Fall 2011 issue - Lord Roberts Community Centre
Fall 2011 issue - Lord Roberts Community Centre
Lord Roberts Community Centre FALL I SSUE AUGUST 2011 Home energy efficiency, composting, tree banding, cycling , family activity kits, gardening, local food & fruit sharing - the Community-Led Emission Reduction progam has a lot going on this fall! Check page 11 for many opportunities to be gentler to our planet! Community Crime Prevention meeting Sept 21 st, 7-9 PM at the Fort Rouge Leisure Centre September registration dates: Saturday the 3 rd , 12 noon to 2 PM Thursday the 8th , 7 to 9 PM Monday the 12 th , 3 to 4 PM at Lord Roberts School Note that Hockey registration is online at www.fgnha.com Registrations after September 12th will only be accepted at the discretion of the program supervisor; a late registration fee of $25 will apply! Required at time of registration: – payment of ALL fees (note there will be NO REFUNDS) – MB Health Card information Subsidies may be available; contact the centre. In this issue Events Pre-teen Dance Fall Social Movie Night Halloween Fright 'n' Fun Calendar - Sept. & Oct. Programs Dance & NEW Adult Fitness Taekwondo Tai Chi Dodgeball Rentals info LRCC Activities Playgroup Healthy Baby Drop-in COPP Other Activities Girl Guides Scouts CLER activities & events General opening hours: Monday to Thursday, 6:15 to 9:15 PM after October 10th 725 Kylemore Ave. 452-9744 lordrobertscc725@shaw.ca www.LordRobertsCC.ca LORD ROBERTS COMMUNITY CENTRE 2 SUMMER 2011 ISSUE Dear neighbours, Hopefully everyone is having a marvellous summer. We have been spared the many rainy days that July has brought us in the past few years. We can hope to get enough rain to diminish the cracks in the lawns and boulevards before the cold weather sets in, though. The centre has been busy with rentals over the summer and we are looking forward to fall programs starting up again. One change that everyone should note is that the community centre has changed the run time for the Evening Drop-in Program that is provided for children aged 6 to 12 years. We are looking forward to being able to provide this program during the more regularly attended times of year as well as matching the run time for the (downstairs) Youth Action Centre or Youth Lounge Program that is offered by the City of Winnipeg for teenagers aged 13 to 18 years. This means that we will begin later on in the fall, as noted further on in this newsletter, and that we may also have open hours next summer, over the months of July and August. After this fall season of indoor soccer, our long-time LRCC Soccer Convenor, Adam Dooley, will be retiring from his position on the LRCC Board. The Board wishes to express many thanks for all Adam has done for this community’s soccer parents and kids. We are looking for someone who would be interested in the position to start immediately, so they can be trained by Adam and thereby be well prepared to take on the role as of the March 2012 AGM As always, we welcome your assistance with any of our programs or events - please feel free to visit us or to contact us! The Lord Roberts Community Centre Board Members BOARD OF DIRECTORS VOLUNTEERING Bob Suggitt ~ President Christelle Graham ~ Past President Stephen Pratt ~ 1st VP & Equipment Manager Cameron Proulx ~ 2nd VP & HR Manager David Woods ~ 3rd VP & Comm. Manager Christy Carpenter ~ Treasurer Sharon Stewart ~ Secretary Robin Clark ~ Special Events Coordinator Kim Thorsteinsson ~ Canteen Manager Roy Dominique ~ House and Grounds Manager, Volunteers make things happen. Every bit of time contributed counts to make Hockey co-Convenor Adam Dooley ~ Soccer Convener David Bailey ~ Hockey co-Convenor Joshua Dieleman ~ Program Coordinator Erica Chatelain ~ Child Find MB Coordinator Jennefer Larsen ~ CLER Committee Chair Susan Shinkarik, Josie Pope, Jaret Olford ~ Members-at-large LRCC programs successful!! Help out as little or as much as you can . Volunteers are needed for: Canteen, Special Events, Coaching, Pre-Teen Dances, Movie Nights, the Bike Hub, and various events. Please contact the centre for more information or to volunteer. CANTEEN Our canteen will be operating Monday to Thursday evenings after October 10 th . However, these times are dependent upon having volunteers to fill these 2-hour