Whayne-Walker Employee QuickRefGd
Whayne-Walker Employee QuickRefGd
Introducing the Broadest Product Line in the Mining Industry – From One Source. Wherever There s mining we re there. Whayne Supply Company 1400 Cecil Avenue, Louisville, KY 40211-1626 P. O. Box 35900, Louisville, KY 40232-5900 502.774.4441 tel Walker Machinery Company 1400 E. DuPont Avenue, Belle, WV 25015 P. O. Box 2427, Charleston, WV 25329 304-949.6400 tel October 2012 Dear Mining Customer, Earlier this year, I sent you a letter discussing Caterpillar’s acquisition of Bucyrus International and their plan to transition the former Bucyrus distribution and support business to Caterpillar dealers. Monty L. Boyd I’m pleased to announce that Whayne Supply Company (Whayne) and Walker Machinery Company (Walker), have signed an agreement with Caterpillar Global Mining, LLC to acquire the former Bucyrus distribution and support business for Whayne’s and Walker’s service territories of Kentucky, southern Indiana, West Virginia and southeastern Ohio. The agreement is subject to customary closing conditions and required regulatory approvals. It is anticipated that the transaction will close, in November, 2012. We have been working closely with Caterpillar, for several months, to make this transition a success. After we close, Whayne and Walker will be responsible for providing parts |and service for the former Bucyrus products in our services territories and providing full parts, service and sales support for all the new Caterpillar products added to our product line by the Bucyrus acquisition. We have already invested in facilities, inventory, and training to further strengthen our current support capability and plan to build on the existing Bucyrus support resources in our service territories. Please be patient as we work through the details to combine these two great mining product lines and deliver the superior customer support services you expect. We also are excited to welcome several former Bucyrus employees who will join the Whayne and Walker teams as part of the transaction. Thank you for your business and we will be in touch again very soon. Sincerely, Monty L. Boyd President/CEO Whayne Supply and Walker Machinery the broadest equipment line up in Mining The merger of Caterpillar and Bucyrus gives Whayne-Walker's mining customers access to the broadest line of underground and surface mining equipment in the world—from one source. Diesel transport Continuous Miners trucks & loaders Drills Shearers Armored Face Conveyors roof Supports belt Systems Surface belt Systems underground Mining equipment Draglines rope Shovels Surface Drills highwall Miners hydraulic Shovels Mining trucks Wheel loaders Dozers & Graders Surface Mining equipment Caterpillar Joy Global Komatsu Hitachi Liebherr Hydraulic Shovels Rope Shovels Highwall Miners Draglines Longwall Drills Room & Pillar Belt Systems NEW MODEL NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE Bucyrus to Caterpillar This guide contains the most current information available regarding the conversion of Bucyrus products to the Cat and Unit Rig brands. Final model names are subject to change. Check Mining.cat.com for the latest information. SURFACE PRODUCTS SURFACE DRILLS BUCYRUS MODEL CAT MODEL Rotary Blasthole SKFX SKF SKS SKL 49HR 59HR MD6240 MD6290 MD6420 MD6540 MD6640 MD6750 Hydraulic Track R20C R20T R30C 345, 345S SCH5000C/CL MD5050 MD5050 T MD5075 MD5090 MD5125 SURFACE EXTRACTION BUCYRUS MODEL CAT MODEL Hydraulic Shovels RH40E RH40E RH90C RH90C RH120E RH120E RH170B RH170B RH200 RH200 RH340B RH340B RH400 6015 6015 6018 6018 6030 6030 6040 6040 6050 6050 6060 6060 6090 Electric Rope Shovel 182M 295HD 295HR 395HR 495HD 495HR2 495HF2 7182 7295 HD 7295 7395 7495 HD 7495 7495 HF Dragline W2000 8200 8750 8000 8200 8750 Highwall Miner SHM HW300 FS FS FS FS FS FS FS MINING TRUCKS BUCYRUS MODEL UNIT RIG MODEL Unit Rig MT3300AC MT3700AC MT4400AC MT5500AC MT6300AC MT3300 AC MT3700 AC MT4400 AC MT5500 AC MT6300 AC UNDERGROUND PRODUCTS ROOM & PILLAR BUCYRUS MODEL CAT MODEL BELT SYSTEMS BUCYRUS MODEL CAT MODEL Face Haulage 810C Un-A-Trac 816E Un-A-Trac FBR 15 Ram Car FH110 FH120 FH125 D Belt System Pre-Engineered Custom Design BC100 