Chatter - Cherokee Water Company
Chatter - Cherokee Water Company
The Cherokee Chatter Published by the Cherokee Water Company NK 20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 January 2015 A Brand New Day Welcome to 2015 Manager’s Report Fishing Club Preservation Club Flag Travels News from the 19th Hole/ Free Golf KF&T LARC Ladies Bridge First Friends Shopper’s Corner Bulletin Board Calendar 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 18 20 21 22 Photo submitted by Bob Tippit Cherokee Water Co. NK20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LONGVIEW, TX PERMIT NO. 390 2 No Board Meeting in December The CWC Board of Directors meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. ALL SHAREHOLDERS ARE WELCOME. Next Board Meeting Thursday, January 15, 2015 If you have not paid your annual storage payment, it was due October 1, 2014. Please contact Kathy at (903) 643-3933 to avoid late charges. Fuel Center November-February CLOSED FOR THE SEASON 2014-2015 Committee Structure Established 2014-2015 Committees RULES AND APPEALS/PROPERTY Chairman: Mike Pemberton Members: George Strunk Lynda Whalen Wade Johnson Bill Adler BUILDING AND GROUNDS Chairman: Darrell Wolven Members: Randall Latch Sue Wilson Mike Pemberton Wade Johnson NATURAL RESOURSES Chairman: George Strunk Members: Lynda Whalen Gary Mapes Dickens Wilkinson Steve Lobue Rules Reminder As you know, Lake Cherokee rules prohibit unsightly conditions on our lots. Each shareholder has the responsibility to keep the lot cleaned, whether the lot is native or has been improved with a home or other building. Unregistered vehicles such as cars, boats, trailers and the like should be removed from the lots. Debris or items not being used for their original intended purpose are not to be stored in open sight or concealed in an unsightly manner. Call Kathy at (903) 643-3933 to lease POLICY AND CONDUCT Chairman: Sue Wilson Members: Darrell Wolven Mike Pemberton Gary Mapes Dickens Wilkinson LONG RANGE PLANNING Chairman: Bill Adler Members: Steven Lobue George Strunk Darrell Wolven Randall Latch AD-HOCK—OFF SITE SEWER Chairman: George Strunk Members: Wade Johnson Randall Latch Dickens Wilkinson Darrell Wolven a trailer spot on the North or South side. Our rules provide that it is the duty of the Lake Manager or CWC Patrol/Staff to determine whether a lot is “satisfactorily cleaned.” If it is determined that the lot is not satisfactorily cleaned, the shareholder will be cited and possibly fined, subject to appeal procedures provided in our rules. If the shareholder then fails or refuses to clean the lot, the lake will have the lot cleaned and assess the leaseholder for the expenses incurred. Respect for your neighbors should be the goal of all shareholders. Welcome to Lake Cherokee November 2014 Transfers - 4 If you have any questions regarding a property or stock transfer, please feel free to contact Erin Layman at 903/643-3933 or 3 ALL variance requests and applications for outbuildings MUST be turned in by 5:00 p.m. the Monday before the Property Committee meets. (10 days before the Board meeting) January- January 5, 2015 February- Feb. 9, 2015 March- March 9, 2015 April- April 6, 2015 May- May 4, 2015 June- June 8, 2015 July- July 6, 2015 August- August 10, 2015 September- Sept. 7, 2015 October- October 5, 2015 November- Nov. 9, 2015 December- Dec. 7, 2015 December sunset by NA boat ramp Photo submitted by Lee LAKE CHEROKEE SECURITY REPORT Manager’s Report with Ned Muse The CWC received a visit this morning from Jason Kemp with the Texas Water Development Board. Jason was here to introduce himself and meet key Lake staff in preparation for the anticipated hydrographic study of Lake Cherokee. All of the paper work involving the CWC, the City of Longview, the Corps of Engineers and the TWDB is now complete and the survey should take place beginning in mid January of 2015. When complete, the study will give us our best information to date about the rate of sedimentation and siltation on Lake Cherokee. Right now, Jason and his crew should be on the Lake for 1 to 2 weeks for the first phase of the study. During that phase the