as a result of using GGBS cement
as a result of using GGBS cement
Greener and stronger foundations as a result of using GGBS cement David O’Flynn 087 9654891 Ecocem Ireland Brief History of GGBS 1862: Hydraulic potential of GGBS discovered in Germany Early 1900’s - Portland Blast Furnace Cements had an established place in the concrete market 2004: More than 5,000,000 tonnes of GGBS produced in Germany 2006: Approximately 2,000,000 tonnes of GGBS produced in UK 2008: Over 400,000 tonnes available in Ireland GGBS Manufacture GGBS - Environment GGBS - Environment CO2 emissions for GGBS and cement production Typical CO2 Emissions for Portland Cement and GGBS Production (Figures in kg per tonne of output) 900 kg per Tonne of Output 800 Other energy used 700 Fossil Fuel Use 600 Process Emissions 500 400 300 200 100 0 Portland Cement GGBS Environmental Savings Environmental savings per typical base Equivalent 25 Cars or 10 acres of mature forestry/year CO2 79.4 tonnes SO2 NOx CO PM10 Energy 245 kg 343 kg 245 kg 42.7 kg 94,000 kwh Power 18 homes for one year 160 tonnes Limestone/ Shale GGBS – Controlling thermal cracking Controlling thermal cracking Image courtesy of Wind Farm Civils Controlling thermal cracking Heat of Hydration GGBS lowers peak and overall heat Substitution level 70% Controlling thermal cracking Maximum temperature differential on 1500mm deep base 0% GGBS 26 degrees 50% GGBS 23 degrees 30% GGBS 25 degrees 70% GGBS 19 degrees Controlling thermal cracking 20m x 20m x 2.4 m deep base with 70% GGBS 60 50 40 30 Highest Lowest Difference 20 10 0 Controlling thermal cracking Image courtesy of Wind Farm Civils Controlling thermal cracking Maximise use of GGBS to reduce heat generated Install and monitor thermocouples Insulate if required Minimise placing temperature Cover with plastic sheeting to protect from wind Remove insulation in stages GGBS – strength benefits Long term strength development 95 85 75 N/mm2 65 42.5 & 50% GGBS 55 45 42.5 35 25 15 0 20 40 60 80 100 Days 120 140 160 180 200 Temperature matched curing Strength N/mm2 1.1m deep base with 70% GGBS Foundation Slab: C40/50 @ 70% GGBS 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 Day Age Standard 3 4 TMC GGBS – Durability benefits Durability – increased resistance to acids Peaty soils – acidic environment 0% GGBS 30% GGBS 50% GGBS Durability – increased resistance to sulphates Durability – increased resistance to salts Marine Environment Lower chloride ion diffusivity Lower porosity/permeability Durability – increased resistance to salts BS 6349 – Maritime Structures – Table 22 Summary Environmental • Positive PR • Assist with planning applications • Consistent ethos Reduced risk of cracking • Longer life • Reduced maintenance Increased long term strength Improved durability • Increased resistance to attack in peaty/acidic environments • Increased resistance to attack in marine environments David O’Flynn 087 9654891
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