VIRUSES AND THE ORAL CAVITY (special symptoms in the oral cavity) semmelweis.hu/mikrobiologia Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. HERPESVIRUSES herpein (greak) = creeping Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. VIRION: icosahedral capsid (spherical), 162 capsomers, surrounded by amorphous tegument, lipids and glycoproteins (peplomers) in the envelope EM (100-110 nm) NUCLEIC ACID:dsDNA REPLICATION: in the nucleus in permissive cells: productive infection (cytocidal, inclusion bodies) LATENT INFECTION (genome persistance in nucleus of neurons of lymphocytes) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. 3D model CLASIFICATION OF HERPESVIRUSES ALPHAHERPESVIRINAE Simplexvirus HHV-1, HHV-2 (simplex viruses) Varicellovirus Fast growing, cytocidal, latent in neurons HHV-3 (Varicella zoster virus) BETAHERPESVIRINAE Cytomegalovirus HHV-5 (Cytomegalovirus, CMV) Roseolovirus Slow growing, latent in kidney, salivary glands, macrophages, lymphocytes HHV-6 GAMMAHERPESVIRINAE Lymphocryptovirus HHV-4 (Epstein-Barr virus, EBV) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Lymphoproliferative, latent in B cells DISEASES CAUSED BY HHV-1 AND -2 GINGIVOSTOMATITIS* (children) PHARYNGOTONSILLITIS* (adults) HERPES LABIALIS, COLD SORE** (any) GENITAL HERPES*** (> 15 years) KERATOCONJUNCTIVITIS*** (any) Common, mild Common, mild/moderate SKIN INFECTIONS */***(any) Rare, moderate ENCEPHALITIS*** (any) NEONATAL HERPES* (newborn) DISSEMINATED HERPES*** (any) Rare, severe/fatal * primer ** recurrent */*** both Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Herpes labialis Herpes genitalis Aphthae DIAGNOSIS: IF CHEMOTHERAPY: acyclovir Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Herpetic whitlow Herpes gladiatorum ECCEMA HERPETICUM Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. DISEASES CAUSED BY HHV-3 VARICELLA (Chicken pox) children: rashes with or without prodromal fever and malaise (trunk, head, limbs), ulcerating vesicles on mucous membranes (mouth and vulva) adults: more severe (pneumonia) in pregnancy: virus infects the fetus in immunocompromised: particularly dangerous! (disseminatation: lung, liver, brain) DIAGNOSIS: serology (ELISA) PREVENTION: live, attenuated (suggested) THERAPY: acyclovir (Zovirax) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. ZOSTER (shingles) in adults reactivation of VZV remained latent in sensory glands vesicles:unilateral (trunk, face, are innervated by a particular sensory glands) complications: motor paralysis and encephalomyelitis Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. HERPES ZOSTER (shingles) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. DISEASES CAUSED BY EPSTEINBARR VIRUS (HHV-4, EBV) EBV infects and replicates in oropharyngeal epithelium glandular fever (virus shedding in saliva, „kissing disease” symptoms: sore throat, anorexia, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, hepatitis uncommon late tumors, nasopharymgeal carcinoma (Asia) EBV infects local B cells: restricted infection (no lysis, reactivation after transplantation: kidney) immortalization (indefinitive B cell proliferation): lymphoma in immunocompromized, Burkitt´s lymphoma in Africa (cofactors: malaria, c-myc translocation) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. MONONUCLEOSIS INFECTIOSA Burkitt lymphoma Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. DISEASES CAUSED BY CYTOMEGALTOVIRUS (HHV-5, CMV) PRENATAL (transplacental): encephalitis, hepatitis, brain damage, deafness, retinopathy) PERINATAL (cervical secretions, breast milk, saliva): nil (blood transfusion): pneumonitis, disseminated diseases ANY AGE (saliva, sexual intercourse): mononucleosis, mild hepatitis (blood transfusion): mononucleosis IMMUNOCOMPROMISED (saliva, organ graft): due to reactivation of virus, pneumonia, hepatitis, retinitis, encephalitis, myelitis, gastrointestinal disease DIAGNOSIS: detection of viral DNA or antigen (virus intermittently present in urine, saliva of asymptomatic carriers), virus isolation, PCR THERAPY: ganciclovir Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Prof. Dr. Ádám Éva D.Sc. HHV6: exanthema subitum (roseola infantum) - Acute febrile disease with or without exanthems, gastrointestinal, respiratory or CNS symptomps In immune suppressed patients: fulminant hepatitis (activation of EBV, papilloma viruses and HIV Therapy: foscarnet HHV7: saliva, urogenital excretum (binding to CD4 receptor, therefore it is antagonistic with HIV) Prof. Dr. Ádám Éva D.Sc. HHV8: Kaposi sarcoma (malignancy) Kaposi Móric (hungarian dermatocologist) - classic form, endemic in Afrika) - AIDS 1872. Less than 10/10000 man More than 10/10000 man Prof. Dr. Ádám Éva D.Sc. Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. MUMPS (parotitis epidemica) Disease: non purulent disease of the lymphoid tissues Latency: 2 to 3 weeks (fever, vomiting, nausea) Complication: orchitis (pancreatitis, neuritis (VIII. cranial nerve deafness) PREVENTION: attenuated mumps virus (MMR)) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Routine immunization against mumps One dose Repeated (two doses) (two doses) no immunization Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. MEASLES (MORBILLI) Spread: respiratory droplets: (latency 10 days) Replication in the cells of mucous membrane of respiratory tract Primary viremia (local lymph tissues) Infected lymphocytes Secunder viremia (in all cells, giant cell formation) KOPLIK’ spots (on the mucous membrane of the mouths), rashes all over the body long lasting immune reaction (reversible negativity of the type IV.allergic reaction) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Koplik’ spots CONTROL: attenuated virus (MMR) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. POSSIBLE OUTCOMES OF MEASLES Problems with cellular immunity Problems with Ig formation severe, life-danger Normal outcome Complications: pneumonia, encephalitis SSPE (Subacute sclerotizing panencephalitis) DIAGNOSIS: clinical symptoms, serology (HAG, ELISA) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. PICORNA VIRUSES Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Herpangina (Coxsackie A virus) ) „Hand-foot-and-mouth disease” (coxsackie A16 virus) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. ARBO- and ROBOVIRUSES Families FLAVI- Genera Flavi- (Hepaci- :Hepatitis C) TOGA- Alpha- (Rubi-: rubellavirus) BUNYA- Bunya-, Phlebo-, Nairo- Hanta- REO- Colti-, Orthoreo-, Rota- ARENA- „Old World”-, „New world”- FILO- Marburg-like and Ebola-like arbo: blood suckling vectors, robo: human and animal /rodent/ viruses (without vector), obligate human pathogens, human and animal pathogens (enterally transmitted) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. 1. Encephalitis 2. Haemorrhagic fever with or without hepatitis 3. Fever, muscle and joint pains, rashes Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. FLAVIVIRUSES Flavus: yellow Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. 40-50 nm, cubical, ss(+) RNA genom, envelope with glycoprotein projections: haemagglutination Immaturated virion Maturated virion • protease resistant • replication insects (vector) and in human being (no disease in natural hosts:rodents,birds) • in vector: virus replication in the gut and other organs, presence in saliva (only female vectors are „infectious”, transovarial transmission!) Nucleoprotein • vertebrates are infected by vectors only in the case of high titer of virus • final host: human being/horse (low titer in blood, not enough to infect the vectors) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. TRANSMISSION and PATHOGENESIS OF FLAVIVIRUSES gerincesek moszkitó vírus vírus Inapparent infection Encephalitis (St. Louis encephalitis) Hemorrhagic fever, nephritis, hepatitis (Yellow fever) Hemorrhagic fever (Dengue) Fever with rashes (Dengue, West Nile encephalitis) kullancs Flu-like symptoms increased vascular permeability (antigen-antibody complexes: complement activation, vasoactive amins, DIC), bone marrow destructions Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. YELLOW FEVER Main symptoms: fever, head- and muscle pain, photophobia, than kidney- and liver destruction (jaundice, albuminuria, haematemesis, blood in feaces and other haemorrhagies), 10-40% mortallity Jungle yellow fever : monkeys (reservoir) human Haemagogus mosquito Urban yellow fever: human (reservoir) human (vaccination) Aedes aegypti PREVALENCE OF YELLOW FEVER VIRUS HIGH RISK Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. 