2015 Annual Report: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015


2015 Annual Report: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
2015 ANNUAL REPORT | JULY 1, 2014 - JUNE 30, 2015
From Our
From Our
It has been my privilege to serve as the board president for Wonders & Worries for the
past two years. I am full of gratitude for all of you who make the work we do possible, and
as my term draws to a close, I am also full of memories of this wonderful organization,
and how much it has changed over the years – and how much it has changed me.
I often use this space to review the year and talk about our successes as an organization.
And it has been a successful year: we have served more children and parents this year
than any previous year in our organization’s history. But to provide professional support
for every child through a parent’s serious illness, Wonders & Worries needs to grow – as
an organization, in our local community, and beyond Central Texas. While you will see the
successes of this year throughout the pages of the annual report, I want to talk about our
plan to move forward toward this goal.
3 The Howard’s Family Story
5 2015 Financials
6 Wonders & Worries by the Numbers
7-16 Donors
14 2001 Society & Millennium Society
I remember the first time I helped a friend chair a Wonders & Worries fundraising event,
and learned what this organization is about, and how much of a difference it makes in
the lives of children. I remember my first family fun event, where I met some of those
children and their parents firsthand. As my understanding and appreciation for the
organization grew, my level of involvement grew with it.
Wonders & Worries has grown, too. This year, the organization provided support for
more children than in any year prior. Once again, we are turning our attention to national
expansion, with exciting plans already being put into motion. As Wonders & Worries
moves towards new opportunities both in and beyond Central Texas, I know there will
be some changes and additions in the way we provide support. But you and I can count
on one thing remaining the same from our past and in to our future. In fourteen years,
for over six thousand children and their parents, we have one mission – to provide
professional support for children through a parent’s illness.
14 Tribute Gifts
16 In Kind Gifts
17 How Do Your Gifts Impact Our Mission?
I want to know that if the time comes for my children to need that professional
support, Wonders & Worries is around to provide it. That’s why, even as I step down
from my position as board president, I know I’ll continue to give back to this wonderful
organization. I hope you will join me in doing the same.
Brandy Agnew
Wonders & Worries Board of Directors, President
Wonders & Worries is making strategic plans to elevate the conversation to a national
platform to better engage the general public. Through speaking engagements with
professional organizations and increasing media coverage of this topic, we hope to
raise awareness of the needs of these children and families facing a serious parental
illness. The first step in this has already started this past fiscal year. We are initiating a
randomized clinical trial with the University of Texas School of Social Work that will give
us evidence based research on the significance of our illness education program that will
lead to critical support within the medical community and the recognition we need to
grow on a national scale.
We understand that not every family will be close to a local Wonders & Worries so we
are thinking outside of the box to create opportunities for parents to gain virtual support.
We have developed and launched a new tool for parents, Helping Children Understand
Cancer, as a way of supporting families facing a cancer diagnosis. More resources,
including a video series, are planned for development and will be housed on our website
for easy virtual access, available to any parent seeking our professional expertise to talk
with their child about their illness.
With these strategies, we will foster interest from other communities who want to move
beyond the virtual offerings and create their own Wonders & Worries offices in order to
provide similar services to our current model – in-person individual and group support,
parent consultations, family fun events and bereavement support for existing clients
delivered by certified child life staff members.
I want to thank you for the generosity you have extended to Wonders & Worries, for
making it possible for us to come this far. Join us as we move toward the future, as we
provide professional support through a parent’s illness for children in our community
here in Austin and eventually, nationwide.
For a change of address or other questions,
contact Wonders & Worries at 512-329-5757
(512-401-3336 Spanish) or
Meredith R. Cooper, MA, CCLS, LPC
Wonders & Worries Co-Founder & Executive Director
Brandy Agnew, President
Amy McGeady, Vice President
Jimmy Barnard, Treasurer
Trek Doyle, Past President
Meredith Bagan
Tom Bogardus
Susie Davison*
Kari French
Nicole Halder
Kevin Hunter
Judy Loredo
Brent Metschan
Mark Milstead*
Ana Ruelas
Charley Scarborough*
Danielle Sweeney, M.D.
Ann Thompson*
Barbara Wallace
Rob Wills, M.D.
*term ended January 2015
Melinda Garvey, Co-Chair
Richard Paddock, Co-Chair
Paige Amstutz
Rosemary Douglass
Anne Lasseigne Tiedt
Laura Bond Williams
Meredith Cooper, Executive Director
Lindsey Boyd, Director of Development
Kim Fryar, Program Director
Corinne Barnickel, Child Life Specialist
Lauren Holbrook, Grant Writer
Ali Houshmand, Bilingual Child Life Staff
Michele Martin, Child Life Specialist
Roxanne Michele, Child Life Specialist
Adrianna Ortega, Bilingual Child Life Specialist
Maria Patino, Bilingual Child Life Assistant
Rachel Petrichenko, Development Associate
Jacquelyn Rebecek, Child Life Specialist
Kristen Shell, Child Life Specialist
Lara Strickland, Child Life Specialist
Kelly Theesfeld, Program Outreach Coordinator
Lexi Wilkinson, Child Life Specialist
Meredith Cooper
Melissa Hicks
“I picked group support
because I wanted to meet
other kids whose parents
have cancer. I thought they
might ask the questions I
don’t have yet, but will.”
at Texas Oncology and they even showed
us where they put the medicine in the little
bags,” he remembers.
When asked how they would describe
Wonders & Worries in one word, each
family member eagerly shared: “awesome”
and “optimistic” from Stella and Joshua,
Before meeting with Michele, Stella and and “blessing” and “inspirational” from
Joshua started to have terrible dreams their parents. “The path was laid for us
about Stephanie’s cancer. Stephanie and to go to Wonders & Worries and walk out
Christian could tell a difference in their of our first sessions knowing that we were
children from the first group session going to do it,” concludes Stephanie. “Our
and the kids could tell a difference too, community just got bigger. And it will stick.”
especially when it came to no more bad
dreams. “We were lucky to have gotten
involved so early in my treatment and we
focus. “Even though our kids said they may have prevented some of the bigger
weren’t worried, we really wanted to issues for our kids,” says Stephanie. “The
make sure they were getting support,” drives home from Wonders & Worries were
shares Stephanie. “Just knowing that such precious times for our family because
there were people focused on our kids Stella and Joshua felt open to talking
was a blessing.” Ali helped Stephanie and about what they had learned and asking
Christian to understand Wonders & Worries us questions.”
individualized programming, and how it
would be tailored to their children based on The Howard family also participated in
Stephanie’s illness and treatments, as well Wonders & Worries family fun events,
as any particular concerns. Returning home such as FestiFall. “They helped us to
from meeting with Ali, “we knew we had build another community – our cancer
to do it,” says Christian. He and Stephanie community,” explains Christian. “Just like
told Stella and Joshua that they would be Dr. Chadha and the Texas Oncology team
starting support sessions.
help with Stephanie’s treatment, we have
a team that is built around helping our kids
With the choice of individual, group or through this whole process. That’s one
sibling sessions, Stella and Joshua chose to of the reasons Wonders & Worries is so
do group support. They worked with child amazing – it’s so specialized.”
life specialist Michele, who leads these
sessions at the North Office. “I picked Having experienced the positive benefits
group support because I wanted to meet of Wonders & Worries support for their
other kids whose parents have cancer. I family, Stephanie and Christian are now
thought they might ask the questions I committed to helping raise awareness in
don’t have yet, but will.” says Stella. Joshua their community. In fact, Stephanie recently
enjoyed the group sessions too. “I liked all referred another Texas Oncology patient
of the activities we did, like shooting with who she met in the infusion room. “One
Nerf guns at a cancer/worries target and of the biggest challenges about Wonders
making a coping kit,” he adds. “And I liked & Worries is that you don’t really know
meeting the other kids…and the snacks!” about it until you need it,” adds Christian.
As part of their support, Stella and Joshua “I didn’t realize at first that Wonders &
also participated in a tour of the Texas Worries was only in Austin. My family is so
Oncology treatment center. “We got to sit blessed, but there is a much greater need
in our mom’s usual seat [for chemotherapy] and opportunity to help others.”
“The path was laid for us to
go to Wonders & Worries and
walk out of our first sessions
knowing that we were going
to do it.”
—Stella Howard
—Stephanie Howard
we will be warriors, together
The Howard Family’s Story
Just like with Dr. Chadha and Texas Oncology for
Stephanie’s treatment, we have a team that is built
around helping our kids through this whole process.
That’s one of the reasons Wonders & Worries is so
amazing – it’s so specialized.
