Surrey February 2015 Newsletter


Surrey February 2015 Newsletter
February 2015
Stay Connected with Surrey
Barbara’s Blog
Stocking a Heart-Healthy Pantry
Healthy Living Workshop
Penn Memory Program
Geriatric Care Management
Surrey Shops
Devon Calendar
Broomall Calendar
Havertown Calendar
Media Calendar
In Search of Tax Deductions
Get Ready for the Gala
Member Donations
Surrey Players
Pen Pal Project
With the winter weather upon us it is easy to decide
not to leave the comfort of our homes. It is cold and
dreary outside, but by staying home we isolate ourselves. Scientific studies show there are many reasons
to continue to enjoy friendships and activities year
A National Institute of Health study showed that adults
who are more socially connected are healthier and live
longer than their more isolated peers. Many studies
provide evidence that social ties influence positive behaviors such as exercise, eating healthy meals and adherence to medical regimes. Reduced blood pressure,
heart rate and stress hormones are among the benefits
resulting from this.
Social support benefits mental health as well by reducing the impact of stress and fostering a sense of meaning and purpose in life. Social connections also give us
pleasure. A study by Harvard University showed that
people who have satisfying relationships have been
shown to be happier while having fewer social ties is
associated with depression, cognitive decline and premature death.
Scientists are investigating the biological and behavioral factors that account for the health benefits of connecting with others but we don’t have to wait for the
results to know that we feel better and happier when
we have spent time with others. Social interactions
help keep our brains active but it’s most effective when
coupled with an overall healthy lifestyle, including a
nutritious diet and physical activity.
Take advantage of your local Surrey center this winter
to spend time with others, enjoy a healthy lunch and
reap the benefits of friendships. If transportation is a
problem, please contact the Surrey site closest to you.
Sources: National Center for Biotechnology Information/US National
Library of Medicine, a branch of the National Institute of Health;
Hospital Visits
Surrey’s Home Services Department regularly visits our
members and friends who are hospitalized or are in a
rehabilitation facility. Please let us know if you or another Surrey member are hospitalized by calling Kim at
610-647-9840. Surrey is always there for you!
Winter Weather Advisory
United Way
Donor # 614
Barbara’s Blog
Stay Connected With Surrey
This Winter
Pay it Forward in
February with Random
Acts of Kindness
February 9 - 15 we celebrate a truly great tradition:
Random Acts of Kindness week. A random act of
kindness is a selfless act one person does to assist,
cheer or surprise another person. These acts can be
large or small, expensive or cost-free.
Over the past few years, I have heard Surrey staff and
members talk about some of their random acts of
kindess. One staff member checks parking meters
when walking through town and puts quarters in the
meters about to expire. Another dropped a “why we
love you” basket at a friend’s house who was feeling
down. Surrey members in Media chose to make cupcakes for the police as a surprise. The commonality in
every Random Act of Kindness is that one small,
thoughtful gesture can make someone’s day.
“Paying it forward” is a term often used in this situation. This concept began in 2000 in the movie Pay It
“Paying it forward” is a third-party beneficiary concept that involves doing something good for someone
in response to a good deed done on your behalf or a
gift you received. One of the most important things
that people should remember about this concept is
that it should be done with a selfless spirit. This
means that one person helps another without hoping
for repayment or good deeds in return.”
Each of us has different gifts we can use to pay it forward. Maybe someone picks up your paper from
your drive and brings it to your door each day so you
don’t have to walk. To pay it forward you could call
someone who is home bound or in a nursing home. It
does not matter how well you know them, just let
them know you are thinking about them.
Each week I see the Surrey crochet group here in
Devon and know that the knitting group in Havertown is also working away. Often they are making
articles to give away to needy groups in the five
county area. Do you have a hobby that could benefit
someone else?
During the month of February, every Surrey location
will have a bulletin board set up for people to post
ideas of Random Acts of Kindness, or to share an Act
someone did for them. I encourage you to visit, or
call a center, to add your suggestions.
Barbara Fentress
President & CEO
In bad weather, Surrey sites will follow school closing
policies. If your School District is closed, Surrey activities will be cancelled and the site closed. The School
District numbers and phone for each Surrey site:
Devon (854): phone 610-647-6404
Broomall (454): 610-544-1770
Havertown (455): 610-446-2070
Media (542): 610-566-0505
You may also visit the website for updates at
Surrey members Edna and Gloria deliver cupcakes
to the local police department.
Stocking A Heart-Healthy
Pantry For Quick Cooking
Living a Healthy Life
Having a properly stocked pantry can save time
and worry during those times when you don't
have a chance to pick up groceries for planned
meals. Keep these items on hand for unplanned
but nutritious meals.
Six Week Course at Surrey Devon
March 4, 11, 18 (no class the 25th), April 1, 8, 15
1:30 - 4 each session
 Have a variety of whole grains stocked to
form the base of your meal: whole-grain pastas
in various shapes, brown rice and other grains
like quinoa, couscous and bulgur wheat. Oldfashioned rolled oats are great for a quick oatmeal breakfast.
 For baking, whole-wheat flour or spelt flour
can often be substituted for white flour. Cornmeal is also a great option for anything from
muffins to pancakes.
 Have whole-grain, high-fiber breads and
cereals on hand for breakfast and snacking. A
good kind will list whole grains as one of the first
ingredients on the list.
 Nuts and seeds are also great to have on
hand for snacking as they are good sources of
protein and polysaturated and monosaturated
fats. Buy in small quantities to prevent them
from becoming rancid. Also eat in small quantities: a single serving of nuts provides a lot of
protein but is also high in calories.
 “Dinner builder” items such as low-salt, lowoil canned beans, diced tomatoes and tuna or
salmon can make dinner-prep that much faster.
 Balsamic vinegar and low-sodium soy sauce
are great to have available for fat-free salad
dressings and sauces. Low-sodium bouillon
cubes make a quick, flavorful stock for soups.
 Dried herbs and spices can add instant flavor to your meals—think rosemary, oregano,
thyme and curry powder. Consider though that
fresh rosemary is a great addition to roasting
meats and vegetables.
 Keep a limited supply of oils for when you
must use them for cooking, baking or in dressing
and marinades as they can go rancid over time.
Pick oils that are lowest in saturated fats, trans
fats and cholesterol which include canola oil,
corn oil, olive oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, soybean oil and sunflower oil.
 If you buy crackers, snack chips and cookies,
look for fat free or low fat and low sodium varieties.
