
COPYRIGHT 2004, J.R. Schwartz
Guide book designed and produced by T-Graphics of Hailey, Idaho
Printed in the United States of America
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and
retrieval system, without permission from the Publisher.
P.O. BOX 1810, Boise, Idaho 83701-1810
ISBN 0-9613653-2-3
“The gratification of the sexual instinct seems
to be the primary motive in man as well as
Dr. Richard von Drafft-Ebing
“Every woman is at heart a rake.”
“A prostitute is a lady in public, cook in the
kitchen, and a whore in bed.”
“Angel”, working girl at the Sagebrush Ranch
“Whores give it away, businesswomen sell it.”
Barb Davis, Madame at My Place Brothel
“To be able to fulfill a need of a fellow human
being and profit by it is good business, besides
being an act of faith and sometimes charity.”
Margo St. James, COYOTE
“O che sciagura d’essere senza coglioni” (Oh
what a misfortune to be without testicles).
Introduction …………………………………….…. 3
Procedures & Etiquette …………………………… 10
Reno Area: …………………………………………… 15
Mustang Ranch ……………………………………
Old Bridge Ranch …………………………………… 20
Wild Horse Canyon Resort & Spa………………………24
Lyon County & Carson City Area: ……………… 28
Moonlight Bunny Ranch ……………………………… 30
Kit Kat Ranch ………………………………………… 37
Kitty’s Guest Ranch (Bunny Ranch II) ……………… 41
New Sagebrush Gentlemen’s Club I & II …………….. 45
Fallon Area: ………………………………………… 51
Salt Wells Villa ……………………………………… 52
Winnemucca Area: ………………..………………… 54
My Place……………………………………………… 56
The Pussycat Ranch ………………..………………… 60
Simones de Paris Brothel ……………….…………… 66
The Villa Joy ………………………..………………… 67
The Cozy Corner ……………………………………… 69
Battle Mountain Area: …….………………………… 73
Donna’s Battle Mountain ……………………………… 75
Elko & Area …………………………………………
Sharon’s Bar & Brothel ………………………………
Dovetail Ranch ………………………………………
Mona’s Ranch …………..……………………………
Sue’s Fantasy Club …………………………..………
Inez’s D & D ………………………………………….
The Mona Lisa Ranch (formerly CharDons) …………
Wells Area: ……………………………………….… 105
Donna’s Ranch, Wells ……………………………… 106
Bella’s Gentlemen’s Club …………………………… 112
Ely Area: …………………………………………… 119
Stardust Ranch ………………………..……………… 122
The Big 4 Ranch …………………………………… 127
Tonopah Area (Highway 93):
Wild Cat Ranch ……………………………………… 133
Las Vegas Area: ……………………………………
Cherry Patch Ranch …………………………………
Mabels Whorehouse …………………………………
Cherry Patch II ………………………………………
Highway 95 Area:
Shady Lady Ranch …………………….……………
Cottontail Ranch ……………………………………
A Brief History of Prostitution ……………………
Conclusion ………………………………….………
A Brief Tribute to General “Fighting Joe” Hooker
Sex Pals VIP Member Benefits …:…………………
Sex Glossary and Cat House Terminology ………
Order Form …………………………………………
Although prostitution has been accepted in Nevada since the
days of the Comstock Lode, the legalization of it has been of
comparatively recent time. In 1967 the Storey County
Commissioners legalized and licensed the first cathouse in Nevada,
at which point the Mustang Ranch and Joe Conforte made history.
Today, prostitution is a thriving, spirited, legal business in
Nevada, with 32 legally licensed cathouses operating throughout
the state. They stretch from the outskirts of Reno and Carson City,
east to Fallon on U.S. Highway 50, to Wells on Interstate 80, south
to the outskirts of Las Vegas (through Ely and Tonepah on
Highway 93), and north on Highway 95, through the deserts and
into the mountains.
The cathouses have such exotic names as The Moonlight
Bunny Ranch, The Cherry Patch, Kitty’s Guest Ranch, The
Cottontail Ranch, The Sagebrush Gentlemen’s Club, Stardust, Big
4, and Mustang. Some houses are as small as two room shacks,
others as big as hotels.
The women that work in them run the spectrum of age, race,
color, and religious preference. Many are extremely religious;
others denounced the Bible a long time ago. The names of the
working ladies might be Jan, Coco, Keisha, Kim, Cissy, Angel,
Kathy, Ashley, or Jennifer. You don’t really know, because
cathouses are theaters, and the women that work in them actresses.
Many girls have stage names, and that’s all you will ever know
about them. When not performing in a brothel they have other lives
to lead and appreciate their anonymity.
The acts they perform? Anything you want. As Cissy at the
Sagebrush Ranch told me, “I enjoy sex. It’s fun. I don’t have an
orgasm every time, but I do sometimes, and if that’s what you want
to hear, let me know. If you want me to act like your wife in bed,
make a lot of noise, and say that ‘you’re the best ever’, I’ll be
happy to do that. Just tell me what you want. I enjoy having a nice
time and making the guy feel good.”
There are no state laws prohibiting prostitution in Nevada
today. Each county has the right to decide whether it wants to have
it or not. The only restriction made is that is they do have
cathouses, they must be at least 400 yards away from any school or
church. In Elko, several years ago, a school was moved when
discovered to be located too close to a cathouse.
Currently there are four counties (out of seventeen in
Nevada) that have made prostitution a crime, the home counties for
Reno, Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas respectively. Their choice was
made in deference to gambling interests that were concerned about
image, stigmatization, and the time utilization factor.
The beast with two backs” does not gamble, only gambol,
So, in Las Vegas and Reno, concerned citizens attempt to keep the
sex profile low and the streets safe for gambling. Accordingly, the
experiment has not worked, and the statistics for rape and violent
crime in those two cities are staggering.
But what about the cathouses in the legal counties? There the
sexual needs of mankind are satisfied without emotional
attachment or social embarrassment. It is a business of pleasure,
but it is a business, and for many of the working girls there is no
room for emotional attachment. Indeed, it may be their downfall.
Prostitution is an occupation for many women, a profession
for few. At the cathouse where the girl works it takes precedence
over everything. It’s what butters her bread, pays for her clothes,
and allows her to take vacations on her time off. It takes
precedence over sleeping, eating, religious holidays, and having
normal relationships.
The shift that the working girl has is usually two or three
weeks on duty, working twelve to sixteen hours non-stop,
“partying” anywhere from zero to twelve times a night, or more.
There is no real average, no way to compute a real sexual average
of performance. There is no norm, no mean, or median in which to
compute the average, although anywhere between two and five
parties a night might seem standard. Some ladies party more, some
party less.
Partying, the euphemism for sex, is a seasonal and biological
experience. Obviously the busiest times are when the most men are
physically aroused. This could occur during the Reno air races,
when the Marines are on leave, during the fishing season, during
hot August nights, or anytime during ski season. Erections follow
no particular time schedule. Holidays encourage arousal. New
Year’s Eve is usually a big night for most cathouses, and so is the
Fourth of July. That means good money for most of the women in
those houses, but not necessarily for all of them.
Because sex is not a lottery at these houses, the man can pick
and choose his partner as easily as he can order a drink at a bar. He
can choose the party and the time. For many girls business is
fantastic; for others, some days are not as good as the rest. Some
nights are better than others, and many are a complete bust. When
a woman is shut out from business she may begin to doubt herself,
even feel envy and resentment towards the other girls working in
the house. Occasionally there are sales and pep talks to bring the
girls out of their sales slumps and doldrums. But ultimately, if that
doesn’t work, the girl will probably move on to another house
citing slow traffic, or problems with management as the reason for
Many of the girls have worked in several of the houses over
short periods of time, and although they won’t go into details of
why they have moved on, the answers are pretty basic: Not getting
laid enough to support their positive cash flow program, and
Or, maybe they weren’t “logging in” properly, not
accounting for all the cash that was coming in, and got caught. It’s
almost an all cash business. Perhaps they stole from each other.
Resentment, envy, and cynicism. Working and living in confining
situations can take its toll on the girl, and when she’s had enough
of it, or is burned out, before she moves on she might be ready to
reek vengeance on a system and society she sees as unjust.
Drugs and alcohol? These ladies are no more immune to the
temptations than any of us. In fact, their every working hour is
involved in dealing with someone who is usually so high or drunk
that all he wants to do is perform the most unnatural and bestial of
acts upon her, use her like he would a Kleenex tissue, then discard
her. Sensitivity? This program does not allow for much of it. If
anything, the girls need to be as insensitive as possible. It’s man’s
nature to take and discard at will, these ladies are just a part of the
theater of it. Drugs and alcohol problems? These women just have
to be more careful than most abut getting caught. Accordingly,
they are regulated and watched much more closely than those who
are only there to party.
Licenses are involved: Brothel, liquor, and business. Work
permits are also issued. To the community that means taxes and
revenue. The girls must be checked for prior histories and for
disease, and must be approved before permits are issued to them.
And every week thereafter they must submit to gynecological
ordeals and then clinical examinations. The county sheriff is
involved, as well as the county medical examiner, and various
other Nevada state health officials. One little slip or mistake can
cost the girl her permit, and possibly the cathouse its license. No
drugs, no disease, no problems.
Because of their occupation, these women are highly
discriminated against. They are at times virtual prisoners of the
houses where they have contracted to work, not being allowed out
except on their vacations. They’re not allowed into many of the
bars and casinos in the counties where they are registered to work.
They’re not allowed to mix you a drink at the cathouse where they
work. Who knows where their hands and fingers have been? At
least they’re not going to be on any ice cubes that go into your
The brothel license is too valuable to allow some diseased,
drug addicted robbing wench to lose for them, or so the thought
process goes. To the owner of the cathouse, it’s the only game in
town. Thousands of paying patrons visit them annually. The
licenses in many of the counties are worth millions of dollars. Add
into that the cost of the land, building, furnishings, and various
inventory, and you are looking a multi million dollar business that
caters legally to the needs, desires, fantasies, wishes, absurdities,
and frustrations of more than two million paying partygoers a year.
There can be few mistakes, if any.
When the Marines hit Reno it’s a full tilt party boogie at the
Old Bridge Ranch, Moonlight, and Kit Kat. And when the “CAGs”
arrive in Fallon the same is true at Salt Wells Villa, The Sage
Brush, and Bunny Ranch II. It’s true everywhere. Whenever the
urge arises, whenever the bell rings and the voice says “Company
ladies”, it’s time to go to work. Time for business, and that may be
at 2 a.m. on Tuesday, Saturday at 6:15 p.m., or Wednesday at
noon. A nooner, or four in the morning. Whenever the urge arises
it’s time for business. And, the business is pleasure.
The ladies that work in the various cathouses are
“independent contractors”, which means they set their own prices.
What you paid for in one house may cost you more, or less in
another house…or they might not even perform the act or service
you want at all. For the most part it depends on them first, and then
you. The cost benefit analysis is up to her. Will it be worth the
price? It’s all negotiable. Is it a service you cannot obtain
elsewhere? Is she the most beautiful woman you have seen lately?
Is it the first time for you? There’s got to be a first time sometime.
Are you a salesman just passing through the area, wanting to try
something different?
Perhaps you’re there for humanitarian purposes. Concern for
your fellow man? Concerned in that you don’t like the way he’s
eye-balling your sixteen year old daughter. Maybe he’s fondling
your pet kitty in a manner that can best be described as suspect. Or,
perhaps you’ve noticed that your prized pet rabbits are suffering
from torn rectums and neighbor is walking around with a fatuous
grin on his face, and one hand in his pants! Pederasty or zoerastry?
God forbid, but what if? What if this person needs some help
sexually? Take him to a cat house for his fulfillment.
And how about junior? Is he approaching the age where a
little first hand knowledge and experience will go a long way
towards helping him have a healthy outlook on the biological urge?
If you and your loved one don’t wish to perform in person for him
there are cathouses that will allow young men in, as young as
sixteen years of age, with parental consent.
What a nice birthday present that might make for some
young man. Nothing like the pleasures of a sweet little sugar
scoop, a treasure chest of joy on his birthday. Lingam in yoni?
Enjoyable memories that can last a lifetime. First hand experience,
instead of having to read about it in the secrecy of the bathroom
with some tawdry magazine in hand full of slick glossy pictures
and pages stuck together.
The women in these cathouses come in all shapes, sizes,
hairstyles, and colors. Maybe you’d like to party with more than
one girl at a time? That’s always been a fantasy of yours, hasn’t it?
All shapes, sizes and colors. Some of those women there are
absolute knockouts. Beautiful, gorgeous beauty queens. Peaches
and cream. Wholesome and attractive. The kind of stuff you’d like
to take home to show mom or the guys. So good looking that you
ask yourself why are they there?
Others are average and below. Some are overweight, and
look like they eat a lot of food. Others are skin and bones, and look
like their meals consist primarily of amphetamines. Pale, flaccid,
pasty complexions. Brothel pallor; like they had lived in caves all
their lives and never seen the sun. Some have inappropriate tattoos
over all parts of their bodies and remind you of something you saw
at a Hell’s Angels fund raiser.
Some can look pretty old, used, and dried up. A year’s supply
of K-Y jelly and Vaseline lube wouldn’t help. One walked like
she’d been bored out by the guy that made the pistons for the QE
2. Others walked like wishbones and were bowlegged. And still
others looked like they had just escaped from some Ukrainian
refugee camp. Forty miles of bad back road. Ridden hard and put
away wet. Yechh! But don’t ever call them whores because they’re
not. The polite term is “ho”, and even that sounds derogatory.
They are anything but that. They’re working girls and business
women. A whore gives it away. These ladies sell it.
There used to be two types of legal cathouses in Nevada,
parlor and bar. In the bar house a man didn’t need to have sex, he
could just go in, drink and then try to touch their titties. In a parlor
house sex is what the game is all about, although in most parlor
houses you can drink too. The Wild Horse Canyon Resort is an
example of a parlor house without its own bar, but conveniently
attached to one next door.
Regardless of which type of cathouse you visit the
procedures are pretty much the same. You will ring the outside
buzzer for admittance and a madam, hostess or parlor maid will
greet you, and let you in. The ladies may already be lined up, or
will shortly do so. There may be one girl, five, two dozen or more,
depending upon the house and the time you are visiting. It’s a
seasonal business and traffic is much slower in the winter and early
spring than in summer and fall.
When the girls introduce themselves to you they are hoping
that you will choose one of them. If you can make up your mind
quickly they will be pleased, because sex then becomes efficient,
and the time utilization factor comes into play. You must
remember that it is a business for them and you are paying for their
When you choose a girl that you would like to party with she
will take you into her room where the party will be discussed and
negotiated. No sex is discussed in the parlor or at the bar, and
neither are money or prices. In her room you can talk freely about
anything you want. She will tell you if she will do a certain act,
how much money it will cost, etc.
If you can’t agree on a price, you are more than welcome to
leave without any hard feelings. It’s a business, and not all deals
are closed. The women are independent contractors and decide for
themselves what they will do, and with whom they will do it.
Because they are independent contractors, and not sex slaves
to the house, you as a customer must negotiate as to party and to
how much you are willing to spend.
Price wise it can run from a few dollars to as much as you
have (and more), depending on what you’re going to be doing
It is her prerogative. Requirements and standards as to age,
race, gender, color, cleanliness, sobriety, health, and ethnic origins
are hers, and they are absolute. She makes the final decision as to
who will park his unit where. So, being polite and having lots of
money will often compensate for being over weight, ugly, and
Attitude is very important to the ladies. When working a shift
they are literally confined to the house for days on end. When you
stop and consider how long they have to sit around, work, and
sleep in the same area you can appreciate the tensions that might
build up after awhile. Obviously their patience is tried after
working three weeks non-stop, 12 to 16 hour shifts with little rest.
You might be her first guy, or the one hundred and seventyfifth during her shift. If you want to make a hit with her, offer to
buy her a drink, and put some money into the jukebox (because
that’s usually the only way it gets played).
You should be there to have fun and enjoy yourself. If you
are not there to spend money you shouldn’t be there.
If you are rude, have a bad attitude, and haven’t bathed for a
while, chances are good that you won’t be well received.
If you don’t see any women that you want to be with be
polite about it. If you don’t want to go to a room right away with
one of them that’s fine, buy one a drink and sit and talk for awhile.
Be nice about not wanting to be with anyone. Don’t feel as if you
have to put them down, or that you have to be a sexist dog. If you
are insecure or uncomfortable they will understand. You don’t
have to be rude or cruel to them. The ladies are there to entertain
you and how much they enjoy their work depends entirely upon
you. You’re more than welcome to shop around, but don’t waste
their time, because they have better things to do than sit around
watching some boring cynical jerk ask a bunch of stupid questions.
Now, when you have succeeded in finding the woman of
your choice and have successfully negotiated a party with her in
her room, you must next pass “the inspection”. The inspection
involves you dropping your drawers, at which point she will
inspect your instrument and the surrounding area in microscopic
detail. She is looking for something she doesn’t want to find, and
that you don’t want to have: goo, creatures, or other predatory
indicators infesting the hairy area surrounding your pleasure
weapon. If she finds anything of a questionable nature she will be
doing you a service by telling you, and sending you down the road.
It means that it’s time to clean up your act.
If you pass the inspection and have established a monetary
contract with her, sex will be yours…after you pay her the money.
She will take the money, and while you are undressing she will go
and “log-in” (give the money to the house for safekeeping, explain
the contract and time that will be involved), return to the room, and
prepare to clean you up a little bit.
The older cathouses used to have hand held water pans
(appropriately called “peter pans”) and wall sinks, but now most
brothels have first class bathroom amenities with showers, tubs and
One final rule to remember before you get on (not in) her bed
to enjoy sex is that you are probably not allowed to kiss her on the
mouth. You may be able to go down on her and taste the sweet
pleasures of her nether region, she may perform oral sex on you,
and you may be able to have her ream your buttock and rectum
with her tongue, but there is no kissing on the mouth! I say
“probably” because all things are negotiable in the brothel where
your money is king and she is queen.
There’s probably no kissing on the mouth because there are
unhealthy germs hanging out in there, and it’s a good way to
spread those germs. However, it stands to reason that after she’s
through reaming your anal sphincter with her tongue, (and who
knows how many other guys before you), there just might be a few
billion E. Coli germs in her mouth, and you probably wouldn’t
want to lock lips with her anyway.
One other concern you might have is that everything is
negotiable, and that money will buy you treats that are not legally
on the board. Condoms are mandatory, and anal sex is prohibited,
or so the signs say, and for good reasons.
But that doesn’t mean that everyone plays by the rules
established in the beginning, and it could just be that the last
person to have partied with your beauty queen has challenged the
rules, and got away with doing what he wanted to do with her
without protection, now exposing you to potential problems you
don’t want to have. That’s why it’s important to play by the rules
at all times when in a brothel.
