notice of the meeting of the municipal planning commission of the
notice of the meeting of the municipal planning commission of the
NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF OKOTOKS HELD ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE OKOTOKS MUNICIPAL CENTRE COUNCIL CHAMBER AGENDA A AGENDA A.1. A.2. A.3. B Call to Order Additions and/or Deletions Adoption MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING B.1. Municipal Planning Commission Minutes September 17, 2015 C SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS None D DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS D.1. Development Permit Application 167-15 Applicant/Owner: Foothills School Division / Town of Okotoks Address/Legal: 69 Okotoks Drive / Block A, Plan 4820AM Zoning: PS, Public Service District Proposal: Elevation Changes and New Addition (Two Modular Units) D.2. Development Permit Application 168-15 Applicant/Owner: Altrek Industries Ltd. / Robert Rourke Address/Legal: 6 Fisher Crescent / Lot 2, Block 2, Plan 801 0201 Zoning: I-2, General Industrial District Proposal: Change of Use to Recreation Facility – Private (Dance Studio) D.3. Development Permit Application 162-15 Applicant/Owner: Big Rock Labradoodles / Alana Holst Address/Legal: 186 Cimarron Park Circle / Lot 73, Block 25, Plan 041 3822 Zoning: R-1, Residential Single Detached District Proposal: Home Occupation - Minor (Dog Breeding) October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 1 Page 1 D.4. Development Permit Application 165-15 Applicant/Owner: Tricor Design Group / 1621053 Alberta Ltd. Address/Legal: 110 Southbank Boulevard / Lot 12, Block 1, Plan 111 0373 Zoning: I-1S, South Business Industrial District Proposal: Car Washing Establishment and Associated Office with Freestanding and Fascia Signage E STATUTORY PLANS AND BYLAWS None F FURTHER BUSINESS F.1. G Social Wellness Framework Presentation INFORMATION REGARDING DEVELOPMENT MATTERS G.1. G.2. Development Permit Application List Reports to Council – September 14, 2015 Chief Administrative Officer’s Report: Development Services – Wedderburn Land Purchase for Education, Recreational and Cultural Campus Update Bylaw 19-15: First Reading Reports to Council – September 28, 2015 (Minutes are Unadopted) Bylaw 19-15: Second and Third Reading This item is provided as information. H MONTHLY UPDATES I ADJOURNMENT October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 2 Page 2 UNADOPTED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF OKOTOKS HELD ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 IN THE OKOTOKS MUNICIPAL CENTRE COUNCIL CHAMBER COMMITTEE MEMBERS Merlin MacNaughton, Vice Chair Councillor Carrie Fischer Councillor Ken Heemeryck Matt Barciak (arrived at 7:09 p.m.) Greg Bodnarchuk Claudia Kreplin ABSENT Darren Flood STAFF PRESENT Wendy Cardiff, Development Planner Colleen Thome, Development Officer Karen Humby, Recording Secretary A AGENDA A.1. Call to Order Vice Chair MacNaughton called the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m. A.2. Additions and/or Deletions The following item was added to the agenda: F.2. Special MPC Meeting Date A.3. Adoption 15.MPC.77 MOTION: By C. Kreplin that the agenda be adopted as amended. Carried Unanimously M. Barciak absent October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 3 Unadopted Municipal Planning Commission Minutes – September 17, 2015 B MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING B.1. Municipal Planning Commission Minutes – August 20, 2015 15.MPC.78 MOTION: Page 2 of 9 By Councillor Fischer that the minutes of the Municipal Planning Commission held August 20, 2015 be adopted as presented. Carried Unanimously M. Barciak absent C SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS C.1. Subdivision Application D11-DL20 – “The Parkhouses” Bareland Condominium Applicant/Owner: Jones Geomatics Ltd. / Lifestyle Homes Inc. Address/Legal: 11 Drake Landing Heights / Lot 63, Block 21, Plan 121 3633 The Applicant was in attendance. W. Cardiff, Development Planner, reviewed the report. 15.MPC.79 MOTION: By Councillor Heemeryck that Subdivision Application Number D11-DL20 for the Parkhouses Bareland Condominium be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. The Plan of Bareland Condominium shall be in the form approved by the Subdivision Authority on September 17, 2015. Prior to endorsement of the Plan of Bareland Condominium, the registered owner of the land being subdivided must provide verification to the Town of the registration of the DP 105-15 Development Agreement. Prior to endorsement of the Plan of Bareland Condominium, the registered owner of the land being subdivided must pay or agree to pay: a) any current or outstanding property taxes levied against the subdivision lands; b) any costs incurred by Okotoks for all third party consulting, accounting, legal, engineering and planning work related to the subdivision of the lands; and c) payment of a property service fee equal to the tax rate(s) applicable to the lots created by the subdivision multiplied by the assessed value of the lots, in the event the owner is not liable, during the year in which the plan of subdivision is registered, to pay property taxes on the lots created by registration of the plan of subdivision. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 4 Unadopted Municipal Planning Commission Minutes – September 17, 2015 4. Page 3 of 9 Concurrent with the registration of the Plan of Bareland Condominium, the registered owner of the land being subdivided must: a) grant and register all such plans and agreements as are required to effectively grant to Okotoks all necessary utility rights of way, temporary access and/or easements including but not limited to those required for water, sewerage, transportation, interim road connections, irrigation, drainage including overland drainage, fuel, electric power, heat, and waste management works and undertakings; and b) register a Property Service Fee agreement against the units created by the plan of bareland condominium. REASONS FOR DECISION 1. Bareland Condominium Application D11-DL20 complies with the Okotoks Municipal Development Plan, the Northeast Okotoks Area Structure Plan, the Okotoks Land Use Bylaw and Development Permit 105-15 approved by Council on February 23, 2015; and 2. Subdivision conditions included in this approval ensure compliance of Bareland Condominium Application D11-DL20 with Town of Okotoks subdivision development policies, standards and practices. Carried Unanimously M. Barciak absent D DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS D.1. Development Permit Application 148-15 Applicant/Owner: Arup Datta Architect Ltd. / 1182727 Alberta Inc. Address/Legal: 100 Stockton Avenue / Lot 1, Block 4, Plan 801 0201 Zoning: DC, Direct Control District Proposal: Elevation and Landscaping Changes The Applicant was not in attendance. C. Thome, Development Officer, reviewed the report. 15.MPC.80 MOTION: By Councillor Fischer that Development Permit Application Number 148-15 for Elevation and Landscaping Changes be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to the release of the Development Permit, the Developer shall: a) Submit revised elevations showing the locations of the proposed trees in relation to the canopies and illuminated feature pylons; and October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 5 Unadopted Municipal Planning Commission Minutes – September 17, 2015 Page 4 of 9 b) 2. Provide planting details, tree species and details of concrete/asphalt remediation for any proposed tree replacement; conditions 1a and b above to the satisfaction of the Town. Development Conditions: a) The Developer shall construct the development in accordance with: i) all conditions of this approval; ii) the site and revised elevation plans as approved by the Municipal Planning Commission on September 17, 2015; and iii) any other plans (e.g. tree details) submitted and approved as a requirement of this approval; b) The Developer shall: i) paint the existing freestanding sign to match one of the principal colors on the building; ii) maintain a distance of at least 1.0m between any illuminated feature pylon and any tree well; iii) maintain an unobstructed walkway at least 1.0m in width across the front of the building; iv) remediate any concrete and asphalt disturbed in the course of construction; v) within 90 days of a tenant vacating the building, remove the tenant’s signage or replace it with a blank panel; and vi) remove all existing window signs or apply for sign permits to allow them to remain; to the satisfaction of the Development Officer; c) Landscaping changes approved under this permit are limited to replacement of 8 trees along the southwest elevation of the building in their existing locations. A detailed landscape plan prepared by a qualified Landscape Architect must be provided for review and acceptance by the Town prior to any other landscaping changes; d) Illuminated feature pylons are to be used as an architectural feature only and shall not, in the opinion of the Town, add significantly to site lighting levels. Illuminated pylons shall not create direct glare or interfere with driver visibility on adjacent roadways; e) Signs included in this approval are limited to the fascia signage identified on the approved elevations, amounting to a maximum of 71.3m² (6.5%) on the southwest (front) elevation; 18.56m² (1.7%) on the northeast (rear) elevation; 9.28m² (6.1%) on the northwest (side) elevation; and none on the southeast (side) elevation; October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 6 Unadopted Municipal Planning Commission Minutes – September 17, 2015 f) g) Page 5 of 9 Operation of the Computerized Sign (Programmable LED Reader) shall be subject to the following conditions: i) copy shown on the digital display must be static and remain in place for a minimum of 6 seconds before switching to new copy. The sign operator is expected to exercise discretion and display copy for longer periods as required if the message involves more text; ii) the maximum transition time between each digital copy must not exceed 1.0 second; iii) transition between each digital copy must not involve visible effects including but not limited to action, motion, fading in and out, dissolving, blinking, intermittent or flashing light or the illusion of such effects; iv) the display of full-motion video is not allowed at any time; v) the sign must be equipped with ambient light sensor(s). Brightness levels may not exceed 0.3 footcandles / 3.23 lux above ambient light conditions at any time; vi) copy must not be shown in a manner that requires the copy to be viewed or read over a series of sequential copy messages on a single digital display or sequenced on multiple digital displays; vii) the sign must display only a blank black screen in the event of a malfunction of the display; and viii) the sign owner is responsible to ensure that all individuals responsible for programming of sign content are made aware of, and follow, the operational conditions of this approval; and The issuance of a development permit by the Town of Okotoks does not relieve the permit holder of the responsibility of complying with all other relevant municipal bylaws and requirements, nor excuse violation of any regulation or act, which may affect this project. Carried Unanimously October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 7 Unadopted Municipal Planning Commission Minutes – September 17, 2015 D.2. Page 6 of 9 Development Permit Application 163-15 Applicant/Owner: Kids’ Stop Children’s Centre / 1684276 Alberta Ltd. Address/Legal: 260 – 200 Southridge Drive / Lot 7, Block 1, Plan 051 0758 Zoning: C-GATE, Gateway Commercial District Proposal: Child Care Facility (Day Care) and Outdoor Play Space The Applicant was in attendance. C. Thome, Development Officer, reviewed the report. There was discussion regarding the safe conduct route from the premises to the outdoor play space. 15.MPC.81 MOTION: By Councillor Heemeryck that Development Permit Application Number 163-15 for a Child Care Facility (Day Care) be approved with variances subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. Prior to the release of the Development Permit, the Developer shall: a) Submit a copy of a playground access plan accepted by the provincial licensing agency or if not required by the provincial authority, a proposed plan for review and acceptance of the Town. Development Conditions: a) The Developer shall construct the development in accordance with: i) all conditions of this approval; and ii) the site plan approved by the Municipal Planning Commission on September 17, 2015; b) The Developer shall: i) install bollards, jersey barriers or similar protection across the south side of the fenced play area to protect the space from encroachment by vehicles; to the satisfaction of the Development Officer; and c) The issuance of a development permit by the Town of Okotoks does not relieve the permit holder of the responsibility of complying with all other relevant municipal bylaws and requirements, nor excuse violation of any regulation or act, which may affect this project. VARIANCE The following Section of the Land Use Bylaw is varied pursuant to Section 4.4.1 of the Land Use Bylaw: 1. Section 21A [Parking] to permit the removal of 8 parking spaces to accommodate this development, reducing the available parking to 842 spaces for the overall site where the minimum required is 939 spaces, for a total site variance of 97 parking spaces. Carried Unanimously October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 8 Unadopted Municipal Planning Commission Minutes – September 17, 2015 D.3. Page 7 of 9 Development Permit Application 130-12 Amendment Applicant/Owner: Rick Balbi Architect Ltd. / 1570560 Alberta Ltd. Address/Legal: 4 Westland Road / Lot 11, Block 2, Plan 141 3166 Zoning: C-HWY, Highway Commercial District Proposal: Site Plan Amendment The Applicant was not in attendance. C. Thome, Development Officer, reviewed the report. There was discussion regarding on-site parking, as well as the proposed site plan amendments. 