Article copyright © 2014 American Heart Association
AARP Tax Aide
Surrey - Devon
Every Friday, February 6 - April 10
9 - 3 by appointment
Trained, IRS certified volunteers will help you
complete simple federal and state returns. You
do not have to be an AARP member. There is no
charge for this service but donations are appreciated. Call 484-321-6102 to schedule an appointment.
APPRISE Counseling
Surrey - Devon (Chester County Residents)
Thursdays, February 5, 12, 19 and 26; 9:30 -1 by
Surrey - Havertown (Delaware County Residents)
Thursday, February 19, 1 - 11:30 by appt.
New to Medicare? Have questions about your
medical insurance? Having a problem with a
Medicare bill? Trained APPRISE volunteers can
help. Call 484-321-6102 to schedule an appointment.
Living a Healthy Life is a program for adults with
diabetes, cardiac or pulmonary disease, arthritis,
anxiety or any other ongoing health conditions.
Approximately 91% of older adults have at least
one chronic condition and 73% have two.
Chronic conditions seriously compromise the
quality of life for older adults, often forcing them
to give up their independence too soon.*
This workshop will help
you take charge of your
health. You will get the
support you need, find
practical ways to deal
with pain and fatigue, and
discover better nutrition
and exercise choices.
Caring for the Dementia Caregiver
May 15, 9 - 11:30, Felicia Greenfield, LCSW
Self-care for the caregiver is essential for improving the health and well-being of the caregiver as well as the person with dementia.
For more information or to register for any of
these classes, please call Nicole at 610-6479172. There is no charge.
What is Geriatric Care
Geriatric Care Management was added to Surrey’s services as a way to provide seniors and
their families professional guidance to navigate
through the many services available when
changes happen as people age.
It is comforting to have someone to turn to who
is part of a familiar, trusted organization and
who knows the resources available in the community and can determine which are appropriate in your situation.
What can Surrey’s care managers do?
Developed at Stanford University, this is a
proven program and is endorsed by the Surgeon
General’s office. Classes are highly
participative and address the specific problems
for people with ongoing conditions.
A healthy way to live with a long term condition
is to work towards overcoming the physical,
mental and emotional problems caused by the
illness. The challenge is to learn how to function
at your best regardless of the difficulties life presents. The goal is to achieve the things you want
to do and to get pleasure from life.
Call Nicole at 610-647-9172 for more information or to register. There is a materials fee.
*National Council on Aging
Penn Memory Lecture Series
Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Surrey - Devon
Surrey is working with Penn Memory Center of
the University of Pennsylvania to offer a series of
programs over the next 4 months. Penn Memory is a top international center for dementia
research, classes and support options on Alzheimer’s disease and brain aging related topics.
Conundrums in Research on the Aging Mind
February 20, 9:30 - 11, Steven E. Arnold, MD
Changes in memory and thinking across the lifespan and the challenges in understanding why
some people show cognitive decline and dementia where others live well into later life with a
sharp memory and mind.
How Early Can We Diagnose Alzheimer’s?
March 20, 9:30 - 11, David Wolk, MD
How do we currently diagnose conditions such
as Alzheimer’s Disease and how can we do so
earlier? We will review current practice and the
new tools that are allowing us to detect Alzheimer’s at earlier stages.
Cognitive Aging and Cognitive Fitness:
A Proactive Approach
April 17, 9:30 - 11
Dawn Mechanic-Hamilton, Ph.D. How can we
maximize our cognitive health as we age? We
will review the changes expected with typical
aging and how we can use compensatory strategies and changes in behavior to maintain cognitive health.
Assess your current situation and make recommendations which will help you remain
independent in your home.
Help you plan for moving to a retirement
community after working with you to determine which community would best fit your
individual needs and lifestyle.
Visit you in a hospital or rehab facility and
communicate information to your family.
Coordinate and attend medical appointments with you, arrange follow up testing
and coordinate between the varied medical
personnel many people see.
Be an emergency back up. Surrey offers a
unique program in which you meet initially
with a care manager to provide information
about your current situation. The care manager then touches base with you on a regular basis to determine if any changes have
occurred. There is no charge for the initial
meeting or the regular contact. Should the
need arise for assistance, the care manager
is available to advocate for you, ensure you
are receiving appropriate care, coordinate
between providers or assist with transitions.
This service is provided at a reasonable
hourly fee.
Coordinate care between paid service providers and the help received from family or
friends. This is helpful to avoid duplication
and unnecessary expenses.
Provide objective, professional guidance,
which can decrease family conflict and provide peace of mind to long distance family
To contact a Surrey Geriatric Care Manager call
Kelly or Wendy at 484-321-6105 or by email at or
Surrey Thrift Shop
455 Park Way, Broomall, 610-544-1460
Monday - Friday 10 - 5, Saturday 10 - 3
$5 Winter clothing Bag Sale
Surrey Consignment Shop
810 Lancaster Ave., Berwyn, 610-647-8632
Monday - Friday 9:30 - 5, Saturday 10 - 4
Now accepting Spring consignments.
Wicker, furniture, lamps, rugs, jewelry, etc.
Please call 610-647-8632 for an appointment!
