Welcome to ACH On MB Web Express


Welcome to ACH On MB Web Express
Welcome to ACH
On MB Web Express
Please follow this reference guide to help you navigate through the ACH Module. You will find helpful information for
the following tasks:
Creating templates for future use
Creating a batch
Approving and submitting a batch
Creating one-off transactions and reversals
Modifying templates and batches
Importing templates and transactions
NACHA Pass-Thru transactions
Reporting tools for ACH origination
Definitions for ACH Origination on MB Web Express:
TEMPLATE – A template contains the account and payment information for a single payee.
GROUP – A group contains multiple related templates that will often be paid together, i.e. Payroll Group, Vendor Group,
or Taxes.
TRANSACTION – A transaction is a template that is in use and is now ready to be submitted as part of a batch for
payment or collection.
BATCH – A batch contains several transactions and is submitted to the bank with an effective date and total dollar
All ACH Return and Notification of Change (NOC) transactions and reports can be found in the eDocuments module
under the Reporting tab.
1. Creating templates for future use
Log into MB Web Express. From the Payments & Transfers tab, choose ACH Origination. The default screen is the Create tab.
Under Create New, click Group/Template.
Enter the New Template Group information.
a. Create the Group Name (Purpose) by clicking “New Template Group” on the drop-down menu. The page will refresh and allow you
to enter the name.
b. Select the Transaction Type.
c. Select the Settlement Account for the group.
d. Choose the Company Name for the group. This is the name that the receiver of the ACH will see on their bank statement.
e. Optional: Enter a Default, Minimum, or Maximum Amount for the group. You will not be able to create a template outside these
amounts if selected.
Please note: the information you chose for the group will apply to all templates added to it.
Enter the Template Details.
a. Enter a unique Template Name. This name is not included in the file sent to the bank; it is simply for your reference and for search
b. Enter the Recipient Name. This should be written as it appears on the recipient’s account.
c. Optional: Enter the Recipient ID. This field allows you to record an identifying number that you might assign to the recipient, for
example an employee or vendor number. Do not use a social security or tax identification number.
d. Enter the Recipient Account number.
e. Choose the Recipient Account Type, either “Checking” or “Savings.”
f. Optional: Check the box next to Prenote if you want to send a zero-dollar transaction to verify that the account information is
g. Optional: Add Addenda to the template. Roll the mouse over the link and click Add Addenda. A new window will display with the
addenda formats you are validated to use.
h. Enter the Recipient FI ABA (routing number). Click Verify to populate the institution name.
i. Optional: Enter a Minimum, Maximum, or Default Amount. Only use a default amount if you will be sending the same amount each
time you use the template. Use a minimum or maximum amount if you want to safeguard against sending the recipient too much or
too little.
Click Add Template to Group if you would like to continue adding new templates to the group, or click Save Template Group if you have
added all of your templates.
2. Creating a batch
Once your groups have been created, they will appear on the Create tab. Each group has a drop-down menu with a list of actions that can be
taken, including using the group to create an ACH batch.
To create a batch, hover your mouse over the group you’d like to use to view the action menu. Click “Update and Send Template Group.”
Choose your Settlement Date. ACH batches can be future-dated 14 days (the smart calendar will only display valid processing dates).
The settlement date must be at least one day in the future.
Enter the Purpose of the batch (this field will be prefilled with the Group Name, however it can be edited).
Enter the Amount for each transaction you want to include in the batch. This field will be prefilled if you entered a default amount when
creating the template (see page 3 for details). If you do not want to pay a particular recipient in the group, leave the dollar amount set to
$0.00. The total dollar amount of the batch will be tracked underneath the templates.
Check the box next to the transactions you would like to include in the batch.
Click Create. The batch will be queued for approval on the Pending Items tab with an “Awaiting Approval” status. See pages 4-5 for
instructions on approving and submitting the batch.
Please note: If you need to edit the settlement account or the bank account information for any of the recipients, you will need to first modify
the group (see page 5 for details).
3. Approving and submitting a batch
All ACH batches require approval from a second user. In addition, users are required to submit transactions after they are approved by another
Approving ACH Batches
A second user (approver) has two ways to approve ACH batches: from the home page or from the ACH module.
From the home page:
From the home page, click ACH Origination under the Approve tab.
