event package
event package
TOURNAMENT DATE Saturday, September 17, 2016 TOURNAMENT LOCATION Washington Ave. Armory 195 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12210 Important Times Friday (9/16/16): Registration and weigh-ins are open from 67:00 PM. The Friday weigh-in will be open to all competitors regardless if you pre-registered. Saturday (9/17/16): Doors open at 8:00 AM. Children and Teen competitors need to be registered and weighed-in by 9:00 AM. Adults who did not pre-register or register on Friday must be registered by 12:00 PM. Pre-Registration Deadline Saturday, September 10, 2016 @ Midnight. The North American Grappling Association (NAGA) is the world’s largest mixed grappling tournament circuit with over 400,000 competitors worldwide. On Saturday, September 17, 2016, NAGA returns to Albany, NY for the NAGA New York Grappling Championship No-Gi & Gi tournament. Come as an individual or as a team to compete. You do not have to live in New York or be on a team to participate in this event. IMPROVEMENTS & CHANGES FOR 2016 - NAGA is no longer accepting mail in registrations. Competitors will need to either pre-register or register at the event. Credit card and cash are accepted at the event. - Earlier division start times. Children & Teens must be registered and weighed in by 9:00 AM. - Once a competitor accepts their weight and their registration card is turned in to bracketing, the weight can no longer be changed. - Heel hooks are no longer allowed in adult Novice and Beginner No-Gi divisions. - Those adults registering the day of the event must be registered and weighedin by 12:00 PM. If you pre-register or register the night before, you can arrive up until 90 minutes prior to the estimated start time of you division. CHAMPIONSHIP BELTS AWARDED NAGA awards championship belts to all Children, Teen, Adult, Masters, Directors and Executive, Expert Division champions (Limit 1 belt per competitor per event). This award is unrivaled in quality and appearance. Pre-Registration Fees 1 Division = $80, 2 Divisions = $100, Spectator = $10. Registration Fees at Event 1 Division = $100, 2 Divisions = $120, Spectator = $15. Visit the NAGA website, nagafighter.com, for the latest information and event news. N o r t h Am e r i c a n G r a p p l i n g Association 36 Saner Road Marlborough, CT 06447 Phone: 860.295.0403 Fax: 860.295.0447 E-mail: info@nagafighter.com www. nagaf ighter.com SAMURAI SWORDS AND MEDALS AWARDED NAGA awards custom engraved samurai swords to all non-expert Children & Teen division winners (Limit 1 per competitor per event). Custom medals will be awarded to all non-expert Adult division winners, and those who place 2nd & 3rd place. TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP CUPS AWARDED NAGA awards customized championship cups to the tournament team champions. A cup can be won in: Adult Overall, Adult No-Gi, Adult Gi, and Children & Teens Overall. Please make sure your team registers under the same team name. Do not miss this opportunity to showcase the talent that your team possesses. GET YOUR GRAPPLING GEAR AT THE EVENT NAGA is bringing a truckload of grappling gear (Board shorts, rash guards, tshirts, hats, gi hoodies, patches, samurai swords, skull caps, stickers, dog tags, etc.) in children and adults sizes, for males and females. WEIGH-IN FRIDAY or SATURDAY (you do not weigh-in wearing your Gi) The weigh-ins will take place at the event venue. Adults please bring a photo ID to weigh-in. If you have any questions, contact NAGA at 860-295-0403 or info@nagafighter.com. FRIDAY (9/16/16) – Weigh-In & Registration Option - The Friday weigh-in will be open to all competitors regardless if you pre-registered or not. The weigh-ins are from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. SATURDAY (9/17/16) - Weigh-In & Registration Option - Weigh-ins open at 8:00 AM. Children & Teens need to be registered and weighed in by 9:00 AM. Adults registering on Saturday must register and weigh-in by 12:00 PM. Pre-registered adults can check-in/weigh-in up until their division is called. SATURDAY DIVISION SCHEDULE (Doors open 8:00 AM) IMPORTANT: Due to the difficulty in estimating the start time