WVFC, WVFW - Sales
WVFC, WVFW - Sales
Replacement Parts List No. 700012100 Revision L 10/2015 Daikin McQuay Enfinity™ Vertical Water Source Heat Pump WVFC, WVFW 009 - 070 Design 1 To find your Daikin Applied parts distributor, call 1-800-377-2787 or visit www.DaikinApplied.com Contents Parts List Revision History.................................................................................................................................3 Nomenclature Serial Number..............................................................................................................................................4 Model Number.............................................................................................................................................5 Cabinet...............................................................................................................................................................6 Blower Fan Assembly Standard Motor, Housing & Wheel Assy......................................................................................................7 ECM Motor, Housing & Wheel Assy............................................................................................................8 Electric Heat.......................................................................................................................................................9 Refrigeration Circuit Diagrams...................................................................................................................................................10 Sizes 009- 024 Components.....................................................................................................................11 Sizes 030- 070 Components.....................................................................................................................12 Desuperheater..................................................................................................................................................13 Water Flow Control Valve.................................................................................................................................14 Control Box MicroTech III Controls Sizes 009, 012, 015...................................................................................................................................15 Sizes 019 - 070..........................................................................................................................................16 MTIII Control Board Label Location...........................................................................................................17 Compressor Capacitors.............................................................................................................................18 Field Installed Accessories........................................................................................................................ 19- 23 Critical Parts List Sizes 009-024.......................................................................................................................................CPL1 Sizes 030-070.......................................................................................................................................CPL2 WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 2 Parts List Revision History Revision Date Description New 01/09 New A 05/09 Page 10- Ref # 360 change p/ns for ECM Blower Motors. B 05/10 Page 8- Add Ring Terminal p/n 802007936 and Fastener-Dart p/n 061461701. Page 25- Add Wire Harness Assy p/n 668995801. C 06/10 Added sizes 009, 012 & 015 to RPL. Repaginated entire document. D 06/10 Pages 22-23 Added H1-H9 Connectors. Added Edge-holder p/n 668395501. Changed sensor and code descriptions. Added footnotes 1 & 2. Page 25- Added Shutoff/Balancing Valves p/n 802026097 & p/n 802026098. Page 26- Replace page with Field Accessories doc per Dan Adams. Pump Restart Relay Kit deleted. E 09/11 Page 9- Change filter from 20 x 10 x1” to 26 x 8 x 1” for p/n 060604824. Page 11- Add wheel p/n 060628001 for unit sizes 009 and 012. Page 21- Add note includes H5 harness. Pages 20-27 Numerous changes made to tubing, field accessories & control box. Pages CPL1-2 Add Critical Parts List. F 02/12 Title Page- Delete the 1 after the unit models. Page CPL1-CPL2 Delete the 1 after the unit models. G 10/12 