Dog Thieves Max Riley 2002 – 2013 (Our Gorgeous Golden Boy


Dog Thieves Max Riley 2002 – 2013 (Our Gorgeous Golden Boy
Registered Charity Number: 1067495
PATRONS: David C. Fletcher B. Vet. Med. MRCVS; Maureen S. Fletcher
Andre Lez Lille, France)
raising nearly £600.00 for
Labrador Rescue and a
three month appeal at John
Lewis, Tunbridge Wells as
part of their charity support
scheme raised a huge
Chairman’s Report - November 2012
The final part of 2012 has seen the dogs in kennels
finally found a permanent home.
It has been a
difficult year in respect of finding the right homes, and
at the present time homes are few and far between.
We have been fortunate to receive a donation from
John Lewis Ltd of Tunbridge Wells which has helped
to clear our kennel and veterinary costs. I would like to
thank all our helpers for their time and patience, and to
my fellow trustees for their continued efforts on behalf
of the Charity.
Dog Thieves
Theft of dogs is on
the increase. So far
we have not heard of
any of our rescued
dogs going missing
but do take care and
think about where you
leave your dog.
Charity Day 2013 - Sunday July 21st
After the success of last year’s Charity Day which we
advertised more widely than ever before we are hoping
for a repeat performance this year. Don’t forget to put
the date in your diary and to bring family and friends.
(More information in the next newsletter).
Max and Tommy – recently happily rehomed!
Max Riley 2002 – 2013
(Our Gorgeous Golden Boy)
Fundraising Events
As always fundraising helps to pay for our ever
increasing vet and kenneling costs, particularly as
recently a number of dogs have spent several weeks
or months in kennels before the right home can be
found. This year we have been especially grateful for
the donations, village fairs, boot fairs, dog shows etc.
that you have run in aid of LRK.
But also we have been fortunate with a few new
events that have added to
the coffers. One of our
helpers organised a Tesco
collection which raised over
£300.00. Bridge Twinning
Society together with The
Red Lion, organized a charity bike ride (70 miles to St
I suppose the title says it all: our gorgeous golden boy
was put to sleep on January 9 this year, in his own
snuggly bed with Steve and me beside him, loving him
until his last breath. It was probably the worst day of
our lives. I don’t believe one ever gets over such a loss
but the happy memories are beginning to come to the
fore more than the sad ones and this is Max’s story.
In 2001 after we contacted Labrador Rescue Kent to
offer our home to a black Labrador bitch, Alison arrived
with Max, a 1 year old yellow Labrador. (Male!) From
the little that we know about Max’s previous life his first
year wasn’t that great. I suppose people just fall for
that “Andrex puppy” but don’t think about their size or
boisterousness once they grow up.
Max wasn’t at all sure of us at all at first and it took a
lot of calm words, sitting on the floor for hours just
hoping he’d come to us rather than approaching him
and, of course, with the obligatory biscuits to win his
trust and friendship but
Max settled with us so
quickly that on one of
his inaugural walks a
neighbour commented,
“He acts as if he has
been with you all his
life”. I don’t know what it is about rescue dogs but they
seem to be a million times more loyal, ready to please
and just want your love, which we gave him in bucket
Max’s health began to deteriorate about 18 months
ago with arthritis added to his double hip dysplasia. He
began to struggle with walks and being unable to get
up off the floor without assistance. He was so mortified
when all he could do was walk to the end of the drive
before his hind legs said, “No more, thanks”.
Our love for our beautiful woofer is overwhelming. Max
is home with us now and our memories of him
bounding over the fields, sitting under the washing line
whilst I garden, the love he had for his walks and his
complete devotion, not to mention his love of
sausages, will stay with us forever and we cannot
thank Labrador Rescue enough for somehow knowing
that Max was the right dog for us and that he would
enrich and enlighten our lives so very much. Thank
you, LRK, for 12 very special years.
of power who, at the time, seemed virtually
uncontrollable, made me feel more than a little bit
daunted and apprehensive.
Our first few days were quite difficult. His strength,
coupled with his settling-in process effectively wore
me (and him!) out. But he had already become a sort
of ‘friend’, even after such a short time and I really
didn’t want to put him through the trauma of being
passed on to another new home, so I asked Labrador
Rescue for help and it came, readily and generously,
in the forms of Mick and Heather and I shall always be
grateful to them for their patience, kindness and
I have willingly invested lots of time and effort in
Scooby’s training and have had procedures carried out
by the vet on the advice of the aforementioned
people and the effects have been quite amazing. He’s
like a different dog. He has become extremely
obedient (most of the time!) and eager to learn. His
lovely temperament and (slightly mischievous)
character have become apparent and he is excellent
We walk and jog
happy dog. I am
definitely a very
happy owner and I
without him now. I feel neither ashamed nor
embarrassed to say that ‘I love Scooby to bits’ and I
shall always be grateful to Labrador Rescue Kent for
their wonderful and compassionate work. Scooby was
3 years old on November 5th 2012. The picture above
was taken recently whilst charging round a park with a
Labrador friend who is a Guide Dog for the Blind.
Scooby Manns
When Scooby first arrived on that dry, sunny Saturday
in November 2011, I wasn’t quite sure what I had
received! This large, black, heavily panting and highly
excited animal launched himself into the back garden
and completed about eight circuits before wearing
himself out sufficiently to need a drink. He seemed
disorientated and confused and I started to wonder if I
was going to be able to manage him. Although I work
in the church now, I had recently completed 25 years
in the Metropolitan Police and so am not really a
weakling. Nevertheless, this (approx.) 6 stone bundle
Does your dog have a story to tell? Please
send your stories to: