to read the November 2012 issue of the Horticultural Herald
to read the November 2012 issue of the Horticultural Herald
H ORTICULTURAL ERALD The Newsletter of the Alumni Association of the Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture November 2012 Vol. 40 Issue 2 Ground breaking for the Legacy Garden! In This Issue: 2 President's Message 3 Graduate News 6 Legacy Garden Update 8 Alumni Board News 9 AGM Agenda 11 From the Archives 12 Associates Coming Events Annual General Meeting Saturday January 19th, 2013 Send in your nominations for the Alumni Board and Foundation Board no later than January 14th, 2013 At the the site of the future Legacy Garden: Tom Clancy NPD 61, NPC Alumni Association; Jay Todd NPD 84 OPA, Janice Thomson, Niagara Parks Commission Chairwoman; Hans Loewig NPD 68 Chair of the Legacy Garden steering committee; Charles Hunter NPD 95, President Alumni Association. Its official! The Legacy Garden is on its way! Ground-breaking was celebrated at the September 15th Alumni & Student BBQ at our School of Horticulture. Many thanks to those who attended, and to the Students who prepared a delicious outdoor feast and graciously hosted the event in the “backyard” of Residence. It was an enjoyable reunion of graduates on a lovely warm late summer day; the gardens were beautiful and there was a good turnout of older and new Alumni. Following the BBQ everyone gathered in the Lecture Hall to hear from the Legacy Garden steering committee who described just what has been done so far, and what the next steps are to bring this project to fruition. There was also an informative and inspiring presentation by consultant Mathis Natvik regarding the Meadow feature, an important aspect of the design which is being very carefully and conscientiously considered. Niagara Parks Commission Chairwoman Janice Thomson extended warm and sincere welcoming remarks on behalf of the Commission, and accompanied the group outside to the site of the future Garden adjacent to the Butterfly Conservatory. Watch for further details about this exciting project in Charles Hunter's message (Page 2), Alumni Board meeting minutes, and the Update on page 6. Alumni Association of the Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture Founded 1947 Officers for 2011/12 Honourary President Bill Snowden '58 President - Charles Hunter '95 Past President - David Hunt '03 Vice President - Zenia Buzanko '03 Secretary - Becky Murphy '05 Treasurer - Karen Michaud '84 Board Members Publicity, Promotions -Trevor Swance' 04, Special Events - Charles Hunter '95, Becky Murphy '05, Associates - David Olmstead '10 Blue Book Manager Jay Kivell '70 Historian - Zenia Buzanko '03 Horticultural Herald - Zenia Buzanko '03 Membership - Becky Murphy '05 Web Site, Facebook - Liz Pelt '97, Jon Peter '04 Legacy Garden Administration and Treasurer - Kristin Montoya '99 Student Liaison - Melissa Spearing Executive Secretary THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE NIAGARA PARKS COMMISSION SCHOOL OF HORTICULTURE MISSION STATEMENT The Alumni Association is a diverse team of graduates and friends who celebrate their affiliation with the Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture through a variety of programs and services designed to support its members, the School and the highest professional standards of horticulture. President's Message Here is wishing that you all have had a wonderful summer…and what a season it was! With all the extremes experienced this year, who could be looking forward to a good autumn more than horticulture. The season has truly been long, hot, dry or wet but definintely challenging, and yet quite rewarding when we reflect on our most recent event held this past September. Karen Michaud '84 8 Hahn Avenue, Cambridge, ON N3C 2X9 Ph: 519-249-0381 A very busy summer! We have seen the results of a very active planning season with the on going Legacy Garden development and September's ground breaking ceremony (more in this issue on how the garden is going). Deadline Date January 30 Special thanks to be extended to the Legacy Garden Steering committee for their continuing efforts to realize the garden. Also, the continued support of the Niagara Parks Commission has never been more apparent, the welcoming address by Chairwoman Janice Thompson was wonderful and heartfelt. Additionally, a special thanks should go to the Student Association for the making the BBQ a success and an enjoyable afternoon. This type of gathering is definitely something that our two associations are planning to continue to do in the future. The interaction with students is an integral part to our preservation and it clearly demonstrates the values to which we strive to maintain. The Horticultural Herald is published 4 times per year and is the newsletter of the Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture Alumni Association. It is published for the benefit of Association members. Views expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of its Officers or Board members. We welcome letters on any horticultural or Alumni issues. Submissions may be edited for length and readability. Foundation Board President, John Dick '85, Vice President John Lococo '97, Secretary Jay Todd, Treasurer Russ Boles '68, Alumni President Charles Hunter '95, SOH Director James Smith '98, Director Justin Leack '99, Alumni Association of the Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture Foundation, P.O. Box 263, Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2E 6T3 Be that as it may! I must admit that even with this most recent success and the 75th celebrations, I