Title Page- Change McQuay to Daikin McQuay and add EnfinityTM. Update to CS6. Page 9- Change unit size heading from 024 030 to 036. Change filter p/n 060678125 to 060687125. Page 18- Change Coil Assy p/n 668223139 to 668223153. Page 23- Change Sensors (RAT, DAT) p/n 17201601 to 669008901. H 12/12 Page 20- Move part number/unit size header over. I 08/13 Page 12-Change Ref #M360 Std. Blower Motor p/n 688949305 to 668949305. CPL1-2- Add Std. Blower Motor p/n 668949305 sizes 042-070. J 10/13 Rebranded Daikin. Numerous changes made. Page 9- Delete Filters and add to Field Installed Accessories. Pages 11-12 Update ECM motors. Page 20- Updated Reversing Valves & Solenoid. Pages 22-23 Change LonMark p/n 668105801 to 107293070. Change BACnet p/n 668105901 to 107293070. Add I/O Exp p/n 668105702. Page 24- Update Capacitors. Pages 25-28 Updated Field Installed Accessories. CPL1- Spilit CPL into two sections- for sizes 009-024 only. Update ECM. CPL2- Continue with sizes 030-070 only. Removed Exp Valves. Update ECM. K 03/15 Delete sheet metal. Numerous changes. Combined pages to Daikin Format. Delete pgs 6-9. Page 6- Delete all sheet metal. Add footnote #1. Page 7- Change motor, add ECM nameplate to diagrams. Page 8- Change capacitor p/n 668003108 to 668300112. Update motor band & arms p/ns. Delete ECM motors & add footnote #1. Page 9- Delete 15 KW Electric Heater p/ns 668204804, 668204806, 668204808. Page 10- Update Refrigeration Circuit diagrams. Page 11- Add 115V compressor size 012 p/n 668951504 & overload 668015802. Page 13- Add Desuperheater diagram & components page. Page 14- Add Water Flow Control valve diagram & components page. Page 15- Add 75V transformers p/ns 910117810, 667715902, and 910116209. Change Ref#165 Contactor p/n 106500101 to 106500102. Change SLTS p/n 107201601 to 910121227. Delete connectors H-1 to H-9. Page 16- Add 75V transformers p/ns 910116213, 667716209, 107228901, and 107511307. Change Ref#165 Contactor p/n 073322502 to 910140339. Delete connectors H-1 to H-9. Change SLTS p/n 107201601 to 910121228, 910121230 and 91012123. Pages 18-22 Updated Field Installed Accessories- numerous changes. CPL1-2- Update 115V compr size 012 & SLTS, delete comm cards & ECM motors. L 10/15 Update to Daikin format. Pages 7-8 Move Std motor sizes to page 7 & page 8 add ECM motor table and footnote. Pages 15-17 Add MTIII Controls Label Location table and footnote. CPL1-CPL2 Update to Daikin format. Split into two pages CPL1, 009-024 & CPL2, 0301-070. Daikin Applied 13600 Industrial Park Blvd., P.O. Box 1551, Minneapolis, MN 55440 (763) 553-5330 WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 3 Serial Nomenclature Serial Number AUB U 08 11 00386 Plant Identification Abbreviation AUB = Auburn Serial Number (build sequence) Week of Manufacture U= Unit Year of Manufacture 08= 2008 09=2009 10= 2010 etc. WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 4 Unit Model Nomenclature W VFC 1 030 B J Y L T 04 YY A C A YY Y YYY YYY YYY A Y YYYY Y YYC 1 Y 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2424 25 26 272829 Code 01: Unit Type W= Water Source Heat Pump Code 13: Water to Refrigerant Heat Exchanger C= Copper Inner Tube/ Steel Outer Tube S= Cupro Nickel Inner Tube/ Steel Outer Tube Y= None Code 02: Product Identifier VFC= R410a, Floor Mounted, Standard Range VFW= R410a, Floor Mounted, Geothermal Range Code 14: Heating Options A= 5.0KW Electric Heat B= 10.0KW Electric Heat Y= None Code 03: Design Series 1= Design 1 Code 15: Dehumidification YY= None Code 04: Unit Size (1000’s BTUH) 009= 9000 012= 12000 015= 15000 019= 19000 024= 24000 030= 30000 036= 36000 042= 42000 048= 48000 060= 60000 070= 70000 Code 16: Piping Hand Y= None Code 17: Thermostat Control YYY= None Codes 18: Night Control YYY= None Code 19: Desuperheater DSH= Desuperheater Code 05: Controls B= MicroTech III Base Controller C= MicroTech III Controller with LonCard D= Microtech III Controller with BacNet Card Code 20: Refrigerant A= R410a Code 21: Power Connection Y= None Code 06: Voltage A= 115/60/1 E= 208/230/60/1 F= 208/230/60/3 J= 265/60/1 K= 460/60/3 L= 575/60/3 Code 22: Cabinet Electrical 75V= 75 Volt Control Transformer YYY= None Code 23: Water Flow Control C= 2-Way Motorized 1/2” Iso Valve, Gen’l Close-Off Pr, N.C. V= 2-Way Motorized 1/2” Iso Valve, Gen’l Close-Off Pr, N.O. H= 2-Way Motorized 1/2” Iso Valve, High Close-Off Pr, N.C. D= 2-Way Motorized 