After the sex is performed she will clean you up, wash you
off, tidy up the room, maybe see if you want to go again with her,
and then usher you out to the parlor. She will be in her bathrobe at
that point, and won’t be making much small talk. The goodbye
from her will be short and sweet. There might be a few other girls
sitting around, and perhaps they would like a shot at your business
If you want to stick around for a drink feel free to do so,
you’ve earned it. And besides, who knows? Perhaps that wellendowed sparkling eyed beauty with the pearly pink cheeks and
radiant hair sitting in the corner will be the next to arouse your
If you’re ready to go, pull out your map, and check out the
location of another friendly brothel nearby, and get ready to enjoy
some more of the Pleasure Points of Nevada
The Mustang Ranch was the most famous cathouse in the
United States, maybe the most famous in the world, with more
than 100,000 men annually trekking through her bedroom doors,
all hoping to satisfy “the urge”. One hundred and one partying
rooms in two buildings, with dozens of captivating women
working twelve hour shifts.
Men coming to satisfy every imaginable sexual fantasy in
every possible orifice, where there was no such thing as an
anatomical impossibility as long as the price was right.
Cum by gallons. Billions of
spermatozoa: deliquescent
crystalline aliphatic tetramines
flagellating up streams of semen
actively seeking ovums
But chances of finding
them at the Mustang Ranch today
about as slim as finding Pacific
salmon swimming in Red Fish Lake in Idaho.
On August 9, 1999, after more than two decades of trying to
close the Mustang Ranch the federal government quietly took over
the pink stucco ranch and politely ushered the prostitutes out of the
pussy palacio and padlocked the doors.
The property was forfeited to the U.S. government and
Bureau of Land Management after guilty verdicts for fraud and
racketeering were decided against the parent companies of the
Mustang Ranch.
And what a sex therapy tragedy this was, for once upon a
time, on a busy night, 50 to 100 rooms were being worked nonstop by girls partying with marines, cowboys, businessmen,
legislators, doctors, lawyers, and Indian chiefs.
Men with pendulous scrotums, turgid penises engorged with
blood. As hard as polished steel. Like heat-seeking missiles,
cocked and triggered. Immense projectiles, as large as presto logs,
smoldering with desire. The women at Mustang had seen every
shape and size. You might call it the “one-eyed monk”, “blue
throbber”, “majestic spire” “magic wand” “Cyclops” “little
chubby”, or “friend”.
The women at the Mustang Ranch called it bread and butter.
Entry to the World Famous Mustang Ranch
At the Mustang Ranch volume was so tremendous that
a good working girl could gross $150,000 a year for sex. It was
known as the “time utilization factor” to her, and depending on
what a customer wanted it could cost anywhere from five dollars to
one hundred dollars per minute or more. Out call dates were
especially lucrative for the women.
The turn-over rate for working girls at the Mustang Ranch,
like other houses, varied. Some girls lasted ten minutes, others ten
years or longer. Not everyone is cut out to be a hooker. Some girls
are better than others. But, there is always a ready supply of girls
to step in and fill the void. They would call up every day asking for
They knew that men would always be there, for deer season,
the Reno air races, for the camel races in late September, as well as
for the snowmobile races in January. Millions of tourists flew into
Reno annually and the airport was just a few miles away. The cab
drivers knew where it was, and were more than happy to drive you
out, wait while you played, and take you back to town for a
reasonable fare.
Storey County was the first to legalize (as opposed to accept)
prostitution in America. Joe Conforte was the man who worked the
hardest to make it all possible and Mustang Ranch was the
embodiment of his efforts.
That was then.
"Closed”Sign on entry to Mustang Ranch, by order of the IRS, August 9, 1999
In November of 2003, the Mustang Ranch I, and Mustang
Ranch II were sold on Ebay auctions by the Bureau of Land
Management to two separate brothel owners.
Mustang Ranch I was bought by the owners of the Wild
Horse Canyon Brothel (located a few miles east) for a reported
price of $140,000. Mustang Ranch II was purchased by Dennis
Hof, owner of the Moonlight Bunny Ranch located outside of
Carson City, for a reported $18,000.
Both parties were required to remove the buildings from their
existing sites, restore the grounds to a natural habitat, and relocate
the buildings elsewhere. Both parties expressed desires to convert
the former cathouses into brothel museums, and possibly bed and
breakfast establishments as well as non-sexual tourist attractions,
for which they legally could advertise. In the meantime Joe
Conforte could only be smiling down in Brazil, free from
extradition back to the United States.
Painting of Joe Conforte formerly seen at the Mustang Ranch
Today, however, the issue of who owns the name and
licensing rights to the Mustang Ranch remains open to debate
depending on who you listen to.
Some people consider Mustang to be a location only, a name
that cannot be transferred. The owners of the Old Bridge Ranch
have stated that they own the name and rights to Mustang Ranch,
and that the only things sold were two buildings. Stay tuned.
Exit 23, Interstate 80 (east of Reno)
4756 Peri Ranch Road, (Storey County)
Telephone # 775/342.0023
The Old Bridge Ranch is another example of what a great
cathouse should be: Good management, friendly ladies,
comfortable atmosphere and positive attitudes.
Entrance to the Old Bridge Ranch, Mustang, Nevada
David and Ingrid Burgess opened the Old Bridge Ranch in
1984 with 26 party rooms, enough beautiful women to
accommodate them all, along with Jacuzzi, orgy room, and a well
stocked video library complete with all the film classics. Recent
updates include planned bungalows and other surprises in the
If you’re into sports, this cathouse offers a double header that
can’t be beat. They offer a free pass to party with the girl of your
choice every time there’s a major sporting event on television.
With every half-priced drink you buy you receive a raffle ticket
good for the drawing at the end of the game. If you win the choice
is yours.
Old Bridge Bar
The Old Bridge Ranch is open 24 hours, non-stop, with girls
working different shifts around the clock. There’s always a
constant influx of new enticing women. Some are “weekenders”,
college coeds working Thursday through Sunday (a term called
“scooping up the weekend”), while others work two weeks straight
or longer before taking a vacation. Twenty-six party rooms to
accommodate three shifts of beautiful working women.
Souvenirs: They have everything from hats, t-shirts, bathrobes, Old
Bridge souvenir label pins, matches, business cards, sweatshirts,
decanters, Zippo lighters, and lots more stuff. Stop by or give them
a call.
Job Opportunities: Girls can be 18 years old to work as a hooker
here. You need a valid state issued identification card and social
security number to apply for employment. The Costs: The Work
Card is $50.00 which states your occupation as “Entertainer”, the
state license is $100.00, the Medical Exam (clearance to work) is
$90.00, and the Room & Board Fee is $34.00 daily. No prior
felonies in the previous five years.
The management encourages people to come in and relax,
and when you’re most comfortable check out the party
VIP Suite at Old Bridge Ranch
DIRECTIONS: Take the Mustang Exit off I-80, follow the
road and bridge across the Truckee River, turn right and follow the
signs. Plenty of paved parking, well lit, and friendly. If you don’t
want to party, ring the buzzer at the gate two times, and they’ll
know to let you in without expectations to play.
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP BROTHEL MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive a free Old
Bridge Ranch lapel pin and complimentary drink, as well as some
souvenir matches. It’s more than an $11.00 value, so take
advantage of this opportunity while you can.
Exit 28 (Patrick), Interstate 80 (east of Reno)
1 Wild Horse Canyon Road
Sparks, Nevada 89434
Telephone #775/343-1224
The Wild Horse Canyon Ranch Resort and Spa is the newest
cat house in the county and has a lot to offer. Great parlor, twentynine party rooms, theme rooms such as the Safari, Retro, and the
“Presidential Suite”, and bachelor’s party room complete with a
rotating bed and viewers chairs behind a glass wall representing
voyeurism at its finest.
Wild Horse Canyon Bar Entrance
The Wild Horse Canyon Resort Spa has an outdoor patio
pool, two Jacuzzi spas, workout center, and a plethora of beautiful
women working there non-stop.
Swimming Pool at the Wild Horse Canyon Ranch
Susan Austin is the Madam there, and she puts everything
into perfect perspective when she says, “Our only customer
concern is your complete and total satisfaction.”
A person has to be at least 18 years of age to have sex in the
Wildhorse, and 18 years of age to work there as well. Couples are
allowed in to party, as are single women.
The Independent Contractors license fee is $100, and allows
the girl to work anywhere in Nevada. The Sheriff’s Card is $50,
medical expenses are $90 for blood and culture specimens to start,
and once per month after that, along with $55 per week for
“cultures” and regular weekly medical mandated checkups. The
room and board dormitory fee is negotiable, depending on how
well the girl “banks” on a daily basis.
Presidential Suite at Wild Horse Canyon Ranch
DIRECTIONS: Approximately fifteen minutes east from
downtown Reno, you take Interstate Highway 80 (east) to Exit 28
(the Patrick exit). Come up to the stop sign and turn right on
Waltham Way. Pass over the railroad tracks and make an
immediate right on to Wild Horse Canyon Drive. It is a newer
paved road. Drive up to the Wild Horse Canyon security parking
gates, ring the bell, acknowledge your presence and drive in. Park
at the bar entrance, or at the side brothel entrance and enjoy.
Driving map to the Wild Horse Canyon Ranch Brothel
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
complimentary souvenir Wild Horse Canyon shot glass, and free
drink. This is a $13.00 free value for being a SEXPALS VIP
Member. Stop by and take advantage of this opportunity.
Lyon County’s western boundary line begins about five miles
east of Carson City, Nevada, the state capital. Once you cross that
boundary line antiquated principles, as well as other people’s
ethics moral codes, and religious restrictions cease to exist.
Instead, Lyon County offers the potential for man to be
treated to the finest sexual treasures on the face of the earth. Four
legal cathouses exist here, three of which are right next door to
each other in an area known as the “Golden Triangle”.
The “Golden Triangle” is the home of the Sagebrush Ranch,
Kitty’s Guest Ranch (now known as the Bunny Ranch II), and the
Kit Kat Ranch. The world famous Moonlight Bunnyranch is just a
few hundred yards east on the other side of the road.
It is there that literally hundreds of thousands of men make
the sexual trek to visit these brothels where women are
knowledgeable in positions necessary to please. The coital count at
these love academies is phenomenal, as are the women.
No slouches or hosebags are allowed in there to work. No
ordinary trollops, sluts, floozies, harlots or “ho’s” on the premises.
Here the love business is represented at its finest, with a minimum
of one hundred beautiful ladies to choose from during sex season,
impressive fashion plates, with pleasing skin tones and intriguing
And there an attitude exists in the ladies symbolizing
sexuality and free spiritedness. These ladies are confident, radiant,
refreshing, defiant, and stylish, from the eye shadow and polish on
their nails, to the lip gloss alluringly inviting you to party.
These ladies personify the pleasure principle. Eye-filling,
well-proportioned bodies wearing the latest in fashion and design,
from lingerie with the thinnest of veiling, to hammered silk dresses
with rhinestone buttons. Fishnet sheer hose, graffiti stockings,
body hugging leathers. Pure silk shirts and tank tops. The premier
lingerie collections in the world are on these ladies, concealing,
revealing, and suggesting. No understatement here.
Victoria’s Secret, Fredrick’s of Hollywood, and Armani have
all made their fashion statements in these houses. Attractiveness
here is an attitude, and these ladies are dressed to kill.
A visit to any or all of these brothels will also reward you
with some great souvenirs, from free t-shirts, sex menus, matches
and complimentary drinks, this is an opportunity to pick up about
$100.00 worth of free goodies and other fun stuff, just by showing
Take advantage of this opportunity, and have some great sex
while you’re at it. These ladies are some of the most attractive and
famous working in the state of Nevada.
Telephone #888/BUN.NYRA (286.6972)
FAX #775/246.9204
69 Moonlight Road
Carson City, Nevada 89706
The world famous Moonlight Bunnyranch is the grand old
lady of the cathouses in Lyon County, having been out there since
1955, and today, if you asked those in the know, many would
agree that it’s the most dynamic sexual fantasy playground around.
Parking & Entrance to Moonlight Bunny Ranch
Penthouse Magazine has called it “The best little whorehouse
in the western world.” Larry Flynt of Hustler Magazine says, “It’s
America’s hottest cat house.” Many other celebrities would agree,
along with thousands of other annual visitors.
If you enjoy making love and having sex with some of the
most famous adult movie stars and models in the glamour business
today it’s the place to visit.
Menu of adult porn stars and celebrities who have played at the Bunny Ranch
From porn stars to former Playboy Playmates and Penthouse
Pets, this pleasure paradise now has it all available to you.
Just a few of the names from the “A Team” that have played
at the Bunnyranch lately: Air Force Amy (self-proclaimed
“hardest working hooker in the free world”), Nikki Lynn, Kathy
Willits, Terri Weigel, Kristina St. James, P.J. Sparxx, J.R.
Carrington, Kira, Suzi Suzuki, Felicia Ryder, and dozens more.
Not just sex, this is your full-blown adventure. Howard Stern
has said, “these girls are hot”, and former Minnesota Governor
Jesse Ventura said, “they all look like Playboy Playmates”. They
represent the ultimate in talent, and if you have the money to pay
Dennis Hof’s got the women that play.
Dennis Hof was one of the first owners to apply modern
marketing principles to the commodity of sex. He saw prostitution
as a real estate time share investment opportunity, since the
property is being occupied for a short length of time rather than
owned outright. He created the perception of value, and promoted
the party as the ultimate event.
Sex is more about fantasy and role play than it is about
penetration. He considers his sexual establishment to be the finest
in Nevada and promotes his enterprise nationally and non-stop.
Moonlight Bunny Ranch souvenir poker chip
Seen as a composite, he is the Colonel Parker, Colonel
Sanders, and P.T. Barnum of prostitution, he has designated
himself as “America’s Pimp”, having been featured on HBO’s
“Cathouse Tales”, The Man Show, in The New Yorker Magazine,
on Howard Stern, and on myriad national news and talk shows.
Dennis is a widely recognized authority on the subject of
legalized prostitution, and has been striving for years to bring the
brothel industry out from the tawdry shadows of fear and
misgiving into the light.
Hof explains on his website (, “If
you’re against exploitation of women, unsafe sex, all the negatives
one might associate with the stereotypical view of this business,
then the BunnyRanch is the model for doing things correctly. The
Moonlight BunnyRanch is a 49 year social experiment that works.”
Gateway and entrance sign to Moonlight Bunny Ranch
In late 2002 Dennis Hof bought sixty-eight Mustang Ranch
items auctioned off by the U.S. Government with the intention of
opening a brothel museum and fully operational bed, breakfast, bar
and restaurant adjacent to his Moonlight Bunnyranch.
Then, in November 2003, he bought off an Ebay auction the
Mustang II building, which was a forty-two room modular housing
unit for $8,100 with the intent of bringing it to the Moonlight
Bunnyranch to complete the museum and restaurant.
Pleasure Menu from the Moonlight Bunny Ranch
A person has to be at least 18 years of age to have sex in the
Moonlight Bunnyranch, and 18 years of age to work there as well.
Couples are allowed in to party, as are single women allowed in to
party. This was the first brothel to allow couples in to party.
The house does not have a “lock down” mentality, and the
working women are allowed to come and go as they want, with no
mandatory stay.
The license fee is $55, good for all year, medical expenses
are $90 for blood and culture specimens to start, and once per
month after that, along with $55 per week for “cultures”. The room
and board dormitory fee is approximately $30 per day, with all
supplies being provided by the ranch. They will even send the
Moonlight Bunny Ranch limousine out pick you up.
Moonlight Bunny Ranch Limousine
Each room has a TV, VCR, radio, and “Panic Button” should
you have problems with your customers.
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
Moonlight Bunny Ranch t-shirt, free sex menu, complimentary
drink, matches, and a no obligations tour of the brothel with the
woman of your choice. This is a $25.00 value free to you for just
stopping in to visit the world famous Moonlight Bunny Ranch.
DIRECTIONS: Approximately 5.3 miles east of Carson City on
Highway 50 you will cross into Lyon County. Within a quarter of a
mile on your left is Red Rock Road. Turn left onto Red Rock Road
and follow for two hundred yards, then you will turn right on to
Moonlight Ranch Road, and just follow the signs to the end, about
½ mile. Plenty of signs and paved parking await you. Ring the
buzzer at the gate and go on in.
Map to Moonlight Bunny Ranch
50 Kit Kat Road, Carson City, Nevada
Telephone # 888/291-5270
The Kit Kat Ranch is another one of the fine cathouses in the
Golden Triangle offering pleasures and services that are second to
none, guaranteed to please the most discriminating of sexual
From the minute you walk into this brothel, take a seat, and
wait for the ladies to enter the room for an introduction, you know
the time spent here will be worthwhile.
Entrance to the Kit Kat Ranch
This brothel has been in existence since the early 1950’s and
became legal in 1972. Today, its accommodations are second to
none. Equipped with an inground swimming pool, two room VIP
suite, Jacuzzi jungle theme room indoors, and another Jacuzzi
outdoors for your soak and poke pleasures.
They always have beautiful superstar ladies working and
playing here. From Sunset Thomas, Caressa Kisses, Rebecca Love,
Yazmene Milan, Melissa Sparxxx, Britney, and many more.
If you don’t want to drive
here the Kit Kat Ranch also
provides free limousine service
from the Reno and Lake Tahoe
area, in one of their Lincoln
super stretch cars complete
with fully equipped bar, fresh
appetizers, and all the women
you want.
Outdates can be
especially exciting too, whether
its beaching and boating on
Lake Tahoe, or going to an all star entertainment revue in Reno.
JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Everyone has to be 18 years or older to
work and play here. The fees include an Independent Contractors
License from the state for $100, the initial medical exam is $90 for
blood and culture, then $55 per week for culture screening. The
doctor makes house calls. No felonies please. Women working
here can make thousands of dollars per month (their share). The
house gets a 50% commission and provides great living
accommodations and a safe working environment.
SOUVENIRS: Almost anything you want. Signed photographs,
the ladies underwear, hats, t-shirts, tank tops, Zippo lighters, golf
key chains, poker chips, shot glasses, novelty pins, the Official
Nevada Brothel Cookbook, and their very own “Hot Sauce”.
Souvenir Kit Kat Ranch poker chips
DIRECTIONS: The same as for the Bunny Ranch II (formally
Kitty’s), and the Sagebrush Ranch: follow Highway 50 east 6.5
miles out of Carson City to Kit Kat Road, turn right by Sam’s
Saloon and drive down the road to the end of the cul-de-sac (about
5/8 mile). Kitty’s Cathouse will be directly in front of you with the
big red arrow pointing the way in. The Kit Kat will be on your left.