February 2015 — Devon
2 Chimes 9:30 - 10
Chorus 10 - 11:30
Crochet Club 10 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Exercise [SS] 12:30 - 1:15
Surrey Bridge 1:30 - 4
Yoga 6:30 - 7:30
Van Trip: Devon Acme
Mental Math 10:30 - 11:30
Exercise 10:45 - 11:30
Newcomers Group 11 - 12
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Exercise (AF): 12:30 - 1:15
Van Trip: Giant or Wegmans
Current Events 9 - 10:30
Exercise 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 2:30
Gentle Stretch 1 - 2
Trip: Paoli Acme
Winter Veg Pasta w Chicken
Grilled Turkey Sandwich
Shepard’s Pie
9 Chimes 9:30 - 10
Chorus 10 - 11:30
Crochet Club 10 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Exercise [SS] 12:30 - 1:15
Movie: And So It Goes
Surrey Bridge 1:30 - 4
Yoga 6:30 - 7:30
Van Trip: Devon Acme
Chef’s Salad
Mental Math 10:30 - 11:30
Exercise 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Exercise (AF): 12:30 - 1:15
Caregiver Support Grp 1:30 - 3
Van Trip: Giant or Wegmans
Current Events 9 - 10:30
Exercise 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 2:30
Gentle Stretch 1 - 2
Trip: Paoli Acme
Macaroni & Cheese
Baked Swai Fish Italiano
16 Presidents Day
Chimes 9:30 - 10
Chorus 10 - 11:45
The Health of the Presidents 10
- 11:30
Crochet Club 10 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Exercise [SS] 12:30 - 1:15
Surrey Bridge 1:30 - 4
Yoga 6:30 - 7:30
Breaded Fish w/ Tarter Sauce
17 Mardi Gras
Mental Math 10:30 - 11:30
Exercise 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Exercise (AF): 12:30 - 1:15
Van Trip: Giant or Wegmans
Current Events 9 - 10:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Exercise 10:45 - 11:30
Gentle Stretch 1 - 2
Trip: Paoli Acme
Pimento Cheese Patty Melts
Vegetarian Chili
Chimes 9:30 - 10
Chorus 10 - 11:45
Crochet Club 10 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Exercise [SS] 12:30 - 1:15
Surrey Bridge 1:30 - 4
Yoga 6:30 - 7:30
Van Trip: Devon Acme
Mental Math 10:30 - 11:30
Dining W/ Diabetes 10 - 12
Exercise 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Exercise (AF): 12:30 - 1:15
Van Trip: Giant or Wegmans
Current Events 9 - 10:30
Exercise 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Gentle Stretch 1 - 2
MLSN Bridge 2 - 4
Trip: Paoli Acme
Chicken Provencal
Sausage & Mushroom Quiche
Cuban Style Ham & Turkey
Mental Math $2 per lesson
Tuesdays in February, 10:30 - 11:30
Feb. 3
Math in Your Head
Feb. 10 Mental Addition & Subtraction
Feb. 17 Go Forth & Multiply
Feb. 24 Divide & Conquer
Movie: And So It Goes $1 contribution
Monday, February 9, 12:30 - 2:30
Starring Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton.
A realtor is left to care for a granddaughter he
never knew he had.
The Health of the Presidents
Monday, February 16, 10 - 11:30
Who was the healthiest, longest-lived president? (Think boxing coach at Yale.) These and
other answers will be shown in a presentation given by Robert Smith, an instructor at Osher
Lifelong Learning Institute\Widener University.
5 World Nutella Day
Reiki by appointment
APPRISE by appointment
Yoga 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Exercise [SS] 10:45 - 11:30
Drama 1:30 - 3
Mah Jong 1:30 - 4
Salmon Cakes w/ White Sauce
AARP tax 9 - 3 by appt.
Wear Red Day
Lunch N Learn : Heart Health
Chair Yoga 11- 12
Midlife Group 11:30 - 1
Gentle Stretch 1 - 2
Reiki by appointment
APPRISE by appointment
Yoga 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Exercise [SS] 10:45 - 11:30
Drama 1:30 - 3
Mah Jong 1:30 - 4
Van Trip: Trader Joes
Stuffed Cabbage Rolls
AARP tax 9 - 3 by appt.
Valentines Day, New
Member & Birthday Lunch
11:30 -12:30
Chair Yoga 11 - 12
Midlife Group 11:30 - 1
Gentle Stretch 1 - 2
Chicken Stew w/ Tomatoes &
White Beans
Reiki by appointment
APPRISE by appointment
Yoga 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Exercise [SS] 10:45 - 11:30
Drama 1:30 - 3
Mah Jong 1:30 - 4
Van Trip: Trader Joes
Grilled Chicken Paillard
AARP tax 9 - 3 by appt.
Penn Memory 9:30 - 11
Chair Yoga 11 - 12
Midlife Group 11:30 - 1
Gentle Stretch 1 - 2
Reiki by appointment
APPRISE by appointment
Yoga 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Exercise [SS] 10:45 - 11:30
Drama 1:30 - 3
Mah Jong 1:30 - 4
Van Trip: Trader Joes
AARP tax 9 - 3 by appt.
TGIF Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Chair Yoga 11 - 12
Dental Health 11 - 11:30
Midlife Group 11:30 - 1
Gentle Stretch 1 - 2
Rigatoni w/ Meat Sauce
Parmesan Crusted Pollock
There is no charge for this class but you must sign
up in advance.
Dementia Overview
Friday, February 20, 9:30 - 11
Penn Memory is a leading international center for
dementia research, information and support opLunch & Learn – Heart Health
tions. Dr. Steven Arnold will be here to present an
Friday, February 6, 10:30 - 12:30 Cost: $5
overview of dementia with a message of hope
Mediterranean Fish Stew
through ongoing research. This is the first of 4 proJoin Kit Tokash RD and Chef Ben as we kick off
grams Penn Memory will be presenting. Other proHeart Health Month. Kit will discuss Heart Healthy grams include:
Eating, including the DASH Diet. Cooking demos will March 20 - How early can we diagnose Alzheimer’s
include heart healthy recipes. Grab your red dress, April 17 - Healthy aging through cognitive fitness
scarf or tie and join the fun!
May 15 - Caring for the dementia caregiver
Midlife Transitions Group
Fridays, February 6, 13, 20, 27, 11:30 - 1
Facing retirement? Wondering what to do with
your empty nest? Noticing health changes? Feeling
compelled to start a new chapter in midlife? The
Women’s Resource Group’s new midlife transitions
program is for you. Call for details and to register:
Dining with Diabetes
Tuesdays, starting February 24, 10 - 12
Fran Alloway, RD, from Penn State presents a 4
week program for people with Type 2 diabetes,
pre-diabetes, and family members who would like
to learn more. Included in the curriculum will be
testing for blood pressure and A1c and materials to
address risk factors when blood sugars are high.
We will learn about carbohydrates, heart healthy
food choices, exercise options and recipes. Each
class will include recipes to taste, lessons on how to
take charge of your diabetes, exercise and giveaways.
Oral Health and You
Friday, February 27, 11 - 11:30
Community Volunteers in Medicine (CVIM) will be
here to present this informative dental care program. Alberta Landis and Marie Frey here will discuss oral health and its impact on your overall
health, chronic health conditions and medication
Thursdays by Appointment
Reiki is a gentle, hands-on treatment for stress release and relaxation that helps to promote natural
healing from within. Contact Nicole for pricing or to
schedule: 610-647-9172.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute presents:
Presidential Footnotes
Starting Monday, March 16, 10:30 - 11:45
A combination of travelogue, biography, and trivial
pursuit identifies and describes hundreds of presidential sites accompanied by richly illustrated biographical commentary. Please see Nicole for costs
and to register; applications must be turned in at
the end of February.
Matter of Balance and Living a Healthy Life: Surrey
Evidence Based Programs
Matter of Balance and Living a Healthy Life programs start in March. Sign up now for both of
these. Hurry: space is limited! Call Nicole 610-6479172.
