No. 1479.] [24 Julie 1942. LE WE NSIC OST
No. 1479.] [24 Julie 1942. LE WE NSIC OST
[24 Julie 1942. L EWE NSIC OST (OTOEL AE . OO UI A)GSM A ATREE L No. 43.—U1TBREIDING VAN GEB1ED W AARIN OORLOG SM A AT REEL No. 43 v a n 1942 IN WMi!KING 18. Ek, W a l t e r B a y l e y M a d e l e y , Minister van Arbeid, handelende ingevolge die bepalings van subregulasie (2) van regulasie 7 van die regulasies, bekeudgemaak by OorlogsinaatrcM No. 43 van 1912 in die Staatskoerant van 22 Mei 1942, stel hierby genoemdp, regulasies met ingang van 3 Augustus 1912 in ondersfaande munisipale gebiede in w erking:— Potehefstroom, Klcrksdorp, Pietersburg, Witbank, Volksrust, Paarl, Worcester, George, Stellenbosch, Sotnerset-Wes, Somerset-Strand, Beaufort-Wes, Mosselbaai, Wellington, Uitenhage. Grahamstad. Oudtsboorn, Graaff-Reinet. C'radock, Queenstown, Kingwilliainstown, Kroonstad, Bethlehem, Harrismith, Ladysmith (Natal). WALTER B. MADELEY, Minister van Arbeid. * No. 1479.] [24 July 1942. COST OE LIVING ALLOWANCE. WAR MEASURE No. 4 3 — EXTENSION OF AREA OF OPERATION OF W AR MEASURE No. 43 o f 1942. I . W a l t e r B a y l e y M a d e l e y , Minister of Labour, acting in terms of sub-regulation (2) of regulation 7 of the regula tions published under War Measure No. 43 of 1942, in the Gazette of the 22nd May, J942, hereby put the said regulations into operation with effect from the 3rd August, 1942, in the following municipal areas: — Potehefstroom, Klerksdorp, Pietersburg, Witbank, Volksrust, Paarl, Worcester, George, Stellenbosch, Somerset West, Somerset Strand, Beaufort West, Mossel Bay. Wellington, Uit> ullage, Grahamstown, Oudtsboorn, Graaff-Reinet, Oradock, Queenstown, Kingwilliamstown, Kroonstad, Bethlehem, Harrismith, Ladysmith (Natal). * No. 1480.] [24 Julie 1942. L1DMAATSKAP.— KOMITEE V IR V AKLEERLINGE. Hierby word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat, ingevolge artikel elf van die Vakleerlingen Wet, 1922, soos gewysig, ondergenoenide persone as lede en plaasvervangende lede van ondervermelde Kotnitee vir Vakleerlinge aangestel * No. 1480.] [24 July 1942. M EM BERSHIP.—APPRENTICESH IP COMMITTEE. It is hereby notified for general information that, in terms of section eleven of the Apprenticeship Act, 1922, as amended, the following persons have been appointed members and alternate members of tlie undermentioned Apprenticeship Committee: — * No. 1479.] is :—■ K o M J T E E V I I I V A K L E E I t L I N f.’ E I N P out E D IE M E U I I I I L N Y W E llH E I D , l iz a b e t h . W erkgewers. Lede. Flaasvervangende Lede. C. Oonnaeher. P. Schoenraad. T. V. Briggs. H. Randall. W. Gibbon. V. J. Arnold. Werknem ers. T^ede. Plaasvervangende Lede. C. Wait. J. Hackney. C. Saunders. J. Weston. J. W. Watson. S. Bakkes. T)aar word verder bekendgemaak dat mnr. H. C. Gardham deur die Minister van Arbeid as Voorsitter van die Komitoe aangestel is. (C. 1096/8/4.) DEPARTESVIENT VAN VOLKSWELSYN. W ALTER B. MADELEY, Minister of Labour. P ort E l iz a b e t h F u r n it u r e A p p r e n t ic e s h ip C o m m it t e e . Employers. Members. C. Connacher. T. V. Briggs. W. Gibbon. Alternate Members. P. Schoenraad. H. Randall. V. J. Arnold. Employees. Members. Alternate Members. C. Wait. J. Hackney. C. Saunders. J. Weston. J. W. Watson. S. Bakkes. It is further notified that Mr. H. C. Gardham has been appointed by the Minister of Labour as Chairman of the Committee. (C. 1096/8/4.) DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE. * No. 1437.] [24 Julie 1942. Hierby wor<l vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat Sy Edele die Minister van Volkswelsyn, k rag tens die bevoegdheid bom verleen by artikel twee. (1) van die Wet op Huurgelde, 1942 (Wet No. 33 van 1942), ’ n Huurraad vir die Magistraatsdistrik van Brits ingestel het, en die volgende aanstellings in verband met die Huurraad wat so ingestel is, goedgekeur h et: — As voorsitter : Die Magistraat, Brits. As lede: F. Oombrink en C. W. J. Maclean. As plaasvervangende lid : Mev. C. Alexander. * No. 1437.] [24 July 1942. It is hereby notified for general information that the Honourable the Minister of Social Welfare has, under and by virtue of the powers vested in him by section two (1) of the Rents Act, 1942 (Act No. 33 of 1942), constituted a Rent Board for the Magisterial District of Brits and ap proved of the following appointments to the Rent Board so constituted: — As chairman : The Magistrate, Brits. As members: F. Combrink and C. W. J. Maclean. As alternate member: Mrs. C. Alexander. * No. 1478,] [24 Julie 1942. TERUGGEE VAN SERTIFIKATE VERLEEN AAN DIE ..L A D S ’ H O STE L’ ’-KOMITEE VAN DIE HOWARD PIM-TEHUIS, COTTESLOE, JOHANNESBURG, EN DIE NORMAN HOUSE-TEHL'IS, NORWOOD, .JOHAN NESBURG. Hierby word vir algemene informasie bekendgemaak dat die Howard Pim-tehuis en die Norman House-tehuis, Johannes burg, gesluit is en dat die sertifikate wat ingevolge artikel vyj (1) van die ,, Wet tot Wijziging van de Wet op Gevangenissen en Verbeteringsgestichten, No. 46 van 1920 ” , deur die Minister uitgereik is, derhahve nou ingevolge artikel nege-cn-dertig van die Kinderwet, No. 31 van 1937, teruggegee is. SURRENDER OF CERTIFICATES GRANTED TO THE I,ADS’ HOSTEL COMMITTEE OF THE HOWARD PIM HOSTEL, COTTESLOE. JOHANNESBURG, AND THE NORMAN HOUSE HOSTEL, NORWOOD, JOHANNES BURG. It is hereby notified for general information that the Howard Pim Hostel ami the Norman House Hostel. Johan nesburg, which were certified in terms of section five (1) of the Prisons and Reformatories Act Amendment Act, No. 46 of 1920, have been closed down, and the certificates granted by the Minister have accordingly now been surrendered in terms of section thirty-nine of the Children’s Act, No. 31 of 1937. jJc No. 1481.] [24 Julie 1942. Hierby word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat Sy Edele die Minister van Volkswelsyn, kragtens die bevoegdheid horn verleen by artikel twee (1) van die Wet cp Huurgelde. 1942 (Wet No. 33 van 1942), ’ n Huurraad vir die Magistraatsdistrik Riversdale ingestel het, en die volgende aanstellings in verband met die Huurraad wat so ingestel is, goedgekeur b e t: — As voorsitter: Die Magistraat, Riversdale. As lede: J. D. van Wyk en M. W. Theunissen (snr.). As plaasvervangende lid : J. J. Botha. * No. 1482.] [24 Julie 1942. Hierby word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat Sy Edele die Minister van Volkswelsyn, kragtens die bevoegdheid bom verleen by artikel tuee (1) van die Wet op Huurgelde. 1942 (W t No. 33 van 19121. ’ n Huurraad vir die gedeelte van die Magistraatsdistrik Fauresmith wat onder die jurisdiksie van die Spesiale Vrederegter te Petrusburg val, * No. 1478.] [24 July 1942. * No. 1481.] [24 July 1942. It is hereby notified for general information that the Honourable the Minister of Social Welfare has, under and by virtue of the powers vested in him by section two (1) of the Rents Act, 1942 (Act No. 33 of 1942), constituted a Rent Board for the Magisterial District of Riversdale, and ap proved of the following appointments to the Rent Board so constituted: — As chairman : The Magistrate, Riversdale. As members: J. D. van Wyk and M. W. Theunissen (snr.). As alternate member : J. J. Botha. $ No. 1482.] ' [24 July 1942. It is hereby notified for general information that the Honourable the Minister of Social Welfare has, under and by virtue of the powers vested in him by section two (1) of the Rents Act. 1942 (Act No. .33 of 1942), constituted a Rent Board for that portion of the Magisterial District of Faure smith, falling under the jurisdiction of the Special Justice ingestel het, en die volgende aaiistellings in verband met die Huurraad wat so ingestel is, goedgekeur h e t: — As voorsitter: Die Spesiale Vrederegter, Petrusburg. As lid en onder-voorsitter: Dr. J. S. Janse van Rensburg. As li d : J. J. Britz. As plaasvervangende lid: B. N. Lubbe. * No. 1483.] [24 Julie 1942. Hierby word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat Sy Edele die Minister van Volkswelsyn, kragtens die bevoegdheid horn verleen by artikel twee (1) van die Wet op Huurgelde, 1942 (Wet No. .'i.'i van 1942), ’ n Huurraad vir die Magistraatsdistrik van Matatiele ingestel bet, en die volgende aaiistellings in verband met die Huurraad wat so ingestel is, goedgekeur h et: — As voorsitter: Die Magistraat, Matatiele. As lede . H. T. Moon en A. C. W. Eichstedt. As plaasvervangende lid : A. A. Rawlings. * No. 1484.] [24 Julie 1942. Hierby word vir algemene inligting bekendgeniaak dat Sy Edele die Minister van Volkswelsyn, kragtens die bevoegdheid hom verleen by artikel twee (1) van die Wet op Huur gelde, 1942 (Wet No. .I.'i van 1942), die volgende aanstelling in verband met die Huurraad vir die magistraatsdistrik Klerksdorp, goedgekeur het: — P. M. Lennner, as lid, in plek van N. T. MaeLagan. * No. 1485.] [24 Julie 1942. Hierby word vir algemene inligting bekendgeniaak dat Sy Edele die Minister van Volkswelsyn, kragtens die bevoegdheid hom verleen by artikel twee (1) van die Wet op Huur gelde. 1942 (Wet No. 33 van 1942), ’n Huurraad vir die Magistraatsdistrik Bergville ingestel het en die volgende aanstellings in verband met die Huurraad wat so ingestel is, goedgekeur h et: — As voorsitter: Die Magistraat, Bergville. As lede: A. E. Wray en J. ... Forbes. As plaasvervangende lid : H. L. Pretorius. jfc No. I486.] [24 Julie 1942. Hierby word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat Sy Edele die Minister van Volkswelsyn, kragtens die bevoegdheid hom verleen by artikel twee (1) van die Wet op Huurgelde, 1942 (Wet No. 33 van 1942), die volgende aanstellings in verband met die Barbertonse Huurraad goedgekeur bet: — B. W. Cowley, as lid, in plek van J. E. Lewis wat die distrik verlaat het. P. Davies, as plaasvervangende lid. $ No. 1487.] [24 Julie 1942. Hierby word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat Sy Edele die Minister van Volkswelsyn, kragtens die bevoegdheid hom verleen by artikel twee (1) van die Wet op Huurgelde, 1942 (Wet No. 33 van 1942). die volgende aanstelling in verband met die Huurraad Carolina goedgekeur het: — H. Fohren. as lid, in die plek van G. A. Lotter wat die distrik verlaat het. $ No. 1488.] [24 Julie 1942. HUURBEHEERRAAD.— AANSTELLING VAN TYDELIKE LID. Hierby word bekendgemaak dat Sy Edele die Minister van Volkswelsyn, kragtens subartikel (2) van artikel drie van die Wet op Huurgelde, 1942 (Wet No. 33 van 1942), mnr. G. A. C. Kuscbke vanaf die 9de Julie 1942 as tydelike lid van die Huurbeheerraad aangestel het tydens die afwesigheid van mnr. A. C. van dor Horst. * No. 1489.] [24 Julie 1942. Hierby word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak .lac Sy Edele die Minister van Volkswelsyn, kragtens die bevoegdheid hom verleen by artikel twee (1) van die W et op H-'uigelde, 1942 (Wet No. 33 van 1942), A. S. Carter as lid van die Krugersdorpse Huurraad aangestel het. DEPAR7EMENT VAN s{t No. 1483.] [24 July 1942. It is hereby notified for general information that the Honourable the Minister of Social Welfare has, under and by virtue of the powers vested in him by section two (1) of the Rents Act, 1942 (Act No. 33 of 1942), constituted a Rent Board for the Magisterial District of Matatiele and approved of the following appointments to the Rent Board so con stituted : — As chairman: The Magistrate, Matatiele. As members: H. T. Moon and A. C. W. Eichstedt. As alternate member: A. A. Rawlings. # No. 1484.] [24 July 1942. It is hereby notified for general information that the Honourable the Minister of Social Welfare, under and by virtue of the powers vested in him by section two (1) of the Rents Act, 1942 (Act No. 33 of 1942), has approved of the following appointment to the Rent Board for the Magisterial District of Klerksdorp: — P. M. Lemmer, as member, vice N. T. MaeLagan. No. 1485.] [24 July 1942* It is hereby notified for general information that the Honourable the Minister of Social Welfare has, under and by virtue of the powers vested in him by section two (1) of the Rents Act, 1942 (Act No. 33 of 1942), constituted a Rent Board for the Magisterial District of Bergville, and approved of the following appointments to the Rent Board so con stituted : —• As chai.-man: The Magistrate, Bergville. As members: A. E. Wray and J. A. Forbes. As alternate member: H. L. Pretorius. * No. I486.] [24 July 1942* It is hereby notified for general information that the Honourable the Minister of Social Welfare has, under and by virtue of the powers vested in him by section two (1) of the Rents Act, 1942 (Act No. 33 of 1942), approved of the following appointments to the Barberton Rent Board: — B. W. Cowley, as member, vice J. E. Lewis, who has left the district. P. Davies, as alternate member. # No. 1487.] [24 July 1942.: It is hereby notified for general information that the Honourable the Minister of Social Welfare has, under and hy virtue of the powers vested in him by section two (1) of the Rents Act, 1942 (Act No. 33 of 1942), approved of the following appointment to the Carolina Rent Board: — H. Fohren, as member, vice G. A. Lotter, who has left the district. * No. 1488.] [24 July 1942. RENT CONTROL BOARD.— APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY MEMBER. It is hereby notified that the Honourable the Minister of Social Welfare has, in terms of sub-section (2) of section three of the Rents Act, 1942 (Act No. 33 of 1942), appointed Mr. G. A. C. Kuschfce, as from 9th July, 1942, as temporary member of the Rent Control Board, during the absence of Mr. A. C. van der Horst. * No. 1489.] [24 July 1942. It is hereby notified for general information that the Honourable, the Minister of Social Welfare has, under and by virtue of the powers vested in him by section two (1) of the Rents Act, 1942 (Act No. 33 of 1942), approved of the appointment of A. S. Carter, as member of the Krugorsaorp Rent Board. MYNWESE. & No. 1452 ] [24 Julie 1942. BEPALING VAN LOKALITEITE EN BEROEPE W AARIN BEVOORDEELDE MYNWERKERS IN DIENS GENF.EM MAG WORD. Hierby word vir algemene informasie bekendgemaak dat, ooreenkomstig subartikel (1) van artikel sewentig van die ,, Mijntering AVetten Konsolidatie Wet, 1925 ” (Wet No. 35 van 1925), soos gewysig by artikel vyf-en-twintig van die Myntering-Wysigingswet, 1934 (Wet No. 60 van 1934), en by artikel elf van die Myntering-Wysigingswet, 1938 (Wet No. 6 vail •19.'!8), die Minister van Mynwese ter aanvulling van die loknliteite gemeld in bylae C van Goewermentskennisgewing No. 784, gepubliseer in Staatskoerant No. 2763 van 17 Mei 1940, die verdere lokaliteite uiteengesit in bygaande bylae C bepanl het as plekke waarin die houers van ,, Spesiale Vergu rmings ” vir enige soort werk in diens geneem mag word, met dien verstande dat die toestande betreffende ventilasie en stof op ’ n standaard wat die Staatsmyningenieur bevredig, gehou word. SO of the Peace at Petrusburg, and approved of the following appointments to the Rent Board so constituted: — As chairman: The Special Justice of the Peace, Petrusburg. As member and deputy-chairman: Dr. J. S. Janse van Rensburg. As member: J. J. Britz. As alternate member: B. N. Lubbe. DEPARTMENT OF MINES. * No. 1452.] [24 July 1942. DETERB1INATION OF LOCALITIES AND OCCUPA TIONS IN AVHICH BENEFICIARY MINERS MAY BE EMPLOYED. It is hereby notified for general information that, in terms of sub-section (1) of section seventy of the Miners’ Phthisis Acts Consolidation -Act, 1925 (Act No. 35 of 1925), as amended by section twenty-five of the Miners’ Phthisis Amendment Act, 1934 (Act No. 60 of 1934), and by section eleven of the Miners’ Phthisis Amendment Act, 1938 (Act No. 6 of 1938), the Minister of Mines, in amplification of the localities listed in Schedule C subjoined to Government Notice No. 784, published m the Gazette No. 2763 of the 17th May, 1940, has defined the further localities set out in the subjoined Schedule C to be places at which the holders of Special Authorisations may be employed, provided that conditions in regard to ventilation and dust are maintained at a standard satisfac tory to the Government Mining Engineer. BYLAE C. Houers van ,, SpesiaJe Vergunnings ” mag in diens geneem word in ondergerioemde Iokaliteite, bellalwe in ontwikkelingsento en plekke waar daar geen deurtrek-ventilasie is nie vir enige soo; t werk behalwe die bediening van masjienbore. I NSPF.KSIK-APDKLING K rUGERSDORP. Myti. Lokaliteit. Randl'ontein Estates and No. 11 hellingskag en stasies; Gold Mining Company, ook No. 13 skag en stasies Limited. tot No. 3 verdieping en langs No. 3 verdieping tot No. 12A daling en stasies en No. 7 verdieping tussen No. 12A daling en No. 14 skag. % No. 1455.] [24 Julie 1942. Hierby word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat die heer I.ouis Elwin Lauritz Kluever aangestel is as Sekietaris Tan die Mynverhuringsraad met ingang van 7 Oktober 1841. M.M. S taf/ 2P/ A . * No. 1457.] [24 Julie 1912. AANSTELLING VAN GENEESHERE. Hierby word bekendgemaak dat, kragtens subartikei (1) van artikel twualj van die ,, Mijntering Wetten Kousolidatie W et ” , 1925 (Wet No. 35 van 1925), die Minister van Mymvese, in oorleg met die Geneeskundige Buro vir M.yntering, die lys van geneeshere, ingevolge vermelde artikel opgestel en by Goewermentskennisgewing No. 2241 in die Staatskoerant van 18 Desember 1925 gepubliseer, om sekere voorgeskrewe mediese ondersoeke te doen en mediese sertifikate ingevolge vermelde Wet uit te reik, gew'ysig bet deur toevoeging van die onderstaande name: — Dr. William Gillies MeDavid, M.B., Cb.B. (Edin.), as voltydse geneesheer aan die naturellehospitaal van die Blyvooruitzieht Gold Mining Company vanaf 1 Julie 1942. Dr. Max Adolf Friedrich Helm, M .B., Ch.B. (Kaapstad). as voltydse pi aasverv anger aan die naturellehospitaal van die Blyvooruitzieht Gold Mining Company vanaf 1 Julie 1942 gedurende die afwesigbeid op militere diens van Dr. MeDavid. Dr. Hyam Sandler, M B., Ch.B. (Aberdeen), as vol tydse waarnemende assistentgeneesbeer aan die naturelleliospitale van die Government Gold Mining Areas (M) Consolidated, Limited, New State Areas, Limited, en Van Ryn Deep, Limited, gedurende die afwesigbeid van Dr. A. Smith met 30 dae verlof vanaf 10 Augustus 1942. M.M. GO/1. DEPARTEMENT VAN L A ND E . * No. 1441.] [24 Julie 1942. VERKOOP VAN KROONGRON D.