—Christian Howard
Stephanie Howard never expected that a for school supplies with the kids,” says
persistent cough on a family vacation in the Stephanie. “From there, we immediately
summer of 2015 was actually something went into ‘go-mode’ and started lining up
much more. After visiting with her family our treatment plan.”
doctor and running some tests, they looked
together at the results of an X-ray. “I saw it After connecting with Dr. Punit Chadha from
right there…I was the first one to say it out Texas Oncology and learning more about
loud. There was a mass,” shares Stephanie. the disease and next steps, Stephanie and
Within days, she was diagnosed with B-cell her husband, Christian, decided it was time
lymphoma. “We got a call confirming the to tell their two children, Stella (11), and
diagnosis while we were out shopping Joshua (8). They sat around their kitchen
table one night and explained Stephanie’s
diagnosis and what it meant, and allowed
the kids to ask questions. “I was surprised it
was cancer, but not that she was sick,” said
Stella, who recalled that her mom had not
been feeling well.
After that initial conversation, Stephanie’s
focus remained on her illness and treatment,
but she still worried about her kids. She
learned about Wonders & Worries through
a school counselor and later, through a
friend, and added it to her growing list
of things to research. While the Howard
family practices open communication in
their household, Stephanie and Christian
felt that Wonders & Worries could give
their children the best support available
and scheduled an appointment.
Their first meeting with child life staff
member Ali helped them to realize that
Wonders & Worries needed to be a
Be a warrior
“We got to sit in our mom’s usual seat [for chemotherapy] at
Texas Oncology and they even showed us where they put the
medicine in the little bags.”
—Joshua Howard
When Stephanie was first diagnosed, the family
decided they needed a military code name for their
fight. They brainstormed as a family of four first then
sent out the top three options to their extended
family and close friends for the final vote. Operation
Triumphant Warrior was officially selected. At one of
her first chemo treatments, a friend sent Stephanie a
pair of fun socks to wear to keep her spirits up during
treatment. More fun socks came in the mail from
friends, including a pair of “warrior” socks.
*Gross revenue. These numbers have been audited.
Wonders & Worries provides
professional support for children
through a parent’s serious illness.
Wonders & Worries is the only program
of its kind in the United States. Over
the past 14 years, we have provided
comprehensive support and coping
services to more than 6,000 families across
Central Texas by being a trusted friend,
partner, and support network to children
and their parents. Wonders & Worries’
professional child life staff are specifically
trained to help children understand and
manage stressful experiences related
to illness; and, by using play, education,
self-expression, and child development
theories, are able to support families as
they go through this uncertainty together.
We are thankful to all of the individuals, families, corporations,
and foundations that made a gift to Wonders & Worries during the
2015 fiscal year. Your generosity and support allows us to continue
our mission, at no cost to our families, to provide professional
support for children through a parent’s illness. Contributions were
made between July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.
Danielle and Rob Wills
$25,000 to $49,999.99
Alice Kleberg Reynolds Foundation
Austin American Stateman Season for
Caring Campaign
LGR Foundation
Texas Oncology, P.A.
Barbara Wallace
William J. & Dorothy K. O’Neill
$10,000 to $24,999.99
Austin Pain Associates
Benge-Hury Family Foundation
Brigham Family Foundation
Burdine Johnson Foundation
Chaparral Foundation
Denise and Jerry Conway
The Jack Webster Grigsby Foundation
Leading Ladies of the Greater Round
Rock Community Foundation
Lola Wright Foundation
Lowe Foundation
Renewal by Anderson
Roger Beasley Imports
Shield-Ayres Foundation
Melinda and Barry Twomey
Women’s Fund of Central Texas
$5,000 to $9,999.99
Austin Foam Plastics, Inc.
Meredith and Duane Cooper
Denali Services & Transport LLC
Donald D. Hammill Foundation
Rosemary and Russell Douglass
Future Fund of the Greater Round
Rock Community Foundation
Brenda and Lance Langford
Deborah and Matt Mathias
Amy and Richard Paddock
Jerry Reis
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Ana and Alejandro Ruelas
Danielle and Kevin Sweeney
Strake Foundation
Texas Mamma Jamma Ride, Inc.
Topfer Family Foundation
Waterproof Foundation, Inc
Young Texans Against Cancer
$2,500 to $4,999.99
Brandy and Richard Agnew
Amy and Jimmy Barnard
Chris and Milton Beckendorff
Benchmark Bank
Build-A-Bear Workshop Foundation
Chase Flooring Group
Kristen and Trek Doyle
ECG Foundation
Kari and Terry French
Fringe Benefit Group
Frost Bank
Melinda and Christopher Garvey
H.J. Lockhart Metal Service
Nicole and Rob Halder
Harden Healthcare LLC
Cindy and Pete Hayes
Heritage Title Company of Austin, Inc.
The Hills Dental Spa
Cynthia and David Hoff
Lindsay and Kevin Hunter
Judy and Sonny Loredo
Carol and Tom Martine
Amy and John McGeady
Sheri and Kirk Miller
Sondra Murray
Monique and Tom Nelson
Anitra and Joel Richardson
Riki Rushing and Allen Gilmer
Russell Douglass Investments
Ruth and Paul Connor Foundation
Tony Simpkins
Michael Smyth
St. David’s Community Health
Lisa and Larry Stephens
Travis County Medical Alliance
Cissy and Mark Warner
Wells Fargo Bank
Sherri and Travis West
Heather and Benjamin Williams
Wilson & Goldrick Realtors
Winstead PC
Brittany and Tim Ziemann
$1,000 to $2,499.99
Josh Abbott
ABC Bank
Kathi and David Allen
The American Worker Plans, Inc.
Caroline and Daniel Anthony
Diana and Charlie Atchison
Shelly and David Bain
Teena and Bill Ball
Elizabeth Bartlett and Kelly Tjelmeland
Bartlett & Schober, P.C.
Teresa and Paul Bessette
Blackland Prairie Elementary “Paws
for a Cause Running Club” and
Ridgeview Middle School NJHS
Bob and Aubyn Howe Foundation
Savanna and Tom Bogardus
Kathleen and Phil Buch
Capitol Anesthesiology Association
Amy and Chris Carmouche
Marta and Marc Chase
Children’s Urology
Laura and Ken Cho
Courtney Clark and James Leasure
Ann and Jim Clinkscales
Tara and Nick Cochrane
Lori and Bruce Cooke
Susie and David Davison
Ximena and John de Sabra
Susanne and Colby Denison
Courtney and Brad Elliott
Brett Finn
Follow Fitness
Alex Gabbi
Rosalind and Tim George
John Gilpin
Jennifer and Adam Goldman
Gold’s Gym Members
Sarah Goodfriend and Suzanne Bryant
Stephanie and David Goodman
Elizabeth and Gary Gunter
Todla Hobson
Hohmann, Brophy & Shelton, PLLC
Jackson Walker L.L.P.
Tara James and Bass Phillips
James R. Dougherty, Jr. Foundation
The Knox Family
Kathy and John Labinski
Laura and Kevin Larson
Jane and Jack Louis
Nikki and Keith Maples
Billy and Maureen Martin
Diane and Jim McBride
Michelle and Dan Michel
Jackie and William Milstead
Mimi and Tom Mooney
Jeanice and Pat Mullen
NARI Austin
Kim and Hal Nuckols
Amy and Richard Paddock
Raptor Resources, Inc
Riders at Ride Indoor Cycling
Elizabeth Riley
Maxine Roberts
Teresa and Brian Robertson
Kathryn and Beau Ross
Carolyn and Charley Scarborough
Sue and Bobby Schmidt
Laurel and Hal Schroeder
Rachel and John Schuler
Bonnie Sells
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Teri and JD Smart
Stars in Your Eyes Optometry
Sweet Home & Gifts, LLC
Texas Fertility Center
Texas Stars Foundation
Ann and Ross Thompson
Monique Threadgill and James Starr
Leslie and Tim Timmerman
Pamela and Larry Tokaz
The Vollman Family Foundation
Warren Skaaren Charitable Trust
Whitney and Will Withers
$500 to $999.99
The Alper Family
Gil Amoroso
Anonymous (2)
Arise Healthcare
AT&T Employee Giving Campaign
AW Media Inc.
Margy and Bob Ayres
Meredith and Jim Bagan
Lori Szucs Baker
Baker Street Holdings LLC
Dinah and Barry Barksdale
Randy Barr
Joe Basham
Big Red Dog Engineering | Consulting
Big Weekend Calendars
Jean Bissell
Kathryn and Scott Blois
Lindsey and Will Boyd
Liz and Allan Brandt
Breed & Co.