Surrey Trip to The Colorado Rockies
September 18 - 26, 2015
Look for our presentation on March 9 from our
travel agents taking us to Colorado. If you sign up
before or on March 9 you get $100 off of your trip!
For more information call Nicole 610-647-9172.
* Please sign up for programs in advance. This is
helpful not only to us for planning, but allows us to
contact you if a class needs to be canceled for any
February 2015 — Broomall
For more information or to
contact Olga please call
All Surrey activities are held
at Trinity Church
144 Lawrence Road, Broomall
unless otherwise noted
In inclement weather Surrey
follows the local school
closing policies.
Winter closing number for
Surrey Broomall is #454
“Fats” in Your Diet Talk &
Healthy Cooking Demonstration 11 - 1
Move-n-Groove Exercise ($3)
1 - 1:45
Arts & Crafts Drop-In 1 - 2:30
Move-n-Groove Exercise ($3)
10 - 10:45
Canasta ($1) 11 - 1
Wii Bowling 1 - 2:30
Coffee Hour 10 - 12
Metros Art Group ($1) 10 - 2
Pinochle ($1) 12:15 - 3
5 Arts & Crafts Drop-In 10:30 12
Line Dancing ($4) 11 - 12
Food Safety Talk 11 - 11:30
AYCE Pancake Luncheon ($2)
11:45 - 1
Book Club 1-2
Pizza and a Movie: Jersey
Boys ($3) 10:15 - 1
Move-n-Groove Exercise ($3)
1 - 1:45
Arts & Crafts Drop-In 1 - 2:30
Ping Pong 1 - 2:30
Move-n-Groove Exercise ($3)
10 - 10:45
Canasta ($1) 11 - 1
Wii Bowling 1 - 2:30
Coffee Hour 10 - 12
Metros Art Group ($1) 10 - 2
Pinochle ($1) 12:15 - 3
Arts & Crafts Drop-In 10:30 12
Line Dancing ($4) 11 - 12
Lunch by Chef Ben: Stuffed
Cabbage Rolls ($4) 12:15 - 1:15
(Reservations Requested)
Brain Games 1:30 - 2:15
Luncheon hosted by Trinity
Church (reservations
Required; register with Olga
or a Trinity Church member.
Space is limited) 12 - 2
Member Get Together
Mardi Gras Party 12 - 2 ($4)
Move-n-Groove Exercise ($3)
1 - 1:45
Crafts Club with Connie: Soap
Molding ($2) 2 - 3
Move-n-Groove Exercise ($3)
10 - 10:45
Canasta ($1) 11 - 1
Wii Bowling 1 - 2:30
Coffee Hour 10 - 12
Metros Art Group ($1) 10 - 2
Pinochle ($1) 12:15 - 3
Arts & Crafts Drop-In 10:30 12
Line Dancing ($4) 11 - 12
Lunch: Chinese Fried Rice
(Reservations Requested)
Chinese New Year Celebration– Make Your Own Fortune
Cookies 1:30 - 2:15
Multicultural Dine Around
Vietnamese Luncheon at
Saigon Harbor, 1501 West
Chester Pike in Havertown.
12 - 2
You must register with Olga.
Cookbook Book Club Pot Luck
11:30 - 1
Move-n-Groove Exercise ($3)
1 - 1:45
Arts & Crafts Drop-In 1 - 2:30
Ping Pong 1 - 2:30
Move-n-Groove Exercise ($3)
10 - 10:45
Canasta ($1) 11 - 1
Wii Bowling 1 - 2:30
MGT Meeting 1:15 - 2
Coffee Hour 10 - 12
Metros Art Group ($1) 10 - 2
A Cup of Tea and a Good
Book 11:15 - 12
Pinochle ($1) 12:15 - 3
26 Arts & Crafts Drop-In 10:30
- 12
Line Dancing ($4) 11 - 12
Lunch: Pulled Pork Sandwiches
($4) 12:15 - 1:15 (Reservations
February Birthday Party and
Bingo for Prizes 1:15 - 2
“Fats” in Your Diet Food Talk & Healthy
Cooking Demonstration
Monday, February 2, 11 - 1
Join us for our monthly presentation and cooking demonstration learning about different fats:
Saturated, Unsaturated, Omega 3’s and Cholesterol. Learn which are good and which are bad
for you. Please register with Olga. Free!
Book Club
Thursday, February 5, 1 - 2
Join us as we discuss The Rosie Project by
Graeme Simsion. We will distribute the book for
March, People of the Book, by Geradline Brooks.
Pizza and a Movie: Jersey Boys ($3)
Monday, February 9, 10:15 - 1
Join us for the movie Jersey Boys which tells the
story of The Four Seasons rise to success from
their humble Jersey beginnings. After the
movie, we will enjoy a lunch of pizza and salad.
Visit the Surrey Thrift Shop
Huge savings on winter
455 Park Way, Broomall
M - F 10 - 4, Sat 10 - 3
New Member Lunch &
Birthday Party at Surrey
Havertown 11:45 - 12:30
which features multicultural cuisine. We will
kick off our dine around with a Vietnamese
lunch at Saigon Harbor, 1501 West Chester Pike
in Havertown. Please bring enough cash to
cover your portion of the bill, plus tax and tip.
You must register with Olga as space is limited.
Cookbook Book Club Pot Luck
Monday, February 23, 11:30 - 1
Arts & Crafts Drop-In
Do you love trying new recipes? Do you enjoy
Mondays,1 - 2:30 and Thursdays, 10:30 - 12
sampling and sharing new dishes? You select
Join fellow Surrey members as we get crafty.
the recipe and then we all get together to share
These drop-in days are a fun way to get
the finished products. Surrey will provide the
together with friends, learn something new in
Brain Games & Fun
dessert and drinks and we ask you to bring an
an informal setting and exchange ideas!
Thursday, February 12, 1:30 - 2:15
entrée or a side. Please bring the cookbook/
 We have volunteers who can show you ba- Join us and give your brain a workout by playing recipe.
sic crochet chains and how to do the
fun games that sharpen your mind.
afghan/Tunisian stitch.
A Cup of Tea and a Good Book
 Help us brainstorm a simple project you
Member Get Together Mardi Gras Party ($4)
Wednesday, February 25, 11:15 - 12
already know how to do and would be will- Monday, February 16, 12 - 2
Join us for tea and sweets as we talk about the
ing to show others how you did it.