plan is for the watercraft belonging to the TWDB to cross the Lake from shore to shore and take sonar readings of the bottom of the Lake approximately every 500 feet. Their boat or boats will be clearly marked, but please feel free to call the office if you see any unusual activity. Jason says that he welcomes folks asking questions and giving him an opportunity to explain their activities. After completing the first phase of the study, the crews will return to Lake Cherokee with different equipment to take core samples of the lake bottom as part of their study. All of this data along with the results of the earlier studies done about 10 and 20 years ago will allow the study to give us a good picture of the historic rate of siltation of the lake as well as help pin point the locations of the more significant sources of siltation. This will allow us to better plan our efforts to reduce the volume of silt entering the Lake. I have had folks ask about Martin Pessink. Martin has had the surgery on his knee that resulted from the accident in July. Everything apparently went well and he is home rehabbing. I know he is reading his emails, so contact him at and wish him a speedy recovery. Even though this edition of the Chatter will not be available until after the first of the year, I am writing this article the week before Christmas, so the holidays are very much on my mind. Let me take this opportunity to tell all of you how grateful I am for the chance to work with this great community. I hope that Christmas and the holidays were great for all of you and that we have a happy and prosperous new year. November 2014 Facility Check: 1,859 Extra Patrol Facility: 36 Extra Patrol Shareholder: 102 Welfare Check: 3 Open Door: 3 Suspicious Vehicle/Person: 7 Maintenance Needed: 0 Issue Permit: 12 Set Out/Pick up trap: 10 Remove animal from trap/lot: 5 Remove dead animal: 1 Impound domestic animal: 7 Clear roadway of trees/debris: 10 Disturbance: 1 Burglary/Theft: 1 Alarms: 3 Water Rescue/Drowning: 1 Vehicle/Boat accident: 6 Code Violations: 30 Assist Agency: 6 44 Cherokee Fishing Club News By Bo Besharse The December monthly meeting was our annual Cherokee Fishing Club’s Annual Christmas dinner and what a dinner it was! Pete and Carol Staiti volunteered to cook the dinner for the event and they went all out for our members. The food was setup in buffet style and we had Brisket, Shrimp, Pork Loin, Italian sausage and pasta, and Italian chicken nuggets. The buffet line also had mashed potatoes,pork and milk gravy, English peas and carrots and a green bean and potato salad, and hot Italian bread. It was a fantastic meal and Pete and Carol October. With Royce joining the Cherokee Fishing Club, our membership for 2014 has reached 159. The Christmas Dinner meeting is also used to recognize our members of the year and they were Regan and Brenda Wyche. We appreciate all of their help for 2014 and they were selected by the Officers of the Cherokee Fishing Club. We also awarded Carol And Pete Staiti, Bo Besharse-- Chefs of the year 2014 two members with “Achievement of the Year.” Don Anderson, our Habitat Director, received his achievement award for his work on placing habitats, installing feeders at the Spradley Fishing Hole, and his hard work in leading the habitat teams by placing habitats into our lake to help provide “shelter” for our fish and providing accessible fishing areas around the lake, for the shareholders of Lake Cherokee. Clay Powell, Kyle Gage-- New Members were awarded a trophy for the “Best Chefs of 2014” and the fishing club will also give them a gift. The entire meal, of food we had to purchase, cost the club $284.00, which equates to about $4.17 per person. A great meal at a great price! Our “Cookie People” brought desserts. Haynes said a prayer before the meal and then the 68 members in attendance swarmed the food. We had very little food left over after the meal. We had two new members to be introduced to our members. Clay Powell and Kyle Gage were our newest members attending the dinner. Since the meeting, we have another new member and he is Royce Palmer. Royce is a new Lake Cherokee shareholder