17. sz. Mexico 1881. Finlay, C.: transmission by mosquito 1901. Reed, W.: demonstration of virus origin Control (1939): Theiler 17D vaccine, (attenuated virus), obligatory in international travelling Theiler, Max (1899-1972) Medical/ Physiological Nobel Prize, 1951 IMMUNITY: life long 1905. Panamachannel, caranteen DIAGNOSIS: in special labs (biosafety BSL-IV), RT-PCR Serology: ELISA, direct IF Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. DENGUE (Breakbone-fever) Vector: Aedes aegypti Classic dengue-fever (rarely life threatening): flu-like symptoms (fever, head-, muscle- and joint pains, enlarged lymphnodes), maculopapular rashes, leukopenia (world-wide) Dengue virus infected Aedes aegypti Epidemy caused by Aedes aegypti and Dengue Dengue haemorrhagic fever (10 % mortality): at the begining similar to classic form, than shock and haemorrhages (gastrointestinal tract and skin, Asia), in secondary infection, cross-reacting antibodies activate the complement system, increased vascular permeability Antiviral chemotherapy: NO Vaccine: NO Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. WEST NILE encephalitis - first desciption: Uganda, Culex species - central nervous system, lymphadenopathy in elderly patients Epidemics (human) Epidemics (horses) 1994. Algeria 1996-1997. Roumania 1997. Czech Rep. 1998. Congo Dem. Rep. 1999. Russia 1999-2000. USA 2000. Israel 2002. USA 1996. Morocco 1998. Italy 1999-2000. USA 2000. France Climate changes, increasing number of vectors Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Spring-summer meningoencephalitis (central european encephalitis, „louping ill”) • • • • • • Reservoirs: small rodents, goats Vectors: Ixodes and Dermacentor spp. (ticks) Pathogenesis: (1) viraemia, (2) flu-like symptoms, (3) CNS manifestation aseptic meningoencephalitis Immunity: life long, humoral and cellular Diagnosis – Anamnestic data (tick-bite) – Serology • blood, CSF • ELISA IgM, IgG Treatment: symptomatic Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Endemic areas in Europe Control: active immunization (inactivated vaccine) Encepur Junior (1-12 years): basic immunization, 3 injection, repetition in every 3 years Encepur Adult ( 12 years) , FMSE-Immun (adults and children) passive immunization (post exposure prophylaxis) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. TOGAVIRUSES Toga (dress in the ancient Rome): enveloped virus Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. 70 nm, cubical, ss(+) RNA • in the envelop: projections (haemagglutination) • protease sensitive • reservoirs: birds, rodents and other vertebrates Febrile disease with encephalitis (Eastern-, Western-, Venezuelan horse (equine) encephalitis) Febrile disease with rashes and arthralgia ( Ross River, Sindbis, O’ nyong -nyong, Chikungunya) Control: immunization of horses with inactivated (Eastern- and Western horse encephalitis), or attenuated (Venezuelan horse encephalitis) vaccine Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. ARENAVIRUSES („Old-World”- and „New-World” arenaviruses) Arena: sandy Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. ribosome granules of host cell origin, „sandy” • roundish, pleomorphic, enveloped viruses with 10 nm projections • two ss (+) RNA • natural hosts: rodents LYMPHOCYTIC CHORIOMENINGITIS VIRUS (LCM): in mouse latent infection, in other species (in human too) fatal meningitis Spread: with biting of mouse or with infected feaces (eating of infected foods, or inhalation) Pathogenesis: dependent on the age of animal and mode of transmission (transovarial), inhibition of the cellular immune response: no acute reaction (disease) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Tacaribe