Check the box next to the Transaction Batch you’d like to approve.
Click Approve.
From the ACH Module:
From the ACH Origination module, navigate to the Pending Items tab.
Locate the Transaction Batch you’d like to approve. Either:
a. Check the box next to the transaction and click Approve underneath; or
b. Hover your mouse over the Transaction Batch ID and click “Approve Batch” from the drop-down menu. The batch now requires
submission to the bank.
Submitting ACH Batches
Once the batch has been approved by a second user, the status of the transaction will change to “Awaiting Submission.” The batch can be
submitted from the home page or from the ACH module (see page 4 for instructions on submitting from the home page).
From the ACH Origination module, navigate to the Pending Items tab.
Locate the Transaction Batch you’d like to submit. Either:
a. Check the box next to the transaction and click Submit underneath; or
b. Hover your mouse over the Transaction Batch ID and click “Submit Batch” from the drop-down menu.
You will be prompted to enter your password, i.e. token password. On your token device, press the gray button to reveal a 6-digit code
and enter it on the line provided. Click Verify. The batch has now been sent to the bank for processing.
4. Creating one-off transactions and reversals
One-off transactions
This option should be used to create batches that do not need to be saved for future use.
Navigate to the Create tab. Under Create New, click on One-off Transaction.
Enter the batch details:
a. Select the Transaction Type for the batch.
b. Select the Settlement Account.
c. Enter the Settlement Date. ACH batches can be future-dated 14 days (the smart calendar will only display valid processing dates).
The settlement date must be at least one day in the future.
d. Select the Company Name. This is the name that the receiver of the ACH will see on their bank statement.
e. Enter the Purpose of the batch. This will be the name that appears on the Pending Items tab for approval.
Enter the recipient details:
a. Enter the Recipient Name. This should be written as it appears on the recipient’s account.
b. Optional: Enter a Recipient ID. This field allows you to record an identifying number that you might assign to the recipient, for
example an employee or vendor number. Do not use a social security or tax identification number.
c. Enter the Recipient Account number.
d. Select the Recipient Account Type, either “Checking” or “Savings.”
e. Enter the Recipient FI ABA, or routing number, and click Verify.
f. Optional: To add addenda to the transaction, hover your mouse over the hyperlink under Addenda and click Add Addenda. A new
window will display with the addenda formats you are validated to use.
g. Enter the Amount of the transaction.
h. To add additional recipients, click Add Another. When you have added all of the recipients, click Create to queue the batch for
approval on the Pending Items tab. See pages 4-5 for instructions on approving and submitting the batch.
Creating an ACH reversal creates an equal but opposite transaction for a file that was sent out incorrectly. Reversals can be created up to four
days after a batch is submitted.
Note: Reversals do not apply to NACHA Pass-Thru batches (please see section 7 for details).
Under Create New, click Reversal.
Hover your mouse over the Group name for the batch you want to reverse and click “Reverse Batch” on the drop-down menu.
Review the transactions within the batch. Choose the Settlement Date for the reversal. The reversal items will be queued on the Pending
Items tab for approval. See page 4 for instructions.
5. Modifying templates and batches
Templates and groups can be modified, allowing users to update recipient information or transaction details.
To modify existing groups, navigate to the Create tab. Hover your mouse over the Group Name you’d like to edit and choose “Modify
Template Group” from the drop-down menu.
To modify batches that have been queued for approval or submission, navigate to the Pending Items tab. Hover your mouse over the ID
number you’d like to edit and choose “Modify Batch” from the drop-down menu.
Any fields with white boxes can be edited. Further modification can be made to template names and details. Hover your mouse over the
Template Name and choose “Modify Template” from the drop-down menu.
Additional templates can be added to the group by clicking Add Template.
Click Save to complete the changes.
Copying Templates
Existing templates can be copied into multiple groups.
From the Create tab, hover your mouse over the group containing the template you’d like to copy. Click “Modify Template Group”
from the drop-down menu (see page 8 for more details).
Check the boxes next to the templates you’d like to copy and click Copy.
From the Available Template Groups menu, select the groups that you would like to copy the template to and click the right arrow to
move them to the Destination Template Groups menu.
Click Copy. A confirmation will appear on the screen.