and closed on his place in mid- Joe Travis is our Vice President and Fisheries Improvement Director and Joe was awarded his achievement award for his work and dedication. Over the last fourteen years, the Cherokee Water Company has purchased fingerling fish to be raised in the hatchery ponds and then released into the lake. Joe has worked tirelessly and given complete dedication to improve the fisheries on Lake Cherokee and we appreciate all the work and effort he has given, for the shareholders of our community. The raffles for the December dinner are handled quite differently. Every member coming to the dinner was given two raffle tickets. One ticket was to be used for the door prize giveaway and the other ticket was for the 40”LED Television. The winners for the door prizes were Larry Lacewell, New Fish-finder; Ray Smith, Lap throw, peanuts and hot chocolate mix; Carol Staiti, Candle Set; Pete Staiti, cast iron Dutch oven; John Harris, 450.00 Gift Card; James Hewitt, $50.00 Gift Card; Jeff Sutton, Kohl $50.00 Gift Card; and the other winners of numerous and various items were Alan Franklin, Gweneth Jordan, Robert Lakey, Don Pinkerton, Carol Sutton, Charley Haynes, Bill Drennan, Melvin Jordan, Lee Scott, Bob Tippitt, and Steve LoBue. The Winner of the 40” LED Television was Brenda and Regan Wyche. CFC members at Christmas Dinner Each Christmas, we collect food items and a toy for a boy and a girl and our members and the KFT Club did an outstanding job of bringing items. I know we had seven new bicycles, three truckloads of toys and a truck load of canned food. All of the items were distributed to the Presbyterian Children’s Home in Kilgore and the “Blue Santa” program conducted by the Tatum Police Department. The toys going to Tatum helped provide gifts to almost 100 children that would not have gotten much for Christmas. It is a blessing to know and associate with all the members of the Cherokee Fishing Club and the KFT club. Thank You! Regan and Brenda Wych, Members of the year with Bo Besharse Bo Besharse presenting Joe Travis, Achievement of the year Bo Besharse present Achievement of the Year to Don Anderson Our next meeting will be held on January 12, 2015. Since this is the beginning of the New Year, your membership dues are due. Those members that paid in October, November and December are good for 2015. The election of officers takes place every two years and this is election year for elections. Any member may be nominated or can self- nominate for any position. At this time, all cur- rent officers are planning to run for re-election. The membership form should be in the Cherokee Chatter for the next two months or you can download the membership form from the website at or pick one up at any monthly meeting. A special thanks to all those that help set up, cook, bring desserts, or helped out is some other way to help make the Annual Christmas Dinner a special evening. 5 CHEROKEE FISHING CLUB Annual Membership Registration Name_________________________________Spouse/significant other__________________________________ Mailing Address_________________________________ City_________________________________ Zip_________________________________ Lot #_________________________________ Email_________________________________ Telephone #_________________________________Cell #_________________________________ Age: Under 40 40 to 55 55 to 60 65 to 70 0ver 70 *Below answers are optional *What type(s) of watercraft do you own? How many? Fishing/Bass_____Barge_____Pleasure/Ski_____Personal watercraft_____ *Do you live on the lake full-time (y/n) How long have you owned a lease?