am still left with certain concerns or could I say my level of awareness has left me yearning for more as your president. As an active member of the association, I've come to understand quite well that the rate of change can be rather slow and perceived at times as less than expected. We've become accustomed to baby steps. However, progress is being made to improve our association. The small group of actively working members of the Executive, volunteers and now the Legacy Garden Steering Committee continue to strive to fulfill the role of this association. We continue to make progress on our website development and the extension of communication is reaching a greater number of graduates with each passing bluebook update and electronic Horticulture Herald publication, not to mention the more than 100 registered with our Facebook page. There is still much to be completed and many things with which we have the potential to suceed, and I pledge to our members that we are no longer waiting for others to complete the work, but will proceed with the goals to raise the awareness of our group, and to continue to stay ahead of improvements to provide relevance. Quite soon we are planning to have the Annual General Meeting on Saturday, January 19th, 2013. You will notice that we are moving it back in the calendar; it makes much more sense and truthfully is less confusing to keep it close to our actual membership renewal date. This meeting will also facilitate both Association and Foundtaion General Meetings. To keep the afternoon light and social we will be hosting a potluck style meal so that everyone has the chance to share their favourite recipes. Of course what it also means for the day, we will be looking for the election of new members to the Executive Committees. We have a committed, yet small number of individuals keeping the operations running. Presently we have two names submitted from Alumni wishing to participate on the board and those individuals are Ben Stormes '09 and Rob Jacob'11. If any others should like to nominate or particpate on either executive, please notify myself or John Dick no later than Monday, January 14th 2013. As an executive we look forward to recieiving your suggestions and will continue to work hard for you! Have a wonderful autumn! Charles Hunter NPD 95 Colour e-version of the Horticultural Herald now available contact 2 • Horticultural Herald November 2012 Graduate News Our condolences go out to Ed Vink NPD 83 on the passing of his father Teunis Vink at the age of 83. Please remember Ed and his family at this time. We are sorry to announce the passing of Martin Moore, NPD Class of 61 who passed away August 27th. Our condolocences go out to Kaarina and the family. After graduating from the school Martin went on to be the Superintendant of Parks in City of Powell River, Deputy Superintendant of the Disctrict of North Vancouver, BC, and Parks Superintendant City of North Vancouver, until his retirement. She was a frequent visitor to the Garden when she lived in Brooklyn in the late 1990's and credits BBG with nurturing her zeal for urban horticulture. Melanie began work at the Garden in July. BBG Appoints Vice President of Horticulture and Facilities - Melanie Sifton NPD 06 (press release)Brooklyn, NY-Brooklyn Botanic Garden (BBG) announces the appointment of Melanie Sifton (NPD 06) as Vice President of Horticulture and Facilities, filling a key leadership position focused on the stewardship of the 52-acre Garden. Prior to joining BBG, Sifton was director of the Humber Arboretum and the Centre for Urban Ecology in Toronto, where she applied her experience in sustainable horticulture to the management of a complex 250-acre site. At Humber, Sifton was responsible for the development and curation of plant collections, indoor and outdoor landscape maintenance, and capital improvements, as well as for educational programming, fundraising, and research. "We are very pleased to welcome Melanie to lead BBG's horticulture and facilities team, and look forward to her efforts in stewarding BBG's diverse collections and iconic buildings and landscapes;" noted Scot Medbury, president of BBG. "Her experience and knowledge will serve the Garden particularly well during this transformative time, as BBG's Campaign for the Next Century helps create four new acres of new and expanded gardens, enhances water conservation and other sustainability measures, and further strengthens BBG's value as a resource for urban gardening education." "I am passionate about urban public horticulture and sincerely dedicated to landscape sustainability in all its fascinating complexity," Sifton said. "Brooklyn Botanic Garden is an internationally respected model of urban gardening, and I am delighted to support its goal to become even greener in the years to come." Sifton received a master degree in public garden leadership from Cornell University, a diploma in horticulture from the Niagara Parks Commission, and a bachelor of arts from McGill University, in addition to numerous other certifications in various horticultural operations and disciplines. Melanie Sifton, NPD, VP of Horticulture, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, NYC, and guest speaker on Sustainable Sites Initiative at the Atlantic Green Forum in St. John's NF; Sean Kennedy, NPD, Landscape Maintenance Manager, Bowering Ponds and Gardens Ltd. and Liz Klose, Director Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) Botanical Garden and Landscape Priorities Manager, Canadian Nursery Landscape Association. ( photo Submitted by Liz Klose.) Entrepreneur Award to Nature's