Global survey on the status of Smart Cities 2014
Global survey on the status of Smart Cities 2014
Smart cities Global survey on the status of Smart Cities 2014 Smart cities Argentina Germany 32 countries took part Australia Argentina Bahrain Australia Belgium Bahrain Bolivia Belgium Brazil Bolivia Bulgaria Brazil Chile Bulgaria Colombia Chile Czech Republic Colombia Dominican Republic Ecuador Ecuador Slovakia Germany Spain Guatemala United States Indonesia Philippines Italy Guatemala Kenya Indonesia Latvia Italy Malaysia Kenya Mexico Latvia Morocco Malaysia Panama Morocco Peru Mexico Philippines Panama Poland Peru Portugal Poland Slovakia Portugal Spain Kingdom United TurkeyRepublic Czech United Kingdom Dominican Republic United States Turkey Uruguay Venezuela Smart cities 234 cities took part Düsseldorf A Coruña Frankfurt Aceuchal Munich Adrogue Adrogue Alcalá de Henares Avellaneda Alcobendas Buenos AlcorcónAires Cordoba Alejandro Korn Cordovilla Amadora Florencio Anápolis Varela Ituzaingó Antipolo José C. Paz Aparecida La Plata Aracaju La Punta Aranjuez Lanus Arapiraca Libertad Arauca Lomas Areal de Zamora Ramos Mejia Arganda del Rey San Isidro Armenia San Luis Arroyomolinos Sydney Arujá Manama Astorga Brussels Avellaneda Santa Aviles Cruz Anápolis Badajoz Aracaju Badalona Arujá Barakaldo Barueri Barberá del Valles Belo Horizonte Barcelona Brasilia Barrancabermeja Cachoeira Paulista Barranquilla Campina Barueri Grande Campiñas Bell-lloc d'Urgell Federal District Belo Horizonte Diadema Berlin Duque Big de Caxlas Embu Bilbao Florianopolis Boadilla del Monte Fortaleza Bogota Goiania Brasilia Guaratlnguetá Bratislava Guarulhos Bruñete Hortolandia Brussels Indalatuba Buenos Aires Inhumas Burgos Go Itatiba Cabanillas Del Campo (GuadaJaboatao Cáceres lajara) Joao Pessoa Cachoeira Paulista Cáceres Lauro de Freitas Cádiz Cachoeira Paulista Macapá Caleta Cádiz Macelo Caleta de Vélez Maracanaú Cali Caleta de Vélez Mari Camarma de Esteruelas Cali Marino Campina CamarmaGrande de Esteruelas Mauá Campiñas Campina Grande Moreno Caracas Campiñas Moro Cartagena Caracas Natal Cartagena de Indias Niteról Cártama Cartagena de Indias Osasco Cascais Cártama Pereira Castellar Cascais del Valles Pererira Cavite City Castellar del Valles Planaltina Cerdanyola Cavite City del Valles Queimados Chiriqui Cerdanyola del Valles Recife Ciempozuelos Chiriqui Rio Branco Ciudad Real Ciempozuelos Rio de Janeiro Ciudalcampo Ciudad Real Rosario Cobeña Ciudalcampo Salvador Collado Cobeña Villalba Santa Colmenar Viejo ColladoFéVillalba Santo André Colmenarejo Colmenar Viejo Santos Con-Con Colmenarejo Sao Bernardo do Campo Cordoba Con-Con Sao Caetano do Sul Cordovilla Cordoba Sao Goncalo Cornellá Cordovillade Llobregat São José de de Llobregat Mipibu Coslada Cornellá Sao JoséIzcalli dos Campos Cuautla Coslada Sao Paulo Cucuta Cuautla Izcalli Sao Sebastiao Cuenca Cucuta Sobradinho Daganzo Cuenca Sumaré Diadema Daganzo Taguatinga Duque de Caxlas Diadema Taguatinga Düsseldorf Duque de Caxlas Valparaíso Ecatepec Düsseldorf Aparecida El Casar de Talamanca Ecatepec Arapiraca Escorial El Casar de Talamanca Areal Jadida El Escorial Gama El Jadida Vendrell Sofia Embu El Vendrell Con-Con Ferrol Embu Santiago FigueresDistrict Federal Santiago FlavantTown Ferrol Villa Alemana Florencio Varela Figueres Armenia Florianopolis FlavantTown Barrancabermeja Fortaleza Varela Florencio Barranquilla Frankfurt Florianopolis Bogota Fuenlabrada Fortaleza Cali Galapagar Frankfurt Cartagena de Indias Gama Fuenlabrada Cucuta Genova Galapagar Ibague Getafe Gama Las Pinas Gijón Genova Malamcbo Girona Getafe Manizales Glasgow Gijón Medellin Goiania Girona Mosquera Granada Glasgow Nelva Granollers Goiania Palmira Guadalajara Granada Puente Piedra Guaratlnguetá Granollers Riohacha Guarulhos Guadalajara Rionegro Guatemala Guaratlnguetá Santiago Guatire de Cali Guarulhos Soacha Guildford Guatemala Villavicencio Hortolandia Guatire Quito Hospitalet de Llobregat Guildford Bratislava Huesca Hortolandia Malacky Humanes de Hospitalet deMadrid Llobregat A Coruña Ibague Huesca Aceuchal Igualada de Madrid Humanes Alcalá Imus de Henares Ibague Alcobendas Indalatuba Igualada Alcorcón Inhumas Go Imus Alejandro Istanbul Korn Indalatuba Aranjuez Itatiba Go Inhumas Arauca Ituzaingó Istanbul Arganda Jaboataodel Rey Itatiba Arroyomolinos Jakarta Ituzaingó Astorga