______________________________ *How often do you fish? *Preferred Species_________________________________ Reason for joining our club______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Family Members Name_________________________________Relationship_________________________________ Mailing address_________________________________ City_________________________________Zip _________________________________ Lot #_________________________________ Email_________________________________ Telephone #_________________________________Cell #_________________________________ Name_________________________________Relationship_________________________________ Mailing address_________________________________ City_________________________________Zip _________________________________ Lot #_________________________________ Email_________________________________ Telephone #_________________________________Cell #_________________________________ Use reverse side for additional family members. Bring this membership form to a monthly meeting or mail membership with a $20.00 check for each adult member. Junior Fishermen age fourteen and under, $10.00 each. Checks should be made out to the "Cherokee Fishing Club.” Mail to: Cherokee Fishing Club SD 14 Lake Cherokee Henderson, TX 75652 Pays for membership from January-December of the current year. For more information call Bo Besharse @ 903-643-2538 or email 6 so much. He was aided by the Fishing Club and a large cast of helpers from around the lake,muchas gracias a todos! The annual Chili Fest was delicious and everyone wants to do it again! Thank you Tommy Pelton, our esteemed judges, and our accomplished culinary contestants. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We’ve missed boating around the lake, ‘cause baby it’s cold outside! But it’s a great time to reflect on the year just passed. The Preservation Club had a hopping good time with the Easter Egg Hunt and the weather cooperated rather nicely. Thanks goes out to Karen Nimmo for all the hard work. The Wet and Wild Boat Rally was simply fabulous! The attendance for it also grew, the weather was beautiful, and everything went swimmingly! Kudos to Jane and Darrell Wolven, Judy and Bart Owens for making it look easy when it’s far from that. The first annual Family Fun Fest got off to a great start during the Labor Day weekend. Clayton Evans did the heavy lifting as chairman, thank you ever 401 N. Martin • Kilgore • 984-2525 Toll Free 1-800-283-0332 Kilgore Family Owned & Operated Since 1938 For Area Obituary Notices: The Lake Cherokee Calendar was a timely treat, thanks to the lovely Judy Owens. Don’t forget to pick yours up at the CWC office or from one of the sponsors who make this possible. Take some photos this year and enter them in the contest for next year’s calendar. We are surrounded by beauty! We will have our first meeting January 15th after the CWC board meeting. Come join us and become a member! The funds we collect go to enrich life on the lake. We’ve heard nothing but positive responses about the navigational lights that our events have funded. The Easter Egg Hunt, the Wet and Wild Boat Rally, the Family Fun Fest, the Chili Fest, and the Calendar promote our community and bring us together in a fellowship of fun. We look forward to a New Year and a new journey. It’s always better to travel well than arrive! Or maybe it’s best put as “Life is a journey not a destination”. Enough of waxing philosophical, hope next year is fabulous for one and all. Happy boating, Tommy Pelton, Secretary 7 Lake Cherokee Preservation Club Membership Application (Please Print) Membership Fee $10.00 (per member) _________________ Last Name: First Name: Date: _____ Spouse Name: ___________________ Mailing Address: _____________ ____________ Phone: Home ______Cell Spouse: Cell Work _____Work ____ Your Email: Spouse Email: Demographic Info: (helpful but optional) (DD/MM) Your Birthday: Spouse Birthday: Age group: 20-30 ___ 30-40 ___ 40-50 ___ 50-60 ___ 60-70 ___ 70+ ___ Number of dependent children: Lake resident: Full-time ____ Part-time _____ Lake or personal interests: Fishing ___Skiing ___ Kayaking ____PWC ____Boating ____Nature ____Golf ____Hunting ____Hiking ____ Running ____Cycling ___ Community Projects ___ Other: _ Please check if you would be interested in leading or helping with a Preservation Club event Scheduled Events ____ Easter Egg Hunt ____Wet & Wild Boat Rally ____Calendar Production Potential Events _____North vs South Softball Game ___Chili Cook Off Send to: Lake Cherokee Preservation Club - SN33 Lake Cherokee - Henderson, TX, 75652 Email to 8 The Lake Cherokee flag flew over the Rhine river, ruins and