Gretchen and Charles Brice
Desiree and Scott Brutocao
Patricia and Ross Buchholtz
Leslie and Ricardo Cidale
Mary Emma and Conor Civins
Julie Clark
Susan and Dave Claunch
Leah and Fritz Cox
Rick Cronk
Jessica and John Dapper
David Davison
Jenni and Matthew Dawson
Mariela and Eric Dawson
Jim Dechman
Michael Dellinger
David and Andrea Depwe
Jen and Andrew Dummar
Kathy and Jim Erben
Jimmy Evans
First Giving
Janet and David Freidberg
Rhonda and Jonathan Fruendt
Kelly and John Gasink
Joann Getchell
Mary and Tim Gilmore
Bill Glenn
Keith Halbert
Tom Harkness
Katherine and Chris Harris
Thomas Henderson
Margaret Hobson
Phebe and Charlie Hoene
Joan and Paul Hudson
IBM Employee Giving
Ashley and Kent Ibsen
Tricia and Lindey Jennings
John Kelly
Heather King
Betsy and Chris Kirksey
KPMG Community Giving Campaign
Eric Kristynik
L.F. Manufacturing, Inc.
Labor Finders - Cedar Park, TX
Labor Finders International, Inc.
David Lastrapes
Michelle Lee and John Wallingford
Michael Leins
Becky Liljenwall
Georgia and Charles Livingston
John Long
Eli Lucio
Sue and Mike Maine
Dawn Mallory and Chris Harkrider
Mary Martin
Ralph Mason
Heather and Jon McElhaney
Suzanne McFayden-Smith
Christine and Declan McManus
Sally and Mike Metschan
Stephen Mielke
Phyllis and Mark Milstead
William Milstead
Elizabeth Montoya
Emily Moreland
Kay and Eric Moreland
Randy Murphy
Alysa and David Muto
Janna and Jack Nash
Keni and John Neff
Heather and Jack Nelson
Nelson Puett Foundation
NFL Alumni - Austin Chapter
James Oliver
Samantha Ostertag and Johnny
The Parham Family
Kathryn Parker
Nate Paul
Matthew Payne
Roy Perry
Farya and Paul Phillips
Jan and Gary Pickle
Pioneer Bank
Don Porr and Paul Cohen
Public Agenda
Christina and David Putnam
Quabbin Capital, Inc.
Sarah and Thomas Queen
Radiant Plumbing & Air Conditioning
Aravind Ramakrishnan
Suzy and Jack Ranney
Kimberly and Dan Renner
DK and Mike Reynolds
Mary Ann and Wayne Roberts
Rogers, Morris & Grover, LLP
Mark Rook
Andy Sanford
Gretchen and Daniel Scardino
Karin and Jeff Schneider
Emily and Rick Seiders
Ty Sheehan
Sarah and Jon Simon
Lanette and Wallace Smith
Debbie and Jim Smolik
Suzanne Soares and Craig Luthy
Tutu Somerville and Jim Uyeki
Patrick Spain
Dawn Sprague
Jennifer and Rusty Stein
Stratus Properties Operating Company
Stephen Sweet
Dina Tebcherany and Jimmy Nassour
Texas Capital Bank
The Boutique Real Estate, LLC
Amy and Robert Thomas
Ann and Ross Thompson
Emory Thompson
Mary and Scott Thompson
William Thompson
Michelle and Paul Tobias
Philip Tom
Stephanie and Michael Trotter
Twin Liquors
URS Corporation
Cathy and Bill Wallace
Ali and Willie Watson
David Walton
Kevin Weiss
Mike Whittington
Debbie and Fred Wilder
John Willingham
Colette and Luke Wood
Lori Wright and Chris Walton
Ling Yang and David Hernandez
Brad Young
$250 to $499.99
Sandra Adcock
Bettye and Joseph Albanese
Diane and Joe Allbaugh
Erik Anderson
Jan and David Anderson
Anonymous (5)
Lisa and Patrick Bagan
Rachel and Daniel Barnes
Durham Barnes
Don Barr
Michelle and Steve Bartholomew
John Barzizza
David Baucum
Benold Middle School PTA
Michelle and Matt Berry
Michelle Bolton
Paula and Chad Bookidis
James Borders
Kevin Broe
Sandra and Kevin Brown
Gigi and Sam Bryant
Judith and William Bryant
Molly and Brandon Brydson
Shelly and John Bundy
Keith Burns
Chrissy Butler
Brad Bynum
Camco Building IV, LLC
Jill and Ken Carr
Elizabeth Christian
Marjorie Clifton
Warren L. Collins
Community TechKnowledge
Jim Cone
David Cottrell
Mike Cottrell
Sharon Couturiaux
Claiborne Cowan
Allen Cowden
Crawford Electric Supply Co.
Carol and Tim Crowley
Cub Scouts Pack 169 Austin
Carlos Cuellar
Nina and Don Daniel
Laura and Christopher Davison
Julie and Brian Dees
Dell Your Cause, LLC
Robert Donnelly
Annie and Ward Downing
Jay Doyle
Katie and Dirk Dozier
Jon Duczak
Kakky and Jim Dyer
Jim Easterling
Eric Elder
Tom Etheredge
Denise Eyes
Lilla and Tom Ezell
Cassandra and Jeff Farrington
Benjamin Feldt
Grant Fowler
Joe Garcia
Leslie Giordani
Bryan Glatt
Anita Glickert
Chandelle Goertz
David Gold
James Goodrich
Sandy Gottesman
Beth Granger
Diana E. and Mark Greco
Rory and Shawn Griffin
Martha Grygar
Juan Guerrero
Corbett Guest
Susan and Brent Hardaway
Peter C. Harmonson
John Hartwell
John Hathaway
John Hill
Larry Hill
Susan and Kris Hochderffer
Linda Hodges
Brandie and Mark Holmes
Joseph Hoover
Sharon and Jim Hornfischer
Tiffany and Eric Hornsten
Tim Horny
Noemi and Ali Houshmand
Kathryn Hoyt
HTH Capital, LTD
HTK Development Company LLC
Martha and W.R. Hudson
Matt Hummell
Ann and Bob Huthnance
Kristen and David Jaros
Ann and Brad Jerome
Krystin and Chris Johnson
DH Johnston
B.J. Jones
Journey Youth Choir
Mark Kalish
Kampfe/De Stijl, Inc.
Daniel Kapic
Randall Kempner
Nancy Klasson
Laeta Kalogridis
Ken Landry
Jill Leberknight
William Lee
Susan Lowry
Blake Magee
Michele and Robert Martin
Stephanie and Michael McCollum
Dixie and Kerry McGrath
John McKinnerney
Sara and David Milam
Hayden and Drew Miller
Bonnie Mills
Carmen Moazami
Rod Moazami
Doris and Jim Mohler
Momentum Capital Funding
Sherry and David Morgan
Kristi Morgan Weitz
Amber and Jeff Mosler
Page and James Motes
Lisa Naeve and David Bell
Scott Napier
Anna and Jason Near
Network for Good
Jacquelyn Noack
Gina O’Hara
Kerianne Oliver
Emory Osgood
Carol Ann and Robert Paddock
Kathryn Parker
Jan and Raymond Patschke
Sharon and Dennis Pauling
Richard Peacock
Debbie Ragan
Ratliff Reeder
Reilly Realtors, LLC
David Richardson
Christy and Matthew Robinson
Rollie Roessner
Betty and John Rogers
Shannan and Chris Rolfsen
William Rose
Victoria and Austin Rosenthal
Melissa and Colin Rowan
Blake Rue
Edward Scott
Tim Skelly
Denise and Mark Smith
Ora Smith
Jeremy Smitheal
Steven Spears
Mary Stephens
Texas Association of School Boards
Thompson & Horton LLP
Caroline and John Trube
LaWann and Frank Tull
Venkel, LTD
Shelley and Steve Vidal
Christy and Mike Vik
They try to be so strong during a storm, but kids
need outside professional help to stay that way.
—Matt Roe
Wonders & Worries helped make
the journey less stressful for our entire
—Alicia Woehl
Tricia Voges
Diane Voth
Walsh, Anderson, Gallegos, Green &
Trevino, P.C.
