Automated detection of trace alternant during sleep in healthy full
Automated detection of trace alternant during sleep in healthy full
Clinical Neurophysiology 112 (2001) 1893±1900 Automated detection of trace alternant during sleep in healthy full-term neonates using discrete wavelet transform q J.P. Turnbull, K.A. Loparo, M.W. Johnson, M.S. Scher* Developmental Neurophysiology Laboratory, Department of Pediatric Neurology, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospitals, University Hospitals of Cleveland of the Case Western Reserve University Medical School, 11100 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106-6005, USA Accepted 28 June 2001 Abstract Objective: To develop an automated procedure for scoring neonatal sleep states using signal processing which are based on visual pattern recognition techniques. Methods: We are developing an automated computer system to study relationships among multiple non-cerebral physiologic measures and brain activity in newborn infants, and are evaluating the usefulness of a number of different time±frequency domain transforms as potential diagnostic tools. Results: Wavelet transforms yield excellent results in the detection of all twenty trace alternant quiet sleep segments for 6 full-term healthy infants. Conclusions: We suggest that this method will be useful for the automated detection of neonatal sleep states, and may help delineate when sleep cycle disturbances occur on either an environmental or disease basis. More accurate physiologic descriptions of neonatal state may improve the clinician's ability to assess functional brain organization for a given post-conceptional age as well as document functional brain maturation at progressively older corrected ages. q 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. Keywords: Trace alternant; Electroencephalogram-sleep; Neonate; Computer; Wavelet transform 1. Introduction Developmental neurophysiologists have traditionally identi®ed by visual analyses 4 distinct electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns during sleep on the EEG of full-term neonates (Stockard-Pope et al., 1992; Scher, 1999). These states are also identi®ed by the occurrence of a cluster of speci®c electrographic/polygraphic measures identi®ed by a trained expert. Such patterns are conventionally expressed on an analog EEG/polygraphic recording. These state segments sequentially appear as: (1) mixed frequency active sleep, (2) high voltage slow quiet sleep, (3) trace alternant quiet sleep, and (4) low voltage irregular active sleep. Transitional or indeterminate sleep punctuate within and between state segments. As a general rule, the neonate expresses these 4 states in this ordinal sequence, and this pattern repeats throughout the entire duration during which the infant is asleep. Visual identi®cation of these states is a laborious task for q Presented as part of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, June 2000. * Corresponding author. Tel: 11-2168447791; fax: 11-2168448966. E-mail address: (M.S. Scher). the neurophysiologist , especially when records extend for several hours. It is, therefore, our goal to develop an automated procedure for scoring neonatal sleep states, using signal processing methods which are based on visual pattern recognition techniques. Previous work (Gath and Bar-on 1980; Principe and Smith, 1986; Principe et al., 1989; Shimada and Shiina, 2000) accurately described automated sleep state identi®cation in older patients, as de®ned by Rechtschaffen and Kales (1968). The motivation for this research effort will be to apply such methodology to the identi®cation of neonatal sleep states and explore its applicability to detect pervasive neonatal brain disorders. 2. Methods 2.1. Description of neonatal EEG sleep stages The following sequence characterizes the 4 major ordinal EEG sleep state segments of the neonate (Figs. 1a±d): active sleep is also called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (Stockard-Pope et al., 1992), and usually begins the sleep cycle after falling asleep. Mixed frequency active sleep is characterized by stationary and continuous signals with 1388-2457/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. PII: S 1388-245 7(01)00641-1 CLINPH 2001050 1894 J.P. Turnbull et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 112 (2001) 1893±1900 Fig. 1. Samples of an EEG recording of a healthy full-term infant, depicting the 4 segments of the neonatal sleep cycle: (a) mixed frequency active; (b) high voltage slow; (c) trace alternant; and (d) low voltage irregular. frequencies spread across the human EEG spectrum (with most of the signal power between 0.5 and 10 Hz). The energy is dominant in the theta band with intermittent delta waveforms. High voltage slow quiet sleep appears following mixed frequency active sleep, and is a brief state, characterized by a shift in the frequency distribution to the higher power in the lower (delta) frequencies. This high voltage slow segment is the ®rst of two quiet sleep segments, or non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep segments (Stockard-Pope et al., 1992). Trace alternant quiet sleep then follows high voltage sleep, characterized by non-stationary signals of alternating broad band bursts of activity with intermittent epochs of relative EEG quiescence, comprised over lower amplitude and less frequencies. Low voltage irregular is the last state segment expressed during the neonatal sleep cycle, and is character- Table 1 Percentages of neonatal sleep segments for 6 healthy full-term infants a Patient Mixed frequency High voltage slow Trace alternant Low voltage irregular Transitional indeterminate 61 63 72 75 85 88 Total 20.8 29.3 31.7 34.6 37.6 26.8 30.5 6.2 6.6 2.2 2.5 3.0 4.9 4.2 36.2 35.4 44.6 34.6 20.3 30.5 34.0 10.0 18.8 8.6 6.9 19.5 12.2 13.0 26.9 9.9 12.9 21.4 19.5 25.6 18.4 a Based on 3 h of recording. J.P. Turnbull et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 112 (2001) 1893±1900 1895 Fig. 2. Method of performing DWTs using quadrature transforms. ized by relatively lower amplitude signals at broadband higher frequency distributions. Trace alternant is the most distinctive EEG pattern of the 4 segments, given the discontinuity of EEG waveforms. Therefore, we chose this state segment to compare selected signal processing algorithms with respect to the accuracy of detection of state transitions into and out of trace alternant. 