BC200 Continuous Haulage 30 CHL 36 CHM 36 CHH FH330 FH336 FH336 UNDERGROUND DRILLS BUCYRUS MODEL CAT MODEL Jumbo Scoops 482D 488XL 488D XP 488D 488-6 DM 488L 488D LHD XP 488D LHD 488-6 636 SS SU482 SU482 SU488 SU488 SU488 SU488 SU488 SU488 SU488 SU636 MK4 MK20 MK35 MK7 TK 70 TK140 TK160 MD2025 MD2040 MD2060 MD2070 MD2110 MD2150 MD2180 Jumbo–Shaft SJ-1/2/3-105-E MD1000 LONGWALL BUCYRUS MODEL CAT MODEL Shearer Electra 2000 Evo Electra 3000 Evo Electra 4000 Evo EL2000 EL3000 EL4000 Plow RHH800 GH800 GH1600 RHH800 GH800 GH1600 Armored Face Conveyor—Line Pan PF3 PF4 PF5 PF6 PF3 PF4 PF5 PF6 Armored Face Conveyor— Controlled Start Transmission Drive CST 30 CST 45 CST 65 CST30 CST45 CST65 Roof Supports -- -- Roof Support Carriers VT620 VT636-2 VT650 VT650 MH40 VT650D FBL-55 FBL-55H/MH55H/MH-60 VT680 SH620 SH630 SH650 SH650 SH640 SH650 SH660 SH660 SH680 CHT 50 SH150 Load Haul Dump Feeder Breaker Roof Bolter Continuous Miner Miner Bolter Compact Loader (6 tonne) - non-permissible Compact Loader (10 tonne) - non-permissible Compact Loader (15 tonne) - non-permissible FBL10 - non-permissible MH10 - non-permissible FBL15 - non-permissible MH15 - non-permissible DN D DN DM L LHD LHDN CL106 CL106 N CL110 CL110 N CL115 CL115 N CL210 CL210 N CL210B CL210B N CL215 CL215 N CL215B CL215B N 7FB-48AL 7FB-48A 7FB-56AL 7FB-56A GHFB-48AL GHFB-48A GHFB-56AL GHFB-56A FB75 FB110 FB85 FB140 FB75 P FB110 P FB85 P FB140 P LRB-15AR RB2-52A RB2-88A RB120 RB220 RB230 25MO 25M1 25M2 25M3 25C 25CT 30M2 30M3 30M4 35M1 35M2 35M3 CM210 CM220 CM230 CM240 CM235 CM235 T CM330 CM340 CM345 N CM430 CM440 CM445 30MB CM845 Shield Trailer VFD D D D HD For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the web at mining.cat.com and www.cat.com © 2011 Caterpillar Inc. All rights reserved. v2.1 DEALER SUPPORT ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION MINESTAR SYSTEM FLEET TERRAIN DETECT HEALTH COMMAND ARTICULATED TRUCK EXCAVATOR TRACK DRILL MOTOR GRADER BLASTHOLE DRILL MINING TRUCK ELECTRIC ROPE SHOVEL MECHANICAL DRIVE ELECTRIC DRIVE OPEN PIT HYDRAULIC SHOVEL WHEEL DOZER UNDERGROUND TRUCK UNDERGROUND LOADER HARD ROCK UNDERGROUND DRILL THE BROADEST PRODUCT LIN AND THE INFRASTRUCTURE AND SUPPORT NETWORK TO S M I N I N G . C AT. C O M AEWQ0066 © 2011 Caterpillar All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow,” and the POWER EDGE trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission. Cat and Caterpillar are registered trademarks of Caterpillar Inc., 100 N.E. Adams, Peoria IL 61629. DRAGLINE TRACK-TYPE TRACTOR HIGHWALL MINER LOCOMOTIVE & RAIL SERVICES SCRAPER UTILITY TRUCK WHEEL LOADER SURFACE MINING: COAL ROOM & PILLAR FEEDER BREAKER ROOF BOLTER UTILITY LOADER FACE HAULAGE CONTINUOUS MINER SHEARER ROOF SUPPORT AFC SYSTEM LONGWALL ROOF SUPPORT CARRIER BELT SYSTEM PLOW ROOF SUPPORT LONGWALL AFC SYSTEM NE IN THE MINING INDUSTRY— ERVE EVERY MINING REGION IN THE WORLD. C AT E R P I L L AR . W H E R E V E R T H E R E ’ S M I N I N G , W E’ R E TH ER E . General Bucyrus Acquisition Questions About Whayne-Walker We have created a new division that encompasses both dealerships called Whayne-Walker Underground Mining (Whayne-Walker). This division will give us the unified approach and attention to this very important new market. General 1. What range of new products will Whayne-Walker be responsible for? 2. What is the working relationship between Caterpillar employees and Whayne-Walker? 3. Will Whayne-Walker set up a new division to manage the underground mining business? 4. Will Cat Financial be involved in customer financing for the full range of former Bucyrus products? 5. What are Whayne-Walker’s expectations regarding safety? 