15.MPC.82 MOTION: By C. Kreplin that the application to amend the approved site plan for Development Permit Application Number 130-12 by adding stairs, a paved walkway and a fence opening for pedestrian access from Westland Road be refused for the following reasons: 1. The design does not conform to good Planning practice in that the location and design of the pedestrian link compromise pedestrian safety: a) The pedestrian link connects a commercial development directly to on-street parking on a roadway with no pedestrian walkway on the same side of the road; b) The presence of a pedestrian access link encourages midblock crossing to and from the existing public sidewalk and parking on the opposite side of Westland Road; and c) The pedestrian access link meets the roadway between intersections, at the centre of a sharp curve within a bulb, where driver visibility is significantly compromised by road design; this effect is exacerbated when there are vehicles parked on the road; and further, that the existing stairs and walkway be removed and the site be restored to conform to the site plan and landscaping plan approved under DP 130-12 no later than October 16, 2015. Carried Unanimously October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 9 Unadopted Municipal Planning Commission Minutes – September 17, 2015 Page 8 of 9 E STATUTORY PLANS AND BYLAWS E.1. Bylaw 19-15 – Land Use Bylaw Amendment Applicant/Owner: 1798089 Alberta Ltd. Address/Legal: 109 Southbank Boulevard / Lot 5, Block 1, Plan 081 0538 The Applicant was in attendance. W. Cardiff, Development Planner, reviewed the bylaw. There was discussion regarding the parking ratios for retail store and retail storewarehouse, designating the site Direct Control District to allow retail store and retail store-warehouse, as well as the site-specific designation to allow only retail store– warehouse. Ryan Sawatsky, representing the Applicant/Owner, addressed questions asked by the Municipal Planning Commission. 15.MPC.83 MOTION: By Councillor Fischer that Council be advised that the Municipal Planning Commission supports a site-specific Land Use Bylaw amendment to add “retail store-warehouse” as a discretionary use with a parking requirement of 1/25m² on the lands described as Lot 5, Block 1, Plan 081 0538 (109 Southbank Boulevard) for the following reasons: The proposed use as described by the applicant involves: A low density of vehicles travelling to the site; A low parking demand; and Cross-parking arrangements with the other building on the site; and the Municipal Planning Commission does not support the addition of “retail store” as a listed use in the I-1S District generally, or on this site specifically. Carried F FURTHER BUSINESS F.1. Discussion on Reports to Council Method of Delivery W. Cardiff, Development Planner, presented a verbal report regarding the delivery of the Reports to Council section of the Agenda package. The members indicated they reference this section, and would prefer to receive a webpage link. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 10 Unadopted Municipal Planning Commission Minutes – September 17, 2015 F.2. Page 9 of 9 Special MPC Meeting Date W. Cardiff, Development Planner, queried members regarding dates for the Code of Conduct Policy presentation. Councillor Fischer suggested the presentation be held in November once Commission members for the 2015/2016 year are appointed. G INFORMATION REGARDING DEVELOPMENT MATTERS G.1. Development Permit Application List A copy of the Development Permit Application list was provided in the Agenda package. G.2. Reports to Council – August 17, 2015 (Minutes are Unadopted) The following reports, which were presented to Council by Planning Services, were provided to the Commission for information: Chief Administrative Officer’s Report: Development Services – High Pressure Gas Pipeline Setback Town of Okotoks Active Transportation Strategy Application for Encroachment Agreement 15.MPC.84 MOTION: H By M. Barciak that items G.1 and G.2 be received as information. Carried Unanimously MONTHLY UPDATES C. Thome, Development Officer, introduced Mandy Wong, the new Development Officer. I ADJOURNMENT 15.MPC.85 MOTION: By M. Barciak that the meeting adjourn at 9:14 p.m. Carried Unanimously Merlin MacNaughton, Vice Chair October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Karen Humby, Recording Secretary Page 11 Okotoks MPC October 15, 2015 Development Permit Application No.: Applicant/Owner: Location/Legal: Land Use Designation: Proposal: 167-15 Rob Ladd, Foothills School Division / Board of Foothills School Division No.38 – Percy Pegler School / Land Owner Town of Okotoks 69 Okotoks Drive Block A, Plan 4820AM, Public Service District (PS) As-Built Elevation Changes and New Addition (370m2) – two modular units and link to existing school building History In September, 2009 the MPC approved DP 115-09 for the relocation of existing portable classrooms on the site and changes to the approved elevations. Context Map Land Use Map October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 12 Page 2 – DP 167-15 - 69 Okotoks Drive – Percy Pegler School Addition Report This application involves the addition of two portable classrooms and a link to the existing school, bringing the number of classrooms to 26; and the reconfiguration of parking spaces in the northwest corner of the school site to conform to current dimensional standards of at least 2.6m wide and 5.8m long where possible within the existing parking lot footprint, resulting in a parking count of 50 spaces. North Elevation of Percy Pegler School Portables Portables to be relocated to Percy Pegler School (Note: only two of them will be moved) Notice Posting – The school division has scheduled an Open House for October 6, 2015 at Percy Pegler School. Comments arising from the Open House will be provided at the meeting. Parking and Loading Facilities – The site plan shows relocation of the bike racks from the public park space north of the school to a point south of the school building. In the PS district the minimum parking requirement for an elementary school is 2 spaces per classroom. At present the school division reports there are 26 classrooms, for which the parking requirement under the bylaw would be 52 spaces. Under this application, 50 parking spaces will be delineated, including one handicap space in the northeast corner of the parking lot with access to the public sidewalk. Because site constraints prevent the development of additional parking at this time, administration supports the variance of 2 spaces relative to this application. The layout has been redesigned to maximize the number of parking spaces that can be accommodated. The site plan also involves a variance to the drive aisle width from 7.0m to 6.0m due to parking lot size constraints, and an associated change to one-way traffic flow in the parking lot. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 13 Page 3 – DP 167-15 - 69 Okotoks Drive – Percy Pegler School Addition Relocation of Buildings – Where a development permit has been granted for the relocation of a building, the Development Authority shall require a performance security to ensure completion of the requirements of the permit. In lieu of a performance security Administration is recommending a plan be submitted limiting the area that is utilized to move the classrooms to the proposed location and that the school division be responsible for the repair of any damage as a result of the development, including a maintenance and warranty period of one year from the date of acceptance of all repairs by the Town. All requirements of a development permit for a relocated building are to be completed within one year of the issuance of the development permit. Landscaping – In the PS District, the boulevard and at least 20% of the site must be landscaped. The proposal meets bylaw requirements. Tree counts will remain the same. Tree protection, and remediation of any landscaping disturbed by the placement of the classrooms, are included in the recommended conditions of approval. Building Exteriors – The previous approval for the modification of the school and relocation of existing portables proposed the use of galvanized metal accents to be added to the existing portables to tie them in with the new design on the school building. The trim was not installed, and it’s not intended to be used with the portables proposed under this application. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 14 Page 4 – DP 167-15 - 69 Okotoks Drive – Percy Pegler School Addition Administration supports acceptance of the as-built condition and lack of galvanized trim on the new units. The existing portables have vertical metal siding and the proposed addition has vertical metal siding and Hardie panel siding, to be painted to match the existing portables under this application. A condition is included requiring that any rooftop units including vent hoods be painted to match the building. Outdoor Lighting – Lighting is limited to a wall-mounted fixture above the relocated door. A condition is included requiring that all fixtures be fully shielded and conform to all Land Use Bylaw requirements and standards for lighting. Public Service District – The minimum setback in the PS district is 6.0m on all sides. This application meets all setback requirements. Summary – The proposal involves additional classroom space to accommodate the growing demand at the facility. There is a verbal agreement between the Town and the School Division to allow for staff and parent parking at the Recreation Centre during the day. Considering existing traffic and parking congestion around the school during peak times, it doesn’t appear the Town’s parking lot at the recreation is being utilized as much as it could be for day to day school purposes. Due to site and budget constraints, development of additional parking cannot be considered on the site at this time.. The school division has also agreed to consider methods to allow parent drop off on site. Administration also made the school division aware of Council’s endorsement of the Active Transportation Strategy and recommended that the school division initiate development of an Active Transportation Strategy for the school. Landscaped area and tree count will continue to be within the minimum requirements under the bylaw. Administration supports the application and the variances. Appeal of the MPC’s decision lies to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 15 Page 5 – DP 167-15 - 69 Okotoks Drive – Percy Pegler School Addition Recommendation: That Development Permit Application Number 167-15 for as-built Elevation Changes and a New Addition (370m2) – two modular units and link to existing school building - be approved with variances subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. Prior to the release of the Development Permit, the developer shall submit a plan showing the route to be used for moving the classrooms onto the site including but not limited to: a) Removal and replacement of the existing chain link fence; b) Protection for the curb and sidewalk; c) Fencing to be installed to limit the area to be disturbed; d) Tree protection for all trees located within 6.0m of construction activity; e) Remediation of all public lands disturbed by the development to pre-construction condition including the existing pathway and replacement of any damaged turf with sod; and f) Schedule of construction activity; for review and acceptance by the Town. Development Conditions: a) The Developer shall construct the development in accordance with: i) all conditions of this approval; and ii) the site and elevation plans as approved by the Municipal Planning Commission on October 15, 2015; b) All structural and exterior renovation and all other requirements of this permit must be completed within one year of the issuance of the development permit; c) The Developer shall: i) obtain a Parks Access Permit and call for inspection prior to the commencement of any work; ii) repair all damage as a result of the development, including a maintenance and warranty period of one year from the date of acceptance of all repairs by the Town; iii) indemnify the municipality against any damages that may occur to public utilities and facilities as a result of the relocation; iv) purchase and install, or pay for the purchase and installation of, all onand off-site directional and regulatory signage proposed or required under this approval; v) finish the addition to match the prior additions in color and paint roof top apparatus including vent hoods on the existing and proposed additions to match building color; vi) delineate all paved parking spaces with painted lines and sign the handicapped parking space with a freestanding sign; and vii) mark one-way traffic direction in the parking lot with pavement markings and freestanding signage; to the satisfaction of the Development Officer; d) Any new wall-mounted lighting shall be fully shielded and shall conform to all Land Use Bylaw requirements and standards for lighting; e) This approval includes replacement of the freestanding sign on the site with another non-illuminated sign of the same size and sign type. Should any change to the size, style or illumination of the sign be proposed, a sign permit will be required prior to its placement; and f) The issuance of a development permit by the Town of Okotoks does not relieve the permit holder of the responsibility of complying with all other relevant municipal bylaws and requirements, nor excuse violation of any regulation or act, which may affect this project. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 16 Page 6 – DP 167-15 - 69 Okotoks Drive – Percy Pegler School Addition VARIANCE The following Sections of the Land Use Bylaw are varied pursuant to Section 4.4.1 of the Land Use Bylaw: 1. Section 9.3.7 [Minimum Dimensions for Parking Areas] to permit the development with 6.0m wide drive aisles where 7.0m is the minimum standard; 2. Section 9.10.1 [Relocation of Buildings] to allow the development without the required performance security; and 3. Section 28.2.2 [Minimum Parking Required in PS District] to permit the development with 50 parking spaces where the minimum required is 52 parking spaces, a variance of 2 parking spaces. Section Section 9.3.7 Minimum Dimensions for Parking Areas 9.10.1 (a) Section 28.2.2 Minimum Parking Required in PS District LUB Requirement Drive Aisle 7.0m where adjacent spaces are 90 degrees Development Authority shall require a performance security 2 spaces/class Elementary 52 Spaces Proposal Drive Aisles 6.0m wide None 50 Spaces Reasons The drive aisles will be marked for one-way traffic flow. Traffic flow has functioned reasonably well within the size constraints of the existing parking lot footprint to this point. Applicant is the Foothills School Division. A plan to limit the area to be disturbed by the move in and a requirement to rehab and maintain are conditions of approval The layout of the existing parking lot will be redesigned under this application to accommodate more spaces than previously marked. Due to site constraints, there is no other area on the site where more parking spaces could be developed at present. Attachments: 1. Summary of Proposal and Land Use Bylaw Requirements 2. Site, Floor and Elevation Plans Prepared by: Planning Team (mw, wc, ct) Oct 4, 2015 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 17 Page 7 – DP 167-15 - 69 Okotoks Drive – Percy Pegler School Addition ATTACHMENT #1 DPA 167-15 69 Okotoks Drive Block A, Plan 4820AM, Public Service District (PS) Relevant Sections of the Land Use Bylaw: Section 4.4.0 Section 4.5.0 Section 9.3.0 Section 9.10.1 Section 9.18.0 Sections 9.22.0 Section 28 Section 30 Discretion of the Development Authority Issuance of Development Permits and Notices Parking and Loading Facilities Relocation of Buildings Building Exteriors Outdoor Lighting Public Service District (PS) “School” “School” – means a place of instruction offering courses of study (and) may include a before and after school care program and preschool program provided the license holder and operator of the program is the school authority which owns and operates the school. Included in the category are public, private and separate schools. Uses School District Use Lists Discretionary Minimum Requirements Setbacks Landscaping Parking Spaces Standard Minimum required Dimensions LUB Requirement 6.0m all sides The boulevard and 20% of the site Proposal 6.0m all sides N/A 2/classroom 52 including 1 handicapped 2.6m x 5.8m h/c space 4m x 5.8m 50 spaces including 1 h/c FINISHING MATERIALS PROPOSED Trim Faces of building Flashing Material Metal Horizontal Siding Metal Vertical Siding Hardie Panel Siding Metal Windows Anodized Aluminum Steps and Landing Pressure Treated Lumber October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Color To match existing school portables. To match existing cladding. To match existing windows Natural Page 18 Notes: Verify all dimensions, elevations, and datum; report any errors and/ or discrepancies to the architect prior to construction. All drawings remain the property of the architect. The design and drawing may not be reproduced without permission of the architect. Do not scale Drawings. This drawing supersedes previous issues Notes: Date (YY-MM-DD) No. Description Revisions Date (YY-MM-DD) Issued For Drawn By Scale Project Number Date (YY-MM-DD) Project Drawing Title 505, 237 8 Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G 5C3 Ph: 403.233.2000 Fax: 403.264.0879 Drawing Number October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 19 Notes: Verify all dimensions, elevations, and datum; report any errors and/ or discrepancies to the architect prior to construction. All drawings remain the property of the architect. The design and drawing may not be reproduced without permission of the architect. Do not scale Drawings. This drawing supersedes previous issues Notes: MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION: 100 000 Date (YY-MM-DD) No. Description Revisions Date (YY-MM-DD) Issued For Drawn By Scale Project Number Date (YY-MM-DD) Project Drawing Title 505, 237 8 Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G 5C3 Ph: 403.233.2000 Fax: 403.264.0879 Drawing Number October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 20 Notes: Verify all dimensions, elevations, and datum; report any errors and/ or discrepancies to the architect prior to construction. EXISTING SITE PHOTOS All drawings remain the property of the architect. The design and drawing may not be reproduced without permission of the architect. Do not scale Drawings. This drawing supersedes previous issues Notes: C B A Date (YY-MM-DD) No. Description Revisions Date (YY-MM-DD) Issued For A B C Drawn By Scale Project Number Date (YY-MM-DD) Project Drawing Title 505, 237 8 Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G 5C3 Ph: 403.233.2000 Fax: 403.264.0879 Drawing Number October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 21 Okotoks MPC October 15, 2015 Development Permit Application No.: Applicant/Owner: Location/Legal: Land Use Designation: Proposal: DPA 168-15 Altrek Industries Ltd. / Robert Rourke 6 Fisher Crescent / Lot 2, Block 2, Plan 801 0201 General Industrial District (I-2) Recreation Facilities - Private (Dance Studio) History In September 2003, the MPC conditionally approved DP 162-03 for a 676.48m2 warehouse at 6 Fisher Crescent. The Development Permit was not issued as conditions of approval were not met and the Development Agreement was never executed. A Building Permit was applied for and was granted. The building was constructed but the site was not developed in accordance with the approval and servicing was not installed. DP 162-03 Context Map Land Use Map October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 22 Page 2 – DPA 168-15 – 6 Fisher Crescent – Recreation Facility-Private (Dance Studio) Report Considering the Development Permit for the original development was never released and the site was not serviced - and that the applicant proposes to service and develop the site in conjunction with this application - a Development Agreement is included as a prior to release condition to allow for servicing and provide for site development that conforms to the Land Use Bylaw. This Development Permit Application is for a change of use to allow the operation of a Dance Studio in the building and one non-illuminated fascia sign (6.20m²) on the front of the building. The use fits the definition of a Recreation Facility-Private, which is a discretionary use in the I-2 District. Parking and Loading Facilities – Based on the parking ratio of 1/37m2, 20 stalls are required and 20 stalls are proposed. All parking spaces are clear of setbacks. One handicap parking space is required under the bylaw and safety codes and is proposed. A bike rack is provided on a hard surface at the northeast corner of the building. Parking space dimensions meet requirements. The applicant has indicated that the existing overhead doors will not be used and no loading spaces are required. Site Plan Landscaping - The Boulevard and at least 10% of the site are required to be landscaped; details of total landscaped area and tree count are specified on the site plan. The application proposes 21% of the site to be landscaped. The tree count is based on the total landscaped area and 14 trees are provided where 14 are required based on the ratio of 1/35m2. The breakdown of large and small trees, coniferous and deciduous trees comply with the LUB. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 23 Page 3 – DPA 168-15 – 6 Fisher Crescent – Recreation Facility-Private (Dance Studio) Building Exterior – Finishing will remain the same, Aluminum Siding (Beige) with blue trim and accents. Private Vehicle and Pedestrian Facilities – Drive aisles are a minimum of 7.0m wide and parking spaces are 2.6m by 5.8m with the handicap space being 4m in width and space 10 on the north end 3.6m to allow for additional maneuvering space. Sidewalks with a width of 1.2m are proposed between the parking spaces and the building with wheel stops. Garbage Facilities – All developments are to provide a garbage/recycling facility suitable for the intended land use. A garbage enclosure large enough to accommodate one bin is shown on the southwest corner of the site, and is oriented towards the entry for ease of pick-up. The applicant has indicated that the proposed use does not generate a lot of garbage or recycling so one bin should be sufficient. There is room to expand the enclosure area if required in the future due to a change of use. The proposed location projects into the Rear Yard Setback, and in the I-2 district, projections in setbacks are at the discretion of the Development Authority. The enclosure is proposed to be stained cedar on a concrete pad. Garbage Enclosure Lands Subject to Flooding - The site is located within the Flood Fringe of the Sheep River. In 2003 Alberta Environment recommended the main floor of the building be built at an elevation of 1045.19m, however, it was constructed at 1044.73, a difference of 0.46m. Therefore other methods must be used to flood proof the building. The applicant was advised of this and examples of methods proposed by other applicants were provided. Signage – Proposed signage includes one fascia sign (6.20m2) at the front of the building on the east elevation. The guideline adopted by the Municipal Planning Commission allows for October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 24 Page 4 – DPA 168-15 – 6 Fisher Crescent – Recreation Facility-Private (Dance Studio) signage on the front of the building with a maximum copy area of 12%, and the proposed signage will be 4.5% of the building face. The sign is a box sign with no internal lighting. Proposed Signage East Elevation Development Agreement – The standard condition requiring the registered owner of the property to enter into a development agreement will apply. Summary –The application is a discretionary use in an I-2 district. The proposal meets all relevant Land Use Bylaw regulations and is in keeping with the purpose and intent of the I-2 District. Appeal of the MPC’s decision lies to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 25 Page 5 – DPA 168-15 – 6 Fisher Crescent – Recreation Facility-Private (Dance Studio) Recommendation: That Development Permit Application Number 168-15 for a change of use from Warehouse to Recreation Facility – Private and associated Fascia Signage be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. Prior to the release of the Development Permit, the Developer shall: a) Provide a Site Servicing Plan, including among other things any proposed/ required regulatory signage such as stop signs, handicapped parking signs etc., in accordance with Section 4.3.9(a) of the LUB; b) Provide a detailed Landscaping Plan prepared by a qualified Landscape Architect in accordance with Sections 3.2.1 and 9.5.0 of the Land Use Bylaw. The Landscape Plan shall employ water conservation techniques such as grouping of trees and shrubs in mulched beds, use of xeriscape plants, etc. (Note: the landscaping plan submitted with the application meets the LUB requirement in terms of tree count and area); and c) provide details of how the building will be flood proofed; conditions 1a through c above to the satisfaction of the Town; d) enter into a Development Agreement, regarding but not limited to: i) submission of the necessary performance securities pursuant to Section 4.3.7 of the Land Use Bylaw; ii) provision for the installation of off-site services including but not limited to storm sewage, sanitary sewage, curb replacement, sidewalks and improvements to adjoining roadways; iii) provision for indemnifying the Municipality against any damages that may occur; and iv) recovery of professional costs incurred by the Town associated with this development. Development Conditions: a) The Developer shall undertake the development in accordance with: i) all conditions of this approval; ii) the revised site plan and elevation plans accepted by the Municipal Planning Commission on October 15, 2015; and iii) any other plans (Landscaping and Site Servicing Plans) submitted and approved/accepted as a requirement of this approval; b) The Developer shall: i) construct the driveway to the current design standard; i) provide vertical face concrete curb between all driving surfaces and landscaped areas; ii) pave all required parking surfaces and associated driving lanes, delineate all paved parking spaces with painted lines and sign the handicapped parking space with freestanding signage; iii) provide wheel stops in parking spaces that are perpendicular to a sidewalk that is less than 2.1 m in width; and iv) develop the 20 parking spaces and associated drive aisles as shown on the approved site plan; to the satisfaction of the Development Officer; c) The approval includes one non-illuminated fascia sign box on the front of the building (east elevation), an area of 6.20m2 (4.5% of building face area); and d) The issuance of a development permit by the Town of Okotoks does not relieve the permit holder of the responsibility of complying with all other relevant municipal bylaws and requirements, nor excuse violation of any regulation or act, which may affect this project. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 26 Page 6 – DPA 168-15 – 6 Fisher Crescent – Recreation Facility-Private (Dance Studio) Attachments: 1. Summary of Proposal and Land Use Bylaw Requirements 2. DPA 168-15 plan and pictures Prepared by: Planning Team (mw)(wc) October 4, 2015 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 27 Page 7 – DPA 168-15 – 6 Fisher Crescent – Recreation Facility-Private (Dance Studio) ATTACHMENT #1 DPA 168-15 6 Fisher Crescent Lot 2, Block 2, Plan 801 0201 General Industrial District (I-2) Relevant Sections of the Land Use Bylaw: Section 4.4.0 Discretion of the Development Authority Section 4.5.0 Issuance of Development Permits and Notices Section 9.3.0 Parking and Loading Facilities Section 9.8.0 Garbage Facilities Section 9.11.0 Lands Subject to Flooding Section 10 Sign Regulations Section 24 General Industrial District (I-2) Section 30 “Recreation Facility-Private” Recreation Facility-Private – means any development providing amusement and enjoyment. Associated administrative offices, instructional classes, household and personal services and retail sales may be included as accessory uses in this use category. Typical developments would include, but not be limited to, athletic facilities such as swimming pools, squash, tennis and racquetball courts and golf courses, or similar recreational facilities and does not include bowling alleys or adult entertainment uses. Uses Recreation Facility - Private District Use Lists Discretionary Minimum Requirements Front Yard Side Yards LUB Requirement 6m (16.69 ft) (a) street side of corner site: 6m (19.69 ft) (b) laneless sites: One unobstructed 6m (16.69ft) (c) all other: none unless required pursuant to provincial regulations 6m (19.69) Boulevard and 10% of the site Rear Yard Landscaping % of Site Number of Trees Parking Spaces Standard Minimum required 20 1/37m2 including 1 h/c space typical space- 2.6m x 5.8m h/c space- 4.0m x 5.8m Maximum Limits Coverage of Site Height Buildings: Other structures: Proposal 7.39m Fisher Crescent: 6m Adjacent Site: 0m 13.89m Boulevard and 21.4% of the site 20 spaces 1 h/c space LUB Requirement Not specified Proposal 29.7% 3 stories At the discretion of Development Authority 1 story SIGNAGE LUB REQUIREMENT Fascia Signage Front October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package 20% MPC Guidelines – 12% PROPOSAL 4.5% Page 28 Page 8 – DPA 168-15 – 6 Fisher Crescent – Recreation Facility-Private (Dance Studio) DPA168-15 Lot 2, Block 2, Plan 801 0201 6 Fisher Crescent The landscaping requirements for this development in accordance with the Land Use Bylaw 4098 are: Lot size Min. Number of trees required (1/35m2) Number of Large trees (50%) Number of Coniferous (1/3) Number of Deciduous LUB Requirements 2225.7m2 Boulevard and 10% of the site 14 Trees Proposed 7 Trees 7 Trees Large 3 Small 2 Large 4 Small 5 3 2 4 5 Boulevard and 21% 14 Trees The detailed landscaping plan to be submitted as a condition of approval will be reviewed for conformance with the principles of CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) which may result in changes to tree count and/or type at detailed review stage. Land Use Bylaw 40-98 requirements: (see Section 9.5.2 for further detail) The minimum size for deciduous trees shall be: (i) (ii) for small deciduous trees, 50 millimeters caliper except 35 millimeters caliper for flowering ornamental; and for large deciduous trees, 85 millimeters caliper; The minimum size for smaller coniferous trees shall be a height of 2 meters and for large coniferous trees, a height of 3 meters Shrubs shall be minimum height of spread of 600 millimetres at the time of planting. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 29 ÜÐß ïêèóïë ê Ú·¸»® Ý® λ½»·ª»¼ Í»°¬ îèô îðïë Ò ÌØ×Í ÜÎßÉ×ÒÙ ßÒÜ ÜÛÍ×ÙÒ ßÎÛ ßÌ ßÔÔ Ì×ÓÛÍ ÌÑ ÎÛÓß×Ò ÌØÛ ÛÈÝÔËÍ×ÊÛ ÐÎÑÐÛÎÌÇ ÑÚ ÌØÛ ÜÛÍ×ÙÒÛÎ ßÒÜ ÓßÇ ÒÑÌ ÞÛ ËÍÛÜ ÑÎ ÎÛÐÎÑÜËÝÛÜ É×ÌØÑËÌ ÐÎ×ÑÎ ÉÎ×ÌÌÛÒ ÝÑÒÍÛÒÌ ÉÎ×ÌÌÛÒ Ü×ÓÛÒÍ×ÑÒÍ ÍØßÔÔ ØßÊÛ ÐÎÛÝÛÜÛÒÝÛ ÑÊÛÎ ÍÝßÔÛÜ Ü×ÓÛÒÍ×ÑÒÍò ×Ì ×Í ÌØÛ ÎÛÍÐÑÒÍ×Þ×Ô×ÌÇ ÑÚ ÌØÛ ÝÑÒÌÎßÝÌÑÎ ÌÑ ÒÑÌ×ÚÇ ÌØÛ ÜÛÍ×ÙÒÛÎ É×ÌØ ßÒÇ Ü×ÍÝÎÛÐßÒÝ×ÛÍ ÜÑ ÒÑÌ ÍÝßÔÛ ÜÎßÉ×ÒÙÍ Ô±¬ ¿®»¿ ¿ °»® ´»¹¿´ °´¿² · ðòëë ¿½ ó îîîëòé ¯ ³ ¾¿»¼ ±² ¬¸· ¬¸» ´¿²¼½¿°»¼ ¿®»¿ · ìêïòêç ¯ò³ ݸ¿²¹» ¿¹®»»¼ ¬± ¾§ ¿°°´·½¿²¬ñ±©²»® ú Ü»·¹²»® »» »³¿·´ ¼¿¬»¼ ѽ¬ éñïë ÐÎÑÐÛÎÌÇ Ô×ÒÛ ëïòìë ÔÑÌ ÝÑÊÛÎßÙÛæ ÔÑÌ ßÎÛß ÞË×ÔÜ×ÒÙ ßÎÛß ÓÛÝØ ÎÑÑÓ ã ã ã îîííòìè ÍÏòÓò êêíòêë ÍÏòÓò ìèòðí ÍÏòÓò ÌÑÌßÔ ßÎÛß ã éïïòêè ÍÏòÓò ÔßÒÜÍÝßÐÛæ ÔÑÌ ßÎÛß ÞË×ÔÜ×ÒÙ ßÎÛß ÐßÎÕ×ÒÙ ßÎÛß Í×ÜÛÉßÔÕ ßÎÛß ÔßÒÜÍÝßÐÛ ßÎÛß øÙÎßÍÍ÷ ã ã ã ã ã ÔßÒÜÍÝßÐÛ ßÎÛß øû÷ ã îïû ï ßï îîííòìè ÍÏòÓò êêíòêë ÍÏòÓò ççïòçé ÍÏòÓò ïðèòìð ÍÏòÓò ìêçòìê ÍÏòÓò Í×ÌÛ ÐÔßÒ ÍÝßÔÛ ó ïæïëð ï ÌÎÛÛ ÐÛÎ íë ÍÏòÓò ã ïì ÌÎÛÛÍ Ó×Ò é ÔßÎÙÛ ÌÎÛÛÍ ïñí ÑÚ ÌÎÛÛÍ ÌÑ ÞÛ ÝÑÒ×ÚÛÎÑËÍ ã ë ÝÑÒ×ÚÛÎÑËÍ ÌÎÛÛÍ ÌÎÛÛ ÍÝØÛÜËÔÛ æ ïò ÔßÎÙÛ ÜÛÝ×ÜËÑËÍ ÌÎÛÛ Ó×Ò èë³³ ÝßÔ×ÐÛÎ îò ÔßÎÙÛ ÝÑÒ×ÚÛÎÑËÍ ÌÎÛÛ Ó×Ò íòð³ ×Ò ØÛ×ÙØÌ íò ÍÓßÔÔ ÜÛÝ×ÜËÑËÍ ÌÎÛÛ Ó×Ò ëð³³ ÝßÔ×ÐÛÎ October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package ìò ÍÓßÔÔ ÝÑÒ×ÚÛÎÑËÍ ÌÎÛÛ Ó×Ò îòð³ ×Ò ØÛ×ÙØÌ ø ßÓÛÎ×ÝßÒ ÛÔÓ ÌÎÛÛ ÷ ø ÞÔËÛ ÍÐÎËÝÛ ÷ ø ßÓËÎ ÓßÐÔÛ ÷ ø ÝÑÔËÓÒßÎ ÍÐÎËÝÛ ÷ ì ÌÎÛÛùÍ ÐÎÑÊ×ÜÛÜ í ÌÎÛÛùÍ ÐÎÑÊ×ÜÛÜ ë ÌÎÛÛùÍ ÐÎÑÊ×ÜÛÜ î ÌÎÛÛùÍ ÐÎÑÊ×ÜÛÜ Page 30 ßóï ÜÐß ïêèóïë ê Ú·¸»® Ý® λ½»·ª»¼ Í»°¬ îèô îðïë ÌØ×Í ÜÎßÉ×ÒÙ ßÒÜ ÜÛÍ×ÙÒ ßÎÛ ßÌ ßÔÔ Ì×ÓÛÍ ÌÑ ÎÛÓß×Ò ÌØÛ ÛÈÝÔËÍ×ÊÛ ÐÎÑÐÛÎÌÇ ÑÚ ÌØÛ ÜÛÍ×ÙÒÛÎ ßÒÜ ÓßÇ ÒÑÌ ÞÛ ËÍÛÜ ÑÎ ÎÛÐÎÑÜËÝÛÜ É×ÌØÑËÌ ÐÎ×ÑÎ ÉÎ×ÌÌÛÒ ÝÑÒÍÛÒÌ ÉÎ×ÌÌÛÒ Ü×ÓÛÒÍ×ÑÒÍ ÍØßÔÔ ØßÊÛ ÐÎÛÝÛÜÛÒÝÛ ÑÊÛÎ ÍÝßÔÛÜ Ü×ÓÛÒÍ×ÑÒÍò ×Ì ×Í ÌØÛ ÎÛÍÐÑÒÍ×Þ×Ô×ÌÇ ÑÚ ÌØÛ ÝÑÒÌÎßÝÌÑÎ ÌÑ ÒÑÌ×ÚÇ ÌØÛ ÜÛÍ×ÙÒÛÎ É×ÌØ ßÒÇ Ü×ÍÝÎÛÐßÒÝ×ÛÍ ÜÑ ÒÑÌ ÍÝßÔÛ ÜÎßÉ×ÒÙÍ ï ßî October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Óß×Ò ÚÔÑÑÎ ÐÔßÒ íñïêþ ã ïùóðþ éïìì ÍÏòÚÌò î ßî ËÌ×Ô×ÌÇ ÎÑÑÓ íñïêþ ã ïùóðþ ëïé ÍÏòÚÌò Page 31 ßóî ÜÐß ïêèóïë ê Ú·¸»® Ý® λ½»·ª»¼ Í»°¬ îèô îðïë ï ßí ÛßÍÌ ÛÔÛÊßÌ×ÑÒ øÚÎÑÒÌ÷ íñïêþ ã ïùóðþ ÌØ×Í ÜÎßÉ×ÒÙ ßÒÜ ÜÛÍ×ÙÒ ßÎÛ ßÌ ßÔÔ Ì×ÓÛÍ ÌÑ ÎÛÓß×Ò ÌØÛ ÛÈÝÔËÍ×ÊÛ ÐÎÑÐÛÎÌÇ ÑÚ ÌØÛ ÜÛÍ×ÙÒÛÎ ßÒÜ ÓßÇ ÒÑÌ ÞÛ ËÍÛÜ ÑÎ ÎÛÐÎÑÜËÝÛÜ É×ÌØÑËÌ ÐÎ×ÑÎ ÉÎ×ÌÌÛÒ ÝÑÒÍÛÒÌ ÉÎ×ÌÌÛÒ Ü×ÓÛÒÍ×ÑÒÍ ÍØßÔÔ ØßÊÛ ÐÎÛÝÛÜÛÒÝÛ ÑÊÛÎ ÍÝßÔÛÜ Ü×ÓÛÒÍ×ÑÒÍò ×Ì ×Í ÌØÛ ÎÛÍÐÑÒÍ×Þ×Ô×ÌÇ ÑÚ ÌØÛ ÝÑÒÌÎßÝÌÑÎ ÌÑ ÒÑÌ×ÚÇ ÌØÛ ÜÛÍ×ÙÒÛÎ É×ÌØ ßÒÇ Ü×ÍÝÎÛÐßÒÝ×ÛÍ ÜÑ ÒÑÌ ÍÝßÔÛ ÜÎßÉ×ÒÙÍ î ßí ÉÛÍÌ ÛÔÛÊßÌ×ÑÒ øÎÛßÎ÷ íñïêþ ã ïùóðþ í ßí ì ßí ÒÑÎÌØ ÛÔÛÊßÌ×ÑÒ øÎ×ÙØÌ÷ íñïêþ ã ïùóðþ ÍÑËÌØ ÛÔÛÊßÌ×ÑÒ øÔÛÚÌ÷ íñïêþ ã ïùóðþ October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 32 ßóí North East (front) West (rear) South October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 33 Okotoks MPC October 15, 2015 Development Permit Application No.: Applicant/Owner: Location/Legal: Land Use Designation: Proposal: 162-15 Alana Holst 186 Cimarron Park Circle Lot 73, Block 25, Plan 041 3822 Residential Single Detached District (R-1) Home Occupation – Minor (Dog Breeding) with variances History The home owner purchased the home at 186 Cimarron Park Circle in May 2014 and has whelped three litters in the attached garage this year. In June 2015, in response to a complaint about a business being operated in the home without a license, the home owner applied for a Business License. A Development Permit is required for the Home Occupation due to variances to parking spaces arising from use of the garage for the business. On August 17, 2015 the applicant obtained an Animal Fancier License from the Town, which is required when there are more than three (3) animals on the property over the age of three (3) months. The Animal Fancier License will allow the home to have up to 10 dogs (over the age of three months and not applicable to dogs under the age of three months). The Animal Fancier License does not constitute approval of a dog breeding business. Context Map Report This application is for a Home Occupation – Minor with variances. The business is currently located in the garage occupying approximately 6.10m2 and preventing the use of one space in the garage for parking. The homeowner is the only employee of the business and will expect interested buyers at the residence by appointment only when pups are 6 weeks of age for viewing and 8 weeks of age to bring home. Notice Posting – A notice was posted on the site on September 02, 2015 and removed on September 09, 2015. Two emails were received in response to the posting: one opposed for reasons of potential disruption and noise as well as having felt obligated to sign a document indicating agreement with the dog fancier’s license in order to maintain good relations with the neighbors; the other citing potential for noise and traffic issues, especially given the already limited parking on the site. Increased demand on limited on-street parking during the evenings and weekends was also cited as a concern. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 34 Page 2 – DPA 162-15 – 186 Cimarron Park Circle – Home Occupation (Minor): Dog Breeding Land Use Map Home Occupation - The site is in a laneless subdivision where there is no opportunity to develop parking spaces in the rear yard. The parking requirement for the residential use in an R-1 district where there is an attached garage and no lane is four spaces: two in the driveway and two in the attached garage. As per the Land Use Bylaw a home occupation is permitted to operate in a garage, provided it does not prevent the continuing use of the garage for its primary intended purpose of parking vehicles. The business currently utilizes one parking space in the two car garage for kennels, reducing the parking space count on site from four to three. Site Plan Kennels October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 35 Page 3 – DPA 162-15 – 186 Cimarron Park Circle – Home Occupation (Minor): Dog Breeding The Applicant has indicated the home business is conducted by one family member, the applicant, between 9am to 8pm and as needed. Client families are scheduled to visit one at a time for an hour when pups are 6 weeks of age, and for pick up at 8 weeks of age. With 4 resident dogs (two in the breeding program), at least one breeding female housed in a “guardian” home, and average litters of 8, there is potential for 13 dogs +/- in the residence at a given time, provided only one litter is in the home at any one time. If each breeding female has two litters per year, there is the potential for operation of the breeding program 48 weeks of the year. The homeowner has indicated the business will not expand beyond the current intensity while operating in this location. Administration is not aware of noise or parking complaints associated with the operation of the dog breeding business to this point, however two neighbors have expressed concerns that both could become issues. A home occupation is permitted if there is no significant potential for noise and odor levels exceeding that which is normally produced at a dwelling unit in an R-1 District, which is likely to infringe upon the right of neighboring residents to enjoy the peaceful occupancy of their dwelling units. The applicant has provided information respecting odor and noise management practices utilized in the business (see attached email dated September 23, 2015 from the applicant). Signs – A home occupation may have a fascia sign up to 0.2m2 on the residence or an accessory building without requirement for any additional permits. No signage is proposed at this time. R-1 District – Home Occupations – Minor are a permitted use, and a Development Permit is not required, however the application requires a variance to on-site parking. The Development Officer can approve an application for a Home Occupation – Minor, however this application has been referred to the MPC for a decision due to the proposed variance and concerns expressed by neighboring residents. Other Services – Dog grooming services were advertised on the company website until October 6, 2015. The applicant did not include dog grooming services in the Development Permit Application or in the Business License Application, and she has indicated that the service was offered temporarily but it didn’t work out so it has been discontinued. Summary – The home business has been operating since May 2014. The application with the associated parking variances is opposed by one neighbor and is a concern for another. Administration supports approval of the application for a dog breeding business with the variance to parking spaces subject to conditions intended to minimize adverse impacts on neighboring properties. Dog grooming services are not included in the application and were not included in the site posting, and are therefore not supported under this application. Appeal of the MPC’s decision lies to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 36 Page 4 – DPA 162-15 – 186 Cimarron Park Circle – Home Occupation (Minor): Dog Breeding Recommendation: That Development Permit Application Number 162-15 for a Home Occupation – Minor (Dog Breeding) be approved with variances subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Development Conditions: a. The Developer shall undertake the development in accordance with: i. all conditions of this approval; and ii. the performance standards for Minor Home Occupations of the Land Use Bylaw. b. This approval is limited to the following: i. There may be no more than one litter on the premises at any time; ii. No more than three (3) clients may visit the dwelling during any period of 24 hours; iii. There may be no non-resident employees/assistants or volunteers; iv. There may be no client traffic between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.; v. Vehicles associated with the Home Occupation shall be limited to not more than one (1) vehicle during any period of 60 consecutive minutes; This approval is limited to a dog breeding business conducted in accordance with the conditions of this Development Permit; This approval does not include dog grooming services. Dog grooming services may not be offered at the residence unless and until an application is submitted for the use and a Development Permit has been issued allowing the use; A minimum of three parking spaces – one in the attached garage and two in the driveway – must be maintained and available for parking at all times; The applicant is responsible to manage noise and odors generated by the use to prevent negative impacts on neighboring properties; This approval may be revoked at any time should the applicant fail to address complaints or negative impacts generated by the use within 7 days of receiving notice of same from the Town or should any of the three remaining on-site parking spaces be rendered unavailable for parking for any reason; The use and the variance granted by this approval are granted to the applicant and current registered owner only and terminate with a transfer of the land; and The issuance of a development permit by the Town of Okotoks does not relieve the permit holder of the responsibility of complying with all other relevant municipal bylaws and requirements, nor excuse violation of any regulation or act, which may affect this project. VARIANCE The following Sections of the Land Use Bylaw are varied pursuant to Section 4.4.1 of the Land Use Bylaw: 1. Section 9.9.2(b) [Home Occupation Performance Standards] to permit the use of a garage to operate a home occupation preventing the continuing use of the garage for its primary intended purpose of parking vehicles; and 2. Section 12.6.2(a) [R-1 District Parking Requirement] to permit the development with 3 parking spaces, where the minimum requirement is 4 parking spaces, a variance of 1 parking space. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 37 Page 5 – DPA 162-15 – 186 Cimarron Park Circle – Home Occupation (Minor): Dog Breeding Section Section 9.9.2(b) Performance Standard Home Occupations Section 12.6.2(a) R-1 District Parking Requirement LUB Requirement Use of garage may not prevent the continuing use of the garage for its primary intended purpose of parking vehicles 4 spaces where there is an attached garage and no lane Proposal Reasons Reduction of one parking space due to kennels associated with the business Three spaces remain available for parking vehicles on site. 3 spaces: one in the attached garage and 2 in the driveway Three spaces remain available for parking vehicles on site. Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. Summary of Proposal and Land Use Bylaw Requirements DPA 162-15 E-Mail (September 23, 2015) Website Excerpts (October 6, 2015) Prepared by: Planning Team (mw)(ct)(wc) October 5, 2015 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 38 Page 6 – DPA 162-15 – 186 Cimarron Park Circle – Home Occupation (Minor): Dog Breeding ATTACHMENT #1 DPA 162-15 186 Cimarron Park Circle Lot 73, Block 25, Plan 041 3822 Residential Single Detached District (R-1) Relevant Sections of the Land Use Bylaw: Section 4.2.0 Notice Posting Requirements for Applications Section 4.4.0 Discretion of the Development Authority Section 4.5.0 Issuance of Development Permits and Notices Section 9.9.0 Home Occupations Section 12 Residential Single Detached District (R-1) Section 30 “Home Occupation” Home Occupation - means a use of a residential building which is incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the building and meets the special requirements of this Bylaw; and (a) Home Occupation – minor means a zero or low impact business (b) Home Occupation – major means a moderate impact business. “whelp” is defined by as: (of a female dog, lion, etc.) to give birth to (young). “whelp” is defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary as: (no object) of a female animal: to give birth. Uses Home Occupation – Minor Minimum Requirements Parking Spaces Standard Minimum required Dimensions October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package District Use Lists Permitted LUB Requirement Proposal 4 per single detached dwelling 2.5m x 5.8m residential Total: 4 spaces 3 spaces (existing) 2 in driveway 1 in attached garage Page 39 Page 7 – DPA 162-15 – 186 Cimarron Park Circle – Home Occupation (Minor): Dog Breeding Section 9.9.0 - Home Occupation Guidelines Performance Standard Minor Outside storage or window display None Noise, dust, odours, noxious fumes Should not exceed that which is or vibrations normally produced by a dwelling unit Mechanical or electronic equipment Must not create visible or audible may be used interference in radio or television receivers or cause fluctuations in voltage off the premises May operate in a garage provided it does not prevent the continuing use of the garage for its primary intended purpose of parking vehicles Hours of operation 9 am – 10 pm No vehicle traffic between 10pm8:00am Commercial vehicle associated with One may be parked on-street near the HO the premises up to a maximum of four consecutive hours Signage One flush –mounted sign 0.2m2 (2.15ft2) in area permitted. Sign can show: Type of occupation Business name Name of occupant or combination of these. Can be located on the residence or accessory building Shall not be illuminated internally Should not be intrusive Number of HO per dwelling unit Not limited The principle use on the site must be the residential character of the property All other Municipal, provincial or Must comply federal regulations Delivery and pick up of material or Maximum of two trips per week commodities by commercial vehicle. Major None Should not exceed that which is normally produced by a dwelling unit Must not create visible or audible interference in radio or television receivers or cause fluctuations in voltage off the premises provided it does not prevent the continuing use of the garage for its primary intended purpose of parking vehicles 9am-10pm No vehicle traffic between 10pm8:00am One may be parked on-street near the premises up to a maximum of four consecutive hours One flush –mounted sign 0.2m2 (2.15ft2) in area permitted. Sign can show: Type of occupation Business name Name of occupant or combination of these. Can be located on the residence or accessory building Shall not be illuminated internally Should not be intrusive Not limited The principle use on the site must be the residential character of the property Must comply Not specified – noted may be greater than two Client visitation Maximum of 3/24 hours Parking *in addition to the min requirement of the district 1 additional on-site parking space required if two or more clients visit concurrently & their methods of transportation are separate motor vehicles Maximum 3/hour No more than 4 vehicles during any period of 60 consecutive minutes 1 additional on-site parking space required if two or more clients visit concurrently& their methods of transportation are separate motor vehicles None 1 additional on-site parking space required per assistant/employee where the method of transport is a vehicle Maximum – 2 Non resident assistants or employee [exception for employees that do not visit the site – see (f)] Classes or instruction [Exception for events such as recitals, demonstrations etc. see(h)] October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Maximum 4 @ a time Any > 4 Must be scheduled at least 30min apart – see except under (h) Page 40 Page 8 – DPA 162-15 – 186 Cimarron Park Circle – Home Occupation (Minor): Dog Breeding ATTACHMENT #2 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 41 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 42 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 43 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 44 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 45 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 46 From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Alana Holst <> September-23-15 11:19 AM Mandy Wong Re: 186 Cimarron Park Circle – Home Occupation (Minor) garage 1.jpg; garage 2.jpg; garage 3.jpg September 23, 2015 Dear Ms. Wong, I am writing in response to your letter and attachment dated September 22, 2015 (above). I need to clarify some points made in your attachment. My family and I moved to Okotoks for one reason. There is nothing in your by-laws to prevent breeding of dogs. I read through your the town's by-laws myself and when I did not find anything that pertained to or prevented the breeding of dogs, I then phoned and spoke to a by-law officer who assured me, after checking with her supervisor, that, indeed, there was nothing in the by-laws that dealt with or prevented dog breeding in the town of Okotoks. She did point out, which I knew already, that if I wanted to have more than 3 dogs, over the age of 3 months, in our home, I would require a dog fancier's license. I also asked whether or not I would require a business license. I was told at that time, no one had ever come forward to say that they were breeding dogs and that she did not know. She said that she would speak to her supervisor in respect of that. She phoned me the next day and told me that she did not think that I needed a business license, as it really fell more under a hobby, being that at that time, I had only ever had one litter per year. I have been breeding dogs since 2013 and I have been breeding dogs since we moved to Okotoks in May of 2014. I have had 3 litters this year. Back in May, someone reported me for operating a business out of my home without a license. I was shocked, as I had been told that I did not require a license and thought that I was not doing anything wrong. Since May, I have been working toward getting this business license. I have done everything asked of me. I have gone around to all my neighbors, letting them know that I breed dogs at my house, how many dogs I have, etc. I let them know that I had had 3 litters in the time I have been living here and none of them even knew that, they had never heard anything or experienced anything unpleasant. They knew we had dogs, simply because they can see them sometimes in our yard. They even remarked at how our dogs never bark. I explained to them that we are wanting to move out to an acreage, but for the time that we are in town, I will not be growing my breeding business and that nothing will change or be any different from anything that had taken place over the past year. As I said, they did not even know that we had ever had puppies here, so they were completely unaffected and had no problem signing that form. I was granted the dog fancier's license. I have 4 dogs in my home, at this time. A non-breeding shih-tzu, a now retired labradoodle and two females of breeding age. The one female is moving to a Guardian Home, so I will actually only have the three dogs living here, one of whom is still of breeding age, for about another year. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 47 It took me months to get all the letters signed for the dog fancier's license, because it was summertime and people were really hard to find at home. I did not just want to leave the letters with them, because I wanted to meet them and be able to answer all their questions, if they had any, so, I had to keep at it, until I finally got everyone at home. Once I finally got that fancier's license, I wanted to get all the docs submitted for the development permit as quickly as possible. I took photos on a day that our garage was, admittedly, a bomb. We were in the process of rearranging some things in the house, and selling some things we no longer had need of and I was refinishing a piece of furniture, but i didn't realize what you were looking for in the photos. I just thought, like the plan drawing, you just needed to see the physical space of the kennel and see that the other side of the garage was large enough for a vehicle. My mistake. I have attached different photos that clearly show my vehicle, parked in my garage and an empty driveway. My kids can only move their bike jump into the driveway if we are not having anyone to the home who would need to park there and as such, it is stored off of our driveway. My husband is not home in this photo, he drives a truck. We only have two vehicles and will only ever have two vehicles. So, that leaves one parking spot remaining in our driveway for visitors, who do not come without an appointment and do not come around often. Also, you put a sign on my lawn in relation to the parking variance application and I did not hear any complaints from anyone about our driving up local traffic. As to your paragraph in relation to number of animals. I'm not clear what the issue is. There is no by-law to prevent me from breeding my dogs. There is no by-law in regard to number of dogs in a house under the age of 3 months. When you say that I will have 12 dogs at one time, you are clearly counting the puppies who are under 3 months of age, and that is not relevant. Also, with the dog fancier's license I am allowed to have up to 10 dogs over the age of 3 months in my home at one time (something that will never happen). With respect to noise and odor levels, I addressed this issue in my original application for a business license. Our dogs are fed a strictly raw diet. A raw diet is extremely efficient and almost completely digested. When a raw fed dog has a bowel movement, the fecal matter is already composted. It is practically odorless, there is very, very little of it and it is also virtually weightless. We have a dog run which is turf. The turf contains a product which absorbs odors. We clean up the dog run daily, sometimes twice per day, which is a lot more than the average home owner with dogs can say. If the turf were to become smelly, there is a special cleaner that can be applied to eliminate the odor, as well, from time to time, we will top up the odor absorbing material in the turf. We are extremely conscientious dog owners and neighbors. Our dogs are not outdoor dogs. They only go outside to void and then they are brought back in the house. They are not permitted to bark. If at anytime our dogs develop a barking issue, we have bark collars at the ready. With respect to puppies. The mother dog eats the puppies fecal matter for the first four weeks of their life. That only leaves four weeks for us to pick it up. Puppies produce very little waste, simply for the fact that they are so small. We have never exceeded our small town garbage can due to any excess waste produced by puppies. We also use a sonic device with our puppies, in order to keep them from barking. Puppies really only start to bark and make play noises in the last week that they are here. We are always on top of it, and the sonic device works very well. Even our neighbor who lives on the side of us where our dog run is located, did not even know that we had puppies the last time we had puppies. So, we are clearly doing an excellent job dealing with odor and noise. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 48 I hope that I have cleared up the issues brought up in your letter. If there is still anything unclear, please allow me the chance to explain. My business is very small and very part-time. I am trying to do everything by the book. I am always thinking about my neighbors and making sure that we are not doing anything to inconvenience them. We are not putting up signage at our home and we are such a small contributor to local traffic. I will ensure that all our visitors park in our driveway and that we do not clog up on street parking. This business is everything to me. I have poured everything into it. It is my livelihood and my passion. We will only be living here for a couple of years, until we can save up enough to move out to an acreage. I will do whatever I have to do to comply with the town and be able to continue breeding my dogs. Sincerely, Alana Holst Alana Holst Owner/Breeder Big Rock Labradoodles 587-585-6245 On 22 September 2015 at 16:17, Mandy Wong <> wrote: Dear Ms. Holst, Your Development Permit Application was reviewed internally with other municipal departments on September 16, 2015. At this time, Administration is unable to support a Home Occupation – Minor for Dog Breeding at 186 Cimarron Park Circle, for the following reasons indicated in the letter attached. After reviewing the letter, please let me know how you wish to proceed. If you will be pursuing the application, please advise Planning Services in writing no later than October 1, 2015. Thank you. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 49 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 50 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 51 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 52 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 53 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 54 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 55 Okotoks MPC October 15, 2015 Development Permit Application No.: Applicant/Owner: Location/Legal: Land Use Designation: Proposal: 165-15 Tricor Design Group / 1621053 Alberta Ltd. 110 Southbank Boulevard Lot 12, Block 1, Plan 111 0373 South Business Industrial District (I-1S) Car Washing Establishment and Associated Office with Freestanding and Fascia Signage Report The application includes a 10-bay self-serve wash and two automatic bays, with a two-storey, 209.22m2 office. Car Washing Establishments and Offices are discretionary uses in the I-1S District. Water Use and Sewage Disposal - Industrial Policy 4) of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) requires that Industrial uses with a potential for high water usage or potential groundwater contamination shall have their water use, sewage treatment and any proposed containment areas evaluated by the Town’s Engineer and any other provincial or federal agency, as deemed necessary by Council, prior to any development permit being issued. To address the requirements of the MDP: 1. The Developer has supplied water consumption projections for review by the Town, and the projections have been deemed by the relevant disciplines to be within acceptable levels for the intended use. The Developer has also indicated that he would be prepared to pre-install the necessary infrastructure to enable a recycling system retrofit at some point in the future if required as a condition of approval. Water conservation measures are strongly recommended, however Administration believes the Developer is most qualified to determine what form that may take. The Developer is aware that the Town will be undertaking rate structure reviews which may involve rate increases to high volume users, therefore it’s in the Developer’s best interests to design the development for efficient water use. 2. Under the Sewer Service Bylaw, the Developer is required to submit a report certified by a Professional Engineer to the satisfaction of the Town prior to