Map to the Kit Kat Ranch
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS VIP
BROTHEL MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive a free Kit Kat
Ranch Brothel t-shirt, a free complimentary beverage, souvenir
brothel matches, and a tour of the cathouse with one of the
beautiful ladies of your choice. This is about a $25.00 offer, and
it’s free to you when you walk in and show your SEXPALS VIP
95 Kit Kat Road
Carson City, Nevada 89706
Telephone #888/MS.Kitty (675.4889)
#775/246-7252; FAX #775/246-7204
Prostitution has been legal in Lyon County since 1972, but
like so many other places, it’s been around longer than that. The
BunnyRanch II (formerly Kitty’s Cat House) has been on this
block the longest legally, since 1979, having been built from the
ground up, with one of the nicest Jacuzzi spas in Nevada.
The house was named in honor
Kitty Bono, the madam who owned it
so many years, a lady who was in the
business when Joe Conforte had cat
houses on wheels, moving them
across county lines as law
enforcement policies dictated. In fact,
Kitty used to work for Joe Conforte at
old Starlite Ranch outside of Virginia
City before opening her own house. Historically she is a well
deserved member of the Nevada cat house hall of fame.
The Bunnyranch II has twenty-six rooms, and enough girls
working to accommodate most of them non-stop. The girls work
anywhere from one to three weeks typically, then take vacations.
The Moonlight Bunnyranch II is easy to spot, especially at
night. There’s a giant red neon arrow in front…an idea that former
madam Kitty Bono got from the Moonlight Bunnyranch down the
Now that Kitty’s Cathouse has become a Bunnyranch
property, both owned by Dennis Hoff, more similarities become
apparent, from the beautiful women working there, to the friendly
management that makes you feel more than welcome.
VIP Suite at Bunny Ranch II (formerly "Kitty's Ranch”)
Recent changes to the brothel include a new bar and updated
party rooms, each with a TV, VCR, radio, and panic button. A full
service fantasy room with spa, videos along with bondage and
dominance toys and tools also enhance the atmosphere. An ATM
machine is also on site to dispense cash for twenty-four needs.
The credit card receipt is extremely discreet if you decide to
charge your party on your Visa, MC, or Discover card.
Also, the girls that work at Kitty’s Cathouse don’t have
attitudes or baggage when they come here to work. It’s a relaxed
atmosphere, and good quality experiences for reasonable prices.
JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Everyone has to be 18 years or older to
work and play there. The fees include an Independent Contractors
License from the state for $100, the initial medical exam is $90 for
blood and culture, then $55 per week for culture screening. The
doctor makes house calls.
The girls come from all over the United States to work there.
The requirements are: No felonies in the previous five years, no
convictions for petty theft in previous 12 months, and no drugs or
weapons convictions ever. Lyon County is the strictest for
requirements allowing ladies to work. They also need a current
State Issued identification card and a social security number.
The Ranch will send a driver to pick girls up at the airport or
bus station for a nominal fee.
Souvenir Poker Chips from Kitty's Ranch (Now the BunnyRanch II)
DIRECTIONS: The same as for the Kit Kat and New Sagebrush,
just follow Highway 50 (east) 6.5 miles out of Carson City to Kit
Kat Road, turn right by Sam’s Saloon and drive down the road to
the end of the cul-de-sac (about 5/8 mile). Kitty’s Cathouse will be
directly in front of you with the big red arrow pointing the way in.
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your
souvenir t-shirt, souvenir cathouse matches, cathouse pleasure
menu, and complimentary drink, about a $25.00 value for coming
Kit Kat Road, Carson City, Nevada
Telephone #775/246-LOVE (5683)
Without a doubt the Sagebrush Ranch continues to be one of
the finest cathouses in Nevada, with more than 72 party rooms,
fantasy suites, dance floor, two full service bars, Jacuzzi, a topless
bar (Squeeze Play) next door, and more beautiful women than you
could possibly imagine to satisfy your every desire. This house is a
must stop if you’re in the area. And, if you can’t visit them, their
outcall service to Lake Tahoe, Reno, Carson City and Sparks area
just might be the answer for you.
Parking lot and entrance the Sagebrush Ranch
The owners, management and working ladies at the
Sagebrush Ranch make your visit there a truly memorable one.
This modern day multimillion dollar recreational sex spa is clean,
spacious and continuously expanding in all the right directions.
Built from the ground up, in two directions, with the latest in
building codes and comforts. Built without peepholes or panic
buttons, your privacy and enjoyment are definitely assured.
The women working at the Sagebrush brothel are
representative of the most beautiful in the world. Well educated,
shapely, sophisticated and friendly. Experienced to say the least.
Honduran mahogany bar at Sagebrush Ranch
A few have worked in other houses, while many come from
escort services and are tired of being harassed by the illegalities
associated with that environment. Some are right out of college;
others continue their educations while working at the Sagebrush
part time.
To say they could teach you a few things would be an
The ladies that work at the Sagebrush are some of the most
pleasant I’ve ever interviewed. And the reasons are readily
apparent: This brothel has some of the finest working conditions of
any cathouse in Nevada.
Each girl has her own room with private shower and bath. In
many other brothels the bathrooms are shared. The girl’s rooms are
spacious and distinctively decorated by the girl who lives and
works in it one to two weeks per month.
Party bedroom at Sagebrush Ranch
Job burnout, cynicism, and jaded attitudes as evidenced in a
few other cathouses is not seen at the Sagebrush. When you can
take a vacation after only one week of work and go spend your
money, your attitude is bound to be better than someone who
hasn’t seen blue sky for three weeks or longer.
The service personnel there also continue to be first rate. This
house is under management, not madams, and the staff is made up
of hostesses and cashiers, not maids.
Jacuzzi spa at Sagebrush Ranch
When you ring the bell at the front gate to be admitted into
the Sagebrush Ranch several attractive ladies line up, ready to
introduce themselves to you. They are exquisitely clothed in a
myriad of color extremes. And at the Sagebrush Ranch, if you
don’t wish to go immediately to one of their rooms to party you
don’t have to.
They don’t rush anyone into a party. If you want to sit and
drink for awhile that’s fine with them, because the bar is there to
make money too. It’s alright to take your time before partying.
On the coffee tables in the parlor are bright colored “pleasure
menus”, business cards, and matches. The menu can help “break
the ice” for first timers, and is a conversation piece, with such
items as massages, group orgies, water sports, and unique fantasy
JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Everyone has to be 18 years or older to
work and play there. The fees include an Independent Contractors
License from the state of Nevada for $100, the initial medical
exam is $90 for blood and culture, then $55 per week for culture
screening. The doctor makes house calls. Room and board rates are
reasonable and competitive with other houses, as are the fee splits.
SOUVENIRS: Lots of goodies here, from Sagebrush Ranch
hats, souvenir T-shirts, Tank Tops, bathrobes, key chains, poker
chips, Cat House Guide Books, and Pleasure Points of Nevada cat
house posters.
Pleasure menu from Sagebrush Ranch
DIRECTIONS: From Carson City drive 6.5 miles east on
Highway #50 over the hills to Mound House, then turn right (going
south) on Kit Kat Road. Follow to the end of the cul-de-sac (about
½ mile) to the common area paved parking, and the Sagebrush
Ranch will be on your right.
Map to Sagebrush Red Light Ranch
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by with and show your
souvenir Sagebrush Ranch T-Shirt, a souvenir pleasure menu,
matches, free drink, and tour of the brothel with one of the ladies,
about a $25.00 value free to you, with no obligation other than to
enjoy yourself.
The Sagebrush Ranch is one of the best cat houses on the
block and in the state of Nevada. If you want to compare what it’s
all about, this is a good place to start, or end up.
Souvenir poker chip from Sagebrush Ranch
Fallon is at the western edge of the “forty mile desert”, and
for emigrants in the 1850’s it meant the hardest part of the trek
west was now behind them. The banks of the Carson River (named
for John Fremont’s scout and Indian fighter Christopher “Kit”
Carson) offered the first fresh water the pioneers had seen in some
Today Fallon is an urban community with a rural
atmosphere, the county seat for Churchill County, and home of the
Navy’s 858th Air Defenses Radar Squadron Group, as well as
home for their bombing and target squadrons.
Approximately 7,500 people live there, an eighty minute
drive from Reno off Interstate #80. Points of interest for this area
include Fort Churchill, built in 1860 to prevent Paiute Indians from
interrupting the mail service of the Pony Express; Ichthyosaur
Park, where 160 million year old skeletal remains of thirty ancient
sea going reptiles over fifty feet long and weighing 10 to 20 tons
apiece are found petrified in limestone and volcanic lava; and let’s
not forget Churchill County’s only legal cathouse, Salt Wells Villa.
Souvenir poker chip from Lazy B Brothel
12500 Austin Highway (Hwy 50 east)
East of Fallon, Nevada 89406
Telephone # 775/423-3005
Prostitution was legalized by the good citizens of Fallon and
the Churchill County Commissioners in 1974. And in those days
there were two brothels open here, Salt Wells Villa, and the Lazy
B Guest Ranch, which closed a few years ago.
Salt Wells Villa was a former restaurant, as well as stage
coach and pony express stop. Check out their menu below, they
knew how to put something on the plate.
Sporting House Menu from Salt Wells Villa
Nearby salt mines and wells used to provide salt for the
stamping mills on the Comstock Lode in Virginia City in the
1880’s. Although not the most glamorous or romantic cathouse,
with its battleship grey exterior and interior, its still an enjoyable
watering hole for cowboys, Navy personnel, and travelers who
want to stop in and have a good time while driving through the
middle of nowhere. When the ladies are working there it can be a
lot of fun.
But, you never know for sure what’s going on out there.
Sometimes the place is open, and then again not. It’s best to phone
first, to see if they have any ladies working. Men in the military get
a 10% discount to party. They also offer free showers and coffee to
Salt Wells Villa has a “Sporting House Menu” with twentyone items on it, ranging from the “Binaca Blast” to “ Wind, Rain,
and Lava”.
DIRECTIONS: Approximately twelve miles southeast of
Fallon on Highway 50 (east), seemingly in the middle of nowhere,
with nothing but desert and snowcapped mountains in the distance.
It’s the building on the right side of the road, with a sign in front.
Have fun, but don’t drink the water!!!!!!!!!! Recent internet
posts have reported that Fallon, Nevada has up to 50 times the
limit for arsenic in their water, with above average statistics for
leukemia and other blood related diseases. Don’t bathe in the
water either. Ask for bottled water at all times!!!!!!!!
Souvenir poker chips from Salt Wells Villa
In 1850, when wagon trains traveling the Emigrant Trail west
were crossing the Humboldt River in that area, Winnemucca was
then known as French’s Ford. The name was changed in 1868 to
honor the greatest of Northern Nevada Paiute Indians.
By 1868 the Central Pacific Railroad had reached
Winnemucca, and with it came a population of Chinese, miners,
Basque sheepherder, ranchers, and railroad men. More than 5,000
Chinese worked as laborers on the railroad, then earning $1.10 per
Winnemucca became a terminal and major shipping point for
cattle and sheep, as ranchers from northern Nevada, southern
Oregon, and northeastern California shipped from this rail point.
The community grew as the needs of ranchers, miners, merchants
and gamblers were satisfied.
Souvenir poker chip from Winnemucca Red Light District
Houses of prostitution existed, and the spirit of individualism
reigned supreme. The people of Winnemucca voted against
statehood in the 1864 referendum, serving notice that they didn’t
need to be incorporated with anyone else.
In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s Gold, silver, and cattle
had brought prosperity to the cat houses in Winnemucca, which
were all located in a place still called “The Line.”
"The Line" in Winnemucca
DIRECTIONS: From the Interstate take Exit 178 (by the
Flying J Truck Stop), to Winnemucca Boulevard. Or when in
town, to get to “The Line” drive east on the main street in
Winnemucca past the Winner’s Inn and Sundance Casino. Two
stoplights past the Sundance Casino is Baud Street, where you turn
left (north). Drive along Baud Street ¼ mile to the stop sign by the
Val-U-Inn Motel. Now cross Second Street into what appears to be
an alley with some rundown buildings just past Jim’s Auto Body
Shop. “The Line” starts there. For truckers there are more than
four acres of turn around driving area at the end.
20 Riverside Street, Winnemucca 89446
P.O. Box 64, Winnemucca
Telephone #775/623-9919
The first cathouse on the right side as you drive in is called
My Place, and has been run by Madam Barbara Davis forever. It’s
an enjoyable brothel, with eight partying rooms. My Place has
been there a long time, “As long as cow shit has been on the
prairie”, Madam Davis proudly said.
Known as “Mom” to her girls, Madam Barbara Davis has a
trophy behind the bar which proclaims her to be “The Number One
Madam In Nevada”, and well she may be. Outspoken, “I provide
the happy hunting grounds, the girls are the hunters, and men are
fair game”, she said, pointing to another trophy given to the house
for “Outstanding Entertainment”.
Entrance to My Place brothel in Winnemucca, Nevada, “The Line”
My Place is old but comfortable, having been there for over
thirty-two years. And there are always interesting ladies working
there. A couple of the recent standout performers included Kinky
Katie (formerly known as “Katherine the Great”), and Dangerous
Denise (known as “DD”). These ladies are unique and have plenty
of imagination. They’re into sex therapy and stress relief, and
whether you’re a trucker hauling a big load down the road needing
to be relieved of it, or just a casual passerby needing to be
satisfied, you’re encouraged to stop by and do a little pleasure
My Place Brothel bar, The Line, Winnemucca, Nevada
The hours on the business card say open from 12 pm to 4 am,
or whenever there’s no more money or men. My Place has a full
liquor bar, accepts all major credit cards (the receipt says Lucre
Ltd.), and invites couples in to party as well, although they prefer
outdates if the girl does not have a Work Card.
The Law: To have sex in a Winnemucca brothel you must be 21
years of age or older, including to work. You must have two State
Issued identification cards, and no prior felonies within the past
seven years. The Work Card costs $40, and you must pass a pelvic
culture exam negative of STD’s once a week, and be HIV negative
in monthly testing.
My Place is a low key cat house, a virtual historical
monument, with Madam Davis being the last of the original owner
operators. It’s a one of a kind frontier adult amusement park
situated in the wild, wild west.
DIRECTIONS: From the Interstate take Exit 178 (by
the Flying J Truck Stop), and come to Winnemucca Boulevard. Or
when in town, to get to “The Line” drive east on the main street in
Winnemucca past the Winner’s Inn and Sundance Casino. Two
stoplights past the Sundance Casino is Baud Street, where you turn
left (north). Drive along Baud Street ¼ mile to the stop sign by the
Val-U-Inn Motel. Now cross Second Street into what appears to be
an alley with some rundown buildings past Jim’s Auto Body Shop.
“The Line” starts there. For truckers there are more than four acres
of turn around driving area at the end.
Map to My Place Brothel
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive: a complimentary drink
from the ladies working at My Place Brothel. This is worth a few
dollars, depending on what you order.
35 Riverside Street, P.O. Box 1938
Winnemucca 89446
Telephone # 775/623-9939; FAX # 775/625-3439
Email Address:
The Pussy Cat Ranch dates back to the 1880’s and is said to
be one of the oldest existing establishments in Nevada. A western
theme prevails here, and includes the rustic bar, wooden floors,
and an overall country saloon atmosphere found in days gone by,
while containing all the current elements of warmth and welcome,
including a few good women to make the visit a pleasurable one.
Pussy Cat Brothel, “The Line”, Winnemucca, Nevada
The Pussy Cat is a brothel that describes itself as “trucker
heaven”, where guys can bring their fantasies and the women will
fulfill them. They also give truckers free showers, food, and nonalcoholic beverages, although that shouldn’t be your fantasy for
visiting there.
They offer live sex shows with one or two ladies, Dominance
Training, spanking, whips, paddles, and dildos to name but a few
of the toys of the trade there. Bubble baths, body paint and vibrator
shows are also available.
Pussy Cat Brothel bar, The Line, Winnemucca
The Pussy Cat has a gift shop (located at the Paradise Café
across the street), with adult toys, lubes, movies, brothel maps,
souvenir t-shirts, hats, sex menus, brothel posters, and key chains
as souvenirs.
The Law: To have sex in a Winnemucca brothel you must be 21
years of age or older, including to work. You must have two State
Issued identification cards, and no prior felonies within the
previous seven years. The Work Card costs $40, and you must pass
a pelvic culture exam that is negative for STD’s once a week, and
be HIV negative in monthly testing as well.
To party, you must be twenty-one, and both men and women
can be invited in, as there are no Winnemucca city regulations to
deter them.
Pleasure Menu from Pussy Cat Brothel
This brothel has its own ATM machine, and accepts credit
cards (the receipt say “B & D Enterprises”). It’s an easy going
place, with lots of positive reviews coming from satisfied
customers. There’s no drink or time limit here before you’re
booted out, with the ladies there being relaxed and not pushy.
The Pussy Cat is owned by the same people that also own
The Cozy Corner, the Villa Joy, and the Paradise Café strip club,
all on “The Line”.
Pleasure Menu from Pussy Cat brothel, The Line, Winnemucca
So, if you don’t see what you want there, chances are good
that you might find the woman of your wants across the street at
the Villa Joy, Simones de Paris, or possibly in the Cozy Corner.
And all of those brothels allow you to party upstairs in the Cozy
Corner spa and suite.
Technically brothels are not allowed to advertise their
services or sexual capabilities, but the Pussy Cat is affiliated with
the Paradise Café stripper bar across the lot, which can legally
advertise their totally naked dancers.
I was told that many job opportunities exist there, with the
money potential being pretty good.
Highway sign for Paradise Cafe nude bar
Inside the Paradise Cafe stripper bar, The Line, Winnemucca
DIRECTIONS: From the Interstate take Exit 178 (by the
Flying J Truck Stop), and come to Winnemucca Boulevard. Or
when in town, to get to “The Line” drive east on the main street in
Winnemucca past the Winner’s Inn and Sundance Casino. Two
stoplights past the Sundance Casino is Baud Street, where you turn
left (north). Drive along Baud Street ¼ mile or so to the stop sign
by the Val-U-Inn Motel. Now cross Second Street into what
appears to be an alley with some rundown buildings past Jim’s
Auto Body Shop. “The Line” starts there. For truckers there are
more than four acres of turn around driving area at the end.
Map to Pussy Cat Brothel, The Line, Winnemucca
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive: a complimentary drink
and souvenir sex menus and cat house matches.
26 Riverside Street, “The Line”
Winnemucca, Humboldt County
Simone’s de Paris Club is right next door to My Place, and is
also owned by Bill Dierks, owner of Villa Joy, Pussy Cat, and the
Cozy Corner. As of this writing, it’s closed.
DIRECTIONS: From the Interstate take Exit 178 (by the
Flying J Truck Stop), and come to Winnemucca Boulevard. Or
when in town, to get to “The Line” drive east on the main street in
Winnemucca past the Winner’s Inn and Sundance Casino. Two
stoplights past the Sundance Casino is Baud Street, where you turn
left (north). Drive along Baud Street ¼ mile or so to the stop sign
by the Val-U-Inn Motel. Now cross Second Street into what
appears to be an alley with some rundown buildings past Jim’s
Auto Body Shop. “The Line” starts there.