6. Will there be a cutover period from Caterpillar to Whayne-Walker? The expanded range of product lines, as a result of Caterpillar’s acquisition of Bucyrus, include: Electric Rope Shovels, Hydraulic Mining Shovels, Draglines, Highwall Miners, Unit Rig Mining Trucks, Belt Systems, Surface, and Underground Drills, Room & Pillar equipment and Longwall equipment. For more detailed information, please go to https://mining.cat.com. The dealer network is a vital part of the extended Caterpillar team. As a result, they share values, processes, and an overall commitment to meeting customer expectations. Caterpillar and Whayne-Walker will work together to ensure on-time delivery of products, superior product support, and commitment to customer satisfaction. Yes, the Whayne-Walker Underground Mining division has been established as a separate division to handle our underground customers and business. The new division will be incorporated into current Whayne and Walker operations. Yes, Cat Financial, a wholly owned captive finance company of Caterpillar, is available to support the financing of this new product line. Cat Financial currently finances Caterpillar equipment in the mining industry and will finance former Bucyrus products as part of their ongoing focus in this segment. Safety is our number one priority, and forms a part of our corporate values. Whayne-Walker provides safety training to all of its employees. We also provide the necessary safety equipment and tooling to ensure that work is carried out safely in our own shops or on the customers’ sites. No, beginning November 1, 2012, all of your sales, parts and service calls will go to your Whayne-Walker representative. However, there will be a workshop slowdown starting October 25, 2012. Please refer to question 9 for more information about the slowdown. Service 7. Will service levels remain the same? 8. Will I contact the same facility for service support? 9.How will service quotations be handled? The Whayne-Walker distribution networks will build on the existing customer experience, with a strong focus on improvement. Although we expect a learning curve, we intend to work closely with our customers to find better ways to serve you. To meet your needs, we are hiring former Bucyrus employees, investing in training, and acquiring service tooling. No, all service and support will go through the Whayne-Walker contacts listed at the end of this document. Service quotations received from Caterpillar, and accepted by Thursday, October 25, 2012 will be honored by Caterpillar. It is requested that non-emergency service orders from October 25 – November 1, 2012 be deferred. For machine down or emergency situations only during the period October 25, 2012 through Nov 1, 2012, please contact Caterpillar as normal. All quotation requests occurring on or after November 1st should be directed to your Whayne-Walker Product Contacts listed below. 10.How will service purchase orders and service invoices be handled? 11.How will warranty claims be handled? For open service purchase orders on November 1, 2012 for existing service repair/exchange/rebuild work, Caterpillar will continue to service, deliver, and invoice these orders. Caterpillar will continue to process new warranty claims received prior to October 25, 2012. New warranty claims starting on November 1, 2012 should be directed to your closest Whayne-Walker branch. Parts 12. What will happen to my in-transit parts orders? Open customer orders still at the factory from and after the acquisition of the legacy Bucyrus business will be coordinated by Whayne-Walker to customers. Customers will be requested to amend their purchase orders accordingly. In-transit customer orders within three to four weeks of the acquisition of the legacy Bucyrus business will be managed by Cat warehouses to customers. Sales 13. Will the model names remain the same? 14. Will you be rebranding my existing Bucyrus fleet? 15. Will job study and site assessment services be available for the larger size equipment? 16. Who should I contact after November 1, 2012 for product sales? All products have already been assigned new Caterpillar nomenclature, with the exception of the Unit Rig trucks. Included is a model reference guide, with updated nomenclature information. There are no plans to rebrand equipment in operation. The existing support structures will remain in place and we will continue to provide customers with all site services required. Surface – for surface mining products including traditional Caterpillar earthmoving equipment plus highwall miners, drills, front shovel, draglines, and Unit Rig trucks you should continue to contact your current Whayne or Walker sales rep. Underground - for all