AJ Watson
Wells Fargo Community Support
Judith Werner
Melba and Ted Whatley
Lauren Whelan
Tracy Zavelson
Ashley and Marc Zimmermann
$100 to $249.99
Nancy and Jerry Achilles
Carmen Adams Schulz
Julia Adams and Patrick Monaghan
Rebecca Adkins
Jenny and Brandon Aghamalian
Romey Alexander
Don Allison
Paige and Kip Amstutz
Daniel Andrews
Kay Andrews
Anonymous (10)
Tom Ausley
Austin Chamber of Commerce
Michael Baccus
Jane and David Backus
Heather and Ray Bacon
Marta and Stephen Bacon
Eileen Bagan
Catherine and Charles Bailey
Dave Bair
The Baldwin Family
Ian Ball
Molly and Cliff Bandy
Jason Barany
Katie and David Bartley
Andrea and Patrick Basinski
Susie and Steve Baskin
Tanishia Beacham
Tamra Beasley
Gary Beberman
Eileen and Randy Beck
The Belknaps
Christopher Bell
Carol and Tom Bentley
Judy and Mickey Bentley
Paul Bice
Brenda and John Bisbee
Stephanie and James Blado
Gwen and Duane Blakeslee
Bill Blood
Josi and Randy Bogdon
Mary C. Bohls
Roger Bott
Rex Bowers
Taylor and Bill Bowles
Duke Boyd
Stacy and Jeff Boyd
Jan and Mike Boyle
Scott Brandt
Susan and Bill Brandt
Linda Brase
David Bremer
Liza and Johannes Brinkmann
Nick Brizendine
Stuart Brooks
Angela Broussard and Bruno Lepore
Lloyd Brown
Britt and Bob Buchanan
Pat and Burgess Buchanan
Tyler Buchanan
Bonnie Buchholtz
Shellyand Edward Buono
Tracy and Ken Burger
Cadena Cousins and Auntie
Melody Caldwell
Scott Campbell
Olga Campos and Kevin Benz
Rebecca Canavan
Capital Lodge #23 IOOF
Richard Caplinger
Gini Carey
Marci and Jason Carlyon
Marquita and Charles Carmouche
Jan and Owen Carpenter, Jr.
Kim and Scott Carr
Jim Carson
Bob Carter
Emily and Milton Castleman
Marsha and Tom Caven
Cedar Ridge High School Office and
Counseling Staff
Peter Cesaro
Victoria Chamberlain
Rick Chambers
Tom Chapman
Kristen and Chris Chase
David Chasis
Jeannette Chibib
Scott Christman
Dave Chudnov
Charles Cirar
JC Clark
Joan and Steve Clark
Shana Clark
Tony Clark
Cary Clay
Karen Clements
Michael, Tisha, Connor, Cameron and
Elaine and Wade Clifton
Debbie Coblentz
Carol and Hume Cofer
James Coffman
Ray Col
Stephen Collier
Kim Collins
Rich Conway
Darrell Cooper
Kristen Cooper
Linda Copenhaver
Peggy Corbett
Donna Couch
Cowboy Trading Co.
Jane Cox
Jenny Cox
Laura and Tommy Craddick
James Craig
John Craven
Duane Cripe
Mac and William Cromwell
Chris Crowley
Pam and James Crowther
Mary and Byron Darby
Bryan Davis
Ian Davis
Marlene and Dwight Davis, Rachelle
and BrianDavis and The Kozma
Sue Dawson
Linda Dee
Philip Deming
Dan Denbow
Auburn Dennis
James Dering
James Dewitt
Donald Dively
Rikki and Dennis Diwan
The Doctors Management Company
Dennis Dovey
Emmy Lou Dow
Susan Doyle
Kathryn Drew
Jody Driskell
Linda and Buddy Dryden
DT Plumbing Company, LLC
Susan and Scott Dunaway
McAlan Duncan
Dena and Scott Dupuie
Jean Durkee
Allison and Kelly Dwyer
Nell Edgington
Craig Edwards
Julia Edwards
Michael Eggleton
Eichelbaum Wardell Hansen Powell &
Mehl, P.C.
Patrick Elder
Debbie Elliott
ERS Investments
Escamilla & Poneck, LLP
Robert Evans
Noble Feldman
First United Methodist Church,
Downtowners SS Class
Johnny Fisher
Jim Floyd
Melinda and Robert Floyd
Sharon and Robert Floyd
Patrick Flynn
Maureen and Bill Franz
Don Frey
Curt Friedland
Kim and Trent Fryar
Linda and Fred Fryer
Carrie Galatas
Tammi Galloway-Serna
Alice Garcia
Keith Garrison
Veronica Garza
Linda Gerber
Mike Gershon
Brian Ghodsian
Robyn Gilson
Rodney Gilson
Catherine and Jim Gleitman
Jack Golden
Cory Goligoski
Shelby and Tom Goodrum
Linda Goss
Kristin and Christopher Gossett
Kelly and Pat Goulding
Lisa Graham
Stan Graham
Jennah and Roy Granger
Louis Granger
Annie and Ryan Gravelle
Kathy and Ted Gray
Elizabeth and Brian Grayson
Diane and William Green
Alex Gregg
Kay and Bob Gregory
Jill and Andrew Grimes
Tosca Gruber
Ilene and Bill Grygar
Julie Guthrie
Brian Haegelin
Paul Hains
Janet Hall
Melinda and Tim Hallmark
Lauren and Seth Halpern
Barbara and Hal Hampton
Eric Hansen
Robyn and Rob Hargrove
Taylor and Thomas Harper
Michael Harrell
Amy and Steve Harren
David Harris
John Harris
Kathy Harris
Steve Harvanek
Colin Harvey
Brad Hawley
Michael Hayes
Ray Head
Patsy and Jerry Heare
Anne Hebert and Garland Turner
Shelton Hebert
Sonny Hebert
Charles Heimsath
Carolyn and Raymond Henderson
BJ Hendler
David Henley
Jim Hennigan
Emilie Henry
Phil Hensley
Robert Hersch
Missi and Henry Hicks
Rick Hidell
Fred Higgins
Brian Hill
Dana and Doug Hillary
Brenda Hindsman
Donna Hinkelman
Ross Hinton
Duane Hirsch
Laura and Rob Hirschfeld
Stacy Hock
Jon Hockenyos
Colin Hodges
Brandi and Chris Horne
Hugh Horne
Chris Hornsby
David Horton
John Horton
Matt Horton
Laura Householder
Jessica Howard
HP Your Cause, LLC
Alan Hudson
Stuart Hudson
Ruth Hughs
Missy and Grant Huling
Justin Huling
Robbi Hull
Stephan Humphrey
Monte Hunter
Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Mary Hurst
Betsy Triplett-Hurt and Buzz Hurt
Tim Jamail
Linda and Nick James
Julie Jary
Polly and Jeff Jenkins
Lisa Jensen
John Jett
Rich Jochetz
Joe’s Group at Emerson
Brooke Johnson
Ed Jones
Katherine and Patton Jones
Lynn and Jared Jordan
Richard Jordan
Mari Josey
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Dana and Roy Kasling
Danielle Kasling and Jon Kemp
Karla Keith
Jim Kendra
Annie and Scott Kerr
Nicole Kessler
David Kettig
Linda Khanoyan
Robert Killeen
John King
Gayle and Alastair Kirkpatrick
Brigid and Klee Kleber
Elizabeth Knight
Karen Knight
Meredith and James Knight
Dorothy Kolts
Kim Kozmetsky
Carolyn Krawczyk
Jennifer Krueger
Kuba Sisters Angel Account
Kathy and Stan Kubelka
Kuchar Family
Steve Laas
Pauline and Royce Lacey
Vic Lacy
Stanley Laing
Kelley and Jay Lamy
Mark Lander
John Lang
Cindy and Richard Lanning
Mitzi Laramy
Cary Laudadio
Renata Lauden and Jack Collins
Jean and John Lawrence
Laura and David Leach
Michael Leary
Lucy Leatherwood
Nick Lee
Vince Leggett
Adam Leiber
Larry Levi
Georgia Levin
Christy and Mike Levy
Kerry Lewis
Susan Linda
Linsarric Properties
Blake Locklin
Laurie Logue
Kris Looney
Ronald Lubonski
Barb Lucido
Dan Lundquist
Lori Magruder
Kelly and Basil Mahmoud
Colleen Mahony
Stacey Malcolmson
Susan and Doug Mangum
John Manning
Lindsay and Michael Maresh
Christopher Martin
Don Martin
Margi Martin
The Martter Family
Corky Matney
Carol and Steve Mattingly
Debbie Matustik
David Mauzy
Carolyn and Bran McAllister
Monica McDaid
Erica McDonald
Robert McDonald
Brett McDowell
Mary and John McGovern
Leticia McGowan
Melinda and James McMichael
Susan and Ben McPhail
Jana McSwain
Your family will be immediately surrounded by a team
of loving, compassionate, caring people – people who are
incredibly qualified to help your children not only cope, but
benefit from your illness.