time slots. If you or anyone you know has a couple of hours to volunteer, please contact the Club! We also accept High School students who need to obtain their volunteer credit. and keep up-to-date with the events at your Community Centre! http://lordrobertscc.ca/facebook 725 Kylemore Ave. 452-9744 lordrobertscc725@shaw.ca www.LordRobertsCC.ca LORD ROBERTS COMMUNITY CENTRE 725 Kylemore Ave. 452-9744 3 lordrobertscc725@shaw.ca SUMMER 2011 ISSUE www.LordRobertsCC.ca LORD ROBERTS COMMUNITY CENTRE 4 SUMMER 2011 ISSUE Special Shout-out to all who helped make the Summer Sizzle Social a Smashing Success! Including: Chocolate Zen Safeway 7-Eleven Park Theatre Game Knight Bistro 7 1/4 Luxalune Atlas Pawn Bromaxx/Kevin Mackling Oakwood Cafe Royal Pizza Eastside Autobody Heather Unrau Photography Jenny Gerbasi Tan FX Angie Johnston RBC Richard Normandeau Lord Roberts Elementary School and Parent Council Jenny G's Cookie Bouquets !! Get email updates on what's happening in Riverview and Lord Roberts subscribe to the South Osborne Bugle at riverviewcc.ca/south-osborne-bugle Dates, times, and details of events are subject to change. Please contact us or check our Facebook page (lordrobertscc.ca/facebook) for up-to-date information. Dec. 3 rd Mark the date! Breakfast with Santa 9-11 AM 725 Kylemore Ave. 452-9744 lordrobertscc725@shaw.ca www.LordRobertsCC.ca LORD ROBERTS COMMUNITY CENTRE 725 Kylemore Ave. 452-9744 5 lordrobertscc725@shaw.ca SUMMER 2011 ISSUE www.LordRobertsCC.ca September 2011 at Lord Roberts Community Centre Master Composting (part 1) @ Riverview CC 725 Kylemore Ave. 452-9744 lordrobertscc725@shaw.ca www.LordRobertsCC.ca October 2011 at Lord Roberts Community Centre Master Composting (part 2) @ LRCC Dec. 3 Breakfast with Santa 9-11 AM 725 Kylemore Ave. 452-9744 lordrobertscc725@shaw.ca www.LordRobertsCC.ca LORD ROBERTS COMMUNITY CENTRE PROGRAMS 8 SUMMER 2011 ISSUE If you have any program ideas that you would like to see implemented or if you would like to be added to the Community Centre's Program email list to receive updates on existing and new programs being offered, send an email to: LRCC_Programs@live.ca DANCE † register for both, get $10 off; drop in for both for $15. * Deposit due at registration; $10 balance of full fee due at first class, if applicable (see below). Register with your friends! $10 off fee if we get at least 5 registrations (no balance to pay). Creative Movement: Your child will learn how to move to music and creatively express themselves independently in an imaginative and fun classroom atmosphere. Primary Ballet: Classical Ballet training is the building block for any great dancer. Children begin to develop the balance, posture, flexibility, strength and discipline required for all dance forms, in a creative, interesting and exciting way. Primary Jazz/Tap: Two fun was to exercise and develop skills - Jazz is a fun and dynamic dance style that improves overall coordination and flexibility; Tap dancing is one of the most popular and stylish dance forms of all time; terrific for TAEKWONDO developing coordination, motor skills, rhythm, precision and concentration skills. Build strength, flexibility, and discipline *Junior Jazz or Tap classes (ages 9-11) can be through the art of Taekwondo. Following the World Taekwondo Federation made available for interested students* standards, used at all levels of competition, Junior Ballet: Students develop poise, flexibility, everyone age 8 on up is invited to attend strength, discipline and self-confidence; skills training classes in Taekwondo and self-defence gained through ballet technique carry over to of varying methods and levels. benefit all dance forms. This club emphasizes respect for parents, Beginner Adult Fitness: Specifically designed for teachers, and the community. The masters and adults who want to experience exercise and dance instructors believe that families and education in a new and exciting way; for those have little or are very important, supporting the position that no previous dance experience. Come and have fun school work comes first. learning new dance moves to current music, and Registration: $20/month stretch and strengthen your way to a healthier you! Tues. & Thurs., 7 to 9 PM, starting Sept. 8th . 