— ORAN JE-VR YSTA AT. Hierby word vir algemene informasie bekendgemaak dat, ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel agt van die ,, Nedersettings Noodlenigingsvvet ” , No. 25 van 1931, sekere plaas bekend as Vrede No. 341, distrik Philippolis, groot 050 morge 95 vierkante roede, op Vrydag, 4 September 1942, om 10 vm., by publieke veiling te koop aangebied sal word deur mnr. I. A. J. Malherbe, venduafslaer, by sy vendusie-krale te Philippolis. Die plaas is na beweer word, geskik vir lusern, groot- i-n kleinvee en na beweer word bestaan die volgende verbeterings daarop : —Woonhuis, windpomp op boorgat, buitebuis en stal, klipkrale, vrugtebome en omheinings. Jnsitprys: £1,200. Trrme van betaling: Een-tiende van die koopprys is betaalbaar op die verkoopdag en die saldo, met rente teen 5 persent per jaar, in vyftien (15) gelyke jaarlikse paaiemente bereken vanaf die datum van verkoop. Die koper moet die afslaerskommissio wat 2J persent van die koopprys bedra op die datum van verkoop betaal. B esit: lies it van die eiendom sal op 1 November 1942, gegee word. V e R K O O PV O O RW A AR IJES. 1. Die Regering sal geen koste maak om die bakens van die grond aan te wys nie. 2. Die koper moet vanaf die datum van verkoop alle regte, verpligtings en pligte aanvaar vail ’ n eienaar kragtens die Omheiningswet, 1912, soos gewysig. _ Hy moet verder verantwoordelikheid aanvaar, indion enige, vir die bydrae ten aansien van omlieining reeds opgerig deur aangrensende eienaars. 3. Die koper moet vanaf die verkoopdag op eie koste die verbeterings op die grond in goeie orde hou tot bevrediging van die Minister van Lande. 4. Die koper mag nie sy regte in die verkoopakte of enige gedeelte daarvan oormaak, verbind of op enige ander mauier vervreem nie of die grond of enige gedeelte daarvan verhuur nie, tensy hy vooraf die skriftelike toestemming van die Minister van Lande daartoe verkry het. 5. Behoudens die bepalings van ,, De Wet op Voorheliouden Mineralen ” , 192G, en die Wet op Edelgesteentes, 1927, word alle regte op minerale, mineraleprodukte, minerale-olies, steenkool. onedele of edelmetale of edelgesteentes op of onder die grond aan die Goewerment voorbehou. SCHEDULE C. Holders of Special Authorisations may be employed in the undermentioned localities, excepting in development ends and places in which there is no through ventilation, at any class of work other than the operation of machine drills. KituGEnsDoitp I n s p e c t o r a t e . Mine. Locality. Randfontein Estates and No. 11 incline shaft and Gold Mining Company, stations; also No. 13 shaft Limited. and stations to No. 3 level and along No. 3 level to No. 12A winze; also No. 12A winze and stations and No. 7 level between No. 12A winze and No. 14 shalt. * No. 1455.] [24 July 1942. It is notified for general information that, Louis Elwin Lauritz Kluever, Esquire, has been appointed as Secretary of the Mining Leases Board with effect lrom the 7th October, 1941M.M. Staff/26/A . * No. 1457.] [24 July 1942. APPOINTMENT OF MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS. It is hereby notified that the Minister of Mines has, under sub-section (!) of section twelve of tiie Miners’ Phthisis Acts and published under Government Notice No. 2241 in the Gazette of the 18th December, 1925, to carry out certain prescribed medical examinations and to give medical certifi cates under the said Act by the addition of the following names: — Dr. William Gillies MeDavid, M.B., Ch.B. (Edin.), as full-time medical officer at the native hospital of the Blyvooruitzieht Gold Mining Company as from the 1st July, 1942. Dr. Max Adolf Friedrich Helm, M.B., Cb.B. (Cape), as full-time locum tenens at the native hospital of the Blyvooruitzieht Gold Mining Company as from 1st July, 1942, during Dr. M.cDavid’s absence on military service. Dr Hyam Sandler, M.B., Ch.B. (Aberdeen), as full time acting assistant medical officer at the native hospitals of the Government Gold Mining Areas (M) Consolidated, Limited, New State Areas, Limited, and Van Ryn Deep, Limited, during the absence of Dr. A. Smith on 30 days’ leave as from the 10th August, 1942. ________ __________________________________ M.M. 60/1. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS. * No. 1441.] [24 July 1942. SALE OF CROWN LAND, ORANGE FREE STATE. It is hereby notified for general information that certain farm known as Vrede No. 341, District Philippolis, in extent 650 morgen 95 square roods, will be offered for sale by public auction, under the provisions of section eight of the Land Settlement Relief Act, No. 25 of 1931, by Mr. I. A. J. Malherbe, Auctioneer, at his auction kraals, Philippolis, on Friday, 4th September, 1942, at 10 a.m. The farm is reported to be suitable for lucerne, large and small stock and the following improvements are reported to be on the bolding: — Dwelling-house, windmill on borehole, 2 dams, out house and stable, stone kraals, fruit trees, and fencing. Upset Price.—£1,200. Terms of Payment.— One-tenth of the purchase price to be paid on the date of sale and the balance, bearing interest at 5 per cent, per annum, will be payable in fifteen (15) equal yearly instalments, calculated from the date of sale. The purchaser shall on the date of sale pay the auctioneer’ s commission amounting to per cent, of the purchase price realised. Possession.— Possession of the property will be given on 1st November, 1942. Conditions or S a m . 1. No costs will be incurred by the Government in pointing out tlic boundary pegs or the beacons of the land. 2. The purchaser shall, from the date of sale, assume all rights, obligations and duties of an owner under the Fencing Act, 1912, as amended. He shall further, in respect of fencing already erected by adjoining owners, accept liability, if any, towards such owners to contribute to the cost of such fencing. 3. The purchaser shall from the date of sale and at his own expense keep such improvements as may be on the property in good order and repair to the satisfaction of the Minister of Lands. 4. The purchaser shall not, without the previous written consent of the Minister, transfer^ mortgage or in any other way alienate his rights to and in the deed of sale or any part thereof, or let the whole or any portion of the land. 5. Subject to the provisions of the Reserved Mineral Development Act, 192G, and of the Precious Stones Act, 1927, all minerals, mineral products, mineral oils, coal base or precious metals or precious stones in or under the land are reserved to the Government. a 6 The land or any portion thereof shall not be alienated 6. Die grond of enige gedeelte daarvan mag n i e ^ v r a m without the approval, ^n writing, of tl.e Government word tensv die skriftelike toestemming van die G°e^orment first had and obtained, which condition shadL be iepcat<d in T r s daartoe verkry is nie en hierdie v o o r w a a r d e moet herhaaJ each conveyance of the land or portion thereof. word in elke transport van die grond of enige gedeelte 7. All authorised roads, railways, railway rtat‘° " f t ’ t“ „ m-nnhs telegraph stations, thoroughfares, outsp.ins, da7 rVAUe geoutoriaeerde paaie, spoorwee, spoorwe^aries, water-edurses, "drains, reservoirs and dams now existing on telegraafiyne, telegraafstasies, deurgange u.tspa.mings, the land shall remain free and uninterrupted ,.s m tnuir 111m Wilt, tflllS O wat tans op die grond is, ^ a t.e r v o r e , *__1 waterp*ype™en~ dMime yord as wat die geval present or past use. moet so vry en onbelemmerd gebruis wo 8 The land shall be liable, w i t h o u t compensation to entry onderworpe, sender vergoeding- aan toethereon b\ any person by order of the Government for the purpose of removing therefrom such materials, not lnchidiig gang d t a r t o e deur enigeen op las van d>c ^ .« e r m e n t wr verwyderingsdoeleindes daarvan van sodani,, > bind er or wood as may from time to time be required lor the construction or repair of any pubHe r o ^ s tram-lmes, behafwe hout, soos van tyd tot tyd benodig map, word v „ <.e railwavs railway stations, telegraphs, telegraph stations, l,prstellinE van enige openbaie paaie, tremspo , watercourses, drains, reservoirs or dams running through or over or constructed upon the land. 9 The land or any portion thereof shall be liable, without eoLeii&atfon to have roads, tram-lines, railways, railway m *j ? s s & stations telegraphs, telegraph stations, water-courscs, drains, daarvan op L van die Goewerment van paaie, tremspore, r e s e r v o i r s or dams made in or over any part of it, for the spoorwee, spoorwegstasies, telegrawe, telegraafstasies, water public use and benefit, by order of the Government, PJ'n', tded t o r e afvoerslote, reservoirs ot damme, vir die en however that in respect of those areas on which buildings o-pripf van die publiek, met dien verstande egtei dat ten are erected or which 'are under permanent c»lt.*.t,on a be S e n w daardie oppervlaktes waarop enige Ipbooe time when anv such works may be required to be macie, reasonable condensation shall be made hy thc Government. vafsodanigeatw0erker v lr e ffT o r d ^ biHikf ' v « S ? g dear die The land or any portion thereof may, for the puip * described and subject to the same conditions regarding com iT v r m a g ^ r L v e r m e T d e d t t * on K pe^ an pensation, be resumed by the Government. d ie s e M e voorwaardes betreffende vergoeding deur die 10 The land shall be subject to all rights and servitudes which now affect or at anv time hereafter may be found to G° l 7 eC ng r o \ T S ^ r C p d aan alle regte.en affect the l a n d or which may be binding on the Government servvitute wat nou daarop van toepassing is of later gevind in respect of the said land. masr word van toepassing daarop te wees of wat bindcnd p 11 The farm will be sold subject to the presence of any die Goewerment ten opsigte van genoemde^grond mag . natives thereon, and the Government does not undertake to 11 Die erond word verkoop onderworpe aan die woordSheid8 daarop .van naturelle en die Goewerment ta k e o r to be taken any steps for the removal of any onderneem nie om enige stappe te neem oi e aa such natives. . die verwydering van sulke natnrelle me. in Tn the event of any of the stipulated conditions not 12 Ingeval |een gevolg aan enigeen van die being satisfactorily complied with, the Government wi. have .res+elde voorwHardes gegee word nie bet d.e Goewerment die he rid it to resi me possession of the property and such f e f o m weer besit van die eiendom te neem, en sodamge moneys as may have been paid shall be forfeited together o-pklp soos betaal mag wees, tesame met alle veibetermgs wat na die datum van verkoop moontlik daarop opgerig is, property h the S £ w orf vcrbeurd verklaar. In daardie geval word geen ver shall in that event, be payable by the Government in’l,e®| goeding ten aansien van sulke verbetenngs deur die of suchimprovements. ' In the event of the eancellalu.n of Goewerment hetaal nie. Ingeval die verkoop gekanselle. r e n the sale and of resumption as aforesaid, all costs that may die grond, soos hierin tevore bepaal, teruggeneem word, moet be incurred by - :e Government in effecting resumption shall alle onkoste wat deur die Goewerment gemaak mag word ten be payable by the purchaser. ^ einde gevolg te gee aan die terugname, deur d.e koper betaal -I--) xhe Government reserves the right to withdraw i nronertv from sale should circumstances render it r.eces. " 1 3' Die Goewerment hou bom die reg voor om hierdie plans expedient Every cfTort has been made, to render . “ van die verkoping terirg te trek indien dit deur omstandigrate as possible the information given m this no ice* hede nodig of wenslik gemaak word. Alle pogings is aangebut the Government is not responsible for any inaccurac.e* weml om die inligting in hierdie kennisgewing so noukeuiig should such exist. moontlik te maak, maar die Goewerment is nie verantwoordelik vir enige onjuisthede wat mag voorkom me. DEPARTEMENT DEPARTMENT VAN B ES PR G E I S N G . * No. 1456.] t24 Julir 1<J42PONGQLA-GOEWERMENTSBESPROEIINGSKEMA: BELA STING VIR 1941. di^'syh^ksellens'ie" ^^GMweriK'ur-gen'era^al^be^a'g ^^m e n l9 4 2 opVgrofd w it Set'wateVvan die Pongola-besprodingswerke bespioei word of direkte of indirekte voordeel claaruit trek, te lief. Die belastings geheg moet as volg betaal word: Belasting vir die jaar 1941— voor of op oO September OF IRRIGATION. * No 1456.] t24 jD l-T 1943* PONGOLA GOVERNMENT IRRIGATION SCH EM E: Tt is hereby notified for general information that Hi* Fx-ellencv the Governor-General has, in terms of suo-section ^ of section seven of the Irrigation and Conservation of \ + tvJo ft nf 1912 been pleased to assess Government f i t i m orL n per Z m for each of the years 1941 ami 1942 ujm™ land irrigated or benefiting d ir e d y or fndirectly by water from the Pongola Irrigation Works. The rates assessed shall be paid as follows: Rate for the year 1941—on or before SOth September, Rate4 for the year 1942— on or before 31st December. 1942, Beiasting vir die jaar 1942-voor of op 31 Desember 1942. GENERAL NOTICES. ALGEMENE KENNSSGEWSNGS. la n d b o u v e r e n ic in g s . $ KENN1SGF.WING No. 520 van 1B42. Die volgende besonderhede in verband met die lidmaatskap van Kobneratiewe Landbouvcrenigings, word deur fie Resistrateur van Kooperatiewe Veremgings vir algemene inlormasie gepubliseer opreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel (3) van artikel « 0 - ^ v c e r h g van die W et op Kooperatiewe Veremgings (No. 29 \an lO.TO). Pretoria, 18 Julie 1942. k o o p e r a t ie w e CO-OPERATIVE A G RICU L TU R A L SOGiETIES. sJj NOTICE No. 520 o f 1942. The following particulars in regard to the membership of Registrar of Co-oP®' Pretoria, 18th July, 1942. PA II ^ rr c « H i# ' an,,eS “ H.rr^iulU, No. No. 484 No. 907 P o ,l M U . , R . Albertns (Jm .) sions Qf sub-section (3) of section sw p ssrs 5 ? < J w s B r s x « -« in ^ i*. Naara. Nanu:. Pienaar, Pietor Paul Adres. Address. Rooipan, Pk. Darling Datum Datum waarop waarop bedanking van krag word.^ Date upon which resignation takeft effect. 3 0 /6 /4 2 D IE M AGALIESBERGSE K O O P E R A T IE W E TA B A K P L A N T E R S VERENIG1NG. A A S V U L IA X G SLY S VAN LEDE.- ■A DD ITION AL L IS T OF M E M B E R S . Adres.— Address. No. Naam.— Name. Waterkloof, Pk. Vaalkop, Dist. Marico. 12580 Basson, Johannes .Tune Stephanus Albertus Geluk, Pk. Vorentoe. 12587 Beer, de, Gabriel Stephanos Petrus Rooikoppies Wes, Pk. Vasval. 12588 Beer, de, Jan Marthinus Kromkloof, Dist. Waterberg, Pk. 12589 Beer, de, Johannes Hendrik Doom hoek. Leeuwpoort, Dist. Waterberg, Posbus 12590 Beer, de, Joseph Johannes 39 Nyistroom. Bergheim, Pk. Kroondal. 12591 Behrens, Karl Johannes Heinrich Wonderfontein, Posbus 14, Groot 12592 Berg, van den, Adriaan Marico. . , Stephanus Kalkfontein, Posbus 37, Groblersdal. 12593 Bester, Lucas Cornelius W. Seun Losperfontein, Dist. Brits, Pk. 12594 B0ukes, Sameul Wilhelm Losperfontein. Dekroon, Pk. Brits. 12595 Bezuidenhout, Johannes Arnoldes, J/Sn. Doom fontein, Pk. Koedoeskop. 12590 Botha, Adriaan Hendrikus Stander Tarentaalkraal, Posbus 143, Rustenburg, 12597 Botha, Pieter Willem Pk. Thabazimbi. Soutpansdrift, Dist. Brits, Posbus 200, 12598 Bruin, de, Philip Rudolph Pk. Brits. 12599 Bruyn, de, Willem van Heerden Hartebeespoort, Pk. Hartebeespoort. Mooivallei, Pk. Thabazimbi. 12000 Burger, Abraham Phillippus Kromdraai, Pk. Heldinia. 12001 Burger, Petrus Straatsdrift, Pk. Straatsdrift. 12002 Coetzee, Abel Daniel, A. Sn. TJitvalgrond, Pk. Sonop, Dist. Brits. 12003 Coetzee, Petrus Johannes Driefontein, Pk. 24 Riviere, Dist. 12004 Coetzer, Wilhelm Johannes Waterberg. Middelin, Pk. Lindleyspoort. 12605 Cronk, Clarissa Carolina Rondawelskraal, Pk. Twyfelspoort. 12600 Diedericks, Jacobus Johannes, Jnr. Staankraal, P /S Kruis Pad, oor Middel. 12007 Dippenaar, Andries Jakobus wit stasie. Sandfontein, No. 50 Weslaan, Pk. 12008 Duvenhage, Phillppus Louis Alberton, Dist. Brits. Soutpansdrift, Pk. Pansdrift, Dist. 12009 Furetenburg, LaRocque Blits. XJitvalgrond, Pk. Brits. 12010 Grcunen, van, Maria Susanna Plot No. 829, Mamagalieskraal, Pk. 12011 Guerre, de la, Manie Mamagalieskraal. Doornkraal, Pk. Groot Marico. 12012 Harmse, Cornelius Johannes Rooiwat No. 752, Pk. Derby. 12013 Heerden, van, Barend Izak Jacobus, Jnr. Rooikoppies No. 32, Pk. Brits. 12014 Heerden, van, Johan Magiel Rietfontein, Pk. Brakkloof. 12015 Heymans, Abel Daniel Karecpoort, Pk. Reddingshoop. 12010 Heyneke, David Andries Muller Mamagalieskraal, Pk. Mamagalieskraal. 12017 Horn, Michiel Frederik Elandtfontein (Dist. Waterberg), Pk. 12018 Jager, de, Andries Johannes Wannbad. Karreenoort, Pk. Sonop. 