30 Riverside Street, “The Line”
Winnemucca, Nevada 89445
Telephone #775/623-9903
The Villa Joy is another one of those old relic brothels that
have been around for a long time, with a colorful history. Owned
originally by Sylvia Binder thirty years ago, she finally sold it
before being deported for some nefarious dealings. Now owned by
Bill Dierks (B & D Enterprises), the Villa Joy has eight themed
partying mini-suites and a few ladies to fill them during high
Entrance to Villa Joy
Hopefully the new management here will make this cat house
successful. The competition on “The Line” comes and goes.
One day there may be absolute knockout babes working in
there, and the next minute they’ve taken off with some traveling
salesman or trucker.
Personalities come and go in these places, and the Villa Joy
is no more immune to business pressures than any of the other cat
houses. So, one visit through for you may find quite a few
beautiful women, young and attractive, and another time it could
be an older, more “experienced” crew attempting to knock your
socks off.
As of this writing the Villa Joy is closed.
DIRECTIONS: From the Interstate take Exit 178 (by the
Flying J Truck Stop), and come to Winnemucca Boulevard. Or
when in town, to get to “The Line” drive east on the main street in
Winnemucca past the Winner’s Inn and Sundance Casino. Two
stoplights past the Sundance Casino is Baud Street, where you turn
left (north). Drive along Baud Street ¼ mile or so to the stop sign
by the Val-U-Inn Motel. Now cross Second Street into what
appears to be an alley with some rundown buildings past Jim’s
Auto Body Shop. “The Line” starts there. For truckers there are
more than four acres of turn around driving area at the end. Just
drive through.
Souvenir poker chips from the Villa Joy Brothel, The Line, Winnemucca
50 Riverside Street, “The Line”
Winnemucca, NV 89445
Telephone #775/623-9959
The Cozy Corner is the furthest cat house east on “The
Line”, but first in the minds of many of the old timers who used to
drift through there. Known forever as Penny’s Cozy Corner when
owned by one of the most colorful ladies to have ever strapped on
a barb-wire encrusted dildo, it’s now owned by Bill Dierks, and is
called Bill’s Cozy Corner at times, the Cozy Corner Brothel, or
just plain Cozy Corner Corral bar depending upon how many
drinks or beers you’re in to.
Entrance to Cozy Corner Brothel, The Line, Winnemucca
Although Penny is no longer with us, her house still offers
good times, fine women, a friendly atmosphere, and it also has one
of the finest VIP spas in the business, with a two story fantasy
room and jacuzzi. It has just the right amount of subdued and
sensuous lighting, combined with exotic and erotic bedroom décor
that includes garden wall murals and full length mirrors. Once you
take your lady of choice to the spa the fun begins.
The bar inside the Cozy Corner Brothel
The Cozy Corner is a bar house, and comfortable to sit and
drink in. The jukebox offers the latest in sound, and the ladies are
friendly. When it was Penny’s Cozy Corner the serious was laced
with the delirious. On the wall behind the bar was a five foot long
walrus penis, literally a stiff piece of gristle that Penny probably
used as a walking cane, club, or dildo and that probably gave the
pinneped that it was originally appended to a lot of pleasure before
his demise.
Penny was a treat, and her house exemplified fun and games.
Hopefully her good will and spirit live on at the Cozy Corner.
VIP Suite at Cozy Corner Brothel
All major credit cards accepted here, and they have free
souvenir matches that say, “Glad you could cum”.
Souvenir poker chips from the Cozy Corner, The Line, Winnemucca, Nevada
DIRECTIONS: From the Interstate take Exit 178 (by the
Flying J Truck Stop), and come to Winnemucca Boulevard. Or
when in town, to get to “The Line” drive east on the main street in
Winnemucca past the Winner’s Inn and Sundance Casino. Two
stoplights past the Sundance Casino is Baud Street, where you turn
left (north). Drive along Baud Street ¼ mile or so to the stop sign
by the Val-U-Inn Motel. Now cross Second Street into what
appears to be an alley with some rundown buildings just past Jim’s
Auto Body Shop. “The Line” starts there.
Map to Cozy Corner Brothel, The Line, Winnemucca
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP MEMBERSHIP CARD and get a complimentary drink on
the house and a tour of the sex spa.
You might ask yourself, just where is Battle Mountain
anyway? For a little known town Battle Mountain has had a history
as colorful as any town in Nevada. Indians lived in the territory for
at least four thousand years before Peter Skene Ogden, trapper and
explorer, representing the British Hudson’s Bay Company, became
in all probability the first white man to set foot in the area, in 1829.
Ogden was twenty-eight years old at the time.
The British policy of the day was simple: “Trap the country
dry of beaver”, a policy which was intended to discourage
American trappers from coming in after and settling the area.
British trappers began exploiting the beaver at a rate of forty to
sixty a day, and within four seasons had pretty much eliminated the
beaver population.
In 1845 General John Charles Fremont came through the
area, mapping and following the river which he named in honor of
the German geographer, Alexander von Humboldt.
The river was the route for westward bound travelers in the
mid 1800’s. As the migration of emigrants, trappers, and miners
continued along this route, hostility by Snake and Shoshone
Indians increased. Finally in 1857, in the hills southwest of town,
stagecoach road builders fought with Indians, and that’s how the
town got its name.
Today Interstate 80 parallels much of the Humboldt River,
which flows some three hundred miles through Nevada, finally
disappearing into the ground thirty miles southeast of Lovelock, at
a place known as the Humboldt Sink.
Battle Mountain sits at an elevation of 4,528 feet above sea
level, and is located 290 miles west of Salt Lake City, and 217
miles east of Reno on Interstate 80. Today it supports a richly
endowed mining and ranching community of several thousand
And although Peter Ogden and the trappers who followed
pulled most of the beaver out of the streams years ago a new breed
of beaver has supplanted it: The two legged kind, which are alive
and well in Battle Mountain’s only legal cat house: Donna’s Ranch
Battle Mountain.
Pleasure Menu to Donna's Ranch in Battle Mountain
395 N. 2nd Street, Battle Mountain,
Lander County, NV 88820
Telephone # 775/635-2764
FAX# 775/635-3456
Donna’s Ranch is situated on a spot that a few years ago had
two smaller brothels located there. They were named the Calico
Club and the Desert Club, and had been around for over thirty
years, and it looked like it. Then a couple of years ago an
entrepreneur from Idaho bought it with some investors and turned
it into one of the finest cat houses in the state.
Entrance to Donna's Ranch, Battle Mountain
Donna’s Ranch in Battle Mountain appeals to truckers,
bikers, and travelers alike.
It has a new “Jungle Bungalow” with a twelve person spa. It
has a new “Fantasy Room” with a two seater spa and a sex swing
attached overhead. And along with all this are several party rooms,
and typically several ladies there to satisfy the swell.
Spa and VIP Safari Suite at Donna's Battle Mountain
The ladies who work there also have the opportunity of
working in Wells, at Donna’s Apache Wells brothel. So they can
rotate weekly from one place to the other, without getting burned
out by staying in one house too long.
For those who stop in to party Donna’s Ranch will
accommodate both sexes, as long as you’re over twenty-one years
of age. They have a full liquor bar, free tunes on the box, trucker
comps with showers, and a great chef whipping up daily taste
They have a great selection of souvenirs including poker
chips, posters, t-shirts, bumper stickers, mouse pads, insulated
mugs, hats, and key chains.
The bar at Donna's Battle Mountain, Nevada
Donna’s accepts every major credit card (the receipt says
“Apache Wells”), and they also have an ATM machine on site.
JOB OPPORTUNITIES: The law says you’ve got to be
twenty-one years or older to work there. It costs $50 per year for a
Work Card, and medical costs are $40 per week for a culture, and
$30 once a month for a blood test.
The people that own and manage Donna’s Ranch in Battle
Mountain are professionals, and good at what they do. They make
their customers and their employees feel good about being there.
Check them out as they come highly recommended.
DIRECTIONS: Take Interstate Highway #80 to Battle
Mountain and take either Exit 229 or Exit 233 and follow the
business loop into town. Right down town is the only fourway
intersection, complete with traffic lights that sometimes work.
At that intersection turn north onto Reese Street, cross the
railroad tracks (that’s just before 1st Street), and go about 5/8 mile
until you can turn left onto 2nd Street. Drive west on 2nd Street for
about another 5/8 mile and you will see the signs for Donna’s
Ranch on your right. Acres of paved truck parking make it easy if
you’re driving a rig, so pull up and have some fun.
Map to Donna's Battle Mountain
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive: $10 dollars worth of
souvenirs of your choice and a complimentary beverage. Then
head over to Donna’s in Wells and do it all over again!
In the late 1800’s a madam in Elko wagered a crowd that she
could walk around the block three times stark naked and nobody
would stop her. Some soldiers from the nearby fort helped
guarantee her an audience by preceding her with a brass band.
Such was the spirit of the times. Today the western tradition is still
alive and well in what Lowell Thomas referred to as the “only real
cow town left in the West”.
The towering Ruby Mountains in the distance and perpetual
blue sky make for an expansive picture. Elko County is larger than
the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
and the District of Columbia combined. It sits at an elevation of
5,060 in the northeasterly portion of the state, and has a population
of several thousand people.
Fun and games are unlimited in this year-round playground,
from deer hunting to sex. The Ruby Mountains offer deep virgin
powder to skiers and the cathouses on South Third Street offer
almost everything else. There are cowboy poetry readings, chariot
races, hot air balloon races, casinos, rodeos, and sexual
opportunities offered up at four legal brothels in Elko, all within
walking distance of each other, and two more legal brothels in
Carlin, about 15 miles west of Elko.
Elko was born by necessity for the Central Pacific Railroad
in the 1800’s, and named by Charles Crocker (who liked to name
the way stations after wild animals). He just added an “O” to elk
for this town’s name. Elko is known as the “City of Festivals”, and
while different events occur throughout the year in Elko the sex
festival is non-stop.
501 State Route #278
P.O. Box 880, Carlin, Nevada 89822
Telephone # 775/754-6427
If you take Highway #279 south to Ely or Eureka off
Interstate #80, about a half mile down the road on the left side
you’ll see Sharon’s Bar and Brothel.
Carlin had been without a “social club” for several years
until Sharon’s opened in the summer of 1989. The idea for this cat
house was conceived by Charlie Kendrick and his former wife,
Sharon, two Carlin locals who knew the history of this town from
its early railroad days to its present gold mining boom status.
Charlie had the perfect definition of a “social club”, and with a
degree in Business Administration he went about providing one.
Sharon’s Bar & Brothel, Carlin, Nevada
Sharon’s Bar & Brothel sits on 12 acres of land, allowing
plenty of room for parking and truck turnarounds. There are
several bedrooms to party in, and usually more than a couple of
girls working here. Quality and consistency vary here about as
much as every place else off the interstate, but it’s worth checking
out. If you get the opportunity to meet Charlie and get an earful of
his take on life that alone could be worth a visit to this place.
Sex Pleasure Menu from Sharon's Brothel
The law says guys can be 18 years or older to party here, but
the girls must be 21 years to work. The Work Card costs $30, and
weekly testing for STD’s and monthly testing for HIV are pretty
standard across the state cost wise.
Public Health Notice posted at entrance to every Nevada brothel
A virtual museum of cathouse history adorns the walls of Sharons Brothel
DIRECTIONS: Driving East on I-80 you would take the
first Carlin exit (#279) and drive up the grade about ½ mile. A
flashing red light and sign over the door make it real easy to find.
Truckers can comp a shower here. And if you need a good
spanking ask Charlie about “Large Marge” and “Mattress Mary”
available in the basement to complete your pleasure needs.
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive: A complimentary
402 Highway State Route #278
P.O. Box 644, Carlin, NV 89822
Telephone #775/754-6232
This little cat house first opened in January 2003, and they
now consider themselves to be Nevada’s newest brothel
experience, although once upon a time a few years ago another cat
house existed on this same spot. Today it’s equipped with five
working rooms, and from time to time enough good looking
women to fill them all.
Entrance to DoveTail Ranch
The laws are pretty basic here: Girls must be at least twentyone years of age to work, and they must be able to pass the
standard medical requirements, back ground checks, and be able to
pay state mandated fees.
The Dovetail Ranch is a fun place to visit, and offers plenty
of incentives to visit here, from a free party drawing each week, to
the “Bonus Boner’s Club” (where the 10th one is free). They are
currently planning a fantasy room, so stay tuned.
The bar at the DoveTail Ranch, Carlin, Nevada
They also have a horseshoe tournament in the summer time,
and they accept Visa, MC, Discover Card, AEX, as well as
personal checks.
The two fine ladies that run this house say that prostitution
should be legal everywhere, that society is ill-informed about it,
and that people have been watching too many reruns of “Cops” on
Prostitution is a positive service industry, and it’s probably
the cleanest sex around. And tarps (condoms) are mandatory!
Pleasure Menu from DoveTail Ranch
DIRECTIONS: Driving East on I-80 you would take the
first Carlin exit (#279) and drive up the grade about 3/4 mile.
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive a free souvenir poker
chip and complimentary drink, a $15 value.
Souvenir poker chips from DoveTail Ranch Brothel, Carlin, Nevada
103 S. 3rd Street
Elko, Nevada 89801
Telephone #775/777-7469
For a long time this cathouse was known as “Mona’s II”,
when Eddie & Mona Gammel owned the place, and another one
just around the corner which was known as “Mona’s”, which later
became known as Char Dons, named in honor of a couple that
scared more customers away than they ever attracted, but that’s
another story.
Entrance to Mona's Ranch, Elko, Nevada
In 1999 Jim Walker bought Mona’s on 3rd Street for
$850,000 and opened for business. In February of 2004 rumor had
it that Jim Walker was busted for some illegal drug dealings in the
cathouse and was shortly thereafter forced out of the business. That
was then, and this is now:
Mona’s is the first cathouse you see on the left side of the
road when driving down Third Street in Elko. A brown canvas
canopy in front protects the patrons from inclement weather while
waiting for the door to open. An “Open” sign on the corner of the
building, as well as Mona’s name in front makes it easy to find.
Inside this one hundred year old house is a long restored bar
and an inviting array of women. This two story brothel has twelve
partying rooms, and if the walls could talk they’d probably be able
to fill volumes of books about anatomical arrangements that most
sex therapists never dreamed possible.
Mona’s Ranch has a Jacuzzi spa and when you party in
it chances are the first couple of drinks will be on the house.
If you’re a trucker they’re on the CB, Channel 19, and like
“Sirens” luring you to tempt your fate, their conversations will
include offers of free showers and beverage without any direct
inferences that you will soon be parted from some of your money.
And if money is scarce, they accept Visa, Master Card, and
have an ATM onsite to help your cause. Off street parking is no
problem either if you’re driving an 80 footer, because there’s
plenty of room in the back to park them.
Usually a great variety of attractive women work here. As the
owner said to me, “If everybody drove Chevrolets it would be one
hell of a market”. One of the beauties working at the time was a
little more poetic when she implied that variety is the spice of life,
and they have plenty of it at Mona’s Ranch.
So, for more than your driving pleasure and poetic curiosity I
recommend that you check them out on your next pass through
town. The line up begins when the “magic bell” is rung.
The legalities for working in Elko County brothels apply to
all. You must be at least 21 years of age to work or party here. The
hours of business at Mona’s are 10 a.m. until 4 a.m. Mona’s has a
full liquor bar, and some fun souvenirs, including key chains and
money clips. The credit card transaction is discrete.
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS VIP
MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive a free souvenir poker chip
and complimentary drink. This is a $15 value free for having the
Directions: On South 3rd Street in Elko, five brothels are all within
walking distance of each other, and four of them are currently open
for business and pleasure.
175 South 3rd Street
GPS: N40 49” 44.1 W115 45’ 41.8
Elko, Nevada
Telephone #775/777-2088
Sue’s Fantasy Club has been in Elko since 1990 and you can
usually find a few nice ladies here to have some fun with. They
have ten partying rooms including Jacuzzi and VIP rooms. It’s
clean, and they usually offer a variety of souvenirs for sale.
Entrance to Sue's Fantasy Club, Elko, Nevada
It’s possible that the people that own Mona’s Ranch in Elko
and the Cottontail Ranch at Lida Junction are currently in the
process of buying this brothel. If so, look for some more fun stuff
at Sue’s Fantasy Club. These people have a good program with a
hands on management system and good players to run the show.
Sue's Fantasy Club Sex Menu Cover
The Law: Elko County laws are the same for all the brothels. The
prostitutes visit the doctors office on Thursdays, receive their
health clearance/approval slips, and return to the cathouse. On
Fridays the police come to the cathouse and pick up the medical
slips. Without a current medical clearance slip the prostitute cannot
work legally.
Sex Menu to Sue's Fantasy Club
JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Elko has a lot of year round activities,
from rodeos to poetry readings, to junket excursions on charter
planes arriving from every part of the country. There can be
thousands of tourists visiting at any given time, and you never
know when “the urge” to party is going to happen. Good money
can be made by women who are able to please while working in
these Elko brothels.
To work in Elko as a licensed prostitute you cannot have had
any prior felonies or drug charges in the previous five years, and
you must be over twenty-one years of age.
Sue’s Fantasy Club has no mandatory length of stay
(requirements) to work there, and the room and board (dorm fees)
are reasonable and competitive with the other cat houses in the
area. That means you can come and go as you like.
DIRECTIONS: Located adjacent to Mona’s Ranch and across the
street from Inez’s D & D, with a well lit sign on the building. You
can’t miss it.
Map to Sue's Fantasy Club, Elko, Nevada
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS VIP
Brothel MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive a souvenir poker
chip and complimentary drink, a $15 value free for just showing
your card. And while you’re at it, ask for a tour of the cathouse,
and maybe one of the ladies will even do a pole dance for you as
Souvenir poker chip from Sue's Fantasy Club, Elko, Nevada
232 S. Third Street
Elko, Nevada
GPS: N40 49’ 44.8 W115 45’ 42.7
Telephone #775-753-5398
This place is still known as Inez’s D & D, although
management was recently suggesting a name change to “Dolly’s”,
to possibly coincide with a book they were selling by Bruce
Szathmary (Planet Press, c.2003, Reno Nevada) talking about a
“best little whorehouse in Nevada”.
According to recent internet information this place was about
to be auctioned off. Here’s what Inez’s D & D had to offer: ADA
accessibility for starters. This is one of the few cathouses that’s
approved for American Disabilities Act in a commercial zone.
Entrance to Inez's D & D Brothel, Elko, Nevada
You also get an experienced madam, six clean and
immaculate rooms, a full bar with stockroom, and a computerized
accounting system.
The bar at Inez's D & D Brothel, Elko, Nevada
The history in this house goes back 100 years, and this
brothel has seen it all, from good times to scary. This cathouse has
the same problems that all of them do. It’s tough getting good girls
to stick around long enough to make money. And how are you
supposed to get them when it’s against the law to solicit women for
prostitution locally? It’s against the law to advertise for help.