Outlook Owner Stephen Schuler, NPD 02 received the Entrepreneur Award 2011 at the Bridges to Better Business conference. Stephen operates Nature's Outlook Landscaping & Carpentry out of Foresters Falls, ON. It began as a one man operation, 10 years later the company now has a staff of 5-9 employees and offers two main services - hard landscpaing and carpentry construction. Schuler, 31, called the award "Unexpected. It's nice to be acknowledged for the accomplishments that the company has made. Winning this award during my 10th year in business has been an added surprise." Company staff includes his Dad - Landscaping Foreman, his Brother Licensed Carpenter. Stephen also runs Apprenticeships for Landscape/Horticulture & Carpentry. Stephen and his wife Laura, who is also a graduate of the Niagara Parks School of Horticulture NPD 03, have two daughters; Rory, 4 & Leia, 2. Horticultural Herald November 2012 • 3 Graduate News Memories of Mary Dubois Excerpts from a Thanksgiving for Mary's Life: Those graduates from 1947 to 1967 will remember her fondly, Mary who dispensed food as well as kindness and concern to the many students of that time. It was not all smooth-sailing. If the moment merited it she could be a strict disciplinarian when it concerned her kitchen, dining room or if there was unseemly language. Well… I don't know about you the rest of you but I'm sure going to miss that feisty old Gal. I will miss the fact that I could pick up the phone and have a chat about…. politics, the weather, birds…basically anything and everything. But, if I was having a problem with a recipe, invariably, I would receive some new recipes hand written on 3 X 5 index cards, with explicit instructions on how to NOT mess up the recipe. Mary Lillian Procter was born May 19th, 1918 at Cedar Hill Farm, Maple, Ontario. Her parents were Percy Procter and Margaret Procter nee Rumble. She had an older brother Bill (1912-1975). The Family moved in 1913 to Irondale where she spent her childhood on her parents' farm. They also operated a small general store and the post office. Mary attended high school in Richmond Hill and continued her education at MacDonald Institute, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ontario, studying home economics. Upon graduation Mary enlisted in the RCAF and served in Canada in dietary rolls at various bases. After she was discharged she took the position of dietician at the NPC School of Gardening in Niagara Falls where she remained until her marriage to Howard Bucknam in 1967. She and Howard moved to Cardiff where they spent the winters and to the cottage at Irondale on Salerno Lake for the summer. Howard died in 1987. In 1988 Mary entered matrimony again marrying Walter Dubois of Port Sydney, Ontario. She retained her properties in Cardiff and Irondale. Walter died in 1995. Mary continued to live in Port Sydney until 2003. Mary suffered a series of strokes in September 2003 while visiting her property in Cardiff. She had an extended stay in Belleville Hospital and then moved to the Belmont Long term Care Facility in Belleville. While residing there she was championed by her niece Kathy who faithfully visited each Wednesday from Perth. Nephew Bill and niece Kathy kindly looked after Mary making sure her needs were met. These are the children of her bother Bill and his wife Lillian. Mary Died August 2, 2012. She had many memories of the Students and the School and you will see from niece Kathy's eulogy at the service of Thanksgiving for Mary's Life that she embraced many who Kathy called her Families. You will also note the two quotes taken from the Garden School Days book. I am sure there are many memories out there that could fill a book. The Memorial Service was held in Irondale. Five graduates attended: Harold Crawford, Mike Bladon, Norman McCollum, Russell Ferguson and William Snowden. More than 50 people, family and friends attended, a wonderful send off for such a worthy person. Mary was cremated and her ashes were interred with her first husband Howard in the cemetery in Kinmount, Ontario. I have included Kathy's eulogy for you to better visualize Mary's wonderful life of giving and sharing. William Snowden NPD 58 Mary Dubois on her 90th Birthday. Photo submitted by Bill Snowden. I will miss the discussions about the Toronto Blue Jays and just why they aren't doing good and sometimes the discussion would end with…there is always next year! I will miss doing crosswords with her and the Toronto Star Wednesday crossword will never be the same. AND….How many of you have ever played Scrabble with her? SO you know that whenever you heard that little snort and laugh you knew she had a combination of letters that would spell a naughty word! I watched as you all assembled here and watched as you looked around and I could see that you were wondering just who all these people are. I hope to clear some of that up. For 9 years now I have been writing a Christmas letter for Aunt Mary and I have been the keeper of her address book. After the 1st Christmas that she was at the Belmont, I sat down and asked her…Who are all these people? I picked out 4 names of ladies that I had never heard of… well 2 were girls she had been at MacDonald Institute Ontario Agricultural College with - Gertie and Noreen were 2 girls she had been in the Air Force with and she then proceeded to tell me all about the lives of these people. It was then that I began to put the names in the address book into “families” and I realized that Aunt Mary gathered family as she went along in life. As I look about upon this group today, I am thrilled to see that most