for each division, as a general rule, get there early and be prepared to stay late. There are NO REFUNDS given to those who have to leave early. Please check nagafighter.com for the latest updates on division start times as they may be altered based on estimated attendance. CHILDREN & TEENS (17yrs & under) NO-GI & GI COMPETITION - All Children/Teens must be registered and weighed in by 9:00 AM - Children/Teen bracketing takes place from 9:00 to 10:00 AM. Competitors and a coach or parent must be present and at their assigned ring in case a bracketing issue needs to be resolved. - Children/Teens No-Gi Novice Divisions, and No-Gi Expert Divisions (Estimated Start Time is 10:15 AM) - Children/Teens No-Gi Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Divisions (Estimated Start Time is 10:45 AM) - Children/Teen Gi Novice, Beginner Divisions (Estimate Start Time 11:45 AM) - Children/Teen Gi Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert Divisions (Estimate Start Time 12:15 PM) ADULT NO-GI & GI COMPETITION (times are estimated start times please arrive one hour early) All Women’s Divisions start at approximately 2:00 PM (No-Gi will be followed by Gi) Men’s Adult, Master, Director & Executive Divisions: - Men’s, Master’s, Director's & Executive No-Gi Novice (Estimated Start Time is 2:30 PM) - Men’s, Master’s, Director's & Executive No-Gi Beginner (Estimated Start Time is 3:00 PM) - Men’s, Master’s, Director's & Executive No-Gi Intermediate (Estimated Start Time 3:30 PM) - Men’s, Master’s, Director's & Executive No-Gi Expert (Estimated Start Time is 4:00 PM) - Men’s, Master’s, Director's & Executive White Belt Gi (Estimated Start Time is 4:30 PM) - Men’s, Master’s, Director's & Executive Blue Belt Gi (Estimated Start Time is 5:30 PM) - Men’s, Master’s, Director's & Executive Purple, Brown, Black Belt Gi (Estimated Start Time is 5:30 PM) VENUE Washington Ave. Armory, 195 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12210 From I-90 East and West: Take the Henry Johnson Boulevard/Loudonville exit. Follow Henry Johnson Blvd approximately 3 miles (past Clinton and Sheridan Aves). Make left at traffic light onto Central Ave. Go 2 lights and Armory will be on your left. Look for NAGA signs. The armory main entrance is located at the corner of Washington Avenue and Lark Street in downtown Albany. LODGING OPTIONS We suggest using a hotel booking website such as Hotels.com to find a hotel within your price range, and one that has the amenities you desire. If we secure a discounted hotel rate, we will post the information on the event’s page at nagafighter.com. CHAMPION GI PATCH FREE T-SHIRT All Children, Teens & Adults All competitors will receive a who place 1st in any of our Gi FREE NAGA Competition T-Shirt Divisions (White Belt through whether you pre-register or not. Black Belt) will receive a The shirts can be picked up at NAGA Champion Gi patch. the event. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Below are answers to questions we frequently receive concerning NAGA events. The NAGA website has a full FAQ page that answers more questions. If you cannot find an answer to your question here or there, please email us at info@nagafighter.com, or call us at 860295-0403. Do I need to be a member of NAGA to compete? You do not have to be a member of NAGA to compete. Joining NAGA will get you on the NAGA email list which will inform you of the latest NAGA news (and is only sent out once a month), and the NAGA mailing list where you will receive information for tournaments coming to your region. Do I need to be a member of a team to compete? NAGA does not require you to be on a team in order to compete. In fact, about 25% of our fighters are unaffiliated. NAGA events are open to all styles: Wrestling, Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Japanese Jujitsu, Sambo, Jeet Kune Do, etc. There are no restrictions on what form of grappling you practice. We have divisions for children and adults of all ages and of all skill levels, in both gi and no-gi competition. Please note that NAGA gi divisions do mostly follow IBJJF rules (with some NAGA alterations). Does NAGA have a division for me? Yes we do. NAGA has divisions