Many of the girls have pimps and come from a ghetto
environment. They are known as “hood rats”, and most of them
have attitudes at some point or another. They all want to book the
most tricks and bank the top money. Competition can be fierce.
To be top money, “Number 1” is to be the “Bottom Bitch”,
which gives the hooker an even larger sense of importance and
attitude to go with it.
Inez’s D & D was half full of working girls when I last
checked, and they were all pretty friendly as long as you bought
them a drink or two (at $10 apiece).
To be a successful prostitute and to survive in this business
you have to have a good personality, and be able to put up with a
lot of different people. Physical attractiveness helps too, although
it’s not as important as a good personality and experience. Beauty
here can be intimidating to the customer, especially if he is butt
ugly himself. Chances are he will feel more comfortable partying
with someone who is not too sexually and physically
overwhelming to him.
Inez’s D & D (the “D & D” stands for “diddle and daddle” I
was told) has had at least four owners in the past ten years, which
tells you that it’s a difficult business to be successful in. It could be
the location, (no place for truckers to park on the street, so they
don’t stop), or possibly unattractive women, and sometimes no
women at all.
If you visit one of these cat houses, and a sign on the door
says “Closed for Private Party”, chances are it’s closed because
they don’t have any working girls. No owner wants to admit they
overpaid for a losing proposition and don’t have any licensed
Inez’s D & D accepts all the major credit cards (the receipt
says “Silver Stake, Inc.”), and they have their collection of
souvenirs to sell as well. On Halloween the theme here calls for a
“real house of whores”!
The Law: Elko County laws are the same for all the brothels. The
prostitutes go the doctors office on Thursdays, receive their heath
clearance/approval slips, and return to the cathouse. On Fridays the
police come to the cathouse and pick up the medical slips. Without
a current medical clearance slip the prostitute cannot work legally.
DIRECTIONS: It’s across the street from Sue’s Fantasy Club and
just before the sign for PJ’s Lucky Strike Bar, formerly the best
little whorehouse in Elko, but now closed.
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS VIP
BROTHEL MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive: Nothing at this
point, however, we are working on something here soon.
Souvenir poker chip from Inez's D & D
Book about events at Inez's D & D
357 Douglas Street, Elko
Eddie & Mona Gammel owned this brothel several years ago,
then sold it to a couple who knew first hand how to run a good
business into the ground. Don & Charlotte Mays bought the ranch,
renamed the cathouse “Char Dons”, and then ran off all the
customers with poor anger management skills and a lack social
nuance, grace, and business acumen.
Entrance to Mona Lisa Ranch (formerly Char Dons)
Needless to say the place didn’t do any business, they rarely
had any good ladies working here, and quickly went into the tank.
It was scary visiting this place. Old Char would give you the
hairy eye ball look about midnight, bring out her one girl for a lineup with four potential customers wanting some fun, and spook the
hell out of all of them. Hit the doors a running boys because the
last one out is in trouble!
That was then, and this is now. Eddie and Mona have taken
the business back and now have a top notch brothel in Elko again.
Sex Menu from Char Dons (now the Mona Lisa Ranch)
The Mona Lisa Ranch is located just around the corner from
the other brothels, halfway up Douglas Street. A new sign, and
new décor help identify this 75 year old cathouse.
And inside, it gets even better. A spacious horseshoe wrap
around bar that could easily accommodate you and twenty of your
friends. Ceiling fans, designer trak lighting, nice artwork on the
walls, and fully air conditioned in the heat of the night. Each of the
party rooms have TVs and VCRs. Like a fine wine, this house is
aging gracefully again.
The Mona Lisa Ranch is open as long as you want to party,
accepts all major credit cards, and has an assortment of souvenirs
to round out your visit.
The Law: Elko County laws are the same for all the brothels. The
prostitutes go the doctors office on Thursdays, receive their heath
clearance/approval slips, and return to the cathouse. On Fridays the
police come to the cathouse and pick up the medical slips. Without
a current medical clearance slip the prostitute cannot work legally.
DIRECTIONS: From P.J’s Lucky you can see the Mona Lisa
Brothel on Douglas Street. Go on in and say hi to Mona and Eddie.
They are great people, and can probably give you some insight into
the history of Elko prostitution.
Wells is located west of the Utah state line between Elko and
West Wendover along Interstate 80 on the banks of the Humboldt
River near Angel Lake. It is named for the natural springs that
surround the area.
Wells sits at an elevation of 5,630 feet above sea level and
has a population of less than 2,000 full time residents, with females
slightly out numbering the males in town.
The town was founded in 1869 by the Central Pacific
Railroad (they called it Humboldt Wells), which was on its way
laying track east to Ogden, Utah, and to the completion of the
transcontinental railway. Although white men were rare there at
the time, the area had been visited for thousands of years by
migrating nomads and Shoshone Indians.
Hudson Bay trappers as well as west bound wagon trains also
stopped in Wells to replenish their water supplies, as this is where
the headwaters of the Humboldt River begin.
Today Wells, Nevada connects Canada north to Mexico
south on U.S. Highway 93, while Interstate 80 connects the east
coast to the west. Besides excellent fishing, hunting, and hiking
there are two distinct and excellent brothels here, Donna’s Ranch,
and Bella’s Gentlemen’s Club.
685 Eighth Street
Wells, Nevada 89835
Telephone #775/752-9959
This brothel, and the investors that own it have big plans for
expansion and a lot of land on which to do it. The plan is to
ultimately change the name to “Apache Wells”, and move the
business closer to Highway 93, add a truck stop, take advantage of
the hot mineral springs on the property, add some motel rooms and
a piano bar. When completed Donna’s Ranch-Apache Wells will
offer travelers the convenience of a 200 unit motel, gaming casino,
its own radio station, museum, steak house, and limo service to get
you around. There will also be a full service truck stop on site.
Entrance to Donna's Ranch in Wells, Nevada
If it sounds like big business and corporate that’s the way of
the future. Bigger, safer, cleaner, complete with tanning salon,
outdoor deck, twelve seater spa, and the Red Feather fantasy room.
Fantasy VIP Suite at Donna's Ranch in Wells
Donna’s Ranch also offers one of the finest assortments of
souvenirs out there, with computer mouse pads, thermal cups, shot
glasses, jackets, cathouse lighters, Pleasure Points of Nevada
posters, Official Nevada Cat House Cookbooks, and t-shirts.
The music on the jukebox is as diverse as the ladies, with
country, blues, rock, and soul. These people know how to run a
cathouse the right way. Donna’s Ranch is a “time out” from real
life where your pleasure is their business.
They accept all major credit cards (the receipt says “Apache
Wells Development Company”), they have an ATM on site, and
they have pleasant women available here to provide you a
wonderful time. They offer free tours of the rooms and spa, and
there is no pressure to sell dates.
Jacuzzi Spa at Donna's Ranch, Wells, Nevada
Also, if you want to have an outdate with the lady of your
choice you can, as long as it’s outside the city. The working lady is
not legally allowed to party in a motel in Wells, however Elko,
Jackpot, or even Salt Lake City are not out of the question. If you
have the money they have the time and honey.
Patio & Barbeque at Donna's Ranch in Wells, Nevada
To party and work at Donna’s you must be at least twentyone years of age, and both sexes are allowed in the brothel there.
Business hours here are 24/7/365. They never close. Room and
board (dorm fees) are reasonable and competitive, as are the fee
splits here. If you have any questions give them a phone call.
Souvenir Mouse Pad from Donna's Ranch
DIRECTIONS: The entrance is ¼ mile north of Interstate 80
on Highway 93. You will see the signs showing you the way in.
Sign to Donna's Ranch on Hwy 93, Wells, Nevada
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive a complimentary drink
and a $10 coupon for any souvenirs of your choice free. This is a
$15 value for visiting Donna’s Ranch in Wells, Nevada.
Souvenir coffee mug from Donna's Ranch, Wells, Nevada
Souvenir poker chips from Donna's Ranch, Wells, Nevada
623 8th Street, P.O. Box 208
Wells, Nevada 89835
Telephone # 775/752-9914; Fax 775/752-3096
“Build it and they will come”…or so it says in “Field of
Dreams,” a movie about ballplayers on a new ball field…and that’s
what they did at Bella’s Gentlemen’s Club to satisfy another set of
dreams, in a different kind of ballpark, complete with a newer road
north of Interstate 80 on Highway 93. Drive over the railroad
overpass and turn immediately west on to Hacienda Ranch Road.
Entry to Bella's Gentlemen's Club, Wells, Nevada
This cat house has been owned by Shauna “Bella” Cummins
since 1981, when she paid a lot of money for the place. Since then,
she has put hundred thousands of dollars more into the brothel and
has built it into a 21st century 15 room full service center with
some of the finest sex industry workers to have ever laid down on
the job.
The new interior includes the 3,000 square foot “Olympic
Wing” with eight partying rooms and two VIP suites. If you’re
interested in going for the gold in an “Olympic Marathon” this is
the place to do it in. The older, original side of the brothel has been
completely updated, has seven more passion centers and one more
VIP room.
The Bar at Bella's Gentlemen's Club, Wells, Nevada
Bella’s cathouse has over a sixty year history of providing
sexual favors twenty-four hours a day. A newer road was added
several years ago to directly access Highway 93, one quarter mile
north of the Interstate 80 turnoff.
This new path to Nevada prostitution paradise is about 3,000
feet long, and at one time led to some friendly competition
between Bella’s Gentlemen’s Club and Donna’s Ranch brothel
across the parking lot.
Sign to Bella's Gentlemen's Club on Hwy 93, Wells, Nevada
The ensuing rivalry between the two cathouses became
known as “The Wells Brothel War”, and for a while it was the
subject of much debate and newspaper reporting.
Bella is a woman owner in pretty much of a
woman’s industry. She’s the only madam to have
ever been featured in a Wall Street Journal article,
discussing Olympic style events for the sexual
industry. (See The Wall Street Journal Article, dated
February 14, 2002).
Besides Olympic quality events Bella’s also has theme
parties and “Specials” running throughout the year. From various
costume parties, to celebrations for national sporting events, exotic
parties are available nonstop year round, from Halloween, New
Years, and Super Bowl, to you name it.
VIP Suite at Bella's Gentleman's Club
If you’re interested in entering a raffle to win a hot tub party
with complimentary drinks and the lady of your choice, tickets are
only one dollar apiece, and the odds of winning are always pretty
good. Somebody always wins!
The ladies here are happy to give you a complimentary tour
of the cathouse, answer all of your questions, and hopefully satisfy
a fantasy or two for you at a reasonable price in one of Bella’s VIP
Suites, or spas.
They have been featured in HBO and TBS documentaries
that included “Real Sex” and “Hot On The Trail”. And Bella’s
Gentlemen’s Club is the only brothel to have sponsored an NHRA
Funny Car in two national racing events.
The Pleasure Menu at Bella's Gentlemen's Club
Sex here is safe, condoms are mandatory, and the pursuit of
the pleasure principle is what it’s all about. At Bella’s you will find
some of the most famous and adventurous ladies that have ever
performed in a brothel.
Bella’s Gentlemen’s Club has great souvenirs including hats,
t-shirts, ladies blouses, shot glasses, golf balls, money clips, belt
buckles, and Pleasure Points of Nevada posters.
Both sexes are invited to party here, as long as you’re at
least 21 years old. To work here the woman must also be at least
21 years old, pay $56 for a “sex-industry” workers card (with the
police department for paperwork), and pass a physical satisfying
HIV and STD medical requirements ($100 initially for the medical
exam, and then $40 weekly).
The state of Nevada also requires a $100 fee for a Nevada
Business License (a four line form asking for your name, and the
address and phone number of the brothel you’re working at. No
one asks for your Social Security Number (this is not a “Big
Brother” deal) on the Nevada form, it’s a generic way for the State
of Nevada to collect revenue. This business license further
legitimizes the profession of working women as Independent
Contractors and professionals, and is a once a year fee.
Bella’s has a full liquor bar, an onsite ATM for quick cash,
complimentary showers and beverages for clients, and good food if
you’re there to eat. They also have courtesy shuttle vans to bring
you in from town, and back again, if you wish. Just pick up the
phone and ask them to send out the “Bella Van” with a couple of
beautiful women to fulfill your desires.
The Bella Van for your convenience, Wells, Nevada
Bella has also opened Bella’s Espresso House and store in
Wells (143 Highway 93 North, exit #352 A or B from the Four
Way Truck Stop, 775/752-2226). Visit: for
more details. If you’re in the area this is a brothel worth checking
out, and a café espresso shop worth visiting.
All major credit cards are accepted, with a discrete receipt
only saying “HRI” (Hacienda Room, Inc.), which makes it real
easy to sign. Enjoy.
DIRECTIONS: The entrance is ¼ mile north of Interstate 80
on Highway 93. You will see the signs showing you the way in.
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive a “two for one drink of
your choice”, a complimentary “two for one espresso” at Bella’s
Espresso House, and $25 dollars off any spa sex party of your
choice. This is a $50 value for visiting Bella’s Gentleman’s Club in
Wells, Nevada.
White Pine County
Ely is the county seat of White Pine County, situated at 6,435
feet above sea level. The origin for the name to this town of less
than 5,000 people is relatively obscure, but everyone agrees it
probably had something to do with mining.
Some say that John Ely, from Illinois, and the co-proprietor
of the Raymond and Ely mine in the Pioche District is the source
for the name. In the 1860’s he bought a mining claim for $3,500
(giving his watch as down payment), and saw it produce more than
$20 million in copper. Nevertheless he died a pauper.
Downtown Ely
In 1879, John Long from Ely, Vermont moved a post office
to this mining community and named the town Ely according to
some observers.
And others believe that Smith Ely, president of the Shelby
Copper Mining and Smelting Company, which was built on the
site of the present day Ely in 1887, is the inspiration for the name.
Whatever the source this much is true: Ely is rich in mining
history. At one time it was the most important copper mining area
in Nevada, where a twenty-five pound gold nugget was found east
of town, and garnets can still be collected for free by rock hounds
at nearby Garnet Mountain. Indian petroglyphs, as well as 4,000
year old Bristlecone pines also give this area a sense of history.
Over the years billions of dollars worth of copper, gold and
silver was taken out of the ground in mining camps and districts
throughout the area. And with the money derived from the “glory
holes” in the ground came opportunities to enjoy “glory holes”
above ground. The largest open pit mine at one mile long and two
miles wide by 1,000 feet deep exists here.
By the early 1900’s several brothels were built in the west
end of the town, with cribs, casinos, dance halls, and saloons
stretching three blocks on both sides of High Street. This area was
known as “Bronc Alley”, the official red light district in Ely, and
had over 400 cribs with prostitutes working every one of them.
Early "Cribs" of Ely, Nevada
Each crib was barely large enough for a bed, a small stove for
warmth and water, a window to view the customers by, and a
Dutch door for access. With such primitive conditions it was not
uncommon for them to burn to the ground with regularity. And
they did.
Through the early 1990’s three cathouses were still in
business on High Street: The Stardust Ranch, The Big Four, and
the Green Lantern.
The Green Lantern was built in 1959, had it’s first murder in
there in the 1960’s (some say the spirit of a prostitute named
“Betty” who was killed by a customer still haunts the building),
and was closed in 1995 by the government because of some
questionable dispensing of prescription drugs on site. It has not
Some of the first ladies to work the cribs in Ely, known as “Sadies Ladies”
The two other brothels in Ely are alive and well in a red light
district that still flourishes at the west end of town. And at
Christmas time, when multi-colored lights are strung diagonally
across Aultman Street the last string of lights on the west end is
made up of all red bulbs pointing to the brothel district. It’s the
city’s subtle way of acknowledging the two cat houses up there, as
it is against the law to advertise brothels in Nevada.
190 High Street
Ely, Nevada 89031
P.O. Box 150067
Telephone # 775/289-4569
FAX # 775/289-3941
The Stardust Ranch is a gentleman’s social club and first
opened for business in 1965, which makes it the longest opened
brothel for continuous operation in Ely today. It’s a cozy and
intimate brothel, with a bright red awning in the front that says
“Stardust Ranch”.
Entrance to Stardust Ranch in Ely, Nevada
The prior ownership list of the Stardust Ranch reads like a
genealogy testimonial: Virginia Murphy was the original madam,
before selling to Eddie O’Terry, who updated it somewhat before
selling to Carol Luce, who sold to Terry Pleasants, who sold to
Stephanie Pleasants, who sold to Jim Walker (formerly of Mona’s
in Elko) and “Crystal” Cathy (Mrs. John) Burns, who lost the
business in early 1999 (for suspect drug dealings) reverting it back
to Pleasants, then to current owner John Bloomberg.
The Stardust Ranch has been completely remodeled , both
inside and out: New exterior, new Jacuzzi, and four bedrooms
complete with all the amenities you’ll need for a good time,
including some of the most attractive ladies this mining town has
seen in a long time.
Stardust Gentlemen's Club Pleasure Menu
Business hours in Ely are the same for all the brothels: noon
until four in the morning. But, if you’d like to spend a night with
the lady of your choice, that can be arranged.
The law says you must be at least 21 years of age to have sex
here, as well as work here. It’s White Pine County, and those are
the rules. A work card for employment in the brothel costs $75,
and weekly medical fees are about $60. Dorm fees for room and
board are competitive for the area.
The Stardust Ranch has a full service liquor bar to
compliment the full service women, and credit cards are accepted.
The receipt is discrete, and say JCB Motors. That makes it easy to
tell the honey at home who checks your credit card bills that you
were just in town for a little lube job.
Sex menu from Stardust Ranch, Ely, Nevada
The Stardust also offers plenty of souvenirs like hats, t shirts,
Pleasure Points of Nevada poster maps, casino chips, toys, and
other good stuff. It’s a small brothel with an all star lineup, and
they are fully committed to turning out sexy, good looking women.
Souvenir poker chips from Stardust Ranch in Ely, Nevada
DIRECTIONS: From Aultman Street turn onto Second
Street and drive up the hill one block to High Street. Turn left and
you’ll see the Stardust Ranch almost directly in front of you. Go on
in and have a great time. And truckers are always offered free
showers and Starbucks coffee.
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive a complimentary drink
of your choice and souvenir poker chip. This is a $15 value just for
visiting the Stardust Ranch Gentlemen’s club in Ely, Nevada. And
if you visit in the summertime, the tourist Ghost Train goes right
The Ely Ghost Train runs daily in the summertime
135 High Street
Ely, Nevada 89031
Telephone #775/289-3844
The oldest brothel in Ely is the Big 4, having been built in the
1880’s when hundreds of women worked the cribs in the area and
miners were more than happy to find pleasure with them.