Reservations are necessary. Please call Olga at
books we are currently reading. We will com Do you have a collection of “Someday I
215-307-7158 or contact a committee member pile a list of suggested reading for members.
would like to make this” pictures or suggesto register.
tions (or finished items) you can bring
SAVE THE DATE: 2015 Philadelphia Flower
Show: “Lights, Camera, BLOOM!”
 Join us as we develop ideas for our commuMonday,
Friday, March 6
nity service projects where we create things
Join us as we create molded decorative soaps.
Experience the magic of movies and horticulture
to donate to our homebound members or
$2 materials contribution, pre-registration re- as the 186th Philadelphia Flower Show celeother needy members of our community.
quired (limited space).
brates the silver screen. Specifics will depend
Food Safety Talk
on the number of people interested in attending
Chinese New Year Celebration: Make Your
Thursday, February 5, 11 - 11:30
but we will get to the show on the train. The
Join us as we talk about the four basic steps to
cost will be approximately $32 which includes
Thursday, February 19, 1:30 - 2:15
handling and preparing food safely.
the train ride (train ride will cost more for those
Join us as we celebrate the Chinese New Year by under 65) and admission to the Flower Show.
making our own fortune cookies.
All You Can Eat (AYCE) Pancake Brunch ($2)
Please contact Olga asap if you are interested
Thursday, February 5, 11:45 - 1
in attending. Payment will be required in
Enjoy coffee, tea, juice, two pieces of sausage,
Multicultural Dine Around
and all the pancakes you can eat!
Friday, February 20, 12 - 2
Each month, we will visit a local restaurant
February 2015 — Havertown
BP w/ Nancy 9:30 - 11
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Weaving 10 - 11
Walking Club 11 - 11:45
Brain Fitness 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Pinochle & Rummy King 1 - 4
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Knit Wits 10 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Mah Jong 12 - 3
Sip & Swipe Café 12:30 - 1:30
Bingo 12:30 - 3
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Table Tennis 2 - 4
Pizza Burger
Open Art Studio 9 - 12
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Party Bridge 12 - 4
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Lecture & Lunch, Beneficial
Bank: Security
Procedures 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Sunday Roasted Chicken
Current Events 9 - 10
Ask a Nurse 9:30 - 11:30
Tai Chi 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Zentangle 12:30 - 2:30
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Advanced Italian 1 - 3:30
Poker 1 - 4
Create Art w/ Haverford Middle
School Students 2:30 - 4
Macaroni & Cheese
Chicken a la King
Crab Salad on Kaiser Roll
BP w/ Nancy 9:30 - 11
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Weaving 10 - 11
Walking Club 11 - 11:45
Brain Fitness 11 - 11:45
Pizza & Movie: The Railway
Man 11:30 - 1:30
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Pinochle & Rummy King 1 - 4
Chicken Alfredo w/ Penne Pasta
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Knit Wits 10 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Mah Jong 12 - 3
Sip & Swipe Café 12:30 - 1:30
Bingo 12:30 - 3
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Table Tennis w Haverford
Middle School 2:30 - 4
Roast Beef Special on Rye
11 Current Events 9 - 10
Ask a Nurse 9:30 - 11:30
Tai Chi 10 - 10:45
Mind Matters: Trans-Antarctic
Expedition of 1914 10 - 11
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Zentangle 12:30 - 2:30
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Advanced Italian 1 - 3:30
Poker 1 - 4
Sliced Turkey & Stuffing
Open Art Studio 9 - 12
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Party Bridge 12 - 4
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Lecture & Lunch: Advance
Planning 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
BP w/ Nancy 9:30 - 11
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Weaving 10 - 11
Walking Club 11 - 11:45
Brain Fitness 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Pinochle & Rummy King 1 - 4
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Knit Wits 10 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Mah Jong 12 - 3
Sip & Swipe Café 12:30 - 1:30
Bingo 12:30 - 3
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Table Tennis 2 - 4
Irish Beef Stew
Current Events 9 - 10
Tai Chi 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Zentangle 12:30 - 2:30
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Advanced Italian 1 - 3:30
Poker 1 - 4
APPRISE 9 - 11:30 (appt.)
Open Art Studio 9 - 12
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Party Bridge 12 - 4
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Chicken & Waffles
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Free Light Bulbs!! PECO 11 - 12
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Knit Wits 10 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Kitchen Table Stories 10:45 11:45
Mah Jong 12 - 3
Sip & Swipe Café 12:30 - 1:30
Bingo 12:30 - 3
Line Dancing 1 - 2
25 Current Events 9 - 10
Tai Chi 10 - 10:45
Lunch & Learn: Good Fats, Bad
Fats 10:45 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Food Demo: Fats 12 - 12:45
Zentangle 12:30 - 2:30
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Advanced Italian 1 - 3:30
Poker 1 - 4
Open Art Studio 9 - 12
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Party Bridge 12 - 4
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Lecture & Lunch: The Surrey
Ambassador Program
11 - 11:45
New Member Lunch and
Birthday Party
11:45 - 12:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Turkey Meatloaf & Gravy
Gr. Chicken, Swiss & Mushrooms
Tuna Salad Pocket
Assorted Deli Hoagie
BP w/ Nancy 9:30 - 11
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Weaving 10 - 11:30
Walking Club 11 - 11:45
Brain Fitness 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Pinochle & Rummy King 1 - 4
Spinach & Egg Noodle Casserole BBQ Chicken
Havertown Activities
For additional information
about any activity listed, or for
the menu of the day, call
Receptionists Margarita or
Kathy, or Program Assistant
Mary Gengenbach at
(610) 446-2070.
Lunch Policy
 Lunch is served Monday Friday, 11:45 - 12:30.
 Reserve your lunch by
calling the Center after 9 am.
 A $2 contribution is
 Pick up your lunch ticket at
the Registration Desk.
NEW! MindMatters A monthly program, bringing
stimulating lectures by experts on subjects ranging
from history to current events, politics and culture
directly to you, live, on our flat-screen TV. You can
ask questions in these interactive programs. This
initiative is made possible through the PA Dept. of
Aging (PDA) and WITF, Central PA’s NPR affiliate.
Join us for the February program below.
Crab Cakes
Spring Art Classes
Sign up now for our new
Tuesday morning art classes
8 Tuesdays, 9 - 12
March 17, 24, 31
April 7, 14, 21, 28
May 5
Sweet & Sour Meatballs
Valentine Meal:
Grilled Raspberry Chicken
Lasagna Roll-ups
Inclement Weather Notice
If Haverford Township Schools are closed,
Havertown Center is closed.
