CELLULOID DREAMS LINE - UP BFI LONDON FILM FESTIVAL Official Selection SPECIAL SCREENING IN COMPETITION TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL World Cinema PUSAN World Cinema Asian Premiere Chicken Plums by Marjane Satrapi & Vincent Paronnaud with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N%&B$"9' %&9' N%$1&%' >"";' 4#"1$' 91.4%&7"' =&410' %' #%$$6C1&G'":"&4'B6$7".'4#"5'46G"4#"$?'H%7"9'C14#' %&' =&9"&1%80"' %&9' G$6C1&G' %44$%7416&3' 4#"<' .#<' %C%<'B$65'4#"1$'9".1$"?'H1B4""&'<"%$.'0%4"$'N%$1&%' $"4=$&.'46'4#"'56=&4%1&'46'A&9'N%&B$"9? O4%0<'K'LM(('K'O4%01%&'K'((P'51& !"#$%&'")*+/77,'N/* +/(7)*+,/%$-/*!/5$#,O1*9-,-66#*2-0D/('$*#5*73'*J'(7:(',,-5P*5#G',Q From the Academy award nominated director of LA BESTIA NEL CUORE BFI LONDON FILM FESTIVAL Official Selection TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL World Cinema SAN SEBASTIAN Official Selection DOC LISBOA Official Selection OPENING FILM by Frederick Wiseman Crazy Horse Q"0"8$%4"9' 967=5"&4%$<' 91$"746$' H$"9"$17>' R1."5%&'%006C.'=.'46'91.76:"$'4#"'0"G"&9%$<' QS/TU' DFSVW?' X"917%4"9' 46' C65"&3' 4#1.' Y%$1.1%&'70=8'1.'4#"';1&&%70"'6B'-=9"'Q#17? !#"'A05'=&:"10.'XWVOS3'4#"'&"C'.#6C'7$"%4"9' 8<' C6$09' %770%15"9' H$"&7#' 7#6$"6G$%;#"$' Y#101;;"'XWQF@HHZW? 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D"' 9"719".' 46' 4=$&' #1.' 8%7>' 6&' 4#"' %$41A71%0' C6$09' 6B' 4#"' 4#"%4$"' %&9' ".4%801.#' %' :100%G"?' D"' =&9"$4%>".' %' 76&4$6:"$.1%0' ;$6]"74' 1&' 4#"' :100%G"' 4#%4'7#%&G".'4#"'&%4=$%0'76=$."'6B'4#"'$1:"$3'C#17#' ;$":16=.0<'.=$$6=&9"9'4#"'"&41$"':100%G"? _"$$<' 7%&' &6' 06&G"$' A&9' #%$56&<' 1&' #1.' B%510<' 01B"?'D1.';$"G&%&4'C1B"'Q%$0<'1.'91.%;;61&4"9'%&9' 80%5".' _"$$<' B6$' 8"1&G' 68.".."9' C14#' #1.' $1:"$' ;$6]"74?'F&"'&1G#43'C#"&'_"$$<'1.'&64'%4'#65"3'4#"' $1:"$' `669.' 4#"' :100%G"?' W:"$<6&"' 91".3' 1&70=91&G' Q%$0<'%&9'#"$'=&86$&'7#109? _"$$<E.'$"%014<'B%04"$.'1&'9$"%5.'%&9'#%00=71&%416&.?' D"'#%.':1.16&.'6B'#1.'9"7"%."9':100%G"$.?'D"'."".'#1.' =&86$&'7#109'1&'.":"$%0'G=1.".'=&410'#"'":"&4=%00<' $"76G&1.".'#1.'.6&'%.'%&'609'5%&? J"0G1=5'K'LM(('K'W&G01.#3'I"$5%&'K'+a'51& !"#$%&'")*8,7-0/*T'K1*4#5#$#71*;/G/P'*9-,0 +/(7)*I'""N*U-,,-&V1*+/",N*H-W(1*./G-(*9"''0/5 The work of a powerhouse filmmaker... Adrien Brody, delivering his finest performance since The Pianist. THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER A powerful achievement.. tremendous cast... I was swept along by the spectacular visual journey and the wrenching emotional experience. SALON.COM As vivid as a Bollywood musical, but way livelier, visually more abstract, and kitschless, with the Newton Brothers’ glorious soundtrack rising and falling appropriately.... An educated and worldly public will venture into upscale arthouses everywhere... could attract a youthful audience as well. SCREEN INTERNATIONAL From the director of AMERICAN HISTORY X GALA SCREENING Beloved by Christophe Honoré H$65'Y%$1.'1&'4#"'bME.'46'Z6&96&E.'569"$&' 9%<.3' N%9"0"1&"' %&9' #"$' 9%=G#4"$' c"$%' C%04^' 1&' %&9' 6=4' 6B' 4#"' 01:".' 6B' 4#"' 5"&' 4#"<'06:"?'J=4'06:"'7%&'8"'01G#4'%&9';%1&B=03' 7#""$B=0'%&9'8144"$?' ' /&' "0"G<' 46' B"51&1&14<' %&9' ;%..16&' C14#' 5=.17%0'6=48=$.4.?' H$%&7"3'@23'Q^"7#'S";=8017'K'LM(('K'(\M'51&'K' H$"&7#3'W&G01.#3'Q^"7#' !"#$%&'")*H3N*X#7*!"#$%&7-#5( +#:!"#$%&'"()*;-R7''5*O,0(1*X'P/7-G*(Q"Q#* +/(7)* +3-/"/* 4/(7"#-/55-1* +/73'"-5'* .'5'%G'1* @%$-G-5'*;/P5-'"1*@#%-(*E/""',1*4-,#(*9#"0/51*!