underground mining products refer to the contact information listed below. If you don’t have a current sales representative, please contact the Sales Manager, the last person listed in each geographic area. About Whayne Supply Company: Whayne Supply Company and The CAT Rental Store is your dealer for Caterpillar Inc., Reedrill, Trail King, Thomas Built Buses, Challenger, Lexion, Sullair, Allmand, and other lines of construction, industrial, mining, paving and agricultural equipment. In addition to its home office in Louisville, Whayne has branches in Ashland, Bowling Green, Corbin, Dry Ridge, Elizabethtown, Hazard, Hopkinsville, Lexington, Middletown, Owensboro, Paducah, Pikeville, and Somerset, Kentucky and Evansville and Jeffersonville, Indiana. About Walker Machinery Company: Walker Machinery Company and Walker Express - The Cat Rental Store is your authorized Caterpillar Dealer for most of West Virginia and southeastern Ohio. Walker sells, rents, and services the full line of Caterpillar products through six divisions: Mining, Heavy Equipment, Material Handling, Engine, Truck, Forestry, and Building Construction. In addition to its headquarters in Belle, WV, Walker offers customers seven additional branches in Beckley, Huntington, Logan, Nitro, Parkersburg, and Summersville, West Virginia and Jackson, Ohio. Together we’re making history The contributions Bucyrus and Caterpillar have made to the mining industry—and the world—are immeasurable. Now we have united our strengths, doing things together that we could never do alone. To our new employees from Bucyrus: Thank you for your role in building the legacy of this iconic company. We appreciate your loyalty and commitment to strong values, quality products and customer service. We’re proud to welcome you to the Caterpillar family. And to our new neighbors: We’re excited to be a part of your community. Just as our employees are critical to our success, the communities where they live and work are important to us, too. Our company values—Integrity, Excellence, Teamwork and Commitment—will guide us as we join our neighbors in striving to make this a better, stronger community. global LOCAL Caterpillar is the world’s leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines and diesel-electric locomotives. The Cat® mining product portfolio includes machines for both surface and underground mining, including trucks, tractors, graders, excavators, scrapers, shovels, draglines, drills, conveyors, shearers, longwall shields and highwall miners. The company is also a leading services provider through Caterpillar Financial Services, Caterpillar Remanufacturing Services, Caterpillar Logistics Services and Progress Rail Services. The company is headquartered in Peoria, Illinois, USA, and serves the mining industry through its Caterpillar Global Mining organization, headquartered in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, USA. Monty Boyd, owner and CEO of Whayne Supply and Walker Machinery which fall under Boyd LLC, has established Whayne-Walker Underground Mining as the business unit to meet the distribution and support needs for these new products. This newly formed division will be integrated into the current Whayne-Walker operations to provide the best mining machines and support in the industry. Monty stated “We have been working closely with Caterpillar for several months to make this transition a success. This new business unit will be integrated into our current Whayne and Walker operations. We look forward to providing these new mining products and support in our area.” Whayne-Walker Mining Contact Guide Name Phone NumberEmail Address Service Eastern Kentucky Lewis Wilder 606-344-2501 Lewis_Wilder@whayne.com Chris Hampton 276-870-0028 Chris_Hampton@whayne.com Dennis Brown 276-780-0355 Dennis_Brown@whayne.com Danny Vance 276-870-1723 Danny_Vance@whayne.com Johnny Peters 606-344-4614 Johnny_Peters@whayne.com Otto Hyden 276-623-5729 Otto_Hyden@whayne.com Rodney Wilder 606-344-6611 Rodney_Wilder@whayne.com Southern Indiana and Western Kentucky David Groves 618-499-6199 Danny_Groves@whayne.com Cody Moore 618-694-7384 Cody_Moore@whayne.com Brent Church 618-638-2521 Brent_Church@whayne.com