3/4” Iso Valve, Gen’l Close-Off Pr, N.C. K= 2-Way Motorized 3/4” Iso Valve, Gen’l Close-Off Pr, N.O. J= 2-Way Motorized 3/4” Iso Valve, High Close-Off Pr, N.C. Y= None Code 07: Cabinet Height Y= None Code 08: Return Air L= Left Hand Return Air R= Right Hand Return Air Code 09: Discharge Air T= Top Discharge Code 24: Always Y Code 25: Outside Air Y= None Code 10: Blower Motor 01= Standard 04= ECM Motor Code 26: Agency C= ETL, CETL, ARI, MEA Code 11: Discharge Grille/ Cabinet Type YY= None Code 27: Packaging 1= Standard Code 12: Construction Type A= Standard B= Standard w/2” Filter Rack C= Standard w/Compressor Sound Blanket D= Std w/ Compr Sound Blanket & 2” Filter Rack E= Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) F= IAQ w/2” Filter Rack G= IAQ w/Compr Sound Blanket H= IAQ w/Compr Sound Blkt & 2” Filter Rack WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 YYY= None Code 28: Extended Warranty Code 29: Product Style 1= Style 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 5 Cabinet Cabinet/Chassis components 240 Ref. No. 240 N/S Unit Sizes Part Number Condensate Pan 009 - 012 106396801 Condensate Pan 015 - 036 106396802 Condensate Pan 042 - 070 106396804 Cabinet/Chassis Components 009 - 070 1 Part Description N/S= Not Shown on diagram. 1 Please contact Daikin Applied with unit model and serial number for part numbers on Cabinet/Chassis components. WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 6 Blower Fan Assembly Standard Motor, Housing & Wheel Assy. 370 320 365 320 325 500 500 300 Unit Size 009-012 Ref. No. Part Description Unit Size 015-070 Part Number Unit Size/ Quantity 009 012 015 019 024 030 036 042 048 060 070 N/S Capacitor Bracket 850010570 1 1 300 Capacitor, 2 MFD, 440V 668003112 1 1 Capacitor, 3 MFD, 440V 668003104 1 1 Capacitor, 7.5 MFD, 440V 668003114 320 Capacitor, 20 MFD, 370V 668003111 Blower Housing 060699602 Blower Housing & Wheel Assy 667838701 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Blower Housing & Wheel Assy 668151101 325 Wheel, Blower 060628001 365 Motor Band for Std. Motor 802009140 Motor Band for Std. Motor 910121966 370 Motor Arm for Std. Motor 668405401 Motor Arm for Std. Motor 910121965 500 Motor,1/8HP, 115/60/1 106646504 1 1 Motor,1/8HP, 208-230/60/1 106646501 1 1 Motor,1/8HP, 265/60/1 106646502 1 1 Motor,1/6HP, 208-230/60/1 073314501 1 1 1 Motor,1/6HP, 208-230/60/1 073314502 1 1 1 Motor,1/2HP, 208-230/60/1 060704601 1 1 Motor,1/2HP, 265/60/1 060704602 1 1 Motor,1/2HP, 460/60/1 060704603 1 1 Motor,1/2HP, 208-230/60/1 668949301 1 1 1 1 Motor,1/2HP, 265/60/1 668949303 1 1 1 1 Motor,1/2HP, 460/60/1 668949302 1 1 1 1 Motor,1/2HP, 575/60/1 668949305 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 N/S= Not Shown on diagram. WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 7 Blower Fan Assembly ECM Motor, Housing & Wheel Assy 365 370 NP WARNING LABEL 400 ECM Motor Nameplate Ref. No. N/S 365 370 400 1 ECM Motor Mount Detail Part Number Part Description Blower Housing & Wheel Assy 667838701 Blower Housing & Wheel Assy 669286110 Band, Motor Mount 802009140 Band, Motor Mount 910121966 Arm, Motor Mount 668405401 Arm, Motor Mount 910121965 ECM & Program Unit Size/ Quantity 019 024 030 036 042 048 060 070 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 See ECM motor nameplate. The PN for the ECM motor is found on the label (see illustration above). You may also contact Daikin with the Unit Model & Serial Number to get the ECM Motor part number. WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 8 Electric Heat Sizes 019-070 600 Ref. No. 600 Part Number Part Description Unit Size/ Quantity 019 024 030 036 042 048 060 070 Electric Heater, 5KW, 208-230/60/1 668204701 1 1 1 1 Electric Heater, 5KW, 265/60/1 668204704 1 1 1 1 Electric Heater, 10KW, 208-230/60/1 668204702 1 1 1 1 Electric Heater, 10KW, 208-230/60/3 668204703 1 1 1 1 Electric Heater, 10KW, 265/60/1 668204705 1 1 1 1 Electric Heater, 10KW, 460/60/3 668204706 1 1 1 1 Electric Heater, 10KW, 208-230/60/1 668204801 1 1 1 1 Electric Heater, 10KW, 208-230/60/3 668204803 1 1 1 1 Electric Heater, 10KW, 265/60/1 668204805 1 1 1 1 Electric Heater, 10KW, 460/60/3 668204807 1 1 1 1 WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 9 Refrigeration Circuit Diagrams Evaporator/ TXV Detail 92 Condenser Detail 859 71 69 Compressor 57 58 61 Reversing Valve Piping TXV Bulb Unit Size 009-015 137 160 Unit Size 