connecting to the wastewater collection system. Requirements relating to that bylaw and relevant safety codes are October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 56 Page 2 – Development Permit Application 165-15 – 110 Southbank Boulevard administered by other departments and are not included in the Development Permit conditions. Parking and Loading Facilities – Where parking spaces are 45 degrees, the minimum one-way drive aisle width is 3.6m and the minimum depth of parking spaces is 5.9m with at least 0.5m between parking spaces and any structures. The applicant proposes one-way circulation, counter-clockwise around the building. Parking spaces conform to the minimum dimensions, and drive aisles consistently exceed 3.6m. The minimum parking requirement for a car washing facility is 1/46m 2 plus 3 stacking spaces per vehicle entrance, and for offices the standard is 1/37m2, for a total of 33 parking spaces and 9 stacking spaces. Stacking meets the minimum requirement, and a total of 22 parking spaces are proposed, a variance of 33%. There are two additional vacuum spaces. It’s unusual to have vehicles associated with the car wash bays utilizing parking on site; if only the two-storey office portion of the building were considered, the parking requirement would be 6 spaces. The parking variance is supported considering the nature of the use, and the fact that parking variances have been granted for other carwash uses in the community for similar reasons, without apparent adverse effect. Landscaping – Minimum landscaped area in the I-1S District is the boulevard and 10% of the site. The applicant proposes a landscaped area of 766.25m2 (17%) and a tree count of 36 where 22 is the minimum required. Garbage Facilities – A garbage and recycling enclosure is located on the east side of the lot, oriented for ease of collection. Building Exteriors – Finishing materials include stucco and brick veneer in shades of brown and beige. The rooftop apparatus will be concealed within the roofline. Private Vehicle and Pedestrian Facilities – Road widths are less than 7.0m as required for private roads in Section 9.20.0, however they conform to the requirements of Section 9.3.7, Minimum Dimensions for Parking Areas. Drawing DP3 demonstrates that there is a minimum 12m turning radius at all corners for emergency services access. There is one, right-in, right-out access in the southeast corner of the lot and one all turns access in the northwest corner. Outdoor Lighting – A Site Lighting Plan is a standard prior to release condition. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 57 Page 3 – Development Permit Application 165-15 – 110 Southbank Boulevard Retaining Walls – No retaining walls are proposed with this application. There is an existing retaining wall along the east property line associated with the adjacent development. Signs – In addition to directional signage under 0.4m2 in sign area, the application includes one illuminated freestanding box sign 4.27m high with a sign area of 7.35m² where the maximum allowed is 9m (provided the sign does not project above the height of the principal building), and 9m2 in sign area. The application also includes one illuminated fascia box sign 7.78m2 on the front (south) elevation (8.6% of wall area) and a matching one on the rear (north) elevation (6.5% of wall area). It’s expected additional signage will be used to identify self-serve vs. automatic bays and other features; signage intended to provide guidance, warning or restraint of persons does not require a sign permit provided the sign area doesn’t exceed 0.4m 2. A condition is included requiring a sign permit for any additional signage (if applicable) that doesn’t fit within the LUB sign permit exemption. I-1S District – A staff amenity space 30m2 in area is provided in front of the building where at least 10m2 is required. Walkways meet or exceed the district standard of 1.2m wide and are raised where they cross a drive aisle. Summary – The use involves one variance, which is supported due to the nature of the use and the typical limited parking demand observed at other car washing establishments. Appeal of the MPC’s decision lies to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. Recommendation: That Development Permit Application Number 165-15 for a Car Washing Establishment with Associated Freestanding and Fascia Signage be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. Prior to the release of the Development Permit, the Developer shall: a) Submit a revised DP1 site plan detailing a minimum tree requirement of 22 based on “soft” landscaping only; b) Submit a revised DP4 flow chart replacing the “right turn only” sign located to the east of the southeast access with a sign displaying the “no left turns” symbol; c) Provide a Site Lighting Plan in accordance with Sections 4.3.9(b), 9.22.0 and 30 of the Land Use Bylaw; d) Provide a Development Site Servicing Plan Package, including among other things any proposed/required regulatory signage such as stop signs, handicapped parking signs etc., in accordance with Section 4.3.9(a) of the Land Use Bylaw; e) Provide a detailed Landscaping Plan prepared by a qualified Landscape Architect in accordance with Sections 3.2.1 and 9.5.0 of the Land Use Bylaw. The Landscape Plan shall employ water conservation techniques such as grouping of trees and shrubs in mulched beds, use of xeriscape plants, etc.; conditions 1a through e above to the satisfaction of the Town; and f) enter into a Development Agreement, regarding but not limited to: i) submission of the necessary performance securities pursuant to Section 4.3.7 of the Land Use Bylaw; ii) provision for the installation of off-site services including but not limited to storm sewage, sanitary sewage, curb replacement, sidewalks and improvements to adjoining roadways; iii) provision for indemnifying the Municipality against any damages that may occur; and iv) recovery of professional costs incurred by the Town associated with this development. Development Conditions: a) The Developer shall construct the development in accordance with: October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 58 Page 4 – Development Permit Application 165-15 – 110 Southbank Boulevard i) ii) b) c) d) e) all conditions of this approval; the revised site plan and the elevation plans approved by the Municipal Planning Commission on October 15, 2015; and iii) any other plans (Landscaping, Lighting and Site Servicing Plans) submitted and approved as a requirement of this approval; The Developer shall: i) construct boulevard crossings to the standards specified by the Municipal Engineer; ii) screen all rooftop apparatus within the profile of the roof as specified in the plans; iii) provide vertical face concrete curb between all driving surfaces and landscaped areas; and iv) pave all required parking surfaces and associated driving lanes, delineate all paved parking spaces with painted lines and sign the handicapped parking space with freestanding signage; to the satisfaction of the Development Officer; This approval includes one freestanding illuminated box sign 4.27m high with a sign area of 7.35m2; an illuminated box sign 7.78m2 on the south elevation; and an illuminated box sign 7.78m2 on the north elevation; A sign permit is required for any additional signage beyond that approved under Condition 2c) above unless it conforms to Land Use Bylaw Section 10.3.0, Signs Not Requiring a Sign Permit; and The issuance of a development permit by the Town of Okotoks does not relieve the permit holder of the responsibility of complying with all other relevant municipal bylaws and requirements, nor excuse violation of any regulation or act, which may affect this project. VARIANCE The following Section of the Land Use Bylaw is varied pursuant to Section 4.4.1 of the Land Use Bylaw: 1. Section 23A.2.2 [Minimum Parking Required] to permit the development with 22 spaces where the minimum required is 33 spaces, a variance of 11 parking spaces. Section Section 23A.2.2 Parking Requirement for Car Washing Establishments and offices LUB Requirement 2 1sp/46m 2 & 1/37m + 9 stacking = 33spaces + 9 stacking Proposal Reasons 22 spaces + 9 stacking The parking required is based on gross floor area and the majority of the car wash traffic will not be parking on the site except to use the vacuums. There is sufficient parking available for the office component of the building. Attachments: 1. Summary of Proposal and Land Use Bylaw Requirements 2. DPA 165-15 Prepared by: Planning Team (ct) October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 59 Page 5 – Development Permit Application 165-15 – 110 Southbank Boulevard ATTACHMENT #1 DPA 165-15 Lot 12, Block 1, Plan 111 0373 110 Southbank Boulevard South Business Industrial District (I-1S) Relevant Sections of the Land Use Bylaw: Section 4.4.0 Discretion of the Development Authority Section 4.5.0 Issuance of Development Permits and Notices Section 9.2.0 Site Servicing Section 9.3.0 Parking and Loading Facilities Section 9.5.0 Landscaping Section 9.8.0 Garbage Facilities Section 9.18.0 Building Exteriors Section 9.20.0 Private Vehicle and Pedestrian Facilities Sections 9.22.0 Outdoor Lighting Section 10 Sign Regulations Section 23A South Business Industrial District (I-1S) Section 30 “Car Washing Establishment” “Car Washing Establishment” means a facility for the washing, cleaning, or polishing of motor vehicles. “Office” means a building or development primarily used for the provision of professional, management, administrative and consulting services. Typical uses include the offices of lawyers, accountants, engineers and architects; offices for real estate, telephone answering, catalogue, mail order or order sales offices where no stock or merchandise is retained or stored on the premises except as may be used for display or showroom purposes and similar other like uses. Uses Car Washing Establishment Minimum Requirements Setbacks Landscaping Parking Spaces Standard Minimum required Dimensions Maximum Limits Height (Principal Building) October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package District Use Lists Discretionary LUB Requirement Front 6.0m Sides 6.0m street side of a corner site, 1.2m other Rear 1.2m The boulevard and 10% of the site 447.1m2 1 tree/35m2 = 13 Trees: 1/3 deciduous = 4 ½ large = 7 1/46m2 + 3 stacking spaces/entrance car wash, 1/37/m2 office 33 including 1 h/c 2.6m x 5.8m h/c space 4m x 5.8m LUB Requirement 4 stories Proposal 12.37m 11.42m / 1.2m 10.2m Boulevard & 17% 766.25m2 36 trees; 13 coniferous, 18 large 22 including 1 hc 2 stories Page 60 Page 6 – Development Permit Application 165-15 – 110 Southbank Boulevard DPA 165-15 Lot 12, Block 1, Plan 111 0373 110 Southbank Boulevard South Business Industrial District (I-1S) SIGNAGE Fascia Signage Front – South Rear - North Freestanding Sign Height Sign Area Setback from PL Maximum number permitted GUIDELINE PROPOSAL 12% 10% 9m (29.53 ft) / principal building height 9m² (96.88 sq ft) 600mm (1.97 ft) 1 freestanding sign per site 8.6% 6.5% 4.27m high 7.35m2 9.9m 1 The landscaping requirements for this development in accordance with the Land Use Bylaw 4098 are: LUB Requirements Proposed Lot size 4471.05m2 Boulevard and 447.1m2 of Boulevard and 766.25m2 the site Min. Number of trees required (1/35m2) Number of Large trees (50%) Number of Coniferous (1/3) Number of Deciduous 13 36 7 18 Large 2 Small 2 Large 5 Small 4 7 6 12 11 The detailed landscaping plan to be submitted as a condition of approval will be reviewed for conformance with the principles of CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) which may result in changes to tree count and/or type at detailed review stage. Land Use Bylaw 40-98 requirements: (see Section 9.5.2 for further detail) The minimum size for deciduous trees shall be: (i) (ii) for small deciduous trees, 50 millimeters caliper except 35 millimeters caliper for flowering ornamental; and for large deciduous trees, 85 millimeters caliper; The minimum size for smaller coniferous trees shall be a height of 2 meters and for large coniferous trees, a height of 3 meters Shrubs shall be minimum height of spread of 600 millimetres at the time of planting. October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 61 Page 7 – Development Permit Application 165-15 – 110 Southbank Boulevard DPA 165-15 Lot 12, Block 1, Plan 111 0373 110 Southbank Boulevard South Business Industrial District (I-1S) FINISHING MATERIALS PROPOSED October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 62 residential - acreage - innercity renovations - multi-family - estate - vacation commercial #2 0 1 , 4 2 1 6 1 2 t h S t r e e t N E C a l g a r y , A l t a T 2 E 6 K 9 P:403.203.1970 F:403.203.1990 t r ico r @t ri co rd e si gn s. co m w w w. tr ic or d es ig ns .c om TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. 2010 THE PLANS AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. REPRODUCTION OF THESE PLANS, EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART, INCLUDING ANY FORM AND/OR PREPARATION OF DERIVATIVE WORK, FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS IN NO WAY TRANSFERS ANY COPYRIGHT OR OTHER OWNERSHIP INTEREST TO THE BUYER, EXCEPT FOR A LIMITED LICENSE TO USE THIS SET OF DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE, AND ONLY ONE DWELLING. DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED. ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES WITH THE DRAWINGS MUST BE REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF THESE ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES ARE NOT REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE BUILDER AND/OR OWNER ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE. 5 SPACES ALL WORK IS PERFORMED TO COMPLY TO CURRENT ALBERTA BUILDING CODE, AND ALL OTHER AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. STAMP: ONE WAY ENTRANCE / EXIT VACUUM 8.83 5.90 VACUUM PROJECT: 5.22 1/4 MILE CAR WASH 110 SOUTHBANK BOULEVARD OKOTOKS, ALBERTA LOT 12, BLOCK 1, PLAN 111 0373 ONE WAY PROPOSED COVERAGE CALCULATION: 13.04 CLIENT: 9 SPACES DIAMOND WASH 1621053 ALBERTA INC. ONE WAY 8 SPACES DRAWING SET: PROPOSED PARKING CALCULATION: OFFICE 209.22m 5.30 5.90 1.20 12.65 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SET 1/37m2 1/46m2 TOTAL 33 STALLS 22 PROVIDED + 2 SHORT TERM VACUUM PARKING STALLS DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: RELEASED FOR: DATE: (M/D/Y) SIGN SITE AREA: 4471.05 SQ. M. MINIMUM LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED (10% OF SITE AREA) = 447.10 SQ. M. THRU LANE STAGING DESIGN APPROVAL X X XX/XX/15 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT X X 08/07/15 BUILDING PERMIT X X XX/XX/15 TOTAL SOFT LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED = 766.25 SQ. M. 4.54 AUTOMATIC WASH OFFICE 5.90 FREE STANDING SIGN AUTOMATIC WASH BIKE RACK PAY STATION ENTRANCE PROPOSED CONIFEROUS TREES (QTY.) =13 15.38 ENTRANCE ENTRANCE PAY STATION STAGING THRU LANE STAGING X 2. 