/%,* ;&35'-$'"1*M/(3/*D%VG-& One of the most attractive international casts in a French movie in years... Honore has a shot at his biggest international success to date with Beloved... There is pleasure in hearing the terrific actors lay open their hearts through the downbeat music and lyrics. Screen International The film’s big emotional wallop comes from an impressive Montrealset sequence beautifully played by Schneider and Mastroianni... Sagnier’s throaty voice imbues the song with raw emotional power. Variety POST-PRODUCTION The Year Snake by Dennis Gansel of the Y%=0' _"&."&3' %' 4%80619' $";6$4"$3' `"".' J"$01&' %&9' 8"G1&.' C6$>1&G' %4' %' G6..1;' 5%G%^1&"' 1&' N6.76C3'$=&'8<'#1.'5"&46$'/0"d"1'F&"G1&?'D"' e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est Actress Ada Condeescu Loverboy by Catalin Mitulescu Z=7%'fLMg'."9=7".'G1$0.3'4#"&'4$%9".'4#"5'46' #1.'B$1"&9.'%4'4#"'J0%7>'V"%';6$4'6B'Q6&.4%&h%?' R#"&'#"'5""4.'4#"'7#%$51&G'c"013'Z=7%'B%00.' 1&'06:"?'O4E.'.=55"$'96C&'4#"'X%&=8"'$1:"$?' !#"'5=.17'1.'06=93'4#"'7%$.'%$"'B%&7<'%&9'4#"' G1$0.'%$"'4%&&"9?'c"01'$=&.'%C%<'B$65'#65"' 46'Z=7%E.'8"9?'H1$.4'06:"'#%.'&":"$'B"04'56$"' 9%&G"$6=.?' S65%&1%3' VC"9"&3' V"$81%' K' LM((' K' )P' 51&' K' S65%&1%& !"#$%&'"()* ;7"/$/*9-,01*+3-05'N*!#71*9-,0*L*T/(7 +/(7)* E'#"P'*!-(7'"'/5%1*>$/*+#5$''(&%1*+,/"/*T#$/ An accomplished drama of sexual exploitation laid out in prosaic yet vivid fashion. Hollywood Reporter The ties between the characters captured in the glances they exchange or small, insignificant gestures revealing the feelings hiding under the pretense of a hard-boiled surface. Screen International Appealing presence of thesp Ada Condeescu... Scenes that jolt the pic into deeply-felt vein… Well-made. Variety A Must See! Indiewire KARLOVY VARY Official Selection BEAUNE Jury Prize & Critics’ Prize FANTASIA New Flesh Award Best First Film FANTASTIC FEST Official Selection MOTOVUN Best Film Bullhead by Michaël R. Roskam _%7><' c%&5%$."&100"' 1.' %;;$6%7#"9' 8<' %' :"4"$1&%$1%&' 46' 5%>"' %' .#%9<' 9"%0' C14#' %' H0"51.#'8""B'4$%9"$?'J=4'4#"'%..%..1&%416&'6B'%' ;6017"5%&3'%&9'%&'=&"d;"74"9'76&B$6&4%416&' C14#'%'."7$"4'B$65'_%7><E.';%.43'."4'1&'56416&' %'7#%1&'6B'":"&4.'C14#'4$%G17'76&."e="&7".?' J@ZZDW/X' 1.' %' 7$15"' 4#$100"$' ."4' 1&' 4#"' C6$09' 6B' #6$56&"' .5=GG0"$.' C#"$"' 46=G#' B%$5"$.' 1&41519%4"' %&9' 8$18"' B6$' 100"G%0' <"4' ;$6A4%80"'7%440"'4$%9"? 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C6$>1&G' 1&' 7"00=0619' .1&7"' 8"B6$"' RRO' A&9' 4#"5."0:".' 8"4C""&' 4#"' %$4'C6$09'%&9'4#"'A05'1&9=.4$<?'!#"<'86090<' 7$"%4"9' %' G$%..$664.' &"4C6$>' B6$' 5%>1&G' %&9' .#6C1&G' 4#"1$' A05.?' !#"<' ".4%801.#"9' %' ;$6B6=&9' 869<' 6B' C6$>' 4#%4' 76&41&=".' 46' 1&`="&7"'6=$'7=04=$"?'/&'1&4$69=7416&'46'.65"' 510".46&".'6B'4#"'B$""3'$%917%0'%$41.4.?' 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Showered with more than 1000 awards, our library catalogue represents the cream of world class independent cinema. Please refer to our website for further information: Jonathan Nossiter Apichatpong Weerasethakul Todd Solondz Aleksandr Sokurov www.celluloid-dreams.com/library Jean-Pierre& Kore-Eda Michel Sylvain Ocelot Hirokazu Miranda July Chomet Luc Dardenne Mashahiro Gael Garcia Bernal Marc Otar Laurent Cantet Recha Hou HsiaoIosseliani Saverio Hsien Jafar Costanzo Diego Kobayashi Luna Abbas Jia Panahi Zhang-Ke Francois Ozon Kiarostami MarcoBellocchio Julie Bertuccelli Takashi Miike Celluloid Dreams Contacts Q"00=0619'X$"%5. L3'$="'!=$G64' a*MM)'Y%$1.3'H$%&7" !j'k\\'('P)'aM'M\'aM Hj'k\\'('P)'aM'M\'a( CCC?'7"00=0619,9$"%5.?765 D"&G%5"#'Y/-/DO Y$".19"&4'' !j'k\\'b'((')b*a'LM #"&G%5"#l7"00=0619,9$"%5.?765 c160%1&"'YOQDFO&4"$&%416&%0'V%0". !j'k\\'b'aa'La')+')a :160%1&"l7"00=0619,9$"%5.?765 _6#%&'XW'H/SO/ O&4"$&%416&%0'V%0". 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