Havertown School Closing Number is 455.
per, learn this meditative art form from Elaine Matt. PECO Provides Light Bulbs
Friday, February 20, 11 - 12
Cost: $8 for series.
PECO will be here to distribute free energy-saving
light bulbs to attendees. C’mon down! Free and free
Lecture & Lunch: Security Procedures
lunch to all participants!
Friday, February 6, 11 - 11:45
Beneficial Bank will tell you how to protect yourself
Lunch & Learn: Good Fats, Bad Fats
and your bank account from scams and online
fraud. Find out what Phishing is and how to NOT get Wednesday, February 25, 10:45 - 11:45
caught in it! Free and free lunch to all participants! Has your doctor told you that your bad cholesterol
is too high or that your good cholesterol is too
MindMatters: “The Imperial Trans-Antarctic
Pizza Lunch & Movie
low? COSA Dietitian Barbara Myers will talk about
Expedition of 1914”
Monday, February 9, 11:30 - 1:30
which fats are good for you and which are bad.
Wednesday, February 11, 10 - 11
The Railway Man, Rated R (violence)
She will explain how to change those cholesterol
Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton failed in his effort to
About a WW2 prisoner of war and his wife, The
numbers without taking cholesterol-lowering
make the first land crossing of Antarctic by way of
medicines. Free and free lunch to all participants!
the South Pole. But his expedition is seen as an epic Railway Man is a memoir of forgiveness—a testament to courage and finding peace with the past.
feat of endurance. Learn of his heroic struggle to
Cost: $5. $2 is the COSA suggested contribution for “Healthy Fats” Demo at Lunch
lead the 28 man crew to safety after their ship
Wednesday, February 25, 12 - 12:45
meals, and the additional $3 is for popcorn & felEndurance was crushed in pack ice. Listen to Lou
Barbara Myers will use foods that contain good fats.
Thieblemont as he brings this story to life—right
here in Havertown’s Art Room. Free!
Surrey Ambassador Program
Lecture & Lunch: Advance Planning
Friday, February 27, 11 - 11:45
Sip & Swipe Café iPad Training
Friday, February 13, 11 - 11:45
Kimberly Wilkinson and Monica Paulino from
Tuesdays, 12:30 - 1:30
Bob Ash, Advance Planning Director for
Surrey Home Services will tell you all about the SurLearn to use an iPad* at your own pace, with supD’Anjolell Memorial Homes, will talk about the
rey Ambassador Program. Surrey is looking for volport from Coach Linda Macon. Pre-register for four financial, emotional and family comfort aspects
unteers who are interested in “neighbor helping
Tuesdays. Stop at the Reception Desk or call 610of pre-planning funeral services. Free and free
neighbor.” Come and find out more about how you
446-2070 to reserve your dates. iPads available for lunch for those attending the lecture!
can help in your community. Free and free lunch for
your use. Free!
APPRISE Counseling, by Appointment
those attending the lecture!
Zentangle for Beginners
Thursday, February 19, 9 - 11:30
New Member Lunch & Birthday Party!
4 Wednesdays, February 4, 11, 18, 25, 12:30 - 2:30 APPRISE provides Medicare information. Call
Zentangle is a fun way to create beautiful images by 610-446-2070 to schedule your appointment. Free! Friday, February 27, 11:45 - 12:30
Everyone can enjoy free birthday cake with lunch!
drawing repetitively. Using black ink on white pa-
February 2015 — Media
Surrey Media Activities
Inclement Weather Notice
For additional information
about any activity listed, or
for the menu of the day, call
Connie Woodring,
Program Assistant, at
If the Rose Tree/Media School District Schools are
Surrey at Hometown is closed.
Rose Tree/Media School Closing Number is 542.
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 9:30 - 10:30
Scrabble Social 10:45 - 11:45
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Weaving Program 1 - 2:30
Surrey Community Service
Project 1 - 2
Pizza Burger
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 9:30 - 10:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Weaving Program 1 - 2:30
Brain Games 1 - 1:45
Chicken Alfredo
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 9:30 - 10:30
A Cup of Tea and a Good Book
10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Weaving Program 1 - 2:30
Team Jeopardy 1 - 1:45
Assorted Deli Hoagie
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 9:30 - 10:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Weaving Program 1 - 2:30
Reiki Sessions 1 - 2:30
Brain Games 1 - 1:45
Spinach Egg Noodle Casserole
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
YogaStretch 1 - 1:45
Confectioner’s Corner 1 - 2
Roasted Chicken
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
YogaStretch 1 - 1:45
Pokeno Party 1-1:45
Roast Beef Special Sandwich
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
YogaStretch 1 - 1:45
Baking Corner- Make King’s
Cake 1 - 2
Irish Beef Stew
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Movie Tavern: Jersey Boys
11:45 - 2
YogaStretch 1 - 1:45
BBQ Chicken
Scrabble Social
Monday, February 2, 10:45 - 11:45
Join us for a fun morning of Scrabble. Every person
who plays will have a chance to win a gift card! No
experience necessary, we will teach those who
would like to learn.
Crafts Club: Making Centerpieces
Wednesday, February 4, 1 - 2
Join us as we create centerpieces to be used at
lunchtime and for special occasions.
Bingo 9 - 10
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Crafts Club: Centerpieces 1 - 2
Bead It Jewelry Club 9 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Healthy Living Talk: Making
Smart Choices when Dining Out
11:30 - 12
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Pinochle Lessons & Play 1 - 3
Macaroni & Cheese
Bingo 9-10
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Ask the Nurse 10 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Kitchen Table Stories 1 - 2
Chicken A la King
Bead It Jewelry Club 9 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Pinochle Lessons & Play 1 - 3
Baking Club 1 - 2
Turkey & Stuffing
Bingo 9 - 10
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Mardi Gras Celebration 1 - 2
Sweet & Sour Meatballs
Bead It Jewelry Club 9 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Pinochle Lessons & Play 1 - 3
Supper Club at Sligo in Glen
Mills 5 - 6:30
Crab Cakes
Bingo 9 - 10
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Ask the Nurse 10 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Feb. Birthday Party 12:30 - 1
Book Club at HKF Library 1 - 1:45
Fun with Watercolor 1 - 2
Chicken & Waffles
Bead It Jewelry Club 9 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Pinochle Lessons & Play 1 - 3
Chicken w/ Swiss & Mushrooms
A Cup of Tea and a Good Book
Monday, February 16, 10:45 - 11:30
Join us as for tea as we talk about the books we are
currently reading. We will compile a list of suggested reading for members.