12019 Jordaan, Gert Johannes Daniel Rietvlei No. 91, Posbus 70, Groot 12020 Joubert, Petronella Johanna Marico. _ , , Maria P lot No. 8G, (Dist. Pretoria), Rust der 12021 Koekemoer, Dirk Jacobus Winter. Paardekraal, Rustenburg. ‘*°fi22 Korb, Karel Theeudoor Strydfontein, 414 Venneulenstraat, Kruger, Carl Morsner Pretoria. Bospoort, Pk. Bosspruit. Kruger, Jacobus Frederik Geluk, Pk. Vorentoe. , Lerm, Tobias Willem Gerhardus, A . Seun Wolwekraal (Dist. Brits), Pk. Losper 12820 Lourens, Gert Petrus Lategan fontein. Mamagalieskraal, Pk. Brits. 12027 Lourens, Johannes Jacobus, H. Sn. 12028 Lypke, Wilhelm Georg Heinrich Kana, Posbus 108, Rustenburg. Bankdrift, Pk. Koster. 12629 Marais, Sarel Stephanus Weltevredeu (Dist. Waterberg), P.O. 12030 McNaught, John Bedford Rankiuspass. De Kroon, Pk. Brits. 12631 Neethling, Aletta Martina Wilhelmina Rooikrans, Pk. Groot Marico. 12632 Nortje, Mathys Jacobus Johannes Mamagalieskraal, Plot No. 799, Pk. 12633 Olivier, Petrus Jacobus Mamagalieskraal. Rhcnosterhock, Pk. Gelria. 12034 Pieterse, David Jacobus Paddafontein, Pk. Thabazimbi. 12035 Pi'torius, Johannes Jurie Noukloof, Pk. Derby, Dist. Rustenburg. 12636 Plessis, du, Lukas Marthinus, F. Sn. Soutpansdrift, (Dist. Brits), Pk. Pans12037 Plessis, du, Stephanus Sarel drift. Haakdoorndrift, Posbus 2, Northam. 12038 Potgieter, Georg Antonie Rooikoppies, Pk. Brits. 12039 Potgieter, Katie Klipplaat, Pk. Massekier. 12040 Preez, du, Johan David Kleinfontein (Dist. Brits), Pk. Rashoop. 12041 Pretorius, Johan Nicolaas Boekenhoutpoort (Dist. Waterberg), Pk. 12642 Pretorius, Willem Hendrik Alma. Witpenskloof, Pk. Groblersdal. 12643 Prinsloo, Koos Bokfontein, Pk. Jacksonstuin. 12644 Ras, Hermanus Nicolaas, M /Sn. Mamagalieskraal, Pk. Brits. 12645 Rautenbach, Stefanus Petrus Geluk, Pk. Vorentoe. 12640 Bidder, de, Johannes Petrus De Kroon, Pk. Brits. 12047 Riekert, Catharina Helena Waterval, Posbus 177. R-ustenburg. 12048 ltitchken, Herbert Riekertsdam, Pk. Riekertsdam. 12049 Robbertze, Johannes Hendrik Lindleyspoort, Pk. Lindleyspoort. 12050 ltoesch, Nathaniel Goedehoop, Pk. Koster. 12051 R oux, Josephus Hendrik Johannes Kleinfontein, Pk. Rashoop. 12652 R oux, le, Pieter Andries Biesieskuil (Dist. W aterberg), Pk. 12053 R oux, Ie, W ynand Rudolph Setters. Buflelsfontein No. 387, Pk. Vlakdrift. 12054 Sandt, van der, Schalk Willem Kleinfontein (Dist. Brits), Pk. Rashoop. 12055 Schalkwyk, van, Cornelius Johannes Wolwekraal (Dist. Brits), Pk. 12050 Schoeinan, Stephanus Petrus Losperfontein. Rietspruit, Pk. Loodm yn (Dist. 12057 Smith, Willem Pieter Herman Groot Marico). 12058 Snymau, Ewert Frederik Johan Steenbokfoutein, Pk. Steenbokfontein. nes, J/S n. Steenbokfontein, Pk. Steenbokfontein. 12059 Snyman, Ewert Frederik P/Sn. Grootkuil No. 707, Pk. Koedoeskop. 12000 Steenekamp, Pieter Willem Adriaan Doornkloof, Pk. Maanhaarrand. 12001 Strydom, Jacobus Johannes, Snr. Doornkom (DLst. Waterberg), Pk. 12002 Strydom, Nicolaas Casparua Kareefontein. Koppieskraal, Pk. Straatsdrift. 12003 Strydom, Philippus Mathys Francois P lot No. 10, Mamagalieskraal, Pk. 12004 Theron, Frederik Jacobus Mamagalieskraal. Kareepoort, Pk. Reddingshoop. 12005 Toit, du, Johannes Frederik Welgewaagd N o. 240, p /a Mnr. J. B. 12600 Venter, Willem Marthinus No. Naam.— Name. 12067 Vermaak, Salomon Jacobus, Jnr. 12008 Viljoen, Jan Christiaan 12009 Visser, Petrus Jacob 12070 Vuuren, van, Gerrit Johannes Jansen 12671 Walt, van der, Tjaart Andries Jocobus 12072 Wepener, Henry Alfred 12673 W et, de, Hercules R udolf 12074 12075 12070 12077 Wet, de, Johannes Lodcwikus Wilken, Marthinus Petrus W yk, van, ChrLstolfel Frederik W yk, van, Petrus Jan Albertus 12078 Ysel, Johannes Wiilem Adres.— Address. Rough, Privaatsak, Rustenburg. Plot No. 12 (Dist. Pretoria), R ust der Winter. Kromdraai, Pk. Kwikstaart. Koringfontein, Pk. Zwartruggcns, Dist. Rustenburg. Rietfontein, Pk. Loubad. K lipkop, Pk. W fikmetlus. Rooikoppies, Pk. Brits. Sandfontein (Dist. Brits), Pk. Hartebeespoort.. Bulhoek, Pk. JHvarssprnit. Rooikoppies (Dist. Brits), Pk. Brits. Kareepoort. (Dist. Brits), Pk. Sorop. Krokodildrlft Oos, (Dist. Brits). Pic. Brits. Ivrokodildrift Wes, Pk. Brits. M O ORREESBU RG KORtN'G B O E R E ICO-OPERAT1EWE V ER E N 1G IN Q . JfBWINDKHNG VAN LlDMAATSKAl*. THEM I N A T IO N OF M E M B E R S H IP . Rede vir Datum van beeiadiging van befiindiging van lidmaatskap. lidmaatskap. Naam en Adres. No. Reason for Date of Name ami Address. No. termination of termination of memltfrship. membership. Oorlede -Death. 3 0 /0 /4 2 Basson, Michiel Adriaan Nicolaas, 108 Klipvlei, Pk. Moorreesburg 3 0 /0 /4 2 Brink, Andries Cornelius, Langvlei, Aurora 3 0 /0 /4 2 Grobbelaar, Andries Petrus, Kruis Pad. 490 Pk. Koringberg 3 0 /0 /4 2 Hougaanl, Pieter, Misverstand, Pk. Moorreesburg 3 0 /0 /4 2 Mostert, Hendrik Andries, Bo-dam, Pk. Koringberg 3 0 /0 /4 2 Pienaar, Danel Johannes, Eilandsvalei, 307 Darling 3 0 /6 /4 2 Putten, van, Dirk Adriauus, Papkuils558 fontein, Pk. Aurora W E S TE L IK E ORAAN B O E R E N K O -O P E R A T tE V E VERENTGING. B E tilN D lG IN G VANT LIDM AATSKAP. T E R M IN A T IO N O F M E M B E R S H IP . Rede vir Datum van beCindiging van beeindiging van lidmaatskap. lidmaatskap. Naam en Adres. No. Reason for Date of Natne and Address. No. termination of terminaJion of membership. membership. Oorlede— Death. 30/G/42 38 Bergh, P. A., Brouvlcit, Pk. Malmesbury 3 0 /0 /4 2 02 Boonzaaier, C., Vrede, Pic. Klipheuvel 3 0 /0 /4 2 1295 Krige, Jacob Daniel, Klein Driefontein, Pk. Philadelpiiia 3 0/6 /4 2 1042 Laubscher, Jacob Willem Frank, Langklip, Pk. Steenbergsbaai 3 0/0 /4 2 271 Louw, J. M. A., Dipekloof, Malmesbury 30/0 /4 2 272 Louw, J. M. A., Tweekuileu, Pk. Malmes bury 3 0 /6 /4 2 1207 Louw, Matthys Michielse, Diemersdal, Pk. Durbanville, K.P. 3 0 /0 /4 2 1100 Pienaar, Ockert- Tobias Nicolaas, Skoongesigt., Pk. Stompncus, Dist. Vredenburg 3 0 /0 /4 2 Steyn, Christiaan Pieter Basson, (Gebts., Eendrag, Pk. Firgrove, Dist. Stellenbosch No. No. 310 347 224 259 144 300 251 351 B R E D A SD O R P BO E R E KO OPE RA TIE W E V E R LN IG IN G . B M ftlN D IG lNG VAN LIDM AA TSK AP. T E R M IN A T IO N OF M E M B E R S H IP . Retie vir Datum van beeindiging van beeindiging van lidmaatskap. lidmaatskap. Naam en Adre3. Reason fo r Date of Name and Address. termim tion of termination of membership. membership. Uitgesit. 30/0 /4 2 Fourie, Barend Petrus Johannes, Nooitgedacht, Pk. Klipdale 30/0 /4 2 Fourie, Coenraad Christo Bel, Viljoens» hof, Pk. Viljoenshof 3 0 /6 /4 2 Geldenhuys, Jacobus Johannes, Napier, H Wesselsstraat, Pk. Napier 3 0 /0 /4 2 Goldie, Matys Johannes, Nooitgedag, „ Posbus 59, Bredasdorp 3 0 /0 /4 2 Odendal, Willem Jolian, Rcmlioogte, W Pk. Protem 3 0 /0 /4 2 Roux, le, Schalk Willem, Koeranna, n Pk. Klipdale 3 0 /0 /4 2 Swart, Jurie Johannes, Nooitgedacht, n Pk. Bredasdorp 3 0 /0 /4 2 M Wet, de, Gabriel Francois B /son, Spitskop, Pk. Wydgelegen W E S T E L IK E GRAAN B O EREN KO-OPT’ R A T lE V E VERENIG1NG. B E filN D IG IN G VAN LIDM AATSK AP. T E R M IN A T IO N OF M E M B E R S H IP . Rede vir Datum van beeindiging van beSindigiag van lidmaatskap. lidmaatskap. Naam en Adres. No. Reason for Da te of Name and. Address. No. termination of terminalton of membership. membership. Uitgesit. 3 0 /0 /4 2 899 Burger, Geret, Erasmus, Bctjesfontein, Pk. Pakhuis, Clanwiliiam 3 0 /0 /4 2 Burger, Theodor Heirieh, Pakhuis, 812 Pk. Pakhuis, Clanwiliiam 3 0 /0 /4 2 970 Cloete. R yk Arnoldus Mauritius, Knolfontein, Pk. Windmeul, Malmesbury 3 0 /0 /4 2 1051 Eberhard, Max, Philipskraal en Ivliprug, Pk. Saldanha 3 0 /0 /4 2 1114 Stuart, Jean Abernethy, Dun Darach, Pk. Klipheuvel, Dist. Paarl 3 0 /0 /4 2 941 Toit, du, Jan Gabriel, Klipiiuis, Pk. Clanwiliiam 3 0 /0 /4 2 790 Toit, du, Jan Gabriel, Remhoogte, Private Zak, Ceres 3 0 /0 /4 2 680 Toit, du, Nicolaas Johannes, Goedemanskraal, Pk. de Rust, Dist. Piquetberg rU nJ W E S T E L IK E GRAAN BOEIIEN ICO-OPEUATIEVE VBK.KNIUING. LYS VAN H EDANKINGS.— L IS T OF R E SIG N ATIO N S. Datum waarop bedanking van No. Naam. Adres. krag word. No. Name Address. Date upon which resignation takes effect. 1305 Carstens, Frederik Kliprug, Pk. Saldanha 3 0/6 /4 2 Cliristoffel 711 Carstens, Willem Nieuweland, Pk. 30/6 /4 2 Johannes Tobias Moorreesburg, Dist. Malmesbury 1377 Fischer, Leslie Ren tins Greenland, Posbus 4, 30/6 /4 2 Kuilsrivier 988 Gildenhuys, Francois llhanostervlei, Pk. Riebeek 3 0/6 /4 2 Petrus Albertus West 1355 Jongh, de, Jacobus Smuts Skietplaas, Posbus 10, 3 0/6 /4 2 Gouda 753 Lambrechts, Johannes Rietvlei, Riebeek West, 3 0/6 /4 2 Jakobus Dist. Malmesbury 1450 Louw, Charles ltobert Dennegeur, Posbus 7, 3 0/6 /4 2 Murray Somerset Wes, Dist. Stellenbosch 260 Louw, J. G. Welgeguud, Pk. Malmesbury 3 0/6 /4 2 1220 R oux, le, Francois St. Martin, Pk. Windmeul 3 0 /6 /4 2 Johannes Daniel 1078 Schalkwyk, van, Hermanus Morkclsdam, Pk. St. 3 0/6 /4 2 izak Johannes Helena Baai 1425 ’Stiemhielm, von, Beyerskloof, Pk. Klapmuts 3 0/6 /4 2 liendrika 774 Toit, du, Matthys Vogelstruisfontcin, Pk. 3 0/6 /4 2 Michielse Moorreesburg, Malmesbury * K O 0 P B R A T IE W E LAND BO U VEREN IGIN G. A A N V U LLIN G SLY b V A N L E D E .— A D D IT IO N A L LIST Ob' M E M B E R S . No. Naam.— Name. Adres.— Address. 1912 Becker, Johannes Gerhardus Grootfontein, Pk. Bethlehem, O.V.S. 1913 Bezuidenhout, Coenraad Cronjesfontein, Pk. Danielsrust, Dist. Bethlehem. 1914 Botha, Henning Willem Isnard, Pk. Bethlehem. Jacobus 1915 Cronje, Pieter Vaalplaat, Pk. Bethlehem. 1916 Jager, de, Frederik Johannes Glen Lomond. Posbus 13, Ilarrismith. DEPARTESV3ENT VAN L A N D E . [ 3 J u lie 1942. Ooreenkomstig subartikel (1) van artike! sewentien van Wet No. 9 van 1927 word bierby bekendgemaak dat ondergenoeinde kaarte van Kroongronde op die kantoor van die Landmeter-generaal, Kaapstad, ter insage le, en dat, indien geen beswaar teen genoemde kaarte of teen enige baken of grenslyn in die cpinetings aangeneem voor 31 Augustus 1942 ontvang word nit-, die kaarte ooreenkomstig die bepalings ran subartikel (1) (c) van artikal drie van genoemde Wet, goedgekeur sal word Kaart. No. Diagram No. 1381/42........ - Beskrywing van Crond. Description o f Land. Potseel/Lol C. 1................................... 1383/42........ Perseel/Lo/ F.S.................. .................. Ad res.— Address. Groenvlel, Posbus 295, Behtlehem. Rooikop, Pk. Kaallaagte. The Dam, Pk. Harrismith. Waterskloof, Pk. Slabberts. B R E D A S D O R P BOERE KO oP E Jl AT IE W li V E R E N iG tN G . B E E IN D IG IN G VAN LID.MAATiSKAP. T E R M IN A T IO N O F M E M B E R S H IP . Datum van Rede vir beeindiging van beeindiging van No. Naam en Adres. lidmaatskap. lidmaatskap. No. Name ami Address. Date of Reason for termination of termination of memJtersh/ip. memf>ership. 208 Dyk, van, PhUlip Conrad, Concordia, 3 0 /6 /4 2 Oorlede— Death. Pk. Baard*cheerdersboseh 237 Wes3els, Jurie Wynand, lioldrift, Pk. 3 0 /6 /4 2 Napier 276 Wet, de, Gabriel Francois Johannes, 3 0 /6 /4 2 Spitskop, Pk. Bredasdorp____________ B R E D \ S D O R P B O E R 15 KOO PE R A T I E W E VHRENTGING. LYS VAN B ED AN KINGS.— IA S T Ob' R E SIG N ATIO N S. Datum waarop bedauking van No. Naam. Adres. krag word. No. Name. Address. D ate upon which resignation takes effect. 305 Dyk, van, Gerhardus Kleinsoutrlvier, Pk. 3 0/6 /4 2 Josephus, Jurie/Seun Napier 350 Fourie, Petrus Johannes Moddervlei, Pk. Elim 30/6/42 308 Kock, de, Jan Van Breda Rooklraai, Pk. Napier 3 0/6 /4 2 381 Lourens Phillipus Jacobus Mountain View, Posbus 68, 3 0/6 /4 2 Lodewicus Robertson 343 Lourens, Wessel Johannes Koudrivitir, Pk. Elim 3 0/6 /4 2 19 Neethling, Cornelius Herbert Neethlingshof, Pk. 30/6 /4 2 Muskett Klipdaln 358 Odendal, Hendrik Jacobus Kraaiheuvel, Pk. Bredas 3 0/6 /4 2 dorp 323 Swart, Johanues Albertus Sandfontein, Pk. Napier 30/6/42 338 Viljoen, Johannes Petrus Plaatjeskraal, Pk. Bredas 30/6/42 dorp OF LANDS. Ih e following notices are published for general informa tion : — L. M. WALTON, _ _ Acting Surveyor-General. feurveyor-General’s Office, Cape Town. Mo- 480.J [3 July 1942. Notice is hereby given under sub-section (1) of section seventeen of Act No. 9 of 1927 that the undermenti ' ' ' diagrams of Crown lands are lying for inspection at the ra*of the Surveyor-General, Cape Town, and that, if no obje^ii to the said diagrams or to any beacon or boundary adoptc. in the surveys is received before the 31st August, 1942, the diagrams will be approved under the provisions of sub-section (1) (c) of section three of the above-quoted Act. Limrine Situation Tussen Pere«5l B on West Battery, Hontbaai/Befcesen Lot B and Wes Battery, Hout Bay Tussen persele A, B en No. 7 en West Battery, Houtbaai/Between Lots A. B and No. 7 and West Battery. Hout Bay No. 504.] [1 7 Julie 1942. Ooreenkomstitg subartikel (1) van artikel sewentien van Wet No. 9 van 1927 word hierby bekendgemaak dat ondergenoemde kaarte van Kroongrond op die kantoor van die Landmeter-generaal, Ivaapstad, ter insage le, en dat, indien geen beswaar teen genoemde kaarte of teen enige baken of grenslyn in die opmeting aangeneem voor 14 September 1942, ontvang word nie, die kaarte ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel (1) (c) van artikel drie van genoemde Wet, goedgekeur sal word. Kaart No. Diagram No. 9SS /1942.. . . 1020 Naam.— Name. Kruger, Louis Stcfanus Labuschagne, Johan Adam Neckor, de, Jacobus Nicolaas Pitout, Petrus B’rederik Rauten bach DEPARTMENT Onderstaande kennisgewings word vir algemene informasie gepubliseer: — L. M. WALTON. Waarnemende Liandmeter-generaal. Kantoor van die Landmeter-generaal, Kaapstad. No- 4 8 0 . ] No. 1917 1918 1919 D i n 'S j Kaap/ C a p e .... Kuan/Cape__ Grootte. Area. 10,754 vkt. v t./sq. ft 1-4652 morg/morgen. 3 -1 0 -1 7 -24 No. 504.] [17 July 1942. Notice is hereby given under sub-section (1) of section seventeen of Act No. 9 of 1927 that the undermentioned diagrams of Crown land are lying for inspection at the office of the Surveyor-General, Cape Town, "Slid that. :f no objection to the said diagrams or to any beacon or boundary adopted in the survey is received before the 14th September, 1942, the diagrams will be approved under the provision? of sub-section (1) (c) of section three of the above-quoted Act. Beskrywmq van firond. i> i " esc.rlPtlon. ° f Brandvlei-uitspanning/Ou/sjwjn........ lagging. Dorp/Afdeling. Grootte. • Situation. Toum/Division. Area. Tussen die plase Kleinfontein en Midde! Brandvlei/Between Vie farms Worcester.......... 116-9707 mova/morgen Kleinfontein and Middel BramMei 8675/1941... , , K entani-dorp^eent/C ow m onaffe... R ondom die dorp Kmis.™/Surrounding the village Kentani............... Kentani............. 335-6605 more/morffen. cro r /'V,1: w E .9-Siib.,K ly. 4, lily . 6, Gedeeltes van Warfcburgresenve/Porfwww o f Wartburg Reserve----- . . . Stutterheim o n / 3-9489 morg/morgen, 558-562/1942 Illy. 3, Itly Sen/anrfK iy l . f i l y . 2 aml Cathcart 46,461 vk. v t js g . ft., te&pektiewehk/respectively 2 ■3806,1 •0086,1 •2656 en /and 5-2042 m org/ morgen respektiewelik/ respectively. 1 7-24-31-7 KANTOOR TOT IN V O R D E R IN G VAN STAATSVO ORSKOTTE. STATE A D V A N C E S R E C O V E R IE S O F F IC E . * KENNISGEWING No. 521 v a n 1942. KENN1SGEWING VAN ’N VBRGADERING VAN K R E D ITEURE BELE IN TERME VAN » I E BOERE1!YSTAND.'?WET, 1935. Kennis word hiermee gegee dat die Boere-Bystandsraad besluit het om ’ n vergadering van die krediteure van die ondergenoemde applikant te bole op die plek en datum genoem, kragtens artikel tien van die Boere-Bystandswet van 1935, ten einde skuldeisers in staat te stel om hulle vorderinge te bewys en ’ n voorstel van die Raad te oorweeg. W. J. BRUMMER, Sekretaris, Kantoor tot Invordering van Staatsvoorskotte. Insake applikasie van. R e Application of. G crt .Tohannea Jacobus Greyling, v a n /o / Mooiplaas, Pb./P.O. Burghersdorp, Dist. Albert z ♦ NOTICE No. 521 o f 1942. NOTICE OP A MEETING OF CREDITORS UNDER THE FARM ERS’ ASSISTANCE ACT, 1935. Notice is hereby given that the Farmers’ Assistance Board has resolved to call a meeting of the creditors of the under mentioned applicant to be held at the place and on the date mentioned in pursuance of section ten of the Farmers’ Assistance Act, 1935, for the purpose of proving their claims and to consider a proposal by the Board. W. J. BRUMMER, Secretary, State Advances Recoveries Office. Plek van byeenkoms. Place o f Meeting. Magistraatskantoor/Magistrate's Office, Burghersdorp___ 10 Datum en tyd. Date and Time. September/10(A Sep tember, 1942, 10 vm ./a.m. DIVERSE. MISCELLANEOUS. • KENNISGEW ING No. 4G8 v a n 1942. BOSBOUSKOOL, SAASVELD, GEORGE, KAAPPROVINSIE. Aansoeke om toelating tot bogemelde skool word ingewag van bevoegde jong manne wat ’n tweejarige opleidingskursus wil volg ten einde hulle te -bekwaam vir aanstclling as bosbouers in die Staatsbosboudiens. Applikante moet Dnieburgers van blanke afkoms wees, tussen die ouderdomme van 18 en 25 jaar op 1 November 1942, volkome tweetalig, ongetroud en moet in die Standerd V III-, Juniorsertifikaat-, of ’ n gelykstaande eksamen geslaag het. Eksemplare van die prospektus van die Bosbouskool en aansoekvorms is van die Direkteur van Bosbou, Posbus 334, Pretoria, verkrygbaar. Alle aansoeke moet op die voorgeskrewe vorm aan die Direkteur van Bosbou gerig word, en moet hom nie later as 20 Augustus 1942 bereik nie. Aansoeke wat na hierdie datum ontvang word, sal nie in aanmerking geneem word nie. NOTICE No. 468 o f 1942. SCHOOL, SAASVELD, GEORGE, CAPE PROVINCE. Applications for admission to the above-mentioned school are invited from suitable young men who desire to undergo a two years’ course of training with a view to qualifying for appointment as foresters in the Government Forestry Service. Applicants must be Onion Nationals of European descent, of ages between 18 and 25 on the 1st November, 1942, fully bilingual, unmarried and must have passed Standard V III, the Junior Certificate, or an equivalent examination. Copies of the Prospectus of the Forestry School and appli cation froms are obtainable from the Director of Forestry, P.O. Box 334, Pretoria. All applications must be submitted on the prescribed form to the Director of Forestry, and must reach him not later than the 20th August, 1942. Applications received after the afore-mentioned date will not be considered. 3-17 KENNISGEWING No. 514 v a n 1942. DEPARTEMENT VAN MYNWESE. Die volgende eis word kragtens artikel twee-en-twintig (6) van die Precious and Base Metals Act, 1908 ” (Wet No. 35 van 1908, Transvaal), gepubliseer. P. J. ROUX, Mynkommissaris, Barberton. Kantoor van die Mynkommissaris, Barberton, 13 Julie 1942. M.C.D. 3/2. NOTICE No. 514 o f 1942. DEPARTMENT OF MINES. The following demand is published in terms of section twenty-two (b) of the Precious and Base Metals Act, 1908 (Act No. 35 of 1908 of the Transvaal). p. j . r o u x , Mining Commissioner, Barberton. Office of the Mining Commissioner, Barberton, 13th July, 1942. M.C.D. 3/2. M.C.D. 3/2. Kantoor van die Mynkommissaris, Barberton, 27 April 1942. Die here E. T. E., A. A., en E. J. Andrews, Pilgrimstraat, Barberton. Menere, i/s. Mynpacht No. 712— Brommers No. 28. Hierby word bekendgemaak dat die gelde aan die Goewer~ jj? betaalbaar ten opsigte van Mynpacht No. 712, gelee M.die plaas Brommers No. 28, myndistrik Barberton, j'.insie Transvaal, wat die som van £28. 10s. bedra, op .ny kantoor binne drie maande vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie van hierdie eis in die Staatskoemnt betaal moet word. By versuim van betaling van die verskuldigde bedrag ten opsigte van hierdie mynpacht binne die bepaalde tyd, sal die mynpachtbrief kragtens artikel twee-en-twintig (b) van die ,, Precious and Base Metals Act ” , 1908 (Wet No. 35 van 1908 van Transvaal), ingetrek verklaar word. U dienswillige, P. J. ROUX, Mynkommissaris. 17-24-31 M.C.D. 3/2. Office of the Mining Commissioner, Barberton, 27th April, 1942. Messrs. E. T. E., A. A., and E. J. Andrews, Pilgrim Street, Barberton. Gentlemen, R e: Mynpacht No. 712—Brommers No. 28. Notice is hereby given that the moneys due to the Govern ment in respect of Mynpacht No. 712, situate on the farm Brommers No 28, Mining District of Barberton, Transvaal Province, which amount to the sum of £28. 10s. must ba paid at my office within three months of the date of the first publication of this demand in the Government Gazette. In default of payment of the amount due in respect of this mynpacht within the specified time the Mynpacht Brief will be declared cancelled in terms of section twer\ty-two (b) of the Precious and Base Metals Act, 1908 (Act No. 35 of 1908 of the Transvaal). I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, P. J. ROUX, 17-24-31 Mining Commissioner. * KENNISGEW ING No. 518 v a n 1942. DEPARTEMENT VAN MYNWESE. MYNBESTUURDERSEKSAMEN. Hierby word bekendgemaak dat die volgende eksamen vir Mynbestuurdersertifikate van Bekwaamheid op 16, 17 en 18 September 1942, op verskillendo sentrums in die Unie, en indien daar enige kandidate van Bulawayo en Salisbury is, ook tcgelykertyd aldaar, afgeneem sal word. Inskrywings moet op of voor 29 Augustus 1942 ingestuur word op die vooi'geskri'we aansoekvorni wat op aanvraag van die Sekretaris van die Eksamen kommissies, Posbus 1132, Johannesburg, verkrybaar is. Onderstaando eksamenleerplan word vir algemene informasie gepubliseer, en ’ n kopie met volledige besonderhede sal op annvraag deur die Sekretaris verskaf word. Kandidate moet in die volgende vakke eksamen doen: — V biu’lictend. 1. Mynbou en mynventilasie. 2. Werktuigboukunde, insluitende elektrotegniek. 3. Regskennis. ’ 4. Aardkunde. 5. Opmeting. * NOTICE No. 518 o f 1942. DEPARTMENT OF MINES. MINE MANAGERS’ EXAMINATION. It is hereby notified that the next examination for Mine Managers’ Certificates of Competency will be held at various centres in the Union on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 16th, 17th and 18th September, 1942, and also simul taneously at Bulawayo and Salisbury if there are any applicants from these centres. Entries must be submitted not later than the 29th August, 1942, on the prescribed form of application, which is obtain able from the Secretary to the Commissions of Examiners, P.O. Box 1132, Johannesburg. The following syllabus of the examination is published for general information, and a detailed copy thereof will bo supplied on application to the Secretary. Candidates will be examined in the following subjects: — Co m pu lsory. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mining and Mine Ventilation. Mechanical Engineering, including Electro-Technics. Legal Knowledge. Geology. Surveying. O p t io n a l . O p SIONEEL. 6. Skeikunde en metallurgie. 7. Mineralogie. FORESTRY M.M. 57/2. jfTKENNISGEWING No. 519 v a n .1942. MIELIEREELINGSKEMA. PERSONS WAT GEREGISTREER IS KRAGTENS A RTIK EL 28 VAN DIE M IELIEREELINGSKEM A, GEPUBLISEER BY PROKLAMASIE No. 77 van 1939, SOOS GEWYSIG BY PROKLAMASIE No. 82 van 1940. Hierby word vir algemene informasie bekendgemaak dat die volgende persone, kragtens artikel 28 van die Mieliereelingskema, gepubliseer by Proklamasie No. 77 van 1939, soos gewysig by Proklamasie No. 82 van 1940, by die Raad 6. Chemistry and Metallurgy. 7. Mineralogy. M.M. 57/2. 24-31-7 * NOTICE No. 519 o f 1942. M EALIE CONTROL SCHEME. PERSONS REGISTERED IN TERMS OF SECTION 28 OF THE MEALIE CONTROL SCHEME, PUBLISHED UNDER PROCLAMATION No. 77 o f 1939, AS AMENDED BY PROCLAMATION No. 82 o f 1910. It is hereby notified for general information that the following persons haves in terms of Section 28 of the Mealie Control Scheme, published under Proclamation No. 77 of van Beheer oor die Mielienywerheid, genoem in artikel 2 van daardie skema, geregistreer is. Op las van die Raad. M. J. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Algemene Sekretaris. 1939, as amended by Proclamation No. 82 of 1940, been registered with the Mealie Industry Control Board, mentioned in Section 2 of the Scheme. By Order of the Board. M. J. VAN DER WESTHU] ZEN, General Secretary. PERSON E W A T KR A G TE N S A R T IK E L 28 VAN 1)115 MIELIEREELTNGSKEMA B Y D IE R A A D G E R E G IST R E E R IS AS M A K E LA A R S VAN MI ELIES EN M1EL1EPRODUKTE. PERSON S R E G ISTE R E D IN TERM S OF SECTION 28 OF TH E MEA LIE CONTROL SCHEME TO ACT AS B R O K E R S IN MEALIES A N D M EALIE PRODUCTS. Geregistreerde No. Registered No. No. van Sertilikaat. No. of Certifif'w*'. Naam Name. Handelsnaarn. Trading Name. Ad res A ddress. Posbus/P.O. Box 793, Kaapstad/ Cape Town. Produce House, h /v — c/r Durban and Graystratq/Streets, W orccster. Posbus/P.O. Box 144, Kingwilliamstown. Posbus/P.O. Box 247, Oos-Londen,/jRasf London. M.B. M.B. 33 48 265 273 A. P. du T oit................................................. Solomon Heller.............................................. A. P. du T o it................................................. M.B. M.B. 27 42 24) 270 J. S. S. M cIntyre.......................................... W E. Pullin & T. L. Gripper.................... J. S. S. M cIntyre.......................................... W . E. Pullin & Co........................................ PERSON E W AT KRAGTENS A R T IK E L 28 VAN DIE MIELIEREELINGSKEM A G E R E G IST R E E R IS OM MIELIES TE MAAL, TE B R E E K , TOT GRUIS TE MAAK OF ANDERSINS TE V E R W E R K . PERSONS R EG IST E R E D IN TERMS OF SECTION 28 OF TH E M EALIE CONTROL SCHEME TO G RIN D, CRUSH, GRIST OR OTH ERW ISE PROCESS MEALIES. No. van Registered No. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.T. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. 2826 557 1)46 1 180. 3013 566 2923 258ft I223 1051 1236 606 25)38 2027 2022 1000 137 1010 2530 Naam. Name. Handelsnaam. Trading Name. 1572 5897 944 5SI ! 2900 1571 2703 3355 94'J 5635 6011 5712 1824 Alderton (Potgietersrust) (Pty.), L t d .. . . Alderton ( Potgietersrust) (Pty.), L td ----Arlington .Mills (Pty.), Ltd......................... A. G'. Asmal.................................................... Fred Basel...................................................... Fred Basel...................................................... Charles !lerman............................................. H. J. P. Boardman...................................... A. H. Pagan................................................... L. B oucek................. ..................................... J. 0. F. Brandt.............................................. J. H. B row n................................................... C. J. C ox......................................................... G. L. 11. Coetzee........................................... J. S. D avel..................................................... The Farmers’ Co-op. Bacon Factory, Ltd. J. H. F. Filter................................................ Alderton ( Potgietersrust) (Pty.), L td ___ AMerton (Potgietersrust) (Pty.), L td ___ Arlington Mills (Pty.), L td ......................... A. C. Asm al.................................................... Fred Basel...................................................... Fred Basel...................................................... Berman's Water Mills.................................. H ector Boardman......................................... Boetsap Store & Orchard........................... L. B oucek....................................................... J. C. F. B randt............................................. Browne’s M ill................................................ Cliffs Bargain H ouse.................................... G. L. R. Coetzee............................................ Dullstroom Roller Meule............................. The Farmers’ Co-op. Bacon Factory, Ltd. J. H. F. Filter............................................... 1580 1437 2385 E. Finl.tyson............ M. A. Goodenough. S. S. Gomvs............ . Finlayson’s Mill............................................. M. A. Goodenough........................................ S. S. Gouws.................................................... No. of Cert, prate. 5201 180s 1575 1460 2394 6012 3851 It. It. M. llavvkes.......................................... L. Hersch........................................................ The Kalfranan Steam Mill Co., Ltd........ Anthony & John Kerr................................. F. Searle.......................................................... H. A. F. Klingenberg.................................. M. A. K o la ..................................................... W. J. Pretorius.............................................. D. E. Larkan................................................. N. L. Leonard................................................ C. G. Liversage.............................................. P. W. Longworth.......................................... M. J. Lonrens................................................ Ly den burg Voorspoed Ko">perasie, Bpk.. A. C. Greyling................................................ W . G. M cKinnon.......................................... J. H. Sehutte................................................. FT. W . .1. en F. P. Pieterse......................... ’ Albert Quickelberge..................................... • Reynolds Bros... Ltd..................................... i P. H. Epstein................................................. ! H. Schaper..................................................... R . R . M. Hawkes.......................................... Hersch’s Produce Store............................... The Kaffrarian Steam Mill Co., Ltd........ Kerr B ros........................................................ Kestell Roller Mills...................................... H. A. F. Klingenberg.................................. Kola & C o ...................................................... Kwaggafonteiu Roller Meule..................... D. E. Larkan.................................................. N. L. Leonard................................................ C. G. Livereage.............................................. P. W . Longworth.......................................... M. J. Lourens................................................ Lydenburg Voorspoed Kooperasie, Bpk.. Meliefe Hainmermeule................................. W . G. M cKinnon.......................................... Passie Roller Meule...................................... H. W. J. Pieterse & Seun........................... Albert Quickelberge..................................... Reynolds Bros., L td..................................... Safram Malt Products................................. H. Schaper..................................................... M.M. 3042 M.M. 2400 M.M. 3006 M.M. 1014 M.M 2505 M.M. 1129 M.M. 2990 M.M. 2592 M.M. 504 M.M. 2965 M.M. 2658 M.M. 505 M.M. 500 M.M. 507 M.M. 918 M.M. 1 152 M.M. 2829 M.M. 1410 M.M. 1156 M.M. 1983 M.M. 1881 M.M. 1587 M.M. 04 M.M. 2625 M.M. 1274 M.M. 1275 M.M. 2730 M.M. ! 29 M.M. 143 M.M. 159 M.M. 685 M.M. 1420 6010 3837 580 ) 1980 1880 1941 5317 2895 40 5640 3375 41 42 43 1825 1040 5249 2848 989 5363 1818 1505 904 3897 2343 2893 5233 915 1075 919 2718 2395 A. Schwarz..................................................... M. G. Scrivener.................. ........................... R . & II. Sparg............................................... It. & H. Sparg............................................... H. O. Sparg.................................................... G. M. ^ ty le..................................................... P. 0. Pieterse................................................. G. J. du Toifc.................................................. Vereeniging Milling Co., Ltd...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., Ltd...................... Vereeniging Milling Co.. L td ...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., Ltd...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td...................... C. J. Grobler.................................................. P. W . J. Behrens........................................... G. J. W. Fourie............................................. A. N. W icks.................................................... L. II. Y oung................................................... M. J. Stuart. ................................................ J. C. A 1). Aruiist......................................... J. P. le Grange.............................................. I..J . v. d. Merwe........................................... E. A. K oh ly.................................................... J. W. Greyling............................................... G. H. Colion................................................... J. H. de V os................................................... Ermelo Mills (Pty.), L td ............................. Jacob Frankel (Pty.), L td .......................... W. J. Greef..................................................... L. Misnum...................................................... L. Aronowitz.................................................. C. & A. Schwarz........................................... M. G. Scrivener............................................. Hugo Sparg & Son....................................... Hugo Sparg & Son....................................... H. O. S p a r g .................................................. Style <fc Coates.............................................. Tafelkop Meul................................................ Vaalrivier Roller Meule............................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td ...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td ...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., Ltd...................... Vredefort Roller Meule................................ W artburg Mill................................................ Wessel Fourie se Roller Meule................... A. N. W icks................................................... L. R. Y oung................................................... Zandriviprspoort Mill................................... Armist Mills................................................... Barrvdale Roller Mills................................. Brakspruit Meule.......................................... Codrington Roller Mill................................. Colosberg Roller Meule................................ G. II. Co lien................................................... De Vos ^tasie Roller Meule........................ Ermelo Mills (Pty.), L td ............................. Jacob Frankel (Pty.), L td .......................... W. J. Greef.................................................... Heilbron Roller M i l l ................................... Hippo Roller Milling C o ............................. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.T. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. 2243 1522 764 1562 2852 402 2194 2931 2823 418 1475 2322 2632 1133 1085 3838 1123 2322 1982 5354 2355 475* 5822 5296 1911 4764 235S 3316 1047 1821 A. I). Allison.................................................. A. W . Louw................................................... H. B Mici'lleton............................................ W. M. Milne................................................... Lumku Mission............................................. St. Joseph’s Mission Milling....................... H. A. W. Muller............................................ E. E. McLean................................................ A. R. Q. Clucas............................................. C. W. Hilliar.................................................. L. V. Hiscock................................................ W. H. Simpson............................................. F. Ciani......................................................... . A. G., C. V., II. O. & Mrs. E. T hom as.. H. J. Peattie................................................ . Kleinfontein Roller Mills............................ Louw’s Roller Flour Mills........................... Middleton’s Mill............................................ W . M. Milne................................................... Lumku Mission............................................. St. Joseph’s Mission Milling....................... H . Muller........................................................ E. E. McLean................................................ Schweizer R,eneke Mills (Clucas B ro s.)... Secoeconie Roller Mills................................ S. E. Roller Mills & Aerated Waters....... W . n . Simpson.............................................. Springbok Flats Roller Mills...................... Harry Thom as............................................... Veronique Mills............................................. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M 608 492 2000 526 £3^8 1860 2311 E., A. C. & C. II. V erseput... C. F. van ltooy en .................... C. F. C. van W y k .................... C. D. N. & J. It. M. TTertzog. Verseput Bros................................................ C. F. van R ooyen ......................................... Van W yk ’s Meule......................................... W aterval Roller Meule................................ M.M 531 61 J. H. de K o ck ........................... W est End Roller Meule............................... M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. M.M. 2337 2737 1031 2862 710 2062 3040 241 J046 249 2725 25310 2356 270 3064 3026 834 802 1043 4842 95 5318 232 5636 5963 1972 1017 1006 5168 276' > 3320 1951 6013 5928 2336 186S 3074 1102 : '383 1000 85 Adres. Address. Posbus/P.O . Box 84, Potgietersrust. Gegund. Pk./P.O. Tuinplaats. P osbu s//\ 0. Box 6, Arlington. Kumolosvillo, Pk ./P.O. Bestera. Mparane. Pk ./P.O. Mparane. Sigogo, Pk ./P.O. Sigo go. Posbus/P.O. jBox 16. Pary.J. Keneghadrift, Pk ./P.O. Keneghadriflt. Pk./P.O. Boetsap, Barkly West. Posbus/P.O. Box 17, Willowvale. Mainstraat/ Street, Q umbii. Posbus/P.O. Box 76, Umtafa. Petrusburg. Pk. /P.O. Petrusburg. Straatdrift. P k./P.O. Straatdrift. E rf No. 517, Dultetroom. Posbus/P.O. Box 1, Estoourt. Frischgewacht, Privaat Sak/Private Bag, Frischgewacht. Plot No. 17, Zesfontein. Pk ./P .O . Petit. Posbus/P.O. B ox 21, Umkomaas. Privaat Sak/Private Bag, Willemsrust, o o r / via Bothaville. Posbus/P.O. Box 44. Idutywa. Posbus/P.O. Box 240, Vereeniging. Posbus/P.O Box 349, Durban. Roekmount, Pk ./P.O. Rockmount, Natal. Posbus/P.O. B ox 29, Kestell. Stonehill, Privaat S&k/Prirate Bag, Dundee. Pk ./P.O. Barberspan, Lichtenburg. Posbus/P.O. Box 187, Vereeniging. Posbus/P.O. Box 3, Engabeni. Dwarsfontein, P k ./P .O Derby, Koster. Pk ./P.O. Upper Enseleni, Empangeni. Midhurst, P k./P .O . Sevenfountains. Makokskraal, Pk ./P.O. Makokskraal. Posbus/P.O. Box 17, Lydenburg. Meliefe, Pk ./P.O. Marquard. W illow Bank, Pk ./P.O. Stutterheim. Passfesylyn/Siding oar/via Kroonstad. Viljoen^hof, Pk./P.O. Tygerfontein. Old Green River Outspan, Kingwilliamstown. Pk ./P.O. Esperanza. Posbus/P.O. Box 279, Port Elizabeth. Privaat Sak/Private Bag, Brakfontein Ooa Ijonden/East London. Pk ./P.O. Kot/.eesvlei. Cala, Tembuland. Ntibane, Privaat S a k /Private Bag, Engcobo. P k./P .O . Libode. Helv Grove, Pk ./P .O . Bitye, Umtata. Styles Shed, Pk ./P.O. Muden. Swecthomc, Pk ./P.O. Tafelkop, Vrede. Scandinavia Drift, Potchefstroom. Posbus/P.O. Box 54, Bethal. Posbus/P.O. Box 497, ICaapstad/CVpe Town. Posbus/P.O. B ox 128, Heilbron. Posbus/P.O. Box 3006, Johannesburg. Posbus/P.O. B ox 114, Springs. Posbus/P.O. Box 3, Vereeniging. Posbus/P.O. B ox 12, Vredefort. P k./P .O . Wartburg. Posbus/P.O. Box 96. Clocolan. Lower Mayolo, Pk ./P .O . Whitmore, Engcobo. Posbus/P.O. Box 9, Win ter ton. Pk ./P.O. Sandrivierspoort, Nylstroom. 19 Milnerweg/flood, Oos-Londen/JFajtf London. Aurora. P k./P .O . Barrydale. Brakspruit, Pk ./P .O . Bonnefoi. Privaat Sak/Private Bag 14. Pretoria, v. d. W altstra a t/5 /r^ , Colesberg. Devondale, Pk ./P .O . Dcvondale. lste Laan/ls£ Arenve, Trichardt. Posbus/P.O. B ox 119, Ermelo. Posbus/P.O. Box 6634, Johannesburg. London, Pk ./P .O . Koosfontein. Posbus/P.O. B ox 99. Heilbron. 69 St. Pauls wen/Bond, Oosl-ondon/73'ast London. Posbus/P.O. B ox 247, Pietersburg. P k ./P .O . Philadelphia. Carel Cilliersstraat/6<re»iC. Reitz. Dedimona, Pk ./P.O. Kamastone. Lumku Mission, Pk ./P.O. Lady Frere. St. Joseph’s Mission. Pk ./P .O . Bestera. Collessie, Pk ./P .O . Pomeroy. Borreray, Pk ./P.O. Lower Loteni. Posbus/P.O. Box 47, Schweizer Reneke. Vleesboom. Pk ./P.O. Molayta. Posbus/P.O. Box 60, Somerset Oos/East. Posbus/P.O. B ox 52, Empangeni. Pk ./P .O . Chester. Posbus/P.O. B ox 317, Durban. Veronique, Privaat Sak/Private Bag, Pieter maritzburg. Posbus/P.O. Box 1765, Johannesburg. Amalia, Pk ./P .O . Amalia. Krugerspan, Pk ./P.O. Sentrum. Privaat Sak/Priva*e Bag, Gousberg, Bronkhorstspruit. Rustcnburgweg 4 /4 Rustenburg Road, Krugersdorp._________________________________________ P E R SO N S W A T K R A G TE N S PA RA G R A Al? (a) V A N SU B A R T IK E L (1) V A N A R T IK E L 23 V AN D IE M IE L IER E ELIN G SK E M A G E REG ISTP.EER EN K R A G TE N S KRQU LASIB 2 VAN OORLO GSM AATREfiL No. 20 VAN 1942 (P R O K LA M A SIE No. 47). A AN G K W YS IS OM M IBI.tBS K.\ M IEi IB I’ RODTiKTB VAN *N PRODL’ SBKT VAN M ]E LIE S AAN TE KO OP OF ANDBJISCHS TE V E R K R Y EN T B ONTVANG. PERSONS U EGI8TBRKD IN TERM S OF PARAGRAPH (a) OF SUB-SECTTON (1) OF SECTION 28 OF TH E MEALIF, CONTROL SCHEME A N D DESIGN ATED IN TERM S OF R EG ULATION 2 OF WA R M EASURE No. 20 OF 1942 (PROCLAM ATION No. 47), TO PURCH ASE OR OT H E R W ISE ACQ U IR E A N D R EC E IVE MEALIES 0 1i M E A LIE PRODUCTS FROM A PRODU CER OF MEALIES. Geregi?t,reerde No. Registered No. No. van Sertifikaat. No. of Certificate. M.T. M.T. M.T. 2826 3(515 55 4658 1338 178 M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. 27 1239 2780 1585 2417 2416 2951 1961 3861 3099 2949 309 820 2276 2313 2597 3201 95 5308 2864 3231 2413 5180 2536 3959 225 728 3462 846 91 57 4096 2036 3731 3732 3733 3736 3738 3739 3740 3734 3735 3902 1899 700 560 4312 555 1714 3218 1743 1690 1752 4669 :;089 1675 1387 518 449 2950 1506 1893 644 408 829 956 955 957 2478 4516 3173 1686 1698 157 467 4246 1978 2043 194 441 1915 1692 2044 2903 317 5029 5440 427 1892 5272 4224 1269 1267 1275 1286 4047 1792 2874 2,32 1855 721 16 913 169 6016 2991 5629 5026 4980 4979 146 626 3062 419 144 667 1353 2109 3606 1204 2045 381 5643 617 4958 5698 5540 5733 3795 1686 1295 2407 554 588 357 4298 12*8 3191 3255 3192 3195 3197 319.8 3199 3193 3194 3256 6015 1661 3246 4817 2033 2534 3015 1764 548 2985 5017 718 4966 3185 525 767 145 63ti 888 188 179 2636 2056 2057 2055 1706 4968 614 4332 3764 4046 662 4596 4919 39.S6 174 765 2161 3184 3987 6009 760 5342 5946 1669 500 5641 4541 503 504 502 501 4222 499 1704 619 694 1658 4811 2101 393 Naam, Name. Handelsnaaro. Trading Native. Ad res. A ddress. Ebrahim Mahomed...................................... Alder ton (Potgietererust) (Pty.), L t d .. . . Ahmed & Ebrahim ...................................... Alderton (Potgietersrust) (Pty.), L td ___ Posbus/P.O. Box 50. Tri:^hard. Geguiul No. 108, P k./P .O . Tuinplaats, Y/atcr- Alderton (Potgietersrust) (P & .), Ltd. . . . A. E. Slater................................................... M. A m od ......................................................... H. A. Baehr................................................... Alderton (Potgietersrust) (Pty.). L td ___ Alfred Trading Co........................................ 11. A. Baehr................................................... Po3bus/P.O. B or 84, Potgietersrust. No. 1 Location Store, P k./P .O . Harding. P k./P .O . Uitspanning, Krmelo. Nqolosa, P k./P .O . Cofimvaba, Tsomo. 1. Benjam in................................................... K . Bennie & M. Balkind............................ Die Boere Ilelpmekaar (Edms.), B pk___ Boere Kooperatiewe Molen Mpy, B p k ... I. Benjam in..".............. ................................. I. Benjamin................................................... Bennie Balkind........................................ Die Boere Ilelpmekaar (Edms.), B e p k ... Bokomo Border Roller Mills...................... Bulfelsdrift Trading Stores........................ P k ./P .O . Makapansfa<i. Posbus /P .O . Box 94, Keilbron. Posblis/P.O . Box 91, Vrvburg. Posbus/P.O. B ox 81. Aliwal-Noord/AW M. Pk. /P.O . Makapanstad. M. J. Cloete................................................... M. .1. Cloete................................................... Estate James C o l e . .................................... The Commercial General Agency, L t d .. . Conning & Vo., L td ..................................... A. G. Coventry.............................................. S. A. Bhabha & I. M. Dadabhay.............. F. R . Daniel.................................................. C. J. de W et.................................................. C. M. Dhorat................................................. H. H. D oble................................................... C. H. Evans................................................... Naranjec Dungarshi..................................... G. Ebrahim.................................................... Estate James Cole........................................ The Commercial General Agency, L t d ... Conning <fc Co., L td..................................... A. G. Coventry.............................................. Dadabhay B ros............................................. F. R. Daniel.................................................. C. J. de W et___ C. M. Dhorat................................................. H. H. D oble................................................... Dromore Store................. Dungarshi Morarjee & Co........................... G. Ebraliim & Co......................................... Mlengana, Privaat S ak/Private Bag, Umtata. P k./P .O . Libode. Sneezewood, P k./P .O . Singisi, TJmzimkulu. Posbus/P.O. B ox 1784, Pretoria. Posbus/P.O. Box 1, Thaba ’ Nchu. P k./P .O . Acton Homes. Springboklaagte, P k./P.O . Arnot, Middelburg. Ntile, Privaat Sak/Private Bag, Port St. Johns. Gani Store (Pty.), L td................................. Gan i Sto re ( P ty.), L td................................ Ti. E. Gill (Pty.), L td .................................. M. A. Goodenough....................................... Goodhope Cash Store.................................. Grasvaliey Stores.......................................... Gras valley Stores.......................................... Grasval 1ev Stores.......................................... Grasvaliey Stores.......................................... Grasvalley Stores.......................................... Grasvaliey Stores.......................................... Gras val 1ev Stores.......................................... Grasvaliey Stores.......................................... Grasvaliey Stores.......................................... Grasvaliey Stores.......................................... W. ,1. Hartley & Son................................... Hendrina Roller Mills.................................. E. W. Henley................................................ Hcrsh’.s Produce Store................................. H. H. Haynes................................................ R. R. Hill & C o............................................ M. A. Goodenough................................. L. Z. O’ Donovan & A. A. Pitout.............. Mine & Country Stores (Pty.), L td.......... Mine & Country Stores (Pty.), L td .......... Mine & Country Stores (Ptv.), L td ___ Mine & Country Stores (Pty.), L td.......... Mine & Country Stores (Pty.), L td.......... Mine & Country Stores (Pty.), Ltd.......... Mine Country Stores (Pty.), L td .......... Mine & Country Stores (Pty.), L td .......... Mine & Country Stores (Ptv.), L td.......... Mine »£ Country Stores (Ptv.), L td.......... W. .J. Hartley <fc VV. Hopkins.................... E. Spraggen................................................... E. W. Henley................................................ L. Kersh......................................................... H. H. Haynes................................................ R . R. Hill............................................ IX J. Jacobs.................................................. E. Joom a..................................................... J. Kam enetzky......................................... J. F. Cope............................................ George Kerdachi....................................... F. Searle............................................. J. P. E. K ock ott.................................. M. A. & S. 1. K ola ....................................... M. A., A. A.. M. I. & A. 1. K o la .. .. . N. S. Geldenhuys............................. .. . . I. Benjam in....................................... H. Levin........................... I. & N. Sandler.............................................* It. Lurie & Co. (Ptv.), L td .......... Lydenburg Voorspoed Kooperasie, Bpk.. M. M. Mansoor.................................... W . M. H. Higgins.............................. W. M. H. Higgins.................................. W . M. H. Higgins.................................... .1. Meyerowitz................................. Murulell Bros. (Pty.). L td .............. M. Ahm ed.................................. John McGill........................ I. lv. Smulowitz, A. & M. M. Sims.......... A. A. Palmer....................................... L. Fridman............................... L. Mkize......................................... F. I). Raym ent................................... G. J. du T oit................................. B-. Shapiro............................... 11. Shovel........................ G. J. du T oit.......................... 11 O. Sparg................................................... Amod Suliman (Pty.), L td ......................... Tabacks Supply Store (Pty.). L td ............ H. YV. Surmon....................... W. E. Varney (Pty.), L td .......................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td ..................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td ...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td ...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td ...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., Ltd...................... \ereeniging Milling Co., L td..................... Vereeniging Milling Co., Ltd..................... C. J. Grobier............................. P. VY. .1. Behrens................. M. Abrams................. S. A. Bliabba & I. M. Dadabhay.............. L. It. Young............................... I. M. Dindar & F. E. M oolla..................... Mahomed B aba............................................. I. A. Motala E. M. Lim bada................. G. E. Turner..................................... J. Kam enetzky............................................. Keatsdrift Store............................................ George Kerdachi........................................... J. F. E. K ockott........................................... Leeuwkraal Trading Store.......................... Levin’s Stores................................................ Losberg Roller Mills.................................... R. Lurie & Co. (Pty.), L td ......................... Lydenburg Voorspoed Kooperasio, Bpk.. Maunsoor Trading Store............................. Mapela Trading Store................................. Mapela Trading Store.'................................ Alapela Trading Store.................................. K. Meyerowitz & Son................................. Mundell Bros. (P ty.), L td ........................... John McGill................................................... Piet R etief Roller Mills............................... Pumalanga Mill............................................. F. I). Raym ent............................................. Riolfontein Winkel...................................... H . Shevel........................................................ Skandinawiedrift W inkel............................ A m od Suliman (Pty.), L td ......................... Tabacks Supply Store (Pty.), L td ............ Tweedracht Cash Store................................ W . E. Varney (Pty.), L td .......................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td ...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td ...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., Ltd...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td ...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td ...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td...................... Vereeniging Milling Co., L td...................... Vredefort Roller Mills.................................. M. Baba.......................................................... Barberspan Trading Co............................... B.C.S................................................................ M.T. •1169 4429 G. 1-. Turner....................................... M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. 648 5128 ^886 5127 1445 989 159 2595 5663 T. W. Behr..................................................... 5665 2115 374 2556 T. W . Behr.......................................... John Beretta........................................... John Beretta........................ John Beretta................................ E. I . Boh ling....................... Champions, L td ................................. Clocolan kooperatiewe Landbou Maatskappy. Beperk M.T. M.T. 153 15 696 4812 Mahomed B aba............................................. Daviesville Store.......................................... E. F. Bohling................................................. Champions, L td ............................................ Clocolan Kooperatiewe Landbou Maatskappy. Beperk Posbus/P.O. Box 90, V/olmaransstad. Dromore, P k./P .O . Mid Illovo. P osbus/P.O . B ox 7, Louis Trichardt. Van Tondershoek, Pk./P.O . Chari Cilliera. P osbu s/P.O. B ox 39, Balfour. Posbus/P.O. Box 21, Plat rand. Posbus/P.O. Box 21, Umkoinaas. P k./P .O . Nutfield. Mphahleles Lokasiv/Locution, P k ./P .O . Molsgat. Brakfontein, P k./P .O . Grasvaliey. Buffelsfontein, Pk ./P.O. Gnisvalley. Tygerpad. P k./P .O . Grasvaliey. Bosohpiaats, P k./P .O . Molsgat. Olifantshoek, P k./P .O . Molsgat. Vaalboschiaagte, Pk ./P.O. Molsgat Korenkopjes, Pk./7J.0. Grasvaliey. Vlakfontein, P k./P .O . Grasvallev. Springbokbult, P k ./P .O . Grasvaliey. Dallas, P k./P .O . Komgha. Posbus/P.O. B ox 35, Hendrina. Sevenkloofs, P k./P .O . Middeldrift. Posbus/P.O. Box 240, Vereeniging. Skanskraal, P k ./P .O . Stevnspniit. Lot No. 10, P k ./P .O . St. Faiths. v. d. Waltstraat/S/rce/, Dcwetsdorp. Posbus/P.O. Box 13, Oopies. P k./P.O . Roadside. P k./P .O . Keatsdrift. Siberia, Pk./P.O . Sigogo. Posbus/P.O. Box 29, lvestcll. Tymira, P k./P .O . Ndabakazi. Barberspan, Posbus/P.O. Box 8, Barbcrsran. Posbus/P.O. Box 6, Ottosdal. Posbus/P.O . Box 63, Koster. Leeuwkraal, P k./P .O . Makapanstad. Biesjiesvlei, P k./P .O . Biesjesvlei. Foehville, P k ./P .O . Fochville. Posbus /P .O . B ox 483, Bloemfontein. Posbus/P.O . B ox 17, Lydenburg. Posbus/P.O. Box 42, Leslie. Noodshuip, P k./P .O . Platreef. Swartfonteiu, P k ./P .O . Platreef. Sandsloor, P k./P .O . Platreef. P osbus/P.O . B ox 30, Parys. Posbus/P.O. B ox 2, Mount Frere. P osbus/P.O. B ox 5, Miianik, Qumanico, P k./P.O . Neora, Transkei. Posbus/P.O. Box 2468, Johannesburg. Esikobeni. P k./P.O . Cofimvaba. Posbus/P.O. Box 39, Piet Retief. Pumalanga, P k./P .O . Umzimbi. Bikana, P k./P.O . Willowvale. Rietloutein, P k./P .O . Scandinavia Drift. Pk ./P.O. Coalbrook. Vischkuii, P k./P .O . Endicott. P k./P .O . Scandinavia Drift, Potchefstroom, Hely Grove, P k./P .O . Bitye Stasic/Slation, Posbus/P.O . B ox 28, Balfour. Riet.gat, P k./P .O . Whites. Posbus/P.O . B ox 19, Silverton. New York, P k./P .O . Kildare. P osbu s/P .O . B ox 54, Bethal. P osbus/P.O . Box 497, Kaapstad/Oape Town, Posbus/P.O . B ox 128, Hcilbron. P osbus/P.O . B ox 3006, Johannesburg. Posbus/P.O. B ox 114, Springs. Posbus/P.O. B ox 3, Vcntersdorp. P 9sbus/P.O. Box 3, Vereeniging. Posbus /P.O. B ox 12, Vredefort. P k./P .O . Wartburg. W onderfontein, P k ./P .O . Wonderfontein. P osbus/P.O . Box 9, Winterton. P osbus/P.O . Box 3, Estantia. Wakkerstroom No. 790, P k./P .O . Daviesville. Barberspan, P k./P .O . Barberspan, Delareyville. Rietbokspruit, Privaat Sak/Prmzte Baa, Naboomspruit. spruit. 97 Presidentstraat/S/rce/, Bothaville. Hohwe, P k./P .O . Dwar.doop, Pilgrimsrust. P k./P .O . Dwarsloop, Piigrims Rest. Orinoco, P k./P .O . Dwarsloop, Pilgrims Rest. Posbus/P.O. Box 20, Willowvale. Posbus/P.O. Box 333, Bloemfontein. Posbus/P.O. Box 55, Clocolan. la i Hetuirikspan. P k./P .O . Maizefield. P k ./P .O . Daviesville, Pietersbui^. Geregistreerde . No. Registered No. N o. van Sertifikaat. No. of Certificate. Handelsnaam. Trading Name. Naam. Name. Adres. Address. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T M.T. M.T. 1085 3034 1984 5253 575 599 244 1712 1890 5223 3823 1114 2073 3644 5455 350 5575 444 5607 848 849 348 2221 4227 5513 2623 404 5576 1324 6014 I. D orfan.................................... D . O. Mossop............................ P. L. U ys................................... Bella Frank............................... J. Frankel (Pty.), L td ............ J. Frankel (P ty.), L td ............ H. Green.................................... Minnie Grosman...................... A . A . H arrison......................... C. H. A. Kaufm ann................ P. 11. 1). Kleinsmitli............... J. A . Lederle............................. Late W. <ft W. B. Matthews.. A . Meyerthal............................. N . E. Oldfield........................... I. D orfan................................................... Driefontein Cash Store............. . . . . . . Enkeldoorn Handelshuia.......... .. Oskar Frank.................................. J. Frankel (P ty.), L td ..................... J. Frankel (P ty.), L td ............ . . .......... H. Green.................................. .. M. Grosman................................... A. A . H arrison................................ C. H . A. K aufm ann........................... .< P. Kleinsmith & Co.............................. Maize Mills..................................... W . Matthews & Son................ A. Meyerthal........................................... N. E. Oldfield......................................... M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. M.T. 1452 1800 269 2657 2866 87 770 2851 2464 399 74 486 544 550 3104 3143 2270 110 854 1216 454 4489 1695 2036 Orange Free State Milling Co., Ltd........ M. E. Corkhill, G. A. Mytrea & A. C. Cullen K . E. R a v a t.............................................. C. E. R . Schutte....................................... C. W . Hilliar.............................................. S. Shapiro & S. Eliasohn........................ J. Muthambi.............................................. Slurry Trading Store (Pty.), L td .......... S. F . Stein.................................................. E . E. Surty................................................ H. France................................................... C. M. W ebb................................................ Orauge Free State Milling Co., Ltd. Putterell & Corkhill.............................. H . E. R a v a t............................................ C. E . It. Schutte.................................... Secocoenie Trading Store................... Shapiro & Eliasohn............., .............. Shiphukuphuku Trading S tore......... Slurry Trading Store (Pty.), L t d .. . . Stein & Co.............................................. E . E. Surty............................................ Union Mills............................................ C. M. W ebb............................................ M.T. 872 2670 Henry Irvine W ood ................................. H . I. W ood............................................ * KENNISGEWING No. 522 v a n 1942. VEILIN G VAN GOEDERE, DOEANE, MOSSELBAAI. Hierby word vir algemene informasie bekendgemaak dat *n openbare veiling van oningekiaarde goedere om 10 uur vm. op Vrydag, 18 September 1942, by die Staatspakhuis, Mosselbaai, gehou sal word. Opgawes van die goedere wat verkoop sal word is op aansoek van die Ontvanger van Doeane en Aksyns, Mossel baai, verkrygbaar. Posbus/P.O. Box 39, Wesselsbron. Driefontein, Pk./P.O. Latemanek. Enkeldoorn No. 373, Pk ./P.O. Enkeldoorn. Smalpuut, P k./P .O . Reitz. Posbus/P.O . Box 6634, Johannesburg. Posbus/P.O. Box 6634, Johannesburg. 168 Sarel Cilliersstraat/£<re^, Delmas. Posbus/P.O . B ox 4, Wesselsbron. Bawa Trading Station, Pk ./P.O. Buttcrworth. Qakancu, Pk ./P.O. Baziya, Umtata. Tweedekamp, Pk ./P.O. Reitz. P osbu s/P .O . Box 7, Theunissen. Ngadia, Pk ./P.O. Willowvale. M in a a rs tr a a t/^ r^ , Pk ./P.O. Petrus Steyn. F ox Hill, Ambleton, Pk ./P.O. Pietermaritz burg. Pk ./P.O. Gumtree. Posbu3/P.O. B ox 95, Harrismith. P osbu s/P .O . B ox 26, Nylstroom. Mjika, Pk ./P.O. Tsolo. Vleesboom, Pk ./P.O. Molayta. 16 Lombardstraat/»S7re^, Potehefstroom. Pk ./P.O. Klein Letaba. P osbus/P .O . B ox 1, Slurry. P osbus/P .O . B ox 4, Maquassi. Posbus/P.O . B ox 160, Rustenburg. Posbus/P.O . Box 19, Vryheid. Umvynyana Store, P k./P .O . Umvunyan*, Dundee. Badi, P k./P .O . Badi, Willowvale.______________ * NOTICE No. 522 or 1942. SALE OF GOODS, CUSTOMS, MOSSEL BAY. It is hereby notified for general information that a public sale of unentered goods will be held at the K ing’s Warehouse, Mossel Bay, at 10 a.m. on Friday, the 18t!h September, 1942. Lists of the goods to be sold will be supplied on application to the Collector of Customs and Excise, Mossel Bay. * KENNISGEWING No. 523 v a n 1942. DRTEMAANDELIKSE OPGAWES VAN GOEDERE IN STAATSPAKHUISE. Hierby word vir algemene informasie bekendgemaak dat die driemaandelikse opgawes van goedere in die Staatspakhuise op ondergcnoemde pjekke vir die kwartaal geeindig 31 Maart 1942, opgestel is, en in die doeanekantore van die onderskeie plekke ter insae le : — Bloemfontein, Durban, Germiston, Johannesburg, Kaapstad, Luderitz, Mosselbaai, Oos-Londen, Pieter maritzburg, Pretoria, Port Elizabeth, Walvisbaai, Kimberley. * NOTICE No. 523 o f 1942. QUARTERLY RETURNS OF GOODS IN K IN G ’S WAREHOUSES. It is hereby notified for general information that the quarterly returns of goods in the K ing’s Warehouses at the under noted ports for the quarter ending 31st March, 1942, have been prepared and may be inspected at the Custom Houses at the respective ports: — Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, East London, Germiston, Johannesburg, Luderitz, Mossel Bay, Pieter maritzburg, Pretoria, Port Elizabetfh, Walvis Bay, Kimberley. # KENNISGEWING No. 524 v a n 1942. TOEVOEGINGS AAN EN WYSIGTNGS VAN DTE LYS VAN VERVAARDIGERS GEREGISTREER VIR DIE INVOER VAN GOEDERE ONDER KORTING VAN DOEAN EREGTE VIR 1NDUSTRI ft LE DOELEINDES. * NOTICE No. 524 o f 1942. ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO THE LIST OF MANUFACTUR ERS R KGT ST ERED TO IMPORT GOODS UNDER REBATE OF CUSTOMS DUTIES FOR INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES. LYS IST0. 178 VAN 30 JU NIE 1942— LIST No. 178 OF 30th JUNE, 1942. Tariefltems m et wysigings tot en met di(* ingevolgc W et No. 44 van Nywerheid. 1941 en/of auder wetlike magtiging. Vervaardigers. industry. Tariff items with amendments up Manufacturers. to and including those under Act No. 44 o /1 9 4 1 and/or other statu tory authority. ....................... ....................... 338....................................................... Stewel- en skoenvervaardigin,'//>,0o* and * George B oot F actor?, George................................................................... * Lever Brothers (South Africa) (Pty.), Ltd., Kaapstad/Cape Town 352 (3 )................................................ Olie-uitpers- en -raffinecrbcdryf en vetvervaardiging/O iZ expressing and refining and fat-making. Tariefltems met wysigiiuzs tot en met di*3 ingevolge W et NO. 26 van 1942 e n /o f ander wetlike magtiging. Tariff items with amendments up to and including those under Act No. 26 o f 1942 and/or other statu tory authority. 338....................................................... Stewel- en skoen vervaardiging/7?oo£ and shoemaking. Johannesburg Boots, Limited, Johannesburg. 338....................................................... Stewel- en skoenvervaardiging/itooi and shoenuiking. * W. PI ay don & Company, Port Elizabeth....... ,342....................................................... Suikergoedvervaardiging/Con/tJc(ion«rj/ manufacturing. * Humphries, Limited, Kaap3tad/Cape Tow n.. 34 6 .............................................. Meubel- en matrasvervaardiging/i'Vm&Mre and mittressE dblo- Lipinski Mattress Company. Durban........ making. 34 7 Hoed- en petvervaardiging/2/etf and cap manufacturing. * Union Milliners, Kaapstad/Cape Town............ 34 7 Hoed- en petvervaardiging/Ha* and cap manufacturing. * Union Hat Company, Johannesburg................. 348 (1)................................................ Leerwerk/Leaiherwork. * Mavtham’s, Limited, Kaapstad/G'tfps Town. Leerwerk, met inbegrip van die vervaardiging van sakke, * Paragon Suit Case Company (Pty.), Limited, Port Elizabeth......... 348 (1).. koffera van enige materiaal, kamaste, lyfbande, rieme, tuig- en saalmakersartikels/i/eaMer work, including the manufacture o f bags, trunks o f any material, leggings, belts, straps, harness and saddlery. 363 (1 )................................................ Die looibedryf. leer- en pelswerkvervaardiging/I’ffnninj/, * Pudneys (P.E .) Tannery, Port E liz a b e th .... leather and furriery manufacturing. 363 (1 )................................................ Die looibedryf, leer- eu pelswerkvervaardiging/T’fl/minp, * A. *. Pudney & Company, Uitenhage........... leather and furriery manufacturing. 363 (1)................................................. Die looibedryf, leer- en pelswerkvervaardigint'/Tanninfr * Alliance Tanneries, Limited, Port Elizabeth. leather and furriery numufacturing. * W I’ laydon & Company, Port Elizabeth............................................. 363 (1)................................................. Die looibedryf, leer- en pelswerkvervaardiging/Tanning, leather and furriery manufacturing. 363 ( 1 ) ................................................ Die looibedryf, leer- en pelswerkvervaardiging/y’aTmn#, * Union Chrome Tanning Company, Limited, Port Elizabeth. leather and furriery manufacturing. 363 (1)................................................. Die looibedryf, leer- en pelswerkvervaardiging/Tanmnfl', • S. Pogson & Sons (Pty.), Limited, Port Elizabeth................. leather and furriery manufacturing. Die looibedryf, leer- en pelswerkvervaardlging/Tffnmnp, • Bagshaw, Gibaud & Company, Limited, Broadstraat/Street, Port 363 (1)................................................ leather and furriery manufacturing, Elizabeth Suikervervaardiging/ 6"*M{7aT manufacturing. 371 (8 )................................................ ~ ** ” ’ Prospecton Sugar Estates, Limited, Isipingo............................... Vervaardiging van tnssen-ontplotTers vir springstofver371 (7)................................................ * Griesel W ax Primer Company (Pty.). Limited, Germiston.. vaiinli^ing/Manufaeture of primers fo r explosives manu facturing. Mavtham’s, Limited, Kaapstad/ T o w n ......................................... Artikel/Section 5 van/of Prok./ Vervaardiging van metaal- en kartonhouers/A/a?m/oo» lure of metal and cardboard containers. Proc. No. 140 van /of 1940, soos • gewysig deur Prok Iamasiesfas amended by Proclamations Nos. 69 on/and 83 van/of 1942 * Toevoeging aan vorige item /Extension of previous item. Onderstaande registrasies van vervaardigers onder korting is geskrap :— The undermentioned registrations as manufacturers under rebate have been cancelled ( Gordons Clothing Manufacturers, Johannesburg, wat voorkom op Lys No. 142 van 7 /1 0 /3 7 en daaropvolgonde lyste van toevoogiugs aan hierdio registrasie/ appearing on List Nu. 142 o f 7/1 0 /3 7, and any subsec/nent list notifying extension o f this registration. Lipin ISrothera. Durban, wat voorkom op Lya No. 154 van 1 /1 0 /3 9 en daaropvolgonde lyste van toevoegings aan Uierdie lagatnaia/appearing on List S o. lf>4 of 1 /10/39, and any subsequent list notifying extension o f thijs registration. Natal EMIilo Spring Mattress Company (Pty.), Limited, Diu-ban, wat voorkom op Lvs No. USD van 3T '9 /4 1 en daaropvoigende lyste van toevoegin 'j aan hierdie registrasie/*ppearini7 on List No. 169 of 3 0 /9 /4 1, and any subsequent list notifying extension o f this registration. S.A. Butteries (Pty.), Limited, Johannesburg, wat voorkom op Lys No. 164 van 1 /1 0 /3 9 en daaropvolgiiii'le lyste van toevoegings aan liicrdie regiatriuio/ ,(o;>r.-!ri>i'i on List No. 154 of 1 /1 0 /3 9, and any subsequent list notifying extension o f t/Us regi.str itioa. Scaw Alloys (Pty.). Limited, Johannesburg, wat voorkom op Lys No. 151 vau 1/10 /3 9 e;i daar ipv >lgrmia lyste van toevoegings aan hierdie registrasie/ appearing on lAst No. 154 of 1/10/39, and any subsequent list notifying extensioi o f this retistration. South African Crayon Company (Pty.), Limited, Potehefstroom, wat voorkom op Lys No. 156 van 6 /8 /4 0 en daaropvolgende lyste vau toevoegin > aan hi ‘Min registrasie 'appearing on List No. 156 o f 6 /8 /4 0 , a n i am/ subsequent Hit nt':(/inr ecU ’iiion o f this registration. K o t a .— Dir registraKie-iteins van die Arms Griesel W ax Primer Company (P ty.), Limited, Germiston, wat voorkom op Lys N o. 28 van 7 /9 /2 7 en it i.iropvoigende lyste van toevoegings aan hierdie registrasie is verininder deur skrappinz van die materiale uiteengesit in item 345 vir gebruik b y .In- vervaardiging van springstowwe. N o t e .— The registration o f Messrs. Griesel Wax Primer Company (Pty.), Limited, Germiston, appearing on List No. 28 o f 7 /9 /2 7 , and any subsequent list no h.iying extension of this registration, has been reduced by cancellat ion in respect o f the materials provided fo r under item 345 fo r use in the explosives manufacturing. N ota .— D if rfgistrasie-items van die flrma Rand Shirt and Clothing Manufacturers, Johannesburg, wat voorkom op Lys No. 28 van 7 /9 /2 7 en daaropvo l gende lyste van toevoegings aan hierdie registrasie is verminder deur skrapping van die materiale uiteengesit in item 365 vir gebruik by d ie vervaarding van waterdigte en oliedoekklere en oliedoekhoed. N o t e .