The Inframetrics 760 airborne thermal infrared data on the
The Inframetrics 760 airborne thermal infrared data on the
The Inframetrics 760 airborne thermal infrared data on the ReSeDA experiment 1-Data acquisition The ReSeDA site is located close to Avignon (France), north of the Alpilles small mountain chain (N 43 o 47 ’ latitude, E 4 o 45 ’ longitude, 10 m altitude above sea level, region, with sunflower, wheat, corn, Mediterranean climate). It is a 5 5 km agricultural grassland and alfalfa fields about 200 200 m size (see Figure 1). Detailed descriptions of the experiment are given in (Prévot et al., 1998; Olioso et al., 2002). During the experiment that lasted from December 1996 to December 1997, three types of surface brightness temperature data were acquired. Satellite data are available with respect to satellite orbits and meteorological conditions, airborne measurements were carried out at a 15 day frequency, and field data were collected both hourly and occasionally. We focus here on the acquisition and preprocessing of the airborne data. 1-1-Airborne data The thermal infrared data were acquired using a thermal video camera set on board a PIPER PA28 ARROW4 plane. Flights were performed approximately one or two times per month on clear sky days from January, 30th to September, 18th with a total of 22 days at both 1500 m and 3000 m altitudes that yielded to nadir spatial resolutions of respectively 10 m and 20 m (the altitudes were controlled thanks to a Global Positioning System). At the 3000 m altitude, four flight lines were parallel to the principal plane and one was perpendicular whereas at the 1500 m altitude, three flight lines were oriented according to the North-South direction and corresponded respectively to the East, the Center and the West of the site (see Figure 2). The two flight altitudes were completed within 1 hour centered around solar noon. The data were acquired at a 25 Hz frequency using a thermal video camera along with a magnetic recorder, and next digitized with a 1 Hz frequency at the laboratory using a numerization software. The data storage were performed by considering the images flight line by flight line. The sensor we used was a thermal infrared camera INFRAMETRICS 760 (Inframetrics, 1991) along with a large Field Of View (FOV) lens (80 o ). The camera scanned the target thanks to two oscillating mirrors, projecting the beam on a HgCdTe detector cooled at -200 o C by a Stirling system (see Figure 3). The radiometric resolution was about 0.2 o C and 0.4 o C for brightness temperature ranges of respectively 20 o C and 50 o C. The measurements were performed over the [7.25 m- 13.25 m] spectral band as shown in Figure 4. The incoming radiance flux was converted in brightness temperature assuming an emissivity of 1.0 for the target. 1 Cla sses 0 1 km W Alfalfa Corn Fallow Gras s Pla stiq ue tunnels uses Ho Vario us Orchards Sunflo wer Unkno wn Vegeta bl e W s he at N S E Figure 1: Land use map of the ReSeDA experimental site. 2 Figure 2: Scheme of the flight line configuration over the ReSeDA site at 3000 and 1500 m altitudes. 3000 m flight altitude: A0 A1, A2 A0, A0 A3, A4 A0, B0 B1. 1500 m altitude: W, C, E Figure 3: Technical description of the INFRAMETRICS 760. 3 10 8 7 −1 −1 Radiance (W.m .sr .µm ) 9 −2 6 5 4 3 Radiance emitted by surface Radiance incoming at sensor Radiance detected by sensor 2 1 0 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 Wavelength (µm) Figure 4: Shapes of surface spectral radiance, incoming spectral radiance at sensor level and spectral radiance detected by sensor corresponding to "!$#&% . Observation conditions: atmospheric profile from radiosounding launched at Nîmes on September, 4 at 12H00 U.T.; flight altitude about 3000 m; nadir viewing and surface brightness temperature of 20 o C . In the next pages, Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 provide informations on the data acquisition (for each sequence that corresponds to a flight line : the number of the flight line, the altitude, the begin and end times, the flight line direction and the number of numerized images). 