complex: Junin haemorrhagic fever (Argentina, reservoir: mouse): humoral and cellullar immune suppression Machupo haemorrhagic fever (Bolivia, reservoir: mouse) Lassa virus (haemorrhagic fever) /Niger, Lassa 1969/ - natural host: rat (direct contact, skin) - symptoms: fever, head ache, vomiting, diarrhoea, lung, heart, kidney and brain problems, haemorrhages) - endemic areas: asymptomatic - ribavirin (antiviral chemotherapy) : decrease of number of death Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. - BUNYAVIRUSES Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Enveloped, spherical, 80-100 nm, helical viruses • three, different, circular (-) RNA • glycoprotein projection • replication in vertebrates and in vectors too (vectors: mosquito and tick) Rezervoirs: mouse or rat (persistent infection), transmission with the excretions of animals No human-human transmission Diagnosis in BSL-III, BSL-IV laboratories Virus isolation Serology: ELISA Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. PATHOGENESIS OF HANTAAN VIRUS INFECTION Infected feces become airborne Virus contained rodent feces Acute respiratory distress Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Inhalation of feces by human Symptoms: muscle aches, fever, headache, cough EMERGING VIRUSES FILOVIRUSES Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Helical nucleocapsid, filamentous (about 14.000 nm) Prof. Dr. Ádám Éva D.Sc. MARBURG VIRUS (haemorrhagic fever), 1967.Germany (Marburg), Yugoslavia: monkeys (labs) transmission: direct contacts, body fluids, respiratory droplets infected monkeys (working with) symptoms: fever, letargy, rashes, diarrhoea, neurological, haemorrhagies letality: 25-30% diagnosis: difficult, virus in liver, semen (12 week) therapy-control: NO Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. EBOLA VIRUS (haemorrhagic fever) incubation: 2-21 days Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. transmission: direct contact with blood, body fluids, organs of infected patiens, burial ceremonies (direct contact with deceased person), nurses, physicians in hospitals, infected animals Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. History of EBOLA 2014 Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Symptoms of Ebola virus infection Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Diagnosis: special laboratories (BSL-IV.) in special dress Therapy : rehydration Control: NO vaccine Moving of Ebola patient Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. VIRION MORPHOLOGY: bullet shaped, helical nucleocapsid, glycoprotein peplomers (neutralizing ab.), matrix protein under lipoprotein envelope (plasma membrane) : NUCLEIC ACID: ss (-) RNA Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. CLASSIFICATION of RHABDOVIRUSES Family: RHABDOVIRIDAE Genera: VESICULOVIRUS Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) LYSSAVIRUS (7 serotypes - 1 classic) RABIES VIRUS „street virus” (wilde virus): long and variable incubation period (sensitive animal: : wilde carnivores (foxes), dogs, cats and cattle! rezervoirs: vampire bats) „Fix’” virus: stable, short incubation period Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. 5-7 days before onset the virus is present in the saliva of the animals! Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. infection Transmission from wilde to domesticated animals Negri testek Negri bodies Virus entry via bite (or aerosol, inhalation) disease Pathogenesis of rabies Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Incubation period: from 5 days, to 2 years Periferial neurons Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Salivary glands RABIES SILVAN rabies: in wild animals URBAN rabies: domesticated animals (cats, dogs, and others /cattle/, etc.) Infection: biting, scratch (saliva!) enteral (infected milk, cattle), human-human transmission: only with transplantation! PHASES and SYMPTOMS OF RABIES prodromal phase (malaise, vomiting, sore throat, paresthesia at site of bite) sensory phase (sympathetic overactivity, salivation, perspiration, spasm of