019-070 Compressor Mounting Detail 136 100 Coremax Valve Assy Detail 151A Coremax Valve Assy WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 151B 151C RPL 7000121 / Page 10 Refrigeration Circuit Sizes 009-024 Components Ref. Unit Size No. Description Part Number 009 012 015 019 024 57 Nut- Compressor, Mount 802012035 3 3 3 4 4 58 Sleeve, Compr. Mounting 668955501 3 3 3 Sleeve- Compressor Mounting 060623401 4 4 61 Grommet- Compressor Mounting 668955401 3 3 3 Grommet- Compressor Mounting 4RHZ9154 4 4 69 Compressor 115V 668951401 1 Compressor 115V 668951504 1 Compressor 208-230V 668951411 1 Compressor 208-230V 668951501 1 Compressor 208-230V 668951601 1 Compressor 208-230V 668172001 1 Compressor 208-230V 668392101 1 Compressor 265V 668951412 1 Compressor 265V 668951503 1 Compressor 265V 668951603 1 Compressor 265V 668172002 1 Compressor 265V 668392102 1 N/S Overload, Compressor 115V 668015802 1 1 Overload, Compressor 208-230V 668015804 1 Overload, Compressor 208-230V 668015806 1 Overload, Compressor 208-230V 668015808 1 Overload, Compressor 265V 668015805 1 Overload, Compressor 265V 668015805 1 Overload, Compressor 265V 668015810 1 N/S Compressor Blanket 669280501 1 1 71 92 Condenser Copper Inner Tube Condenser Copper Inner Tube Condenser CuproNickel Inner Tube Condenser CuproNickel Inner Tube Evaporator Coil Assy Evaporator Coil Assy 067789501 1 1 667718301 067789502 1 1 667718302 668223163 1 1 668223160 100 N/S Reversing Valve Reversing Valve Reversing Valve Reversing Valve Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve until 3/11 3/11 & later until 3/11 3/11 & later until 3/11 3/11 & later 136 High Pressure Switch until 7/11 High Pressure Switch 7/11 & later 137 Low Pressure Switch 22 ± 7 PSI 151A Seat- Fitting .375 151B Core- Valve 151C Cap- Valve 160 Fusible Plug Assy Plug only 283° F 859 Expansion Valve 3/4T Expansion Valve 1T Expansion Valve 2T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 106694111 1 1 1 910110426 1 1 1 106694113 910110428 106694207 1 1 1 910110439 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 106483301 1 1 1 1 910117560 1 1 1 1 107225101 1 1 1 1 668188801 2 2 2 2 668188701 2 2 2 2 668189501 2 2 2 2 850001662 1 1 1 1 106057401 1 1 1 1 106489116 1 1 106489119 1 1 106489112 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 NS = Not Shown WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 11 Refrigeration Circuit Sizes 030-070 Components Ref. Unit Size No. Description Part Number 030 036 042 048 060 57 Hex Nut- Compressor Mounting 802012035 4 4 4 4 4 58 Sleeve, Compr. Mounting 060623401 4 4 4 4 4 61 Grommet- Compressor Mounting 4RHZ9154 4 4 4 4 4 69 Compressor 208-230/60/1 668405701 1 Compressor 208-230/60/1 668392201 1 Compressor 208-230/60/1 668407001 1 Compressor 208-230/60/1 668408001 1 Compressor 208-230/60/1 668407601 1 Compressor 208-230/60/3 668405702 1 Compressor 208-230/60/3 668392202 1 Compressor 208-230/60/3 668407002 1 Compressor 208-230/60/3 668408002 1 Compressor 208-230/60/3 668407602 1 Compressor 208-230/60/3 668220001 Compressor 265/60/1 668405703 1 Compressor 460/60/3 668392203 1 Compressor 460/60/3 668407003 1 Compressor 460/60/3 668408003 1 Compressor 460/60/3 668407604 1 Compressor 460/60/3 668220002 Compressor 575/60/3 668407004 1 Compressor 575/60/3 668408004 1 Compressor 575/60/3 668407605 1 Compressor 575/60/3 668220003 N/S Compressor Blanket 669280501 1 1 N/S Compressor Blanket 669280601 1 1 1 71 Condenser Copper Inner Tube 667718501 1 1 Condenser Copper Inner Tube 667718601 1 1 Condenser Copper Inner Tube 667718801 1 Condenser CuproNickel Inner Tube 667718502 1 1 Condenser CuproNickel Inner Tube 667718602 1 1 Condenser CuproNickel Inner Tube 667718802 1 92 Evaporator Coil Assy 28 X 18 668223159 1 1 Evaporator Coil Assy 24 X 26.25 668223158 1 1 Evaporator Coil Assy 36 X 26.25 668223161 1 100 Reversing Valve until 3/11 106694107 1 1 1 1 Reversing Valve 3/11 & later 910110422 1 1 1 1 Reversing Valve until 3/11 106694109 1 Reversing Valve 3/11 & later 910110424 1 N/S Solenoid Valve until 3/11 106694207 1 1 1 1 1 Solenoid Valve 3/11 & later 910110439 1 1 1 1 1 136 High Pressure Switch until 7/11 106483301 1 1 1 1 1 High Pressure Switch 7/11 & later 910117560 1 1 1 1 1 137 Low Pressure Switch 22 ± 7 PSI 107225101 1 1 1 1 1 151A Seat- Fitting .375 668188801 2 2 2 2 2 151B Core- Valve 668188701 2 2 2 2 2 151C Cap- Valve 668189501 2 2 2 2 2 160 Fusible Plug