windmills. Bill and Mayre Drennan I recently went to Las Vegas with my daughters Angela and Becky and my sister Rosemary. This was taken in front of the water feature outside the Bellagio. We were proud to display the Lake Cherokee flag. --Polly Dunlap 21410617_A_9x36_ABC_proof.pdf 1 10/30/2014 9 11:50:23 AM “ The Home of your dreams is with INSIGHT. Call Today for a FREE estimate. The McHaneys Say “Hello” to our latest satisfied customers, the McHaneys. From left to right: Boone, Mary Caroline, John Clark, Matthew, Amy and Stephen McHaney. Find Us On Facebook Dustin Sullivan 903-790-2229 10 by Celia Taylor Happy New Year! We don’t have a lot to report this issue. As the weather has been kind of bad so not a lot of golf playing. The club will be hosting an Appreciation Luncheon on January 3rd from 11:30 to 1:00. Our grounds Keepers Gerald & Linda Cochran and Wyman Akin are retiring. The lunch will be Chili and the fixings. They have done a great job on the course over the years – Hot Weather, Cold Weather they have always been there. I know a lot of you will miss hitting balls into them. Hahaha They will truly be missed, not only did they work on the course, they have done all the repairs to water lines, building, etc which has saved the course a lot of money through the years and they will all be truly missed. Also elections are coming up for directors for the Golf Course and if anyone is interested in running the sign up sheets are in the Pro Shop and will be coming out in the statements. Free Golf In JANUARY The shareholders of the lots listed here are the winners of FREE GOLF at the Cherokee Country Golf Association Course during the month of January. Any member of the shareholder’s family should present the shareholder’s card for one FREE round of golf, including the use of a cart, during the month of January. SG-46 NP-14 NF-28 SH-41 NS-46 The board would like to welcome Dan Rust to the Board – he is taking the remainder of Ricky West terms. Ricky has been on the board for 11 years and is retiring. The board would like to thank Ricky for all his hard work over the years. Dan and Kevin Payne have already been on top of the club house blowing leaves off and repairing the roof which they discovered a hole in. Great Job Guys! As weather is good and not raining there still is a Saturday group that plays and right now the time is 10:00 am every Saturday. This is really a great group of people. Come out and join the fun and meet new people. It is a scramble. I hope everyone the best in 2015! Come out and play on the beautiful course. Hit them long and straight. 11 Dreaming of a Lake Cherokee wedding? Contact Erin at (903) 643-3933 or 12 by Mec Lacewell Knife, Fork, and Trowel – Tuesday, December 9th Hello KFT Members and Guests, If you missed the dinner for November, you wouldn’t have known how great the food was. I am so impressed with the cooks at Lake Cherokee….every month my palate is wowed with new flavors and I have to say that the smoked tenderloin was exceptional… thank you, Danny and Barbara Coats. I wish they could come to my house to cook some evening. How about take -out Danny?? We were treated to an inspirational talk after we had thoroughly cleaned our plates and were enjoying the fabulous desserts. Mr. Steve Brown is a gifted speaker who began his talk with jokes that had everyone laughing and it lightened the mood, but he told stories about always being thankful because it can all be taken away in an instant. His knowledge of loss is first- hand and he spoke of his grandson being born with only hours to live…but his family prayed and their prayers were answered when a special doctor saved his infant grandson’s life. The grandson is thriving today and Hosts and Hostesses: Elaine and Don Pinkerton, Darlene Wright, Lee Scott, Dorothy Blackwell, Hal and Sandy Martin and Debbie Hobson. Poinsettia prize winners are Allen Franklin, Genia Holland, Sandy Martin and Carol Staiti. Not pictured is Larry Lacewell. is a reminder to live each day to the fullest. He related another story about a mother with 5 children who had lost all of her possessions in a devastating fire. The Rotarians, guided