Team Jeopardy
Monday, February 16, 1 - 1:45
What is…. An afternoon of team trivia fun!
Mardi Gras Celebration
Wednesday, February 18, 1 - 2
Let the good times roll as we make Mardi Gras
masks and enjoy our homemade King’s Cake.
Healthy Living Talk: Making Smart Choices when
Dining Out
Thursday, February 5, 11:30 - 12
Join Barbara Myers, COSA Nutritionist, as we learn Supper Club at Sligo in Glen Mills
how to make better choices when dining out. Free! Thursday, February 19, 5 - 6:30
Join your Surrey friends for our monthly dinner outChocolate Extravaganza and Fondue Friday
ing at the new Sligo in Glen Mills. To secure your
Friday, February 13, 1 - 2
spot or if you need assistance with transportation,
Help us celebrate Valentines Day with all things
please see Kathy or Connie. Space is limited.
chocolate. We welcome donations of chocolate
desserts and things that can be dipped in chocolate Movie Tavern: Jersey Boys
(marshmallows, pretzels, strawberries, bananas).
Tuesday, February 24, 11:45 - 2
Enjoy a wonderful meal while watching the
Knitting Lessons and Sit ‘N Knit
or Crochet 9:15 - 10:15
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:45 - 11:45
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Shopping at the ACME 1
Bridge Club 1 - 4
Crab Salad
Knitting Lessons and Sit ‘N Knit
9:15 - 10:15
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Current Events 9:30 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Shopping at the ACME 1
Bridge Club 1 - 4
Chocolate Extravaganza 1 - 2
Grilled Raspberry Chicken
Knitting Lessons and Sit ‘N Knit
or Crochet 9:15 - 10:15
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Shopping at the ACME 1
Healthy Cooking Demo 1:15 - 2
Bridge Club 1 - 4
Lasagna Roll-Ups
Knitting Lessons and Sit ‘N Knit
or Crochet 9:15 - 10:15
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Shopping at the ACME 1:00
Chinese New Year Celebration
and Make Your Own Fortune
Cookies 1 - 2
Bridge Club 1 - 4
Tuna Salad Pocket
movie Jersey Boys which tells the story of The
Four Seasons rise to success from their humble
Jersey beginnings. The cost is the regular meal contribution of $2.00.
Focus on Fiction Book Club at the Helen Kate
Furness Library
Wednesday, February 25, 1 - 1:45
Join us for our monthly book club. This month’s
book will be 19th Wife by David Ebershoff. If you
need a copy of the book or need assistance with
transportation, please see Kathy or Connie.
Fun with Watercolor
Wednesday, February 25, 1 - 2
Join us for an afternoon of experimenting with
watercolor. Materials will be provided.
Chinese New Year Celebration
Friday, February 27, 1 - 2
Join us as sample some appetizers, learn our Chinese horoscopes for the New Year and make our
own fortune cookies.
FOXCATCHER: Inside the
Movie and the Trial
Surrey –Devon
Wednesday, February 18, 5 – 7
Join us for cocktails and a fascinating presentation by the prosecution team of this infamous
Mc Andrews Law Offices presents the background of the multi-millionaire, John E. Du Pont,
who shot and killed friend and Olympic gold
medal wrestling champion, David Schultz, in his
Newtown Square home on the Foxcatcher estate.
Joe McGettigan and Dennis McAndrews, from
the prosecution team, and McAndrews Law Offices will provide a timeline starting with before
the murder and ending with the impact that it
still has on many people today. Behind the
scenes information and facts and stories that are
not widely known will be shared.
Get Ready for the Gala!
Saturday, April 18
Merion Cricket Club, Haverford
In three months, Surrey will host its Spring Gala
at The Merion Cricket Club in Haverford, PA. The
theme this year is Showtime at Surrey: a nod not
only to great entertainment to be provided by
singers of Philadelphia’s Orpheus Club, but also
to pass along word of what Surrey does for 7,700
older adults in the community annually.
The Surrey Gala Committee has been making
preparations all year and this is sure to be another spectacular event. In addition to live and
silent auctions, there will also be a raffle of a
beautiful necklace and earrings ensemble provided by Walter J. Cook, Jewelers.
The committee needs additional volunteers to
work at the Gala. Please contact Mojdeh Keykhah
at 610-647-6404, ext. 111, if you are available to
The newly released film, FOXCATCHER, with likely help with auction tables, check-in or check-out.
Oscar nominated performances, tells part of this
The Surrey Gala is an evening not to be missed!
true story. If you have already seen the movie,
the presentation will answer the questions you
have that were left unanswered. If you have not
had the opportunity to see the movie, this presentation will give you the backstory.
Don’t miss this unique and very personal story
from those who can tell it best. Tickets are $25
per person may be purchased online at or by calling 610-6476404 ext. 111. In the event of cancellation due to
weather the presentation will be re-scheduled on
Wednesday, March 4.
We thank our members for
their generous gifts!
11/22/14 to 12/18/14
Ms. Marguerite Ambrogi
Ms. Lillian Aquilante
Ms. Mary Auchincloss
Mrs. Doris F. Balderston
Ms. Diane Benham
Mr. Edwin W. Bleecker
Ms. Lavalette M. Boles
Ms. Robin Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Braxton
Ms. Barbara Bugliani
Ms. Gloria Burghart
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Burgin, Jr.
Ms. Ellen Burr
Ms. Mildred Burruss
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Butz
Ms. Joanne L. Carr
Ms. Lucy J. Carroll
Ms. Margaret J. Clothier
Ms. Kathryn Cox
Mr. James Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian Demanop
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edwards
Ms. Alice F. Emerson
Mrs. Nancy T. Everson
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Feiler
Ms. Mickie Felice
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fell
Mr. Lewis Felleisen
Barbara and George Fentress
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Fisk
Ms. Glenna Geiger
Dr. Janice R. Gordon
Ms. Betsy U. Haight
Mr. and Mrs. William Hanaway
Ms. Carol Hook
Ms. Emily Horner
Ms. Marie-Louise Ingersoll
Ms. Annabelle P. Irey
Mr. Richard O. Jacob
Ms. Carol Jacques
Mrs. Bea Jiorle & Mr. Tony Jiorle
Ms. Sandra B. Jones
Ms. Leone Kennedy
Mr. William M. Keyser
Ms. Lois Kistler
More than 200 people attended the 2014 Gala.