2.2. Algorithm development for automated detection of trace alternant Six healthy neonates were selected to have an EEG recording performed within 3 days after birth. Written informed consent approved by our hospital institutional review board, was obtained from all families before taking part in the study protocol. All infants were full term in gestational age (38±42 weeks), and age-appropriate in birth weights. All infants were delivered via vaginal presentation and appeared healthy at birth without signs of fetal distress or neonatal depression. Recordings were collected at 64 samples per second with a 12 bit analog to digital converter. A pediatric neurophysiologist visually scored the ®rst 3 h of a 12 h recording assigning a sleep state segment for each of the ®rst 180 min. Based on the computer algorithms developed from one patient, similar analyses were applied to the remaining 5 patients to assess the perfor- Fig. 3. A discrete wavelet decomposition for a typical 20 s segment of one EEG channel. 1896 J.P. Turnbull et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 112 (2001) 1893±1900 Fig. 4. Power estimation in each frequency band width for each 1 s epoch. mance and accuracy of the selected algorithms to detect trace alternant quiet sleep. The percentage of time each patient spent in the various sleep stages was initially determined from the neurologist's visually derived scores in Table 1. Detection of trace alternant was chosen to compare signal processing algorithms, given the higher percentage of occurrence and the distinctive discontinuous electrographic pattern. As the algorithms used to classify state for a given patient are de®ned in terms of the time evolution of the frequency distribution of energy in the signal, we explored the use of various time±frequency domain tools to extract salient features of the electrographic portion of the recordings that were useful in state classi®cation of trace alternant quiet sleep. Since the EEG signals were acquired with a sampling rate of 64 samples per second, the Nyquist frequency is 32 Hz and the frequency bands in our discrete wavelet transform (DWT) through successive bisection of the frequency intervals 16±32, 8±16, 4±8, 2±4, 1±2, and ,1 Hz, respectively. Since subsequent analyses were trained to energy distributions between speci®c frequency bands, we did not have the ¯exibility to use algorithms on EEG sampled at different sampling rates. For example, some recordings were acquired with a sampling rate of 80 samples per second. Our proposed solution was to use interpolation methods to transform via up-sampling for all recordings to the highest sampling rate. As reported in early analyses study of aliasing with these data sets (Sun et al., 1993), we assumed that energy above Nyquist was negligible. We then reconstructed signals at a higher sampling rate where no information was lost or created. In this study, we initially compared various time± frequency domain transforms to extract features used in the determination of state. Methods applied to the data Fig. 5. Sample of Fourier transform of theta power for a 60 s segment of trace alternant quiet sleep. J.P. Turnbull et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 112 (2001) 1893±1900 sets included Wigner-Ville (Boashas, 1988; Reid and Parsin, 1992; Strang and Ngugen, 1996), Gabor transforms, continuous wavelet transforms (CWT), and DWT. We present the results of trace alternant detection with DWT, since this algorithm yielded the most accurate results. 3. Results 3.1. The discrete wavelet transform The concept of wavelets operates within the constraints of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Given limits to the product of the time and frequency resolution, we were interested in high time resolution for high frequency components and high frequency resolution for low frequency components. Rather than partitioning the time±frequency domain into regular rectangular elements, we used a multiresolution scheme that partitioned the domain in a way that was suitable to our requirements. A helpful introductory tutorial for wavelets can be found in the October 1991 edition of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (Rioul and Vetterli, 1991) The DWT has the following properties (Chui, 1992). We performed the DWT using quadrature mirror ®lters (Ruskai et al., 1992). This is a pair of complementary high and low-pass ®lters, each with a cut-off frequency set to one half of the Nyquist frequency. After applying the two ®lters to the signal, we down sampled every other data sample. We then took the output of the lower half and repeated the process. Fig. 2 illustrates this method. This method is very ef®cient ± of order O n log n. We experimented with a variety of different wavelet functions to perform this decomposition and have found satisfactory results in both feature extraction and computational ef®ciency using 6th order Daubechies wavelets (Strang and Nguyen, 1996). Fig. 3 illustrates a discrete wavelet decomposition for a typical 20 s segment of one EEG channel. We then estimated the power in each band for each one second epoch (Fig. 4). 