Untitled - Niles Public Library District
Untitled - Niles Public Library District
SANTEE: Policy will cost District coach hired beforr 1992. Therefore il would macps bath Ronemary Covnrvccr FROM poor I Suelan whe wan bisad by the Park Dinlaici in 1994 sad laine lt dans Ont apply to employees qnaliftaatioas. I dua't shink we hava many twa-tinta Olympians Jasa floating aroond, secan time World tram members, n World Silver medalist. I can go na and an, but, beanusa I happea ta hava Iba last aulne Santea I'm not allowrd ta bu an staff, t juns tiriek that is nafair." The Push Ridge Ranrastina and Park District hes n nepotism policy that forbids sha hiring of nay individnal related ta a car- rent rmplayae. Tite palicy in danigard ta "elimirale any North Maine Fire Protection District honors two firefighters Thu North Muiao Fira Protection District Tranters rnaognieed two individuals as their Dintrict Board Meeting on Wednesday D000tabar 14, 2005. The Award and Decoration camas fram tisa Mntual Aid Bax Alarm Syntam (MASAS) and Illinois Fiar Chiefs Association (IFCA). This Hosannilarine Award wan bestowed upar Firoflghtrr/ Paramedic Lance Pirnftghtcr Len lohasoa for their service to the Hurrioaeo ICatriac - LacisiaOa N rosas and Response and Relief Effort from potranial coaflics regarding rela- tivas masking together mithin the same departarert, us the same loontian nr within the scopa of u full-time staff mawChief Award himself. hoe's aulirority, it shall be pro. Dobrowaki while vat traveling ta hibitad for relatives, either ca a Loaisiacuosasa5rd i a superoisiag their uctivitire and providing part-rima or full-tinta basis to logistics from a Cemmand work tagerhar under the fallow Richard Dobrowski who also Regioaal ing anodisions, employer's rein Emergency Dispatch Center in livra may he hitad for rwploy Nosthbeoak, IL. Firefighters meat in albar amos, Iacatiotss a Johnson und Neuses wero away andar the acope of another full from their families far the whale rimo staff member's authority was racognierd by receiving an duration of al tisses pansa. Septotnber 5, 2005 ta Ootobor 14, 2005. Oath men wore proseated their Award and Orcoertion by Pite Chief C antera t she , Morton Grove names '06 Appointments bility." provided it dors not fall within Ihr employee's line nf responsi T/re Marten Grove Hi/age Beard rrlade varies-n village adrniniatralive and ccrortrinar'atr appoitrlwetrlefrt' rite rrewyear-aI I/le IonI riilnge bauudmeeong. T/re appnirtttnente are effective Jarr. 1.2006 thmrrgir Ocio 31, 21106. The following wnae vs'gugm adminitlmlive and Neil Santra, pnrrnss nf appuintrnaetsn David and Jimmie Santon but ir would nel excladr Jimmir I.) Village admininlralar.Josrph F. Wade 2.) Adjudication afficrn.Elieabelh M. Rechfond 6lire the pesa nf Skating Direuser Inh vacans when David mayad in Iba Nues Park Dintrint's Iceland Arana Innerve as its dinrasar. The Park Districl hadan cammeal an llar appannaI avialiag cenSual in Ihn aepelism pelicy. David said nl Ihn basad marling. Ibas in cartaie sitnasians the napelism policy skanld br ignared. "I can nndarulsnd the nopa. 1mm pelicy, averynne bancs the policy, bot I Ihink ir certain ailualions when nomeenn in sa atrarly qualified 5e be nf valor..." hr said. "You go away and al a cerIum peint I just would like Io know the done mould br apra ta someone who qualified, nos because my nomo happens te br SuaIre." Several individuals in Ihn crowd agnerd with David, sayin ing Ihat Iba Oakloa Skating Progruw Ilnaninhad because of the high quality ofita coaches. "One nf Ihr ecasant why the 3.) Building eamminsienar-Ed Hildebrandt 4.) Cammanily and rennemic dnvrinpmrnl dimosor--William Nenandoef 3.) Cospamtion CeanselTemsa Ftcffrrtan Lislun 6.1 ESDA conrdinarerCmig Rusas Th foilawing ncr oppuinrrneels fer village commis- l.)Adviscby000tnlimi0000agingJeflPeurgewnane-Chair Appraranue aummisniunDeannu Dalla-Chair Cable and relecummunicufionn commission--Don Sneidrr.Chnieprmnan - Chair 5.)Baard of SmoaeyrakiChair, Joseph O'SheaVice Chair 6.) Firs und Palier CommianianMiabsel Simkins- 12.) Village prasecularNasa Bmenrr/Fmok 9.) Traffic Safaty Consnsissian'--C. Narmun Ruckel- Tannons Chair Chaig fanny Slnybel-.--Vica Chair 7.)Nutural Rennarons CemmiasionDouglrs OlsinetunuChuin S) Pino CommissionRounia FarkasChair - - Glickmao grew sip skating al the Shokie Ice Rink aud is luck- GLICKMAN: ins forward In resuming to be Last day is Friday, Jan. 6 Bat it's oar anly the admiaisIratiun cf the recent changan Ibas concerns LaVerde. Niles Puck District Dierciar "My primary c000em is that Ihr prugrams are administered Jon LoVorda said thaI he in dinappointed thul Gliukmrn in leav- proprely," he said. Glichman's lust offreini day an ing. but winhas him She best. the (eh in Junuory 6. He wan rrcer'virg u salary nf oppmnui- with fnirnds. Cnvnrvcon rhuM mor i "We' re always dirappoirled when quality propIa bava." Ghickman insists. LaVarde asid. "Bal hr has she "I know Ihr aiming ucuid mine sema ayebrowa," he said. "The fact is, the only musar I'm leav- right sa parson hi leurrer." LoVerde ugrmrd that Ihr liming etutely $80,000 u yrur and snering as bolb the Hockey Dimaclor and Iceland Manager. Upon Glickman'neeuiguatiun, ing is because the Job (in Ohokie] opened ap about tuvo weeku ago hava ta grt sororbedy io there," he said. "II nends a wan- LoVrrdr said that heiwiurdiately begun plrcingndvrrlisements for Ihr positioo. BuI there's no relation, Ti tune curra na ensoirriioru cru ihn itauc, b coalise ii rcouid require u chattgo in policy. "Tirio in not necaasrrer'iy oir ike Production Manager Neil Schierntedt I Account Exncutiee Jeunine N. Mielenki Staff Writer 113-921-0 111 Juif' Borgardl Tracy Voahida Gruen Production Department» Frank Monhiel Any of the fòllowing services Reception Full Service Oil-Filter-Lube Gloria Capolo riS Transmission Service (reg. $54.99) Differential Service (reg. $24.99) Coolant Flash Service (reg. $54.99) Transmission Flush (reg. 79.99) asp as-t sta est, a NILES n. 054e arr. 's arasa st r4an s.54.stag.s na. s sus, IL suera (847) 827-0500 T.useon' (8475 rOtOsa aural: rs.: leali saa.sn sahnntssPara na n www.bssgi54r.w.pipnrn.asorn Des Plaines li4cLaostscct 296.7059 L847 uganda bright," said Maloney. "irr ardor to allow Ducid In do ALLl3OlTE Wi/U0'l ibciiiisncructiring wr cnn loch ci ptcbrrbly riot mitighi. We would irsvn to wahr a policy Cali lut n FREE enliwnln chungo. lt in nnreellrirrg uve can take a luck ab." SPkrÑr-G»EEN. Chicago (773) 631-9691 Thry did not, howevee, institute a profrunineol fer for those shuting innteuelorR sceelbiag Ihr nah's manuger Jiwmin Suutre urd several figoer skating inssrucbems and parents huye resolutnly oppuned ut pravinus huard mccall mss standing room only in Iba bourd mow. Pork Bound Prenideat Marty Maloney informed Ihn crurvd that Ihr board wan not going ta consider professional fees thai "I hoes- many nf yau ner in Ihr room tonight brcause you 1kmh tyr ore imposing pro leen," Mainury said. "1 know Riles hrn done that. I bart you lo krorv we 'are cot iboporing u pro fer. The Beard han discuunrd it, but we arr nob doing il. This dann nab imprul run coaches." Thn aew policy will certify poopla fars full yeoman ri cast $2/I, u fee that in meant Io covmr Ihn Oust of the background check. - Restaurant & Pancake House Now Offering Free Wireless Internet Service Gus, George, Manolis & the Entire Staff Wish YOu a Very Meny Christmas, a Happy Chanukah and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year .CLOS1ING 3PM Christmas Eve .CLOSED Christmas Day .CLOSED New Years Day 1Fz chiPaily" America's Neighborhood Lawn Core Team TREE CARE Deep Rool Feeding Free Estimates Tree Spraying LAWN CARE asno w. encaster strass bas-arr ffaeraaad S Sannst ard mentieg. The policy also includes a limited aun and hocesingugreemoni for Ihn Oukbon lue Ancra. Gift Certificate For Every $50.00 worth of Gift Certificates Purchased, Receive a $5.00 Gift Certificate FREE! ofcoaclting inca good an ii is." Barbara Karawacki ftgurr skating instrucluri al Ihr Park Board's Thursday skating program ai Onklan in sa successful has nothing Io do with Iba facilily at all, bot Ihr rinks as far rrwuy ot Japan in the nurrrrrnr, Ruasia, Snigiorn, Lcnctohorrrg hecrrcnc tire qarriìty Sales Director The Purk Ridge Park and RrorealiOO Dintrictapproved u rem pelicy for mutilating baìkgronnd checks far its private cod they wade wenn offra." 'arr oborent who cotre irr from Eneuative Editor - - guys nra aware of titis, but thorn Andrew Schneider hoallbRanul rovinenmenlul 7.) Family und omine anrviumn directorJackie Walker-O'Kaafr 5.) Finance dimctor/lrrnnnmrSanl Neukiwh 9.) Fina ChiefTow PriaI IO.) Police ChiefPaul L. Taneb Il.) Public masks directorAndy DeMente resideal. "I don't hrrncy if yac Richard Mastersen - Cemmunisy relations cotiìininsianTrrd Courra- - coaching," asid arte Park Ridge Publisher - Park Ridge Parks begin background checks, licensing for skating teachers Core Cuilleatien Crab Grass & Weed Control - Fertilizing Insect & Disease Control For FREE Estimate Call: (708) 863-6255 Serving -. Breakfast Lunch atid Dinner Open 5:00 AM. to 11:00 PM Daily Friday & Saturday Every Tuesday Buy ¡ Full Slab ofB,BQ Rihg tu Midnight and a Coke. Get a Ha!f Slab - u, Phone: 847-470-1900 7200 W. Demoster Morton Grove. IL 60053 of'BBQ Ribs FREE! Senior Menu Monday - Friday 2p,n-5pm 15 Items at $625 Naiiled hi: Phil Feue! Chicago Ti'ihlbne Food Ciilic As "ONE 0F THE TOP IO PLACES" FOR BREAKFAST! NEWS pepalation." COMMITFEEMAN: Richard Reader is the peasi' dent of the Nigh Scheel Dits. Sutker: Reeder has not been active CONnrsUeo FROM 219 Sduvatianal Foundation. Now u school administrator, ha previously worked for Citiouga City Holt in woakfoecn davelopnionl. Ha worhad undnr sheen Clacaga mayors bofare 'ACt I for us. Not just over days, weeks or Months, but for decades. tie witt make an outstanding coni' moving ta Sknkie IO yeats ago. Ho- said he lias recently bean involved in the campaigns of Rap. Jan Schakowrky, County Commissioner Larry Suffeedie and San. Barach Obama, ha said. He said ihn Hilas Tivp. Sutkoe said that opponent Roedee has net bono active in ttie local Organization IR alio past. Reader has aise previously nerved as tIme cuacotivo director of the Fetish American Asseciation and the supervisar of the Refugee Employment Unit nf the Jewish Vocational aro The Maine Course granit. He said 40 percert of anm tas' idenis tu ihr township uro immigeonis and the Deiaaaratic orgeniarliun has "net bean active or induriva with this new really been ut the peaiphery of porty politics, if he was even involved atoll." Thaugh ho is stopping down, Sutkne sold he might stay no board as the 'committeeman Rendar taught alentad efflee. He was en the ballas as a delegate Demooratie foe the U.S. President in 986. H o characterized his campaign as thai of an insurgent "outsider" rasher than Wanted: 4 elves, 4 hours 4 weeks 4 free! SLIDELL: 530,000 foe ihr relief efforts, far arhieb Means enpeessod geatimdc. "Yeu gayr have really stopped up," Mania raid lost weak. "ti's going to help a tot of poople at Chrisimasiinse." Hilas McCormick Township. lt ieeludee much of Hiles und Mnrten Greva esas of Harlem es welt es Skokia, Liecolawood, Gulf and a amati pertien of Glmnniew. "Chuck Wogen" and ibis nay br the brat way. Hoar of the guys I ke osaw,ants ta be an alf because they thick it's too silly." Dave histanrd intently as I told hies eboot oar plans to inumosa saying, "I'm set too busy to talk stepped up end raid he'd help. "I te you folks. What yoa've dona is really something." He again psaised the ganeeuaity of tun village and expresard hope boom how hogar elves, Dave shoedared. These gayr am principled ned you hava ta challenge them. When they lose thry pay their beoause ita the hoeoeable for Morton Grave's kids tIns debu ihiegie done mener svhet tha debt Chriaimeaa. Knee attempted sa end ihn "Thank you alteo mach," ha seid. After some disearsion lsd ap a 32,000 leeatod thron miles north phane call thon, saying that he nf Lake Pantahontrain in didn't want to haihre Marris far- "I hupe Santa incurs all the kids quick pekee guma with the bays. A than like they xhautd be ieeaied." couple of houes into tIme evoning'a ther becante he was prcbably game t made a ruggesfico add St. Tommnry Parish. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT A COMPLETE CAR CARE! Trust the Midas touch. GUARANTEES HONORED AT 10%Wdhffiiscou Discount ousewicES n 1 i i u Asid velli 311510g. Not good with any ether nOms. Acaiiabla only ai this faeatnn. Ask for Paul. ------1 LIFETIME GUARANTEE BRAICE PADS OR SHOES $39.95 the Month bandar foed donations ta our pantry. The y managed i o raise abea i very busy. Bal Morris oat him off When he heard the datailt, he Ccsroscrn neon rave I Noyember Students of SMme marks the azoond time Demaciatie Organiontiun has "machiar-styla" politics at Twos steagghieg with tent for an od whee Dave's shadow fehl on my He looked at osy sommi and a laugh emptad from his cheal. noi been opro enough nod has "What'n this, ara you semekind of Santa?" Itable. Harlem, Devon, Centrai aed net deon enough io help immi"Lisian big bey, I need tu Seda quick way te reemit some elves for out "He baa nevar colied nr como io to help," Sutker said. "Ha han About $30,000 raised aune East announces Bob Dadyaz Maine Toiveship I $29.95 O,L LUBE & FILTER BRAKE SERVICE CooI.ANT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE, FLUSH & FILL - FACTORY SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE 'ENGINE DIAGNOSTICS I BELTS & HOSES OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE I 7369 N. Milwaukee Ave., Nues (847) 588-1800 Valid colli 1115106. Nat good with any ether effets. ------.1 Available enly ai his boutaI, risk fui Paul. SuSPEN5ION & ALIGNMENT ALTERNATORS & STARTERS EXHAUST SYSTEMS AIC SERVICE BATTERIES .TIRESu ------1 MIDAS WINTER .Ct,,,anr 0gM s'idee MAINTENANCE SERVICE 'naocic Audaci :1viicr:B lSee TERMS 55 STORES) i PerAxie Plus Inutallalino Void unti 1115106. Noi gaud with any aihar eifern. Acalaabls anly at this ianason. ifak for Paul. 2200 STORES IN NORTH AMERICA www.midas.com I 'At Parbispateg Lonuienu AMERICAN & IMPORTED CARS, LIGHT TRUCKS & VANS .COMPLETE INSPECTION & ESTIMATES BEFORE WE BEGIN TIRE WORK MIDAS-TRAINED TECHNICIANS DROP OFF SERVICE Midas Auto Sereice Experts Business Hours Mon - Fri Bam-Opm Sat Bam-4pm Dave, Ross, Bill and Stove loaned foreraS expectantly. I peoponed a contest when I cliellenge uvoli of them tua singlo haed ofeunds. Il' I yau'lh win, let's muka is merarOn0 end double the bat. Slave passed mad raid, "What's this all abeut anyway. WIny do wo have ta desta ap as eines minead of playing for maney?" - pecoisican. Wave hera aecruited foraspee loi foad driva that eeeds Santa's helpers ha raise os wach feudan pasxibhe thmagh u unique knew thai elves du the heavy liSIng. t O outinsed, "Romembnr, if Dave having alneady volunplay. Isst opposiioo Ruas so 1mo svas first. As t dealt Ove oueds io 0001m uf an ho joked, "When h mimi, do I get files with thai meal?" I smiled and smmid, "Vary fanny Rana". Theol dispdtchmed hilo willi a fail house. I then mmcd tolvaed Bill und favo him some mesh balk by quoting Duty Hurry Cublaimamm who raid, "Du you feel lucky, Punk'?" lion muy foot and besides, Dave looks belier ir green." An indignent Dave glared and was eboal in none but we'll never know his reoponse. A collective gasp Shied mho canin na we watched Steve lay down his cards. He quietly said, "You Isle, I fold." Well, you cuuld have keockad meo aver cvith u fzathee when leech- lard thai I had ovan. "Genliomee, lIme feod pantry thanks yea fer youn Imoip", cod i hafam I could gloam aomnodommg evteuoedinamy hep- the toughest of ahi. Steve bed a rapimiatlen foe hand pluying oimd tonghm boolog. Hcolwuyuaeid, "I'd nature have luak lImai ialemml" and peaple said lia was boom lucky. I pot on mey gamne fuco und dealt a hand. Stove's hooded brown oyen glinted le mho flumrucet lighmI us he looked over tine live carda lie guandod with his moaly pohm. "You don't havoechummco against pened. I gamhmerod ihn cards under I picked ap Steve's hund I saw four jacks peeking at mimo. I enalbad what lie liad dane and nip ghoatimmg brood io gratitude. "Hoy gayr, why don't ovo gu fee suma pisou? l'ui pickimmg up the tab und during diemmen y ou comm hear ail abemo oui Chuck Wagon." As wo beS fue the piem ploco, Ihn gayn neoglm hoasod and laughingly shoved nachm ailler and il meada Ilmo evemang ninnerenmoekable. In the end, my origimmah want ad mey hand so you nnoy us well fold." w ea answeead built av anovpectod alod hoaOcvoeming ovay. II was I looked army cards und didn't acawerad that eight by: 4 elves, 4 Ciechi ea I read timo ihnen nisea aind two suent. A fail huaso is hoed to boat so I mpbiad, "Big talk fon a future elf. Your higgent feor la whom ta god a size 5mb pair cf gnon tights! If you urn 0e sure baums, 4 weeks, 4 frmnndahmipn? Or old friend 0100e bold ein, "There aie gold rhipa ammd vilvor ships bmmteothing fkeo Toweahip." lila goimmg in baa wommderfai hohlday soason in Maine Taweslmip. labiosa Council School gig-gbvummg project. The students They also purchased gifts foe mnenmbnrr rouponded enihusbasileally giving ihn Siudeol Council o motel adults. Simmdeni Council mndammora Mrs. Jaime Lidgan end Mea. af S700. On Novomber 29mh, tIme Dawn Polkovito aucompanied Ihn riudenta en their shopping Si. joined willi buie Si. Juhana Sharing Pra'rani, dieocted by Posterai suas sitting at the noble and Billy roturtod, "Luck hua notlmimmg straight. - One inane togo slid hin guy was Sbadeet hoeaaue huogmy families are caulil- bado with il. I uso skill?" h ganse his nah non oui thai night because ety tlush clobbeecd hua Timo you wie dinner is on lee, if you loso you emane if for the reason ernia. At stake ware hin reputation end his free time for e few Sumarday aflemuona. He wax sIll1 Ihinking when Bill whined, "I'll do lt ovan though I'm too big lobean 0if. The early toes on the sandals Ahahar Patni, Rovi Patch, SneyThnmoa, Muhammad Vouons, Amir Zahienvic, Sahil Chokrhi and Morgan McMillao; Muslo: Jonche Gianahopoulua and David Associato Pani IS nmembare ef time Smadret Paonoirco, to buy Christmas Council weet mn o local Toegni Sioie la shmep far time gifts. In total they were able te parchase gifts fer familirs in necd. Daring the week pelar to Thanksgiving, the 6badent Council vahad alt the shudants from Kindeeganian thenagh 8th geoda ne woke a donation for the 43 gifla io he distnibsted ra needy people in Chicage. They poruharad gifts for babies aad fer children from agm 3 io 13. Robert Phaom, Obnrski, Sknii, Krishna S000bi, David Meuk, Chorla Baliogil und Brona Pair!; Usglish os a Second LoogoogelBilingoal Eduualinn: Zanoin Oymoa, Andy Guunaiee, ZhIvkn Komenav, Jung 6x0 Kim, Ckinian Patch, Dipen Patal, Huedik Fosal, Jimash Fatal, ASee wmpping Iheir pamhasos, the gifts meno added toothier gifts aellected by parishioners of St. Juliana Parish. Thasa will be distebbatest bofore Christmas to Phyaloni Josh Rowena, Chrisiophee Soonlon, Vunilik Jote Lara000-Sean, Kallie Manie trop. Lopez; Edacalion oust Henilk: Lauer Cocioppo, cuonno DoLnun, Elizaboik 011010v, Hieb twill, Chrisilan Ortega, Medgine Papillon, Keuli Palob, Snasdon Kaushoal PaId, Dario Pinkos, St. Juliana Student Council Reaches Out TIme fellews agreed then ii wor Oneri neataurant in tosvn. uf I woo, ilma other player weuld hava to be 00 elf fon our food drive. ieeted sat eut the hand. Timo rest liked ihr challenge and wanted to Dydauk, euoi la be e Santa bst eveeyuoc facing dawn feue foemea appa- Ruohel Unblom, Ala Kkohil, Konrad Onakowaki; amid Bnilbony Taylor; Driver Eduonuino: Mbchnol Sehumno; Engliahm: Kanne Asilo, Donion Anie, Rabio Chubteer, Tadeuso h aveanemereganay fond panie, in Maine Tuwnrhip red it is how un p Wan-Van Woeg; Mathematics: DaLnon, Onbartino Delaghnwice, Dave, who was qairt io limit point stepped sp and noid "We I would bay dinner io ihr lost, , David Pinkawn, Silvia Rojas, Ava Secik, Frieda Truvola and Maine EssI High Schonh hat nonoanoed Hovember Studnebs of mba Month. Applied Arta and Technology: Alnuosdelu AlBaai, Jolie Ahkhavaky, Wesam labor, Mark Mabhnre, Melia Memedovahi, Andrew M nounou ma, Weody