- " SP AusNet Proposed Additional Performance Requirements CIS evaluation objective PRCode SP AusNet Proposed Performance Requirement Traffic (Addition to) T1 Ensure that the: 1. design of the East West Link - Eastern Section (the proposed freeway) contains provision for placement of safety guards, barriers, use of materials and protections (including but not limited to in relation to height and resilience of such protections) to ensure that persons or vehicles cannot collide through or leave the proposed freeway and land on or in close proximity to the SP AusNet assets in and around WMTS; and 2. "me m,"",m,"' ,,, " ~,k, '" " '" ® • connection with underground gas any or of SP AusNet's electricity assets (including in relation to relocation of them) is taken into account documentation and in the such project project documentation provides for SP AusNet to provide reasonable directions to the contractor in relation to such traffic management. (Addition to) T5 Design the project boundary, construction zone and proposed freeway to take into account applicable clearance distances and restrictions from or in connection with SP AusNet assets (both WMTS and underground gas and electiicity) pursuant to applicable legislation , regulations, industry codes and Australian Standards. Land use and utility assets (New) LU6 Ensure that the reference project boundary in the CIS does not encroach any further west into the remaining WMTS footprint. (New) LU7 Ensure that detailed specifications are included in the design of the proposed freeway to address all of the potential impacts on SP AusNet's assets that SP AusNet has identified in its submissions. (New) LU8 Ensure that the Fisherman's Bend Tower (Tower) adjacent to WMTS is relocated to the satisfaction of SP AusNet. The site for the relocation of the Tower should be identified as soon as practicable from the sites identified in Attachment 1. Property and/or access rights over such over such site/proposed route for overhead or underground cables are to be obtained by the LMA and specifications are included for undergrounding of the power lines (including tunnelling), overhead powerlines or some other alternative. (New) LUg Ensure that: 1. no works are undertaken within 3.0 metres of a licenced transmission gas pipeline or underground regulating station; 2. subject to requirement 3 below, clearances to all gas assets are as per the Conditions of Works as detailed in Technical 8tandards T82607.1, T82607.2 and T8 2607.3, as amended or replaced from time to time, which are attached as Attachment 2; and 3. risk assessments and safety studies detailing the impact on gas network infrastructure are completed in accordance with AS 2885, which is the Standards Australia standard for the design, construction, testing, operations and maintenance of gas and petroleum pipelines that operate at pressures in excess of 1050 kpa, as amended or replaced from time to time. (New) LU10 Ensure that: 1. no works are undertaken within 5.0 metres of SP AusNet's underground 220 kV electricity assets, unless special requirements for an alternative distance have been fulfilled in accordance with the requirements of SP AusNet's Transmission Procedures document Field FWP 05-05, Work as amended or replaced from time to time, which is attached as Attachment 3. To ensure that this minimum distance is adhered to, before any works are undertaken, accurate location of the underground cable asset by the LMA must be determined. This location shall be in addition to as-built drawings and may include cable location or ground penetrating radar techniques; 2. subject to requirement 3 below, all works are undertaken in accordance with the SP AusNet Design Guidelines for alterations to the 220 kV cable that runs between Richmond Terminal Station and Brunswick Terminal station, as amended or replaced from time to time, which is attached as Attachment 4; and 3. risk assessments and safety studies detailing the impact on electricity network infrastructure are completed in accordance with IEC 62067, which is the International Standard for the design, construction, and testing of power cables with rated voltages up to 500kV, as amended or replaced from time to time. Community and business impacts (New) C3 Ensure that design and construction of the proposed freeway does not interrupt or in any way interfere with the supply of electricity or gas by SP AusNet. Noise, vibration and light (New) NV14 Ensure that the earthwork preparation for and construction of the proposed freeway does not interrupt or in any way interfere with the supply of electricity or gas by SP AusNet. In particular, ensure that the earthwork preparation for and construction of the proposed freeway does not cause SP AusNet's electrical protection equipment to "trip" (this could most likely occur due to vibration, where sensitive circuit breakers or other protection devices operate and de-energise the power line affected by such vibration, causing a loss of supply). (New) NV15 Ensure that vibration (peak particle velocity) levels in relation to piling activities, tunnelling, boring or similar activities, each within the boundary of WMTS are kept below an absolute maximum of 20 mm per second . (New) NV16 Ensure that vibration (peak particle velocity) on any gas pipeline is limited to an absolute maximum of 20 mm per second. (New) NV17 Ensure that vibration (peak particle velocity) on any underground 220 kV electricity asset is limited to an absolute maximum of 20 mm per second. Surface water (New) SW7 Ensure that surface water does not encroach on or through WMTS or into underground SP AusNet electricity and gas assets. Contamination (New) CL5 Ensure that contamination does not ingress into WMTS as a result of the construction of the proposed freeway or activities in connection with it.