— The registration of Messrs. Hand Shirt and Clothing Manufacturers, Johannesburg, appearing on List N o. 28 o f 7 /9 /2 7 , and any subwquen t list notifying extension of this registration, has been reduced by cancellation in respect o f the materials provided fo r under item 365 fo r use in the waterproof and oilskin clothing and oilskin hat. manufacturing. * KENNISG EWING No. 525 v a n 1942. VERBETERINGSKENNISGEWING. Vir algemene informasie word hiermee bekendgemaak dat die kapitaal van die inaatskappy ,, Superconerete Pipes (S.A.), Limited ” (U.C. 9983) van Johannesburg vermeerder is van £110,000 na £200,000 en nie van £10,000 na £200,000 soos vermeld in kennisgewing No. 516 van 1942 en gepubliseer in die Staatskoerant van die 17de dcser. C. E. MORRIS, Registrateur van Maatskappye. Registrasiekantoor vir Maatskappye, Pretoria, 21 Julie 1942. * KENNISGEWING No. 526 v a n 1942. DEPARTEMENT VAN HANDEL EN NYW ERHEID. BELANGRIKE KENNISGEW ING AAN INVOERDERS. Invoerders word hierby in kennis gestel dat teiografiese navrae betreffende die verskeping van goedere wat deur hulle regstreeks aan die ,, Union Government Supply Mission ” , Washington, en die Hoe Kommissaris van die Unie in Londen, gerig word, nie deur daardie beamptes behandel kan word nie. Sulke navrae moet aan die Sekretaris van Handel en Nywerheid, Pretoria, gerig word. * KENNISGEWING No. 527 v a n 1942. UNIE VAN SUID-AFRIKA. DEPARTEMENT VAN VOLKSGESONDHEID. BULLETIN No. 29 v a n 1942 V IR W EEK GEEINDIG 18 JULIE 1942. Pus. Geen. P o k k ie s . Nuwe uitbrekings.—Die plase Bloemendal, Boomplaas, Brakfontein, Hollandia, Oakford, Uitvlug en Welverdiend, distrik Vryheid (N atal); Gesondheidskomitee-gebied van Alexandra en die munisipale gebied Johannesburg, distrik Johannesburg; die plase Doornlaagte, Kuilenburg en Olifantsvlei, distrik Marico (Transvaal); die plase Besterskraal, Korrel en Stonehedge, distrik Bothaville; die plaas Aanzoek, distrik Frankfort; die plase Heuningspruit, Rietfontein en Spytfontein, distrik Kroonstad (Oranje-Vrystaat). T rF G S K O O K S . Nuwe uitbrekings.— Die plaas Ordfianna, distrik Elliot; Mhlanga- en Qoqodala-lokasie, distrik Glen Grey (Kaap). Uitbrekings word in die volgende distrikte" behandel: Bizana, Elliot, Engcobo, Fort Beaufort, Glen Grey, Indwe, Kingwilliamstown, Lusikisiki, Maraisburg, Mqanduli, Nqamakwe, Port St. Johns, Steynsburg, St. Marks, Stutterheim, Xalanga (K aap); New Hanover, Nkandhla (Natal). E p id e m ie s e s ie k t e s in ander lan de. Volgens die jongste berigte is d a a r: — Pes in Nairobi. Pokkies in Basru, Glasgow. Tifuskoors in Seville, Huelva, Sacramento. PETER ALLAN, Sekretaris van Volksgesondheid. ♦ NOTICE No. 525 oar 1942. CORRECTION NOTICE. It is hereby notified for general information that the capital of the company Superconcrete Pipes (S.A.), Limited (U.C. 9981), of Johannesburg, has been increased from £110,000 to £200,000 and not from £10,000 to £200,000 as stated in Notice No. 516 of 1942 and published in the Government Gazette of the 17th instant. C. E. MORRIS, Registrar of Companies. Companies Registration Office, Pretoria, 21st July, 1942. * NOTICE No. 526 o p 1942. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRIES. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO IMPORTERS. Importers are hereby notified that telegraphic enquiries regarding the shipment of goods addressed by them direct to the Union Government Supply Mission, Washington, and the Union High Commissioner, London, cannot be dealt with by those officials. Such enquiries must be directed to the Secretary for Commerce and Industries, Pretoria. * NOTICE No. 527 o p 1942. UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. BULLETIN No. 29 o f 1942 FOR THE W EEK ENDED 18t h JULY, 1942. P lague. Nil. S m allpox. New Outbreaks.—Farms Bloemendal, Boomplaas, Brafcv fontein, Hollandia, Oakford, Uitvlug en Welverdiend, Vryheid District (Natal); Alexandra Health Committee Area and the Municipal Area of Johannesburg, Johannesburg District; farms Doornlaagte, Kuilenburg and Olifantsvlei, Marico District (Transvaal); farms Besterskraal, Korrel and Stonehenge, Bothaville District; farm Aanzoek, Frankfort District; farms Heuningspruit, Rietfontein and Spytfontein, Kroonstad District (Orange Free State). T yphus F ever. New Outbreaks.— Farm Ordfianna, Elliot District: Mhlang* and Qoqodala Locations, Glen Grey District (Cape). Outbreaks are being dealt with in the Districts of Bizana, Elliot, Engcobo, Fort Beaufort, Glen Grey, Indwe, K ing williamstown, Lusikisiki, Maraisburg, Mqanduli, Nqamakwe, Port. St. Johns, Steynsburg, St. Marks, Stutterlieim, Xalanga (Cape); New Hanover, Nkandhla (Natal). E p id e m ic D is e a s e s in O ther PETER ALLAN, Secretary for Public Health. * NOTICE No. 528 £ KENNISGEW ING No. 528 v a n 1942. BESPROEIINGSRAAD NOUDONZIES.— VERKIICSING. Hierby word, kragtens paragrawe 9 en 19 van Deel IV van die regulasies opgestel ingevolge artikels sewe-en-scwentig en tes-en^negentig van Wet No. 8 van 1912, soos gewysig, bekend gemaak dat ’ n verkiesing van twee lede van die bogenoemde Raad, in die plekke van ninre J. H. Niewoudt, wat bedank het, en G. A. Oosthuizen, wie se dienstydperk op 24 April 1942 verstryk het, gehou sal word ten huise van mnr. J. H. Niewoudt, Noudonzies, distrik Gordonia, om 4.30 nm., op die 6de Augustus 1942. M. HARDING-BARLOW, Magistraat. Upington, Gordonia, 16 Julie 1942. C o u n t r ie s . At date of latest available information there existed: — Plague in Nairobi. Smallpox in Basru, Glasgow. Typhus Fever in Seville, Huelva, Sacramento. op 1942. NOUDONZIES IRRIGATION BOARD.—ELECTION. Notice is hereby given in terms of paragraphs 9 and 19 of Part IV of the regulations framed under the provisions of sections seventy-seven and ninety-six of Act No. 8 of 1912, as amended, that an election of two members of the abovementioned Board vice Messrs. J. H. Niewoudt who resigned, and G. A. Oosthuizen, whose period of office expired on the 25th April, 1942, will be held at the homestead of Mr. J. H. Niewoudt, Noudonzies, District Gordonia, at 4.30 p.m. on the 6th August, 1942. M. HARDING-BARLOW, Magistrate. Upington, Gordonia, 16th July, 1942. * * KENNISGEW1NG No. 529 v a n 1942. BEWARINGSRAAD BREED ERIVIER. Hierby word bekendgemaak dat die ampstyd van menere J. S. Bruwer en P. J. Marais, as lede van die bovcrmelde Rand op 7 September 1942 verstryk. ’ n Openbare hofsitting sal geiiou word in die Magistraatskantoor, Robertson, op Vrydag, die 28ste Augustus 1942, om 10 uur vm., vir die verkiesing van twee lede om die uittredones to vervang. M. S. VERM AAK, Robertson, 14 Julie 1942. Magistvaat, * NOTICE No. 529 of 1942. BREEDE R IV E R CONSERVATION BOARD. Notice is hereby given that the period of office of Messrs. J. S. Bruwer and P. J. Marais, as members of the abovementioned Board will expire on,the 7t,h September, 1942. A Public Court will be held in the Magistrate’s Office, Robertson, on Friday the <4!8th August, 1942, at 10 a.m., for the election of two members to replace those outgoing. M. S. VERM AAK, Robertson, 14th July, 1942. Magistrate. * NOTICE No. 530 1942. * KENNISGEWING No. 530 v a n 1942. BESPROEIINGSRAAD LOUTS VALE.—VERKIESING. Hierby word, kragtens paragrawe 9 en 19 van Deel IV van die regulasies opgestel ingevolge artikels sewe-en-sewentig en ses-en-negentig van Wet No. 8 van 1912, soos gewysig, bekendgemaak, dat 'n verkiesing van twee lede van die bogenoemde Raad in die plekke van mnre. M. N. Slabhor on A. J. van Rooyen, wie se dienstydperk op 21 September 1942 verstryk, gehou sal word by die winkel van mnr. D. J. du Preen, Louisvale, distrik Gordonia, om 4 nm. op 27 Augustus 1942. M. HARDING-BARLOW, Magistraat. Upington, Gordonia, 16 Julie 1942. Notice is hereby given in terms of paragraphs 9 and 19 of Part IV of the regulations framed under the provisions of sections seventy-seven and ninety-six of Act No. 8 of 1912, as amended, that an election of two members of the abovementioned Board, vice Messrs. M. N. Slabber and A. J. van Rooyen, whose periods of office expire on the 21st September, 1942, •will bo held at the store of Mr. D. J. du Prcez, Louis vale, district Gordonia, at 4 p.m. on the 27th August, 1942. M. HARDING-BARLOW, Magistrate. Upington, Gordonia, 16th July, 1942. * KENNISGEWING No. 531 v a n 1942. B ES P R OEIINGSR AA D STEYNSVOOR.—VERKIESING. Hierby word, kragtens paragrawe 9 en 19 van l)eel IV van die regulasies opgestel ingevolge artikels sewe-en-sewentig en ses-en-negentig van Wet No. 8 van 1912, soos gewysig, bekendgemaak, dat ’ n verkiesing van drie lede van die bogenoemde Raad in die plekke van mnre. I. Brenner, eerw. Puyjalon en J. P. Snyman, wie se dienstydperk op 7 September 1942 verstryk, geiiou sal word ten liuise van mnr. I. Brenner, Klippunt, distrik Gordonia, om 3 nm. op 13 Augustus 1942. M. HARDING-BARLOW, Magistraat. Upington, Gordonia, 16 Julie 1942. * NOTICE No. 531 o f 1942. STEYNS FURROW IRRIGATION BOARD.— ELECTION. Notice is hereby given in terms of paragraphs 9 and 19 of Part IV of the regulations framed under the provisions of sections seventy-seven and ninety-six of Act No. 8 of 1912, as amended, that an election of three members of the abovementioned Board, vice Messrs. I. Brenner, Rev. Puyjalon and J. P. Snyman, whose periods of office expire on the 7th September, 1942, will be held at the homestead of Mr, L Brenner, Klippunt, district Gordonia, at 3 p.m. on the 13th August, 1942. M. HARDING-BARLOW , Magistrate. Upington, Gordonia, 16th July, 1942. * KENN1SGEW1NG No. 532 v a n 1942. BESPROEIINGSRAAD BUFFELSVLEI-GAMKA. Hierby word bekendgemaak dat ’ n openbare hofsitting in die Magistraatskantoor gehou sal word op Vrydag, die 4de September, om 10 vm., vir die nominasie en verkiesing van twee lede in die plek van mnre. W. H. Botha en 0. S. Brink, wie se dienstydperk op die 14de September 1942 verstryk. C. A. GROBBELAAR, Calitzdorp, 24 Julie 1942. Magistraat. * NOTICE No. 532 o k 1942. BDFFELSVLEI-GAMKA IRRIGATION BOARD. Notice is hereby given that a Public Court will be held at the Magistrate’s Court, Calitzdorp, at 10 a.m. on Friday the 4th September, 1942, for the nomination and election of two members to replace the outgoing members, Messrs. W. EL Botha and C. S. Brink, whose period of office will expire by effluxion of time on the 14th September, 1942. C. A. GROBBELAAR, Calitzdorp, 24th July, 1942. Magistrate. * KENNISGEWTING No. 533 v a n 1942. BESPROEIINGSRAAD McGREGOR. Hierby word bekendgemaak dat die ampstyd van mnr. J. L. Erasmus as lid van die bovermelde Raad, op 7 Sep tember 1942 verstryk. ’ n Openbare hofsitting sal gehou word in die Magistraats kantoor, Robertson, op Vrydag, die 28ste Augustus 1942, om 10 uur vm., vir die verkiesing van ’n lid om die uittredene te vervang. M. S. VERMAAK, Robertson, 14 Julie 1942 Magistraat. ♦ NOTICE No. 533 o f 1942. McGREGOR IRRIGATION BOARD. Notice is hereby given that the period of office of Mr. J. L. Erasmus, as member of the above-mentioned Board, will expire on the 7th September, 1942. A Public Court will be held in the Magistrate's Office, Robertson, on Friday the 28th August, 1942, at 10 a.m., for the election of a member to replace the outgoing member. M. S. VERMAAK j Robertson, 14th July, 1942. Magistrate. * KENNISGEWING No. 534 v a n 1942. BESPROEIINGSRAAD McGREGOR. Hierby word bekendgemaak dat mnr. C. W. Barry gekies is as’ lid van die bogemelde Raad vir die onverstreke amps tyd van mnr. J. L. Erasmus, wat bedank het, d.w.s., tot 7 September 1942, vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan. M. S. VERM AAK, Robertson, 15 Julie 1942. Magistraat. * NOTICE No. 534 o f 1942. McGREGOR IRRIGATION BOARD. Notice is hereby given that Mr. C. W. Barry has beea elected a member of the above-mentioned Board for the unexpired period of office of Mr. J. L. Erasmus, who has resigned, i.e. till the 7th September, 1942, as from date of publication hereof. M. S. VERM AAK, Robertson, 15th July, 1942. Magistrate. * KENNISG EWING No. 530 v a n 1942. BESPROEIINGSRAAD UPINGTON.— VERKIESING. Hierby word, kragtens paragrawe 9 en 19 van Deel IV van die legulasies opgestel ingevolge artikels sewe-en-sewentig en ses-en-negentig van Wet No. 8 van 1912, soos gewysig, bekendgemaak dat 'n verkiesing van twee lede van die bogenoemde Raad in die plekke van mnre. F. C. van Niekerk en L. J. Kriel, wie se dienstydperk op 7 September 1942 verstryk. gehou sal word in die Hofsaal, Upington, distrik Gordonia, om 10 vm. op 13 Augustus 1942. M. HARDING-BARLOW, Magistraat. Upington, Gordonia, 10 Julie 1942. * NOTICE No. 535 o f 1942. UPINGTON IRRIGATION BOARD ELECTION. Notice is horeby given, in terms of paragraphs 9 and 19 of Part IV of the regulations framed under the provisions of sections seventy-seven and ninety-six of Act No. 8 of 1912, as amended, that an election of two members of the abovementionefl Board, vice Messrs. F. C. van Niekerk and L. J. Kriel, whose periods of office expire on the 7th September, 1942. will be held at the Court House of Upington, district Gordonia, at 10 a.m. on the 13th August, 1942. M. HARDTNG-BARLOW, Upington, Gordonia, 16th July, 1942. Magistrate. * KENN1SGEW1NG No. 536 v a n 1942. BESPROEIINGSRAAD WAGENBOOMSR1V1ER. Hierby word, kragtens Deel IV van die regulasies opgestel ingevolge artikels khwe-en-snw'vwtig en ses-en-tngtig van Wet No. 8 van 1912, soos gewysig, bekendgemaak dat ’ n vergadering gehou sal word by die Magistraatshof, Worcester, op Saterdag, 22 Augustus 1942, om 10 uur vm., vir die * NOTICE No. 536 o f 1942. WAGENBOOMS R IV E R IRRIGATION BOARD. Notice is hereby given, in terms of Part IV of the regula tions framed under the provisions of sections seventy-seven and eighty-sir of Act No. 8 of 1912, as amended, that a meeting will be held at the Magistrate's Court, Worcester, on Saturday, the 22nd August, 1942, at 10 a.m., for the op LOUISVALE IRRIGATION BOARD.—ELECTION. verkiesing van een lid vir bogenoemde Raad in die plek ran mnr. J. F. Everson, wie se dienstyd op 31 Augustus 1942 verstryk. F. W . POPE, Magistraat. Worcester, 14 Julie 1942. election of one member for the above-mentioned Board vice Mr. J. F. Everson, whose period of office expires on 31st August, 1942. F. W. POPE, Worcester, 14th July, 1942. Magistrate. * KENNISGEWING No. 537 v a n 1942. BESPROEIINGSRAAD MOORDKUIL. Hierby word, kragtens Deel IV van die regulasies opgestel ingevolge artikels sewe-en-sewentig en ses-en-tagtig van Wet No. 8 van 1912, soos gewysig; bekendgemaak dat ’n vergadering gehou sal word by die Magistraatsbof, Worcester, op Saterdag, 22 Augustus 1942, ora 10 uur vm., vir die verkiesing van een lid vir bogenoemde Raad in die plek van mnr. H. A. Viljoen, wie se dienstyd op 14 September 1942 verstryk. F. W. POPE, Magistraat. Worcester, 15 Julie 1942. £ NOTICE No. 537 o f 1942. MOORDKUIL IRRIGATION BOARD. Notice is hereby given, in terms of Part IV of the regula tions framed under the provisions of sections seventy-nenrn and eighty-six of Act No. 8 of 1912, as amended, t h a t ■> meeting will be held at the Magistrate’s Court, W o r m w i. on Saturday, the 22nd August, 1942, at 10 a.m., for t h e election of one member for the above-mentioned Board rice Mr. H. A. Viljoen, whose period of office expires on 14th September, 1942. F. W. POPE, Worcester, 15th July, 1942. Magistrate. * KENNISGEWING No. 533 v a n 1942. BESPROEIINGSRAAD MIDDLETON. Hiermee word bekendgemaak dat die ampstyd van die ondergenoemde lede van die Besproeiingsraad Middleton op die datums, soos aangetoon teenoor hul name, verstryk: — 1. Louw, W J. D., op 7 September 1942. 2. Strydom, J., op 7 September 1942. ’ n Openbaro liofsitting sal gehou word in die Hofsaal, Somerset-Oos, op 19 Augustus 1942, vir die nominasie en verkiesing van lede om die aftredende lede to vervang. J. A. VILJOEN, Somerset-Oos, 13 Julie 1942. Magistraat. * NOTICE No. 538 o f 1942. MIDDLETON IRRIGATION BOARD. Notice is hereby given that the periods of office of the undermentioned members of the Middleton Irrigation Board will expire on the dates appearing opposite their names: — 1. Louw, W. J. D., on 7th September, 1942. 