Moenlnr, Nnlhmaly Rooderns, Vulodumyr Triuchak, damm Lbvoryaod beremiok Aisuonu; Ant: Rnsanne Kanahina Roemus and Monika Smietasa; Feenign Language: Nalca Beledina, Mau Lewis, Sp000s, Prudeep Vargheso, Deoa and Tyler Vail anavuom ikul Wihaoy; Scinnce: Bionom Gale, Obras Kavi, Anglo LaIb, Rubort LnwOso, Yahiaoa Mnriioee, Wendy Monebon, Rofoaho Sohugao-Vehascn, Suby Tkumca nod Nokolhe Khviluvaky; Saoiul Science: Roohehie Laeg000nn, Sbnphoo Manaban, Dipali Panel, Teresa Pmoybyahowaki, Sara Brnles end Richoard Morgan; end Speech and Grana: Mellan Bergan und Snmieo Maieaik. Macian Lopez, Stephanie Peler, familbea la nead. Nues Township Dist. 219 attains 'Blue Ribbon' status Hiles foweslmbp Higim Schenhu Dial. 2 9 Ia Imow ihn only pimbhic high 0011001 diabriet imo Ihn 0101e in whiobm all afilo imigIm achnobv hove eccelsa d Blao RibSov alamos. This poor, Ike Hilen Noelk Pimynicol Welfane Depaomemmi is one uf only seven se-hauls in mho slate ibmimi hue mucived the Shac depamtweimb, and providing feed- nvhne many abhor acheal dinimicba beck rmmd maggerileer for impeure- da noi do so. The leal u alto cnmmonded the depanmeot foe allooving Ike opper- eiasamoeiaaehecl Asma various PE Castello raid Ilium the loom liked ihn foci them time board ofedacation loas nade auno Ihat physlaah eduaa miau is a nequined ununse that tac tars loba Ike stadnnb's ginde pnin average (DPA), daciogolliioc - Oman clmelues mmmd piaviding a wido sariemy nf colunser, noch or lifegounding, ad acomune odmmoa miau, mud imiamniul mor, ir additioo to ike mare lnadiiionol iypns of PE. The dadicuibon and suppeo efihe stuff Ihey saggoaled eneubing o moodiSed was also onied by ike insilo, un well os ike remlOvllhoea 11101 omeied o new dimocr gyom and woighii woem. ein! nonedr and ornailog o co-od cl aasnfwrns hing and oilier Olyompbc manid nOs ubasses. Coslello saId ibioi io addimian Io pnuinn, ike Icoor nito oSoned nag- Canboibo seid bilaI mho disirloi bismeond lo Ill osera ggesbiaon cod Illen gesuomir about chaoges or mimodiS- lilade Ike o coossa- ny changos. camions ma be vade. Par cocmpho, Rihbomm Pmgmmn Award for nub- staoding physical ediloolian piok The covand wna giveIm by Ike Illinois Asanciehion foe Health, sg s QMI 50% OFF UJV iOsIiO fayslen s foe boso wiik spe- STORE PRICES! Physical Educasen, Rocreatian aod Daimco (IAHPERD). Im mnuknu ,uga$ 799 Hites North a mendel for caccihnooe, seuaing bbc inne fer time futuro of phyrieci adaunbiomm io cal welfare for Diii. 219, is very pleased with racelvbsg Ike award Guaran feed Satisfacfion Ghlaranleed Sp/eTM amid he asid 1hz carieaeuporioeee bus bene a gmat Inamiag apports- Great Style ir aa hasger oar nf muaIs. baby. Wok o Drool Clips io yuan noi0bikoilivad "Thoy hike Ilmo foci thai neu neg- pooh Sod gvoienincd alilo alar basis wa inodiby and upgrade the pmgmair io eeilzct carrent wathodology," said Cartelle. A team nf fnae individuals visited Hulee Herhim, leaking obaci-vaalone, 00h08 pentivo napecta of ihn HAIRCUT & BLOW DRY a Illinois. Karl Castello, dienelor of physi- - axnogqaL-sanmissg toras: ntasx,-Fut. al av 'affondubbc puco Leg nono www,magickidsusa,com fauMastMernan ebeesarscaoe MK17S33 ParoUaf OalOogsb 847-588-0361 5h24 SV, Tatshy Are, Nues, IL 60714 hlSlmimari A IISIS'roenro) esT. r" 799 HAIRCUT & BLOW DRY udo- aaaJrua.oj,m.ics,w [POLICE BLOTTER j NEWS Child neglect (7300 Malvina) I A woman, 35, mas issued a citalien leaving a lhree-yesr-old elena le o leaked cnr Dec. 13 as she Schaut Burglary ____ (Northridga Prep) A $600 eampalee wes nIeles them insida a olasmeem el Norlheidge Prepaealrly School Inflatable Santa. Claus displays slashed ever the weekend of Dec. 10. The effeeders brake a wisdew, enlemd Ihn school, bmke a alaasmom window, walked lola Ilma oiassreom end removed the cempoler. on PARK R!DGE 4cr/veil A soroago soilIl a knife 5/sc sIllIc/ni sopos'ie sf 5/sr Pois'9 Ridge Pc/icc Ocpnrissscsrr ¡ros' s/sc. rsrceketsd/srg S'fossdrrr.. romanced ' Cllsislsnos inne fi'utss 0cc, /9. Hslsdreds INTERNATIONAL MARKET Tores Slaletl (lOSO W, Teuhy) Graue defialing a hal/-dozen 12, an issllalablc Sonta on Ike 5000 block of Madison hod an 0051001 off Thons, on bal A snuond iotialablo Oansa al Ihn home of a bar owssnr an Ihm 5600 block of R OSO Ovas cul Ihr saiao niglst. Au eohd000 soaso globe won also damaged al Ihn lot Fake gas man? (700 N. Lineals) On Ihr aflemoon nf Thuesday, Doc, 12 o black man wearing r MUSHROOMS 9000 binok of Mango. Also es the nighl of Doc. was llsrm In resnd Ilse gos moler ucd wed inside into Iho basement. The Graphie: Looatiosrs Approximate MORTON GROVE The fblioseixg sean dc'rived fixer lire efjieiol reporte of' the idoneo Grove Police Depos'ossenlfor lise usoek exdiog Pridoy, Dec. 16. Garage Fight (8600 Listcolss) Two mechanics gol isle a lighl Dec. G. One mechanic, 45, of Clouage allackod Ihr other, 34, of Buffalo Greve willsawrench. A M000n Grove leech driver broke op Ihr comber ucd look rwoy Ihr wrench bola colomerl wen made cooling Ihr mrolsnnie lo gmb another wrench and erlook e second lime. Tise victim woo col ors Ihr book 01lire iseod. fl looked 001 Iseo door peephole, she Olbor Iwo go. sow thu nfferder alaoding lIsree noked wills o gos. Sise did oat open tite door and lie 1416 loase his key 098200 Cress A pickup Imok eeuglsr on Bm Dec. 9 end rho bieco wer poi colby Ihr tim drparlsssenl. M Dealer crashes into squad al the husbaads faca and asked "How noch do you thick lisio gua is moflir?" The Isuaberd 1h01 Iho sqaed 0cv The doolor was 10km lo lo barn down Isis boceo end laid lsiw iso "should lleve killed Iriso whess ho isad cchacoe." door and police arrived. Tine 10055 at bar mn back irte his Iporlmeel and (9000 Wastrrgan) OFanciest A women, 34, of E010slos loll her pusse ils ooresouled bes' Dec. 9. riss lito license p lolo est one of tise voisiolesossd elio' 1h01 tito ookioie sore lielod ris dolosI und tootslnd iv ootrj000liott o'itlt ass unood robbaffi. A Skokio yoclis, IS, otrd Itou refused te opeit lino door. Pohoc hookup ornived tod ' ecenloally entered loo apolilneos asid soierd Tise jislino'ivg ties olo,'ir'ed tocsin ills' rsfjìciul' rv'poss'ie of i/sv Nuco Posit rs' Di'1titt'ltssetsrJsis lire s'coi' o'rsolissg 3/rust/us: Dcc. /9. Unicasted salrjeot ¡0 lisle (7300 Hsls'ieal) Air inlonicatoll tr'oslnrst sres sri si kur Dec. 3. S/ne bvgssrrssrrsioyisig bssr yssIsOlts esili lsskisng liseis drhrsku l'nessi 11501e 5514 drisskissg llsessr nor- tise pohoe stOliOo. Chioego dolro- Naked saca shut gess kneoka Isa scellions dear (9000 N. Caurlserlend) A loon, 37, was areeslod Dee. li liftera dislsssbssiroo. Al eboul nid- tices arrived end look ore of thu nighlonaiglsbor knocked on an cosse dsree limos bssl sise refused. svonsran lo eolito scilh ihm and site laid down 05 lilo groossd and oisnrted Io scream. Tise maman, 44, of possengew isle cunlody cod lei the apoomeol door. Wiren Ike reridool Cisicoge was dmggad Oclnide and 0115000 molde Iho ocr meso 10h00 to tell Tite bsss'sorsdor stoked lier io Tito ollicor told tito Bank Fraud (t S. Narthmess Hsvy) AmOnt, 39, meo an'roslod for bank fmod after trying Io cash a check milk a frke ID One. 9. Tiret Stashed (7400 Taloatt) A Pork Ridgo 40010e, 113, 5000 oioenied Doc, i3 afior ollogedly umshing irlueparkid Nileo pohier (2000. Merritt) A /995 Feld Exploror isod all four of ils limes siosised Dro, 12. Lsslisoson Groonsl Hospital wilo sia bleed bot i/mo doclnr rol'used lo allow lbs blood io be laslod t'or OUI, TsvO boliles of drosv Vodkss were foutid in siso doolor's our, 0000mding lo police. (600 Same) WPuinthutts A bloicess was pellrd wish poissnbolis Fridey, Dos. 9 aroussd nIidoigIrI. B usinent painlbulled Reslstsrsmeu Oarghssrv OClsinese . scot dey anolhrr perneo arrived and said hemos a Nicor gas meIer reader. The company said only one mon woe sello come to lino Isome osi Dro, 12, j1 ear, arrested far DUt iturontios, lyristges ssvd u lsesrdgsin. NILES Doc. lilo Mocos Grove officer Ikan slarlrd sweasing 01 pahoo and tried io sun 0505sy. Siso kicked on officer aird was amassed for disorderly 000duel oltd hoIlosy, resisdng an erreut and public inlosioalior. 1h01 cut off Ihr power le Ihr apeomeat Tise rnsidral's iscsbecd Ihre issued resumed hamo orsd called palier. (7780 Arcadia) "The men, 37, then knocked on Ihe DThreats The foncles raonssaolo of a door sighs. This lime he Isod his Morton Grove mao, 49, Ibmotened clothes on and ise poinled the gos Stoico ear crashed (72(0 Dessspsrer) U1rov otrivissg ei o vinais acerro is her keyhole svithoalru000ss. Tise offender, ihr landlord's lost, +Bugle name nighi, ost 8-fool loll ingaloble 50010 display mal decapilated On hite 5500 block of Wnahingloe. Polio5 observed Iba? Ihm samn Ihing hoppened lass year el she 9000 Mrnard address and Ihn 5mb ouster was 59Lb -.:: TURKEY RRFAST 179110 fstihrr'aekee) A Clniisuvc ioslnssissltl lssrd i ISO to S2/iO osssis ccssnus'es/ Rosir sito nogilsor bis si Doc, 4 bssglary. Psmblio diserder (Tastily YMCA), Ass ss/oo/tol-fsselnd 01500 ofdisocdurly oassdsioi icons reported 01 liso Too/my YMCA Onu. IS. A smssnnn, b3, was iniOsioalrd ansd iralo dislarlring msidrnts silting in 111e lobby. Poliue Slaffand Command (SFOCI al Narlhwnsleen Uiticersisy and lite Nues Felice Depanmnessl is pleatrd lo mohn limit annoonormeot Sot Peser successfully uompinled ihe 10-week long lieff and cornsnuod program in ScansIon. TIsis progmm bao gradaalnd morn Iban 7,580 slodonls bosh nali000lly aad inlomaliosselly. II slaned in 1983 qui000saod lico research puposo as' pass of Ihn progranm'r esrrioolusn. manogesnessl Iheoiy, so bodgelismg, IO anganicaliettal behavior, pnnaon- iJ (2600 Dempstcr) nel A bsmsiness bliilliiirg cud 1/ir sigis rosnorces for 1011v enforcesmsnnt nf ilmo bsi,sisios.s svsis mil suilir os bonroigo of poisuhsslis Ilmo cody rssosms' mr0 nf Ss:iosndssy Dec. lO. doploymees asd homos (64511 Nnrtlssvesl Hrry) A unis, 56, svIo osrscsled Dec. I / for loan/ng siso sorne 0/55 ssocidossi omsd foiling to roui sloe spec dt. All iafanssslios pfnlrd inline (loller' in eblssisncd fmasn mpaon of lise wnyrotioa poi/co depaOsnosls. AI Ihia prnlnmst libe, nom thon 755 gnadoalns of Ihn progmns held she hIm of"ChiefofPohicm" and 39 of Ihn 50 dirrolors of atabe pniier ogrncins have also grudauled hoist ibis prughain. la 193b, the Costee for Public Bafoty wen created alNnohweslam University, The gnal Sven to mupaed univeraily-basnd rdueolioa sad enmieonnly, 10001 roes prociously fabnihior him bncause he was involved in ESDA, liso Eamemgnrcy soud Miclmaei Simluino, chainnan rfthe Ore and pohca celasmlission for the Village of MorIon Gravo. "01e was enlise 1np afour lint" Slnmkins sold 1ko 0m depans- Services Disoobur Agency. Simkins said hilos esoiylhistg an Faoisliok come back "glorc- Land O Lakes $2.99Lb Lean & Tender Lean & Nleatv USDA Choice PORK BACK RIBS LEG EUI $2.99Lb $3.59Lb $2.99Lb OF LAMB $2.99 Belgioioso 2%' Milk Dean's ..- GFESE t3 6QEa .#lSOz .41 Ui0eta cQ $1.99 $2.09 DOt51INO Ea I Gal Kritiko Extra Vir2in Dean's EGG NOG $ls.39EaQt o Antica Italia neid them Illoy bere opening lito beginnieg nf nasI yoom. ss PEELED SUGAR OLIVE OIL TOMATOES $1.89 $18.99 99iD Ea 500 Gm Ea4LbBaO Five Roses Alt PurPose All Varities FLOUR WINE $1.99 $6.99 Ea 5 Lb BaO Ea 050 MI Ea3Lt Thai Royal ax COOKED SHRIMP (26-30) Ea 2 Lb BaO Ea 28 Oz GROUPER FILLET FISH $4n99 Lb ' 8800 WAUKEGAN RD. MORTON GROVE, IL. iomkins naid tIsaI for sayo, thu deparllnoel is fishy sloiffrd, bssl iso III J DAIlY lroininsg for the law aslfomemnnl tnrrlistg "We're ploasmd lo gel siso," Wilson fmm Nenlhweshem Univeesi5s. vcilh Oreflglilmn/porasnedic l'or 1ko Montan Grove Fire Doponinonl. DEUCATESSEI $3.59Lb DADI! 8 anils of undergradaolecnndil Greve, woo ssvom bis 01 Iho last Merlosi Grove villogr beard ' ,isoirlew 5E? cT Following successful completion, slodeals maybe awarded a letal of Faulstick is new MG Firefighter Derek Faulstick, nf MorIon Lashing lo wnilleursuminalions, projouls, CroIre far Pabilo OOfnIy. Pence sladied o caddy of topics, ranging frein mammogesanel and 19Lb Each sled Ins stsosSl compIrIr 18 frein Iho School nf Lb" B, PIT (iAN OFF AMER(CAN THE BONE CHEESE -. -- . Nues Police Sergeant Joe Penze graduates II from NWU program ¶ Ilmo .',', Lbr', CABBAGE io Siso col Salm to rcero 04011sieed feel, and wet inlplemenled by GRAPES ORANGES Menoed. groduased APPLES Farm Fresh Sara Lee I'lomeslyle Oven Roasted Oergeonl One Pest merecen thy Green Seedless California Navel opprlhended by pnlioe. The anew foalpnials leading Tile soul light, en Doc. /2 Mclnotsh 49 Lb 8oz Poo Nicar Gas unifonn rsng a msidmn- hei doorbell. He advised Ibas hr FW1$&VEE1AILES Sno4Jhite the sama nighi al a lhird laco. lion es Ihn 8900 bloch of BAKERY MEATS SEAFOOD DELI had four ingaloble drcoraliosss jL\ dispieys Iho nighl of Doe, li sInd Dec. 12 ill Mortois Menand Dro. Il. Sol0000ss 100 and 200 Clmdslssssss seres w err stoles holst o blssinnss porking lot Sino sighl of Selshrday Dro. 10. The Irres wem being sold hotbed on the 0900 b/oak of Mansfield oid o retired msn cul on his franI lawn on Ihr yord displays ocravn lewd, FinsI, o blow-op 005io Claus yard druploy w as ossI around sosidnighl or the 9000 black of sf Chrislsooss gs0bl solnrc globo 001. aide she home ala Iroichor was STOFF WAlTon Lanuae rroauce wcria Head, Arms Cut Off BY JEFF BORGARDT T/se Jb/iers"rg Quality, Value, Service In Any News from the Police Reports shnpped. CORNER 0F WAUKEGAN h EEMPSTOR OSURIr MON-FRI 8-9 lAi 8-8155 8-P .847-581-1029 Sales Daino Goad December 22nd - December 285h en tu O iii usual Tus iii suRi o 22, :ilu? t R Ou ti 'l'tu: 11,1151 I)u Financial books are worth it for your gift-giving list A Letter from The Publisher By Richard Mastegooro &,YoU ';t. It's' that time of the year Real Estate Bubble, Blah, Blah used te ha a Oa000n ccitlrcchrrccicr mho hod arre phruso ta doraribracery situotien: "Wall rotar nube il, n'oro doatoed." Titane bad ocas beato um oltveyn spoulittg off ah eut sontotlong nnd T110m cvcoiucilysortretlnvg hod does ircirpon. Tiri,t ritokas thorn lank prophetic but, they are ntore like a stopped This io the same crowd tolkiag real estate bubble. They steht to campare ir la the doLcom bubble. Rdmrmbor that a babble pops atrd nothing is left, but air. Inragire Dickcur'o Christmas Corot? How will yoru celebrate thin Orne ofilie year'? Wlrotcvor you erd yoar fsreiiy do io errjoy Iho holiday, do not fangal witol tite holiday in oil oboruL Otis all about thmily al ni? homo. Ifycur luor'a kids nl eoOogo the ariticipaftorr of their arrivai far lire itobday is avor'cnlioiririrg. Rolativos boni afar la situIno ir tite celebralian. The lorrghitor of Wo io ihm doy, odopt a family iheough our ohmonc ht liIrreRection of sadness for tuono noi with as city longer. H arc vnill yoa end your fantily Ilmo cimeamica is reirosed km 00e bad- i en afros aoiepieming a solistying lenk oro mesh, Therefore, feci lito macnih aurd participare in ike ocIo of simahurt end gicing Ibis little O f anciting year? Hoto witl peu shara chock or drap loose cironge irr Ilmo balow 10%. We am noi, us 000m- irr tIlo good fortune of haviag sed cans ob Iba oleen. Harcovee loking tIme lieb todo ihm mock io lic tIme year. icnson yoirng cltiidren oecd. They appoominiften Io partiei1mule io limo pamicipote in 1ko ACT and fool spirit cf Iba holidays got oat arrd find Ikore. Wept sr'ishor lo each of yost, manly er mgion io aey kind of "bubble". Oroinigraiiarl ir one imponino? driving foniar. Oar o000toion populafron do yost do? Do you pock up nod grainlit is deiner bp rololy ooiving immigrants nod their fatrtilieu. People need ta uva somrmhore. ft'ioodu und family willi you tIan year? Whoa my clrildeerr mora very young, I began in leach them the iinpact000e of shoring by galli. ering toys no lock'ro used er cloikiitg grame 00,1 of und look tOtem ta o local shelter for battered momeo. Halt itemigmtioo or cot h back H arc car housing prices dmp rvhea eaplaceatent costs hace risan dmslieally? Otyvoali, ncrpeting, lamber, roof- Thank you Niles Public Works have sonto value boxring some terri- ing, wiring, coman, PVC, copper Door Edilee, ubseply and you will sao toot estair 51011, bot thai is no? likely. Furtkemtnre, lake a lack at what ii libo hay ene doimmg good work. RegardIons of holy me recagrtieo Dad in our ifa, our barmen respoed lo Iba deed orme peefono Letters to the Editor lino there, Homes don't jcul ecaporare sod ovan ro bon they aro tono down sontr'ooe comes along ta aol. tact the bricks. Homos hava introsia value as placas whom paoplo 'lice. Stocks am aoather utaty altogether, na enarco du stack arRiO' eases seIms ycu ero building ohm. Hemos, lead arid real estate altvays coors te build and mpoir a home. ble erciroemental disastef you aun jour keep liciog three. The Wells Fargo Hocaing piping, eta, hace eisen sharply. Tiras Affordability ladas dons bade imuranca agent how mach t n'oald poorly foe seme aemmanitien, but aal ours. Oar area has ea indes of 48, meaning that 48% of liamos am cast lo rebuild yaur eotire heine, medias iacnme. Mediur should be about 50%, so me arc cinse. Thera hire good deed nttd ecco loro aftct. Every raieolisl acknowledges litai celebrate iba tear end of Ibis omred with rooms of popar prcvitrg that year Itome is vvartltloss. Whst affordable ta those earning the lo provide Christmas rimaI and gifts for cities like Boutoir liraI um in big trouble. Some of their rules orn ere places io California, Florido ce someone cernes to your door, oro just hut harrte or000rs - they Who ihetn la enjoy. Tule ACT cf dour0 in tise moni importuni hassen la Iront. Sore, i lis copy lo wnilo o Wiwi is driciog tito rapid ossei hotnes'? apprecialico in leave. No, end 10001 110moawnem taie kas litios special libo ofliro year for you and your ihiaily? luit the nr000s ofpioa or cookies irt iba onio? Ir it lito ligirir oui oar itornes tcith snow acerwhare? t.s mt0000cad of Heedel's Messiah, Tchaikovsky's ballet Tite Nul Crocher or your faconile Sordoge Otro 0001es or TV irt childreliaitd farriiiy tagetlrer and means ihma old bricks in year Irante am worth more, Ank your odd ja the costs of os0000tion and you will see ham high tho Coors of ntaterials to build hamm have gana. Cdumn Cunftnaen... neo DUBELpage 29. O must commend the Nibs Fablia Werks Depsumoat for Obole encollant bundling of tha maw me hsd isst Thsrsday. T laW far monk as 5a.m. and mhan I dmva my cae oat oar fomnily boro ob Tite Bugle, to yearn. detie any ralisfoaioiy plowing, pago ofyour popen? Ills pure pohli000 possusing, mheo local officials bevo 00 limo or inclination la Iteon ahthoagh h loft earlier lb so asasl. Due bals off te ike Nibs Poblic Woeks Depanlmont-heep op Iba gond mark-we in Nilesppreajata Linda Cariloo, Mica Przybylo proposal not worthy of page one Dear Editor, all on the sirena-mais msds sed side sleeats. O drino woos, sad the minuto I left frorrm office mema besmean Nues Village lmrteou, nrerits Ihr boot of the doivemsy onto the ssmnl, I mas amazed-them mas ea seamos Omtr'cabamanities hace many Nues Swan in smoble. Ndor of Ike albor sobarbo t deave ibroagh had cousiog me te be hate far work, the sosi'denls' vmoms on local mum- lera, ouch as off-Back baRing, pol solicit oar slows almos the fedaml govemmoal's involvemant in Iraq. Mc Pmybybo would do meli la study lacal issnos and Otero soma insehlignns sotd original npinions on thoar m0000, instoad nf serving an a yes-mae lo Mayeo Bluse. I have yot le hoar bisa moka ore iotabhigana comment an a hacal issne, Il seems all hd can do is ogeer with thr majority nf Imsaars an OOrtything. Mure LeDem... 