Joao Pessoa Jaboatao Aviles José C. Paz Jakarta Badajoz KualaPessoa Lumpur Joao Badalona La Eliana José C. Paz Barakaldo La Plata Kuala Lumpur Barberá Puntadel Valles La Eliana Barcelona Landriano La Plata Bell-lloc Lanus La Puntad'Urgell Berlin Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Landriano Big Las Pinas Lanus Bilbao Rozas de Las Palmas deMadrid Gran Canaria Boadilla Monte Lauro dedel Freitas Las Pinas Bruñete Leganés Las Rozas de Madrid Burgos León de Freitas Lauro Cabanillas Del Campo (Guadalajara) Lérida Leganés Cáceres Les Franqueses León Cádiz Libertad Lérida Camarma de Esteruelas LimaFranqueses Les Cartagena Limbiate Libertad Cártama Lisbon Lima Cascais Lleida Limbiate Castellar Llepaja del Valles Lisbon Cerdanyola Llombai del Valles Lleida Ciempozuelos Lomas de Zamora Llepaja Ciudad LondonReal Llombai Ciudalcampo Los Olivos Lomas de Zamora Cobeña Los Teques London Collado Villalba LugoOlivos Los Colmenar Viejo Macapá Los Teques Colmenarejo Macelo Lugo Cornellá Madrid de Llobregat Macapá Coslada Majadahonda Macelo Cuenca Malacky Madrid Daganzo Malaga Majadahonda El Casar de Talamanca Malamcbo Malacky El Escorial Manama Malaga El Vendrell Mandaluyong City Malamcbo Ferrol Manila Manama Figueres Manizales Mandaluyong City Fuenlabrada Maracaibo Manila Galapagar Maracanaú Manizales Getafe Marchamalo Maracaibo Gijón Mari Maracanaú Girona Marikina Marchamalo Granada Marino Mari Granollers Matará Marikina Guadalajara Mauá Marino Hospitalet de Llobregat Meco Matará Huesca Medellin Mauá Humanes de Madrid Mejorada del Campo Meco Igualada Melque de Cercos Medellin La ElianaCity Mexico Mejorada del Campo Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Miami Melque de Cercos Las Rozas Miami Platja Mexico Cityde Madrid Leganés Miguelturra Miami León Milan Platja Miami Lérida Mollerussa Miguelturra Les Franqueses Mollet del Valles Milan Lleida Montevideo Mollerussa Llombai Moraleja Enmedio Mollet deldeValles Lugo Moreno Montevideo Madrid Moro Moraleja de Enmedio Majadahonda Mosquera Moreno Malaga Móstoles Moro Marchamalo Munich Mosquera Matará Muntinlupa Móstoles Meco Murcia Munich Mejorada Nairobi del Campo Muntinlupa Melque Naples de Cercos Murcia Miami Natal Platja Nairobi Miguelturra Navalcarnero Naples Mollerussa Nelva Natal Mollet del Valles Netzahualcóyotl Navalcarnero Moraleja Niteról de Enmedio Nelva Móstoles Olías del Rey Netzahualcóyotl Murcia Ontígola Niteról Navalcarnero Oporto Olías del Rey Olías del Rey Osasco Ontígola Ontígola Ostrava Oporto Oviedo Ovar Osasco Pamplona Oviedo Ostrava Parla Palmira Ovar Paterna Pamplona Oviedo Pilas Panama Palmira Pinto Parla Pamplona Poblete Pasig City Panama Ponferrada Paterna Parla Pontevedra PereiraCity Pasig Portugalete Pererira Paterna Pozuelo de Alarcón Philadelphia Pereira Puerto de Sagunto Pilas Pererira Puertollano Pinto Philadelphia Rivas Vaciamadrld Planaltina Pilas Robledo Poblete de Chavela Pinto Sabadell Pompen Planaltina Salamanca Ponferrada Poblete San Fernando de Henares Pontevedra Pompen San Lorenzo de El Escorial Portsmouth Ponferrada San Sebastián de los Reyes Portugalete Pontevedra Sant Celoní Pozuelo de Alarcón Portsmouth Sant Cugat del Valles Prague Portugalete Sant Joan Puente Piedra Pozuelo deDespí Alarcón Santa Cruz de Tenerife Puerto de Prague Sagunto Santander Puertollano Puente Piedra Santiago Queimados Puerto de Sagunto Santiago Queretarode Compostela Puertollano Segovia Quezon City Queimados Sestao Quito Queretaro Seville Rabat City Quezon Tarragona Ramos Mejia Quito Toledo Recife Rabat Torredembarra Rio Branco Ramos Mejia Torrejón de Ardoz Rio de Janeiro Recife Torres de Riohacha Rio Brancola Alameda Tres Cantos Rionegro Rio de Janeiro Valdemoro Rivas Vaciamadrld Riohacha Valdoviño Robledo de Chavela Rionegro Valencia Rome Vaciamadrld Rivas Velilla de de SanChavela Antonio Rosario Robledo Vigo Sabadell Rome Viladecans Salamanca Rosario Vilafranca Salvador del Penedés Sabadell Vilanova i la Geltrú San Fernando de Henares Salamanca Villalbilla San Isidro Salvador Villanueva Isidro de ladeCañada San Fernando Henares Villanueva de la Torre San Isidro Juan City Villanueva deldePardillo San Isidro Lorenzo El Escorial Villaviciosa de Odón San Juan Luis City Yebes Sebastián Reyes San Lorenzo dede El los Escorial Zafra SantLuis Celoní San Zaragoza SantSebastián Cugat del de Valles San los