Mr. R. Nick Klemmer
Mr. James E. Komer
Ms. Wendy M. Krisher
Ms. Evelyn Kritchevsky
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kukula
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ladden
Mrs. Patricia Lander
Mrs. Petra Larsen
Mrs. Frances A. Legg
Mr. Walter Lent
Mrs. Susanna Livingston
Mrs. Margaret MacKenzie
Ms. Shirley Mandale
Ms. Rhoda Marcus
Ms. Margaret M. Martin
Ms. Jeannette Mathieu
Mrs. Virginia S. Mattison
Ms. Virginia McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Loia McInally
Mr. & Mrs. John W. McLaughlin
Ms. Patricia McLoud
Ms. Kathleen McQuaid
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Metz
Ms. Sue Munster
Mrs. Mary Kay Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Natale
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Negrotti
Ms. Ann Nook
Mr. Bart F. O'Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Parvin, Jr.
Ms. Jean M. Patton
Ms. Clara A. Pellerin
Mrs. Phyllis J. Pfister
Ms. Lynn Pignatelli
Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Plambeck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Price
Ms. Jean Priem-Mickley
Mrs. Peter Purse
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Rosnow
Mr. and Mrs. Roderic H. Ross
Ms. Lucinda Roten
Ms. Rosemarie Ruby
Ms. Rita Sales
Mr. and Mrs. John Serke
Ms. Barbara Shappell
Ms. Katherine A. Shaw
Ms. Loma Shaw
Mr. Charles J. Sheridan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Shields, Jr.
Mr. Kalman Sigman
Mrs. Mary Sileo
Ms. Barbara Sliwinski
Ms. Brenda M. Spells
Mrs. Dolores Sprague
Mrs. Mary Susan Stine
Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S.
Ms. Joan Summy
Mr. Henderson Supplee III
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Swarr
Ms. Marguerite V. Teti
Mr. Herbert L. Thal, Jr.
Ms. Diana Trunks
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph VanderVeer
Ms. Philomena Vaughn
Ms. Margaret Wenzel
Mr. Arnold Winicov
Ms. Stella Wynn
Ms. Rita A. Zurine
In Honor of Alice Morse
Ms. Betty Ann Brigham
In Honor of Dorothea Dooling
Ms. Deborah A. Dooling
In Honor of Betty Orlemann
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Kerr
In Honor of the Pohlmann
Ms. Cynthia A. Sacharok
In Memory of Fred Engel
Mrs. Anne S. Engel
In Memory of Francis Euler
Mrs. Francis Euler
In Memory of Dorothy
Ms. Phyllis LaFerte
In Memory of George Morelli
Ms. Esther E. Morelli
In Memory of Vincent Raimondo, Paula Shelton
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Raimondo
In Memory of Peter Piombino
Mrs. Elizabeth P. Tenaglio
In Memory of Maryanne Zakarewsky
Ms. Theresa Zakarewsky
In Search of Tax
By: Jacky Kennedy Sisson
Surrey’s Daily Money Manager
It’s February and tax season is here. Tax documents have arrived in the mail so income can be
reported, but what about deductions? Have you
been gathering this information during the year?
It’s important not to overlook any valuable
deductions, so here is a list of the most common
ones for those who itemize deductions on their tax
Charitable Donations: Gifts to charities in the
form of cash or goods may be deducted. Goods
include household items, clothing, food, etc. and
can be new or used. When totaling donations,
separate cash gifts from gifts of goods because
they must be listed separately on the tax return. If
there is an organization to which you give frequently, such a weekly church offering, then ask
for a report of your giving at the end of the year,
rather than list each donation.
Medical Expenses: Only expenses that are not
reimbursed by insurance may be deducted. Also,
medical expenses must total more than 7.5% of
adjusted gross income if you are 65 or older and
10% if you are under 65 years of age. Examples of
medical expenses are medical and Part D insurance
premiums, long term care insurance premiums
(below certain IRS dollar limits depending on age),
doctor and hospital co-pays, prescriptions (not
over the counter products), dental expenses, eyeglasses, hearing aids, personal hygiene products,
mileage and parking for medical visits, etc.
If you are a resident of an assisted living or long
term care facility, you should check with the finance office to determine what portion of your
monthly fee is considered a medical related expense.
For recurring expenses, such as prescriptions or
health care professionals, it is easier to obtain a
printout from the pharmacy or provider at the end
of the year, rather than keep a list.
For more information on medical expenses, see IRS
Publication 502.
Property Taxes: This includes school, county,
township (or borough) and per capita taxes.
State and local income taxes: Any income based
taxes paid to a state or municipality are deductible.
Mortgage or home equity loan interest: Interest
paid on a mortgage or home equity loan is deductible and the lender will send a statement in January.
Miscellaneous expenses: These expenses include
tax prep fees, investment management fees, safe
deposit box rental, etc. The expenses must exceed
2% of adjusted gross income to be tax deductible.
Once all the deductions have been totaled, then
it’s time to see if it makes sense to itemize deductions or take the standard deduction. For the 2014
tax year, the standard deduction is $6,200 if filing
single and $12,400 if married and filing a joint return.
Note: The above list is a partial list of tax deductions and includes the most common ones. For
further information, consult the IRS or your tax
For more information about Surrey’s Daily Money
Management Services, please contact Jacky at 610283-7085.
The Surrey Players
Perform for Writer Chris Satullo
Intergenerational Fun
with Surrey Pen Pals
Chris Satullo, WHYY Executive Director of News and Civic Dialogue and previous Inquirer editorial page editor and columnist, visited Surrey in Devon
to watch the Surrey Players perform his holiday play, The Night Visitor.
The play takes place at the Yule Be Sorry Christmas Club, and is a witty yet
poignant story. It was the perfect way to kick off the season. After the
performance Chris stayed for cookies and had his picture taken with the
cast. Don’t miss the spring performance—who know what surprises there
may be!
Surrey Media is partnering with the Retired and
Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) and Media
Elementary School for an Intergenerational Pen
Pal Program. The Pen Pal Program was
developed to encourage school-aged children to
learn other methods of communicating with people besides talking on
the phone, texting or e-mailing. Members of Surrey are matched up with
5th grade students and exchange a monthly letter.
Wonderful connections are made as
students and seniors share their interests,
hobbies, stories about their families and
pets and holiday traditions. The program
will culminate in May with a party where
the pen pal partners finally meet in
person. Letters will occasionally be posted
on Surrey’s Facebook page so be sure to
follow us!
60 Surrey Way
Devon, Pennsylvania 19312