by Steve, gave generously to help the indigent family. And, one of Steve and Penny’s children also experienced the loss of their home and possessions to a fire. He again said he was thankful that no one was injured and he related to the young mother who had lost her home. Being the optimist that he is, he said he tries to make a difference each and every day because there is no way to recover what has passed. Make it a great day and give to others and be thankful for all of our blessings. Amen, Mr.Steve Brown. Our December dinner will be hosted by: Lee Scott, Dorothy Blackwell, Debbie Hobson, and Elaine and Don Pinkerton. Please remember to bring an unwrapped gift for a girl or a boy. Let’s put smiles on the faces of those less fortunate. And, the November canned food drive was great. Thank you for being generous and it will be given to those in need. Mec Lacewell Wilena Grigsby Wilena and Jim Grigsby 13 LARCS Lynda Sutter, Carol Ross, Frances Beavers, Carol Ehl, Donna Knox, Debbie Hobson and Keryl Kalb. by Donna Knox LadiesBridge The annual Christmas luncheon of the LARC Bridge Club was held the first Wednesday of the month at Cace’s Steak and Seafood Restaurant. The private dining area was decorated with a tall tree trimmed with lights, ornaments and wide ribbons of tulle. Candles and wreaths throughout the area added to the holiday atmosphere. Club co-chairs Debbie Hobson and Keryl Kalb greeted guests and directed a drawing for exchange of Christmas socks, an idea put forth by Jeanne Collins to add to the event. Following the midday meal, bridge was played. Tying for high score were Debbie Hobson and Mary Nowak. Party favors of colorful fringed scarves were presented by Hobson, who also distributed fudge and divinity squares. Enjoying the festivities were Wanda Wallace, Mary Nowak, Carol Ehl announced that at the next weekly meeting there will be soup and sandwich lunches from The Tatum Special Education Class, which is raising funds for a trip for their students. Orders were taken and those not present may call Carol Ehl or Lynda Sutter to place their orders. Participation in the bridge club is open to all Lake Cherokee stockholders. Residents and friends. Meetings are each Wednesday at the lake office building. A luncheon FISHERMEN on the Lake Photo submitted by George Strunk, NR 14 is held the first Wednesday of each month. 15 17 NEED DIRT? CALL 903-576-0113 LAWN MASTERS “You grow it, we’ll mow it!” Weddings • Reunions • Parties • Milestone Events Hayley Hall Photography 1997 FM 2011 Rd. 903-720-7347 Longview, TX 75603 903-918-6034 New fences Repairs Leaf Cleaning Mowing Edging Trimming 903-235-2433 Free estimates on all fence and lawn work! AWESOME SUNSET!!! Submitted by Robbie and Julie Hope, NK31 18 December First Friends met December 18th at the Toon Family Barn for a delicious Christmas Luncheon - chicken spaghetti, salad, bread, and an assortment of desserts, all yummy! The Toon Barn was all decorated for family Christmas gatherings, so First Friends got to relax in the warmth of the fire, share a wonderful meal, and exchange stories and experiences like families do. Hostess Delores Toon invited her good friend and Master Storyteller, Nell Collins, to share a Christmas story with us. I heard one of Nell’s stories once before, and it was really great; Nell is a truly gifted storyteller. However, this time Nell came up with a different story that I had not ever heard before; it was even better then the first! Storytelling - what a great gift! We all need to remember to pass down stories in our families and share that “gift.” Christ mas at t he Toon’s An e-mail announcement will go out with details of our January meeting. First Friends meets every month on the third Thursday at 11:30 am. If you are not on our e-mail list, but would like to be included, just e-mail Susan Deeds at “susan.” or call me at 903-643-9499. We would love to have you join us! Always at Play - Bette Slade Susan Deeds Storyteller Nell Collins Caught up in the story are Jeanne Collins, Judi Morgan, Betty Heim, Sonja Vaughn, Wylene Smith, Sharyn Rust, and in foreground, Bette Slade Judi Morgan, Amy Collins, Nell