4 Date Flight line Altitude (m) Starting time (U.T.) Ending time (U.T.) Flight Direction Number of Numerized Images 970130 970130 970130 970130 970130 970130 1 2 3 4 5 6 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 12h02mn22s 12h08mn32s 12h16mn26s 12h23mn20s 12h37mn51s 12h15mn42s * 12h04mn54s 12h10mn35s 12h19mn02s 12h25mn57s 12h42mn01s 12h18mn49s * ns sn ns sn ew ns 135 110 140 140 220 168 970227 970227 970227 970227 1 2 3 4 3000 3000 3000 3000 12h10mn56s 12h18mn11s 12h53mn57s 12h58mn49s 12h14mn06s 12h22mn07s 12h56mn28s 13h01mn19s ns sn ew ew 167 210 135 135 970307 970307 970307 970307 1 2 3 4 3000 3000 3000 1200 11h57mn54s 12h03mn06s 12h11mn58s 12h28mn32s 12h00mn25s 12h05mn37s 12h14mn30s 12h30mn51s ns sn ew ns 135 135 135 125 970312 970312 970312 970312 970312 970312 1 2 3 4 5 6 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 12h07mn37s 12h19mn46s 12h26mn34s 12h35mn14s 12h43mn55s 12h51mn32s 12h10mn40s 12h22mn57s 12h29mn33s 12h37mn15s 12h46mn10s 12h53mn35s ns sn ns we ns sn 163 170 160 110 120 110 970326 970326 970326 970326 970326 970326 970326 970326 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 11h56mn25s 12h01mn55s 12h08mn33s 12h15mn51s 12h23mn20s 12h38mn46s 12h48mn02s 12h58mn37s 11h57mn54s 12h04mn44s 12h10mn58s 12h17mn24s 12h25mn22s 12h40mn14s 12h49mn59s 13h00mn24s ns sn ns sn ew ns/e ns/c ns/w 85 151 130 84 110 80 105 95 Table 1: Listing of the TIR data acquired. The nomenclature of the fly direction is the following. Altitude of 3000 m: ns=from North to South, sn=from South to North, ew=from East to West, we=from West to East. Altitude of 1500 m: ns(sn)/e=from North to South (South to North) at the East of the site, ns(sn)/c=from North to South (South to North) at the center of the site, ns(sn)/w: from North to South (South to North) at the West of the site. *: notice that this time period seems strange compared to the other flight lines (to be checked). 5 Date Flight line Altitude (m) Starting time (U.T.) Ending time (U.T.) Flight Direction Number of Numerized Images 970410 970410 970410 970410 970410 970410 970410 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 10h40mn13s 10h46mn05s 10h52mn45s 10h59mn37s 11h25mn11s 11h38mn33s 11h47mn37s 10h42mn04s 10h48mn08s 10h54mn59s 11h01mn55s 11h26mn10s 11h39mn45s 11h49mn15s ns sn ns sn ew ns/e ns/w 100 110 120 123 55 65 90 970416 970416 970416 970416 970416 970416 970416 970416 970416 970416 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 10h50mn21s 10h55mn56s 11h08mn50s 11h15mn33s 11h21mn45s 12h02mn10s 12h05mn57s 11h38mn27s 11h47mn11s 11h55mn11s 10h51mn39s 10h58mn16s 11h10mn51s 11h17mn24s 11h23mn25s 12h03mn35s 12h07mn20s 11h39mn33s 11h48mn37s 11h56mn17s ns sn ns sn ns ew we ns/e ns/c ns/w 70 125 110 100 90 77 75 60 75 60 970418 970418 970418 970418 1 2 3 4 1500 1500 1500 1500 11h20mn12s 11h29mn46s 11h39mn16s 11h45mn31s 11h21mn54s 11h31mn11s 11h41mn03s 11h47mn01s ns/e ns/c ns/w ew 90 76 95 82 970424 970424 1 2 1200 1200 14h36mn57s 14h43mn41s 14h37mn58s 14h45mn01s ns/e ns/c 56 72 970501 970501 970501 1 2 3 1500 1500 1500 12h03mn36s 12h11mn00s 12h18mn55s 12h04mn54s 12h12mn35s 12h20mn26s ns/e ns/c ns/w 70 84 81 970502 970502 970502 970502 970502 1 2 3 4 5 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 13h28mn39s 13h33mn47s 13h40mn20s 13h56mn38s 14h05mn14s 13h30mn30s 13h35mn41s 13h42mn31s 13h58mn48s 14h07mn22s ns sn ns sn ew 98 101 115 114 114 Table 2: Listing of the TIR data acquired. The nomenclature of the fly direction is the following. Altitude of 3000 m: ns=from North to South, sn=from South to North, ew=from East to West, we=from West to East. Altitude of 1500 m: ns(sn)/e=from