Assy 850001662 1 1 1 1 1 Plug only 283° F 106057401 1 1 1 1 1 859 Expansion Valve 2T 106489112 1 Expansion Valve 3T 106489111 1 Expansion Valve 3T 106489120 1 Expansion Valve 4T 106489121 1 Expansion Valve 5T 106489122 1 Expansion Valve 6T 106489123 070 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 N/S = Not Shown WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 12 Desuperheater 100 050 Ref. No. 050 100 Part Description Part Number Circulation Pump, 115/60/1 668200902 Circulation Pump, 208-230/60/1 668200901 Desuperheater Coil, Copper 668169101 Desuperheater Coil, Cupronickel 668169102 WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 13 Water Flow Control Valve 150 Ref. No. 150 Unit Sizes Part Number 2-Way Modulating Isolation Valve, 1/2” 009 - 024 107179603 2-Way Modulating Isolation Valve, 3/4” 030 - 070 107202003 Actuator Motor, High Close-Off, NC 009 - 070 107179807 Actuator Motor, NO 009 - 070 107179808 Actuator Motor, NC 009 - 070 107179809 Part Description WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 14 Control Box MicroTech III Controls Sizes 009-015 180 165 170 060 Unit Size Ref.# Description Part Number 009 012 015 060 Control Board, MicroTech III 668105601* 1 1 1 N/S LED Annunciator 668395201 1 1 1 N/S Standoff PC Board Edge-holders (Comm card only) 165 Relay, DPST until 3/13 Relay, DPST 3/13 & later 802028115 668395501 8 4 8 4 8 4 106500101 106500102 1 1 1 1 1 1 170 Relay, 1PDT 056992205 1 1 1 180 N/S N/S N/S Transformer, 50VA- 115V until 3/11 Transformer, 50VA- 115V 3/11 & later Transformer, 50VA- 208/230V until 3/11 Transformer, 50VA- 208/230V 3/11 & later Transformer, 50VA- 277V until 3/11 Transformer, 50VA- 277V 3/11 & later Transformer, 75VA- 115V Transformer, 75VA- 208/230V Transformer, 75VA- 277V 060630802 910116204 060614102 910116202 060630702 910116203 910117810 910116213 910116209 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Line Temp Sensor (SLTS) Line Temp Sensor (SLTS) Air Temp Sensor (DAT, RAT) Water Temp Sensor (LWT) 107201601 910121227 669008901 107201601 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 until 2/12 2/12 & later 10K/72” 10K/80” 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N/S= Not shown on diagram. * When ordering this board, please provide the software part number printed on the board’s label. See control board photo for label location (on the page after MTIII controls size 019-070). WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 15 Control Box MicroTech III Controls Sizes 019-070 A 180 080 170 220 160 060 A Section A-A Section B-B Part Unit Size Ref.# Description Number 019 024 030 036 042 060 Control Board, MicroTech III 668105601* 1 1 1 1 1 080 Control Board, IO Exp. for MTIII 668105702* 1 1 1 1 1 N/S LED Annunciator 668395201 1 1 1 1 1 N/S Standoff PC Board 802028115 8 8 8 8 8 Edge-holders (Comm card only) 668395501 4 4 4 4 4 160 Contactor, Compressor until 3/13 073322502 1 1 1 1 1 Contactor, Compressor 3/13 & later 910140339 1 1 1 1 1 170 Relay, 1PDT 056992205 1 1 1 1 1 180 Transformer, 50VA- 208/230V until 3/11 060614102 1 1 1 1 1 Transformer, 50VA- 208/230V 3/11 & later 910116202 1 1 1 1 1 Transformer, 50VA- 277V until 3/11 060630702 1 1 1 Transformer, 50VA- 277V 3/11 & later 910116203 1 1 1 Transformer, 50VA- 380V until 3/11 107228901 Transformer, 50VA- 380V 3/11 & later 910116216 Transformer, 50VA- 460V until 3/11 060676002 1 1 Transformer, 50VA- 460V 3/11 & later 910116205 1 1 Transformer, 50VA- 575V 056340705 1 Transformer, 75VA, 208/230V 910116213 1 1 1 1 1 Transformer, 75VA, 277V 910116209 1 1 1 Transformer, 75VA, 380V 107228901 Transformer, 75VA, 460V 910116209 1 1 Transformer, 75VA, 575V 107511307 1 220 Terminal Block, 1-PH 668989901 1 1 1 1 1 Terminal Block, 3-PH 668989902 1 1 1 1 1 N/S N/S N/S Line Temp Sensor (SLTS) Line Temp Sensor (SLTS) Line Temp Sensor (SLTS) Line Temp Sensor (SLTS) Air Temp Sensor (DAT, RAT) Water Temp Sensor (LWT) until 2/12 2/12 & later 2/12 & later 2/12 & later 10K/72” 10K/80” 107201601 910121230 910121228 910121231 669008901 107201601 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 048 1 1 1 060 1 1 1 070 1 1 1 8 4 1 1 1 1 1 8 4 1 1 1 1 1 8 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N/S= Not shown on diagram. * When ordering this board, please provide the software part number printed on the board’s label. See control board photo on next page for label location. WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 16 Control Box MicroTech III Controls MTIII Control Board Label Locations Label Label 668105702 668105901 Label Label 668105601 668105801 NOTE: When ordering the control board, please provide the software part number printed on the board’s label. See above for label locations. WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 17 Control Box MicroTech III Controls Compressor Capacitors 100 150 PartUnit Sizes Ref.