Reyes Caleta de Vélez Joan Despí Sant Celoní Philadelphia Sant'Angelo d'Alife Sant Cugat del Valles Miami Santa Cruz Sant Joan Despí Antipolo Santa Cruz ded'Alife Tenerife Sant'Angelo Caleta Santa Cruz Fé Cavite City de Tenerife Santander Santa Cruz Imus Santiago Santa Fé de Cali Mandaluyong City Santiago de Chile Santander Manila Santiago de Compostela Marikina Santiago de Querétaro Muntinlupa Santo André Santiago Pasig SantoCity Domingo Santiago de Cali Quezon Santos SantiagoCity de Compostela San City Sao Juan Bernardo do Campo Santiago de Querétaro Taguig Sao Caetano do Sul Santiago de Querétaro Valenzuela Sao Goncalo Santo AndréCity Guatemala São José de Mipibu Santo Domingo Jakarta Sao José dos Campos Santos Genova Sao Paulo Bernardo do Campo Landriano Sao Sebastiao Caetano do Sul Limbiate Saronno Sao Goncalo Milan Segovia São José de Mipibu Naples Sestao Sao José dos Campos Rome Seville Sao Paulo Sant'Angelo d'Alife Soacha Sao Sebastiao Saronno Sobradinho Saronno Pompen Sofia Segovia Nairobi Sumaré Sestao Llepaja Sydney Seville Kuala Lumpur Taguatinga Soacha El Jadida Taguatinga Sobradinho Rabat Taguig Sofia Cuautla Tarragona Sumaré Izcalli Ecatepec Toledo Sydney Mexico City Toluca Taguatinga Netzahualcóyotl Torredembarra Taguatinga Queretaro Torrejón Taguig de Ardoz Santiago Querétaro Torres dede la Alameda Tarragona Santiago de Querétaro Tres Cantos Toledo Toluca Valdemoro Toluca Chiriqui Valdoviño Torredembarra Panama Valencia Torrejón de Ardoz Lima Valenzuela Torres de laCity Alameda Los Valparaíso TresOlivos Cantos San Isidro Velilla de San Antonio Valdemoro Warsaw Vigo Valdoviño Amadora Viladecans Valencia Lisbon Vilafranca Penedés Valenzueladel City Oporto Vilanova Valparaísoi la Geltrú Ovar Villa VelillaAlemana de San Antonio Glasgow Villalbilla Vigo Guildford Villanueva Viladecansde la Cañada FlavantTown Villanueva de la Torre Vilafranca del Penedés London Villanueva Pardillo Vilanova i ladel Geltrú Portsmouth Villavicencio Villa Alemana Ostrava Villaviciosa Villalbilla de Odón Prague Warsaw Villanueva de la Cañada Santo Domingo Yebes Villanueva de la Torre Istanbul Zafra Villanueva del Pardillo Montevideo Zaragoza Villavicencio Caracas Villaviciosa de Odón Guatire Warsaw Los Teques Yebes Maracaibo Zafra Zaragoza Smart cities Survey analysis Public opinion is of vital importance. That's why we at Indra decided to conduct a survey, giving citizens the opportunity to voice their opinions on the services provided by their cities and to submit suggestions on how they could be improved. Among other issues, we asked them about: how long they spend commuting to work, their perception of security in their city, response to emergency situations, the quality of healthcare services, sustainability, e-governance and cleaning. Looking at the global scores from this survey, which polled over 2,000 people in 234 different cities, we can conclude that overall services just about get a passing grade. The perception of security got the highest score (6.1), while sustainability and e-governance were at the back of the field (5.2). Europe and Asia are the continents where service quality perception is generally higher, over Africa and America (mainly Latin America), where all services recorded poorer scores. Looking at specific cities (selecting some that were most representative), we highlight the following: Bogota recorded a higher than average sustainability score, but citizens take longer than one hour to commute to work. The TransMilenio system looks like a good step forward, but more work needs to be done to improve mobility. In Sao Paulo, just like Bogota, mobility remains one of the main challenges, with citizens taking 63 minutes to commute to work. The general services rating is very low, with the best score going to response to emergency situations and cleaning, with 3.8, while the lowest score came in healthcare, at 2.9. Malaga stands out as a pleasant city to live, with most services earning a score above the global average, although cleaning and sustainability did fall short of this threshold. Malaga's involvement in the Smart Cities City 2020 R&D project should help to drive sustainability. Madrid, like Malaga, saw most services score above average, with just cleaning and sustainability rating worse than the average. One of the city's strong points is its response