Polycom VSX 7000 Manual


Polycom VSX 7000 Manual
Instructional Documents
Video Conference >> PolyCom >> VSX 7000
Extension Computing
Technology Unit
This Document Contains:
A Device Description
An Installation Guide
Instructions for Use
Best Practices
Troubleshooting Information
Contact Information for More Help
Document Id: M301
Document Version: 2.2
Document Created: April 2006
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© Copyright 2006, Oregon State University Extension Service
Table of Contents
Objectives of This Document
How to read this document
Device description
Installation Guide
Locate all the parts
Begin connecting the cables
Follow these steps in connecting the cables
Instructions For Use
Turning the device on
Using the remote control
Making your first call
Using the directory to make a call
Ending a call
Creating a multipoint video conference
Controlling the camera
Controlling the volume and mute
Testing the audio
Best Practices
Purpose of this section
Positioning the system
Video conference etiquette
Troubleshooting Guides
The remote control is not working
There is no video on the television
There is no audio on the television
The PolyCom VSX 7000 will not make a call
Where to find the PolyCom VSX 7000’s IP number
Support Contact Information
Who to call
Contact Information
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Objectives of This Document
Using this document, a user should be able to accomplish the following:
Setup a PolyCom VSX 7000 video conference device
Properly initiate and complete a video conference using a PolyCom
VSX 7000 video conference device
Troubleshoot basic problems with the PolyCom VSX 7000 video
conference device
Contact the appropriate persons for help solving serious problems
with the PolyCom VSX 7000 video conference device
How to read this document:
This document is broken into several parts. Each part is labeled and can
be found by its title or its page number on the table of contents. This
document can either be read straight through as a teaching tool or as
needed as a reference tool.
Icons are used through this document to highlight important concepts or
to warn the reader about a potentially problematic situation. The
following icons are used:
Tips provide additional information that may not be obvious from
reading a product manual.
Warnings are there in case there is a risk of making a mistake that
would harm a product.
References provide links to additional information, either in books or
on the Internet, about a product.
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Device description:
PolyCom systems are designed to do one thing: make it easier to
communicate with people face to face. Because long distances often
make this infeasible, videoconferencing is becoming quite popular. When
you use the PolyCom VSX 7000 you can interact with people, in real time,
through a video connection. They can see and hear you just as you can
see and hear them.
This document explains how to setup your PolyCom VSX 7000 and how to
use it. This document also includes help troubleshooting common
problems with installation and use. Finally, this document provides
contact information for people and groups that can help you setup and
use your PolyCom VSX 7000.
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Installation Guide
This section will explain how to perform a normal installation of a
PolyCom VSX 7000 video conference device. This installation requires
that you have a television with an S-Video input and access to the
Locate all the parts:
This is the camera for the
VSX 7000 Base Unit
teleconferencing system. It is
placed on top of the television
This is a speaker that makes the
system sound better in larger rooms.
There is a power cord for the
subwoofer. Ensure you have it.
Remote Control
Used to increase the quality of voice
This is the only way to control the
video conference device.
The cable is blue tipped and
Power Cable
connects the base unit to the
This cable is red and white tipped
Audio Cables
and connects to the television’s
audio inputs.
This cable is probably orange tipped
LAN Cable
and connects the video conference
device to the Internet.
This cable is yellow tipped and
Video Cable
connects the video conference device
to the television.
This cable is brown tipped and
Microphone Cable
connects the microphone to the
video conference device.
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Contains cable ties, batteries, and
other small items used for mounting
the video conference device either
on a rack or on the television.
The manuals come on CDs and in
printed form.
If you are missing a part listed stop and do not continue. Contact the
person who shipped you the device and confirm you have all the parts
you need to safely complete the installation. Missing or substandard
parts increase the likelihood that the unit will become damaged during
Begin connecting the cables:
The following image labels, in detail, the connections on the back of the
PolyCom VSX 7000. Many of them are optional and are not used during
normal use.
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Follow these steps in connecting the cables:
It will probably be easiest to set the base unit (the camera) on a flat
table while connecting the cables. Once you are finished, place the base
unit on top of the television set. Placing the base unit on top of the
television set while connecting cables may be awkward and the base
unit may be knocked to the ground.
Plug the LAN cable into the orange LAN port on the
base unit. Then plug the other end of the LAN cable
into the Internet jack in your wall.
Plug the audio cable into the bottom red and white
jacks on the base unit. Then plug the other end of
the audio cable into the red and white audio in jacks
on the television.