2. Strydom, J., on 7th September, 1942. A Public Court will be held at the Court House, Somerset East, at 10 a.m. on the 19th August, 1942, for the nomination and election of members to replace those outgoing. J. A. VILJOEN, Somerset East, 13th July, 1942. Magistrate. $ KENNISGEW ING No. 539 v a n 1942. Kragtens artikel vrer-en-dertig van Wet No. 14 van 1S85 (Kaap), word hierby vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat ’ n ruwe en orgeslypte diamant wat driekwart-karaat weeg, deur Andries Ule'tta, op die plaas Hardevlei, distrik Calvinia, gedurende Mei 1942 opgetel is. Indien enige persoon wat aanspraak maak daarop in gebreke bly om binne ’ n tydperk van 21 dae sy aanspraak tot my voldoening te bewys, sal sodanige diamant verkoop word en die opbrongs daarvan aan Saatsinkomste inbetaal word. P. J. F. DE VOS, Magistraat. Kantoor van die Magistraat, Calvinia, 17 Juli© 1942. £ NOTICE No. 539 o f 1942. In terms of section thirty-fo-ur, of Act No. 14 of 1885 (Cape), it is published for general information that a rough and uncut diamond, weighing three quarter carats, was picked up by Andries Uletta, on the farm Hardevlei, District Calvinia, during the month ol May. 1942. Unless within a period of 21 days any person making claim thereto establishes his claim to my satisfaction, such diamond will be sold and the proceeds thereof paid into Revenue. P. J . F. DE VOS, Office of the Magistrate, Magistrate. Calvinia, 17th July, 1942 KENNISGEWING No. 540 v a n 1942. DRANKW ET 1928. LISEN SIERAAD V IR DTE DISTRIK PORT ELIZABETH. Ooreenkomstig ’ n bevel van die Hooggeregsliof (Oostelike Distrikte Plaaslike Afdeling), gedateer 16 Julie 1942, word hierby, kragtens artikel twee-en-twintig van die Drankwet, 1928. bekendgemaak dat ’n Spesiale Vergadering van die Lisensieraad vir die Distrik Port Elizabeth gehou sal word by die Magistraatskantoor, Port Elizabeth, om 10 uur voormiddag op die 29ste dag van Julie 1942, vir oorweging van die verskuiwing van die Groothandel-dranklisensie, gehou deur die firma Tayler en Ries, Beperk, vanaf die huidige persele in Strandstraat, Port Elizabeth, na nuwe persele, Perselp Nos. 21 en 26, Darlingstraat, Port Elizabeth. J. H. J. SCHEEPERS, Port Klizabeth, 17 Julie 1942. Magistraat. * NOTICE No. 540 op 1942. LIQUOR ACT, 1928. LICENSING BOARD FOR THE DISTRICT OF PORT ELIZABETH. In accordance with an order of the Supreme Court (Eastern Districts Local Division) dated 16th July, 1942, it is hereby notified in terms of section twenty-two of the Liquor Act, 1928, that a Special Meeting of the Licensing Board for the district of Port Elizabeth will be held at the Magistrate’s Court at Port Elizabeth at 10 o’clock a.m. on the 29th day of July, 1942, for the consideration of the removal of the wholesale Liquor Licence held by Messrs. Taylor and Ries, Limited, from the present premises in Strand Street, Port Elizabeth, to new promises at Lots Nos. 21 and 26, Darling Street, Port Elizabeth. J. H. J. SCHEEPERS, Port Klizabeth, 17 July, 1942. Magistrate. * KENNISGEW ING No. 541 v a n 1942. 1? ;<:s PR OEI1NGSRADE, D ISTR IK HUMANS DORP. Hiermee word bekendgemaak dat die ampstyd van die lede van ondergemelde besproeiingsrade sal verstryk soos aangedui. Openbare hofsittings sal gehou word vir die verkiesing van lede om die aftredenes te vervang, op die datujns en plekke vermeld : — * NOTICE No. 541 o f 1942. IRRIGATION BOARDS, HUMANSDORP DISTRICT. Notice is hereby given that the periods of office of the members of the undermentioned Irrigation Boards will expire as indicated. Public courts will be held on the dates and at the places mentioned for the election of members to replace those outgoing : — * Verstryklng van ampstyd. Naam van Besprociingsraad. Name van lede wat aftree. R cenen........ Vermaak, A. M. (P .H ./S n.) Schcepers, G. S . . . . Ferreira, S. G.......... 7 /9 /4 2 Ferreira, (M./Sn.) 7 /9 /4 2 Coughapoort D. T. 7 /9 /4 2 7 /9 /4 2 Plek en datum van hofsitting. Name o f Irrigation Board. Hilsonia, Pk. Quagga, om 4 nm. op Vrydag, 28/8/42. Winke’l van It. F. C. Vermaak, te Andrieskraal. om 3 nm. op Vrydag, 28/8/42. *i •• »» THEO. J. ADLER, Magistraat. Magistraatskantoor, Humansdorp, K .P ., 14 Julie 1942. * KENNISGEW ING No. 542 v a n 1942. Hierby word bekendgemaak dat die ampstyd van onder gemelde lede van die Besproeiingsraad, soos bepaal by artikel sewen-erv-vyftig, Wet No. 8 van 1912, verstryk op die datums teenoor hulle name vermeld. Coughapoort Names o f Retiring Members. Expiry of Office. Vermaak, A. M. (P. If./Son) Seheepers, G. S....... Ferreira. S. G.......... 7 /9 /4 2 Ferreira, D. (M ./Son) 7 /9 /4 2 T. 7 /9 /4 2 7 /9 /4 2 Place and Date o f Court. Hilsonia, P.O. Quagga, at 4 p.m., on Friday, 2 8/8/42. Shop o f R. F. C. Vermaak, at Andrieskraal at 3 p.m., on Friday, 28/8/42. THEO. J. ADLER, Magistrate’s Office, Magistrate. Humansdorp, C .P ., 14th July, 1942. * NOTICE No. 542 o f 1942. Notice is hereby given that the periods of office of the undermentioned Irrigation Board members will expire, as provided by section fifty-seven, Act No. 8 of 1912, on the dates set opposite their respective names. STA ATSK PER ANT, 24 JULPE 1342 500 *n Openbar© hofsitting sal gehou word op die plek, datum tyd soos aangegee, vir die verkiesing van lede om die aftredendes te vervang : — en Datum van verstryking Naam van Raad. Aftredende lede. Kamanassie. 1. J. J. Sclioeman 1 4 /9 /4 2 2. C. F. H . Grandling 3. I. P. H. Fourie.. . 1 4 /9 /4 2 1 4 /9 /4 2 Plek, datum en tyd van byeenkoma. Hofsaal, Oudtshoorn, 29 Augustus 1942, om 10 vm . >i it i* H. W . W. ROBERTSON, Verslaggewende Bearapte. Oudtshoorn, 17 Julie 1942. Public Courts will be held at the places, dates and time* stated for the election of members to replace those out g o in g :— Date o f Expiration o f Period. Name o f Board. Retiring Members. Kamanassie. 1. J. J. Schoem an.. 1 4 /9 /4 2 2. C. F . H . Grundling 3. L P . H . F ourie.. . 1 4 /9 /4 2 1 4/9 /4 2 Place, Date and Time o f Meeting. Oudtshoorn Court R oom , 29th August, 1942, at 10 a.m. » t* •• H. W. W. ROBERTSON, Returning Officer. Oudtshoorn, 17th July, 1942. TENDERS. TENDERS. T en d ervo rm s v e rk ry g b a a r b y : S ek reta ris. D .P .W .. P retoria (K a m er 538, F o o n 2-6924). D ie n s te : L e w e rin g , aflew ering en o p r ig tin g van ’n k oelin sta llasie b y d ie V erp leegstersteh u is, K om b u is vir B lank es en L y k h u is . N uw e T u berku loseh osp ita al, R ietfon tein . n a b y J oh a n n esb u rg . T en d er N o. D .P .W . 498. L e w e rin g en a flew erin g van s toom rein ig ers, red useerklep p e, kondensp otte. ens., v ir d ie N u w e T u b erk u ioaeh osp itaa l. R ie tfo n te in . n aby J oh a n n esb u rg . T en d er N o. D .P .W . 499. L e w e rin g van tim m erh ou t en v loerpla n k e v ir reparaaiea aan die P o sk a n toor te P o rt E liz a b eth . K .P l e n d e r N o. D .P .W . 521. L e w e rin g en a flew erin g u it lokule voorra d e van ’ n d iep g a tp o m p en elektrieae m otor, d ru k ten k, en s., v ir d ie V ru g ten a v orsin gsta sie van d ie W estelike P rov in a ie te B ien D on n e, K .P . T end er N o. D .P .W . 623. T en d ers in g ew a g to t 9-uur c m ., 30 J u lie 1942. T en d er F o rm s o b ta in a b le f r o m : S ecreta ry , P .W .D ., P re to ria (R o o m 538, P h o n e 2-6924). S e r v ic e s : S u p p ly , d eliv ery and e rection o f re frig e ra tin g p la n t a t the N u rses' H om e, E u rop ea n K itch e n and M ortu ary, R ie tfo n te in N ew T .B . H o s p ita l, n ea r J oh a n n esb u rg . T en d er N o . P .W .D . 498. S u p p ly and d e liv e ry o f steam sterilizers, re d u c in g valves, steam traps, e tc., to the N ew T .B . H o s p ita l, R ie tfo n te in , near J oh a n n es b u rg . T en d er N o. P .W .D . 499. S u p p ly o f tim b er a n d s to ck flo o rin g fo r a ltera tion s to G eneral Post Office. P o r t E liza b e th , C .P . T en d er N o. P .W .D . 521. S u p p ly and d eliv ery ex stock o f d eep w ell p ow er head an d electrie m o to r pressu re tank, e tc., fo r W estern P ro v in ce F r u it R esearch S ta tion at B ien D on ne, C .P . T e n d e r N o. P .W .D . 523. Ten ders d u e 9 a .m ., 30th J u ly , 1942. L ew erin g en aflew ering va n ’ n la a g sp a n n in gsk a k elb ord v ir die G oew erm en taa a gm eu l. P retoria . T ra n sva a l. T en d er N o. D .P .W . 60°. t . L ew erin g. aflew ering en o p rig tin g van ’n v e n t ila B ie -in s ta lla a ie by die N uw e T .B .-H o s p ita a l, R ie tfo n te in , n a b y J oh a n n esb u rg . T end er N o. D .P .W . 522 L e w e rin g en aflew ering va n ’ n 110 v olt-b a ttery v ir ’ n 3 K .W .-v e rlig tin gs-in sta lla sie by die D oea n eg eb ou , B e itb ru g . T ra n sva a l. T en d er N o. D .P .W . 524. T en d ers in gew a g to t 9-ttu r v m ., 6 A u g u stu s 1942 jfcL ew erin g en aflew ering van u ittrek -w a a ier en roosters vir die S entrale P osk a n toor, H .P .K ., P retoria , T ra n sva a l. T en d er N o. D .P .W . 525. T en d ers in g ew a g to t 9-uu r v m ., 13 A u g u stu s 1942. L e w e rin g en aflew ering van flu oren sieligb u ise en toebeh ore aan die M ngnsyn van die D .P .W . te K a a p sta d . P re to ria . P ieterm a ritzb u rg, B lo e m fon tein en J oh a n n esb u rg . T en d er N o. D .P .W . 543. T en d ers in g ew a g to t 9-uur v m ., 8 O k to b er 1942. T en d ervo rm s v e rk ry g b a a r b y : D ie V o o rsitter, U nieraad v ir Ten ders en L ew era n s ies, V isa giestra a t 271 (P o sb u s 371. F oon 2-9145). P reto ria . D i e n s te : L e w e rin g van g ra sb ed d in g v ir diere vir d ie S .A . P oliaie, vry o p spoor k on tra kteu r se stasie. T en d er N o. S .O . 126. L e w e rin g van hoede vir u itreik in g aan geinterneerdea. T en d er No. S .O . 272. . . L e w e rin g van m ateriaal vir m an skappe aan d ie A lex a n d ra G estig v ir S w aksinn iges, M aitla n d . K .P . T en d er N o. S .O . 273. L e w e rin g van tim m erh ou t, kafanyeT en sin kp la te aan d ie V lek p o o rt B e w a n n g sg e b ie d H ofm eyr. K .P . T end er N o. S .O . 644. •Lew ering van gereed skap , graw e, draad , kru iw aens, ens., aan die B o sd istrik te Tzaneen en N elsp ru it. T en d er N o. S .O . 646. L e w e r in g van vloerpla n ke. sin kp la te, apykers, om h ein in g sm a teria a l. ena.. aan d ie D epartem ent van N atu rellesake. D u rban . T ender N o. S.O . 648. B o o r van b oorga t vir die D ep a rtem en t van N aturelleaake Pretoria D is tr ik T ender N o. S .O . 649 L ew erin g van tim m erhou t en staalvenstera aan die L a n d b ou N a vorsin gsin a titu u t, P retoria . T en d er N o. S .O . 651. L e w e rin g van vyrf aan die L on gm ore- en O tter ford p lantasies. T en d er N o. S .O . 652. ‘ L e w e r in g van einicplate aan die A llu via le S taatsdelw ery, A lexanderb aa i T ender No. S.O . 653. L e w e rin g van ainkplate, vorsp la te. ena.. aan d ie P orter-V erb eterin gsg e s tie . T ok a i. K .P . T en d er N o. S .O . 654. .L e w e rin g van gereedskap. spykers. graw e, ena., aan d ie B redaadorp-, E lg in -, B utterw orth- en U m ta ta -b osd istrik te. T en d er N o. S.O . 656. L o w e rin g van tim m erh ou t aan die G e s tig v ir Sielaiekea, Queenatow n. T en d er N o. S.O . 657. .L e w e rin g van leer aan d ie D ep artem ent van G eva n gen isse. T en d er N o. S .O . 658. T en d ers in je w a g to t 9-uur v m ., 30 J u lie 1942. S u p p ly and d e liv e ry o f a low tension sw itch b o a rd to th e S tate S aw m ill, P re to ria , T .P . T e n d e r N o. P .W .D . 500. S u p p ly , d e liv e ry and erection o f v e n tila tin g p la n t to the T reatm en t B lo c k , R ie tfo n te in N ew T .B . H o s p ita l, n ea r J oh a n n esb u rg . T ender N o. P .W .D . 522. S u p p ly and d e liv e ry o f a 110-volt b attery fo r a K .W . lig h tin g p lan t at C ustom s H ouse, B e it B r id g e , T .P . T en d er N o . P .W .D . 524. T en d ers due 9 a .m ., &th A u g u st, 1942. ^ S u p p l y and d e liv e ry o f e x tra ct fan and g rilles fo r the Cer T elegrap h Office, G .P .O ., P re to ria . T en d er N o. P .W .D . 525. T en ders d u e 9 a .m ., 13th A u g u st, 1942. S u p p ly and d e liv e ry o f fluorescent lig h tin g tubes and spares to P .W .D . Stores at C ape T ow n . P re to ria , P iete rm a ritz b u rg . B loem fon tein and J oh a n n esb u rg . T en d er N o. P .W .D , 543. T en d ers d u e 9 a .m ., 8th O c to b er, 1942. T en d er F o rm s o b ta in a b le f r o m : The C hairm an, U nion Ten der and S u p p lies B o a rd , 271 V isa gie StreeI (P .O . B o x 371. P h o n e 2-9145), P re to ria . S e r v ic e s : S u p p ly o f an im al b e d d in g to the South A frica n P o lice , f .o « . co n tr a c to r's sta tion . T en d er N o. 8 .O . 126. S u p p ly o f hats fo r issue to internees. T e n d e r N o. S .O . 272. S u p p ly of w orsted s u itin g to the A lex a n d ra In s titu tio n fo r F e e b le m in ded, M a itla n d , C .P . T end er N o. S .O . .273. S u p p ly o f tim b er, ch aff cu tter and galvanised iro n to the V lek p oort C on serva tion A rea, H o fm e y r. C .P . Tender N o . S .O . 644. S u p p ly o f tools, spades, w ire and w h eelb a rrow s, e tc.. to the Tzaneen and N elsn ru it F orestal D istricts. T end er N o. S .O . 646. S u p p ly o f floorin g b oard s, ga lva n ised iro n , n a ils an d fe n c in g m ateria l, etc.. to the D ep a rtm en t o f N a tiv e A ffair*, D u rb a n . T e n d e r N o. 5 .0 . 648 D r illin g o f a boreh ole for the D ep a rtm en t of N a tiv e A ffairs. P retoria D istrict. T end er N o. 8 .O . 649. S u p p ly o f tim b er and steel w in d ow s to th e A gricu ltu ra l R esearch In stitu te, P re to ria . T en d er N o. S .O . 651. .S u p p ly o f p a in t to th e L on g m o re and O tte rfo rd P la n ta tio n s. T end er N o. S.O . 652. S u p p ly o f ga lva n ised iron to the S tate A llu via l D ig g in g s. A lexa n d er B ay T en d er N o. S .O . 653. S u p p ly o f ga lva n ised iron , r id g in g , e tc., to the P orter R e fo rm a to ry , T ok a i, C .P . T en d er N o. S.O . 654. _ , , . S u p p ly o f tools, n a ils, spades, etc.,# to the B re d a sd o rp , E lg in , B u tterw orth and U m ta ta F orestal D istricts. T en d er N o. S .O . 656. S u p p lv o f tim b er to the M en tal H o sp ita l, Q u eenstow n. T end er No. 5 .0 . 657. S u p p ly o f leath er to the D ep a rtm en t of P ris o n s, P re to ria . T end er N o. S .O . 658. T en d ers d u e 9 a .m .. 30th J u ly, 1942. D ora van k orin g by d ie Loakop -ned ersetting. T en d er No. S .O . 127. L e w e rin g van kruidenieraw are aan G oew erm en ts- en P rov in sia le T nrigtings. T en d er N o. S .O . 120. L e w e rin g van n a alde en m ateria a l aan d ie G estig v ir Sw aksinnigea. B lo e m fon tein . T end er N o. S .O . 275. L e w e rin g van k leu rb a a d jiea , h em d e, kouse en on d erh em d e aan die H u ish o u d sk ool, A d ela id e. T en d er N o. S .O . 276. L e w e rin g van in rig tin g sb en od ig d h ed e ^ ed u ren d e d ie tyd p erk 1 A p ril 1943 tot 31 M aart 1944. T en d er N o. S .O . 277. L e w e rin g va n b ou m a teria a l, tim m erh ou t, v erf, aanitere m ateriaal, stow e staalvensters. ens.. aan d ie T a b a k n a v orsin gsta sie, R u sten b u rg. T en d er N o. S .O . 660. _ L e w e rin g van om h ein in g sm a teria a l aan die G anspan-nederaettin g. T en d er N o. S .O . 661. L e v e r in g va n s a a d a a rta p p eld ip aan die V aal-H artz-n ederaettin g. T en d er N o. S .O . 662. K o o p van velle va n d ie D ep a rtem en t van D oea n e en Akayns, D u rb an , ex .. S aeoia T en d er N o. S.O . 663. L e w e rin g van v e rf aan die G an ap an -n ed ersettin g. T en d er N o. S.O. 661. . « L e w e rin g van sin k p la te, b ou m ateria a l, d eure, venatera, apykera, ena., aan die V lek p oort-b ew a rin ga geb ied , H ofm ey r. T en d er N o. S .O . 665. L e w e rin g van om h ein in g sm a teria a l, sin kp la te, d eure, spykers. ena., aan die S tellen b osch -E lsen b u rg -L a n d b ou k olleg e. T en a er N o S.O . T h re sh in g o f wheat on the L o s k o p S ettlem en t. T en d er N o. S .O . 12T. S u p p ly o f groceries to G o v e rn m e n t an d P ro v in cia l In stitu tio n s in the T ra n sva a l P fo v in ce . T ender N o. S .O . 120. S u p p ly o f needles and m aterial to th e M en tal H o s p ita l, B loem fo n te in . T e n d e r N o. S .O . 275. S u p p ly o i b lazers, shirts, stock in gs and vests to the H ou secra ft S ch o o l, A d elaid e. T ender N o. S .O . 276. S u p p ly o f in stitu tion requisites d u rin g the p e rio d 1st A p ril. 1943, to 31st M a rch , 1944. T e n d e r N o. S .O . 277. S u p p ly o f b u ild in g m ateria l, tim b er, p a in ts, sa n ita ry m aterials, stoves, steel w in d ow s, e tc., to the T o b a cco R esea rch S tation, R u ste n b u rg . T ender N o. S .O . 660. Su^v.ily o f fe n cin g m ateria l to th e G a n sp a n S ettlem en t. T end er No. L e w e rin g van tra n s p o rte rs, gom la stiek p v p , staal, _ elektriese m ateria a l aan die A llu via lestaa tsd elw ery, A lex a n d erb a a i. T end er N o. S .O . 667. T en d ers in g ew a g to t 9-uu r v m ., 6 A u g u stu s 1942. S u p p ly o f co n v e y o r b e ltin g , ru b b e r hose, steel, electrica l m aterial, e tc.. to the State A llu via l D ig g in g s, A le x a n d e r B ay . T ender No. 5 .0 . 667. Ten ders due 9 a .m ., 6th A u g u st, 1942. 666. S u p n iy o f seed p o ta to d ip to the V a a l-H a rts S ettlem en t. Vender N o. S .O . 662. P u rch a se o f h ides from the D ep a rtm en t o f C u stom s and E xcise, D u rb an , e x “ S av oia ” . T en d er N o. S .O . 663. S u p p lv o f p ain ts to the G a n sp a n S ettlem en t. T en d er N o. S.O . 664. S u p p ly o f ga lva n ised iro n , b u ild in g m ateria l, d oors, w indow s, nails, etc. to th e V le k p o o rt C on serva tion A rea, H o fm e y r. Tender No. 5 .0 . 665. S u p p ly o f fe n cin g m ateria l, g a lva n ised iro n , doors, n ails, etc.. to the S te lle n b o sch -E lse n b u rg C olleg e o f A gricu ltu re. T ender N o. S.O. Collection Number: AD843 XUMA, A.B., Papers PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive Location:- Johannesburg ©2013 LEGAL NOTICES: Copyright Notice: All materials on the Historical Papers website are protected by South African copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer and Terms of Use: Provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained therein, you may download material (one machine readable copy and one print copy per page) for your personal and/or educational non-commercial use only. People using these records relating to the archives of Historical Papers, The Library, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, are reminded that such records sometimes contain material which is uncorroborated, inaccurate, distorted or untrue. 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