00e LETTERS page 21. Is thom 050k a sasmity af newsworthy isams, that an iosnr jatee- dorio5 Ohromsgh Barnes & L Noble Snaking foc a beab foe y ourso IL er sa buy as s lastmimase pras001, yeo might want lo have this cehamm wish yea. l'vo devoted this meek's space On solee Imnancial banks woelh awning. Noca of shear lithos Marino Realtop Inc. nene with glisseras hamn&auta dismurls. (773) 286-9018 5800 Detspoler MafonGross, lisais 63053 Badness 887-967-5500 Toll Fron 800-2330021 Fas: 847-9658600 Asddstnxo4l-065-1774 tarir 08mb Iodopsndsrshbsrs SeouItly Diesbilto Loa Wa haue helpad ases hOOD al:eru sima 9980 Outed by Peer Ambra as Holing Lcaysr ir Smisi Lonuily Durabilty lard lsn PFF UNLESS WE WIN OStias in Lmp nod Skehir Mel Dice , Allstate. ' cf Park Ridge. The 2805 sdditjan le Iba inslollution ho givan le individusis ivha Prooidees Bandy Syizzeno of dem 005tralm 0051 nI' the fol- If 'you like 'Ihm Waffen book, Porbmoy Book & Tonal Co. omremonien, Ihn Chamber will be presenlieg lb e sacond nonasl Communily Stai The Awards. Awnrds jackets. Oneius Foiiad: The Riso acri Fall of Long-Term Capilal snoshee Low eosles'n lithe, "When Monugomeal," whiok enhooslively - sad I mean,onhauntivoby dalaihn Iba orce-celabralod hedge D. Danka (Lang BIrrel Proas, 1996). This honk i smear y IB fand' scolossa I culbopsa. The bank mn yrenc w ynor fuilli is Ike years old, ko tit'sstm'Il remnant te onora ga Joe, niaca Iwa Nobel lii asrwhowce dar why abrir Peine econommnts, 5100g wish tar- invnstmrsl acunan In amaI ne mus rnn'nf-lha-mihl Pk.D.s, man sooroids. What the sothars maka ohaar is hat Ihn people who earn hugo salarias orn abcs naO ko aged 5 05100e Ike high-flying anos wlta k'avaceassad ovar to Now Wuy ta Retine Enely," Bnb millmnasine status, Many milhinoaims live mall knew shams means Clyall (Nela, 2005). This ligie Slote Foam Inroreaco, nod paitdenaeismneret'mportsnt Iban boaks Ibas I gesaeesc blaCk sod I aulopending skein friends und neighbors. Many cf Ihain dent lica in f000y aeighbcrhoads. qaickly lass them ide O ben far Oaadwilh. Bos I dacidod le bald onto Ibis ene. The aim of "Werk Loss, Line Mere" is la peccide adnice and e000000gemeal to surprise ri to learn Ihat 30 percast of milliauairas, who we ra survoyad far the back, omnod u cendit card freer J.C. Pasnay. Read "The Millionaire Nest Doer," and yea might ha inspirad peapir whn want le gier semireliremenl s ley. Sections am daveloping a eeriramrol poosfolia and a mishdramoh ntmtogy ree certainly nahuablr fue Ihasa who bravo already retimed, Chyoll backs up his isdvicn on invassiay and spending rianing totirameot milk solid aosdnmic easesrok, sorno of which I hamm highljghsed io pon- Capitahiss," Rogar Lowenslein (Rumdem House, 995). Tbe toccaI story of the Edcvatd Bpaculalioa," Chancellor (Farme, Bleaus und Gironn, 5999). Thmis beak aemno Oan, Dingo leorrager, tyke won a D 100,000 college scholarship for devebopiag t throrom In solon a frntm Ike rooding list compjlrd by 19111 conluny muih puazien called University of Bon Diagn, Aftar 1ko Diniabbat Frablem - limnk'? - Onishting Ibis lomo, ynu'ih umtdar- moda rue think of Ilmis book. Some paoplo arc junI berm nlund Ihr reasons far cvoey sig- snmorlcr timon poophe like me (icho Ihr notorious cur fonVo somun of ncconrplislm- Hoih,vnciimm Ihn lft3yslollmcnrtod- for simply surniving Algabro Il). This entertaining book illuslroten Item Buffetl eou'duuyanaeanas. TIre book nanI began enkibiling his 0mo Osan- Dennis Zooce, n profasson nf finance mrd inr'aulmemts ob ilmo niftc,vttlopacmnhalive babbba frein lmrfp nnsuaia imm dnesmt'l cocer tire dai-como hast, Sharp Con8Tuns... sea 'TiMBER page 7. A ocordin g lo Be000 who the AwordslDmmmor Cammiltre, ihr ecoyar da ovili draies hewing altnibales: Dicer gens beyond nommaI dalios of and Ike nemmnoliag orgaoios- Diractnrs ineludeu J0 Ana tiorts will br nosifind by rho ihomseives afire; Visionary - Arnswald, MB Fmnonciabs; Dominic Cimilluas, Dominic's Kilahen Sonne; Cho'mber coJan. ft. The Chambnr nf Commerce recogniers uutslsndiag mom- nabos positivo cltongo by Adam Cokon, Harris Park bara of Ihn Park Ridge cam- Board Sacoelory. Tho 2008 Beard isoann005ly Catnmillee revinmjng 17 mominuli005 im sic oulogaries. The winners av .s,,i'aiaa;s s:.seIsts,i,. Story Confinons... sen PR CHAMBER mol pago. P5118TH' sstoa'er:l? on%'EB'rIsr;SIFNT verba/ra 7"?,' Edward Joncs Can You Benefit from Roth 401(k) As 20115 onds, yanrsmeyosmoiascrtorctlmnlOnl. - Evrm Ilneugh 11mal clsy muy still be o long rimo urmoy, it ods,rmnugc nnns ii emey ho In comnihola some nf your 41111kb doll 0151'miO he Onib perimir afycur piamm. As r aihlccoolmrsilyolrio--toyanm'IlnioadIopnopsmeIbn yaanmg rcorbco, y0lI'll banc momo yesm moloke adcsa- ii, Ammd n sour o Imani weak. yea may 1000000 mais loge offre leo-feerraoning n polential peocided by rho mii rernenisso ingo orhicie: the Rani 4Ohlkl. Iumrs like u rcgiiivr4ftllkl, a Roth 4011k? simIen yea EOlh feclum. Thds undditianai time helps campermaule mo spresd y OrImi0000 y amoug a mind yofmnoraurnemis. But thom sso dilfarance s ho Imnaon ihn Iwo rcpm nf 4ft11h) plans. When ycainocu'i io u mnamlitiomrurl 4011G, dallsru. 11115 IooOn'ac'U'etanmliu'emrlerrl'-Ifynuespeciln you gamicts Ir conirihnrlc prc-Ius dollaro, rohicirrmeurr you Ire noi I,vmeduln ynorcar Inibationt today. These corna'b alieno cod roano amimmgo mobil ka aned lobeo vain n'imhdmsn' K-oraton rimemalL gaing the 5011m four tonciny000 4ululkl 0110150 y aob0000te ihcme inlet-las dollunoc. tolmich ma'sou venu puny lasci on yes000olmibotiers Schi ,'tnnur y. 81 oa'cvo r, y earls'ilhdv nue is cant cow- I4islntyofFmancial 000e?. nnith extr0 00forl in communimy building; Ciiieroship Role Model - is nome000 thaI elkers, panlicabarly young peeplo, dan leak np ro ned madrI "Werk Lass, Live Mare, Tha und brlicoc Ihal financial inde' shopping lisos des's indem $5,000 walclmes, Hannes bags, Lesos spnrt utility vehicles und just abemns anything odverlisad in The New Yarkar, I mas - mill continue un tha Board as Immediate Past Fresideat. Enroolive Dienelon Cholle O'connell mill also senno as hedge food srraighs mb Iba dirt. gans bedad on my mob about a moslk aga. Most of the'ftoanaiol Thom Tb aerry Board will be ido O mulfshillion-dellorrelan- you mop monI lo plunge mon In en pansicalno ondee, he ne ore Real Estolo. orm sword culled Community' Slar. Organizotiona and corn' posity mero inoisod to carnieule aoiadivm'daub who enceplienal demensbrolnd oammnnit yseev ice dariag ceheodur year 2505. Ali Park Ridge-board organjaationn were maculad te sshmii one momisatino in any award nut- T amasares Anno Rybak, Bach io aoancan hnlp boast yuan not weRk if you orad pass the bank mypicks: "The Millionaire Nest Dnar," Themas J. Slanley sed William Sabaslion, Jr., Sobsssisn Co. 2006. The Prasident-ohecs in Dick Booten, Bortom Oh Worsen, Ltd. The albar mew officers uro Sr. Vice Peosidnal Ann Witek, Park uwom in Jrouaey 2h, 2508 by Slate Smalas Cheryl Anley al Ike 701k Annual Reangmilinn and loslailalinn Di nacra O Ike Pork Ridge Ceanley Chub. la bat seine of them are esterluimisg and she mena pensa- 00w ofFmoors and direcsom fee and floor at Iba Annual Business Mnalieg on Dec. 14, the Pack Ridge Chamber nf Commerce . ha mes II ynues cid, Ho sank hiss bauruse they ea peoren t groar hi lanasuoo , snanonan d the elearios of Ridgr Chienpeaclic; KeIns Eisaabeng, Concordo Consulting; Cara - Liudell, Fully Fit Lifeslylea; Rosemary Sajenic, Park Ridge Je cneah;a md Donald ballnts menay from his bnaralive pspar tesse irlo 40 aneas of fsemhsnd by Ihn lime Ire mas 14. Tha book istredacas yoa la Buffolt's considerable milflnloars, from learnleg obeut Ihn financial markets from Ihn storied Benjamin Geahume lo laming his obililiar In pick stacks and boy compremos "Boffell: The Making of so rnos.tnsanidsooctftfrsaisas.mrr STnlephene8ppsitrrnaruftusileb?r Lagel PmsssneCsemrtrsied EmIu$coly ir Sosid fsest550c k - oh rensharns - mhnn "Dcvii Take' Ihm Hmodmanit A Loll mn today ta cee ham rrrmssh yru ssuid (312) 9226688 (847) G745O4O rmail-in nammsalieme from the eamrd a spat ea skin skappiag Aoieeu'eon JAN. L KODNER & ASSOCIATES, LTD 1nolloming the causI on Ridge; Dr. Teovin Deambom;' musity wilh Ibis rehotivaly watching coe10055. Boffrtt, mba breathed nuwbern," bonghl loin r-r' hn orsI timo yac are wan- I kids anesm'Ising ca Ihr couch insteod of spending libo a fake Rc FESSIOÌJAL,:GI IDE.': LAW'OFFIOES 010 Dick Barton is president-elect his sis serrac sitad, "lisod and le aal libo a real millionaire SOCIALSECURITY DISABILITY Park Ridge Chamber names new board cial ganius st an age mhrn mesI Mo0ar Dabid Col anstatt 51111 R 22, 21111? BUSINESS COMMENTARY Another Perspective I mIca will ho Iactliez Ipeocided you' room ieunsl 5v-Il? nmmd yomn'oo kund Ib.'unos oRni for ri omm Ovo omm fom mime cost oflromino to fond ynmnrn plea willi 00er-mey ha im s high tan hmunckcl nimoy you ro lume , you mxl' fad the Serum 4011kl IO ho paniculan7 oppenpniame. TIc vsi mnecf being able io mniihciou'ncmuo- free mhollumma is roanO nero if yna'mo bei um mugir tas bracken. . fnnrrrnno'lltnugneo.m te nijm'inle Mb(0) doflunn 1nelu:'s'en orn-loa unIllI O nntllsomrn,'I'b nIbmaim Toot lanaI 4luiiki oonmirnbuliens. 00mo urli m oarces,:r o unlined la SI 5,biOii in 20110 inI S20,iuO?l lot'cnn 'nc 50 or oldcml. Yo 10051 Ini ciu9050 In pal cli 315,0111 inri o cithem ihn pos'-toy, pom' loin ofyunam 40?Ik'l cm Ilmo Rollt 101k-nrc xl pomlinnm. Vos Ilse coold dicido Ike 515,0110, in my miro ociolmooso, rchca ycota mine I. onco 1ko Eoilr pnOioo ofyour 4013k lirIo' n nolln Oh be Inno co I reIno c poolioms. l'or cnunrmmplc. t'cubocsuid dotar 07,Siva 1,110 ubnc mo-nun potlin 11511 0 S7,tuuIi lIllo - urns1 Rank lodi donI forse bou IO lake rs'uunrimdm i mho comb poOin,n. yurikcmlOm, if l'on 10:100 youojob, yr,:ncum o mii nnioinrrsornlislml'hmnlnors rOer 00015m 1 70.112. vOici1 can/nl ho u big ads clrinn gc ifyna maori mmccd limo money orruil 1110m Il yotInra'tirmnmrenut 7ears. Aid lv'oc 's nw uOOmc 0 dcaouaaoo fIlIo Samlr 401112: Tilcrc'unIe naivconrlcmoo sic uioncumunubO hi'nllnn im. Of ncforc inoceuiag brt lb cilenI' Oollm fnousnlc of scam 40111,1, youorunya'ae n no OnI101ull nciult yonlm cnn urdciscn nIlo1 bric -it,nerr r prafossionlumi 'fo nimm iglrn moro 01115' 0 feIn' ycoms io Il'h,c hlolakc md cuunlag e ofiluc 1001k 401(hl, km'snn,s o il ciii u,'ois o lo ho cI7cncol 111-2010. heln Ii?'inisunn',niichlc. mi :nlul lui yo laIn vIrilInnIc'I Ocimre ullucos Canrgoss sIclo hofomo Il lcrrenia ko il u, perinalicill lit'nomool' Ills'notino merli-pi sarl irg 1511/scOpo. As 10110 lt il's amnnnlmmi Il urlI'¿In. rile OvilI 4llilkl is dacidinrg. coirmndol llnrrc faclarI.: b'Omm U lo Ils'Inc clinabla latini'Ilmo ill ,mulcìog mocinic le coat so, ycolo Irnplcyo mIll a ynlObd acrehavoc lo otfor lbs'11cra cour fahumo ill yonrrocn mulunvy'ï 4Oliki, . y cumInfi''- Tila t' gcr n'n,nuulmc , mo,'lvemc nkim,k oholnl ponlin0 i tlulnourlk fer you. Je:y'd:go:l'('ouo.tme noIr S 'r,'u,drast am d2t,uur.iJ,rcm l'O. alce y: s005'onios'r,.vjlr,o, 08, ,r4 ,.ro,0ns io .n.IIw.0 1u BUSINESS j A Christmas present for a distressed reader a camfoaubie fi perceint (Iba punvioes yield was 2 pamconrt( hr agreed TAKING STOCK atrrtia'iy I dotti beve etrougia tenir year. Se - peen - part af yuca peob- unrein i. Ele fail linac you alneald get is solved. Heixerer duniag our phi une c005easotian you told inc sib yvue money back, uvitinnut BY MALCOLM BERKO io puy for ciotiros, gsa, utilities, gigs tod sarei ta viril sty greed' olsiiderir in Arieerut, Pint'ido urrtd Cotrneciietii, le pay the proraritrrtra ott tray tirare life issomnee peliciut and oilier ritittgs. i tait 't lake arrpney freto tiro sirnai because, lerma u ituge irenaley of IS pcetetar f i take anotacy out, i irate S9,200 reiriaioiirg in try checkiirg thom minis idos it prousniue you unmade ed. He and I frit mIsal the broker lo tuo gmrudhids and will rol caineel tuo policies. So w y oauct nile ware little greedy sad bocasse lac dido'r waunn Anis lobecoinracoin- nochr yaae und Ovally hr agreed to thai out phiuraco issue, bolli lue taud lue bre- All tine new poperwark'shqsuld be counplatrd before liais colkmn is seco titre arad eire tetistee (evita is a Ibutu yac end peeitcpc Sich's rvhy she' salocirul this bsudlueudcd, COPLEO hEWS SEnovE Mr. Borko: l'in on 84 year-old-lady and less tiran invested exact- Dear a year ago ly $492,000 in a Standard & Peona Indos Arrnuily bocauso tite broker said such glowiirg Ihitags about tiria aiiituii_ thttt i put ovarytiring i could itrio it iroiodirtg tiniest oil ny catir, i garas I rootn'i thinkieg dourly. And vinco titan l'vo hooar hoviog trouble paying sty billa. iairo itairerited 425 alteres of Wai-MaO, 425 sitares of Coca- snitty linie reato) cviii orne eSosi' leim And you're n'giri - os liard oak. Iter volunmosily correalod lins ovenright 'llame will henna penally, you Hosvever, porinutiss y Our sianon spool nove le paruicipalo io ube huaros yearn aposdinug hruhits belios $42,000 rnorkel loss and you'll get ISO roccotut of your uoouuey back. Tinran I spoke mvitla your teuslee, tire to sell 20 sitaren nf t-cols efuso fciti stocks ira lire misi coitare i leid rira i needod arrasoy. i treed tiroir lurconic sift u mino twanee. Naso foc yoaur irafonnemioru, I'd iterare, at least $35,000 teere a irr year and l'tra at toits' cud beraure i do ear Eton' n'irai io da. la tuero anytirirag peo etti do to iaeip arr'? SE, peurally bofare Ibis coluauna is pdnt- libelo pose seine qoeshorm: Wiay, By tIno way, unnoal anrumna'essootv tIne moves lo take eau IS pamcuut of llar aninutisy value willroat mntially und linie one liad tiraI pros'iaiuur, iba nuunao of Ioireny'snnvre, YOu allomved oie iv visil wilh te mml you withdraw up la it pvcconb of Ihm voice of dam account reduce bd cossai fra Io I prmrmt prinmued iv limo arunspaper. Tine beokerago fian in gking ro give you o clmack foe issu uadri 0492,000 and I want you to put imniedirtmly. l've tallied xvilh llar aoovngoe of ihal brohrrage aund, with ivy appiovol, lin lass snieclyd a uuxavbnr of issoos ihal shoulul would you cuculi stiwnat all of your cmb risk pair nearly iberutioe him ted vaboodic in air iodrvuuunotti'uy? Sial Iwslec 0000 aguitu. It lank fare phnouno asllv ever 10 days but I ceref000biy poy you 6 annul IO 6.5 perennI, which is $31,000 o yoav You our mow rake $10,000 And why, in mine nouuue uf sii iliac is ansanagcd lo find him in tine cISco Bouma yoaur imitai account ould you considered holy. rveold yóu uperd ala Saicaday naming. Atad that $14,000 os life insure ver parmi' mous so unscln ban. I was as anice as riet (an yace life), which yes urns fas six gmndkidr'? Now hear's wham yea ahlasoed nne te du and I did il. I spoke qsite nicely te yvar steckheoker's man- Old Kiang Cule and I poinled out lo this man lhaes while lue was Iruslee (mvilh a 3 percent annual fee) frese luavaincemasod year iuucamm by 041,000 a yeas, svkivht a $0,000 mare than yos nerd. fous issurs were North $112,000 dnrsn't) shea we eva disassna bought fearpern age earning pase sar grandoiriidren as equai berrE- ages, who agreed mvith uve that placing lOO perarni nf yosr cash and smut loday they're worth reverse annuity moagage aspear circlet. Canceling these puhcies assels is an indo u senuisy is a home, which should pay you a very pretty sum nf movey mach aarotsgegr and since I baught drus will save you aberri $14,000 a $75,000. He agoeed re moka the i nveslvnvai changes Ihal we patently, dsmb, unsaittble ivcosl. requested. The accouer vow moms usoomb. MONEY: "The Only Guide tea Winning Investment Seassegy Vesti Ever Need," Lsery Swedree (Sr. valuable as ilne recIpe fee CocaColv. This is an escelleal paiuoes B morada. cayera' iuucludr ahimiaadvg debt, for ayeabas wIno want to Ivear Irvin they can build o diversified poitfehic nf iusevprnsivo index fuads. The book will also be a Seed read for slack-picking Rabian Leensed (Noiv, 2005). credit, ved clruvingupceedir TIar New Vera's resolution for 'falos. Pollewing this book's sagpleury of Ameeicnss woo'r gestionna should help readers Cola, 425 shams of Piaaaey Borros and 425 abaroa of littrntati'anal Paper freer sty sister io 999, Drrr'lrerr, NC. Dear Sg.: Sere i cite help yea and it will be as easy as fallir5 off lassyce tulio torete lito tisse is tito a piece of cake. Cancel these tirme $50,000 n'hoie life innamnee peli- ichiohirineteusi far roo: ihr Social Security, sty decrared husband's perrsiorr and small royalties on ene of his t get patents. i 05m any botare snitimnur r bai yoo'ii apprroiorr how tite iosoniay hnpposed by carding it. Macslat's Press, 2005). The title is a bd hohay, hut for tire irdividual investor tinr advice coarid be os will be Io eutraor lltrasseIves derful book ilntut extols the mis- from deba. Thin pragmolic book can hoip motivated readras do LyrimnOShatughamiea.sy000.nci. isst IbsI. The topics shot Leoonsd acoto. copleommen:'a. cciii. nf the award minares in o difficull dnciamea breacsr Pack Ridgv basso uvaay lirvlras, caring preple wluo do so mvch for peomntm thamsmIvms stube avrvl with sponsoaships and dunalioss apeedieg and a pile afbihtla. Seeks support for annual dinner inaradaciag iaiaiatives ond cernroyalty-wide pragrams. Bsrtvn says, "Detnemiasriva Aiumanee Federal Sadags Sask can hnipl We'se nade i a easier los peu as race fas sise laslidays with rar Ciasistaras dab Aceauns. Jasa saves fraie racla week sad whes the holidays arriaeyeiaii bracearas Studs Sieri erro cadillac thieyeoe. a readmito afraeivg nith'er Allldoee f55 Cirniatnae Ciebdeeeurei. dinner by affening a ncmbrr of appentasnities far busiaenaes ta ION Cuuiiuiioilcuid '05k 0:dym, IL f0068 Wen:ouomi 335 E. Omdev Av,mum Wrnivioni. IL 60559 :6301 655.0440 Saint Andrew Life Center 7000 -N. Newark Ave, N(Ies, IL $0714 847-647-8332 Poiith rnen Alliance of .4 mer!ca SelIGES eengs P6hIIllWoIMcn'j AIIince If Arsiic tun uu'hu'ulrdu' o lirreuttnukoeul murrie, mIme adIrai' of ''Thue Reltrensiemit Bible" amid "TImm Iamverttsng Bible." She cao be ieàched at 2211. NdtthwI.8 811617. Rean,rrecnin.. Paill R1d51, LIllie Health Care' lflteeSÎSendltS.oaeIy IcnIrtIeaeI.raan..c arad datatnaly MecS-Cala toflIrte n.a.-ran, cS1 847-965-8100 RVA11C PROPERTIES NORTHWEST KEN VYelter (847) 698-7000 (847) 489-SOLD CELL PHONE 35 Year's Especies-rse Ho/I Ccp/ev Neuso Smu'ciee el "Have a Safe & Happy Holdiaym nf silant auctiov/rsflle Items. Prngram beak ads one airo uvoilshIn. Par additional information Have a Happy Holidays BANK OF LINCOLN WOOD iI:I:' iNI- spnvaanahips, edn, and donatiam JOSnpI1 R. 11649 f,arJ. CamalSd R5sngIauv00Eu a Mueles RedISse' Inc. 147.675.2 not coacnnning rIte rvmnt including of nIent nydlion/eaflln items, Rethany 'fl,trrace Nursing Centre. 8425 North Waukegan Road Morton Grove. fllinois 60053 (6301 650.049: for OROS Dampaurr NattaI Sasse, lilminitaflogs3 Main gamin please contana the Park Ridge Lirrainaynd Chamber nf Cammeece efface at 147-125-3121 mr niait mww.psnknidgechnmbee,yrg, - Manssu FEIC 545km adas W. Taahy Ata. 4325 W. Tausy Ace. 1047 Sheila licO. 555 Uocs?uuead uomo L000invoad 00712' Skukia waor Equal Oppaocmlty L,yara VO- 7i?-f"D -'5 .'/-'-/l TS5a.1iat' (1f .:,y'f(',/ 1 7(appy;(oÑ4! ROARDOFcOMMS$IONERS lasiinaatd7'5g7'5570 7040 14. Mihmaakre Ave., Nilca, HIjead 60714 Talu 847'966.7900 Fan: 847-966.708$ Tali Flee R0fl-203'E021 Fao 847.965-5100 Realdcsnve 847-t5S't774 Esas SEar's indrpentaia9 Cased anal SInnMd & - brickyardbank WtIilanr Torphflral- PrendRont MORTON GROVE AMERICAN LEGION POST #134 - Means Helnnn- Carnrelselaeae 6676 North iA' 6140 DømpStOr Morton Grove, 60653 Lincoinwood, IL 60712 dEbe/ir j Pe Pefukir , NllesPaek District (8471 967-6M33 taoOn. Msuiraaasr fluo.. nasa. isvetit . san.,vs.rset ataca. nraasci'.ot'aaa, ti. vissa. tts.37t.OrrO FEIl JIL A471 690.1230 84?: f9P.955'n l'os rhahe off lire dnbl callocucan and starr Aun Nnw Vt'accu'ghl. tyrann O 'Slroogltrae.soy ir HAPPYHOLIDAYS EVERYBODY5 80$!