of her families are represented here today as we celebrate her life. Upon graduation she enlisted in the Air Force and served in Canada for 4 years. I tried to ask her what she and “the girls” Gertie and Noreen did in the Air force. Stories were not really forthcoming but apparently one of her jobs was to take meals to the guards and she got a ride back to the kitchen in the paddy wagon. Of Course no other information was given and the story followed by a snort and laugh. Support your Alumni Association 4 • Horticultural Herald November 2012 Graduate News When she was discharged from the RCAF she went to work as a dietician at the Niagara Parks School of Horticulture and she only left there in 1967 to marry Howard Bucknam. A few years after Howard died and Aunt Mary married Walter Dubois of Port Sydney. Both of those men brought children and grandchildren into Aunt Mary's life and she accepted them as her own. After she suffered the strokes in 2003 she moved to the Belmont Long Term Care Facility in Bellville. I am a firm believer that angels do walk among us, cleverly disguised as PSW's and staff of the long term care facilities. I always told Aunt Mary that I could not see to her day-to-day needs and care for her safely at my own home. The staff at the Belmont gave her a gift by taking care of her. Well Aunt Mary didn't see it as a gift and would occasionally voice her opinion about the menu, the staff and the care. Occasionally fist pumping was involved and sometimes even some of those naughty Scrabble words. AS I said before, our gal could be feisty. Now… To HER BOYS! They were her family that she cooked for, for 20 years at the Niagara Parks School of Gardening. Aunt Mary didn't keep in touch with all her boys but she never forgot them and they never forgot her. This was brought home to me when her 90th birthday rolled around and we got cards from addresses that weren't in the address book. One card came from some place out west and when I told her the town, she knew exactly who it was from! On another occasion a man, whom I had never seen, walked into her room at the Belmont one day and introduced himself as “peas and corn”… She laughed and called him by his real name. The nickname came from the fact that at the School those were the only 2 vegetables he would eat. And each year around her birthday, 2 of her boys, Bill Snowden and Harold Mary Proctor at the 1964 Alumni Conference. Crawford would All kitchen staff were recognized for their efforts arrive at the Belmont, with cake towards the conference. Photo scanned from the Alumni and stay for a visit. Archives. On another occasion a man, whom I had never seen, walked into her room at the Belmont one day and introduced himself as “peas and corn”… She laughed and called him by his real name. The nickname came from the fact that at the School those were the only 2 vegetables he would eat. And each year around her birthday, 2 of her boys, Bill Snowden and Harold Crawford would arrive at the Belmont, with cake and stay for a visit. I would like to read you a couple of quotes from the Niagara Parks School of Horticulture year book. The first quote is from Mike (Bladon) from the Class of '62: “Mary Procter is the dietician, but she is actually a “jack of all trades”. She sews buttons and mends ripped pants and will go out of her way to help you. Her cuisine is tremendous and she always reaches her peak at Christmas time. She served 4 years in the Air Force and still has the tendency to fly at people with guns blazing.” The second quote is from Alf (Savage) from the class of '52: “Mary Procter is like a mother to us all. If you are sick she will show up. If you have a special date, she will help you to be sure you look good. She also gives us “what for” for swearing or bringing girls into the School. But more importantly, Mary has the only bathtub in the school which we use to ice our beer kegs for our parties!” Aunt Mary had the ability to gather people together… and she has gathered us here today. Everywhere she went she gathered people into her family.. her cottage family.. her Irondale family… her Rumble cousins… her boys… you were all family to Aunt Mary… Her address book and the turn out here today both reflect that… from someone who married late in life, and didn't have children of her own… she really does have a BIG family. And we gather here today as one family to celebrate her life. So on behalf of the Procter side of the family … I would like to echo my brothers' sentiments and thank each and every one of you for coming today but importantly I would like to thank each and every one of you for being a part of Aunt Mary's family. Canna Sale As a valued NPC Alumni member we are looking for interest in supporting our NPC School of Horticulture Student association. We are able to offer extra virus-free Canna stock leftover from our 2012 annual designs and the money is shared between our Student Association and supporting study tour costs for students who are helping pot up and divide the plants.If this is of interest, we are taking requests for the following cultivars and formats: Formats 1. Bulk bulb crates (minimum 15 x 2-eye clumps) 2. 1 gallon pots (square) 3. Single clump (no soil, paper bag) Cultivars 1. Canna xhybrida 'Red Futurity' (dark red/purple foliage, red-orange flowers) 2. Canna 'Musifolia' aka Banana Canna (rarely flowers, banana-like foliage, tall canna up to 12') Costs 1. $25 per crate, $20 if purchasing 10 crates+ 2. 