Entrance to the Big Four Ranch in Ely, Nevada
This brothel had several names prior to it being purchased by
four prominent businessmen in the area who gave it the name it has
today. In the 1920’s when mining was booming in White Pine
County there were more than 400 ladies working the cribs. In fact
the whole west side of town was cribs. Various people have owned
The Big 4 Ranch over the years, with the most recent being the
current owners who purchased it in November 2003.
Inside this brothel is a beautiful bar, behind which is an
interesting wall mural entitled “Place Pigalle”, a scene depicting
cabaret and brothel life in Paris during the “Roaring Twenties”.
Attorney E. R. “Boots” Miller is said to have been the artist,
sometime in the 1930’s.
Wall Mural in the Big 4 Ranch, Ely, Nevada
White Pine brothel laws say you must be at least 21 years of
age to work and party in any brothel.
This cathouse has a full liquor bar, ATM machine, and plenty
of souvenirs, including wind proof vibrating lighters, key chains,
and poker chips.
It also has an intriguing array of friendly and attractive
women working there.
Various theme parties take place here throughout the year for
New Years, Super Bowl, Halloween, etc. They also offer trucker
comps including free showers and laundry.
“Place Pigalle” wall mural in the Big 4 Ranch brothel, Ely, Nevada
The Big 4 is a unique brothel with an interesting history.
Some people say Frank Sinatra and a few of his friends would fly
in for an occasional visit. And “old blue eyes” knew a good time
when he saw it. So did E. R.“Boots” Miller.
If you’re into sight seeing the wall mural alone is worth the
visit, add in the attractive ladies there and you can’t lose.
Ladies who want to work at the Big 4 must pass a weekly
medical check-up for STD’s, a monthly HIV blood screening, and
pay $75 for a five year work permit. Dorm fees are negotiable.
Wall mural from Big 4, Ely, Nevada
DIRECTIONS: From Aultman Street turn on to Second
Street and drive up the hill one block to High Street. Turn left and
you’ll see the Big 4 midway up the block on the left side. They
accept all major credit cards, with a discrete receipt saying “Action
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive a complimentary drink
of your choice, free sex menu, free Big 4 Ranch souvenir poker
chip, and $25 off any spa sex party of your choice. This is a $50
value just for stopping in and having a good time while you’re at it.
Map to Big 4 Ranch, Ely, Nevada
Souvenir poker chips from Big 4 Ranch in Ely, Nevada
Cover to Big 4 Pleasure Menu
Big 4 Ranch Pleasure Menu, Ely, Nevada
2.5 miles south of Mina
P.O. Box 121
Mina, Nevada 89422
Telephone #775/573-2521
Mina is located in Mineral County, and derives its name from
the Spanish word for “mine” and “ore”. It was originally founded
as a railroad town, is pronounced “MEE-NUH”, and has a
population of about 400 people.
The WildKat Ranch is located on U.S. Highway 95 (south),
2.5 miles south of the town of a few hundred folks, and it’s the
only brothel in the state of Nevada with an electronic reader board
greeting travelers with time and temperature. It’s hot, hot, hot here.
This legal brothel has been in business for over 25 years,
servicing America one guy at a time. It was first known as Billie’s
Day and Night, owned by a madam named Billie. She owned the
brothel from the early 1960’s until 2001, and had a sign behind the
bar that said: “To all the virgins of the world, Thanks for nothing.”
It then became the Playmate Ranch for a couple of years.
Souvenir poker chips from Billie's Day & Night and Playmate Ranch in Mina, Nevada
Recently remodeled, the WildKat Ranch now has six regular
party rooms, a VIP room with a hot tub, and a Dominatrix room,
with nice ladies guaranteeing to satisfy your every desire.
The WildKat Ranch offers truckers free coffee, showers and
wake-up calls (so you can head out down the road when you want),
and over eleven acres of parking to move your rig around on.
The Law: You must be at least 18 years old to party or work
there, and that both men and women are allowed in to play. So
bring your girlfriend or boyfriend and add a little spice to your
“ménage a trois”.
Women with prior felonies are allowed to work at the
WildKat Ranch brothel, they just don’t want anybody with
“outstanding warrants” or drug problems.
Women who work at the WildKat Ranch must pass weekly
medical checkups for STD’s and pay $65 annually for their work
permits. Independent Contractor license fees from the State of
Nevada are also required. Room and board for the working lady is
reasonable, and the fee splits are typical for the area. Length of
stay expected is two to three weeks. Since the State of Nevada
considers the girl to be an “Independent Contractor” she can pick
the amount of time she wants to stay and work, the fee she charges,
and who she wants to be with.
The management will meet with the lady if possible in Reno
or Las Vegas to discuss employment opportunities. Just give them
a phone call, or email them.
The WildKat Ranch has a full liquor bar, an ATM machine
on site, and a great selection of souvenirs including poker chips,
key chains, money clips, hats, Pleasure Points of Nevada posters,
and other fun stuff.
Souvenir poker chip from WildKat Ranch in Mina, Nevada
This brothel is unique and offers the utmost in discretion. It
has some of the youngest and prettiest girls working in the state,
many for the first time. All major credit cards are accepted there
(the receipt is unobtrusive and says “76 Mina”).
The WildKat Ranch is open from 12 noon until 4 a.m. It’s
also within close proximity to the local airport, so if you want to
fly your prop job in for more than a little bit or fun that can be
accommodated as well. Ask them about the “Mile High Special”.
DIRECTIONS: When driving north or south on U.S.
Highway 93 this cathouse can be found 2.5 miles south of Mina,
on the west side of the road. You can’t miss it, especially if you are
looking at their reader board. You’ll know what time it is as soon
as you see the sign.
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP MEMEBERSHIP CARD and receive a complimentary drink
and 10% discount off any sex party of your choice.
Las Vegas. Two words conjuring up images of bright lights,
instant wealth, immediate gratification, desert landscapes, and
tourism. Las Vegas also brings to mind temptations, glamour and
excitement, with a never ending stream of pilgrims coming to
Mecca, and with that journey comes the aura of immediate
gratification glaring at you in all its sensual, sexual and physical
Neon lights old and new, writing names in the dark dry desert
sky, names as colorful as the personalities that stood behind them,
men who helped write the history of this gambling paradise.
From the Flamingo,
created by Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, to the Thunderbird Hotel and
thoughts of dread underworld organized crime associations. From
Moe Dalitz at the Desert Inn to Benny Binion and Howard Hughes,
men with eccentricities that were more than welcome in Las
Vegas, for with them came the specter of legitimacy.
From the “Rat Pack”, Frank and the Boys, to “The King”,
Elvis and his fifty-four pound impacted colon sitting on the throne.
The “Rat Pack”, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, and Joey
Bishop at the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada
Now corporate faces hold court in the Bellagio, Venetian,
Rio and at dozens of other Las Vegas Strip and downtown hotels,
catering to the masses and high rollers alike, the “whales” and the
commoners, where one more roll of the dice, where one more
“diamond on the river” can mean instant wealth and fame for a
few lucky souls. The king is gone. Long live the king.
"The King" Elvis Presley
In 1931 the Nevada legislators wrote the “Wide Open
Gambling Act”, with the hope of bringing investors and big
spenders to an area that was considered to be one of the most
godforsaken parts of the United States. When the legislators tacked
an amendment onto their bill reducing the residency requirement
from three months to six weeks for divorce they perpetuated their
notoriety even further, and “godless” was added to the expletives
used to describe them. The San Francisco Chronicle wondered in
an editorial why they didn’t go all out and legalize opium too.
But the Nevada legislator’s moves paid off and now millions
of people annually trek to Nevada to spend, and possibly win
hundreds of millions of dollars. Today Las Vegas is one of the
fastest growing cities in the nation, supplying services and
recreation that cannot be easily obtained elsewhere.
More than a million tourists a month come here to gamble
and play in one of the finest entertainment capitals on earth. You
name it they’ve got it, from world class entertainers and sporting
events to women with celebrity status. Catering to “the money” is
what Las Vegas is all about, for those who live to please must
please to live.
They not only wrote the book on the service industry, they
continuously rewrite it. Las Vegas is tourism, fast living, the night
life twenty-four hours a day…non-stop excitement, and drive.
It’s what money was made for: biological, physical, and
spiritual release.
People who come to Las Vegas believe that life is not meant
to be a gentle journey over the years, only to arrive at the grave in
a well preserved body. It’s meant to be a wild experience, skidding
in broadside, thoroughly drained, proclaiming “wow, what a ride”.
This includes satisfying “the urge”, and don’t think the women in
Las Vegas aren’t aware of it.
Sexuality is an oil these women are bathed in, an
unctuousness eliciting responses and creating desires in the men
who are there to spend and enjoy. It’s a vapor, an unseen presence
that permeates all the casinos, from the cocktail waitresses, to keno
runners, to the showgirls performing at night. They are the sum
total of all their parts, many times dissected.
They are faces, legs, breasts, and hair, a totality of limbs and
appendages, the Gestalt of which men would like to devour. They
breathe sexuality and sensuousness. It oozes from them like a
spirit, an inner strength, a confidence born of experience and
fulfillment. They are beauty, passion and excitement, catering to
your every request. In harsher times and environments men would
kill for it. Today they will be more than happy to pay for it.
But in spite of the sexual affront constantly bombarding the
senses, Las Vegas has cleaned up its act to a great extent, and
promiscuous available sex for hire is not what it used to be. In
Clark County prostitution is still illegal. Streetwalkers are not as
visible, parking lot fellatio has decreased in magnitude, fewer call
girls are on call, and generally speaking the economy overall has
put a damper on illicit sex in Las Vegas.
And that’s just fine with the legal “gaming industry”. They
would rather you leave town bragging about the cards you caught
in a Texas Holdem game, instead of the disease you caught from a
lady of the night.
Binions Horsehoe Casino, home to Texas Holdem World Championships
One thing to remember when you visit Las Vegas looking for
a good time is that prostitution is illegal in Clark County. If you
meet an interesting lady in one of the nightspots you may buy her a
drink, you may even offer to take her to dinner or a concert event,
but the minute you proposition her you have committed a crime
(soliciting for prostitution).
The very thought of it is a crime in Clark County (Las
Vegas), and you may be subject to arrest if you have attempted to
solicit from the wrong woman. It is the thought that is the crime,
not the actual deed.
You will be arrested and put in jail long before the act is ever
performed if the person you have solicited is a police officer.
Prostitution is seriously frowned upon in Las Vegas, and the
statutes are vigorously enforced.
So, instead of hassling with unknown factors such as arrest,
harassment, entrapment, the embarrassment of having to call
someone you know to post your bond, legal fees and the time
constraints of having to make court appearances, not to mention
the possibilities of disease or robbery, take advantage of the legal,
pleasurable possibilities that exist just minutes over the Nye
County line.
If you are in Las Vegas, and determined to enjoy yourself
sexually, it is available. If “the urge” arises a simple phone call is
all it takes. From that point it’s a free limousines ride out to a safe
and legal cathouse, where the girls are licensed and medically
screened. Three legal brothels are just minutes across the Clark
County line, with dozens of spirited, desirable women willing to
satisfy your every desire.
North or south of Las Vegas take your pick. The Cherry
Patch Ranch, Cherry Patch II, and Mabel’s Whorehouse all have
plenty of enticing women ready to please. Three of the finest
brothels in Nevada. Take your pick, but I suggest you try them all.
A beacon of light from the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada
Highway 160 at Crystal
Amargosa Valley
Nye County, Nevada 89060
Telephone #775/372-5251
Joe Richards says that if you drive north from Las Vegas
(just 21 miles across the Clark County Line) on U.S. 95 to
Highway 160, and turn left you’ll soon see a flashing red light,
which tells you that you’ve just arrived at the Cherry Patch Ranch.
He ought to know; he owns the cathouse. His license number is
#001, and he is pleased to have been the first man in Nye County
to have a legal brothel out there.
Cherry Patch Ranch Sex Menu Cover
The year was 1976, and since then his little 40 acre
community that was once just sand and sagebrush has grown
substantially. It’s now a town named Crystal with about 200 full
time residents, and several full-fledged businesses, including the
Cherry Patch Ranch, Mabel’s Whorehouse, the Crystal Springs
Bar, the Short Branch Saloon, and a historical brothel museum.
When asked what inspired him to move away from Las
Vegas and the three escort services he operated there, Joe’s
answer was concise and to the point: “Money, and not going to
Before Joe Richards moved out to Crystal very little existed
in the area. The land surrounding his piece of fee simple property
is all government owned. He said that his forty acres are the closest
privately held land to Las Vegas, thus giving his cathouse an
advertising distinction. Driving north from Las Vegas it takes
about one hour to get to the Cherry Patch Ranch, and you don’t
have to drive through anyone else’s property to get to it.
The Cherry Patch has 20 partying rooms, and plenty of
enticing young women to occupy them all. The ladies work
varying shifts, and if they are any good at what they do they can
make in excess of $150,000 per year (their share).
The Cherry Patch Ranch offers “damn near anything you
want”, from simple sex to an electric chair, with lots of variations
in between. They have Japanese baths (hot or cold), and even a
dungeon with “the rack” to fulfill your fantasies in. They also
cater to single women.
This brothel is a parlor house, which means that if you want
to drink before you party it must be done next door at the Crystal
Springs Bar. However, when partying with the woman of your
choice in her room alcohol is available for your purchase and
Pleasure menu from Cherry Patch Ranch
Most of the customers there are from Las Vegas, many are
Orientals, and many are high rollers. Although many of them take
taxis to get to the Cherry Patch Ranch, and pay a nice fare for the
ride, Joe Richards will be more than happy to have a limousine
sent to pick you up, or even fly you out (the air strip is adjacent) at
no extra charge. The monetary savings alone in cab fares would
probably buy you another party or two, so keep that courtesy in
mind when visiting this cathouse. And joining the “mile high
club” is a distinct possibility when flying the friendly skies out
The ladies that work at the Cherry Patch Ranch must possess
excellent dispositions, and obviously have to put up with a lot
(literally and physically). They have to be able to get along with
different people, and they have to be good, in more ways than one.
Thousands of men visit this cat house annually. They probably do
more business in a month than most of the other brothels do in a
One working lady had been at the Cherry Patch Ranch for six
years, another for five years. Like other houses some ladies last
longer than others and are more successful than most, with staying
powers more enduring.
Spa and ladies at the Cherry Patch Ranch
The Cherry Patch Ranch has a pleasure menu with thirteen
pages of exotic acts, items, and bonus coupons, along with great
souvenirs available for purchase. If you’re in the area in search of
some fun and entertainment a visit there is definitely a must. Open
twenty-four hours a day, year round, they never close.
DIRECTIONS: From Las Vegas go north on U.S Highway
#95 to the Nevada State Highway #160 exit and turn left. Go five
miles and turn right and follow the brothel signs to the “best little
whorehouse in Nevada”
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive a complimentary drink
and a 10% discount off any party of your choice. This bonus could
be worth $50 or more depending on what you plan to do.
Highway 160 at Crystal
Amargosa Valley
Nye County, Nevada 89060
Telephone #775/372-5469
When asked about sex W.C. Fields once replied, “I’m not
sure whether it’s good or bad, but there is nothing else quite like
it”. If only he had visited Mabel’s Whorehouse he would have
known that sex is good, very good indeed.
Mabel's Whorehouse Sex Menu
Mabel’s Whorehouse is one of the newer cathouses to be
built in the state of Nevada. From the moment you drive (or fly) to
this Oriental-themed brothel located just twenty-one miles across
the Clark County/Lyon County line you notice the difference
immediately. From the Japanese styled pagoda archway in front
welcoming the visitor, to the beautiful women that greet you when
you walk inside, you know the experience is going to be
The artwork on the walls is Japanese, as are many of the
exotic ladies that work there. However, fear not if you don’t speak
Japanese, as there are no language barriers here. Sex is spoken
From the moment Joe Richards opened Mabel’s Whorehouse
in January 1985, he knew he had something special for a
discriminating clientele that appreciates quality, hospitality, and a
touch of the Orient. The music on the jukebox is predominantly
Japanese, All the writing is in Japanese, from the party room
numbers on the bedroom doors, to the bar, to the men’s room.
Sex menu at Mabel's Whorehouse
There are eight partying rooms at Mabel’s Whorehouse now,
but plans call for an expansion that will include a dozen more play
rooms, a salon where men can be attentively take care of by the
woman or women of his choice, and where facials, manicures and
pedicures are also available and happily provided by the geishas
that work there.
Inside the ladies rooms are home entertainment systems that
represent the latest in state of the art technology. Nothing has been
left to chance.
A stereo system with music piped into each room;
televisions in each room that offer you a choice of VCR adult
films, or 120 ongoing television programs via satellite and cable.
And, just down the hallway is a bath and massage salon that
you’d expect to find in Japan, not Nevada, with more enchanting
ladies of the night to entice you. From Madame Butterfly’s “Love
Tubs” to showers with the woman of you fantasy, whatever you
want is available here.
Now here’s another nice feature about Mabel’s Whorehouse:
You don’t always have to have sex. It’s not mandatory. If you want
to just sit and drink at the “Far East Bar” that’s all right too. Or, if
you just want to sit and talk with a lovely geisha in her room,
perhaps just have a massage or a soak in the pool or sauna, perfect.
This house is rated as one of the finest in Nevada, and a
quick trip out there will let you know why. First class clientele
enjoying exotic, beautiful women. Ladies whose beauty can
literally take your breath away.
Souvenir poker chips from Mabel's Whorehouse, Crystal, Nevada
Want to learn a few Japanese phrases while indulging in
some of the finest sexual experiences you’ll ever have?
You can bet Berlitz isn’t quite the same as this linguistically
From proper positioning of the tongue to verbal nuances, you
will be working with professionals who know their business. And
their business is pleasure, making the guest feel fine, turning him
on to some of the finest sexual encounters he could hope for.
Fantasy Island? Almost. How many other places do you
know of where you can fly your own plane to, land it, walk a few
yards, and be inside a sexual paradise that’s open twenty-four
hours a day, non-stop, year round? And if you don’t fly a plane Joe
Richards will be happy to have one sent out to pick you up. And if
flying doesn’t interest you perhaps free limousine service might.
It’s all available here, just a telephone call away.
Many people who come to Las Vegas think that prostitution
is legal, but it’s not. Prostitution is against the law in Clark County
and in Las Vegas. As such, Mabel’s Whorehouse is now the
closest legal brothel to Las Vegas. So, if you want to avoid
potential legal problems in Las Vegas think about coming out this
Sex Warning Notice, a public service of Mabel's Whorehouse in Crystal, Nevada
DIRECTIONS: Mabel’s whorehouse is just a short driving
distance from Las Vegas. Take U.S. Highway 95 north towards
Reno until you come to Nevada Highway 160. turn left on
Highway 160, go five miles, and 6,000 watts of flashing red lights
will invite you into The Valley of the Dolls, where Mabel’s
whorehouse, and the Cherry Patch Ranch are located.