3. 4. PROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREES (QTY.) = 23 STAFF RESTING AREA "hard" landscaping is not counted. TOTAL MINIMUM TREES REQUIRED (1 TREE/35 SQ. M.) 766.25 / 35 = 21.89 = 22 = 24 ONE WAY SIGN DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: 1. SIGN CHANGE BY CITY TOTAL HARD LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED = 92.73 SQ. M. 11.64 REVISION DESCRIPTION: 1.20 5. 6. 7. PROPOSED SHRUBS (QTY.) STAGING = 49 RIGHT EXIT ONLY RIGHT ENTRANCE ONLY 8. LANDSCAPE 9. 10. LANDSCAPE 7.16 7.10 TITLE: BLOCKPLAN / SITEPLAN PROPOSED BLOCKPLAN/SITEPLAN SCALE: 1:200 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package PROJECT #: 15-07272 DATE: SEPT 17, 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN PAGE #: DP1 Page 63 X DATE: (M/D/Y) 09/16/15 residential - acreage - innercity renovations - multi-family - estate - vacation commercial #201, 4216 12th Str eet NE Calgary, Alta T2E 6K 9 P:403.20 3.1970 F:403.203.1990 tr ic or @t r ic or de si gn s .c om ww w .tr ic o rd e sig n s.c o m TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. 2010 THE PLANS AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. REPRODUCTION OF THESE PLANS, EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART, INCLUDING ANY FORM AND/OR PREPARATION OF DERIVATIVE WORK, FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS IN NO WAY TRANSFERS ANY COPYRIGHT OR OTHER OWNERSHIP INTEREST TO THE BUYER, EXCEPT FOR A LIMITED LICENSE TO USE THIS SET OF DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE, AND ONLY ONE DWELLING. DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED. ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES WITH THE DRAWINGS MUST BE REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF THESE ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES ARE NOT REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE BUILDER AND/OR OWNER ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE. ALL WORK IS PERFORMED TO COMPLY TO CURRENT ALBERTA BUILDING CODE, AND ALL OTHER AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. STAMP: ONE WAY ENTRANCE / EXIT VACUUM VACUUM PROJECT: ONE WAY 1/4 MILE CAR WASH 110 SOUTHBANK BOULEVARD OKOTOKS, ALBERTA LOT 12, BLOCK 1, PLAN 111 0373 ONE WAY CLIENT: DIAMOND WASH 1621053 ALBERTA INC. DRAWING SET: LEGEND DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SET SITE AREA: 4471.05 SQ. M. MINIMUM LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED (10% OF SITE AREA) = 447.10 SQ. M. TOTAL SOFT LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED = 779.70 SQ. M. TOTAL HARD LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED = 92.73 SQ. M. DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: RELEASED FOR: DESIGN APPROVAL X X XX/XX/15 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT X X 08/07/15 X X XX/XX/15 BUILDING PERMIT TOTAL MINIMUM TREES REQUIRED (1 TREE/35 SQ. M.) = 21 PROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREES (QTY.) = 27 PROPOSED CONIFEROUS TREES (QTY.) =10 REVISION DESCRIPTION: DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: 1. SIGN CHANGE BY CITY X X 2. 3. 4. PROPOSED SHRUBS (QTY.) = 49 ENTRANCE 5. ONE WAY ENTRANCE 6. ENTRANCE 7. 8. 9. EXIT ENTRANCE 10. TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLAN PROJECT #: 15-07272 DATE: SEPT 17, 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN PAGE #: SCALE: 1:200 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package DATE: (M/D/Y) DP2 Page 64 DATE: (M/D/Y) 09/16/15 residential - acreage - innercity renovations - multi-family - estate - vacation commercial #201, 4216 12th S treet NE Calgary, Alta T2E 6 K9 P:403.203.197 0 F :403.203.1990 tr ic or @t r ic or d es ig ns .c om w ww .t ri co r de sig n s. co m TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. 2010 THE PLANS AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. REPRODUCTION OF THESE PLANS, EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART, INCLUDING ANY FORM AND/OR PREPARATION OF DERIVATIVE WORK, FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS IN NO WAY TRANSFERS ANY COPYRIGHT OR OTHER OWNERSHIP INTEREST TO THE BUYER, EXCEPT FOR A LIMITED LICENSE TO USE THIS SET OF DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE, AND ONLY ONE DWELLING. DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED. ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES WITH THE DRAWINGS MUST BE REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF THESE ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES ARE NOT REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE BUILDER AND/OR OWNER ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE. ALL WORK IS PERFORMED TO COMPLY TO CURRENT ALBERTA BUILDING CODE, AND ALL OTHER AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. STAMP: PROJECT: 1/4 MILE CAR WASH 110 SOUTHBANK BOULEVARD OKOTOKS, ALBERTA LOT 12, BLOCK 1, PLAN 111 0373 CLIENT: DIAMOND WASH 1621053 ALBERTA INC. DRAWING SET: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SET DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: RELEASED FOR: PROPOSED TURNING RADIUS SHOWING A TURNING RADIUS FOR A FIRETRUCK / WASTE REMOVAL VEHICLE WITH AN OUTSIDE RADIUS OF 14.63m (48'-0") WITH AN INSIDE RADIUS OF 10.47m (34'-4") DESIGN APPROVAL X X XX/XX/15 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT X X 08/07/15 X X XX/XX/15 BUILDING PERMIT REVISION DESCRIPTION: DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: 1. SIGN CHANGE BY CITY X X 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TITLE: TURNING RADIUS PLAN PROPOSED TURNING RADIUS PLAN SCALE: 1:200 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package DATE: (M/D/Y) PROJECT #: 15-07272 DATE: SEPT 17, 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN PAGE #: DP3 Page 65 DATE: (M/D/Y) 09/16/15 residential - acreage - innercity renovations - multi-family - estate - vacation commercial #201, 4216 12th S treet NE Calgary, Alta T2E 6 K9 P:403.203.197 0 F :403.203.1990 tr ic or @t r ic or d es ig ns .c om w ww .t ri co r de sig n s. co m TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. 2010 THE PLANS AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. REPRODUCTION OF THESE PLANS, EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART, INCLUDING ANY FORM AND/OR PREPARATION OF DERIVATIVE WORK, FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS IN NO WAY TRANSFERS ANY COPYRIGHT OR OTHER OWNERSHIP INTEREST TO THE BUYER, EXCEPT FOR A LIMITED LICENSE TO USE THIS SET OF DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE, AND ONLY ONE DWELLING. DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED. ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES WITH THE DRAWINGS MUST BE REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF THESE ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES ARE NOT REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE BUILDER AND/OR OWNER ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE. ALL WORK IS PERFORMED TO COMPLY TO CURRENT ALBERTA BUILDING CODE, AND ALL OTHER AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. STAMP: PROJECT: 1/4 MILE CAR WASH 110 SOUTHBANK BOULEVARD OKOTOKS, ALBERTA LOT 12, BLOCK 1, PLAN 111 0373 CLIENT: DIAMOND WASH 1621053 ALBERTA INC. DRAWING SET: AUTOMATIC WASH USE RIGHT LANE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SET SELF SERVE WASH USE LEFT LANE DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: RELEASED FOR: SIGN DESIGN APPROVAL X X XX/XX/15 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT X X 08/07/15 X X XX/XX/15 BUILDING PERMIT AUTOMATIC WASH USE RIGHT LANE REVISION DESCRIPTION: DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: 1. SIGN CHANGE BY CITY SELF SERVE WASH USE LEFT LANE X 2. 3. SIGN 4. FREE STANDING SIGN 5. 6. Change to a "no left turn" symbol 7. 8. 9. 10. TITLE: FLOW CHART PROPOSED STAGING PLAN SCALE: 1:200 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package DATE: (M/D/Y) PROJECT #: 15-07272 DATE: SEPT 17, 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN PAGE #: DP4 Page 66 X DATE: (M/D/Y) 09/16/15 residential - acreage - innercity renovations - multi-family - estate - vacation commercial #2 0 1 , 4 2 1 6 1 2 t h S t r e e t N E C a l g a r y , A l t a T 2 E 6 K 9 P:403.203.1970 F:403.203.1990 t r ico r @t ri co rd e si gn s. co m w w w. tr ic or d es ig ns .c om TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. 2010 THE PLANS AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. REPRODUCTION OF THESE PLANS, EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART, INCLUDING ANY FORM AND/OR PREPARATION OF DERIVATIVE WORK, FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. ROOF PEAK XX.XX 12 4 8.02 THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS IN NO WAY TRANSFERS ANY COPYRIGHT OR OTHER OWNERSHIP INTEREST TO THE BUYER, EXCEPT FOR A LIMITED LICENSE TO USE THIS SET OF DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE, AND ONLY ONE DWELLING. 12 12 12 7 7 12 4 12 4 4 4.37 7/12 PITCH 7/12 PITCH 7/12 PITCH 12 4 TOW UPPER 2 1.14 12 CAR WASH WINDOW HT. 1.14 1.14 1.14 4 4/12 PITCH 4/12 PITCH 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 2 0.46 ALL WORK IS PERFORMED TO COMPLY TO CURRENT ALBERTA BUILDING CODE, AND ALL OTHER AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. CAR WASH 4/12 PITCH 0.46 0.25 DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED. ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES WITH THE DRAWINGS MUST BE REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF THESE ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES ARE NOT REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE BUILDER AND/OR OWNER ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE. STAMP: 0.25 2 TOJ UPPER 2 TOW MAIN 2 WINDOW HT. 2 2 2 2 1.52 1.52 CL TO. MAIN XX.XX Wall Area for purposes of sign coverage calculation 1.63 3.20 3.20 1.63 ATF XX.XX PROJECT: SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 MATERIALS LEGEND 1. ROOFING 2. 12" BAND COLOR 1 3. 12" BAND COLOR 2 4. STUCCO COLOR 3 5. BRICK VENEER 6. COLUMN TYPE A 7. PAINTED PRE-ZONE SIGN 8. 12" TRIM COLOR 5 9. CURVED PARAPET 10. WINDOW TYPICAL INSTALLATION 11. COLUMN TYPICAL B 12. OVER HEAD DOOR 13. 12" FASCIA 14. COLUMN TYPE C 15. COLUMN TYPE D 16. COLUMN TYPE E 17. FLAT PARAPET 1 COLOUR LEGEND STUCCO CAPS: GENERAL PAINT MATCH CL 2607N WALLABLE 2 STUCCO COLUMNS: GENERAL PAINT MATCH CLC 1271D END POINT 3 STUCCO FACE: GENERAL PAINT MATCH CLW 1011W MERE MORTAL 4 FASCIA & SOFFIT: GENTEK ANTIQUE BROWN 5 WINDOWS: BLACK 6 STONE: CULTURED STONE CHARDONNAY USED BRICK CB 418018 7 ROOF: WEATHERED IKO SLATE MANUAL WASH ENTRANCE DETAIL 1/4 MILE CAR WASH 110 SOUTHBANK BOULEVARD OKOTOKS, ALBERTA LOT 12, BLOCK 1, PLAN 111 0373 SCALE: 1:100 CLIENT: DIAMOND WASH 1621053 ALBERTA INC. DRAWING SET: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SET DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: RELEASED FOR: DESIGN APPROVAL X X XX/XX/15 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT X X 08/07/15 BUILDING PERMIT X X XX/XX/15 REVISION DESCRIPTION: DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: 1. SIGN CHANGE BY CITY ROOF PEAK XX.XX X X 2. 12 12 4 12 7 12 4 3. 4 1.78 4. 1.78 12 12 7/12 PITCH 7/12 PITCH 7/12 PITCH 4 TOW UPPER 4 5. WINDOW HT. 4 4/12 PITCH 4/12 PITCH 1 4 4 4/12 PITCH 1 5 1 6. 1 TOJ UPPER 3 5 1.52 7. TOW MAIN WINDOW HT. 5 5 3 8. 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 9. 0.91 1 1 TO. MAIN XX.XX 10. 6 6 6 ATF XX.XX TITLE: WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package MATERIALS LEGEND 1. ROOFING 2. 12" BAND COLOR 1 3. 12" BAND COLOR 2 4. STUCCO COLOR 3 5. BRICK VENEER 6. COLUMN TYPE A 7. PAINTED PRE-ZONE SIGN 8. 12" TRIM COLOR 5 9. CURVED PARAPET 10. WINDOW TYPICAL INSTALLATION 11. COLUMN TYPICAL B 12. OVER HEAD DOOR 13. 12" FASCIA 14. COLUMN TYPE C 15. COLUMN TYPE D 16. COLUMN TYPE E 17. FLAT PARAPET 1 COLOUR LEGEND STUCCO CAPS: GENERAL PAINT MATCH CL 2607N WALLABLE 2 STUCCO COLUMNS: GENERAL PAINT MATCH CLC 1271D END POINT 3 STUCCO FACE: GENERAL PAINT MATCH CLW 1011W MERE MORTAL 4 FASCIA & SOFFIT: GENTEK ANTIQUE BROWN 5 WINDOWS: BLACK 6 STONE: CULTURED STONE CHARDONNAY USED BRICK CB 418018 7 ROOF: WEATHERED IKO SLATE DATE: (M/D/Y) SOUTH & WEST ELEVATIONS PROJECT #: 15-07272 DATE: SEPT 17, 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN PAGE #: DP8 Page 67 DATE: (M/D/Y) 09/16/15 residential - acreage - innercity renovations - multi-family - estate - vacation commercial #2 0 1 , 4 2 1 6 1 2 t h S t r e e t N E C a l g a r y , A l t a T 2 E 6 K 9 P:403.203.1970 F:403.203.1990 t r ico r @t ri co rd e si gn s. co m w w w. tr ic or d es ig ns .c om TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. 2010 THE PLANS AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. REPRODUCTION OF THESE PLANS, EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART, INCLUDING ANY FORM AND/OR PREPARATION OF DERIVATIVE WORK, FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. ROOF PEAK XX.XX 12 THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS IN NO WAY TRANSFERS ANY COPYRIGHT OR OTHER OWNERSHIP INTEREST TO THE BUYER, EXCEPT FOR A LIMITED LICENSE TO USE THIS SET OF DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE, AND ONLY ONE DWELLING. 12 4 4 DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED. ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES WITH THE DRAWINGS MUST BE REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF THESE ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES ARE NOT REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE BUILDER AND/OR OWNER ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE. 12 4 12 4 7 4 WINDOW HT. 4/12 PITCH STAMP: 4 0.46 ALL WORK IS PERFORMED TO COMPLY TO CURRENT ALBERTA BUILDING CODE, AND ALL OTHER AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. TOW UPPER 4.37 7 4/12 PITCH 0.46 1 CAR WASH 1 1 4 0.46 0.46 TOJ UPPER TOW MAIN 2 5 3 2 2 2 6 WINDOW HT. 5 3 3 3 TO. MAIN XX.XX 6 ATF XX.XX PROJECT: Wall Area for purposes of sign coverage calculation MATERIALS LEGEND 1. ROOFING 2. 12" BAND COLOR 1 3. 12" BAND COLOR 2 4. STUCCO COLOR 3 5. BRICK VENEER 6. COLUMN TYPE A 7. PAINTED PRE-ZONE SIGN 8. 12" TRIM COLOR 5 9. CURVED PARAPET 10. WINDOW TYPICAL INSTALLATION 11. COLUMN TYPICAL B 12. OVER HEAD DOOR 13. 