1897 We then used the same smoothing technique (Fig. 6) as described in the previous section. We then post-processed this signal with a low-pass ®lter. This acted as a means of determining long-term trends in the evolution of the observed processes. For this, we used a noncausal forward and backward 3 pole low-pass Butterworth ®lter with a cut-off of 1/10 of the Nyquist frequency. The forward±backward ®ltering eliminates the phase shifting effects of ®lters. The plots shown in Fig. 7 demonstrate the robustness of the trace alternant detection algorithm applied to all 6 patients. The clinical neurophysiologist independently by visual analysis veri®ed the occurrence of trace alternant quiet sleep segments for each 3 h EEG recording. Note that all 20 visually identi®ed segments of trace alternant were successfully detected by the automated state detector. We investigated if the accuracy of state detection varied, 3.2. Detection of trace alternant quiet sleep using discrete wavelet transform We ®rst performed a DWT of the EEG for selected channels and then estimated the power of each frequency band for each 1 s epoch. The Fourier transform of the power estimates were computed for the 4±8 Hz (theta) frequency band. It was then empirically observed that spectral peaks occurred between 5 and 10 cycles per min during trace alternant. Fig. 5 is a sample of this analysis for a 60 s segment processed for an EEG during trace alternant quiet sleep. We then used the following: F f F{Pu t} A sup 5#f #10 F f uF f u Fig. 6. (a) Initial smoothing technique for a 180-min EEG recording (shaded areas indicate visually identi®ed minutes of trace alternant quiet sleep). (b) Filtered data depicted in (a) used to eliminate phase shifting. 1898 J.P. Turnbull et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 112 (2001) 1893±1900 depending on which combination of channels were used. The same prediction of trace alternant occurred using anterior and posterior as well as left and right channel derivations over the scalp. 4. Discussion The neonatal sleep cycle is unique during the human lifespan with respect to both sleep architecture and continuity. Fig. 7. Demonstration of trace alternant detection for each of the six full-term neonates (shaded areas indicate visually identi®ed minutes of trace alternant quiet sleep). J.P. Turnbull et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 112 (2001) 1893±1900 Re¯ecting fetal brain organization, 4 distinctive sleep state segments are expressed starting after 36 weeks post-conceptional age until approximately 4±6 weeks after birth for the 40 week gestational age full-term infant (Scher, 1999). Trace alternant is the most recognizable of the 4 sleep state segments, given its discontinuous electrographic expression, depicting periods of electrographic activities alternating with periods of relative quiescence of both frequencies and amplitudes of EEG waveforms. Trace alternant is also the most abundant of the 4 state segments within the ultradian sleep cycle of the newborn (Stockard-Pope, 1992). Trace alternant is an important physiologic marker for infant functional brain organization and maturation of the neonate and is ®rst expressed in the pre-term neonate or fetus after 36 weeks estimated gestational age in both humans (Scher et al., 1992; Scher, 1999) and lower primates (Myers, 1995). This discontinuous state segment represents the expected physiologic evolution at near term gestational ages of the discontinuous EEG pattern (i.e. trace discontinu) noted on EEG-sleep recordings of pre-term neonates. Automated detection of this distinctive EEG pattern may be helpful for both research and clinical purposes. Given that higher percentages of quiet sleep after fetal/neonatal stress (Emde et al., 1971; Freudigman and Thoman, 1993; Scher, 1995) are expressed under environmental or medical conditions, accurate identi®cation of repetitive sleep cycles might aid in both medical management and prognosis of sick and convalescent neonates. Also, since the chronobiologic expression of the repetitive neonatal ultradian rhythm predominates over diurnal or circadian rhythms suggests that the study of individual sleep state segments within the 30±70 min ultradian sleep cycle may better elucidate functional brain organization and maturation. How an EEG pattern such as trace alternant coalesces in time with other physiologic behaviors (i.e. autonomic and somatic behaviors) will better characterize the multiple neural networks responsible for neonatal sleep state transitions as a function of post-conceptional age. Various computer strategies may improve our techniques to detect the other sleep state segments. One method will be to develop algorithms that can detect and reject artifact; noise artifact is high amplitude power at the high frequency ranges of the DWT, while cerebral EEG exhibits lower power in these frequency bands. One could then improve the overall estimated power distributions by eliminating those epochs with suspect artifact-laden frequency components. Secondly, the use of neural-network algorithms may accurately detect relations that better map input±output pairs from a given training set. Finally, Markov modeling can be applied to the physiologic data sets to give a context sensitivity evaluation. Since it is known that the 4 states of neonatal sleep progress in an ordinal sequence, it will be possible to exploit this property to assess for the prediction of state transitions. We recognize that there are a number of limitations in this preliminary study. Firstly, the possibility of a liasing error 1899 exists, based on our choice of sampling rate compared to the low-pass ®lter setting. However, we believe this error is small, especially for 95% of the spectral energies, which pertain to the delta and theta frequency ranges (Sun et al., 1993). Secondly, only 6 neonates were included in this preliminary study. The adequacy of the computer algorithms will have to be tested on a larger sample size over multiple sleep cycles. Thirdly, strict artifact rejection procedures need to be included, as mentioned above. We have demonstrated that it is possible to discern with good reliability one segment of the neonatal sleep cycle (i.e. trace alternant) using DWT. 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