Plug the video cable into the bottom yellow video
jack on the base unit. Then plug the other end of the
video cable into the yellow video in jack on the
Plug the microphone cable into the brown
microphone jack on the base unit. Then plug the
other end into the microphone. After plugging a first
microphone into the base unit, a second microphone
can be plugged into the available jack on the first
microphone. See page 19 for layout options.
Plug the power cable into the blue power connector
on the base unit. Then plug the other end into the
subwoofer. The subwoofer has its own power cord.
Plug this cord into a power outlet in the wall. Also
ensure the television is plugged into a power outlet
on the wall.
Batteries should already be in the remote control. If
not, place three AAA batteries in the remote control.
At this point the PolyCom VSX 7000 is connected and ready for its first
use. The next section of this document will explain how to turn the
device on and make a call.
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Instructions for Use
Turning the device on:
Begin by turning the television on.
The PolyCom VSX 7000 has a power switch on the back of the
device on the right hand side of the back panel.
The video conference device can take as long as 16 seconds to
start. Once it does you should see a short movie on the
television screen with dancing triangles (the logo for the
company PolyCom).
Once you see the main dialing page you are ready to use your
PolyCom VSX 7000 system to video conference.
Many television sets have multiple inputs. You may have to change the
channel on the television in order to use the PolyCom video conference
device. Your television’s remote probably has a button called “Line” or
“Input.” Try changing inputs if you are having problems getting a
picture. See page 21 for details.
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Using the remote control:
There are many buttons on the PolyCom VSX 7000 remote control.
However, most applications only require a few of the buttons. The most
commonly used are highlighted here:
You must have the remote control in order to use the PolyCom VSX 7000
video conference device. It runs on three AAA batteries. The rest of this
document will explain how to use the PolyCom VSX 7000 video
conference device. You will need the remote control.
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Making your first call:
You should be looking at the main dialing screen. It
may have an IP number already entered. If so,
delete it using the red left arrow
near the top of
the remote control.
Type an IP number to call using the numbers on the
remote control. There is a dot button on the remote
control above the number 3 for entering dots in the
IP number.
Press the green Call button
at the top of the
remote control to initiate the call. You will hear a
ringing sound and see yourself on the screen while
the call connects. You will also see the name of the
PolyCom video conferencing device you are calling
along the bottom of the screen. Below this a clock
starts running to track how long the call is. Once
the call connects you will see the person you are
The video conference device you are calling must be turned on before
you can call it. If you have trouble connecting ensure the device you
are calling is on by using the telephone to call someone at that location.
Make sure you obtain the IP numbers for everyone you will be calling
during a video conference. If you do not have these numbers you will
not be able to make a call.
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Using the directory to make a call:
Each PolyCom VSX 7000 device has a directory which works just like a
phonebook. You can store numbers in it so that you do not have to
remember them later. You can add as many new numbers as you wish.
This section will tell you how to make a call to an IP number using your
From the main screen use the red down arrow
near the top of the remote control to highlight the
directory button.
Press the red enter button
near the top of the
remote control to open the directory. From here you
can see a list of all the phone numbers you have
stored in the directory.
Use the red arrows
to scroll through the list of
names in the directory.
Highlight the name you wish to call and press the
green Call button
at the top of the remote
control. At this point you will see the same screen
as if you dialed the number yourself.
The video conference device you are calling must be turned on before
you can call it. If you have trouble connecting ensure the device you
are calling is on by using the telephone to call someone at that location.
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Ending a call:
While in a call press the green Call button
at the
top of the remote control to show the Hang Up
menu. With the first item selected press the green
Call button
again to end the call.
The system will not ask you to confirm your selection. The call will
immediately end. Be careful when using the Hang Up menu if you do
not wish to actually end the video conference.
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Creating a multipoint video conference:
The PolyCom VSX 7000 has the ability to host a conference with up to
three other devices. You must first purchase a special MCC license to use
this function. Check with your department manager to ensure your
device has this ability. This section will show you how to setup a call and
to add more people to the conference assuming you have the license.
In order for a PolyCom VSX 7000 to connect to multiple video
conference devices it must call them. You should call the people you
wish to conference with, not the other way around.
Begin by making a call to the first person. Follow
the normal method outlined in the previous sections
by entering the IP number of the first device and
pressing the green Call button
at the top of the
remote control.
The first call will connect. Once you have confirmed
the first call worked you can add the second call.
Press the green Call button
at the top of the
remote control to add a second call to the video
conference. You will see the Hang Up menu. Use
the red down arrow
to highlight the Add a Call
option. Press the red enter button
Enter the IP number for the second video conference
device the same way you would enter an IP number
for a normal one person call using the numbers on
the remote control. Press the green Call button
at the top of the remote control to add the second
call. The second call will connect and you will be
able to see both of the devices you have called.
