Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Choroidopathy Lucia Sobrin, MD


Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Choroidopathy Lucia Sobrin, MD
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Choroidopathy
Lucia Sobrin, MD and C. Stephen Foster, MD
Case Presentation
A 36-year old woman presented with a dark spot in her right eye for one week. She had a history of
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) diagnosed on the basis of ANA positivity with a 1:320 titer,
joint swelling, butterfly rash, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and anti-phospholipid syndrome
with positive anti-cardiolipin antibodies. She had been diagnosed with lupus choroidopathy two
months prior to her visit and was being treated with CellCept and Prednisone. Her visual acuities
were hand motions in the right eye and 20/20 in the left eye. Her slit lamp examination was normal.
Dilated fundus exam revealed multiple areas of subretinal fluid and retinal pigment epithelial (RPE)
detachments in the macular and peripapillary areas of both eyes (Figure 1). Optical computerized
tomography (OCT) confirmed the subretinal fluid and RPE detachments (Figure 1).
Figure 1
Fluorescein angiography (FA) showed multiple choroidal leaks into the subretinal space in both
eyes (Figure 32). Because the FA appearance showed a smokestack-like configuration in the right
eye and because the patient was worsening despite appropriate immunomodulatory therapy (IMT),
the possibility of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) was raised. Therefore, the Prednisone
was tapered as a diagnostic trial, but her vision worsened on the lower steroid dose. It was felt at
this point that the patient’s disease process represented worsening lupus choroidopathy and she was
admitted to the hospital for intravenous pulse steroids. A full medical evaluation did not reveal any
signs of active lupus disease in other organ systems.
She started on intravenous Cytoxan. Her visual acuity improved in the right eye to 20/50 but
worsened in the left eye to 20/125. She then underwent treatment with laser photocoagulation
directly to the active RPE leaks and around leaks associated with a mechanical defect in the RPE in
both eyes. After four total months of Cytoxan treatment and an additional laser treatment to the
right eye, her vision improved to 20/25 in both eyes. Fundus examination demonstrated resolution
of the subretinal fluid and multiple areas of RPE pigmentary changes in both eyes and a subretinal
fibrotic band under the inferior arcade in the right eye (Figure 3).
She was transitioned to oral Cytoxan therapy and then to oral methotrexate with no recurrences after
six months of additional follow-up.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, systemic, immunologically mediated disease of
unknown etiology. Production of a number of pathogenic autoantibodies and immune complexes
and an inability to suppress or clear them are the underlying abnormalities in SLE. The revised 11
diagnostic criteria proposed by the American Rheumatism Association are widely accepted.1 The
diagnosis of SLE can be made if four of these criteria are met. At the time of presentation, only one
organ system may be involved, with or without the presence of autoantibodies. It should be noted,
however, that there is a general consensus that these current criteria over-represent cutaneous lupus,
may not capture early lupus, and do not capture some patients with lupus nephritis and neurologic
Ophthalmic Manifestations: A Barometer of Systemic Disease
It is unfortunate that ocular manifestations have not been included in the diagnostic scoring systems
for establishing the clinical diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Indeed, it is not uncommon
to see patients who have not been diagnosed with SLE who have developed an ocular manifestation
well in advance of definitive establishment of the diagnosis. For example, a woman with Raynaud's
phenomenon, alopecia, nondeforming arthritis, and none of the other manifestations of SLE
(including ANA positivity) may present to the ophthalmologist with episcleritis, peripheral keratitis,
or scleritis. Through time, such a patient becomes ANA positive and develops other manifestations
of SLE, in some instances severe ones, such as pericarditis and nephritis. If the clinical diagnosis of
SLE could have been made earlier, some of these patients would have more careful follow-up at an
earlier stage, with regular monitoring of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and autoantibody
production and therapeutic interventions before the development of potentially serious vital organ
The more common phenomenon, as in the patient presented here, is for the patient to have
well-diagnosed SLE before the onset of an ocular manifestation. In particular, the development of
scleritis and of retinal vasculitis in a patient with SLE is a harbinger of increased systemic disease
activity. Therefore, patients with established SLE who develop one of these two lesions should be
monitored more frequently and carefully even if the first evaluation after the onset of such a
manifestation appears to suggest that the patient is perfect from a systemic disease standpoint.
External Ocular and Anterior Segment Involvement
The classic hallmark of discoid lupus is discrete, raised, scaly lesions of the skin. When they occur
on the eyelids, they appear much like chronic blepharitis. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) with or
without xerostomia is the most common ocular manifestation of SLE, occurring in approximately
25% of patients. KCS may also precede the development of classic SLE, as emphasized by
Zufferey and associates.2 Conjunctivitis and interstitial keratitis can be seen as well but are rare.