1 gallon pots (square), $3.00 each or $2.50 for 50 pots+ 3. Single clump (no soil) $2.00 Price discounts based on total order, not individual cultivar minimums Terms 1. Prices based on picking up at the NPC School Greenhouse, students unfortunately don't have the means to deliver large quantities 2. Cheque payable to Niagara Parks School of Horticulture Student Association 3. Limited quantity of plants, orders will be available on first-come, firstreserved basis 4. Orders will be accepted up to December 7th, 2012 Kristen Sandvall Fundraising Coordinator, Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture Student Association 65 years of the Alumni Association 1947 - 2012 Horticultural Herald November 2012 • 5 Legacy Garden Update First a hearty congratulations to the Ontario Parks Association members and the Niagara Parks School of Horticulture Alumni who have raised over $105,000 ! The OPA has contributed significantly to the project and the 75th celebrations; bThey handled all the registrations, the golf registrations, the collection of funds, issued tax receipts and provided a financial donation of $3,000. The Alumni Association has been the backbone of the project with the designers by Aaron Fox NPD 98 and Darren Schmahl NPD 87 putting in countless hours on the concepts. The Alumni Association has also contributed $3,000 to the garden. This garden will acknowledge the outstanding contributions to horticulture across Canada by the hundreds of members who have excelled in horticulture with both organizations who celebrated their 75 years of existence. OPA Past President Jay Kivell, Hans Loewig Chair of the Steering Committee with Madeleine Kivell and Cecile Clancy. Donations to date for the Legacy Garden Project Legacy - Above $10,000 Sharon & Tom Laviolette GatemanMilloy ~ Mike Milloy Lezlie & Bob Murch Specimen Plant - $6,000 - $9,999 Molok North America Ltd. Hans Loewig NPD 68 Legacy Garden Project Chair addressing attendees of the "Rooted in the Gardens" event preceding the ground breaking ceremony this past September . The premise is to promote leading edge technology with sustainable horticulture so visitors to the garden can take home many new ideas for their lifestyles, and home gardens. This is a time to celebrate our fantastic career choice and give something back to your “roots” and be thankful for what we have. Now we want to get moving with the development and raise the last $20,000. We will fit the project to our funding so if we can raise a little more…. we can do a little more! If you know a company or individuals who sell materials or services required for the project or someone who would donate to this leading edge - sustainable teaching garden,…….. please help with the last push. You may have already contributed and can find a few dollars more to add to your donation, please consider it as several are doing that. Send cheques or referrals to the Alumni Association, the OPA or let Hans Loewig or Tom Clancy know so we can follow up on donations to achieve this worthwhile excellent project. Roots $ 3,000 - 5,999 Niagara Parks School of Horticulture Alumni Ontario Parks Association W H Reynolds ~ Brad Thomson Turf Care ~ Ron Craig Plantation Irrigation ~ Mark Hilmeyer Landscape Ontario Trunk $1,000 - $2,999 George Dalby Cecile & Tom Clancy Jerri & Hans Loewig Hughes/Peacock Garden -NOTL Harold Brain Liz & Gerald Klose Mike Pascoe Melissa McKerlie Ans Merten ~ Winklemon nurseries John Deere Premier Equipment Sheridan Nurseries Braun Nurseries Frank Anderson Anonymous In memory of C H Henning Niagara Falls Horticulture Society Hugh McCracken Alf Savage NPC Class of 1980 Jodi Crooks 6 • Horticultural Herald November 2012 Legacy Garden Update Main Branches/Limbs $ 500 - $999 Stan Kochanoff William Snowden City of Brampton City of Cambridge City of Guelph City of Windsor City of Niagara Falls Gauld Nursery Leno Mori Nursery Mel Dell Norm McCollum Van Noort Bulbs Ian Bruce ~ Bruce Tree Service In Memory of Dave Gower Bruce Savage Susan & Al Higgs NPC Class of 1965 Mary Battaglia Bill Browne Gary Henderson September 15th Ground breaking with the Legacy Garden steering committee. Charles Hunter, Alumni President, Hans Loewig, Committee Chair; Lorne Fast, NPC School of Horticulture; Darren Schmahl and Arron Fox, garden designers;Jay Todd OPA; James Smith, NPC School of Horticutlure and Tom Clancy, Donations and Sponsorships. Branches $ 250 - $499 Garden Club of Niagara Fay Booker Gerry Hutchinson Harold Crawford Anonymous Kathy & Vic Hergott Marg & Dan Costea Chris Ziemski Ella & Buddy Andres Gord Rendell Aldona Satterthwaite Cathy Swain Tessa & Ryan Smith Audrey & Frank Purkis NPD 56 enjoy the gardens Gerry Martyn NPD 65 and George Dalby NPD 48 Janice Thomson around the Butterfly Conservatory. share a moment while Mel Dell NPD 69 and Cindy Maxwell NPD 12 are in the background. 92 year old George Dalby NPD 48 checking out the veg garden "to see what he can have for lunch". Leaves $99 - $249 Amy Doan Lorna & Arthur Haight Niagara Saw John Russell Alan & Ian Tapper Cornelius Unger Carrie Zimmerman John Morley Kaarina & Martin Moore Anonymous Anne & John Hannah Blair Abraham Delazzer Kim & Russ Boles Madeleine & Jay Kivell Judie & Dave DeShane John Curtis Paul Misner Audrey & Frank Purkis Lloyd Syer Gary Moore Maripat Thompson George Finnigan Jay Todd Richard Helmer Zenia Buzanko Mark Burkett Support your Alumni Association Horticultural Herald November 2012 • 7 Board News ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE NIAGARA PARKS COMMISSION SCHOOL OF HORTICULTURE BOARD MEETING From the desk of the Executive Secretary Another year is coming to a close; our fiscal year ends November 30th. As the Treasurer I have some concerns. Our GIC came due in June and it was