Parc at Piedmont
Parc at Piedmont
Parc at Piedmont SUNDAY MONDAY MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS: GROCERIES AT 3:00 PM THURSDAYS: GROCERIES AT 10:30 AM AND OTHER ERRANDS AT 1:00 PM 9:00 10:30 2:00 3:30 7:00 9:00 10:30 2:00 7:00 9:00 10:30 2:00 7:00 9:00 10:30 2:00 7:00 5 -1:00 Church Shuttle*** Communion by Holy Family-MR Scenic Drive*** Vesper Service by Eastside Baptist Church-MR Movie: 'Angels in the Outfield'MR -1:00 Church Shuttle*** 12 Communion by Holy Family-MR 'Sophisticated Ladies' Musical at Cobb Civic Center*** Movie: 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'-MR -1:00 Church Shuttle*** 19 Scenic Drive*** Movie: 'Conagher'-MR 26 Communion by Holy Family-MR Scenic Drive*** Movie: 'Not Without My Daughter'-MR 10:00 6 Walking Club Blood Pressure Check-LI 7:00 Travel: Europe to the Max: 'Outside London'-MR 13 9:00 Walking Club 10:00 Functional Fitness-FC 12:30 Current Events Discussion Group w/Don Jordan-MR 1:00 Yoga II (Standing)-FC 2:00 Blood Pressure Check-LI 2:00 Resident Association Meeting-RO 3:00 Balance & Beyond-FC 7:00 Documentary: 'The Legend: Ronald Reagan'-MR MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY 10:00 20 Walking Club Functional Fitness-FC 2:00 Blood Pressure Check-LI 7:00 Biography: 'Martin Luther King'MR 9:00 10:00 Walking Club TUESDAY 27 TR................................. The Terraces BA.........................................Balcony BC.......................... Business Center FC...............................Fitness Center MDR....................Main Dining Room MR................................. Media Room NA1........... North Alcove First Floor RO........................................Rotunda 10:30 2:00 Personal Training-FC 3:00 Learning LAB***-BC 7:00 Movie: 'While You Were Sleeping'-MR Arts & Crafts w/Trish***-FC 2:00 Blood Pressure Check-LI 7:00 Documentary: 'DaVinci & The Code He Lived By'-MR © All Rights Reserved • • 1-877-CORWIN2 Trip to Anne Frank Museum & Lunch at Egg Harbor in Sandy Springs*** WEDNESDAY 14 1 NEW YEAR'S DAY Balance Control***-FC 11:30 - 2:30 SPECIAL DINING HOURS (No Dinner Hours Due to Holiday) 1:00 Blood Pressure Check-TR 2:00 Personal Training-FC 3:00 Learning LAB***-BC 7:00 Bingo-MR 2:00 Movie: 'The Karate Kid'- MR 7:00 Feature: Judy Garland: 'The Concert Years'-MR 9:00 9:00 8 - 2:00 Dr. Din 678-7979800 for Appt-TR Walking Club Bible Study-MR Functional Fitness-FC Needlework Guild-NA1 Bible Study-'Heaven'-TR MR Regions Bank at Parc-RO Strength & Balance-FC Feature: 'Irish Tenors: Ellis Island'-MR Walking Club 15 Functional Fitness-FC Ageless Grace-FC 10:30 Needlework Guild-LPDR 1:00 Balance Control***-FC 11:00 Bible Study-'Heaven'-TR MR 2:00 Personal Training-FC 1:00 Audiological Consultants-BC 2:30 Trip to DMV*** 3:00 Strength & Balance-FC 3:00 Learning LAB***-BC 7:00 7:00 Movie: 'The Aviator'-MR Feature: 'Perry Como - In Concert'-MR 21 11:30 Lunch at Broadway Diner & then to Merchants Walk Cinema To See a Movie (TBD)*** 1:00 Balance Control***-FC 2:00 Personal Training-FC 3:00 Learning LAB***-BC 7:00 Movie: 'The Apartment'-MR 8:00 - 5:00 Wellstar Mobile Screening Unit***-Call 1855-781-8378-Front Parking Lot Trip to Tellus Museum in Cartersville & Lunch in Cafe*** Ageless Grace-FC Balance Control***-FC Personal Training-FC Learning LAB***-BC Movie: 'The Searchers'-MR 10:00 11:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 7:00 28 Walking Club - 2:00 Podiatrist-Call for Appt.