Superficial punctate keratitis and recurrent epithelial erosions have been reported in patients with
discoid lupus erythematosus. The lesions responded well to systemic quinacrine hydrochloride
therapy.3 Episcleritis or scleritis can be the presenting manifestation of SLE and may precede more
classic, diagnostic manifestations of SLE by 1 to 3 years. Uveitis, in the absence of retinal
vasculitis, while rare, may also occur prior to other SLE manifestations.
Retinal Involvement
Retinal involvement in SLE is quite common, second only to KCS. It is almost certainly an under
recognized manifestation of the disease. Reports of its prevalence vary greatly. A prospective
clinical study revealed that 88% of patients with lupus retinopathy had active systemic disease.
Furthermore, SLE patients with retinopathy had significantly decreased survival compared with
SLE patients without retinopathy.4
The classic finding in lupus retinopathy is the cotton-wool spot. The cotton-wool spots may be
isolated or may be surrounded by hemorrhage. Additional small, discrete spots may also be seen
alone or in areas of retinal edema and infarction. The majority of patients with lupus retinopathy
have this nonproliferative form of the disease. Severe visual loss is not usually seen in this group of
patients, whose retinopathy improves with treatment of their systemic disease.5 Far fewer patients
with lupus retinopathy develop severe retinal vasculitis with progression to proliferative retinopathy.
The visual prognosis is much worse; more than 50% of the affected eyes have visual acuity of
20/200 or worse.6,7 The underlying process is characterized by diffuse arteriolar occlusion with
extensive capillary nonperfusion. Retinal neovascularization may result. The severe retinopathy in
this group of patients is typically associated with active systemic disease and with CNS lupus in
particular. Indeed, many of the pathologic changes in the retinal and cerebral vasculature in lupus
are quite similar.8 However, some patients develop proliferative retinopathy with quiescent
systemic disease. Close follow-up of these patients is essential. Immunosuppression is the mainstay
of therapy. Even in the absence of other systemic manifestations of SLE, patients with retinal
vasculitis require immunomodulatory therapy to prevent vision loss from ongoing inflammation.
Any of the traditional IMT drugs, often including cytotoxic agents, may be required in isolated,
sight-threatening retinal vasculitis.9 Laser photocoagulation for proliferative retinopathy is also
thought to be beneficial.10 Patients may have, in addition to small-vessel disease, a vasoocclusive
phenomenon involving larger retinal vessels that manifests as branch retinal vein occlusion, central
retinal vein occlusion, central retinal artery occlusion, or a combination of these.11 The association
of large retinal vessel disease with the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies has been well
Choroidal Involvement
Although less common than retinopathy, lupus choroidopathy may be more common than generally
appreciated.12 It serves as a sensitive indicator of lupus activity. It may be seen in severely ill or
hypertensive patients. An increased severity of nephropathy or presence of CNS vasculitis in a
CNS patient should prompt evaluation of the choroid. Choroidopathy may also be seen, as in the
patient described here, in patients with “lupus in remission.” Choroidopathy may precede a
systemic flare by several months. It can be a signal of subclinical, reversible nephropathy or
Jabs and colleagues13 described six patients with SLE with multifocal serous elevation of the RPE
and sensory retina. Control of systemic disease in three of these patients resulted in improvement of
their serous detachments. Matsuo and associates14 reported two additional cases of SLE with
multifocal RPE and serous retinal detachments. One of these patients showed deposits of immune
complexes in Bruch's membrane, which led the researchers to suggest that the widespread RPE
defects may be the result of injury caused by anti-RPE antibodies. The presence of antineuronal
antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of SLE patients led them to speculate on the existence
of anti-RPE antibodies. Immunopathologic studies show extensive deposition of immune
complexes in the choroid, probably because of its profuse blood flow. Other findings include
extensive mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrates and diffuse thickening of medium-sized
vessels. Fibrinoid necrosis of the vessels can also be seen. Other theories about
immunopathogenesis emphasize that immune complex deposition in the choroid and
choriocapillaris can lead to hypoperfusion and devitalization of RPE and secondary loss of bloodouter retina barrier tight junctions. Thrombosis from associated anti-phospholipid syndrome and
hypertension may also contribute to choroidal hypoperfusion.