cashed in, and deposited into our general account. In all the years I have spent as treasurer (15 or so) we have always had a nice GIC as a cushion and now we do not. The 3rd quarter statement can be found in the Herald. Our Alumni membership is down from last year, and as you can see from the chart below there is a downward trend in membership which is cause for concern. July 25th, 2012 Hosted By: Paul and Karen Michaud '84 Attendees:Charles Hunter '95 - President Zenia Buzanko '03 - Vice President/Historian/Hort Herald Liaison ,Karen Michaud '84 - Treasurer/Executive Secretary, Jay Kivell '70- Blue Book Trevor Swance '04- Promotions/Associate Membership David Olmstead '10 - Associate Membership Regrets: Kristen Montoya '99 - Legacy Garden Treasurer, Jon Peter '04 - Website/Facebook, Liz Pelt '97 - Website and Becky Murphy '05 - Secretary / Special Events. 1. Call to Order by Charles Hunter '95 at 6:50 pm. 2. Review meeting minutes from last meeting No minutes provided from last meeting. 3. Business arising from the minutes None. 4. President's Report (Charles Hunter '95) Legacy Garden • The legacy garden is on the move. OPA is the client, Parks recipient, Gatemen/ Malloy is the contractor. • The committee has the final say on the design. • Budget is $105,000.00. Trying to cash in on momentum. If people see action they will put in some more funds, donations etc. Very important to not let the project slow. • Committee is trying to get together a materials list and getting some consulting done regarding the meadow. • Darren and Aaron are trying to field the questions regarding materials. • September 15th is the ground breaking. The goal is trying to have one element ready to go for that date. Maybe the groove. • The hope is to have the pathway graded, reservoir location foundations for the sign board and the legacy groove ready to go. continued next page As a board, we are doing what we can to keep the Association going, but we cannot do it without some help. Our board is down in numbers, and we just do not have the bodies to get the work done. Charles, as president, has done the work of many, with the Legacy Garden taking up much of his time, and most of his vacation. There is much to do to keep this Association moving forward. Let us know if you would like to help. If you have had a change in your life, a new job, a move, a new baby, or perhaps you know of a fellow graduate who is celebrating an exciting honour, please contact me and I will direct the information to the appropriate board member. As well, don't forget our friends who are ill. Karen Michaud '84 Executive Secretary 8 Hahn Avenue Cambridge ON, N3C 2X9 519-249-0381 phone and fax Alumuni Membership of NPC School of Horticulture As of September for each year 2012 2011 Honorary Life Honorary Members Alumni Associates Fellowship 12 8 122 9 3 12 10 124 12 3 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 12 11 120 12 3 12 10 147 14 5 10 9 169 13 7 10 9 173 10 7 10 9 180 15 10 10 10 157 23 11 10 10 176 23 12 9 9 164 20 11 8 10 181 22 16 Support your Alumni Association 8 • Horticultural Herald November 2012 Board News Minutes continued •Question: Who is doing publicity? Hans and Tom Clancy are putting out a broadcast. Invitations will be sent out to Commission, mayor, donors etc. • $1056 from the alumni we can still give to the garden. Karen to send cheque to Kristin. Roland Duffy Conifer Collection • Concept ... purchase the plant material and plant around the whole botanical garden. With a nice tag to implicate the donation etc. • $20,000 needs to be spent of the money that was raised in honour of Roland Duffy (balance left in Foundation account) 5. Executive Secretary (Karen Michaud '84) • John Robert Bryan - correspondence • Debbie, Daughter of Jack Martin - wanted a copy of Garden School Days because her husband was interested in it. Unfortunately, before Karen sent her the book, her husband passed away. • Karen has a list of associates that haven't paid. Karen will send out a list. Growers Choice, Grobark, Rittenhouse and Maple Hill. • Blue Book needs to be published. Looking into pricing etc. 6. Treasurer Report (Karen Michaud '84) • Will pass money to Kristin for the Legacy Garden. • GIC came due. $6698.26. She put it in our account until we decide what to do with it. • Accept the report... Motion by Jay Kivell '70, second by Zenia Buzanko '03. • Motion to hold the GIC in the bank account until the year end. Motion by Jay Kivell '70, second by David Olmstead '10. 7. Committee Reports 7.1 Associate Membership. • We need to track down some membership fees from a few. 7.2 Blue Book • Jay has completed the book. • Jay asked if Zenia could publish a correct information letter in the Hort. Herald. • Class of 2012 has been asked for their information. *** • Rolled over associates (even if not paid yet) • Poppies have been put by the deceased graduate's spouse. This needs some updating. Some grads are still in the book but we haven't found out if they have passed. This will be a project moving forward. (ongoing) *** School cannot pass on the info of the graduates but Charles sends them an email just before they graduate to remind them to pass along their information. 