2 OFF! - Blasdell, NY - Wild Birds Unlimited
Summer Sale PRESORT STD AUTO U.S. POSTAGE PAID BUFFALO, NY PERMIT NO. 4582 Sizzling 3835 McKinley Pkwy, Ste. 1 Blasdell, NY 14219 716-823-7889 www.wbu.com/blasdell Summer Savings, Now thru 8/12/12! While supplies last. $2 Safflower OFF! Valid only on 20 lb bags of Safflower now thru 8/12/12. Not valid on previous purchases. Your Backyard Birdfeeding Specialist wbublany@verizon.net www.wbu.com/blasdell *While supplies last, save 20% or more on clearance items. Many new products arriving. Need to make room. Not valid with other discounts, offers or previous purchases. Offer valid while supplies last. Not valid on previous purchases. Clearance Sale, Now thru ???!* Making room for new items! All Clearance Items STORE HOURS MON-FRI: 10am-6pm SAT: 10am-5pm SUN: 11am-4pm Offer valid now thru 8/12/12. Not valid on previous purchases. 3835 McKinley Pkwy, Ste. 1 Blasdell, NY 14219 716-823-7889 www.wbu.com/blasdell 20% &UP OFF GLASS ONLY Hummingbird Feeders Visit Wild Birds Unlimited Today. 10% OFF Go for the Gold(finches) It’s time to go for the gold in your yard, and you don’t need a pole vaulting pit or an Olympic sized pool to do it. Goldfinches live throughout the United States and southern Canada, a fact that makes attracting them to your backyard a bit easier. In July and August, after the male has serenaded the female with canary-like songs, goldfinches begin their nesting season. The location of the nest is usually five to 10 feet high in trees or shrubs and often near a water source. But you can’t talk about goldfinches without mentioning their favorite food, Nyjer® (thistle). In fact, it’s one reason goldfinches delay breeding until the greatest number of thistle, dandelion and other composite flowers are seeding. But that’s good news for you. This delay gives you the opportunity to focus your attention on goldfinches during this exciting time of song and activity (especially since other birds can be less active and busy with their new families). So instead of an expensive trip to London for the Summer Olympics, you can bring the gold to your yard goldfinches that is. Visit us soon to get everything you need to keep goldfinches visiting your yard. Marilyn and Danielle, Store Owners www.wbu.com/blasdell Safflower Sale Hummer Feeder Sale Clearance Sale See inside and back for details. Attract More Goldfinches to Your Yard Take advantage of this golden opportunity and prepare your yard for goldfinch nesting season. Adult goldfinches will be raising young and, once fledged from the nest, showing them where to find food and water. Food Goldfinches’ favorite food is fresh Nyjer® (thistle). It’s high in protein and fat (which they love) and helps meet the demands of nesting and raising a family. Goldfinches Love to Eat Nyjer® (thistle) Goldfinches are also partial to sunflower chips, their second favorite food. Feeders Our EcoClean® and Quick-Clean® Finch Feeders are specially-designed for Nyjer and are perfect for the small bills of goldfinches. These feeders protect food from excess moisture and are easy to clean with their removable bases. We also offer Mesh Finch Feeders that are perfect for attracting goldfinches and meeting their needs. Add a WBU weather guard for protection from our wet weather! Goldfinches on an EcoClean® Finch Feeder Water Goldfinches are almost exclusively vegetarians. Unlike many birds that feed their young insects, goldfinches feed their young seeds. Because of this high-vegetation diet, they drink a lot of water. Goldfinches will also use a bird bath for bathing. Attract birds with more success with a Water Wiggler™. It creates ripples in the water to attract birds’ attention. The ripples also prevent mosquitoes from using the bath as a breeding ground. Save on Nyjer (thistle), Now thru 8/12/12 Nyjer® (thistle) Nyjer® (thistle) attracts finches of all kinds. Its high oil content is an excellent energy source for active birds and is best used in our specially-designed finch feeders. Save on Nyjer now thru 8/12/12. (Nyjer® is a registered trademark of the Wild Bird Feeding Industry.) ON SALE: $1.29/lb. More Ways to Attract Goldfinches WBU Finch Sock Feeder Our Finch Sock Feeders are a great way to get started attracting goldfinches. Easy to fill and easy to clean, goldfinches can easily cling to the sock and grab a bite of one of their favorite foods, Nyjer® (thistle). Add a few socks for even more goldfinches and more fun! $3.99 WBU EcoClean Finch Feeders Designed to hold finch favorites like Nyjer® (thistle) and fine sunflower chips, our EcoClean® Finch Feeders have antimicrobial product protection built into the tube, all black powder coated metal components, a seed diverter and perch covers. These feeders have a Quick-Clean® removable bottom for easy cleaning and a lifetime guarantee that includes squirrel damage. $39.99 and up WBU Mesh Finch Feeders Our Mesh Finch Feeders not only let finches land and feed in whatever position they choose, but they also allow air circulation to keep your Nyjer® (thistle) as dry and fresh as possible. They’re also easy to fill and hang and are backed with a lifetime guarantee. Add a weather guard for rain protection! $31.99 and $37.99 Female Goldfinch at a Bird Bath WHILE SUPPLIES LAST: CLEARANCE SALE, Now thru ???* Get your yard looking its summer best (and help the birds out, too) during our Clearance Sale! *Now thru ???, save 20% or more on Clearance items. Not valid with other discounts, offers or previous purchases. August Nature Happenings • Aug. 1 & 31: Full Moon, Aug 17: New Moon • Aug. 12 - 13: Perseids Meteor shower • Most birds are no longer singing • Month of the spider - their numbers and webs peak • Peak month for summer wildflowers • Flocks of nighthawks can be seen late in the month • Shorebird migration builds and waterfowl migration starts • Monarch Butterfly migration begins • Early warblers (Cape May, Tennessee, Magnolia, Blackburnian) migrate through • Squirrels give birth to their second brood • Deer are shedding the velvet off antlers • Chimney Swifts can be seen in large flocks over chimneys at dusk • American Goldfinches finish nesting late this month. Watch for babies at feeders • Second brood of hummingbirds begin to appear at feeders early- to mid-month. • Starlings gather on telephone lines and leave most of our feeders alone - YEAH! For more information and specials, sign up for Danielle’s 2 emails per month from our store! *We will not be sending newsletters in the near future. Sign up for our emails for notice of our specials! CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.WBU.COM/BLASDELL THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH FOR OUR SPECIALS!
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