for all ages and all skill levels. NAGA has had Expert level 6 years old compete and Novice level 50 year olds compete. We have a division for everyone. For more information, click the red DIVISIONS tab located on the page of the event you are interested in. What is Sandbagging? We work diligently to prevent "sandbagging", the practice of fighting down skill levels to ensure one takes home an award. NAGA tracks past results from our events and has a list of winners from past events on hand at each event. Sandbagging is grounds for disqualification. When I get to the tournament what do I do? If you pre-registered: You will go to the pre-registration desk. Here you will receive your registration cards, any spectator passes you may have purchased, and sign the event waiver. Your next step will be the referee interview. Once that is completed you will be sent to weighin. If you are registering at the event on Friday: NAGA offers the option to register and weigh-in the night before the event. When you arrive you will need to complete a registration form and sign the waiver on the back of the form (you can printout the form, complete it and bring it with you). You wil then need to pay the registration fee at the cashier desk. You can purchase spectator passes at this time. You will then go to the referee interview to have your registration cards completed. Once that is completed you will be sent to weigh-in. If you are registering at the event on Saturday: The steps for registering on Saturday are the same as Friday except: If you are registering on Saturday, you need to be registered and weighed-in by 12:00 PM. Registration will be shutdown after 12:00 PM. Please note that children/teen competitors and sometimes for two-day events, women competitors are required to be at the event before 12:00 PM. Please consult the event schedule for the tournament you are competing in for further details. Adults, after weighing-in, you will wait for your division to be called to the bracketing area. Once your division is called to the bracketing area, you will be able to view your bracket and find out what ring it will be taking place. Children/teen competitors will report to their assigned ring as listed on the bracketing handout given at the event. What forms of payment does NAGA accept? The day of the event NAGA accepts cash or credit/debit card. Checks are not accepted. What time will my division begin? Estimated division start times are posted under the red SCHEDULE tab located on each tournament page. These times are update leading up to the event, please check them regularly. The event schedule will be available as a handout at the event. Where is my division? NAGA uses 8-16 Rings running continuously throughout the day. When you register, you will be given a sheet indicating what ring your division is in or when your division is estimated to begin. Adult division rings are assigned after they are called to the bracketing area. What happens when my division is called? Children/Teens: Need to be at their assigned ring at the time listed on the event schedule (normally 9:00 or 10:00 AM). For an estimate of when your division will begin, you can consult the referee who is running that ring. Adults: Your division will be called to the bracketing area. At this time the ring you are competing in will be given to you. Once your division is called and you check-in with the NAGA official who calls your name, you will proceed to your assigned ring. I registered for the wrong division or weight class. What can I do? At NAGA events, you will be interviewed by a NAGA Staff member who will help place you into the correct division. Whatever division you selected when registering can be changed at the event (up or down skill levels). There is no need to call or email NAGA to request a change, this will all be handled at the event. NAGA does not require you to enter a weight when registering. Your weight is determined when you step on the scale at the event. You are not locked into a weight class until you weigh-in at the event. Please remember that you do not weigh-in with your gi on, and if you are registering the night before the event, you only weigh-in