to emergency situations (scoring 7), with the CISEM project (Comprehensive Security and Emergency Center) almost certainly helping Madrid to achieve such a high number. Santiago de Chile earned very good grades compared to other Latin American cities (where services generally scored lower). The only service with a score below the global average was sustainability, coming just one tenth short of the average. The quality of healthcare services, e-governance and city cleaning all scored nearly one point higher than the global average. In fact, in 2012 the United Nations conducted its own survey on e-governance, with Chile topping the Latin America standings and ranking 39th worldwide. Smart cities Survey analysis Rome was one of the European cities that delivered a surprise. It fell short of the global average score in all areas, with the lowest grade coming in e-government and cleaning, at 3.5. Time spent commuting to work was also longer than the global average (50 minutes). An urban platform incorporating comprehensive information from the entire city could help drive up the overall quality of services. Rio de Janeiro also received a fail grade in all services, with healthcare recording the lowest score (a 3) and cleaning the best (4.3). The low public perception of emergency response services came as something of a surprise, as the city has benefitted from an integrated control center operational since 2011. In Quezon City the high score in sustainability was unexpected (one point above the global average), as was the low number for e-governance (3.9). Sustainability was so highly rated thanks to a government order in 2009 requiring that all new buildings be designed and constructed based on green infrastructure standards. Also in Mexico City all public services scored below the global average. The worst scores were for emergency response services, healthcare services and cleaning (with 4.2), while sustainability was rated the highest at 4.9. We believe a city of this size should have an urban platform to integrate comprehensive city data. Lisbon was rated above the global average in all services and seems a good city to live in. The perception of security scored highest, at 7.5, while e-governance was the lowest, at 5.5 (global average of 5.2). We believe the city needs to improve its electronic governance systems. Medellin was one of the highest scoring cities in Latin America. All services scored higher than or above the global average, with sustainability recording the highest grade (7.8) and security perception the lowest, matching the global average at 6.1. This was the only Latin American city included in the survey to record a shorter commute to work than the global average. This was due to the rollout of smart traffic and transport management technology. Barcelona is another city where all services are rated higher than the global average. Security perception stands out as the highest scorer (7.2), while e-governance was the worst (5.7). Seeking to further buoy service quality, Barcelona is deploying an urban platform that will integrate information for all services and support cross-functional oversight. Smart cities User scores and suggestions Mode of transport Car or motorbike: Bus, subway and/or train: On foot: Car/motorbike and public transport: Bicycle and/or other: Car or public transport: Taxi and/or other: On foot or by car: I work from home: Take energy-saving measures 1,135 0.795 0.078 0.051 0.029 0.022 0.009 0.003 0.001 No 280 Yes 1,843 Use e-governance No 834 Yes 1,289 Suggestions to improve mobility Cut down the number of cars looking for parking spaces Have buses run on time and more frequently Improve traffic signal synchronization Promote working from home Make the city more bike-friendly Shared transport Promote public-private intermodal transport Community-sourced apps to warn of heavy traffic, accidents, etc. Make the bus lines easier to understand Suggestions to improve energy efficiency Promote renewable energy A reward system to incentivize efficiency, with each citizen provided with information on daily consumption Change street lighting for LEDs and sensors Collect rainwater for watering green spaces Promote self-sufficient buildings Promote electric vehicles, providing recharging stations Optimize smart grids Suggestions to improve e-governance Public awareness raising and training campaigns More accessible and intuitive use for the public Citizen files and cards Provide a good, free telephone support line Benefits for completing formalities online Make sure websites are always up to date Support online payments A larger catalog of online formalities Greater document fluidity Smart cities User scores and suggestions Ideas for a safer city Suggestions to improve healthcare Suggestions to improve education Camera surveillance Public awareness raising Better lighting on certain streets Greater police presence Reduce social inequality Stronger penalties Promote employment and culture Improve emergency response Make it easier to report issues or emergencies with a mobile app Cut waiting times with lists of integrated health centers Improve waste collection services in certain problematic areas and hygiene. Speed up logistics between hospitals and ambulances Promote a healthy lifestyle and other public awareness programs. Improve IT systems and flexibly adapt the same to demand. Promote telemedicine Use a health card with full patient information. Penalize patients when they miss medical appointments. Better hospital equipment. Regular evaluation of hospital performance and greater transparency Provide more support resources to teachers Evaluate teachers and schools and make the results public Provide certain groups with teletraining Create interactive learning systems Bear in mind diverse abilities when teaching More public libraries Increased education spending Greater Internet connectivity and greater access to ICTs. Change the education system and cut down reforms. Implement international and language teaching programs from an early age Smart cities Overall results Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) 46 Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 6.1 5.8 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability e-governance in your city 5.6 5.2 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 5.4 Main reason you would choose to live in a city Healthcare 13.6% Transport 13.8% Education 22.9% Security 49.6% Smart cities Average scores by continent Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations Africa 58.75 4.13 3.50 America 57.69 4.51 4.47 Asia 54.10 5.98 5.55 Europe 38.07 7.05 6.72 45.83 6.06 5.84 Total overall Quality of healthcare service How do you rate the level of sustainability in your city? e-governance in your city Cleanliness in your city Africa 4.88 4.38 3.13 3.88 America 4.40 4.78 4.22 4.90 Asia 5.71 6.29 4.60 5.48 Europe 6.49 5.39 5.54 5.75 5.68 5.18 5.02 5.42 Total overall Score by cities City A Coruña Surface area: 38 km² Population: 0.25 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 14 7.5 6.1 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Global average 5.8 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability 6.7 5.2 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 6.0 Global average 5.4 e-governance in your city 5.1 Global average 5,2 City Barcelona Surface area: 101 km² Population: 1.6 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 29 7.2 6.4 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Global average 5.8 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability e-governance in your city 6.4 5.8 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 5.9 Global average 5.4 5.7 Global average 5.2 City Bogota Surface area: 1,587 km² Population: 6.7 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 65 4.7 4.7 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Global average 5.8 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability 5.6 5.5 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 5.3 Global average 5.4 e-governance in your city 4.8 Global average 5.2 City Buenos Aires Surface area: 203 km² Population: 2.9 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 64 4.1 5.4 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Global average 5.8 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability 5.2 4.6 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 4.3 Global average 5.4 e-governance in your city 5.6 Global average 5.2 City Lisbon Surface area: 84.8 km² Population: 0.5 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 24 7.5 6.6 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Global