# Description Number 009 012 015 019 024 030 036 042 048 060 070 100 Compressor Capacitor 115V 55 MFD 370V until 3/12 067291522 1 1 55 MFD 370V 3/12 & later 910120054 1 1 Compressor Capacitor 208/230V 25 MFD 370V until 3/12 669450001 1 25 MFD 370V 3/12 & later 910120048 1 30 MFD 370V until 3/12 067291518 1 1 30 MFD 370V 3/12 & later 910120049 1 1 35 MFD 370V until 3/12 067291516 1 1 35 MFD 370V 3/12 & later 910120050 1 1 40 MFD 370V until 4/12 802007850 1 40 MFD 370V 4/12 & later 910120051 1 45 MFD 370V until 4/12 067291523 1 1 45 MFD 370V 4/12 & later 910120052 1 1 70 MFD 370V until 3/12 067291536 1 70 MFD 370V 3/12 & later 910120057 1 80 MFD 370V until 4/12 067291528 1 80 MFD 370V 4/12 & later 910110424 1 Compressor Capacitor 265V 20 MFD 370V until 4/12 067291511 1 1 20 MFD 370V 4/12 & later 910120047 1 1 35 MFD 370V until 4/12 067291515 1 35 MFD 370V until 4/12 067291516 1 35 MFD 370V 4/12 & later 910120050 1 1 40 MFD 370V until 4/12 802007850 1 1 40 MFD 370V 4/12 & later 910120051 1 1 150 Capacitor Bracket 850010570 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTE: Compressor Capacitor not required for 3 phase units. WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 18 Field Installed Accessories Filters Description Filter, 1” Throwaway 20x10x1 Kit, Filter, Air 12/Box Filter, 1” Throwaway 20x24x1 Kit, Filter, Air 12/Box Filter, 1” Throwaway 14x20x1 Kit, Filter, Air 12/Box Filter, 1” Throwaway 24x30x1 Kit, Filter, Air 12/Box Filter, 1” Throwaway 18x30x1 Kit, Filter, Air 12/Box Filter, 2” Throwaway 20x10x2 Kit, Filter, Air 12/Box Filter, 2” Throwaway 20x24x2 Kit, Filter, Air 12/Box Filter, 2” Throwaway 14x20x2 Kit, Filter, Air 12/Box Filter, 2” Throwaway 24x30x2 Kit, Filter, Air 12/Box Filter, 2” Throwaway 18x30x2 Kit, Filter, Air 12/Box Filter, 2” Merv 8 Pleated 20x10x2 Kit, Filter, Pleated 12/Box Filter, 2” Merv 8 Pleated 20x24x2 Kit, Filter, Pleated 12/Box Filter, 2” Merv 8 Pleated 14x20x2 Kit, Filter, Pleated 12/Box Filter, 2” Merv 8 Pleated 24x30x2 Kit, Filter, Pleated 12/Box Filter, 2” Merv 8 Pleated 18x30x2 Kit, Filter, Pleated 12/Box Part Unit Size Number 009 012 015 019 024 030 036 042 048 060 070 106535004 1 1 668993601 1 1 060604826 1 1 1 668993603 1 1 1 1 1 060604827 1 1 668993604 1 1 060604808 1 1 668993605 1 1 060604828 1 1 668993606 1 1 060687119 6689878011 1 668987801 111 668987803 111 06068712411 66898780411 1 0606871091 1 1 668987805 1 1 060687125 1 1 668987806 6695752011 1 6695753051 1 669575203 111 669575303 111 66957520211 66957530211 1 6695752051 1 1 669575304 1 6695752041 1 6695753061 Filter Racks Description 2” Filter Rack Unit Sizes 009, 012 Unit Sizes 015, 019, 024 Unit Sizes 030, 036 Unit Sizes 042, 048 Unit Sizes 060, 070 Left Hand Right Hand Qty. 668987901 668987907 668987908 668987909 668987910 668987902 668987903 668987904 668987905 668987906 1 1 1 1 1 2 “ Filter Rack, Painted Unit Sizes 009, 012 Unit Sizes 015, 019, 024 Unit Sizes 030, 036 Unit Sizes 042, 048 Unit Sizes 060, 070 668987919 668987911 668987912 668987913 668987914 668987920 668987915 668987916 668987917 668987918 1 1 1 1 1 WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 19 Field Installed Accessories Motorized Valves Description 2-Way Valve Kit, Motorized, Normally Closed (NC), 1/2” NPT 2-Way Valve Kit, Motorized, Normally Open (NO), 1/2” NPT 2-Way Valve Kit, Motorized, Normally Closed (NC), 1/2” NPT 2-Way Valve Kit, Motorized, Normally Closed (NC), 3/4” NPT 2-Way Valve Kit, Motorized, Normally Open (NO), 3/4” NPT 2-Way Valve Kit, Motorized, Normally Closed (NC), 3/4” NPT Unit Size 009-024 009-024 009-024 030-070 030-070 030-070 Kit * 668996001 668996002 668996003 668996004 668996005 668996006 Actuator 107179801 107179810 107179807 107179801 107179810 107179807 Body 107210401 107210401 107210401 106196601 107210601 107210601 * Refer to IM 1151 for installing a motorized valve kit on MicroTech III units. Manual Valves, Relays & H-8 Harness Assy Description