Ishido Newsletter-May 1 - Lifebushido


Ishido Newsletter-May 1 - Lifebushido
Bushido Connections
May 2014 Issue
Anything Is Possible
Inside this issue:
~Mother's are Special~
It's time again to celebrate Mothers! Even if you aren't a mother
in the “traditional” sense, every woman has made a difference
in the life of a younger person she knows- whether it be a child
of her own, a neice or nephew, a friends child, or just someone
who looks up to her- for this she is someone special, and
deserves to be “celebrated”! We often get busy in our own lives
and “forget” to remind those who are special to us just how
much they mean to us. Our “Mothers” deserve to be celebrated
everyday, but especially on Mother's Day!
You can always reach me with article
feedback, new ideas, Kudos, pics, or
anything you want included @
Company Conference Call
Lifebushido Glossary
Mother's Day Article
May Ishidos
Triangle Spotlight
Bushido Helping 1000
Round of Applause
Client Testimonials
New Clients
May Puzzle
Team Feature
Video Links
Steve's Corner
Water Cooler Buzz
Ishido Hangouts
Your Newsletter
Lifebushido Monthly Company Call –
Lifebushido Glossary
Date & Time: Wednesday,
May 7, 2014
What does that word mean?!
Lifebushido Company Call - 2:00pm EST
(Strongly suggested for New Hires /Newshidos)
Guest pin code: 894814#
BAB - Best Agent Business, Alternate Meaning Bring A Brownie...I think this one is self
Sheshido - The women of Lifebushido.
Triangle Call- TBA
Watercooler - Forum board for Ishidos with tips
Join Steve Kantor for this company-wide teleconference and information for board discussions.
to get clarifications and learn new paths of Lifebushido.
This is a great method to learn. Ask Steve Anything!
Email specific questions for the call and mark:
“Priority Questions” to Steve prior to or during the
conference. Also note if your question should be
Produced by the Lifebushido Newsletter Team
~May Ishidos~
Sasanna Strozier:
Marketing ATL
Sasanna Strozier lives in Kennesaw, GA. She is married and has a 2 yr old son, a 13 yr old stepson and 4
cats. She enjoys working from home so that she can be with her son for his developmental years and
supplement her family income.She enjoys reading and eating out, traveling to new places and just being
outside in the fresh air.
Sasanna was born and raised in Southern California, and travels to see family at least twice a year. She is
prior military who served in the Air Force where she was stationed in Japan, China and South Korea. She
also was a military contractor who was in Iraq for 2 years.
Sasanna loves attending local events where she can be outside and enjoy what the city can offer. She is
grateful to Lifebushido where she is able to work and make supplemental income, but also where the hours
are flexible. She has increased knowledge of real estate where one day she would like to become a realtor.
Favorite Quote: “It is never too late to be what you might have been.”- George Eliot
Rita Tuhairwe:
Global Ishido
Rita Tuhairwe was born and raised in Uganda, and graduated from Mbarara University of Science and
Technology with a Bachelors degree in Computer Science. She has worked on several projects with
humanitarian organizations (ACF International, University Research Co., LLC), focusing on helping to
improve the welfare and happiness of people, assisting to make use of their IT systems as flawless as
Rita has a very big business mind and loves Network Marketing; she is part of BF SUMA, an American
based company dedicated to improve the health of mankind through developing, producing and supplying
high quality natural herbal formulated products with state-of-the-art technologies and heartily services.
Rita joined Lifebushido in September 2013; she has worked mainly with the Database Management team
and loves the database management tasks. Lifebushido has taught her a lot and she loves the freedom
she gets to manage her own time. She is grateful to her main mentor Shaveta Bansal, she is great!
Favorite Quote:
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change
anything” George Bernard Shaw
Produced by the Lifebushido Newsletter Team
~Triangle News~
Triangle Spotlight
~Bushido - Helping 1000~
Encouragement Building Confidence :
Leader- Dannett Frey -
Members- Yang Wu, Connector; Janine Brown, Visionary; Irma
Martin, Member.
On Saturday, April 12, 2014, Raining Hope Inc. hosted a “HOPEraiser” to
bring awareness to the needs of the children in Uganda. It was held at
Dove Christian Ministries in Oxnard. The event began with a delicious
taco luncheon! The main event was a concert by Bill Board Toppers,
Jonathan Thulin & Charmaine. The lunch and concert were
underwritten by a generous donation that made all of this possible.
