based upon Jesus Christ and His gospel.
When we are unable to keep up with the tasks and events in our life, or when we fail to reach the goals that we have
set before us, we can still take heart. We can take heart through seeking the Lord because we know that our identity is
not defined before God in what we do, but through what Jesus did for us. It is true that we should have a sense of
satisfaction from our work and in achieving goals, but our peace of mind should never be determined by what we do.
Our peace of mind should always be found outside of ourselves. And when it is, that is when we truly find ourselves
free to serve God and others the way that God created us to.
Serving Him with You,
Pastor Michael Nelson
Prom is Right Around the Corner
And there are many young ladies in need of dresses!
We would love to have your gently used prom items including:
—Prom appropriate or formal dresses in good condition, cleaned is preferred
—Gently worn shoes appropriate for formal dress
—Jewelry, handbags, or accessories appropriate for formal wear
If you have any of these items to donate to our Prom Exchange or if you would like more
information, please contact Amy Blankenship via phone/text at 816-813-1879
or email at blankenshipclan@hotmail.com .
The dates for the actual giveaway will be posted after items are organized.
Easter Egg Hunt
2 to 4 PM, Saturday March 26
We need small, wrapped candies to
fill eggs with. Please bring the candy
to the church office or place in the
“Bring-It Barrel” in the hall.
Thank you!
Soup & Chili Supper
6 PM Saturday, February 27
in the Faith Center
Everyone is welcome!
More information and the sign up
sheet will be on the bulletin board
~Mark Your Calendars~
10 AM Saturday, February 6
First Saturday in L-5
4:30 PM Sunday, February 7
Deacon Meeting
7 PM Thursday, February 18
Sisters in Service Meeting
6:30 PM Tuesday, February 23
Trustees Meeting
Feb. 7-28
Suggested Donations for
non-perishable foods
Instant Oatmeal
Fruit Cups/Applesauce
Peanut Butter
Canned Tuna/Chicken
Animal/Grahams/Saltine Crackers
The Blue Barrel Campaign helps feed
hungry children during the week when
they can’t get school lunches.
Regular Weekly Schedule
8:30 AM Traditional Worship
9:45 AM Bible Study
11 AM Contemporary Worship
5:15 PM Awana Meal
(for workers and children only)
5:45 PM Awana Club (Sep thru May)
6 PM Worship Service in Sanctuary,
Iglesia Pan de Vida Sunday School
7:15 PM Iglesia Pan de Vida Worship Service
5:30 PM Praise team practice
6:00 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal
7 PM Prayer Meeting/Bible Study,
GA’s, RA’s, Mission Friends, ESL, and
YOUTH for 7th—12th graders in
The Warehouse
8 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
Men’s Basketball in Faith Center
Preschool Workers and Deacons for
Sunday, February 7, 8:30 and 11:00 AM
Childcare at 8:30 AM: Mari Spratt and Kalina Smalls
Babies-2’s: Pam Parisse and Veronica Dominguez
3’s-K: Mary Wood and Hannah Brizuela
Deacons For Sunday Visitation: Clint Blankenship
and Martin Hall
Preschool Workers and Deacons for
Sunday, February 14, 8:30 &11:00 AM
Childcare at 8:30 AM: Carolyn Wilson and
Sheriann Kessinger
Babies-2’s: Cheryl and David Rude
3’s-K: Jerry and Sandi Malone
Deacons For Sunday Visitation: Darin Harris
and David Hutchison
Preschool Workers and Deacons for
Sunday, February 21, 8:30 and11:00 AM
~FBC Family Ministry Events 2016~
May 21: Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead
July 11—15: VBS
July 16: KC Zoo
July 18—22: CentriKid
September 24: Apple/Berry Picking
October 15: Pumpkin Patch
December 10: Kaleidoscope
Deadline to sign-up for CentriKid is February 24
Deposit is due by the same day $50/child
CentriKid camp for kids is held in Bolivar MO.
This camp is for children completing
the 3rd—6th Grades.
Please email Adam McCampbell at
pastor_cy.fbcgv@sbcglobal.net for more
information about CentriKid camp or
any other family events.
Childcare at 8:30 AM: Laura Cornwell and
Paretta McMullen
Babies-2’s: Betsy Graham and Cindy Jackson
3’s-K: Scott and Trisha Neal
Deacons For Sunday Visitation: Charles Kurtz
and Scott Neal
Preschool Workers and Deacons for
Sunday, February 28, 8:30 and 11:00 AM
Childcare at 8:30 AM: Jack Jewell and
Gail Cheatam
Babies-2’s: Rhonda Langley and Donna Martin
3’s-K: Michael Ponnle and Shannon Farris
Deacons For Sunday Visitation: Jeff Norman
and Donnie Sims