7.3 Promotions • Jon and Trevor continue to update Facebook. • Charles and Dave look into mug for the September 15th and some other stuff. Next Date: September 8th • 8:17 Motion to adjourn meeting by Jay Kivell '70, second by David Olmstead '10. Alumni Annual General Meeting Agenda Saturday January 19th, 2013 Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture New Lecture Hall Agenda 9:30am 10:30am 10:40am 10:50am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:00pm Master of Ceremonies Jon Peter NPD 04 Registration Karen Michaud NPD 84 Opening Statements Legacy Garden Update Student Association Update Guest speaker - John Lohuis, General Manager of the Niagara Parks Commission Student Association Luncheon $20 (Pre-registration required) Associate Member Showcase Alumni Foundation Annual General Meeting Alumni Association Annual General Meeting Awards Presentations Equipment Lottery Draw Closing remarks Day is free with exception to the meal. For those wishing to participate in the fundraising luncheon registration is required no later than Wednesday, January 16th. Please contact Charles Hunter at or at 289-214-4602. Support your Alumni Association Horticultural Herald November 2012 • 9 Board News Blue Book Announcement The 2012 Blue Book is finished and went to print (hard copy and CD) on July 29, 2012! The executive chose May 31, 2012 as the cut off date. I waited until July 2012 to include as many changes as possible. Watch for it, it will be sent to you in the near future. In 2013 the Blue Book will be published immediately after graduation of the Class of 2013 to include them in it. PLEASE NOTE: To the graduates of 2012: would you please send your current contact information to Karen Michaud. Privacy legislation prevents the School of Horticulture to give the Alumni Association your contact information. It will appear in the 2013 Blue Book as well as a future Horticultural Herald. To the graduates of 2013: again, since privacy legislation prevents the School of Horticulture giving your information to the Alumni Association when you graduate, would you please provide the Alumni with a temporary address to send you the Horticultural Herald, the Blue Book and any other Alumni correspondence. When you have a permanent address and job, please send us that information. We want to keep you "In the loop". To those graduates who have served in the military: please contact Karen Michaud to advise her if you served. Dominion Command of the Royal Canadian Legion gave us permission to use the copy-right poppy symbol to be placed beside your name. The symbol appears beside the names of the graduates who the School of Horticulture had on file of those who served during WW2. To the spouses and partners of those graduates who are deceased: the executive wants to provide a means for communication of those spouses or partners of deceased graduates. We will respect your wishes and if you choose to do so, in 2013, your information will be included in a section titled and shown as below: Spouses or Partners of Deceased Graduates Information Spouses or partners of deceased graduates of the NPC School of Horticulture who wish to be listed are found on the following pages using the format below. Last Name, First Name Spouse's or partner's name, NPD graduation year Home Address, City, Province, Country, Postal Code P: Home Phone, C: Cellular Phone, F: Fax, E: Home e-mail Thank you. Jay Kivell, Blue Book manager. Alumni Association of the Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture 3rd Quarter Financial Statement REVENUE 2011-12 Membership Graduate Membership Fellowship Membership Associate Membership prepaid '13 Membership prepaid '14 Blue Book 2012 Blue Book 2013 Conference Conference-student sp Horticultural Herald Ads Special Events/ raffle Promotions-Advertising Interest Miscellaneous Donations to Legacy G Donations to alumni Donations to Foundation Historian Garden book Foundation GB profit postage garden book TOTAL REVENUE to date 6,904.98 170.00 300.00 1,593.59 210.00 35.75 27.50 0.02 1,775.00 1,485.32 210.00 26.00 4.00 6.00 12,748.16 EXPENSES 2011 -12 Conference Horticultural Herald 1,398.06 1,235.10 Admin/Phone Executive Secretary 1,750.00 Blue Book 936.40 Publicity/Membership Promotions 1,418.15 Historian Gifts & Awards Special Events Visa Charges 289.56 M/C Charges 54.00 Bank Charges 39.60 Memorials to Foundation 50.00 Donations trans to Found 250.00 Garden book profit 0.02 Miscellaneous Insurance 1,036.80 Web site Board Expenses 90.00 Legacy garden 2,805.55 Planet donation TOTAL EXPENSES 11,353.24 Revenue over/under ex 1,394.94 Opening Balance 6,411.79 Transfers out Transfers in GIC 6,698.26 Closing Balance 14,504.99 65 years of the NPC Alumni Association 1947 - 2012 10 • Horticultural Herald November 2012 Budget '12 $10,000.00 $300.00 $1,500.00 $$$100.00 $$$1,050.00 $500.00 $500.00 $25.00 $100.00 $125.00 $100.00 $14,300.00 $$3,500.00 $1,000.00 $2,200.00 $1,200.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $$200.00 $300.00 $300.00 $108.00 $150.00 $$$$85.51 $1,050.00 $2,500.00 $300.00 $$106.49 $14,300.00 From the Archives This year 2012 marks the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Alumni Associaton. From the archives has included the very first minutes of the founding of the association in 1947. GARDENING SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION -Minutes June 28th, 1947, Niagara Falls, Ontario. At approximately 4:30 p.m. on June 28th immediately following the buffet lunch for the graduation exercises, the first meeting of the alumni took place in the “upper dorm” of the school building. In attendance were most of the recent graduates, many of the former graduates, and some of the students in training. Alf Coshever acted as chairman with John Huether fulfilling the secretary's duties (temporarily). Elections were quickly concluded keeping Alf Coshever in the chair as president, with Gordon McNair vice-president and Russ Gomme secretary-treasurer. A brief discussion period followed with many members