***TR 10:00 Bible Study-MR 10:00 Functional Fitness-FC 10:30 Needlework Guild-LPDR 11:00 Bible Study-'Heaven'-TR MR 3:00 Strength & Balance-FC 3:45 - 7:00 Men's Night-DR 7:00 Feature: 'Andrea Bocelli in Tuscany'-MR 9:00 Walking Club 10:00 Bible Study-MR 10:00 Functional Fitness-FC 10:30 Needlework Guild-LPDR 11:00 Bible Study-'Heaven'-TR MR - 2:00 Jewelry Repair by Locksley at Parc-RO 10:30 Watercolor Class***-FC 11:00 Learning LAB***-BC Blood Pressure Check-TR 2:00 Personal Training-FC 7:00 Bingo-MR 10:00 10:00 10:30 1:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 5:00 29 3:00 Strength & Balance-FC 7:00 Feature 'Andrew Lloyd Webber at Royal Albert Hall'-MR 2 9 Balance Control***-FC 1:00 7:00 22 9:00 9:30 10:00 1:00 10:00 Ageless Grace-FC Watercolor Class***-FC 1:00 Bible Study-MR 11:00 10:30 Movie: 'We Brought a Zoo' MR 10:00 11:00 THURSDAY 10:30 9:00 10:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:00 3:00 7:00 Ageless Grace-FC Balance Control***-FC 10:30 7 'Highlights of Atlanta' Slide Show by Jim Howe & Refreshments***-MR 1:00 Functional Fitness-FC 2:00 KEY 11:00 Functional Fitness-FC 2:00 9:00 Communion by Holy Family-MR -1:00 Church Shuttle*** 9:00 January 2014 16 'Lemons & Laughter' w/Angela-MR Brain Waves-MR Watercolor Class***-FC Balance Control***-FC Blood Pressure Check-TR Personal Training-FC Learning LAB***-BC Dinner Outing to Zeal Restaurant in East Cobb*** Bingo-MR 10:00 'Brain Waves' w/AngelaMR 10:30 Watercolor Class***-FC 1:00 Balance Control***-FC 1:00 Blood Pressure Check-TR 2:00 Personal Training-FC 3:00 Learning LAB***-BC 3:00 Line Dancing-FC 7:00 Bingo-MR 23 30 10:30 Watercolor Class***-FC 11:00 - 3:00 Parc Resident & Family Art Show***-RO 1:00 Balance Control***-FC 1:00 Blood Pressure Check-TR 2:00 Personal Training-FC 3:00 Learning LAB***-BC 7:00 Bingo-MR FRIDAY 9:00 3 Walking Club 10:00 Yoga-FC 11:00 'A Renewed Focus' - A Wellness Program-MR*** 1:00 Learning LAB***-BC 1:30 Wine & Chit Chat w/Singers Tom & Holly Johnson from 2:00-3:00RO 7:00 Movie: 'Play the Game'-MR 9:00 Walking Club 10 10:00 Yoga-FC 10:30 Mass by Holy Family-MR 11:00 Learning LAB***-BC 1:00 Learning LAB***-BC 1:30 - 2:00 Wine & Chit Chat before Entertainer Craig Gleason from 2:00-3:00-RO 7:00 Movie: 'Marie Antoinette'-MR 9:00 Walking Club 17 10:00 Yoga-FC 11:00 'Proper Body Mechanics for Daily Activities'-Heritage RehabMR*** 1:00 Learning LAB***-BC 1:30 Wine & Chit Chat before Singer Keenan Blount from 2:00-3:00-RO 7:00 Movie: 'Presenting Lily Mars'-MR 9:00 Walking Club 24 10:00 Yoga-FC 11:00 Learning LAB***-BC 1:00 Learning LAB***-BC 1:30 Wine & Chit Chat before Entertainer, Mark Kurtz from 2:003:00-RO 7:00 Movie: 'The Lion in Winter'-MR 9:00 Walking Club SATURDAY 9:30 4 Temple Shuttle*** 10:00 Shopping at Wal-Mart, Target, Kohl's, Stein Mart, The Avenue, K-Mart, etc*** 10:30 - 2:30 Affordable Feet***-Salon 11:00 - 3:30 Men's Choice of TV Programs-MR 2:00 - 3:15 Bingo-FC 7:00 Movie: 'Big Jake'-MR 9:30 Temple Shuttle*** 11 10:00 Functional Fitness DVD-FC 10:00 Shopping at Wal-Mart, Target, Kohl's, Stein Mart, The Avenue, K-Mart, etc*** 11:00 - 3:30 Men's Choice of TV Programs on the Big Screen-MR 2:00 - 3:15 Bingo-FC 7:00 Movie: 'Fried Green Tomatoes'MR 9:30 Temple Shuttle*** 18 10:00 Functional Fitness DVD-FC 10:00 Shopping at Wal-Mart, Target, Kohl's, Stein Mart, The Avenue, K-Mart, etc*** 11:00 - 3:30 Men's Choice of TV Programs on the Big Screen-MR 2:00 - 3:15 Bingo-FC 7:00 Movie: 'Seems Like Old Times'MR 9:30 Temple Shuttle*** 25 10:00 Shopping at Town Center Mall*** 11:00 - 3:30 Men's Choice of TV Programs on the Big Screen-MR 2:00 - 3:15 Bingo-FC 7:00 Movie: 'Westside Story'-MR 31 10:00 Yoga-FC 11:00 Learning LAB***-BC 1:00 Learning LAB***-BC 1:30 Wine & Chit Chat before January Birthdays w/Singer Beth Michaels from 2:00-3:00-RO 7:00 Movie: 'Made of Honor'-MR Events with an asterisk require a reservation. Calendar events are subject to change. Changes will be posted in the Mail Room.
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