North to South (South to North) at the East of the site, ns(sn)/c=from North to South (South to North) at the center of the site, ns(sn)/w: from North to South (South to North) at the West of the site. 6 Date Flight line Altitude (m) Starting time (U.T.) Ending time (U.T.) Flight Direction Number of Numerized Images 970515 970515 970515 970515 1 2 3 4 1500 1500 1500 1500 12h31mn28s 12h39mn14s 12h47mn48s 12h52mn27s 12h33mn24s 12h41mn12s 12h49mn47s 12h53mn46s ns/e ns/c ns/w we 105 104 105 70 970522 970522 970522 970522 970522 970522 970522 970522 970522 970522 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 1500 10h31mn46s 10h36mn55s 10h43mn05s 10h48mn15s 10h58mn11s 11h06mn37s 11h16mn44s 11h20mn04s 11h24mn57s 11h29mn15s 10h33mn55s 10h39mn03s 10h44mn52s 10h50mn17s 11h00mn03s 11h08mn01s 11h18mn09s 11h21mn21s 11h26mn00s 11h30mn26s ns sn ns sn ew ns/c ns/c sn/w ns/e ew 115 115 96 112 101 76 75 70 57 65 970609 970609 970609 970609 970609 970609 970609 970609 970609 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 11h51mn00s 11h55mn47s 12h02mn27s 12h07mn17s 12h14mn10s 12h21mn57s 12h33mn58s 12h44mn06s 12h51mn59s 11h52mn12s 11h57mn01s 12h04mn30s 12h08mn34s 12h15mn55s 12h23mn59s 12h35mn37s 12h45mn17s 12h53mn04s ns sn ns sn ns ew ns/w ns/c ns/e 65 67 110 70 94 110 90 65 60 970612 970612 970612 1 2 3 1500 1500 1500 11h20mn30s 11h30mn33s 11h38mn37s 11h22mn00s 11h31mn40s 11h39mn49s ns/e ns/c ns/w 81 60 64 Table 3: Listing of the TIR data acquired. The nomenclature of the fly direction is the following. Altitude of 3000 m: ns=from North to South, sn=from South to North, ew=from East to West, we=from West to East. Altitude of 1500 m: ns(sn)/e=from North to South (South to North) at the East of the site, ns(sn)/c=from North to South (South to North) at the center of the site, ns(sn)/w: from North to South (South to North) at the West of the site. 7 Date Flight line Altitude (m) Starting time (U.T.) Ending time (U.T.) Flight Direction Number of Numerized Images 970624 970624 970624 970624 970624 970624 970624 970624 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 11h55mn50s 12h06mn44s 12h13mn56s 12h19mn34s 12h28mn08s 12h43mn08s 12h46mn59s 12h51mn07s 11h56mn56s 12h08mn29s 12h15mn13s 12h21mn06s 12h29mn50s 12h44mn41s 12h47mn56s 12h52mn26s ns ns sn ns ew ns/c sn/w ns/e 60 93 70 83 90 77 60 70 970708 970708 970708 970708 970708 970708 970708 970708 970708 970708 970708 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 1500 11h49mn12s 11h53mn05s 11h59mn47s 12h05mn08s 12h11mn38s 12h19mn56s 12h25mn08s 12h37mn28s 12h45mn03s 12h48mn54s 12h55mn07s 11h50mn35s 11h54mn59s 12h01mn38s 12h07mn02s 12h13mn26s 12h21mn29s 12h26mn50s 12h39mn10s 12h46mn50s 12h50mn29s 12h56mn40s ns sn ns sn ns we ew ns/e ns/c sn/c ns/w 75 100 100 103 97 85 93 92 97 85 84 970728 970728 970728 1 2 3 1500 1500 1500 11h41mn56s 11h50mn55s 11h58mn18s 11h44mn09s 11h53mn08s 12h00mn33s ns/e ns/c ns/w 120 120 119 970729 970729 970729 970729 970729 970729 970729 970729 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 12h49mn57s 12h54mn37s 13h00mn57s 13h07mn33s 13h15mn35s 13h54mn26s 13h58mn33s 14h02mn19s 12h51mn31s 12h56mn39s 13h03mn08s 13h09mn03s 13h17mn40s 13h56mn11s 14h00mn04s 14h04mn15s ns sn ns sn ew ns/e sn/c ns/w 83 108 115 80 110 95 82 105 Table 4: Listing of the TIR data acquired. The nomenclature of the fly direction is the following. Altitude of 3000 m: ns=from North to South, sn=from South to North, ew=from East to West, we=from West to East. Altitude of 1500 m: ns(sn)/e=from North to South (South to North) at the East of the site, ns(sn)/c=from North to South (South to North) at the center of the site, ns(sn)/w: from North to South (South to North) at the West of the site. 8 Date Flight line Altitude (m) Starting time (U.T.) Ending time (U.T.) Flight Direction Number of Numerized Images 970904 970904 970904 970904 970904 970904 970904 