average 5.8 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability 5.8 6.1 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 5.8 Media mundial 5.4 e-governance in your city 5.5 Global average 5.2 City Malaga Surface area: 395 km² Population: 0.5 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 24 6.7 6.2 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Global average 5.8 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability e-governance in your city 6.2 4.9 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 4.5 Global average 5.4 5.3 Global average 5.2 City Madrid Surface area: 395 km² Population: 4.3 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 42 6.9 7.0 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Global average 5.8 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability 6.6 4.9 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 5.4 Global average 5.4 e-governance in your city 5.8 Global average 5.2 City Medellin Surface area: 395 km² Population: 4.3 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 42 6.1 6.8 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability 7.3 7.8 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 7,2 Global average 5.4 Global average 5.8 e-governance in your city 7.5 Global average 5.2 City Mexico City Surface area: 1,485 km² Population: 8.8 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 65 4.8 4.2 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability 4.2 4.9 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 4.2 Global average 5.4 Global average 5.8 e-governance in your city 4.5 Global average 5.2 City Quezon City Surface area: 166 km² Population: 2.7 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 50 5.9 5.5 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability 5.6 6.2 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 4.9 Global average 5.4 Global average 5.8 e-governance in your city 3.9 Global average 5.2 City Rio de Janeiro Surface area: 1,260 km² Population: 6.3 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 55 3.9 3.9 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability 3.0 3.8 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 4.3 Global average 5.4 Global average 5.8 e-governance in your city 3.4 Global average 5.2 City Rivas Vaciamadrid Surface area: 67 km² Population: 0.075 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 40 7.4 6.4 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Global average 5.8 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability 5.3 7.4 7.1 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 7.8 Global average 5.4 e-governance in your city City Rome Surface area: 1,285 km² Population: 2.7 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 50 5.0 4.7 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Global average 5.8 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability e-governance in your city 5.1 4.3 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 3.5 Global average 5.4 3.5 Global average 5.2 City Santiago de Chile Surface area: 641 km² Population: 6.1 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 51 6.6 5.8 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Global average 5.8 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability 6.3 5.1 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 6.4 Global average 5.4 e-governance in your city 6.1 Global average 5.2 City Sao Paulo Surface area: 1,523 km² Population: 11.3 million Time spent commuting to work (in minutes) Perception of security in your city Rating of response to emergency situations 63 3.4 3.8 Global average 46 Global average 6.1 Quality of healthcare service Perception of sustainability 2.9 3.7 Global average 5.6 Global average 5.2 Cleanliness in your city 3.8 Global average 5.4 Global average 5.8 e-governance in your city 3.2 Global average 5.2 Thank you About the sample Women: 32% Total surveyed: 2123 Men: 68% Family situation: Live with partner with children Single Live with partner with no children Other Single with children 42% 28% 21% 5% 4% Age distribution: Under 18 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 Over 65 Voluntary survey conducted online and worldwide during April and May of 2014. 0.14% 7.91% 37.02% 33.11% 17.62% 4.10% 0.09%