that one time. 2016 UPCOMING EVENTS AUGUST 6 & 7 OCTOBER 15 NOVEMBER 19 NAGA BATTLE AT THE BEACH CHAMPIONSHIP WILDWOOD, NJ 300 Gi & No-Gi Divisions NAGA NORTHEAST GRAPPLING CHAMPIONSHIP PROVIDENCE, RI 300 Gi & No-Gi Divisions NAGA NORTH AMERICAN GRAPPLING METUCHEN, NJ 300 Gi & No-Gi CHAMPIONSHIP Divisions Go to: nagafighter.com/pdf/nagacalendar.pdf to download the complete 2016 NAGA calendar. NAGA ADULT DIVISIONS NO-GI & GI GRAPPLING DIVISIONS (AGE CATEGORIES FOR MEN & WOMEN) ____ I am an ADULT (18 to 29 years of age) ____ I am an MASTER (30 to 39 years of age) ____ I am a DIRECTOR (40 to 49 years of age) ____ I am an EXECUTIVE (50 years & above) Adults can compete in multiple age groups, their actual age group and a lower age group. For example, a 32 year old Master can compete in Master and Adult divisions. This is considered two divisions, please register accordingly. If competing in one age category, you can compete in your age category or a younger category. For example, a 32 year old can compete in Adult rather than Master. NO-GI DIVISIONS (SKILL LEVEL) GI DIVISIONS (SKILL LEVEL) ____ NOVICE Under 6 months experience (no wrestlers) ____ WHITE BELT ____ BEGINNER 6 months to 2 years experience ____ BLUE BELT ____ INTERMEDIATE 2 years to 5 years experience ____ PURPLE BELT ____ EXPERT over 5 years experience ____ BROWN BELT All Expert winners are awarded a championship belt. If multiple Expert divisions are won by a competitor, only one belt will be awarded. ____ BLACK BELT Purple, brown, and black belts will be separated whenever there are two or more in a division. All purple, brown, and black belt winners are awarded a championship belt. If multiple divisions are won by a purple, brown or black belt competitor, only one belt will be awarded. Please note the following when choosing your No-Gi skill level (if applicable): Blue belts must compete at the Intermediate No-Gi level. Purple, brown and black belts must compete at the Expert No-Gi level. MEN'S WEIGHT CLASSES WOMEN'S WEIGHT CLASSES ____ Fly Weight (129.9 lbs. & Under) ____ Straw Weight (109.9 lbs & Under) ____ Bantam Weight (130 lbs. to 139.9 lbs.) ____ Fly Weight (110 to 119.9 lbs.) ____ Feather Weight (140 lbs. to 149.9 lbs.) ____ Light Weight (150 lbs. to 159.9 lbs.) ____ Bantam Weight (120 to 129.9 lbs.) ____ Welter Weight (160 lbs. to 169.9 lbs.) ____ Feather Weight (130 to 139.9 lbs.) ____ Middle Weight (170 lbs. to 179.9 lbs.) ____ Light Weight (140 to 159.9 lbs.) ____ Light Heavy Weight (180 lbs. to 189.9 lbs.) ____ Welter Weight (160 to 174.9 lbs.) ____ Cruiser Weight (190 lbs. to 199.9 lbs.) ____ Middle Weight (175 to 199.9 lbs.) ____ Heavy Weight (200 lbs. to 224.9 lbs.) ____ Cruiser Weight (200 lbs. & Above) ____ Super Heavy Weight (225 lbs. & Above) A competitor must compete in at least one match to win an award. If no one is in your specified division, NAGA will combine the next closest weight and/or age category. NAGA makes every effort to create fair divisions based on the pool of competitors at this event. st If you placed 1 place in a prior NAGA event, you MUST move up to the next skill level. NAGA CHILDREN & TEEN DIVISIONS EXPERIENCE LEVELS: When choosing your child or teen’s experience level, please take into account numerous factors: how often they train, how naturally talented they are in the sport, athleticism in other sports, and how they do against teammates. The length of time they have trained is not the only aspect to consider as the experience levels (years training) listed are simply guidelines. Challenge your children and have them compete at an appropriate skill level. NAGA has the right to alter competitor division placement during the event. CHILDREN NO-GI & GI GRAPPLING DIVISIONS (13 years of age & under): DIVISION TYPE (Select one) ____ NO-GI ____ GI ____ BOTH NO-GI & GI SKILL LEVEL (Select one) ____ NOVICE EXPERIENCE GUIDELINES (Length of time training) Less than 6 months ____ BEGINNER 6 months to 1 year ____ INTERMEDIATE 1 year to 2 years ____ ADVANCED 2 years to 3 years ____ EXPERT 3 years + PLEASE NOTE: Whenever possible, your child will be matched up with someone their same age or children within a year old (plus or minus). Please