%SS ÚET1/PI aoaiiabie fer gifts. associ un usher expenses. uheir canamaaily. The 2005 winners mene oatssanding sad meli desreviag so we look fcrward la kvaanivg o new scrap arsh month." The Chambre is also aeaking financial support fon Ihm annash Saint Andrew Life Center - building rod maintaining good psssim'e investing. Aavthrr mess- PR CHAMBER: PARlI RiDGE If Ihm lime cooses whm you less nags shuat ube wisdom of dean of iurdexisg is "The Pour Pillars uf lnvrrting," by William - need svvm income (gosh, I nope k irvohve a Eolia olnening Individual Rrliacrnvnt Accouan, breslin5 Iheir caoiri'humions le a 40h(h) ce airubisk' tiaonry t'aile a collage savingr pire. Their goal skcptiou. who cuasI fathaum svhy peuple like tat e cae such selent- The hniideys bring irs aid irappiaress ra yes asd nasi fanily Tradiriura abound with great ford aid fun. Err nary of ca, the hshdaya bring ispreased "Credmr Repsis, 71h Editiov," Sponsored by the following civic-minded business firms and services $50,000 in your chrokinki Occacial Cat ais reti 'ne's r.aot.aam.aati vials sci u'nhairs ',,s.'a'Psarr.fnhuus - 1* 847.6792265 Oso.brkkyaldbank.net uwuuan' (847) 965-9503 COMMANDER ALEX GONZALEZ LADIES AUXILIARY PRDDEN1 - MYRA IMITA aaararann A i rïdma ri tt tt tt t tt 1- 1- 11- A Trinity Lutheran Church 5106 N. Lacrosse Ave. Chicago, IL. 60630 773-545-7300 Rev. Joyce Gultiford - Pastor Mr. Floyd Rueger, Music Director/Organist 3' Christmas Eve Candetight Worship with Holy Communion at 7:30 p.m. Christmas Day Slovak Communion at 8:30 am. Christmas Festival Communion Liturgy with Trinity's Chrous Zora Singing at 10:30 am. sj9hç 83117 N. Harlem Ave. Nile,, 1L60714 (847) 960-8145 NATI VITY 0E OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Doccmbos 25, 2005 CHRISTMAS 20t5 SCHEDULE Chri,tma, Ive D,au,,,h,r_24 45to pa, Fussily Ma,, io tise Auditorium Cleuscir oill b, focused torrarda the ssssello,i of rut pari,hiossars. tts3t pm CarolinO aille siso Chois io tisa Asditoriane Chamb. tOut pm Mata in lles Auditorium Chssrots Chri.tm,s Dar Drcaa,ber 25 7:00 ura Mme io (sr tush Charoh 9s00 & 11:08 na, Mas, in dm Auditosiass Chssroh N,w Y,sr'e Ese D,a,mbm.J1 4:00 pa, Mr,, ir Ilse Auditrris:o Clsurah Nrmvaa,',nnv.Janearsj. NOS an Mea, is Ilse Sreali Clolmis 9:85 & listo am Maas irr rho Auditorissss Cisurals St. Lambert Church 8148 N. Kmrlov A'e. Skokle, IL 60076 (847) 673-5090 Chflntn,an 2005 Oaurdas,r,lsr sala Christmas Eve Liturgies 3:00 p.m. (Family), 5:0)) p.m., 10:3(1 p.m. & (2:30a.m. (Pour(s) Christmas Day 9:00, 10:45 am. & 2:30 p.m. (Polish) SOLEMNITY OF MARY lasuary I, 2006 New Year's Evo 5:00 pm., 6:30 p.m. (Polish) Nerv Your's Day 7:30. 9:00, 111:45 ans. & (2:30 p.m. (Polish) aarlaasar.tu..usad,s,aaeaaaaursS THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD January 8. 2006 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 a.m. & 12:30 pos. (Polish) Our Present Is Your Presence Christmas Eve 5, 7 and 10:30 p.m. St. Andrews Lutheran Church and Schoof 260 N. Northwest Highway (Corner óf Northwest Highway and Elm, near post office) Park Ridge, IL 60068 (847) 823-6656 - Christmas Day 10a.m. t tt tt 1- tt tt tt 1- Saint John Lutheran Church 7429 Milwaukee Ave. Nues, IL 60714 847-647-9867 /-Our Lady of Ransom Catholic Church-')i--.. - All Saints Cathedral Polish National Catholic Church 9201 West Higgins Road Chicago, IL 60631 (773) 380-0528 CHRISTMAS MASSES Christmas Ene . Satnrdap. Decembor 24 2:00 and 4:00 P_0. 12 M:drighl (Carol ScHau bw°s at 15:30 p.m3 Ch,tatmea bay. S,ndny, D000mbor 25 otat- s:ao - ra:aS em, and t2,55 p.m. Sacrament of ReconcilIatIon (5e OontsauOns un Satasday, Dammbas la) Satorday.00cembor3l tr:aa am. SOLEMNITY 0F MARY - N.mYa,. Eac.Sab.d.5 D.cnece31 . 5 pm.. - -- Now YOs.' Ocy. Sosdoy, .Iscoas'y i 7:aO - 5:00 - ra:45 am. and t2:ts p.m. Wnb4.s,theî,qsama,rasnaliaNs,a..nur.baeam,.stessa tra rtàr,r.y, Suaba ,sa,adnaafra,aha,ena Wa oniia ya,, r, e.aa osi),., se. sa edrimse n.a 16,1, cOlme Datai. CHRISTMAS EVE (WIGILIA) 4p.m. CHILDREN't CHRISTMAS MAOS 11:30 pot. C000lagaliooai Caralissg 12 Midisight - Oisoplseeds' Mase (PASTRRKA) CHRISTMAS DAY .r oz NARODZENIE IS n.m. M,tss of thu Nahivity 8:39 n.m. Masa, Faaet alti. Stepises, Pealo-Marsys 8:30 ans. Mess, Fasst nf St. Jahn thu Evangelist NEW YEAR'S EVE 7p.m. Maus of Thaskagiving FEAST 0E THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD Holy Marres: 0:30 sed li ara. ..-- W, welcome easryonu le aelebrats 5h, Lord s both 0,5v as. Ret Rev. Jais Dassidziisk, Pastor NEW YEAR'S DAY.- NOWY ROK 2006 lo am. Mu,, for Ood'a Blessings - CHIIISTMAS .21100 CHRISTMAS EVE 4:00 and 11:00 p.m. - Candlelight Worship 11:00 p.m. - Holy Communion Celebrated CHRISTMAS DAY 9:30 a.m. - Festival Worship with Holy Communion NEW YEAR'S DAY 9:30 a.m. - Holy Communion celebrated 8300 O1 G,oenwood Sou. Miles, Illinois 047-023-2150 St. Lake's Christian Cotu,,ittnita' Church (847) 966.9233 n,seea:s,i Or., 55,55 5'. S,smrait Chris tinas Evt 7s30 pm CundleLighi Service THURSDAY DECFMIsFR 18 20135 HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE s a good tn'ie to get into scrapboo/ng Step! Before yac stick that envelope af photos from Christmas away in a dmwerar closet with stacks and stacks nf ethers, 0000ider this, Thin could be the year. The year yea start soing thaw phases te Living in Gods Amazing Grace. THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION 8450 N. Shermer Rd., Nttes, IL 847.555-8210 CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE Dec. 24°' - 4 PM Family Service 10PM Traditional Candlelight Service Dec. 25th - 10 AM Chriatmaa Day Service h4 ensnaneeewe afll4 mdetdd. .WednroWmerqasseded .es4mpaaa 4tsaef 7:30 P.M. CHRISTMAS DAY HOLY COMMUNION 10:30A.M. . -. 55e5 ere.fl*s. Fm, 5.475554.4444.55.11: msfli.ira.,,,5,55545.555 Wfl.iO,5F445...,,.,15440.......Sf544 uhfs,.arSV..55.,t 550ambla a heapsake that will tant for gasaorattoas. Something yac osa putt eat when alce family gathers and remembre when Uncle Al did this er litsla Billy did thus. A scmphook. Bat wait! Don't aven tal the thosght of argasietag evety photo of year 21-year. cId sea since birth estar year mied. Start hem. Start small, scmpbashitsg esperta nay. Stars n Christmas ulbam thus yaa esa odd se evsry yaw. There ara holiday hito available to help you get started, completa wish idean sed malarists for lay. ieg oat pagro. "Evasythieg is three. Ita all framed -. papeo otiehrrs, everything," asid Cyalhiu Walker, asnear of The Paper Meen io Washtngtoa, Ill. "(Beginners) have terral. ice bow stmplr this is. It's jest pacing pinces cf paper sagathrr." 0 F4 r4,tjy Fr Yr Fris 4t7&ji them to tell a ssary. Seesphoahers call this GETTING STARTED jeamulieg -- telling who, what, when, Beth Wslher sad Lyssne Demanes, owner askers and why. "Joamaling is semrthing we really say, 'This rs what was impertanr to your great grandsea." For esamplr, ose tme-pogespeead io a e9996 paporudhesvaetw tieg tenIs and peno for Jeumaliag. There seo mare advancad kits for longtime scrap- 34 scrapbook created by Lion Knasch, manager at Scmpadsodla, bao jais two phntos end lass cf wends -. n list cc of kings Kaunch nel. ioe$ - err Wulkee neid somo scmphonkees nasty u little nelgtreok wish them so make nains ta go with tIse picsoren they take -- the linie details aed thrie amesiens at rhas memans. "One thing that's real inspeetsat is yea de sot hava In aceapknnh every pintare yen emphssiea," Demsans said. "Sema day, a lot of years from new, semraste io gciag so Thss wsy, the sash inst se everwlselasiag. Pins, the desailo narow.) roasri.ingo. recen n sr ra Sompadoodle rallos asso rginner s it, whisk tneludrs an rail almen in fric livra." ara vn, meas, such so "wear year sear bols," "tell tha teosh" und "horca the flag." "The frases bahied all this is waiting New ocraphoebern muy start eut creating pages thus look mach dews year feelings. Keep it simple," Kaunch said, adding, like a pheta alham, ascapt that the phases "t weald mamut the good with she bud. ara aeached te pagro with apace areued take," Walker said, instand, pick ont the jabeles 1h01 kent represent the event years rryiog te captare ned stese 1ko esteus. "UnnI he afraid to shrew things cas," she added. "Yea gal In o peins whem yen feel like you oca eliminate. Yea don't erad a pictarn nf every siegle parson opening a present." And nemetimes, ebjncto ear just an tmpensaea te phetngrnph sa preple. If, fer estanco, ycur family plays s certain gstne avery year daneg she holidoys, tnhe a phate directly cf the game, ans the people playtag it, Walker saggasrs. Ohr sad Kaunch aloe ae tceapboekers to make tarate captaro everyday lìfs, ant Jost special events. If ycor child leven peanut but- ter and jrlly sordwiches, take pknlon of yeue child making er rating them ucd des pnge es thea. Everybody han ditSi- ONTINUED ON IE'ATilI& ssena, 100% Natural Soy Wax Candles 125 Different Scents Christmas & Food Scents 61 Designer & Floral Scents If it doesn't:say.10O% Soy - It's probably a Paraffin Blend! Don't Be Fooled In Addition To: Our Soy Candles & Accessories We Also Feature AIS N ris lot on I 5o IN ci No black smoke or Soot Soy Candles Burn 40% longer & saves you money Biniligreslable so spills clean up with soap & water Noi4-Teni, Non of the harmful carcinogens fossod im paraffin wax candles ?Ve7 Cream Butt Soap S ub :ltaljan Charms Sta.i.nl.es Steel Magnegic Jewelry Hematite Magnetic Jewelry l.Lin-eOf Thei.apeutic Magnetic Wraps -Th Buy I us regs) 2nd. ono alP' Alt Olker .\ien,-li.,,cl, The Ilagle OPtions sviti he ulased tar the Flatidayo sa Macday GarrieSen 26,2085 & Monday Janoary 5,2006 N',, WHY BUY SOY CANDLES? Soy Candle. Burn Clean - Senc Yen might jaot casch the bog. of Scrapudoadla is Peoria, Ill., saggeot brgsaning ocrapheohers stars wish their mart recast phesos and work backward. øy 66 Z GUIDE BY SONYA EMBIPY Copley News Semine How about something truly ayfazihg? A baby. Jesus. Boro to bring Gòds Grace the gig that lasts foreverlr. Corne and see. D .(t P Colda WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT FOR CHRISTMAS? H D gel o% 9ff14ii Nanlcictil Lsili'aos, C]nirancs, Scrubs caíd Soups s- Guoy sar & Mor soen1na1o, Apple Cider Cbrsstnnsae Cheer Chrintsnas Berry Christmas Tree Mistletoe k. 8267 West Golf Road Four Flaggs Shopping Center Nest To The DMV At Milwnssslsee & Golf 847-965.8595 norwico GCeasto Jock Frost Almond Calse Apple Cimrnmoss Cas-rott Colse Cinnannon Bscns Pecans & Pnmspkian Pie Vanilla HOlIDAY GuAi' Guioï After : selected w h io h GUIDE photos you'd liko to uso, dooido 0000lor scheme for your page, Walker suggests. point, which is the picwra. mends, she placed a md square Gane see the days whnee yen pat ovar see qnarsee af the page sed a all kinds of itrIa stinkers an the green squeen betaw il, which page. Thera bss tobas puspose." Tisas eersainly doesn't mean ambellishmanla are out-- maybe just u little less blotaast, a titIle maie elegant. Attsique-looking nadal frames, camcrn and chaires are popular served as mots fnr two phetnn. Wotker placed o strip of paper thet seid "BELIEVE" veelicolly eoabrllinkltlenlu right now, as is wine und fabric. Hinges -- which ne used la crecte a popar flap en "BELIEVE" and applied e littln Decide hone loony pllelaa lo llar page lItas cala be libad ta roncol cornalitag or a tsiddnn whiio pailla lo it, leo. She finisked the page olP by securing tied biss of ribbon to Iba cernees of tho red you'd like to add. Tb oso could iecludo cnytlring frotas ribbons and huilons lo paper col iota the shape of a Chrintanas tren. anensnge --also aie bel. "Nolhiog is garbago aoymore. ma tries are conamon too, such as: (for-en-er) - far always, without esd 2. without the bonds cf lime, Scmpbaakers use sheets at robas testers t cerrase words is fancy scripts sad feats thet see scanstersad Oele O paga by rabbisg the shees wilts a Pepsicle stick. NEW TRENDS We Have LX3 Boots Bessh painting aed nabberssampieg with petal is ansshse anm treed, Walker said. She used pass en s legacy is the main "The trend is geoing back te a dry peislieg methad eau paga - thing." Snrapbaoks und homemude carde aise make iecmdibly nenlimentel gifts. Demanes made cards fus friends mad family with s pachas far a recipe nord und o phata of the dish. Walker tells the - Stuetieg wish a paper backgramad of black aed white dia- sanay et a men whe was sick with Geohia's disease und wade a ndeaphaok for his girlfriend; sed of e divomed woman whe ceesled a memory boek fer friends whe J sech she sed her childree in when Ihay had so place eire lego, "These ore the peasants 51551 you beep she rest of your life and the 4&(44 jwm eøftéee 7'uu'eé d Give the Gift of Travel Book now for special savings! Our Gift Certificates make the perfect stocking stuffer! Call now: 847-966-0800 cVEL and flDEPOTr5 enes yea remember the reel et y'6or life," Demseen said. "When year children look ut Www.completetvl.com . ,,ate 847-663-9900 fAena '0 Scrapbooking 'mps - From"li'rancisco RecipesCollection By Sonya Embry Copley News Service -- Start entail and with current photographs. Create -small books instead of trying to put together a massive - From Golf Mill Colé - cISThcs one. -- Only include the photos that telithe story best, Don't lay lo scrapbook every photo youtake, But do lay to incorporate photos of everyday life in yema books, -- Make sore each page has a focal point. --Enlarge special photos, "Some photos macpriceless, and these books macbig," said Lisa Kausch, manager of Scrapadoodle. --Avoid cutting around a person in a photo,'Laler -. on, the stoff in the photo's background might ptompt a memory, Include ,toumalang on each page lellmg the story of who what when where and why Make sure to include names and dates. Write in your own haodwrit-iag, so that future generations may cherish' lh'e words even more, . --Visit Copley News Service at www,copleynews.com, Thm that tree Do eon have enough decoreliossu toryossr Christmas Iseo? Or do lasa think you may han, gorro soerboard? Here's w good rule st thumb on whet's recommended toe IPse tree, mentie and beyond: Regular doorway Felt .0 gotland 181025' subi, doorway 2010 35' Aree to decorate l.rueokleIrsdow SO' to 3S Fireçieca maulle tiullingdecoredons 5010100' Ti height tQVa1 d,v.P,. 1020v Smell picture whsdow - 'thVAle'stIÌleWslO Royalty tre. Felt et gentled IO3' 3104' 5100,5' tnledumamserls 30p4c11 4SpIacei $' 351040 701080 50010400 4001n800 t,ftng OO75ae 7' $OÖÌETOO 101011' 15.1'' placen - 3540' I 0eres1ri800w1ri14.5v110525 pliodí 7242 W. Touhy, Chgo. 'II'.' Delivery' Pick Up lnnd,mtneyer 88% vI.Vò10ubieéltttlradtebliidivthas 30% lEocltaéglrtgglftu- - mmnitnlg CIrrIatmea ha. 77% - - - I USurdicarde,, '-..coolwrgEiltlideyme.l-'UMldrsg0bdnlreay,-1':.':: - - 55% -IS 13% - '23 95% 73% 12% --81% '62% it - - Open? Days at 11 AM Colin000a.IannuepeLlHorn se I 09138. MItwuekew ASS. NIlen, IL 10% elf pour entire bill I benn, ,AloIwIenp. a POLISH - GERMAN DELIKATESSEN . LIQUORS Orsedoy-Fflday When Y90 pr'eoeno thin ad r Cut & Blow Dry : - 00:. nao Steer, nl N:lea II. mila liess 05cm nrDoeeaI,rl HacIa Tssaaot-a,lceua meten; GlaseO Ootao .naawn r) Ef' - -9 Under New Ownorshlp! 'BAHA SUPER SALON - 74% 74% 71% 71% - Ucorehegthslrr- 773-774-2676 - Colley Nene Sursis. ipush Horr 847-9669981 I I Super Bowl Pizza $2 OFF 18" X-Large $1.50 OFF 16" Large U $1.25 OFF 14" Med. 1910 25' *otmteleturs light, U $2.50 OFF 14'g 28" U 000RCO: tsor,srur'eClr,lstrree tisse, Psersltnrra'se, Mt 'Perm, CuThre0dinn & Blow - - - - - Preheat oven to 425sF. On large ovenproof skillet or roasting pan, heat oil over medium high heat. Place roast in skillet; brown on-all sides (about 4 minutes per side). Carefully lift roast with large carving fork and place roasting rack inskillet'under roast, Do not cover. Insert meat thermometer in thickest part of roast. Roost until meat thermometer registers 1550F. (Roast temperature will usually increase about 5oF after removal from oven.) Remove to cutting board and let rest in worm place 15 minutes before carving. Place skillet with pan drippings over highheat until hot. Stir io beef stock. Cook, stirring occasionally, until reduced to about 3/4 cup. Strain and serve in souce pitcher. Makes 00 to 12 servings. FREE tinte donantes Thursday led Friday 3,OOpm - 550005e Daily Lunch Speclaln $5,99 - Peineta Partien, Company Mactinge, Fueeraln, Weddings & Blrthdaye .Partieu up tu 200 People - Flue AmerIcan & Polish Comme I Lois ofChristmos Goodies Pony Trays & More Fresh Meat Poultry Fitieted & Fried Fish Cheeses .Bobed Goods Hot Coffee Ereakfosl& Lunch Hot Tobte Sandwiches Modelo Order Eurojiean Delicacies Magazines & Newspapers Ornai Food Huge Selection - Friendly Workers Dise In I Groat quality lead atO great palee Fer Renarsatiees er istormatien nell: (847)41-1112 i cOlylaU70flIc0ntu_ J . uuvv',a-r'ussssvv,aaauuoline'-"c.t,, - Place beef on sheet of plastic wrap. Combine remaining ingredients except Oil and beef stork; rub over roast. Wrap tightly and- refrigerate at least 4 hours and no longer than48 hours. Return to room temperature before cooking. - ,5n7 N. WAUKEGAN RD., NILES $4500 9213 Waukegan Road Morton Grove, IL 847-966-0800 2 tablespoons olive oil or vegelabié oil 5-1/4 cups beef stock Sheepskin Factory L-1,1 7 9996 349 cae sheuld scmp.lfnalhieg else, is gern pheten isle a safe, acid- Nawadays, scmpbaelcees sim natta enespawer abets pages with "stuff," Walker says. she senessly crested. S teaspoon salt - nsenrlies Jnnkess-nans.Haas Euasam COR Snos Cnsrrs Walker says she shieks esesy- free envieasrmenl. U - cf she peint se it lnekn old," Walk er said. The idea is lo "Kids aren't tese geeselogy like they aheuld be. Family members am geing tobe lost," she asid. "Te simple," she seid. "Seme pnopts had the tendency segel sa much junk on a page thss yen mina the 5 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh rosemary I tabitopoon green peppercorns in brine, drained and finely chopped i teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 100% Genuine Sheepktn enpeess your creativity end indinidsality. Welk er said. i (3- to 4-pound) beeftenderloin, fat trimmed $38°5 And ulcabby chic is big--using nod green squares end addiiag mpraduclionn of old ticastor lick-j seme mesat canner embnitishcts, bingo cards, bottle caps aed nests, which she also toached ulthway lakens la coceot pages. wish pains. Slips nf papar with dictionary "When is's dry, I'll rub off some You can pull anyatong -- old postage slamps, old fibers," From there, you're simply matting photas, layering papes weitiag down memaries usad adding PEPPERED BEEF TENDERLOIN ROAST over the truena with a spenge Maybe one year yac use ro du nod greens inc Chris lisias album: Ilse annI poas bluas, sil vors and J NOW along tho lab side nf the page and nnisped white acrylic peint lightly bwsb te "echan" them, She dttached e deceraline end piece of fabric seul to pleno on cacti pago, and thon look for otay special embellislatraents FIol.11,\Y CIlE Gulul: Take Out OAK MILL MALL 7900 N. Milwaukee . (847) 967-0180 Holiday Hours: Mon-Fri. 9 am-I pm, SaLI a.m,.5 p.m. San. 10 a.m,-4 p.m MsasviaoyPo Pc/akts. 0V/er Sprac/eon Deutsch THURSDAY DIr rust ti 22 2005 '1111 1151)15 l)lll,\llll 122, 2(105 IOLIDAY GIF'I' GUIDE MAKE THE SEASON BRIGHT SENIORS Poinsettias of all colors are holiday favorites BY MARY HELLMAN JAMES Copley News SoMas Picking a poinsettia isn't on aim- Even the greca leaves are often splashed with ivosy or oreares. Bat the favorite for decorating hearth und heme is stdl the teorie tionat red, 'Seventy percent of largest-tailing flowering potted the peinsrttius we soll oro red tod plant -- we'll take home tens of that huant changed over the pie as il used to be. Americas told yeaes," Corey Reamer, machating for Ecke Pool Poinsottias in manager Encinilon, the Calif., nation's largeat breeder, Meriot, enclative teAisnstrosrg lost holiday season, han velvety deep cesrnberry-eed beads held those hotly-like leaves. Only notoria vesy sophisticated, like a light shinieg throogh a glues of tina moho ap meelot," Armstrong elsa stocked in hm- "Rod is jast the color matt prople associwith ate iled qasetitier another unusual variety naIled Jester, Ita deeply oat bracln ere mocked with e arnoy qoilt of colors iealudieg Christmas." red, chartnnnne and cream. lar, un is anathnr md favanto "Novelty colees teed sa sell narly io the acetan," Greenwood - sosd, "bat often about Ihn second light foral toast srs houes a dry. Mero cam iestmuatran and ttps for getting yeae plant to rebloom nest peor can be foncnd at the Peal Ecke Web site, ssww.peulechepnieueeraa.com. Ecke's pInne to introduce eew varieties this year, Kramer seid, "including Vtrioen of Grandrnr that han soft peech brocts wrth s pillowy appearance and Reis Reichte, which has ceinkled leaves." And jest annate yon'd like even more holiday decorating options, Kramer suya a new potrieoiafeimadly spmy pnmt in comIng into atores that will allow yea to add gliene, gold and silver, and other ceben to the bractu. "lt dofinitety givos n custom work re Oncembor the demand cenemy whitna and dusky purples. Still, Ecke and nthne breeders continue ta create noloeflal sew poinsottior for holiday docomt- theaughoot the asuene, Eros thom as you would any otheo holiday Restaurant & Lounge To keep patnseoies cheery look," she said, Doit Ccploy Nasce Servire 0e wwincopleysrolne.carn. Ray's Famous 2 for I Dinners Prime Rib Lobstor Tails steak S Crab LegS Satarday Restaurant Cloned $10.98 $12,95 914.95 $14.95 I Monday & Taesdoy Night Sur Open 'lit 4 AM ': -..,.