Collins, Karen Franklin, Wylene Smith, and Jeanne Collins Ada Pool, Hostess Delores Toon, and Melinda Watson Karen Franklin, Wylene Smith, Amy Collins, and our Storyteller Nell Collins 19 Debbie Hobson, Guest Lesa Eubank, and Joan Strong Joy Ehl and Carol Ehl Loaded Mashed Potato Casserole 5 lb russet potatoes 1/2 cup butter 8 oz cream cheese, cubed 1 cup sour cream 2 cups cheddar cheese, divided 2.8 oz jar real bacon pieces (or 10 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled) 4 green onions, sliced thin 2 teaspoons kosher salt Peel and chop potatoes, place into a large stockpot. Cover with water and bring to a boil over high heat. Once boiling, reduce heat to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes. Test a larger piece by piercing with a fork to make sure they’re cooked through and tender. Remove pot from heat, drain potatoes and place back in pot. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Smash potatoes with the back of a wooden spoon, it’s ok if there are still chunks. Stir in butter and cubed cream cheese. Keep stirring until completely melted. Add in sour cream, 1 1/2 cups cheddar, 3 sliced green onions, salt, and bacon pieces (reserve 1/4 cup bacon pieces for topping). Spread into a greased 3 quart baking dish. Sprinkle remaining cheddar, bacon pieces, and sliced green onion over top. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes or until cheese is melted and potatoes are heated through. Monica Goodwin and Betty Heim 20 Shoppers’ Corner FOR SALE: This is a Must See! REDUCED $285,000 SH08 Lake Cherokee 2/2 with bonus room w/ closet Completely updated 20x30 shop w/overhead door 10x10 storage bldg 1 stall bh w/lift Deep water w beautiful view Sprinkler system on large lot Screen porch, covered patio and small deck Contact Karla at 903/738-5730 FOR SALE: - complete Scuba diving equipment: 2 cylinders, BC, regulator, full wet suit, large backpack equip. bag,and much more. Total package - everything else that a diver might want. $500.00. Call 903-736-9050. WILL BUY your unwanted boat, barge, jet ski, trailer, UTV or ATV and pay you cash. Call 903-658-2994. If no answer, please leave a message. Thank you. Passin’ Through Submitted by George Strunk FOR SALE: 2.75 acres fronting on 149. Fleetwood triple wide mobile home in great shape. New composition roof, new AC, new water heater, clean and solid 1900 square feet. 3 bedroom. 2 bath. RV shed, covered parking. Shop building. Barn. Lots of storage. Fenced yard for kids or pets. No close neighbors. Commercial or residential uses. $175,000.00. lots of room to grow. current survey. Serious buyers only. Have cash or your own financing. Call 903-658-2817. The Cherokee CHATTER All Shareholders are urged to contribute articles, event news, photos, inquiries and information of interest to residents of Lake Cherokee for publications in The Chatter. Advertising rates can be obtained by calling the Cherokee Water Company at 903-643-3933; fax 903-643-2717, or office e-mail at The Cherokee Chatter is published by the Cherokee Water Company and is printed by the printing division of the Longview News-Journal. The Chatter does not endorse or accept any liability for any advertisements contained within the publication. Next Chatter Deadline Wednesday, January 14 1997 Mastercraft Prostar 205 Meticulously maintained Lake Cherokee boat. 5.7 350 motor w/ 800 hours that runs flawlessly. Ballast system, tower speakers, sub, etc. $16,000 Contact Mike Brady at NL-05. 903 930-2655 Submit photos and articles of interest to 21 AIR, HEAT & PLUMBING SERVICES S&H CONTRACTORS Heating and Air Conditioning. Sales and Service. Call 903643-9690. License #TACLA 021018C WATSON REFRIGERATION Air conditioning & Heating service. Call 903-758-9840 AFFORDABLE PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR Why waste your money! Senior discounts. All plumbing, heating & air repairs. (No job too small) Repipe, slab leak repair, new installations, drain & rooter service & electronic leak detection. Free estimates on plumbing & new installations. Call Michael Evans @ 903/643-9277 Lic. #M39951. BOAT MAINTENANCE CHEROKEE BOAT MAINTENANCE WINTERIZE!!! Boat and watercraft maintenance and minor repairs. Oil changes, batteries and general up-keep. David Wilson NP35 903/235-6458 CLEANING OLGA AT YOUR SERVICE House cleaning, short or long term property management. Lake references available. 