understand that under some circumstances they may have to compete with others slightly older. A coach or parent will be contacted to get approval. All children 13 and under that weigh over 180 lbs. will need to compete with the teens. Only Expert division winners are awarded a championship belt. Only one belt or sword can be won per competitor. A medal will be awarded for any additional division wins. ___MALE ___ FEMALE WEIGHT CLASSES Determined at weigh ins 39.9 lbs. & Under 40 to 49.9 lbs. 50 to 59.9 lbs. 60 to 69.9 lbs. 70 to 79.9 lbs. 80 to 89.9 lbs. 90 to 99.9 lbs. 100 to 114.9 lbs. 115 to 129.9 lbs. 130 to 149.9 lbs. 150 to 179.9 lbs. If there are 2 or more girls in a division, we will create a separate division for the girls. TEEN NO-GI & GI GRAPPLING DIVISIONS (14 to 15) and (16 to 17) years old: DIVISION TYPE (Select one) ____ NO-GI ____ GI ____ BOTH NO-GI & GI SKILL LEVEL (Select one) ____ NOVICE EXPERIENCE GUIDELINES (Length of time training) Less than 6 months ____ BEGINNER 6 months to 1 year ____ INTERMEDIATE 1 year to 2 years ____ ADVANCED 2 years to 3 years ____ EXPERT 3 years + PLEASE NOTE: Please note – NAGA reserves the right to either subdivide or combine the above weight and age classes the day of the event. Submissions are allowed in all teen divisions. Only Expert division winners are awarded a championship belt. Only one belt or sword can be won per competitor. A medal will be awarded for any additional division wins. ___MALE ___ FEMALE If there are 2 or more girls in a division, we will create a separate division for the girls. WEIGHT CLASSES (Determined at weigh ins) 99.9 lb & Under 100 to 109.9 lbs. 110 to 119.9 lbs. 120 to 129.9 lbs. 130 to 139.9 lbs. 140 to 149.9 lbs. 150 to 159.9 lbs. 160 to 179.9 lbs. 180 to 199.9 lbs. 200 lbs. + If you placed 1st place in a prior NAGA event, you MUST move up to the next skill level. NAGA NO LONGER ACCEPTS CHECKS. There are no refunds of competitor or spectator fees. This is a summary of the NAGA No-Gi and Gi rules. This document contains important information on scoring, illegal techniques, time limits, and safety related items. For a complete listing of the NAGA Rules, visit the NAGA website, www.NAGAfighter.com. NAGA makes every effort to give our competitors an environment that is fair and safe. Have fun and thank you for competing in NAGA. NAGA No Gi Points Takedowns Submission Attempts Sweeps Side Control Variations Mount Back Grab Knee on Belly 1 or 2 Points 1 or 2 Points 2 Points 2 Points 2 Points 2 Points 2 Points NO-GI TAKEDOWNS: 2 Points are awarded when you initiate a Takedown, take your opponent off their feet, and remain on a top position for two seconds. 1 Point may be awarded for Takedowns that do not result in top control. All Takedowns are legal except dropping an opponent on their head, or a Scissors Takedown without placing your hand on the mat first (Scissors Takedowns are illegal for Children and Teens). Slamming an opponent with the intention to cause injury will result in immediate disqualification. NO-GI DOMINANT POSITIONAL CONTROL: 2 Points are awarded for all forms of top control that provide common submission opportunities, including Side Mount, North-South, Knee on Belly, Scarf Hold, Modified Scarf Hold, Top Turtle control, Mount, and Back Grab positions. Consecutive control points are only awarded for going from a form of Side Control to Knee on Belly/Mount/Back Grab, not from a Side Control to another form of Side Control. Positional Control has to be long enough to set up a submission attempt, which is deemed a two second count. A total of 6 positional points can be achieved in succession. NO-GI SWEEPS: 2 Points are awarded when you initiate a Sweep from any form of Guard, and go from the bottom to a top position. If the Sweep ends in a form of Side Control or Mount, you earn two additional points for the Dominant Control. NO Points are awarded for Escapes or Reversals; if you are Bottom Mount, and you bridge to “In Guard,” NO Points are awarded. If you are bottom Side Control and reverse ending up in Top Side Control, 2 Points are awarded for the Dominant Control, not for the Reversal. SUBMISSION ATTEMPTS: 1 or 2 Points are awarded for