6. Importing templates and transactions
Importing Templates
If you have a data file with several recipient names and account numbers, you can use the import mapping function to create multiple
templates at once.
From the Import tab, click Click here to create or edit template mappings under Import Templates to define how you’d like to map
your existing file.
Under Mapping Definition, select “New Mapping,” or select an existing definition from the drop-down menu.
Enter the definition details.
a. Enter the Mapping Name.
b. Choose the Transaction Type for the templates.
c. Select the File Type. If your file is in the standard NACHA format, you may also use the NACHA Pass-Thru tab to upload your file
(see page 12).
d. The first five fields are Required Fields. If you have other information included in your file, place a check mark underneath the field
and enter the sequence.
e. Enter the Group Name.
f. Select the Company Name.
g. Select the Settlement Account.
h. Optional: Enter a Default, Minimum, or Maximum Amount. Choose how the Amount Decimal Point amounts are to be imported
i. Browse for the File Name.
j. Click Begin Import.
Once the import finishes, the templates will be listed on the screen in the order you numbered them within your data file. If any errors exist in
the file format or with the transaction entries, those errors will be listed under Import Errors. Then, you can choose to proceed with the import
and exclude those entries, or you can cancel the import and retry after correcting the errors within your file. If you are ready to proceed, click
Accept. The templates will now be listed with the other template groups on the Create tab, ready to be used as a batch.
Importing Transactions
If you have a large number of templates that consistently have varying dollar amounts, importing transactions can save a lot of time.
From the Import tab, click on Click here to create or edit transaction mappings.
Under Mapping Definition, select “New Mapping,” or select an existing definition from the drop-down menu.
Enter the definition details.
a. Enter the Mapping Name.
b. Choose the Transaction Type for the templates.
c. Select the File Type.
d. The first four fields are Required Fields, the most important of which is the Template Name. This is the field the system uses to
assign the correct dollar amount. If you have other information included in your file, place a check mark underneath the field and enter
the sequence.
e. Select the Group Name associated with your transactions.
f. Select the Company Name.
g. Select the Settlement Date.
h. Enter the Purpose of the batch.
i. Choose how the Amount Decimal Point amounts are to be imported here.
j. Browse for the File Name.
k. Click Begin Import.
Once the import finishes, the transactions will be listed on the screen in the same order as your data file. If any errors exist in the file format or
with the transaction entries, those errors would be listed in the Import Errors section on the screen. Then, you can choose to proceed with the
import and exclude those entries, or you can cancel the import and retry after correcting those entries within your file. If you are ready to
proceed, click Accept. Your transactions are now ready as a batch and will be awaiting approval on the Pending Items tab.
7. NACHA Pass-Thru transactions
If your company can produce a NACHA-formatted file, those files can be passed through MB Web Express to originate ACH transactions.
From the NACHA Pass-Thru tab, browse for your NACHA-formatted file and click Begin Upload.
If there are errors in the file, the system will list the items that need to be corrected before it can be accepted. For each error, the system
will identify the line number and the specific character that is incorrect. For example, the first error above was found on the second line of
the file and had an incorrect effective entry date in position 70. The date is 6 characters long.
To correct any errors, click Reject and modify the file before re-uploading it through the NACHA Pass-Thru tab. Once the file is passed
without errors, click Accept. The batch will be queued on the Pending Items tab for approval. See pages 4-5 for details.
8. Reporting tools for ACH origination
ACH Reporting allows users to search for activity and templates in order to see what was created, modified, and originated, when and by
whom. Use any of the below fields to narrow or widen the search.
To access the activity report, click on the Reporting tab.
Select the Activity Type from the drop-down menu. Transactions, NACHA batches, Reversals, and Groups can be searched.
Optional: Select the Transaction Type.
Optional: Select the Settlement Account.
Select a date range. Up to 63 days of history is available.
Optional: To view additional search criteria, click Advanced Options and enter details in any or all fields.
Click Generate Report.
The report will display the items that meet the search criteria. To view details on a specific item, hover your mouse over the Line number
and select an option from the drop-down menu. You can also Export the report to a CSV file from this screen.
If you searched transactions, you will be able to view the batch and modify or approve. If templates were searched, you will be able to view,
modify, or delete the templates and groups.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For questions on ACH, please contact MB Treasury Management Services at 847.653.2259 option 1, or via email at