Bright Horizons


Bright Horizons
July 2014
Bright Horizons
Rev. Ashley Steele, Executive Director
Angie Brown, Newsletter Editor
“The Gift of New Life”
“Welcome to the world. We’ve been waiting for you!” whispered my husband
into the ear of our newborn son, Elliot Drew. Born 8 pounds 5 ounces and 21
inches long, on June 12th, 2014, this little man became a part of the Steele
household. (Mom is outnumbered now!)
Welcoming this new little one has been a tremendous blessing to our family.
His sweet face, his soft skin, his big blue eyes… he has stolen our hearts,
including Theo’s, his big brother.
As I sat awake one night rocking Elliot back to sleep, I was reminded of the gift of new life. Truly, birth is a
But the gift of new life continues…
At some point in our son’s life, he will also have the opportunity to receive a new and
eternal life through Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 reminds us, “Therefore, if anyone is in
Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” No matter what
Elliot may do, no matter where he may go, this gift of salvation is available to him.
And thankfully, this gift is available to all.
At the Urban Mission, we share this message of new life
with all we come into contact with. And while this gift
means something different to each person – freedom
from addiction, peace in the midst of chaos, comfort in
times of distress – its source remains the same… Christ.
As you read through this month’s newsletter, I ask that you pray for the people
these ministries will reach. Please pray that hearts will be touched, eyes will
be opened, and new life will be experienced.
If a certain ministry speaks to you, please consider giving towards its
continued success.
Through your support, our community members will have the opportunity to experience new life and the
gentle whisper of Christ, saying “Welcome! I’ve been waiting for you!”
Welcome JOSHUA Mission Teams
Work Mission
July 6-11, 2014
Church of the Cross, Lexington, OH
Host Church: Bell Chapel UMC, Steubenville, OH
After a cold and snowy winter season, summer has officially
arrived! While the children in our community are settling into
local pools to keep cool, many parents and family members are
already thinking about how to provide school supplies for the
upcoming school year.
For families struggling to keep adequate food on the table and
a roof over the family’s head, this can be a very stressful time.
You can help these families by donating school supplies.
As the old saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child”, or in
our case a “community”. Won’t you help the children in our
community this school year? Together we can surely make a
difference and send our children back to school with the
materials that will help them succeed.
July 13-18, 2014
King of Kings Lutheran Church, Liverpool, NY
Host Church: First Presbyterian Church, Toronto, OH
July 20-25, 2014
Kenmore UMC, Kenmore, NY
Host Church: Zion United Church of Christ, Steubenville, OH
July 28-August 1, 2014
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Fayetteville, NY
Host Church: Harmony UMC, Mingo Junction, OH
Lupus Program and Line Dancing
Lupus Support Group Meeting
Monday, July 8, 2014
6-8 PM
Hampton Inn, Steubenville
Outreach Program-Line Dance Class
Monday, July 21, 2014
6-8 PM
MLK Center, Steubenville
Shop for a Cause
The National
Retail Federation*
expects families
with school-age
children to spend
an average
of $635 on
clothing, shoes,
supplies and
*latest info as of 2013
Monetary donations welcome!
Mission Rejoice Picnic
Our Annual Mission Rejoice Picnic will be
held on Friday, July 25, 2014 at 12 Noon
at the Aracoma Park in Mingo Junction,
Friends enjoy a fun time together
at last year’s picnic.
OH. A fun-filled day of activities has been
planned. There will be good food, music,
games and prizes. Come out and join us!
The Urban Mission is excited to take part in Macy’s
annual “Shop for a Cause” Day. Macy’s is committed
to giving back to the community through programs
such as this. Here’s how it works:
With a $5 donation to the Mission, you will receive a sales pass
to be used on Saturday, August 23, 2014. With use of the pass
you will receive 25% off on regular, sale and clearance
merchandise throughout the store. You will also be eligible to
win a $500 gift card.
You can a purchase a pass by sending in your donation in the
envelope provided in this newsletter. Passes will be mailed
beginning August 1. Purchase a few to give out to your friends as
well. Please mark your envelope “Shop for a Cause”.
Thanksgiving Challenge
In June we collected chicken noodle soup. This month we are
collecting cranberry sauce.
Each year we ask for items that will go into our
Thanksgiving bags for the families. We challenge you to collect as
many items as you are able. You can even challenge your friends as
well. For more information, please call Linda at 740.282.2911.
The Mission will be closed on Friday, July 4, 2014 in celebration of
Independence Day. There will be no Mission Rejoice on Saturday.
JOSHUA Ministry Continues
“An Apple a Day”
Youth Wellness Program
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as
in fact you are doing.” -I Thessalonians 5:11
Our kickoff event was held on Friday, June 13, 2014 at the
Our JOSHUA Ministry is in full swing.