a Submission Attempt. Submission attempts that are of a high percentage of the opponent being finished will result in 2 Points being awarded. A Submission attempt that fails to meet the Full and Strong Criteria may be awarded 1 Point. Kids & Teens No Gi Legal / Illegal Techniques: Novice Kids divisions do not allow submissions to be applied. The following are Illegal techniques for Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced & Expert Kids / All Teens divisions: All forms of neck cranks, No Gi Ezekiel choke, jumping Guard, wrist locks, bicep & calf compressions, body compressions used as a submission, slamming, “Boston crab” & “Bear crawl” style guard passes, twisting or reaping forms of ankle / leg locks, squeezing windpipe w/ hand, “electric chair,” and spine locks are illegal. All No Gi chokes require an opponent’s arm inside the choke except Guillotines, rear naked chokes, forearm chokes and gogoplatas. Straight ankle locks and straight knee bars are Legal techniques in Teen No Gi competition. Adult Men & Women, Masters, Directors and Executives No Gi Legal / Illegal Techniques: Heel Hooks— Illegal for Novice & Beginners / Legal for Intermediate & Expert. All skill levels are permitted to apply virtually all other submission techniques. Slamming, pulling back fingers or toes and squeezing windpipe w/ hand are Illegal techniques for all Novice, Beginner, Intermediate and Expert No Gi competitors. Sandbagging NO SANDBAGGING! Challenge yourself! Do not fight down a skill level. When sandbagging is evident, the referee will stop the match and move the competitor to an appropriate skill level. At registration, NAGA checks records from past grappling events to help catch sandbagging before the competitor gets on the mat. NAGA reserves the right to remove a competitor from the results post tournament if it is deemed they were sandbagging. NAGA Gi (BJJ) Points Takedowns Sweeps Knee on Belly Passing the Guard Mount Back Grab 2 Points 2 Points 2 Points 3 Points 4 Points 4 Points NAGA Gi Competition is based on the rules created by the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation. All achievable points require 3 seconds of dominant control. Advantages are awarded for techniques applied that almost achieve points or almost submit an opponent. Note: Advantages do not equal points. One point is worth more than an infinite number of Advantages. Kids & Teens Gi Legal / Illegal Techniques: Novice Kids divisions do not allow submissions to be applied. The following are illegal techniques for Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced & Expert Kids / All Teens divisions: All of the rules associated with No Gi competition are identical in the Gi competition except the following: Gi based Ezekiel chokes are permitted. Teens are permitted to apply straight ankle locks in Gi competition. Adult Men & Women, Masters, Directors and Executives Gi Legal / Illegal Techniques: All forms of heel hooks, neck cranks, slamming, pulling back fingers or toes, scissors takedowns and spine locks are illegal for all belt levels. White Belts— Straight ankle locks are permitted (no twisting or reaping of the knee). Jumping Guard is not permitted for White Belts. Blue & Purple Belts— add wrist locks, jumping Guard & body compressions. Brown & Black Belts— add toe holds, knee bars, bicep & calf slicers. NAGA No Gi & Gi Time Limits Kids (ages 13 and under) & Teens (ages 14-17) Novice, Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Kids (ages 13 and under) & Teens (ages 14-17) Expert / Adults (ages 18-29) Novice, Beginner & White Belt / Masters (ages 30-39) All skill & belt levels / Directors (ages 40-49) & Executives (ages 50 & above) All skill & belt levels Adults (ages 18-29) Intermediate / Blue Belt Adults (ages 18-29) Expert / Purple, Brown & Black Belts 3 Min 4 Min 5 Min 6 Min Our number one goal at NAGA is SAFETY. Referees reserve the right to stop a match at any time he/she feels injury is imminent. Any interference from a coach or spectator during a match may result in disqualification of that competitor. Professional behavior is required from all in attendance @ NAGA.
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