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by with show your SEXPALS
MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive a free drink and 10%
discount off any sex party you want. This could be a $30 dollar or
greater bonus for just stopping by Mabel’s Whorehouse in Crystal,
Highway 160 at Crystal
Amargosa Valley
Nye County, Nevada 89060
Telephone #775/372-5551
The Cherry Patch II is located 86 miles north of Las Vegas
on Highway 95, with no dirt roads to drive on. Ultimately it should
be the showcase of Joe Richards’ sexual empire. It’s located in
Amargosa Valley (formerly Lathrup Wells), near the Death Valley
Highway #373 junction, at elevation 2,640 feet above sea level.
In the old days people stopped in the area to water their
animals. Then came miners, mining, service industries to satisfy
needs, ranching, and railroads to transport everything around.
Borate mining is big business in the area, with Corning Ware
owning the American Borate plant outside of town and employing
a few hundred people. What started with Charles Lathrup, miner,
has grown to an extended community of more than 17,000 people.
The brothel business has been in this town for over forty
years. Known several years ago as the Shamrock Brothel, the
Cherry Patch II sits on the site of the first railroad station in town.
Souvenir poker chips from Shamrock Brothel, now the Cherry Patch II
The interior is plush and nicely appointed, with a dozen or so
women working in the rooms, ready, willing and able to satisfy
most of the requests presented to them by the visiting men. What
you have here is an oasis in the middle of the Nevada desert.
Joe Richards has gone out of his way to make the Cherry
Patch II more than just an ordinary cathouse since he took over the
establishment in 1988. First, it’s the closest and easiest to get to
from Las Vegas. And it’s the only one with its own gas station, full
bar and restaurant, and one of the most unique museums of brothel
memorabilia around.
On display in open casket is Agnes, a mummified hooker
who had stayed too long in the business I was told…a testament to
what can happen to “Angels of Mercy” who forget to retire. But
she was definitely the exception.
The legal working age for girls in Nye County is 18 years
old. Most of the girls working there are young, smooth skinned and
sexy, with shapely bodies. Find the one you like and negotiate
from there.
The Cherry Patch II is a first rate brothel, and there are plans
to add more to it in the future, including a casino and hotel. Getting
out to the cathouse is a breeze, either by limousine, taxi, airplane,
or on your own. The ladies are nice, and the souvenirs are
plentiful, Open 24 hours day and night, with all major credit cards
DIRECTIONS: Eighty-six miles north of Las Vegas in
Amargosa Valley, near the Highway #373 (Death Valley) Junction
at U.S. Highway 95. On the east side of the highway is a gas
station, Nevada Joe’s Restaurant and Bar, and the Cherry Patch II
brothel. Across the street is the Water’n Hole Bar. If you’re
passing through the area a visit here might be worth your time.
Also, it’s the last full service stop before you head into Area 51,
the Yucca Mountain ultra secret alien space ship landing zone.
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by with show your SEXPALS
MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive a free drink and 10%
discount off any sex party you want. This could be a $30 dollar or
greater bonus for just stopping by the Cherry Patch II Brothel in
Amargosa Valley.
Scotty’s Junction
P.O. Box 35 H.C. #38
Goldfield, Nevada 89013
Nye County
Telephone # 775/553-9100
Driving through the desert in Nevada can be a truly
rewarding adventure and experience, especially when you least
expect it. What the hell can possibly grow out there besides piles
of sand and sagebrush? Well, if you stop in at the Shady Lady
Ranch midway between Goldfield and Beatty on Highway 95,
there just might be a couple of ladies or more to anatomically
encourage some growth in your level of libidinous excitement.
Entrance to Shady Lady Brothel
The Shady Lady Ranch is one of the newer brothels in
Nevada, a virtual oasis surrounded by desert and one long stretch
of highway. From north or south when you’re driving on Highway
95 you can see this cathouse in the distance, on your left if you’re
coming from Goldfield, with easy access, plenty of parking, and a
friendly owner named Bobbie Davis to greet you and make you
feel comfortable.
A winding path leads to a fully landscaped desert garden and
lawn entry, and once inside this cathouse it gets even better. From
the parlor with imported French furniture, custom designed floor
tiles, and beveled mirrored glass walls, to a well stocked bar and
friendly atmosphere for starters.
The parlor at the Shady Lady Ranch
And then, depending on the time of year, you will have your
choice of attractive and entertaining ladies to help you take the
edge off your drive. This cat house is one of the smaller ones in
size, but large in hospitality.
In fact it was voted the “CWMC (that stands for Cyber
Whore Mongers Club!) Small Brothel of the Year Award” in 2002.
It’s a true gem in the high desert.
The Shady Lady Ranch is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year, when there are ladies working here. If not, the sign outside is
turned off, and you should probably keep on driving, unless of
course you want some great souvenirs. Bobbi has t-shirts, baseball
caps, lighters, and garters to name a few of the customized items.
The Shady Lady Ranch has a good website, and it’s the only
one I know that posts their menu prices for partying. They cater to
the working man, whom they consider to be a VIP.
JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Most brothels offer a standard 50/50
split on parties. The Shady Lady Ranch offers a 60/40 split in your
favor. One of the benefits of working here is that ladies live in
separate rooms from the party rooms. At other brothels ladies live
and work in the same room. To work at the Shady Lady Ranch you
must be between 21 years and 35 years old, and have a positive
Souvenir poker chip from Shady Lady Ranch at Scotty's Junction, Nevada
DIRECTIONS: The Shady Lady Ranch is midway between
Goldfield and Beatty, 31 miles in either direction going north or
south on Highway #95.
Map to Shady Lady Ranch at Scotty's Junction, Nevada
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS CAT
HOUSE CARD and receive a friendly smile or so from the good
people out there.
Highway #95 @ Lida Junction Hwy #266
P.O. Box HC 35 Box 15
Goldfield, Nevada 89013
Esmeralda County
Telephone # 775/553-2669
At night the shining red light greets you from fifty miles
away. A navigational point for pilots, a beacon for wayfaring
strangers, reaching out to guide them across the barren land toward
their ultimate destination and rendevous with sexual pleasure. A
lighthouse in a sea of sand, lighting the way for seamen to cross
this vast ocean of desert, leading them from the nowhere to the
now here, to this sexual epicenter and oasis….to the world famous
Cottontail Ranch.
Entrance to the Cottontail Ranch Brothel at Lida Junction, Nevada
The humble exterior of this cathouse located 40 miles south
of Tonopah may lull you into thinking that not much can exist
inside. But don’t be mislead, for the Cottontail Ranch contains
some of the most experienced and knowledgeable women on the
sexual circuit. Wise to the ways of the world, intriguing, sensuous,
ambitious, and gratifying.
The parlor at the Cottontail Ranch, Lida Junction, Nevada
The possibilities for having an extraordinary time in this
desert sex palace are more than plentiful. Imaginative, professional
women with standards of excellence and attractiveness guaranteed
to arouse any latent sexual proclivities the customer may have.
There are no moral hang-ups at the Cottontail Ranch, and
almost anything goes. Knowledgeable ladies with plenty of
experience and insight…more than willing to open up to
Adventure. The other side of life. Perhaps you’d like a
tempting young lovely with spiked heels to tread up and down
your back, or tie you up with yarn and have you beg for mercy.
Maybe just the old missionary position with a variation or two on
the theme?
Whether it’s the old hoo hah, or a whiff of the Spring Wind,
these temptresses can accomplish the task. Sex is the common
denominator in this fun cathouse, with beautiful ladies that are
promiscuous and pleasing. Every possible theme, from innocence
to nastiness. From ladies who look like secretaries (but who won’t
be taking shorthand, and where “dictation” takes on a new
meaning), to world class models.
Souvenir Cottontail Ranch t shirts on display at the brothel
The Cottontail Ranch has been in existence since 1967, when
Madam Beverly Harrell obtained the first brothel license in the
state of Nevada. At the time she was the number one madam in
America, and wrote a book entitled “An Orderly House”,
expounding on her cathouse philosophy while appearing on such
shows as NBC’s Today Show and even The Tonight Show. The
interesting lady died in 1995.
The Cottontail Ranch has it all, from an abundance of ladies
to choose from, to a well stocked bar, Jacuzzi spa, and bedrooms
that have soft red lights that turn on when you do (to enhance the
mood and also let you know when time is up). The airstrip out
back is long enough to accommodate small jets if you wish to fly
in, and the partying goes on here non-stop, twenty-four hours a day
every day of the year.
The bar at the Cottontail Ranch
This brothel accepts all major credit cards, (discrete receipt
saying “Lida Junction,LLC.”), and probably does more business in
souvenirs than many other houses do selling sex. A visit here is a
must for a good time with fun ladies who can be more than
appreciative of your presence.
JOB OPPORTUNITIES: The Cottontail Ranch is the only
house in Nevada with Worker’s Compensation Insurance, and in
house doctors making the medical check-ups. All the bedrooms
have a private bathroom, and there is an “open kitchen” policy.
You must be 18 years of age to work, and be willing to work at
least two weeks straight per stay. Medical fees are about $170 per
month, and dorm fees are reasonable and competitive.
DIRECTIONS: Forty miles south of Tonopah on Highway 95 and
at the Highway #3 Junction (known as “Lida Junction”), is the
Cottontail Ranch. Bright red lights at night in the desert help guide
you in, as well as flashing white lights and signs all around the
cathouse. Stop by and enjoy yourself. These people have put
together a first class product and it shows well.
BROTHEL BONUS: Stop by and show your SEXPALS
VIP MEMBERSHIP CARD and receive a complimentary drink,
free Cottontail Ranch souvenir poker chip, and a 10% discount off
any party you want in the house. This is at least a $50 value for
stopping by the Cottontail Ranch.
Souvenir Cocktail Napkin & Poker Chip from Cottontail Ranch, Lida Junction, Nevada
It’s been around as long as the primates have. Female chimps
have been observed assuming “the position” in exchange for food
from their male counterparts. In humans, bartering sex in exchange
for other considerations has been a way of life since Adam shared
his apple with Eve.
Adam checking out the apples
And, the first cathouse was probably built by the first
carpenter who saw the benefits of having a woman’s warm body
by his side, to keep him company and give him pleasure at night.
In the early days of civilization the Babylonians required
every woman to submit to intercourse with a stranger at the temple
of Ishtar. The man would signal his choice by throwing a coin into
the lap of the woman he desired. At this point prostitution was a
solemn religious duty (in the service of a goddess).
In less civilized society prostitution was performed as a
sacrifice of virginity, and as a puberty rite to earn a dowry. It was
also a fertility rite. Plenty of references are made in the Old
Testament to the proliferation of prostitution in Palestine,
describing those women of ill-fame as infesting the wayside in
distinctive dress and bearing. Ultimately the economic aspects had
come to supplant the spiritual motives, and with that came
licensing and control. Rules and regulations were established to
preserve order, keep the public safe, and identify the women.
The Egyptians, who invented lipstick, may have been the first
to play the game successfully. Egyptian prostitutes who specialized
in fellatio wore lipstick. By reddening their lips they made their
mouths seem more like the vulva. Any woman who painted her
lips was thereby advertising the nature of her professional skill.
Cleopatra was said to be one of the best fellatrices in her day,
reportedly doing one hundred Roman nobles in one night. How
many times she reapplied her lipstick is unknown.
Cleopatra circa 44 BC with a snake
Solon, one of the seven wise men of ancient Greece (circa
550 B.C.) established state controlled houses of prostitution. A
cathouse at that time was called, appropriately enough a Dicteria.
The Italian neighbors to the west did not immediately
emulate the Greeks, trying instead to preserve female virtue as
long as possible. However, Cato (circa 240 B.C.) in Rome, implied
that it was all right for men driven by lust to visit brothels, rather
than molest other men’s wives.
Cato the Elder
Ultimately the prostitutes in Italy were also placed under
strict government control. They had to register in the city where
they worked; they had to wear distinctive clothes; they had to dye
their hair or wear yellow wigs. And, they were taxed as well.
By the 1100’s prostitution in Europe was pretty well
recognized as serving a useful purpose in society: First, it
constituted a source of revenue, and secondly, it constituted a
source of pleasure. As such it was further protected and licensed. It
Europe it thrived, known simply as Bordel, Frauenhauser,
Dicteria, Stew, Maison de Tolerance, Bagnio, Wa-Tzu, etc.
But with the rise of sexual promiscuity came disease.
Infirmitas nefanda, the Germans Disease, the French Disease, the
pox, syphilis, bad junk, and V.D. to name but a few. Whatever it
was called and whatever it was, something needed to be done.
The 1600’s brought the Industrial Revolution, the
Enlightenment, and Humanist Reform. The Reformation brought
radical change to sexual morality.
No longer were the clergy to indulge while listening to
confessions (solicitato ad turpia).
What kind of Papal Blessing is this?
And attempts were made to bring some kind of social order
to the streets and the masses. But exploitation and squalor brought
on by the industrialization of Europe induced apathy and need to
many women. Economic exploitation forced many to the streets to
survive. Prostitution was for many women the only occupation
open to them. Society had made life cheap and reckless.
America, in the early 1800’s was a land of few men and
fewer women. In the West the lack of women was even more
noticeably acute. There were explorers, adventurers, trappers,
traders, and miners, but no white women. Men in the wilderness
suffered from severe loneliness. In the West they all knew who the
first white woman would be, they just didn’t know how much she
would cost.
Her name was Jane Barnes, and she was to become the first
white woman to set foot in the Northwest. She was a “play for
pay” lady from England who agreed to be “le compagnon du
voyage” of Donald McTavish (one of the owners of the North
West Fur Company). He was a very wealthy man, and had a good
eye for pelt. Compensation for Jane amounted to her being
outfitted with an unlimited wardrobe, as well as being assigned an
annuity for life to make the journey. Marriage was not a part of the
plan for McTavish.
Together they arrived at Fort George (formerly named
Astoria) at the mouth of the Columbia River in the Oregon
Territory on April 24, 1814, the first white couple in the
Jane is the lady wearing the sunglasses
Jane Barnes was described as a “vain, dressy, loose-boned
ex vestal of engaging address with an eye to the main chance”. She
was immediately in demand. The son of the Chinook Indian chief
offered her 100 sea otters if she would consent to become his
mistress. He tried to further entice her by stipulating that she
wouldn’t have to carry wood or dig for roots, and that she could
smoke as many pipes of tobacco as she wanted. Nevertheless, she
declined his offer, stating that she had no use for a man with a flat
head and a body besmeared with whale oil.
Thus spoke the first “Independent Contractor” in the
Northwest. From that point on women of “easier virtue” were in
the vanguard of every move westward, and they knew their worth.
Margret McCloughlin was the second white woman to visit
the northwest in the early 1800’s, and when you see what she
looked like you would soon come to appreciate the value of a good
looking woman who was wise to the ways of the sexual world.
It was reported that she later became the first female bouncer
at the Big Pelt Saloon in Astoria, Northwest Territories, where the
Columbia River met the Pacific Ocean. Women were few and far
between, and men were ready willing and able to pay for better.
By the mid 1800’s the West already had its share of
legendary madams. In Denver there was Matti Silks, a nineteen
year old madam, and Branch Brown. Together they published what
may have been the first travelers guide to cathouses for their
customers, and for commercial purposes.
Mattie Silks at age 40
It was a pocket-sized guide to the “pleasure resorts” entitled
“The Red Book”. It advertised parlor houses with “23 rooms, 15
boarders’, and the serving of fine cigars, liquors and wines to
“gentlemen seeking relaxation”. It said strangers were welcome.
As the mining boom continued its westward trek so did the trek of
women, with California and Nevada becoming the next watering
In the Spring of 1849 there were fewer than twenty white
women in San Francisco, and the following census year showed
that less than eight percent of all inhabitants in California were
women. The law of supply and demand was about to be tested. It
was a women’s world out West, and many were treated like
royalty, although not all.
There was “Madame Bulldog”. It was said that she weighed
190 pounds naked, usually was, and acted as her own bouncer in
her bar. The was “the Waddling Duck”, a hideously fat singer who
was billed as the only female in the world who could sing in two
keys at once! On the Barbary Coast in San Francisco there were
the Dancing Heifer, the Galloping Cow, the Little Lost Chicken,
Madame Mustache, and many more, too numerous to mention. Yet
as comical and absurd as some of these ladies were, for awhile
they were the only game in town.
"The Professor" plays piano while the Madam and her gals entertain
Ah Toy arrived in San Francisco in 1850, and was to become
the most famous Chinese courtesan in the city’s history. By 1851
there were hundreds of women in California attempting to fulfill
the demands for companionship, but it was a task far beyond their
numerical ability to provide.
Streetwalkers, prostitutes in parlor houses, along with
courtesans working exclusive clienteles had soon marked the
Barbary Coast (present day North Beach in San Francisco) as the
sink hole of moral pollution. The acute shortage of women had
made the West a profitable haven for women of easy virtue, and a
jingle was coined to mark the occasion:
“The miners came in ‘49
The whores in ’51,
And when they got together
They produced the native sun.”
Although they were considered “soiled doves” by many, the
positive contributions they made were immense to the taming of
the West. Prior to their presence normal feminine and female
domestic associations were dismally lacking. To the miners they
were like gold, a rare combination of beauty and scarcity of
In the predominantly male society of the West they were
much appreciated. For starters men now bathed and combed their
hairs before going into a fandango or saloon in the hopes of better
impressing women. The silken-haired representatives of the fairer
sex were a pleasing sight to men who worked sixteen hours a day
in mud holes, and whose main fuel and comfort had been ethyl
alcohol. The saloons with women in them became their new
homes. Women were providing a civilizing influence to an
otherwise drab and crude existence.
Nevada was the last western frontier to be conquered. It had
been a land bridge for people going to California and was thought
to be barren and devoid of beauty. It was definitely lacking
women. Nevada was a lawless land, and Godless too.
But it was rich in minerals, gold, silver and copper, and the
people that were to conquer its environment were as rugged and
defiant as any that you would find on earth.
Mining camp ladies working the miners for gold
Nevada became a land of opportunity for those who gambled
and won. It represented freedom and social equality for every
nationality of man, but more importantly it put women on
pedestals because they were needed and appreciated the most.
In 1860 there were twenty men for every woman in Nevada.
She was companionship and sexuality, and she was there to tame
the beast.
For the price of a few drinks she would dance with a man in a
hurdy gurdy dance hall. For a few dollars more she could be hired
for a longer time and for a different purpose. The rest of America
may have thought the Nevada Territory to be Godless but
Nevadans didn’t care. What others thought about Nevadans did.
The bestial urge and economics ruled the territory. Money
and sex, pure and simple, much like supply and demand.
These men wanted to be serviced and entertained. The
women were there to do it.
During the last half of the 19th century the Comstock Lode
and Virginia City dominated the Western economic scene. Eight
hundred million dollars in gold and silver was pulled out of mines
beneath her streets. It was the greatest bonanza in precious metals
ever. Men worked below the surface in 130 degree temperatures
where dynamite caps oftentimes blew too soon, where bodies fell
hundreds of feet down mineshafts, and where the daily ordeal
offered to crush, smother, or roast them alive 1,200 feet beneath
the surface of the earth.