-. 847-292-01 82 e 951 9 W. Higgins ENTRANCE ON GAGE ST. IN ROSEMONT PLAZA ,aw's JoinUsfor New Years Eve grams and classes lintnd in the Doaewber Nolarolly AnIme Nues Senior News were dne st Ihn Center Friday, December 2. Walk-in Rogintralinos for programs with ayenin5u bogasm Wednesday, Decasebar 7th, NSC Higlilighle For u delailod desoniplios of NEW MEMBERS INVITED progruine & scli4itian nr io ask aboal membership or regulentier requirrmeein, please chock TO GET AQUAINTED WITH THE CENTER 0e Ihe Ihird Tharidny of every month, Newcomers are innilod rho Nelurelly Active Progeam Guidas nr call tic Nibs Seoior Center al Io scoot the Slnff and learn eboal the prognaws nod scesi ces avail- 580-0420 -Visit or online ai able to srremborv. The rest mecling will be on Thorsdny, Pro-regislratios is required for most prograors. Call for inner 10000my Niles Senior Center a,,d Family Services Deparimonts will be closed far the Cl,eistmos Holiday 00 Monday, D000,,,bnr 2611i inri ihn New Year o,, Monday, January 2nd colored leaven rondomly speckled with cream, and Automa Red, tho earliest flowering poinsettia on ihn moeket, Anotlror early Tensing. To schedule an oppomnrwerl, pinoso call Ilmo Carbon MICROSOFT WORD II bogmns Tickers Mononida Hl Line (547 555- Jan, 1711m Memberl cf the Miles Senier HELP FOR HOLIDAY STRESS Whim tire habida yuans ti linie of vidrd 8480), This free nervion in pmby 15e ' Commuoily Donalopmonl DepI of rho Villngo of Nibs. ONLINE BANKING PRESENTAT1ON (One Sosrinn) Sununry Centro) Drop Of/on Oecombot 2nd and Walk-In -Wednosdoy, 2611, D000wber 7lhs), Check-jo al the Senior Conten will be 8sSOAM; return time i s nsiismsalrd ah liwn svlmon oidor adulls ora fecad wish chungo and cimohlesgo. Chungos in heolllm tilvaliOmmr Comm unnI omebility n,md smoke il Imord- C LA OS ES or to carry or svilim previous lot- Fottasving is u liar cf Ilse clamser 'groirts, coil MainoSrrratnars at i847-297-2510, Maine Township Senior News PRO- "Hunlltty Feed, h'Iauihhry 51,50" that resemble rune bloama, "Poinsettins begin taming calor Tovcoslip Moi,,o MoinrStroa,ne,s program offers Taondoy, January lO when the nights become longer than the dayt, anually starting at the end of September," Kramer seid. "But the time it lahm neck variety ta nome into toll bloom vorioly of Oppo,'inoilios for rosido,,l, 55 and alder. Mowborship ir Nu CatI - RagiShrotior Raqoirad Whon Iha grnmmdhids jsssl wont Pmo and includes u subscription to farI fnod, wimal ces, you offen limnI is Ilmo n,onllily nrwslrOor 1l,,it dcloilv all ncliviliei for Iba upcoming nalm'ilious und fan 100,117 Wa asili duocuav nicol and nn,seh idear Ilr,,I onorI,. All ealivilies Inka pincent yod can mmraha for them or voilis rhein. We will also diseuns picky seam a varioty of Ecke painsott,on frow outlings et ils growing Solds The vail &flaaazo'ti Wishing you, our neighbors, our customers and our friends. happy holidays and a joyous, healthy and prosperous New Year. is San Icoc Capistrano, Calif. io lOto lt u.tn, Maine Township Town 1JulI, 1700 t3nlbard Rd., Pork Ridge, am,lesn 001000. Nowca,noer aro always wei- cosno! Free Soaks nod rohest,- otherwise soled. For lhnhnr infer- RULES OF TIlE ROAD CLASS bSS loS p.trt. - t2t30 pia. Reserve [how! t 'rneriedee is cese you mom leo cony and overlooked three doten. - , The okango is oaly 56tO), LaIne in Jansany,'Thriicstay, tho 26th,. 'st trip - fo son "Tlsoso èiy Orvinp Duô - 7730 N. Mi1waukee NUes Lanehft, tmDf (847) 967-0966 l,,th,ayetûaualA5nirpliam www.lonetreemanor.com LivrEstetaimnrri Sanqaoi/Pariy/Mooiirg Fac/iticu For Up Ta lOO People No Party To Small. Catrdng ft Carry Oat Available lJrJiUvd Monday,Jsnseiy 16 isthe.mnsthly lanolines,. - Lsmietr, m nraai, nl000 nl 12t30 .p.rir. asid turkey Pabutnos FiSies"aI'"Thn Fires/do" is' "FI, Alhinmue, wiup, dole slow, ohipn'and desloO widjoorho,, The km leaver at 035 -will bonoi'nnff' Emiln6aiemem,l fra- 'nor. ¿hrd mtnnn 016 p.m. LonaStumer donor, nnireic,snd Ihn cùllism is' ut "fho Pimnidff' amrd vdihl of Movicó. Coal in 014,00, include park nlsop, eirsiSiig wilh Noci in - Iba - Roariog 20's, raurrkraal and pork nnonngo, Clriongi slylo Purty, Oli Thunsdny, svlripprd poitlo; gesov'bcunn ansI Osoasry 19, the riorl of Ike colo- New Ypek Stylo lonson cisoesebrotuon of Ike Cenlor's 25 year coke lappod soills ntramvben'ion. The cimnngo for ovrrylhimrg' is mnindraary, This 000151 will lohse yoss hock Io Clsiasgo is $77.00. nosy on sole ta you shoald ovoid! Ti,is pcograsrrtr strsbglml forward se you ests, take wh,sl you baum and upply it! RitGISTRA- TION NOW OFEN TO YOUR NONRESIDENT FRIENDS, SENIOR CITIZENS Shampaa & Set ... 55.00 flairent .,. Ss.ee Na Ctmorga - Reginhralion Reqssined Need le none,v pean drivons MEDICASE PART D PRE- liconse7 Flott on 011er ding his Soomsany of Stato mfreshon ceutue SCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE lisoS pwpuws yoo for timo wdnen Meine Tasyrrlmby Iran tecissad ntofl' nsassr. Next Cless: Apebi IS, le N HOME assisi yea svbtlr Ihu Mediosm Putt D Preeuripmien Doug proh',as,s. "The Scolare of Foehng Omar sod Losiog Weighl" PROGRAM Tucndny,Ianusry IO Forne oppeinlomert'! coli Maine Tovonship ut «l-847-297-55 IS Ito) pmo. #236. Plauso Isolo tIsas all Cinuuit Brenkee Recipienln MUST apply Presenter Dv Tms'is Ororbanm Thir lectura svill Irnlp yoa pick fon Ibis covenage In nomnain eligible fon the Cimuis Sneaker kessaflms. HAIR CARE MANICURE & PEDICSRE TO G 01H ES $16.00 & UP FREDERICk'S COIFFURES Nues Family Dental the 20e milk nidanic,'liappema and' Punto Ridge Senior Center. Store's sine SsSSFM, und cire ose whiols lifesmyle chongos you suros lid otuke and vvhbohs ones 5 slurring, tad Jarrossy actvilies - "bathhrb gui.!' Chicago'slyle hot co already Ac the Obleedue es the. dogs writ benosvod, Poity sleiluat' '2Shindig" & seafood PewS Deity, Detteinils Stentin and Che CANs LEGACY Of TIlE POPES, Tb,ssnn day, Fnbrucny 16, at Ike Park Ridgg Seetienr Cetnter live ,ruaic - MICROSOFT EXCEL 'Bogins TRIPs ST. PETER & Ilse VATI- AFTER THE HOLIUAYS l'lnliduys ao odor, 11m compon uJUy'Añt'vf;íí Thudl,lleT (ohmeck at Sonion Center) - COMPUTER OFFERS NEW Thonrduy, lsmmusmry I) GRANDPARENTING GRAM Red, o variation on Ecke's innovative ploet with curled bmctu blcom in 7 1/2 weeks, compared taS 1/2 weeks for others." Amsetr005 Gordon Costeen ISIS J0000ry 3SIlm WINTER CLASSES smolianunnrnathnsvhip or pro- bloomer in Winter Rese Early varies, Astomo Rod is in toll days cen be espocially challenging for people who bane esperinncrd losare. Espectieg In fnol 1911, from lOtOS li OOAM. Advancod eegislralion 847 58O.S420. celebralioc , they eon nino be a DECEMBER REGISTRATION sol lo begin in Junnery. A fall 2006 8sSSAM - 3t05 PM deecripsion non be found in the Milwaukee, 065,05 December Naisrally Aotive We're off to Milwaukee to Program Guide, Some clasnos coplero 1,5e 2,500 year history of joyous daring ko holidays mey llave pmemoquisiles. Fer infon- ISo, papacy and son impnnlnno ont be neahitic if peu nro deal- molina aScot Computer Cborsos, hieluriaal objects, precious liboing tvilh a chaegimsg fomily, ill- pIense 0001001 Jrymi Oslmon al gical ilrms, rune dnaum 00150e tu eons, en loon. If you ore feeling 847 588-8420, opeol'aaslan wanks of 001 - A nvenwhnisned by hobidnyimnens PEE-INTRO TO COMPUTERS ooee-in-a-lifrlime appatbuniry onoro c000ernod uboul n friand )for IhOse who hayo ne oewpsl- la view Iba Vaticana evinaordiiv tlmn cemirrunily, pienso call er ouporiosor) Begini Ian,5 cony cohiectionn of ors nod IriSINTOR TO COMPUTERS Ineinni abjacbs, many lImaI tova Boa Wavsels 847 588-8420), CARSON MONOXIDE Bo5mns Jnnosny 91h nevar been un public niese. The APPOINTMENTS HOW TO GET' STARTED euhiSilion immer505 niss'terS in Voi unleers nra corren lip culling SELLING ON EcBA'f. Beginn rich architeelunnl sollings 'prenmombaru Io schedule oppoiet-. Jonuory 01h ents mote than 390 ebjeoms io r,anln for Ihn onnuol Cnrboo INTERNET (Hew lo browno thair Sirtarioal contest, Larch Monoxide and Nolurel Gao rod surf 15e nel)' brgmns Jan, features o ohnion nf entrons' ditioen, Coping with Ihe holi- MaineStreamers Offer New Winter Programs for Seniors A newer variety is Sbrmmer GOOD TIMES, GREAT FOOD Pink, with deep pink hmota ne Served 3-9 PM, Wednesday-Saturday Drop off registtrstion foe pro- atteetiee; they like indirect sne- 7,505 plants wore shared by the choin's 35 alacen, mostly in Southem Califomis, "We epoend Merlot in a hundIr of test varieties from Dummen," said Armstrong spokesman Chris "Pink, white and Ihn novel- An upright, dark red Eche painsottia netted Pmstigo is papo- New members get aquainted with the NUes Senior Center between 68 and 70 degrren. Dent deprive them of water, but svotd constant "wet feet." Even meintore is bent. And dent tack them in a dark cerner withont tight er shiRt to mostly red." LOOK! NEW DINNER SPECIALS Friday Eneopran-based called Frnndom. Stai'tIng Wednesday, January 4 Tharnduy s roofing from speckled piaba to Famous for Prime Rib & Fresh Seafood Bar Open I I AM-4 AM Wednesday Dummen, pOiOSOt nia tho test. ROY o maring fire er trave them netside by the freest done; iske yea, painseltian ere mont semfoetabte Calif-based company is mIredneisg a society develeped by Greenwood, "i liked fr0 plant becasen it tends to hove mare internal foliage end the bloom propagator. millions of them bafoer the hotideys ter avnr --is aglow in colors gunst. Don't pot them toe close to additìoe, this year the Cllendoeu, Leon Zingerman, D.D.S. General & Cosmetic Dentistry Serttirtg Your En fire Falrriily's Denfct/ Needs 876 Civic Center Dr, Nues (Oakton & Waukegan) 847663-1 040 An Offer To Make You Smile!!! -, i °' i DENTAL EXAM - 4 X-RAYS & CONSULTATION FOR ONLY$25,bo I I 'New PotsnnIs Only, LImited Tsme OIes With TSiu Ad, I .[ comroondaro in iho 001/'? Did ho LETTERS: rI100i Cour bUlb ok any of thaIs? Did 110 lalk ro 'floU i will alcor tho coarse of iointory'? Io titis yvor 01000 witty I PARK RIDGE 18471 696-1230 LLøyd Mnudel Lh Fu 847, 698.0050 roo 4750 Dempster Skokie, Illinois 90076 ION Chrolood Pork A,dyo, IL 60068 Wlrrrool I I_I... BANK OF LINCOLNWOOD i-ri'Ial $47.675 2100 Odor BalAr 4433 W. buoy Ave, LlnvoIn0000 4300 W. Touhy Ave. LI010In0000 00711 LiflOOl7000d 60712 06061e 6047 060616 Blvd. 0606e 60077 05000, F012 00 Eqvsl Op703vr4ly LenCa, deiudod i/au of ioodorolrip? I sospavi yoo Ora root coolly Nues Park District NPJ wishes everyone, a .HA PP-y 847) 967-6633 O Alonly 110011000. Ito likc warrtiog o child io farrd Ion itnoIf ho6roa vorllpiviiog ils vdacotiao. Ail nyu irvoir io lrogoiioo 0100)1510 lire p1000. F111,1 obovi lire good lirings goillg or llrvru? Tira bogus scrod ilvino airolIdy ill Iron uiovIiullS. NosI 10011111 dray'11 ha 00h110 OlI Il 11011' 001151k Tireir poli na 1111/ holy wo bvkcg irainod to 10ko Olor tiro 0000niF Whoa 'wo lycrA Oglrlilrg io tira job Ivos Aromi Wilol uboul Ganrluoy hIll/Or Hi/loll Did yAc Joseph 4. He/rick, 6140 Dempster Morton Grove, 60653 (847) 965-9503 COMIIAMIJER ALEX GONZALEZ LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT MYRA SMiTh CAS 4h04 Oes,deoraI S Oaislr 111111 bulIlo'? On vid wo soy we've hoon lucro loo lOng 011/ Marino Realtor Ins. 5800 Dnrrpnlnr Marion Grave, IllInois 60050 Basirinos 847.867.5000 Toll Free 884-253-0021 FraI 847-868-5600 Residence 047.8 661774 Earh 000e o O HANUKKAH sloould pali 1111150 lila ouA lobos coald noshlmv libio control? Done Mr. Proybylo llrirrk ho voll aas005 lilo oilllahiolt halIde 11110 tirv Sa000y velas oree N. liulOLEvI revs of Nues would be honro served if the members of Oho villago board of dim000ns den000d their energy ro ms000rs that efféot oar oommaeiby and cot use Ohoir valobrisy es a eoundiog baord far Oheir personal views. in ho forst place, leaving lroq pOema 111mo by W011ld ho an in/salivo ro 06e 2100 plan AlOOriIOOSOO O the veunOlouo Iraqis IshO have sl000dy given Ikoir lisos. Many nf Iba soldiers nerving in 1100 Mi/dIr Baut aro Notional Gbhaldynhlvo and Anbsy n000nvivLv milo um vying to idoli O valsmilI0001mo do loony yours bobeo 011o OpiOiOIl, Inribo to, ill lb 0000115 innI 6cv y oorass Ihr ihono ai tIno ulbthon 1000. is oepeaiolly dil000Il sycrid. /11/log huy lisio of ycurlEl1011 Enroi lion , goilnodog 10 oviobwlc daring lIro lidi/o ynoar OIl, realice 1h01 CarrootiaeslCn arifsenliaos Ion last woak's isnao of The Bogie, o lelior won moor- As a ViOinaIs blondI, I aol all OSSI5TaNT Mr.000ITY LEADER 8425 North Waukegan Road Morton Grove, illinois 60053 s rapid riso in homo priaes. Righl 00w, Ohaugh, Obis ohnormal growth io homo volvos io slowing (773) 774-3308 down and will iikrly reOam Ou normal levois. This may moan same years of ooeo growth in l I peyment is Ihn moss critical factor io you, ger mro you oan live wilh 00 youv varoanl moceo. Libo ony good Snonviol decision you should not 0x00 essend yoursnlE A oommodioy lea/er and friend Two Shiv gs yeuse elmosr all un/loo fear. Wlven you 11000 p00plo nakio9 dumb f10050151 deoi- sold mo, "Whom suons 111000 uro the Owe mo/voting foeOors. F1100 should you do if osl010 slalvs Or, US ano hovering, 00011mo 000rsens higilly ano-gol, bond markers & honks offen low ratos. Whore do GO and 0000500v investors put Incur money lo gaio the irighool ralos of volano? The Alorricon neol colato morkcl. Sloop easy. 000 11001e I'S stili your castle, $1 Nil osnos idonis," Tile tillo alnoald 1000 bean. "Dabiol's colalon g000 100 fa r." The 2555 ,399W HI-EFFICIEN Besgl orag001s the ou'ov FURNACE (847) 965-5300 Financing Available COMPLETELY INSTALLED STARTING AT "LcVcrdr lost, bal so did wwm.etartdusthowl.com C. AIR CONDITIONING raeoly pnintod soitbo the tillo with as wnai/ you ioveso your manry?" II has In go solnewh000. Slook 000ums in Ihn CENTRAL COMPLETELY INSTALLED STARTING AT FREE 10 Year Warranty on Parts & Labor S1i-bjJ- 8530 Waukegan Rd. I Morton Grove IL 60053 I 1051 000 the price. Thol means Ohsr she (847) 676-4923 5:00 PM to Closing e avoid Ara nob of rising iuOerosl rones. Pooplo buy Ohr paymenn, OFFER ENDS DECEMBER 3j Christmas Day eniu000m r00000.rne000e e000se.eeeo rodI your financial fluOure. In Oho shoes nan, get nun of any adjasrable raie mdrtgagoe na raleo and you baso Oho foronuba for Snos W. Di 00r55n 06100go, IL 60635 $3,00 per game $2,00 Shoe Rental vpouieii000vgin arrlrse.e005 17001 Add 0000r/ nening low io0000es HEATING & Ao CONDITIONING Holiday Bowling Specials Perms Cut/Style Frosting Color LOUIS I. LANG sells newspapern, bun wos't help you muke a goad devinion abouO see mony sOarnling headlines. This BESCO, 9:00AM to 4:00 PM Prices are also valid . és' Bthsny$brracc 7urtIngCenlre. Covrlsclu F6010 nAOS n lis0 Paco uf Iba laso low yaora vonlnor sustain itself, Il bill sah- conbOinibl g i000500111 oiivvkv lonod onns-sion longpvdods of 1mb too familiar willI tino onnonpl of vn alrpopalorwar. TIlo fmni001iuv foil by bl1l1Y Am noi000snyihl'la 011o si/o and during Shin Oimo yon will kind sof nearkolu. Tho r000rd not- Edilor, Tho Bogie 7400 Waukagan Rd. m'ui ho pribllvd. Opisions prin edilI TOco Bogie nro r roistO r ir 00'i1050000 faraigv All progO'ama ace froo, porking is free, s/mission ir free (bat wo will anlibely, tklls? FiraO, ralsaiv calm, there io no valar in panic. People bvy and soli homos in ali to 1ko adilor. To laico your natiOn i onvoo iOvolioc pIlOpuso000 ly, Nc polvlbbilbily librloav loIters or leOlers tblair upOasO, forban, b001blor, broom- doy. DUBIEL: real Pbooro inneludo 00101001 infon- li rofroshmente (mailed oidor) aro the 8th of 300auny 2006 ir the big velebralions, and oleo a ClorisOonor The Regle web oonros blOom I 0000uobov000v liOOibi skills or gob 1 nro/lIc 1h00 ill Il IvoxponsO 01 oar prospvL't olboing 1Iwoy bono boil a000pn donations), ond smarto and amam000s, devomti055, different What's your opinion? Huleo, IL 60?14 boo we heno (ond had) Christmas 00es, personal foeanuial diaan0000: greed likoiilnooul ofa mon. A good nnanly SlId II 10111v. eloan fucad willi Olivia. Mark y our valendaE Sunday, bests spovalnoing. of 1110111 joilbOd so 11101 thcy ooald loalvrni g 0000rmno L Moro poyoo to 0110m. Uef00000bnly, IllOy nobs The Nues Histodval Society is bringing Sosan Chemler 00 Wiles for o oalonioaOing Christman program. Ohr brings hen mambo/go 00/ foe foe an oMem000 of why home priven. Hoer io where living AlolI P Coo, Nileo Christmas Eve HAPPYHOLIDAYS 847-965-8100 - While you aro oertoioly enOisled to veuve your opinion as o privato viliaao, il io my belief that /10 citi- Christmas Program at Nues Historical Society LASSIC BOWL Rose's edaor5 Tacad hod 07er sil000d instoad vail for a msaluOiar soppantieg end expros'eing gratinodo for those bravo peoplo ood for Oho saarifovm they are mobing on Iruq. 000e thvah I /nv'O agree miob the moaoning behind being rh000 or withdrawi'irg our troops ill ment wiohdrow our 0000ps, wo oar behalf Ihe fe/owl g000mmrnl for bbc wilhdrawal of our ftaapo fy00 1010010, did Inc 061101101000v hofom AMERICAN LEGION POST «134 D. Garbuju Niioo bora uf the nillogo board, urged them to a/up tares oluOivn asking iOOiltIl1011t 10111010, clv. Or'suv froedollr io osa of the maso providas gifle roy counrny von beve. Lelo nat deny it to anyone who is sOriving for it. Lvt's stay the This is in msponse to the aoivle pablioload ix Tho Baglo on 'lun/nodo vi sclnuolo -1140e buon buiilt-asvnafl vs irospiiolu-vvarer MORTON GROVE pors0000t. Rachen Olson valling for o oesolvnon asking bao Oho fedenul g000m' Fron Korri0000ly. Nu,, Kilos Trasloo, All/raw Proybyio tirinks 060000 ir o war ill Iraq tirol bro ra ond. He'd libo asta volreid' The Bugle ROARD OF COMMISSIONERS William Te,pInos Prnsidnflt Choclen Ba,beglla- Vice Pneolelent Jomes hlynes- CommIssIoner Elaine Ucinen- CommissIoner Ray CaernIk- Commissioner EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR- Joseph LoVerde 1ro/dos? We, ourselves, korow thot A Letter to Trustee Andrew Przybylo Don't leave Iraq at the height of the struggle FAX (547) 679-3963 647/679-3939 www.lcvayan.com Happy Chanulsah sovnifoces moda by oar military jorerosiod io lovai opioion vo tIre mottnr, anyway. Most iiivaiy, Moyor Blasa will toil oo oil whot we ihiok, ond devil lila rasoio/ao himself. Door Editor, "Have a Safe & Happy Holdiay" we supporod to help the dowo svhich you, in o memo oo Oho mom- Wooroor, IL 60559 16301 655-0440 1630) 650-0491 Pos become frao from tyronny'l Amn't Thars/oy, D000mbas I, 2005 in Have A Safe Holiday 330 E, Dg/co Ovaova 1004, moo jod womao io aniforin gma ap 111cm lines is beyond, belief Ordiovoy Oihi0005 such 05 yOLI and I bevo been goomlrtaod Oho right to oar siamo boaauoe of Oho any sai/icor aniro voiantaerod to go noon hIrvrr to help the Iraqis Wird oxuorly do you hopo to 0000lOrphsh rvilh this "deboto," Moyon Biava urld Mr. Przybyio? Do yoo think-c soioOiorr froln the Viliioga of Nilan, OPPO5)OM Or opproviog oar corrtinovd involva- NEWS $1,299.00 E HABLA ESPANOL" No Payment, No Interest for 12 Montliì SPACE PAK CENTRAL A/C CALL FOR PRICING & DETAILS A PERFECT MATCH W/ RADIANT HEAT SEASONAL TUNE-UP Furnace er Air Cenditlenlng Tune-up lenseWe'ClaeotengrO AbOli EFFICIENCY FO9N/CE &CEUTRAI A/c COMPLEWLY INSSALL6D STASTING AT e,eI239O6Q Visit oece' web site OtI wwW ,bessboheatlng corn A 070060 70 caC&%ceoovavu0a0u,neOua007&00O,r4Ara0r5w0000000o3e80r7u006o5AAoO0O 'thy Spiri., 'li ti 1817M II, Db i pIstilo 22, 2005 'Fi ti ,nssylr' Dr Cb:Sbiti..S 22, 23)115 (i (tir SPORT-s A Star is Born HAVE You HEARD CGMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS D74440A7D5, BOf /S4ÌVD 1PODS OAIOL!D4YlV7SHL!S7S Nues West Invite gives all levels of talent a chance to shine BY ALI BHANPURI r,o moho someone happy fashions wanted by aveey- snspsmd aaaessaries, und big this holiday season Jost go one. And them is always J,, for glitter ood gizmos. Woman want diamonds; goys drarm 0f Apple Pods; and kids that gift that firs averyeonthe mail gift certificate gond at ney mall heeded necklaces, plus delicate enea for weazing in lay- just Wast te have electronic fuel The Geoaral Gmwth Properties annuol holiday survey unearthed shop." Tite survey sheered that adulta mort Wust clothing the boors's desires for 17,000 adults and child rea ocross thn ceuntty. Geecml