Our Directors, Austin Jones and
Kevin Williams have been working
hard with our work teams to help
homeowners in need.
Martin Luther King Center in Steubenville. Over 60 area
youth attended the kickoff event.
A recent survey indicated 24.5% of third graders in Jefferson
County, OH are overweight. Our focus for the “Apple a Day”
program is, “Promoting wellness through healthy eating
habits and physical activity”. By reaching our youth in their
Five groups (177 volunteers) from formative years, we believe this will help them establish
as far away as Illinois have already lifelong healthy eating habits.
A JOSHUA Team preparing to
build a wheelchair ramp in Weirton. completed 20 work projects
including painting, deck repair, For more information about summer activities sponsored by
this program, please contact Cynthia Smith at 740.282.8010.
wheelchair ramp construction and work
in the local unity garden.
Welcome Summer Workers
We are thankful to God for sending us
The Mission welcomes our two Summer Youth
such wonderful volunteers.
Workers through the Community Action
If you are interested in volunteering
Council (CAC), Jessel and Tina. We are
alongside one of our work teams, please
happy to have them and look forward to
contact Kevin at 740.282.8010.
seeing how God will use them this summer.
Parish Nurse News:
Protect Yourself from
Tickborne Diseases
-Michalene A. King, PhD, RN, CNE
Summer is here and we are spending more
time outdoors. We may be engaging in
activities that take us into wooded areas or
our own backyard where ticks can be
found. Ticks, which can transmit diseases
such as Lyme Disease, live in wooded and
brushy areas. Let’s take a few minutes to
discuss ways for you to protect yourself.
The first precaution is to avoid areas
where ticks live, which are brushy and
wooded areas and areas with tall grass
and leaf litter. If deer live in the area, there
is a greater chance that there may be ticks
in that area. When walking in wooded
areas, walk in the middle of the trail to
avoid contact with brush/overgrown grass.
as this can prevent ticks from crawling
under your clothes. Repellents that contain
20% to 30% DEET can be used on
exposed skin and clothing, but only last for
a few hours. Always follow the product
instructions when applying the repellent.
Adults should apply the repellent to
children, avoiding hands, eyes, and the
mouth. Products containing Permethrin are
used on clothing. Boots, pants, socks and
tents can be treated with this product,
which remains protective through several
The third precaution is to check your
skin for ticks whenever you are in an
area where you may have been in contact with ticks, which can include your
own yard. Check yourself before you go
indoors and remove ticks from your clothing
outside or remove your clothing in the
basement or garage. Wash your clothing in
The second precaution is to keep ticks hot water and dry it using high heat for at
off your skin. This may be accomplished least an hour to kill any ticks that you may
with the use of clothing and/or repellents have missed.
such as DEET or Permethrin. Wear long
pants, long sleeves, and long socks to Bathe or shower as soon as possible after
keep ticks off your skin, tucking pant legs coming indoors, preferably within two hours
into socks or boots and tucking shirts into to wash off or more easily find ticks that are
pants. Light colored clothing will assist you crawling on you. Conduct a full-body check
to spot ticks easily on your clothing. It is using a hand-held or full-length mirror to
recommended to tape the area where your view all parts of your body. Adults should
pants and socks meet if you are going to check children for ticks under the arms, in
be outside for an extended period of time and around the ears, inside the belly
button, behind the knees, between the
legs, around the waist and especially in
their hair. Examine gear and pets. Ticks
can ride into the home on clothing and
pets, then attach to a person later, so
carefully examine pets, coats, and day
packs. There are repellents for pets, so
check with your veterinarian about these
If you find a tick, use fine-tipped
tweezers to grasp the tick as
close to the skin as possible. Pull
upward with a steady, even pressure. Don’t
twist or jerk the tick as this can cause the
mouth parts to break off and remain in the
skin. If this happens, remove the mouth
parts with tweezers. If unable to remove the
mouth easily with clean tweezers, leave it
alone and let the skin heal. After removing
the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and
your hands with rubbing alcohol or soap
and water. Avoid “folklore remedies” such
as putting nail polish or petroleum jelly on
the tick or using heat to remove ticks.
If you develop symptoms of an infection
such as a fever or unusual rash, seek
medical attention. Make sure to tell the
medical provider that you were recently in
contact with a tick.
For further information about ticks and
tickborne diseases, go to the CDC website
Urban Mission Ministries, Inc.
301 North 5th Street
Steubenville, OH 43952
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Steubenville, OH 43952
Permit No. 103
Phone: 740-282-8010
Fax: 740-282-8514
July 2014
No Mission
Packing 9am
9-12; 1-3
CSFP Senior Food
Distribution 1pm
Parent’s Day
9-12; 1-3
UM Board Mtg.
5 pm
Folding 9am
9-12; 1-3
Rejoice Picnic
12 Noon
Rejoice 6pm
Rejoice 6pm
No Mission