12-class session starts Sept. 17th ; recital is Dec. Call Master Todd Armstrong at 475-6430 11 th , 2-4 PM. Contact LRCC to register. for information or to register. 725 Kylemore Ave. 452-9744 lordrobertscc725@shaw.ca www.LordRobertsCC.ca LORD ROBERTS COMMUNITY CENTRE 9 SUMMER 2011 ISSUE DODGEBALL TAI CHI Join us in October for Tai Chi, practised around the world for its health benefits, both to body and mind. Email LRCC_Programs@live.ca for more information. HALL RENTALS Have your event at our place! ~ Hall holds 233 people ~ Social rental fee $800 ~ Events w/o alcohol: $30/h Contact the centre for more info or to book your event! ACTIVITIES PARENTS & TOTS PLAYGROUP CITIZENS ON PATROL PROGRAM (COPP) Come one, come all – LRCC playgroup is open to preschool, nursery, and kindergarten children, and their parents or caregivers. It includes playtime, a shared snack, craft time, and lots and lots of fun . We can be the eyes and ears of our community, and keep our neighbourhood safe! Join the Lord Roberts Citizens On Patrol Program, or educate yourself by subscribing to our e-newsletter. Current hours (until Oct. 11 th ): Wednesday 9:15 AM to 11:15 AM Friday 1:15 PM to 3:15 PM NO MONDAYS Note: closed Sept. 1 6 th & 21 st Regular hours (after Oct. 11 th ): Mon. & Wed., 9:15 AM to 11:15 AM Fri. 1:15 PM to 3:15 PM New: A nominal fee is now in effect; register in advance for convenience and savings. For more information, please contact Lynn at 475-4092 or e-mail lmbillard@gmail.com. EVENING DROP-IN Both drop-is will resume Tues., Oct. 11 th . Regular hours of the upstairs drop-in program for 6- to 12-year-olds are: 6:1 5 to 9:1 5 PM, Monday to Thursday Regular hours of the Youth Lounge downstairs (1 3- to 1 8-year-olds) are: 6:30 to 9:45 PM, Monday to Thursday 725 Kylemore Ave. 452-9744 We are also asking residents to let us know by of any incident reports filed with the police. For information contact us at: lordrobertscopp@gmail.com or call 226-8547. HEALTHY BABY Offered through Families Connecting, a Healthy Baby Community Support Program designed to assist soon-to-be and new parents to connect with health service providers and other parents with children in their communities. Activities include speakers, cooking, child development, parenting programs and more; outreach support, healthy snacks, bus tickets, milk coupons (during pregnancy & up to 6 months postpartum), and free child-care are offered while you attend, as well as the opportunity to connect with a public health nurse and/or dietitian. Drop in Tuesdays, 9:45 to 11:45 AM. For info, please call 947-2422, ext. 113. lordrobertscc725@shaw.ca www.LordRobertsCC.ca LORD ROBERTS COMMUNITY CENTRE 10 SUMMER 2011 OTHER ACTIVITIES IN LORD ROBERTS ISSUE GIRL GUIDES SCOUTS Glenlawn/Riverview Girl Guides offers exciting programming for young women aged 5-17, centred around environmental education, crafts, camping, first aid, community service leadership development and confidence building. All levels of programming offered Thursday nights at Churchill Park United Church. Sparks, ages 5-6, 6:30 to 7:30 PM Brownies, ages 7-8, 6:30 to 8:00 PM Guides, ages 9-11, 6:30 to 8:30 PM Pathfinders, ages 12-14, 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rangers, ages 15-17, 6:30 to 8:30 PM Registration will take place online; please visit www.girlguides.ca Programming will start September 15 th . Contact Kristi at 774-7894 for more details. The 103rd Churchill Park Scouting Group is calling all girls and boys ages 5 and up to sign up for adventure. Scouting offers fun and challenging indoor and outdoor programs for youth, including environmental activities, community service, vocational tours, camping, wilderness exploration, team building, leadership development, first aid, and more! Beavers, ages 5-7, Wed, 6:30 to 7:30 PM Cubs, ages 8-10, Mon, 6:30 to 8:00 PM Scouts, ages 11-14, Wed, 7:00 to 9:00 PM Venturers, ages 15+, T.B.D., 7:00 to 9:00 PM Contact Kim at 256-7330, or Scout House at 786-6661, for more details. 725 Kylemore Ave. 452-9744 lordrobertscc725@shaw.ca www.LordRobertsCC.ca LORD ROBERTS COMMUNITY CENTRE 725 Kylemore Ave. 452-9744 11 lordrobertscc725@shaw.ca SUMMER 2011 ISSUE www.LordRobertsCC.ca LORD ROBERTS COMMUNITY CENTRE 725 Kylemore Ave. 452-9744 12 lordrobertscc725@shaw.ca SUMMER 2011 ISSUE www.LordRobertsCC.ca