—The Henry Family
Ellen McVicker and Nanci Hersh
Clarissa and Dennis McWilliams
Britt Medford
Lee and Randy Meeks
Susan Meller
Mark Merriman
Shelly and Brent Metschan
Tava and Alan Michalik
Patsy Middleton
J C Miller
John Miller
Mark Miller
Lonnie and Joe Milner
Christine Mitchell
Ty Mitchell
Doug Mock
Christi Mondrik
Richard Montgomery
Keith Moore
Paola Moore
The Wally Moore Family
Moore-Tate Projects and Design, LLC
Ben Moreland
Cathy Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Donald Munford
Maryjane Nabors
Charlotte Nacozy
Nannies from the Heart
Randell Nations
Fermin Navar
Maredia Nazmuddin
Nicole Neeley
Claudia Neeley-Plog
Kristen Nelson
Paul Nelson
Amie and Benjamin Nemec
Kathleen and Frank Niendorff
James Nolen
Debby and Steve Oatman
Leslie and Mark Odom
Ashley and Ryan Ohls
Todd Oliver
Eddie Olivier
Diana Olmstead
Saundra and Alan Orebaugh
Kristy and Dave O’Rourke
Daniel Oshman
Kelly and George Ostendorf
John Ott
Kendall Pace
Melinda and Jay Painter
Valerie and James Parker
Rachael and Rich Parsons
Jay Patel
John Patton
Rick Payne
Helen and Howard Payton
Dan Pedroza
Rick Peebles
Jana and Rick Perkal
Rachel Petrichenko and Robby Morrill
Anne and Larry Phillips
Joy Phillips
Rebecca Phillips
Analisa Piazza
Gary Pickett
Margie and P.J. Pickford
Jay Pierson
Cyndy and Paul Playfair
Larry Pounds
Chirs Price
Joel Price
Lane Prickett
Tim Prickette
Jerry Pritchard
Anthony Proctor
Mark Provenzano
Dean Purvis
Jay Pyeatt
Jason Qunell
Bob Radebaugh
Angie Ramos
Amy Rathbun
Kurt Rechner
Richard Redfern
Jeff Reece
Bryan Reed
Carol Reese
Reunion Ranch
Eric Richard
Rance Richter
Jorie and Tim Riesen
Beth and Barry Rinke
Michael Ripp
Vickie Roan
Donna Robertson
Scott Robinson
Debbie and Leonard Rodell
Lisa and Russell Roe
Lisa and Rob Roth
Mustasim Rumi
David Rust
Jill Sack
Eddie Safady
Scott Sams
Megan Sandler
Bud Sartain
William Schlotter
Mark Schmal
Donna and Fred Schmidt
Robert Schroeder
Tami and Mike Schroeder
Mark Schultz
Schwab Charitable Fund
Ben Schwank
Leigh Sebastian and Eddie Kaye
Robert Sechler
John Segrest
Pat Seiders
Kathleen and Ryan Seiders
Gloria Seidlin-Bernstein and Mark
Margaret and Charlie Semple
Diane Senterfitt and Geoffrey Weisbart
Carol and Phillip Shaffer
Andrew Shagory
Torre Shanks
Carrie and Jim Shapiro
Julie and Stuart Shaw
Susan and Patrick Sheehan
Laura Sherman
Jessica and Robert Shipman
Marlee Sikes
Lillian and Alvin Sikorski
Joan and Bill Simmons
Veronica Simpson
John Sinclair
Wesley Sinor
Cathleen Slack
Brannon and Lathrop Smith
Debra and Tom Smith
Duffy and Dick Smith
Jean Smith
Jerry Smith
Kathy and Robert Smith
Craig Snow
Harriet and Darrell Sollberger
Angela Soraya
Marcena and James Sorrels
Laura and Fred Southard
Tracy and Eugene Sowada
Kyle Spencer
Malcolm St. Romain
Brent Stahl
Jessica Staley
Jori and Ronnie Steck
Patricia Steinwedell
Allison and John Stenson
J. Stevens
Derek Stokes
Sandy Stokes
Alyson and Paul Stone
Fred Stormer
Stephanie and Steve Strain
Michelle and Robert Strauss
Steve Streetman
Christi Strmiska
Scott Struby
Carla and Jeff Sublett
Zachary Summers
Gabriel Sutton
Kathleen Sutton
Molly Sweeney
George Sykes
Bill Taylor
Mark Tedder
Kelly and Steve Theesfeld
Andy Thomas
John Thomason
Brian Thorp
John Tongate
Oscar Torres
Jamie and Paul Trahan
Wimberly and Mike Tribble
Brian Tuerff
John Turcotte
Tom Turner
Peggy Ugent
Scott Urban
John Vail
Elizabeth and Kurt Vandermeulen
The Vane Family
Margaret and Tom Virr
Wag a Bag
George Walker
Shawn and Robert Wall
Bill Walters
Warren Walters
Peter Walton
David Wardlaw
Allan Warren
Kris Warren
Rene and Robert Washburn
Coleman Washington
Shirlee and Brad Wasson
Greg Weaver
Wesley Weaver
Carol and Chip Webb
Lauren Webster and Adam Beyda
Diane and John Wedig
Emily Wehring
Jackie Wendt
Eric White
Jeanne White
Ray Whitehead
Pamela and Rick Whitley
Michael Whorton
Alice and William Wiley
Deb Wiley
Kathy and Tim Wilhelm
Randy Wilhelm
Megan Wilke
Patrick Wilkins
Cynthia Williams
David Williams
Donna Williams
Jill and Bill Williams
Linda and Mark Williams
Liza Willmore
Chad Wilson
William Winchell
Brenda Winkler
David Winkler
Wortham Insurance & Risk
Kirk Worthington
Dana Wright
Page and Joe Young
Angela and Omar Zia
Deena and AJ Zimmerhanzel
Michele and Darrell Zurovec
Up to $100
Nancy and Jerry Achilles
Carmen Adams Schulz
Julia Adams and Patrick Monaghan
Rebecca Adkins
Jenny and Brandon Aghamalian
Romey Alexander
Don Allison
Paige and Kip Amstutz
Daniel Andrews
Kay Andrews
Anonymous (10)
Tom Ausley
Austin Chamber of Commerce
Michael Baccus
Jane and David Backus
Heather and Ray Bacon
Marta and Stephen Bacon
Eileen Bagan
Catherine and Charles Bailey
Dave Bair
The Baldwin Family
Ian Ball
Molly and Cliff Bandy
Jason Barany
Katie and David Bartley
Andrea and Patrick Basinski
Susie and Steve Baskin
Tanishia Beacham
Tamra Beasley
Gary Beberman
Eileen and Randy Beck
The Belknaps
Christopher Bell
Carol and Tom Bentley
Judy and Mickey Bentley
Paul Bice
Brenda and John Bisbee
Stephanie and James Blado
Gwen and Duane Blakeslee
Bill Blood
Josi and Randy Bogdon
Mary C. Bohls
Roger Bott
Rex Bowers
Taylor and Bill Bowles
Duke Boyd
Stacy and Jeff Boyd
Jan and Mike Boyle
Scott Brandt
Susan and Bill Brandt
Linda Brase
David Bremer
Liza and Johannes Brinkmann
Nick Brizendine
Stuart Brooks
Angela Broussard and Bruno Lepore
Lloyd Brown
Britt and Bob Buchanan
Pat and Burgess Buchanan
Tyler Buchanan
Bonnie Buchholtz
Shellyand Edward Buono
Tracy and Ken Burger
Cadena Cousins and Auntie
Melody Caldwell
Scott Campbell
Olga Campos and Kevin Benz
Rebecca Canavan
Capital Lodge #23 IOOF
Richard Caplinger
Gini Carey
Marci and Jason Carlyon
Marquita and Charles Carmouche
Jan and Owen Carpenter, Jr.
Kim and Scott Carr
Jim Carson
Bob Carter
Emily and Milton Castleman
Marsha and Tom Caven
Cedar Ridge High School Office and
Counseling Staff
Peter Cesaro
Victoria Chamberlain
Rick Chambers
Tom Chapman
Kristen and Chris Chase
David Chasis
Jeannette Chibib
Scott Christman
Dave Chudnov
Charles Cirar
JC Clark
Joan and Steve Clark
Shana Clark
Tony Clark
Cary Clay
Karen Clements
Michael, Tisha, Connor, Cameron and
Elaine and Wade Clifton
Debbie Coblentz
Carol and Hume Cofer
James Coffman
Ray Cole
Stephen Collier
Kim Collins
Rich Conway
Darrell Cooper
Kristen Cooper
Linda Copenhaver
Peggy Corbett
Donna Couch
Cowboy Trading Co.