Shutoff/Balancing Valve, 1/2” w/Memory Stop 2/Pack Kit, Shutoff/Balancing Valve, 1/2” 10/Pack Shutoff/Balancing Valve, 3/4” w/Memory Stop 2/Pack Kit, Shutoff/Balancing Valve, 3/4” 10/Pack Shutoff/Balancing Valve, 1” w/Memory Stop 2/Pack Kit, Shutoff/Balancing Valve, 1” 12/Pack Output Wire Harness Assy Kit, H-8, MTIII Pump Restart Relay Kit MicroTech III to MarkIV Daisy Chain Adaption for “E” & “U” Unit Sizes Part Number 009- 024 030- 070 106065102 1 106065110 1 106065202 1 1 106065210 1 1 106065302 1 106065310 1 910107989 1 1 061419001 1 1 910151282 1 1 Thermostats & Sensors Description RCN wireless housing and controls kit for use w/wireless Tstat Remote Temperature Sensor for thermostats 668375301 & 668375401 Remote Sensor & Thermostat, Programmable & Digital Display, 2-Stage ACO/MCO Digital Room Temperature Sensor, Temp & Humidity Display Wall, Stat- AC/DC, ACO, 7 Day Programmable, 2 Heat/2 Cool with Wall Plate Wall, Stat- AC/DC, ACO, Non-Programmable, 2 Heat/2 Cool, NSB & OR with Wall Plate Wall Plate, Insulated for 910116773 Part Number 910105604 107096010 910116773 910121754 668375301 668375401 910116770 TStat Guards Description TStat Guard TStat Guard (10 Pack) Part Number 105571101 105571110 MTIII Communication Module Kits Description BacNet Comm Module * LonWorks Comm Module * Part Number 107293071 107293070 * Kit includes comm module card, sensors, mounting tabs, and IM. WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 20 Field Installed Accessories Hoses 009-036 Description Unit Sizes Specification Part Number 009-036 3/4" NPT X 2' 106063801 Hose Assy, Fire Rated Condensate 009-036 3/4" NPT X 3' 106063901 009-036 3/4” NPT X 30” 106063701 009-036 3/4” NPT X 2’ 106665101 Hose Assy, Fire Rated Supply/Return 009-036 1/2” NPT X 3' 106063101 009-036 1/2” NPT X 2’ 106062801 Hose Assy, Fire Rated Supply/Return w/Shut-Off Ball Valve 009-036 1/2” NPT X 3’ 669481302 009-036 1/2” NPT X 2’ 669483401 Hose Assy, Fire Rated Supply/Return w/Ball Valve, 009-036 1/2” NPT X 3’ 669481802 “Y” Strainer and Blowdown Valve 009-036 1/2” NPT X 2’ 669481801 Flow Control Hose Kit- Fire Rated Supply/Return 009-036 1.5 GPM 669482303 Includes: Supply Ball Valve, Auto Flow Control Valve, 2.0 GPM 669482304 24” SSTL Hose. 2.5 GPM 669482305 3.0 GPM 669482306 3.5 GPM 669482307 4.0 GPM 669482308 4.5 GPM 669482309 5.0 GPM 669482310 5.5 GPM 669482311 6.0 GPM 669482312 Flow Control Hose Kit- Fire Rated Supply/Return 009-036 1.5 GPM 106582903 Includes: Supply Ball Valve, Auto Flow Control Valve, 2.0 GPM 106582904 Y-Strainer, and Blowdown, 24” SSTL Hose. 2.5 GPM 106582905 3.0 GPM 106582906 3.5 GPM 106582907 4.0 GPM 106582908 4.5 GPM 106582909 5.0 GPM 106582910 5.5 GPM 106582911 6.0 GPM 106582912 WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 21 Field Installed Accessories Hoses 042-070 Description Unit Sizes Specification Part Number 042-070 3/4" NPT X 2' 106063801 Hose Assy, Fire Rated Condensate 042-070 3/4" NPT X 3' 106063901 042-070 3/4” NPT X 30” 106063701 042-070 3/4” NPT X 2’ 106665101 Hose Assy, Fire Rated Supply/Return 042-070 3/4” NPT X 3’ 106063201 042-070 3/4” NPT X 2’ 106062901 Hose Assy, Fire Rated Supply/Return w/Shut-Off Ball Valve 042-070 3/4”” NPT X 3’ 669481402 042-070 3/4” NPT X 2’ 669483501 Hose Assy, Fire Rated Supply/Return w/Ball Valve, 042-070 3/4”” NPT X 3’ 669481902 042-070 3/4” NPT X 2’ 669481901 Flow Control Hose Kit, Fire Rated Supply/Return 042-070 3.0 GPM 106582913 Includes: Supply Ball Valve, Auto Flow Control Valve, 3.5 GPM 106582914 36” SSTL Hose. 4.0 GPM 106582915 4.5 GPM 106582916 5.0 GPM 106582917 5.5 GPM 106582918 6.0 GPM 106582919 6.5 GPM 106582920 7.0 GPM 106582921 7.5 GPM 106582922 8.0 GPM 106582923 9.0 GPM 106582924 10.0 GPM 106582925 11.0 GPM 106582926 12.0 GPM 106582927 13.0 GPM 106582928 15.0 GPM 106582929 Flow Control Hose Kit, Fire Rated Supply/Return 042-070 3.0 GPM 106582913 Includes: Supply Ball Valve, Auto Flow Control Valve, 3.5 GPM 106582914 Y-Strainer, and Blowdown, 36” SSTL Hose. 4.0 GPM 106582915 4.5 GPM 106582916 5.0 GPM 106582917 5.5 GPM 106582918 6.0 GPM 106582919 6.5 GPM 106582920 7.0 GPM 106582921 7.5 GPM 106582922 8.0 GPM 106582923 9.0 GPM 106582924 10.0 GPM 106582925 11.0 GPM 106582926 12.0 GPM 106582927 13.0 GPM 106582928 15.0 GPM 106582929 WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 22 Field Installed Accessories Microtech III Temperature Sensors Part Kit Tenant Set Point