the throat muscle: hydrophobia excitement paralytic or depressive death Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. fertőzés fertőzé s Rabies vírus hydrophobia excitement Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Akut idegrendszeri szakasz (2-7 nap) Kóma (5-14 nap) salivation „dumb” rabies (vampire bat) rabies rabies free no information Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Number of human rabies death 0 1-10 10-100 100-1000 1000-10000 10000 no data Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. VACCINES AGAINST RABIES First vaccine against rabies from „aged” spinal cord of dogs infected with rabies virus (1885) Louis PASTEUR Pre-exposure vaccination animals (dogs, cats – inaktivated virus) man (occupational risk - inactivated virus) Post-exposure vaccination inactivated virus produced on human diploid cell culture RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY: in live vaccinia virus, major protective antigen „G” glycoprotein (oral administration in wild animals) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Endre HŐGYES (1847-1906) Indications of post-exposure vaccination DOG, CAT healthy, observable for 14 days Nothing to do Animal with suspected rabies or the suspicion of rabies cannot be excluded FOX Complete vaccination Non observable Complete vaccination regard as rabid Complete vaccination Other animals If the suspicion of rabies cannot be excuded Complete vaccination Vaccination on the 0., 3., 7., 14., 30. and 90. day Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. SLOW VIRUSES DISEASES CAUSED BY SUBVIRAL ELEMENTS Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. VIRUSES measles virus (Subacut Sclerotizing Panencephalitis, SSPE) rubella virus (progressive panencephalitis, congenital rubella) papova viruses (JC, BK, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathia) HIV (AIDS dementia complex) picorna viruses (persistant enterovirus infections in immunodeficient patients) SUBVIRAL AGENTS (prions) Subacut spongioformis encephalopathia Human diseases Animal diseases Creutzfeld-Jacob disease Gerstmans, Straussler, Scheinker disease Fatal familiar insomnia Scrapie Bovine Spongioform encephatopathy Transmissible mink encephalopathy Kuru Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. The prion is dangerous because it promotes refolding of native proteins into the diseased state (Step-1 : UNFOLDING of alpha-helices; Step-2 : REFOLDING to beta-pleated sheets) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. PRION DISEASES (animals) - Scrapie (sheep, goat) - Transmissible mink encephalopathia (TME), chronic „wasting disease” (CVD: deer, moose elk) - Bovine Spongioformis Encephalopathy (BSE: cattle) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. PRION DISEASES (human) - Creutzfeld-Jacob disease (CJD, sporadic form, 1920): in elderly patients (60 years), dementia, ataxia, coma, death (6 month), Acquired forms: 1. iatrogenic CJD cases (contaminated surgical tools, from cadaver growth and other hormones) 2. vCJD (v=variant) from BSE infected cattles - Gerstmans, Straussler, Scheinker (GSS, 1936): around 50 years old patients, cerebellar ataxia, slow progression (about 5 years) - Fatalis familiar insomnia (1986) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Symptoms: spongioformis encephalopathia, dementia, pyramidal, extrapyramidalis dysfunction Epidemiology: meat, kannibalism (kuru), JC (familiar), BSE (infectious?), nosocomial (hypophysis hormone, cornea transplantation) Treatment: symptomatic (death in a few months) Prevention: avoid fodder of animal origin, burning of animal cadavers, drugs (hormones, controlled), avoid of eating of animal brain, transplantation etc. Decontamination: 2N NaOH (1 hour), 1N NaOH (2 hours) combined with autoclaving (134C, 1 hour) Prusiner, S. B. Nobel Prize, 1997 (prions) Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc. Kuru (1950): cerebellar ataxia, dementia Gajdusek , B. C. (Nobel Prize 1976) „laughing death” Prof. Dr. Éva Ádám D.Sc.
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