Jane Cox
Jenny Cox
Laura and Tommy Craddick
James Craig
John Craven
Duane Cripe
Mac and William Cromwell
Chris Crowley
Pam and James Crowther
Mary and Byron Darby
Bryan Davis
Ian Davis
There’s not a playbook for a parent getting sick and
people deal with it in different ways. The thing we were
concerned about more than anything was the kids.
—Chris Almendarez
Marlene and Dwight Davis, Rachelle
and BrianDavis and The Kozma
Sue Dawson
Linda Dee
Philip Deming
Dan Denbow
Auburn Dennis
James Dering
James Dewitt
Donald Dively
Rikki and Dennis Diwan
The Doctors Management Company
Dennis Dovey
Emmy Lou Dow
Susan Doyle
Kathryn Drew
Jody Driskell
Linda and Buddy Dryden
DT Plumbing Company, LLC
Susan and Scott Dunaway
McAlan Duncan
Dena and Scott Dupuie
Jean Durkee
Allison and Kelly Dwyer
Nell Edgington
Craig Edwards
Julia Edwards
Michael Eggleton
Eichelbaum Wardell Hansen Powell &
Mehl, P.C.
Patrick Elder
Debbie Elliott
ERS Investments
Escamilla & Poneck, LLP
Robert Evans
Noble Feldman
First United Methodist Church,
Downtowners SS Class
Johnny Fisher
Jim Floyd
Melinda and Robert Floyd
Sharon and Robert Floyd
Patrick Flynn
Maureen and Bill Franz
Don Frey
Curt Friedland
Kim and Trent Fryar
Linda and Fred Fryer
Carrie Galatas
Tammi Galloway-Serna
Alice Garcia
Keith Garrison
Veronica Garza
Linda Gerber
Mike Gershon
Brian Ghodsian
Robyn Gilson
Rodney Gilson
Catherine and Jim Gleitman
Jack Golden
Cory Goligoski
Shelby and Tom Goodrum
Linda Goss
Kristin and Christopher Gossett
Kelly and Pat Goulding
Lisa Graham
Stan Graham
Jennah and Roy Granger
Louis Granger
Annie and Ryan Gravelle
Kathy and Ted Gray
Elizabeth and Brian Grayson
Diane and William Green
Alex Gregg
Kay and Bob Gregory
Jill and Andrew Grimes
Tosca Gruber
Ilene and Bill Grygar
Julie Guthrie
Brian Haegelin
Paul Hains
Janet Hall
Melinda and Tim Hallmark
Lauren and Seth Halpern
Barbara and Hal Hampton
Eric Hansen
Robyn and Rob Hargrove
Taylor and Thomas Harper
Michael Harrell
Amy and Steve Harren
David Harris
John Harris
Kathy Harris
Steve Harvanek
Colin Harvey
Brad Hawley
Michael Hayes
Ray Head
Patsy and Jerry Heare
Anne Hebert and Garland Turner
Shelton Hebert
Sonny Hebert
Charles Heimsath
Carolyn and Raymond Henderson
BJ Hendler
David Henley
Jim Hennigan
Emilie Henry
Phil Hensley
Robert Hersch
Missi and Henry Hicks
Rick Hidell
Fred Higgins
Brian Hill
Dana and Doug Hillary
Brenda Hindsman
Donna Hinkelman
Ross Hinton
Duane Hirsch
Laura and Rob Hirschfeld
Stacy Hock
Jon Hockenyos
Colin Hodges
Brandi and Chris Horne
Hugh Horne
Chris Hornsby
David Horton
John Horton
Matt Horton
Laura Householder
Jessica Howard
HP Your Cause, LLC
Alan Hudson
Stuart Hudson
Ruth Hughs
Missy and Grant Huling
Justin Huling
Robbi Hull
Stephan Humphrey
Monte Hunter
Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Mary Hurst
Betsy Triplett-Hurt and Buzz Hurt
Tim Jamail
Linda and Nick James
Julie Jary
Polly and Jeff Jenkins
Lisa Jensen
John Jett
Rich Jochetz
Joe’s Group at Emerson
Brooke Johnson
Ed Jones
Katherine and Patton Jones
Lynn and Jared Jordan
Richard Jordan
Mari Josey
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Dana and Roy Kasling
Danielle Kasling and Jon Kemp
Karla Keith
Jim Kendra
Annie and Scott Kerr
Nicole Kessler
David Kettig
Linda Khanoyan
Robert Killeen
John King
Gayle and Alastair Kirkpatrick
Brigid and Klee Kleber
Elizabeth Knight
Karen Knight
Meredith and James Knight
Dorothy Kolts
Kim Kozmetsky
Carolyn Krawczyk
Jennifer Krueger
Kuba Sisters Angel Account
Kathy and Stan Kubelka
Kuchar Family
Steve Laas
Pauline and Royce Lacey
Vic Lacy
Stanley Laing
Kelley and Jay Lamy
Mark Lander
John Lang
Cindy and Richard Lanning
Mitzi Laramy
Cary Laudadio
Renata Lauden and Jack Collins
Jean and John Lawrence
Laura and David Leach
Michael Leary
Lucy Leatherwood
Nick Lee
Vince Leggett
Adam Leiber
Larry Levi
Georgia Levin
Christy and Mike Levy
Kerry Lewis
Susan Linda
Linsarric Properties
Blake Locklin
Laurie Logue
Kris Looney
Ronald Lubonski
Barb Lucido
Dan Lundquist
Lori Magruder
Kelly and Basil Mahmoud
Colleen Mahony
Stacey Malcolmson
Susan and Doug Mangum
John Manning
Lindsay and Michael Maresh
Christopher Martin
Don Martin
Margi Martin
The Martter Family
Corky Matney
Carol and Steve Mattingly
Debbie Matustik
David Mauzy
Carolyn and Bran McAllister
Monica McDaid
Erica McDonald
Robert McDonald
Brett McDowell
Mary and John McGovern
Leticia McGowan
Melinda and James McMichael
Susan and Ben McPhail
Jana McSwain
Ellen McVicker and Nanci Hersh
Clarissa and Dennis McWilliams
Britt Medford
Lee and Randy Meeks
Susan Meller
Mark Merriman
Shelly and Brent Metschan
Tava and Alan Michalik
Patsy Middleton
J C Miller
John Miller
Mark Miller
Lonnie and Joe Milner
Christine Mitchell
Ty Mitchell
Doug Mock
Christi Mondrik
Richard Montgomery
Keith Moore
Paola Moore
The Wally Moore Family
Moore-Tate Projects and Design, LLC
Ben Moreland
Cathy Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Donald Munford
Maryjane Nabors
Charlotte Nacozy
Nannies from the Heart
Randell Nations
Fermin Navar
Maredia Nazmuddin
Nicole Neeley
Claudia Neeley-Plog
Kristen Nelson
Paul Nelson
Amie and Benjamin Nemec
Kathleen and Frank Niendorff
James Nolen
Debby and Steve Oatman
Leslie and Mark Odom
Ashley and Ryan Ohls
Todd Oliver
Eddie Olivier
Diana Olmstead
Saundra and Alan Orebaugh
Kristy and Dave O’Rourke
Daniel Oshman
Kelly and George Ostendorf
John Ott
Kendall Pace
Melinda and Jay Painter
Valerie and James Parker
Rachael and Rich Parsons
Jay Patel
John Patton
Rick Payne
Helen and Howard Payton
Dan Pedroza
Rick Peebles
Jana and Rick Perkal
Rachel Petrichenko and Robby Morrill
Anne and Larry Phillips
Joy Phillips
Rebecca Phillips
Analisa Piazza
Gary Pickett
Margie and P.J. Pickford
Jay Pierson
Cyndy and Paul Playfair
Larry Pounds
Chirs Price
Joel Price
Lane Prickett
Tim Prickette
Jerry Pritchard
Anthony Proctor
Mark Provenzano
Dean Purvis
Jay Pyeatt
Jason Qunell
Bob Radebaugh
Angie Ramos
Amy Rathbun
Kurt Rechner
Richard Redfern
Jeff Reece
Bryan Reed
Carol Reese
Reunion Ranch
Eric Richard
Rance Richter
Jorie and Tim Riesen
Beth and Barry Rinke
Michael Ripp
Vickie Roan
Donna Robertson
Scott Robinson
Debbie and Leonard Rodell
Lisa and Russell Roe
Lisa and Rob Roth
Mustasim Rumi
David Rust
Jill Sack
Eddie Safady
Scott Sams
Megan Sandler
Bud Sartain
William Schlotter
Mark Schmal
Donna and Fred Schmidt
Robert Schroeder
Tami and Mike Schroeder
Mark Schultz
Schwab Charitable Fund
Ben Schwank
Leigh Sebastian and Eddie Kaye
Robert Sechler
John Segrest
Pat Seiders