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Controlling the camera:
The PolyCom VSX 7000 has a camera which can be aimed, as well as
zoomed in and out, using the remote control. During a conference you
can use the remote control to aim and zoom your device’s camera or the
camera on a device you are connected to. In a multipoint call you
cannot control anyone else’s camera. This section will show you how
to control your camera and the cameras on devices you are connected to.
Begin by making a call. Follow the normal method
outlined in the previous sections by entering the IP
number of the device and pressing the green Call
at the top of the remote control.
The call will connect.
You can now control your own camera. Use the red
on the remote control to aim the
camera up, down, left, and right.
Use the blue zoom buttons
to zoom in and out.
There are times when you may want to control the
camera of a device you are connected to. To take
control of the device you are connected to press the
blue Far button
on the right side of the remote
control. You will see the Far icon appear in the
corner of the television screen. You can now control
the remote camera the same way you control your
To switch back to controlling your own device, press
the blue Near button
on the right side of the
remote control. You will see the Near icon appear in
the corner of the television screen. You are now
controlling your own camera again.
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Controlling the volume and mute:
You can control the volume of the PolyCom VSX 7000 with the remote
control. You can also press the Mute button so that people on the other
end do not hear you.
The mute button does not turn off your speakers; it turns off your
microphone. When you push the mute button it prevents other people
in the video conference from hearing you. Pushing the mute button on
the remote control is the same as pushing the mute button on the
microphone itself.
To increase or decrease the volume of the PolyCom
VSX 7000 device press the orange volume buttons
near the middle of the remote control. The left
button decreases the volume and the right button
increases the volume.
To mute your microphone press the orange Mute
just below the volume buttons on the
remote control. This will silence your microphone
and prevent other people in the video conference
from hearing you. When the microphone is muted
you will see a mute icon in the corner of the
television screen.
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Testing the audio:
Depending on your setup you may occasionally need to test the audio
connections for your PolyCom VSX 7000. Though this will happen rarely,
it is important to know how to perform these two tests. This section will
show you how to test the audio connections to the television and test the
This is a good place to look if you are having audio problems.
To test whether the PolyCom VSX 7000’s audio is properly connected to
the television, follow these steps:
From the main screen use the red down arrow
to highlight the system option. Press the red enter
in the middle of the arrows on the
remote control.
From the system menu use the red down arrow
to highlight the diagnostics option. Press the red
enter button
in the middle of the arrows on the
remote control.
From the diagnostics menu use the red down arrow
to highlight the audio option. Press the red
enter button
in the middle of the arrows on the
remote control.
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From the audio diagnostics menu press the red
enter button
in the middle of the arrows on the
remote control to select speaker test.
From the speaker test menu press the red enter
in the middle of the arrows on the
remote control to select the picture of the speaker.
You should hear a tone. If you do not hear the tone
check the volume on the television set, check the
audio cables from the PolyCom VSX 7000 device to
the television, and call your support phone number
if you still cannot make it work. See page 24.
To test whether the PolyCom VSX 7000’s microphone is properly
connected and picking up audio, follow these steps:
From the main screen use the red down arrow
to highlight the system option. Press the red enter
in the middle of the arrows on the
remote control.
From the system menu use the red down arrow
to highlight the diagnostics option. Press the red
enter button
in the middle of the arrows on the
remote control.
From the diagnostics menu use the red down arrow
to highlight the audio option. Press the red
enter button
in the middle of the arrows on the
remote control.
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From the audio diagnostics menu use the red down
to highlight the audio meter option.
Press the red enter button
in the middle of the
arrows on the remote control to select audio meter.
The audio meter displays how much sound the
microphone is picking up. If the room is quiet you
will see a screen like this one.
When you start to talk the microphone should pick
it up. Make some noise and the audio meter should
look like this. Notice that the bar is yellow and
green. This means the microphone can hear you
speak and the volume will not be so high it causes
distortion or static.
If you are too close to the microphone or if you are
speaking too loudly the bar will turn red. The audio
meter is a good way to learn how close to, and far
from the microphone you should be during a video
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Best Practices
Purpose of this section:
This section of the document is designed to help you setup and use your
PolyCom VSX 7000 video conference device to the best of its abilities.
There are guidelines for proper alignment of the device in the conference
room and video conference etiquette.
Positioning the system:
Position the system so that the camera does not face toward a window or other
source of bright light. The background light will wash out the image and
people you call will not be able to see you. If the conference room does not
use ambient light (lighting from above) place lights behind the camera so that
light shines onto people’s faces.
If the camera is aimed directly into a very bright light source such as a
large lamp or sunny window the camera can be damaged.