Growth is the (22%), Jewalry 3 13%), Gift Cards 310%) and Kids maybe nspmdicsable bat risaia gift lists shin yene have many napeas favorites. Santa shared with us same aequasta from mail ho eoaeived ut Golf Mill. them." Golf Mill afinas special holiday heurs to make your holiday shopping easier. GeIf Mili atetas cee apee 9am - 10pm starting Monday, December 12 and 90m Sroovx ÇnsrnjnvvcO 6.5 oat 6.2 respectively, iv as to 11pm December 21 - 23rd. Santa hones ore lOam - 8pm Mendsy through Satrseday und 11am- 6pm on Sanday. iv nel aftese lIscI merlu nrc rifaS lisos comed Meine genl Otis ieaid sa 1h01 rvesyoon hue an apportunity to yarlicipate. Uvually, the heel ofihe saneo getto campata and tite others waich Jt far 661e in theevont. Gvarnbb, witienut having on opportunity Io tin fer ervestlis pirar ee,itit Lake roadel. Forant. Sienñng the tame aentimnanl as Gracensan, Mains SeuIls haad Nuco Wast lust Thure., offerod ike coocle Teat Kohlneon esjnys beleg Stevaa says "he's beer u Golf Mill Shapping Cesser, geed bey and wants Fewer toasted at Milwuakea Avenso and Investment Treat (tOEiT) und muoagoe uf Golf Mill Shopping out by many respendants Ranger and Chicken Little toys." Missy wants "skates, Golf Read in Nibs, IL is anchored by JCPeneey, Kahl's, Cantar. ry gift, especially by sled and Oeca tha Eaplarar princesa dall", Natalie wants Sears, for themselves. "bocks, mora beoke end Hurry Pastee & statS" 120 specialty ateces. Iba invite consisted of founrar schools, allowing vca individuum Farmare irsjasmatiuo piauae call from ovary tram to compete ix Lastly, Kristin thookad Santo Caatarnar Serviva at 84 7-698- "fee earning ta my hanse 9446 oCclusa our wabsita se each rvanl. le arder sobe eligibia be partlaipase, the abisinIas ment iangnst Rast Estate "Moli retailers ara well-pre- us the most desimd jewel- women. Fine Jewelry can pared fer this year's most pepuier be foned et Regate & gift items," Hollands, Kay Jewelers, Whitehall Jewellers and ZaIns lathe mall. Gulf Mill clothing eterea are dressed io she luiras wnmea's fashions showing ap ea the gift Pot Pincen, Marketing Director. "We hava five jawelty stores stocked with sparkling gifts, toys gobez throughout our mati (hops und dapartatent atezar end the latest seid liess: bony jackets, sweaters, embellishad handbags, ceonhesed and seqnieed haha bags, Spanish- av ry yran" bris "I give naokies to yes every yeas and give ants te the raindeer but they nevar find girls wha don't always getta portieipotr ir tuai meets, Iheirepporsanity ta shine and make a name Taaget Vaina City FumiStes and includes mora than a'scvcgaifmill.com. Knights of Columbus Host Many Holiday Events! LOCAL BOY SCOUT CHOOSES A WORTHY CAUSE AS HIS EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT Tronp 175 Boy Scout, Chris Lesgla has beers eondacting feud drivas 5e fill the empty shelver nf the Nues Fond Pantry. The Nilas Feod Pantry rarees ovar lOO fomthias each month. When Chris teamed about this werthy cause he decided te fili the pantry sa part of his Eagle Ot.ssr.1a7: n,aM,,coa,,,a,,,,,,, yanK Casmnv caNsosÁouTne O,',,e,,vWss eso,:,,, cent/eu Scout project. Chris has had cellection bins 01 veejous loonlioes sed has else collected feed feom residents. Hie project started in aerly November with a resideot pink up. There woran cveewhelming respeese, and he was able te previde feed to the pantry foe the Tleaokegiviog holiday. With she help ofmoaugerTom Fuberoflowel feeds on Teuhy in Nues, Chris was able te collect avec 20 baena of feed on Doc. 10th at Iba stave. Ho hes yat ana mure resident pick uy and haper ta stack tise patetry full io t tiwe far the holidays. Chele plana ce camplatiog Isle Eagle task hy early Pabessary. Tlsavh « yac lathe residents for socking Chris' Eogle peu] enta succose und fer stocking the shelvos cf the Nilas Feed Pantry. According ta Maine East head where she received socond piace annab Stacy Grammar, tito mart honors vvith a snore ef 0.25. se nvcmesng und fun for everyone. "i think is's aweroase, napeciel- Aecasding te Robinson, sise teem IP fer ovary young teem like as, 0m nssd nrc iotekisg to mach thais individlseb gneis and perfect them Staty CureSsuns... of evadir to Isabel ]Diaa] and Assents [Nogada], Ihay did really Wiskowsky's vault perfannonee is vat sntiugcd witie sebera shey sao STAR real paga. eche ecos sont la tite fror-thren' lina Nane Duma boskeibaS 39, cabled a Owenot io arder te tram exacted mvrnge far their football ecantelparts assale that each pinyor wax on the rums page. Howavee, op ihr earoiog pessnesios, Ibry tamed Iba bail wooding 40-42 lend with llana eranods left, making it nnmiy impaexibln far a Hiibbscppavnamobnnk. Orants Caxlfl:eUnOO The laut Friday night, defmting Joliat Cathnlie 46-43 ut hamo. Thr Dons Wem 3-3 goisg into last night'e charity. Get ready to make y nur lasarvafinns for tisa Cemmunian Breakfast, Sunday, January 8, with the tip-off. The Hilltoppare played gama uguinel St. ignuriat. After the football team suffamd n ahnt eut lass la the Hilbbtoppars dariag the middle of Sept., fra basketball Deer mtaliutod, taking casaol of Ihr gerne Ikone fra apening from babied the estire gasna, but Solee is the lati 20 seconds. After gomnf sr pcd'oct fane of faon fram the line, the Dans tack a nom- labias Ceiblolic did ny kna'avrr, uvar, providing the Huilisoppers with s grast oppertunity lotir Ihn goma. Fortunately far the Dona, eanoacsisg ana tesper060n thene- who play Vernon Hills this upoom- Johann's 16 palots pruned ta be ing Tuzaday ix Ihn Hurdwond calticol io tIte Dan's niesory. - 'Unfonunotely Johans had nao- Classic at Whenliog, Jeliat Catholic wax asabla ta cenvag on u threa-froter, fomisg thnm to foal. The game wax then placed in the bands of nesior gourd Jebe Jabono, pointen Is lama within orso uf Nutre Datne. The lasa four of hIe with tumovers daring the glory Cnssgngan.,, see DONS steal page. St. John Brebeuf 4th Grade Boys Win Knights of Columbus Tournament v,ats,sstcaaai. (t,, n,,xtc,rsr niese,, nsa, vsa, lasci,--------- ,toor,tnsv, The 4th grade Bays While tacos et St. Isbn Berbeuf capturad the siena: loe :1,,,,, trou Mnry Saut af Wisdeor 23-20 es Dacembor IO. champinasitip of the Knigith of Tier chutepianahip gamo sean Calumbes Barkatbssli Tomrmawent iteld ovar two scyckootis. Tka tasonaneesel begun ro Drcoeobce? svitie tite bays defoseting St. Mary nf tite pistyani uts Sunday, Deeeaebor ii. Waste 17-13. Advjencitlg en lite nsa. lanceas: ,,,a rant. Seam did wail with their 00h titeenseseetito stasi s victary io ha hart free' reinases nfeagaiatinn. Witt 30 eneands remaining ir 5hz feurth quartnp the Dens up 42- Harlem Ava., Nuns, IL., 60714. Thank you und May God Oboes You and your Family I Great Hal day Gih, that contienes ta give throughout the year I The Knightu of Columftua Ludias Auxiliary ara stili sailing Entertuietment 000ko. M any now und exciting pl000s ofbusiness hove bean added sr tha new 2006 bock. Many m000y eavings idaau with? off and special deals for food, show and gifts, Finare cali Clam Weisu at 047-680-1939. Coot af Ihr bark io only 025es - a full $5 lesa than tha retail. Give Iba gift that helps othars Tan Ail pmfitn fmm tha sale of Ihane honks goen Io Cuancil Family Communion at the 9am Mass asSI. Jehn Brabeuf und Breakfast immediataly foblewing in Sift Pariah Ministry Center. Reservotiuns will be necessary - bah for 1hz informofionai mailing tobe nerI la membaruhip vary tese, Join us fer Faith, Family and Peatnmity 1 We aun nsa peur hnbpl Knaw romanan who libas ta help his aeighborn and the community? The Kaíghtn woald like new membaes to Join us I The Knights am' for Any Cothoho Man over 18. Far Mean information on Iba Kuights - null bray Jakobik @047-310-9446. Ali Christian Ladies, whether they hava sornenea invclued in the Knights argasioatiaa er nel, cue Jein the K.C. Ladies Auxiliary. For Ansiliary info, contact Clara Weiss @847-698-1939. Tha Hehduys nan baa vary Icealy time far soma mambere afear family I PIcana Remambar tisa Many Folks Oghtieg llenasen could ase oar Visits and nur Assistance au Wail us Prayers 1 During Ibis Holiday Season, PLEASE, Plcasa -Cens'idrr Calling OR VISITING A SICK FRIEND. Reorrenborwhat you da far your Brother sad Sister will br appmciotad nocI flot forgasseol Ax we leave always asked - Pianse pray for ali the Sick and Dietra9eed Mpeobars of oar Koighte Family. if yac keraw af u brother evito is leuviog Piveociol al Hostile difficulties -planee 000tuat Pinestcial Secratary Ken Lee et 847-907-6234. atnard fer their affoar," Rabiemos maid. "They ceo da tltcir bere ast get uokooerledgrd." Rebintan frais thus avaraib the Dons defeat Jouet Catholic BYALI BI4ANPURI amargad. Cull Kan her waiting for your cali 1 Hew 'Boat placing A TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation far the Tootsia Roll Candy Driva bafora the end of the year? What beltar way ta help others witbt u doeatian. Any donutian will be bnipful tau handicoppod personen aclaren. Send it to: Cauncil 4330, a/o St. loba BeebaafCharah, 0307 N. "I think it'nagraat epponunity for those who don's nlwoys cempelr sa placa net renalvr ra piece Onish, but siagird ant Gbya tverkcd eel butte off. b gino n leI Lyvda Piaula bulanvox doting Ihn Nilex Wevi 'A Stur is Boto' gymvcsticn invita lavI weekend. poet of this omeat, hove on uveauga sacre af inse than 0.0 is thn easynctivo avent. Groessosa said. "I think we renhly This year, the DiEners have voted ta celebrate the helidayr by rappartiag the First St. Jabs fimbeaf Nrw Year's Eve Celehmtinn, te br held en December 31, in the Parish Misirlay Centre. Brothers Jae Tatkomshi, Mel Kaeeigs and their chsrmiag wives have pleened an Eveeliesst Evaaiag fan the 400 * asterdms. Sit-dawn elegust rincer, Eaterlainmeist and Champagtse alaag with friesdshìp - will wehe this sa Ontstasdieg evesing ta mmembrr l Sign ap tensas ace available e the Bulletin ae call Jar at 047-966-6913 I Celabmtr the Holidays, help athars asd Give u GREAT preseas - by pnmhasing Toolsia Rail Banks from the Knights 1 Just thisk - yea nan hny 3 Bsahs far only S 8 er a ossa of 24 for osly S 45 3 revinge nf SS)- fra person gets geent candy, ynu geta discaunt, the Handicapped folhs gel a donatiaal For more info arta bay sema basks - contact Mr. Ken Lee at 047-967-6234. Local deli verlas aun ha Moira Eant, a leans cases'sting of ana juniar, Ove aeseiors and Ilse resi andevelacensar, Snirhad in n ilrwavar, the 2iutannssui Star is Bem gymnoseicl invite leaSt al Apple iPods (6%). Diamonds were singled sacond Disc urd Nogodo basil campesrd oes else baboon brette, nearing sosni Fatals, lite 4ih grado bays basel is tusse St. Jales Sesbcafs'n. St. Ps,el of sits Crony. Sorb tosstees steeuinresi lits,'oneri tut'the theair dclisnsivo ustd aiîaeeeiva ploys. Alelen fsessl bercer St. boitst Brabesef nest lite Chanepirosleip 50.14. The team censiutu of Jary Abacera, Chnistaphon ftaegiona, Marca Gaisnsini, Ryase Knippioger, Paul Pepin, Danìoi Prestes, Teesmy Sam, 555mb Jas Sssarca. Thacessoieom arr Oseix Oatg'soteoased Drctv Gnlaseitsi. Ccttgvstuiesiaos ta lisa I liii 11,1)13 l)i 1 SPORTS LIFE Sports Round Up For Tiger, thirties should be something PERFECT PAIRINGS San Francisco chef shares Dungeness crab cakes with Gainey sauvignon blanc Ed Ziaralaki Coplay Neme Service Hard to bof ovo, but Eidrick "Tiger" Woods turns 30 no Doc. 30. That lanky trcnogor who dominotad junior golf horn, that saine youltgntatt who kas won Iba Buick lnviiational ut Toeroy Pinot three potentially, in tite noar kttare, kids. AloI of thittgs nvilt he happening io my 3Ss lItaI I roally didn't foresee ltappeniitg lvhen I turned pro wltan t was 20. t oposieg rournomert in January foe all of this year's loumamnat cham' $01f coursa where t grow up play' rag or the par-3 golf course where I grew ap, er St. Asdeaws, or Pebble Beach or Augusta, t could cam laus. I rncnld just libo te play golf nvith my dad ene wore 6mo, think it lviii he Woods sounded amatiusal, but he quickly-gathered himself He's nor a kid asymare, and al the edgs of 30, Woods has his priadries as grooved as his new swing. very ovciting IO bou IO years under his epikea on the PGA Toot. "i gores l'vo now h000mo u toue ace echot ory 30a hava to offne." coterna," Woods noid. "l'ne riot is that Woods, o sludent of the fOttlO's histery', look s around at othar playact' Podoloff Cup used to toast basketball greats tltem ' Association's moor natoebto plmmyor. lis nonird toe A very rich und nuocoasful vetee- Going ieto kir cliompioeshipviolorios with IO 1h on anyone bot Wolter Hagen (Il) ted Jock Nicklous (18). He meantly turn comed PGA Touo Ployer of the Ynar for ehe sovontk breo is his eier full years on tour, le his firer year, 996, ho played io oight crottIn, wtnoing Wo. evelt 40s Iban they weeo inthoir 20s. Woods doees't neo why he earl de that, loo. He has 46 curare PGA Toar sateltire hookep too medio galber- victorios, whioh iogittsida the Lodge ut Totrey i n seventh on the all-limo list, alt Pinou at Toaeey Pines Golf C000ao in Sao Diego, n'bere Woods will dofond his Doiek levilutinnai tillo Jan. 26-29. Last year kejoined San Diego's Pkil Mickelson as Ike Buick lovitoti000l'n only thmelinse champions. Woods covered a variety of sub' -jouIs eunging from how much he enjoys ployieg ut Torooy Pines, to nvhat it frets like tobe turning 30, aing sin limes - inclading the Moslem, foe ehe fourth time, arId the British Opon for the second and he was is coetentt'oe atoll four mojoes. His 20u ware Nioklanseuque, so why shouldn't a patta," Woods said of 2005. "I was his golf swiog with teaohrr Honk Honey. Ahoyo all, Woods sees in eoataatioa is all four esajor near Munhattao Beach, Calif. whora he was filming "oration copeare" and doing voioe-oveas for a video gamo. "l've wos mejor championahips. l've tree tourna- ments around the woold. Mote ilepoe000tly, l'vo stoned my owtt feaadatioa. I hrvoavifo and DONS: Crush Jouet Catholic CoveivUm Ulivo l'vrvrnoa l'non golee, hIlt hin free Iheows down the ultotch overo koy to 1ko n'ilt," aoid Notre Dotne hood couch Denrtìu Zclaako. Thu Hill)oppoen, n'ho vort do,v,t 36-2701 Ihn end orillo third it was saab a tong yeov I'm jusl lion is when ha was asked te pick u fournnmo, live ne deceaned, and o bin amount of chongos he madeja lout," Woods said from a studio toward the and of the yeas because "lt wut one of my gentlest Pisula won second place coarse for Ihr ultimate round of Woods, mito fiainhed tied for 14fr Dec. II in his Tuagel Woeld Challenge enhibirioa, wouldn't detail his 2006 schedule. But WOods said ha will uhip ehe Mrecedou Championships in Howeii, lite PGA Tour's seasonnutscoaod tite Does 18 to lOin Ike geai eight miaules. "I have to gino them u tal of credit, they fought und envor gava sp," Zetnuko said. Offonsively the Dolts mrae fair- iyuuccesnfiul Innigltt, ptoying au Zeiaako acid. Inuit o moro "Nntro Dame-stylo of bosketbuS." WillI lin eutoenieg stances on Ihn loom, the young squod allowed putioneo, porting the bull etfcctivoly olld golf "Tobe hoanat with you il would- eautimtra by the and' of 1h e tesson. Host school Hilos Wear fisishad io third placa, und had steeng pnr' foreiounes by a number of sIb- n't be a foarsomo, it'd be a 000uomo," Woods said. "I would just Stophon Hughos wha racked up IO poiets end junior O Molt WoaI who NEW YEAftS mflcr Inday Ive plOy IlIrco tleuighl gamos cit Ike rood," BOWLING BASH ALL YOU CAN BOWL Hors d'oeuvres Champagne at Midnight Cheese & Sausage Pizza MusicMusic Music Rental Shoes, Soda and Prizes behind tho uroh. umtd lvc SO0 PM Sil Closing $35.00 per couple Includes: scoeod all nino of tin pniets boul Aocoadieg lo Zolosko, winning their OrsI Ilomo goma nus u hugo bucal for tIto leant's confideitce. "TItis woe nor first hnntu gamo ond plane and combined with Ihn scorn af tha leant's albar copIais, arniar AnnegO Danilowski (25R3 riaIs qualifier), rImad the Wolves first placa avenall io the event. Acm, vun,c,ru Ber,, rn cee umaoutoneu wailing fne a shot lo opte op instead of rurlciitg with thoie Zolunkn said. "t think ave kud grcnl anuLrs Oraras slodoet body suppou und u lico gins $t 5.00 oltompla. lure Out evor,tlI for the gamo." - - - www.stardustbowl,com 8530 Waukegan Rd., Morton Grnne 841,965.5300 his soup ho teneog Ii. OVe'vaoalan 001 Icilh this mon for20 pears ond "Timo umher mop onsocamni froto mi wottian who vat oonnss timo rouie luid hoe cailor. 'I'd like in lleco who loyal hin's having." THE DIEH Ilton look lila bosyl oui lcimh a tonal and sal it 0 O plate," she of dishas. hI's nuw blind ou,llfort food," oho roid. Abneefnnv yeats al Snreaolo, said. "b mod 1ko waiter take the bawl out lathe f0051. I porsonal- Gobas Irocalad culonaively in Fmuco and Italy und brgoi tu ly would scava 1ko socmp." incorporolo now 000kiug slylos in WImol Ouker didn't rouliez oelil ulie lodlad nul lite bisqac for hoe guasl was Item ovoehomited lia her cuitilie. Armed ,oilb lmcrra,v mipprooch and liar old ouwmnittuonI 10 omlstelnnrsolisfactiomt, Cookbook" (Ten Spend Press, howl hod boverec. "As soar na mho sottp inuched il, ii boiled aed evapormtted - risiug Ookas ournad high penirn for time hell uf crab willlj urla fe,v ingrodioeln .10 Onvor cud hold iheimi logelhor," Oaken noid. "The kay intonso high'qualily crab and nut h001nesIir Iba mnislure. Crab is very dalicote and colt ha easily avarpanvared by litings like bell TIbE pihilosaphy onnlirtbod sl,a and roalmruraal-dosign oui len goes 'bang' und brooks. Tha gursr scar josh shekieg and quicoriag. I jast looked mit Iba w titar ucd laid, 'Daiaks for 1hz teblo,' and walked gara Pot Kalolo opened Gekos' back to tho hitchtee."' and visitors feom around 1h10 growieg up in Cannot, Calif. aed the Sail Frotict'soo Bay Ateo. SIte wansad ta be os ultisl. Bol like boat young arlisla, Oskes said, "I coulda't niaka o living al it-so I worked in eestattranra In rnske nuds maaL" THF RF('IPF DUNGENESS CRAB CAKES WITH ASPARAGUS AND CRAB SALAD Secuaces cssked lump Dusgenesserab meat 2 Iabl'espsnna early diced eelcry 1 tublerpose very flanly dined julepees pepper I tsbleapous chapped cress flat.leat parsley leaves 2 teaspoons fresh thyme, chapped 2 cups panSu (Japanese bread crumbs) 2 iablesposns olive nil Asparagus viaaigrettet 1250 16 msdiam-tbisk c,Iaront 145-seat, hoyfoouteosioumich in 1993, Boulevard, a paree- nial favodle of Sau Pr000is000a D uegeimous crub cok os oro qaio- losociltiul Son Pr,ymiciscu fare. Tllis vannes, foatuniug coleny, jalapelto popper, thyme und buyanunisa, is fram Dahus' nnw cookbook, "Ooulovond: Tilo 850). "Our bouio painoiplo iv la 1mayo popporv, leu much onion or strong barbs." Meal pickod from o harkooakrd D urgeness crab works world. Oakao und hc'e resteumuls Ituvo wan many honors. Ir 2001 she mas awarded Ike Jaman Beard Feandotion award as "gott Chef ir Cnlifurnin." A parlucript on 1h e soup mcidoni: "Two things happened bscause of il," Ochos suid. "AbolI four dsps hater, I gal o heI- asparataa speari, tnagb ends aanpped nifand disaurded 1/4 sup freeh chervil leaveS, loosely pocked 114 leaspusu Sue sea saltar kosher salt 314 cup clive nil 114 nap rctra'virgiu alive ail Lamen vinaigretsem I lemon, sul into 5 pieces 2 lahlespouas light nora syrup 2 loblerpoous champagne 1/2 teaspsautlossher dt I cup grapesend sil Kosher satt aud freshly grnsnd black pspper Estra.virgia slime ail 8 whale crab alams sad/ne leg sagraeats, cooked Torlar Saona Yields 4 servings. Por crab cakes; Pick through cmb moul Io roubosa any kits of shell or uartm'Ingo and getithp 1h O mOat is nOce bather thou 1h01 ynaola'm,rlysuocardrd." the clientela uvonlad. "h cookod ho food my metulbor ceokod - Pol tonel cud huso kiudr Finely gratad teat nfl lsmaa (preferably Meyar) I/i nap mayonnaise Space ls,limited! Only Paid reservations will be accepted, so sign-ep to hold your,place. limo so-and-ac hod euer goiton 'chImed agoie as sIto ro hasted ihn brolic OIt Ilma slOva und Ihn bowl in resloorant, L'Aventmn. oaokod and flash full, Ihunk you. II why lito OrsI nillOiling Iba drama phey out. Oho feud sad sorvice at liar coot ara tito cuupio h melvas dieieg lvilh hut vmhid, 'Tiluak poll, thank Oahos liad a good ideo cf wibom Crab cakesm Accompanying Jabonas oISon- sive parforetance woo senior G noid that she was plossed wish Iba outcome af the 01001 oud glad that na one was irjuerd. Sanior oa-cspiain Lynda Pirulos 7.25 socia an Ihn balanue beam lvas sIe ong enough far sec- CLASCBOWLCBOWL like to play galf with my dad ugair. t don' t cate wheze no play, whtethor it's hoch at Ihn old Nuvr lelas. Head cuacit Pam Fanruh nos affonad 1h a chance te mr u smumlll Sail Ivarkiug-closs Francisca nnborfnaul teutaurool jallad S,yrcmlcle. Allhoagit 1h10 tan from didn't havc nny formal training, raslosrost bssiucss woso'l 1hz fcllaee Oak as eevisioeod whiln niok-hnock rhings that notad up Oakca foslld Iho colitrocy .rconc fasciltalilm IL "I hosicully gol moldicted lo 1h oruslallre II buuinoua," nbc scid. Oppanihleily klboched wlioe she bistro L'Avenur, vunvad the sacmp wnoldn'i he Daaling with Iba vagaries of Ihn mpreienoe that rnsh' coming mro the beck sino mude it prarty Golden Bear's erijO madcalty amor I Sut came ont or foe sure," Weeds said of his plant foe the rent of the peor. "Tite clubs are pocked away. I'm going to lot my body heal, t've got a 000pin of charnpioaships on the book tian on Sunday. twos faaeanate ennugh to wie Ovo. 