Encouragement Building Confidence started in February 2014.
Our creative project focused on providing encouragement to New
Hires specifically those who feel overwhelmed by the tasks that
one has to complete upon accepting a position, finding a team to
work on, and the subsequent training for that team all at the
same time.
A silent auction was a part of the fundraising efforts. A large part of the
success of the auction is due to the hardworking efforts of Sherrie
Lopez, Key Assistant with Best Agent Business. She secured the
majority of the items for the auction. To date the event raised a little
over $1,400. Donations are still coming in to help the children at
Raining Hope in Uganda.
The Wiki's provide a large amount of information, but can prove
very challenging until you know them well enough, which takes
time. Our triangle members at the time had various moments and
levels of feeling confused, overwhelmed, frustrated, and
completely thrilled when we completed a task that was kicking
our butts.... What we found was, the encouragement that we
received from each other was helping us build confidence in our
abilities. Sometimes it meant that one of us would get on the
phone with another and shared our computer screens to walk
them through the wiki's and other times just listen to them vent
or share their successes.
We came up with an idea to present some type of media, in this
case a video, “Welcome to Lifebushido”, to let other New Hires
know that the process can be overwhelming. However, you can
accomplish the entire process if you take a few moments, a deep
breath, prioritize your tasks and read things carefully. And if that
doesn't work, reach out to others who have, or are going through
the same things as you! Everyone at Lifebushido wants all New
Hires to succeed. Reaching out for encouragement will build your
confidence in your abilities to complete the tasks, find your
unique talent, and enjoy your journey at Lifebushido. Our video
can be found on the New Hire Directory under Audio/Video
“Welcome to Lifebushido”.
Contact us to have your Triangle
projects, Applause, or Team
featured in upcoming issues! Email
RAINING HOPE INC. exists to raise and distribute funds to provide food,
clothing, shelter, health-care and education for children & families in
need in Uganda and around the world. At Raining Hope Children’s
Home in Uganda, they are raising up leaders to bring hope to a hurting
world. They provide avenues of teaching life skills to learn how to
become self-sustainable in their future. Raining Hope has a growing
ministry to women in the area of discipleship, mentoring & leadership.
Eydie Miskel is the Executive Director of Raining Hope, Inc. She runs the
Stateside office that is located at Poinsettia Pavilion in Ventura,
California. Eydie travels regularly to Uganda to
encourage the children at the home.
Please keep these coming. Send your Story on volunteer work or what
you do to help in your community to
~Round of Applause-April ~
Sorry Rising Stars Triangle, no ROA's were submitted this month.
This feature is on the verge of being cancelled if no one
paticipates. I don't feel right continuing to provide “filler” each
month when this is suppopse to be a space for all Ishidos to
share exciting things going on in their lives .
If you have Kudos, Applause, Shout-outs, or anything exciting
happening in your lives outside of your time at Lifebushido that you
want to share please send them to us@
Produced by the Lifebushido Newsletter Team
Hans Wylder
(Kudos to Allyn (KA), Toshua (CS & Caller), for a great testimonial from Hans Wydler.- Amber Good, Steve)
We used Best Agent Business for 2 large networking events. For the fist they called our entire database, updated our
data base with new client information and invited our clients to our event. We have never had such a good turn out!
The event was extremely successful and Best Agent Business took away so much work for us that we were able to
concentrate on our daily business. The follow up and weekly calling sessions were very helpful and easy. The next
event Best Agent Business also called all our vendors to invite them to our breakfast party. Again a major successful
event thanks to their great follow up service. We look forward to the new project we have already lined up with
Yasmin Meijer (Realtor)
Rob Jensen
(Kudos to Sommer Emery (KA) and Cherie Turner (CS) for a great testimonial from Rob Jensen.- Amber Good, Steve)
Best Agent Business has really been a valuable tool in not only growing my business, but also helping me take
more to the bottom line. They have the systems and the people to help me with all parts of my business. Steve
Kantor is the brains behind the operation and he is sharp. He is an expert at helping you find where your
company is wasting money and losing opportunity, and then he helps you fix it. I want his company to continue
to grow and be successful, but I kind of hope my local competitors in Las Vegas don't hire him.