Perhaps if they were lucky they would only be mangled or
maimed. Life was real cheap in the mines, and at the end of the
shift the miners just wanted to get drunk and get laid.
In 1859 Julia Bulette was the most famous woman in
Virginia City. She was one of the few unattached females in a
booming community of thousands of miners. Her fee was at times
reported to be $1,000 per evening. But she too was to die broke, a
victim of murder in 1867.
Julia Bulette
By 1863 Virginia City had a population in excess of thirty
thousand people (its present day population is less than nine
hundred). It was the second largest city then west of Chicago, with
“a red light district superior to any other, from Denver to the
Coast, both in size and in variety and amiability of its inmates”.
There were many different levels of prostitution by then in
Virginia City. Some people called them “fallen ladies”, “the fair
but frail,” and by 1863 there were a few hundred of them in town.
The different levels of prostitution went from the lowest
slave trade level involving Chinese women in sweatshops and
cribs, being paid one dollar per customer, to street walkers and
drug addicts selling their bodies, to the house parlor prostitutes
(who were making ten to twenty dollars per customer), and the
higher echelon courtesans who usually were with only one man a
night. Caroline “Cad the brick” Thompson was another famous
madam in early Virginia City history.
Besides those types of red light ladies, there were also
actresses who would come to town, and under the guise of being
theatrical stars, would perform again after the curtain had long
gone down.
Ladies of "The Line"
If a woman had any ability at all she could make a fortune as
an entertainer in Nevada. During her performance appreciative
men would shower the stage with gold and silver. The actress
would play to large audiences in public, and to more intimate ones
Ida Menken was one such actress who visited Virginia City
in the early 1860’s. Mark Twain wrote that she symbolized infinite
desire while she performed Lord Byron’s Mazeppa, in which she
rode a horse naked in the climatic final scene.
Ida Menken
Lola Crabtree
Thousands of men wished to violate her body nightly, but
only the wealthier ones did.
Lotta Crabtree also came to town, baring her legs, singing
love ballads and smoking cigarettes on stage. She was young and
attractive, and had the ability to drive men crazy with desire. She
represented the free spirited, defiant and independent woman.
By the mid 1860’s prostitutes were the second largest group
of working women, after domestics in Nevada. They were an
uncommon commodity, non-traditional and independent.
They were there to satisfy a need. The need was
companionship, physical and psychological, and if they were
overpriced nobody was complaining.
It was Babylon. Gold bricks would shower the stage. Mining
certificates worth fortunes were given to them. All for pleasure,
gratification, and satisfaction of the biological urge.
By 1875 the mining boom had peaked in Virginia City, and
prostitution diminished as an enterprise. A new order of women
were beginning to supplant them. Wealth had brought nicer ladies,
who it turn brought manners and a semblance of order. They also
brought a sense of home, stability and family, and they didn’t want
their security threatened by prostitutes. With this new found
respectability came the demand that less attention (and money) be
paid to the “soiled doves” out there. It was time to clean up the act.
Old time jail time and public humiliation for sex
The prostitute was now to be ridiculed and ostracized from
the community. The service she had provided was soon to be
forgotten. There were economic retributions against her, and the
men who had previously worshipped as a godsend now rebuked
her. The hypocrite had spoken.
Nevada lay economically dormant from about 1900 to 1930,
as mining camps came and went. Most of the mines had played out
(although there were occasional success stories). The land seemed
barren again, and the country was in the throes of depression.
Nevadans soon tired of their poverty and alkali dust, and realized
they needed something to stimulate their economy.
So, in 1931, the Nevada State Legislature legalized gambling,
and made divorce easy. And prostitution was acceptable once
again. Although they were to incur the wrath of the moral world
the Nevada legislators didn’t care. They had always believed in
individual liberty and the right to do with your body as you
pleased. And they also believed in the usefulness of money.
In Las Vegas it was known as “Block 16”, located a few
blocks north of Fremont Street. Housed in cribs were women of all
varieties and breeds: Japanese, Mexican, Chinese, Italian, black,
white, brown, etc. In Reno it was in the Riverside District, off
North Second Street, and it was known as “the stockade” or
“bullpen”. It consisted of two low continuous red brick buildings,
each housing about forty cribs. The architecture was identical.
Door and window exterior with a lane between, and at the end was
a bar blaring honky tonk music.
The girls in the cribs would either sit in their windows or
stand by their doors trying to lure men into their rooms. They
weren’t allowed to leave their cribs to greet visitors. Their names
were printed on cards above the doorways.
Inside were the minimal amounts of furniture necessary to
conduct business: Stove for heat, chair, bed, dresser, table, and
maybe a radio.
In those days the girls paid a rent of two dollars a day for use
of the crib, and kept the rest of the money for themselves. Their fee
to have sex with them was usually one dollar. The city got only the
taxes on the building and the land.
Local government regulated the whole operation to make
sure it wasn’t tainted with corruption, diseased, or controlled by
undesirable people. Girls had to register with the police, as did the
brothel owners. Because it was legal and controlled the problems
of juvenile delinquency, rape, white slave trading, and assorted
moral problems were averted and substantially reduced.
The county commissioners realized in their infinite wisdom
that if prostitution were banned it would just go into hiding, not
disappear. The needs of miners, loggers, truckers, servicemen,
ranchers, sheepherders, traveling salesmen, and countless others
would still have to be met. Underground and uncontrolled, it would
become ugly and dangerous. Street girls and their partners can
become vicious real fast. And disease would become epidemic in
In Nevada prostitution had always been socially useful. There
were incomes for women, profits for the landlord, fees for doctors,
taxes for the community, and the men were serviced. The customer
satisfied his emotional and biological needs, and there was no graft
or corruption. The women were friendlier and didn’t have to worry
about being busted or abused, and neither did the customer. A visit
to any one of Nevada’s legal cathouses will bear that out to be true
The new modern brothel has been brought out of the Dark
Ages and into the 21st century. It’s clean and contemporary, devoid
of pimps, disease and rip offs. It now has a full time lobbyist and
website ( It’s a free spirited
business of pleasure, completely regulated, and it’s legal. Logic
shows it to be a better alternative to the bankrupt beliefs, hypocrisy
and immorality of those people who make it a crime.
The main objective at the cathouse is to provide an enjoyable
service wherein the customer is satisfied for his money spent,
hopefully wanting to come back again for a return visit. As far as
broad generalizations go it’s fair to say that women everywhere are
playing the sex game, exchanging their commodity to men who are
willing to pay for it one way or another, either in time or money, or
in some other form of involvement or commitment. At a cathouse
you know what you’re getting, what you’re paying for, and where
the commitment ends.
It’s not a case of morality or irrational sexual fears. Sex is a
theater in a cathouse, and it’s either good theater or bad. If you
want a girl to tug on your ears while you’re experiencing orgasm
and say to you, “You naughty, naughty boy, why aren’t you in
school or church”, this is the place for you to come visit. If you
want some woman to pull beads from you butt-hole or whip you
with a wet noodle, then a legal brothel is the place to be. If
“paddling” isn’t something you do in a canoe visit a brothel.
If you want to be with a woman (or two) who have shaved
their pubic hairs into the shape of a soft cushiony heart chances are
good you’ll find her in one of these legal Nevada brothels.
If you’re tired of looking at your smegma-encrusted bed
sheets and jammies due to your pursuit of pleasurable nocturnal
pollutions, or if your wife is a Piscean necrophile in bed and
renders her conjugal duties with great burden and reluctance, the
legal Nevada cat house is the place for you. Sex in a cathouse can
save relationships. At least it can save your sanity.
It’s not really a case of morality here, because what
consenting adults do in private is their right and no one else’s
business. There are no absolutes in morality, only in hypocrisy,
and when we start restricting the freedom of expression of others
we also restrict it for ourselves. Those who preach and dictate
morality for others are often the most immoral of people out there.
The people of Nevada have had a long history of pursuing
freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of choice to do what
they want, and with whom they want.
Prostitution has always been based on socio-economic
demands. It follows the laws of supply and demand, and where it
has been made illegal the effort has not succeeded in making men
more virtuous, nor has it eradicated sexually transmitted diseases
(STD’s). For those people who find it difficult to have normal
sexual relations it serves a great purpose. For men with cosmetic or
physical handicaps it serves a purpose. And for people who are
socially and sexually isolated for given periods of time the legal
Nevada brothel has come to be seen as an oasis in a desert.
For many women legal Nevada prostitution is a solution to
the economic crisis in their lives. Sexual relationships are all based
on economic factors and commodity exchanges. Is the woman that
barters her body for money or gifts any different than the woman
who marries Daddy Warbucks or the world’s richest and ugliest
man? If the materialistic considerations ceased to exist for her
would the sexual considerations cease to exist for him?
For many women legal Nevada prostitution has become a
lucrative alternative, offering them freedom and independence. In
our patriarchal society women are taught to be dependent upon
men. They are usually discriminated against in employment and
salary, unless of course they are physically attractive and ready to
“put out”. For many women legal Nevada prostitution has become
the answer to economic independence and financial freedom.
But risks are not only economic these days. Once upon a time
indiscriminate, promiscuous, casual sex was meant to be fun and
enjoyed. Today it can kill you. Today’s sexual marketplace
contains everything you don’t want, from your basic STD’s, to
blistering lesions for life, and AIDS.
These afflictions aren’t just for homosexuals, drug users, or
poor people from Haiti or Africa. Disease doesn’t respect wealth or
social status. Athletes and academics are equally at risk. People
who have been infected with STD’s and sexual viruses can easily
spread them through non-sexual contact as well as through unsafe
sex, or they can help prevent the spread of it through safe sexual
practices and some common sense.
In Nevada brothels contraceptives are a part of the safe
sexual practices practiced there. In legal Nevada cathouses
contraceptives are mandatory. Contraceptives can virtually assure
you a pleasurable and risk free sexual experience when used
properly. Contraceptives mean safe sex for both partners, without
viral consequences. It means peace of mind.
General Joseph Hooker getting ready to dismount his horse for a hooker in camp
General Joseph Hooker, known as “fighting Joe” to his men,
was also known as a conniver and carouser more than a field
commander. He graduated from West Point in 1837, and held
several commands, including the Army of the Potomac in 1862.
He was considered to be one of the most immodest and
immoral of all of the Union commanders, complaining and
explaining to Abraham Lincoln that what the country needed was a
good dictator. Honest Abe did not accommodate that wish.
He quickly lost the confidence of his superior officers, but
was extremely popular with the regular troops for his vision and
thoughtfulness of turning his headquarters in the army into a
bordello. The term “hooker” was coined to describe the prostitutes
that reputably followed the army when he was in command.
Here are over $500.00 worth of free souvenirs, benefits,
drinks, and discounts you get by having a Sex Pals VIP
Membership Card. And, it’s only going to get better.
From the Old Bridge Ranch you get a free souvenir
logo/pin and complimentary drink of your choice. This is a
$15.00 value.
From the Wild Horse Canyon Ranch you get a free
souvenir shot glass and complimentary drink. This is a
$15.00 value.
From the Moonlight Bunny Ranch you get a free souvenir
t-shirt, sex pleasure menu, and complimentary drink. This
is a $25.00 value.
From the Kit Kat Ranch you get a free souvenir t-shirt, sex
pleasure menu, and complimentary drink. This is a $25.00
From the Bunny Ranch II you get a free souvenir t-shirt,
sex pleasure menu, and complimentary drink. This is a
$25.00 value.
From the Sagebrush Ranch you get a free souvenir t-shirt,
sex pleasure menu, and complimentary drink. This is a
$25.00 value.
From My Place Bar you get a complimentary drink and
tour of the house. This is a $10.00 value.
From the Pussy Cat Ranch you get a complimentary drink
and tour of the house. This is a $10.00 value.
From the Villa Joy you get a complimentary drink and
tour of the house. This is a $10.00 value.
10. From the Cozy Corner you get a complimentary drink and
tour of the house. This is a $10.00 value.
11. From Donna’s Ranch in Battle Mountain you get $10.00
towards any souvenir you want and a complimentary
drink. This is a $15.00 value.
12. From Sharon’s Bar & Brothel you get a complimentary
drink and free sex pleasure menu. This is a $10.00 value.
13. From the Dove Tail Ranch you get a free souvenir poker
chip and complimentary drink. This is a $15.00 value.
14. From Mona’s Ranch you get a free souvenir poker chip
and complimentary drink. This is a $15.00 value.
15. From Sue’s Fantasy Club you get a free souvenir poker
chip and complimentary drink. This is a $15.00 value.
16. From Donna’s Ranch in Wells you get $10.00 towards any
souvenir you want and a complimentary drink. This is a
$15.00 value.
17. From Bella’s Gentlemen’s Club you get two for one
drinks, $25 dollars off any spa party of your choice, and
two for one espressos (at Bella’s Espresso House). This is
a $50.00 value.
18. From the Stardust Ranch you get a free souvenir poker
chip and complimentary drink of your choice. This is a
$15.00 value.
19. From the Big 4 you get a free souvenir poker chip, free
sex menu, $25.00 off any spa party of your choice, and
complimentary drink. This is a $50.00 value.
20. From the Wild Kat Ranch you get a free drink of your
choice and a 10% discount off any sex party of your
choice. This is a $30.00 value or more.
21. From the Cherry Patch Ranch you get a complimentary
drink of your choice and a 10% discount off any sex party
of your choice. This is a $30.00 value or more..
22. From Mabel’s Whorehouse you get a complimentary drink
of your choice and a 10% discount off any sex party of
your choice. This is a $30.00 value or more.
23. From the Cherry Patch Ranch II you get a complimentary
drink of your choice and a 10% discount off any sex party
of your choice. This is a $30.00 value or more.
24. From the Cottontail Ranch you get a souvenir poker chip
and complimentary drink. This is a $15.00 value.
That’s right, twenty-four cat houses offering you great
goodies just for having a Sex Pals VIP Membership Card. It’s
that simple, and that good. Just stop by, show the card, and
start to enjoy the benefits of membership. Have some fun!
Alka-Seltzer: Sexual act performed by women inserting a
moistened piece of alka seltzer in her, intending to create a fizzy
An aphrodisiac, thought to be formed by the feces
of the sperm whale impacted around a core of solid matter, such as
giant squid beaks.
Anaesthesia Sexualis: Absence of sexual feeling, aka “a cold
Arm & Hammer Baking Soda: Removes all body odor when
applied to the body, especially around the balls and anus.
Around the World: Sexual act involving reaming the balls and
rectum with her tongue (after she applies Arm & Hammer Baking
Soda to the area!).
Bondage and discipline training and responses.
Bestiality: Sex with live animals.
Binaca Blast: Woman performing oral sex with her mouth full of
Binaca or some other mouth mint, cool and refreshing.
Booga Booga: A term used to describe the sexual act in primitive
Brothel Sprout:
A hooker who is burned out, been in the
business too long, a vegetable.
Cantharides: “Spanish fly”, formerly used as an aphrodisiac,
later outlawed when too many women were overcome and driven
mad by carnal lustful desires.
Colored Showers: “Raincoat jobs”, urinating on your sex
partner, aka “Golden Showers”.
Crème de Menthe French:
Oral sex, with a smattering of
crème de menthe liquor in the woman’s mouth to stimulate and
refresh the male and his sex organ.
Scary little creatures sucking blood from the area of
your genitalia region. They can multiply fast and travel from one
body to another through contact. Get rid of them as soon as you see
them, preferably with A-2004 Bizillionate!
Little cubicles with kitchens and parlors where men
would meet women for sexual purposes in the olden days.
Cunnulingus: Oral sex performed on the woman.
Cunnus: Latin for femal organ.
Dicteria: Greek house of prostitution (c. 500 B.C.)
Dildos: Sexual toys and tools inserted into various parts of the
human anatomy for sexual pleasure.
Dyspareunia: Medical term used to describe painful intercourse,
aka “ouch, and there ain’t no way you’re sticking that big thing in
English: Whipping, especially with a riding crop, quirt, or taws.
Eunuch: Castrated man, deprived of testes or genitalia. A
derogatory term, as in “he ain’t got no balls, the eunuch!”
Fellatio: The oral stimulation of the man’s pleasure weapon.
Fellatrice: One skilled at fellatio.
Fetishists: Individuals whose sexual interests are concentrated
exclusively on certain parts of the body, o on certain portions of
attire, etc.
The buttocks or anus and rectum.
Golden Shower:
Urinating on your sex partner.
Greek: Anal worship and penetration (aka “Socrates
Half & Half:
Half oral sex and half straight lay.
The doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole
or chief goal in life.
Hereditary Taint: Missing a few of the critical ones, “genetically
challenged” by right of birth.
Hetaerae: Independent courtesans of the most expensive class,
comparable to “call girls” or “wives” today.
Hookers Named in honor of Joseph Hooker (1814-1879),
“Fighting Joe”, Brigadier General during the Civil War, known
for restoring the Union Army’s combat sprit by supplying his
troops with “charity ladies” who became known as “Hookers”.
He died on Halloween.
Hyperesthesia: Abnormally increased sexual desires.
Kermit the Frog Style:
Sex with a woman positioned on top,
with her knees almost above her shoulders.
Whips for flogging criminals and sex partners with.
Koprolagnia: The impulse to perform disgusting acts by
mortifying the senses of sight, smell, taste, and hearing.
Latin for tongue.
Masochist: The person on the bottom of the pile.
Merkin: A pubic hair wig (aka “rug”) used for theatrical
Nay Nays: Milk cans, bazooms, fun bags, num-nums, moo-moos,
twin doves, snowy hillocks, teats, curves.
Necrophilia: Obsession with erotic interest or stimulation with
corpses and other dead objects.
Nymphomania: Sexual hypersensitivity where ethics and will
power lose their controlling influence entirely.
Onanism: The practice of becoming intimate with oneself.
Menage a uno”, and “whacking off”.
Pearl Necklace: Sexual activity involving the man placing his
tumescent love club between a woman’s breast, then rocking
gently back and forth culminating in ejaculation of his pearl drops
love juices around her neck from his wank wank sack bag.
A person who seeks sexual gratification from
children and minors.
Priapism: A person suffering from a continuous “hard on”,
named after an ancient Greek god of male procreative power.
A riding crop with a short handle and a rawhide lash,
used for “English parties”.
Inclined to orgy.
Sodomy: Knowing carnally any male or female, and animal or
bird, by the anus or with the mouth or tongue: one who attempts
intercourse with a dead body or animal is guilty of sodomy and
possibly necrophilia.
Socrates: Greek style, up the rectum.
Turn Out:One who has just become a prostitute, a novice or
“virgin for the day”.
Water Sports: Enemas, urine, and other indigenous liquids.
Wind, Rain & Lava: Sex acts involving being blown or farted on,
then pissed on, then finally shit upon with excreta and other fecal