Kathleen and Ryan Seiders
Gloria Seidlin-Bernstein and Mark
Margaret and Charlie Semple
Diane Senterfitt and Geoffrey Weisbart
Carol and Phillip Shaffer
Andrew Shagory
Torre Shanks
Carrie and Jim Shapiro
Julie and Stuart Shaw
Susan and Patrick Sheehan
Laura Sherman
Jessica and Robert Shipman
Marlee Sikes
Lillian and Alvin Sikorski
Joan and Bill Simmons
Veronica Simpson
John Sinclair
Wesley Sinor
Cathleen Slack
Brannon and Lathrop Smith
Debra and Tom Smith
Duffy and Dick Smith
Jean Smith
Jerry Smith
Kathy and Robert Smith
Craig Snow
Harriet and Darrell Sollberger
Angela Soraya
Marcena and James Sorrels
Laura and Fred Southard
Tracy and Eugene Sowada
Kyle Spencer
Malcolm St. Romain
Brent Stahl
Jessica Staley
Jori and Ronnie Steck
Patricia Steinwedell
Allison and John Stenson
J. Stevens
Derek Stokes
Sandy Stokes
Alyson and Paul Stone
Fred Stormer
Stephanie and Steve Strain
Michelle and Robert Strauss
Steve Streetman
Christi Strmiska
Scott Struby
Carla and Jeff Sublett
Zachary Summers
Gabriel Sutton
Kathleen Sutton
Molly Sweeney
George Sykes
Bill Taylor
Mark Tedder
Kelly and Steve Theesfeld
Andy Thomas
John Thomason
Brian Thorp
John Tongate
Oscar Torres
Jamie and Paul Trahan
Wimberly and Mike Tribble
Brian Tuerff
John Turcotte
Tom Turner
Peggy Ugent
Scott Urban
John Vail
Elizabeth and Kurt Vandermeulen
The Vane Family
Margaret and Tom Virr
Wag a Bag
George Walker
Shawn and Robert Wall
Bill Walters
Warren Walters
Peter Walton
David Wardlaw
Allan Warren
Kris Warren
Rene and Robert Washburn
Coleman Washington
Shirlee and Brad Wasson
Greg Weaver
Wesley Weaver
Carol and Chip Webb
Lauren Webster and Adam Beyda
Diane and John Wedig
Emily Wehring
Jackie Wendt
Eric White
Jeanne White
Ray Whitehead
Pamela and Rick Whitley
Michael Whorton
Alice and William Wiley
Deb Wiley
Kathy and Tim Wilhelm
Randy Wilhelm
Megan Wilke
Patrick Wilkins
Cynthia Williams
David Williams
Donna Williams
Jill and Bill Williams
Linda and Mark Williams
Liza Willmore
Chad Wilson
William Winchell
Brenda Winkler
David Winkler
Wortham Insurance & Risk
Kirk Worthington
Dana Wright
Page and Joe Young
Angela and Omar Zia
Deena and AJ Zimmerhanzel
Michele and Darrell Zurovec
Amy Dusatko
Allyson and David Harr
Renae Hurst
In Honor of Inez Cooper
Meredith and Duane Cooper
Named after the year we were
founded, the 2001 Society is a group
of donors committed to a minimum
monthly donation of $25 to Wonders &
Worries. Monthly donations allows for
sustainable funding which provides for
more accurate budget planning for the
Anonymous (2)
Michelle Bolton
Amy and Chris Carmouche
Julie and Brian Dees
Missi and Henry Hicks
Kathryn Hoyt
Linda and Nick James
Michelle Lee and John Wallingford
William Lee
Dixie and Kerry McGrath
Kathryn Parker
Teri and JD Smart
The Millennium Society was formed
as a sustainable, multi-year funding
commitment to support the general
operations of Wonders & Worries.
To become a part of the Millennium
Society, a donor must pledge to make
a minimum annual donation of $1,000
for three years.
Nicole and Rob Halder
Jane and Jack Louis
Melinda and Barry Twomey
Danielle and Rob Wills
An honor or memorial gift to Wonders &
Worries is a meaningful way to celebrate
someone special. An acknowledgment is
sent to the individual you wish to inform
of your gift.
In Honor of Meredith and Jim Bagan
Billy and Maureen Martin
In Honor of JJ Baskin
Susan and Steve Baskin
John Hartwell
In Honor of Lindsey Boyd
Michelle Bolton
In Honor of Shiann Horton
Matt Horton
In Honor of Sondra, Anna, Claire, and
Jay Murray
Laura and Ken Cho
In Honor of Laura Scanlan Cho
Nancy Scanlan
Lisa and Russell Roe
In Honor of Mark and Nancy Clifton
David Schmidt
In Honor of Meredith Cooper
Margi Martin
In Honor of the Mariela and Eric
Dawson Family
Barbara Matthys
In Honor of Rosemary and Russell
Melba and Ted Whatley
Lucy White
In Honor of the Doyle Family
Michelle and Paul Tobias
In Honor of Jack Ettinger’s 3rd
Barbara and Melvyn Levine
In Honor of Missy Hernandez
Cadena Cousins and Auntie
Lissa and Abel Rodriguez
In Honor of Kellie Reed M.D.
Colby Evans
In Honor of Brenda Stevens
Ellen McVicker and Nanci Hersh
In Honor of Brenda and Shelly Veselka
Elizabeth Riley
In Memory of Charles Bailey
Angie Ramos
In Memory of JJ Baskin
Anonymous (5)
Armstrong, Backus & Co., LLP
Austin Chamber of Commerce
Jane and David Backus
The Baldwin Family
Julie and Buddie Ballard
Andrea and Patrick Basinski
Irene and Bill Beck
The Belknaps
Betsy Bender
Jack Blake
Blanton Family
Susan and Bill Bohn
Brenda Branch
Desiree and Scott Brutocao
Natalie Butler
The Cahoon Family
It’s nice
being able to talk
to people your
age about your
wonders and
—Reese Bain,
In Honor of Stella Carlyon and Family
Mona and Martin Belcher
Carol Carlyon
Marci and Jason Carlyon
Tatjana and Richie Deegan
Joy and William Drake
We have been thrilled with all our
experiences with Wonders & Worries.
We are continuously uplifted and
inspired by the grace and courage of
the clients and staff of Wonders &
—Mariela Dawson
Jo Anne Christian
Diane Claiborne
Kristen and Todd Clark
Tricia Jowell Cobb
Co-workers of Joy Baskin at the Texas
Association of School Boards
Stacy Curtis
Victoria Dimock
Arlen Edgar
Nell Edgington
Julia Edwards
Eichelbaum Wardell Hansen Powell &
Mehl, P.C.
Escamilla & Poneck, LLP
Mark Fesit
First United Methodist Church,
Downtowners SS Class
Sharon and Robert Floyd
Carrie Galatas
Gaila and Ronnie Garcia
Kristin and Christopher Gossett
Chris and Bethany Harkrider, Dawn
and Drake Mallory
Anne Hebert and Garland Turner
Lysa and John Hoelscher
Jean and Donald Jones
Journey Youth Choir
Laeta Kalogridis
Randall Kempner
The Knox Family
L.F. Manufacturing, Inc.
Denise and Rick Lambert
Jerry Langdon
Cindy and Richard Lanning
Jill Leberknight
Colleen Mahony
The Martter Family Martter
Leticia McGowan
The McGuire Family
Cheryl and Donald Mehl
Midland Chamber of Commerce
Richard Montgomery
Rick Peebles
Anne and Larry Phillips
Jan and Gary Pickle
Don Porr and Paul Cohen
The Posey and Peinado Family Posey
Public Agenda
Quabbin Capital, Inc.
The Raper Family
Donna Robertson
Rogers, Morris & Grover, LLP
Margaret and Charlie Semple
Julie and Stuart Shaw
Duffy and Dick Smith
Ellen Spalding
Fred Stormer
Angela Tekell
Tevis Herd, Attorney at Law
Texas Association of School Boards
Texas Association of School Boards,
ESS Department
Thompson & Horton LLP
Betsy Triplett-Hurt and Buzz Hurt
Kim Unberhagen
The Vane Family
Cathy and William Wallace
Walsh, Anderson, Gallegos, Green &
Trevino, P.C.