'Considering ail the changas Imada in my game andin In how mnck his Buick spensoeship moons to tito, to the incrodi- turning 3Oas a sigeificani padnuge foe his creoer and his life. "t think my tifa hsa ohanged dm- "l'tn not touching cIaba, thor's going ta let averythisg calm down STAR: ond gel uway born it far awhile." Wonds said ha plans Io spend as much time au pausibla with his 'til. ing falune, Earl, wha km boon barIting a heart 000ditian for mnch of Ihn time Woods hua been aprafernianat golfer. 'Waods bided hew Coyrlucro roue rnnvinvnrour, severa his father'a peosoatcoudi- 30snrealhieg Ti gar stay on the Sau like ainsabroont cloud," olio seid wilh u gigglu. "Tkemr 1ko bowl itt his 20s. He's coating off what he behaves is ode of his hast yours on toar after wie- cha the broiler. "h mode o ocuple of nolods und NBA pioneor Maueucc Padnioll, the irugsin's Orsi c,,mmuss'limuee. Podulotf was ham Aug. la, IS9, in Ehinubcligrad, Russin, ulsd gruililuled fremYole Load Sohool iii lOIS. In 1946, Padotciîwas eslouinecial is fausding the Baskeihdl Asrocitfioli, which by 1049 hod merged eta the NBA. Hernio'od as NBA coa,ininsi000r 1mm 1949 In 1963 and negotuoted tho fledgtiag hangar's Orsi toleaiaio,l canotai l'e 1954, In 1050, rogue MVP Bob Poilus efluir Milauakea Hunks was pmanrIed nOtO Ihn 0eai Podatoff Cup. Munrice Pcdateff wtt 95 yammrs aId when he diad Non. 24, 1985. red boing moro productivo in thoir 30s ted lilao. Numtoy Oohes, tho Proncl'scu Ita catted Ihn Podotnit Cup and it has brou pretrumed eoch yoor tinca 1954 to tImé Nat'mnnol Bankethatl llovittg Woods spoke rocootly vio a "Il's 5h11 not hint enough!" said ihn dillar ma he sant his iobïtor very busy chef of SPORTS FACT $55 itiillinit, tuono thun onyono, over. Ele Itas worn modern major THE CHEF fourth I Wooda alenody hot w on leone then Cuplay Newn Serrino bisque back lo the kitcitan for time timon, Ovino in the past three years, grizzled yet, butt ota 0100e voter- RON JAMES with him." und I really do miss playing gulf Whal's ecory 3110-il 22, :10(0 best. "A h h/4.pound crok yialds urm,bv lImaI dotorir'Ou.-. doting lrausposl. ralo Rafrigaraled caunad crab hi Ihase theol 5 aunons of meal," Oakos" some slerer tiro works surpris. soid. "So, for 111e crab oahes, ingly wohl for limit dish. "II's, iutpnrhanl Illeereyoueaisa you'll reed st leonI three whoha is of good qualihy," ornpbusiaas crabs. big-baa st000s will sell Oaken. "BuI it doesn't Itaca lobo proviaushy frozen Dangeness itamereado. We like Beat Poods weighing up Ia 3 paouds. (known as Ftahlmone's east al rho - btississm'ppm); just duel use the aoduced-fot kind, sshioh is loo rweei," Oakm funus Iba orab cakes by packIng Ike iuishaOO luta 02-inch CONTINUED PERTPAIRINOSG,, Pate 26 s quaeat with your horda to F orasparagus cinaigrelbo: Cuak gro pesca d oil iuslawsacam_ neas cynescess hiqaid. ( Beunrn' es paragus ia u mule pue or skih- Blend fon ful, 00 den's woal 1ko mistare loe dry eilkar.) Placo cmb meat in bowl with leI ofsiremerirg saltad waler for thraagh One-mesh siece t'ala 3 to fi mincIes, depeoding OlI bawl; tasle foc stIlt, sad odd size, en until the apean tea bare- waler to give the vinaigeetla a paumblo consiltency, if aecot- h minute. Steam remaining ingredinetseycopt ly crisp but still leudar and krnud ornmbs and ail. Fold ntisI ocaso il is (sSt combinad ned crab is noi brokan nc mmmshad. green . Draio usd msrtnersa in kotni of ion walor to step coaking. Draita, 051 lips into 3-inch tarp. Sel asido, Divide mistare into 4 parlions ard shape isle cokes Ihal am lengths and sat aside, IO 10010, aed drizzle wilk u little abaul 2 inchos itt diaree tarsn d h I/2.isohas 'high using cing Place asparagus boltnms io blendar; add chervil and saIl. With mochtina earning, odd balli molds. Enfri geestacra b cakos oSlil onady lo sorno. Prehash aven IO 35g F. Pmmt psnkn 0010 lOps und bot- Blend fer h minute. Strain Ikeaugh a Ssa-mrsh sueva ialo bowl. Tnsia fnese000n meg; add lares efomb aukau. looter to give 'uieaigrelln l'bel ali vn oil nyor mediunrhigh heat in medism-siza nene- poutubh 000rtsisicoc y, if roces- pruafukilhel. Add crab cakes and and pci tikillot into analI for 3 Por leman uitloik'rotte'. Place loman pinoot (peal amId all), cam syrup, vinagur 'und stia in blonder and puree ottlil umeothi. Inisulos to browa bottnie sides. WillI cook fac oboat 2 ronaics, er udiI golden un I side. Flip cakes a tarp. Ser mmside. muaohine rocuing, add To snrvc: Soason rnserved O5POeOk'1151v ith soll und pepper, estro' oirgiu elica oil. Spoou poal of loin ouvino igrntla un I sido nf each of 4 large diarer platas sed lop with nspomglts spemles. )bfyotm hove 4 s pears per YOlt onuld stank theln 01055 wiso 2 ovar 2. Otherwise hue 3 s pearls ido by sido.) Tess t.'tu b clnivs or leg uegmonts with persOO , u curo of 1ko ImIura'intligrollo aod pIacI on lop of asparagus. Spoamm a pool of avpnrogas um ai- grelle ou other side of pIalo od lop with crab aokoamt d dallop uf LIFE I ACROSS m dJUU u... 20 Killjoy 23 Oodgo 24 Grorgo's brothar 20 Eetceut 27 Nurcs' org. 28 Socioral 00000ma 32 Surly Egyplioo ralos 33 Woto aal 34 prelioiiary mats 35 Moiubos of u coogrossiosal colirio bloc 40 Oscar-rvi;on'ug director 41 Chooso 42 Short duggrr 43 Contract 45 Tlteropisla' arS. 48 Tokyo, foraterly 49 Coon 50 Artist's stand 52 Otlootaltous display 57 Thoroo 59 Fctoous right club, for strop 60 Nativo of Malmö dt Stnaotl, 62Ettrap000uiaS 63 Brlow 64 "Ard TIrer Those Wore 65 Golfer's pegs u... a... uu .. .. - DOWN I Worked with orotol 2 Colorful pasvorioo bird Romm footer sn'rlcansnee ccnsnnrmemrla ommmdammggaeaianro. E-omail Iminmm as nntm- REAM INLE II A - Ba nIne Find to sennd ist lIre osottm, tel/tie moo/rb cmatorep1eosrdyettroonterll be lionS inn tant tnoekb Soplo. This Week's Winner is.,, Lorraiñe Truskolaski Fnn:847.rSO.5551 E-viOl rdantmbuglrvotsspopnmseosr 521M115 UwwI5UuIaumUIsa rcsiso tIIU etSUts tsLF1kI NtsJ2JtsSIU riteteae tsew tas'ia UI!T15JU 0515 ISUISUI! 15151! 517115 CEHOI! UtsuISwutsIsIslau 15171155 1515515 siLSIuuIau ssita otsiala stiles asse 5151515 ilCi]l!5 501550 (is baoksg anda lake the lizo of Michigan Choost (ht C011Et word jn5jjt the plrelth/Ie1, f, Pot/ fiai diointentolod, ltfliflt/10110d) il Marlin's golf OlotitI, 2, MoIg sial a/on (ditintereottd, inintereotod) wityess in the insuranCe case. 3. Aher (ail listened to seveiot job oppliconto O's.l.W101'ESTaUBACE, 'rots uus005'a Fast o nnnluattnUsG,96 ra sa s e -rants. e sr sa .ssm o. drone on shoot their qaaliticationo, he beosme (diointerested, onioterostad). e' WHAT'S WRONG'? ARS YOU HAVING . ploleclifg the rIln-. WEllE siES.. DES (.00 SIS strtl 230 oat,T byPally Gibbons Saunier A BAD tIARE DAY V p050015.1 ceni anuo 'OIUdOIddeOOi]e doc 51f6 cl 1011 pepiSP ifS Il 00 eyomdspll leona eSpInzo Il 'f palsfiaiu,c,IP 'f PeISalllUJt5 'j 'p01001901 tIti 00000 paIeIeiIeIgfl JSelalll'llOS 00 flilIsep io lltyrdIlll 5500 pSliBIIg,IIIO :555100 Csploy News SoMos -- t hlpm dj tWhtd y 5mm d Am Theatv back' Mommyhood Diaries (Wyalt-ManKenair Publishing, 2555) is a aampilalian cf 158 "Day in tire Life" diaries from menos arenad the world, It's a ahanaing cob ia/chew other maseessinanfIlo i alomsean youejontmey,' '- r, gab/b Ibtol Rdt dlhlsblt ildt'tlyiowthty sat - -The beak woo compilrdby Julie Walsan Smith, tha fcundae,afwnew.rsoannyha/Iobaloe.uom, Eire anm. pony it dedicated ta inapimiog moma 5e ges organized aad'eueegieed while looming, liviag, and loviag the chaos ofmemmyhood. The Web sinn fdutarns articlas and tipe und links ta mom-worthy sitas, On Ihr site, yea car also fiad Ihr Mamaay Slailobaloc Chues Cempunion, a mom-inspired day plaeaes. if y aa'öensa si In baiag in the basianna world, yes may already hans n plönere. Boa you probably mat hoya una desigeedjust fars naomI Opea the Chaos Cesopunien to Ihr weekly pagos rad you'll Sad spaca fer essai plitaning nod aptninödarn an bask a baby siSar fora mvrkend night ouI. Self-case snfigcstiass cee priatrd dght os nbc messthly pages, isciading prompts to call a/blond, lake a loas balk, go seca movie, and flota manicore, All theta Ihings we know we should dc, bnl than we pmtt effunlil 'wc havr lime," Weil, thera's ne lisle bbs Ihr ressat la 10ko care ¿fycueseif. The refrrmncr sealisns in Ike-back of Ihr planner use madly Ikone that n moth sands to Inane at her fingeslips. Timer's a apunto erased yace child's nohool schedale and Iheir sports ac6vilirs. There's n Boyand PB&J senlion thon you run aselo mohr groonly lista and receed details offcvssiteeesnaumnnts, Dec nf cry favorile naulions is Mombrablo Memeols. Il includes a p/ace Ic rearned impoesant eccola that will tobe place in he comnimrg year (never miro n biathdny againI) as well os pogen towrilö down fanny ammd mooning/hi lisinga thaI happen in your children's livet, So many tinoas l've heard moma say 1h55 Ihoy wish Ilmey hod bran atoar organized wilh thoir childrr'ns ecrapbuskn, Bal by fire litce silky finI araund to doing I/tam, Ihey con/dal eomemnbdr ali 0/' lIne huntiorcas thmngs mhair dlrildren did, JunI by having nr oeguoiead placo ta caplase thèse inemaornbie mcmnnis, ycm'li be loss It/dy In foagot I/em, Amad you'll koow wInner la look nt/nan you wtant la llana,far thorn ten acanp. hoak crica joamal ulneunicling this now i,Imaso of your life, - Sa«ta 94 '4t '7/(ae N ature Newswatch Winter's water rat 029t5 WhIm clnok, taitist-' -- p5009l0,, parlilly mcohhrd Imind 'roi, ummd lt hase mail hot loables os o rsddnr, lb erras kvllin marl -adapted lotse qonln hOe tylr. Ii no swirl iasrt'ond srtd bscl,menrd, tod nsrntbe rcktriusgcd iorli p mr IS nmieatesll Iltliena , WillIe lomo'toglIrt insaulnI. ils lips alosa like olllars bolliod lin rois hilt S isool - - ROISU UMISIN i\'Itoitters Interesting Questions ta havtug ere raapauribilitieu ucd a ahedutr ta sttak ta. I bureeS er/worked with us many othar moms as I'd like ta, so I don't hays au esteosive sappart systomin plase yet. Fm loaktngfor some : Send ynusaeaears tu tra radar 05555w Sohmgrr r - tm a htt .teriaus abas.tutaytsg argasizad aud mmsuagiug it att-oece I matte thóruvitels. I'm sa used - 1WIMiE ?1I!i1U UNSCRAMBLE PUP TO GEE WHAT HE IS SANING,.. WHAT DO YOU CALL A LINE OF 10 SaAB/bITS HOPPING BACkWARDS T t EEDRCNGI ' STEPS{ANJEDENTON 0 Pn..c .n5 WHAT IS IT' A Copiny Nowu SeSso .yn Grammar THE MORE X TAKE AWAY. THE BIGGER IT BECOMES. RABBIT.,, GETI ING ORGANIZED Homework for moriimy, threstdafthisyeur. 57 NCAA busketbell altunop inn 2000 D!OU u BURN'? Qm Fm "retir/ng" at the age of 29 fram my Jab as a-marketingmanager ta ardar ta tebea batter john staylag Isame wIth my two yaang ahttdrest, I'm war/Org at my earrastfemplayer oaly thraugh blu dipioto di blu Last Week's Puzz'e Answers ON 'PHIS - SOLVE THE SIDDLE' liomno ard the iannd mould produce rvorid-ciass wines, Reoentiy, nbc Opotnish-slyin winery was nnnned one of the best wirorira to visit or California's Central Coast by Wine Spactator sanitflaoine. Rein Coplry Netas Servira at wmatvcoplaynomve.conrn, 47 Ever 49 Piace of candy SI Naakweor item 53 Literature Noboliat of 1947 54 Southem cunstellotiorn 55 Yoked onimuls 56 Scuro from u divitag judge 13 - Valley. Early io tine i9SOs 1ko t'aomiiy boaamne cannvinrced sisal tine candi- © Cepley Nerve Serrino 46 All ofun lt Storta Ago camivuro 12 "The Student Prisco", fur DRAW EARS chesod tito l,800-aceoeaecir on mho castem emmd of line Santa Ynee anmd coc aroUivoa ofpnoviommr rolcnnnmna olmvnrma.ponfec9amnin'immgrmme. 3 Ohio 7 Siate S Condition orn c poSiog greco 9 Biblical nust0000co IO Vory ovcitrd THIS ONE HOPPED A LONG. LONG WAY TO TRY SO HARD TO PUZZLE YOU. THIS IS 154E BEST THAT 4E CAN DO. oeis1nnosv with melons, loman, cr005n and arenmgo biossonnt flanees linon connnplemenl the vitnaigrette and sen/saat rica/y vviilnh ho niob crab, 102005, the Gainoy fanrnm'Iy celebrated 1/meir 42od year of faenaaiog itt Sutntmm Barbant County. Inn 1962, Dann C. ard his eon Dun J. Oaioay par- 30 Part of u stool 31 Teat 32 Splinter grasp 33 Creep 34 Olympic apeo 35 Alphsbal quand 39 Some of 46 Dotvrr 43 Offaprieg 44 Maser's antistaots DRAW ampinasiens the grassy amsd aver-time-tap psasien fruit flavors found in moat Nemv Zoaland saavignar blancs. It onaint,qinta ins bright, fresh jensnes®penfoanpoirinmge.mme. Lioncmm no Imic "Oottrnnten Cinmh" rodio s/mete 36 Estabtislsod 37 Eradicated 38 George Bush or Jadie Faster RABBITS LIKE TO ilUMP AND PLAY. Tino winery strisas la noeintaio o distinctive flavos profilo that dr- 29 Puss 0G -BeJ-n- Oms-ancho Nuns Sonsos, Oamnna Barbosa Cosoty uu 4 Stioky 6 Nniglrboraf2t Dows A nunnsbae ofwtsite wines would pair sicely witin crab cakes, melad. ing aparkling mmm, viogoicr, tomned-stown chaedonnay or naavignnos Oakes pro/bes Oaivay Viooyard'a 2004 Saavi500n S/con ($14) freer .. .u. rnuu d.... JU 45Go tond frasca THE WINE bienno. Socesse of ti na aspo ra gama 0est lonneo vitnatk'setto caed its the dish, 21 Noighbcr of 6 Dawn 22 lauge, Vita brovis 26 Maie idea SS Long gartoornt 3 u u a.... a... Cuoio lupus 3 Small canines 9 City southeast of Rama 14 Clevelaud's Icho IO L' ,c'mt oui 16 Open-mouthed 17 Pocket rasiduo IS Indolent 19 P. D. taures product ring mold (sold in batter aookwaea shops). Then she ceots the top und bonom with parka (Japanene breed crumbs). "They arr produced from the canIne of the bread leaf and produce o woedneful golden brawn crunchy swat," she said. 1 you dun's have acing mold, ase an etapty sanabas t 2 lechas in diente tee and open at bath ends. Spread panko crutnbs onacatting board, place the cIron can os 1hr ctunnsb5 and spooms the cmb io/O tino cao to Ike desired heigiat, Spread crumbs on top and poi with fingers anni lovai. Carefully trash the nodded ceah orto Opiata: nn 53 4 pMrPAiRIm5s....paqo 25 CONTINUED FROM CANINE CORPS D - - - - Stcjrlmamnir Porrees h' arm argemmntSiogovyern, aoakacorndpaet press'dent of 16e NalidnrafAssoeiacicm,-ef PreJissaiotmal Omganmiocro. Sv'mrd yomtr qttcalirrro re mor al Gop/by Nema Soreire, PO, Box 120190, San Diego, CA 92112-0190, crc-rca/i/macon ec/sloyedflfropleyrrmtee,romn, © Gop/by Nrtva Sanwire, Roil Cepley News Sorcier am tvv'ivecployttc'sv,r,eormn, - - a' mori . mralilt n mlv erucllm vimmlc mull aouhl)tmc it la 0 litrI ylt mlmleic mmi, r Immlrtmts, mv ir,'a' valla lv In vadimc.mnmml tkrllls hindI Imlrmitle n me011lI5 lii C'tIlIc OttimI'1111m leI I ,,,itlm IIi mmllt rare cs. Il ventril' dmgtl mt'nra , rlllllmmtt' lt timlklmru ,rvclrrrtllvt al'lllC the Imlcil-elmlc'rnlllnk lrrlr,erla t 1,111111craml,ummçl cllcomb Oml.11t IlIltIll I Ive'11cm ortI lmytrmimlg balele mild I l,lveelil 0 11111111. \Vinlo,'t veidmits'Idee ,1110ml mmmii 11h11 IlcIlvimle slrlll,lImlr t, mite lar. lit lIte' lItI'llles seuillrmlr lrrmriomlmmiilml'tmlla ,melkte hraedirlh'celtlltntivl yemsrmmmod. mviomm, masIs lut' mmmatl minIm,, Nlsmmrly omrclllmmlttl. bet imvsucelmmlv raer ill Ilmo d;mnuiglml, lemrb fmmr IlIrIo blm/mme ml tiamelt und 111mb. be/b, i,,, [slmaka'al Olmmmlmmlra ei/rem/thom veudasmms'mdr:mumuim,msar:msiI s.1/isIs,, -r by TimlisrO e ccci 55ahltaL',a,,n/rs.cumlOr.5rksrsmslsmsmn www.oatarsssawswatah.aatts liii liv:r\t 1)1 t villi ii 22, 2llll REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CONTINUED FROM HO5'SHOW,.,,.Preetaau PuRe Unfnrtunateiy, the skylight admita tas much temblar dariag gond weather, le fact, it has had a bleaching effect an my wand rabiada, Da you haow If aoythiug that Sau be applied lathe glasa la Inne dews. the bright- DECOR SCORE A little professional help can go a long way ROSE BENNETT GILBERT Copley News Semine Qt We are soon ta move jata a newly batti hame Cad i ase like a doer caught in the headlights! es Drake writes in his olnEnat eats book, "Jarnie Drake's New American Glamear" (Balfinch Peces). He else added she wide soiling maldings asd the dedo, which have been mnrbieieed in t dan't knew where to begia homage tu the table, deeeratig. Sara, rye have aame of ear aid farnitare, hat Ihit witi moSt tikely he oar reitremeni home, oar last move, so we didn't keep a lot, In this tolling, the choice of fumitorn velero fullewed natumily, ne pan mino dad - the fun of fana fur: atypical laitue Denke touch. nf AmIs fu Cmfts ser anospiriog te ¡nth accessories none wall papers back jeta the Going aIDS public eye io rouaI seems 5e be its ronds vigeenar resaissaace sInce tire intomational Stylo declared wallpaper nane helf- a-ceo tory ne mero ego. Macit nf the credit goes In wallcoverings mnaamtfacmteee wire nro otfeeing a wide choice afintoreet- js.at a few special pieeea, like the paiatiaga asjd my baa- haad'a favorite elah chair. Please, have yea aaythiag te sag- stono, burlap, nod bombeo. lin an easy way to dress the lsrgevt surfaces ie yerlr irunte- time wails - rvithout committing Io an overdone nf pat- gast thai sviti help me A: Tvvo'quiok suggestions thai muy I unfreeze your itsagi- Tire Victoriens, wito famously abiroened e - Consult a profeaeional interior designer. void, and bof ovud that paint wet only Ihr (although it pays te rolas attd remember that on design docision is ftsed is amber favorer asd over, orneo). Aroange te buy isst e morttisg'n consultation with a profossinsal designer, and he er she can lay ant tho guidelines ynu seed to get going: calar nchemns, fnmituru nreds, louai resources, like that. - Tubo snolbuo goad look at uno of year favorito pairtiegn, soy, the uno ynu pian to Irang ever the fireplace. Aitbeugh I really, eunlly dnn't believe in "deceralor-uortout ari," that is, un bought ta Ste room' n color talmente, I du Ihiok yno ose moho the peovoss work the other way 'around. Lot tiro val- the poirtiog umpire Ihr vetar schemo in tiro troia. After orn irr all, l)tr colar liortrunina pniating have already Mount and affix VieteduceIe end the renargesce ing textuend wailpapnrs, everything frein grate vintii inm000y colera te feos wand, This is a major move you'nn making, sed it sounds as if you'll bu living rvitlt your devi. aloes fer a while in THE WORD ON WALLPAPERS The rrerd is "InvIare." Color und pattern still scam many home Moult of the wallvnoreiugu told today - and it's previous little compared lu pomi - guru mlv kitchens umrd bulbe, rvilb dron'n nonios a disinos third. atril- clean the tile with donatored fuenhet. heat so that area are open; ib ore cas be as many as thran, The demper in the fleer- er wall-moaned register, whiab ceo honren by asing a geshligkl, ces ho adjusted by mevisg a lever er wheel es the register. Often these's eanther damper in the branch dccl leading selbe eegialoo. This is ceesrelted by awiog talen the sido er batlnm of the duet; when the wing not io aligoed p0001)01 te the duet, the damper is opes. in semnr eases, there sonores bee dumper is Ihr mein trunk liar, asuolly controlled by en L-nhapod lever co the sido cf the vast, If all Ihn venta are wide upen, unosider installing an isduet sir bvestisg fen. This wee'S creole mere heal, but il will pohl wem air lathe seeable spot. Befare irstallation cf this type of feo, seehock Ihr system fer any obslllselinns. Remove Ihre wall or finer registre perch end inspect the dootwoek, if yes install the sir-bonsling fan, brer in mind: otalt the whohr worka. -These farms canette br axed le imptuve the ciraulelion of a geavily.t3npe renom-air furnace. Q: Ibarra mahagany deer at Ohr ratraecr ta our hamr, I wanted natural wend, evea through i t is axposed te same weatberlag. The area is recessed same, sn it is par- tially protected. When we purchased the doer from a earpeater, he staiurd and fiuishnd it with essa cento nf petyarethaar. The dear is shnwiag seme oigas nf wrathering What lathe best way te reatare the natural waed laster and preserve the finish? © Coplary Noire Thermos LUXURY LIVING IN GLENVIEW - NORTHFIELD!!! 