Place the base unit (the camera) on top of the
television set. This way when you watch the other
people on the television it will appear to them that
you are looking them in the eye.
The microphones that come with the PolyCom VSX
7000 are very good. When aligned properly they
allow users to speak in a normal tone and at a
normal volume. Each microphone is triangular with
three sensors that pick up noise.
Place microphones on the conference table. Place
them so that the logo on each microphone points
toward the television.
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No matter how many people are in the conference room and no matter how
many microphones are in use, the microphone closest to the television should
be parallel with, or in front of, the person nearest the monitor. The following
image should guide you in setting up your microphones:
Video conference etiquette:
! Test equipment and have a backup plan.
! Introduce all participants.
! If possible, allow participants a brief practice
! Speak clearly and loudly.
session to familiarize them with the equipment.
! Run video conference sessions according to a
written agenda.
! Make eye contact with the camera and with other
participants in your room.
! Use names: consider using name plates.
! Let participants know ahead of time what to
expect and who will be present.
! Set clear objectives for the meeting.
! Remind participants that they should dress as
they would for an in person meeting.
! Don't speak over people or interrupt.
! Don't be too close to the camera.
! Avoid making excessive background noise, like
rustling papers or tapping pens on the table.
! Turn off beepers, watch alarms and cell phones.
For more information on etiquette visit the Emily Post Institute:
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Troubleshooting Guides
The remote control is not working:
1. Make sure there are working batteries in the remote control. The
remote control uses three AAA batteries.
2. The remote control must be pointed at the PolyCom VSX 7000 base
3. The remote control must have a clear “line of sight” to the base unit
with no objects blocking its path.
4. The remote must be within 40 feet of the base unit.
If you still cannot solve the problem please contact support.
There is no video on the television:
1. Ensure the power cable is plugged in and the device is turned on.
2. Ensure the cables are setup correctly. See page seven for details.
3. The most likely cause is that the television is not set to the right
channel. Most modern televisions have multiple inputs and you
must select the right one:
a. Find the remote control for the television
b. The input button may be called many different things. Look
for buttons labeled TV/VIDEO, ANT, INPUT, LINE IN,
c. Press this button and cycle through the various input channels
on the television until you see the PolyCom VSX 7000
If you still cannot solve the problem please contact support.
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There is no audio on the television:
1. Ensure the power cable is plugged in and the device is turned on.
2. Ensure the television is plugged in and turned on.
3. Ensure the cables are setup correctly. See page seven for details.
4. The most likely cause is that the television’s volume is set too low
or is muted:
a. Use either the television’s remote control or the volume
button on the television to turn up the volume.
b. Use the orange volume buttons on the PolyCom VSX 7000
remote control to ensure the volume on the base unit is high
enough as well.
If you still cannot solve the problem please contact support.
The PolyCom VSX 7000 will not make a call:
1. Ensure the power cable is plugged in and the device is turned on.
2. Ensure the television is plugged in and turned on.
3. Ensure the cables are setup correctly. See page seven for details.
4. The device you are attempting to call must be on and ready to
accept incoming calls.
a. Call the person you wish to conference with on the telephone
and ensure they are ready to receive your video conference
5. Ensure you have the correct IP number for the device you are
trying to call.
a. Call the person you wish to conference with on the telephone
and ensure you have the right IP number for their device.
If you still cannot solve the problem please contact support.
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Where to find the PolyCom VSX 7000’s IP number:
In order for you to receive a call, the person calling you must know your
IP number.
1. To find your IP number, turn the PolyCom VSX 7000 video
conference device on.
2. On the main dialing screen you will see a square video of yourself.
Directly below this is your IP number where it says “My IP.”
3. An IP address is four numbers separated by dots.
is the IP number in the image below.
For answers to common question of a slightly more technical nature or
involving advanced setup options try:
A comprehensive manual and administration guide, produced by
PolyCom, for the VSX 7000 can be found online at:
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Support Contact Information
Who to call:
If you need to contact support please have the following information
ready before calling or emailing:
Your full name
Your email address
Your phone number
The organization your work for
The type of PolyCom device you are using (probably a VSX 7000)
Exactly what you are trying to accomplish
A detailed description of any problems you encountered
A detailed description of your attempts to solve the problems
The IP address for the device you are using
You can contact support one of two ways. You may email your questions
or problems to support or you may call on the telephone. If you email,
please be sure to include all of the information listed above in the
message. If you call, please call from a telephone close enough to the
PolyCom device that you can talk on the phone and use the PolyCom
device at the same time.
Contact Information
OSU Extension Support
OSU Telecommunications
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