903-297-1766 home 903-746-5179 cell. PAINTING BATES PAINTING Residential & Commercial 903/931-1283 Blakely Bates Owner/Operator 5410 Curtis Black Rd. Hallsville, TX 75650 PAINTING BY MIKE LAWN MASTERS Custom Painting, Carpentry, Pressure Washing, General Handyman. Over 25 years experience. Call Mike @ 903/987-0592. (7 yr Lake Cherokee resident) MISC POWER WASHING & DETAILING LIMB PICK-UP No place to haul your limbs, leaves, etc.? Call 903/235-2433 for monthly service. NEED A HAND? I CAN HELP! with almost anything. House sitting, checking mail, Watering plants (inside and out), pet setting, pet walking, running errands for elderly or sick. Moving in? I can unpack for you. Moving Out? I can clean for you. Call Selena 903-263-1059 (19-yr Lake Cherokee resident). REAL TIME PAIN RELIEF FREE sample of Real Time Pain Relief! Topical lotion with 14 natural ingredients including emu oil, msn, and glucosamine that offers relief in minutes. Call/text/email- nancynunez@ 30 year lake resident- will deliver! Or order online at Use promo code 21572 for free shipping. Call Nancy 903 918 3771. AMERICAN MOBILE DETAILING Need your car, boat, RV etc. detailed? Call today for an appointment. We come to you. 903-235-3914 REMODELING INSIGHT REMODELING Insight provides home owners with quality home remodeling services at affordable prices. We provide a full range of home improvement services. Utilizing a design/build approach helps your project run smoothly, and more efficiently. From design to completion, we can provide you with everything you need to make your home renovation dreams a reality. Call today for a FREE estimate. Dustin Sullivan- 903/790-2229. Senior and military discounts available. TREE SERVICES Gonzalez Tree Service Insured & free estimates. Call 903/424-8680 or 903/ 4248840. 22 January 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday 2 Saturday 3 New Year’s Day CWC Office Closed 4 5 6 Deadline to Submit Variances and Applications for Outbuildings 7 Bridge Club Luncheon 11:30 am 8 9 10 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 Golf Course Board Meeting 6 pm FULL MOON 11 12 Fishing Club 7 pm 13 KF&T 6 pm 14 Bridge Club 11:30 am 15 First Friends @ Noon CWC Board Meeting 6 pm Preservation Club 18 19 20 Bridge Club 11:30 am Martin Luther King Jr. Day Confederate Memorial Day 25 26 21 NEW MOON 27 28 Bridge Club 11:30 am 23 Sunday 1 8 February 2015 Monday 2 Groundhog Day 9 Tuesday 3 10 Wednesday 4 Ladies Bridge Luncheon @ 11:30 11 Thursday 5 12 Friday 6 13 Saturday 7 14 Fishing Club 15 Deadline to Submit Variances and Applications for Outbuildings 16 Knife, Fork and Trowel 17 Ladies Bridge @ 11:30 18 19 20 Valentine’s Day 21 CWC Board Meeting 22 President’s Day 23 Mardi Gras 24 Ladies Bridge @ 11:30 Chatter Deadline Preservation Club Meeting (TBA) Ash Wednesday First Friends 25 Ladies Bridge @ 11:30 26 27 28 24 1 2 HAROLD! THIS YEAR WE’RE GETTING A BIGGER LAKE HOUSE!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR …I’LL CALL CAROL COOLIDGE REAL ESTATE TODAY, DEAR. Pick up your copy of the 2014 Lake Cherokee Preservation Club calendar in the foyer of the Cherokee Water Company, NK 20. lu b L re s e ee ake Cherok P Lake Cherokee Preservation Club 2015 903-643-2828 rva t io n C Spring Deanna Kalmus Bursting in Air Steve Keller The Lake House of Dreams Karen Michlewicz Fun amily F Rustic Relic Donna Reader Perfect Landing Donna Reader Clayton Gregory Sonnenfeld, 7 yr. I am inspired by James Michalopoulos’ art, a Louisiana artist. This is our family lake house and when our family gets together at the lake house it makes me dream better. It is a special place to me because I get to play with my cousins, fish, run, swim and imagine. I wish everyone had a lake house so they could dream and imagine too. The lake house helps me to imagine and believe in magic, just like I believe in the tooth fairy. Busch Gardens has nothing on this! Fest 2014