2, Murk the THE NORTH SHORES BEST KEPT SECRET HAS NEW 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH HOMES AVAILABLE FOR AS LITTLE sAS peeltian lar each tinture on $72,000 the tile with a marking pen. 5 Adda head of caulk 3. Lay a bead of eaetk an the laye at enah alneg the pefimeter nl eevh tintare. Ss,taath the caulk jalan 4. Pat the tiret balder laplace god secura it with masking tepe helare selflng the With n Wet (ingot. Let licei aeernight bofare remening the masking tapo. - sesead haider, (www.brewsrenvallcorering.vom). tilia une esalk, Roso Bnanott Gilboet is the cePiest thereughiy clean Ike lilo roilh deontured oiunhol. Murk the posi. author nf "Hamplen Style" and lion for nook flotare os Ihn lun with a macking pon. Lay a hood of caulk assaciateedilavof Coantry no the back of each ceramic piece, push il iuta ploce ond secure il wish Sun Diegn, CA 92112-0190, 0e Pisirk Iho pmocena by adding a bead of caulk around the pnnirnnnlms of at copinysd®cnp- mnch fislara. Uno a wem Sogen or rug Io sweulk hirn oaahbjoiut. Let il sel onlineleynews .com. © Copley Noms Soroicu wrvw.voplrynews.urm. ovnmighl before romnoviog tOs masking lape, Qt We lastailrd e ohylight in the lsilckea te eaptero aateral light. CONTINUED HERESHOW..,,. hrrtragr I Help Make "The American Dream" Come True! whose raste you adnuro, yen'? le the handsomo, "ungose-aelored" living ronmllibrsry von show hero, New York mego- caler inspiration in one uf the Violarla Alanua clients' peizud pussessions, Ihn 17th century Pietra Dura nietbin tabistap. inlaid with u medley of tissais oans,, "25 yeats of nuprnionvo hue taaghl me lu lisIen lo the olients, ment their needs sod nln'ays be piaaaaal and oheatl'ul." SUPINO - SELLING RELOCATING AliStars Carol Ficarra, CAS, ABA R)chard Harczak, Cs-owners 'The Real Estate Sgperstars" 5I)rttle55.5aeraia5mna (847) 696-1211 COLDWeU. BApliçeR D mtrnc,raor' Ghoul line (847) 384-7599 "j THE 696-0700 Fao #Ilhn Free Market Analysis Buying or Selling - One Call Does It AlIt 5 Oeussr.r atonas. ellis hentroninus browns, stan ihuir sho,utt 00 iba hoteoum" "tíreudly mhanued hismiogs so uhu having un open hrwv hsNssidnOitb5akae.aars, 2415." ished with a double strie gluoe www.ce ldwellbaakeron lina. com/v)clnrjaalangv rsbbed soft with steel weal to Every Picture Tells a Story buh like "nid Venetian velvet," Q: We have a bedreem situated at Ihr rad efe rag hallway. Although this ream ta macrated te the tarant-air healiag system, lt stays ceaaidrrahty seater daring the I. Themesghly peep anal foe ivailpapere - es surly os five Corner ones arrame trata evenad (inclading the ceif rig) ie every ruhm - mould HERE'S HOW no duabt ha very Draw a bead on installing ceramic fixtures pleased. Two nom 100mm eelmotions ta chock nul GENE GARY err from Brewsler: Cupley News Snmice "Teebsiques & Qm i want te matait a aeramie towel buread reap diab inside my Oled James ahawer, What is the bett way ta meant these an the tiled watts, Kenneth "Gtosseinlk Collection" A: Mass uf rnday's ceramic towel bee hoidesv asd soap dishes are designed tobe mounted dirmlly on Ihn file sahoave nsiag a 550 parsed Visit Copley News Seroica al However; the popularity 0f lite marked oui far you by en unir: tabletop'u colors translated ewnethly to the malin, woodwork and furniture irr thin relavad, yet funnel, room. The walls nra fin- ealk, lestait towel bar hntders end snap dishes direetly on the tile nadase. decoralurs, who aren't brave Decernling Idees. Please sand mashing laye. enough to lavish it well-to-traIl in your questions to her at Cnpley Bcuaco ho put Ihr bowel red in placo befoebsetling lIre uecomrd bar baldtho living orees of the hause. Nome geevice, P.O. Soc 120190, es, The caulk voiill slitfen and sol up ma beni 0e hour; litt beiges and honey calore, the surface, whisk sao blask the damaging slteavielet rays. Yes cee buy do-it-yourself films, bal the mast effeatioe films mast be prnfessiosally isstallod. Llamen (www.11amsr,com) end Suntchtint (ssvcw.scotehtiel.eomss) one quality boards fuel come with warrerties if something goes wmag wish thr(rpmrfanoeree er eppeanasee. The best fix - but else the most eopens)ve. would bete replace yeur esisting skylight wish ene that has UV-bleehiog glass on operable blindo sandwiched bolweeo the penos. A: Pirst, cheek te moho sere that all Ihn dampers enotmelling - Install itas nerr as passible lo the sold ream, - Yes ceo wire it tea maasahly ernitehled switch enta rho furnace's blower fue, salbe banaler fan toms on ernoy timn Ike fumase biewer fan hicks io. Pehtow Ihr msnufautamr's iaslmclinns nod all npplivablo vodrs. - lestalling it can bra pain. Sr's usually amiral lo remeneo few dccl supporl beechrts, drap demo cod rrmnon oea em love srcticss of round dud, install Ihn bannler feti, the rein- INCLUDING Nisely Loodssuptd Cnntrtl flit New flppïgnsas, Bene, Bohmigrraler, Dishmashu! Washer, Dspnt Lao Interest Fmnareinlg and mop terms In fippbnuod C:edS .011 Energy Ellis?nnI LUXURY LIVING FOR LESS NEW HOMES NEW HOME MODELS AVAILABLE LIMITED TIME F' 'h Vi liad been designer lamm Drake fnund his °epeeding ne the shape cf the skylight dome, yea mey be able In hare a treetporeet wiadew film applied to the heatlag araana, tait passible ta adjust the seatral heattag system tu direct mare heat jata that raam? ONLY NILEa NEW LISntNn ORENNAPI REinere Lnu&y2Ir 5rk ranE vtsap cl, ano Oar. F:ntshad lassasllar no ana OarS an the 00. Sen andsas ananas IL Oc gar. Cull ntcn laCci ass-Cues l N lLES WM OFFICE Nil,Eu Fan nENT OIr, 2btvunvvnthor000vl fire, van-In Sidnan. LO & on, verdee. 05es vOenavr eat uses sea,) ans-aune (847) 965-2683 OR (847) 965-2685 OPEN EVERYDAY 9-5 SUNSET VILLAGE MANUFACTURED HOUSING COMMUNITY CONVENIENTLY LOCATED FOR SHOPPING, COUNTY PARKS ANO TRAILS, OUTSTANDING SCHOOLS, CHILDREN'S SUMMER FUN PROGRAMS ANO ACTIVITIES, EASY ACCESS TO INTERSTATES 94 & 294.15 MINUTES FROM AIRPORT, 20 MINUTES LAKE FRONT. Enjóy the benefits of living in a quality Community On-site Professional Management a Close to Shopping a Landscaped Entrance n Paved Streets a Outstanding Schools n Offstreet Parking Private Driveways 5 Securityn Children's Summer a Close to Parks & Trails Fun Program5 www.capita1firstre.a1tyccrm' Free Financial Pre-Qualification On Site Financing Assistance New and Pre-Owned 2 & 3 Bedroom Homes 10% Down Payment Low Interest rate and up to Q year terms CAPITAL FIRST - REALTY INC. SunsetVillage - 245g Ovum, kvg,'nnm Sonnml Nsrrrinfiold. lhlinrnis 601193-2723 CnmlI Liodnn Peluvik (847) 724-7957 NOW OPEN' LAND LEASE COMMUNITIES atenta sab/eeS te strange - Oitoe csrallrapptOiral .- reme reatOc000s ,isOFi3r. Mey tre addlnonal then. 'Fyi 1)1111. HOME IDEAS CALL USAI 847.568.1900 Fall Is.Hére! Now's»Thè.',Ti Cupley News Selvice To Prep For Winter Q, With the recent cold neuve, I needed la add some salt to mull the ice on my driveway. I saw a product that Said it was safe for plants, balli didn't list the ingredients. I didn't get it hecaasn it Cost Oint more than the seit, bat is Ihnen a prodact that caes melt ice and nat harm the planto? A: The chemical io tire peodoci you fsund si lbs siero reas probably calcium mag005iam acerare, or CMA. li io hiedogmdable sed ii is lire catear of iba ice-melting chemicals for pianis sed waler sources and il sala axil orb er comomson road salis is narraban ioio uc000el. HOME REPAIRS & cod 000crair damage. Anoiirerirrgrcdiaot 1h01 ossida urban chemicals is alpha merhyl gincosido, cria a oem hyproduol ihal apeada melliog. Reek tali er sodium chloride is commonly tosed lhrocghoar rho world o,rdis cha worn possible ion moirer when i leonina re plaors and wnrer IMPROVEMENTS calcium chloride and magansiuro ablande release baer as ihey disnoivo, which helps mali ice allow rempararuras. Thay louve u slimy filin so surfaces ihal is liard io remove. They halb can poli maser nur of ihn omraophcre lo oeil in siomge, making a moss. peindsisin chloride insofar for plaors, bar noi very effacdvc er low remperarroes. Ammoniom suifair is sino usad in ferlitiiaer, hoi li damagea. Uron is else axed io feniiiionr and i lis 001 corrosive, noir is obro uaed io airponis. Agdeulruraj grade arno has loo many coniamixaors le ho sandio airponis. Polassium acerareis biodegredobie, buril is comosivr. Erhyinne glycol is a liquid deicor liraI is used in aniomobile rodinlers. li is oben used in airports, bol-ir is very hazerdeus lo planra, unimuis and bodies of worm. To avaid damage in planis, rho ica-meiling chemical elusi tray noirs intended aurfeca and ncc mash away. Unfnrlunareiy, aS cinamicain eveeluaiiy wosh away. The bevi thing le do when you move lo 01011 lire ice is louse as bIlle of she produci as possible and by In spread il te lirai il rvon'l gel on piaci boda er lawns. E-mail qucsiiens la Jeff Rugg ai iefn@grrclmrrvicw.00lo. © Capiey Newt Servico Visit Cepley News Service ai www.oepioyoawa.com. American Home FLOORING Complete Handyman Sernices Since 1977 We fiait all hig or smnhtt JBMB Exteriors - Siding Installing. Rnpelring Snssdleg . Finishing Staining Free Colmates. Llaensnd neared. Bonded Windows Soffit/Fascia Gutters Free Estimates (800)303-5688 CoO Mitch 847-824-4272 Nilna, IL TehiFee a47-966.07a3 Cnhlalnr 773-170-0066 ADOPTION WANTED Part Time Delivery hope desire ho gice a child a lilY Oiled with 100e, fan/ily, and ail bal life hao lo offer. if you ato praying lo ffnd the dghl family lar your baby, Picane coil oar ahlomey al: 1.(877) 236-7875. Medical, 10981, counooling, and mod appraved ADVANTAGES OF CMA RICK'S POWERWASHING FIREWOOD UNLIMITED F.atFsnnbrhen9.CndtCadt OK '$60ff Order weh Ad' Mend Hoswaaa% CBH & Mba Decke, Walls, Siding, Fences, Concrete, Windases WasSail.... Gsnars Cleaned 100% OdI l00%Ctsnnyon 190FC $105 FC $120 FC $13SFC Hickaty mOSaica, .05rena,bls...nnl,asle 100% Birch Cal) Rick 773-775-6846 Pager 312-232-9678 Disonad On 2 Or More $155 FO (847) 888-9999 The Holidays Are A Good Time To Get Those Needed Repairs Done! ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS IN THE. .- SER VICE DIRECTORY au rep Water. .Sate toi snnerele CALL No more damage than 847-588-1900 EXT 124 bancherai lehihilue Reduces uhinrida carrosiae. varig eroso liqaid. Sadiam chloride Effactiun tamperature 'F: -,-l5 -e Ehect on hordncapo: Slight Cenere Ehect en cogetation: Slight Seuarn Slighi/muderalo Moderata Eeact ne anvironmoni; emgiec Ihal wan asad an Ilma Goodyear lire teal car. MOFAR BY THE PACE Noijust any pair efaulu neniteca cae gel twa dayt' allcoliox frommi Carroll Shelby. "It n'as tho only Shelby wade milh tbmram slripes," Nowburdl AND MONTH Enthuaiusta who ore plum crazy Cul Shelby took a liking Io for Mopar cue getan eyeful will, lire new colfee-rabir book Randy Lnffirmgwclb and Danid Newbardt, a couple of vamerair pabhiallaib "Chailcegor & 'Cada: Mopur's aulo outhors aod phiolagrapliers, nod almared mia scese cf-derail bonEr. ermmrm. will, Ihe calendar, "Moper Muscla Cura." Bohr foaiimre a coron pirare eta restonad Dodge Cimailonger RIT in factory plr,m army paint Aullmer sed pinoingraplmor Roban DonaI is mli ucmtlioriiy oli Mapae and llv,nivel'lice many p1,010 boobs, cnrorirmg lima 1-iowi nouille, lier roddi,rg, drag cavimmg und lamo ridera. The I 92'Iragn, 23S'plmoin book io us 1.45 ammd lito aclommdur ix 011.69 u t mrmr,m'.mm,omnn?nokn.vao,. mmocle car roalosulions willi asephp-hep ilsslractioas lItaI inclmmdo a Special Una) al 7077 Dempster SImnI. 08.ZP.2 - Jacob Wejlknwnki, Ballard Pajot, LLC, 1807 Sssmmerinn Pleur, Nedbbeook. Reqaaahiag mzaeieg them B-1 ta R-4 IOcuxolrucs a 24 uxil cendaminium with Ihn fnlbewieg variations; Rcducm mqaircd purhing from 48 ta 43 apanes (10%) b .8 spaces por uniI, rndace mqairnd rear yard from 30' ta 24-4" (32%), innrmatm maximum prnnioed height fram 40' Ia 44' (b 0%), ixcr0000 maximum pmnnilled FAR from .6 ta I .54 aed endaam moinimom Ial area from 2,400 Sq. FL per sait ta 1.274 Sq. FI. per uniI at 8950-80 MibwaakceAveoae. The Village cf Nues will eamply with the Americans With Disabilities Act by making seasonahbe aucommodaliano for people wilh disabilities. ti yea nr samecon pon know with a disability require accammoduliae fora Villane service er have any qoevtiaes about Ihe Village's complioxce, please cantad Mary Kay Merrionmy, Village Maeager, lOSS Civic Cmnter Drive, Nues, hllinoin, 847/588-8000. 'Ime hardback, 192-page book, by Matorbooko, is $3 .46 aI mrIm'm mrmalam'- Now edilians icclodr Ihn "Munlaag Field Guida," by Brad Sewling; "Corseen Field Guido," by leery Heasbey; "Superoars Field Guido," by Doug Milchob; ammd Ihr "Tuner Cora Field Goida," by Jay Clark. Eucim nadel year is rapreaemmled im, Ilie Muslulrg gaide, for Ihair new beak, "Elrciby Muslung: lrmrlrad idonee reoterelian sad how sa pal il all back tagrthee. Aed by the lima yas're doce with your prejeus ear, you'll be ablata edil paar awe volee. TO ADVERTISE FOR YOUR BUSINESS IN THE BUGLE'S The beak. pablished by Malorbeabs, $51.46 a'wcnriotarboeka.cnec is al rIeb .fmmpahiirohbummo.vammr. b-CARDS FOR MOTORIIEADS lI'a nul Inc laIe In seed cur yncm habiday carols wiih fre000r- Ilmemad e-carda from Innovarcraayoonlral.00m. There are 11,0er Chrialmoa cardo vuniely nf accusixlrs. Racer for lIte Slacci." TIra infomoraliancorara lire curly yeara far Fard racimmg, tIlo birrh of lila Cabra and line Dimylammo Coapo oeil brow ibis Muaiammg Each guido ix $12.90 and mvailable am boakatames or al and abrIs 2? other cheicev for a The silo alan nftnrx Elli-5deOo videau and cartoons nf car z' nor-guy mamnelhix. tor000t avons, ncullpa porta rd inarnmlr-monlauilr5 TIme ni.'Il Wub silo, "WI reo Ilmo Cae l'lehby Cliubu," ruas nra clod by sorry luirE'cille. et Mli,'hull '0 van-care pradllols. In a TI Crezca lu fcaa ut lilo vihr, aleoct-palled' IvImioll ale ncarrioa 01h01 cciclmlI,- ing onuaclu car, with semez ive fezitorot, sucir as daily mdcv- by noOn loll cocleImrIlnily backgeaued en Ihr 2557 Skalhy Cabo, 01300. 100dm uvitir a cluunioeda and u litI at ove LelSimgiseil bras GIFT EXCHANGE a bmlook foe dig. ging nul Ihm fact und foanrd people wIre had Foe nro NASCAE fax o,, yace holiday gill lisI - oid mho dnox,r'r know almo of Ihaxo'l - thorn's o lavI-mincIo gib ide,naxoina a as befare. Newhardr your Torpor rtero. Tiro NASCAR Anaacarn kil by Ecelob, 53/i, daines packed wilh oar avaah, Ivaucu, wheel atril glass eleanaea and the leal e accessory nagel 1hz job deec. photos and saphioss. Theac nrc chapters an dcciplmening Ike VIN and Data plates, disaosenebly, SERVICE DIRECTORY CALL: 847-588-1900 EXT. 124 000Isy Osas ee,a:rs I Pris uflsns,a 1.690.985.2742 ax: 1.630.986-5181 POWERED BY SHELBY Tire honk acuars a daeoeulaxsio la 2004, The coat of CMA van baravano $580 and $790/ton; rand enti sonroged $39/tan. CMA 847-588-1909 ext $32 Copley News Semino Ocog Danabuo almd Paul Zazarioa. GMA COMPARED TO SODIUM CHLORIDE: WURLITZERS JUICE BOXES ALSO Slot Machines Any Condition MARK MAYNARD Rcoloro Voac Muscle Cor" by Residual effect Mallipaipnse WANTED bals te caasstenol a 0mw bocine8 facility (peeninasly appeaved ax A Look At Books Ti laie's caefiri tribal knewledge is limo socood odilico ef"ilnce Te Sale tar the envirnament Uss straight, with sait, with if: The Village afNilnv Plan Comm/union and Zoning Board of Appealo will bald a pabhic heaPheg on Monday, Jennery 9, 2006, et 7:30 P.M. an nhe,Nilct tctuaicipal Building, 1005 Civic Cesttnr Drive, Nilas, llhinniu, io hoar the fmllawing matter(s).06zn-I - Amybee Bedoll, Harria Teosa lb Savisga Rauh, I I b W. Macwe, Ste. 7C, Chicago, IL. Reqaestino a cansahidalian of 2 AUTO SCENE RESTOIEINC MUSCLE Law taaiaity aed biedegradabla. Rnquiras lower appfuutions. 'li1 Deliver The Bugle Newspaper Thursday Mornings. Cliii CALL USAI 147.508.1900 WWW.BBGLENEWOPdPERS.COM FIREWOOD P0 WER WASHING BUGLE!S About av eorrovine Persan Needed te living eapensos paid, confidenfia) And they ramm fina u manlimly jolt Though moro easily, eulcicm mugnasium acorare (GMA) ja Iena harmful lu pianta andree enrirenmeni than sodium chloride (roch sail). PostIng Sales Repreaenlalive waotad fee anew direcl'te.prese effort prmnOeg anmpaey je Priecetan, IL. tisperinece is necessary bat wIll osto Ihr right pessea. Starting right 00w and work from your home er office. This isa chaece fer sight pomme end anew cempamy. 515-710.0494 anytime. E-Sedy Muscle Caco." Alternative to salt saves plants PRINTING SALES REPRESENTATIVE Wa pap reno blent aommissine. Pleuve oalt Changan Twa hercio (Oled wilh lose and tEACHING 10,000 HOUSEHOLDS WEEKLY LEGAL NOTICE HELP WANTED POOL TABLE, OPT l-ioch obre, NEW iambe hex. Wilt Sacrifice $140g (047) 354-2820 NEW, la plmtic, 6 seats, banger, achy $2,950. (847) 354.2821 CMA is very effeclive ai very law reorpeasrurar sed eso be blooded ivith oihrr salis io make ihem elena affaarive and ra pmvooi corrosion qaaiiy - 2005 HOT TUB/SPA Delnse, is iba moor expensive. lt prevents the formalisa of clic ice-is-surface bond if it ja applied brfoea rho peecipirarino risos. Ir has a high initiai essi, bui ils much lower aevireomantal cosi is ainrosi saver lakan mm accessi - (aal ax iba ihn low minai oasi and eurremaly high exeiroamenlal Ossi st rash WWW.BUGLENEWS00PERS.COM FOR SALE Il lillO E 22, 2110? BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS REAcIIIMO 11,101 HOUSEHOLDS WEEKLY ms ThE SEASON TO PEPPER ROADS WITH SALT JEFF RUGO l'imi'ilsllll 1)11 eeiesceasserl America le Sed special caos, inaladixo a 966 fautary dmg cm with the original ongise. lt wan ene effane boilt nod the sot Im sarvane Saceamnota, ho found tise "Saper Seehm," s '67 GT550 with o 427 side-oiler PORTABLE FIELD GUIDES Be lire brow-il-alt al Ihr car show wish partahie aula field guides by KP Books. The 4e8-pagn guidas am back. packet size med include history. facts, idnntjflcalian infarmaüno and caler phatas. wilh statics ubout merry geanruliar, eagiac dala, epsiens und peadauhion Ogmes. The Cororna gajdc also indludea monie oars, pretolypes, dasiuros sed racers. Also available ase guides foe muscle earn, hei rade, choppers and t'buebey-Daeidoen malemnyalm. Dc'luhiu am al mollO',EculoibAlHornc.catn. b/tail Capicy Neiva Service at c'n'mm:replc,rnetca'.cOOl. . ' Learn about two places J J _ _ '1 u_01,1/1 II cancall _,, Holy Family Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Maryhaven Nursing and Rehabilitation °Center trrsIJ Resident Anm Maç O'Conwli with daughtcr Mary Kay Schnitzius. IVlrs. O'Connell has been a Holy Family resident for two years. You or a loved one may need nursing care someday. Aren't these the things that are really important? ; s. What is important to you? Personalized, compassionate care givén by dedicated professionals in a cozy, home-like setting. Specialized. rehabilitation services. Gentle, meaningful activities for those withl Alzheimer's disease. Spiritual care to nourish the soul as well as the body and mind. Cheerfulcare, not chandeliers. Sister Elizabeth, C.R., Administrator R Ma-ThercsaThn, RN Holy Family Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Des Plaines and Maryhaven Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Glenview have long served the needs of people like you and your Mom. Homes where Sister Elizabeth, C.R., Holy Family's administrator, treats each resident like a family member. Homes where nurses like Ma-Theresa Tans RN have enjoyed working fOr ten years. Homes where nine oùt of ten residents report they are greatly satisfied. When you or a loved one need to decide on special care, you won't have far to look - we areas close as home. . We will be happy to answer your questions or schedule a personalized tour. Just call today. Holy Family Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 2380 East Dcrnpstcr Street Maryhaven Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 1700 East Lake Avenue Des Plaines, IL 60016 847-296-3335 Glenview, IL 60025 847-729-1300