12" FASCIA 14. COLUMN TYPE C 15. COLUMN TYPE D 16. COLUMN TYPE E 17. FLAT PARAPET NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 1 COLOUR LEGEND STUCCO CAPS: GENERAL PAINT MATCH CL 2607N WALLABLE 2 STUCCO COLUMNS: GENERAL PAINT MATCH CLC 1271D END POINT 3 STUCCO FACE: GENERAL PAINT MATCH CLW 1011W MERE MORTAL 4 FASCIA & SOFFIT: GENTEK ANTIQUE BROWN 5 WINDOWS: BLACK 6 STONE: CULTURED STONE CHARDONNAY USED BRICK CB 418018 7 ROOF: WEATHERED IKO SLATE 1/4 MILE CAR WASH 110 SOUTHBANK BOULEVARD OKOTOKS, ALBERTA LOT 12, BLOCK 1, PLAN 111 0373 CLIENT: DIAMOND WASH 1621053 ALBERTA INC. DRAWING SET: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SET DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: RELEASED FOR: DESIGN APPROVAL X X XX/XX/15 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT X X 08/07/15 BUILDING PERMIT X X XX/XX/15 REVISION DESCRIPTION: DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: 1. SIGN CHANGE BY CITY X X 2. ROOF PEAK XX.XX 3. 12 4 12 12 4 1.78 4 4. 5. 12 4 TOW UPPER 7 12 4 WINDOW HT. 7 7 4/12 PITCH 4/12 PITCH 6. 4 0.46 0.46 0.46 4/12 PITCH 4/12 PITCH 4 TOJ UPPER 2 7. 5 TOW MAIN WINDOW HT. 3 3 3 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 5 0.46 5 0.46 8. 2 2 0.46 1 9. 3 6 1 0.46 10. TO. MAIN XX.XX 6 TITLE: ATF XX.XX EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1:100 MATERIALS LEGEND 1. ROOFING 2. 12" BAND COLOR 1 3. 12" BAND COLOR 2 4. STUCCO COLOR 3 5. BRICK VENEER 6. COLUMN TYPE A 7. PAINTED PRE-ZONE SIGN 8. 12" TRIM COLOR 5 9. CURVED PARAPET 10. WINDOW TYPICAL INSTALLATION 11. COLUMN TYPICAL B 12. OVER HEAD DOOR 13. 12" FASCIA 14. COLUMN TYPE C 15. COLUMN TYPE D 16. COLUMN TYPE E 17. FLAT PARAPET 1 COLOUR LEGEND STUCCO CAPS: GENERAL PAINT MATCH CL 2607N WALLABLE 2 STUCCO COLUMNS: GENERAL PAINT MATCH CLC 1271D END POINT October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package NORTH & EAST ELEVATIONS 3 STUCCO FACE: GENERAL PAINT MATCH CLW 1011W MERE MORTAL 4 FASCIA & SOFFIT: GENTEK ANTIQUE BROWN PROJECT #: 15-07272 5 WINDOWS: BLACK DATE: SEPT 17, 2015 6 STONE: CULTURED STONE CHARDONNAY USED BRICK CB 418018 SCALE: AS SHOWN 7 ROOF: WEATHERED IKO SLATE DATE: (M/D/Y) PAGE #: DP9 Page 68 DATE: (M/D/Y) 09/16/15 54.86 0.61 0.61 53.64 3.10 11.04 3.23 1.58 34.01 4.57 1.65 3.23 2.29 1.74 7.71 2.29 3.14 6.40 4.57 2.22 5.50 0.91 0.91 6.10 4.57 1.22 6.40 0.91 2.13 0.91 1.22 1.22 residential - acreage - innercity renovations - multi-family - 5.66 4.57 0.91 2.13 estate - vacation commercial #2 0 1 , 4 2 1 6 1 2 t h S t r e e t N E C a l g a r y , A l t a T 2 E 6 K 9 P:403.203.1970 F:403.203.1990 t r ico r @t ri co rd e si gn s. co m w w w. tr ic or d es ig ns .c om 1.22 TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. 2010 THE PLANS AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. REPRODUCTION OF THESE PLANS, EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART, INCLUDING ANY FORM AND/OR PREPARATION OF DERIVATIVE WORK, FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. EXT. LIGHT THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS IN NO WAY TRANSFERS ANY COPYRIGHT OR OTHER OWNERSHIP INTEREST TO THE BUYER, EXCEPT FOR A LIMITED LICENSE TO USE THIS SET OF DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE, AND ONLY ONE DWELLING. EXT. LIGHT 30x24 P 30x72 P 30x24 P 30x72 P 30x24 P 30x72 P DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED. ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES WITH THE DRAWINGS MUST BE REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF THESE ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES ARE NOT REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE BUILDER AND/OR OWNER ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE. 30x24 P 30x72 P ALL WORK IS PERFORMED TO COMPLY TO CURRENT ALBERTA BUILDING CODE, AND ALL OTHER AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. STAMP: UP 18R EXT. EXT. EXT. EXT. EXT. EXT. 4/0 SHOWROOM 60x30 P 60x30 P 60x30 P 60x30 P SLUDGE CONTAINMENT 4/0 BAY 1 1.52 BAY 2 BAY 3 BAY 4 BAY 5 0.61 0.91 PROJECT: 4.65 1/4 MILE CAR WASH 110 SOUTHBANK BOULEVARD OKOTOKS, ALBERTA LOT 12, BLOCK 1, PLAN 111 0373 0.61 CLIENT: MANUAL WASH DIAMOND WASH 1621053 ALBERTA INC. RAMP DOWN ENTRANCE BAY 6 DRAWING SET: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SET DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: RELEASED FOR: 2/8 0.61 0.91 1.52 EXT. LIGHT LUNCH ROOM LUNCH AREA MECHANICAL ROOM BAY 10 BAY 9 BAY 8 DESIGN APPROVAL X X XX/XX/15 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT X X 08/07/15 BUILDING PERMIT X X XX/XX/15 BAY 7 EXIT REVISION DESCRIPTION: 0.20 60x30 P 60x30 P 60x30 P 60x30 P 60x30 P 60x30 P DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: 1. SIGN CHANGE BY CITY X X EXT. LIGHT EXT. LIGHT EXT. LIGHT EXT. LIGHT 0.20 0.23 2. 1.83 22.86 3. AUTO-WASH 1 ENTRANCE EXIT 4. 1.83 5. 0.20 0.20 0.23 6. 0.23 0.20 0.20 7. 0.43 EXIT AUTO-WASH 2 ENTRANCE 8. 9. 0.20 0.20 48x30 P 48x30 P 10. LIGHT 0.20 LIGHT 0.23 0.20 0.23 0.43 TITLE: 0.43 1.22 0.46 3.78 0.61 DATE: (M/D/Y) 2/8 4.65 1.52 4.01 4.93 1.27 0.46 2.62 3.78 3.08 12.19 12.50 5.26 0.46 1.22 1.83 1.83 6.10 1.22 1.22 0.46 1.83 1.83 6.10 18.81 24.69 MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1.22 0.46 2.63 5.50 24.31 0.61 PROJECT #: 15-07272 DATE: SEPT 17, 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN 54.86 MAIN FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1:100 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package PAGE #: DP10 Page 69 DATE: (M/D/Y) 09/16/15 11.04 3.23 4.57 2.29 3.23 2.29 residential - acreage - innercity renovations - multi-family 30x72 P 30x72 P 30x72 P estate - vacation commercial #2 0 1 , 4 2 1 6 1 2 t h S t r e e t N E C a l g a r y , A l t a T 2 E 6 K 9 P:403.203.1970 F:403.203.1990 t r ico r @t ri co rd e si gn s. co m w w w. tr ic or d es ig ns .c om 30x72 P TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. 2010 THE PLANS AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. REPRODUCTION OF THESE PLANS, EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART, INCLUDING ANY FORM AND/OR PREPARATION OF DERIVATIVE WORK, FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS IN NO WAY TRANSFERS ANY COPYRIGHT OR OTHER OWNERSHIP INTEREST TO THE BUYER, EXCEPT FOR A LIMITED LICENSE TO USE THIS SET OF DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE, AND ONLY ONE DWELLING. DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED. ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES WITH THE DRAWINGS MUST BE REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF THESE ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES ARE NOT REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE BUILDER AND/OR OWNER ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE. OFFICE ALL WORK IS PERFORMED TO COMPLY TO CURRENT ALBERTA BUILDING CODE, AND ALL OTHER AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. STAMP: 0.46 3.41 4.22 0.46 3.41 11.04 UPPER FLOOR PLAN PROJECT: 0.46 1/4 MILE CAR WASH 110 SOUTHBANK BOULEVARD OKOTOKS, ALBERTA LOT 12, BLOCK 1, PLAN 111 0373 0.46 0.46 CLIENT: DIAMOND WASH 1621053 ALBERTA INC. DRAWING SET: MECHANICAL TO BE SCREEN INSIDE ROOF DESIGN 0.46 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SET DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: RELEASED FOR: DATE: (M/D/Y) 0.46 DESIGN APPROVAL X X XX/XX/15 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT X X 08/07/15 BUILDING PERMIT X X XX/XX/15 REVISION DESCRIPTION: 0.46 0.46 DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: 1. SIGN CHANGE BY CITY X X DATE: (M/D/Y) 09/16/15 2. 3. 4. 5. 0.46 6. 7. 0.46 8. 9. 10. 0.46 TITLE: UPPER FLOOR PLAN & ROOF PLAN 0.46 0.46 ROOF PLAN October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package SCALE: 1:100 PROJECT #: 15-07272 DATE: SEPT 17, 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN PAGE #: DP12 Page 70 3.00 WOOD GATES C/W MECHANISM TO FASTEN GATES OPEN (PASSING LINK CHAIN ATTACHED TO 0.30 2.40 0.30 residential - acreage - innercity renovations - multi-family - PLAN DUTY HARDWARE estate - vacation commercial #2 0 1 , 4 2 1 6 1 2 t h S t r e e t N E C a l g a r y , A l t a T 2 E 6 K 9 P:403.203.1970 F:403.203.1990 t r ico r @t ri co rd e si gn s. co m w w w. tr ic or d es ig ns .c om TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. 2010 THE PLANS AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. REPRODUCTION OF THESE PLANS, EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART, INCLUDING ANY FORM AND/OR PREPARATION OF DERIVATIVE WORK, FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. CONC. APRON & PAD TO BE OF ELEVATION 3.00 THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS IN NO WAY TRANSFERS ANY COPYRIGHT OR OTHER OWNERSHIP INTEREST TO THE BUYER, EXCEPT FOR A LIMITED LICENSE TO USE THIS SET OF DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE, AND ONLY ONE DWELLING. DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED. ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES WITH THE DRAWINGS MUST BE REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF THESE ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES ARE NOT REPORTED TO TRICOR DESIGNS LTD. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE BUILDER AND/OR OWNER ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE. ALL WORK IS PERFORMED TO COMPLY TO CURRENT ALBERTA BUILDING CODE, AND ALL OTHER AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. STAMP: BACKGROUND 200mm CONC. BLOCK WALL TO MATCH BUILDING 1.80 1.80 DARK BLUE LETTERS POST TO BE CLAD IN STUCCO & STONE TO MATCH BUILDING 1/4 MILE CAR WASH 200 x200 POST CONCRETE PROJECT: 1/4 MILE CAR WASH 110 SOUTHBANK BOULEVARD OKOTOKS, ALBERTA LOT 12, BLOCK 1, PLAN 111 0373 SIGNAGE ELEVATION 3.00 WALL TO MATCH BUILDING 3.00 ILLUMINATED FREESTANDING SIGN SCALE: 1:50 CLIENT: DIAMOND WASH 1621053 ALBERTA INC. DRAWING SET: 6.00 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SET DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: RELEASED FOR: SECTION SUITABLE GRAVEL FILL DESIGN APPROVAL X X XX/XX/15 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT X X 08/07/15 BUILDING PERMIT X X XX/XX/15 PLAN REVISION DESCRIPTION: GARBAGE ENCLOSURE DETAIL 1. SIGN CHANGE BY CITY SCALE: 1:50 2. DRWN CHK'D BY: BY: X 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TITLE: SITE DETAILS PROJECT #: 15-07272 DATE: SEPT 17, 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN PAGE #: October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package DATE: (M/D/Y) DP14 Page 71 X DATE: (M/D/Y) 09/16/15 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 72 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 73 October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 74 DPA # Description 165-15 Car Washing Establishment Automotive Repair and Service Shop, 166-15 Accessory Used Auto Sales 167-15 Two portable classrooms Change in Use from Warehouse to 168-15 Recreation Facility Private 169-15 Fascia Signage 170-15 Unenclosed Deck October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Zoning I-1S Lot 12 Block 1 Plan Address 111 0373 110 Southbank Boulevard Date Rec'd 7-Aug-15 I-2 PS 6 1 A 801 0201 131 Fisher Street 4820AM 69 Okotoks Drive 14-Sep-15 14-Sep-15 I-2 I-1S R-1N 2 5 150 2 1 24 801 0201 6 Fisher Crescent 081 0538 109 Southbank Boulevard 051 3523 145 Cimarron Grove Circle 19-Aug-15 2-Oct-15 6-Oct-15 Page 75 REPORTS TO COUNCIL SUMMARY FOR MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION INFORMATION COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 Chief Administrative Officer’s Report: Development Services – Wedderburn Land Purchase for Education, Recreational and Cultural Campus Update Issue On September 2nd, Council of the Municipal District (MD) of Foothills passed a resolution pursuant to section 72 of the Municipal Government Act, stating that it has no objection to the Town purchasing lands identified as a portion of NE 33-20-29-W4M within the MD of Foothills. MD approval is a condition of the purchase and sale agreement. Additionally the Town has published requests for proposals to conduct a land survey, to precisely delineate the boundaries of the property and a phase I environmental assessment. Once complete, the Town will be in a position to submit an application for subdivision to the MD. Bylaw 19-15: First Reading Issue The purpose of Bylaw 19-15 is to amend the Land Use Bylaw to allow site specific discretionary uses of retail stores and retail stores - warehouse on Lot 5, Block 1, Plan 081 0538 (109 Southbank Boulevard) within the South Business Industrial District (I1S). This bylaw is ready for first reading only. MOTION: By Councillor Rockley that Bylaw 19-15, a bylaw for the purpose of amending the Land Use Bylaw to allow site specific discretionary uses of retail stores and retail stores - warehouse on Lot 5, Block 1, Plan 081 0538 (109 Southbank Boulevard) within the South Business Industrial District, be read a first time. Carried Unanimously October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 76 COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 (Minutes are Unadopted) Bylaw 19-15: Second and Third Reading Issue The purpose of Bylaw 19-15 is to amend the Land Use Bylaw to allow site specific discretionary uses of “retail stores” and “retail stores - warehouse” on Lot 5, Block 1, Plan 081 0538 (109 Southbank Boulevard) within the South Business Industrial District (I-1S). Bylaw 19-15 received first reading on September 14, 2015. Depending on the outcome of this public hearing, this bylaw is ready for second and third reading. MOTION: By Councillor Rockley that Bylaw 19-15, a bylaw for the purpose of amending the Land Use Bylaw to allow site specific discretionary uses of “retail stores” and “retail stores - warehouse” on Lot 5, Block 1, Plan 081 0538 (109 Southbank Boulevard) within the South Business Industrial District, be amended by removing the discretionary use of “retail stores”, and read a second time. AMENDING MOTION: By Councillor Heemeryck that the motion be amended by adding “that the floor space for the discretionary uses of “retail stores - warehouse” not exceed the first floor of the proposed second building”. Carried Unanimously MOTION AS AMENDED: By Councillor Rockley that Bylaw 19-15, a bylaw for the purpose of amending the Land Use Bylaw to allow site specific discretionary use of “retail stores - warehouse” that does not exceed the first floor of the proposed second building, on Lot 5, Block 1, Plan 081 0538 (109 Southbank Boulevard) within the South Business Industrial District, be read a second time. Carried Unanimously MOTION: By Councillor Fischer that Bylaw 19-15, a bylaw for the purpose of amending the Land Use Bylaw to allow site specific discretionary use of “retail stores - warehouse” that does not exceed the first floor of the proposed second building, on Lot 5, Block 1, Plan 081 0538 (109 Southbank Boulevard) within the South Business Industrial District, be read a third time and passed. Carried Unanimously October 15, 2015 MPC Agenda Package Page 77