Mel Waxler
Joan and Robert Whitt
Linda and Mark Williams
Kristin Zastoupil
Ms. Karen at Hope Children’s Center
Mary Ellen Petrie
Jan and Eugene S. Richards
Marilyn and Rob Smith
Jessica Staley
Patti Suitt
Susan and Feargal Toibin
Stella and Terry Wahl
Carol and Chip Webb
Jerrie White
Linda and Arthur Yee
In Memory of Lea Ann Dean
Stephen Mielke
In Memory of Michelle Bynum
LaWann and Frank Tull
Lois H. Wyatt
In Memory of Jill Elmore
Lisa and Kevin Freiner
Carol George
Marlyce and Leon George
Pamela Hutchison
Alexa and Billy Kurtz
Betty Mason
Mary Joan and Preston O. Whitson
In Memory of Gary Carey
Russell Douglass Investments
In Memory of Edmund Gassman
Kathy Gassman
In Memory of Laurel Clements
Anonymous (6)
Kelli and Brad Bruce
Noreen and Donald Caivano
Karen Clements
Michael, Tisha, Connor, Cameron and
Stellina Clements
Rich Conway
Ann Conway and Frank Burdick
Cub Scouts Pack 169 Austin
Teresa and Thomas Duch
ERS Investments
Ilene and Bill Grygar
Martha Grygar
The Hearnsberger Family
Mantak Ho
Hope Children’s Center
Laura Householder
Joe’s Group at Emerson
Kuba Sisters Angel Account
Katherine and Stanley Kubelka
Kuchar Family
Mary Immaculate School - Class of ‘89
Linda and Steve Massie
Erica McDonald
The McDonough Family
Kayle and Charles Milian
In Memory of Ted Getterman
The Duane Cooper Family
In Memory of Mary Lou Gwynn
William Ross
In Memory of Barbara Johanson
Linda and Fred Fryer
In Memory of Debbie Johnson
Jamie and Paul Trahan
In Memory of Caitlyn Kennedy
Kathleen and David Allen
In Memory of Richard Laramy
Patsy Middleton
In Memory of Tommy Leuellen
Mitzi Laramy
In Memory of Erik Liljenwall
Becky Liljenwall
In Memory of Ruth Mcllheran
Julia and Greg Wood
In Memory of Tristan McPhail
Brenda and John Bisbee
Susan and Ben McPhail
In Memory of Debi Meyer
Mary Martin
Mary and Robert Wright
In Memory of William “Sandy” Ross
Anonymous (2)
Kathleen and Chris Brittle
Diane and Peter Broberg Family
Carol and Hume Cofer
Emily Dow
Jean Durkee
Phebe and Charles Hoene
Dorothy Kolts
Renata Lauden and Jack Collins
Georgia and Charles Livingston
Carolyn and Branford McAllister
Mary Jo Miller
Doris and James Mohler
Amy Poterfield Myers and John Myers
Keni and John Neff
Helen and Howard Payton
Farya and Paul Phillips
Margie and P.J. Pickford
Gloria Seidlin-Bernstein and Mark
Shirlee and Brad Wasson
Lauren Webster and Adam Beyda
Deborah and Fred Wilder
In Memory of Carla Sanford-Elliott
Debbie Elliott
In Memory of David Murray
Meghan and Curt Jackson
Sarah Swords and Franklin Kalk
Douglas Wayne Teeter, Jr.
Ling Yang and David Hernandez
In Memory of Sean Saunders
William Lee
In Memory of Gene Parker
Anonymous (2)
Kim Bohls
Michael Crockett
Lyndsey Hoh
Lane Martinson
Kathryn Parker
Krupa Patel
Jessie Pearson
Deb Wiley
In Memory of Elizabeth Tilley Smith
Sue Gibson
The Yonge Family
In Memory of Ken Payne
Heather Anderson
Steve Brown
Brenda and Steve Chambers
Marlene and Dwight Davis, Rachelle
and Brian Davis and The Kozma
Rose Mary Delane
James Dering
Rebecca Detzel
Girl Scout Troop 131
Brandi and Gregory Gitcho
Elizabeth and Gary Gunter
Julie Guthrie
Vicki and Bob Lovett
Joni and Frost McKee
Angie Ramos
The Greg Ringer Family
Lou and Harvey Rokohl
Janice and Jerry Thompson
Susan Vandeloock
Hillary Waggoner
Alice and William Wiley
Cynthia and John Wilson
Lana and Danny Young
In Memory of Edward Smith
Meredith and Duane Cooper
In Memory of Nancy Stolz
Holly Smith and Family
In Memory of Maureen Thompson
The Thompson Family
In Memory of Verna Tullos
Linda Brase
In Memory of Cynthia Wade
Jenna Wade
In Memory of William L. Walton, Jr.
Peter Walton
In Memory of Douglass Williams
Meredith and Duane Cooper
In Memory of Kristin Young
Kristin and Bradley Young
Atlas Traps
Auction Source
Austin Cocktails
Austin Rowing Club
Austin Spurs
Ann Baird
Carol and Tom Bentley
Big Tex Trailer World - Georgetown
Big Weekend Calendars
BlackFinn Ameripub
Blanton Museum of Art
Laura Bohls
Botticelli’s South Congress
Brook Ann Broesche
Patricia and Ross Buchholtz
Capital Grille
Capitol Beverage Company
Capitol City Comedy Club
Capra & Cavelli
Castle Hill Fitness
Ceramics Bayou
Champions Westlake
Denise and Jerry Conway
Cook Learn Grow
Crafting Comfort
CYC Fitness
Dapper Sounds Entertainment LLC
Dave & Buster’s Restaurant
Deep Eddy Vodka
Diamond Feeders
Diane Stevens Skin Care
Rosemary and Russell Douglass
Far West Capital
FastFrame & The Westlake Gallery
Fitness Doctors
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Alex Gabbi
Girl Scout Troop 1586
Guero’s Taco Bar
Harway Appliances
Haway Appliances
Hill Elementary PTA
Cynthia and David Hoff
Noemi and Ali Houshmand
Hudson’s on the Bend
Hyatt Regency Austin
Ideal Productions
Jessie Rees Foundation
JW Marriott Austin
Keepers Clothing
Kendra Scott
Kiss N’ Makeup
Kittleman Photography
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Lake Austin Spa Resort
Donna Leatherman
Lexus of Austin
Lone Star Riverboat
Catherine Lutz
Magnolia Cafe
Mama Fu’s Asian House
Pamela and Gary Manley
McBride’s Guns
Miles of Smiles Photography
Sharon and Mike Miller
Natural Bridge Caverns
Olamaie Southern Food
P. Terry’s Burger Stand
Painting with a Twist
Phil’s Ice House
Pure Pilates Austin
Ranch 616
Denise and John Rassier
Reid’s Cleaners & Laundry
Ride Indoor Cycling
Debra and Rory Rinkevich
River Place Country Club
Roger Beasley Mazda
Round Rock Express
Savory Spice Shop
Skin Care Austin
SkinCare Austin
Debbie and Jim Smolik
Snap Kitchen
Steiner Ranch Elementary
Steve Armstrong Photography
Texas Paintball
Texas Rowing Center
The Longhorn Racing Academy
The Menagerie
The Oasis
The Steeping Room
Trattoria Lisina
Twin Liquors
Uchi and Uchiko
UT Austin Golf Club
Wanderlust Yoga
Jill and Bill Williams
Woods Cycle Country
YETI Coolers
Zach Theatre
We have tried to ensure that these
important contributions are reported
If you notice an error, please notify:
Rachel Petrichenko
Development Associate
Wonders & Worries
9101 Burnet Road, Suite 107
Austin, TX 78758
Phone: 512-329-5757
512-401-3336 (Spanish)
Fax: 512-329-5767
I don’t know where I would be today
if my family and I hadn’t had that support
early on.
—Kathryn Parker
In Memory of Bear Philley
Angela Philley
Wonders & Worries is 100% privately funded and relies on the support of individuals,
businesses, and foundations in the community to continue our mission. Every gift of any
amount makes a difference in the life of a child coping with their parent’s serious illness.
Allows a child receiving Wonders
& Worries support to create their
own personalized coping kit.
Purchases five bereavement
journals that will allow children
that have lost their parent to
write out their feelings.
Provides two parent
consultations to empower
parents to talk about their illness
with their child.
Educates professionals in the
community about the needs
of children with a seriously ill
parent through a specialized
Allows three groups of six to
ten children, with a parent that
has cancer, to tour a treatment
center and understand more
about their parent’s illness.
Provides one child with six
therapeutic support sessions
along with parent consultations,
using our copyrighted
Illness Education and Coping
Underwrites one family fun
event that gives our families a
respite from preoccupation with
their illness.
Provides one year of monthly
check-in group support,
averaging six to eight children
per month, to assist with the
unpredictable nature of illness.
9101 Burnet Road, Suite 107
Austin, Texas 78758
tel 512.329.5757
Spanish tel 512.401.3336
fax 512.329.5767