970904 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 12h12mn42s 12h18mn27s 12h26mn08s 12h30mn07s 12h39mn37s 12h52mn23s 12h55mn36s 13h00mn53s 12h14mn45s 12h20mn27s 12h27mn51s 12h32mn16s 12h41mn36s 12h53mn45s 12h57mn03s 13h02mn35s sn sn ns sn(??) ew ns/e sn/c ns/w 110 108 92 114 107 74 80 90 970909 970909 970909 970909 1 2 3 4 1500 1500 1500 1500 11h26mn32s 11h29mn43s 11h35mn03s 11h44mn31s 11h27mn41s 11h30mn52s 11h36mn08s 11h45mn31s ns/e sn/c ns/c ns/w 62 63 58 54 970918 970918 970918 970918 970918 970918 970918 970918 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 11h20mn07s 11h25mn12s 11h32mn02s 11h37mn19s 11h46mn11s 11h57mn17s 12h06mn58s 12h16mn16s 11h23mn53s 11h29mn03s 11h35mn53s 11h41mn21s 11h49mn05s 12h00mn06s 12h09mn46s 12h19mn15s ns sn ns sn ew ns/e ns/c ns/w 200 205 205 215 155 150 150 160 Table 5: Listing of the TIR data acquired. The nomenclature of the fly direction is the following. Altitude of 3000 m: ns=from North to South, sn=from South to North, ew=from East to West, we=from West to East. Altitude of 1500 m: ns(sn)/e=from North to South (South to North) at the East of the site, ns(sn)/c=from North to South (South to North) at the center of the site, ns(sn)/w: from North to South (South to North) at the West of the site. (??): to be checked. 9 2-Radiosoundings The radiosoundings we used for the atmospheric corrections were launched around solar noon by METEO FRANCE meteorological station close to the Nîmes airport. This station was located 30 km toward the West of the experimental site, and its altitude was about 60 m from sea level. The radiosoundings provided atmospheric profiles of pressure, temperature and humidity. Measurement levels corresponded to a 250 mbar pressure decreasing scale, and to characteristic points representing an inversion in temperature or humidity. This leads to approximately 30 levels of measurements between 0 and 10 km. 10 References Inframetrics (1991). INFRAMETRICS MODEL 760. Operator’s manual, Inframetrics Incorporation. Olioso, A., Braud, I., Chanzy, A., Ducros, Y., Gaudu, J.C., Gonzales-Soza, E, Lewan, L., Marloie, O., Ottlé, C., Prévot, L., Autret, H., Bethenod, I., Bonnefond, J.M., Bruguier, N., Calvet, J.C., Chauki, H., Goujet, R., Jongschaap, R., Kerr, Y., Lagouarde, J.P., Laurent, J.P., McAnneney, J, Moulin, S., Thony, J.L., Weiss, M., & Wigneron, J.-P. (2001). SVAT modeling over the Alpilles-ReSeDA experiment: experimental setup for monitoring energy and mass transfers. In: Agronomie, Alpilles-ReSeDA special issue. Prévot, L., Baret, F., Chanzy, A., Olioso, A., Wigneron, J.P., Autret, H., Baudin, F., Bessemoulin, P., Bethenod, O., Blamont, D., Blavoux, B., Bonnefond, J.M., Boubkraoui, S., Bouman, B.A.M., Braud, I., Bruguier, N., Calvet, J.C., Caselles, V., Chauki, H., Clevers, J.G.P.W., Coll, C., Company, A., Courault, D., Dedieu, G., Degenne, P., Delécolle, R., Denis, H., Desprats, J.F., Ducros, Y., Dyer, D., Fies, J.C., Fischer, A., Francois, C., Gaudu, J.C., Gonzalez, E., Gouget, R., Gu, X.F., Guérif, M., Hanocq, J.F., Hautecoeur, J.F., Haverkamp, R., Hobbs, S., Jacob, F., Jeansoulin, R., Jongschaap, R.E.E., Kerr, Y., King, C., Laborie, P., Lagouarde, J.P., Laques, A.E., Larcena, D., Laurent, G., Laurent, J.P., Leroy, M., McAneney, J., Macelloni, G., Moulin, S., Noilhan, J., Ottlé, C., Paloscia, S., Pampaloni, P., Podvin, T., Quaracino, F., Roujean, J.L., Rozier, C., Ruisi, R., Susini, C., Taconet, O., Tallet, N., Thony, J.L., Travi, Y., Van Leewen, H., Vauclin, M., VidalMadjar, D, Vonder, O.W., & Weiss, M. (1998). Assimilation of multisensor and multitemporal remote sensing data to monitor vegetation and soil: the Alpilles ReSeDA project. In: IGARSS’98 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Tsang L. Ed., IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway (USA), Sensing and managing the environment, vol. 5, pp. 2399–2401. 11