West Virginia and Southeastern Ohio David Shaffer 304-573-1352 dshaffer@walker-cat.com Josh Treadway 304-673-4375 joshtreadway@walker-cat.com Justin Treadway 304-377-2217 justintreadway@walker-cat.com Bob Brodie 540-230-8056 bbrodie@walker-cat.com Alvin Cook 304-573-8696 acook@walker-cat.com Inside Sales Rep Bryan Goins 304–380-1516 Bryan_Goins@whayne.com Michael Braddock 812–319-5006 Michael_Braddock@whayne.com Charlie Crabtree 304–380-4695 ccrabtree@walker-cat.com Product Support Sales Rep Kevin Asbell 618-253-9985 Kevin_Asbell@whayne.com Dale Darnell 270-217-4226 Dale_Darnell@whayne.com Don Porreca 540-808-5364 dporreca@walker-cat.com Eastern Kentucky Danny Roark 423-914-6041 Danny_Roark@whayne.com Sonny Vencill 423-914-0969 Sonny_Vencill@whayne.com Jeff Parks - Sales Manager 606-524-1182Jeff_Parks@whayne.com Southern Indiana and Western Kentucky Jack Nolen West Virginia and Southeastern Ohio Danny Anderson Darryl Kincaid Kevin Barnhouse - Sales Manager Parts Sales 618-713-0648 Jack_Nolen@whayne.com Brad Weisheit - Sales Manager812-483-4228 Brad_Weisheit@whayne.com Randy Curry 276-870-1215 danderson@walker-cat.com 540-230-0727 rcurry@walker-cat.com 304-543-5592 dkincaid@walker-cat.com 304-949-6400kbarnhouse@walker-cat.com Whayne-Walker Locations OHIO whaynewalkerunderground.com Jackson Dry Ridge Jeffersonville INDIANA Owensboro Belle Summersville Logan Beckley Elizabethtown KENTUCKY Somerset Bowling Green Paducah Huntington Lexington Louisville Evansville WEST VIRGINIA Nitro Ashland Middletown Parkersburg Pikeville Hazard Corbin Hopkinsville INDIANA Evansville 2420 Lynch Road Evansville, IN 47711-2953 (812) 425-4651 Whayne-The CAT Rental Store (812) 422-1636 Jeffersonville Whayne-The CAT Rental Store 6109 Hamburg Pike Jeffersonville, IN 47130-9213 (812) 284-1217 KENTUCKY Ashland 12251 U.S. Route 60 Ashland, KY 41102-9675 (606) 928-3444 Whayne-The CAT Rental Store (606) 929-5704 Bowling Green 390 High Rail Way Bowling Green, KY 42101-1274 (270) 843-3275 Whayne-The CAT Rental Store (270) 782-6056 Corbin 2200 S. Kentucky Avenue Corbin, KY 40701-2049 (606) 528-3140 Whayne-The CAT Rental Store (606) 528-3178 Dry Ridge 215 Meeks Road Dry Ridge, KY 41035-8801 (859) 823-1500 Whayne-The CAT Rental Store (859) 823-1500 Elizabethtown Whayne-The CAT Rental Store 312 Peterson Drive Elizabethtown, KY 42701-9369 (270) 769-1300 Hazard 410 Roy Campbell Drive Hazard, KY 41701-9453 (606) 439-4040 Whayne-The CAT Rental Store (606) 439-4040 Hopkinsville 211 Commerce Court Hopkinsville, KY 42240-6806 (270) 885-1700 Whayne-The CAT Rental Store (270) 885-1700 Lexington 195 Lisle Industrial Avenue Lexington, KY 40511-2062 (859) 254-2756 Whayne-The CAT Rental Store 181 Lisle Industrial Avenue (859) 254-0188 Louisville 1400 Cecil Ave. Louisville, KY 40211-1626 (502) 774-4441 Middletown Whayne-The CAT Rental Store 610 N. English Station Road Louisville, KY 40223-4724 (502) 244-5700 Owensboro 3900 W. Parrish Ave. Owensboro, KY 42301 (270) 683-6609 Paducah 1600 North 8th Street Paducah, KY 42001-1751 (270) 443-3631 Whayne-The CAT Rental Store (270) 575-3968 Pikeville 359 S. Lanks Branch Pikeville, KY 41501-3981 (606) 437-6265 Whayne-The CAT Rental Store (606) 437-6265 Somerset 530 Enterprise Dr Somerset, KY 42501 (606) 451-0157 OHIO Charleston (Walker Corporate Office) 1400 E. DuPont Ave. Belle, WV 25015 (304) 949-6400 Walker Engine Power (Diamond) 112 Carbide Drive Diamond, WV 25015 (304) 949-1600 Huntington 837 Adams Ave. Huntington, WV 25704 (304) 526-4800 Walker Express (304) 523-9800 Logan WV RT. 10 7637 Hanging Rock Hwy Lyburn, WV 25632 (304) 752-0300 Jackson 1477 Mayhew Road Jackson, OH 45640 (740) 286-7566 Walker Express (740) 286-8330 Nitro 3 Park Road, HUB Industrial Park Nitro, WV 25143 (304) 755-2500 Walker Express (304) 759-6404 WEST VIRGINIA Parkersburg 4010 Emerson Ave. Parkersburg, WV 26101 (304) 424-0200 Walker Express (304) 424-0230 Walker Engine Power (304) 424-0200 Beckley 1314 Robert C. Byrd Dr. Crab Orchard, WV 25827 (304) 253-2706 Walker Express (304) 255-8989 Hydraulic & Machine Shop 876 Robert C. Byrd Dr. Sophia, WV 25921 (304) 688-3222 Summersville 3360 Turnpike Road Summersville, WV 26651 (304) 872-4303 Walker Express (304) 872-8822