expressing their personal opinions regarding the alumni's main object. Another important topic was the forming of a constitution, it was agreed for members to send their suggestions to the sec-treasurer before August 1st. The meeting was short lived as many of the fellows had important engagements. M. Murphy moved the meeting be adjourned and seconded by L. Syer. R. S. Gomme - sec-treas ……………………………….... N. P. C. Gardening School , Niagara Falls, Ontario, December 13, 1947 The meeting began at approximately 2:30 p.m. with 18 members of the association in attendance. Gordon McNair presided in the absence of the president Alf Coshever. As an acquaintance gesture, each member described his experience of horticulture and place of employment for the past season. Minutes of the former meeting were read by the secretary. George Ellis moved the minutes be adopted as correct and seconded by B. Donaldson. The chairman read many of the suggestions for the alumni constitution, which were sent in by members, a lengthly discussion followed with the main debate as to whether we should have one association including only alumni members and/or plan a greater society which would allow outside or nongraduate persons engaged in horticulture to enter as members. Mr. Geo. Hamilton spoke briefly and stressed that we should consider the importance of alumni, keeping in mind that it rests on the standards of the school, and with-out a high standardized school, a successful alumni is hopeless. A short, but tasty recess followed, in which Miss Mary Proctor served lunch in the school dining room. We resumed the meeting with the conclusion that the alumni association should be our first and main objective. Two names were suggested for the association (1) Glen Gardener's Alumni Association (2) Gardening School Alumni, the latter was favoured and passed as the official name. Hugh McCracken moved that the annual meeting be in February, and the exact date decided by the executive, seconded by J. Kimmel, and carried. The date was decided immediately, and agreed to be in Toronto on February 21st or thereabouts. The financial question regarding membership fees arose and of three motions of $5.00, $2.00 and $3.00 per annum, J. Lameroux's motion of $5.00 per year, and seconded by B. Donaldson, passed by a large majority. The dues will be payable at the annual meeting in February. Moved by B. Dingwall, seconded by R. Hambly that three officers comprise the alumni executive for the term of one year, and must be present at the meeting to be elected. Carried. The voting procedure was decided for a 2/3 majority on constitutional changes and a simple majority for business items. Moved by J. Allen, seconded by M. Murphy, a committee of Toronto members namely B. Donaldson, Geo. Ellis and B. Dingwall take care of speaker accommodations etc., for the forthcoming February meeting. Carried. The following names were passed for honourary membership, George Hamilton, K. M. Broman, T. B. McQueston, George Pickard, Hon. Chas. Daley, and Rev. Walker. J. Allen moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by J. Lameroux. R. S. Gomme sec-treas 65 years of the NPC Alumni Association 1947 - 2012 Horticultural Herald November 2012 • 11 Support our Associate Members Niagara Parks Floral Showhouse " Welcome Home" Minature Village Display The Niagara Parks Commission recently announced they are presenting selections from the Cullen Miniature Village Collection. in their Fall and Holiday displays at the Floral Showhouse. Through the efforts of the City of Oshawa, the collection of 1/12 scale building reproductions was obtained from the Cullen family and preserved until its transfer to NPC. Running through Oct 24 - Nov 14 the Showhouse will feature their Annual Chrysanthemum Show. There will be three forms of beautiful mums in rich fall colours and the show introduces “Welcome Home”, the first installation from the Miniature Village display. As the seasons change the display will change to the Annual Christmas Show running Nov 22 Jan 13 and will feature the popular Poinsettia tree, Cyclamen, Azaleas and Narcissus. The Christmas-themed Miniature Village will include eight buildings inside, including a church, city buildings and homes and eight more outside, all festively lit. There is also a joint offer with the Niagara Parks and the Royal Botanical Gardens creating a special Pass for $20. The Link to Paradise provides admission to the Niagara Parks Floral Showhouse, the Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory including the Enchanted Rainforest exhibit and the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, featuring its annual holiday Train Exhibit. Floral Showhouse Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. daily. Open until 7:30 p.m. during December Closed December 25. Associate Members of the Alumni Association * All Treat Farms Rod Kidnie, Arthur * Connon Nurseries ( Neil Vanderkruk Holdings Inc) Rick Vanderkruk, Waterdown * G. C. Duke Equipment Limited Jason Brooker, Burlington * Fast Forest Incorporated Phil Dickie, Kitchener * Gro Bark (Ontario) Ltd Bill McKague, Waterloo * Jack Van Klaveren Limited Robert Murch, St. Catharines Next Herald Deadline January 30 * Landscape Ontario Tony DiGiovanni, Milton * Master's Turf Supply Ltd. Everett Nieuwkoop, Langton * M.K. Rittenhouse & Sons Ltd. St. Catharines, ON * Niagara Saw Ltd. Greg Beu, Lorraine Beu, Niagara Falls GREG BEU Tel : (905) 354-9131 Fax: (905) 374 6782 12 • Horticultural Herald November 2012 4009 ELBERTA AVE. (Cor. Thorold Stone Rd.) NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. L2E 6G1