Fluorescein angiography typically shows multifocal round serous detachments of the retina and/or
RPE. Indocyanine green angiography can provide information that is not detectable by clinical or
fluorescein angiographic examination in patients with SLE choroidopathy.15 Findings may include:
focal, transient hypofluorescent areas in the very early phase; fuzziness of large choroidal vessels
with late diffuse zonal choroidal hyperfluorescence; poorly-defined area of choroidal
hypofluorescence visible up to the late phase; and focal cluster of pinpoint spots of choroidal
hyperfluorescence visible from the intermediate to late phase. As with retinal vasculitis, prompt and
aggressive immunomodulatory therapy is crucial to limiting visual loss from choroidopathy. Focal
laser to points of choroidal leakage may hasten the resolution of subretinal fluid and should be
considered as an adjuvant therapy to immunomodulation.16
The differential diagnosis for lupus choroidopathy includes multifocal CSCR, hypertensive
choroidopathy, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, and choroidal metastasis. CSCR is the most
difficult to distinguish from lupus choroidopathy.17,18 In general, lupus choroidopathy shows more
leakage sites, a more protracted course, and evidence of underlying choroidal ischemia and delayed
Neuro-ophthalmologic Involvement
The neuroophthalmologic manifestations of SLE have been reviewed by Lessell.19 The optic nerve
and chiasm may be involved in SLE, most likely by an ischemic process, although the clinical
presentations can be quite varied. Anterior and posterior ischemic optic neuropathy and a clinical
picture similar to that of optic neuritis have been reported. Pathologic findings include
demyelination and axonal necrosis or a combination of the two.
1. Petri M, Magder L. Classification criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus: a review: Lupus
13: 829, 2004.
2. Zufferey P, Meyer OC, Bourgeois P, et al: Primary systemic Sjögren's syndrome preceding
systemic lupus erythematosus: A retrospective study of four cases in cohort of 55 patients.
Lupus 4:23, 1995.
3. Foster CS: Immunosuppressive therapy in external ocular inflammatory disease.
Ophthalmology 87:140, 1980.
4. Stafford-Brady FJ, Urowitz MB, Gladman DD, Easterbrook M: Lupus retinopathy: Patterns,
associations, and prognosis. Arthritis Rheum 31:1105, 1988.
5. Koch JW, Nawaiseh IA, Koch FHJ, et al: Severe occlusive bilateral retinal vasculitis within the
scope of seronegative systemic lupus erythematosus. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 201:330,
6. Vine AK, Barr CC: Proliferative lupus retinopathy. Arch Ophthalmol 102:852, 1984.
7. Jabs DA, Fine SL, Hochberg MS, et al: Severe retinal vaso-occlusive disease in systemic lupus
erythematosus. Arch Ophthalmol 104:558, 1986.
8. Graham EM, Spalton DJ, Barnard RO, et al: Cerebral and retinal vascular changes in systemic
lupus erythematosus. Ophthalmology 92:444, 1985.
9. Neumann R, Foster CS: Corticosteroid-sparing strategies in the treatment of retinal vasculitis
in systemic lupus erythematosus. Retina 15: 201, 1995.
10. Read RW, Chong LP, Rao N: Occlusive retinal vasculitis associated with systemic lupus
erythematosus. Arch Ophthalmol 118: 588, 2000.
11. Kleiner RC, Najarian LV, Schatten S, et al: Vaso-occlusive retinopathy associated with
anti-phospholipid antibodies (lupus anticoagulant retinopathy). Ophthalmology 96:896, 1989.
12. Nguyen QD, Uy HS, Akpek EK, Harper SL, Zacks DN, Foster CS. Choroidopathy of systemic
lupus erythematosus. Lupus 9:288, 2000
13. Jabs DA, Hanneken AM, Schachat AP, et al: Choroidopathy in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Arch Ophthalmol 106:230, 1988.
14. Matsuo T, Nakayama T, Koyama T, Matsuo N: Multifocal pigment epithelial damages with
serous retinal detachment in systemic lupus erythematosus. Ophthalmologica 195:97, 1987.
15. Gharbiya M, Bozzoni-Pantaleoni F, Augello F and Balacco-Gabrieli C: Indocyanine green
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16. Shimura M, Tatehana Y, Yasuda K et al. Choroiditis in systemic lupus erythematosus:
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17. Khng CGYW, Yap EY, Au-Eong KG, Lim TH, Leong KH. Central serous retinopathy
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18. Cunningham ET, Alfred PR, Irvine AR. Central serous chorioretinopathy in patients with
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19. Lessell S: Neuro-ophthalmic symptoms and signs of systemic lupus erythematosus. In Glaser
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Figure Legends
Figure 1. Fundus photographs with corresponding OCTs show multiple RPE detachments and
subretinal fluid in both eyes.
Figure 2. Early and late frames of the FA show multiple choroidal leaks in both eyes. In the right
eye, the central leak has a smokestack-like appearance.
Figure 3. Montage photographs of each eye show multiple areas of RPE pigment changes. There is
a subretinal fibrotic band under the inferior arcade in the right eye.
Figure 3