Status LED Fan & Number Override Adjustment Mode Switches 669088101 669529001 Yes No No No 668900801 669529101 Yes 55˚ to 95˚F (12˚ to 35˚C) Yes Yes 669088201 669529201 Yes -3˚ to +3˚F (-1.5˚ to 1.5˚C) No Yes Note: Can only be used in conjunction with a Communication (Comm.) card. See OM 931 for required jumper settings. Microtech III Unit Control Accessories Description Part Number ** Multiple Unit Control Panel: Allows a master unit controlled by a T'Stat, to operate up to 3 secondary units 056794201 Not Recommended for use with a Boilerless System Kit Boilerless System Kit with I/O Expansion Board Boilerless System Kit without I/O Expansion Board 910110355 910110353 ** Kit components listed below. Multiple Unit Control Panel Kit 310 311 313 Ref. Description No. 310 Cover- Control Box 311 Circuit Board 312 Stand Off- Circuit Board 313 Box Part No. Qty. 106436101 056794001 802028090 850007827 1 1 6 1 312 WSHP, Vertical; WVFC1, WVFW1 009-070 Design 1 Rev. L 10/15 RPL 7000121 / Page 23 Critical Daikin Applied OEM Parts Are What Your HVAC Unit Needs! Daikin Enfinity™ Vertical WSHP McQuay Enfinity™ Vertical WSHP WVFC, WVFW 009 - 024 Design 1 Critical Components Control Control Board, MicroTech III Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Blower Motor Standard Motor, 1/8HP Standard Motor, 1/8HP Standard Motor, 1/8HP Standard Motor, 1/8HP Standard Motor, 1/8HP ECM & Program Blower Housing and Wheel Housing Housing & Wheel Assy Wheel, Blower Sensor Line Temp Sensor (SLTS) Line Temp Sensor (SLTS) Air Temp Sensor (DAT, RAT) Water Temp Sensor (LWT) Unit Sizes Voltage Part Number ALL ALL 668105601 009 009 009 012 012 012 015 015 019 019 024 024 115/60/1 208-230/60/1 265/60/1 115/60/1 208-230/60/1 265/60/1 208-230/60/1 265/60/1 208-230/60/1 265/60/1 208-230/60/1 265/60/1 668951401 668951411 668951412 668951504 668951501 668951503 668951601 668951603 668172001 668172002 668392101 668392102 009, 012 009, 012 009, 012 015 - 024 015 - 024 ALL 115/60/1 208-230/60/1 265/60/1 208-230/60/1 265/60/1 ALL 106646504 106646501 106646502 073314501 073314502 See motor nameplate 009, 012 015 - 024 009, 012 N/A N/A N/A 060699602 667838701 060628001 009 - 015 019, 024 ALL ALL N/A N/A N/A N/A 910121227 910121230 669008901 107201601 Call Your Local Daikin Applied Parts Distributor For All Your Parts Needs. To Locate A Distributor, Go To www.DaikinApplied.com or Call 1-800-37PARTS 7000121 Rev. L 10/2015 CPL Page 1 of 2 Critical Daikin Applied OEM Parts Are What Your HVAC Unit Needs! Daikin Enfinity™ Vertical WSHP McQuay Enfinity™ Vertical WSHP WVFC, WVFW 030 - 070 Design 1 Critical Components Control Control Board, MicroTech III Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Blower Motor Standard Motor, 1/2HP Standard Motor, 1/2HP Standard Motor, 1/2HP Standard Motor, 1/2HP Standard Motor, 1/2HP Standard Motor, 1/2HP Standard Motor, 1/2HP ECM & Program Blower Housing and Wheel Housing & Wheel Assy Housing & Wheel Assy Sensor Suction Line Temp Sensor (SLTS) Suction Line Temp Sensor (SLTS) Air Temp Sensor (DAT, RAT) Water Temp Sensor (LWT) Unit Sizes Voltage Part Number ALL ALL 668105601 030 030 030 036 036 036 042 042 042 042 048 048 048 048 060 060 060 060 070 070 070 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/3 265/60/1 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/3 460/60/3 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/3 460/60/3 575/60/3 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/3 460/60/3 575/60/3 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/3 460/60/3 575/60/3 208-230/60/3 460/60/3 575/60/3 668405701 668405702 668405703 668392201 668392202 668392203 668407001 668407002 668407003 668407004 668408001 668408002 668408003 668408004 668407601 668407602 668407604 668407605 668220001 668220002 668220003 030, 036 030, 036 030, 036 042 - 070 042 - 070 042 - 070 042 - 070 ALL 208 - 230/60/1 265/60/1 460/60/1 208 - 230/60/1 265/60/1 460/60/1 575/60/1 ALL 060704601 060704602 060704603 668949301 668949303 668949302 668949305 See motor nameplate 030, 036 042 - 070 N/A N/A 667838701 668151101 030 - 048 060, 070 ALL ALL N/A N/A N/A N/A 910121228 910121231 669008901 107201601 Call Your Local Daikin Applied Parts Distributor For All Your Parts Needs. To Locate A Distributor, Go To www.DaikinApplied.com or Call 1-800-37PARTS 7000121 Rev. L 10/2015 CPL Page 2 of 2
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