Rob Jensen
New Clients
Mark Hobscheid:
Laura Sanders:
Tim Pierson:
Joe Bryski:
San Diego, CA
Coral Springs, FL
Reston, VA
Vadnais Heights, MN
Doug Leibinger:
Dan Lesniak:
Basalt, CO
Arlington, VA
Produced by the Lifebushido Newsletter Team
Here is the link for the answer key to the puzzle in
~Team Feature~
Key Assistant Team:
Key Assistants are the main point of contact for the clients of Best Agent Business. The Key Assistant's main duties are
speaking with their clients once per week, maintaining the client agendas & budget, delegating client work to specific
teams and doing ad hoc work as necessary. As you can imagine this role is not for many people. Our experience has
shown that only about one in ten Ishidos have both the desire and the skills to become a key assistant. We ensure
deadlines are met, work is satisfactory and that overall the client is happy! Key Assistants play a very important role in
helping our clients understand Best Agent Business as a whole and how our teams work. To be a successful Key
assistant it is vital to posses the following qualities:
Outgoing and friendly personality
Strong organizational skills
Self-starter and Go-Getter
Problem solver
· The ability to deal with many different personality types
· Excellent verbal and written skills
· Ability to follow directions, policies and procedures
· Enjoys helping others
· Works well with both clients and fellow Ishidos
Wiki page:
YouTube- you can subscribe to our YouTube channel to learn faster
about real estate, our clients, and Ishido tips:
Weekly Review of Schedule - Time Management Tip
Produced by the Lifebushido Newsletter Team
Steve’s Corner
Stress Relief in the WC
Charity: Typhoon Yolonda RebuildingWe recently helped to support rebuilding of some
homes in Philippines from the Typhoon. One of
our Ishidos lives in the affected area. See
EO ForumI spent a day this past month at EO Forum
Training. EO is the world's leading organization of
I have taken ideas from EO Forum for our
Lifebushido Triangle efforts. I aspire to have a
Billion Dollar Agent Triangle program in the future
to link together three similar agents/clients for
peer-peer mentoring virtually in different market
areas. Tell me if interested in no cost beta test.
Cherry BlossomsIt is Cherry Blossom peak season in Washington,
DC. Enjoy some pics to soothe your soul:
Facebook Steve: You are welcome to friend me
on Facebook at
~Ishido Hangouts~
In an effort to build community among Ishidos,
the WC and Bushido Connections is joining
forces to bring you links each month to places
that you can go “hang out” with fellow Ishidos,
plus links to other fun stuff to get involved in
such as Secret Santa, Ghosting-it-Forward,
“Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to
make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good
health.” Paul E. McGhee, Ph.D.
Stress can be a major issue in your life and it can cause all kinds of
problems in your physical body and relationships with others. The nice
thing is that there is relief from stress which is free, easy to use, and
available in the Ishido Water Cooler. According to the Mayo Clinic,
WebMD, countless university studies, and a myriad of authors laughter
is the best medicine for physical and emotional health and an incredible
stress buster.
A good and hearty laugh lowers your blood pressure, protects your heart
by increasing your blood flow and circulation, and gives your legs, back,
diaphragm, lungs, and face a workout. Laughter reduces the levels of
stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Get rid of that belly fat and
nervousness. How about increasing the response of the tumor and
disease killing cells Gamma-interferon and T-cells in your body? Maybe
you could avoid cancer with a daily dose of laughter. Give yourself the
opportunity to laugh and do it often. Doing so may fend of respiratory
illnesses, reduce susceptibility to colds and viruses, relieve pain, change
your mood, and improve your alertness, memory, and creativity.
Laughing boosts your immune system. The immediate effects of laughter
last for 45 minutes after you've had your knee slapping, belly shaking
experience. Laughter is contagious, and humor strengthens friendships,
increases team productivity, and fosters group bonding. In a nutshell,
science has proven laughter is good for your health.
Laughter dissolves distressing emotions and helps you to regroup and
recharge your focus and your energy. Because humor shifts your
perspective when you have a good laugh, and do it often, you can help
yourself to not feel stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, sad, or angry.
Release those feel good endorphins inside your body by visiting the
Humor board in the WC. Read, view, laugh, post your own humor, visit
often, and tell a friend. Visit:
Water Cooler:
This newsletter was created for YOU! If you
have an idea for a segment or article, please
contact us! Send us your photos, quotes,
shout-outs to co-workers, anything!
Please send by the 15 of each month to
guarantee submission in the next month’s
Shannon Jiacoma,
Produced by the Lifebushido Newsletter Team